#🪡-Doll Face
dollfacevn · 1 year
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Finally, our genderfluid chivalrous knight, Charon, is here!
n̷̢̨̨̡̡̡̥͎̤͖͈̤̳̳͖̭̥̣͉̥̤̯̫͖̬̻̮̩̙̙͖̺̤̼͙̖̱̗̮̣̪̟͉̠̲͖̗̳̞̭̹̩͓̱̬̪͈̜̻͉͖̩̭͇͚͍̫͍̦̞̪̭̰̝͉̲̱̻̳̯̆͊͊̿͛̍͑̃̓̀͘͜͜͝͠ͅë̵̢̡̪͖̞̬̺̹͔̞̠̮̦̬̹̹̤̙̠̣͉̟͈̺̟̬̥̥̰̩̭̬͎̬́̈́͑͐̑̅̐͛̔̒̏͛͛̀̒̅͘̚͜͝ͅͅv̷̨̦̬̻̪͖̫͙͔͚͍̳̪͙̩̦͈͌͌͒͂̐̐̽͋̀̿͆̀̈́́̔̉̐̃̑̃̽̌̽̂̅̍̄͆̍̑̐̊̾̃͊̽͋̈́̀̓̓̈͌̏̈́̑͊͂̈́̒̾͂̈́̀̀̊̒͛̉̊͋̒̓̎̂̕̕̕̕̚͘͘͘͝͠͠ͅę̵̧̛̜̪̖̰̬͚̟̮̯͚̞̣̳̼̘̳͉̠̞̻͓͇͕̰̣̲̙̓̈́̈́͐̆̍̆̑̽̈̽̓̇͛̾̊͗̒̈́̿̔̐͊̿́̔̿͂̈́̃̋̅̓̆̈́̓͐̏̓̏̈́̃͒̽̀͂̀̎̃̋͂̈͒̀̿̂͌̎͐͐̑̇̽͐̏̂̕̚̚̚̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅr̴̨̨̢̨̢̡̛̙̜̬̼̪̼̲̥̦̘̞͇̺̲̰̪̬̖̭̮̲̺̻̠͓̰͈̞̘̮͙̻̙̞̺̦͚̦̻̲̰͇̩͇̺̗͎̱̪̗̣̱̹̼̯̤̰͓͔͖̮̰̼̯͚͔̞̙̦̹̮̻̔̍̒̇̽̀͌̀̌̓͑̐̓̐̅̈̃͑͐̄̉̑͐̈͐̐̐̔͒̐̅̊̑̿̒̆̈̾̎͂́̇̋͌̕̚̕̕͜͜͝͠͠͠͝ͅͅͅ ̸̡̧̧̨̧͕̙̲̬̻̰̖̙̜̣̖̫͎͇̰̘͕͍͙͊͆̊̽̈́̐̈́̋̽̈́͐͑̕͘̕̕͘͜͠ͅļ̸̡̧̧̨̨̡̜̳̯̥͔̹͇̗͍͚̫̳̥̪̫̼̜̺͖͓͚̪͔̪̝̙̻̯̟̟̪̥̘͍̞̤͇̣̱̼͚͚͕͍̥͉͍͍̟̝͉̰̩̫̹̟̙͔̈́̾̓͛̌̒̀́̄̑̾̃́̒̑̎̋̌̑̏͒̌̆̒̆̄̚̕͜͜͝͠ͅͅę̴̡̡͎̦̮̻̗̰̮̙͚̤̥͉͔̮̣͕͎̺̟̦̗͕̰̳̬͔̗̙̖̀̓̌͌̎̏̉̌̇͐̃͋͑́̿̍̌͗̓͗̎̾̓́͛̍͌͘̚̕͘̚̚͜͝͝͝͠ͅţ̴̨̧̧̡̭̟̝̮̦̻̫̼̮̮͈͖̫̤̺͍̹̹̻͓̙̤̹͇̟̙̤͚͎̱͈̭͕̪͕͉̰̠̟͍̠̬̫̪̪̲̙̦̳̟̭͈͌̀̾̉̾̃̒͊̃͊̈́̔̅̚̚͜͜ ̴̡̨̡̨̡̢̡̡̛̲̼͈̤̞͇̣͉̼̫̙̩͖̪͙͖̼̜͚̤̟̞̤͚̭̲͍̱͚͔̙̼̜̻̱̜͍͍̤̟̭͕͇̪̣̫͔̼̫͓̮̣̯̲̯̝̱̘̼̖̙̫̜̙̻̙̃̒̃̈́́̋̈́̃͒́͋̈̆̃̾͆̏́̃̔̑̔̃̄̎̃̈́͑͗̽̄̂̽̋͊͛̌̅̈́͒̈͒̈́͘̚͜͜͝͠ͅͅṭ̶̡̧̡̧̝͚̪̗͙̣̬̗̫̖̤̺̣̹̩͚͚̻͚̬͓̣͎̠̩̼͍̯̭͈͍͔̫̩͎̹͇̙͈̻̺̩͕̈́̊̏̋̎̓͛̈́̍́́̎̔̂̎̃̀̿̇̈́͒̆̕͘͝ͅͅͅḩ̷̨̡̰͍̯̖̬̣̬̳̻̻̟͇̠̘̬͙͎̹͇͚̞̬̻͉͖͇̮̻̩͇̮̥̲̳̱̫̝̲͙̰̞̺̝̳̪̭͇͔̞̣̗̺͚̥̗̘̦͈̥͙̞͉̭̻̫̯̠̳̬̩̩̦̗̥͙̀̌̀̋̉̎͐̀̓̀͐͛̀̒̆̈́̇̔̓̉̕͘̚̕͝͝ͅͅè̸̢̨̧̨̛̛̟̞̹̲̟͇͍̻͈̞͍͎̳̖̟̙̤̮̩̤͉̖̭̺͔̬͙̺͚̱̼̥̮͉͕̩̖͈̮̪͖̮͓͈͕̱̮̤͕̄́̓̀̾͗̅͐͑̓͌̒̾̀̑̽͊̉͋̄̈͑̆̉͑̃͑̈̂̋͊̎͋͗̉̈͗̏̅̐́̑̈̔̈́̋͂̀̔̕͜͠͝͝ ̵̧͇̥̝͚̗̱̬̞̯̘͒̉̉͆͂͗̆̽͋̈́͂̋̋̉̈̈́̽̀́̇͗̓͑̒͋̅͘̕͝ẽ̵̼̈̇́͆͐̏͒͛̑̍͐̿̿̾̍̄͛̊̑̊̓̈́̐͐̾̽̉͑̑͐̔̿̕͝͠͝ņ̶̧̡̛̛̙̦̘̲̳̘͚̰̜̻̯̰̺͉͇͕̩̭̣̱̩̥̝̗̠͈̻͚̣̲̩̲͕̖̙̱̲͍̜̩̘̩̝̱̙͔̝͍͚͈̯̼̙̭̖̀̊̈́̈́̀̊̍̔͐̍̂̅̆̓̓̽͘͘͜͜͠͠͝é̸̡̧̨̜̞͍̲͕͚̘͚͇̙̱̘͉͇̜̜̗̠̬̹̬̣̤̻͜ͅm̵̨̡̢̢̮͕̫͍͖̦̜̲̭̺̬̘̠̞̠̥̝͙̤̲͙̱͖̲͔̲̝̤̮̬̻͐̈́̈̔̊͂͗̆̃̓̓̏́̀̌͊̇̽̏͌͊̈́͌̈́̈́̏͊̃͂̍̐̅̌̓̿̒͛́̍͑̚̕̕͜͝͝͝ͅÿ̶̡̡̡̛̭̞̳̩̜͕͓̖͉̜̱̩̼̣̦̝͓̝͖͚̥̳̭̜͕͚̩̳͇͔̬̜̣̜̖̣͉͕́͗̔̈́̉̎͐̿̒͒͛̎̉̌̉̾͑̈́̋͛̂͊̉͒̆͆̄͆̚̚͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅ ̷̧̧̨̧̧̳̙̼͈̭̜͔̠͍̜̻̬̙͈̣̖̗̝̺̤͙̻͙̬̳̦͈̟̗͇̩͕̯̲̗̰̮̯̮̲͎̗̖͎̙̞̳̙̠̫̞̰̦̤̠͎̫̰̲͂̈́̓͒̂̍̎̿̏̒́̇͜͝k̷̨̡̨̧̢̢̢̼̱̻̳̠̠̪̙̠̜̻̗̫̟̦̝͇͕̲̜̳͖̘͖͖͚̫̯̘̝̖͕̤̩̯̼̪͕̰̣̫͈̣͙͎̼̥͕̹̠͇͇͑͋̃̒̒̋̑̊̈́̂̀͘͝ͅn̵̡̡̢̨̧̨̛̘̝̳̙̜̮̥̥̞͇̩͓̰̗͔̝̹͈̦̤̭̬̹͙͕̟͕̗̝͇̭͇̭̺̙̠͔͔͇̖̼̰͙̼̤̘̙͖̻̭̰̪̹͎̣̻͇͔̎͆̌̄̈́́̄͒̊̉͂̓̇͗͗́͗̈́͂́̋̏͊́̌̌̃̄̇̕͜ǫ̵̧̜̫͈̯͍̥̟̘̻͈̫͈͖̰̈́̎̑̾̔̋͐̀̈͛̋̄̔̏̇̀͒͑̊̾́̆̈́͌͒̏̍̑̐̐̒͌͗̃̉̈̀͗͊͗̄̂̀͒̏͋̃̎̃̿̏̄̍̀̉̄̽̊̅́̂̇̓̄̑̚͘͘͘̚͘̕͜͠͝͠͠ẁ̸̡̼̗̺͓͇̠̜̖̦̦̰͈͎̰̮̙̯̫̘̻͈̠̗̞͉̤͇̠̼̤̪̤̯͈̯́̇͋̅̔͗͊̆̓̐̍̎͘̚͜͝ͅ
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spicybunni · 3 months
Love Bites
I’ve had this lingering headcanon that all the Lords in RE:VILLGE need blood to appease the cadou inside them?
Summary: Some headcanons/descriptions of how the Lords in RE Village bite you for the first time/ how they use you for your blood 🩸
WARNINGS ⚠️ blood, injury to reader, biting , rough handling, violence to reader, yandere tendencies
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🪡 - Yandere vibes with this one and you can’t convince me otherwise.
🪡- You were visiting the estate to give Donna some fabric she had requested from the village. You were one of the estate’s gardeners so going to the mansion was no big deal, besides getting a glimpse of Lord Beneviento from time to time.
🪡- She had to have some excuse for you to come into her manor alone. For some time she has been observing you from all windows of the estate and concluded she needed to have you, taste you, lock you away…
🪡 - She would trap you in once you placed the fabric on the table inside. You would panic at the sight of the doors slamming on their own, being in a dark and creepy manor such as Benevientos.
🪡- She would sneak around you in silence once she has you trapped. The dolls would move on their own in excitement and anticipation like their master. The whole atmosphere is making you panic with paranoia.
🪡 - Appearing in front of your vision suddenly with her arms outstretched to you. She rushes over before you could react. Suddenly being embraced by Lord Beneviento makes you stay still with shock, not knowing how to respond. You realize that her usual veil was missing too. You feel her hair tickle the side of your face.
“M-My Lord??…What are yo-“
🪡- An unknown force would make you go nonverbal before feeling a sting on your neck that gradually gets worse. Donna is very sadistic when it comes to inflicting pain. So your whimpers and groans are music to her ears.
🪡- She would let go with a pop of her lips, licking an excess blood dripping from you. Looking directly at you once she is done. Having the biggest grin on her face, blush on her cheeks, and a little bit of your blood dripping from her mouth.
🪡 - There’s something so perverted about how she just wants you to herself, to play with and drink from.
🪡 - She will gladly leave you alone in the manor if you refuse to let her drink or give her resistance. Watching as you dodge unimaginable horrors chase you down to your new bedroom where she awaits you.
🪡 - Just holds you after she feeds from you. You would be pretty weak from how much she drinks from you to not oppose her cuddling.
“I can’t let you leave, I won’t let you!”
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🐚 - Oh man, this guy is even more awkward than Donna when it comes to interacting with villagers.
🐚 - He would wobble out from his spongey abyss of the docks, and come watch you work on the windmill. You've had your share of encounters with Moreau, but always found it creepy he would watch you for a moment before approaching you.
🐚 - His bloodlust would not overtake him completely, he just had this urge to be around you all the time. He could never romantically love you since he held that spot for Mother Miranda, but he did favor you.
🐚 - One day you managed to injure yourself while hammering nails into wood. The hammer smashing your finger and breaking skin. You cursed to yourself and it seemed to draw Lord Moreau out of hiding to reach you. You jumped at first but calmed down when you realized it was just him. You showed him the little cut in your finger, signifying that you were alright. He offered you a handkerchief from his cloak to clean the blood dripping from your finger.
🐚 - You hiss at the sting of cloth rubbing against it, but it quickly subsides. You were going to toss it later, putting it in your pocket. The Lord blubbers out "W-Wait! Noo..I can take it if you'd like.." He says disappointedly. You raise an eyebrow at his reaction, but he's technically your boss so you return the handkerchief back to him. "I'm sorry it's dirty my lord, are you sure you want it back?"
🐚 - His pupils were dilated, his mouth agape as he watches the liquid is soaked up by the cloth he gave you.
"It's no t-trouble at all, I shall go fetch you some proper bandages..."
As he waddles away, he hides quickly from your view behind a boulder and sniffs the handkerchief and bites into it, trying to wring out any blood.
He would end up almost eating it before wanting to preserve your essence. 🫣
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🩸- You were one of Alcina’s favorite servants. You knew all the rules like the back of your hand. There was no reason to brag about it though, you have done a lot precautions because you’ve seen what happens when you don’t follow in line. You just kept your head down and avoided her daughters like the plague.
🩸- Alcina does have a preference for man blood that she mixes in her wine. But she loves the taste of a fearful and devoted servant from time to time as well.
🩸- She would summon you randomly to her study, sending a maid to fetch you. The maid would look at you with pity. Nobody usually see's the lady alone unless its the head maid/butler or if you are getting fired. You respond with haste and drop whatever it is that you are doing to go there. Rushing through all servant corridors and arriving out of breath.
🩸- You would be filled with anxiety over what she could possibly want with you. She tells you to come in and to take a seat. You open the doors to your Lady in reading glasses with papers and books organized everywhere. She walks over to you as she closes up what she is doing. Towering over you as she approaches.
🩸- Much like a predator to a prey, she would circle around you as she makes small talk. And you make small replies back. She would make comments of how you are such a good servant to the Dimitrescu castle, making you turn red at the praise.
Stopping behind you, she leans down to whisper to you. Making you shake where you stand.
"-but you know Y/N, your most delicious quality is.. your obedience."
🩸- She would grab you from behind and drag you to the loveseat nearby, making you sit in her lap with your back against her chest. She uses one hand to raise your left arm up to her lips, the other is wrapped under your right arm and gripping your head in place. Your screams and cries of protest were not heard by her as she sunk her fangs into your forearm. The pain was awful, it makes your hand cramp and muscles sore from straining in one position.
🩸- If you kept freaking out as she drank from you, she would use the hand gripping your face to cover your mouth instead. Such a dreadful noise.
🩸- She wouldn't drink enough from you to make you faint, but you are most certainly weak and not in any shape to make a quick escape.
🩸- Shifting your position in her lap, she would move to carry you to her chambers for the night. All you see illuminating through the dark halls of the castle were those terrifyingly golden eyes of hers, peering down at you in her arms.
🩸- Would only approach you for your blood after the first bite, even if it meant stealing you away in front of everyone.
🩸- Will throw you against the wall if you refuse to give blood.
🩸 - Your neck and arms would be littered with dark lipstick and bite marks.
"Consider it a promotion, Y/N. You are now my new favorite drink."
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⚙️- This man is half lycan, of course he consumes blood.
⚙️ - He tries to reserve himself from drinking blood for as long as he can. To him it’s what separates him from his other monstrous siblings. He does get a vial from another Miranda every now and then, scolding him that he needs to take better care of himself.
⚙️ - His eyes would be blood shot and constantly have headaches when he craves blood. He’s more irritated and is easily pissed off. Making him take out a lot of rage onto his machines.
⚙️ - If it’s that time of the month for him when he transforms and joins the Lycan pack for a hunt, then there’s no controlling his blood lust.
⚙️- Meaning if you were to pass by in his factory, covered in sweat and body hot from working near the factory fires, he would pounce you immediately. Or if you were to approach him asking “Lord Heisenberg…are you alright?” He would grab you by the hand and hold you from behind, biting into your neck.
⚙️ - His bites are the worst, they are so painful it would make you well up with tears and hyperventilating after your initial scream of agony.
⚙️ - With his intense bloodlust he would most likely drink you dry, or be very close to killing you, making you go limp in his hold either way.
⚙️- If you woke up, it would be in an office/bedroom in his factory. Your neck would be bandaged and sore. You go to touch it but your hand is restrained by a cuff to the bed post.
⚙️ - He realizes its a better solution to his lycan transformation, just having a person for his own feeding so he doesn’t harm the village. At least that’s less of a bother Miranda which means she leaves him alone. Problem solved! But not for you. He would limit your exploring to only one side of factory, isolating you from the rest of your old coworkers who wondered what happened to you.
⚙️ - Will not hesitate to drink from you in his Lycan form as a punishment for refusing him. Which is way worse than dealing with his “human” form.
⚙️ - Is not great with wound aftercare besides bandaging your bite marks. He just treats you like a meal and would leave until he gets hungry again. Doesn’t bother talking with you unless it’s to give you an order.
“Normally I would have let you go, but I never thought a villager would be so tasty. So now you must stay. Or face becoming one with my factory Y/N!”
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🕷️ - You just really have no choice when it comes to the villager leader. You are to do as ordered without question or face her wrath like everyone else.
🕷️ - Her interest in you only went so far as seeing how devoted you were to her. You would always offer yourself as a volunteer to help her or do small favors for Mother Miranda. Were you a good person? Maybe. Were you actually just trying to get in her good graces? Yes.
🕷️ - Miranda didn’t usually partake in consumption of blood. She left that sort of activity to her children mostly. From time to time however she would taste the samples in her lab of villagers who passed or failed her experiments for the Cadou. She would feel her body react positively to the small drink.
🕷️ - Recently she was feeling weak and exhausted every time she used her powers. Drained of all energy at the stupid meetings with her children regarding this pitiful village. She thought that she could try you out, and if you died in the process? Well, she could consume another.
🕷️ - The cruel thing is that she knew you wouldn’t refuse her request. You would do anything to be helpful or if use to her right? So just be silent and still.
🕷️ - “You want to help me don’t you, Y/N?” She asks with a malicious tone in her voice.
🕷️ - She would be up close to your face, her glowing golden eyes piercing into yours as she holds your face in her hands. She would slowly guide her hand behind your back, arching you and supporting your weight. Moving your face to one side, she would lean down and bite.
🕷️ - There is only a little pain from the puncture, but the sting of her sucking you blood out makes you yelp and twitch in her arms. You thought this would be over quickly but her lips have yet to leave you.
🕷️ - Once she has a taste it was difficult for her to stop. Her black wings come out and flutter as she drinks from you. In your vision, all you see is her blond hair and wings extending out before you fall into a slight blood loss slumber.
🕷️ - After the first taste, she did not want to let you go. You would tell the whole village how she abused your devotion just to take from you. As she locked up Mia in a isolated cell she would do the same to you. Except you were given more than Mia was. A bed and table with books. Your basic needs were met but your life was changed forever. Becoming only a blood pack for Mother Miranda to feed off of when she was feeling low. If you dared to give her any trouble in feeding from you she would discipline you until you understood your place, restraining you with black tree roots and muffling your cries with her hand as she would have her fill of you.
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Meet Velvette📱🧶
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Meet my take on Velvette! I had LOT OF FUN with this one! She’s reviewing Pentabucks newest drink!(being its top influencer can get you it for free!)
My Velvette’s more involved with social media/advertising/trends rather than owning all of Hell’s fashion indurstry. She’s basically a social marketer/influencer who uses her influence to support and advertise a lot of the overlords and high influence peoples businesses, products and services. She’s def still into fashion, I imagine she has something like a Bergdorf Goodmans, luxury end store and probably collabed with other fashion brands). I also see her own some fo the trendiest resteraunts, clubs, beauty salons, etc. def sewn herself into big brands!
I’ve heard she was suppose to be a doll because her pilot look mouth alluded a bit to stitching and wore frilly clothes.
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so I ended up making her a rag doll! Doll’s are very popular to sell, especially to sell additional objects such as fashion, accessories, etc. Basically she sells herself out to the public eye 👁️. There’s also a bit of sewing terms that fits with social media such as “Pinned”, “Threads”, etc.🪡📍
And rag dolls are known for their adaptability(perfect for trend setting Vel)! I styled her outfit as a kinda tweaked modern outfit of Raggedy Anne/Andy’s outfit. The jumper and black booties. Restyled into a more flashy romp jumper and heeled boots 👢 Even made it to her name, VELVET!
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Ngl many friends of mine have said she gives off Monster High vibes(I feel like 2000’s cartoons def inspired me). As well as Lalaloopsy!!!!!!! I was also a bit inspired by OG Millie’s outfit(love the double straps).
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Put her in two shades of brown for a patchwork vibe! Another thing I’m going for with the rag doll theme is to allude to insecurity. I imagine she came from less glamorous origins. Didn’t have porcelain dolls like Charlie or plastic Barbies like all the other popular and rich girls, but simple rag dolls and stuffies. No matter how hard she tries to be like perfect porcelain or pretty plastic…she’s cursed to be seen as just some raggedy rag doll💔. I also imagine her death had something related to becoming…torn up(I imagine it wasn’t a pretty end)…
For this look, went with bubble braids made from balls of yarn 🧶 She has all kinds of hairstyles, from yarn, cotton, stitch on wigs and even real hair(from scalps of those who got on her nasty side, @a-sterling-rose suggested this). There’s even a type of hairstyle called “yarn braids”.
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Wears fake nails 💅. Gel, acrylic, she’s made of cloth so she can adapt to any kind.
Gave her actual ears 👂 (added them on herself).
Clout Glasses 😎.
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For her color scheme, @the-burd-lord suggested I'd go with RGB theme, colors on display screen(Vox is the leader and a screen) Ngl I was conflicted what colors to go with for the vees(Primary, Red blue purple etc). But then I realized when u mix those colors u get those other colors and then I decided to give the Vees two main color themes for each. One for show, the other their true colors! Velvette likes to use green, magenta and purple, for a visually pleasing vibe, light green and magenta for sweetness with purple/gold for luxury, but truth she’s a vain, envious clout seeker who has and will do less than ethic things for the likes. The two colors r also a mix of Val and Vox’s colors(uses them, advertises them to advertise herself!)
Played around with a assymetry color vibe for the envy vibe, thats she’s two faced 🎭. Having a deceptive social media personality like Miss Heed(less lovey dovey).
@lovesart23 video on Velvette really helped me consider what to do with her, like her beign Envy theme(she’s a clout chaser afterall). I LOVE her use of purples and greens for her! I also really dig the eye theme which mine in a sense does too. In this case, button eyes.
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Added more weight on her a bit, to give off a more rag doll type body(especially with the limbs 🦾🦵)
Gave her black purple eyes with pink and mint button irises. Got Pin eyelashes 🪡📍
Her her a needle/selfie stick. Good for selfies, fashion emergency and stabbing people!
What do u think? I’d love to know💖
I’ve also done the Hazbin Gang, Mimzy, and even her associate, Vox 📺.
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cupidlovesastro · 1 year
Astrology observations #2 (based on my experience!)
⭐️if it doesn’t apply to you keep scrolling! (maybe a different one will) :)⭐️
❀if you have a lot of pisces placements, neptune dominant, or uranus dominant, you might’ve been obsessed with mythical creatures/ mythology at a young age. you could’ve been a hardcore believer in mermaids or fairies!🧚🏻‍♀️✨
❀if you ever wonder why people might guess your sun or rising sign wrong, it could be what degrees your sun sign and rising sign are in! for example if you’re a libra rising to the 17th degree (leo) you can come off more intense, loud speaking, or a lot of jokes. it can change your demeanor, or vibes a little bit🎀🫧
❀ i noticed that people with fire mercury, and water venus, can like music that has a lot of emotion, intensity, or even sexual energy! they may like, childish gambino, adele, billie eilish, deftones! also, genres like r&b or rock🎶🎵
❀i noticed a lot of sagittarius suns will make judgements on a whim😭. 💨🪡
❀ venus (taurus/ libra) dominant/ placements definitely love looking at themselves in the mirror! they might also enjoy dancing in the mirror if they have air in their big 6💃🏽🪞
❀ someone who has a water mars in 9h can get overheated when debating. they care a lot about their beliefs, and they might get their feelings hurt if someone disagrees with them because they really hold their beliefs close to them 🪄🧠
❀taurus mercuries might have a deeper voice(regardless of gender), but a also very attractive voice!🩷🌿
❀gemini children were the kind of children to run around dressed up as some kind of character
❀cancer/pisces children were definitely always playing with dolls/ figurines
❀sagittarius children were either the one causing trouble, or participating in trouble with their sibling
❀capricorn children probably enjoyed doing things alone or by themselves
❀libra risings enjoy changing there aesthetic pretty often. one week they might be 90’s grunge and the next week they are cyber y2k 🩷✨
❀people with scorpio in big 3, especially scorpio sun or rising know they look good in darker colors! it just fits them so well and most scorpios i’ve known, enjoy aesthetics that have a lot of black, dark red, or dark purple🥀🔮
❀i noticed some capricorn risings have a earthy/ grunge aesthetic! like a lot of dark greens, browns, beige, blacks! they also might be into older fashion eyeliner, or make up!🍃🪵
❀i see that a lot of virgo risings either dress pretty casual, and sometimes even like motherly/fatherly. virgo rising girls take sooo much care into their looks when they do try tho! there was this one girl i knew in high school, she used to wear make up every single day and she always put so much effort and precision into her make up looks. one time she came to school and had the upper half of her face covered in rhinestones! (she was a virgo rising)⭐️✨
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aroeddiediaz · 15 days
Fuck it Friday
A little bit of Coraline au (i’m such a slow writer can i steal some writer juice from some of you guys???)
Chris opens the package. It’s him.
Well, not exactly. It’s a doll. One with yellow curls of yarn just like his hair, and his yellow-red plaid jacket, and little painted wooden crutches that look like his own. It has red stitches in the shape of his glasses frames on its face, except instead of eyes it has a pair of black buttons.
“Huh,” Chris mutters. “Don’t they know I’m too old to play with dolls?”
He would leave it there, on the kitchen table for Adriana to find, only something about it is kind of interesting. No, compelling? It’s just that Chris has never seen a doll or toy that looks so much like him. Not one that has his arm crutches and glasses. Even if the way its outfit perfectly matches the clothes he was wearing this morning is a little weird
Tia Adriana must have gone to a lot of effort to make this, because they definitely didn’t make CP representative toys 100 years ago. He wonders when she would have had the time, when she’s always in class or studying or at her residency.
No pressure tagging: @cal-daisies-and-briars @aspecbuddie @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @lemonzestywrites @your-catfish-friend @inkmortal-trash389 @evanbegins @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @diazsdimples @epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @coatedpanda16 @nicotinewrites @estheticpotaeto @babytrapperdiaz @snowviolettwhite @wikiangela @jesuiscenseedormir @made-ofmemories @asexual-fandom-queen
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puffins-studio · 1 year
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Darius Deamonne🪡Eberwolf the huntsman🪲 Hunter 🐺
I been want to post this and where I’m, it’s Father’s Day so I thought why not. I saw people were also doing a dadius week and I really want to join but I don’t have any embroidery/art ideas to do for it. But it one of my favorite things from this fandom as it’s so sweet. Hopefully I can think of something more for them later in the future.
I also love Eber so much along Darius so I need him to be included. Also him joking with Hunter that he his wolf dad or uncle or something. Just him picking a fun name to call himself and Hunter joking along to annoy Darius. Also Eber totally calling hunter cub as it’s so cute
Also costume note as I have to say it but I love how Darius subtly matches Hunter in the last bits, as look hunter has a little bit of purple from his wolf shirt and Darius has a little bit of yellow to match hunter.
[ID: The picture is a felt doll that is the shape of a gingerbread man with a big circle head, they is supposed to be Darius Deamonne He has dark brown felt for skin, different shades of purple felt to make up his ab hair and beard. He has his white gloves and boots. He has on his violet pants, black shir with purple beads around the neck line, and the golden edging. And this purple shoulder cape. Eberwolf is made wirh orange felt and a copper color felt for his hair, he have fluffy cheeks and pointy ears. He in his gery shirt, and brown skirt that have spikes. And brown shoes, and yellow wristbands. And Hunter he have his short blonde hair and the extra stand. And he has this big scars on his face with and scar ear. He is his cosmic frontier cosplay with the top part tied around his waist and his Wolf shirt that has little purple wolfs on it what have little white stitch around it to look like he made it. The first picture it a remake of the reunion scene with Eber wolf on Darius’ shoulder and the 2nd picture Eber is standing next to him.:ID]
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bourreaudoll · 5 months
₊。 ⊹˚∘˙○˚. ₊。.₊ 🪡🎀
—---𝕃𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕟 𝕕𝕖 𝕁𝕠𝕦𝕖𝕥𝕤, 𝕨/ @gloomy-glen
The bell above the door chimed, and immediately, Jeanne immersed herself into the quiet lull of the 𝑇oy 𝑆tore 。 ⠀ 。 ⠀ 。
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The sun was shifting into Golden Hour, and the world slowed down…
A soft aureate haze endlessly poured in through the paneled windows, casting a cozy, mellow glow everywhere. Dust particles floated lazily in the air, which smelled like oak and hints of strawberry. A multitude of toys adorned polished wooden shelves.
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Suddenly, Jeanne’s eyes twinkled. She hurried over to the display of plush rabbits. One particular white rabbit wore an elegant blue dress. How familiar… She recalled a fond memory, an outpour of joy welling up from deep within her heart: 𝑀𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑛.
Then, her lips curled into a gentle smile. She imagined a joyful Luca-sama, whispering his thanks while pressing his forehead against the rabbit’s soft fabric. However…
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Eyelashes fluttered against pink-tinted cheeks. She turned to face the tall stranger who had been standing beside her, assuming he was the shop owner. Besides, he was the only other person around.
“Do you think a little boy.. would be fine with a rabbit doll––in a dress? For his birthday?”
.˚ ̥ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ.˚ ̥
₊。 ⊹˚∘˙○. 𓂃 ࣪˖𐀔 ╰₊ ✧𓂂 ҉ㅤ ᴵ̷ ᶠ̷ᵒ̷ʳ̷ᵍ̷ᵒ̷ᵗ̷ ᴵ̷ ʷ̷ᵃ̷ˢ̷ ᵃ̷ …𝓓𝘰𝘭𝘭.
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ixupi94 · 7 months
Doll-Nitrus is done! Gave him bodyblush, touches of face gloss, and eyelashes :3 ✨️
🧵🪡🥼Time to make him a teeny tiny lab coat 😭💖💕
⬇️Censored naked⚠️ doll pics under the cut!
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robbery-dollie · 5 months
No, I am NOT with the IPC. EW.
“Can you like, shut the fuck up? I didn’t come here to listen to bullshit. Either get to the point or zip it, you’re wasting my time.”
An impulsive, spontaneous young woman who refuses to be affiliated with any faction in particular. She chooses to pursue her own wants in the world rather than let anybody else control her. Garnet has her own agenda and isn’t shy about it. She has a lot of sass, and doesn’t tend to take disrespect from others. She doesn’t care about what status you have, she’ll treat everyone the exact same. She is also a well-known info-broker who knows too much about things she shouldn’t. 
AGE: Adult, unspecified. 
PATH: The Hunt. 
I am working on her document! It's almost done.
Garnet identifies as a lesbian. 
She is single. 
Garnet adores shopping, jewelry, accessories, and anything girly. She will agree to share information if you take her shopping first. Prepare to have your life savings depleted, though. She's a massive gossip and loves listening in on things.
She is great with people, with a rather charismatic and bubbly exterior. However, when faced with aggression, she’s quick to get into a fight. Garnet is great at being passive aggressive with people who blatantly disrespect her, if not being outright mean to them back. She has a generally fiery and lively personality. 
Garnet presents herself as a self-interested person who is in it only for herself. She loves shopping, especially if it’s with someone else’s budget. It’s been a running gag between her and Aventurine to see how much of his money she can waste. 
Garnet does care for others, she just doesn’t show it well. She has a rather dark past and struggles with being honest and vulnerable with other people. However, she loves heartfelt gifts and will probably adore you to bits if you get her something. 
She knows multiple ‘high-ups’ in the IPC like Topaz, Jade, and Aventurine, yet refuses to join them. She strongly hates the notion of being controlled, and will easily be pissed off if someone treats her as subhuman even though she is a doll. 
robbery & fraud . 👠 | for in character posts & reblogs
shopping agenda . 🛍️ | for random thoughts
my time is money . 💲 | for answering asks
credit card? credit card! . 💳 | for interactions with ipc members
shoplifting god . 🎀 | for interactions with canon characters
some snacks? 🪞 | for interactions with ocs
sewing & design . 🪡 | for interactions with jade
girl, yes! . 💎 | for interactions with topaz
mister moneybags . 💰 | for mentions/interactions with aventurine
flesh in the joints . 🌷 | for writers/starting bits.
the puppeteer . 🎭 | ooc!
I am a minor & they/them prns.
OC & OC interaction is encouraged!
I don’t bite, if you wanna rp a specific situation you’re free to! 
I sometimes get wordy with my replies. Author stuff 😔- no pressure to match my energy!
I respond quickly most of the time. Yes, I’m chronically online. Help.
I love interacting with anybody. Feel free to send stuff into the inbox!
Will add onto this later. 
I also mod @yingchens-writings & @dreamingmachinery so no, the format is not stolen. Dw. :)
If you want to use my formats, PLEASE ASK FIRST.
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izzy-of-the-sea · 9 months
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My little Izzy doll after I embroidered his hard over stopped face and sewed on hair 🪡
I still need to make clothes for him
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dollfacevn · 1 year
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The spaced out assassin, Ehren, is here! Don't let their spaced out and seemingly oblivious personality fool you though
T̶̙̫̤̮̫̙̼̥̂͐̓͘͝ͅh̴̨̖̙̭̥̩̣̹̰̜̳̬̰̤̗͚̺͍͉͚̐̂̓̋̈̎͌̋͗̾̈́̓̏̔̃̇̽͂͘͜͠͝͝ͅȩ̶̛̜̰̻͈̰͇͔̻̺̔̎̏̓̆̋͊̇̉̄͂̌̚͠ͅy̵̡̡͍̥̪̺͓̼̥̦͍̫̥͈̠̲̿̒͜ ̴̨͈͉̺̼̥͉͈̣͙̬̬̥͚̫̜͎̥͍͂͜k̴̡̡̨̠̫̟͔̟̹̟͓͇̩͕̠̜̹̦̳̫̐̓̈̈͒̀̇̋̈́͛͘̕̕͘͜͠ņ̷̢̮͔̮̞͙̹̰̹̗̲̣̖̮̻͕͇̹̹̣̙̜̼̘̻̭̙́̅͒̈́̇̊͊̌̂͌̈̃̎̀͂̿̚͜͠ǫ̵̛̞͉̩͍̪̗͕̯̰̼͇̗͕͖̞̲͚͂̀̈́̾͗̆̑̊̀̾͂̽̒͆̂̓͛̈́͐̋͒͂͌͝w̴̛̛̤͍̰͖͉͕͉̤̞̩̹͇̤̞̟͇̫̮̗̩̬̅͒̇͊̇̃͋̒̆̓́̓̿͆̀̓́̃́͋̓̃̚͜͝͝͝͝ͅ ̷̰̮̯̟̭̤̪͔͚̣̹̝̰̝̪͎̃̂̈́̃̌̑̿͆̒̓̆̊̓̂͘̕͜͜͝ͅͅw̶̨̡̛̛͔̫̗̜͚̭͙͎͕̻͈̩͉̗͓̽̈́́́̋̎̉͛̅͐̌̂͜͝͠h̴̨̧͎̫̰̝̗̯̬̺̗̲͎̦̜̮̣͕̀͂̔̌̄͝ą̴̡̩̗͕̦͔̲͙͎̥̮̙̥̻̼̖̫͈͔̦̝̞̻̏̽̓̀̂̇̎͛͘̕ṱ̷̨̝̤̻̦̪͈̠̭͈̰̙̼̟͕͙̠̟̫̻̈́͛́͐̈̏́͊̇̄͐́̔͋̀̕̕͘̚̚͜͝͝͝ ̶̭̺͎͕̤̀ͅͅy̴̥̼̭̺̥̹͖͛̍͊̊͊̑̈́̊̐̚̚͠o̵̢̧͓̬̦̲̫͖̰̞̯͉͕͖͔͉̔̿͛́̏́̍͋͊̏̈́̆̕͝ư̷̡̡̝̹͓̯̳͚̹̝͎͕̗͙̞̣̻̟̬̮͗͒͂̔̐̇̈̐́͗̽̈̌̽̚͜͜͝͠ ̷̡̨̬̝̻͚̣̞͊̅́̇̍̈̔̇̄̍̑̏́͌͂̊̀̕͜d̸̨̛̝̻̥̱͎̱͉́̂͗͌̾̊̃̇̒̔̎̓͐̀̀̒̈́̌͆̂̎̓̚͘̕̚͝i̶̡̭̜̮͔̬͇͆͋̏̌͗͌̀̃̃̿͝d̵̨̧̧̧͓͍̳͕͍̝͓̼͕̣̝̺̣͚̭͖̺̫̭̮̽̐͌̽͐̈́̇̿̐̉̎̎͛̄͘͘̚͜͠͠͝ͅ.̶̡̧̢̧̻͍̘͙̗̤̙̪͙͇͕͇͕̗͉̻̽̽̎̍̌̍̓͛̾͊̃̆̂͘͝ ̵̨͎̞̮̠͙͇͛̃́͜T̴͇͉͔͛̋̓̽̀̚͠͠ḩ̵̯͉̠̝̤̲̘̬̼̣̺͕̤̯͖͇̠̯͚̟̓̐̈́̄͒̃͑̐͒̾̾͗͘͝͝͝͝ȩ̴̟͇͔̯̙̹̝͓̒̌̉̂̽̊͐̈́̅͆͐̀̈́͂̏̐̃́͆̑́̈́̊̕̕͝y̷̨̥̪͍͔̏̀̾̒̒̒͌̐̽͒̿͘͜ͅ ̵̧̺͎͙͎̞͓̲̘̤̭̝̰͇̝̒̓́̔̾͋̀̃́̿̈̄̆́̕k̷̢̧̛͙̰̩͈̺̯̬̹̝̣͓͎̩̣̞̩̳̹̤͍͍̝̉̉͋͛̐̒̀̂̉̉̋͒͐̈́͊͛̈́̾̕ṇ̶͖͖͐̓͂͊̈͘o̴̦̼͍̪̖͚̱̪̾́͑w̶̮͓̳͈̦̥̎̐̑̈́͘͝ ̵̢̧̧̜̝̲̣̠̠̯̘̳̞̗̼̑͗̉̓̐̊̓ͅw̸̢̡͖̞͕͉̳̬͇̯͓̩̝̹̹̦͒̈́͌̑́̔̈́͌̈́̐͒̓̕͝͝h̵̛̛͍̙̳̟̻̭̯̘̱͓̗̩͛̀͑̎͌͌̆̂̆͋͐͊̌́́̇͘o̷̲̻̠͇̼͓͔̗͕̭͍͔͉̤͙͎̽̇̌̽̄̒̐̍̇̿͑̈́͆̌͊̉͆͘̕͜͜͠ ̶͔̺̬̗̯̲̞̜̯͋̂̎͌́̈́͒͌̕͜͝y̶̢̢̛̮̘̲̯͇̥̫͙̭͓̻̙͊̾͛̃͗̍̀͗̽̐̓̊̿̎̂̚ǫ̸̛̛̫͍͍̘̣̟̦͔̰̮͙͔̙͍͈̹̼̮͎̦͇̦̦̑͒͆͋̈́͌̏̑̾̓̿͑͌̃͛̕͘͘͜͠͝ͅͅų̶̠͓͋͛̓̍̍̑͒̕ ̶̧̧̛̛̤̰͔͕̳̙̦̟̫̭̥̘͓̼͈̆͒́̂̊͊͐̇̍̂͘̚̚ḁ̵̡̢̨̮̱̪̗̦̺̣͖͙̗̥͍̖̤͈̬͍̦̗̣̋̑̐͜ŕ̴̡̠͖̬̺͔̠̥̻͔͎̭͖̟̩̗̪̪͔͔̘̹̰̙͓̻͎̀͜ͅè̷͈͉͉͎͙̙̭̩͔̝̗͔̦͎̻̟̗͕̖̘̗̻͕͎̜̌.̴̨̭͖̣̺̫̂̾̊̽̉̿̒̑̌̆̀̆̋̓͘
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spicybunni · 3 months
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I'm back again with my girl! I love her so much and think her chapter deserved more development. Also the haunted house aesthetics for her estate? HELLO? This is more of a continuation of my previous Yandere Donna post with some repeated themes but longer version I guess? Hope you enjoy 🖤
🪡Never let’s you leave the manor. Are you joking? She hardly leaves unless it’s to meet with her siblings or Mother Miranda.
🪡Stop trying to escape. You're just gonna be chased in a circle by unimaginable horrors back into your isolated room. If it not by dolls or monsters it would be by ghosts.
🪡If she's in a forgiving mood, all she would do is scold you and leave you be. You are her beloved so she can't truly be angry with you. You didn't know any better from the 100 other times you have attempted and failed!
🪡However, if she is furious with you. It definitely shows. She will isolate you and lock the door to your room but the dolls haunt you for the remainder of the evening. If dolls don't scare you she would make you hallucinate. She would come back in once she hears your screams die down. Finding you in a corner shaking with snot and tears dribbling down your face. So easily manipulated like putty into her embrace again.
🪡You would grasp onto her and cry into her shoulder. Muttering apologizes and pleas for that to never happen again, that you would do anything.
🪡Her grin would go unnoticed by you. "Then just obey and be good." She would say, stroking your hair to calm you down.
🪡Do not keep asking her to let you go either. If she tries to start conversation with you and all you ever say is to let you go? Immediately gives you the silent treatment! And if you continue despite that? Then its downstairs for you.
🪡Makes cute dresses/clothes for you. How do you think all of her dolls look so good? She can pretty much sew anything.
🪡There's no option to refuse wearing the clothes she makes because she will literally toss all your wardrobe until you wear whatever she made.
🪡If you got an unexpected face reveal from her? Immediately sent to the basement to be isolated. If you even dare to ask what happened to her face her dolls would cut you. Of course it wasn't in your control, but now you know her biggest insecurity. She must make you fear her all over again.
🪡A better response rather than just staring is if you avoid her gaze back at you, covering your eyes and repeatedly apologize for looking. She would be satisfied with that and move on from it.
🪡Does not like it when you talk about your previous life. You can talk about your interests or ask her questions, and she will gladly respond to you. Don't talk about these past friends or god forbid you mention your family. It makes her shake with anger and she will send you to your room.
🪡Also becomes your doctor while keeping you. Her knowledge does not stop at medical plants and herbs. She would give you check ups every now and then.
🪡PDA would include sitting closely on the couch, having your head in her lap, some hugging, and hand holding. After a while I feel she would order you to sleep in the same bed as her.
🪡You figure it's better than being awake all night by yourself hearing creaks in the wood of the manor or high pitched giggling from her dolls littered everywhere.
🪡Honestly since you're one of her first darlings that is somewhat compliant, and hasn't been killed immediately, her conflicting emotions with PDA are 50/50. She only allows it if she initiates or demands it. But if you ever surprise her and do it back without her permission she gets flustered easily and will leave you in your room again. Eventually she would be alright with you touching her, but for now let her have the power and control of PDA.
🪡At some point you are finally broken and realize there is no escape, you become a housekeeper for Donna. Mostly just a helper. She doesn't let you cook alone.
🪡Does expect compliments when she shows you her embroidery or her latest garden project. She loves when you actually show interest in what she's doing. If you don't, Angie would just yell insults at you until you did.
🪡A compliant darling gets the best treatment from Donna. She would have no reason to punish you and would actually grant some freedoms of roaming the mansion. Letting you go into her library and cinema room on your own. She would pat your head or hold your face between her palms lovingly.
🪡 On the flip side if you're a defiant darling....well, you get nothing beneficial. You are locked below the mansion in the attic with a few books and a bed. Not even a bathroom. The only interactions you get are her sliding a food tray into the room and wellness check ups on you. She doesn't even give you the comedic relief of Angie. If you ever try to get the best of her while she's with you, she is not against chaining you to the bed post or the center of the room.
🪡Donna can be a very gentle yandere. She is obsessed with you becoming her companion in life till the end. Or rather your end. Just be a good darling to her and you can expect a life of comfortable silences and cozy fireplace chatter.
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prismalitesys · 1 year
Welcome to our blog!
We'll be using this alt account to talk about system stuff generally, as opposed to the alts some members have to post about their own things. So first, I'll put together a list and short bio for every member of Prismalite system, in order of appearance, as well as the emojis we'll use to indicate who's talking in a post! If an age is not listed in the bio, the member is approx. the same age as the body. (22) 💎 Garnet: Host and originator. 5'2" She/They lesbian vampire, happily taken. Likes: Her gf, little treats, and games. Blogs: @gemofanenby (SFW), @prismalartsys (mix of SFW and NSFW, 18+ only!) and @gayestgoodestgirl (NSFW 18+ only!) 🌈 Opal: She/They Aroace, shapeshifter. Likes: Character creators, trying new things, occasionally stealing treats/food from whoever's fronting at the moment, and taking care of the other headmates. Blog: @opalescentflowers (SFW)
⚔️ Cass: 6'7" She/They/He Nonbinary butch lesbian. Human (mostly, her eyes turn gold in moments of high emotion for some reason) Likes: Hardcore music, fellow dykes, historical weapons, and sacrilege. Blog: @sacreligiousbutch (NSFW 18+ only!) 🍑 Peaches: 4'8" She/It/Pup puppygirl. Springer spaniel with several forms in between Puppygirl (dog ears and tail), Anthro, Werewolf, and Puppy (almost completely dog, nonverbal but still understands language) Likes: Physical affection, praise, and petplay. Blog: @puppywithapeach (NSFW 18+ only!) 👁️ Xavolitas: It/Its Ancient, incomprehensible... thing. (Imagine like, Hermaeus Mora from skyrim mixed with fractals) Strongly dislikes the sensations of being in a human body so almost never fronts. Likes: Observing, answering questions and requests. Blog: @youreverydayimmortal (SFW) 💾 [AC-FM7-4038]: 5'7" She/It service android. ID (name) is short for "Android Chassis - Feminine Model #7 - 4038 (unit number)" but doesn't mind being called just AC for short. Is evaluating who she is beyond her programming since she gained sentience. (arrived in the system) Likes: nerdy jokes, tech, assisting people, and being friendly. Blog: @robotgirlpowercells (mostly SFW but some NSFW so 18+ only!) 🪵 Grimm: 8' (at the shoulder, is usually quadrupedal.) It/They monster, bulky and werewolf/bear-like, has horns/antlers, and its real mouth is hidden in its black fur so at first glance, it looks like the white mask it wears is its actual face. Very calm and quiet, but protective. Likes: quiet affection, the woods, and not being expected to talk much. Blog: @grimmsforest 💧 Blue: Any/All pronouns Slime. Normal form is a knee-height slime (shaped like a terraria slime or similar), translucent and dark blue with a hint of purple dichroism. Human form is androgynous and humanoid with slightly goopy translucent blue hair. Very bouncy, stimmy, and friendly. Likes: Other slimes, slime asmr youtube videos. Blog: @androgynousblueslime 🔥 Lucien: 6'0" He/Him Demon (Yes, from hell. I know it's a lil angsty but that's sorta his thing) Dark grey skin like rough wrought iron, with glowing reddish-orange eyes and teeth. Has short horns and a tail, no wings. Used to be very aggressive (He formed when the host was listening to DOOM music lmao) but since he started processing the trauma from his exomemories, it turns out he's honestly quite sweet at heart. Likes: his crush, heavy metal, and cooking. 🪡 Patch: Any/All pronouns Shapeshifting doll. Its neutral form is a child-sized doll and/or puppet, taking design inspiration from pierrot and harlequin clowns, historical porcelain dolls, and the daycare attendant from FNAF (has nothing to do with the series though). They're even more physically expressive and stimmy than Blue, and somewhat childlike in personality (but not a minor). Enjoys being unsettling and creepy, but isn't malicious. Likes: Horror, gymnastics, and cookies. 🎼 Dulcet: She/They Bisexual Demigirl. Skin is dark and shadow-like in color, has glowing purple eyes and wears a green hoodie. Very nonchalant and cares little for what others think of her. Likes: Being high, classical music, and podcasts. Blog: @prismalitedulcet 💫Senn: Any/All, They seem to have a role as some sort of an archivist or knowledge-keeper for the system, aware of subconscious things that the rest of us usually aren't. They may also have some level of control over dreams, but they can't really control it yet. They have 5 red eyes, lavender skin, two pairs of arms, and dresses with a star motif. Likes: Archiving system and headmate lore, journaling, and whimsical aesthetics.
👁️‍🗨️Sable: Any Pronouns. A living shadow that can occasionally take vaguely humanoid form, extremely shy and rather depressed in demeanor. Usually lurks in corners, not talking much. Enjoys cuddles, when they feel safe enough. ❓ Unsure/In Between/Blurred: Used to indicate when we're unsure who's fronting/speaking. ❗ New/Unnamed Member: Self-explanatory; used to indicate a new member who hasn't settled on a name yet.
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jchanart · 2 years
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🌻This post is a little different than usual, but I wanted to make a post sharing some of my favorite doll makers/tiny accessory makers of which I follow on my secret not so secret doll lurk account. 💫All makers are tagged so check them out! But I’ll list them again just in case. 🐱 @goki_doll 👀 @galaxy_nook 🦔 @bluemary_toys 🦊 @frappzilla 👗 @goodbyeyouhellome 🪡I made the clothes for The Miaow doll and Foxglove myself. And painted face up for Foxglove which was my first time doing so. Both still need wigs, but I’ll get to that some other day. 👯‍♂️And the last image is for Noni @teenytinynoni aka @pumpkinhead902 , she dragged me into this doll hell hobby. If you don’t hear from me, you know what she did. But all jokes aside DM my bestie for some great merch she made! She hasn’t had the chance to make a shop yet, so I thought I’d promote some of her items for her. Also any purchases would help lighten the the expensive vet bills her sweet problematic furry babies have made this year. ❤️ . . . . . #bjd #balljointeddoll #artdoll #smallbusiness #cat #toy #madewithlove #cuteart #dollhobby https://www.instagram.com/p/ClR00V9OXxQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lobotomylobby · 2 years
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Hey hey hey! 15$ adopts !
Lottie Dee 🐇💕
Soxx 🖤⛓
Bad Habit 🪡💋
Doll Face 🧸🎪
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How about some more Yandere Bellum?? 🧵🪡
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I'll also be using this to answer other requests.
⸸ Merciless (A Bellum Snippet) ⸸
Based on the ⸸ Male Beldam headcanons ⸸ I made for a certain Anon.
Word Count: 1000+
Description: This is the beginning...the very beginning before [Name] even moved into the Chateau. Before they came along, however, there was already someone else, another doll he collected. Except it had been years, decades perhaps? He was already growing bored of it.
Now that he knew a new fly is coming his way, wasn't it about time he stopped playing with his food and eat it?
Warning: Admin doesn't like to soften (hiding ugly truths) about yanderes...expect some cruelty
Long, slender fingers hovered over the ivory keys, his elbows following along in a smooth, fluid motion. With him sitting in front of his piano, she could forget who he was. What he was. She could let her guard down knowing that he would be too preoccupied to pay her any notice.
As if finally deciding which song to play, his finger dropped gently onto the keys, his porcelain wrists falling along with it.
The faint lilt of a smile appeared on his face, and for a moment...everything seemed perfect. Together with him, in his piano room, where invisible instruments accompanied his playing, they finally seemed like a happy couple. It was an idyllic, if not romantic image they created.
But of course, he could never forget, and she shouldn't either. She was jut a poor fly caught in his web. Soon enough, what would remain of her husk will become yet another addition to his collection.
Just like the others.
Still, he didn't want to eat her. Not yet, anyway...
"Quand...je la prends...dans mes bras.
Je lui par...les l'a tout bas...
Je vois la...vie en ro...se..."
His voice was baritone. It wasn't low, per se. His was rich, soft, soothing to the ears. She could feel herself drifting ever so slightly, but she wills herself to stay awake.
"Je..lui dit des...mots d'amour..."
Like a rusted machine, she turned her head to look around. Was she seeing things...or had he changed the interior again?
"Des mots de...tous les jours...
Et ça m' fait quelque chose..."
It wouldn't be unlike him. When she first came to this world, it reminded her very much of her old home in London. The old ivy-green wallpapers, the creaky wooden floors, and even the old commode drawer her mother gifted her on the day of her wedding.
She never thought she would see it again after they had to pawn it for money.
Now, it was probably stored away somewhere...like she would be soon.
"El...l'est entre dan mon couer...
Une part...de bonheur...
Don je connais la cause...."
She knew her time was coming.
The creature had grown bored of her. Tired of her . She had become too dull and lifeless for his tastes.
But how could he expect her to act alive when he has imprisoned her here?
She was like a flower. Without the sun, without love and tender care, she collapsed.
He demanded from her. Always demanded. But nothing she gave was enough. Even after she gave up her soul, handed her eyes to him...but not like she was any better, was she?
"C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui...dans la vie...
Je lui l'a dit, l'a jure...pour la vie..."
She was a fool.
To give up herself because he promised her everything. All his love and attention, all the jewelries and materialistic things she could possibly think of.
She only had this coming for making a bargain with the Devil.
"Et...dès que je...l'aperçois...
Alors je sens en moi mon...
The song ended wistfully like a will o' wisp caught in the meadows. But now that the performance was over, the creature's attention had returned fully back to her.
She tried her best to avoid looking at his face, but even from her peripherals, it was difficult to ignore them. The pair of black-button-eyes hidden beneath the fringe of swaying black hair. His porcelain skin made them stand out all the more.
She resisted a shudder. His very appearance made her skin crawl.
"Did you enjoy the song, dear?"
She raised her head to look at him. Only then did she notice the dimple on his cheek from the large smile on his face. Someone was being awfully cheery today, and it made her wary.
"Granted, it isn't our love song, but I believe it's about time I sing something different, don't you think? After all, a new guest will be arriving soon."
Her eyes widened at his words. Well, they would have if she still had them instead of a pair of buttons. All she could do to express her disbelief was...silence.
"I know. I couldn't believe it as well when I first saw it, but alas...My familiars never lie."
Speak of the devil.
A large arachnid crawled its way past his shoulders and down his arms to his hand. Just seeing its needle-thin legs made the hairs on her neck stand.
The creature hummed as if he were listening to someone, but all she could see was the spider dancing away on top of his hand, moving sideways, backwards and forwards like it was trying to convey some kind of message.
"Hmm...I see."
Gone was the pleased smile on his face. Now, an irritated frown took its place, showcasing his displeasure at the sudden turn in events.
As curious as she was to know what the spider's message was, she couldn't bring herself to ask. She had become afraid of speaking or acting out of place. The consequences were too much. The stitches on her throat always reminded her.
"Looks like our guest will be...late."
The creature stood up ever so gracefully. It was odd, considering his monstrous height. Giants were usually awkward and lumbering in their movements, weren't they?
But then again, the giant in Jack and the Giant Beanstalk was truly titanic. A monster of both enormous length and width.
The creature in front of her? He was too thin, too...thorn-like. Not so different looking from the spider on his hand, really.
He sighed. "And I had everything ready and settled, too. What a shame."
Then, his black eyes shimmered. When they turned to look at her, however, she knew he had thought of nothing good. He only ever gets excited about bad things.
As he tap-tapped his fingers away on the smooth surface of the piano, he hummed.
"I suppose that is good news for you, dear." With a toothy grin, he revealed his sharp teeth. She could imagine what they would feel like sinking into her.
"Until [Name] isn't here yet, I still have use for you."
The song is La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf.
I had to make some changes to the lyrics. Deepest apologies for anyone who speaks French.
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