#''the price is amazing but wasn't there a better time?'' like literally no
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jellogram · 2 months ago
A big thing that people who don't deal with airfare never understand is that there are a limited number of routes that exist. "I'm okay paying more for a more convenient flight!" "Why did you take that awful flight, wasn't there a better option?"
NO. There is not. It's not about price, it's about availability. Some routes simply do not exist and no amount of money can be thrown at the airline website to make a new plane appear. Sometimes routes are only at 5am, or only overnight, or are only accessible with two or more stops. This sucks. But unless you want to charter a fucking jet, you are going to be on that stupid shitty fuckass flight.
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dovabunny · 1 year ago
GhostSoap AU Concept - blind love
Soap is an army vet who lost his sight in an explosion. He now works as a masseur, he's good with his hands and his options are limited.
Ghost is a scarred, disfigured man in pain with insecurities he hid behind thick walls and a mask.
Ghost's body is a mess of injuries old and new, he can't even remember what it's like to not be in pain but always pushes through it. That he's getting older doesn't help either.
Until his back locks up mid mission and he's left in pain that has him limping and wincing.
Price has had enough of him dodging the question and actually orders him to get it looked at. Ghost refuses. First, he will not take off his shirt in front of a stranger, and he most certainly will NOT let a stranger touch him.
Price sighs and says he knows just the place.
If it wasn't an order Ghost wouldn't be here, no way in hell. He's just gonna go in, tell the guy to say he was here and leave.
It's a small parlour, if it can even be called that. A small two story building with a tiny waiting room and a door leading to the back.
But it was at the edge of town away from the bustle of the city, the wilderness literally just across the river next to it.
It helped a bit, the place being so out of the way. Ghost appreciated privacy, after all.
There was no one in the waiting room, but the door jingled when he entered. Soon enough a voice yells 'with you in a sec!', accent thick and Scottish.
THAT was unexpected. He was expecting a woman, possibly old and creepy. It helped a little bit more.
Then the door to the back swung open and he lost his breath a little.
The man walks out with a beaming smile, hair in a fkn mohawk that somehow looked great on him, built like a damn rugby player.
But it was his eyes.
A striking deep blue, but clouded.
At Ghost's silence the man's smile is a bit more forced. "I can tell you're there, ya know."
Ghost snapped out of his daze and stuck out his hand in greeting, then felt like a fking idiot and yanked it back. "It's Ghost, I mean, Simon. Price called about me."
"Ah. The lieutenant! Price told me you might be a flight risk," he chuckled, but somehow it didn't feel condescending or cruel as laughter towards him usually was. It was friendly, warm.
He felt entirely off kilter.
"I'm John MacTavish, call me Soap." He stuck out his hand. Ghost took it and shook, feeling callouses on his soft hands.
"Kind of name is Soap?"
Soap smiled. "It was my call sign. Was called by it so long anything else feels odd."
"You're military?"
"Was. Just entered SAS when," he gestures at his eyes with a strained smile.
Ghost didn't know how to respond, which Soap must've picked up on too cause he quickly followed with a "So! Shall we get started?"
Without waiting for a response, Soap walked to the back, Ghost snapping out of it and following after a beat.
He stood in the doorway and looked around. It had soft lighting, soft music from somewhere that sounded almost Celtic, it smelled... Amazing. Gentle and warm, but no distinct scent he could place.
Soap was moving around with precision, washing his hands and putting things ready.
Ghost had fully intended to go through with his plan - pay the masseuse to tell Price he was here then leave. Maybe buy a heat patch form the pharmacy.
But here, now, in this room with Soap - a veteran who'll understand, who can't see how ugly disfigured he is...
He decides to give it a chance. For the first time since he became a dead man, he's going to get out of his shell and try to take care of himself, to stop waiting for his inevitable death and actually work towards getting better.
In the best hands he could wish for.
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larytello · 10 months ago
I find it funny and sad how Tumblr users are SO CONDITIONED to English language as default they will just NOT interact with posts in other languages whatsoever, no matter how cool the thing is - not even a like and reblog without adding comments or tags to it
Small rant ahead with something that happened this week AND I SHOULD POST IT IN MY OWN LANGUAGE TO PROVE A POINT but I won't and it'll still prove a point.
I have a Paw Patrol sideblog. It's a very active blog where I post, reblog, receive lots of asks constantly, I post my art there, etc. I got more active followers there than here on my personal blog and that's saying something (my personal has over 10x more followers than the Paw Patrol one AND STILL that one is more active lmao). People are always liking the posts/reblogs, always adding a comment, always reblogging with comments and/or nice/funny tags, sending asks. Literally it's very active.
Last week I reblogged there a post I found, it was a video of a mom and her daughter playing together with Paw Patrol toys and a handcrafted Lookout Tower made out of cardboard. THAT TOWER LOOKS SO COOL. It's amazing and the mom made it herself for her daughter and they were playing together so happily. Naturally this reblog should get a lot of likes and some reblogs, right?
It didn't get any. It's the only reblog so far there that didn't get a single bit of interaction.
Do you know why?
The mom and daughter are Brazilians. They speak Brazilian Portuguese. The text in the post is in Brazilian Portuguese. I added a long comment myself ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese (it is my first language as I'm Brazilian too) saying how cool it was, joking about the prices of official Lookout Tower toys (absurdly expensive around here) and that I've been planning myself to also build the Lookout Tower and the Paw Patroller with cardboard as well but I'm still in the first sketching stages, but seeing her project really inspired me to go ahead and continue working on my own.
I even followed her blog and she followed me back too. She posts a bunch of cool stuff and toys and games she creates with her kids, it's really AWESOME. I could spend HOURS looking at their posts.
But as she posted in Brazilian Portuguese and I commented also in Brazilian Portuguese and added tags ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese, it looks like NO ONE BATTED AN EYE AT IT.
What, are y'all afraid of using GOOGLE TRANSLATE???? How the fuck do you think I learned English ON MY OWN to interact with people on the internet in the first place when I was like 13, 14 years old??? I didn't even have English teachers at school and high school, I legit learned on my own because the world wasn't interested in trying to communicate with me, I was the one who had to adapt to communicate with it all.
You don't even need to learn another language like I did! YOU HAVE ONLINE TRANSLATORS. Back in my time, Google Translate was ABSURDLY AWFUL when translating anything to Brazilian Portuguese and vice-versa (it still is, but way less awful now over the years it took to better itself about it).
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cursedvida · 1 year ago
Something about Y/N is a bounty hunter and she has been hired to catch Buggy. She infiltrates his crew to gain access to him. At first she thinks he's crazy and ridiculous duda with all his shows and bravado, but eventually she realises that she has feelings for him?
Well i liked this prompt so... I made something angst because yeah.
SAD EYES, BROKEN SMILE (Buggy x f!Reader)
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A/N: i'm not really happy about the result but english isn't my first language and it's been a while since i used to write in this language. Sorry for the typos.
Warnings: just angst, swearing and the reader falling for a sad clown.
Wondering how you could have got in that situation was redundant. You knew perfectly well why you were there. It was part of your job, if hunting pirates could be considered as such. Well, it fed you, and for a person who cared little or nothing about anything but staying alive, how you got things was secondary. So when you received the assignment to hunt down Buggy the Clown for almost double his bounty you didn't have to think too hard about it. With an amount like that you could rest for several months without worrying about the money. You didn't know or care about who was after this guy or what they wanted to do with him, all you could see was the string of zeros in the offer. At the time that was enough for you. 
But that thought only lasted for a short period of time. The Clown was not just another regular pirate, he was a big shot. The guy had been nominated as a candidate to be a Warlord, which meant he was no ordinary pirate, and his special skills - which you had researched - made him someone not to be underestimated. 
Whoever was interested in getting him had to have good reasons, something you were not interested in at all, but as you got to know your target better you blamed yourself for not having demanded a higher price. Especially since catching Buggy was no easy task, he had a reputation for always moving around guarded by his crew, which made him slightly inaccessible prey. However, when you finally caught up with him and his crew, all the imaginings you had built up in your head disappeared in one fell swoop. 
Buggy the Clown was, as his name said, a clown. A real fucking clown who spent his days bragging about his fucking antics and didn't know what it meant to shut the fuck up because he was always in dire need of being heard and being the centre of attention.He wasn't a fearsome pirate, he was a narcissist with an excessive need for attention who told far-fetched stories about great feats that no one in their right mind would believe him capable of. He was ridiculous, and the worst thing was that his comrades adored him, they had almost a special veneration for him. You couldn't understand him, he became hysterical at the drop of a hat, he was hypersensitive to any comment that wasn't literally an offering to his self-proclaimed divine power and would go from over-excitement to melodrama in a millisecond. The only thing that was clear to you was that feigning adoration for this jerk to fit in with his band of morons made you sick.
Joining his crew wasn't too difficult - ego-hungry men are the easiest to cajole-. All you had to do was pretend to be a poor, helpless little girl without much talent who had wanted to be a pirate for years and had heard amazing stories about this genius jester who had not only terrorized the East Blue, but had become one of the most feared pirates on the Great Line.Buggy didn't even pay much attention to you, you was too ordinary to interest him, something that suited you. 
"Of course you've heard of me," he told you that first time you met him, when you managed to catch him in a tavern after following him for days. "Hey guys, our little friend says she's heard about the great Buggy!"
That whole gang of freaks started laughing non-stop, as if what you had just said was the most ridiculous thing in the world. Buggy turned to you again. 
"Okay, honey, what can you do for me?"
"Anything I can be useful for."
Trying not to sound too intense - so as not to sound suspicious - you insisted that you wanted the chance to learn on such a famed crew, to please give you the opportunity. The same night you were given a bucket, a mop and welcomed as an unimportant cabin girl. Just as you wanted. 
The idea was to lay low until you had been cleaning up vomit and serving drunks long enough to have access to the captain. You knew there was no point in trying to cut him because of his powers, and if you tried to tie him up he would escape, so the only way to make sure you could catch him was to drug him. 
The plan was a slam dunk. Wait until the key moment to attack and that's it, even if the waiting included having to put up with the bunch of weirdos that made up the crew and the attention whore of their captain, who seemed to have an allergy to normality. 
Yes, it was a piece of cake, or at least that's what you thought until that day when everything began to take a turn for the worse that you could never have imagined. 
"Oh, excuse me captain"
It was a night like so many others. The crew had managed to embezzle from a rich family and had pocketed a handful of gold. In the face of such success they had not missed the opportunity to celebratre: litres and litres of beer, sake, rum and all kinds of alcohol. Food to rave about. The crew circus that Buggy was leading that night was a complete madness. You, on the other hand, remained sober, in the shadows. You picked up jugs, replenished them, swept up some of the mess... Everything you'd expect from a rookie being used as a maid.
At such moments Buggy loved to strut his stuff more than ever. He used to stand in the centre of the deck, surrounded by his entire fan club, get on a box or powder keg and start his show. He would talk about how wonderful he was, how powerful and rich they would all become by being with him, and he would emphasise considerably all that he had done to achieve the goal. So it was strange enough for you not to have seen him bragging around for the last hour, but stranger still to find him down in the cellars with his back against a row of beer barrels and his gaze lost in infinity. 
Buggy was drunk. Very drunk. At that moment you thought maybe the time had come, when would you have a better chance? He was totally idioticated by alcohol, perfect for noqueating it. And his crew all drunk, no one would notice what was going on. 
You came out of your role of useless servant, your senses sharpened, your muscles in tension. The time had come before even your personal deadline was fulfilled, you thought it was your lucky night, but at that moment Buggy noticed your presence, looking at you with glassy eyes and lost because of the drunkenness, and there was something in that look that made you feel a slight sneezing in the stomach that you had never experienced before. 
"Oh, it's you, uh... uh..." he scratched his fingers, trying to remember something. 
"Y/N, Captain," you answered with a fist. The bastard didn't even remember your name. 
“Yeah, exactly…" he said to himself. His head crumbled a little. 
He didn't wear the hat, nor the coat. Her makeup was a little rushed because of the hours he had already been at the party, and his eyes were still lost somewhere you didn't know, but for some reason it caused you so much curiosity that anything else slipped out of your head. 
"Can I help you with something?" You asked, with your most innocent voice. 
Buggy stayed looking at his jar for a few moments and then turned to you again. 
"Do you think I need help, baby?" His mocking tone seemed to indicate no, but his desolate expression said the opposite. "Do you think a pirate like me needs help?"
"I didn't want to offend you, sir..."
When he saw how you apologized, he laughed, a loud sound, but lacking fun in the tone. In fact, his laughter sounded cold to you. Then you realized that Buggy was not laughing anymore, but was breathing a huge sigh. 
"It's better not to need help nor need anyone.  At the end you're always alone"
His voice suddenly darkened and, for the first time since you were on that boat, you felt real curiosity for the man you had in front of you. There was something dark in his gaze, a face of lost innocence that seemed irremediably familiar to you. Without realizing it, you had lowered the guard, and that was only the beginning of your great end. 
"You're not alone, Captain." You told him, trying stupidly to keep your role. "Everyone  in this crew is with you, and everyone adores you."
"Of course they love me" He answered, slightly offended, and then became blue again. It was then that he looked directly at you, and it was that look that suddenly passed through you. There was fury in his eyes, but also another very different feeling, you could see in them something sad and broken, so sad and so broken that you had terrible desires to reassemble it immediately. "Don't you believe it, Y/N?"
The question makes you uninterested, or too distracted. 
“What...? that they adore you, sir?"
"No, shit" he cried, shaking at the drunkard. “that we are always alone."
“So…” You was shocked, it’s possible that you didn’t know what to answer? It wasn't even a complicated or out of place question, what the fuck had you been thinking about? Fuck, what happened to you? "Well... I..." You had to react, you were shivering, you didn't shiver. You took air, trying to get back to your boats, and then you turned to him again. "Didn't we all be born alone?" 
"We are born alone and we die alone," you said. "And we live together in the meantime. But we are born alone and we die alone." 
He kept watching you. You didn't know if he was trying to process your words because due to the state of drunkenness in which he was probably not processing half of what was happening around him, or if he really was trying to analyze you. It was somewhat difficult to discern when someone was drunk, the line between curiosity and ethyl coma was complicated. 
It was probably the first time Buggy really noticed you since you got on the boat. Because you didn't want to be noticed, he didn’t notice you, you were good at hiding. But now he had all his attention on you and something shrunk inside you, like you missed the air. You suddenly found yourself thinking that maybe he wasn't as stupid as you thought he was. Maybe that whole facade of bravado and arrogance was just a way to make up all his insecurities,. Maybe at the end he just was a broken man behind so much show. In that moment, as his gaze clawed into yours, you realized that he even seemed attractive to you. And that moment you had to look away, horrified by everything that was going on in your head, but what the hell?
"It's an interesting answer," he murmured. 
"I have to... I have to go re-set the barrels" you finally said, you had to get out of there, the atmosphere had suddenly darkened "I'm sorry, captain."
And as you went out sparkled back to the deck, you noticed something that made you absolutely horrified: you were totally noisy. 
From that night on, Buggy decided that you weren't going to be an anonymous person to him. It's not that he left everything he was doing to talk to you, but when you crossed each other, he always greeted you. And you discovered that, in some way that you were unable to understand, you were beginning to have a very strong crush for a guy who uses make up to painted his face like a clown and was a little bit older for you. 
The more interactions you had with him - very little really, nothing even remotely similar to that night - the more you realized that your contempt for all that circus roll and the freaks making shows had clouded your ability to analyze. Buggy wasn't an idiot. Well, he was, but he also turned out to be a very smart man, was good at planning and a real genius at tricks. Furthermore, despite being always talking about himself and being quite despotic, he really cared about the crew and had respect for them. At the end, you thought that he was simply growing up child  with anger problems, and that was really charming to you. 
So there you are now, you have a fucking crush on the guy you had to kidnap, not knowing what the hell to do because it's the first time in your life that something like this happens to you and feeling ridiculous at the same time because you look like a super stupid fifteen-year-old bitch. You've killed more people than you can count, you've broken bones, cut necks, ripped teeth off, but suddenly you meet that idiot clown and everything, absolutely everything you have worked on so far goes to shit. And the worst part is that you don't even care because you're too worried looking at him from a distance like stupid fool. 
"Hey, Y/N" 
It's Cabaji's voice that gets you out of your mind. Since you had that meeting with Buggy in the cellars you're no longer dedicated to cleaning and serving, now you clean and fix things. It's kind of an promotion, but really no. 
"What's going on?"
"Have you seen the two who came yesterday? You know... those who talked about joining the crew."
"No idea"
Cabaji sits carelessly, your voice has not shaken a single moment. You remember them, of course, a couple of friends wanting to become pirates. And of course you will not tell Cabaji that you had no choice but to open their heads and leave them on the other end of the island when you heard one of the two commenting something about the captain being very attractive and. That information don¡t fit well with your image of a worthless rookie, and it would also be like assuming you have more childish jealousy starts than teenagers and therefore accepting that you're reaching very worrying levels of encapsulation. 
Actually, since you found out how much you like Buggy, there are a lot of things you can't say. For example that you were the one who left that bitch without legs when he dared to make a comment about Buggy’s nose on the last island you passed. Neither can you tell the guys who hired you to hunt him that you don't plan on doing your job and that you've long abandoned that idea. Of course, can't say to some of your colleagues you're in that crew because you want it and not for work. But most of all, you can't tell Buggy that you'd love to know what it's like to kiss a man with a broken smile and sad eyes, but you would be willing to admit any of your other secrets before the last one.
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adobe-outdesign · 11 months ago
Kung Fu Panda 4 Thoughts/Liveblog Thing
Just caught this at the theater for a grand total of five whole dollars, so I thought I'd do some quick opinions while it's fresh.
Non-spoiler opinion: It was Okay(TM), but the movies were considerably stronger as a trilogy. It's worth seeing one (1) time if you're a KFP fan (and really, who isn't), but I wouldn't bother paying full price for it or anything
A list of things that slap:
The animation is stunning and fast-paced. Really loved the use of Chinese-style paint brush strokes to accentuate the action
Also I'll talk about the 5 later but I also really liked the animation change when describing where they are—all KFP movies have at least one animation shift and I'm glad this one kept up with it
Some of the fight scenes were super good, I liked the one that uses the tilting bar on a cliff in particular
(side note: the Missing Link did something similar, just on a ship. Go watch the Missing Link)
The Chameleon served straight cunt the entire time she was on screen and I kind of loved (almost) everything about her. Character design was incredible, voice was perfect, palace design was amazing, abilities were sick
Also the way she rides up chilling in a golden tree branch of all things? Fellas, we have no choice but to stan
Also I just appreciate the choice to both do a female villain for a change and to get a reptile in here after having only mammals and one (1) bird as villains previously
Speaking of character design there were a few really good ones in there, like a pangolin that moves Sonic the Hedgehog-style, a cool looking female boar, and a bunch of Komodo dragon henchmen. Good stuff
The jokes were a very mixed bag for me, some hit and some didn't. I will say that Zhen just going "that's great for you" in response to Shifu stating he's a red panda got me for some reason
If anyone hurts Po's gay dads I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself
Jack Black's cover of Baby One (1) More Time is unironically better than the original
A list of things that Do Not Slap:
This movie lacked a color scheme? KFP 1 was blue (also some gold), KFP 2 was red, KFP 3 was green. These colors weren't subtle either, there are entire scenes in each movie drenched in these colors and it was really obviously missing here
The whole first half the movie feels really breathless and too fast-paced. Apparently it was a studio mandate to have it not go over an hour and a half which is A) stupid and B) hurts the pacing
As much as I love Po's two gay dads we REALLY should not have been wasting time on their journey when the runtime is so tight
Also them tagging along felt off? Mr. Ping was worried sick about Po in KFP 2 but he doesn't tag alone because obviously he needs to let his son have his space. It's more in-character with Li Shan but it doesn't come across like he's talking Mr. Ping into it or something
In general there are so many plot points in this movie that feel under-developed. You could've made an entire movie out of the previous villains returning, Zhen and the Chameleon's relationship (see below), etc.
Po's Character:
People not knowing Po is the dragon warrior is weird, I'm pretty sure he would've been more well known than that
The entire thing with Po needing to give up his role as the Dragon Warrior doesn't really make sense? The Dragon Warrior is literally a made-up title. There's no need to have a Dragon Warrior because there is no such thing technically, it's why Oogway denied Tai Lung the title and then waited years and years to give it to Po. Like it's not a role that needs to be passed down, that's missing the entire point of the Everything
Also Po's only been like Dragon Warrior for a few years? I don't think we're ever given a time scale but it wasn't that long
The jokes about Shifu and Po having trouble with inner peace/mediating feels off given that was the entire plot of the second movie
It felt like Po regressed a bit character wise. He acts like he has no idea how to be a teacher in this movie but he already was a teacher by the end of the third, that was the entire point??
Also he seemed like he was more gullible in this movie but I could be wrong
Why is Po so impressed with Juniper city. He literally spent most of KFP 2 in Gongmen hello?? I think(?) Juniper is bigger but he shouldn't be acting like he has no idea what a city is
Zhen's character design doesn't match anything else, which is weird because most of the new characters in this film keep the distinct style in some form or another
Her wanted poster shows her with the bold markings KFP is known for and it looks SO much better
The plot twist with Zhen working for the villain was so obvious I did not realize it was supposed to be a twist at first
Also, the entire thing with Zhen was entirely unneeded? The Chameleon could've just just stood up and announced her plan to take over and Po would've shown up on her doorstep with the staff
I guess the idea is that Po needed to hand over the staff willingly for it to work? But if that's the case the Chameleon could've just impersonated Tigress or something and gotten it that way in like 1/3 of the time
Originally she was supposed to have kidnapped Shifu which would've been a much better plot point as it would've given Po extra motivation
The other problem with treating Zhen as a plot twist is that it hampers the relationship she has with the Chameleon effectively being her mom, which is FASCINATING. They had some really interesting chemistry together (the whole "stand up straight" thing as one example) and I could've seen it as a Mother Gospel from Tangled kind of deal, but we barely get any interaction between the two and it's like AAAAAAA
Fanfic writers fix this shit. I believe in you
I'll have to chew on it more but my pacing thought would actually be to start with Po finding out about the Chameleon's "take over everything" plan very early due to Shifu's kidnapping. He breaks into the lair like at the 1/3 mark or earlier and he meets Zhen inside which then leads into why she's doing what she's doing and the mother angle, etc etc blah blah
The Chameleon needed to just straight-up murder someone, comically shoving them down the stairs isn't good enough. I know stairs are Po's greatest enemy but I don't think that applies to everyone
Shen was allowed to stab someone on-screen so I think the Chameleon should be a allowed to strangle someone or something. as a treat
If violence was the concern just keep it off-screen like Master Rhino's death in KFP 2
The shapeshifter turning into a giant monster trope is overrated and I'm glad it was just used briefly here and not even for her defeat
Also the Chameleon's thing with her being rejected from Kung Fu because she's too small makes no sense b/c Mantis, which I'm pretty sure everyone's pointed out already. She does say "lowly" I think but was she ever poor? Could make a very interested parallel to Zhen if that was the case but it was never brought up again
I've heard some argue body image parallels w/ Po in KFP 1 but if that was the intent it's not explored, like, at all, which is a shame because it could've been an interesting angle
Also If they wanted a better excuse related to body image just say she was too frail instead of too small. I haven't owned chameleons but I've heard from people who have that they are very frail and very hard to keep alive, which would be a much better reason to turn her away
Yes I'm devoting an entire section to five second cameos don't judge me
I have mixed feelings on the Five not being present (save for the end cameos). On the one hand they are sorely missed but on the other hand they would've just made the plot bloat even worse
Lack of speaking was also bothersome. Part of me is glad they weren't recast with cheaper VAs because it's disrespectful to interchange them, but on the other hand that might've been better than just not having them speak and not paying anyone anyway
Tai Lung had all the best lines and was also the best used out of all the cameos, even if it would've been nice to have him on screen for longer. Also if they stuck with Shifu being kidnapped those two could've had some much-needed dialogue
Side note, while I don't think it contradicts anything from KFP 3 the spirit world having only kung fu masters in it feels off? It makes it seem so small and limited
Kai being there is weird. He's like. dead dead. Deader than dead. I guess you could argue that you can't kill something that's already dead but there's nothing even acknowledging this
Trying to take Shen's kung fu is really weird because the entire point of the fight with Master Rhino in KFP 2 is that he is not? a master?? like he's GOOD but he's not amazing, like if a master is like a 10/10 he's like an 8/10.
"The Chameleon has the powers of all my old nemesises!" WHAT'S SHEN'S POWER EXACTLY. HIS ONLY POWERS ARE GUN AND MOMMY/DADDY ISSUES
She does summon him way later than Tai Lung and Kai so maybe she was just camp spawning every single person she could think of regardless of skill level? she also uses his wings at one point so maybe she just wanted those, I don't think(?) there were other birds summoned
Though speaking of which she claimed she was using his wings but very clearly wasn't? not only were they black but they were raggedy and lacked the five longer feathers on the tips
Also Shen's model was super off, it looked way too fluffy and like an entire row of eyespots were missing from the edge of the train (which might have been a clipping error? unsure) it's been said the new models were made out of glue and popsical sticks and I believe it
Tai Lung has a habit of just like Grabbing anyone that's smaller than him and it amuses me
It's honestly really weird that everyone would just agree to go back into the spirit world willingly?
Like I think it works for Tai Lung because he's a noble person who just goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities. Like I think he'd be willing to accept his death
Also it checks out for Shen because he killed himself and given his "dead belong in the past" mentality I can't imagine him wanting to stick around, he'd probably think it was unnatural
But Kai?? Kai was FURIOUS at being dragged back into the spirit world at the end of 3, like hell he'd just go quietly
Also I can see Tai Lung maybe respecting Po enough to bow to him but everyone else is pushing it unless they have therapists in the spirit world. Po offered Shen some nice advice at the end of KFP 2 and his response was to kill himself on the spot, I don't think him or Kai would be bowing
All of them were definitely in the middle of a mahjong match and were experiencing the equivalent of being woken up in the middle of a nap so they were just going along with things
Chameleon: I'm going to steal your kung fu
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I did like some of the more subtle callbacks. Stuff like Po seeing his reflection in the blade the way Shifu did or the "I can't even beat you to the stairs" scene were nice and not overly overt or in-your-face
If Po actively refers to himself as the "Kung Fu Panda" one more time I'm going to end it all
anyway that was not supposed to be a 12 page essay but it's too late now, goodbye
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tom-at-the-farm · 1 month ago
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How I unintentionally became a perfume hoarder in 2024: an olfactory journey [I originally wrote this January 1st and immediately forgot about it]
So I have both chronic sinusitis that impairs my sense of smell and a raging insecurity about whether I smell good, which together make me obsessed with fragrances. I'm like Jean-Baptiste Grenouille from Perfume but instead of murdering women to create the perfect scent I will say things like "Curious by Britney Spears is the best olfactory experience ever" and to some people who hate the truth that's on par with murder.
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So this is obscenely overpriced, although you can get it for half the cost on fragrancenet. I am forever obsessed with cherry and I treated myself this year. It's definitely heavy and intense, slightly smoky and sweet, a 2-spray maximum. Base notes of sandalwood and regret. I got complimented by zero people whilst wearing Lost Cherry by Tom Ford and by at least five people while wearing Curious by Britney Spears, a ratio inversely proportional to their pricing
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Jo Malone is lit AF, I have recently run out of my Wild Bluebell bottle and got this, English Pear & Sweet Pea, which is amazing. It's an improvement on their older scent, English Pear and Freesia. Also the chief complaint I've heard about JM is that the scent has no staying power and that was definitely true of the Wild Bluebell I bought in England, but this latest purchase from a Bloomingdale's in New Jersey is both delicate and robustly American
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These two are my daily wear. I have to say I get the most compliments on Tommy Girl. Clean, floral, nostalgic. Bitches love it! Bitches is me, but also many other people. The Clinique Happy Heart is a more floral twist on the citrusy original Happy, and it too is generally beloved by bitches
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One time while I was doing a clinical rotation at a hospital I heard a man getting wheeled away on a gurney say to no one in particular, "You know what the best smell is for women? Woman by Ralph Lauren." Like literally he could have been being taken to a head trauma ward for all I know, because that's how mediocre this scent is. But I had to find out, right? Maybe there was method to his madness, some folksy American Everyman wisdom? There wasn't, and I'm a damn fool. Although for what it's worth, I was complimented once while wearing it, which is one more time than Lost Cherry by Tom Ford
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I inherited this from my mom and keep it for the vintage prestige, but Shalimar has always smelled like stale whiskey to me. It still does! Maybe I, a person most frequently smelling of cigarettes and Tommy Girl, just lack the pedigree to appreciate the opulence? It's like bergamot, jasmine and vanilla, all great things individually, but in combination they just smell like a sad grandma party. Come to think of it, a lot of Tom Ford scents are just Shalimar and Chanel No 5 ripoffs with edgy names and unisex marketing
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These were all presents and I wish so badly they smelled better than they do. I wish they smelled half as good as Curious by Britney Spears. The only Hermes I like is Le Jardin de Monsieur Li tbh
Also featuring such duds as Cacharel's Anais Anais and such resounding successes as Bath & Body Works' "Fresh Cut Lilacs"
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doktorblitz · 28 days ago
Creature commandos head canons
I know this is an unpopular opinion but I kinda like the chemistry between Victor and Bride and wanted to explore head canons of those two, mostly fluffy touchy feely SFW stuff (much as fucking Frankenstein can be sfw). And since apparently ain't no one touching this one with a 10 foot pole, I may as well be first.
Pre-emptive don't @me, let me address the obvious. This is a fictional story and I'm not saying there's isn't some messed up aspects, but we all have problematic faves, so before ya come at me, don't, I will block you.
Firstly, I'll also address certain aspects. It's not necrophilia because he wasn't into her because she's a dead girl, she happens to be a dead girl by circumstance. It's not grooming if 1) he didn't even intend to catch feeling and 2) he waited several years potentially making her a teenager if you wanna count by reanimation time. And considering Eric literally sees her as an object and doesn't understand NO, Victor is the milder of the two evils, regardless if he (Eric) is "mentally damaged" as Gunn pointed out. Hell Vic actually lets her develop her own personhood and ideas, arguably gives her more room to grow instead of projecting what he wants her to be (you want your bride to be able to speak don't you? Implied speak for herself).
I'll also say, if it sounds defensive that's because I've seen entire reddit accounts get their karma nuked into the ocean for discussing Victor's motives, not even necessarily defending him. And if it sounds rushed that's because I wrote this at 2 am instead of sleeping in a creative delirium, lol.
With that out of the way, and I have a feeling I'll get dog piled anyway, I have some ideas.
when he's testing her to see what she's capable of, strength, endurance, physical evaluation and such, Vic might not be expecting her to be strong like Eric.
maybe he discovers this when he has her try to lift something or other and she barely strains when a large human man would struggle with it.
the good doc would probably be amazed and a little bit charmed, given how in canon that didn't stop him from getting intimate.
she gets quite protective of him just as he was of her(he defended her in the flashbacks explicitly risking his own neck for her, pun intended).
what if after said canon attempt to throttle him by Eric, once she came out of shock she picked him up bridal style and helped him to the bed after he got the air knocked out of him.
she happens to find him more than a little charming and he's shared some rather questionable opinions with her, for the time anyway, i.e. questioning God, choosing things outside the norm, etc.
this is more of a implied background detail potentially but I'd guess he had to run to pokolistan to escape the various countries that wanted him dead for Eric in the first place, so he got asylum from the pokolistan royal family for a price.
part of that price was keeping his cadaver searching on the down low, another was entertaining the royal family occasionally, and the more unfortunate was the 3rd, taking a wife from the locals to keep good relations, albeit probably a slightly smarter more capable woman than the average house maid.
this could even tie into the joke bride makes about the royal bloodline, maybe Vic had made a similar joke to her almost 200 years ago while talking about the royals being inbred.
my guess is he would've waited a period and maybe even tried to hold her at arm's length until finally he couldn't anymore, or another good explanation/theory I heard and kinda agree, he wanted to show her the better parts of being human. That includes relationships and sex, eventually, and I could see bride being the one to initiate.
in that vein I could see her making the 1st move and him going all professor explaining the risks and possible outcomes before he agrees to anything.
similarly I have a thought that he may have used the "tell me what you want" method, ala "use your words", explicitly asking for what she wants, as some form of consent, in so much as can be given in that context.
another head canon I have about the unnamed wife is that there was no love lost there, she was an obligation, and that's also why he agrees to give her kids, 2 daughters seem to be implied. It was just the thing to do at the time after all.
in that case the infidelity holds true only for the formal marriage not any feelings towards the wife, given he ended up sleeping with the bride.
Lastly as someone has also said in a couple posts, Eric could've taken a page out of Victor's book and been gentle and patient etc, instead he went and killed Vic and made him a saint in her memory. And he is not teachable, all the while Victor had tried to teach him to be patient and give her time to fall for him.
That's the sfw and canon ish ones I can think of, but I have a whole ass two AU ideas with head canons I could explore if anyone is curious. Hint, one of them involves rocker bride playing guitar. And yes in both I'm still keeping the canon ship of Vic/Bride.
Any takers/curious folk who wanna discuss that kinda thing, I'm here. Anyone wanting to insult me and pile on me, don't, I'm not here to have my mind changed anymore then you are, so calm your ta-tas and just block/avoid the tag.
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defensivelee · 8 months ago
what if six lives! mary had tumblr
yeah what if. that would be crazy lol
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🗝️ cross-marked-angel
daddy finally fucked off 🥳 pls wish him a good trip. i'm going live in ten
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
does @raccoongirlbush want to join.. the stream always makes more when we pretend to kiss 💛 i PROMISE i'll take you out later with the extra dono money, wear something nice!!!!
🦝 raccoongirlbush Follow
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
anne i swear to lo!!! ok whatever click here to join the stream, i look forward to seeing all of you there~
#streams #i'm just kidding ily anne... #please accept dinner as my humble apology #i'll peg you later <3 #wait how many followers do i have on here again?
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🧡 menhera-prince-unlimited Follow
We're all seeing this, right? The fucking election results? I feel so bad for Rersetia, getting stuck with an Ally governor who does nothing but fear-monger and whine about the Overlifers-- all bark and no bite, that one. Unfortunately, woke little brats who don't know any better will flock to this one and decide it's a great victory instead.
I think I know what the next podcast episode will be about. It's about time we get the Allies to step down-- power doesn't mean competence. There are better people, with horns and tails, nothing but pure devil blood running through their veins, waiting for their chance out there, but when will Altos Diablos realize that?
🦌 allybentincksmain Follow
william please
🧡 menhera-prince-unlimited Follow
hans omg i forgot you followed me here haiiii ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
#hanni tag
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🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
just seen the UGLIEST girl omg
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
bitches still go out like this.
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
wear green stockings or don't show your legs at all, fucking cow lol
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
on it bossman 🤍💚
🤍 vitamarkedheart Follow
wasn't talking to you. but can you dox that girl for me
#and then stop stalking my blog thank you #i love you princess <3 but get out #you are such a creep
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🦝 raccoongirlbush Follow
when is @/menhera-prince-unlimited going to come out with the Ally Bentinck sex tapes like we all know what he's hiding
#ally bentinck #religious posts #horny posts
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🐾 madwoofwoofspiritboy Follow
my girl got me a new collar :3 gonna post a pic later on the alt, horny timezone bitches are gonna have to wait
#m woof woofs
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🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
Please be normal about seeing James Stewart and I together tonight. For the last time, honestly...!
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
Even just allegations of abuse can ruin a person's life, literally fuck off with that. You all think you know everything.
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
you fucking wish it was just allegations lol
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
I thought I blocked you, did you make another account?
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
hehehe <3 you're amazing at changing the subject... it's why he loves you 💚
🌠 lord-marlborough-official Follow
High again? @vitamarkedheart can you come deal with her now?
#sorry about this lol #don't believe them for a second #or her for that matter #marly reblogs
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💌 idolofthedevils Follow
HELLO Everyone I must Tell You NOW!!!!11 That none other than Next Month, Devils Willing,,, I will have a NEW FEATURE (๑>◡<๑) for the Pup Hoods that you all so Adore very very Very very much~ for the first time Everrrr <3 now you shall ALLLL have the option to pay for ☆Custom☆ Pup Hoods up on the site, at the LOW low Low price of an extra Twenty Guilders ♡ ~('▽^人) and nouuu Additional Wait :3 doesn't that sound great n amazing n Everything you ever wanted???? Stop moping around, Get it up, let me see you all Happy now ( ◡‿◡ ) you weird Furries with Fursonas may join in the Celebrations naowwwww~
I love you all Forever and ever ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ please make me very Happy and very much Richer!!!!! TOO!!!
#business spam #small business #JUST KIDDING FUCKETTES!!!! #you wish you were me #go make monopolies elsewhere ily <3
11,387 notes
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🫁 nassauphilia Follow
sometimes I miss the feeling of knowing that at least death is a certainty
🗝️ cross-marked-angel
it can still be one 😘
🫁 nassauphilia Follow
is that supposed to be comforting or a threat??
#and how did u find my vent blog
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🦌 allybentincksmain Follow
The word of the Western Kingdom today is to have UNPROTECTED SEX 🙏🔥!!! Please enjoy yourselves, suck a lot of dick for good luck 🧡!!
#i love you all <3
6,409 notes
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🩸 tail-tangled-of-este Follow
hot take, maybe, but I think they should bring back teaching Messianic in schools. you can't take children to a museum and expect them to be moved at the valiance of the devils when they don't know what the angels wanted.
#i don't remember who taught it to me but i am eternally grateful #maria.txt
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ethelstreep · 4 months ago
Starter for @yaksha-garden
There was a certain art to running a successful confidence game—and no, he wasn't referring to the actual, literal art that lined the walls of the gallery whose washroom he was currently occupying. Anyone could paint a picture. Of course, some picked up the skill faster than others, but really, all that separated a painter from a non-painter was time, money, and the desire to knuckle down and actually do it.
He adjusted the false mutton chops slightly as he peered carefully at himself in the mirror. They were neatly groomed, but slightly alarming in terms of sheer volume, which ensured that they would be the only thing anyone ever remembered about him. He was blessed with an entirely unmemorable face, which made flairs such as facial hair, glasses, and funny looking hats vocational necessities rather than simple tools.
Seemingly satisfied with his appearance, Adem — or Alan Short, as those in this city knew him — straightened, brushed down his lapels, tightened his cravat, and exited back into the main hall.
No, painting was easy. Making people want to buy your work was another trick entirely. And the fastest way to do that, Adem had found, was to ensure they thought you were not the one who had painted the piece in the first place.
People had a funny way about them. Place a talented craftsman with a fair price in front of them and they'll try to haggle, but give them a man in a crisp suit and a paper with an official looking seal on it, and they'll happily hand over a small fortune in exchange for rubbish.
There was a lot of money to be made in forgery, not that it mattered much to Adem. Money was just a way of keeping score. What made it fun—and this was important, this was where the artistry came in—were the endless number of moving parts.
Overcharge, and people thought you were an overstuffed ass, undercharge and people got suspicious. The venue should be exclusive enough where the clientele generally assumed that everyone else was there to accommodate them, but not so exclusive as to actually be true. And the artwork itself—oh yes, the artwork itself—merely had to exude an air of correctness. The eyes filled in what the brain wanted to see. The wear of the frame and the tint of the varnish were just as important as the stroke of the brush. The actual accuracy was not unimportant as such, but often came in second to the overall feeling of a piece.
He scanned the room. He recognized a few of the faces. Most of them were socialites, a dealer here and there, and, oh—this was a shock—prominent iron foundry owner, Atticus Blare.
What the devil was he doing here?
Blare was a known misanthrope, and held a certain disdain for his fellow man that was often reflected in his company's internal (and external) policies. The foundry's private security force seemed to take great pride in their ability to vault past due process and land poised for the neck strike at the execution.
Best avoid him, Adem thought.
His eyes settled on a lone figure standing by a painting. They glistened with jewelry. Rich, then. If not obscenely wealthy, then certainly well off enough that they were unconcerned with potentially losing a glittering chain to one of the many pickpockets that wove their way through the crowded streets. They didn't look like the typical English uppercrust, but that made no difference to Adem. Eccentricities were often footholds along the conversational byway, and building rapport in this line of work was very, very important.
He made his way towards them, stopping to examine the artwork. It was a Caravaggio. He had never attempted a Caravaggio, although he'd once tried his hand at a Rembrandt portrait. It had fetched him a neat sum at the time. He could probably do better now.
"It's amazing work, isn't it?" He said, in a seemingly offhanded tone. He kept his gaze fixed on the painting. "His use of contrast is really quite remarkable. To take a simple canvas and breathe such life and emotion and energy onto it with the simple stroke of a brush... Are you a fan?"
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kabillieu · 4 months ago
I tweaked something in my lower back--a nerve, a muscle, who knows--by just existing. Literally I was doing nothing except unloading the dishwasher, I wasn't even bending down when it happened. My back goes out like this occasionally. It is happening more as I get older, and I wonder if it has something to do with my core not being strong enough. I had been doing a good job of doing pushups and planks and then the past three or four weeks have been so busy with visiting family and the chaos of my big kid being dysregulated, so I stopped. The annoying thing about back pain is that the only thing that is supposed to help is to continue to move and walk through it, so that's what I do, and then I always feel better in a day or three.
Despite how annoyed I am by my back hurting, I am also pretty goddamn happy today! Here is one thing I'm happy about: Dominic just bought an inflatable hot tub from Costco! Let me tell you a story about my journey with hot tubs.
When we bought our Florida house in 2012, it came with a hot tub, which we were both puzzled by and found a little cheesy. Haha! Jokes on us because it turns out we are BIG TIME hot tub people. Like there is nothing better than being in a hot tub and having a few beers. Did we overindulge sometimes? Yes. Was it worth it? Also yes. You can't bring electronics in a hot tub so it forces you to actually talk and bond as a couple. It's also a fun thing to do with friends! You can be outside in it in chilly weather and it's amazing!
Well, that hot tub was old and Dominic was always battling it and eventually it broke for good. We wanted to replace it but weren't willing to pay for it because hot tubs are very expensive. Enter: the inflatable hot tub. Dominic bought me one to keep in Pensacola a couple years ago for our anniversary, and we have been using it ever since! It's pretty much everything we need from a hot tub experience. Just a way to sit in warm water outside. We never even turn the bubbles on.
When we bought our house here in Alabama, we had plans to put in a real hot tub, but when we had an electrician out recently to do other work, he gave us an estimate, and the cost to run enough power is just way too much, and that doesn't even include the price of an actual hot tub. So! After a lot of talking about it and feeling silly about becoming people who own multiple inflatable hot tubs, Dominic bought another one. And I'm excited!
Anyway, if you are ever on the fence about inflatable hot tubs, I'm here to tell you in my experience they are a lot of bang for your buck. My back and I are really looking forward to it.
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terrence-silver · 11 months ago
Would Terry pay for certain "services" 😉
Because when he was coked out in the 80's I can totally see him paying for those "services" then.
Of course he'd pay a sex worker and not just for himself; for others too!
On him!
The masseuse girls in Tahiti, Mamona and her girlfriend, could've been just that for John Kreese at the recommendation of a regular someone who knows they're excellent from personal experience. And his Johnny deserves only the very best --- especially when Johnny's doing a bit blue and needs his mood fixed through quality professionals approved by Terry Silver himself! He wouldn't just drop him into anyone's hands. Massage by the seaside plus a happy ending! What guy wouldn't feel better and drop his self-deprecation after that!? Wouldn't be surprised if the Tahitian resort received explicit and in detail instructions from overseas on how John should be treated and how he likes to be treated from Terry personally, if you get my drift --- and no doubt Terry got off on the fact that he and John technically shared the same ladies. Heck! He was on the phone directly with John while John was having his back rubbed. They even synchronized the fact that they were both in the nude, wrapped in towels, sipping on cool drinks, chit-chatting about REVENGE. It's hilarious.
These dudes are open and proud about it!
I feel they brought it back from their time in the military, if we're honest and it just never went away. You find comfort in working professional girls when you're out fighting in the bush and I think these two kept doing it even after Vietnam in one shape, way or form.
My god, even when Terry's gotten older and dropped the habit of narcotics and other more addictive, hedonistic vices, doubt he's grown out of the habit. His character never really changed; it simply took on a different, more socially-acceptable facade for a brief blip there, but underneath, it's all the same. Do we really think Cheyenne wasn't a higher level 'professional' too? C'mon, now. That was very openly a sugar baby on a payroll having her project kickstarted by him, flat out, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
How about when Terry flat out offers Shannon a 'job' and it's never stated exactly what kind or what this woman could even do for him, but knowing Terry Silver, what he was offering was for sure several shades of shady and he even rubs it into Johnny Lawrence's face later on, how she's a lovely lady. Deserves so much better. He wouldn't just pay an actual sex worker, he'd proposition people who aren't even sex workers to start working for it because nothing's for free, is it? After all, someone has to reimburse the car he so generously borrowed Robby and Tory for prom along with those outfits, yeah? And who's more fitting than Robby's own mother; a woman otherwise in a vulnerable state of mind with a history of addiction herself --- someone perhaps easily exploitable? The ex-wife of John Kreese's golden boy pupil gone rouge? It would be an amazing opportunity to score a point and break the enemy's morale through messing with their woman transactionally, no?
Man's got that pimp and that dog inside of him and you better believe that.
Everyone's a whore with a price and if they ain't, Terry has ways to make them one to suit his own agenda if he wants to, literally and figuratively speaking.
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pbandjesse · 3 months ago
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I was still very tired today but I felt a little better. Just a little but still. I felt more positive.
I did not sleep good again but it wasn't as bad. I still couldn't breathe. And I woke up to pee a million times. But it wasn't as bad.
When I did wake up James was there with hugs. I felt all puffy and not good. But I was happy they were there.
I washed my face and got ready for the day. I liked my outfit and felt very cozy and comfortable. I went downstairs and James had made me a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And joined me in the couch.
We decided we would go out to see some cultural things today. It's hard on Mondays because most of the museums in the city are closed. But the Baltimore Ohio railroad museum is open! So we decided to go there. It's funny because we also went there last Christmas season. Apparently that's just what we do.
We would chill on the couch for a while though and left a little after 10. James was playing a video game and I was just scrolling on my phone. I wasn't feeling amazing but I was trying to shake it off.
It was very cold out today. I do love that it feels like winter. Plus I just like wearing my hat and my new coat. I was feeling happy. Also the man at the desk at the museum complimented my hat so that was nice.
It was mostly quiet at the museum. We get in for free with our BMI memberships. There were a few moms with babies. A few old guys. It was fun looking at the model trains. And I loved going in the different types of cars. The diesel shop was closed again which is a bummer but it's all good. I was mostly just really enjoying watching James be excited.
I had to take my rings off because my fingers had swollen so much. They were incredibly painful actually. James thinks it may have something to do with the change of temperature from hot to cold. It's possible but I'm honestly not sure. It was not fun though and it hurt a lot.
I still enjoyed being at the museum. We looked at the gift shop but didn't get anything. Though there was a bracelet that was all train engines that I liked but I would have liked it more if it was on engine and then just cars and a caboose. A train made of only locomotives doesn't make much sense. Ah well.
We went back into the cold. And James decided we would go to Kenilworth mall to see the model trains there. Though they aren't the best. And while we were there we would get mall pizza and then over to trader Joe's, which is attached to the mall.
It was a nice rest sitting in the car. My hands were calming down. And I was just enjoying James's company.
When we got there there were just so many people around the train garden. Way more kids then I expected for a Monday afternoon but we think they were all there today. A lot of autistic children so possibly a day trip group? It was nice to see them doing a scavenger hunt.
We each would get two pieces of pizza and drinks and found a table. We were talking and people watching and we saw this dad with two little girls. One was like 4 and the other 2. And the dad told them to sit at the table and he went to get them pizza. But the 2 year old wandered away. We had eyes on her and were keeping track. But then she went to where they had the highchairs and literally climbed it to get in it and it made me laugh but James ran over to the dad who was clearly starting to panic that he couldn't see her at the table. Let him know where she was and then helped him carry his tray of food over so he could carry the toddler in the highchair to their table. And it was obviously super sweet , seeing my husband helping a dad. It made me a little teary too. Just so nice.
We finished our lunch and walked to the Trader Joe's. I always feel so claustrophobic in there. It's always so packed. But we weren't in there long. James got the things we needed. I got a couple snacks. And a peppermint body butter that is half the price of the one at target! I always switch to peppermint in December so this was a lovely find. And it's a little shimmery so that's fun. And we got out of there no worse for wear.
We went home after that. I stopped to check on an old man in the parking lot who was trying to pick up his glove but looked very unstable. Thankfully he did not fall. And then we were off.
When we got home we decided to do what I had asked. Hang out on the couch. Watch the last "interview with the vampire" episode. And then we would start "call the midwife". I have wanted to watch that for a while but I really struggle to watch shows. But I thought with my terrible energy level, need to be near James, and a few tiny bears to sew, I would be able to focus.
And I was right. I thoroughly enjoyed the season finale of vampires. I had two chocolate peppermint covered marshmallows. I draw so much water. I felt so dehydrated today. But I was really enjoying hanging out with my husband on the couch.
I finished all the bears I had cut out. And we would watch 4 episodes of "call the midwife". I got ready at every episode. I am glad I'm watching it while pregnant. Like it's nice to see the history, the really good deliveries, and the bad ones. It is sort of comforting to see how technology and medicine has changed since the 1950s.
Before the sun went down James would go for a little walks round the park. I stayed behind and tidied up the kitchen. Put away the bears I had sewn. I also fixed the sign I made because the hot glue did not hold. Not shocking. But I think my new fix is good.
When James got back I was watching a financial show on my phone. Made us feel a lot better about our budgeting. Seeing people making $10k a month and be hundreds of thousands in debt, and claiming they are living paycheck to paycheck is weirdly comforting.
James would make some dinner. I had cream cheese, cocktail sauce, and crackers. James had their leftover patty melt from yesterday. And once food was done we would get back into the show.
We would watch the show until around 830. My head has started hurting and I am glad I made it through the last episode but I could t do any more for the evening. Instead I came upstairs and started writing this while the shower warmed up.
But now I am clean. And my head doesn't hurt so bad. I had more water and a pretzel, because I heard that having some salt with your water helps if you feel dehydrated. Fingers crossed that it works.
And fingers crossed that I feel better tomorrow. My plan is to go to the craft store to get more felt to make a sample for the music festival. And then go to value village to get more fabric. And at the very end of the day I'll head to the museum for the Key Bridge event. Because of that event I get James at home for the morning. I am always excited for that.
I hope you all have a good night's sleep. I love you all. Goodnight!
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senzariscrva · 1 year ago
hi i'm alive, i have been car stressing and so... not here. i was SO READY to be done car stressing but the universe said NOT TODAY.
basically, my car has been acting up for yeeeaaaars. but now there's a new thing breaking or malfunctioning every other week, i'm at 298k miles, it's TIME. that car is so stressful to drive because i'm always on edge about something else going wrong.
so i was looking at this one specific car. but it was a liiiiiittle out of what i was sure i'd be able to afford. and also it was just eternally not in stock because as the cheap car of the company, everyone was just buying that shit. so basically the only option was wait and hope one pops up and jump on that shit, or order it.
so last september my dad was all set to order it, and he decided that since i wasn't positive i'd be able to afford it, he would order the minimum of what he would want in that car, and then if i couldn't afford it, he'd take it instead.
so. what he ordered was $12k more than what i wanted and i was like welllllll definitely can't afford that now.
so. turned to used cars instead. most of what i've been finding is a similar price to the car i originally wanted to get. which.... nah. so i've been back and forth with my dad for the last week about what he's willing to give me for a down payment, because i make $14/hour yo, i don't have shit. at first he was offering me 12k and found me a car at the dealer he goes to. the car was $31k which is waaayyyyy out of the range of what i can afford, even with a 12k down payment. so i looked at the dealership where my brother is a mechanic and found a used car for like $23,200, talked to my dad, and he said he took back the 12k offer and said he'd give me 5k. which brings $23,200 out of my range.
so. i stressed and agonised and searched and talked to my dad again like "look, i'm not trying to buy a car that's going to have me constantly in danger of not making enough money to make my monthly payments, and i'm not looking to buy a car that's in barely better condition than my current one and is going to die in two years, and those are basically my options so idk"
so. he basically said "wellll would it help if i do $7k for a down payment instead?" so like. yes, obviously every little bit helps.
aaaaaaaaaaaand then i found it. the perfect car. it's a hybrid, about 7 years old, 81k miles on it, so it's been driven a decent amount and the previous owner wasn't letting it sit around a ton most likely. $14,200. with the 7k down payment, that was going to make my monthly payments about $180/month for five years. aaaaaaand. i did a lot of math and figured out that driving that car would cost me about $90/month in gas, whereas my current one is costing me $150/month. so. there we go. there's the majority of my monthly payment right there just in the difference in what i'm spending on gas.
sooooo today i did the thing and called the dealership and scheduled an appointment to test drive it (i am terrified of phone calls okay, major panic mode right there lmao), got my brother to go with me so he could do his mechanic thing and take a look at it aaaaaaaaaaaaand we got there and they were like "........oh, yeah, someone was supposed to call you, we were getting it ready to test drive and it put up a hybrid engine warning light, so we had to take it back to the shop to see what's going on, and if it's super expensive to fix, we have to just scrap it, but if you want i can keep you updated"
so. that's fun lmao. just my luck. i'm gonna hope it's something they'll fix because DAMN that is literally exactly what i need in a car right now.
i guess i continue the car search just in case, but idk. i'll hold off on actually buying on for another two weeks or so in case they're able to fix that one... otherwise... idk, i gotta find SOMETHING. but yeah, hybrid is clearly the way to go, if most of my monthly payment can be covered by $160 that i don't have to spend on gas? that would be AMAZING and then i'm not super fucked over.
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notfknapplicable · 1 year ago
It's been a rough Friday, but I knew that things couldn't stay sunny and awesome like they did in January. Still, I was able to work out solutions to the issue and I had my favorite ramen for lunch and I'm feeling much better now.
I don't know if I mentioned that I was going to tour an available rental this morning, but the property mgmt company did a dastardly fucken bait-and-switch on me. The place already wasn't amazing - very old house (a friend used to live there and trust me it's kind of a dump) split into a triplex, tiny stove and kitchen in general with literally no surfaces to prep on, very few electrical outlets anywhere in the place, surrounding greenery fully overgrown so you know they got roaches, and not a single utility in included in the $975/mo rent. So this bitch calls me this morning to "confirm" my viewing and then tells me that oops we listed it for the wrong price, it'll actually be $1100/mo and still without a single utility included.
So of course I canceled because I already couldn't afford the $975/mo rent but I'm desperate to live alone, so I was willing to make it work until I heard what they actually intended to charge. And of course I spiraled into a panic attack and burst into tears and my therapist twin sister had to call me and comfort/calm me. They calmed me enough for me to refocus and do a little more searching, and then the most serendipitous thing happened: I found a place rented by my old landlords (the ones I rented from for 4 years most recently) that's extremely affordable even though it doesn't include any utilities either. Brand new laminate flooring, fresh paint, new-ish stove, dishwasher, it's a duplex so I don't have to worry about being surrounded by annoying college kids, neighbor is a long-time tenant who is not a college kid, and it is located firmly in the 'hood. POC neighbors and no game day fuckery to worry about. No airbnbs. My tour is on Monday and I have the app fee and deposit on hand. As long as it's not falling to pieces, I'm going to take it.
Also - immediate move-in! I desperately want this place to work out because I really can't stand my current living situation for much longer. My roommate clearly hates having a roommate as much as I do, and I've never felt less welcome in a place that I was supposed to call home. I'm a guest in that house. Since I moved in I haven't felt warm or cool once, because she is one of those psychos who won't run the hvac at a decent temperature ever. When I got back from San Francisco last month, she was in there wearing a hoodie underneath a down vest with the heat on 66 (fucking freezing). Last summer I stayed sweaty and stinky and covered in heat rashes because she "gets cold" and wants the a/c on 77. I can barely use the kitchen with the way she camps out in there cooking almost every single night. I mostly cook on Sundays. I miss sitting on my couch, eating at a table (every meal on my bed ugh), and having a living room. I need to live alone. I know that about myself now.
I'm going to light a candle when I get home tonight and hope against hope that this works out.
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yooniesim · 3 years ago
not being in the sims community for a few years (computer problems, couldnt play) and then coming back only to see so many creators have their cc behind paywalls sure was a shock tbh. i dont blame ppl for having patreons for their cc in general, ive seen plenty of creators have patreons with all their cc for free; becoming a patron being just an optional way of supporting them. plus, im pretty sure patreon has unlimited space, so ig itd also be a good idea if u dont have/dont want to use sfs or other unlimited upload sites (also posting pics with the files is a plus)
some ppl tho are like, wild. ive seen ppl charging 20$ a month and only releasing like, at most 3 patron only things per month then complain abt their stuff being shared for free.... like, youre selling 3 items a month for 20$, which is the same price as the base game when it isnt on sale. plenty of ppl already dont pay for the game itself, do u think theyre gonna want to pay the same amount for 3 things??
yeah nonny I'm in the same boat, it was so shocking for me to come back to this lol. I never imagined this many people would have patreons. I think it wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't almost everyone. But here we are lol.
I remember when patreon tiers were $1 and you got access to everything. When I first saw someone with $3+ it was the most expensive I'd seen for maxis match early access cc, and it really wasn't worth it for that creator. Now it seems like so many people are $5 minimum??? And sometimes you don't even get access to everything? The cost has increased drastically and more importantly- the quality isn't there.
I've had a few items that I downloaded when it became free and tested in game and went, "thank god I didn't pay anything for this". Lack of LODs or proper maps, high poly, holes, improper weights, etc. All of this to me is fine for purely free cc (as long as there's nothing game breaking). But to me, for paid cc, early access or exclusive, is unacceptable. And there is no way to know what you're going to get, and if there's a problem, you're out of luck. It may not be fixed, and you're certainly not getting a refund.
And then there's the issue of the tiny mesh edits. I know for a fact there are many people, if they knew how simple the edit was, they would never pay for certain items. I am not paying anyone for 5 minutes in blender. I would honestly rather pay for a recolor than a lazy ass mesh edit. That's more time and effort than making a hair two inches shorter. You don't even have to edit the texture, just make hat chops, and sometimes not even that! I have literally made certain hairs in under an hour and I'm not even that experienced! Separated the werewolves stuff in around the same time. I made the necklaces I posted recently in a couple lazy afternoons, like ten minutes per. Of course it added up since I did so many at once, but nickel and diming per tiny mesh edit? The ratio of time and effort vs payment is ridiculous. There are so many talented creators that do amazing work that takes days, weeks, etc for free. And there are talented creators that do really awesome items for early access as well, that seem worth the money. So when I see that sort of cheap tiny edit thing... it feels like these creators are taking advantage of the consumer that may not know better. It's embarrassing.
If that $20 was for 3 things that took the creator 5 minutes each to make, wouldn't you be even more upset? And then imagine that creator has hundreds or even thousands of patrons. And doesn't contribute anything to the community other than paid content. No interaction, no gameplay, no chat, never existed before popping out of the womb with a patreon. It's insulting. Is this community just a cash cow? And people wonder why we're all so tired, even if it's following EA's rules.
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reginarubie · 2 years ago
The Dance has begun. I can understand Sansa, as for why she feels so small again, calling out to her real family even more desperately — if only these people knew what was coming, just like she does! And right now she's not that Little Bird, she's a fighter and she won't run. I love this girl and how full of compassion for other people she is. She knows that innocents are going to be sacrificed for literally nothing. Alicent does too, but she blindly prays for salvation because opening her eyes would kill her. Rhaenys does too, but... I mean, this lady has issues. Or maybe she's just THE Targaryen and it is ✨fine✨ for them to think like that. Ugh, cringe bitches, both her and Rhae — Laenor deserved better, just like Symon does, though he's got something better than he hoped for. Ned is saving him just as much he & his fam saved her from Larys. *In Aemond's voice* It's a fair exchange. And oh no Rhaenys, don't you compare Lady Whent to your spoiled cun..ning niece. Ugh, I can't stand her in any universe, sorry. One more proof you got all the characters so well! But enough of the Blacks, my Green boys! Sansa is definitely all of us watching THAT scene 🤣 Despite it's being a fight scene it's absolutely heartwarming and I was happy to experience a better version of it. Aegon and Sansa need to chat more Imao, it's sending me 😜
But Aemond, babe, your plan! It wasn't that bad. Almost as okay as Daeron becoming a king in F&B. However, their loyalty to Aegon is here again to ruin the day. Loyalty is a great thing but did any of you except Niddle listen to Aegon himself? HELAENA MY DEAR SHE'S HAVING SUCH A BAD TIME WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT. Cousin Ned is there for you to feel valuable 💜 I hope Cole mentions that it was Ned's idea, the crown.
Also... One more hint on the possible third team... The Starks + Firesteel? Would be perfect 🥺 Waiting for the Storm's End. Hope Ned does something to Aemond's anger issues hehe... But even if Luke doesn't die, something tells me the Blacks still won't be satisfied. Either way, may Lady Stark survive them all once more 😈
Ciao Anne!,
As always thank you for your review it’s amazing!
Rhaenys is still a Targaryen to the core and she has her own plan, she doesn’t trust Rhaenyra one bit, but she has her plan and won’t be standing down about it. Her girls need to inherit Driftmark and their children — Laena’s grandchildren — to sit on the Iron throne for her revenge to be complete, also, it felt fitting with the way she acted with the attack to the Sept that Rhaenys would be like “The Realm ain’t my responsibility since they rejected me. Now they pay the price”
Aegon is very aware that he is not fit to rule — maybe he might have been but his issues are all over the place — and he knows Ned is more clever than she lets on, he has seen it, and he’s a little spoiled shit anyway. So ofc their interactions would be fun 😂😂😂 he be like “Where’s ya husband, cousin?” a jab to her and Aemond alike and then be like “Ya know, I know, the Seven know. Are you more attached to reality than these idiots?”
Helaena is a baby and she must be protected at all costs, and Sansa is there for it. In the book it was Alicent and Helaena both who talked Aegon out of full war and convinced him to offer her peace terms. So she’s much more involved than the show made her — terrible really so we’ll see more of her. Sansa’ll make sure of it!
Aemond’s contingency plan wasn’t that bad, and it took into account several issues… still could the Greens claim to be better than the Blacks if they fought an intestine war between themselves? No. They love each other, they’re loyal — never forget Aegon commissioned ginormous statues of his brothers, Aemond never took the throne though he acted as Prince Regent and Daeron actually throw wine in the face of the lord who dared suggest he stole his brother’s crown.
Like Alicent did one thing right, she made sure her children would be united and loyal and true to each other — we see that also in the private dinner scene in the show, Aegon shoulders Aemond in his speech and immediately is ready to throw punches when the Black kids come for them making sure to humiliate them by slamming their face in the plate — 😂😂😂.
Lady Stark is much stronger than anyone gives her credit for, much more clever than anyone gives her credit for and much more good and brave than anyone gives her credit for. She’s going to eat you all alive and make of you all her project to save the North and you will do it gladly because she asked nicely. 😂😂😂
That’s Sansa superpower. Her own brand of magic.
Thank you again for dropping by and for the amazing review!
As always sending all my love ~G.
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