#🛠️;; “what will you build?”
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humantome · 2 years ago
hi hello!
i'm max or tome and this is my self-ship blog!
i'm very new to self-ship as a whole so please bear with me as i start my first steps into this lovely community
(bio, s/i and f/o info below!)
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- self / self inserts -
Maxwell (real life!!!!)
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hobbyist musician, writer and artist!! aspiring botanist <3
catch me falling for any fictional masked man out there
main / system blog @mindscapers
Orange (Among Us)
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#🕹️;; ''i am the willing victim of a cannibal!''
crewmate extraordinaire & head of communications!
managed to convince the super scary shapeshifting imposter to NOT eat his crew and instead kiss him sloppy and hide undercover as a human with him on polus
will talk about retro video games for hours if given the chance and that is a threat. loves old handhelds, never leaves his dormitories without a gameboy color or gameboy advance sp
Maxwell (Lethal Company)
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#🪐;; ''...and i stared back into them in a fearful trance''
a goofy and fun-loving botanist, who turned to working for the company to pay off his student debts. LOVES cracking jokes, but a nervous wreck when monsters are involved....
determined to keep his crewmates safe and to always meet quota no matter the risk! most likely in the group to run in with a shovel to save their crew, no matter how afraid
has a curiosity with the bracken ever since learning of it's botanical origins.... gains a bit of a crush on that plant monster after being stalked around the facility one too many times
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- fictional others -
Simon Jarrett (SOMA)
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#🌊;; ''take me back home‚ let me know that you're human''
MY ROBOT LOVERBOY... a human turned into AI, sent a hundred years into the future after the apocalypse
some of the last surviving evidence of humanity and hating every second of it
24/7 identity crisis! he needs a hug and he needs one badly. i for one am settling for kisses
Cyan (Among Us)
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#🌠;; ''you're an enemy who i'm keen to defend!''
most lovable shapeshifting alien around!!
one of two impostors that took over our ship but he got better <3
we worked together to expose our crew member red for murder and got him thrown out the airlock
shhh the murdering stopped after that so the crew doesn't have to know that cyan caused like half of those deaths they can think he's human shhhhhhhh
Tardif (Darkest Dungeon)
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#📜;; "i can fill your heart with something new"
also known as the bounty hunter!
a quiet yet intimidating loner.... no past and no future... he will hunt down anyone and everyone, for a price
...but i think he's secretly a big softie who's afraid of vulnerability and loves animals and likes to bake cookies because i'm INSANE
also very, very british
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- fictional crushes -
The Bracken (Lethal Company)
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#🌿;; ''with eyes as white as the moons...''
♪ he was a plant... i was a gardener.... can i make it any more obvious... ♪
has all of the best qualities of a monster boyfriend!
it could kill you in an instant. it's SHY! it lurks and follows from the shadows. IT HAS A CUTE LITTLE GROWL. it's territorial and protective. IT PURRS!!!!!
i would spritz it with water twice daily and sunbathe with it and prune its leaves and and and-
The Merchant (Resident Evil 4: Remake)
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#💎;; ''oh‚ i'm in love with a stranger...''
funny british pirate man likes to sell me guns and herbs
probably infected with the plaga but who doesn't like that?
no one knows his real identity behind that mask (and i want to pull it off him and find out) ((maybe kiss him along the way))
HUNK (Resident Evil)
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#⚰️;; "kiss me‚ kill me‚ catch me‚ thrill me!"
his code name is HUNK, standing for "human unit never killed"
but to me? that's HUNK as in "god DAMN is he a hunk!"
no one knows anything about him, except for that almost every mission he's been on, every member of team died or never returned... except for one sole survivor, being himself
this also earned him the title of "the grim reaper".... but i think his title really should be "my boyfriend"
. . .
- familial f/o's -
Builderman (ROBLOX)
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#🛠️;; "what will you build?"
obligatory "builderman is my dad" joke
the co-founder of the ROBLOX platform! he's a friendly (and heavily overworked) construction worker...
he loves his job so much but good GOD does ROBLOX need to give him a break. always makes it a point to be kind to the younger userbase despite the circumstances
. . .
all for now, thank you for stopping by!
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gayeddieagenda · 4 months ago
assigning u 47: “touching their elbow to get their attention” + 🥺🌌🛠️
scene prompt game! these r soo fun <3
Funny thing happened, Eddie says, and Buck leans into him, easy gravity.
The log they’re sitting on is long enough for half a dozen people, but it’s just the two of them, shoulder to shoulder, at the far end of the backyard. They’ve been filling time, since they finished with their official chaperone duties of overseeing the building of the tents. Tent stakes and mallets are a lot simpler than most of the tools they deal with on the job, but add a couple dozen thirteen-year-olds to the mix, and Eddie’s grateful to be able to step back for a second. Let Jaime’s dad and his acoustic guitar take the lead for a little while.
“What was it?” Buck asks.
It’s funny. When she—Allegra’s mom, whose name Eddie’s been trying to remember for fifteen minutes—said it, Eddie’s first instinct was to pretend that it never happened. Then, Buck drops next to him on the log and Eddie starts talking.
“One of the moms came up while you were”—Eddie waves a hand in the air, trying to encompass helping half a dozen thirteen-year-olds build tents in a gesture—“and she, uh. She asked where my husband was.”
Eddie looks at Buck out of the corner of his eye. He’s not sure what he thinks about it. He’s got a feeling like he was waiting for Buck before he reacted. Buck would tell him what he was supposed to feel, if he was supposed to feel anything at all.
Buck laughs without missing a beat.
He bumps his shoulder against Eddie’s. “Who was it this time?”
“This time?” Eddie repeats.
“It wasn’t Mariah, was it?” Buck continues. “Every time I meet her, I get the feeling she’s pretending to remember me.”
Eddie shakes his head. He doesn’t even know who Mariah is. “It was Allegra’s mom.”
“Kelly?” Buck asks, and that’s, yeah. That’s the name Eddie couldn’t remember. Buck laughs. “Aw, c’mon, Kelly! I’ve met her like a hundred times.”
“This, uh. This happens a lot?” Eddie asks. He feels...he doesn't know how he feels, when Buck isn't blinking an eye at this.
Buck tilts his head to the side. He peers at Eddie, looking like he’s seeing him for the first time. “Uh, yeah,” he says. “It doesn’t happen to you?”
“No,” Eddie says honestly.
“Huh,” Buck says.
He leans back on his hands on the log, still looking at Eddie. When Eddie first pitched the idea of Buck coming to chaperone Chris’s science club camping night, Buck had lit up. He insisted on taking Eddie to two different sporting goods stores to make sure they had everything they needed, poring over shelves of sets of dishes and flashlights like they were going to be in the woods for a week, not Mrs. Romano’s backyard for a night. Neither of them thought it was weird, Buck coming to one of Chris’s events. Chris only thought it was the regular amount of weird; he’d rolled his eyes when Eddie said he was volunteering to be a chaperone, and rolled his eyes slightly less when he said Buck was coming along too.
It wasn’t weird. Buck’s been going to Chris’s school stuff since at least their second year of knowing each other, maybe earlier. It would be nice even if Buck were just doing it to take pity on Eddie and make sure he’s not doing all the parent things by himself; it’s something else that Buck wants to be there for Chris just as much as Eddie does. It’s their routine. It’s--it's what they do.
“Sorry,” Buck says. “I thought this was just, like, one of those things. We both knew about it, so we didn’t have to talk about it.”
“I did not know about it,” Eddie says.
Buck bumps his shoulder. “Hey,” he says. “Are you spiraling about it?”
“No, Buck,” Eddie says. He rubs a hand over his face. “I’m coming to terms with the fact that half the parents of my son’s friends think I’m married to you. I’m not spiraling about it.”
“Guess that explains why more of them aren’t trying to set you up with their single mom friends, huh?” Buck says. He grins, elbowing Eddie again. “I think it’s kind of cute. You know, us being married.”
Eddie’s not sure, now, why he thought that hearing Buck’s perspective would clear this up for him. He thinks about Buck, fielding assumptions that he and Eddie are together for the better part of five years, and Eddie feels the opposite of clarified.
They’re sharing a tent. They put it together as soon as they got here, before the kids borrowed all the tools and didn’t come back with them. Eddie didn’t own a sleeping bag of his own, so Buck picked him up one, the same brand as Buck’s, a dark orange to Buck’s green. It’s funny, suddenly, thinking about lying down next to Buck in the tent tonight. Knowing that there’s parents here who think that’s just what they do every night, in their house, in the bed they share.
“Oh, hey.” Buck catches Eddie’s elbow and points. Eddie follows him, first down to the point of contact, feeling Buck’s grip through the fabric of his jacket, then up along the line of Buck’s gaze to the sky. “You can see the stars.”
It’s true. When the sun went down a couple hours ago, it brought with it the typical evening gloom of LA. Just above the treeline, there’s a break in the clouds, opening up the night sky behind them.
It’s not exactly the middle of nowhere, but the Romanos live a little out of the city, just far enough that the stars actually show up in the darkness. Enough that Eddie can pick out a couple of constellations he still half-remembers from school textbooks, from sitting on the back porch back home, from sneaking out to sit on the empty bleachers behind the high school at one and two in the morning and just look.
Eddie looks down. Buck is still watching the sky, an easy look on his face.
Eddie has this wind chime.
He got it at a flea market. Chris found it, actually, in the back of some tent full of antique toys and kitchenware that reminded Eddie of his abuela’s house. He decided he liked it and it was only three bucks, so they took it home. Eddie hung it up in the tree in the backyard, where Chris suggested. You can see it from the kitchen window.
It might be homemade. It’s simple: colored glass hanging on strings in a circle. Someone etched pictures onto the glass, little scratched-out images of birds on each side. When the wind blows, the strings spin, sending the glass in circles. The pictures blur together.
Here they are. Buck and Eddie, sitting next to each other in the dark of almost-night. Best friends. Partners. Chris’s, the people who show up to take him to camping nights and school trips. Spin it, and they’re what Kelly sees—partners of a different kind. Together. Eddie can see them both in his mind’s eye, him and Buck on either side of the glass. Spinning.
Buck’s hand is still on his elbow.
“Hey, Buck,” Eddie says. Buck’s expression, when he finds Eddie’s face, is wide-open. “When we get home tomorrow—you wanna stay? For the day?”
Buck grins. “Yeah,” he says. “Of course.”
The string spins.
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master-muffinn · 4 months ago
Netflix Vikings, random relationship
Ragnar, Bjorn, Floki x g/n reader
Hello! There's not enough fanfiction of the Vikings series so i thought of making these! I hope you like them too! ^^
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🪓 He is very protective over you and takes your safety very seriously! You’re important to him and he would gladly take an arrow for you! 
🪓 Ragnar is not really the ‘jealous’ type so you can talk and become friends with anyone in Kattegatt. He trusts you, but he is a pretty curious person so he might ask you what you were talking about? He wants to know too! Is it something interesting? :O
🪓 If you are interested and ask him to teach you to defend yourself Ragnar would gladly do it! But of course not without teasing you about it first. Unless you already know how to fight, then you will train with each other to get stronger together.
🪓 His love language would probably be words of affirmation. Ragnar is pretty good with his choice of words and thinking before talking in order to avoid stupid fights. Whenever you do something nice for him, you will know. He’ll tell you how much you mean to him, how glad he is to see you if you two have been a part and how f**king gorgeous you are! 😏
🪓 If you have kids, he will talk about them more than you, praise them more than you and probably love them more than you! 😅 But see it on the bright side! If you're tired he will look after the kids, “No problem love, go and get some rest! I will take care of the kids!”
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🐻 Is a touch starved, cuddle bug and loves any kind of physical affection! Bjorn is a big dude and holding you from behind is one of the things he does the most. Warming you up in the cold weather whenever you two stand around and listen to people talking in the crowds, or when you're home and have no work that needs to be done and you two can just lay around and cuddle. 
🐻 He also loves to lay his head on your lap and have his hair stroked. It always calms him down from a long day of work. Bjorn also got the best and comfiest bearhugs! 
🐻 Bjorn is a worry wart and constantly worries about your safety if you're not together. Sometimes he asks his mother or father (if they are nearby) if you will be alright, just to calm his nerves and mind down when they tell him: “Bjorn they will be fine!”.
🐻 If Bjorn is out in battle he is always thinking about you and that he will survive to see your beautiful face again. If you're in the battlefield with him, holy shit! He knows you're strong of course, but his overthinking ‘what if’ worry will still be there the whole time and he will be keeping an eye on you a little too much, almost putting himself in danger! It wouldn’t surprise me if you saved his ass instead. Probably what many of your fights are going to be about. But he loves you! Can you blame him?  
🐻 Totally would give you his food if you're hungry <3 “No I don't mind, your health is important to me! I will manage, please have some!" 
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🛠️ Will often confuse you because Floki changes his mind easily, he has probably decision anxiety sometimes. He is unpredictable and you will never really know what he is thinking.
🛠️ Gift giving would be Flokis love language. Floki loves to build objects and wood carve details on his hard work afterwards, which will always leave him so proud! So everything he's making for you is made thoughtfully after what he knows that will make you happy and with enough details so that he will catch you staring and touching whatever perfect object ‘he’ made for you! ✨
🛠️ If you are down he will say funny jokes and move around, make weird faces and make himself look silly. If you still aren't laughing then he will tickle you until the room is filled with laughter! “Hihihi Oohoh y/n i sure do love to hear your beautiful voice! Your laughter fills my heart with joy! A song I want to hear for the rest of my life!”
🛠️ Of course if you're very sad Floki will sit down hug you and be sad with you until you're feeling better. Afterward he tells you how important you are to him, if that will make you happy and smile again. Floki isn't a man who will take your love for granted.
🛠️ Floki doesn't understand why you love and want him in the first place, he questions himself quite often, sadly. You have to be stubborn and patient and also tell him how important he is to you as well! But also give him time and space, because that’s what he needs.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are very appreciated <3 Have a good day/night! :3
Post made by: @master-muffinn
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helough · 2 months ago
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One Missile Took Everything—But You Can Help Us Rebuild 🏠����
In a single moment, my family’s entire world turned to rubble. One missile hit our home in Gaza, and with it, decades of dreams, memories, and hard work were destroyed. 😭
My name is Ghaida, I’m 19 years old, and I’ve watched my life fall apart before my eyes. For forty years, my father worked tirelessly to build our home—a safe place filled with love and hope. But war doesn’t spare dreams. 💔 We lost everything, including my father’s small shop, our only source of income. Now, we live in a fragile tent that barely protects us from the scorching summer heat ☀️ or the freezing rains of winter 🌧️.
What hurts most is seeing my father—once strong and proud—now broken, unable to provide for us. All he wants is to rebuild our home and give us a chance to live with dignity again.
**🙏 How You Can Help Us Rebuild:**
- 🏡 Help us rebuild our home, brick by brick, to create a safe space again.
- 🛠️ Support the restoration of my father’s shop so we can regain our independence.
- 🍞 Provide basic necessities like food, clean water, and clothing to help us survive each day.
Your kindness can be the foundation of a new beginning for us. Even the smallest donation can make a world of difference. 🌟
**Please, stand with us in this journey. Together, we can rebuild what was destroyed and give hope a home again.** 🫶🏻
🙏 Thank you for being the light in our darkest days. 💖
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psychics4unet · 6 months ago
🔥 What Your Future Spouse Will Be Passionate About – Pick a Pile Tarot Reading🔥💖
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1: The Lovers 💑 The Chariot 🏎️ Three of Pentacles 🏗️
The Lovers show that your future spouse will be passionate about love and deep connections 💖. They will pour their heart into the relationship and make you feel cherished and valued. The Chariot indicates they will be driven and focused on personal goals, working hard to achieve success 🏆. Three of Pentacles suggests they have a passion for collaboration and building things together with others, especially in work or creative projects 👷‍♂️.
In summary, your future spouse will be deeply passionate about love, personal achievements, and working as a team. They’ll be someone who’s motivated to grow in both love and life, making them a dynamic and driven partner 💞💪.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2: Ace of Wands 🔥 The Sun 🌞 Eight of Pentacles 🛠️
Ace of Wands shows that your future spouse will have a burning passion for new ideas and creative projects 💡🔥. They’ll always be brimming with energy and enthusiasm for what they’re working on. The Sun represents their optimism and love for life, radiating positivity and joy in everything they do ☀️. The Eight of Pentacles shows that they are dedicated to mastering their craft and perfecting whatever they set their mind to 🛠️✨.
In summary, your future spouse will be passionate about creativity, personal growth, and working hard to be the best at what they do. Their energy and love for life will be contagious, filling your relationship with warmth and inspiration 🌻🎨.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3: King of Cups 🌊 The Empress 🌸 Six of Wands 🏆
King of Cups reveals that your future spouse will be passionate about emotional depth and understanding 🌊. They’ll be emotionally mature, compassionate, and care deeply for those they love 💙. The Empress shows their passion for nurturing and creativity, and they’ll love creating a beautiful and harmonious home environment 🌿🏡. Six of Wands indicates that they will also be driven by recognition and success, thriving on achievements and being seen for their hard work 🏆🔥.
In summary, your future spouse will be passionate about emotional connections, nurturing their loved ones, and striving for success. They’ll be both a caring and ambitious partner, ready to build a life full of love and achievement with you 🌷✨.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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novantinuum · 1 year ago
Some Themed Asks for your Gem OCs
I always enjoy these little ask games to help build up lore about my characters, but so many of them are too human in scope for my Gem OCs- thus, I decided to throw together a set of Steven Universe specific questions for all of your OC and gemsona desires.
Questions are sorted into "eras" thematically. Enjoy!
Era 1:
⚜️Which court does your Gem belong to, if any? 🎆What is your Gem’s planet of origin and given designation? (Ex: Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG… Facet-5, Cut 8XM… Facet-413, Cabochon-12…) 💎Describe your Gem’s gemstone. What color, shape, facet pattern, and placement does it have? 🛠️What is your Gem’s given role under the Diamond Authority? 📌Where does your Gem perform their duties? Do they travel a lot for their role, or mostly stay in one place? 🧦Does your Gem get along with others of the same cut? 🖇️Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of the same cut? 💼Does your Gem report to anyone below the Diamonds? What do they think about this authority figure? 💥Has your Gem ever been rejuvenated? If so, how many times? 🪦Does your Gem harbor any hidden desires they think might get them shattered?
Era 2:
🌸Was your Gem incubated before Pink Diamond’s shattering, or after? If after, does your Gem differ from others of their cut due to Homeworld’s Diamond essence shortage? 🔎Does your Gem like the role they were given, or is there another role in society they would rather have? 🪢Does your Gem have any friends outside their cut? 🪄Can your Gem summon any weapon or special item? 🌍Has your Gem ever heard of the rebellion on Earth? If so, do they have any opinions on it? 🪩Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of a different cut? If so, do they defy Homeworld’s fusion rules openly or keep it secret? 🏝️Your Gem has been reassigned to perform their duty on a planet or settlement of their choice. Where do they go? 🫧Has your Gem ever been poofed? How? 🙈Your Gem discovers that someone they work alongside is off-color in some fashion. Do they narc to a superior, or keep this secret? 🪓Does your Gem know anyone who’s been shattered?
Era 3:
👑In the wake of this brand new era, where does your Gem’s loyalty lie? (The Diamonds? Themself? Someone else?) 🎓Would your Gem ever consider attending Little Homeschool, why or why not? ⭐️What is your Gem’s honest opinion of Steven, if they are aware of his role in Gem history? 🪁Name three hobbies your Gem partakes in. 🌄Describe your Gem’s idea of a perfect day. ⚧️Imagine your Gem is presented with the concept of human gender. Do they have any preference in how they are perceived or addressed? 🐌Does your Gem have any non-Gem friends? 🌙Would your Gem ever consider living as a permafusion? 🍕Has your Gem ever tried ingesting food or liquid? If so, what is their opinion on this activity? 🎻Assign your Gem an instrument. What type of sound do you feel best captures their vibe?
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t-sizzler · 10 days ago
Car Woohoo Mod v1.1 Update - Now Live!
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Version: 1.1 (February 22, 2025) Requires: Base Game + XML Injector (latest version REQUIRED)
🎉 I know it’s my birthday, but consider this my gift to you all! 🎉
Take your Sims’ love life on the road with Car Woo Mod v1.1! This update brings functional cars with exciting new features, from romantic getaways to group travel, skill-building, and new WooHoo interactions. Now, cars in The Sims 4 are more than just decorative—they’re a gateway to adventure!
💡 Recommended Pairing: [Garage & Storage Mod | Sims 4 CC Pack by @maxsus]
🆕 What’s New in v1.1?
🔹 Updated Pie Menus – Redesigned for a more intuitive experience! It might take a moment to adjust to the new interaction categories, but once you do, navigating will be smoother than ever.
🔹 New WooHoo Names & Buffs ➤ Go for a "Joy Ride" – (WooHoo + Mess Around override) ➤ Make a New Passenger – (Try for Baby override) 💡 New WooHoo buffs override all positive bed WooHoo buffs, but animations remain separate!
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🔹 Inventory Interactions – Now access many mod features straight from your Sim’s inventory.
🔹 Vacation Interactions – Take group vacations for family trips, romantic honeymoons, or solo love adventures! If your Sim is single, they might even meet a new date while "on a honeymoon." 💘
🔹 Seasons Compatibility – Sims using car interactions are immune to extreme temperatures from the Seasons Expansion Pack.
🔹 New Social & Skill-Based Interactions ➤ Speed Off After Argument – (Get Famous required, rabbit hole interaction) ➤ Binge Car Repair Videos – (Base Game Compatible, Handiness Skill interaction)
🚗 Available Cars
✨ Chevalier Lovemaster | WooHoo-enabled | Maxis 11 swatches | Draggable & Inventoriable ✨ Hatchback Smart Car | WooHoo-enabled | Maxis 7 swatches | Draggable & Inventoriable
🚗 Full Features List
🚗 Travel & Vacations
✔ Head Out With… – Travel instantly from inventory or by clicking the car. ✔ Go on Vacation... – Plan a relaxing getaway. ✔ Go on Honeymoon... – A special trip with your partner (or a Bachelorette-style love fest 😉).
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✔ Ask on Date... – Pick up your Sim’s date in style!
❤️ Romantic & Social Interactions
✔ New WooHoo Menu: Go for a Joy Ride & Make a New Passenger ✔ Speed Off After Argument – Dramatic exits for dramatic Sims. 😤 ✔ Watch Romantic Film in Car – Cozy date night movie time. 🎬 (Get Famous required) ✔ Ask Sugar Daddy for Money – Get that Simoleon support. 💰
🛠️ Daily Life & Skills
✔ Sleep & Relax – Your Sim can rest in the car ✔ Binge Car Repair Videos – Learn Handiness through auto repair content!
❄️ Seasons Compatibility
✔ Sims in the car won’t be affected by extreme weather!
🚨 Feedback & Support
If you run into issues or have suggestions, let me know! Your feedback helps improve the mod.
🔗 🌳 LinkTree | Support Me on Ko-fi! ☕
🚗💨 Happy driving, Simmers! 💕
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unclewileys-bahblog · 5 months ago
Can you see him . . ?
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Hello there! Welcome to our Build A Headmate Blog!!
Real quick, we just wanted to say that this blog is pro TransID, Radqueer, Comship, and Anti/Low contact paraphiles. You’re all safe here!
Second, our blog is mainly inspired by our friends @/sewers-headmates. Go give sewer a follow!!
Alright, now let’s get into the basics.
This blog is ran by a system, and it has multiple mods. We have a right to deny any request. Emoji anons are allowed. Requesting through dms is allowed. Picrew requests are allowed. There are levels, (1, 2, 3), and if you don’t specify, we will automatically do level 1.
Anons - 🪅🧭 , 🩸🐈‍⬛ , 🛠️🛗 , 🐀💫 , 🦉🌙 , 🔨 , 🕰️ , Miku guy , 🧸⭐️ , 💜✈️ , 📼 , 💭🎸 , doggie , 🦢✨
Links, tag meanings, and how to request are under the cut. Have a wonderful timezone! ^^
How to Req + Links
Our main account
Our other account
How to form an alter
Paraphile/TransID emoji codes
White + Blacklist
Our specials
Mod Kyle’s intro
Mod Eddie’s intro
Mod Steph’s intro
Mod Bo’s intro
Mod Jasper’s intro
Mod Ziggy’s intro
Mod Lexy’s intro
Request form ::
Of course, feel free to just describe what you’d like. I.E; “A smart and thoughtful protector based off of the light academia aesthetic. she/they/soul pronouns.” or “A South Park fictive that’s rude and angry with tons of paraphilias and pronouns.”
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
Other Labels:
(Level 3)
(optional, ask for) Playlist:
(optional, ask for) Signoff Ideas:
🎱 ; WILEY’S TOYSHOP — tag that directs you here
🎱 ; WILEY’S DISCIPLES — requested alterpacks
🎱 ; WILEY’S TOYS — mod intros
🎱 ; DISREGARDED TOYS — alterpacks not requested by anyone
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🐈 ; mod alyssa — posted by mod alyssa
🐀 ; mod rowan — posted by mod rowan
👓 ; mod pete — posted by mod pete
🌅 ; mod ruthie — posted by mod ruthie
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treefroot · 1 month ago
🌿 welcome to the treehouse! 🌿
hey simmers and gamers! 🎮✨
i’m so excited to invite you to the treehouse, a cozy community discord server where we can hang out, share our love for the sims, and connect with fellow creators and gamers.
💬 what’s waiting for you in the treehouse:
🛠️ a space to share your sims builds, stories, and creative content
🎮 chats about all your favorite games (not just the sims!)
🌟 a place to showcase your art, mods, or any creative projects
🍃 chill vibes and great conversations with like-minded friends
🎉 fun community events coming soon!
if you’re looking for a warm, friendly community, this is it. 💚 i’d love to see you there and help make this space something truly special.
👉 join here: https://discord.gg/5C6Tsk2Bt8
reblog and share to spread the word—let’s grow this tree together! 🌲
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mookymilksims · 10 months ago
I had to tweak my server a bit more but this post will be pinned, the server link now never expires <3
🌟 Join Our Sims Community Discord! 🌟
Hey there, fellow Simmers!
Are you looking for a vibrant community to share your love for The Sims? Look no further! Welcome to 🍓🥛 ✰Mooky Milk Land✰ 🍓🥛, where Simmers from all walks of life come together to discuss, share, and enjoy everything The Sims has to offer.
What We Offer:
🤝 Active and Friendly Community: Join a welcoming community of Simmers who share your passion for the game.
🎮 Modding and Custom Content: Whether you're a seasoned creator or just getting started, dive into discussions about mods, custom content, and all things Sim-related.
🛠️ Mod Testing Opportunities: Be among the first to test new mods and provide feedback to help creators improve their work.
📣 Open Discussions: Engage in lively discussions about gameplay strategies, building tips, storytelling, and more.
🎶 Simmer Streams: Hang out with fellow Simmers while watching streams, sharing gameplay experiences, and making new friends.
Why Join Us:
💡 Stay Updated: Be the first to hear about new mods, custom content releases, and community events.
🌈 Diverse Community: Connect with Simmers from around the world and celebrate the diversity of our community.
📣 Share Your Ideas: Have a brilliant idea for a mod or custom content? Share it with our community and collaborate with fellow creators.
How to Join:
Simply click Invite Link, verify, and become a part of our thriving Sims community today!
Note: We're always open to new members and ideas, so don't hesitate to join and share your creativity with us!
See you in
🍓🥛 ✰Mooky Milk Land✰ 🍓🥛
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phoebe1013 · 2 months ago
Here are detailed headcanons for what it would be like for you as a human to date the Saxon Master from Doctor Who, with a ton of well-placed emojis to capture his chaotic yet alluring energy:
1. He’s obsessed with you being human 🧠🫀🌍
The Master is endlessly fascinated (and frustrated) by how “fragile” and “simple” humans are. He teases you constantly, like, “You’re so… adorably breakable.” But despite his taunts, there’s a certain awe in the way he looks at you—like he can’t quite believe how you manage to survive in a universe as wild as this.
“You humans are so absurd. It’s… kind of beautiful. In an irritating way.” 🙄✨
2. Constant chaos wherever you go 💥💣🚪
You’d try to have a normal life with him, but it’s utterly impossible. A date to the movies? Ends with him rigging the popcorn machine to explode 🍿💥. A quiet night in? Nope—he’s busy building a doomsday device in your living room, calling it “a hobby, darling.” Expect chaos and destruction as the norm.
3. He loves showing off 🛠️🚀👑
The Master thrives on making you look at him like he’s the most impressive being in the universe (and to him, he is). He’ll whisk you away on stolen TARDIS rides, show you alien planets, and casually flex his power with a smug grin:
“See, my dear? This is what dating a Time Lord gets you. You’re welcome.” 😏✨
4. The ultimate protector—but with zero chill 🔥🛡️💀
If anyone dares threaten or upset you, the Master loses it. He won’t just handle the situation—he’ll obliterate it. Whether it’s a rude coworker, an alien invasion, or someone who gave you the wrong coffee order, he’s ready to burn worlds for you.
“You’re mine, and anyone who thinks they can hurt you will suffer. Greatly. Possibly in flames.” ☠️🔥
5. He’s dangerously charismatic 💋🌀🔥
The Master knows how to charm anyone, and with you, it’s no different. Whether he’s flashing his devastating smile 😏 or whispering sweet (and slightly sinister) nothings in your ear, you can’t help but fall for him—even when you know he’s being manipulative.
“Darling, you look stunning tonight. But don’t get used to compliments; I don’t want you getting too smug.” 💃🖤
6. He teases you relentlessly 😈💬😂
Being human gives him endless material to mock you with, but it’s all in a strange, affectionate way. He finds your habits—like drinking water constantly or needing sleep—both ridiculous and endearing.
“You’re thirsty again? How do humans even function? Honestly, it’s pathetic. Cute, though.” 😒🧃💧
7. Jealousy, but make it scary 👀💀🖤
The Master gets intensely jealous. He doesn’t just pout if someone flirts with you; he plots their utter demise while making a point to kiss you possessively in front of them. “You’re mine. Always. Forever. Got it?” 😈🔥💋
8. Dramatic love declarations 🌌🖤✨
The Master has a flair for the dramatic, and his love for you is no exception. When he’s not busy teasing or terrorizing the universe, he’ll give you the most poetic, over-the-top declarations of affection:
“I’ve conquered worlds, rewritten time itself, and yet, somehow… you’re the only thing that matters.” 🥀💫
9. He’s oddly attentive 🧠❤️✨
Despite all his arrogance and chaos, the Master notices everything about you. He knows your habits, favorite foods, how you like your tea (if you drink it, which he’ll mock anyway), and even the way your nose crinkles when you’re annoyed. He won’t admit it outright, but he absolutely dotes on you in his own twisted way.
“Oh, you thought I forgot your favorite snack? Please. I’m a genius, darling.” 🍫👀
10. Arguments are explosive 🌩️😡🔥
You don’t just argue with the Master—you engage in full-blown dramatic clashes, complete with wild gestures, snarky insults, and storming out of rooms. But it never lasts long; he’ll sulk for a while before showing up with a sheepish grin and some grand gesture to win you back.
11. The little moments mean the most 💕🌙🛏️
For all his chaos, the Master has moments of surprising vulnerability. He’ll hold you close during a quiet night, his usual manic energy replaced by something softer. He might not say it directly, but you can tell he cherishes you deeply.
“Don’t get used to this, but… I like having you around. Now go to sleep, human.” 🥹🖤
12. Your humanity keeps him grounded 🫀🌍✨
As someone who thrives on destruction, the Master struggles with his own darker tendencies. But with you, he finds a strange sense of peace—your humanity reminding him of what he’s fighting for (even if he’d never admit it outright).
“You make me want to destroy less… for now. Don’t let it go to your head.” 🌀🌌
Dating the Saxon Master is an adventure of extremes: chaotic, passionate, dangerous, and strangely tender. You might question your sanity at times, but with him, you’ll never doubt that you’re loved—in his own wild, Time Lord way. 🖤🔥✨
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hunterwritesstuff · 3 months ago
General headcanons for builderman x Orion if that’s alr?
(Divider by @lunaridae)
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🛠️ Builderman definitely kickstarted the whole thing! Literally!
🛠️ He got Orion's heart to start beating and feeling emotions!
🛠️ Builderman definitely wants winghugs.
🛠️ If you haven't caught on yet, Orion's technically an angel. Builderman doesn't care. He's still his beloved.
🛠️ Orion makes dove noises. He thinks Builderman doesn't notice. He does. He thinks they're cute.
🛠️ Orion just has dove-like behaviors in general. He can't see glass(the poor windows), he coos, he chirps, he splashes around in the bath like an idiot, y'know! Typical stuff!
🛠️ Orion definitely has had freak-outs in front of BM before. BM has tried to stay there the whole time every single time.
🛠️ Orion doesn't like when BM puts himself in danger to test new experiences, but BM always tells him it'll be fine! He'll be home safe in time for dinner!
🛠️ Orion and BM go out all the time, with Orion using a mortal disguise most of the time.
🛠️ Orion definitely helps Builderman "preen" himself.(Builderman doesn't have feathers, he just lets Orion pamper him)
🛠️ Orion WILL try to keep Builderman hostage in bed until Shedletsky has to come drag him out.
🛠️ Orion once headed out to get flowers and a gift for BM one day, accidentally letting his disguise down for a moment.
🛠️ This goes poorly. Thankfully Shedletsky is there to get everyone off before any more damage is done.
🛠️ However...Orion's wings got pulled out in the skirmish, so he has big holes in his shoulderblades now.
🛠️ Beforehand, Orion didn't really NEED to eat, but he still did so BM didn't feel othered or anything like that. He was a slow, silent, and gentle eater.
🛠️ Post-dewinging? He's become an aggressive eater, barely ever sharing any he has unless it's Shedletsky or Builderman.
🛠️ Lazy sunday mornings are definitely a thing with these two!
🛠️ All in all, they take good care of each other!!
🛠️ Or, well...they did, before...y'know...
🛠️ It's alright though! Orion will get him back!
🛠️ Whatever. Means. Necessary.
🛠️ They definitely fought over who did what chores in the house!! Orion won half the time, the other half, BM manipulated Orion into letting him do it lol
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noideabutsims · 6 months ago
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Simmers, Get Ready to Unleash a World of Imagination! Donut Co.'s Dream-Build-Play Blocks: Expansion Pack is Coming THIS FRIDAY! 🚀
Mark your calendars, folks, because the countdown is on! In just TWO short days (September 6th!), your Sims' homes are about to explode with color, creativity, and endless possibilities!
We know you've been eagerly awaiting this expansion pack, and we're thrilled to finally unveil the magic we've been brewing up. Prepare to be amazed by the sheer scale and ingenuity of this collection, designed to inspire hours of playtime fun for Sims of all ages.
A Block-Building Bonanza:
This isn't just an add-on, it's a full-blown playtime revolution! We're talking a WHOPPING 80 new items, each one carefully crafted to spark joy, encourage learning, and transform your Sims' spaces into vibrant wonderlands of fun.
🏡 20 Unique Dollhouses: From towering castles to bustling town centers, each dollhouse is a world of its own, ready to be explored and loved by your Sims. There's a majestic Clock Tower, a gravity-defying Runaway Racetrack, a charming Countryside Courtyard, and so much more! Let your Sims' imaginations soar as they create stories of adventure, friendship, and everyday life in these miniature masterpieces.
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🌈 13 Decor Block Piles & 10 Single Decor Blocks: Sprinkle a touch of whimsy and personality throughout your Sims' homes with these colorful block creations. From towering stacks to playful spills, there's a design for every style. The 10 single blocks offer even more creative freedom, allowing your Sims to build their own unique masterpieces or add a touch of playful chaos to existing builds.
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🛠️ Build-Your-Own Clubhouse Kit: This is where the real magic happens! With a discreet base and 20 versatile building blocks, your Sims can design and construct their dream clubhouse, piece by piece. From cozy corners to secret passages, the only limit is their imagination!
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(Kit + Prebuilt playhouses)
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("invisible" base)
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(Examples of what you can do with the kit) 🏡 2 Pre-Built Playhouses: Need a little inspiration? We've included two pre-built clubhouses to get those creative juices flowing! (Dreamhouse Decorator required for the pre-built clubhouses, and the clubhouse base to work in game.)
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👶 14 Nesting Blocks: These soft, colorful blocks are perfect for your littlest Sims. Watch their motor skills and imaginations soar as they stack, nest, and explore the world of shapes and colors. It's a sensory adventure that's as fun as it is educational!
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(One is missing - It got stuck in the wall and i didnt realize XD But it is in the kit!)
Unleash the Fun!
We believe that playtime is essential for every Sim, young or old. That's why we've poured our hearts into creating this set, designed to capture the imaginations of your little Sims and inspire hours of endless fun.
The Final Countdown!
We're bursting with excitement to finally share this labor of love with you. All that's left is to put the finishing touches on those preview photos and covers, and then it's SHOWTIME!
Spread the Word!
Tell your friends, share the news, and get ready to unleash a world of fun on your Sims this Friday, September 6th!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your patience and support! We can't wait to see what you create! HUGE Shoutout to @taurusdesign for all the amazing help, this set - as the last - would not have been possible without their help! They have amazing CC, so make sure t check them out as well! <3
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(All photos except this one have my reshade ON - Color will vary in game, stay tuned for the release post to see other the NO reshade photos!)
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psychics4unet · 3 months ago
✨ Your Cosmic Message! 🌌 Choose a Card for a Special Universe Insight! ✨
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I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
🌟✨ Pile 1 ✨🌟
Cards: The High Priestess 🌙, Eight of Pentacles 🛠️, Knight of Cups 💕
The High Priestess whispers about the deep wisdom within you. The universe is asking you to tune into your inner voice and trust the messages that come from your soul.
The Eight of Pentacles reveals the importance of patience and dedication. Spiritual growth is a process, and the universe acknowledges your hard work in evolving and mastering your personal journey.
The Knight of Cups is a messenger of love and creativity. The universe is encouraging you to follow your passions and express your emotions to connect with your spiritual purpose.
Together, these cards remind you that spiritual growth requires trust in yourself, hard work, and emotional openness. The universe supports your path and sends love and wisdom your way. 🌌✨
🌟✨ Pile 2 ✨🌟
Cards: The Sun ☀️, Ten of Wands 🪵, The Fool 🎒
The Sun beams with positivity, shining light on your spiritual journey. It assures you that brighter days and clarity are on the horizon, a true blessing from the universe.
The Ten of Wands reflects the burdens you’ve been carrying. The universe sees your struggles and urges you to release unnecessary weight to embrace freedom in your journey.
The Fool is a card of new beginnings. It’s time to take a leap of faith, trust in the unknown, and start a fresh chapter with optimism.
Together, these cards show that the universe is guiding you to shed what no longer serves you and step into a joyful new beginning with hope and confidence. 🌈✨
🌟✨ Pile 3 ✨🌟
Cards: The Star 🌟, Five of Swords ⚔️, Queen of Pentacles 🌿
The Star brings a message of hope and inspiration. The universe reminds you that healing and renewal are within reach, and your dreams are still alive.
The Five of Swords points to conflict and lessons learned. The universe acknowledges past challenges and asks you to use those lessons to grow stronger and wiser.
The Queen of Pentacles represents abundance and nurturing energy. The universe encourages you to ground yourself and embrace your power to create a secure, fulfilling life.
Together, these cards convey that the universe sees your potential to heal, grow, and create a balanced, abundant future. Trust in your ability to rise above struggles and shine brightly. 🌟✨
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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fortress-substitution-team · 5 months ago
although we bein' here is fun and all, can. can we ask how we're here? what kind of amplifier did you use?? what cosmic bein' did ya bribed into for this??? /j
— 🛠️
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anyway, the short version, magic.
the longer one, the amplifier was supposed to be on a new model of dispenser I was fixin' to make. it would produce anythin' on the request of any one of the team through a signal sent from a portable remote. this was the first stage of the production, the second would had been the remotes to become small teleporter for said product requested.
the dispenser would basically teleport the item requested to itself and then to the remote thanks to the amplifier, that it ain't just a signal amplifier, but also the antenna itself.
you may ask, but how could a simple antenna and signal amplifier do all of this??
well, in the amplifier there's a small gem that soldier brought to me!! I have no damn clue where she got it, but she's always the one that finds all those strange artifacts. that gem in particular was in a small box that called it "gem of something something portal", don't really remember right now. So I figured, what if I use the gem as a source of energy and source for the small teleporter inside the dispenser!!
the problem was the gem could only be activated with touch. my theory is that the gem connect with the brain of the one holdin' it and teleport what they are thinkin' about. so, instead connectin the gem to a human I connected it to an antenna, thus makin' the amplifier!!
I... never started building the dispenser itself, so the project never progressed over that little gadget there...
then I connected it by mistake to the TV and here we are...
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E: y'know, I'm the engineer, I do science, not magic.
M: you, you-
E: but I was so gosh darn curious to see if it worked...
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M: I spent YEARS researching the dark arts trying to merge magic and science- that is absolutely AMAZING! gott... and to have the experiment actually working!! das ist unglaublich...
E: ehmm... sorry..??
what medic said:
you IDIOT!!
that's unbelievable...
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therpistlr · 9 days ago
 ERP Therapy for Emetophobia 🦋🌈
Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) can make the world feel like a rollercoaster you didn’t sign up for—but ERP Therapy (Exposure & Response Prevention) is your gentle guide to reclaiming calm, confidence, and joy! 🎢➡️🌸 By facing fears one tiny step at a time, you’ll teach your brain, “I’m stronger than this fear!” 💪✨
Why ERP is magic for emetophobia: 🌧️ Weather the Storm: Small, safe exposures help you build resilience (think: sprinkles before a downpour!). ☔🌱 🧠 Quiet the “What Ifs”: Slowly, anxiety’s loud voice becomes a whisper—like turning down a scary movie. 🎬🔇 💖 Celebrate Every Win: Even shaky progress counts! High-five yourself for showing up. 🖐️🌟 🛠️ Toolkit for Life: Learn grounding hacks, mindful breathing, and self-compassion that stick with you. 🧘♀️✨
Meet your secret weapon: The “Braving the Waves: An ERP Workbook for Emetophobia” 🌊📘—a compassionate, step-by-step companion to: 📝 Track Your Journey: Log exposures, victories, and “I survived!” moments (confetti optional 🎉). 🎨 Creative Healing: Doodle your fear as a silly monster, write pep talks to future-you, or map your calm oasis. 🖍️🏝️ 🔍 Guided Challenges: Science-backed exercises to face triggers gently, at your pace. 🧪❤️🩹 💌 Affirmation Army: Arm yourself with mantras like, “I am safe, even when my body feels wobbly.” 🛡️💬
Perfect for: ✨ Teens/adults ready to ditch anxiety’s leash ✨ Parents supporting brave kiddos ✨ Therapists seeking playful, structured tools
👉 Start your journey here
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