#''bitch I didn't come here to learn i came to read what i thought was a murder mystery''
At least someone has accidentally mixed up their reports and their fanfiction and submitted each to the wrong place. I'm going to blame Shockwave because honestly this mech makes bad decisions too and it's funny. Starscream told him he was damn lucky that report didn't have sensitive information in it and that the fic was sfw and wholesome (Screamer damn nearly had a spark attack because he thought it was gonna be another Tarn Fic and she did NOT have the patience for that that day)
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wolfish-trickster · 5 months
You made your choice
Gojo x fem!reader
Part 2
Previous part
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: you asked Gojo who is more important to him, you or his bestfriend. He indirectly chose and now he's experiencing consequences of his own action (probably for the first time in his life).
Warnings: bad grammar (possibly), typos, angst, very little comfort
Taglist: @ilovebattinson @catobsessedlady @abcdefghijklmmopqrstuvwxyz @nanao4k
A/N: I recomend listening to this song while reading (was listening to it while coming up with the story, the song and the story aren't exact copies of eachother but the vibe is about the same) and to those who know me THE LINK IS SAFE TO CLICK I DIDN'T LINK IT WITH WHAT YOU THINK I SWEAR. Enjoy the reading 😊
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"Hey, can I come over?"
"Dude, you were just here!"
"I know, I know. But I need a shoulder to cry on."
"Damn, that bad? What happened? You and Y/N had a fight or...?"
"Can I just come over?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll leave the door unlocked."
Geto Suguru has had a lot of weird moments with his best friend, but that phone call certainly was...something. No explanation, no joking around, just straight to the point.
About fifteen minutes later he heard his front door open.
"Satoru, did you learn how to teleport or something? We live an hour away from eachother," Geto joked before he could even turn around and see the state his friend was in. Disheveled hair, dry lips, red eyes. Something terrible must've happened.
"It's Y/N," was all Gojo said before he sat down at the dining table.
"Figured that much," replied Geto and took a seat next to him and waited. He knew Gojo. That man can't shut his mouth to save his own life. He'll spill everything sooner or later.
Gojo let his head fall on top of Geto's and sighed. Geto patted his fluffy white hair and kept on waiting. Good thing was they both sat right across a big window. Geto could count pine cones on the nearby trees while he waited for Gojo to open up.
It didn't take long.
"Y/N left."
"WHAT?!" Geto pushed the white head off of his shoulder and took Gojo by the shoulders. "What happened? What did you do?" He stared him in the eye.
Gojo just blinked. "I don't know! I don't think I did anything wrong," he looked oit the window again. A squirell jumped from one branch to another.
Geto rolled his eyes and turned Gojo's face back to his. "Satoru, people don't just up and leave. You must've done or said something that hurt her feelings. What did I tell you about comunication being-"
"Being the cornerstone of a good relationship, I remember," he put his hands on Geto's cupping his face. "We did talk. And I thought we came to a mutual understanding. Then I offered to cuddle with her and went to shower but once I walked out she was gone. All her things too..."
"Wow," Geto let go of his friend's face, "what a bitch."
"Right?" Gojo agreed and leaned back on his chair so far it was threatening to fall. "I don't understand. She never complained before, never said anything, then all of a sudden she pulls a stunt like that, throws a scene, slips into her selfhating thing again-"
"Wait, she what?" Geto asked confused. He has met you enough times to know you were very cheerful and life-loving person. What was Gojo talking about? Selfhatred?
"She has these moments,"he explained, "thinks she's too fat, then not curvy enough, thinks she's too basic to be with a guy like me, so on. When it happened the first few times i comforted her but even after all those years she still thinks of herself as less than and I'm too damn tired of it. I thought all of those negative thoughts would go away the first time I assured her I love her no matter what," he crossed his arms on his chest and looked out the window again. "I'm starting to feel like she's doing it for attention."
"Listen Satoru, maybe she's just extremely selfconscious and people like her need reassurance like that. Besides if she was really doing that for attention she wouldn't leave withoit a word. She would leave hints for you to find her and come beg her on your knees or something."
Gojo chuckled. "Suguru, you've got to stop watching Shoko's telenovelas."
"I'm a slut for drama."
A phone rang.
In a speed of light Gojo pulled out his phone hoping to see your lovely face. The screen was black.
Geto pulled out his ringing phone and picked up. "Well well, speak of the devil," he smiled.
Gojo couldn't hear what him and Shoko were talking about. He could only take hints from Geto's facial expressions and his occasional answers.
"What do you mean you have to cancel it? Oh. Okay. I understand. And did she tell you what-" his eyes got wide. "But wait, that's not- I didn't- Actually he's right next to me."
Gojo tried to get closer to hear what they were talking about but Geto jumped up and walked across the room.
"Okay. Okay, i'll ask him. No, that's fine. Alright. Take care, both of you. Bye," he hung up. Then slowly turned around to face Gojo now standing opposite him.
"Now you'll tell me exactly what had happened between you two. You said she caused a scene, what was it about?"
His mouth turned into neutral line, just like when you started this whole mess. "She asked me to stop seeing you. Can you believe that? Trust me, if I told her to stop seeing her friends all hell would break lose."
"Isn't that what happened when she asked you?" Geto pointed out the obvious double standard but Gojo wasn't listening.
"Didn't you hear what I just said? She wanted me to spend more time with her. Like, what does she want me to do? Make me and her morph into one being?"
"It is true that you've been spending a lot of time with me," Geto held his chin between his fingers in a thought. "But I don't get one thing. If you being away from her this often was a problem for her then she must've shown signs, not encourage you to come and spend time with me when she was too busy herself."
"About that," Gojo nervously played with his shades. "I might've over-exagarated that."
"Don't tell me..." Geto pinched the bridge of his nose.
"She wasn't always busy when I came here."
"Satoru!" He half shouted. "You always told me she was too busy and couldn't come! Why would you lie?"
"Because i felt trapped!" He yelled back. "I felt like I couldn't even breathe. Yes, being around has brought me so much joy but I missed the thrill of being free. Just being with you and Shoko and doing whatever. Now I just feel like I'm chained to something that I kinda want away from but also not," the entire time he spoke he was pacing back and forth. "I just wanted to feel like the old times."
"So in other words you miss the feeling of being single but you also like the benefits relationship gives you," Geto concluded. "I thought you were better than this."
"And I thought you would understand," Gojo turned his anger against his best friend who was calmly standing in the living room. "But wait, I forgot, you have no one," he mocked.
"Damn right I don't. Which makes me even more pissed off when I see how you treat your own relationship! Have you got any idea how much I envied you for having someone waiting for you at home and welcome you after a long day? Or just someone to be there for you in general?"
Gojo got silent. He didn't know. Geto never showed it.
Geto took it as his chance to try speak some sense into Gojo. "Listen, you only feel like this because you've never been in a relationship. Feeling trapped is normal, I think. What's important is that you love her and you're capable of changing to get her back, right?"
Gojo was just looking at him.
"Right?" Geto said a bit more panicked.
"I don't know!" Gojo exclaimed and Geto facepalmed. "I don't know how to choose between her and you."
"Is that what she asked? For you to choose between her and me?"
Gojo shook his head. "No, I think she just wanted me to spend less time with you."
"So she didn't out right prohibit you from hanging out with me, she only asked for you to stay with her more often," Geto was slowly but surely getting the whole picture.
"Something like that," Gojo shrugged.
Geto sighed. "You royally fucked up Gojo Satoru."
"No, really?" sarcasm dripped from his words. "I still think I did nothing wrong. She has no right to aks me to spend less time with you."
"She does actually. She's your girlfriend of what, three years?"
Gojo nodded.
"Three years and yet you place her beneath a best friend. How would you feel like if she had to choose between her best friend and you and she went for the friend?"
Suddenly, Gojo looked like it finally hit him. "I'd feel...terrible," he sat down on the chair. "But... but I didn't tell her I would choose you. Both of you mean so much to me."
"On the same level or a different one? Satoru, understand that the love for a friend and a love for a lover are two separate kinds of love. You not being able to distinguish between them caused you to be in this mess."
Geto walked over to where Gojo sat and towere over him. He put a reassuring hand on his wide back. "Let me ask you this: what do you want right now? To be with her?"
Gojo stayed silent. He didn' know what he wanted. He hated the fact that he can't have both a friend and a lover. Choosing one would mean losing the other in Gojo's eyes. He can't afford that. Not when both of his most treasured people made him so happy.
Geto took his silence as a no. "You know what I think? You didn't want to have her. You just wanted others to see you have her."
His words cut like a knife. Why? Why do his loved ones have to be this cruel? He only looked up from the floor to his best friends almost black eyes. His own baby blues were watery. A lump took place in his throat. With a horror he realised how weak he feels. One half of him already packed her things and walked away, he can't let the other half do the same.
"Do you hate me now?" He whispered, affraid if he will speak any louder he would cry.
Geto took a while. Then shook his head. "No Satoru, just dissapointed."
Gojo nodded and looked back down to the floor.
Few minutes passed. None of them said anything. After Gojo was completely sure he won't fall apart he spoke up. "Do you think I can fix this?"
"Hmm," Geto hummed and pulled out a chair to sit opposite him. "Fixing means returning to its original state. I don't think things will go back to normal."
"But, I don't want to lose her. I know I don't!"
"Then you must set your priorities straight."
"But-" Gojo looked into Geto's eyes again. "That would mean I will loose you and that's equally as bad."
Geto shook his head. "You won't loose me. I'll still be here. You can still come over and we can still hang out. It just won't be like before."
"And that's what I don't want," Gojo mumbled and crossed his arms again while leaning into the backrest.
"Truthfully, if I had a girlfriend as amazing as Y/N I would spend a lot of time with her and not you."
Gojo swore he could feel his heart crack. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs, "that it's only natural to pick your lover over your friends. Not always, of course, but often enough."
Geto lifted his head to see his friend pale as a ghost, his skintone could now rival with his hair. He immediatelly regreted what he said. "But as I said, even if that was the case, even if you chose her as your top priority, which you should've as a good boyfriend, then it wouldn't mean I would cease to exist. And if I get someone in the future and I do the same you won't cease to exist to me either. You are my best friend, Satoru," he placed a hand on Gojo's shoulder, "and no girl will ever change that."
Gojo's ocean blue eyes let some tears slipped. He realized that his best friend is right, as always. Geto will always be there. And sure, even after he gets busy in his own life and won't have time for Gojo and his antics anymore, that wouldn't mean they would change into strangers to one another.
Gojo quickly wiped his tears and nodded. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "I don't want tk fix this. I want to evolve this. I want her back. I want to learn to love her again. Properly this time."
"You sure about that?"
Gojo nodded.
"Even after she won't forgive you?"
"Why wouldn't she? She's smart. She will understand. Besides, how can you rehect the best man in the world?" He forced out a chuckle.
Geto shook his head. "Arrogant and full of yourself as always."
"Yeah, what can you do..."
Geto's phone buzzed again. But this time nkt from a phone call but a message. Geto took out his phone, gave it a short glance and put it back into his pocket.
"Was it Shoko?"
Geto shook his head. "Just my reminder. Me and Shoko planned to go see a movie."
"Oh, is that what you talked about canceling?"
Geto nodded. "Y/N knocked on her door and asked to stay a few days. From what Shoko told me she was a mess."
Gojo slumped forward on his chair and hid his face in his hands. "I never wanted any of this to happen."
Geto hummed. "Do you know what this is callled? Consequences. Hurts, doesn't it?"
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misseviehyde · 9 months
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Melissa had never thought she would meet the love of her life, fall instantly in love and get married so quickly, (especially after being single for so long) - but all her dreams had finally come true.  Dan was gorgeous - a well-read and well-spoken gentleman who had an impeccable taste in fashion and interior decoration and was the CEO of a small, but successful limited company.  
Melissa was a piano teacher, and she'd met Dan when he came for lessons.  As he brushed back his sexy hair and grinned at her with his confident smile, she'd felt her stomach flutter and known she had finally met the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Her heart had sank when she'd seen the wedding ring on his finger, but he'd blushed at her gaze - almost reading her mind.
"I... was... married.  She died in an accident.  I still wear the ring, though I don't know why.  My former wife... well she wasn't a very nice person.  It wasn't until she died that I realised she'd been dominating my life, gas-lighting me into thinking everything was my fault.  She had me totally under her heel and treated me very poorly.  Sorry, I shouldn't speak so ill of the dead, but I'm glad she died, I finally feel free.  That's why I'm having these lessons, I want to live - I want to finally do all the things I should have done when I was married to Cassandra."
They'd hit it off immediately and begun dating a week later.  A year later and they were married - and Melissa was finally moving into Dan's amazing mansion home.  She didn't care that he was rich, or that he'd lived here with his evil ex-wife... all that mattered was that she was finally with the man of her dreams.
Still - as they passed into the house, Melissa couldn't help but shiver.  The house still bore the marks of Cassandra's spoiled influence.  The more Melissa had learned of the evil, manipulative, vain and cruel Cassandra - the more she was glad she had never met the bitch.  She wondered how Dan had ended up with such a bad girl - or why he had allowed her to gaslight him for so long.  Dan had told him that Cassandra had even fucked other guys, but somehow made him feel it was his fault for being an inadequate lover. 
"She gets into your head and makes you her puppet," he had sighed sadly.  "Sorry - I mean, got into your head.  You know... it's funny, but sometimes I almost feel like she is still here. Crazy I know! Just ignore me, I'm being a fool of course."
That had really made Melissa shiver.  The thought that Dan's ex-wife might be haunting the house - watching them like some malicious purveyor really made her feel uncomfortable.  Good job she didn't believe in ghosts. 
"This is our home now baby," she had smiled. "We're going to be happy here.  Now forget all about your ex-wife and lets start our new life together."
In the dark corners of the bedroom an evil spirit gloated as it watched Melissa innocently unpack her things. At last - a woman was here.  A weak, willed, goody-two-shoes of a woman.  A foolish little slut with no idea of the transformation she was going to undergo. Cassandara smiled as she drifted close to her victim and tasted her innocent spirit.  Sustained by spite and bitterness, the spirit of Dan's former wife looked appraisingly at Melissa as an artist might look at a piece of clay.  So much potential... so much fun to be had.
Melissa shivered and she turned her head, almost as if she sensed something.  Weird, it felt like she was being watched.  For a moment the tension seemed to stretch out and then Melissa shrieked and nearly jumped out of her skin, as with a clatter, something fell from the top of the wardrobe... almost as if it had been pushed off.  Regaining her composure, Melissa convinced herself the object had fallen naturally and walked over to pick it up.  It was a jewel case containing a DVD.  Why it had been hidden on top of the wardrobe, she wasn't sure.  
"What the hell is this?" she mused, walking over to the bedroom TV and sliding the DVD into the player beneath. It whirred up and Melissa sat on the bed to watch.  To her surprise when the screen came on, it showed a video of the very bedroom she was now sitting it, only it was at night.  Red candles and soft lighting lit the room, and the sheets were white satin.
Melissa gasped and her hand went to her mouth as she saw two figures on the bed.  One was Dan, only slightly younger looking - the other was an amazing looking woman with a perfect, toned, body and firm full breasts.  Her body oozed sensuality as with a moan of pleasure she lowered herself onto Dan's cock and began to ride him.
Melissa watched in horror as the woman in the video fucked her husband.  Fucked.  That was the only way to describe it. When she and Dan had sex it was gentle love-making, this was like watching a porn video.  Dan's face was a mask of ecstasy, the woman on top of him moaning as she thrust her hips obscenely like she wanted to suck his dick up into herself and she took his straining cock deeper and deeper inside her.
"Oh Cassie, fuck me," he moaned... "I need you so badly."
"That's right Dan," she hissed, "my pussy controls you - only I can make you feel this way.  Say it."
"YES! OH YES, CASSIE, your pussy owns me - you're better than every other woman.  Only you can make me feel this way."
"Mmmmmh, good boy - I will ALWAYS be in control of your life."
Melissa felt sick to her stomach, yet she couldn't stop watching.  Cassie bounced on top of Dan with hot wet slaps, moaning and laughing as she squeezed her tight pussy around his dick and made him hers.  Dan was shaking, his uncontrollable lust for his bitch wife clear to see.  His eyes shone with devotion and with a wracking sob, Melissa realised he had never looked at her like that.  
"Oh my God Dan, why did I have to see this?" she sobbed.  "I thought we had a special connection, but now I see what you were like with her... you'll never need me like you needed her.  I can't believe this, I can't compete with that bitch!"
Hearing movement downstairs, Melissa quickly turned off the DVD, ejected and hid it under the bed.  She used some tissues to quickly blot her tears and put on a fake smile as Dan entered the room.  He walked over and put his arm around her lovingly.  "Everything okay baby?"
"Of course," she lied, "everything is fine."
It was hours later and Melissa couldn't sleep.  She couldn't stop thinking about the DVD and what she had seen.  The scene seemed to replay in her mind again and again and again.  As she lay in the bed, tossing and turning, with Dan snoring next to her, she wanted to scream but she couldn't.
Grinning maliciously, Cassandra floated over to Melissa and took a position up behind the bed-head. Reaching down she slid her spectral fingers towards Melissa's brow and sighed pleasurably as her phantasmal digits slid into the other woman's head.  She'd tried this before, but Melissa's unconscious mental defences had been too strong.  Now her mind was wide open.
Melissa groaned in relief as a sudden cool sensation seemed to slide into her head.  After hours of restlessness, she suddenly felt drowsy, and though the sex scene in her head continued to play - it no longer made her feel sad.  Instead she began to feel horny as she watched the lovers fuck.
The memory became a dream, and as she watched the lovers rutting - Cassie's face seemed to melt like wax and then reform.  With a gasp of astonishment Melissa realised she was now watching herself riding Dan - only, with a body like Cassie's.  Melissa couldn't believe how good her face looked on that bitchy body, all tanned and perfect.  She felt her heart beat faster and a sudden yearning to be like the woman in her dream and make this fantasy come true began to fill her mind.
Why not become more like Cassie?  Why not see if you can make Dan lust for you like he used to lust for her?
Melissa sighed happily in her dreams as strange thoughts and whispers filled her mind and her lips twisted into a unfamiliar smile.  Finally she slept, and her dreams were sooooo naughty that night...
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Dan blinked in surprise as he walked into the kitchen to find Melissa on a stool whistling and doing her makeup.  For a second he was struck by deja-vu then he realised why.  
"Melissa, are you wearing my ex-wife's clothes?  What the hell? I packed all that stuff away in the garage months ago!  Did you go unbox it?"
Melissa looked at him in confusion.  "Baby, I found this stuff in my wardrobe, I thought since you'd left it out, you wouldn't mind me wearing it.  I never thought of wearing clothes like this before, these leather pants feel really nice. Don't you like how they look?"
Dan had to admit that Melissa did look good in Cassie's bitchy clothes... he felt his cock twitch. There was something kind of hot about nice girl Melissa being a bit more like his nympho-ex, but why was she lying to him?  
"Melissa, tell the truth - I never left those clothes out - you must have got them from the garage."
Melissa frowned, "Dan - I promise you, they were in my wardrobe when I woke up this morning.  Are you accusing me of being a liar?"
"Of course not," he said reluctantly - but full now of spite, he snapped - "They don't fit you anyway, you'd need to lose weight and tone up to pull those off."
Melissa scowled. "Maybe I will then!" she snarled, stomping off back up to the bedroom.
Dan immediately regretted being mean to Melissa, but he was too proud to go apologise, so he left her to fester.
Cassie smiled as she invisibly watched - it had all played out exactly as she had known it would.  Floating through the wall into the bedroom she smirked as she floated behind Melissa and slid her fingers into the other woman's head.  They slid in easier now, like Melissa's mind was embracing their touch - almost pulling them in.
Melissa's eyes widened slightly and a lovely relaxed feeling throbbed through her body as Cassie's evil influence pulsed into her body.  The clothes seemed to pulse with the same corruption, Melissa was now encased in Cassie's bitchiness and it was starting to transfer into her body.
He's right - you do need to tone up and shape up - and you will.  You know you deserve to wear these clothes and you only want to dress like this.  Throw away all your old clothes, go to the garage and take all of Cassie's things - replace your entire wardrobe with hers.  Dan will only lust for you if you become more like Cassie.  Do it...
Melissa moaned as her brain pulsed with pleasure.  Standing up she walked to her wardrobe and with a sneer, began to rip her old clothes out.  It was time to upgrade... and join a gym.
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"Yes, this is more like it," smiled Melissa as she admired herself in the mirror a few weeks later.  The amount of weight and toning up that she had achieved in such a small amount of time was incredible. In fact, it was almost supernatural.  If she didn't know better she'd say that some outside force had been assisting her - speeding up her physical transformation from a slightly frumpy housewife into a toned and athletic looking hottie.
Dan had certainly noticed, but not complained - their sex becoming more ambitious and his pleasure in her superior body noticeable.  Melissa had almost completely stopped playing the piano or taking lessons in order to shape up and Dan hadn't objected when she had told him she wouldn't be contributing to the finances this month. 
In truth, he felt guilty that he had told Melissa she needed to shape up, and his guilt gave her power over him. Power Melissa was starting to enjoy.
She walked into her bedroom and sat on the bed.  All at once the delicious tingling throbbing feeling she got in her head whenever she was in this room came back and she smiled happily.  She always had her best ideas in the bedroom - it was almost like someone was projecting ideas into her head and the more she relaxed and welcomed it, the faster the ideas seemed to come. 
"Yes, I should try on some of the tighter, bitchier, clothes that Cassie used to own. I can probably fit into them now," grinned Melissa as she opened the wardrobe where she had put all the naughtiest clothes she had found - but had not quite been able to fit into - in.  Now she was about the same body build as Cassie though, it should be easy.
Melissa shivered as she stroked the latex clothing, faux-fur, leather boots and bougie jewellery on display.  Could she really wear this stuff?  It seemed like something some sort of slutty bad bitch might wear.
"Hurry up and try them on... you're going to feel sooooo fucking hot and horny in those clothes.  Haven't you seen how Dan has been responding to your physical improvements, next you need to start acting like a bad-bitch.  He enjoys being bullied and pushed around, it actually turns him on.  Try it. Put on an outfit and go tease him."
Melissa shivered and nodded.  Sometimes it felt like there was a voice in her mind whispering such deliciously evil things to her, but she had to admit - everything the voice told her to do worked.  With shaking hands she reached out and chose a bitchy outfit.
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It was tight - far tighter than anything she had ever worn.  A tight black one-piece black and white bodysuit.  It was funny how the suit seemed to squeeze her tits up and out - she was sure they seemed bigger these days.  High heels shoes also pushed her up - her feet felt smaller and more arched since she moved in with Dan and a generous application of expensive makeup made her look like a total bitch.
She was immediately aroused and she felt hotter and more powerful than ever before.  With a confident stride, she clip clopped around the room, smirking at the feeling of power Cassie's clothes gave her.  It felt like the old her was being smothered and something cruel and bitchy was taking over.  She loved the feeling and wanted more.
Striding next door, Melissa felt arousal as Dan gasped at her outfit.  His eyes lustfully drank in her body and she smirked to see the effect she was having on him.  He came towards her, but she disdainfully pushed him away.  "You'll spoil my makeup, keep back.  You've been pissing me off lately, so if you want a piece of my ass, you're going to have to start treating me better."
For a moment Dan looked like he might object... then he licked his lips nervously.  "Yes... dear, whatever you say. I'm sorry."
Melissa felt her pussy tingle and her nipples get hard.  Wow - making your man do what you wanted, felt really good.  "Good boy, perhaps later, if you're good I'll reward you - but for now I'm going shopping and I want to spend some big money.  You don't mind do you dear?"
"Of course not baby," muttered Dan.  
Melissa was acting more and more like his old wife every day - yet somehow, that was really turning him on.
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Cassie looked around the shop in delight - her hold over Melissa had grown strong enough that she was now finally able to leave the house.  A thin cord of energy, steadily growing thicker and heavier was growing between them and Cassie could feel her influence pulsing into the other woman, feeding Melissa's lust, ambition and cruelty. 
Melissa's body had changed so much in the last few weeks and the stupid bitch hadn't even questioned how her tits had got three sizes bigger.  Instead, she was proud of her sluttier body and thanks to the constant corruptive thoughts Cassie was sending into her protegee's head - she was getting worse by the minute.
"Yes, I deserve nice things and for Dan to pay for it all," hissed Melissa in glee as she tried on a pair of $500 boots that felt so nice over her latex bodysuit. She knew she didn't need the boots but she wanted them, so she took them.  It felt great to get what she wanted and be a spoiled bitch.
Melissa admired herself as she passed a mirror.  She'd been for a full body-wax this morning and her perfect abs, big-booty and huge tits were straining to break free of her super tight bodysuit.  She looked amazing and she revelled in feeling the hungry stares of men and women alike as they passed her.  "I'm a fucking Goddess," she laughed as she strutted down the street in her new boots, heading for home.
Entering the house, Melissa found Dan in the living room and beckoned him with a finger.  "Come with me. I'm horny and I want you to fuck me."
They entered the bedroom and Dan excitedly unzipped Melissa out of her latex suit - her smooth, naked body ready to be ravished.  She smiled excitedly as she pushed him onto the bed and drawing the curtains lit a number of candles.  There - now things looked exactly as they had on the DVD.  Dan seemed confused, but also turned on as Melissa straddled him and with an excited gasp lowered herself onto his cock.
"Oooooh, yes," she groaned loving how good it felt to finally be the bitch of her dreams as she began to gyrate her hips and ride her husband, just as she'd seen on the video. 
"Oh my God Melissa, your pussy feels so tight... it's amazing," groaned Dan.  
"I've been working out," purred Melissa as she fucked her man.  "Tell me that you like the bitchy new me, tell me how much you love that I've become more like your ex-wife."
"Ohhhh yes, I love what you've become, I don't know why or how, but it turns me on so much."
"Good boy," purred Melissa as she increased her bounces.  "I love what a bad girl I'm turning into and it feels like there is still so much more for more to do."
Cassie watched proudly as Melissa took control of Dan and made him her pussy slave.  Corrupting the other woman had been so much fun and there was still so much more to do.  A bit more gas-lighting and Melissa would be even bitchier.  Cassie was wondering if eventually she could even make the other woman worse than she had ever been.
It was definitely going to be fun to try...
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EPILOGUE (Weeks later)
Ghosts don't sleep - but they do fade in and out from time to time. Cassie had been somewhere else when she was suddenly rudely pulled into reality.
She was in a room - her living room - only there were candles lit everywhere. This wasn't something she had planned... what was happening?
In the middle of the room around the table sat Melissa and Dan. They were holding hands and Melissa had her head thrown back as in rapture.
"Hear me... spirit of this place. I summon thee and bind thee. Thou shalt obey me."
"Honey are you sure this is a good idea? You don't really believe there is a ghost do you?"
Melissa's lips twitched into an evil smile. "Oh yes honey. There is a ghost and I know who she is. But don't worry - I know how to deal with her."
Cassie felt a flash of panic and admiration. How had Melissa learnt of her existence - she thought she had been careful.
"Oh spirit of Cassie. I bind thee and summon thee into my body. All your bitchiness, all your knowledge shall be mine. I absorb thee and consume thee. Make me even more powerful!"
Cassie tried to fight, but her spirit was being pulled towards Melissa. She screamed as she was sucked into the other woman, her personality and consciousness unravelling as Melissa greedily sucked her up and consumed the concentrated evil.
Melissa screamed in pleasure, her tits swelling up even bigger and her body becoming hotter and stronger as she absorbed all of Cassies power, knowledge and memories.
In moments it was done. The ghost was no more and now only the fully evolved bitch Melissa remained.
"Mmmmh," she giggled stretching her slutty body with pride. "I love how it feels to be such a fucking bitch. Now I have ALL the power."
"Did you banish the ghost my love?" stuttered Dan.
"What ghost?" smirked Melissa fake innocently. "You must be imagining things. There was never any ghost and if there was - well she isn't a problem anymore."
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Laughing cruelly Melissa strode off leaving her pussy whipped gas lit husband to tidy up the room.
She was the only bitch around here now and she wouldn't be manipulated by a ghost.
She was the gas-lighter now... and she loved it.
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rebel-at-heart713 · 11 months
Some of my favorite quotes from “Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods.
1. “Look, I didn't want to be a high school senior. I was hoping my dad could write me a note:
Dear Whoever,
Please excuse Percy Jackson from school forever and just give him the diploma.
Thanks, Poseidon”
Already starting off strong I see.
2. “ My second thought was: Why do the gods keep losing their magic items? It was like a job requitement for them:
1) become a god, 2) get a cool magic thing, 3) lose it,
4) ask a demigod to find it. Maybe they just enjoyed doing it, the way cats like knocking things off tables.”
Percy still has his snark I see.
3. “I am a guy of limited talents. If I can't kill it with water, a sword, or sarcasm, I am basically defenseles. I come preloaded with sarcasm. The pen-sword is always in my pocket. Now I had access to water, so I was as prepared as I could ever be.”
See even he knows his sarcasm is a weapon.
4. “A shiver ran across my shoulders. The last thing the world needed was boomers aging backward, like, We enjoyed monopolizing the planet so much the first time, we're going to do it again!”
Too true!!
5. “ "Do I get to say this is a terrible idea, too?" Grover asked.
"Just do your best," Annabeth said. "You're the fastest runner. You're also the only one who speaks Chicken."
"Technically Chicken isn't a distinct language," he said, "though many animal dialects sound just like Chicken…”
"Dude, just yell at them," I suggested "Do you any fowl insults?"
"This is a family amusement center!"
"Where they are trying to kill us for complaining
"Good point," Grover said. "I will insult the chickens” “
This chaotic conversation. Another for the unhinged moments like the Dam scene.
6. “I also didn't want to die, but at least if I got killed down here, Annabeth would feel really bad about pushing me. Then I could tease her about it forever.
Except I'd be dead. Never mind.”
Love that.
7. “—and also how the kite had gotten zapped by lightning (in the middle of a sunny day) as soon as it was airborne. Even back then, before I knew I was a demigod, Zeus had been watching me. Because that's what you do when you're the king of the gods. You spend your valuable time being as petty as possible, frying forbidden kids' kites out of the sky for fun.”
Of course Zeus is a petty bitch.
8. “I remembered learning about some Norse wolf named Garm, but I wasn't the Mighty Thor, so I didn't want to cross that particular Rainbow Bridge. I had enough to worry about on the Greek side.”
The nice little nod to the Magnus Chase series before he knows it’s a thing.
I added these to my notes as I read this when it came out. I wanted to give some time before posting it. I’ll still mark spoilers even though I don’t think these give much away.
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novistarplanet · 1 year
Daddy's Girl
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ExDrugDealer!Connie x BlackReader
a/n; hope yall don't get offended by this only read this over once this is also for my fllwers 🩷 + requests are open
Growing up you were raised with a very religious background your furthest memory to date was your mom making you sing in the choir.
You didn't mind at all you actually liked going to church at times with your father being the pastor you were inspected to be modest all the time since you had a reputation to uphold.
Which means no growing up. No parties, No skimpy clothing, and most importantly No boyfriends.
You could never wrap your head around it.
"Y/N pull out your bible and pay attention maybe kids your age can learn something from it" Your Auntie Ruthie smacks your arm with her hand fan.
pulling out your pink bible turning the page to the scripture.
It felt like forever of your dad preaching about the same things but with different words.
Each time he finishes reciting the stories a string of "hallelujahs" and "amen" flooded the medium-sized church.
it was going just like every Sunday went it was just about time for offering when you noticed a man well boy with a collection of tattoos that marked his neck and entire two arms standing beside your father
"Brothers and sisters ill like to introduce a new family member of our church Brother Springer"
looking around you it's clear as day not everyone was with the idea of him joining.
His full name was Connie Springer or "Constance" as people called him in the streets. He was a big-known drug dealer in the area who was recently shot.
Who now found himself in your daddy's church ranting about him finding God.
Did you believe him? Hell No. But as a Christian, you have to see the good in people.... so who are you to judge?
“Now folks I want you to open him with open arms lets all bow our heads and say a prayer towards this young brotha!” on cue, everyone bowed their head as your father recites the words.
You could feel eyes watching you while each word was spoken. slowly opening your eyes up you see Connie smirking at you biting his lip
you couldn't help but stare he was oddly attractive your aunties warned you to stay away from thugs and deadbeats.
but something about him made your heart skipped.
closing your eyes again focusing on the prayer and blocking him out but it wasn't too long before negative thoughts filled your mind.
dirty ones.
you have been having dreams of someone buried deep between your plush dark toned thighs slopping all over your messy cunt while one of his hands is wrapped around your neck.
rising up from your two soft pillows your clear juices dripping from he’s barely visible stubble beard.
His hands soon found home around your jaw shaking it roughly
“open your fucking mouth bitch” the dark figure huffed out.
quickly opening your mouth obeying his command
he used the hand that was wrapped around your jaw lifting it up and shoving it back down.
“you know what to do stop actin dumb” he takes his other hand that was originally holding your thigh to slap you across the face till your pink little tongue came out.
“ m’imma reward you for being so good” he hurtles a gob of spit down your throat forcing you to swallow it.
“yea thats it you really want daddy’s dick huh? you fuckin dirty whore” he lets go of the placements of hands as now they found their way towards his pants.
unzipping them revealing dark blue boxers with a large bulge
slowly pulling the-
“Y/N! You better not be sleep!” your auntie hits your side again slightly shoving you.
by the time you opened your eyes, everyone was on their way out probably going to red lobster or olive garden.
“now this is my first and only daughter y/n” You look over to see your dad talking to Connie looking directly at you.
connie still had the look in his eyes he did before
“well look at gawd y/n come over here and say hi to our new member”
you walk over gripping at your coral-colored dress.
“Hola hermosa, ¿cómo estás?” he spoke his spanish fast and you couldn’t lie you found it attractive especially the way hes tongue moves
“huh?? sorry im not very fluent in spanish” heat flooded your cheeks quickly. maybe you should have paid attention in spanish.
“ahh it’s okay Cariño i was either at first” followed by that he opened hes mouth displaying hes pearlie white teeth shiny teeth and me you guess.
“well good news baby connie here is coming to bible study”
okay what does that have to do with you???
“and you’re gonna help him find the way of god”
Today was the day you and connie were having a one on prayer session. You didn’t even know the boys last name.
and here you are wearing a simple peach shade dress with white stockings underneath.
not to mention the black lace bra that cups your breasts perfectly
you walked in to see Connie already there reading over the bible
he was wearing a wife beater tattoos marked all over hes two arms depictions of guns,skulls and you even spotted prayer hands.
you quickly rush towards your seat right in front of him he slowly raises he's head up meeting you in the eye.
"how long have you been staring at me hermosa?"
you quickly bended your head down shying away from he's grazed as he chuckles.
"im just joking with your baby"
despite the lingering sexual tension in the air you continue preaching
"uh okay so in Matthew 4:1 it talks about temptation from the devil and"
as you continue with the verse you can feel hes eyes lingering across your stockings you couldn't help but to look towards hes peeking becip.
during the session Constance lip bites , winking and even hes hand traveling too far down your cleavage
" and we drink the grape juice to symbolize Jesus’s purity an-“
“your not pure are you”
your head whips up with quickness as the words left hes mouth”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you we’re having a wet dream about me sunday”
he arises from hes chair and puts your right leg over hes shoulder
he pulled up your skirt exposing your white dolly panties with a small bow on top with a small patch of wetness on the soft cloth.
“the only name i respond to is daddy” his hands found comfort around your throat. testing the waters he squeezed tightly.
“ is that clear whore?”
“yes daddy” small tears begin to prick from the corner of your eyes.
everything happened so fast your skirt and panties fully removed with your left breast making an appearance out.
“ do i have permission?”
you noticed his pants were ready off leaving him in his boxers in the short time you came to terms with everything.
slowly nodding your head up and down in agreement
“words hermosa”
“yes daddy”
he , mischievously grins down at you pulling off in boxers in a swift motion revealing he's length in all its greatness
you never seen a dick face to face this was all new
the tip of he’s head lined up to your entrance making its way inside of you
you can feel your body being rigid with inch length goes in
“Dios mío why didn’t you tell me you were this fucking tight”
he started moving in and out of you at a slow pace. You can tell by the look on his face he was holding himself back
he made soft movements as he kept going in and out
the pain on its own was unbearable it was like someone stabbing your uterus over and over again it didn't make it no better that you can feel him knocking at the entrance of your Cervix.
after a while of bad after bad thumps pleasure develops in your tummy.
"ohhhhh my god"
your hands went down and gripped the base of the chair despite the loud sounds the chair constantly makes. he stops for a minute repositioning himself into a better angle and striking himself back in you. His movements came with practice and skill as he continuously flicker your G-spot. You breathes were uneven and lost in the noises that your pussy made.
you could tell he was close he's movements became more sloppier with each stroke.
"im cumming oh my fucking god im cumming"
he's fingers found their place on your clit going in a circular motion.
you too both groan loudly together while the waves of pleasure passed you as he spills himself inside you he speaks again with he's deep voice.
"same time next Wednesday?"
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rey-jake-therapist · 7 days
I have seen such an opinion that Galadriel can pretend and accept his propose and leave with Sauron. It would be interesting to see how Galadriel would pretend and lie primarily to herself that she had no feelings for him, but I'm not sure how it can be realized, can't he get into her mind and find out that she is lying? At the moment she does not yet know how to block him. Or our dark lord will be so happy and in love and he would just ignore it lol
I'm shooting in the dark here, but I don't think that Sauron can read in people's minds yet? I thought this power came from the One Ring. Just like I didn't get the impression that Galadriel could read minds yet, at this point of the story. It's my understanding that they both have very sharp senses, but not enough sharp to literally get into other people's minds. Again, feel free to correct me ! I love to learn !
I like the idea of Galadriel pretending to be on Sauron's side and following him, but I don't want to set my expectations too high. There are several possible outcomes for their next confrontation, multiple directions to take... What I'm pretty sure of, though :
Galadriel won't go dark, even temporarily
Sauron will try to win her back by isolating her, impersonating Halbrand (her, ahem, weakness) and tempt her with promises of power.
She will be receptive to his words and she won't necessarily come out of this fight fully 'victorious'. It won't resolve anything regarding her conflicted feelings about him. It's way too soon in the show for that.
Will he kidnap her? Doubtful. Will she pretend to be on his side and follow him? That would be an interesting turn of event, and I can see Sauron being an enough of an arrogant bitch to buy. It would also give him a taste of his own medicine 😆
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bamdelune · 1 year
Say Cheese! (Heizou x fem!reader)
notes. ꔫ self-indulgent, based on an experience from two weeks ago🙏, reader is an awkward bitch (sorry guys i couldn't rizz my way), reader and heizou are both dancers under the same troupe, lowercase
tags 'n warnings. ꔫ fluff, senior!heizou (one year above) & junior!reader, puppy / happy crush, not proof-read, short and messy
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dancing is fun. that bit you could admit with pride as you finish the demanding routine that your sub-group had just finished performing in front of parents and your teammates' friends.
it all started roughly a month ago. you were just a fresh addition to your school's dance troupe when the coach announced a friendly competition between split groups within the team. you were (and are) still awkward when it came to new people but eventually, you started warming up to the 7 members of your group, one of who was already a close friend of yours. practicing was no easy feat, not with the various choreography changes and learning new skills as the process went. you thanked your lucky stars that the leaders were patient. the choreography in general was the best version you could ever ask for, you had fun doing it. one section in particular was always fun to experience, mainly the second song, which required two team members to pair up.
shikanoin heizou is one of the best dancers on the team in general (or at least, that's what you though about him). he always had this charisma and presence when it was time to perform, not to mention good-looking too. he's a year above you, and has spent way longer on the dance troupe longer than you have. now, aren't you lucky to be teamed up with him on this sweet song on the choreography? practicing the choreography with him as your partner for that specific segment was enough to label you a nervous-wreck, practically squealing inside whenever he'd cheer for the both of you during rehearsals and send you encouraging smiles.
you didn't even last a month before you had your first happy crush on one of your team members. couldn't you at least wait a year?
it was actually time to relax and eat the snacks everyone else bought to share, you were hanging out with your best friend as the others conversed with happy expressions. perhaps they were thankful the competition was a success and most of all, entertaining. minding your own business, you ate the slice of pizza you had taken from the box when heizou passed by with kazuha, earning you a teasing slap on the back from your friend that almost had you choking on your food, reverberating with a smack against your skin.
"here comes your man." she wiggles her eyebrows at you, a grin playing on her face. a groan escapes your lips at her expression. "tone it down before you threaten my dignity any further." you quip, taking another bite from the pizza.
"you two would look so good in a picture, actually." she muses, looking as if she's actually considering it. "hey, on second thought, maybe you should take a picture with him. i'm sure you'd loooove that, won't you?" she grins mischievously.
your worst fear comes true the second she opened her mouth to call for heizou, who was chatting with two other people on a nearby area in the school basketball court. you smartly drag her away with great struggle, but it's not enough to stop her from yelling out for heizou. you look away, not daring enough to ever see if heizou turned to whoever was calling.
"i swear i'm gonna bury you one day." you grunt with a struggle, pulling her back by the shoulder. you are caught off-guard when she suddenly pulls you back and tries leading you to where heizou was currently standing.
"come— on—! it won't be that bad!" she reasons with you. you think fast and take the jacket where she was pulling you by the sleeve on off and make a break for it.
unfortunate for you, your best friend is a fast runner, especially in those massive shoes she was wearing. she catches up to you on the other side of the court in no time and drags you back with choked breaths. "damn you and your lanky legs." you hiss, a frown making its way to your face. you concede and let her drag you to heizou, but not without fighting back last minute but is quickly overpowered again.
"hi heizou!" she greets him with a smile, pulling you quickly to her side.
"hi heizou..." you awkwardly greet in a meek voice, trying your best to make eye contact with your senior.
he smiles at the both of you. good god what if he saw the little brawl you had with your friend before this?
"y/n said she wanted a picture with you!" she chirps, taking out her phone with a smile. your head snaps to her then at heizou, you feel your cheeks violently heat up and you pray to whatever entity above that you weren't visibly blushing from embarrassment and nervousness. your heart pounds slightly and you begin to internally fidget.
"sure." heizou replies, taking his place beside you and switching with your friend. your friend starts to count down and the both of you pose with smiles on your face.
the moment she stops snapping photos, the whole thing felt like it dragged on for an hour. you were well on your way to dying of humiliation. you shoot your best friend a death glare before turning to the redhead with a polite tug of your lips.
"thank you for the picture." an awkward laugh reaches heizou's ears and he waves it off.
"it's nothing. you did good today. hope to see you when school starts, yeah?" your cheeks heat up at his words and you nod, waving at him.
as you and your friend start going the other direction, she turns back one last time and yells something that would've put you in a coma.
"she thinks you're hot, you should see the tweets she's made about you!" you feel yourself go faint from embarrassment and smack her shoulder in retaliation, earning the both of you a good laugh. you hear the chuckle that came from both kazuha and heizou, wanting the ground to eat you whole.
she did you the favor of printing the picture out on film and it now hangs proudly on the surface of your bedroom's bulletin board.
masterlist © bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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On the topic of Sebastian being completely enthralled about everything Ciel is, I personally love it so much more knowing manga context, because O!Ciel was the 'spare'. He was not supposed to carry the family nane and, frankly, people didn't think he'd be capable of it due to his poor health anyway (Remember Frances and Vincent's conversation in the flashback chapters? It's obvious O!Ciel was quite saddened by what he heard).
By all means, in a twisted way, Sebastian might just be the first person to regard O!Ciel as someone deeply capable, a shiny singularity that doesn't live in anyone's shadow. The adults around him were - tho not unrightfully - seeing his fragility first and foremost while his brother, despite seeing him as worthy, didn't wish for him to leave and forge his own path. R!Ciel's reaction came from childishness sure, but that isn't to say that it didn't feed into the idea that O!Ciel was 'his backup'.
Going off from this, Sebastian is also the one thing in his life and is irrevocably his. Again, twisted, but all O!Ciel built has been under another's name. The manor, the company, the engagement etc. None of them truly his, but his brother's. And the other servants? They are loyal, however ultimately their own people. Sebastian? In an entirely different spot. He'll be there until the end after all.
This is an aspect of their relationship that tugs at my heartstrings so much. It's so toxic and depressing yet strangely soft and tender somewhat at least to me.
Sorry, I just really wanted to pour my thoughts and I appreciate your posts. So here I am!
anon, i’m in love with you
i literally think about this all the time like. that conversation frances and vincent had? imo vincent just flippantly saying "i guess ill just have to give the estate back to the queen lmao" could be taken 2 ways which is: at face value OR (what i think is more likely) vincent just saying what he knows will piss frances off to get her to stop talking. tbh vincent seems like a good dad imo and like he doesnt super underestimate o!ciel (he seemed absolutely fine with the idea of o!ciel going off to london by himself and opening a toy store in the future), but he DOES know that o!ciel is frail and sickly, and it makes me wonder how seriously he considered the idea that o!ciel might inherent the title of the queen's watchdog.
honestly, i feel in some respects, r!ciel treats o!ciel more carefully than their parents. he very much has an attitude of "my baby brother NEEDS me, he cannot survive without me!!" (gasps and shock, to learn it is actually the other way around /s)
all this to say, whether you lean more towards my interpretation or yours, or a fun mix, or whatever, it is undeniable that all of o!ciel's relationships were 'tainted' (for lack of a better term) by his illness and the way it made others view him and treat him.
sebastian, who takes one look at o!ciel, and goes "lmao what a fucked up lil dude. time for little a snacky". sebastian, who then sits down to forge a contract with said little dude only to realize Oh Okay So This Child Is Clever. And o!ciel being sickly does kind of come up when they're making the contract, but sebastian focuses more on the actual logistics of that and o!ciel says 'nvm we'll deal w it when it comes up' (which is hilarious imo. he really said a sudden chill can put me on my deathbed but thats a problem for future me).
and then it turns out o!ciel is hella sheltered. but also a huge bitch.
and at this point, all i can assume is sebastian is so bewildered by this experience that the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly and fragile is like. just another thing about this kid. o!ciel has never made sebastian's life easy and it would be stupid to think he would start now, sebastian thinks as his young master suffers from yet another cold just bc it rained yesterday. "i never knew you had asthma" says sebastian, who has read every medical journal to date on chest colds. "you never asked," says the bane of sebastian's existence.
and the thing is you can say "sebastian is only worried about o!ciel bc if o!ciel dies, he loses his meal" which is true and accurate and tbh if i was sebastian and i had put up w that much, i wouldn't want to lose my meal to a mere cough.
then you see the way sebastian is so fascinated and intrigued and bewitched by o!ciel. i think to sebastian the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly is just another contradiction in the sea of contradictions that makes o!ciel so fascinating. and i think sebastian is the only one who really sees all those contradictions, he's the only one who sees everything that makes up o!ciel. and he loves what he finds.
(not to mention the fact that sebastian is the only person o!ciel allows to see his every aspect. or, well, some he tries to hide, but only because he thinks sebastian will try to use something against him. either way, sebastian is still the only person who he lets see the most of him. because sebastian is the only person who knows who he really is, who he doesnt have to put up a front for. he doesn't have to pretend to be his brother, he doesn't have to worry about being the spare.)
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dadrielle · 1 year
Ok I've talked with enough people individually about this I should just make a post, SO: here is why I think Imogen Temult has ADHD*
Emotional dysregulation. When she tends to express her emotions instead of tamping them down, they are very often strong bursts, sometimes super anxious or upset, sometimes angry and vicious. This is often also at odds with her actions, which are much more measured (see for instance her saying of her dad she should "Drag him over to me, and open up his mind without even his-" versus how she actually acted with him). She also has difficulty pulling away from the emotion.
She tends to need to talk her thoughts out to fully understand where she's at and what she thinks. The best illustration of this is her conversation with Laudna in episode 49, where she comes to her decision as to how she feels about what her mother is showing her via talking her way through it.
Relatedly, her trains of thought that will completely flip midway through, the first instance of course being the very first episode, when she flips from deadpanning about Laudna thinking the kids could get them into the conservatory to actually considering it practically midword. She and Laudna will get into the weeds together going a little bit off the wall in their WHAT IF-ing and interrupting each other without needing to complete the full thoughts.
She often will get trapped in indecision and then make an impulse decision when time constraints demand it. ("WE'RE FUCKING.")
She is often a bit checked out of conversations until called upon, which I think could be both a symptom of the headaches she gets from the press of thoughts, and also possibly a symptom of ADHD.
She's kinda shit at lying when she's in a situation as genuinely herself and trying to spare someone's feelings or comfort them (pretending she and Laudna were still fighting for FCG, "Potatoes are my favorite food," every "I'm fine" ever uttered), but she's scary good at lying when it's more of a performance. Reads to me like it could be a skill gained through learning to mask.
We know she was bullied a bit as child by the Tildamere kids, which was pre-powers. While of course there are many many reasons kids might be bullied, it is worth noting kids with ADHD are often the target of bullying or may self-isolate.
Anxiety tends to be comorbid with ADHD, and it's very much a chicken-or-the-egg kind of situation. Imogen is obviously anxiety bitch supreme.
She didn't leave Gelvaan until Laudna came along. We know she was feeling suicidal at that point. Now, obviously there are a lot of reasons someone would stay in a place they hate and that hates them, but it seems plausible (and very familiar) to me that time blindness and executive dysfunction could play a part in that. Leaving without the kick of "oh we have to go right now" might have been one of those things that required too much plan/conceptualizing the future to seem like an option. Something she didn't realize she could just do.
Dogshit perception. lol. lmao.
*besides just that I'm projecting hard, also she and Laudna are AuDHD 4 AuDHD thank u for coming to my ted talk
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alastorsbride · 3 months
In case anyone was wondering, I got Wattpad as well and now I'm planning on putting some chapters from my story called 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚏 𝙰 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 on here.
So... Here's a lil' bit of info about my story so it's more understanding.
Story name: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚏 𝙰 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛
Info: the reader is aware of the fourth wall but she doesn't talk to the author, she gets one shots as dreams, which is why I need ideas for one shots.
I am also 17 but I read and will write s̷m̷u̷t̷ so... :) Oh and if anyone wondering, here's my wattpad: Alastorssexydoe
So here's the first part. And yes I changed some parts because I was bored. :)
Chappy one
TW: death, blood, Gore, eating souls.
Time: in hell
Y/N's high heels alerted everyone that Y/N was around, so they all scurried away in fear like little ants or rodents. Y/N wore her normal blank, emotionless face and listened to her music on her headphones.
Everyone learned the hard way to stay out of her way when she went on her usual walks listening to music.
Y/N is a very powerful demon. The second she came to Hell, she murdered everyone in sight, faster than you could say, (enter long word) so fast that by the time you finished saying it, the victim would already be a pile of you-don't-want-to-know. Which was faster than when every overload came to Hell.
Y/N looked up at the pentagram in the sky, thinking about her past.
~ᖴᒪᗩSᕼᗷᗩᑢᖽᐸ: August 23rd, 1918, New Orleans Y/N POV.
I was performing a bunch of songs with my band, I was the lead singer, Tory is the drummer, Derek and Ryan are the other guitarists, Vivisaria and her twin Jake are the other singers and guitarists and musicionists, and then we have more members but I'm not going to get into that.
"Thank you all for coming and have a good night!" I said into the microphone and went backstage where two kids ran up and hugged me.
"Mummy! That was awsome!" A little 5 year old boy with black hair said smiling.
"Yeah! When are you going to perform again?" A little six year old girl with browner hair than the boy said.
"I don't know, we haven't made the decision yet. When do you think we should perform again?" I asked the two kids.
"Hmmm..." The kids thought.
"You should wait a while. So we can watch movies!" The little boy said.
"Yeah and you can get rest." The little girl said.
"Hey, Vanellope, Vlad, how ya doin'?" Vivi said, Vivi was Thomson Okanagan Indian so she had a thick Indian accent and she talked nearly like a country girl from a movie with Howdy yall accented people.
ƮꙆᙏᙓ ᔑКꙆᕈ: January 20th, 1919, New Orleans
I felt the need to eat something so I put my hood on and turned down an empty street. Or at least, it was empty. Three drunks were wandering the street I was on.
"Yo! lets go to another bar!" One guy slurred.
"Be careful Rando, you're very drunk." The second, a female said, it was clear that she wasn't as drunk as the first.
"Oh, I'm not even drunk yet, Anna. I'm fine." Rando said. (pronounced An-ahh!)
Rando bumped into me, I didn't flinch and I didn't want to fight anyone, but my body was hurting very badly and I couldn't resist for much longer.
It was only a matter of time.
Before my instincts took control.
And I killed more people.
Oh well.
It's not like they really mattered.
They were going to die anyway.
The drunk male bumped into me and since I had my hood on, once again, I didn't flinch at his movement.
I was trying to ignore the feeling in my throat and ignored the drunken but the drunk was really ticking me off.
The drunk called me a few names that I will not repeat, but it was getting on my last nerve.
"Hey bitch I was talking to you!" The drunk said.
And in that instant, I saw red and his delicious soul.
I punched the drunk and his body hit the wall, his brother, I guess, tried to 'get revenge' or something.
"Hey, bitch what did you do to my little brother?" He tried to hit me but I punched him in the face and his body flew above the top of the buildings. The lady screamed.
℘ꭈׁׅᵉ𝒔𝓮nᴛ ᎴᎯᎽ: Y/N POV
I sighed silently. Vlad and Vanellope never left my mind. I could never stop thinking of them. They were only 9 and 10 years of age when I died.
I wish I didn't decide to move to Hell...
I wish I decided to live longer.
I wish I didn't get close to being caught back then.
But I did it for him.
Everything was for him.
I doubt he's here.
He was a good friend.
My best friend.
My only friend.
My only childhood best friend.
My first crush.
It should've been him... And not Ty.
But I don't control it.
Not yet.
But I will.
Yeah I edited a bit more than I thought. 😅
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spicysix · 1 year
me and you (we can't lose) | eddie munson X reader
You met a sweet boy by an alley and shared some cigarrettes. You had the best time of your life and made some plans for the perfect future. But Hawkins is no good place to live, and he went to sell drugs to the cheer captain and didn't come back.
warnings: fem!reader. angst angst angst! drinks and drugs abuse, unreliable narrator, canon compliant, canonical character death, hurt/no confort. eddie is dead, okay? he's dead. i'm sorry. also, maybe a little ooc? word count: 4.5k author's note: baby's first try at angst! based on the song 'all I wanted' by Avril Lavigne (feat. Mark Hoppus). not beta-read. if it sucks, don't let me know. if you liked it, please do let me know - reblogs and comments are worshipped like divinities. happy (not so happy, sorry) reading! ♡
↳ read on ao3
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A light breeze passed by you, raising the hairs in your arms. The smell of dampened earth around you and the sound of the drizzle on the clothed surface of the umbrella above you was somehow soothing, even if not soothing enough.
You couldn’t see anyone around you, but, anyway, your eyes were focused.
Staring at it, as memories flooded your mind.
I was always crushing on the wrong boys I was always yelling when I should’ve been sitting down Memories of cigarettes and polaroids
“Will you shut the fuck up, for god’s sake?!” you said loudly, and Chance rolled his eyes at you.
“You’re the one talking non-stop!” he countered, and grabbed your arm tightly. “Look, I just wanna apologize, okay? Please,” he called for you, his voice not pleading at all, but you were already forcing your wrist out of his grip.
“Give up, man, okay? You think I’m someone who’ll just bite my tongue and keep my head low for you, but that’s not how it goes. That’s not me. You want a little bitch to boss around, search through your cheerleaders.”
You turned around, ready to leave, but Chance was determined to try and force you into his wants. He pulled you by the arm once again, backing you into the wall behind you, forcing air out of your lungs in a gasp.
“You’re being a bitch right now,” he sneered, voice low, dangerous, a threat. “Now, you listen here-”
“I think you should leave, man,” a different voice came from your left, louder than Chance’s, from the opening of the alley Chance had you cornered in.
You knew him. Eddie Munson. Regional drug dealer, metalhead, nerd leader, trailer scum, and known freak.
Not your words.
The Hideout was just around the corner, the bar where you knew bands like Munson’s band played from time to time.
“I think you should stay out of this, freak,” Chance mocked, and Munson rolled his eyes. But the first boy’s grip on your arms was a little less tight now.
“I’m not gonna say it again, man,”
“Or what?”
Munson pulled up the sleeves of his leather jacket and walked closer to you and the boy bothering you, a slow strut, also dangerous, also threatening. His face was stern, not once looking at you, focused on the boy in front of you, and you already knew Chance well enough to know that the movement in his Adam’s apple and the tightening of his jawline meant fear.
When Munson reached a closer distance, you could see the height difference. He was two or three inches taller, shoulders broader. Chance was just starting on the basketball team and thought he was who? Billy Hargrove? Grow up, man.
“I’m not sure you wanna learn what,” Eddie took something out of his back pocket. A switchblade. Chance saw it, and gulped again. Retreated from you, leaving your upper arm sore - would probably leave a bruise.
“Don’t you think this is over, bitch,” he practically growled at you, before passing through Eddie, bumping shoulders, but Eddie’s eyes were finally on you now, and he didn’t deflect them elsewhere as Chance left.
“Could've saved myself, y’know. But thanks anyway,” you said, and Eddie’s features were instantly softer. He stood put where he was, not coming closer, but not leaving either.
“I know you could, you’re scary yourself. But shitheads like that one don’t tend to listen to you unless you’re taller than them,”
“Makes sense,” you shrugged, and he still wasn’t leaving. You fished your pack of Camels from your back pocket and offered one to Eddie. “As a token of gratitude,”
He finally approached you, a sweet smile on his lips, leaning onto the wall beside you and reaching for the cigarette. “Thank you.”
You smoked in silence, side by side, for what felt like hours - even though it very likely wasn’t more than thirty minutes. Didn’t stop at the first cigarette, each of you smoking one more before sharing the final one - fuck your lungs, I guess. The touch of his fingers against yours sparked something electric, the thought of putting on your lips something that had just touched his lips giving you chills. And you peered at him from the corners of your eyes to see a light blush on his ears. Maybe he was thinking the same. You smiled.
“Need a ride?” he offered. Your smile grew wider.
Kiss you in the kitchen of a house that burned down I remember waiting on the sunrise
“Come on, you old duds. Gonna leave you behind,” Gareth’s voice wasn’t far ahead enough that you couldn’t listen, even though you had no sight of him in the dark woods anymore.
“Christ’s sake Gareth, slow it down!” Eddie complained by your side, making you laugh at his grumpiness.
It had been his idea to come to the old Creel House, wanting to “spice things up” from a normal Halloween, get drunk on a supposedly haunted house, maybe play some Ouija after smoking some weed. Y’know. The usual freak behavior.
And you couldn’t believe that having met him in an alley by a rock bar would’ve led you to this a few months later. He saved your ass, took you home, bid you goodnight with that sweet smile of his, waited for you to get inside your house before leaving. And yet the next day he actually seemed surprised to see you sitting at the table he shared with his fellow freak friends on lunch at school. But you had absolutely no complaints, as you’ve come to find out his rough exterior was reserved for assholes only, but to you he would show nothing but kindness and sweetness. And that Gareth had a sour, dry humor that could make your belly hurt from so much laughter; and that Igor was actually great at chemistry and at explaining it, and helped you study for your tests; and that Jeff could cook a bomb carbonara from scratch and was the best hugger ever. And that they were all lovely, wonderful souls, mistreated because of biased views only, and that you could also come to love being a freak alongside them.
The sight of the Creel House took your mind off your thoughts, and Gareth was trying to see something past the old dusty windows as Jeff and Igor were working on opening the door. The silence around you was unsettling, something in your stomach growing - a mixture of fear and excitement.
“We’re here, rats, calm your tits,” Eddie said and went to help his friends with the door. You stopped beside Gareth and could see through the glass: the peeling wallpaper, the furniture left behind, and was suddenly remembered that a once happy family lived there until it all went to shit.
“Okay I’ll admit this is kinda freaky,” you whispered and Gareth nodded.
“At least you have your knight in shiny armor to save you from the spirits, I’ll have to rely on Jeff and Igor,” he poked your side with his elbow and you rolled your eyes at him but grinned anyway.
“He’d never use a shiny armor. He’d use a rusty one if only to make a statement. Also, when it comes to spirits I feel like he’d be the first to run off in fear. Or pass out, maybe,” you both laughed at Eddie’s expense, and turned to see him looking at you with a confused expression before calling out.
“Come on, rats, it’s open. Let’s get freaky,” and so you did.
You got sofreaky that Gareth had to go outside and puke at some point.
You got so freaky that Jeff passed out on top of a dusty, disgusting, thirty-year-old couch after double intoxication from too much booze and weed.
You got so freaky that Igor was dancing by himself with no music on, twirling around the living room with a broom, humming what sounded like Culture fucking Club.
You got so freaky that you and Eddie decided to go check the kitchen for any running water even though you knew the house had been abandoned like, twenty years ago, and wasn’t surprised that the water was cut off at some point. Yet you lingered by the kitchen anyway, you sat at the counter, and Eddie was rambling about the story of the Creels for the fourth time that night, trying to scare you off maybe. But all you could focus on was the way he’d gesture around while talking non-stop, and the way his hair was frizzy like a halo framing his face and looked as soft as a cloud, and the way his lips moved around each word and you wanted to shut him up with your own lips.
You got so freaky that you did just that.
“Eddie, get over here and shut the fuck up,” you called, and he came instantly.
“What, is this too scary for you, honey?” he teased despite his willingness to you.
You didn’t dignify him with an answer, just pulled him by the collar of his leather jacket and pressed your lips to his, feeling his body tensing up before relaxing, before he led one hand to your thigh and the other to your cheek, before he responded with eagerness, before you poked at his mouth with your tongue and he opened wide for you, before you could smell and feel and taste nothing but Eddie, and it was intoxicating - more than the weed and the booze, but in the most delicious of ways.
“Of course he’d get the girl,” you parted lips and Eddie jumped and tried to let go of you, but you held him close before he could run away. Because it was just Igor mocking you, his broom partner still in hand, Gareth by his side with that expression on his face of someone you could tell just puked his guts out.
“It’s the hair, I think. ‘Tis why I’m growing mine out,” Gareth answered and they both shrugged before turning around and going back to the living room.
Eddie’s ears were pink and your face was burning from getting caught, and none of you said a word even though you both chuckled lowly, and you tucked your face in his neck to hide how far gone he took you - gotta keep his ego in check, and gotta keep your tough gal image intact.
But you’ve been there for a long time now, and it was closing in to the time the Sun would come out of hiding, you could hear the birds outside chippering waiting anxiously for the brand new day; and his fingers were tracing sweet, soft caresses in your waist and soon you were just all over him again, fuck the Creels, fuck the spirits and fuck your friends, because Eddie was mumbling something like “and she’s sweet like honey too,” to himself against your lips. Because you couldn’t wait, and it was a brand new day, and Eddie’s taste was just addictive.
I would always fuck around and find out You were always saying I would crash down someday I would have to pass out on my friends couch
“One of these days that’s gonna be me, honey, you bet?” Eddie asked, and you didn’t have to look at him to see that he was pointing at the band performing.
“Don’t gotta bet, Eddie, I know that,” you shrugged and he looked at you, those stars in his eyes, that sly smirk on his lips. His arm was draped over your shoulders and you could barely hear each other, but it was fine. More than fine. It was the best time of your life.
You enjoyed the rest of the band set, their sound very similar to Corroded’s and, yeah, you could see them on top of a stage someday, a huge crowd, maybe some bras being thrown to the boys but Eddie would have eyes only for you. You knew that.
“Wanna head to a club next?” he asked, and you nodded. Where he’d go, you’d follow.
“One of these days that’s gonna be me, Eds!” you shouted over the loud beat, nodding at the DJ, a girl barely over your age, hair half buzzed, the rest a rainbow of colors, tattoos all over her arms and a naval piercing dangling and twinkling in the club lights.
“You’re gonna be smoking hot behind a mixing table, honey,” he answered, not shouting like you did, just a low tone voice right by your ear, and the club was cramped, the air was moist and hot and yet Eddie’s voice still gave you chills. “Open up, baby,” he commanded, and what he said you’d follow, so you opened your mouth and showed him your tongue where he placed a small pill. You swallowed, and you took a sip from the glass on your hand - didn’t remember what drink was in it anymore - and you kissed him.
And you danced, and you kissed him, and you drank, and you kissed him, and he twirled you around the dance floor, and you kissed him, and he made you open up and swallow another pill later, and you kissed him, and he shoved his hand inside your pants in the bathroom, and you kissed him.
You couldn’t tell what it was that drove you so far over the edge, if it was the substances or if it was just Eddie, but you couldn’t care less when he took you to the wildest places because you asked him to, and he took you to your higher orgasms because you begged him to, and he took care of you after every night out because he wanted to, and you kissed him and you couldn’t stop kissing him and it would never be enough.
“Sweet like honey,” he’d whisper against your thighs, pressed to a bathroom stall door, one of your legs over his shoulder and your shorts and panties almost falling from where they were barely hanging on from your boot, in danger of getting wet from whatever liquid was on the floor. And your head was buzzing and the tips of your fingers were numb but you couldn’t care less, because you wanted more of him, always, and it was the best time of your life.
“One of these days that’s gonna be us, honey,” he’d point at a couple getting out of a courthouse, they were dressed all white and cleaned up nice, and the rings on their ring fingers were polished bright as the sun above you.
And it was a brand new day, you were on your way back to Hawkins after partying another whole weekend in Indy, probably about to sleep in his bed because your parents would freak out again. And you looked at Eddie beside you, he was always beside you, and smiled, no headache could stop you from smiling at him, and his sunglasses were hiding his beautiful eyes but you could feel the warmth of their attention exclusively on you.
“But we’ll be wearing black, Eds.”
We were up all night so we slept all day I remember waiting on the sunrise
“Do ‘ya think they’ll take too long?” he asked, and his eyes left your intertwined fingers to stare at you instead.
“Dunno. But I think we’ll miss first period anyway,” you shrugged. “Ms. Click’s already pissed at me, what’s another time?”
He only smiled and said nothing else.
You were sitting on the van’s hood as it was parked by the curb of the road, the sun rising in front of you to a brand new day, Gareth and Jeff and Igor sleeping in the back benches. Waiting for towing because of course Eddie’s old thing would break at some point, it took her long enough. Ten miles left until Hawkins, so close and yet so far, but it was okay. You had an amazing weekend, Corroded played in a disgusting pub but it was amazing nonetheless, and you and Eddie were glued to the hip the whole time, as usual - where he’d go, there you were, following him. Just living the best time of your lives.
“That guy from the bar seemed to like the band. Think he’ll call you over to play again sometime?” you asked, not enjoying the silence after so much noise for three nights straight.
“Sure hope so. I wouldn’t mind living in Indy,” he replied, somehow shifting closer to you, draping his arms around your shoulders and kissing your temple. “Me, you, the boys and a huge fucking dog. The ugliest mutt we can find in a shelter, ‘whaddya say?”
“Sounds like a fucking dream, Eds.”
“Sure is, honey,” and he cradled your face in his hands and he kissed you, gentle and slow, and the rising sun was not the only thing to heat your skin, because you revolved around Eddie and he showered you in all his light and warmth and he was addictive and you couldn’t get enough, couldn’t wait to live your dreams with him, always beside you, you knew he’d always be beside you.
Glowing from the inside out, you let yourself just kiss him, and kiss him, and kiss him. Until the towing came, until you went to school without a night’s sleep, but you didn’t care because Eddie was all you needed to power up.
And maybe it was for the best, you used to call me useless We’re floating to the nothingness ‘cause after all the truth is The only things we leave behind are noise and absolution I act like everything is fine, when I’m plotting revolution
“Eds, seriously? Chrissy Cunningham?”
“Well, she seemed nice enough. And she definitely has money enough, and we need the money for our plans, okay?” his voice wasn’t as sweet as it usually was when he talked to you, and he seemed jumpy, nervous, as he went through the shit in the van’s glove compartment, looking for god knows what.
“Can’t I at least be there?”
He paused. Looked at you from the corner of his eyes before looking at his hands again.
“No. You’ll scare her,”
“I’ll scare her? How the fuck would I, a nobody, scare the Queen of Hawkins High?” you mocked loudly, drawing attention from the people passing by the parking lot, probably on their way to watch that stupid pep rally.
“Look, she was already scared when we talked, and it wasn’t easy to get her to trust me. She won’t trust you if you’re there, and I don’t wanna scare her even more,” he finally gave up on whatever he was looking for and turned to face you, and you loved how he cared about people, but you also knew him too well.
“That’s not all. Tell me the whole truth, Eddie,” you demanded and he sighed.
“You look like shit,” he stated, not looking into your eyes, but staring at a far spot above your head instead. “And I don’t know where you were yesterday, and why you were late to school again, and I don’t know what you used, and I don’t know how you got it because it wasn’t from me. But you look like shit, like a truck ran over you, and I don’t want her to see you like this.”
It was like a punch in the gut. Your eyes instantly wet, your breath instantly cut, your heart instantly broken.
What have you done?
“I was with Igor. You said you couldn’t yesterday, but we-”
“Yeah, had to help Wayne with some stuff.”
“Don’t want us to have fun without you?” you knew the venom in your words was unnecessary, but you felt like you had to defend yourself from something.
“That’s not what-” he sighed again, “look, I’m sorry, I gotta go. Hellfire’s about to start and I’ll take Chrissy home later to get whatever she wants and you can come over after that. And we’ll talk.”
“What’s there to talk about, Eddie, you’re not my dad!”
He gulped, people passing by still paying attention to your fight, Gareth waiting for him by the entrance to the school, and you were feeling like shit - in addition to apparently looking like shit - but your pride spoke louder than your reason.
“I’m just worried, honey. We’ll talk about it later, ‘kay?” his voice was sweet again, and he pressed a kiss just as sweet to your forehead before closing the van’s door and leaving you there. Alone by the parking lot, because you didn’t play D&D and you weren’t close enough to Lucas to go watch his basketball game, and because you felt like you had no one else but him.
And you felt like shit because you couldn’t scare pretty little Chrissy Cunningham, who was going home with your- with Eddie, and you knew you could trust him because he was a good - the best, really - person, and yet that ugly little green thing in your gut was screaming.
And you felt like shit because mixing shrooms and molly wasn’t a good idea, and you felt like shit because you knew Eddie was fighting for his life to finally get his diploma that year - because he felt like shit, guilty for making you repeat your senior year with him even though it wasn’t his fault at all. And you were probably throwing it all away and god knows why. Not like you didn’t have a good life without the drinks or the drugs or the party, it was a good life. And you had to get your shit together to make it a perfect life: you, Eddie, the boys and a huge ugly-ass mutt in Indy.
You cleaned your face, wet from tears and melting mascara, on the glove of your jacket, took a deep breath before leaving the parking lot, telling that ugly little green thing in your gut to shut the fuck up. It was okay. You’d see Eddie later and you’d figure your shit out. Just a few more hours.
I remember waiting on the sunrise And I’ll be right here waiting till you come back around Come back around, come back around
“You’ll wake up in no time, I’m sure of it,” his hand was cold in yours, the incessant beeping from the machines loud in your ears, the weight of guilt pinning you down.
It was a whole week before you saw Eddie again after the fight about Chrissy, his eyes closed and his skin pale, lying in a stiff and thin mattress as Wayne cried and prayed in the hallway, a gaggle of kids worried to their souls, going from Eddie’s to that Mayfield girl’s room - Eddie’s trailer neighbor, who was apparently also in a coma. And you had no idea what happened to them, if what happened to them was connected, if it was related to the huge fucking slashes in Hawkins’ soil and streets, but it didn’t really matter.
Because none of you could do a thing.
Because the doctor said Eddie lost too much blood, and his wounds were too deep and got infected, and they were doing their best but Eddie was too weak to wake up.
Yet. You’d always add it to the end of the sentence. Eddie was too weak to wake up yet, but he would. Soon.
And you didn’t see him for a full week, and Jason Carver and the news guy were saying he killed his cheerleader girlfriend, and a boy from the school’s paper, and a basketball player. And you knew it in your bones it was bullshit, because your Eddie was sweet and caring and lovable and wouldn’t harm a mosquito. But he was being hunted by an angry mob, and the little sheep he recruited for Hellfire were nowhere to be seen, and Gareth had a purple eye, and you were getting nightmares every night since Eddie went missing, and you just wanted to leave this creepy fucking town behind once and for all.
But after a week the freshmen reappeared, with a few older friends - the prior king of Hawkins High, the preppy ex-girlfriend who cheated on him, a band weirdo. And Eddie. Unconscious, on the brink of life, and the hospital people were treating him apprehensively until some sus government people showed up with the (apparently not) dead ex-Sheriff, and that family whose little boy had gone missing three years prior. And all of them talked to Wayne, and none of them talked to you, and then Eddie got the best treatment ever.
And he was still in a coma, but he’d wake up soon, you knew it.
Because you had a plan, and you didn’t use shit after your last talk in the parking lot, feeling brave and strong from resisting your urges, but it was almost easy to resist them when the other possible outcome was losing Eddie. Because you had a plan, and it was him and you, always together, making your dreams come true in the big city, and you couldn’t do it without him, he had to be there, beside you, always beside you, and you couldn’t lose him.
And yet you were losing him anyway.
All I wanted was you, let’s do whatever it takes Me and you, we can’t lose, I’ll take you away from here From the city that never loved you, from the town I always hated Me and you, we can’t lose
A light breeze passed by you, raising the hairs in your arms. The smell of dampened earth around you and the sound of the drizzle on the clothed surface of the umbrella above you was somehow soothing, even if not soothing enough.
You couldn’t see anyone around you, but, anyway, your eyes were focused.
Staring at it, as memories flooded your mind.
And it was staring right back at you, stone cold in all ways as it read:
“Edward Wayne Munson 1965 - 1986 Beloved nephew and loyal friend Brave until the very end”
“I’m so sorry, Eds. I don’t think I’ll be coming here much often now. I’m leaving for Indy. Gonna go live our dreams, okay? For you and me,” you touched Eddie’s grave, wetting the tip of your fingers, rain falling harder now. “I love you. Sorry I never said it to your face, I really should’ve said it to your face. Gonna miss you forever, gonna take you with me. Won’t ever forget you, that I promise, okay?”
You let silence reign for a minute. Waiting for an answer, maybe - that you knew was never coming. You had no tears left in you anymore, been crying ever since Wayne called you to say Eddie was in a coma weeks before this, but you could feel as the half of your heart that was entirely Eddie’s broke into pieces, could practically see it falling with the rain, soaking the soil beneath you. Growing roots in Hawkins. Where a part of you would always be. Where you hoped to never return.
You left the cemetery, left Eddie there, and didn’t look behind you once.
I’m with you Win or lose All that I wanted was you
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justrainandcoffee · 6 months
That stormy day (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) + (Alfie Solomons & friend!oc)
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Summary: Lucy Winters slammed the door and left her house. Her damn father. She cared little and nothing about the storm that is hitting London that afternoon. She's furious. Walking to her friend's house, she saw a man attacking a girl. She didn't know her but she's ready to defend her. It happened that maybe she already knew her, at least her name.
Warnings: Some mentions of physical injuries and blood.
Words: 2k.
This fic was born reading Laur' fic, @emotionalcadaver where I learned that her beautiful oc, Lucy Winters, knows Alfie since they were teens. As you imagined, I screamed 🤭. I had to drag her temporarily to Alfie and Rose universe (or send them to hers...or Both things) so they could share at least one day together as nothing but young people.
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It wasn't long ago that she and her family had moved from Yorkshire to London. Her three siblings, plus her parents were now living in the capital of England. Quite a change considering the quiet Yorkshire they had left behind.
What had not changed was the tension within the Winters family, ruled by a strict and closed-minded father who put his religious beliefs, often blinded by the Bible, and his own interests before those of his family. A mother completely submissive to her husband and children who were divided between venerating Mr. Winters or wanting to throw him to the lions. The firstborn, Lucy, believed that the lions were the better alternative.
It was raining like hell when she left the house slamming the door.
She had to get out of there or she was going to kill more than one in the family starting with her father and one of her brothers.
She could hear her brother Teddy calling out to her as she ran, but this time she ignored him. Not now. She needed to be alone.
A clap of thunder echoed in the sky. Lucy had gone out without any coat and now she was paying the consequences of it.
There was a house she knew, a boy, a friend. And there she was going.
Rose had taken her youngest brother to her grandmother's house. The middle one was with a friend and her mother was at work. Now she was coming home carrying a basket of eggs, vegetables and cheese. Some of it was legitimately purchased. Some of it was not. Not for the first time she had stolen food and would do it again even if her mother disapproved. In the girl's eyes, it was unfair that some had too much and some had none. It was the lack of balance in society that had driven her, again, to steal cheese from the Sabinis.
At least when Alfie came home from work she could share it with him. Sometimes she wondered if the feeling of butterflies in her stomach every time she thought of him would pass. She had been with him for three years, and at the moment that hadn't changed.
The rain was now falling torrentially all over London. Her brown hair was plastered to her face and the drops made it impossible to see properly. If she didn't get there soon she was going to catch a cold.
Rose picked up her pace. A couple more blocks and she would get there.
That was until she felt someone grab her arm and pull her back. A young man was pushing her against a wall, while holding her tightly.
It was Gianni Sabini, a cousin of Darby's, older than her. Rose tried to break free but couldn't.
"Rat! Stop stealing from my uncle, you Jewish whore!"
"Let me go!"
"I'd have to cut off your hand, they do that to thieves in other countries! We're too nice here!"
A clap of thunder sounded over their heads.
"Let me go, you son of a bitch!"
Gianni Sabini had a penknife in his hand. "I may not be able to cut your hand with this but I can teach you to think twice before you do it."
The cut on her hand caused the basket that, unbelievably, she was still holding to fall to the floor. But at the same time, something red crossed in front of her eyes and it wasn't her blood.
Rose didn't know where she had come from but a red haired girl, not only had she pulled Gianni out from in front of her, she was on top of the man threatening him with her own penknife.
"Don't touch women! Fucking piece of shit!"
Rose let out a gasp when she saw the girl smacked his head against the pavement. It suprised her, not the violence, but the strength of the girl considering she was probably the same height as she was.
Gianni wasn't dead, but he was clearly unconscious with the rain falling over him.
Used to the violence on the streets in that part of London, the few people walking there barely paid attention to him. Nor to the two girls.
"Are you okay? You're bleeding" the redhead girl, asked.
"Yes. And it hurts, but I don't think it's deep… uhm, thank you."
"No worries. I'm Lucy. Let me help you. Do you live nearby?"
"Almost two blocks, yeah… Thanks Lucy. I'm Rose."
While Lucy picked up the basket, Rose used her chal to bandage her hand. At least until she could use a proper bandage that her mother had in the house.
"Sorry about that," Lucy said. "The bastard was lucky that I didn't shot him. Do you know him?"
"Barely. I know his cousin, we used to go to school together. The Sabinis aren't very kind with anyone. Especially Jewish people. My boyfriend and him, fought more than once. This bastard is angry because I stole some cheese from the shop that his family has…" Rose looked briefly at the girl next to her and she felt a bit embarrassed by her actions. "…hard times," she said.
"Well, Rose, don't worry about it I stole his penknife," Lucy showed her the hand where she was holding the weapon.
Despite that her hand was still bleeding and the storm, Rose laughed.
The familiar streets of her house brought her peace. The key was in her pocket.
"Would you like to get in? At least you can get warm and I can prepare some tea, before you continue your way," Rose said. "My mom is working and my brothers aren't here, my boyfriend probably is about to come but he's friendly… well, sometimes. He lives next door."
Still in the rain, Lucy looked at her and then to the next door. "You're not Rose," she said "you're Rosie! You're Alfie's Rosie!"
"You know Alfie?"
Lucy chuckled "of course I know Alfie! And considering the times he talked about you, I already know you… my Rosie," she imitated him, finally accepting her invitation to get in the house.
Lucy helped her to bandaging her hand. The wound wasn't bleeding anymore, but still hurt. She also insisted on preparing some tea. And Rose couldn't stop her.
Rose only stood up when she heard knockings on the door. As she imagined, it was Alfie.
The boy entered the house before she could say 'hi' and greeted her with a kiss, pushing her against the wall. He never noticed the other girl grinning, while she was pouring tea in the teacups.
"I fuckin' missed you, luv. We're alone! Can we…? ya know… My day was fuckin' awful. We can cuddle afterwards. It's raining and…"
"We can't, Al. We're not alone," she replied, looking to where Lucy was. Alfie finally paid attention at the house.
"Hullo, Alfie."
"What?" The boy look at her like it was the first time seeing her "what the hell are you doin' 'ere?"
"I am planning how to steal your girlfriend."
Rose let out a chuckle before returning to her chair and the boy rolled his eyes. Alfie sat next to her and Lucy in front of them, "she saved me," Rose explained. "I was coming here when Gianni Sabini attacked me."
"Gianni Sabini, what?!?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine," she showed him her hurt hand. "I may or may not, stole from them again."
"I don't fuckin' care! I'm goin'to kill him! Fuck him! I'm going to kill Darby too, fuckers!! Rosie, I'm sorry, pet" Alfie kissed her hand. Then, he asked Lucy "do ya kill him?"
"Nah. But I almost broke his skull against the pavement."
"Fuck, Luces! You're a little demon aren't, ya? well, it's just a wop."
"Alfie…" this time it was Rose who interrupted. She didn't like when he talked like that about the Italians even if they're were famous for their expression against the jews. Alfie just ignored it, in his mind planning a revenge against the Sabinis. No one touched his girl.
"So, Luces, what're ya doing here?"
Lucy looked at her teacup before answering. On the table the strawberry pie that Alfie had baked the day before was waiting to be eaten.
"My fucking father, of course…"
Neither of the three teens at table could say that their fathers were extraordinary. Quite the contrary.
For Alfie that wasn't new. For the very first moment he had learnt that Mr. Winters was nothing but a piece of shit. Alfie saw her friend stirring the cup.
"…same old story. He thinks he's the only one who's right. We're nothing but a waste of time and money. My mother says nothing. She's not bad person… but she's so afraid of him. At least for a couple of hours I had to ran away. This Sabini just crossed my way at the perfect time because it helped me to channeling my frustrations."
"Good. At least a Sabini was useful for once…" Alfie cut a piece of pie and served it to Lucy "told ya, as soon as you can run away from there because things with people like him never ends well."
"Easier to say than do," she ate a bit of the pie and smiled. Sugar always helped with people's mood. "He remembered me that I'm going to marry only the man he chooses for me. And I know the kind of man that's awaiting for me. A piece of shit like him. Excusing his actions behind the lord's words. Fucking hypocrite."
The young couple said nothing, they just let the other girl talk "…probably I'm going to ran away, yes. Bristol, Liverpool, Birmingham… I don't care."
A new thunder.
"Seems I need to go. Or the night is going to caught me here. But I don't want to."
"If this won't cause any trouble you can stay here for the night," Rose said "My brothers' beds are free tonight. And my mom doesn't care if a friend is here. Better here than the streets. Alfie can sleep in his own bed…"
"No, I can't. I need cuddles," the boy kissed her cheek.
"I'll behave. I promise, we have guests. And how old is she, by the way? Nine? Ten?"
"Fuck you, Alfie Solomons!" Lucy pointed at him with the teaspoon. "You're lucky your girlfriend is here."
Mrs. Coldwell greeted the new girl with kindness when she arrived from work and later that night the four of them were eating a dinner prepared by her. They laughed at old anecdotes that Lucy had from Yorkshire. Outside was still raining, but there no one noticed that.
At bedtime, Rose gave Lucy one of her nightgowns. In the morning, Lucy had to return to her house, whether she liked or not and Rose had to go to the infamous Evert's house. But for now, both of them were gossiping at the light of the candles. Giggling like the teens they still were. Alfie supposedly was sleeping in the couch but as soon as Mrs. Coldwell went to sleep, he went to where he really wanted to be: his girlfriend's bed.
At sunrise, when she woke up, Lucy saw them sleeping together and smiled. They were cute. Alfie was still with his clothes on, meaning that they did nothing but sleep all night. But he was holding her tightly against him.
Lucy ask herself if one day she too, will be capable of experiencing that kind of love.
Probably. Life couldn't be just bad things right?
She could see the first rays of sunshine. No more rain. The thought of her father made her angry again but she decided not to think about him for now. She heard sounds in the kitchen, probably Mrs. Coldwell. Lucy put her clothes on again, left the nightgown on the bed and left the couple alone.
Lucy left the house before they had wake up. Watching the people around them and thinking about nothing in particular she barely noticed when she left the old Camden Town behind her. She put her hands in her pockets and smiled when she felt the penknife.
If his father in the future keep being an asshole, then she'd kill him. In her mind, the idea wasn't that crazy. She knew he deserved it. '"And run away"…Alfie was right, she needed to ran away. And for some reason, Birmingham sounded like a good place to start again.
Not now, but one day.
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hockeyisforthegays · 6 months
What made you want to write/come up with the idea for heroine?
OOHH thank you for asking i will do my best to answer. some of the details are probably lost to "i didn't store this in my long term memory" tho alsdjjdlska.
so. ok. i was an anime-only at the time and started thinking about it in some form mid-season 2 airing, because like, well. i've never written a fix it fic before, i dont think, but i knew shibuya was gonna wreck shop and it did. but i think hidden inventory arc was a pretty big piece of the conceptual puzzle here too because--
well honestly what a lot of it came down to was: i love yuuji. i love gojo. i love the yuuji-gojo dynamic and i'm always wanting to explore it, have since s1.
and then when i saw?? hidden inventory gojo?? that sure was SOMETHING like omg my man was a bitch. the dichotomy between teen and adult gojo is my muse. so the idea of how yuuji would experience teen gojo....
i remember as a kid in other fandoms reading a couple of fic that had that basic premise of "character time travels and has to fit in with the previous generation as youths" and obviously those left a pretty big impression on me. cause i think abt them all the time. wherever those fics are now they're definitely creditable for heroine existing. but tbh i started writing the first scenes just to see what would happen and then--
then i basically went. oh if yuuji met geto suguru would it be fucked up or what. and then i started that scene and they went no actually, have you considered we have things to bond over? specifically eating gross shit? and then they ran away with the story together and a lot of things kind of followed from that. so another source of inspiration really is just the suguyuu dynamic which i had literally never thought about until i put them in a jar together and shook it. can you say your fic is inspired by itself? cause it a little is.
speaking of how i started writing mid-s2 actually so obviously there wasn't the immediate intention to have "yuuji ate mahitorb" be the source of his abilities. i was at first operating off the theories that sprung from the s1 yuuji-mahito + yuuji-todo + s2 yuuji-choso fights that yuuji inherently had some kind of soul-based ability that affected memories. before of course we learned that choso is just that brocon and todo is indeed just a maladaptive daydreamer for real. (if you read carefully you can probably identify the point where i started catching up with the manga LOL but the first handful of chapters were powered by speculation and spoilers alone)
... tbh some of our plot points, like yuuji not having some memories, are literally a case of "well. i havent figured that out yet, so let's say he doesn't know." asldjalskjdal i have since worked out the mechanics of the fic and its lore and i think it's stronger for having them be mysterious to yuuji but it IS funny to think about how i was just like AND I'LL FIGURE IT OUT LATER. writing heroine is just trust falling into my own arms most of the time
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musical-chick-13 · 8 months
who is your favorite iteration of the doctor to be shipped with river?
I thought a lot about my answer to this, and unfortunately I am going to give the BIGGEST cop-out of a response and say that I can't actually choose between Eleven and Twelve 😭😭
Just for the sake of having an answer, I'll say Twelve, just because he's my favorite Doctor. (And as much as I love it when characters are so broken up about losing people they love that they can't even talk about it--i.e. series 7 Eleven--I do very much appreciate the fact that we got to see Twelve actually consistently grieve onscreen. Also don't TALK to me about how the specific type of goodness he was able to successfully impart to Missy-about helping someone even when there's little to no chance of it succeeding, of getting anything good out of it for yourself, or of the other person ever knowing about it-CAME DIRECTLY FROM RIVER.)
But I really don't have like. A Specific Preference. I skew more toward the Doctors we've seen River interact with onscreen (and specifically during the Moffat Era because as everyone knows it's my favorite, lol), but I've really liked the fic I've read of her with Eight, and some of the stuff in the supplementary materials has gotten me to come around on her with Ten as well (I am notably not a Particularly Huge Fan of Ten). And I also even wrote a story once about her and Thirteen (that I then orphaned later for very stupid reasons). (It's here, if anyone's interested.)
All this being said, I wouldn't have fallen in love with this ship as much as I have if Eleven/River didn't exist. Twelve/River sees them both finally on the same page, and the whole "HE WOULDN'T BE IN LOVE ENOUGH TO BE STANDING [IN DANGER] WITH ME (*has actually been in the middle of said danger the entire time because he is in love enough*) was...look, that CHANGED MY BRAIN. PERMANENTLY. But I don't think people appreciate how truly DERANGED Eleven and River are.
She insults him/makes him look stupid and he just goes like this -> 😍. He starts accepting his interest in her WHEN HE LEARNS SHE'S IN PRISON FOR MURDER (probably for murdering him). They get so caught up in flirting (over River being A Scary Person specifically) that they completely forget that their best friend/family member is in the room with them and also in extreme danger. She expresses her affection by shooting his ridiculous hats off of his head. "Are you married/are you asking/yes." (*cue the most charmed expression on his face to ever exist*) "It's a shame you were busy that day" (<-because she had POISONED HIM AND HE WAS DYING). "And unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people, I shouldn't like that, kind of do a bit." "You graffiti-ed the oldest cliff face in the universe!"/"Well you wOuLdN't aNsWeR yOuR pHoNe." "You've got that face on again"/"What face?"/"The 'he's hot when he's clever' face"/"This is my normal face"/"Yes it is." "I do NOT sneak out at night to parties with RIVER SONG"/"How is she?"/"Fine. 😊"
His response to someone bringing her up and mentioning that she tried to kill him is "totally married her XD." She confessed her love to him via "getting the whole universe to mention how much they need him and agreed to marry him and he's still like, "Oh, gotta go check my fucking hair before I say hello to her again" in TATM. (Fun fact, the "Sorry honey, traffic was hell" line was originally, "Traffic was a bitch" which would have been the like. Highest-level curse word we've ever seen this man say, and it would have been in the context of trying to cleverly greet River which AGAIN, DERANGED BEHAVIOR.)
Fixed point that would destroy the universe if it were messed with? Too bad! Not if she thinks she has to kill him! "I'LL SUFFER IF I HAVE TO KILL YOU, MORE THAN EVERY LIVING THING IN THE UNIVERSE" OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDDD. (<-Worth noting that he calls her out over this for all of about two minutes before deciding the best way out of the situation is having an impromptu wedding.) She tells him TO HIS FACE "When I was little, I wanted to marry you" and then ALMOST INTENTIONALLY PERMANENTLY KILLS HIM LIKE TWO MINUTES LATER. He's dying on the floor in Berlin and still has the energy to go absolutely FERAL over the idea of someone hurting her. In the series 7 finale, she isn't even tangible and only exists through a conduit in Clara's head and he goes, "Too bad! I can hold you and kiss you and talk with you because I miss you, screw the actual laws of physics." (And then he's like, "Hmm, I probably look stupid right now. Oh well, back to talking to my wife, who I refused to say goodbye to for God Knows How Long because I would have been too sad.")
(Like, Twelve is also Deranged™ about her too, as evidenced by responding to her threat of cutting out his organs in alphabetical order with, "Which alphabet" and being jealous at the MOST inopportune times and, while in the middle of them fighting over who gets to risk sacrificing themselves, saying, "NOT ONE LIVING THING IS WORTH YOU" which is. Sure a line!!! That sure lives in my head rent-free!!!!! Also they have a Bonding Moment™ about carrying a severed head around in a bag. But the absolute INSANITY that goes on between River and Eleven is. Incredible.)
.........uhhhhh this. This got away from me. I also didn't really answer your question. Sorry? (<-Not actually sorry.)
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linesonscreens · 11 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yes, all of it) - February 1952
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
Feb 1, 1952
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The record in question is almost certainly a song version of the poem “The Sugar-Plum Tree” by Eugene Field. I can't find a song version of it from around this time though so either it's been lost to time or it never existed and Schulz is just using it to make a reference.
Also, oh God Charlie brown is one of ~those~ people, isn't he?
Feb 3, 1952
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Wait, what? *googles*
verb goldbricked; goldbricking; goldbricks
transitive verb: : swindle intransitive verb : to shirk duty or responsibility
Apparently it's a reference to the act of paining a normal brick with gold paint and passing it off as something valuable.
Good word. Keeping that one for later.
Feb 4, 1952
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I'm sorry, who!? *googles again*
Albert Payson Terhune (December 21, 1872 – February 18, 1942) was an American writer, dog breeder, and journalist. He was popular for his novels relating the adventures of his beloved collies and as a breeder of collies at his Sunnybank Kennels, the lines of which still exist in today's Rough Collies
Oooooooh... OK, that's kind of funny I guess.
Also, I'm noticing that this guy died almost exactly a decade before this strip came out. I wonder if this strip is supposed to be some kind of tribute.
Feb 6, 1952
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Screw the haters, kid. This is a perfectly valid technique and I respect it.
Feb 8, 1952
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You want to know why the radio man didn't have that record? Because Beethoven's Sonata #29 is 40 God damn minutes long!
Pretty though. I like it.
Feb 11, 1952
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How is this kid even still alive at this point?
Feb 14, 1952
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This is not a healthy relationship.
Feb 16, 1952
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How on earth did two separate sets of parent's come to this conclusion about Charlie fucking Brown?
Feb 18, 1951
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I just realized that Schulz makes almost this exact same joke later on with Lucy. I'll try to remember to post it when we get there (emphasis on "try").
Feb 27, 1952
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Literally me including the part where he's bitching out loud in front of the other person while they're talking.
I like it when Schulz makes a weird reference to something I've never heard of. It's a fun excuse to learn a new thing or experience some old form of media I'd never consider touching otherwise.
Probably won't dig up a copy one of the dog breeder guy's books though. That... doesn't seem like my jam.
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poedameronwifey · 2 months
A true home(The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 19
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Heyyyyyyy everyone it has been so long. I have been super busy with university and exams. I haven't really had a chance to update but now I can. Please forgive me for the late update. Being an adult sucks. Dont let anyone tell you any different. Anyway here you go. I hope you're excited. Onwards. my readers.
Lilith's Pov
Finally I can drag this motherfucker. Everyone was looking at us. Renee and Kate were just waiting for the show to start. Saurman looked a bit scared which made me even more happy. Time to expose this bitch.
"Now Im sure everyone is wondering what the fuck is going on. I'll tell you. This bitch here is a fucking traitor."
"That is absurd. Child, you are completely delusional."
"Yea...I think the fuck not. You see were from a whole different world where this, the quest, the necromancer, is a book. A famous one that my sisters and I read when we were younger. We know what you do. You betray everyone. You help Sauron. You are responsible for so many people's lives as well as betray everything you were meant to stand for. You allow orcs to raid villages and create chaos for power. Trust me when I say, I'm not being delusional about something as serious as this. My sisters and I can't allow you to do that. You may be the head of the white council but that doesn't mean you can't be replaced. You're not worthy of your position and my sisters agree with me."
"You are unwell, child. I would never help Sauron."
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"Yes I am."
"What about you guys? Do you think I'm lying?"
I looked at the others. Renee looked ready to punch this bitch and I sure as hell ain't going to stop her. Gandalf seemed lost in thought. I couldn't tell what grandma thought but I think she knows I'm telling the truth. Grandpa didn't want to believe me, I could tell by his facial expression. He knew I was right but to go against your oldest friend and trust the word of your grandchild that you only found out about not too long ago, he didn't know what to believe anymore.
"Hell no sis. This bitch needs to realise he aint all high and mighty. Please Grandpa, Lily wouldn't lie about this. Look through our memories if you want. We know we're telling the truth."
Renee was pleading with Gandalf. After what seemed like hours, Lady G walked to Saurman and everyone held their breaths.
"You dare to call my great grandchildren liars? They have never lied about anything since they came here. I will give you one chance to come forward. Are you working with Sauron? I suggest you answer honestly."
Everyone's eyes were on him and watched as he shrunk under Lady G's glare. My sisters and I walked up to them and glared as well, hoping it would be intimidating enough to scare him. He better fess up or I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him.
Third Pov
Saurman knew that he couldn't talk his way out of this. Those annoying girls had outed him. He needed to get rid of them. It's going to be a lot harder because of just how powerful they were, especially Renee, even if she didn't know it.
He immediately put his staff in front of him and started muttering something, closing his eyes. All of a sudden, everything around them started to darken and wind started surrendering Saurman. Gandalf stood in front of the girls while Lord Elrond stood with his back towards Saurman, shielding Lady G. Gandalf tried to stop Saruman's muttering but he was too late. The wind suddenly stopped and the sky became light once more. Everyone looked up and turned to where Saurman was but found no sign of him. He used that trick as a distraction so he could escape. Renee rushed to the edge of the balcony in hopes of finding him but there was no trace. She turned to the others, noticing how Lord Elrond was extremely quiet and in shock because of what he had just learned.
"Grandpa, are you okay?" Lilith was in front of him, holding his hands. Kate stood by Lady G who gave her a hug, while she kept apologising. Lord Elrond looked at her and softly smiled. "My child, this is not your fault. I am just very shocked. One of my oldest friends turns out to have betrayed us. I'm just glad that it was brought to our attention before it was too late. You remind me so much of your mother. I'm so proud of you, all of you."
The girls smiled with teary eyes and Lilith hugged him with so much love. Renee walked up to Kate and pulled her into a side hug. Eventually the girls stood behind Lilith, who turned to Lady G.
"We can't delay, we have to go. The company needs us. Girls, let's get ready."
The girls nodded and walked to their room to get their stuff. They immediately got their bags packed and were getting their weapons together. They heard a knock on the door and looked up to see Lord Elrond coming in with some sort of clothing. He put them on their bed as the girls walked up to him.
'What's all this?"
"I noticed that your outfits aren't going to help you much if you run into orcs. I thought these could be of better use. Plus it will help to connect your magic more. Lilith, this belonged to your mother, take it my dear. Kate, this belonged to a very powerful water user thousands of years ago. Here you go my child. And Renee, this belonged to your ancestors. When you transform back into a human, these will remain so you don't need to worry about ripping your clothes every time you transform. Here you go, young one."
Kate's POV
Lord Elrond handed me a beautiful blue V-neck with leather shoulder pads. It was short in the front and long in the back. The pants were brown with blue stripes running vertically along it. There were lots of straps that were useful for me to easily access my weapons. There were brown thigh boots with space for a small dagger on each leg. There were these beautiful brown fingerless gloves. They were stiff and study but comfortable so it wouldn't cause any issues when I fight. It was so beautiful and I couldn't believe that Grandpa was giving this to me.
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Lilith's POV
Grandpa handed me something my mom used to wear when she went on missions and patrol. It was a green short sleeve. There was a thick silver belt that covered my waist with a sliver shoulder pad over both shoulders except one was shorter and made from a dragon's skin. There were lots of belts. It had black tights and knee high brown boots. On my left thigh, there was a leather material with a belt around my upper thigh. One part of the shirt was longer and went till the middle of my right thigh. There was a chainmail underneath, There were two belts to hold and weapons on my hips. My gloves were fingerless except for my pointer and middle fingers and they were green. There were belt like arm guards that covered most of it. Damn, mom had taste. He gave me a blue cloak that was made from dragon skin. Grandpa handed me a small brown bag and said mom used to carry her healing potions and ingredients. I looked inside and saw lots of stuff that I needed and a small book about healing and potions. I smiled at grandpa, which he returned.
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Renee's POV
Lord Elrond then turned to me and gave me a red cloak that had a hood. He then gave me brown arm guards and fingerless gloves. Then he handed me a long sleeve red shirt that had slits in the sides and was longer in the front and middle. He handed me brown pants and reddish brown boots. He handed me some gold shoulder pads and then he handed me a brown corset with a long piece at the back that went till my calves and it covered the back of my legs. There were a lot of belts to hold my weapons. I cant believe these belonged to my ancestors. They had good taste and I don't have to worry about ripping them when I transform. Convenient, am I right?!
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Third POV
The girls hugged Lord Elrond, who graciously returned. They pulled away and looked at him with smiles.
"Grandpa, they are so beautiful. Thank you. We love them so much."
He just waved off their thanks with a smile. "I'm glad you like it. I will leave you to get dressed."
He left them to get changed. The girls quickly got changed and added their weapons. They looked at themselves in the mirror and couldn't help but fall in love with their outfits.
"We look so hot. Can't believe my ancestors made this. Its so fucking cool."
"Whoa, can't believe mom used to wear this."
"Damn, the previous water user had such great taste."
They finished looking and their stuff, double checking that they had everything one last time before leaving the room. They walked to the entrance where the others were waiting. Lord Elrond was speaking to Lady G and Gandalf about who knows what. Probably Sauron. They made themselves known , causing the three to go silent and look at the girls. They had such nostalgic and sad looks. Lady G came up to them with a small smile.
"You all look very beautiful. Lilith, you look so much like your mother. Katherine, I can definitely see your fathers features in you. And Renee, you look like your mother when she was younger. You all will do great things one day. I am proud of all of you."
"Thanks grandma. We'll make you proud. Right Girls?"
Renee and Kate both nodded with determination. Lord Elrond came up to them and nodded at them with a big smile. They were so ready to take down those orcs and they were more than ready to protect the line of Durin. Gandalf cleared his throat, letting them know it was time. The girls hugged Lord Elrond and Lady G one last time. They ran up to Gandalf who looked at them with so much love. He was proud of them. Just as they were about to leave, a bark was heard. They turned and saw Hades running this way. He seemed to have grown a bit. He stopped in front of the girls, he stopped at their thighs.
Are you ready Little One?
Yes. I am ready to follow you to the end of the earth. Lets go get your home back.
That's my boy. Remember we all have each other's backs okay. So you gotta also protect the girls and the dwarfs. They're our family.
Yes Lily. No one will hurt our family. I'll make sure of it
Atta boy. Now let's go kill some orc and save our family.
Lilith hugged him and patted his head, causing him to respond with a happy bark. She stood up and turned to her sisters and Gandalf.
"Who's ready to go kill some orc?!"
The girls cheered and with that the five of them were heading towards the Misty Mountains to find their silly dwarves because knowing them they are in some kind of trouble. They were ready for what was about to come. They will reclaim Erebor and return the dwarves to their home no matter what. They'll make sure of it.
Omg that was absolutely badass. Yessss Lily gave him hell and humbled him so quickly. And the girls outfits look absolutely gorgeous. I had to look to fin d the best ones then my I lost like half of my photos and I had to go look for new ones. But I love them so much. Tell me what you think in the comments. 
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