#''hahaha!! hohoho!!''
zen-shenanigans · 1 year
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I have discovered I really like drawing Maskless!OP
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st-hedge · 2 months
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Take this as a follow up to my caption on the mgs doodle I posted yesterday. Every time I laugh at how cringe and embarrassing a mgs character is, I then end up having a sob over them
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possessable · 1 month
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old Babies Doodles™
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bunchum · 1 year
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tee hee
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twirls hair
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ryuatewater · 6 months
HEHAHEHAH I AM EVIL RYU *plot point/j*
oh ma gah 0_o
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cheemken · 1 year
Alam mo na kung ano bukas
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Hell yes I fucking do ouo
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Starter for @ashley-quinlan
Mistake number 1 was getting drunk. Mistake number 2 was stumbling into a room without first checking its contents. The contents, in this case, was Ashley Quinlan. Tina did not want to stick around and find out if boxing gloves came included.
Sadly for Tina, one foot in the door was enough for the crowd behind her to decide that she was in the way, knocking her further into the room and making her presence known. "Motherfucking shit," she grumbled, barely missing Smashley with a spilled drink.
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
alright. one more hour of work and then I need to get some groceries and THEN. I MAY GO HOME HRHDJJDJD
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baylardo · 1 year
i want to envision threshold au phoebe in particular reacting to seeing kathryns tail and manhandling it a little but im always so head empty on it 😩😩😩
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ethereal-eudaemonia · 4 months
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your honor... for research purposes,,, i gotta know,
what kind of pet names would König like? (both yandere and like 'normal' konig, whos just yandere konig except like 10% less outwardly obsessive)
I can imagine he's a little insecure about his size, but a well placed cheek kiss and "that's my big guy/boy/man" would have him melting like icecream on a summer day. Would he want to be cooed at in his mother tongue? "Mein majestät," or "Hübscher"? Or would he prefer something basic like "Honey" or "babe"?
~thanks and much love !
This is so cute because of course we want to make his brain short-circuit as much as possible and pet names & cooing are the perfect way to do that!
Top 3 pet names König would prefer:
Big boy!!! Will make his cock twitch and his eyes go wide. The acknowledgment of his size accompanied by the somewhat degrading, playful 'boy' just does things to him.
Baby. He thinks he hates it, or that it at least makes him uncomfortable… But if you moan it in his ear when he's making love to you, König will go crazy. This pet name goes straight to his hips so you can use it to get snappier and sloppier thrusts. In other contexts, calling him 'baby' will make him super annoyed… and aroused ^^ (He gets a boner sometimes when he's angry)
Hohoho try calling him Mein Majestät and you'll get a side eye and make him blush under that hood. Mein Held (my hero) will make him melt even more because it's not as much of an overdo as Mein Majestät. And this man wants nothing more than to be your hero!
Other pet names you could try are Sweetie or Handsome. Will probably have the same effect as Big boy. König thinks he's far from sweet and handsome so it makes him flustered if someone lovely and cute calls him that.
And hahaha you got it right, König is never "normal". Even normal König is… well, let's just say he's special ❤️
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escapedaudios · 2 months
In my editing cave putting together Lexi's next scene. God I love that evil devil woman oh hohoho I'm always cackling when I edit her scenes she's so bombastically horrible hahaha she's my favorite antagonist I've ever created.
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eyesore-boi · 11 months
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Yeah yeah yeah "FNAF MOVIE COMING OUT OCTOBER 27TH!!" Yeah that may be happening for you, but for me...the original t r u e FNaF movie already came out in 2 0 1 6
Just joking of course i aM MORE THAN FUCKING EXCITED FOR FNAF MOVIE DJAKSBS WE HAVE BEEN WAITING Y E A R S - So I figured to celebrate such an accomplishment i have decided to...not actually draw anything from the movie yet but instead the "movie" we all had as a substitute: FNaF the Musical!
I still absolutely adore this thing, rewatching it while drawing this piece just blasted me in the face with nostalgia the whole way through, and was just a real fun time seeing these YouTubers all collectivly go crazy in their own ways all just for some p u p p e t s -
And also aaaah back then when making FNaF kid friendly wasn't the norm......cough cough security breach >:[
But for real, this was a real fun one to do! Been experimenting with lighting and shading A LOT recently which i think is good, fun to try the simpler designs of the "animatronics" (tho Mat honestly was fun i still remember that shitty bear costume front to b a c k -), haven't drawn Nate before, and Mark...god REALLY trippy drawing him with red hair again hhHnnDHSKSN-
But yeah, all and all, finally posting more of art, real hyped for the movie (planning to watch it on Halloween with some friends...while in my Warfstache cosplays hohoho-), and who knows! Maybe the movie will spark my motivation with...other things...
So with that cryptic ending i abruptly leave...just like how FNaF does hAHAHA G O D THE LORE IS IN S H A M B L E S -
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aalghul · 6 months
“She didn’t tell Bruce about Damian!” he never asked???? This is on him
“She tried to force Damian to kill Dick!” Yes, and??? Dick was rude to her, he brought it on himself
“She kept Jason a secret from Bruce!” She was respecting Jason’s wishes????
“She slept with Jason!” So what??? Jason’s hot, Talia’s hot, they were both unstable, it happens!!! You’re just jealous Talia won’t sleep with you. Also no she didn’t, shut up
“She put Jason in the Lazarus Pit without his permission!” He was catatonic??? How would she have gotten his permission. How. And then she pushed him in and he was not catatonic anymore, which imho I think he preferred! And this always leads into:
“She put Jason in the Lazarus Pit without his permission, dooming him to a life plagued by constant Lazarus Pit madness and insanity and bloodlust! She manipulated Jason into killing people and going after Bruce and Tim!” AHA! HAHAHA! OH HOHOHO! YOU HAVE NOW OUTED YOURSELF AS SOMEONE WHO HASN’T EVEN READ THE RELEVANT COMICS FOR WHAT YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT! YOU HAVE REVEALED YOURSELF TO BE A SPREADER OF NON-CANON ANTI-TALIA PROPAGANDA! THE TRUTH HAS BEEN UNEARTHED, YOU ARE A FRAUD!
chef's kiss, no further suggestions
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nenilein · 8 months
Drama CD #1-4: A Little Disaster in a Moonlit Night (ENG)
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A spell cast in the full moon curses Arle with the gradual loss of her magic, memories and identity. Can her old friends break the curse before it is too late?
Translation of the Audio Track:
[DISCLAIMER: This translation was made by @PinkGeekNeni (Nenilein) on twitter! Feel free to repost parts of it or the entire text wherever you want as long as you credit the translator correctly!]
Witch: Howdy!  A very pleasant day to y’all! It is me, Witch. So, anyway, have you ever heard talk about how our moon hanging up in the sky might actually have mystical powers? They say that especially on full moon nights the accumulated influence of the moon can amplify one’s magic prowess… Kinda mysterious to think about, huh~? So, today’s story is about a tiny bout of huge turmoil that happened on a full moon night just like that…
[nighty soundscape, cicadas]
Arle: Ah, nothing better about autumn than some good old moon-viewing. Right, Carby?  
Carbuncle: Gu, gugu~
Arle: The full moon is so beautiful tonight. So mysterious… If you keep looking at it for long enough, it’s kind of enchanting, huh…?
Arle: That reminds me, I’ve heard somewhere that the full moon has special powers. Now I wonder if that’s true.
Carbuncle:  (cheerfully) Gu-gugu! Gu-gugu!
Arle: ARGH! Carby, what gives!? You ate all of our dumplings!!
Carbuncle: (happily) Gugugu-gu!
Arle: Hmpf… Oh well. I guess they DO call autumn the “season of good appetite”, huh?
[Suddenly, there are magical sparkle SFXs. A new voice, with a heavy echo and distortion on it.]
???: Ahahaha! Hahaha! Haha!
Arle: Huh? What was that just now? Sounds like somebody’s laughing over there…
SFX: Arle and Carbuncle’s footsteps
Arle: Hmm… I think it was around… here… Ah! There they are!
???: Huh? Hey, big girl! Who’re you?
Arle: The name’s Arle! You were dancing, huh? Looks like you are having a lot of fun!
???: Yeah! Dancing when the moon’s so beautiful is the best. It feels sooooo nice~!
Arle: Hmm… Say, you’re not just some regular kid, are you? So, what’re you called?
Puck: I’m a faerie! The name’s Puck! I’m biiiig cutie who loves to dance and play little pranks~! 
Arle: That last part’s not something you might want to say out loud…
Carbuncle: Gu, gu…
Puck: Hey, big girl, wanna dance with me?
Arle: Huh? Um… Sorry, but this is kinda giving me déjà vu to an old acquaintance who liked forcing me to dance against my will, so… I’m gonna pass!  
Puck:  HUH? You won’t dance? Well, then… you’re in for it now! 
SFX: *magic sounds*
Arle:  U-URGH! What is this!? 
Puck: The spell of forgetfulness! You’re gonna forget every- and any whichever thing~!
SFX: *more magic sounds*
Carbuncle: Gugugu!! (<spoken in the cadence of “Arle!!”)
Puck: Ahahaha! Buh-bye~! 
Arle: …Huh? What was I… doing just now?
Carbuncle: Gu…
Arle: I feel like something happened just now… Something I should remember, but… 
Arle: Oh no, I almost forgot! I promised Witch I’d Puyo battle her tonight!
Carbuncle: Gugu!
Arle: I’d better get a move on. You know how Witch gets when something upsets her. Alright, let’s go, Carby!
Carbuncle: (happily) Gu-gugu!
SFX: *Arle and Carbuncle running*
[Later. Theme of Puyo Puyo is playing. Puyo popping and casting noises.]
Witch: Oh-HOHOHO! I’m getting started, Arle~! METEO!
SFX: *impact*
Arle: You’ll have to try better than that, Witch! Aaaaalright! HAH!
Witch: I know right which spell’s coming up from your end!
 Arle: HA-! …Uh? Huh… HATCHUU!! 
Witch: GAH!
Carbuncle: Gu-gu!
[Arle’s sneeze knocked her off-balance. Her board collapses on top of her and Witch.]
Witch: Hmpf… HEY! What’s the big idea! You completely ruined the moment!
Arle: (awkwardly) Ahahaha… Sorry, sorry~! I kinda forgot the incantation for a second there, I think… 
Witch: It’s not like you to let down your guard in the middle of a battle like that, y’know.
Arle: Yeah… I’ve kinda had brainfog for a while now.
Witch: You sure you haven’t caught a cold or something? Tell ya what, I’ll give you some of my special cold medicine, so go home and catch some rest, ‘kay? 
Arle: Yeah, you’re right. Thanks. But, uh… There’s kinda smoke coming out of that bottle, and it sorta looks like goo, so, no thanks…
Witch: Hmpf! Well, I was just trying to help! 
Arle: A-Anyway, I’m gonna call it a night here. See ya! 
[Music fades out]
Carbuncle: (worried) Gugugu…
Arle: This is weird… How could I just forget the incantation? I’ve been using that spell on the daily for ages…
Carbuncle: Gugu?
Arle: Huh? Carby, what’s up?
Carbuncle: Gugu! Gugugu!
Arle: Are you wondering about something? 
[Suddenly, Schezo.]
Schezo: ARLE!
Arle: Huh!? Wait, huh…
Schezo: What a coincidence to encounter you out here. Once again we meet in the dark of the night, broken by the bloom of the full moon. Tonight shall be the night I…!
Arle: Sheh… Sché…Ah, right! You’re Schezo! 
Schezo: (completely thrown off his game) Wha… What in the world is THAT supposed to mean!? Are you trying to make fun of me, perhaps!? 
Arle: (awkwardly) Hahaha… No, sorry, sorry! I just kinda… couldn’t get your name out for a moment there… Anyway, what’cha need from me?
Schezo: Hmpf! You know very well what I need! YOU! Are all I need!!
Arle: Huh…? (pause) (screaming) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? 
Schezo Heh?
Arle: Wh… Wha… What the heck is your problem!? CREEPER! Get away from me!! 
Schezo: N-No, wait… I slipped up… I meant to say that I need your “magic power”, but… Really, why are you acting like this is the first time that’s happened!? Screaming like you think this is serious… How am I even supposed to take that…?
Arle: Uh-! R… R-Right… You always slip up like that, right… Hah… What’s going on… with me…? 
[Arle sounds like she’s shaking.]
Schezo: Hey… Are you… sure you are alright…?
Carbuncle: Gugu, gugu… Gugu-gugu!
Schezo: What is it, Carbuncle? Are you trying to tell me something? -Wait… Arle… You…? 
Arle: What?
Schezo: This is strange… You are definitely the real Arle… But, your aura… The magic you usually exude… I can’t sense it anymore. 
Arle: Huh? What do you mean? 
Schezo: It seems as if something essential is leaking out of you rapidly…
Arle: Ahahah, stop saying weird stuff like that, that’s creepy… I’m… going home! Carby, let’s go.  
Carbuncle: Gugugu! GU! (-> To me this sounds like “Arle! WAIT!”)
Schezo: Wait!
SFX: *Arle and Carbuncle’s footsteps*
Schezo: What is going on… What is this sense of foreboding…? 
SFX: *magic sounds*
Puck: Huh? The spell was just supposed to take a few of her memories…  But now I can feel all of her energy flow into me like a current…! That’s… not what I was trying to do…  
Arle: Huh? Did you hear a voice just now? 
Carbuncle: GU! Gugu!
Arle: Um… Uh… I probably just imagined it! Let’s hurry on home, Carby. 
Carbuncle: (sadly) Gu…
SFX: *Arle and Carbuncle’s footsteps*
[Later. Noise of a door being opened quickly]
Rulue: Hmpf! …Arle! Allow me to invite myself in! 
Arle: Um… You’re… Rulue!
Rulue: I heard from Witch. You went and caught a cold, now, did you? 
Arle: Yeah… I mean, my nose isn’t stuffy, but I can’t really focus on anything. Did you come because you were worried about me? 
Rulue: What��! As if I would ever lower myself to worrying about you…! I-I am only here because my Darling said he would pay you a visit! I had to-
[Door opens again]
Satan: AAAARLYYYY~~~ I’ve come for a bedside visit~! 
Arle: WARGH! Who is that!? … Ah… Oh, it’s just Satan~.
Satan: And hello to you too, my Carbunny! You’re as adorable as always today~! 
Carbuncle: (desperately) GUGU, GUGU!!
Satan: Arle, you’ve always been in such good health, I never expected you’d end up catching such a nasty cold. But it’s alright now! C’mon, let your Satan’s burning hot hugs break the fever for you~! 
Arle: Urgh-! You wanna HUG me!? 
Satan: Now, now, you don’t need to hold back. We’re a couple, after all! My fiancée must not be ashamed of public displays of affection~! 
Arle: Fiancée? …Is that so…? The two of us are… engaged? 
Satan: Huh?
Rulue: ARLE! OBVIOUSLY NOT!! What are you saying, are you out of your mind!? 
Satan: I-I mean…  Arle, are you sure you meant to say that just now? Something seems… 
Arle: NONONONONONO! I take it back!! What the heck am I even saying…? It’s just Satan’s usual delusional ramblings! Anyway, stop calling me your fiancée and GET OUT!! I GIVE YOU TWO SECONDS!!
SFX: *magic sounds*
Rulue: Arle, what in the world!! You don’t need to threaten us with magic!
Arle: Um… Uh… (scared) Ah…
Satan: Arle…
Arle: Huh? What spell was I trying to cast just now…? Weird…
Carbuncle: Gugugu…!
[Door closes as Satan and Rulue leave the house. They are now outside.]
Schezo: Hey! Satan! Rulue!
Satan: Hmpf. So the Dark Mage has shown himself. 
Rulue: Hey. What in the world is going on here? I’ve never seen Arle… like this.
Schezo: I knew it… So you’ve sensed it too. Something is wrong with Arle. Her memory and energies are slowly but surely draining from her. 
Satan: As long as Carbuncle is by her side I think she is safe physically speaking, but… this is no physical issue, now, is it? This is directly affecting her heart and soul. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an infection that could cause one to lose their memory gradually like this. We have no choice but to try and find the cause. 
Rulue: If that is so, then I will head to Witch’s house. She has a huge collection of old books, and knowing her, she might know a thing or two that does not occur to us. 
Schezo: That is a good idea. But we must make haste. If her energy and memory keep deteriorating at this rate, then there is not much time until she…
Rulue: Until she…?
Satan: We must not let Arle know of this, but there is a possibility she might lose all her memories and magic. Before that happens, we have to…
Arle: …? What does that mean?
Schezo: Arle…! How much have you heard?
Arle: I heard you all whispering in front of the door, so I couldn’t help myself… So, I’m going to forget everything and everyone? 
Satan: Now, now, Arly, it’s alright! We’re all going to save you soon enough.
Arle: But… you said that even you don’t know what caused this, didn’t you, Satan? 
Satan: …!
Arle: (awkwardly) Ahahaha! Oh wow, looks like I’m in trouble~! Ahah, um! …Sorry. Could you leave me and Carby alone for a bit?
Carbuncle: Gugu…? 
Schezo: Arle, wait-! 
[She closes the door in his face.]
[Nighttime noises.]
Arle: *sigh*
Carbuncle: Gugu?
Arle: You know Carby… This all somehow doesn’t quite feel real to me. 
Carbuncle: Gu…
Arle: I’ve always just relied on the idea that everything is just gonna work out somehow… I guess I’m just good at making stuff up as I go or something… but… I don’t think I can just wriggle myself out of this one.
Carbuncle: Gugugu…
Arle: I mean…! I can barely remember any of my spells anymore! It kinda feels like this is it… 
Carbuncle: Gu…
Arle: And also… If I’m honest, there are already so many things I feel I can’t recall clearly anymore. Like, I still know that Schezo is a creeper and that Rulue has a bad crush on Satan… Or that Satan likes to cause trouble, but… that’s about it. I don’t know the details anymore. Hey, how did you and I meet? And how long ago was that…? Carby… Am I gonna forget about you, too…? 
Carbuncle: Gugu, gugu!!
Arle: Huh? You’ll protect me…? Ahahaha! Thank you. That makes me happy. 
Schezo: Arle.
Arle: Ah! Um, you’re… Schezo!
Schezo: Looks like you’re not doing well.
Arle: What, me? No, I’m okay~!
Schezo: …
Arle: So, um… Looks like your days of chasing me around are finally over, huh? 
Schezo: What are you talking about?
Arle: All you wanted from me was my power, right? Now that I’m not going to have any powers, you’re probably not gonna care much about what happens to me, huh?
Schezo: Wha…!?
Arle: I mean, it sucks that I’m not gonna have any magic anymore, but… I guess that’s one load off my back at least! 
Satan: Arle. Don’t say something so foolish. 
Arle: Huh? Oh, right, that Satan! Hey, Satan, looks like you had a lucky draw with this, too, huh? 
Satan: Whatever are you talking about?
Arle: I mean, not only am I about to forget all of your past misdeeds soon, I won’t even have any magic to resist you with… Oh, wait, my magic was why you were attracted to me in the first place, wasn’t it? Guess you’ll lose interest in me too then. Maybe I’m actually pretty lucky, seeing how this all means you two are finally gonna get off my case and all! Heheh! 
Schezo&Satan: Arle!
Arle: Uh…What?
Schezo: Don’t force yourself to laugh. It doesn’t suit you. 
Arle: Huh…?
Satan: Arle. Do not underestimate my love. Do you really think I would want to take you as my consort after you’ve lost your memory and power and are docile and easy to manipulate? And above all else, regardless of what happens to you, you will always be Arle. 
Arle: That’s…
Schezo: Arle. I wouldn’t be able to rest if I were to leave you behind in this state. Be at ease, I will protect you. I will tell you as many times as you need to hear: I need you.
Arle: Ahah, Schezo! You dropped some words there again! You meant to say “I need your power”, didn’t you?
Schezo: Hmpf. I’ll let you think so, if you want to… Let’s head for Witch’s house. She should be helping Rulue to research the cause of Arle’s memory loss right now. 
Arle: Yeah! Alright… Let’s go to Witch’s- Uh, huh?
Satan: What’s wrong, Arle? 
Arle: Um… Who was that again? 
Schezo: What…!? Arle, don’t tell me you…! 
Arle: And, to start with, who are you people? Huh? Where am I? Why am I here? 
Satan: A-Arle, pull yourself together! You can’t have forgotten me, the great Satan!
Arle: Ahahaha! It’s nice to meet you! Looks like you know me from somewhere? Your name was ‘Greatsatan’, huh? 
Satan: …!! SCHEZO!
Schezo: Yes, we seem to be approaching the event horizon! Let’s go, Satan!
Witch: Um.. well…
SFX: *browsing in a book*
Witch: Em… huh…
Rulue: Witch, are you STILL not done with your research?
Witch: Hmm… Please give me a tad. Gradual memory loss is a rather rare symptom, y’know…
Rulue: Well, speed it up somehow! …I hate to admit it, but I don’t have the slightest clue about matters of sorcery, so this is up to you!
Witch: Argh, could you stop putting me under so much pressure!?  
Rulue: …! It is not in my nature to just stand by and watch… Hah, why am I wasting my time here, when right now my Satan is by Arle’s side and watching over her? 
Witch: You say that, Rulue, but I can tell that you’re plenty worried about Arle yourself, aren’cha? 
Rulue: …? Where did that come from?
Witch: Oh, I’ve just never seen you with that distraught look on your face before, is all. 
Rulue: I-I am just distraught that my darling prince is spending time with Arle and not me, that is all- 
Witch: Oh, reeeeally? Is that all? But if Arle lost use of all her spells, defeating and getting her out of your way should be easy for you, shouldn’t it? And then your beloved “darling prince Satan” would be yours once and for all. 
Rulue: (shaken) T-That’s… I…
Witch: What’s wrong? 
Rulue: OH-HOHOHO! Don’t you dare lower my noble, queenly self onto such a disgraceful level! I will defeat Arle in a fair and equal battle and win my darling Satan’s love and attention of my own power! 
Witch: Hm~? Oh well, if that’s how you wanna spin it, then okay. Continuing our research… Ah!
Rulue: Did you find it!? 
Witch: Here! Look at this! This has to be it. P… “Puck”. Um… According to this book, “Puck” is a faerie who loves to dance and play pranks on humans. Its specialty is a spell that inflicts its victims with forgetfulness… 
Rulue: So that is what did it to her…Really now, Arle, how could you let yourself be done in by such a creature? Tch, you are such a handful!
Witch: But this is odd… It says that Puck’s natural magic power isn’t all that strong. All the spell should do is make things slip from one’s mind for a short while… (she turns a page) Hmm… Maybe this has something to do with the fact that we have a full moon today… Moonlight naturally has magic-boosting properties, so maybe it affected that faerie and-
Rulue: I do not care about those details! I will go and finally report what we have learned to Satan now! …Oh, my Satan! Your Rulue… Your Rulue is coming for you~!
[Rulue runs off]
Witch: Hey! I was trying to explain everything you need to know!! Come back here-
[The door closes]
Witch: Waaaaait!!
SFX: *magic sounds*
Puck: What do I do? That girl’s power won’t stop flowing into me…! What’s going to happen to me?
SFX: *running footsteps*
Puck: I never meant this to go this far!
Carbuncle: (accusatory) GU! Gugu!!
Puck: Urgh!
Satan: We found you…
Schezo: So you are the one who stole away Arle’s memory. 
Puck: Huh? Why do you know about that? Ah! It’s that big girl!
Arle: Hey! Let go of my hand, stranger! What in the world are you all doing, ganging up on a defenseless child!? 
Rulue: Arle, stand back! We are doing this for your good! …How could it make you forget about your rival, the noble fighting queen, Rulue!? I will never forgive this! 
Arle: Eeek! What is wrong with this lady!? Those arms are way too strong for someone who looks so beautiful!
Rulue: Shuddup!! Looks like even amnesia can’t touch that smart mouth of yours, huh!? 
Arle: Amnesia…?
Carbuncle: Gugu, gugu!
Schezo: Hey, Witch! What do we have to do with this thing to get Arle’s memory back? 
Witch: Well… I reckon they’ll just come back by themselves if Puck is knocked out, maybe? But that’s not what’s important, now, listen-
Schezo: I see… *sound of him drawing his sword* 
Satan: I must admit, I do not like the thought of needing to bully a weak creature to resolve this, but… can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. 
Puck: P… Please forgive me! I never meant for any of this! I still don’t even understand it… My powers just seem to be working a whole lot more strongly than usual! 
Witch: Hm, aha. I knew it… Then that would mean…
Carbuncle: (asking) Gugu?
Satan: Hmpf! I will hear no excuses! 
Arle: W-Wait! What are you doing, Mr. Horned, Mean and Green!?
Satan: I am the Dark Prince, Satan!
Arle: And you, you silver-haired excuse to call for an adult!!
Schezo: My name is SCHEZO!
Arle: Can’t you see that that little guy is scared? Why are you being so awful to him!? 
Satan: Well, that…
Schezo: …is quite simple. All that we want…
Satan & Schezo: …is for our old Arle to come back to us!
Arle: Huh…?
Schezo: Let’s go! 
Schezo: (off balance) Gah…!
Satan: What is it NOW, Arle!?
Arle: Look… I get the gist that you guys are doing this for me. But, please don’t hurt someone for my sake, okay? 
Satan: Do you know what you’re saying? 
Arle: Okay, listen… From what I gather, I’ve lost my memory and forgotten all of you, right? But maybe… and that’s just a “maybe”... that doesn’t mean that my feelings for you all have disappeared!
Carbuncle: Gugu?
Arle: I’ve been watching you all fight for me this whole time, and seeing that, I somehow feel warm, as if I really, really loved you all from the bottom of my heart. So, maybe I can make this work even without a few dumb memories! We can just make new memories together! Right? 
Schezo: Ah…
Satan: Arle…
Carbuncle: Gu! Gugu!
Rulue: How can you say that so easily? …Then again, that way of thinking is so quintessentially you…  
Witch: Um, I’m sorry to bust this very heartwarming moment, but… it seems there’s some clouds coming in. Aaand, there they go covering up the full moon, and-
SFX: *magic sounds*
 Arle: Huh? …Huh! 
Schezo: W… What’s wrong!?
Arle: Whoawhoawhoa… What’s up with my head, I… Uh… Hey, Satan! Schezo! Rulue! Witch! What are we all doing here? 
SFX: *quick Carbuncle footsteps*
Arle: Ahahaha! Carby! Hey, what’re you being so cuddly for all of a sudden? 
Satan: Arle! Do you recognize my magnificent self now!?
Arle: What are you talking about? OBVIOUSLY I recognize you! Not like you’re easy to confuse for anyone else! 
Witch: Hmm, just as I’d thought. The amplification of Puck��s magic only lasts as long as the full moon. As soon as it was covered up, he went back to his usual abilities.
Rulue: Wha- Why didn’t you say so earlier!? 
Witch: I tried! You were the one who ran off before I could finish talking!
Puck: Heeey… I have no idea what’s going on, buuut…  looks like everything’s back to normal now, so… 
Arle: Wait, uh… What is even happening right now? 
Carbuncle: Gugu, gugu, gu!
Arle: Let’s see, I ran into a faerie that called itself “Puck”, and then… AHHH!! YOU’RE PUCK!!
Puck: Nonono, I’ll never do it again, never again! Like I’d ever put myself through something so terrifying again! BUH-BYE!!
[He warps out.]
Arle: Whoa-! …And he’s gone.
Satan: Aaaarly~!! I’m so happy! Now, in celebration of the return of your memories of being my loveliest fiancée, how about a passionate baiser from moi to-!
Arle: Who are you calling “fiancée”!?
SFX: *she punches him. Hard*
Satan: URGH-! (under heavy groaning) Yeah… Our old Arle’s back… Charming and strong-headed… as she should be…
Schezo: Hmpf… Arle. So it would appear your powers have returned to you! Thus, let us resume… our endless dance of passions!! 
Arle: Yeah, yeah, I get it already. But could you at least try to reel in the embarrassing misspeaks in public a little? *sighs* You’ll never change, will you, Creeper?
Schezo: Urgh…! 
Rulue: Looks like she’s completely back to normal. So much ado about someone like her… We should’ve just let her be if you ask me!
Arle: Heh? What’s with the attitude! I don’t remember asking for your help! 
Witch: By the by, Arle…
Arle: Yeah?
Witch: Just for the sake of my personal research: Do you recall any part of what happened while you had lost your memory?
Arle: Huh? Uh… Oh, right. I think I can remember, kinda!
Witch: …Including the part where you said that you, and I quote, “really, really love all of us, from the bottom of your heart”? 
Arle: WHA-!? Uh… Um… Eh… That was just… I, uh… I was amnesiac! You can’t take that seriously! 
Witch: But was it not you who said that, even though she’d lost her memory, her feelings have remained the same? Which would make the previous quote a confe-
Witch: Now, now, Arle, answer the research question: Was that statement, in fact, a confession of your true feelings~? 
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