#'............well okay sure I GUESS! but only in the literal sense!'
drvscarlett · 3 days
About You Pt 17
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
A/N: and were back. were so back after getting this chapter deleted. trigger warning for this chapter as it contains blood, car accidents.
About You Series
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2014, Circuit de Monaco
From this point of view, one could overlook Monaco as a whole. There was the sea that is fleeted with yachts, specifically docked there to watch the Grand Prix this weekend. Then, the clustered hills filled with trees and apartments, the composite of it can be eye-catching or an eyesore in Y/N’s opinion. And of course, she simply can’t miss how the balcony has the perfect view of the start of the Monaco Grand Prix. She can hear and see the Formula 2 cars dash around in their practice sessions.
“What do you think?” Sebastian walked in with a smile.
“This is just gorgeous. I mean I thought that I have seen amazing Monaco apartments when McLaren or when Red Bull booked us but this…”
Y/N lets out a loud ‘woah’ to conclude her statement.
It was no wonder that this apartment seems empty and unoccupied. If Y/N has to guess then the price for this place is skyrocketing. This was a dream location for anyone who wanted to stay in Monaco.
“So why did you call me here?” Y/N asked. The Red Bull driver has texted the location and she is still confused to Seb’s interest in this place. It was gorgeous but she knew how Sebastian explained several times that he was not one for the Monaco lifestyle.
“I bought it-”
She was mildly surprised with that. Only mildly because Red Bull has clearly lined up Sebastian’s pockets well especially after winning continuously for several years. Even today, Y/N pretty sure that despite the lack of win streak, Sebastian is still getting paid generously.
“-and I want you to have keys for it”
“I must have misheard that Sebastian” Y/N stated.
A key was laid out in her palm. It has a keychain of the checkered flag with an imprint of Y/N’s name as well as the date today. It contained two keys which has been poorly labelled with Sebastian’s handwriting on a plaster tape. One was scribbled as Mon, an acronym for Monaco while the other has Mar.
Maybe there was too much car fumes or petrol in Sebastian’s head which is why he is going crazy for giving Y/N this apartment so she tries to hand back the key. He just shakes his head in disagreement.
“This place is yours as much as its mine” Sebastian insisted “I knew you love Monaco and I want you to have a place to go whenever you feel like staying here.”
It wouldn’t be that bad to have a place to go to here in Monaco. However, there was this certain guilt that this was too much and she doesn’t think that she deserves this. It was something that Sebastian caught on, he could read her so well.
“I thought of you that’s why I bought it. You love the sea, you love the races, and bonus points because you have Nico and Lewis as neighbours”
The last statement elicited a laugh from the two of them. Sebastian wanted to convince her because this was a literal vision in his head that he wanted a safe space for Y/N to go home to. England and Australia may be her home town but it doesn’t give her the privacy that she needs. Monaco, on the other hand, is quieter and more peaceful despite the extravagance.
“Okay but I’m still going to text you when I’m going to go here”Y/N settled.
“Now what is Mar?” Y/N’s curiosity got the best of her “And please tell me that its not a key to a boat in the Marina”
“Mar is Maranello”Sebastian clarifies.
It was time to move to the second surprise that he has for Y/N. He had been so excited to tell her about this but he had to keep it down until everything was settled and signed. Last week, he signed the contract.
The girl was confused. It didn’t make any sense to why Sebastian would be in Maranello when the Red Bull headquarters is in Brackley. Only Ferrari resides in Maranello, why would Sebastian be there?
“Sebastian Vettel, you are Ferrari’s new driver?”
There were talks that Ferrari would change their driver lineup but she haven’t heard Sebastian’s name being thrown in the hat. She couldn’t contain the excitement that she was feeling and leaned into hug Sebastian. Driving for Ferrari is a milestone for Sebastian especially when he used to idolize Michael when he drove for the red team.
“When are you announcing this? Who else knows?” Y/N quizzes.
“No one yet”Sebastian grins “I wanted you to be the first one out of the signing team to know”
This was an exciting news and hopefully one of the first of the many happy memories shared in this Monaco apartment. Things are finally turning for the better.
2014, Red Bull Ring
In a very media-centered event, it surprises a lot of people that there are places in the Grand Prix where any forms of press and media is not allowed. Of course, this varies depending on whose home turf they are racing on. Mercedes and McLaren definitely have bigger private spaces in Silverstone, just like how Red Bull have their own private lounge reserved for their private guest.
Jenson sticks out like a sore thumb with his McLaren merchandise. He seems to stick out even more with the way that he stands there and just gazing at the view in front of him. Sebastian, Y/N, and the little baby Margarette—if Jenson didn’t know any better then he would have guessed that they are an actual family. He was lucky that the media weren’t there to catch his reactions because they could catch Jenson spilling the truth about his feelings.
“Jenson is that you?” a voice broke Jenson out of his reverie. His head turned to see Hanna with a plate of fries.
“Hello Hanna, nice to see you around”Jenson politely greeted.
He honestly couldn’t fathom why Sebastian has invited her over. He gets it if Sebastian wanted to see the kid but to add this woman that has been the cause of pain of Y/N, Jenson could not help but scoff. His emotions does not seem to be hidden well as Hanna shifted nervously.
“I know you are probably thinking that I don’t deserve to be here and I think that too”Hanna explained “But Y/N invited me to take Marga because Seb is missing her”
The woman chuckles, “Yeah, I can’t believe it as well. She has been nothing but nice to me. I know that she have every right to hate me but she has been a supporting pillar and someone really wonderful to Marga”
They glanced back to Y/N, who was playing with the baby. She was gently rocking the baby and it giggles as it tries to reach her hair. Sebastian, on the other hand, was sat next to her with a loving gaze on the two of them.
Jenson couldn’t feel but sigh and ask if it was him in Sebastian’s place then would Y/N be as happy as that?
There were no need for words but Hanna have realized from the small interactions how Jenson is deeply inlove with Y/N. It felt like a déjà vu because that was the way she used to look at Sebastian. Her actions to force things to happen has ruined a lot of things for Sebastian and she was glad that things are still repairable.
“I know that look” Hanna pointed out “You love her”
It was something that Jenson cannot rebut. He had always thought that he was good at hiding things especially with his flirty attitude and his chill self. This was the first time he was seen for what he feels.
“That obvious huh?” Jenson nervously replied.
He had tried his luck once upon a time and he ended up in the friendzone. He took the friendship if that is all that she could offer just so he could keep her in his orbit. There is a part of him that knows that no matter how many girls he meet, it was always Y/N who occupies his heart. Confessing is not an option given how complicated things are and how telling will only do more harm than good.
“We were in the same position a year ago” Hanna understands Jenson “All I could tell you that it is best to move on so it won’t hurt you anymore”
A year ago, Hanna would have not suggested that. She would have urged Jenson to confess so he can end up with Y/N and Sebastian could end up as her’s. The past few months have been a huge period of moving on for Hanna. Maybe it’s the birth of her child that allowed her to refocus the unreciprocated love to the child. She also understood how much Sebastian and Y/N means to each other, she wouldn’t do anything more to damage them.
“That’s easy to say but so hard to do”Jenson mutters.
Hanna’s hands patted Jenson’s shoulders. It was a comforting thought that someone gets how he is feeling and maybe Hanna can serve his inspiration that maybe he could move on from this unrequited love.
“Everything will be alright Jenson”
2014, Silverstone Grand Prix
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Jenson Button and Assistant Webber involved in a freak accident.
Jenson Button was going home after a celebration of Lewis Hamilton’s win in the recent Silverstone Grand Prix when he and assistant, Y/N Webber collided with a ten wheeler truck. The driver of ten wheeler truck has been drunk and lost control of the car. It was of sheer miracle that Jenson was not driving the car during the time of the accident because he was at the backseat drunk and sleepy. Due to that Jenson is able walk away from the accident with just some bruises and ready for the next Grand Prix. Unfortunately, Y/N who is behind the steering wheel received more dangerous injuries. Suffering from a head trauma and crippling injuries, Y/N was rushed to the hospital where she is placed in Intensive Care Unit.
The bright light and the white aesthetics of the hospital was a stark contrast to the blood that stained Jenson’s hands. His hands were shaking knowing that this blood was not his but from the girl who is currently fighting for her life. Tears were stinging his already bloodshot eyes as he watched the clock tick painfully slow.
Its already been a hour since Y/N was rushed inside. The doors of the operating room remained close and Jenson doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Scrambling footsteps screeched in Jenson’s hallway. He saw his fellow drivers and Mark. All of them equally frazzled with the worry and fear being the top ones to show.
“What happened?” Mark was quick to ask.
Honestly, Jenson was not much of a help. He was lying down and he just remembered how Y/N was reminding him that he has to get up early to apologize to a Ronnie in the morning. He was too dizzy after having too many tequilas and then a bright light followed by a loud crunch.
“Holy shit, is that your blood?”Lewis noticed “Man its all over you”
“It’s Y/N” Jenson muttered. He remembered how his hands and his clothes were stained when he tried to pull her out of the wreckage.
The reality of the whole situation sinks in. Mark, was supported by Nico and Lewis, as he falls down on his knees. Sebastian was pacing back and forth while Jules seems to be praying. They were all a mess as they await updates about the girl. As Formula 1 drivers, they should have been used to accidents and collisions because it was a risk that comes with their work. It hits a little different when it happens to someone who is not a driver and someone very dear to them.
It took another 40 minutes before a doctor appeared in front of them.
“How is my sister?” “Is she doing okay?” “What happened to her”
The flurry of questions was something that cannot be stopped. The doctor’s expression was not giving away anything if the operation turned out positive or negative.
“She is stable now” the Doctor explained “We stitched up the head wound and hopefully she will be awake in a few hours”
A sigh of relief erupted out of every single one of them. They were just so relieved that she survived the whole crash.
“But there is something that you must know about her..”
2014, Hockenheimring
“Seb, you have to focus” Y/N reminded him “This is your home race that we are talking about”
“I know but quali don’t start in about…” Sebastian knows he has 10 more minutes before it starts but he grins “20 minutes”
The grainy camera could showcase Y/N sitting on her bed. The balcony must have been open hence the sunlight gracing her face and shining light to the newfound hollowness in her face. Her busted lips and the stitches were a constant reminder of the tragedy that she survived.
With all those imperfections, Sebastian continues to stare at her lovingly across the screen. His thoughts remain the same that Y/N is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
“Sebastian, don’t make me call Christian”Y/N warned.
The German driver just raises his hand in surrender, “I’m just checking in you sunshine and I really miss you more than ever today”
It would have been really nice if she was here during his home race. Maybe he would have taken her for a drive to his parents’ house or they can get to explore some German countryside just like when they were younger.
“I’ll be there and recover soon”
“And I’ll be waiting. You take your time” Sebastian assures.
The door creaks open and Y/N could be seen turning sideways. She pans her camera to show Sebastian the visitor.
“Hey Mark!” Sebastian greeted.
Honestly, the retirement of Mark was a perfect timing. Sebastian couldn’t always take care of Y/N so Mark was placed in charge during race weekend. The Monaco apartment was big enough to have guests to stay over so Mark is currently camping at one of the guest room.
“Seb aren’t you supposed to be in your car right now?”Mark made a tsk tsk sound.
“I am but I wanted to talk to my best girl here” Sebastian reasoned out.
Y/N couldn’t hide the flush of red in her cheeks, “now you go and race! I love you!”
“I love you more sunshine”Sebastian replied
2014, Hungaroring
“That’s a terrible finish for Sebastian”
Mark’s comment from earlier has been ringing in her ears for the past few hours. Sebastian has started from P2 and ended up in P8 so Mark’s statement was not shocking. She has also seen the articles and the people in social media talking about Sebastian. Usually, people can blame the car or the strategy but today, Daniel won from P4. People are pointing fingers that Sebastian is past his prime.
She was fidgeting with her necklace again. She wonders if maybe her condition is a contributing factorin the recent poor performance of Sebastian.
Of course, Sebastian didn’t blame her for anything. He has always been supportive, kind, and lovely throughout this recovery journey. However, she feels like she is burdening Sebastian and distracting him from his true passion.
Speaking of the devil, the face of Sebastian shows up in her screen. Her hands hesitated to pick it up but she eventually pressed the green button.
“Hey! I have been so caught up with the meeting and I was only able to call now” Sebastian’s voice was cheery. If Y/N didn’t watch the race then she would have thought that he won with that smile on his face “Are you okay sunshine?”
“Yeah, tell me about your day”
Y/N is definitely lying but she no longer wanted to burden Sebastian. She continues to listen on with a forced smile on herself as she tries to fight the plaguing thoughts in her head.
2014, Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Seb: I know you dont like me much but we have to talk. Call me when you get this.
Mark: Hey mate. I wanted to talk to you about Y/N. Mark: Ring me up when you are available.
The notifications stared in front of Jenson for a good five minutes. It wasn't a difficult decision to ring up Mark because a) its about Y/N and b) Sebastian isn't someone he adores a lot. Although Jenson was hoping that Mark wouldn't pick up since its the late hours of the night.
"Jenson, its been a while"
Indeed it has been. Jenson can count how it had been almost 5 weeks since that accident. Heck,he could even count the hours and minutes that have passed if asked about. It was something on his mind 24/7 slowly eating him alive.
"Mark,how are you doing? How is she?"Jenson asked immediately.
"She is not doing well"Mark admits.
"But I thought everything is alright?"Jenson was confused.
He may or may not have been avoiding Y/N out of the eating guilt. However,he have heard from Nico that she was doing well. As far as he knows, she is staying with Mark in the apartment in Monaco.
"Her physical inabilities is taking a toll on her mental well-being"Mark explained "But I think she has been taking it too hard on herself."
Mark continued to talk about she has been pushing herself to the limits and wanted to expedite the whole process of getting back on her feet. He also mentioned how Y/N is clouded with guilt that she is a huge problem and a burden for everyone.
"But she isn't a problem or a burden"Jenson interjected.
"We know but she doesn't believe me" Mark sighs.
"What are we going to do about it?"
There was nothing that he wouldn't do for Y/N. Even if guilt was eating him up, he would have been an invisible figure being there for her. He would do whatever it takes just to bring back the old happy her.
"We are going to the next Grand Prix. Sebastian is making arrangements because he thinks maybe Y/N will feel better if she is surrounded by friends and the family she knows."
The Singapore Grand Prix was two weeks from now. Jenson immediately made a mental note for this one. Maybe he will busy himself with some media team bullshit or maybe he will have to arrive late for the free practice.
"I'm calling to let you know so you won't run away Jenson" Mark added "I know that you blame yourself for what happened but please, she misses you"
"You know me too well Mark"
"We're arranging dinner, promise you'll be there?" Mark continued to push.
"Anything for her"
2014, Marina Bay Street Circuit
When the news broke out about Y/N returning for Singapore, almost every driver arrived early to Singapore so they could attend the dinner arranged by Mark. Y/N was a beloved figure in the grid and even if she was not as close to everyone in a Nico, Lewis, Jules, or Jenson level—they all greatly miss her.
It was a good thing that Mark booked this restaurant for the night as people would have been really curious why the drivers gathered in one place.
Mark received a message from Sebastian that they were all there. He gently pushed the wheelchair to the elevator and texted him back that they will be there in a minute or two.
"Are you ready?" Mark wondered. "Its nice to get out of Monaco"
Y/N hummed in agreement. The glass elevator has a view of the whole Singapore nightlife. She could see the fireworks up in the sky to celebrate the upcoming weekend and the busy streets. It brings her a small smile that this was just like the old times.
The minute that the elevator opened, Jenson was standing there in front of them. Mark watched as Jenson immediately hugged Y/N and they were immediately crying.
Mark knew that if there was anyone who took this harder than Y/N then it was Jenson. He thinks he haven't seen Jenson interact or message after Y/N was pronounced safe from disaster. He knows how Jenson have blamed himself and thinks he should have been the one driving behind the wheel so this would not happen.
It was a joy to see them together again.
"I'm really sorry if I couldn't be with you a lot"Jenson continued to apologize.
"There is no need for that Jense"
"You might have needed me and I left you by yourself. I felt so guilty by the whole accident that I thought that its better to leave you alone"Jenson explained.
The hug just got tighter. There was no need for Jenson to explain himself because Y/N already understood. Many people forget that the two of them have been involved in the accident. Y/N's damage was physically present but Jenson's wound was something invisible to the naked eye.
"It's alright Jenson, were alright"Y/N assured.
It wss a good thing that the two met here rather than inside the restaurant. They wouldn't want the tears to get in the way of reconnecting and meeting with other friends.
"Let's get inside"Jenson wipes his tears "Everyone is waiting for you"
Before Jenson could open the door, Y/N shouted to wait.
"Mark,can you help me up?"Y/N asked.
Mark looked at her unsure. They have been through this several times in the Monaco apartment. Even if she tried to stand up,she normally can't walk because of the pain let alone stand for so long.
"Are you sure this is a good decision?"Mark was trying to find reason.
"I don't want them to see me in a wheelchair"Y/N admitted.
Mark gently helped Y/N up with Jenson assisting her as well. It was a team effort to keep her standing up but she is bearing most of its weight because of the excruciating pain that is hitting her.
The doors were gently pushed open and the drivers' attention turned to the newcomers of the restaurant. It made Sebastian shocked to see her standing there and trying her best to walk. He immediately went to assist her but he stops on his track.
"You stay there"Y/N instructed when Sebastian was three steps away "I'll do my best to get there"
It was quite painful for Y/N to take the first step and loosen her grip to her human crutches. Her teeth grinded each other as she tries to hide the pain away. She focused her attention to the hand of Sebastian reaching out for her.
"You can do it Y/N" Jules cheered on.
"Just careful steps"Sebastian encouraged.
The whole room seems to stand still with awaited breath as she takes another step towards Sebastian. It was like seeing a miracle for them and they felt speechless to see such feat. Some of them couldn't help but have tears in their eyes with how emotional this moment is.
"You've got this,one more"
Pain was shooting up but Y/N did her best to take another one. Her hands gripped Sebastian outreached hand before she could fall. Sebastian, gently held her close.
"You did it. You did it sunshine"Sebastian whispered.
The feeling of tears were welling up in her eyes. She doesm't know if this was because of the pain or maybe the longing that she felt for Sebastian. It didn't help when she looked at Sebastian and found his eyes tearing up as well.
There was a moment of comfort and peace that they both have been lacking the past few weeks. Everything was okay again now that they are back in each other's arms.
2014, Suzuka Circuit
Even if Y/N walked a few steps in Singapore,she was still advised to use the wheelchair. Her physical therapist have been trying to up her routines so she could walk again. For now she was stuck in a wheelchair and Sebastian don't mind pushing for her.
But today, Sebastian is quite busy so Jules have to sub for him.
"The media is going crazy with the news" Y/N observed. Today was the day that Sebastian was announced to replace Fernando Alonso and will start driving for Scuderia Ferrari. The media have been interviewing Sebastian as early as 8 in the morning and now its nearly lunchtime.
"I know, people say Sebastian may be the key to getting the championship back to Ferrari"Jules said.
"That puts a lot of pressure in Seb then"
"I'm sure he can handle it"Jules assured.
Jules pushed Y/N to the track. Their grid walks were something that Y/N have terribly missed. It was a good thing that its a bit cloudy so Jules wouldn't have to bring an umbrella for them.
"Speaking of Ferrari.."Jules opened up "I think I have to let you know that I may be replacing Kimi in 2016"
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. She felt like she was in a deja vu moment when Sebastian first told her about the Ferrari contract.
"Ohmygod that sounds amazing Jules!"Y/N beamed.
Jules seems to be a little bit unsure of himself judging by the nervous smile that graced his face.
"Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but you know I'm already thinking about it. Would the people cheer for me when I announce that I signed to Ferrari"Jules glanced at the Tifosi crowd chanting Sebastian's name.
Y/N knows how sometimes driver can doubt their ability. She believed that they are one of the best drivers in the world because it isn't easy to be a Formula 1 driver. The skills,the reaction time, and even their quick thinking is an asset that not many people have. They often downplay themselves when they felt like they are performing poorly.
"You have got to be confident Jules. I'm sure the Tifosis would love to have you in their team"Y/N comforts "You just have a shitbox that can't compete right now but Ferrari would give you a beautiful machinery and I swear you will be up on the podium"
It was a beautiful picture in Jules' head. Any kid would have dreamed of driving for Ferrari but winning with Ferrari is a different kind of euphoria. He glanced at her and he hoped that he could see her cheering for him someday when he is at the top of the podium.
"Thank you little sister"Jules said "I'll make you proud someday"
"You already make me so proud Jules"
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READ: Statement regarding Jules Bianchi crash.
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 2 years
no disrespect to cat lovers, but y’all can write all the six-page essays you want about how preferring dogs to cats is a sign of boundary issues/controlling behavior/self-entitlement and how if people just entertained their cats and learned to read their body language, they’d earn said cat’s affection and it would stop drawing blood. . . .
but I hope y’all have an answer ready when someone asks, “And what about when the cat draws blood while showing affection?” because otherwise, it takes y’all less than twenty seconds to start talking like an abused spouse.
“He doesn’t do that!”
“What ‘cuts’?”
“Oh, these cuts? Haha! That was an accident! We were just playing!”
“Well . . . yeah, okay, so maybe he does ‘draw blood’ on a ‘regular basis.’ But it’s not that bad!”
“Wha—so what if he’s literally digging his claws into my bare thigh right now? He’s just making biscuits! It’s how he shows love!”
“Look, if the couch gets stained red the couch gets stained red. Maybe that’s MY fault for not having a red couch in the first place!”
“Well maybe you just don’t understand him! You ever think of that? Maybe you don’t know him like I do!”
look, I’m sure some people to some extent disdain cats because they “expect them to act like dogs,” but it’s not exactly fair to treat that as indicative of some moral failing. first of all, if you're used to cats and prefer them to dogs, is it because you “expect dogs to act like cats”?
put it this way: one of my friends has a dog that likes to put peoples’ arms in his mouth. doesn’t bite down or anything. he just gets excited and places his mouth around your forearm.
so we have to warn new friends, “Hey Rocky’s gonna want to lightly chew on you but it’s not aggressive, he’s just very stoked.” because some people get (understandably) freaked out when they think a largeish dog is trying to bite them. maybe this new person has childhood dog trauma. maybe they’re just not used to dogs in general. whatever the case, if you’re uncomfortable, any responsible dog owner will do their best to distract the dog until it calms down.
so, say you grew up with cats and then meet a dog like Rocky, and say he greets you by engulfing your wrist in his maw, and say nobody warned you about this or steps forward to help, and in fact scoffs at you for not being able to tell the difference between “playing” and “attacking”—in other words, say they reacted the same way many cat owners react to their cat “just playing” with a guest’s bare feet. would you be upset?
would you be upset because you fully expected the dog to quietly sidle up and rub himself against your leg?
or would you simply prefer not to interact with an animal that’s behaving in an unpredictable way while putting its teeth on your skin?
look, OBVIOUSLY there isn’t any excuse to go around harming cats on purpose. OBVIOUSLY if you’re going to own a cat, you should familiarize yourself with cat behavior. and OBVIOUSLY some people don’t even try.
and that brings me to my second point, which is that those people just aren’t good pet owners.
correct me if I’m wrong, but I would guess that someone who gets a cat and makes no effort to understand its needs (much less meet them) is equally likely to keep a betta fish in an unfiltered bowl. or for that matter, a dog chained up in the yard year-round.
and yeah, sure, that kind of behavior could imply that person also sucks in other ways. OR! it could mean that they didn’t do their research because they don’t know what they don’t know. which most people don’t until they do.
just—Occam’s Razor: What’s more straightforward?
a person preferring dogs to cats because they feel dogs are less likely to harm them by accident?
or a person preferring dogs to cats because of their cultural/philosophical stance on the concept of free will or, idk, internalized misogyny or something?
TL;DR: .....it’s not that deep, fam
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
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pairings: clarisse la rue x aphrodite!daughter!reader (romantic) percy jackson x reader (platonic)
summary: the one where percy jackson has to wrap his head around the fact that the nicest person he’s met at camp, is dating clarisse.
warnings: kinda crack ficy in my opinion, fluff, smooches, capture the flag, reader is percy’s saving grace, percy sees the reader as a sister
a/n: i just got inspired okay? ✊🏽
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percy’s feet were booming, heard from afar as he ran to the creek’s shore. the ares trio hot on his tail as they chased him down. he knew he couldn’t run forever, he’d have to fight, but how on earth was he going to win against three trained teens?
as if clarisse wasn’t frightening enough already, her scream sent literal chills down percy’s back, guess she really likes spears? he thought to himself.
the sounds of cheers and celebration drew the pairs attention as luke planted the opposing teams flag into the floor. they’d lost. percy felt clarisse’s grip falter, only slightly, but not when she saw the flag, clarisse’s eyes were currently trained on something behind him. more bullies? “there you are! i was waiting for you, wanted to show you my new and improved skills.”
clarisse let go of him and he couldn’t believe it, the rage in her eyes seemed to dissipate the second you came around. you, the sweetest person he’d met here, were friends with that thing?
that thing was capable of feelings?
his jaw dropped at the sight of clarisse’s hands on your cheeks, listening to you ramble on about who you’d fought and defeated in the woods, the pretty butterfly you’d seen. percy’s eyes were so close to popping out of his skull as clarisse kissed you, deeply. then he wanted to vomit as hands traveled and tongues met.
at dinner that night you sat by luke and chris, happily eating away as your hand rested on a book infront of you. “hey perce! come sit down.” you patted the space next to you as he accepted. “what’re you reading?” percy stared at the cover you’d flipped over to display to him, well he wasn’t expecting that. “where’d you get it from?” you pointed towards your girlfriend proudly, “she said she knew i’d like it, isn’t that sweet?”
percy’s weird version of a smile caused you to frown, “your smile is scaring me.” he immediately dropped it as you laughed, causing him to nudge you. “don’t be rude, i’m just a baby.” percy hadn’t felt so comfortable with someone since his mother. you pinched his cheeks, “naw, yes you are.” he swatted your hands away as you giggled, percy stared at you, studying you.
shining eyes, a beaming smile and an enchanting personality, truly a daughter of aphrodite, yet you dated clarisse. it didn’t make sense in his head, but from what little scenes he’d seen between the two of you, if you were happy than he was too, “what do you see in clarisse? why are you with someone so—” you turned to look his way, percy was worried you’d be offended.
but of course you weren’t, “because i like her percy, and she likes me. she’s absolutely gorgeous, if she wasn’t already a daughter of ares or i didn’t know? for sure aphrodite. and, people are always misunderstood, just because someone seems like a bad person, doesn’t mean they are. when clarisse and i are together, i see the best parts of her, always. i love her regardless, but there’s obviously things that you don’t tell everybody you just meet, or if you aren’t super comfortable with a person then you won’t show all the parts of yourself. i think, when you love someone you accept all parts of them, the good, the bad, the worst. you love someone despite their flaws. clarisse is good to me, and i like her, that’s all that matters. you’ll understand when you find someone yourself perce.”
he sat still, raking over your words in his head, “if one person can feel that way about someone else, they’d explode.” you laughed at his words, he was still young of course, he’d understand soon, you had a feeling. “i’d happily explode because of how much i love her.” you glanced back at her, only she wasn’t there.
“well i don’t want you to explode, i do want to spend my night with you.” clarisse stood behind you with her arms crossed, you could see percy tense up at her presence. with your hand on his, and your eyes reassuring him, he smiled, “i’m happy for you, but if she try’s anything i’m more than happy to beat her ass for you even if i’m broken in half.”
clarisse couldn’t hear his whispers, thank god. your smile was small, placing a hand on his shoulder, you kissed percy’s forehead, “my protector, now no one can try anything with me huh? thank you perce, if you need anything here at camp, or if you just want to talk and eat those blue foods of yours—” his arms wrapped around your neck tightly as you recovered from the force.
“thank you.”
“any day perce, any time.”
and percy sat back, watching the two of you walk away hand in hand. a clear thought rung through his head.
opposites attract.
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astonmartinii · 3 months
you gotta look out for the quiet ones | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem musician!reader
a surprise appearance from y/n in the formula one paddock raises some questions, but the rumour mill will never guess who she's there to see...
note: olivia rodrigo is the face claim but i'll be pulling from her music as well as taylor swift!
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and 2,439,677 others
tagged: yourusername
f1: there's paddock guests and there's paddock guests, y/n y/ln is here for the bahrain grand prix!
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user2: this is not what i expected to see this friday morning
user3: okay i've only ever heard of y/n y/ln through others but like she must be dedicated to be there for friday as well
user4: certified y/n superfan here! y/n has always said she's a massive fan of f1 - she hasn't been asked about it recently but when she was last asked about it she said she grew up loving jenson button!
jensonbutton: @yourusername i see you have amazing taste
yourusername: how could i not love the playboy of f1?
user3: okay she knows what she's talking about, i guess it's time to have a little listen to her music
user5: okay so what garage is she going to be in?
user6: ferrari 🤞🏻
user7: did we not just see this ^^^ she's clearly going to be in the mclaren garage
user8: if she has any sense she'll be in the mercedes garage with sir lewis hamilton
user9: what about the literal world champions?
user10: shut the fuck up (i would like to see max blush and stutter tho)
user11: i love how y/n said she's taking a year off of music after her tour and we're immediately seeing her here, there and everywhere
user12: living her true sports nerd life and i love that for her
landonorris: i promise that mclaren have the best hospitality xx
user13: oh brother are we about to see some lando norris snapchat u up flirting?
alexalbon: this is tragic
georgerussell63: make sure you don't tell her about the massive poster you had of her that you practiced kissing on!
georgerussell63: whoops!
landonorris: i am in your walls george
user14: well.. that was something, i don't think we'll see her in the mclaren garage anytime soon now
logansargeant: @oscarpiastri i hope you brought your vinyl to be signed
oscarpiastri: i didn't want to risk it on the plane, it's limited edition 😔
user15: wait so oscar is also a y/n fan ???
user16: not this mclaren battle for y/n's attention
user17: lets be real, there's no competition here - there's no way she wouldn't choose lando
user18: i'm tired of you people sleeping on oscar (pun intended)
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 21,309,784 others
yourusername: i had so much fun the first time round, i thought i'd come by again
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user25: okayyyy i thought the girlies on twitter were delusional but the second race in a row ... i fear there's another incentive
user26: once again, she's been a massive fan of the sport and has a ton of disposable money why wouldn't she go to a load of races?
landonorris: can't wait to see you again this weekend, i'll get you that win i promised
alexalbon: nurse he's talking to himself again
georgerussell63: this is crazy thirsting to do in front of 21 million people
landonorris: i assure you i'll be the one with the last laugh here
maxverstappen1: sure you will buddy, it's good to see you so confident
user27: are they gentle parenting lando?
user28: bro is about to get his heart broken they're actually being good friends
user29: idk i think he's still the one in the paddock with the best shot
user30: i gotta get this delusion all lando fans seem to have
carlossainz55: i think you'd look great in red ❤️
charles_leclerc: oh gosh....
carlossainz55: they don't call me the smooth operator for no reason, just sit back and watch the magic
maxverstappen1: you fucking morons do realise you're proclaiming this in a PUBLIC instagram comment section that everyone INCLUDING y/n can see?
user31: this is a mess ... keep going!
oscarpiastri: i celebrated my win here in 2021 with the release of sour - i know you're on a sabbatical but any chance of a surprise single?
user32: yall getting on lando and carlos for their bad flirting when oscar is stinking up the gaff with his attempts
yourusername: i'm so sorry to tell you this but no surprise single, but i can show you some demos?
oscarpiastri: please, please, please! good 4 u is my scream in the car song
user33: i just know oscar was streaming traitor when his DRS failed for the ten billionth time
oscarpiastri: it went platinum in my car yes
yourusername: i imagine it's even better at 200mph
oscarpiastri: i'd be happy to show you anytime
yourusername: carpool karaoke x hot laps when?
oscarpiastri: name a time and i'm there
user34: why is oscar trying so hard bro she's not going to choose you
user35: and yet he's the only one she replied to ... makes you think
user36: you guys are miserable because i'd literally do anything to see them singing in a car together
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 832,988 others
oscarpiastri: jeddah you were okay i guess
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user37: holy soft launch
user38: and right after flirting up a storm with Y/N Y/LN
user39: first of all, oscar is a fan of y/n so it could've definitely been from a platonic point of view
user40: it has to be platonic cause bro had no chance to start with and has a gf ???
landonorris: i'm sorry what is this ?
oscarpiastri: an instagram post, would hope you would know what that is if you're already on the app
landonorris: don't get smart with me mister
oscarpiastri: you got smart first 🤨
landonorris: what happened to my sweet rookie?
oscarpiastri: he's still 23 years old ?
landonorris: i need to meet this mystery woman who has seemed to give you all this sass
user41: prema girlies know that this sass has always been here
user42: but i'm glad it's coming out in f1
yourusername: okay i guess? you slayed mr piastri and i won't hear anything less than that
oscarpiastri: okay it was a bit of a slay
yourusername: a bit?
oscarpiastri: a big slay then
yourusername: stop talking down on yourself otherwise you'll have me to deal with
oscarpiastri: that is not the threat you think it is
yourusername: it's not a threat it's a promise x
user43: excuse me what the fuck was that ^
user44: i can't tell if they're flirting or if y/n just feels sorry for him?
user45: they did get coffee like once this weekend so maybe they're just friends
user46: they have to be because there's no way that is y/n in this soft launch
user47: there's no way oscar piastri could woo the y/n y/ln idk why people are even suggesting it
user48: and i think even flirting with her is a bit weird considering his teammate has made it so obvious he likes her
user49: oscar doesn't seem to be the type to step on toes but we'll see
logansargeant: if that's who i think it is i am going to fight you for not telling me straight up
oscarpiastri: i'll meet you in the parking lot i guess
logansargeant: be there or be square
user50: what does logan know that we don't ???
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liked by user52, user53 and 11,209 others
f1tea: now she's attended THREE races in a row, i think it's okay to start the conversation about her being with one of the drivers... so here's our theories!
lando: he's been on this train the longest and has the old thirst tweets to back it up. he's been spotted talking to her numerous times at races and has been camping in her comment section since bahrain
carlos: he has also been in her comments since bahrain and has been seen with her in the paddock - less than lando but y/n has worn red a couple times in the paddock so??
lewis: y/n was blushing up a storm when they were spotted together and i honestly think if the age gap wasn't so big they would be so cute together
liam: an outside shout but this guy was stuck to her side the whole time she was at red bull
charles: they have spoken a lot in the paddock, i don't think it's him but omg imagine them together
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user54: not this oscar erasure - i.e. the only driver she's actually interacted with online
user55: if it's oscar i will literally streak across the track at the next race
user56: admin snuck liam in there like we wouldn't notice
user57: idk why they think that liam is a better shout than oscar
user58: i think all the fangirling from oscar defo put him straight into the friend zone
user59: idk about you guys but i've actually listened to y/n's music and her album after her last breakup suggests that she might like someone who appreciates her craft and publicly supports her
user60: yeah but she also deserves a boyfriend that's on her level
user61: oscar is a literal f1 driver?
user60: yeah but he's not cute enough
user62: to YOU
user63: omg just say you have no taste and bounce gosh
user64: how did lando become a frontrunner in this?
user65: i think because he's liked her the longest? and has been the most insistent
user66: i hate to say this but just because you like someone and said it first, does not mean you are entitled to actually date them
user67: i will laugh my ass off if she's not with any of these fools
user68: bro took a year off of music to have some fun and now is linked to everyone and their mum
user69: unfortunately this is the way it goes although if she does become a wag (tho be real, whoever is with her is the wag) i shall be enjoying her paddock outfits
user70: carlos vs oscar i think i've seen this film before
user71: oh trust me off track there is no competition
user72: you people are so mean
user73: oscar will win again, mark my words. i'm not sure if carlos can cry to the fia about that tho
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 23,874,093 others
yourusername: getting the real aussie experience down under
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user75: who the fuck wears jeans on a hammock she needs to run away from this man he's clearly a psychopath
maxverstappen1: you went to see quokkas without me??? does our friendship mean nothing ???
yourusername: it's not considered normal to invite friends to a date
maxverstappen1: boring. i will remember this when you try and get some red bull from our hospitality
yourusername: nO PLEASE
maxverstappen1: no, for this you must suffer through the piss they put in monster cans
this comment was deleted
maxverstappen1: well you should've thought more of our friendship :P
yourusername: you are impossible. no more limited edition merch for you
maxverstappen1: WHAT
user76: for all this love life speculation i am loving this max and y/n friendship
user77: but... the monster comment... it has to be lando right? monster sponsor mclaren
user78: i think this is the most confirmation we're getting right now
user79: they're so cute
oscarpiastri: i am glad the homeland is treating you well :)
yourusername: i've only had one scary insect encounter so win!
oscarpiastri: we'll have to get you some real australian delicacies this weekend
yourusername: i've heard of grandma's baking so i'm excited!
oscarpiastri: we've got a tupperware box with your name on it
yourusername: ugh i love you guys
user80: the monster comment pointed to mclaren but there's only one of them in the comments...
user81: i mean this is a soft launch so it would make sense that lando wouldn't comment if they're trying to throw people off of their scent
user82: the mental gymnastics you people are doing is insane
user83: literally just admit that your driver just doesn't have the sauce like that
user84: and oscar piastri does???
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 2,349,761 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: home win means more than you could ever know. and you can stop theorising now, i may be a nerd but i've still got game.
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user90: stunting his stunning gf on all these delusional fangirls
yourusername: now i can finally say it: I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU
yourusername: and i'm proud of you
yourusername: forever and always
oscarpiastri: maybe i was so fast because i knew there was a literal angel waiting for me back in my garage
yourusername: oh so the other races i came to i just didn't look good enough for you to win :(
oscarpiastri: NO NO NO you're always the most beautiful woman in any room
oscarpiastri: but this time you're wearing my jersey and my name
yourusername: i guess i'll never take it off again
oscarpiastri: you might not take it off, but that doesn't mean i won't
yourusername: ehhhehehhehheeh hurry up in debrief :P
user91: oscar piastri i am so sorry i was not familiar with your game
user92: i for one had complete faith in that bumbling fool
yourusername: as you should, he may have stuttered through the lines, but he's one smooth operator
carlossainz55: that's my nickname? please stop rubbing salt in the wound
yourusername: it was better than your attempts. and better than whatever the fuck you've been doing on the track - keep your dumptruck away from oscar
user93: y/n defending oscar, consider me moved
user94: okay fave celeb couple just dropped
yourusername: watch your tone.
landonorris: sorry???
oscarpiastri: we've been together nearly a year. i didn't 'let' you flirt with my girlfriend i tried to tell you but you ignored me at every turn. you didn't lose to me, there was never any competition.
yourusername: best year of my life 🫶 and lando i tried to tell you, maybe listen to oscar for once 😭
oscarpiastri: awwwwww i love you 😘
yourusername: i love you too osc xx
user95: not them dancing on lando's dead body 😭
oscarpiastri: never doubt me again eagle boy
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 35,609, 451 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: if you saw me ugly crying on live tv - no you didn't. i'm so proud of you osc, my beautiful boy.
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user96: i think y/n was all of us
user97: absolutely screaming at all of the y/n fans on twitter having a meltdown and trying to figure out how f1 works
user98: this was me, am i really going to learn about tyre compounds because y/n is dating a driver? yes!
maxverstappen1: i am very happy for you both but enjoy the win while it lasts oscar i have a score to settle after being ABANDONED on the quokka date
yourusername: once again it was a DATE which is for the two people in the relationship, not the weird third guy with attachment issues
maxverstappen1: well jokes on you i do have attachment issues and now i've latched onto you and oscar which means you're contractually obligated to come to every race now
yourusername: ok?
oscarpiastri: it's okay max with our combined powers, y/n will have to stick around she hates making us sad
yourusername: it's true :(
user99: not lando fumbling yet another lead
yourusername: he never had a chance to begin with
oscarpiastri: 😆
user100: this is another level of teammate psychological warfare
landonorris: i am a victim of a smear campaign
oscarpiastri: smear campaign being you flirting with my girlfriend after she told you she had a boyfriend
landonorris: I DIDN'T HEAR HER
yourusername: i said it multiple times 🤨 and SOFT LAUNCHED OSCAR AND YOU STILL TRIED
georgerussell63: looks like it's back to the poster now lando
yourusername: and for the record ^^ this is very creepy
alexalbon: that's what you want us to think ...
user101: i am screaming at them rubbing it in lando's face
user102: kind of deserved LOL but funny nonetheless
oscarpiastri: all things aside, i'm so glad you could be there for my first win! i love you so much and can't wait to spend there rest of my life with you, even if it means my teammate flirts with you everyday
yourusername: i love you too osc, i'm sure you'll win so many more
oscarpiastri: i'm counting on it ;)
yourusername: you gonna let oscar have the upgrades first?
landonorris: no?
yourusername: then i will guilt you at every corner 🤨
fin. i know, i know. guilty as sin is coming but i just wanted to get this out. i had to come home from silverstone early cause of a mechanical dnf (foot stopped working and had heat stroke and a cold at the same time). but i had a great time while i was there and met a load of drivers with lando and alex signing my hat !!!!!
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princeoftheeternalbog · 8 months
Really sleepy and so like sleeping with you headcannons lets go
I'm not sure half of these are even on the same vibe so uhm like do with that what you will, this is so long and it's atrocious but oh well. Also sorry if its ooc😻
I think maybe one line of suggestive in Franky's and Namis.
I feel like i forgot someone tbh..
Sleeps anywhere and everywhere but sleeps better and longer next to you. Thus he is obsessed with sleeping with you and whenever he wants to sleep now you have no choice you must take sleep too. He snores and drools but that's kind of a win because then he doesn't care if you do yk? Loves taking naps with you and it's a way he likes to connect with you. Always kisses you before you sleep and after you wake up. He's so comfortable to lie next to because he's so squishy and he holds you in like every way possible because he doesn't have to worry about circulation being cut off or anything.
Again he will sleep literally anywhere. He sleeps like a log but somehow you are the only person able to wake him up, Robin theorises it's his observation haki keeping an eye on you but whatever it is you are Zoros designated alarm clock. However, there is about a 30% chance that when you wake him up, he will just snatch you to cuddle and go back to sleep. You cannot escape his hold and if you keep trying to wake him up he'll just bite you(gently) idk he's feral. Depends on his schedule if he's comfortable or not, usually when he's bulking up he's squishier and it's nice to cushion your head on.
Never naps and it's so alarming. How does he survive on like 6 hours everyday we will never know. Anyways he's very clingy when he's sleepy but in like a 'I don't want to bother you so I'll just sit over here looking really forlorn', just take the man to bed. Is somehow so comfy to sleep with it's actually annoying because after a certain point you just can't sleep alone anymore. Always tucks you in if you don't get up at the same time as him and he'll leave little snacks and drinks on your bedside table for when you do wake up. Sanji has a more lean muscly build so it's more comfortable to have him lie on top of you and he is not complaining in the slightest.
Loves cuddling in the winter, hates it in the summer. She's really sensitive to the temperature yk it's that innate sense of the weather, so when it's hot she is hot. But she really likes being able to touch you, so after a certain point she just forces franky to install(invent) air conditioning and it makes the summer so much more bearable. After this there's no escape, you will be cuddling every night (unless boundaries yk). She always tries to convince you stay in bed in the morning...and it always works. She's very persuasive okay. Lets you use her as a pillow, like her chest or thighs or tummy, she just wants to be next to you.
Really shy about sleeping with you the first time. Only the first time. After that well lets just say you created a monster. He's really good at telling when you need a nap, especially when you won't admit it. He just subtly ushers you to a comfy spot and then oh what a surprise your eyes are getting really heavy and hm Usopp wouldn't mind if you leant on him for a bit and then snoreville. He thinks you're so pretty when you're sleeping because you look so peaceful and relaxed, so even if he's not tired he will always agree to a nap. He will carry you to bed. And he's so casual about it too, I guess because you're not like watching him directly so he's just like really chill.
Actually has a nap schedule with her sleep schedule, she usually takes a very short one after lunch because her power can be quite draining and so once you find this out it's just a big cuddle session which she loves. She tends to keep you to a sleep schedule too but she won't force you if you are really insistent on staying up, but she will say I told you so when you're grumpy and feel sick the next day. So lovely to sleep with, she barely moves, never hogs the blanket, doesn't snore and somehow always stays very cool even in the summer. She also always makes sure you get into bed safely if you're drunk or ill, even if she is too, she really cares about you.
I won't lie...he builds himself an entire like cushion add-on thing so you can comfortably sleep next to him. He looks like a giant marshmallow man it's so funny. But also it's so cute because he takes your comfort so seriously and he runs multiple tests to make sure it's the absolute comfiest he can be for you. Loves naps but absolutely adores actual bedtime because of the whole like rituals and because he knows he doesn't have to get up in like an hour. Sometimes he will seriously overwork into the night, but on those occasions it's fairly easy to coax him to bed(😚). Also he wears one of those stupid scrooge hats tbh. And yes he says super in his sleep.
Really insecure about sleeping together because he thinks he'll be uncomfortable to lie next to or cuddle :(. On the other hand, you're also really worried because you don't want to accidentally hurt him while he's asleep, so for the first few months you sleep in beds that are close enough to hold hands instead. Eventually when you both become comfortable with the idea, you end up sleeping together almost every night and you occasionally nap together too. He wears really soft padded pajamas to make sure you're comfy. It's surprisingly more comfy to sleep next to him than you thought it would be.
I won't lie sometimes you do shit yourself waking up and seeing a skeleton.
So responsible, absolutely will stop you from napping if it's too close to bedtime. He knows sleep is important but he also knows a routine is important...and he can't bear watching you sleep alone so if you mess up your schedule then you're messing up his. This also works for if you try to stay up late too, he'll straight up snatch you off the ground and just carry you to bed no matter how much you complain. Really good cuddler, like really good. He always knows how much pressure to use while holding you and when you want more or less contact, knows when you need extra blankets, when you want to sleep in a hammock instead of a bed. He's got a sixth sense for your sleeping habits (read: he's desperately in love with you).
Really grumpy about it. And really shy. Also he's a hypocrite, he'll stay up working till early hours of the morning but if you dare even try he's stood there staring at you like the mf eyes of notre dame. He always wants to cuddle but absolutely despises asking so again he just stares, you can always tell though because his ears go really red. Once you're in the bed though he's suddenly mr suave i will arrange everything, he will literally pick you up to manoeuvre you both into a better sleeping position and doesn't even bat an eye. He will nap but you have to trick him into it, he secretly loves it and lets you do it even when he knows what's happening.
Needs like 15 million blankets to sleep. Uses one of said 15 million blankets to wrap you up like a burrito if you refuse to come sleep/nap with him. But actually it kinda does hurt his feelings so you can make up for it by playing with his hair until he falls asleep. Loves napping, he's like an overgrown cat and he'll sleep literally anywhere. But if it's anywhere other than his or yours (or killers) room he somehow? manages? to scowl? in his sleep? Yeah I don't know but it just stops his crew from messing with him because he looks so angry. Like Zoro he will literally just snatch you if you're in his vicinity, like you walk past for two seconds and then suddenly your vision flips and you're just stuck in this iron grip. He won't let you go and the crew just walk past you too.
You literally don't sleep together until you've been dating for like a fucking year. He really values his privacy and you really respect it which culminates in neither of you asking for such a long time that you both forget its a common couple thing. Until someone asks why you don't sleep together and then you guys are like huh idk and then that's the day you finally do. He's a good cuddler but he's a blanket hogger and you have to braid his hair before bed or it will end up in your mouth. On the plus side, he will make and leave breakfast or coffee (or anything you want) on your bedside table if he wakes up first. Also he always picks the best bedsheets and eventually buys two quilts so you can at least have some blanket when he snatches it all.
Naturally runs like a furnance and is hell to sleep next to in the summer. But he gets really grumpy if you dont sleep next to him so the crew make you suck it up I'm sorry. Literally you're like clawing at the walls as they throw you in and lock the door. Anyways he's a really good cuddler and so comfy to sleep with, and he always takes naps with his head in your lap. He loves to have you sleep on him too because he loves to look at your face and stroke you hair, idk he likes being slow with you even though he's really energetic. Being naturally sleepy and like a little radiator also tends to make the people around him sleepy so you two are banned from working next to each other because you both just end up napping.
He doesn't sleep a lot because well he doesn't really need to. But he adores sleeping with you. It's one of his like favourite 'bonding' activities, especially if you haven't been able to be alone for a while, he just loves being that close and the intimacy of sleeping in each others beds. On another note he's obsessed with making your bed really comfy because as a doctor he knows sleep hygiene is important and as a bird...well yk...nest. He's not shy about it but don't tease him because it will hurt his feelings and he won't tell you to save your feelings, beautiful sweet man that he is. LOVES a good nap/cuddle especially in the winter, if you both have spare time he just bundles you both in a big fluffy blanket and just exists with you for a bit.
He is surprisingly a really undignified sleeper, which is why you don't sleep in the same room for months when you first get together😭. When you finally do, you wake up with his arm in your face, his hair is everywhere, there's a pillow across the room, the blanket is somehow under the bed, you're just like wtf how. And Izou is just (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿◡⁠`⁠). But he gets better over time because his brain becomes more aware of your presence as you become more important to him and then bedtime settles into comfy chaos. Pillows still end up everywhere but he is now your cushion so you don't really care. He doesn't really nap anywhere that's not his room but if you do then he carries you to bed :).
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I’ve seen so many alive!DBD au’s where Edwin and Charles meet first, or Edwin and Niko/Charles and Crystal meet first, but I raise you: Rich Payne and Surname-Von Hoverkraft families meet first. They are industry RIVALS, okay? They DESPISE each other with a burning passion and trade thinly veiled insults back and forth at every event they meet.
(More under cut cause this shit is atrociously long.)
At first Edwin and Crystal ignore each other or send glares, following their parents lead, but then they get older and Crystal starts acting out to get her parents attention while Edwin starts distancing himself from his. Both of them get the idea of, “What if I get to know the Payne’s/Surname-Von Hoverkraft’s daughter/son? My parents would HATE that.” So a friendship is formed.
In the beginning it’s toxic bitch levels of fake on both their sides, good lord they can’t stand each other. One day Crystal’s drunk off her underage ass and just starts openly venting and Edwin — the always sober guy and no it’s not cause he cares that’s preposterous!! — meets her tit for tat. Because, c’mon. Of course they’d drop random trauma on each other like fun facts.
Anyways they’re proper friends now, still appear the same — arguing is their love language — but there’s a level of solidarity now. Insert Edwin getting sent off to St. Hilarion’s for another year — Crystal threatens him to write her back per usual — and his classmates pull the prank. Not sure what 73 years in hell would be here, I’ve seen so many interpretations but I think kidnapping and torture is accurate.
While that’s going on Crystal gets a new boyfriend at her school. Any guesses?? She writes Edwin about David and Edwin does not hold back, he’s part of the reason Crystal tries to break up — it doesn’t go well, not sure how yet — and she writes Edwin about what happened craving comfort. Usually postal’s pretty fast, they aren’t that far, but she doesn’t get a response one day in. Two. Three… She finds out her best friends been kidnapped AFTER a news article has been released.
Turns out her parents knew the entire time but neglected to tell her. Crystal stops speaking to them. It’s 73 days later before she gets anymore news outside of, “The Police Are Still Looking”, and it comes in the sign of a knock. She hadn’t got much sleep that night — didn’t most nights — so she’d been wandering around her kitchen aimlessly. (As you do.) When she heart a soft rap on her front door. Curious, and too tired to care about danger or consequence, she opens the door.
Crystal doesn’t recognize him at first, he’s shivering and there’s so much blood on his- his everywhere but then a very weak voice croaks, “Crystal.” She screams. And sobs. Because what else do you do when your friend had to escape himself after 73 days of captivity and torture and the first safe place he could think to go wasn’t the police, or hospital, but you? Her parents are awoken by her scream and come rushing down because what the fuck is going on? And it’s all a blur from there — she refuses to leave his side and Edwin clings to her like a limpet.
It takes awhile of recovery and physical therapy — and regular therapy — after that but Crystal is holding his hand nigh every session, she’s there to bring him books and bicker and provide a sense of normalcy. Crystal forgets David for awhile, the only one to occupy her thoughts being Edwin because she knows he’d do the exact same. The two also get the satisfaction of watching their parents actually try to be amiable after this, it’s so stilted and awkward and they revel in it. And, yes, the tabloids somehow get ahold of the fact that kidnapped Edwin Payne fought his way to the Surname-Von Hoverkraft’s doorstep instead of literally anywhere else. Rumors pop up about his and Crystal’s relationship and the two make a teir list of their favs and least favs. Secret love child/half-siblings is their favorite, secretly dating isn’t even on the board they hate it so much.
College!!! The two decide against anything super fancy. And by that I mean they move to America together to find some community college to go to because neither want to be reliant on their parents who took a whole ass kidnapping to pay attention to them. Anyways, they share a flat above Tongue & Tail butcher shop with Jenny as their landlord. Crystal works as a freelance artist and tarot card reader (She’s really good.) while Edwin works as the librarians — Maxine’s — assistant.
Charles and Niko meet differently, Niko’s actually advertising her need for a roommate and Charles — who also moved to America to get away from his dad — takes it up. Fast friends don’t have a thing on these two. Niko gushes about this pretty girl across from them and Charles is man enough to admit, yeah, their neighbors are pretty fine. Too bad they’re dating.
Anyways more highlights of this AU in no particular order:
Crystal and Edwin physically recoil when Niko says something like, “Wait, I thought you two were dating?” Edwin puts his hand to his heart, too stunned to speak. Crystal fake gags and goes, “Why does everyone think that?! HE’S GAY!!”
Edwin discovers his sexuality at one of the clubs Crystal drags him to when Thomas King — older then them by a few years — flirts with him and he Panics™️. Crystal drags him away with a scathing look toward Thomas and asks if Edwin’s okay. He blurts out, “I- I’m gay?!” and Crystal goes, “You didn’t know??!?”
David tracks Crystal down to America and it’s a whole thing for obvious reasons, also because she forgot to tell Edwin about it in full — too busy helping him. This is how Crystal’s abusive ex trauma gets aired. (Charles maybe reveals some shit about his dad here too.)
Edwin and Niko go on a little faux-date together — cafe, library, just a chill day and night out — but Edwin leaves his flip phone at home and Niko’s dies. (Yes he has a flip phone.💀💀) So Crystal’s panicked as shit, last time she couldn’t contact him he was literally KIDNAPPED and TORTURED. Charles tries to calm her down before simply offering to wait up with her. When Niko and Edwin get back Crystal breaks down like, “You can’t DO that!!” This is how Edwin’s kidnapping and torture trauma gets aired.
Charles has a near death experience at St. Hilarion’s a few days after Edwin’s kidnapping. Turns out they went at the same time but Charles was a year under him and they ran in very different social circles. He gets chucked into the freezing lake and stoned still but a teacher catches them all and sends him to the hospital.
Niko’s dad died and her mom sent her to America to get away from the sadness, she caught a really bad illness and also almost died. Charlotte Knight was her Nurse. (Unrelated but she has Poliosis, which turns parts of your hair white.)
Esther is a serial killer and uses her son, Monty, to lure people in. Very brain washed Monty here sorry guys. She kidnaps Edwin who has several trackers on him — after the Niko Night Out incident Crystal and Edwin spent a night sewing them into each others coats and shoes — and the police arrest Esther and Monty.
Payneland and Palasaki of course, but this would probably be focused on Edwin and Crystal’s friendship. Yes, Niko and Charles get a shovel talk. “You know I adore you Niko and whilst I do not think you’d intend any harm, I will have to do something drastic in the event that it happens.” “Okay listen here dipshit. I have full faith you won’t hurt Edwin but if you do, intentionally or not, I will have to castrate you.”
There’s more I forgot lmfao, this is too long already😭😭 If I made any spelling mistakes no I didn’t
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mostlymihawk · 2 months
Getting Sick!
Straw Hat Crew (+ Shanks + Mihawk) x GN reader
Prompt: How they react to you getting sick.
CW: Emetophobia (throwing up)
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Completely useless.
The man's made of rubber, he doesn't have a clue what to do.
"Um...it's gonna be okay? It's gonna be okay, right?"
You have to ask him for everything.
Does carry you to bed when asked, and will happily snuggle you.
Then asks if you want something to eat.
Food is the solution, and refuses to understand that food can also be the problem.
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Holds your hair and runs her fingers through it at the same time.
Also dabbing your face and neck with a cold cloth.
Certified professional make-it-better-er.
She did a lot of throwing up when she was younger.
Childhood trauma combined with lying to your sister and working for your mother's murderer will do that.
Knows exactly what she would have wanted, and gives it all to you.
"It's gonna be okay. I've got you, sweetheart."
Keeps tabs on your temperature to make sure this isn't a symptom of something bigger.
Refuses to let you out of bed until you're 100% better.
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Keeps his face carefully blank and gently rubs your back.
Looking away the whole time.
You know him well enough to know he does not want to be doing this.
Handles blood just fine but this is a whole other ballgame and he wants no part of it.
Happily helps you to bed after, because it means the gross part is over.
"Better out than in...I guess."
Then he remembers someone has to take care of the cleanup.
Tries to frame it as discipline training to make it better.
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Useless, but tries his best.
"Do you need a cloth? Some water? I can get, uh...fresh pair of clothes?"
Standing outside the door, so you croak out what you need and he runs to get it for you.
Needs to be filling the silence.
If he's not asking you something and you're not answering he's talking about how this reminds him of that one time in the Forest of Doom...
Spends the whole night telling stories to help you get to sleep.
Gets a lot better when he realizes this isn't all that much different than barnacles and bird poop.
Unfortunately, the worst of it has already passed by then.
Confidently assures you he'll be ready for next time, though.
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As a gentleman, it's his duty to take care of his significant other when they're sick.
He's damn good at it too.
That doesn't mean he has to like it.
His face is pinched as his thumb gently rubs your back, he dabs your face and neck, and offers you sips of water when you can manage it.
"You're alright, sweetheart. A little bit of my tender love and care and you'll be on your feet in no time."
And then he notices the colour, not unlike the blueberry reduction from the dessert you'd asked for after lunch.
Gently helps you to your room, and it's not until the next day that you notice anything is amiss.
In. con. solable.
No one has ever gotten sick from his food before. Ever.
Refuses to serve food.
The Straw Hats have to turn back to Baratie so Zeff can literally beat some sense into him.
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This crew loves its alcohol way too much for Shanks to be even the slightest bit bothered by a little vomit.
Sits by your side, dabbing your face, rubbing your back, completely unfazed, cracking jokes the entire time.
"Snuck into the hold and had yourself a little party without me, did you?"
Knows exactly what to do to help you feel better.
Again, the crew loves alcohol too much for anything else to be true.
Cuddles. So many cuddles.
This crew is too experienced to let a sick crew member come back to work early, so despite the unserious approach you're on strict bedrest.
The whole crew makes fun of you...but only once you've recovered.
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This is not a man who routinely deals with people being sick.
Why are you sick.
Who caused this.
Who does he need to kill.
(It's whoever cooked your dinner at that restaurant you went to last night, but you don't tell him that.)
Completely repulsed, does not let it show on his face while he tends to you.
Rubs your back very gently, and uses a cool cloth to wipe the sweat off your face.
Helps you to bed, sits up and lets you lean against his chest so you're upright, and encourages a few sips of water.
"Get some rest, my jewel."
The next day there's a doctor at your bedside.
You don't need a doctor, but the look on Mihawk's face says this is non-negotiable.
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kairiscorner · 8 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ the spotlight's on you. (part 1)
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💭 summary: after the media finds out you're dating the beloved idol satoru gojo, all the world's attention is on the two of you. now, many are asking... what's it like dating the most perfect man in the world?
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💭 what would it be like dating hit male idol satoru gojo?
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...crushing. no, like, literally crushing; in the sense that he hugs you like he hasn't seen you in a million years.
sure, he's usually gone for a long time because of his schedule as an idol, and you can't always be there for every practice session, every tour, every live; but the way he clings to you every time he comes home, it's like you've always been on his mind, been the only person gojo's been yearning to touch and see, to be with and share his warmth with.
you're aware of how handsome and charming gojo is, you sometimes feel surprised that he chose you of all people, and yeah, you do worry that he might cheat on you; his shit-head attitude is one that you knew very well in real life to be true, so you always have this nagging feeling that he might want more, someone else other than you... but the way he swings the door to your place open, the shine in his eyes, the way his face beams, and the way he calls out your name—
—it makes it hard to think he wants anyone else other than you, especially with how tightly he hugs and clings onto you. he refuses to leave your side for hours on end sometimes, not wanting to do anything than just keep you in his arms and smother you with his kisses, gushing about how much he missed you, how nothing beat coming home to see you and have you in his arms.
"yeah, sure, going on world tours and having every single person in the world scream your name and wanna follow you to the ends of earth is okay, i guess... but nothing's better than being with you, ya cutie," he exclaims, smiling against your cheek and smothering your face with kisses, holding you closer to his chest, his heart beating a little faster than it usually does; and that's how he tells you without words that, he's glad to be home, that he misses you, so, so much.
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sweetiecutie · 11 months
GOD KRUGER IS GREAT I'd fucking LOVE to see you write for him
A/n: I genuinely think that the only reason Krueger is not popular among CoD fandom is simply bc he’s canonically under 180 cm💀💀
Warnings: NSFW, mdni, dark! Krueger I guess, obsession, nasty😜
Another a/n: also it’s extremely OOC, but what can you do abt that, huh? Let the girl be and share her delusional fantasies on her silly lil blog😩🙄
Okay, so starting off strong - Sebastian Krueger is an absolute, pathetic, needy simp for you. You so much as throw a fleeting gaze in his general direction? He’s there by your side, like an obedient dog that he is for you, happy to do whatever just to please you, to make your day a bit better and easier.
Yes, Sebastian is a terrifying killing machine and a literal war criminal, he doesn’t hesitate for a single second to blow enemy’s brains out or pitilessly cut them open with his knife, letting their guts spill onto the dirt under his feet. But with you? Krueger turns into a literal pookie-bear, all soft and lovey-dovey the very moment he so much as senses your presence (it’s a secret how he does it). And no, he is not ashamed nor scared to show his feral side to you; moreover, he’s pretty sure that this way he can fully let you see just how capable he is, that he can protect his little sweetheart no matter the circumstances, that he is a perfect match for such a frail and helpless thing as you (even though you are fully capable yourself)
Krueger is definitely bigger than you - if not in height, then definitely in weight and muscle volume; and fuck yes would he take advantage of this. He’d corner you somewhere relatively private, pressing you against the wall, his burly body not allowing you a smallest opportunity to slip from within his grasp. Mighty hips are pressed flush against yours, and so is his painfully hard dick. Krueger will hump your leg shamelessly, like a needy fucking dog; he’ll moan and groan and whimper against your reddened ear, telling you just how good it feels, how good you smell, how much you make him wanna cum.
And it’s not like you can do anything about it. You’ll ask Krueger to leave you alone - he’ll distance himself slightly (very slightly), allowing you some personal space, but then you’ll notice your stuff going missing - your tees, lip balms, panties ofc. And even if you confront Sebastian he’d just shrug it off, acting as if he doesn’t have a slightest clue what you are talking about.
You may even try to run but of boy, I don’t think that’ll end well. Being a skilled soldier that Krueger is, having excellent tracking skills, it’ll take a few weeks max for him to get to you, even if you flee to the other end of the world, to some small shithole of a town. And the moment Sebastian actually finds you? God knows what’ll happen, so better don’t push your luck.
So all you have to do is to just allow Krueger love onto you and be his kleine Mausi <3
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sunlight ☀️
hii it’s me againn. could you also do tasm peter who is nerdy and nerdy reader? and it’s kind of like a meet cute at the library? that’s literally my dream 😔 (you can tell i’m in my spiderman kick again)
love a good spiderman kick ☺️ hope you like it!
pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x reader word count: 1.4k tags: just fluff
The exam was next week, and Peter still hadn’t gotten a chance to so much as glance at the most helpful textbook. The only copy the library carried had been way over due for ages, and the damn things were way too expensive to buy. He hoped it would be back by today because the late fees would be so much worse after today’s cut off. So, into the library he strode to look for it for what felt like the millionth time. 
He was sure the librarian remembered him, and which book he was after, after so many attempts, so he went straight up to the desk. Peter raised his eyebrows in question, in hope. He wrung his hands together as the librarian gave him a look he couldn’t quite decipher. “So?” he finally couldn’t help.
“You just missed it,” the librarian deadpanned. How could she be so damn calm? She must know his life depended on getting his hands on this book! Well, maybe not his life, but definitely his grade… important enough.
“What?! And you didn’t hold it for me or something?” “Hold it for you? What do you think this is, kid? We don’t take reservations.”
After a moment, though, she sighed in slight defeat, something akin to pity entering her hardened features. She gave a sideways nod toward the person standing at the other end of the desk. 
“Maybe she’ll share,” she whispered. 
Peter followed her look. His eyes landed on a girl. She looked mortified. Given the books lying next to her open backpack on the desk, she’d clearly been packing them up. At the top of the pile lay the coveted textbook. And she’d clearly overheard his whole exchange with the librarian. 
You lock your gaze onto the books in front of you. You could feel your cheeks warming, and the last thing you wanted was to accidentally make eye contact with this stranger. This ridiculously attractive stranger you’d noticed in class before… Peter Parker… who had clearly had the same idea about the book being returned today…
You feel terrible at having snatched it up just before him. You hadn’t known someone else was after it, too, but you could’ve guessed, and it felt like pure luck that you got it first. You have no idea how to react, and before you can come up with any idea at all, you sense him stepping toward you and freeze in panic.
“Um, hey,” Peter whisper-says. God, why didn’t he just speak at a normal volume? He was in the library, sure, but just the entrance. He’s sure he sounded weird, and that’s the last thing he wanted after his little outburst clearly made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t your fault you’d gotten the book before him. 
Your eyes dart up to meet his at his words, and when they do, his nerves increase tenfold. Your eyes are so damn pretty. All of you is. And you look half way to an anxiety attack at his approach. “Hey, sorry,” he tries. “Sorry, I know we don’t know each other, but I just… Um, well… Sorry about that,” he ends lamely, gesturing back to where his exchange with the librarian just occurred. “It’s okay,” you whisper, smiling awkwardly and tucking your hair behind your ears. You look back down at your hands, pulling at the too-long sleeves of your shirt. 
Peter’s hand comes up to his head, messing with his hair in a typical nervous tick. He can’t stop staring at you, and you can’t stop avoiding his stare. He had to say something else before the mounting awkwardness blew up. Why couldn’t he think of anything? God, why was his heart racing faster than it ever did when he had to fight giant, scary monsters? Somehow you were scarier. 
“Um,” he starts again. “You in, uh, you in Vidal’s biology class?” he ventures, guessing you need the book to study for the same exam as he. It blows his mind he hasn’t noticed you before if you are.
“Mmhmm,” you nod softly.
“Me too,” he says and cringes. “I don’t recognize you.” “Oh, I don’t know. I tend to sit in the back.” You finally look up at him as you say this. Your eyes meet, and it’s too much to handle. After what feels like an eternal instant, you both look away chuckling. 
Peter’s just nodding like an idiot, chewing his bottom lip, reeling for something else to say but failing miserably. At this point, the thought of getting the book has totally vanished from his mind. The fear of failing next week has been completely replaced with the fear of failing right now.  The idea of your walking away and his not getting to talk to you again makes his stomach sink.
You’re just staring at your hands, unsure what you’re supposed to do in this kind of situation. How do people just know what they’re supposed to do when other people are involved? 
You still feel really bad that you got the book first, and you figure he’s only still talking to you to ask when you’ll be done with it. The exam is so soon, you hadn’t really been planning to return it till after. But keeping it to yourself when he needed it too made your stomach twist. You didn’t even know him, but you wanted to help him. So, you mustered the courage to do something you know, from experience, you otherwise wouldn’t do.
You say softly, “If you want… um, I don’t know… maybe, we could share it?”
“What?” he responds, too quickly, confused, his voice nervously airy.
You’re not sure if he didn’t hear what you said — possible with how softly you’re speaking — or didn’t understand what you meant, so you don’t know what to say. Words are too hard, so you just grab the book — your hands grateful for something to do — and hold it up to him like an offering. 
“Oh!” he hiccups. Then, “Oh,” he says more quietly, chuckling lightly. “I mean, I don’t want to bother you. You got it first fair and square.” “Yeah,” you shrug. “But you need it, too, right?” 
“Yeah…” His mind begins stirring up images of the two of you studying together… maybe laughing together eventually… sitting closer together to both get a good look at the book… 
It’s making his heart beat faster, and he realizes he’d be an idiot to not seize the opportunity. It’s the perfect excuse to spend more time with you, and he doesn’t even have to ask you out. Yet. 
So, he quickly says, “Yeah, um, sharing would be great. If you don’t mind. I can just meet up with you whenever you were going to study anyway… Wherever is good for you; I don’t mind; you choose; whatever you prefer is good with me —” Having started, he can’t stop talking now, his nerves morphing into words, eager to leave his body. 
You giggle at his garrulousness, and he knows he’s in trouble when the sound of it makes his breath hitch. 
“Well,” you say. “I was planning to get started now… you know, since I’d been waiting to get my hands on the book. If you wanted to, um, maybe go to the café maybe?” 
You hadn’t in fact been planning to start right away. If you were honest with yourself, you’d been planning to put it off till you couldn’t not… like you always did no matter how hard you tried to get an early start. Note to self: the only cure you’ve found to procrastination so far: ridiculously pretty boys with warm eyes and a voice you could listen to forever. 
“Yeah, that’d be great. That’d be great,” he nods, smiling. It’s the first time you’ve seen him fully smile. You’d be happy to just hand him the book as long as you could watch him study, the exam be damned. 
“Great,” you repeat, grabbing your things and turning toward the café. Your eyes widen in panicked disbelief at what just happened. You glance slightly back just to make sure you hadn’t imagined it, and sure enough: Peter Parker is taking a quick step to follow you. He falls in step with you as you walk, and it’s terrifying and invigorating just how much you like the feeling of him close beside you.
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biniminisblog · 9 months
under the mistletoe | hwang hyunjin one shot
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x fem!reader
synopsis: the three times hyunjin wanted to confess, and the one time you did.
genre: friends to lovers, slight angst, fluff
word count: 3.2k
a/n: MERRY CHRISTMAS ‼️🎄🎄 as promised i managed to finish this just in time yay!! hope you guys like it and consider reblogging/sharing your thoughts. have a great day everyone!
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this is it. hyunjin was going to confess. after days of rehearsing with jeongin— who played you surprisingly well, it was almost weird— he was finally going to tell you how he feels.
despite the practice, hyunjin could feel his palms starting to sweat, he was becoming fidgety all of a sudden. it was the third of december, just a few weeks before christmas, and he had asked you to meet up at his place so you both could continue your tradition of watching cheesy romance movies. he had everything set up, from blankets and pillows to your favourite food and drinks. it was all perfect and romantic, so he can’t back out now!
regardless of his anxiety-inducing thoughts, he waits for you, and as his watch reaches seven pm, he hears his doorbell ring. what greets him was a bright grin plastered on your face. you were wearing your favourite sweater— which was technically his but you stole it from him— with your hair tied into a half ponytail. he didn’t think you could get even more beautiful. however, time and time again you seem to prove him wrong.
hyunjin didn’t realise he was staring intently until you were waving a hand at his face to somehow snap him from his thoughts. he blinks twice before clearing his throat, reluctantly looking away from you and towards the food instead.
“you okay there, hyun?” that damn nickname will be the death of him, seriously. he only nodded his head, giving you a smile which seems to reassure you enough. once the both of you are seated on the couch, you immediately grab one of the cookies on top of the coffee table, taking a bite of it and humming in satisfaction.
“this is so good, hyun! did you make it?” you turn to look at him, your voice muffled by the food in your mouth and he finds you adorable with your cheeks puffed out.
“yeah, felix helped me— oh, and i made sure it wasn’t too sweet since i know you can’t handle too much.”
“you remembered?” your eyes seem to sparkle at his thoughtful action, and if all it takes for you to look at him like that was a simple gesture, then he’ll basically do anything for you. god, he’s so whipped he can't even deny it anymore.
“of course i remember, you’re my friend.” or maybe something more. hopefully, if he doesn’t chicken out.
“that’s so sweet of you! you’re like— the perfect man. i could literally kiss you right now.” you gush, but then widen your eyes when you realise what you just said. you glance at hyunjin, only to see his face turn pink, suddenly becoming shy at your claim. although he was happy you thought of him like that, he senses that you were slightly uncomfortable, so he decides to change the tone.
“just for that? you should raise your standards yn, or else you’ll end up with a sleazy man.” hyunjin teases, earning a cute pout from you. he feels relief wash over him when he sees you no longer felt uneasy, as well as a flutter in his heart at your expression.
“oh hush. don’t insult my standards, you’re basically insulting minho.”
oh. hyunjin’s smile drops. he tries to regain his composure, scratching his neck to distract himself, and grabbing one of the sandwiches he made for you. still, it was hard to grasp the information he just discovered, which was basically a slap to his face.
“so you like… minho hyung?” you shrug, not being able to look him in the eye as you finish your cookie. you can’t even look at him directly, do you like him that much?
“i mean he’s definitely a great guy, so i guess i do like him a little.” you admit, tracing circles on the pillow beside you, and hyunjin can feel his heart clench in pain.
the atmosphere changed after your confession. you and hyunjin still exchanged conversation normally, but it was like there was a wall between you now, contrasting to the fact that you were only inches apart from each other. oh well, so much for confessing.
“why is he staring at me like that?” minho raises an eyebrow, eyeing hyunjin who has been glaring daggers at him for the past two minutes.
jeongin shrugs and shakes his head at his hyung’s childishness. “hyunjin hyung’s just being an idiot again.”
he doesn’t argue with that because he was being an idiot, getting jealous over something as mundane as your ideal type. it’s not like you guys are dating or anything, so it shouldn’t be a problem. that still doesn’t stop the green monster from coming out as he watches minho look effortlessly attractive under the horrid lighting of their shared apartment.
“well can’t he be an idiot somewhere else? i’m trying to decorate here.” hyunjin finally stops glaring at him, and instead opts to go back to his sketchpad, looking over at all the portraits he sketched of you.
sighing internally, he wonders if he’ll ever be able to confess to you, even if he was given the chance. hyunjin sulks in his seat, prompting jeongin to sigh in frustration. he decides to be a good friend today and nudges his shoulder, causing hyunjin to look up, revealing his pout and furrowed eyebrows.
“what do you want.” he deadpans. jeongin closes hyunjin’s sketchpad and gives him a look of annoyance. “listen, if you really liked yn then minho hyung being her ideal type shouldn’t stop you from telling her.”
minho takes a glance at hyunjin and points a finger to his chest. “i’m her ideal type? no wonder why you’re sulking.” he snorts out before going back to placing lights on their christmas tree.
although minho doesn’t comment much on it, hyunjin knows that information is going to spread in the groupchat later on, and he grimaces as he imagines all the teasing from them.
jeongin seems to realise this as well because he’s quick to cheer him up. “don’t listen to him, hyung! i mean just because minho hyung is her ideal type doesn’t mean you aren’t, right?”
now that he thinks about it, jeongin might be right. suddenly, a smile starts to grow on hyunjin’s face.
“then there’s still a chance she might like me back?”
“definitely! don’t lose hope hyung.” ever the supportive younger brother, jeongin gives hyunjin a pat on the shoulder while minho only scrunches his nose in response.
“you should ask her out to the party chan’s going to hold on the 25th.” he suggests and hyunjin lights up at that idea. feeling a rush of adrenaline, he abruptly stands up, causing jeongin to let out a squeak and minho to flinch in shock.
“i need to find yn.”
“wha— you’re going to ask her out now!? hyunjin, wait—!” and he’s gone. jeongin hears the door click shut and he goes over to minho, not even bothering to catch up with the lovesick boy anymore.
“didn’t he mention that yn’s on a family trip right now so she can’t contact him?” jeongin nods in confirmation as he helps place christmas balls on the tree, which causes minho to facepalm at their friend’s stupidity.
“i guess love really makes you dumber.”
so the second time didn’t work out, but that was totally hyunjin’s fault. he forgot you would be away for a few days, being too excited to finally confess the feelings he’d been harbouring for you for a long time now.
however, it’s already the 20th of december, and you’re finally back. he’s sure not not to mess this up. he decided not to plan anything, opting to just say it.
as he arrived at your place, there was no denying the rush of nerves flowing within him. he had thought about just bolting out of there, and he almost did, but he knew that if it wasn’t now, then it was never.
hyunjin lets out a huff and rings your doorbell, trying to relax by focusing on the peephole of your door. this proves to be ineffective because the moment the door opened, he immediately made eye cantact with your beaming face.
“hyun! i didn’t know you were coming, is there something you need?” you step aside to let him in and he cautiously walks past you to sit on your sofa. trying to calm down his heart, he sees you moving over to sit next to him.
should he just say it now?
“nothing, really. i just wanted to see you.” he settles on saying that instead. you’re probably surprised to see him since he should be busy during this time of the year, so he’s playing it safe for now. however, once he takes a peek to see your reaction, it gives him a boost of confidence when he notices the pretty shade of pink adorning your cheeks.
“i was only gone for a few days.” you mumble out, but you don’t hide the smile that forms on your lips.
“few says too many.” hyunjin jokes. he’s feeling a little more bold now, so he slowly scoots a little closer to you until it feels as if you are almost only a hair away.
you don’t seem to mind the proximity, in fact, it’s like you moved even closer. or maybe hyunjin was being delusional, either way it still makes him giddy.
“well since you’re here i have something to tell you.”
“really? what is it?” this is probably the perfect time to mention that he has something to say too. “oh actually i just remembered i have to tell you something too.”
“then do you want to go first?” you tilt your head cutely while waiting for his answer and hyunjin only shakes his head no, gesturing for you to go ahead.
“do you remember how i said minho was my ideal type?” hyunjin nods slowly, not liking the way this was going.
“well i actually asked him out just yesterday.” you gauge his expression, watching as hyunjin starts to process your words. his eyes widen, mouth hanging agape, and you can’t tell if it’s from shock or disappointment.
“th-that’s—uhm,” hyunjin can’t even finish what he was trying to say, and he can feel his heart literally being ripped from his chest. is this god’s way of telling him that you would never be his?
“so yeah…” you can feel the awkward tension rise so you decide to shift the conversation. “what was it that you wanted to tell me?”
hyunjin suddenly remembers why he’s here, and he looks up to find you gazing at him expectantly with a warm smile on your face. if it was before all this, he would have melted at the sight, but now all he feels is the tight clench around his chest. it’s almost suffocating, he can’t even find it in himself to speak. the only thing he can do is leave, and so he does.
“hyunjin— wait, where are you going?”
“i’m sorry i have to go.” he manages to utter that out before he’s outside, closing the door shut and not looking back, afraid he might breakdown if he even glances at your face.
that’s it. he’ll never try to confess again.
“hyung come on~” jeongin whines as he tries to drag hyunjin out of his bed by pulling his forearm.
“no! i don’t want to see the love of my life and the person who betrayed me being all lovey dovey.” he wiggles out of jeongin’s grasp and proceeds to pull his duvet cover over his head.
“ugh you’re so dramatic— you’ve been cooped up in your room for five days now! are you really going to let some girl ruin christmas for you?”
this gets hyunjin to push the covers off of him and sit up straight, shooting daggers at the younger boy.
“yn is not just some girl, she’s my best friend who i’ve been secretly in love with for the better part of my life. she’s someone i cherish and care for the most, and i’m not going to let you reduce her as just some girl.” hyunjin lets out a huff, making the long strands of blond hair covering his face move.
jeongin raises his hands up in surrender. a silent air filled the room before it was broken by minho’s slow, sarcastic clap.
“why don’t you say that again but to yn this time?” minho steps aside to let you enter the room and hyunjin lets out an audible gasp. he suddenly feels self conscious as you move closer to his bed.
“wh-what are you guys doing here? shouldn’t you be at chan’s party?” he focuses his attention on minho only to avoid facing you, his heart beating a mile a minute.
“we would’ve been if you weren’t a sulking idiot.” minho walks over to grab jeongin and heads towards the door.
“i made yn come over since i know you’d basically rot in your room until new year. now make out!” he shuts the door behind but not before you hear jeongin follow up with a ‘you mean make up?’, leaving only you and hyunjin inside.
minho’s obvious teasing left both of you feeling flustered, but decided not to comment on it.
“hyunjin.” you start, and for the first time since you arrived, he meets your eyes, which almost seemed red. were you crying? did he make you cry? or was it minho? either way he has to know why.
“were you crying? did someone make you cry? tell me who so i can beat them—”
a loud ‘umph’ escapes hyunjin’s mouth as you unexpectedly lunge towards him with a hug. he was so surprised he couldn’t even process what was happening in the moment. he felt himself go limp in your grasp, inhaling your perfume which had always intoxicated him.
is this what heaven feels like? hyunjin’s pretty sure it is.
when you pulled away—in that moment hyunjin suddenly felt a cold shiver run down his spine— he came face to face with your glossy eyes.
“you supid idiot, you’re the one who made me cry— and i’m in love with you too!” you confess.
and just like that, hyunjin’s whole world was turned upside down.
“wha—but i thought you and minho…?” you shake your head in response.
“i thought you didn’t like me back, but minho told me you did. i didn’t believe him though so he told me to tell you i asked him out to see your reaction. i didn’t think you’d walk out on me so i thought you hated me…” you mumble out the last words, looking down at your hands as you fiddle with them. now that you’ve reflected back on your actions, it was totally a stupid idea and you should’ve just told him how you felt then.
hyunjin was shocked at this revelation. so this was all minho’s idea!? he’s honestly not sure if he should thank him or cuss him out, although he feels it's safe to do the former if he doesn’t want tissues in his mouth again.
“i could never hate you, yn. not even if you told me you murdered someone.” this manages to make you giggle, to which it makes hyunjin feel the butterflies roaming around his stomach, just like before.
“i actually tried confessing, three times to be more specific.” he admits, causing you to shift your attention to him as a dramatic gasp leaves your lips.
“so we’re both idiots.” although it was meant to be an insult, hyunjin finds it endearing to see you look so distraught about it.
he reaches out to tuck a stray hair behind your ear amd swiftly kiss you on the cheek. you were stunned for a second, almost in a trance, but luckily you snap out of it and retaliate with a kiss of your own. you both end up giggling, feeling drunk on each other’s kisses as you take turns planting soft pecks on the other’s face.
hyunjin can’t believe he’s deprived humself of this pure bliss for years now, he’s definitely never letting you go—
“hey, are you guys going to come out there or what? we’re still going to chan’s party, you know.”
like glass shattering, minho breaks the moment hyunjin has been waiting for his whole life as he hears his older friend’s annoying voice from outside the room. you to pull away from each other, albeit reluctantly.
you still have lovesick grins plastered on, maintaining eye contact as you stand up from the bed and interlock your fingers with hyunjin.
“i don’t think i’ve ever been this happy since that one time we spontaneously went on a trip to japan.” you say while playing with hyunjin’s fingers.
“i don’t think i’ve ever been this happy ever.”
“oh stop, you’re lying.” you whine but end up covering your face with hyunjin’s shirt and he takes this opportunity to slide his arms around you, slowly swaying back and forth.
“believe what you want to believe, love.” the nickname slips out naturally and you look up, a pink tint adorning your cheeks. you stand on your tippy toes to plant another kiss on hyunjin’s nose this time.
“let’s go? i feel like minho’s going to slam the door open and kick us out himself any moment now.” you agree with his statement and go back to locking fingers before heading out towards hyunjin’s bedroom door.
however as you open it, you don’t expect to see evergreen leaves hanging atop both of your heads.
jeongin dangles the plant mischievously. “you guys going to kiss or what?”
you face hyunjin, only to find that he has already been looking at you this whole time, plump pink lips puckered playfully with his eyes closed. you laugh, caressing his cheek before leaning in to leave a soft, long kiss on his lips.
“ok i think that’s enough.” minho manages to pull you away from each other, making hyunjin narrow his eyes at him.
“no i don’t think so, i’ve waited too long for this!” hyunjin whines, proceeding to latch himself to your side. you only shake your head, smile tugging your lips at your boyfriend’s silliness. god, you could get used to this.
“and you have all the time in the world now that you’re together, now let’s go!”
“jeongin’s got a point. so how about you let me have yn tonight? i am her type after all, isn’t that right, yn?”
minho’s loud cackle resonates the room when hyunjin hurriedly tries to cover your eyes to prevent you from looking at minho.
jeongin, who’s had enough if his older hyung’s shenanigans, leaves the apartment.
it took about thirty minutes before you actually head to the party, but not without another shared secret kiss between hyunjin and you, his girlfriend, this time without a mistletoe.
“merry christmas, hyunjin.” you whisper between your kisses.
“merry christmas, yn.” despite the cold weather, everything felt so warm. you were warm, and he never wants to let you go.
“i love you.”
after three failed attempts, he can now say for sure that the confession was a success.
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tinyidle · 1 month
Soyeon x reader 👀 the catch is defloration to Soyeon 😏 with reader taking her virginity and not holding back (with consent ofc)
practice before the Real Thing - JSY
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WARNING: smut, slight angst (internal), bestfriends/housemmates au, talks about virginity loss (very light), consent checks, breast + nipple play, light body appreciation, cunnilingus, slight size kink, fingering, defloration with a strapon, missionary + doggystyle, multiple orgasms (only soyeon tho), dom!reader, experienced!reader, fem!reader, sub!soyeon, virgin!soyeon, all fiction ofcofc
wc: 4k words (14 mins of reading thank me)
you and soyeon have been friends long before you two went to school. now college graduates of masters, you both are starting to look for work and live in an apartment together. your relationship has stayed friendly and platonic, but there's something about her that makes your heart beat faster and your face feel warm.
soyeon hasn't dated anyone since high school, and you have been single since forever. you don't want to ruin your friendship, but you also want to confess your feelings and ask her out. how would you go about this?
while job searching, out of nowhere, soyeon looked at you and sighed, calling for your attention.
"yeah?" you acknowledged her, wondering what problem or inquiry she may have.
pushing her reading glasses up her nose bridge, she asked rather nonchalantly, "have you ever had sex before?"
you choked at her question, wondering why she would ask that. "wha-- what?!" you could only blurt out.
"i mean… it's natural to have sex, right?" she said, looking straight at your nose to avoid your eyes. "i'm just curious if you've had any experience before."
your heart was beating hard and fast, trying to think of a way to respond. "um… i-i guess… why are you asking all of a sudden?"
"well…" the orange sherbet-haired woman started to become nervous, wondering if she's speaking too soon. "i'm not really good with the whole romance thing… and i figured you could be my guide."
you're not sure what she's getting at. "uh- like a dating coach?"
"something like that," soyeon answered.
"are you asking me out?" you had to make sure, but deep down, you really hope the answer was yes.
she shook her head, still trying to keep a straight face. "not quite," she replied.
your previously hopeful cadence drops to a mellow one-worded 'okay', although you try not to show it. of course she didn't like you that way; why would you think otherwise?
"but," soyeon continued. "maybe if i could practice with you, that'd be helpful."
"practice?" you raised an eyebrow, intrigued by what she meant. "what exactly do you mean by practice?"
the older woman bit her lip, not knowing how else to say it. "i'm just trying to say i want you to be my first," she carefully let out. "i- i've been thinking about it for a while and i don't trust anyone else. only you. so, can you.. help me?"
oh! a spark goes off in your mind. she doesn't mean it like that, but she definitely wants you. she just doesn't want you the same way you want her, but you could care less. you love soyeon, so you'd do anything for her happiness, even if that meant having an intimate moment that will practically mean nothing in the future.
"yes!" you answered almost too quickly. "i can help you- let's do it."you can tell soyeon was nervous from the way her body trembled. the older girl is not as confident in herself as much as you thought she was. you can't blame her, though.
"okay, we'll go to my room then," she suggested and turned around, aiming towards her bedroom.
you followed behind her as your heart started to race, trying not to get too excited. soyeon was so beautiful, the most beautiful woman you've ever known. she was so elegant, and she seemed to always glow wherever she went. she was kind and had a sense of humor. soyeon was literally perfect-- and she chose you of all people to help her. you felt eternally grateful to the heavens above.
once you were in the bedroom, she locked the door and made sure the window curtains were closed. "i'm sorry for being so awkward," the orange sherbet-haired girl said sheepishly.
you shook your head. "it's okay. there's no reason to be sorry."
she took a deep breath and nodded. "so… how should we start?"
"well, um…" you bit your lip, realizing you hit the first brick wall in the sort of awkward session. you decided 'to hell with it' and started taking your clothes off, wanting to make the shorter feel more comfortable than you by not letting her strip yet.
soyeon widened her eyes at your sudden action, but nevertheless stayed calm as you set your garments to the side of the room before going up to her. "let's just start with kissing first," you initiated, holding her hand and letting you both sit on the comfy bed. "it's okay, i'll go slow for you."
"o-okay." she looked into your eyes, her dark pupils full of curiosity and nervousness.
you leaned forward, softly pressing your lips against hers. she was stiff at first, not expecting your lips to be so soft. she slowly began to relax as she felt you caress her cheek, leaning in as well and allowing the kiss to deepen. the sensation was so new, so exciting. she couldn't describe how good it felt, her mind was in a haze. all she knew was that she wanted to kiss you more, and maybe even feel more of your skin.
as if reading her thoughts, you moved back, breaking the kiss. "you can touch me anywhere you like," you permitted, "im all yours, unnie."
soyeon blushed at the word, but nevertheless proceeded. she touched your shoulders, gently moving her fingertips along your arms and down your torso. the woman was enamored by your figure, by you.
her fingers went to your chest, deciding to pick up one of your breasts and give it a gentle-yet-experimental squeeze, causing you to gasp and moan. she then started to caress the rest of your body, her touches becoming bolder and more curious. she's learning so quickly.
the woman gulped before deciding to go ahead and ask. "i- i think i want to suck your breasts," soyeon stated as if she was reciting theater lines for the first time.
your eyes were now slanted, so ready for her to do anything. "do whatever you like," you said, wanting her to have fun with you. "um, okay." the older woman leaned down and started to kiss and lick at your chest before her mouth went to your nipple, carefully sucking on it as not to startle you. her glasses pressed to your chest, but she didn't bother to take them off, which resulted in them fogging up in the process as they made contact with your cleavage.
you in fact startled her a bit as your vocal response was a little to loud, with you quietly apologizing while enjoying the treatment you were getting. and although you were enjoying having your breasts used, you knew that this was supposed to be soyeon's first sexual experience, not yours.
hesitantly, you slightly pushed the shorter 's head away from your love-marked chest. her pout made you want to put her back, you had to please her too.
you did your best to sound assertive. "i'll use my mouth on you now."
soyeon looked at you through her slowly-clearing-up-from-the-mist glasses. "o-okay," she shyly agreed. "take off your clothes first, though."
looking rather nervous but excited, she nodded, "um, alright."
she was quick to follow your command, removing her clothes and setting them aside in the same way you did. when she was fully naked on the bed, you admired her body. you couldn't stop staring. soyeon had a beautiful frame and cute, small breasts. the orange sherbet-haired woman could feel her body getting warm from the way you stared at her. "please look away," she pleaded, trying to cover herself.
shaking your head, you gently grabbed her wrists and put them back down at her sides. "don't be embarrassed, you're beautiful." soyeon was not able to find words and just nodded, her face flustered.
you smiled before getting off the bed and kneeling in front of her. "just relax, unnie," you advised, "you're going to like it, i promise." "i know, but… please go slow," the woman said, trying to calm herself.
you smiled before leaning forward to kiss her exposed hip. "i will," you assured.
she gasped when she felt your lips on her, and moaned a bit louder when she felt your tongue glide across her stomach. her eyes never left you, watching your every move and trying to anticipate what was next.
your lips slowly traveled lower, making her gasp. "baby," soyeon gasped.
smirking, you questioned, "what is it, unnie?" while looking up at her.
"i- i want to feel you too," the shorter responded.
you smirked at her opening up to you. "feel me? you mean touch me?"
soyeon nodded, her voice becoming shaky, "yeah. c-can i?"
you didn't hesitate to answer. "of course. go ahead."
your permission granted, she reached over and placed her hand on your shoulder. her eyes closed and she moaned as she felt your tongue press against her sensitive bud.
"oh!" she gasped, her hand moving from your shoulder to your hair, softly grabbing it.
soyeon could feel her body trembling, her breathing increasing. it was a strange, unfamiliar feeling, but a very good one.
"you like this, unnie?" you asked between licks and small sucks.
"i do~," the older woman moaned. "please don't stop."
you couldn't help but smile, happy that you could make her feel this good. she's already so sensitive, and you haven't even penetrated her yet.
"are you gonna cum, baby?" you inquired, wanting to know if she was close.
she shook her head. "i'm not sure."
you licked her clit a little faster, using more pressure with your tongue. the shorter gripped the bedsheets, arching her back as her breath caught in her throat. her entire body was on fire, and she could feel something building within her.
"oh, f-fuck!" she moaned loudly, her hips bucking and her legs trembling. her body shook, her grip tightening on the bedsheets. when you pulled away, her hand fell from your hair and onto the bed. she laid there, trying to catch her breath.
making sure to lick the last remnant of her pleasure-filled essence, you asked soyeon just for assurance. "did you cum, unnie?"
nodding, her glasses fogging up again, she replied. "i did. that was- i liked that. can we do it again?"
realizing it's nearly time for the main event, you negotiated. "yeah, but this time," you suggested, "ill be inside you."
"inside me?" the older girl repeated.
you simply nodded. "yeah. just lay down."
soyeon laid flat on the bed, her legs still a little shaky.
of course this didn't go unnoticed by you. "aww," you cooed, softly kissing up and down soyeon's inner thighs. "baby's all shaky. let me make you a bit more comfortable before you take what i fully have to offer, okay?"
trusting you with everything, soyeon smiled in confirmation before giving you further access to her body. her first genuine smile throughout this whole session-- something you wish you can imprint in your memory forever.
wanting to further make things easy for her, you sucked on your fingers until they were soak with your saliva. pressing them on your roommate's core, soyeon shivered but held her legs open, ready to be filled with your fingers for the first time.
the orange sherbet-haired woman hissed once two digits were inside her. "you're so fucking wet, unnie," you complimented.
soyeon mewled at the statement, trying her best to sound grateful despite the fact that she was getting stretched by her best friend. "th- thank you," she said.
"does it hurt?" you asked as you were slowly pumping the digits in and out of her tight hole.
"not really," she replied, her breathing becoming heavier. "just a little uncomfortable, but it feels good. besides, ive fingered myself before. you just have bigger fingers than me, is all."
that one assuring remark went straight to your cunt. you couldn't wait to fully use her. "i want to make you feel really good," you admitted, "will you let me do that for you?"
"y-yeah," the older woman replied.
"good." after making sure she was nice and wet, you removed your fingers, causing her to whimper. "you're such a needy girl," you teased.
she shook her head. "no, i'm not. i'm just horny."
you smirked. "then how come when i leave you for a little bit you get sulky?"
she bit her lip, not sure if she should answer honestly. "i don't like being away from you."
you grinned at her response, not expecting her to be so sweet. "don't worry, ill be inside you soon," you promised. you got up and went to your closet next door, searching for a good bit until you found what you needed.
you went to the bathroom, came back, pulled out a harness from near your drawer, and and attached it before going back to the shorter woman's room. despite soyeon's glasses now almost falling off her nose by now, she could clearly see the realistic dildo you held around your waist. she couldn't believe her eyes, the fact that the sex toy was so realistic scared her, yet the fact that it was attached to you was a turn on.
getting on the bed, you rubbed your friend's leg to calm her visible nerves. "we can stop if you're not comfortable," you told her.
"i'm fine," she replied, shaking her head. "just nervous, but i can handle it."
"okay," you nearly whispered before positioning yourself to soyeon's core. you got extra lube to put on both you and her to make things easier. as you rubbed the top of the dildo to her, you gave one more consent check, "tell me if it gets too much, okay?"
she nodded, taking a deep breath. "okay."
"just breathe, unnie. it'll be okay."
the older girl smiled, loving your affirmations towards her. "i know, thank you."
you slowly pushed into her, giving her time to adjust with each inch that sunk into her.
she bit her lip, her brows furrowing in pain.
you immediately stopped, almost wanting to pull out despite barely having the tip in."soyeon! are you alright, baby?" you worried, concerned for her wellbeing.
soyeon quickly nodded while bringing her hands up to clutch your shoulders, as to try to keep you still and not move away from her. "y-yes, i'm fine," she affirmed you. "it just hurts a little, but don't stop."
you sighed with relief, feeling a little better that she was okay. you kept going, making sure not to rush. when soyeon finally got used to the stretch, you could tell by the way she began to moan. "unnie," you called out for her. her eyes glazed over you, and you swear you could cum from the look she gave you alone, no need for any penetration for you. "it's all the way in." she smiled.
"how does it feel, unnie?" you teased, knowing the question was a bit silly, yet not caring.
"so good," she responded.
smiling, you continued to tease, "and i haven't even started moving yet," causing her to pout.
"baby," soyeon pleaded, "i'm really sensitive."
"i know, unnie," you smirked.
the woman whined. "then why are you teasing me?"
"because," you began, leaning down until you were directly on top of her, your faces so close together. "you're cute when you're all shy like this."
soyeon looked away, her cheeks flushing. "don't say stuff like that."
"but it's true," you argued, placing your finger under her chin and forcing her to look at you. "do you want me to move?" the woman nodded.
"alright." you sat up, pulling her into your lap. "ride me," you commanded.
her eyes widened. "what?"
"i said ride me," you repeated. "only if you want to, of course."
soyeon looked hesitant, but nevertheless did what she was told. she placed her hands on your shoulders and slowly moved her hips up and down, the action making her moan.
you helped guide her, holding her by her hips.
the older girl's cries were so sharp as she did her best to lift herself up and down the length. "feels good," she gasped.
you smirked, "it does, doesn't it? but can you do better, unnie. right?" your went up to pinch her nipple, causing her to help and whine.
"ill try," she responded.
the woman started to move her hips faster, her grip on your shoulders tightening.
"unnie," you purred, "you look so pretty when you ride me. such a good girl for me."
she bit her lip. "th- thank you."
the sight of soyeon was too much for you: her breasts bouncing and her glasses slipping off the bridge of her nose, her mouth was open, her moans escaping her lips. as for her, her legs were starting to shake, the way the toy filled her was like nothing she's ever experienced.
you wanted to feel her, to taste her.
"unnie," you said, slowing her movements.
doing her best to slow down, soyeon answered, "y-yes?"
"lay on your stomach for me."
she raised an eyebrow brow. "why?"
you smirked. "cause i'm gonna eat you out, unnie."
the orange sherbet-haired woman gulped. "okay."
you carefully pulled out, watching as her pre-orgasmic slick dripped out of her.
she rolled onto her stomach, her breathing heavy and her heart racing. she wanted more, and she wanted it now.
you lightly smacked soyeon's plump ass. "hands and knees," you commanded.
soyeon did what she was told. her arms and legs shook, but she managed to hold herself up.
you saw her arousal covering her inner thighs, making you lick your parched lips. "you're so wet," you said.
"shut up," she groaned into the pillows as her cunt clenched around nothing. her blushing was too much to handle; she was now getting a bit frustrated with your incessant teasing.
tantalizing her further, you joke, "what's the magic word?"
she sighed before obliging. "please."
"there you go," you praised, gently rubbing her ass. "good girl."
the older woman felt a rush of heat go through her, and she let out a quiet moan.
"you like being called a good girl?" you noticed.
she bit her lip and nodded.
"use your words, baby."
feeling extremely embarrassed (over honestly nothing), she nodded "yes, i do," she replied.
humming in approval, you leaned forward, and slowly dragged your tongue along her slit, tasting her.
she tasted better than expected despite having her prior, and you couldn't help but moan. the shorter woman did her best not to collapse at the new sensation. "fuck~," she gasped, gripping the pillow.
"you taste amazing," you praised before using your fingers to spread her pretty lips apart. "i want to make sure to get every bit." "you're so weird," she joked.
you laughed, and without warning, plunged your tongue into her wet heat.
"shit!" she yelped.
you moaned into her cunt, your hand going to your strap and rubbing it as if you really had a dick down there. sometimes in moments like these, you really wish you did.
soyeon began grinding herself against your face, her breath hitching and her chest heaving. she was getting close; she couldn't take it anymore.
"i need to cum," she begged. "please, let me cum."
you grunted against her folds, the vibrations making her gasp. "cum for me, unnie. i want to taste you."
she didn't have to be told twice. she cried out as her body trembled, her orgasm washing over her.
"oh my god," she breathed, her body collapsing as she tried to catch her breath.
you pulled away and admired the view of her ass up in the air and her slick running down her thighs. you gave her ass a light smack, causing her to jolt. lightly laying over her, you kissed her tattooed shoulder before gently asking, "do you want more, or are you to exhausted?" you ground your strapped-hips on soyeon's ass, the dildo slotting perfectly in between the two globes.
"i want more," she quickly answered. "i can take more."
you kissed her neck, "good. baby."
sitting up, you took ahold of the woman's hips and pulled her towards you, lining yourself up. she looked over her shoulder at you. "ready?" you asked.
she nodded. "go ahead."
you slowly pushed in, her walls clenching around the toy. the older woman let out a fluttery moan. "oh~~ so deep."
you smiled. "yeah? feels good on that spot?"
soyeon nodded, her hips elevating on its own. "yeah," she confirmed.
"well," you started, "if you think that's deep, just wait 'til im fucking you." you started moving, thrusting into her at a steady pace. soyeon gripped the pillow, biting her lip as she tried to keep her moans in. "unnie," you breathed, "let me hear you. i want to hear you."
"baby, fuck," the shorter girl moaned, her eyes squeezing shut. "it's so good."
your hands tightened around her hips, leaving small indents. "such a good girl," you praised. "taking me so well. your pussy feels so good around this cock."
the woman moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. she couldn't believe how good it felt. "more," she whined.
you couldn't believe your ears. "more?" she nodded. "you want more? you're already taking all of me, but you still want more?"
"yes, please," she whimpered. "please, baby. give me more. fuck me, please."
you groaned at her words. "you're gonna be the death of me, unnie," you warned her before picking up your pace. she let out a strangled moan, her grip tightening on the bed sheets.
"look at my good girl making such pretty noises for ne," you cooed, your thumb rubbing soft circles into her hip. soyeon felt her heart racing, her legs trembling.
"im- im gonna cum," she managed to say between moans.
"do it," you commanded, not slowing down.
"i'm cumming" she cried, her hips jerking. "fuck, im cumming."
you groaned. "cum, baby. i wanna hear you cum. i wanna hear you scream."
and she did, screaming your name as she came. her legs shook, and she fell forward, panting heavily. you slowly pulled out, watching her now gape hole clench around emptiness. she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut.
you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "are you alright, unnie?" you checked, wanting to make sure she was okay.
"mm-hmm," she hummed, nodding her head.
you kissed her back again. "i'm glad. thank you for letting me be your first practice shot."
the older woman let out a light laugh, the action making her feel a little lighter. "it was good," she assured. "very good."
you smiled, glad to know you satisfied her. "you were great, unnie. but i'm sorry i couldn't cum like how a man could. it's the strap-on."
"it's fine," she shrugged.
wondering if the woman was too spent or not, you inquired, "do you still want to shower, or-"
"yes, i do," she interrupted, not wanting to hear any excuses. "now take this thing off and let's shower."
"as you wish," you replied, kissing her cheek before carefully removing the harness from your hips.
once the two of you showered, you got dressed and laid in bed. soyeon wrapped her arms around you and cuddled close, resting her head on your chest.
"are you feeling alright?" you asked.
"i'm sore, but otherwise fine," she answered.
you were shocked. did you really go that hard? "did i overdo it?"
"no, you didn't," the older woman answered, shaking her head.
you smiled "i'm glad," you said.
soyeon nuzzled your neck, inhaling the scent of your soap and shampoo.
"i had a nice time with you," you whispered, afraid to break the atmosphere.
she giggled. "i had a nice time with you."
you sighed in relief." can we cuddle a little longer?"
the woman's heart clenched at the question. "of course," she replied.
the two of you laid there in silence, neither wanting to say anything. even if you two never became an item, you were so glad to be her first.
i know you missed me (you didn't)
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So everyone's talking about the new episode right now. Understandably so, since it had so much new evidence! In fact, I'm going to talk about it as well. However, instead of focusing on the bombshells David dropped or Levi's secret, I'm going to do what I do best: Focus on Ace and ignore literally everything else. /hj
(Spoilers for Chapter 2, Episode 12!)
All joking aside, I'm sure you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Ace literally said, like, five lines of dialogue this episode. And yeah, you're right. Actually, that sort of ties into what I'm talking about.
Okay, time to explain. The thing I want to talk about is this: Ace is weirdly...Not as confrontational as usual this episode? Let me show what I mean through examples.
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What's so special about this moment? Well, strangely enough, it's what comes after it.
Now, when I first watched the episode I laughed and thought, "Oh, someone insulted Ace, now Ace is going to be angry" and then they never cut back to him being angry. They just said that (admittedly very funny) line and moved on.
And after it happened, I didn't think too much of it. I was far too consumed by the episode's greatness to care too much, and Ace's reaction wasn't necessary for the scene anyway.
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These two lines aren't as strong for what I'm trying to say, so I'll lump them together.
But I thought it was worth mentioning that in the first photo, Ace joins in with Nico and Levi on saying Arturo should've been better at his job. But after Arturo scolds the three of them, as well as everyone else by extension, it only cuts back to Nico and Levi. Which is fine, it can be assumed that since Ace's comment was a late addition, shorter, and didn't have too much substance, him not getting a reaction makes sense (I mean he's not the one who got called a whore like Jesus Christ Arturo--).
In the second photo, Hu tells Ace to stop blaming Nico because they have an airtight alibi, and Ace...Just shuts up. Nico complains about being interrupted and they move on to other people's alibis (or more like the lack thereof). Which sorta makes sense, Ace can't really refute her point because he can't prove she didn't have breakfast with Nico. Then again, he could've made a point to say no one can prove they did have breakfast together, since they were in private, but still. Maybe Ace is too scared to seriously argue with Hu after that slap, haha.
It's this last example that actually made me notice that there may be anything resembling a pattern here:
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During this part of the episode, I was immediately reminded of J's line about Ace being incapable of being quiet and expected Ace to refute her point. After all, it's basically the same as refuting her earlier point. He just has to say that he's not always spontaneously combusting every 5 seconds like she thinks again. He's not a grenade launcher in a glass house. More like a small batch of fireworks, thank you very much.
But Ace doesn't say anything. This is only made more obvious by Charles immediately cutting off the conversation there.
And this moment made me think something. Keep in mind I could be totally overthinking this an unnecessary amount, but that's what most of theories end up being anyway.
Since the conversation is immediately ended by Charles, DRDTdev could've ended J and Ace's interaction off with Ace trying to insult her back, maybe him going "Listen here, you--" before Charles cuts them off because they have a trial they need to finish. But DRDTdev decided to not make Ace have any reaction whatsoever to this insult, at least not one the audience can see. And based on how loud and opinionated Ace is, I'm guessing that if the comment did make him have an extreme reaction, we definitely would have heard him say as much. But we don't.
I think what makes all this so weird to me is that whenever someone is condescending to Ace, usually he's very upset and it shows. In trial 1, we see him be one of the few to cave pretty quick to the idea that they were wrong and that Teruko isn't the culprit. Yet when Whit says Charles isn't the culprit, Ace suddenly feels very strongly about it, because Whit actively talked down to him about it, (I think Whit said something like "use your big boy words" but I'm too lazy to rewatch the whole trial to find it) and now Ace doesn't want to agree with him (Or at least that was how I interpreted it, he's so petty I love him). So you'd think he'd be more resistant against those who kept making comments about his intelligence or demeanor, but so far, he hasn't.
That could mean two things. One, he's the culprit and is trying to at least vaguely avoid unnecessary confrontation and bringing attention to himself. But honestly, I doubt even that would stop Ace from impulsively insulting people back.
The second option is this:
My first thought and explanation in my head for this connects to Ace's overall arc. Let's recall Ace's secret quote:
"I don't know what to do with myself anymore"
This line gives off a sense of hopelessness. Like Ace has completely given up on everything.
And for some reason, a couple of the moments above made me feel, at least slightly, the same thing. If Charles says Ace is so stupid he's never seen anyone more stupid ever before in his life and didn't think it scientifically possible for anyone to be that stupid? Ace has no response. If J says another line about Ace's explosive demeanor? Ace has no response.
I don't know, something about Ace just not bothering to refute them makes me feel that something is off. He complains that everyone sees him as an idiot and how he hates it earlier in the chapter. He seems so distressed as he does it, it's a full-on break down.
And yet, when people do exactly what he was talking about here, he can no longer muster up a response. It's like he's given up on changing their minds. He knows they think he's stupid, and impulsive, and intolerable, and he thinks there's nothing he can do about it anymore. Blowing up at them will only make them think they're right. So he's given up on doing anything at all.
I suppose my line of reasoning is that maybe small details like this will pile up over time, as Ace, unnoticeably at first, loses some of his fire bit by bit, until inside he's just...Empty. He doesn't know what to do. He's so tired, and he doesn't know anything that can help or distract him from his situation. And seeing as the secret quotes seem to embody a character's mindset at death...That seems to be the place Ace might die at. Perhaps even at his own hands, who knows.
Is that an overreaction on my part? Possibly. Am I overanalyzing microscopic details? Yes. But that's my job.
So anyways I really enjoyed this episode and Ace was great too! Yippee for the return of DRDT, and my Eden culprit idea not being completely debunked yet!
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msnanu · 7 months
Libertine 10 | JJK
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Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those experienced through the senses.
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❧ Series Masterlist ❧
⏤summary ❧ He has a reputation for being the most promiscuous man on campus, and you, well, you are basically him in women’s pants. It will be the very first time that Jungkook is faced with someone who is gonna make him question his feelings and actions.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ f*boy jungkook x f*girl female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, smut, angst, slow burn, teasing and lots of sexual tension.
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language, NSFW🔞
❧ banner by: @dojakoo ❧
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A few minutes later after leaving you astonished at the entrance of your building, Jungkook went straight to Taehyung’s apartment. He didn’t know what else to do so he texted him on the way there with a single line.
“I need to talk to you.”
Jungkook being the idiot he is, instantly regretted the way he treated you. He went all the way to Taehyung's cursing himself and his jealousy. The normal process should be to apologize to people when you hurt them but no, oh no, Jungkook’s brain never seemed to work at the same pace that everyone’s else did.
Even if he wanted to apologize, he didn’t know where to start. So here he was, sitting on Taehyung’s couch. His friend was on the opposite side of the room, arms crossed while giving him a questionable look as he finished telling the story about what had happened just a few minutes ago with you.
“So, let me get this straight, you’re saying that you were hooking up with someone else.” Started Taehyung trying to find some logic in Jungkook’s previous actions.
“No.” The youngest cringed “We didn’t get to the hooking up part.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes and corrected himself. “Okay, okay. You were about to hook up with some random girl, sounds better?”
“I guess.”
“Okay, so Y/N, out of nowhere, called you to hang out sounding weird, at least according to you. Which by the way, let me point this out, she never did that before.” Said Taehyung as Jungkook just nodded his head in silence. “And while you were on the phone, this random girl literally moaned, and of course, unless Y/N is deaf, we can guess that she heard it. Did I get that right?”
Jungkook sighed in frustration. “Yes”
“So, you went to check up on her and when you got to her apartment, she was just talking with some dude you don’t even know, and you had a tantrum as if you were her boyfriend whilst your neck was looking like that?” Taehyung said pointing with his finger to Jungkook’s neck.
Furrowing his brows Jungkook looked at his friend with confusion all over his face. “Huh? My neck? What are you talking about, hyung?”
He was unbelievable.
“Dude, are you for real? Look at yourself in the mirror, please.”
Jungkook traveled a few steps from the couch to the wall mirror in the living room and took a quick look at his own reflection.
Oh, no.
His eyes widened at the image in front of him. His neck was full of purple marks. Very much clear marks. He was so blinded as soon as he got your phone call that didn’t even remember that the girl in his car had sucked his neck like a leech.
Even if by some kind of miracle, you were momentarily deaf and didn’t hear the moaning while you were on the phone with him, you clearly weren’t blind and saw his neck full of hickeys. And you could only assume what had transpired with that girl.
Jungkook groaned at the frustration while saying “Fuck me.”
“You’re an idiot, Jungkook” Taehyung sighed making a few seconds pause before continuing “From what I’m hearing, she probably was going through something when she reached out to you, and you acted like an entitled asshole. You don’t even have the right to be mad. If anything, you should be thankful because she didn’t even react to the moaning or the hickeys.”
“If she didn’t react maybe she just doesn’t care about me.” Responded Jungkook almost in a whisper, sounding even sad because you didn’t react to any of it.
Is he an idiot?
“Sure, that totally makes sense. She thought of you instead of any other person when she clearly had some kind of issue, but yeah, I’m sure she doesn’t care about you at all.” Said Taehyung with the most ironic tone possible.
His friend was right about that. Ugh, now Jungkook felt anxious to know what had happen that you felt the need to call him. You already had opened up to him about your dad and it felt like you were getting closer to him, and he just went straight to fuck up everything with his unhealthy way of dealing with his feelings.
“Fuck fuck fuck. What am I going to do?”
Taehyung was surprised to see the desperation in his friend. If it were Seulgi or any other girl who they’ll be talking about, Jungkook would probably be laughing right now thinking about how bold he was to show up to his hook up all marked by another random girl. Well, to be honest, Jungkook wouldn’t have cared if Seulgi called him, he would just kept hooking up with that random girl.
But no, this time around, they were talking about you. Taehyung could see real desperation in those big doe eyes.
And even he’s friends’ with Jungkook, you’d started to feel like a friend too, he liked having you around. By now, you had hung out a few times with him and Anyra and he could see that underneath the fuck girl persona that everyone knew over the campus there was an amazing cool girl.
Just like Jungkook, underneath all those layers of alleged indifference, there was someone valuable, someone that actually cared a lot about their inner circle.
Taehyung was in some way angry at his friend. He was being an asshole to you. Even if it wasn’t intentionally. If it were any other girl, he wouldn’t be surprised. After all it is Jungkook’s usual modus operandi with women.
The thing is, at least for Taehyung who knew him very well, Jungkook had already being too obvious about you. You were not like any other girl to him, even if he didn’t show it with his stupid actions. That’s why Taehyung started to feel angry towards the youngest.
His filter went out of the window when he responded to Jungkook. “I don’t know but if I were her, I wouldn’t talk to you again.”
Jungkook gasped. “Wow, you really are a great friend.”
“I know I am.” said Taehyung giggling.
Jungkook glared at him in silence. He couldn’t laugh at this. Not when you were probably already hating him.
Fuck, since when does he cares about someone hating him?
“You should know by now that being your friend means that I’ll be honest with you no matter what. I’m not gonna pamper you when you clearly fucked up. Plus, I like Y/N. She’s cool.”
Yeah, she definitely is, thought Jungkook.
As he plopped himself again on the couch with his hands over his head Jungkook said “Ugh. hyung, please. I don’t know how to fix this. What should I do?”
It was stupidly simple. It started with two words. 
Sighing and almost not believing how clueless Jungkook was when it came to human interactions Taehyung asked, “What do you want to do, Kook?”
“Because even for me that I’ve been your friend for years, you’re confusing as fuck.”
And that was a good question that left Jungkook thinking. What did he want?
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There you were. Beautiful as always.
It was a few days later, almost a week had passed by since Jungkook last saw and talked to you.
Sitting in a bench at the end of the corridor, that feeling of superiority surrounding yourself as usual. Legs crossed, hands by your sides; a little smirk appeared on your lips once your sharp gaze fixed in Jungkook’s face.
You could see he was clearly surprised to see you there.
After days of silence and avoidance from both sides, he didn’t expect for you to be there. He couldn’t quite pin if you were mad, hurt or both and it was scary as hell. Whatever you were feeling, you were pretty good disguising it with your usual facade.
The only thing he could sense is that you went back to the old Y/N, the one that puzzled him every single time he interacted with you.
“Don’t fuck up” Taehyung’s voice in a whisper cut Jungkook’s train of thoughts as they both were approaching you.
“Hey Y/N” said Taehyung as he passed by waving his hand to you.
“Hi Tae Tae” You waved back giving him a little smile.
Tae Tae? Since when did you two got so close that you are calling him nicknames?
As Jungkook finally was in front of you, he talked almost in a whisper. “Hey”
“Hey” The cold tone with which you replied didn’t escape Jungkook’s ears neither the way you seemed to look at him with the same indifference you did when you first met. “May I have a few words with you?”
Okay. You probably are about to tell him to go fuck himself. Or maybe you want to patch things up, although he should be the one to say sorry first. Why does he have to be this coward? He should’ve been the first one to approach, not you.
Seeing that Jungkook was muted and spacing out, you decided to talk again.
“It’ll be just a few minutes, I’m not gonna take much of your time.”
He wanted to tell you that you could take all of his time whenever you wanted, but for some reason he just nodded and followed you from behind like a puppy while you started to walk towards a corridor that could give you two a little more privacy.
As he walked behind you, he could feel the trails of your scent that were being left behind. Oh, how much he’d missed it.
Suddenly, you stop your tracks and Jungkook mimics you. You turn around looking him straight to his eyes. He gulps at how beautiful you look. Always so ridiculously beautiful.
He wonders if you are even aware of how gorgeous you look. You probably do, how could you not?
“Okay, I'll go straight to the point” you said as you looked as if you were gathering your thoughts. “About what you said last time, I may be just a good fuck, but I know at least I’m not a hypocrite.”
Oh fuck. That's not what I think of you, I was just angry. That's what Jungkook had in his mind, but of course, he didn't dare to open his mouth. He just let you do the talking.
“Let me be clear with this.” You said as you took a step closer to him, making him even more nervous with your stern gaze. “You are free to do whatever the fuck you want with whoever you want to, as well as I am. I’m not gonna take any bullshit from you or anyone. I mean, you even had the audacity to act all jealousy while you were the one covered in hickeys, and right after I’d heard a girl moaning through the phone when I called you.”
God. So, you heard the moaning. And you did notice his neck covered in hickeys. That's phenomenal, Jungkook thought.
“Y/N, I’m s-” He was cut off by your hand in front of his face.
“Don’t even dare to say you’re sorry now. If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t even be talking. You had plenty of time to be sorry, I think I gave you enough space for you to do that. You are a big boy; you should know by now when to say sorry.”
Those big sad puppy eyes he gave you almost made you give in for a moment.
But you had to do this. This went too far already. You know you’re a valuable person, that’s what you’ve been trying to be with him – at least these past weeks when you started to get closer - and you’re not going to lower to anyone who tries to convince you otherwise, even though you’re pretty sure that everything he said to you last time you talked, were being said in the heat of the moment.
You are certain that he’s not a bad guy, he’s just an idiot sometimes.
But as you said before, you gave him space. Almost a week. You gave him enough time to fix things between you two and he didn't do anything. Not a thing.
Little did you know, it wasn’t because he didn’t want to. But because he was trying to gather his balls once and for all and apologize properly, he didn’t want to fuck up this time. He planned to apologize this week no matter what, but of course, you were not a mind reader and for you, his silence during this whole week only showed indifference which it kind of hurt you even more.
“Look.” You sighed before continuing “I don’t particularly enjoy ending things in bad terms.”
Ending? Jungkook started panicking at your words.
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you first.” You said gesturing with your hands between you two “To give whatever this was, a nice proper closing since we’ll probably keep seeing each other’s faces from time to time.”
That’s when Jungkook felt all the air was being sucked from his lungs. Suddenly he seemed to gather some courage and started talking.
“Y/N, isn't this too much? Can't we talk about this at least?”
Don’t make this any harder, was all you could think of at that moment.
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I just know that you were extremely rude with me, and you didn't even have the decency to apologize.”
“Please, just-” You cut him off again.
“No. You hurt me. You are clearly too used to girls running after you, but I’ve told you this before and I’ll say it again, I’m not gonna run after you.”
He knew that. You were too good for him after all.
“And honestly, if you think I'm just a good fuck, I don't think it will change much for you ending this thing between us.”
For a moment he thought he saw in your eyes hurt, he felt awful.
No, you’re not just a good fuck.
He wanted to say that. He wanted to say so many things. He wanted to hug you and say that he is sorry, that he wanted to reach out so many times during these past few days, but he was afraid, he didn't know how to approach.
He never had to do this before. He never cared enough. He didn't know how to deal with these kinds of situations or his feelings. He was a coward.
You in the other hand, just wanted to get over with this because if you kept looking at those big puppy eyes for one more second, you knew you'd gave in and end up kissing him.
It was always like this between you two. One minute you were getting along and the next you were barking up a storm. Maybe, it was like a little game to you both. You’d fight, then make up.
The game was fun – until it wasn’t anymore - and it seemed to be all you’ve known since you two first met.
Your stomach was twisting in ways that you hadn't felt before. You decided to ignore it and make one last effort to end this the best way you could.
“Well, I've said everything I wanted to say.” You said as you straighten up your posture and tried to sound as unaffected as possible. “It was a pleasure, Jeon. Quite literally.” You said as you lightly chuckled and then leaned in to give Jungkook one last peck on his left cheek.
Why did all of this feel so wrong?
You turned around not wanting to wait for his response and walked away, leaving a spaced out Jungkook standing all alone in that corridor while he kept his hand placed where you last kissed him.
“I'm an idiot.” He said almost in a whisper. But you weren’t there anymore to hear him saying it.
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“You coming tonight?” You hear a male voice from behind you, startling you. A second ago, you were all alone in the library searching a book for one of your exams and out of the sudden someone’s by your side.
You quickly turn around to see a smiling Taehyung. 
“Gosh, Tae. You scared me.” You said with your hand placed on your chest trying to calm your nerves. “At least say hi first.”
Taehyung giggled. “Hi, Y/N. Are you coming tonight?”
“You’re so weird” You sighed. “Where?” 
“Duh, to Jin’s party of course.” He reminded to you. 
Fuck, you had completely forgotten about that. Jungkook had definitely invited you.
Of course, that was at some point when you were in good terms. Not that you are in bad terms now, at least you don’t think so after the last talk you two had but it might be still a little bit awkward to see him again this soon.
Although you do miss his stupid face. Ugh, it’s frustrating.
You were unaware that Jungkook had actually begged Taehyung earlier to remind you about the party tonight and also convince you to go.
“No way. I’m not meddling between you two, Kook.” Said Taehyung as he finished eating the pizza that Jungkook so generously bought him out of nowhere.
Now he understood why he bought it in the first place.
“Hyung, please. You’re not meddling. You just have to tell Y/N to come to the party.”
Taehyung groaned in frustration knowing very well that Jungkook wasn’t gonna back off unless he said yes. “Fine. But you better fix everything tonight because I’m not doing this again.”
 “That’s the idea.” Said Jungkook as he gave his friend a triumphant smile.
So, Taehyung’s mission here was clear. He couldn’t take a no for an answer, that’s why he wasn’t expecting your next response.
“Mm, I don’t think so. I don’t have an outfit. Plus, I should probably be studying.” You excused yourself knowing damn well you had the time to spare, since you already delivered your pending essays, while you kept seeking for the book you needed.
Taehyung made a sound of complaint, before slightly hitting your head with the first book he saw. “Hey! Tae, what the fuck?!”
“Studying is for losers. Midterms aren’t even until next week! Plus, everyone’s going tonight.” He took a pause before he whispered, “Even your boyfriend, Jungkookie.”
He winked before you grabbed the book whacking him back. “You know damn well he is not my boyfriend, and you still sleep with a fucking night light. Talk to me nicely.”
“How the hell do you know that? Did Anyra tell you? It was only one time!” He defended himself. “We had just finished watching a scary movie. What else did you expect from me, lady?” 
Anyra did tell you about it and you knew that the truth was far from that. You giggled. “Sure, whatever you say, Taehyungie.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” He continued to pressure you regardless. “Who else will accompany me to down five shots in the span of a minute?”
“No one?! That’s insane, Taehyung.”
“We’ve done it before, at my party! Now you’re just shaming me.” He mumbled in disappointment. “Whatever, stay here then. I’ll be downing my tenth shot by the time you realize the mistake you committed by staying behind.” 
You shook your head smiling to yourself. You’d learned pretty quickly that Taehyung could be so stubborn at times.
In all honesty, sometimes you needed spontaneous night outs, and he was the perfect person to do almost anything chaotic and stupid with, but tonight was not the night.
Midterms were coming in soon, you needed to stay focused - or maybe you simply didn't want to bump into Jungkook and possibly see him in the arms of someone else for the night - but Taehyung didn’t need to know all that. 
“Sure Tae, have fun. Let me know how it goes.” 
He hummed. “See you loser.”
“Byeeee!” You shouted, watching him storm out the room and maybe you would. No, you will for sure - regret staying home, but only time would tell.
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And you in fact did regret staying home. 
So much so, that you had put on the first top and skirt you saw within your closet that fits you best and nearly sprinted to the party. You weren’t there to impress anyone, but you did need to at least look presentable - enough to possibly be fucked mid-party.
Well, no, maybe you were there to impress a certain someone, but any extra attractions were a plus.
You were there for a good time; you could use some distraction from college or the image of Jungkook’s sad doe eyes last time you saw him.
It was so hard for you to cope with your feelings. You ended things with Jungkook because you thought it was the best for you, but you've been hesitating non-stop about it. You hate how much it affects you, it's not the first time you end things with someone, but it is the first time that you feel some kind of regret.
But you shouldn't, no... you shouldn't.
“Y/N! You made it!” Jin tugged you in for a hug, a wide smile plastered on his face. “The boys will be so happy to see you!”
You smiled into his hug. “I’m happy to be here, Jinnie! I’ll go find them. You enjoy your party!” 
He nodded, letting you go, waving a final goodbye as he disappeared into the crowd. The party was much bigger than you anticipated. Everyone was grinding on each other clearly already so fucked out of their own minds.
A lot of regrets were going to happen tonight definitely, you just hoped you weren’t a part of them. 
“Y/NNNNN!” Taehyung sang into your ear, as he pulled you in for a bear hug. “You came!!!”
You giggled, hugging him back tightly. “I did. You…look already very happy!” In other words, Taehyung was completely wasted, explaining his huge smile. “Bet you won’t be happy in the morning though; I promise you that—” 
He cut you off with a hand in front of your face. “Don’t ruin my good time. I knew you would make it. How could you miss this after all?” Taehyung put on an ‘I told you so’ face and he was right.
“Yeah, I know I couldn’t stay away, unfortunately.” You sighed, crossing your arms. “Where are the other boys anyways?”
Taehyung squinted his eyes, clearly up to no good in that round head of his. “You mean… Jungkookieee?” 
“No.” Definitely lying, but you couldn’t let him know that. “I mean the other- other boys. Like Yoongi.” 
Jungkook was so bummed when his friend told him that he couldn’t convince you to go to the party, he’d expected for you to go and talk things through in a more chill environment like this one.
Taehyung could see you were lying from a mile away, you clearly wanted to see Jungkook too. So stubborn, you two were really for each other, he thought.
He smirked. “Sure! Jungkook is around the corner, I saw him head over there earlier. Now if you excuse me, I have business to attend. Anyra is across the pool, and she has been eyeing me since she got here. I think she wants a piece of this handsome face again.” 
Your face turned to disgust. “Yup. Let’s never say things like that ever again. Now bye.”
You didn’t admit it but, you were totally looking for Jungkook. There was no need to say it aloud, Taehyung knew that very well. 
The entire time you had been - attempting and failed to – studying that day, Jungkook was all you could think of.
That and his usual stupid flirty behavior towards you. You missed it.
Were you too harsh when you last talked to him? Was it a mistake to end everything?
But then again, this game you guys were playing was getting old, it was just a matter of time before you both crashed and burned.
Jungkook was exactly where Taehyung had pointed, he was, except he was with a girl. The same girl you had seen him around so many times before you started this whole thing between you two. Seulgi.
Jungkook was fresh off being ‘dumped’ by you, if that’s what you call it when you end a relationship that you’re trying to pretend is just a casual friend with benefits thing.
Whatever you call it; it had happened less than 72 hours ago and from the looks of it; Jungkook and Seulgi were already rekindling things.
That stupid scene hurt you in more ways than one.
You couldn’t help, but to feel jealous. You didn’t want to care, you ended things with him, he could do whatever he wanted to, you were clear with that, but you couldn’t take your eyes of those two.
That obnoxious girl was sitting so close to him talking about who knows what. In all honesty you could see he didn’t seem so interested, avoiding all eye contact with her, but still he paid enough attention. 
“Y/N!” Your attention turned to the person who called your name. You smiled as you saw that it was none other than Mingyu. “You’re here too!”
“Mingyu hi! Yeah, guess I am!” He surprised you as he wrapped his arms around your waist lifting you up into a warm hug.
Every time you saw this guy, he had always treated you so well, he was exactly like his scent, so sweet and pretty. 
“You know Jin too?” You asked him curiously. Mingyu nodded, placing you back down carefully. 
“Well, yes and no. He is friends with my best friend over there.” He said pointing to a guy in a corner who was gulping down what it seemed to be a tequila shot.
“Oh, wow, it’s definitely a small world. So, are you having fun so far?”
“Always.” He said as he smiled. “What do you say? Wanna dance?” He held out a hand, kind eyes. 
You looked past his shoulder, Jungkook had noticed you the minute Mingyu decided to yell your name across the room, he didn’t look happy, not in the slightest.
He was surprised and insanely happy to see you there but then the surprise and happiness turned into anger and jealousy when he saw who you were with.
This was your chance. Your chance to be petty of course.
“I’d love to!” You said without hesitation. 
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There was never a time where you didn’t have a good time with Mingyu, especially when dancing. That reminded you to the night you ended up sleeping together, you remembered that before ending the night in your apartment you had danced with him for a long ass time.
He was never too handsy, never missed a single beat, always led well. But he was also a natural flirt, and you weren’t one to reject a playful endeavor.
“What a dream.” Mingyu whispered against your ear, hands still laid carefully against your back. “Dancing is always so much fun with you.”
You smiled, swaying your hips to the beat as you flirtatiously said, “This kinda feels like a déjà vu to me.” 
He smiled in return, keeping up with your pace. “Your friend from the other day is staring.”
You frowned. “What do you mean?” 
Mingyu flipped you around, your back was now against his front. “Look.”
Oh. That friend.
Jungkook was staring and he was staring hard. He did not look one bit happy, nothing about his expression screamed content. He noticed your attention on him, but he didn’t dare drop eye contact.
Instead, he decided to be even more petty than you and brought Seulgi against him, whispering something unknown against her ear. She smiled, tilting her head, her arms traveled up his chest leaning into him, but his eyes stayed on you. 
He knew you were trying to get back at him. And God knows he knew damn well how to be petty. You are not the one to talk either.
You wanna play, Jeon Jungkook? The game begins now.  
You dropped eye contact first, forcing yourself to focus only on Mingyu even though all your mind was replaying nonstop was Jungkook’s face. You could feel your ass pressed harder against Mingyu as the beat sped up. Your arms traveled up finding the back of his head, he tilted slightly brushing his soft lips against your neck. “I think you’re going to get me in trouble, sweetie.”
The situation was different now. You didn't think Jungkook even cared. It must had been something with his ego that was making him angry to see you with another guy that wasn’t him. There was no way he cared about you.
If only you knew what was going on in Jungkook’s mind at that exact moment.
You, like Jungkook, were popular – even though you preferred having a low profile -, everyone who knew you liked you, and, in more than one occasion, he had clearly heard that, apparently, everyone wanted to fuck you. Even females.
He absolutely agreed; after all, you were funny, smart, full of fire and absolutely gorgeous to the point one can’t look away when you’re in the same room as he was doing at that moment.
He was very much aware of the fact that the short little piece of chaos that he was staring at was not his girlfriend and, therefore, you could do whatever you want with whoever you want, and that was what had been eating him alive for the last few days since you ended things with him.
“Who fucking cares?” You whimpered, feeling Mingyu drop a kiss right below your ear. He opened his mouth barely and his teeth came in contact next. He licked before he sucked gently. You knew he was leaving a mark, but you didn’t even care at that moment. 
Your hooded eyes locked with Jungkook’s, but it didn’t last long. Mingyu pulled away from your neck too suddenly. “From the looks of it, your friend cares.”
He came closer with his head tilted, whispering in your ear. “I don’t mind giving you a hand if you wanna make him jealous.”
You chuckled at the mischievousness that Mingyu’s words implied. “What a gentleman. But that sounds too petty for me.”
Liar. You were already trying to make him jealous.
He smiled and leaned down slightly, the angle making him look big, intimidating. “Well, you can think of it as taking out your frustrations on me. You seem to be too stressed lately and I wouldn’t mind. Not at all.”
Hot. This guy is so fucking hot. You would be riding him by now if it weren’t for Jungkook’s hard gaze on you. He was screwing with your head. Maybe Mingyu was a good distraction for you. If you were here with Joy and Jihyo you know they would totally encourage you to enjoy yourself with him.
After all, you and Jungkook are no longer a thing. Well, you never were, did you?
You scoffed, and smiled wide, flashing straight teeth as you said, “I might take your offer.” Then you shrugged. “We’ll see how the night goes.”
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It was fine. Truly.
You weren’t together. You weren’t anything more than friends? Who occasionally happened to find their way into each other’s bed. Only when you were stressed, or it’s been a tough week. Sometimes you’d use it as a chance to let off steam before a big exam, or just when you were lonely, when your friends were out and about in your college town but neither of you had a desire to join them.
It was the perfect arrangement really. Well, not arrangement because you never really stated anything about this, but it was always implicit for you. ‘Friends’ that helped each other out, scratching an itch. Simple, no strings attached. A buddy you could get your jollies off with and then go grab a burger together without it being a big deal.
That’s what you had with one another. 
So, there was absolutely no reason for you to feel a gnawing heat in your belly, eating away at the lining of your stomach, causing your insides to churn as Jungkook casually brushed a lock of long, dark curls over Seulgi’s shoulder, fingers skimming down the bare skin of the woman’s bicep as he grinned at her in that way that made his dimples crease in his cheeks.
Your smile, dammit.
Except it wasn’t. You didn’t own that. He is perfectly free to give it to whomever he wished. The thought didn’t comfort you whatsoever. Not while you were still dancing with Mingyu and watching Jungkook flirt with another girl.
Suddenly, it was too much. The people, the noise, those dark brown eyes that winked at you from across the room when Jungkook caught your eyes on him. It was all wrong.
“Did you mean what you said before?” You asked, fixing Mingyu with a look he couldn’t quite discern.
You should kick yourself for letting your emotions get the best of you. This didn’t happen before Jungkook came into your life. If you ever saw a guy that you slept with, being with another girl you would brush it off and move on to the next guy in line. You wouldn’t give two fucks.
“Which part?” Mingyu returned while studying your pretty face with interest.
“About taking out my frustrations on you?” You replied vaguely in return.
“You want to yell or hit me after we had such a great time dancing?” He asked, feigning offense, but smirking anyway.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Not quite.” Your eyes flicking to his. “I had something else in mind.” You added shameless, taking a tentative step towards him and hoping the look on your face and vagueness of your words have been suggestive enough for him to get the point. 
There was something akin to desire in his eyes when you took another step, one that closed most of the space between you. He made his own move forward, eliminating the rest and conveying his consent, which was all the motivation you needed to rise up on your tiptoes, grab a fistful of his shirt, and press your lips to his.
It was vastly different from kissing Jungkook, which had still made you feel worried and self-conscious that you might mess things up each time. With Mingyu there was really nothing to lose so you kissed him with a reckless abandon of inhibitions you could never be capable of with Jungkook.
When it came to Jeon Jungkook, there were too many feelings involved, good and bad, too much intimacy.
With Mingyu it was a blank slate, for the most part, which is much easier to work with as far as escaping reality went than hooking up with a man that you’d shared too much of your personal life in a short period of time, things that you didn’t usually share with anyone. 
Mingyu was a decidedly good kisser, which was no surprise. But there was an almost smugness you felt radiating off of him when you left out a soft moan of pleasure against his lips as his fingers squeezed your hips roughly whilst his other hand stroked up and down your back, warm and heavy. He knew he was talented, of course, and he was not even remotely shy about making that known.
“We shouldn’t do this here, gorgeous” He stated, breathless in his own right after a few all-consuming moments of letting his lips devour yours wantonly.
You left out a frustrated huff, both at the statement and the break in the passionate series of kisses you’d been sharing that had been doing a world of good relieving the frustrations and stress that had been so overwhelming for you in the moments before.
You know that it’s true, what he’d said. Thankfully, you weren’t lost in your thoughts long as he started talking again. “We could go upstairs, if you want.” He said, not a hint of shyness in his words.
“Sure, let's do that.” You said in immediate agreement, disentangling yourself from him and heading upstairs.
As soon as Jungkook saw you and Mingyu kissing and then going upstairs, he got up from his seat consumed in rage and said, “Fuck this, I’m getting the fuck out of here.”
Before Seulgi had a chance to say anything, Jungkook was darting his way out of the room, beelining down the hall and weaving through people until he reached the backdoor.
It was just as lively out there, people set up playing beer pong and a few smoking beside the hedges, laughing together, but at least there wasn’t the suffocating, overheated atmosphere of too many bodies crammed into one room. And the music was blessedly muted out there.
Maybe he could breathe for a few minutes, get himself back under control. Maybe he should just go home, he thought absently. And with that he just got onto his car and went straight home, trying not to think anymore of you and Mingyu, and failing miserably every time.
Going to that party had been a mistake.
Seulgi on the other hand, wasn’t even surprised. She had seen how hard he was staring at you before you went upstairs, one of his veins at his neck was about to pop anytime soon. She also knew Jungkook was just using her to make you jealous, but as long as she got some action she didn’t care. And now she was left high and dry.
She would have to look for another guy to screw with, what a waste of time.
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“You want something to drink first?” Asked Mingyu, watching lingeringly as you walked up the stairs.
“No, I’d rather just…” You bit your lip and shrugged, your eyes casting to his, not bothering to feel embarrassed by the implied forwardness of your half-statement.
Now that you weren’t being disoriented by strobe lights, on the corner of a dark room, he really took in just how hot you looked with the clothing you were wearing. Just the sight of you like that was such a turn on, your curves were more than just a little enticing.
He couldn’t wait to have you again. He didn’t even care if you were hung up on the guy that was staring at you downstairs because Mingyu could clearly see that you were affected by Jungkook. But tonight, you were his again and he wanted to be inside you no matter what.
He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing at your words. It didn’t take any further convincing for him to comply, tucking his hand into yours and leading you towards the first bedroom in sight.
The room you got in had a design theme of all dark colors and sharp angles. There was a king size bed adorned in all black and you found it made neatly.
“So, what exactly do you have in mi-” Mingyu couldn’t finish his question, because your lips were pressed to his again with the same passion as before, as if unpausing a movie you’d put on hold for the ride upstairs.
His hands started at your face, cupping your cheeks as he kissed you back until moving them to grasp the backs of your thighs and urged your legs to leave the ground in favor of wrapping around his waist.
He started pressing you gently into the mattress as his body came down heavily over yours. His lips start their southern descent, trailing down between your breasts and over your bare stomach as your body writhed under his with the pleasure elicited from such actions. 
“Mingyu, you don’t have to– oh ,” Your sentence faded off into a moan as he dipped his face between your legs, his tongue swiping over already apparent arousal as his nose bumped up against your most sensitive area. All this, and he hadn’t so much as removed your panties yet.
“Stop talking now, Y/N” He muttered against your thigh before resuming his action, using his tongue to work you up appropriately.
Fuck. He sounded hot.
If this were Jungkook, you’d be almost embarrassed at how fast he’s able to make you cum. At the graceless moans that had fallen from your lips as your hips had bucked up wildly from under the strength of his restraint. But this was Mingyu, and you weren’t thinking about much of anything besides your immediate pleasure. Well, that… and Jungkook.
You quickly brushed him off and concentrated on reaching your orgasm as you felt Mingyu’s tongue rapidly licking and sucking your clit. A minute and few moans later and you were releasing your juices, pleasure running all over your body.
You were not sure you loved the satisfied smile Mingyu was wearing, clearly proud at how fast he had made you come undone. “We can stop there, if you want, gorgeous.” He said sweetly.
This time, Jungkook was the furthest thing from your mind, lust clouting all of your inner thoughts. “Just fuck me already, Mingyu.” You said with uncharacteristic grit, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you looked at him with your pupils fully blown.
He actually groaned because hearing you say that sentence with his name tacked onto the end just did something to him that he wasn’t quite expecting. 
He slipped back up your body, his lips pressing to yours with the taste of you still on them. His hand moved to where his mouth had just been and you arched your back, rising up into his touch desirously. “How do you want it?” He asked, his mouth on your neck now, his tongue swirled against your skin as he sucked lightly but not enough to leave a mark. 
“I don’t care.” You said, breathless as you squeezed your eyes shut, squirming underneath his ministrations, craving more from him in an unabashed way.
“Well, I do.” He said pointedly, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone with greater affection than you expected. “Now tell me again, Y/N” He dragged his lips down from your neck to the valley between your breasts, nuzzling his nose against your flesh. His hands slipped up your back and under the small fabric of your top. “How do you want it?” He repeated the question, his breath ghosting over your skin.
You had a default answer, you thought. Typically, you liked it on top, because you enjoyed having control. But at that moment, you felt like being powerless to someone else and somehow you also felt safe letting that person be Mingyu.
You slid your hand down his torso until you could feel his hardness strained against the confines of his zipped-up jeans. You bit your lip at the way it spanned most of your palm, you remembered how big he was. Not as big as Jungkook, but big enough to make you cum.
“Hard,” You admitted without shyness, the double intender not lost on you. “...and rough.” You added, rolling over and rising up onto your knees, pulling your top off and letting it fall to the floor.
“Fuck. Is that really what you like or just what you think you deserve?” He asked a question that felt more loaded and accusatory than maybe he meant for it to. But he trailed his hand from your shoulder down your spine to settle on your hip anyway, his lips following the same path briefly, as he ridded you of the rest of your clothes and his quickly followed suit.
Suddenly, you felt the sound of something near you vibrating. What was that? A phone?
“Hey,” You said through gritted teeth, your annoyance increasing slightly at the sound of it while he was flicking a condom wrapper to the floor, pressing himself against you wantonly. “I-I think your phone is vibrating.” You whined.
“It probably can wait,” He said, laughing gently at your eagerness, but not at your expense. His fingers slipped teasingly to where his tongue had already tipped you over the precipice of pleasure with minimal effort. They were thick and wide, and two of them working together almost felt like he was giving you what you wanted if you closed your eyes.
That was until he really gave you what you wanted, and you realized just how incomparable the real thing is to those skillful fingers of his. You gasped at the fullness. It took a few long moments before the pressure faded into pleasure instead and you felt his hand slip over your breast and up towards your throat. 
Now this is the type of escape you really needed. It was mindless, the way you’d lost yourself to the pleasure his rocking, vigorously paced hips provided you while his thumb traced patternless circles between your legs. Your mind finally achieved an escape from all of the hurtful things that these past few days usually plagued your thoughts.
When your second orgasm of the night hit you and Mingyu finally released his seeds on the condom, you were left with nothing there, not even the anxiety to feel self-conscious about the way he made you moan loudly or beg him for more.
A few minutes later, you were both putting your clothes on again with silly smiles on your faces.
As soon as he finished putting his jeans again, with his chest on display for you to admire, he took a step towards you and cupped your face giving you a long kiss that almost made you undress him again. If it weren’t for his phone that was vibrating on his pocket, you probably would have.
He stopped the kiss and groaned. “Sorry, I should probably take that now.”
You giggled at his annoyed looks. “Yeah, go ahead.”
Based on the conversation he had with whoever called him, you realized it was probably one of his friends and Mingyu didn’t seem to be so happy when he finished talking over the phone.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I have to leave, apparently my idiot best friend is completely wasted, and we came with my car, so I have to drive him home.”
“No worries. Thanks for helping to relieve my stress.” You said with a teasing smile.
Mingyu chuckled as he put his shirt on. “My pleasure. You know we can repeat it whenever you want to.”
You nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind”
He kissed you one last time and said “See you, Y/N.”
“See you, Mingyu.”
He waved you from the door and closed it as he left to let you finish cleaning up yourself. You were finishing putting your boots while sitting on the bed when the sound of the door opening made you giggle.
“Did you forget something, Min-“ You cut your own words and your smile dropped as soon as you turned around and saw someone that was not Mingyu standing there.  
It was a guy you recognized seeing around campus, you had bumped into him a few times when you were going to classes or at the library. You usually don’t remember people’s faces that easily but there was something on his gaze that always unsettled you, he was creepy to say the least. He never talked to you but every time you saw him, he was either looking at you or near your classrooms which you thought it was because he had classes over there too but no.
The guy entered the room, closing the door behind him alarming you instantly.
 You got up from the bed immediately with arms crossed, trying to look as unaffected as possible. “Ah. Excuse me. Who are you?”
The creep smirked and chuckled making you feel goosebumps on your skin, not the good ones.
You were fucked.
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Hoseok was trying to decide if he wanted to open a third beer or just head to bed for the night when his phone rang. Groaning to himself, he fumbled in his pocket for the device.
Without even looking at the ID, he answered the phone. “Yes?”
His bright usual persona raised immediately as he recognized the voice on the other end of the line. “Oh, hey darling, what’s up?”
“Hobi, I know it’s late but I-I…”
Something was off. Your voice was shaky with a definite huskiness that wasn’t usually present, and he could hear the tears threatening to fall with every word. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“I was at this p-party I went and…This guy, he-he cornered me-” Hobi’s blood ran cold “-and, uh, can you ju-just please come get me?”
“Are you hurt? What did he do to you?”
A massive sob was your only response.
Trying to keep his voice calm and level, he asked, “Where are you?”
“I ran off. I’m in the a-alley across from the li-library” you said between hiccupy cries.
“I’ll be right there.” Hobi paused, his voice softening slightly. “And hey, it’s gonna be okay, do you hear me? I want you to stay on the phone with me until I can get there. You don’t have to say anything, but I want to make sure I’m here if you need me. Can you do that?”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
Hoseok tore through another red light as he sped across town trying to get to you. Since he had left his apartment, you hadn’t said a word over the phone but every once and a while he could hear a soft sniffle or stifled sob from your end and the sounds felt like a dagger to his heart.
Jung Hoseok. The two of you had become fast friends ever since the night he had met you at the bar where you used to hang out with Joy and Jihyo.
Jihyo would constantly talk about his classmate who also became her close friend and she had described him as someone who was always friendly and easygoing and that was certainly accurate as he had easily managed to break down the walls you normally built up around new people.
And soon, your chats at the bar grew into coffees before classes at the campus, which soon became watching movies on his or your couch while eating take-out on your days off.
He felt like a brother to you.
You didn’t have many friends outside of Joy and Jihyo. Or at least not the kind you could hang out with outside the prison walls of college. So, it was nice to have someone like him in your life.
As Hoseok pulled into the empty library parking lot and hurried across the street, he saw you almost immediately. Leaning up against the wall, you had your legs pulled tightly against your chest and your face buried in your knees. As you heard him approach, you sunk even deeper into yourself as if you were trying to disappear completely.
Slowing to a stop, Hoseok crouched down a few feet away from you. Calling out softly, he said, “Y/N, it’s just me. You have nothing to be afraid of anymore.”
You relaxed slightly, the tension easing out of your shoulders, but you still hid your face. “It’s okay, darling. No one will hurt you again, not while I’m around. I swear, but please can you let me see what happened? I need to see how bad it is.”
It took almost a full minute, but you cautiously peered up at him with a haunted look that sucked the air from Hoseok’s lungs.
Your lipstick was smeared across your split, bloody lip and down the side of your chin. Black trails of mascara dripped down your cheeks from the tears you had been crying, he also noticed your cheek near the bloody lip was red and a little bit swollen. Both your top and your skirt had been torn apart and one of your earrings appeared to have been ripped out. He could see a dozen different emotions cycling through your face: fear, relief, sadness, helplessness, gratitude, shame, pain.
“Oh, love,” he muttered under his breath as he straightened up and slowly began to approach you.
Without a word, he slid down the wall until he was seated beside you and the two of you just stared into the darkness of the night. Finally, after about five minutes of just sitting in silence, Hoseok whispered, “Are you alright?”
Still not looking him in the eye, you murmured, “Can you just take me home?” Your voice was hoarse and cracking, probably damaged from screaming for help.
“Of course, whatever you need.” Hoseok stood then offered you his hand.
You pulled back slightly, eyeing his hand as if it were a snake about to strike. The sight of you scared to even touch him, made Hoseok’s heart sink even further.
It wasn’t right. Not coming from the girl who would jump on his back in public and make him give her a piggyback ride. Who would idly run her fingers through his hair while his head rested in her lap during a movie. Yet now, just the thought of taking his hand seemed to terrify you.
Without moving his hand any closer or farther away, Hoseok said, “It’s okay, love. If you don’t want to take it, you don’t have to. I’m here to help any way I can. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
Hesitating for a moment longer, you finally cautiously placed your left hand in his outstretched right one. He gently wrapped his fingers around yours and slowly rubbed his calloused thumb over the back of your hand as he pulled you to your feet with a reassuring smile.
You stared down at your hands for a minute but then your bottom lip began to tremble. Without warning, you dove into Hoseok’s chest, wrapping your arms around his frame as you began to sob. He slowly returned the embrace, ready to back off at the slightest sign that you were uncomfortable. But you just buried yourself deeper into him.
He began rubbing your back, whispering softly that it was going to be okay. He rested his chin on the top of your head, feeling your sobs vibrating in his jaw. He had never seen you cry before this. Not even to shed a tear at a sad movie or when you dislocated your shoulder in the gym. And now seeing you fall apart in his arms was almost too much for Hoseok to bear.
When your tears finally subsided, he tried to lead you to his car. But when you tried taking a step, you hissed loudly and fell into him. Glancing at your foot, he saw your ankle was swollen to almost twice its normal size. So, he simply scooped you up in his arms and carried you across the street.
As he sat you down in the passenger seat of his car, you once again pulled your knees into your chest and curled up into a tight ball. Hoseok had a blanket in the back seat that he brushed off and draped over you. Then he got into the driver’s seat and took off for your apartment.
Neither one of you spoke the entire ride. Occasionally, he would glance over at you out of the corner of his eye, but you remained motionless, just staring out the window. And even when he stopped the car in your building parking lot and lifted you out of your seat, you still just stared blankly ahead.
He was able to get you to dig your keys out of your pocket, but it was still an almost robotic movement as your eyes remained lifeless and glazed.
Once inside your apartment, Hobi wasn’t quite sure what to do.
Should he place you in your bed so you could get some sleep? Help you take a shower and rinse off your blood? Should he sit you at the table and try to get you to eat something?
Finally, he decided to place you down on the couch so he could patch up your injuries first. He had grabbed the first aid kit from your bathroom. Having lived in your apartment for a few weeks last summer, he knew his way around and where you used to place those kinds of things. He began to lay out the bandages and disinfectants on your coffee table. Then he went to your freezer and grabbed two bags of frozen vegetables.
When he returned to the couch, he handed one to you. “Here. Place that over your cheek. It’ll help with the swelling.” He then used some of the gauze to wrap the other bag of vegetables around your ankle.
As you placed the frozen bag on your face, the cold seemed to rouse you from your state of shock. You seemed slightly more alert than you had been in the car. So, while he opened a disinfectant wipe to clean off your face, Hoseok muttered, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
You winced as the wipe dabs at your busted lip, but you whispered, “It was just some drunk asshole I remember seeing at the campus. He never talked to me, but I kept seeing him leering at me. He never actually tried to approach me until now, so I didn’t think much about it.”
He nodded and sighed deeply. “Where are the girls? I’ve told you again and again, it is too dangerous to be going to a college party alone,” Hoseok said, finishing cleaning your lip.
“I know, I just needed to get some stress away, and Joy and Jihyo were busy today. I knew some friends would be there, so I just decided to go.”
Jungkook. You went there because you wanted to see Jungkook, although you were never going to admit it out loud.
You also weren’t going to admit that the first person you looked for help right after the attempt of assault was him, but you weren’t able to find him anywhere at the party and you just wanted to get the fuck out of that house.
You’d already turned lots of people’s attention on your looks, which you hated to even think about. People were probably already gossiping. You remember Anyra and Taehyung’s horror faces as soon as they saw you, you didn’t even give them time to ask what had happened to you as you quickly ran off.
You probably should message Anyra later to explain yourself. You don’t even understand how you ended up in this fucked up situation.
“You could have called me. I would’ve gone with you.” Hoseok cut your thoughts as he started wiping some of your ruined makeup off your cheeks.
“I didn’t want to bother you; I remembered you told me that you wanted to stay in this weekend.” The words were spoken so softly, Hoseok almost didn’t hear them.
“Darling, you’re never a bother. You know that. I just want you to be safe. I need you to be safe.” He reached for your right hand, but you flinched and grunted in pain as he touched it.
Examining it closer, he saw, like your ankle, it was swollen not as much but it was probably sprained. With a sigh, he pulled out more gauze and began to wrap your wrist.
As you shifted to allow him a better angle, your torn shirt slid open. You quickly readjusted it, but a terrible thought occurred to Hoseok.
He cleared his throat and looked around the room nervously. “Listen, I don’t really know how to ask this, but it’s important. Did he...I-I, mean, I saw your clothes were torn….so did he... do anything to you, you know…in that way.”
You ducked your head in embarrassment but shook it slightly. “No. He tried but….” You just shook your head again.
Hoseok let out a small sigh of relief. It was bad enough what that asshole did, but if he had been able to go through with his intent... No, his blood boiled just thinking about it.
You nudged him slightly in the side and his attention snapped back to you. He realized he had been clenching his fists so hard, one or two of his nails had actually broken his skin, leaving small crescent moon shaped cuts on his palms. Clearing his throat, he turned his focus back to your arm.
As he finished wrapping your wrist, he nodded at your fingers. “Does whatever happened to your wrist have to do with why your knuckles are all bruised up?”
“Yeah, I did what Jiji taught me. I punched the guy in the throat.”
Jihyo had attended a self-defense training a few years ago and she constantly asked to practice with you and Joy whatever she had learnt. She always said, “You never know when a girl would need to use her fists to protect herself”. And how right she was.
Hoseok chuckled proudly. “Really? Good girl.”
“Yeah, but that’s when he hit me in the face, the fucker reacted faster than I thought.” The smile dropped from Hoseok’s face as he watched you move the bag of vegetables and tenderly touch the bruising around your left cheek. “We started struggling and that’s when he tore my clothes and twisted my hand, he tried to-…touch me and I-I grabbed the first thing I saw near me, I think it was a lamp and I hit him as hardest as I could with that thing in the face and that’s when I ran off.”
“I’m so sorry, love. I really wish you wouldn’t have to go through this at all.”
“Not your fault. I would have been a lot worse off if Jiji hadn’t taught me what she did. I’ll have to thank her later for that.” You glanced down at your lap. “And thanks for everything tonight, Hobi. I-I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come to get me.” Your voice was growing thick with tears once again.
“Anytime. I’m always here for you.” Hoseok squeezed the fingers of your uninjured hand tightly before saying, “Well, all good to go. Just give it a few days, and you should be good as new.”
Hoseok silently cursed himself for his choice of words. While physically you might be better in just a few days’ time, he knew that the emotional and mental scars created tonight might never really go away. “Um, uh, is there anything else I can do for you right now? Anything I can get you?”
“Can you just……just hold me for a while?” you whispered softly as your voice broke a little.
“Of course, love. Whatever you need.”
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Next day morning, Jungkook was on his way to the field, to meet his friends as usual. Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi would probably be already there. Jimin hasn’t shown up since he got into the fight with Jungkook. They haven’t talked since then.
Which made Jungkook think how everything got so messed up during the last few months. Not only he ended up punching one of his oldest and best friends – although Jimin totally deserved it – but he also managed to fuck things up with you.
Last night he almost couldn’t even sleep, thoughts of you and that guy in the party flooded his mind. He knows you’ve probably slept with him. And maybe you were probably still in his arms.
He hated to think that you were with someone else, he tried not to think of it but failed miserably every single time. He knew he couldn’t demand anything from you, not when you ended things with him. And to begin with, you weren’t even exclusive when you were ’together’.
He should’ve apologized earlier.
He knew he was being unreasonable when he treated you like shit the other day. If it weren’t because you called him and interrupted his shenanigans with that girl in his car the other day, he probably would have slept with her too. He couldn’t blame you for sleeping with someone else.
Maybe he even pushed you to sleep with that guy. He never acted as petty as last night. He wasn’t even listening what Seulgi was saying to him at the party, she was probably trying to get laid – as usual – but he wasn’t in the mood, not when his mind was elsewhere. On you.
But when he saw you with Mingyu, he couldn’t help it. He got so angry. He was the one that should have danced with you at that party, not that guy. You made him feel all sort of things that he never felt before. This was beyond frustrating.
As he walked through the field, he could see from a far his friends were engaged in a conversation. Anyra was there too.
“Yeah, I talked with Y/N about what happened last night, she texted me back a few minutes ago.” Jungkook heard Anyra talking.
Oh, no. The last thing he needs is everyone talking in front of him about who you screwed with last night.
“Please. I don’t want to hear who Y/N slept with.” Said Jungkook with a sour expression on his face.
Anyra and the other guys turned their heads to Jungkook with furrowed eyebrows.
“Did someone drop you on the head when you were a baby?” said Yoongi with his arms crossed over his chest and his usual cold tone.
Taehyung intervened seeing Jungkook’s confused face, he realized he might not know what happened since he left the party earlier. “Wait. Do you not know what happened to Y/N yesterday?”
Jungkook felt like his blood ran cold all of the sudden. “What the fuck are you talking about? Did something bad happen to her?”
His friends looked at each other. A few seconds of silence followed.
“Guys, can someone tell me what the fuck is happening?” Jungkook insisted.
“Calm down, Kook” Jin sighed as he explained “A guy at my party tried to assault her, she fought with him and managed to escape.”
“Poor Y/N, she looked li-“ Taehyung stopped talking as he saw Jungkook leaving “Hey! I’m talking! Where the fuck are you going Jungkook?”
“I forgot I had an essay to write. See you later guys.”
All his friends started laughing. They obviously knew he was lying.
“He hasn’t written an essay in his entire life.” Yoongi pointed out as he chuckled.
“I bet the essay’s name is Y/N.” added Anyra teasingly.
Taehyung watched his friend running towards his car. “He’s so whipped, he just doesn’t want to see it.”
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Hoseok had stayed the night with you to make you company, he knew you were still pretty shaken up about last night’s events. Joy and Jihyo also came to your place last night as soon as Hoseok told them what had happened, and they decided to stay with you too.
The girls both had compromises this morning that they couldn’t miss and after a long hour of convincing them that you were okay and that they should go, they did.
You felt lucky and proud of the friends you made. You might not have a lot of friends, but they were without a doubt, the best that you could ever had.
You were watching Netflix on your couch when Hoseok came back with a pizza box you easily recognized in one of his hands and a convenience store bag in the other.
“You got us pizza from Hierin’s? Ohhhh yeessss, you know how much I love that pizza.”
Hobi chuckled. “It wasn’t me. Guess someone left it at your doorstep. I thought you might have asked for a delivery.”
With furrowed brows you said “Huh? No. I didn’t. Who would do that?”
“Maybe Jungkook. I’m pretty sure I saw him parked at the front of the building.”
Jungkook? What the hell was he doing here? Maybe Taehyung and Anyra told him something about what happened yesterday. Most likely Taehyung opened his big mouth.
You immediately went to check over your window and it was indeed Jungkook’s car that was parked in front of your building entrance. You decided to text him. Last time you had a proper talk with each other was when you said that you wanted to end things, it felt a little bit weird texting him again.
Y/N: Hey, where are you?
Few seconds later his response came in.
JK: Hey. I’m at the bar near the campus having a beer with the guys and some girls. What’s up?
Liar. You chuckled seeing his idiotic response. Was he patrolling the area surrounding your building?
Little did you know, he was. He wasn’t gonna admit it because he thought it might sound lame and maybe you wouldn’t want him to be there after everything that happened between you two. He also bought you the pizza from your favorite place, he remembered one time you had mentioned it.
Y/N: Home. Just bored. Well, have fun!
Huh? What? You just cut him off like that. Jungkook wanted to keep talking, he was expecting for you to say that you wanted to see him or maybe tell him about last night. He started typing as he tried to think what the hell to respond.
“So, I guess the bar is actually your car.”
Jungkook almost jumped of his seat, his phone dropping on the car’s floor as you surprised him standing right next to his window.
He almost felt like crying when he saw you. You had your lip cut and the surrounding area and cheek a little bit bruised up. He saw you had gauze around one of your wrists, your knuckles were clearly bruised up. Even like that, you still looked like the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on.
He was going to kill the motherfucker who did this to you.
“Uh..n-no, I was just about to leave when you texted me.” Said as he stammered his response.
Your lips twitched. You wanted to laugh at his face so bad. He is really bad at acting. “You are all alone, I thought you said you were with some girls.”.
“I-I was but I was feeling tired, so I left alone.”
It was so amusing to see him trying to elaborate a lie.
You sighed. “Oh, well. You should get going then and have some rest.” Jungkook just nodded sadly. Maybe he was expecting for you to say something else.
As you walked back to your building you suddenly stopped and turned around looking him straight to those beautiful doe eyes and gave him a smile. “Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks for the pizza, JK.”
JK. You never called him by his nickname. It was always either Jeon or Jungkook.
Jungkook felt the way he started blushing instantly at your words. JK. It sounded so much better in your lips.
Have some balls, Jungkook. He encouraged himself. He couldn’t let you go just like that so, he instantly got out of his car and ran towards you, startling you as he hugged you from behind.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so fucking sorry. About the way I treated you, about what happened to you last night. I’ve should’ve been there for you. I’ve said so many hurtful things too. You’re not just a good fuck, you are an amazing person. I care so much about you. I-I just got so angry and didn’t measure what I said, you don’t deserve to be treated like that. Please Y/N forgive me, I miss spending time with you.”
You were left speechless. You weren’t expecting to hear all of those things coming out from him. Your heart was beating 10 times faster than usual.
You looked to your side, where he was laying his head on your shoulder as he kept hugging your body, he looked so damn cute. “I’m sorry too, JK. But let’s not talk about this now, okay?”
Jungkook nodded and surprised you once again when he leaned in and gave you a peck on your cheek. You gulped feeling your face turning red, shivers running down your skin. Only know you realized how much you missed him.
Trying to recompose yourself, you asked stammering a bit “U-um, you wanna come upstairs and eat some pizza?” The galaxy in his eyes sparkling at you as you kept talking “That is if Hobi left anything, he really loves pizza.”
Smiling uncontrollably, Jungkook responded “Yeah, I’d love to.”
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⏤ author's note❧ It's finally here! 😄 It's been a really tough month for me, work was kicking my ass and I barely had time to write, also I'll admit I had a minor writer's block for a lil bit but thankfully that's all behind us. Thank you for everyone who patiently waited for this update! I really really hope y'all enjoy it 😚 Please, don't hesitate on leaving your feedback, reblog, send me asks, whatever you'd like. I always love reading your comments 💜🥰
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⏤ tag list❧ @chimsworldsstuff @ahgasegotarmy116 @whoa-jo @aloverga @coralmusicblaze @ericawantstoescape @jk97bam @hoseokteardrop @aiselle90210 @bbtsficrecs
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much ado about nothing chapter 7 - plug!eren x reader - 18+!!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
okay so i guess the responses i got on my "i have writer's block wahhh" post worked because GUESS WHAT I FINISHED THIS MORNING. this chapter!!! i have been aching to share this (even when it was half-done), i literally cannot wait any longer. this is an eren pov chapter so you guys already know it's going to be fun. lots going on, and please don't hate me for the end, i promise there's a master plan in place!!! i hope you guys enjoy :-)
specific cws: smut, rough sex, use of names (both endearing and derogatory so take that as you will), drinking, swearing, i want to give eren a giant hug
“Love sought is good; but given unsought, is better.” - Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare (Act III, Scene 1)
Eren has no excuse for any of it. No excuse for stepping in, for throwing Floch against the bar. He knows you, knows you have enough experience with awful men to know how to handle yourself. He just couldn’t help himself.
And now he’s gone and acted out again without thinking. The cold winter air sobers him up, brings Eren back to himself, and when he looks down at you, all cute and furious with him, the heat in Eren’s veins dies. A pregnant pause stretches between you both, you with your arms crossed and glaring up at him, and Eren, surely with hearts in his eyes, looking down at you, something apologetic beginning to write its way into his features.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
Well, so much for that. The venom in your voice reignites Eren’s temper, fans the flames back into a full-blown inferno.
“My problem?” Eren growls, stepping closer to you. “What the fuck is your problem? I was just getting that prick out of your face. I’d think I deserve a thank you more than anything.”
“It wasn’t your place,” you huff.
“My place?” Eren nearly shouts, exasperated. “You’re the one who wanted to be friends so badly, was I supposed to just sit back and watch while he drooled all over you? Give me a fucking break.”
“That’s not– ugh, you’re really fucking frustrating, you know that Eren?”
It’s like watching all the ghosts of his past jump out at him through your teeth; Eren flinches, feels his fury rushing in his ears like a tidal wave.
“I’m–? Fine, fine, yeah, I’m the frustrating one. Definitely not you, throwing a goddamn temper tantrum over the stupidest shit imaginable, makes perfect sense. Really putting that smart little head to use, aren’t you?”
“Oh? ‘My girl’?” As soon as the words hit him, plunging through his chest like daggers, Eren’s blood runs cold. So you had caught his little slip-up. “What the fuck was that, then?”
Eren stutters, words caught in his throat at the worst possible moment. “Y-you know, like my girl, like you’re my friend or whatever.”
“Uh-huh,” you eye him disbelievingly, “you may as well have hiked your leg up and pissed on me in front of him. Am I supposed to be your fucking property or something because we had sex? Is that it?”
“What? No, I–” you’re faster than him, cutting him off.
“Don’t you already have your hands full with your ex?”
That crosses a line, pushes your fight into an entirely new territory. Eren’s eyes narrow. “Are you really bringing up Breeze right now? Like she…Jesus, like she even fucking matters?”
He watches the way you flinch when he says her name, the way your eyes widen, something he hadn’t expected out of you after with your little snide comments today. Interesting.
“She doesn’t matter to me, but I know she matters to you. As your friend, I’m just letting you know it sounds like a bad idea.”
“What’s a bad idea?”
“Getting back together with her,” you say, like it should be obvious.
It hits Eren like a truck; so that’s what’s gotten into you? You think he’s getting back together with Breeze, as if you didn’t text your ex that you were “totally in love with” on that godforsaken night at Paradise? Eren can still hear the slur of your words in that maddeningly confusing voicemail.
“Even if I was getting back with Breeze,” Eren snorts at the very idea, “which I’m not–”
“Oh yeah?” you counter, stepping forward to nearly touch your chin to his chest with how severely your head’s tilted up at him, “never took you for a liar, Eren.”
“A liar? When did I fucking–”
“Sasha saw you two at 104 the other day. You’re not fucking slick, you know.” Eren hates that tone in your voice, smug and wounded all at once. He wants to tear his own hair out.
“Oh, so you just know everything, don’t you?” Eren’s voice is shaking under his efforts to keep it at a low volume, keep you with him outside of your little bar and just make you listen to him. He watches your posture change ever so slightly, a shoulder turning towards him. “I was telling her to leave me the fuck alone.”
“Over coffee?” Your voice is still clipped, snarky. “Sure, Eren.”
Eren tries to keep himself in line, but his temper gets the better of him yet again, shooting out sharp and lethal. “Isn’t it a little hypocritical of you to avoid me over that, when it’s really you that’s getting back with your ex?”
Your eyes shoot open, and you spin on your heel to fully face him. “What?”
“You think I didn’t listen to your little voicemail?” Eren seethes, the full-bodied ugliness of his anger warping his face into a scowl. You don’t deserve the brunt of his temper, he knows you don’t, but he’s failing at every turn to reign himself in.
“You can’t throw that in my fucking face, I don’t even remember it,” you cut him off, eyes narrowed into little slits.
Eren freezes in place. The world around him seems to slow; the only thing tethering him to this plane is the way you’re looking up at him, furious and beautiful in the buzzing neons of Scout’s. He knew you’d been drunk, but not that drunk.
Hey, Eren– fuck, Stor, leave me alone! I’m just gonna talk to him really fast! Sorry, Historia’s all over me because I did something bad. I– I texted my ex, Luke. I never told you about him because he’s like, the worst, you’d hate him. But the funny thing is, I don’t even think I care? Maybe I do because I really was like, totally in love with him. Maybe he’ll text me back and we’ll fall in love again. But…I don’t know, Eren. I think about you all the time. I think I…I think I like you. Not like a friend, more than that. Wait, fuck, can I delete this? Just…I don’t know. Call me tomorrow or something. I want to talk about it before I can go down the black hole of Luke all over again. I know it’s not what you expected, and maybe you don’t feel the same, but…maybe we can just– shit, Historia, don’t hang up the–!
“Whatever I said was bullshit, I didn’t mean a word of it. I’m not getting back with my ex, or whatever else I came up with while I was blacked out.”
Your present-tense voice, affirmative and clear, snaps him out of his daze. I didn’t mean it. Every word of that voicemail that Eren knows so well, has basically memorized after listening to it day in and day out, trying to analyze every little drunken intonation of your voice– it was bullshit. Eren steels his jaw, musters up all the willpower he can dredge up in his body.
“You didn’t mean it,” his voice sounds alien as it leaves his mouth, distant.
“Yeah, exactly,” you’re mean, you’re so mean, not even stopping to acknowledge the sinkhole ripping open in Eren’s chest, “so before you rip me a new one, make sure that you’re not thinking about where you’d rather be right now.”
So you’re not just mean, you’re oblivious, it seems. For some reason, even through the shattering, crushing feeling erupting beneath Eren’s hoodie, it infuriates him. You just don’t see it, don’t see him. You didn’t mean a word you’d said to him in that damned voicemail, so he can’t tell you necessarily. It crosses his mind that maybe he can show you; the last dying ember of Eren’s rational line of thought sparks and spits at the idea in protest, but eventually chokes out, slowly dying in the tidal wave of emotion that takes him over.
“Oh, I don’t have anywhere else I’d rather be,” Eren's voice starts low and venomous, but it escalates with each passing word, “trust me, I showed up just aching to get into it with you. Just dying to have you rip me apart for something that I didn’t even fucking do!”
Not even a lie, honestly.
“You’re such an– ugh!” You shriek, digging the heels of your hands into your eyes.
“A what? Say it.”
“An asshole!”
“Is that what I am?” Eren’s backing you up against the bricks, making good use of his height to tower over you. Some sick part of him relishes in the way that, while your eyes remain blazing furiously enough to send a weaker man to his knees, your height difference forces you to cower under him. “An asshole?”
“Yeah,” you counter, glaring up at him defiantly, “you’re a fucking asshole, Eren.”
His proximity to you is making him dizzy and a little unhinged, and through the drinks and his anger and the mere inches between your heaving chests, Eren feels his blood start to run hot in an entirely different way. The leash he holds on his own temper, his own throat-closing desire, is dragging along the floor as he backs you fully against the wall, and Eren’s too wound up to bring himself to care. 
“That’s not what you were calling me when I had my head between your legs, now is it?”
That shakes you, makes your jaw drop a little. Eren’s vaguely aware of your fingers twitching and clenching at your side, inwardly braces himself for a slap to the face. “Well, you weren’t acting like an asshole then.” 
Eren smirks, leans into his own cruelty. “What, you jealous that you haven’t been getting all of my attention? Is that what’s got you acting all mean?”
“Cut it out, Eren.” Your eyes are telling him you’re still mad at him, furious even, but Eren doesn’t miss the way the rise and fall of your chest grows ever so slightly more frantic, the way your tongue darts out anxiously to wet your lips.
“Or what?” Eren leans down, boxing you in with one arm on either side of your head.
“I– we’re not doing this.”
“Doing what?” He widens his eyes innocently. “What am I doing?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing,” you hiss, but if you ask Eren, it sounds an awful lot like a moan is lodged in your throat, like your words are lacking the conviction that you’re trying to muster. He pushes himself in closer to you, noses mere inches apart, a wicked grin splitting his face.
“Is it working?”
Eren’s lips meet yours at the same moment that his hand whips out to catch your arm where you’re swinging it up to slap him. A broken little whimper leaves your mouth, spills into his, as your arm slackens in his grip. Eren feels your free hand fist into the hair at the nape of his neck, lets a groan fly out into nonexistent space between your lips. He’s been driving himself crazy thinking about this moment, the next time he’d get to feel your mouth on his again if it ever even happened, what you taste like, the little noises you make. The moment that’s been keeping him up at night is finally here, inflating his wounded ego like a balloon, and it feels fucking good.
You bite a little too hard into his bottom lip, the tangy, copper taste of Eren’s blood leaking into the kiss, making it clear that this doesn’t mean everything has settled between you both, but for the time being, Eren doesn’t care. All he cares about is the way your plush thighs feel wrapped around his waist, how easily he can scoop you up and pin you against the wall, the little moan that slips from your lips when he presses the length of his body entirely into you.
He doesn’t take his time, doesn’t savor the moment like he’ll surely wish he did tomorrow; Eren devours you, running a hand up your bare leg and under the hem of your skirt, grabbing a handful of your ass, squeezing at your hips.
“Bet you’re wet under this short little skirt, aren’t you?” Eren huffs into your mouth, sucking on your tongue.
“Fuck you,” you spit, squeezing your thighs tighter around his hips.
“Is that what you want?” Eren whispers, dizzy and drunker on you than the three Jameson shots he’d knocked back at the bar.
“Been thinking about it?” Eren can’t stop himself, trying desperately to keep his lips on yours through the spill of words from his mouth. “Maybe that’s why you’ve been so mean to me, grinding all up on me in that club, teasing me, then running off. Just wanted a little love, didn’t you?”
“That depends,” you pant, moving your face to kiss up his neck, leave little nips in your wake. Eren groans deep in his chest, pushing against you even more insistently.
“How bad you really want it,” you bite into his earlobe, steal another shaky groan from him.
Eren’s not a submissive guy, not by any means, but the thrill your words send running through his veins just about makes him drop you.
“Want me to beg?” Eren growls, shoving into you and biting deep at the junction of your neck and shoulder. “I’d only ever beg for you, baby.”
“Is that what you’re going to do? Beg for me when you’ve got another girl waiting for you?” Your anger has fizzled into a bitter sarcasm that goes straight between Eren’s legs and knocks him right in the ego all at once, tongue tracing the shell of his ear.
“Fuck– you’re my girl, my favorite girl, did you forget?” Eren grabs your face, forces your head back against the brick so you can look at him, eyes blown wide with lust and glossed over, mouth open in a desperate pant. “Told you the first time, you’re the best I’ve ever had. Didn’t think I was just fucking around, did you? It’s just you, only you.”
“Could have fooled me,” you dig your teeth into the thumb Eren’s worked between your lips, making him suck in a sharp ouch between his lips, “sure don’t feel like your favorite girl.”
“Sounds like I need to fix that, then,” Eren lets a hand trail down between the little space he’s leaned back to create between your bodies, finds his way to the damp fabric of your panties, “oh, who’s the liar now?”
“Don’t– fuck,” your eyes roll back in your head when he starts pressing into where he knows your clit is, rubbing insistent circles over the cloth just to elicit that reaction from you, rip the control right out of your pretty little hands. Eren chuckles down at you, dark and dangerous, amused at how quickly you melt for him.
“Thought we weren’t doing this?” He parrots your words from earlier, nosing at your neck. “Thought I was an asshole?”
“You are,” you grit out through a clenched jaw, but Eren notices the little forward push of your hips, notices that you’re trying to hold yourself back from rubbing yourself into his palm.
“And that gets you wet,” Eren counters, grinding the heel of his palm up into your clit and wrenching a little gasp from you, “bet you liked watching me in there, bet you would have loved watching me kick his ass for you.”
Eren pauses, waits to hear if you’ve got anything to say for yourself, but you’re already half-gone, rolling your hips against the steady rocking of his hand and whining in your throat. He smiles– god, you really are his favorite.
“Say it,” Eren growls into your skin, slipping a finger past the fabric of your panties to slide it into you, not the whole thing, but just a knuckle, just enough to make you shudder in his arms, “tell me you need me, want to hear you say what this perfect pussy’s already telling me. C’mon baby.”
Just as your mouth opens, either to answer him or snark at him, Eren can’t be sure, a cat-call from across the street snaps both of you out of your haze, your eyes flying wide. You shove at him, wriggling in his arms until Eren mercifully drops you to your feet, reaches down to right your rumpled little skirt for you. You glower up at him, look him up and down, and just when Eren’s about to bullshit some excuse to run home, fuck into his hand with your name on his lips, you surprise him.
“I mean, after all that, the least you can do is walk me home.”
The necessary steps of Eren closing your tabs, walking into the whipping winter wind, walking through the streets silently with Eren side-eyeing you as you storm along, arms crossed petulantly, commence. They go by in a blur; Eren’s not even sure he should be doing this right now with the lack of blood flow to his head. You don’t make eye contact, and if Eren had any more conscious thought at the moment, he would think you’re already regretting this before it happens, but he can’t bring himself to care, not yet.
He’ll kick himself for this as soon as the sun rises, but for now? The only thing he’s worried about lies wet and pulsing for him under the hem of your skirt.
The moment you’ve gotten the door open, Eren’s got you shoved up against the wall again, letting his hands find their way under your skirt and grabbing at your ass with a quiet groan.
“Historia?” he questions, nipping at your earlobe just because he can.
“Ymir’s,” you pant, pushing him off of you and practically storming to your bedroom. It hits Eren that for all the time you’ve spent together, he’s never actually seen your bedroom. He thinks that maybe he’ll do a little investigating of his own once he’s fucked all the fight out of you.
Safely behind the door of your bedroom, Eren wastes no time in yanking his shirt over his head, reaching for yours only to find that you’ve already rid yourself of the cute little sweater he had been admiring from down the bar back at Scout’s. You’ve got a pretty lace number underneath, one that Eren almost doesn’t want to take from you, but he reaches behind you and unclips it. Eren plans on taking and taking and taking everything you’ll give him, just for tonight, because the sinking feeling in his chest is telling him to do it while he can; a girl like you never sticks around a guy like him for long, and he’s already done himself the favor of ruining most of the potential your relationship had anyway.
“Eren– oh,” the broken whimper that leaves your lips snaps him out of his thoughts, reminds him that he’s got one of your breasts in his palm and the other nipple between his teeth. Eren wraps his free hand around your back, pressing his splayed fingers between your shoulder blades to arch you closer to him until he’s so full of you he can hardly breathe.
He’s going to keep taking from you, take until he drowns in it.
“Feel good? Missed me?” Eren’s words come out a little garbled around the flesh in his mouth, but you get the message all the same, managing a sarcastic eye roll through your arousal. You decline to answer him, but Eren can read your body, so he digs his teeth in harshly to the little swell of fat on the underside of your breast, sucks a bruise in to cut that eye roll of yours right in half. Eren smirks when your eyes flutter closed, a reluctant hand coming up to thread through his hair. “Thought so.”
“Can you just–fuck–get on with it?”
“Uh-uh,” Eren straightens back to his full height, backs you onto the bed until your knees catch and you fall onto your back, glaring up at him defiantly. “Gotta get you ready for me, right? I’m sure you remember.”
He eats up the doubt that flickers across your face, the memory of the first time you’d taken him all over your expression. Eren reaches beneath your skirt, pulls your panties down your legs delicately, rubs his hands along your thigh-high stockings with an appreciative swear under his breath.
“There’s a zipper on the back,” you wiggle a bit to try and reach the fasten of your skirt, but Eren slaps a firm hand onto your hip, pins you back onto the bed.
“Think I’m letting you take this off? After you were teasing me with it all night?” Eren says, stretching his body over yours, taking full advantage of his size to cage you in.
“I wasn’t teasing,” you huff, “these are just my clothes.”
“Anything you wear is teasing,” Eren brings his fingers to your core, swipes through the wetness gathered there, “especially when you look like this.”
You open your mouth to retort, but your jaw goes slack when Eren rolls over your clit softly, rubbing little circles into it at the perfect speed, the perfect pressure. He’s not interested in teasing you too much, he wants to feel you break on him as many times as you’ll grant him the pleasure. Once your little gasps have begun to swell into quiet moans, Eren ventures down, pushes his middle finger into you, all the way to the hitch. Eren answers your widened eyes and your little gasp with a sharp hiss between his teeth, marveling at the way your walls cling to his finger, sucking him in when he slides out and back in again.
“Just like the first time,” Eren murmurs, leaning down to take your collarbone between his teeth, “are you always this tight?”
“I– I don’t– more, please.”
Eren smiles around the mouthful of your skin he has, feeling his heart swell at how cute and airy your words come out, how clear it is to him, even if it’s only for this precious moment, that you’re just as desperate for him as he is for you. He grants your wish, working a second finger in beside the first, curling them cruelly against that spot in your walls that he knows gets your heart racing.
“Eren,” you keen, arching off the bed and tossing your head to the side.
“So tight baby,” Eren says in awe, pulling his head to watch as your cunt leaves little white streaks on his fingers, “so warm, can’t fucking wait to get my cock in you.”
“P-please,” you sputter, hooded eyes sparkling at the mention of it. Eren thinks wildly that he might be falling in love with the little unshed tears that prick your eyes when you start to get close, the little broken pleas you give him.
“You gotta cum for me first.” Eren works his fingers faster, can feel the fluttering of your cunt around his fingers. He realizes how worked up he must have gotten you outside of Scout’s, how you’re so wet it’s dripping down your soft skin onto the sheets, and you haven’t even cum yet.
“I’m– I just want you to fuck me,” you say, whiny and pitiful.
“I will,” Eren coos, “missed this messy little cunt so much, I promise I’ll fuck you, just give me one first. Gotta make it fit, right?”
“Mhm,” you whimper, hips bucking up towards him. Eren watches, drinks the sight of you in: skirt pulled up around your waist, legs spread wide open for him, slick spread all over the inside of your thighs, bottom lip tucked so tightly between your teeth he worries you might draw blood. He commits the sight to memory, his pretty little student all strung out and begging for his cock, begging him to make you cum. If he remembers right, if he curls his fingers just a little more harshly–
“Eren–” your head shoots up suddenly, eyes flying wide open, fists tightening in the sheets.
“Right there?” Eren grins, sharp and half-crazed, raising his eyebrows at the reaction the new angle has brought out of you.
“Right– oh, oh my god, I–”
“Give it to me,” Eren urges, working his fingers even faster, “come on, baby, show me how much you missed me.”
With a cry, you twist and thrash under him, cumming almost violently. Eren drinks it down, leans down to press a kiss against your open mouth, pins your body to the bed so you can’t run from the vicious waves of pleasure wracking your body. 
“There’s my girl,” he mutters, licking against your tongue, “such a good, good girl for me.”
When your orgasm finally starts to ebb, Eren doesn’t let up, not entirely; he keeps his fingers working in a slow drag through your walls, appreciating the way your muscles twitch and the way you feebly shove at his wrist.
“Eren…” you trail off weakly, fingers finally locking harshly around his hand and pulling him from you, “too much.”
“Thought you wanted me to ‘get on with it’?” Eren snorts, finally obliging your earlier request and sliding your skirt over your legs, tracing his fingers up and down your thighs once you’re fully bare and beautiful underneath him, taking mental snapshots of every inch of smooth skin that he’s lucky enough to have under his touch.
“I do,” you say, eyeing him with a glint of annoyance in your eye. It just makes Eren smile bigger; you’re so cute when you’re mad.
“Whatever you want, baby,” Eren says, situating his hands under your arms and practically throwing you up against the pillows at the head of your bed. You widen your legs so he can crawl in between them, kissing his way up your torso in a self-indulgent, tender way.
“Do we, um…” you start to question him, and Eren’s close enough to your face now that he can feel your cheeks warm. He sits up a little, arches a questioning brow down at you.
“Do we need to use a condom?”
Eren frowns, confused. “I mean, after last time, I thought you were on birth control.”
“I am,” you confirm, nodding slowly, some odd emotion flickering over your features that could be anger, could be heartbreak, “but I don’t know if, like–”
“I haven’t been with anyone else,” Eren catches your meaning, feeling his heart thud heavy and loud in his chest, “not since…”
“Oh,” you exhale quietly, nodding, “okay.”
“Uh, no,” your voice is so low Eren almost doesn’t hear you, but he watches your head slowly lull side to side in confirmation, “no one else.”
Eren can’t excuse the rush of relief that courses through him, the swell of happiness to learn that no one’s gotten to see you like this since the last time he had. It goes straight to his cock, hard and drooling between his legs. Before he can get too wrapped up in the emotional side of things, Eren leans in hard to the horrible, possessive thoughts that have constricted him, laying himself over you and taking his cock in his hand, swiping it through the mess between your legs.
“Good.” He even surprises himself with that, looking down on you with dark eyes, eyes that promise ruin.
“Please,” you give him one more breathless plea, Eren swears you know too well how to snap his composure clean in half.
He pushes himself in, choking on a moan at how tight you are, vicelike and suffocating around him. A broken groan flies from your lips, your fingers tighten their grip on his biceps until Eren’s sure you’re going to break the skin, but he’s beyond caring. His mind wipes completely blank, save for the hot, wet heat that’s enveloping him, beckoning him to snap his hips forward viciously and be done with it. With what little self-restraint he can muster up, Eren flicks his eyes up to yours.
“So…it’s so–” another whimper cuts you off, and Eren can feel your thighs twitch on either side of his hips.
“Too much?” Eren manages to reign himself in, back out another inch or so.
“No,” you wrap a leg around his waist, shove him further into you and wrench a deep, guttural groan from his chest, “feels good, keep going.”
“Careful what you wish for,” Eren breathes, trying to retain any semblance of control over this situation, give you that dominant dirty talk that he knows gets you off instead of turning into a whimpering, moaning mess at the feel of you clenching around him. He bottoms out, feeling himself fuck all the way up into your tummy, head falling down onto your shoulder.
Eren manages to keep his pace slow and gentle, rolling his hips into yours like he’s making love to you, not saying goodbye. Little satisfied sounds are slipping out of your mouth, but Eren can see a flicker of consciousness in your eyes; you’re not drooling for him, out of your mind with want, not like the first time. He frowns.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re…I don’t know, you seem like you’re somewhere else,” Eren hates having to admit that he notices, that he even cares, and the unsteady creak of his voice reflects that, just making him hate himself even more. You don’t seem to notice his vulnerability or, if you do, you aren’t affected by it. You simply raise an eyebrow at him.
“I mean…it’s good,” you say, eyes flitting around the room, like you can’t quite admit whatever you’re going to say while looking him straight in the eyes, “but I want you to fuck me.”
“I am fucking you.” Eren’s frown deepens into a scowl of annoyance. What, is he not good enough for you now?
“Well, literally speaking yes, you are fucking me. But,” a nervous giggle slips from your teeth, riling the anger starting to bubble under his skin again, “I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you.”
“Why are we talking about this while I am literally inside of you?”
“Because I want you to fuck me,” you raise your eyebrows meaningfully, canting your hips up towards him. It clicks– as much as Eren wants to show you what he feels because he can’t tell you, fucking you like an animal, as he’s prone to do, is what you want. Eren’s been so wrapped up in trying to relish whatever time he may have left with you before you inevitably cast him off to the side again, he’s not been paying attention.
“You want me to fuck you, huh?” Eren thrusts forward a little harsher, a little more pointedly. Your eyes roll back, a slow, indulgent smile spreading across your face.
“I want you to fuck me like I know you can,” Eren feels your arms wrap around his neck, pulling his ear to your lips, “unless that last time was all luck. Surely all those rumors aren’t false, are they?”
Eren knows you’re trying to get under his skin, to bite at him through the haze of the heavy air weighing down on both of you, to rekindle that anger that you had brought out of him outside of the bar. What is he going to do with you, incorrigible little thing that you are? If Eren Jaeger was a better man, he would stop this all right now, force you both to talk through the sharp, spiky things that hang in the balance between you two.
But Eren Jaeger is not a better man, he’s only a man, broken and needy and tucked into his favorite place on earth, with the girl of his dreams below him urging him to fuck her brains out. Is he really to blame?
Eren rips himself out of your grasp, standing tall and menacing on his knees over you.
“I’ll fuck you,” Eren grits out through a clenched jaw, grabbing you by the back of your thighs and shoving your knees towards your head, “but you better be ready to put your money where your mouth is.”
“Yeah? Well– oh,” a sharp, shrill cry of your own making cuts your voice off when Eren snaps his hips forward, brutal and unforgiving into the wet heat of your cunt. He doesn’t stop there, immediately pulling out and snapping forward again, hitting somewhere deep inside of you that, based on your face, he knows no man has ever been able to reach. He smirks, all cocky and cruel, setting a harsh pace that’s got you clawing at the sheets.
“What? Is it too much?” Eren whines down at you condescendingly, eating up the way you’re already whimpering and moaning. He can see tears glistening at the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall.
“No, no,” your voice is broken, breathless, “it’s– fuck, it’s so good, Eren–”
“Is this what you wanted?” Eren growls down at you, locking one strong hand around your throat. “Wanted me to fuck you like the little slut you are?”
“Yes!” Your admission comes out in a choked, watery cry, the tears in your eyes finally beginning to run down your temples. Even if it wasn’t written all over your face, Eren can feel how much you like it; your pussy is fluttering, pulsing around him, begging him to keep going. He drives his hips forward like a man starved, a man whose life depends on fucking you until you can’t walk straight for a week.
“Who knew?” Eren muses to himself, wiping the tears from your face. “Who knew my pretty girl was so filthy?”
“I, I–Eren,” you moan wantonly, thighs shaking under his firm grip. Eren should hold himself back, knows that you’re going to be so sore in the morning, but a sick part of him is glad for it. Let you walk around campus with the throbbing ache of him inside of you, maybe he’ll fuck you so hard that little twinge in your belly when you sit down never goes away.
“Say it,” Eren urges, squeezing your windpipe, “tell me how much you love it, tell me how bad this pussy missed me.”
“I–” you choke out around his iron grip on your neck, “I m-missed you, I love it w-when you fuck me–”
“Fuck you like a whore?”
“Fuck me like a w-whore,” you wheeze out, face reddening with shame. Eren loves it, wants to kiss the blush off your cheeks and swallow it whole.
“That’s right, baby,” Eren releases your throat, watches the way you heave and gasp as the air flows back into your lungs, only to be punched out by the force of his thrusts, “you love my cock, don’t you?”
“Yes, I– oh my god, Eren, I–”
“What?” Eren sneers, smirking wickedly down at you, “is my smart girl already so fucked out she can’t talk?”
“No, I– I just– fuck!” You’re so loud for him, if he knew that fucking you within an inch of your life would get him this, Eren never would have bothered playing nice in the first place.
“‘ve barely even started,” Eren laughs, mean and sharp, “and you’re already fucked so dumb you can’t even think. Think you can cum for me, just like this?”
He doesn’t even have to ask; he can feel the way your cunt’s starting to tighten around him so harshly that it nearly pushes him out. He’s bullying his way back into you on every thrust, forcing you to open up for him, to take what he has to give. Inwardly, Eren hopes to god you do cum soon; he’s not going to last, not with you spread out beneath him crying and wailing his name. Eren doesn’t think he can hold out much longer without filling you up, watching his cum seep out of you.
“Eren, Eren, Eren–” your nonsensical babbling has started to take the shape of his name, Eren can feel his ego swelling and swelling to the point of bursting. There’s a tone of warning in your moans; the onslaught of an orgasm is threatening to pull you under.
“Don’t you dare hold out on me,” Eren slaps your thigh hard, the tacky, wet sound of it echoing through the room, somehow finds the wherewithal to piston his hips even faster, “want to feel it, feel you cum on me.”
“I’m going to, I’m going– oh Eren–”
Eren practically snarls, leaning over to spit in your open, waiting mouth. “What are you waiting for? Don’t you–fuck–want your pretty cunt stuffed full of me? I’ll give you yours, just gotta cum for me and give me what’s fucking mine. Go on–”
Eren’s rambling is cut short by the loud, raspy sob you let out, clenching down around him so hard it almost hurts, drawing a loud, long hiss from him. He looks down past your quivering thighs, sees the frothy white that’s streaking his cock, and he’s done for. He grants you a few more sloppy thrusts, and then with one final snap of his hips, he stills, holding himself as deep inside as he can manage, pumping you full of him.
Before he can stop himself, Eren’s crashing into you, bringing your lips to his in a messy, frantic kiss, open-mouthed and teeth clacking together. He can feel your body shaking violently underneath him, rocking with wave after wave of post-orgasm bliss, but he can’t seem to break himself from you, collapsed and clutching onto your smaller frame like it’s the only thing tethering him to this earth.
“Eren,” you finally say weakly, voice muffled as you smack at his shoulder, “you’re heavy.”
“Sorry,” he grunts, rolling off of you reluctantly. Your crumpled, naked form is still there, still so tempting and soft and warm. Your eyes are shut, so you don’t see Eren’s tentative hand reach for your hip, just wanting to rub a thumb comfortingly over the bone there, before he pulls back, second-guessing himself. A few pregnant beats pass by, Eren biting his tongue and holding his breath as he waits for you to make the first move, to direct him into how to speak to you after what’s just happened.
“I need to shower,” you finally say, words coming out in a breathless admission.
“Yeah,” Eren answers lamely, sitting up and looking around your room. There’s postcards from almost every country imaginable, tacked above your desk and fluttering in the breeze from your heating system. The desk itself is a wreck, dozens of papers and books scattered around in seemingly no order. Eren notices a little stuffed teddy bear tossed onto the floor and picks it up with a smile, placing it back against your pillows.
“Are you…”
“Am I…?” Eren looks at you, hoping that his pleading gaze isn’t too horribly obvious.
“I think Historia will kill me if she sees you leaving in the morning.” As soon as the words leave your mouth, Eren swears he can see something like regret fly over your face, and you turn your back to him instantly, scrounging around on the ground..
“I don’t know,” Eren wheezes through his shellshock, trying to force out a nonchalant chuckle that only sounds strangled and tense, “she’s pretty short. I don’t know how she could manage it.”
“You’d be surprised,” you slip a bathrobe over your shoulders and grant him a mirthless smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
Eren dresses in the heavy silence that’s fallen over the room, pulling his shirt over his head and having to inwardly brace himself to face you. Eren’s comfortable with himself, probably knows a little too well that he’s an attractive guy, but he feels completely naked even fully clothed when he turns around to see you, standing all cozy and fucked out and sleepy in your fuzzy robe.
“So…” Eren trails off, wanting to smack his own face for speaking first.
“Have a good night, I guess,” you look up at him and then quickly away, chewing nervously on your bottom lip. Eren steels himself, lets every bit of courage he can find in his body rise to his mouth, forcing it to move.
“Are we, you know, good?”
“We said a lot of things to each other back there,” Eren can’t meet your gaze, can practically feel his face burning as he scratches anxiously at the back of his head. When he forces himself to look at you, there’s something odd and unreadable in your eyes. Are you sad? No, you’re smiling. Well, sort of smiling– it looks contrived, not real. But you’re not angry, not entirely.
“Yeah, I’m good if you are.” That stupid, insincere smile is still twisting your features. 
Eren doesn’t like the look of dishonesty on you, but he’s fought enough for tonight. He’s sad, spent, and tired, and he figures it’s hopeless anyway.
“Okay, good,” he makes his way to your bedroom door, fingers twitching for the feel of your skin under his, eyes damn near watering, “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“See ya.”
And with that, Eren’s left alone in the cold of your apartment hallway, alone and sickened by the feelings of satisfaction and longing swirling in his chest.
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
5/16/24 LRLG post + interpretations ❤️💛💚
so it’s not enough that we’ve been struggling for the past days, they really put meaning to the saying of “when it rains it pours”. at least they let people sleep and then released this in the morning. it is an unusual posting time cause it’s usually evening or even late like 1:00 AM but not this early.
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original link from the rumor house is here. i will omit some parts and just explain what happens but i tried to preserve the integrity of the post. all of this is fake. if i missed some cpn related to this, feel free to comment or just reblog and add on. enjoy ^^
XZ: "Do I have to buy the flowers myself? I can't spend hundreds of dollars."
WYB: “You don’t need to buy it and use it at home. The bottle is also pretty.”
XZ: 🙄
WYB: “Your skills are really top-notch now.”
XZ: "Why don't you try to be more yin and yang?"
WYB: "Well done. Well done."
XZ: “Don’t let me go if you don’t have any symptoms”
WYB: "You know if I have a fart or not, I'm so awesome."
XZ: "gun"
WYB: 😘
XZ: "There is also gas in the mouth"
WYB: 🙄
XZ: "Hey, your skills are also top-notch."
WYB: “I can’t compare to you, but practice makes perfect”
XZ: “It’s boring.
WYB: “Come and play”
XZ: "If you don't want to play, you won't come from xx"
👧: "Looking for me, I won't delay the fun of you two"
WYB: "Then shall we leave?"
👧: “I also know that practice makes perfect”
WYB: “Excuse me”
XZ: "Whose number should I use?"
WYB: "I'll log in for you
Yibo really be buying useless stuff again. lol. I can only imagine him scrolling through shopping apps in between takes and ordering everything. Thank you ZZ for being the voice of reason. LOL. and them complementing each other’s skills in gaming, even the log-in, we think is for the game. && how they are trolling each other talking about gas/fart, it’s so them 😂😂😂😂
the part about the kiss emoji makes us think that wyb kissed xz but then xz had to comment like that lol and be a gremlin 😂😂😂
i saw one guess that the bottle/vase he is talking about where you can put flowers may be a souvenir from abroad that wyb gave him
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WYB: XZ believes in Buddhism and doesn’t believe in anything.”
XZ: “Watch me assist”
WYB: "You are not playing support role."
XZ: "Okay, I won't go even if you call me daddy."
WYB: “Don’t help, you still have to help”
No but seriously i will pay good money to watch them livestream a game lol. to those who are not familiar of why XZ was saying “call me daddy”, it’s a common quip among people. kinda like saying “im your father” cause i’m helping you and more superior than you— nothing kinky okay?
WYB: “Where did the cat come from?”
WYB: "Can I not hear it when it’s meowing at me? "
WYB: "What to record"
WYB: “So where did the cat come from?”
WYB: “Questioning you on behalf of 🌰🌰”
WYB: “Oh, great shooting”
people are thinking it’s this chonky cat that xz got attached to
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and all of us are cackling at how wyb is “asking for 🌰🌰” because his dad is being a traitor and looking at other cats! 😤😤😤 yibo is so loyal to their daughter lol
WYB : super cold, i’ll eat a fried egg for you in awhile
WYB: look closely, i’m going to eat one for you (fried egg = sun that just appeared ☀️)
WYB: i ate it too early, it’s not fully cooked yet
WYB: sure, i’ll wait for you to eat a cooked one
i swear their conversations don’t make sense unless you have some background. cpfs are saying here that it means, wyb gave xz a fried egg ☀️ and then xz ate a cooked egg, the way he did it in that milan vlog
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and like, if we are talking about a literal egg, that was featured as well in the Milan vlog 🍳 so could that be a bit for bobo? a literal easter egg? lol.
next part is bobo asking xz why doesn’t it look the same to him and how xz hasn’t responded to the group chat. and how he will call him later 📲
them having a gc is not even a secret but just 🥹🥹 that must be one hell of a group chat to be in.
WYB: “How was the restaurant you ate at last time? Let's go there when Zhan ge comes."
🧔‍♂️: "Their ribs are amazing, but the chops are not as good as they should be. Why don't we order one for you tonight and try it?"
i won’t include this part anymore but it’s a conversation between yibo and members of his staff about food and what to eat. i love how wyb is always thinking about xz when he sees something that is good to eat. feeding xz is really his love language. i’m cackling how they are conscious about the carbs to eat. planning what and where to eat with your loved one seems so simple but really special too. there were talks about fruits, which we know what xz is fond of eating in CQL BTS. ( sorry for the screenshot lol xiao zhan i love youuuu. you have no bad angle! )
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there was also a part that wyb was telling them to buy blueberries and the staff is like: "Just tell me what you want to eat and I'll give you whatever you want" but yibo was all "Let's see what he wants to eat" 🥹🥹🥹 it all depends on XZ.
and then this scene in the wedgwood ad. which is most likely a coincidence. but still 👀
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WYB: “Look at this big pot”
XZ: Saw it
WYB: "I won't let you try the dishes in advance."
XZ: "If you want to eat, just say so and don't take the blame."
👧: Boss Xiao, we have already eaten it.”
XZ: "Grateful and thankful"
WYB: "Why are you so happy?"
XZ: You guys are going to have another meal in two days.
WYB: ☺️☺️🤭☺️🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
XZ: "Eat quickly and fight again when you get back."
WYB: “🫡Received”
XZ: "Idiot, hang up, bye"
WYB: "Bye"
with this fake rumor i feel so soft cause having a meal together is something they look forward to. i especially loved this comment from a cpf which u think perfectly explain why this romantic: But I especially understand how dad feels. . . When you are in a long-distance relationship, if you already have a date for your next meeting, you will really feel like you don’t want to taste the delicious food you want to eat with you before meeting! Just like "I want to share the surprise of the first bite with you" is the real thing. I only want to taste one-fifth of the taste. I want to wrap this little bit of deliciousness with the anticipation of seeing you soon. I want to see you soon. I have been stuffed to the brim these last few days, so that the day I see you I will explode with happiness!” 🥹🥹🥹
next part is wyb talking to a staff about eating and then this one, yibo! give your assistant a vacation! and well the boss is not taking a vacation too sooooo….
👧: “When can I take a vacation?”
WYB: "Anytime, if you have anything to do, just take a break."
👧: “Want to take a big vacation”
WYB: “It’s early then”
👧: “This year’s Qingming Festival and May Day are all in vain”
WYB: "Have arrangements been made for May Day?"
and the final part of the rumor contribution:
WYB: "Where"
WYB: “Okay, be safe.”
WYB: "I don't have time to ask you to keep the fake house.
WYB: "good"
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