#💫 Friends;
zaacoy · 1 year
Short freenoodles focused comic inspired in part by takakmimi's freenoodles post on twt!!
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shyghosties · 1 year
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he’s friends with the stars ✨
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neuvifuri · 5 months
tighnari to kaveh at alhaitham’s birthday dinner
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elitadream · 4 months
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Sorry you've been feeling poorly. Hope you feel better soon ❤️‍🩹
Brb. Gotta go lie down and cry. (;﹏;)
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bisexualsummer · 2 months
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ssaahthings · 7 months
I aimed to help you, in return you helped me too. (Reciprocity)
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Sometimes you noticed when things were off with Hotch, it seemed like a glitch in his armor. Specifically moments when you would hand him his coffee if it was out of reach, as he would move around any table the team was working at; walking and thinking. Your fingers would brush and his grip would tighten. It happened when you would squeeze by to step into the elevator at the office in Quantico, arms brush by, and he would freeze. It was never a noticeable thing, if anything it was only retrospectively apparent in those moments.
When it became clear to you, that he was likely touch starved, was when you needed to hold on to his arm to balance yourself because you had a rock stuck in your shoe; you felt his bicep flex under your fingers and heard his breath hitch yet when you casted a glance up at him he was focused on the squad cars parked in front of the crime scene you were needed at, your interest was piqued then.
After that you began noticing he would never partake in the physical camaraderie; Emily would hug and lean on JJ, Morgan would ruffle Reid's hair as he passed the genius and throw an arm around Penelope when she joined them from her office, and Rossi would pat their backs in a paternal manner when he spoke to them. Sure he had Jack, to hug and cuddle with but you deemed it was different with a father-son relationship, he most likely thought he was giving his son what he needed. Aaron Hotchner is selfless like that, one of the reasons you love him as much as you do.
For a while it was all observations and your heightened sense to notice patterns, especially when it was regarding the man himself.
You were already having a bad day today, the team had made a miscalculated judgement based on the competency of the officers in the local precinct, who were also ridiculing you as well as the whole of the team, but because of the past days, past week, past month it hit you harder than the rest of your coworkers. It's not like you don't know you can go to them with your troubles, considering they're also your closest friends, it's just hard to paraphrase it in a way that would make sense. It felt like everyone was going through something this time of year, but with the jobs you all had, there wasn't much else to do but move onward.
So here you were, standing next to Hotch who was holding a piece of gauze to his forehead from where the unsub's submissive partner, the team had failed to profile, struck him from trying to save the offender you were after. Your eyes roamed his face, his arms, his chest cataloging to make sure he wasn't harmed anywhere else. When you heard the paramedic say he didn't need to go into the hospital you sighed in relief and took some of the fresh pieces of bandages that had been placed beside him and offered to take over cleaning and bandaging him up, making sure he was okay.
"Y/N, you know you don't have to do this." You heard Hotch mumble, seemingly far away but still alert enough to be aware of his surroundings, always on guard like that.
You nod and smile softly and you say, "I know, but it's making me feel better to take care of you right now." You finish cleaning off the blood from his face, gently press the ends of the butterfly bandage in place, "There, good as new." You let him know you were done, squeezing his arm for nonverbal punctuation.
You notice again that he tenses and avoids your gaze, "Hotch? Are you okay?"
Still no response, you think back to when he got injured and you don't remember his arm being hurt, so then you start to remember all the other times he's tensed up and you remember all the evidence that leads to him being touch starved, you remember the time you had to physically lean on him for support.
But by the time you're ready to do something about it, he's already assigning tasks to the team and then it's back to the hotel. You have to stop by the precinct to wrap up and grab your work and personal belongings when you overhear some officer make a snide comment about you and your team, it puts you on edge and in order not to make things more complicated you keep quiet and leave for the hotel.
You're quiet and they all notice it, they see how your shoulders are tense and that you're not joining in on the conversation, and you fail to hear the others making plans for dinner or to notice how Hotch is acutely observing you, trying to piece together why you're feeling the way you are in that moment.
His room is on the same floor as yours, across from yours even, so when you walk up to your room and just stand there, Hotch is watching you from the doorway of his. He takes a step forward leaving the door open, observing you.
"Y/N?" Aaron spoke softly as to not disturb the quietness of the hallway.
You turned around and looked at him, he seemed to be concerned. "Hmm?"
"Are you okay? You've been off since we got back to P.D." His voice tender, eyes shining under the lights.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Hotch. Don't worry about me." You wave him off unconvincingly.
"You sure? Because you could come in and we can order room service for dinner, the others already left. You could consider it making things even for you patching me up." He vaguely gestures to his head.
That amuses you, so you smile and agree, crossing the way into his room, looking it over your eyes fall on the open windows on the opposite side, "You got a really nice view of the city, I just face the nextdoor building." You sigh dramatically, side eyeing him so he knows you're just teasing.
"Yeah, but I'm sure it's a great building." He retorts, "What would you like to eat?" holding the phone and menu card in his hand
"I think we've eaten enough around each other for you to know what my preferences are." You turn to face him, with a brow raised.
He huffs out a laugh and nods your way, afterwards placing your dinner order. It was a timid sense of normalcy, forgetting what the day trailed behind the two of you, your nerves come back so abruptly it it feels like a force knocked a breath out of you, and of course he notices it. He notices you.
"Y/N... I'm here if you want to talk about what happened. I noticed that you seemed a bit shaken up after we came back." He comments while moving to stand before you, the sincerity in his eyes gives you the illusion of making them brighter, and your heart clenches for him in affection.
"It's just... been a tough day, Hotch." You confess, keeping your eyes wide in order to combat the stinging behind them that you know means you'll start crying soon, "at first it was one of those days, you know? The kind that you just go through the motions, but ultimately you're alright in the end. And then I had to deal with those officers, they belittled me so much but I know with this job and being on this team, we have a duty to a sense of professionalism, so I kept my mouth shut, reserved. And then you-" You blinked and a rogue tear escaped, keeping your eyes closed for a moment while you let out a hushed, "I was so scared when I saw you get hit... It was hard to focus because I needed to make sure you were okay but we also had a job to do."
Your eyes begin to sting further with oncoming unshed tears, blinking rapidly to fight the sensation and giving up the fight to falsely show your resolve. With your view downcast you noticed one of Aaron's tells for when he was contemplating something; his thumb would move up and down his index and middle fingers. Up and down two times, switch, up and down two times more. Your mind begins to race, what could the eloquent Aaron Hotchner be contemplating saying or doing in front of, or to you.
Whatever it was you looked up and locked eyes with him, something unspoken passed and all you could do was nod your head minutely. Standing still, allowing him to make the steps to come to you, and to wrap his arms around you. One around your shoulders, and the other around your waist. You laid your head on his shoulder, face tucked between the crisp fabric of his shirt and the soft skin of his jawline. You took a deep breath, and wrapped your arms around him in return. Sliding your palms from his midsection, feeling the muscles ripple in their wake, to then connect your hands together in a lock.
"It's okay to asked to be touched, you know." He startles at the sound of your voice.
"I... It's been a while. Not since..." He trails off, knowing you would understand.
"I know, but it's okay, Aaron."
"How come you're the one comforting me now, I was supposed to be consoling you."
"Well, that's what partners do right? An equal give and take for what's needed," You inquire, "And don't think I didn't notice the subtle topic change, Mister."
"Oh we're partners, now?" He says playfully, giving your side a squeeze in further acknowledgement of what you said.
"Well yeah, I mean..." Trailing off when you feel a soft press of his lips to your temple, "Oh..." You breathe out.
"I was teasing you, Honey." He says with a chuckle. Clearing his throat he begins, "You know, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to feel so much again, for someone, for you. Everyday I see you at the office in the bullpen, or in a precinct when we're away, or if I'm lucky enough to see you sleepy in hotels. Y/N, it feels like a second chance I'm not certain that I deserve."
You move to pull away, so you can look at him in his eyes when you say the words you heard unspoken, but his arms tightened around you, you smiled brightly.
"Aaron, love," You give him a squeeze for emphasis, he viscerally reacts to the term of endearment "I think we all deserve a second chance in life, in love."
After you're able to step back enough to press a kiss to his cheek, right where it meets the corner of his mouth. He gives you the privilege to see his blinding smile.
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fyi: it's been a little while since i've written anything like at all but !!! i'm trying my best now to get to writing and post things because it's one of my favorite things to do ❤
this is for: @greg-montgomery @criminalskies @htchnr @ssahotchnerr
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cali-kabi · 8 months
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~ The Two Star Warriors Meet💫🌟🍄
doodled this the other night their my favorite characters ;w; yes I wanted to make some crossover art of them I love Mario RPG so much Geno is so cool <3💫I don’t know why I went with the anime like style and aesthetics this drawing is like what I pictured in my mind xD
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pierrotlunaire08 · 1 month
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cuddles :-) i have posted so much Htf fan art to my account that it’s not even funny , i am Happy to announce that i have discovered it is one of my special interests ! (wahoo !!!!!)
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stick-by-me · 3 months
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They're dinosaurs!!!
(From this shop here!)
New follower sticker for: @catfang12!
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luvjoshuahong · 2 months
next door surprise - yjh
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☆ featuring: next door neighbor!jeonghan x fem!reader ☆ tags: fluff. no kissing or anything just a cute birthday surprise and jeonghans confession ☆ wc: 674 ☆ a/n: happy birthday to @tangylemonade ! this fanfic is in response to this request you sent for your birthday<3 also not proofread at all and a little bad since im sick so i struggled writing this
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your birthday is soon.
you always celebrate your birthday with your 3 close friends but this time they’re all traveling somewhere. not having any close family either, you decided to not celebrate at all.
drowning yourself in your school work for the weeks before your birthday seemed like a better idea. you often met your neighbor jeonghan in the library and you ended up telling him about your plans.
you and jeonghan had became good friends over time. as you live right next door to him, you both would go to school together.
you were outside one day looking around for something to eat when you got a message from jeonghan
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han💫 hi ^^ sorry for the short notice but do you think i could stay in your guest room for a week? i had a pipe leak in my apartment and they said they need a week to fix it :(
y/n ☆ sure! i’ll clean it up when i get home and you can stay starting from tonight<3
han💫 thank you!!! you’re a life saver <3
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as soon as you got home, you cleaned up your guest room and freshened up the guest bathroom. by the time you were finished, jeonghan knocked on your door with an overnight bag.
“thank you so much, i can’t explain how grateful i am that you let me stay”, jeonghan expressed as soon has he walked in.
“anytime! i never mind helping out my favorite neighbor”, you tell jeonghan while laughing and leading him to his room.
jeonghan sets his bags down and you leave letting him settle in. you show jeonghan around your kitchen and tell him he can stock up on food he likes. you also let jeonghan know you might not be home much for a few weeks since you’re caught up with your studies but he can keep a spare key so he can let himself in and out anytime.
the week goes by in a blur and you hadn’t thought that jeonghan would do anything for your birthday even though he was staying in your house. the night before your birthday you had gotten home just before midnight as you took a long walk to freshen your mind. when you got inside the house was dark so you assumed jeonghan had already went to sleep. you walked into your kitchen to take some leftovers when suddenly jeonghan switches on the lights.
“surprise!” jeonghan and joshua scream with a cake and gifts in their hands.
“joshua?! when did you get here and where had all this come from!” you knew joshua since he was jeonghans best friend and you shared a class with him. you were shocked to see that jeonghan and joshua prepared all this for you.
“jeonghan spoke about how you were spending your birthday alone so he came up with a plan to surprise you! i told him i would help with the gifts and decoration since i thought it was sweet he was doing this for you”, joshua said while you looked at everything in awe.
all 3 of you spent a good time until joshua had to go home since it was getting pretty late and jeonghan had decided he would go home that night.
“thank you, jeonghan. i appreciate everything you did for me today”, you expressed to jeonghan as he was packing his things.
“anything for you, y/n. you’re a dear friend to me and i didn’t want you to spend a day like this alone”, jeonghan said with a soft look in his eyes
you walked jeonghan to his door to show your gratitude when he suddenly started speaking, “maybe one day, we should have dinner together. i really enjoyed tonight and hope to spend more time together”, jeonghan said sincerely.
you told jeonghan you would clear your schedule for the weekend and you were looking forward for your date. when you get to bed, you’re thankful jeonghan asked you out as your secret crush on him could now lead to something more.
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☆ end notes: this is not well written i'm so sorry </3 i was sick when i wrote this so it's not too good but happy birthday to lemon! also thank you to my soojin for giving me the idea for the fic since i have a crazy obsession with neighbor/roomie han
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xelarale · 10 months
houses patients after receiving a $4783729472820000 bill from the hospital because their doctor wanted to commit medical malpratice in twenty different rooms and kiss his boyfriend in five other
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zaacoy · 1 year
Tang in dresses I think he'd like :3c
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svnflowermoon · 5 months
i was so in love and that don't come off in the wash kinda hope it does tho
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necroangelz · 2 months
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i want to make editblr friends but also discord servers are scary and also i don't know how to approach people and also i forget to talk to people ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ
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elitadream · 8 months
For this Thanksgiving, I wanted to say how grateful I am for this community and all the lovely friends I have in it. Ever since I've reappeared on Tumblr a little over a year ago, everyone has been nothing but kind and supportive to me, and I can't thank you guys enough for the interest and enthusiasm you show towards my art and ideas. 🥹💐
Sometimes I regret that I can't be as active as I'd want to be, or that I can't comment on all of my friends' awesome work. There are posts that I will inevitably miss, and people that I won't have the chance to properly interact with... But just so you guys know, I'm always awed by the wonderful, inspiring, fantastic and beautiful stuff you put out there, and all these mentions, discussions and exchanges are the reason I make fanart. 🙏🎨
Thank you for being there and for being such lovely peeps. I love you all. ☺️💞✨️
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doctor-feelings · 3 months
Leo never gave up on us ,
I'm not giving up on him !
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☆ mikey / michael / etc ! get creative :) !
☆ all prns + neos ! he / she / orange / star / bug
☆ i am a MINOR !
☆ ROTTMNT mikey fictionkin ! what is a fictionkin ?
☆ pansexual , genderfluid !
★ pronouns page !
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↶ l e a r n m o r e a b o u t m e ?
. . . n o w l o a d i n g :3
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☆ ──────┆my other blogs┆────── ☆
@mkys-emotes : emoji blog :]
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@klunk-the-cat : cat rp blog ;3
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some cool people X)
@mesozoic-system [ @x-neon-leon-x ]
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and many others , including YOU !! ^_^
[ i know too many cool people to count ]
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★ 🎧 goob [ @goobl1n ]
★ 🧡 orange twins [ @mikebeanz ]
★ 🗡 big bro :p [ @x-neon-leon-x ]
★ 💙 brotherly love [ @robobunny-tboy ]
★ 🌟 astro !! ☆w☆ [ @starsinthenigth ]
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i hope you enjoy my page !! 🧡
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