#💜《 ooc 》💜
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crystallizsch · 5 months ago
yknow that one meme
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corrxptedmaskedone · 2 years ago
◇Updated List of Aesthetic stuff that I associate Lorelei with◇
Black dogs (Especially barking/ growling/ scary dogs)
Black shuck
Fresian horses/ kelpies
Night sky
Storms, especially supercells
Dark forests/ woodlands
Abandoned/ dark spaces
Shadow people
Glowing eyes
Colour palette is mainly purple, grey and black, with red and/ or yellow accents
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bubblin-trouble · 7 months ago
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Oh my god
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Tell me you see it.
Taglist : @nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @floyd-leech-thing @knightcoree
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lynnlyrae · 7 months ago
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Jun didn’t give us Vincent in 20th anniversary collab because she knew these two together would be unstoppable / unsafe / unstable
just so you know, originally I intended to type only “unstoppable”, but t9 kept suggesting other words and they made sense so~
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spr1ngtweaks · 26 days ago
William likes to hug you, not hesitating to open his arms in welcome: hugging you is one of the things he enjoys doing. likes to pull you close, wrap his arms around you.
If you fall asleep on him, he enjoys every second. He will sit there and read a book while you peacefully snore on him.
He is not the kind of person who is reluctant or distant when he is with you. On the contrary, he is proactive.
He likes the feeling of having you in his arms. He likes how you are smaller than him, easily fitting into his embrace. Likes to pull you close, squeeze tightly, as if somehow, he could keep you forever.
If you unconsciously lean on him, he won't push you away. He will let you do that—he will let you rest your head on his shoulder, he will let you wrap around him without a word of complaint.
If you fall asleep on him? He won't wake you up.
He would just sit still, savoring every moment, as if this moment were too precious to break. One hand absentmindedly resting on your back, fingers occasionally caressing your skin gently.
He would turn each page of the book with his other hand, but his attention was not really on the words. He hears your breathing, feels every small movement, every unconscious gesture as you shift in your sleep.
And if you accidentally burrow deeper into his heart? He will chuckle softly. A rare, fleeting smile, only you can make him reveal it.
He will not leave. He will sit there for as long as it takes, as long as you are still lying on him, as long as you are still in his arms.
Notes: Apply any Afton version you can imagine ^-^ 【 pro/com/dark ship & fic DNI】
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year ago
Horrid idea. Reverse isekai, but with a fanon only fan, who completely disregards canon.
Like, imagine someone coming up to you and demanding you be married as they shove a basket of white clothes and rings, and when you say no they get all huffy because “that’s not what you’re like! You’re supposed to go ‘ah you’re gonna marry me? That’s what those mean you know! Oh~ What am I saying? You couldn’t possibly understand our world’s marriage rituals!’ And kiss me!”
They show up outside your house with a bunch of baking supplies because you canonically ate bread once on screen. Or with a fuckton of carrots, if you can’t eat bread.
They get mad you don’t play an instrument they headcanoned you learning, or you don’t actually have any strong opinions on the guy from a gas station three months ago.
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ahollowgrave · 3 months ago
Happy New Year!
I hope this new year brings us creativity and joy and fulfilment. I hope we are all braver and bolder and louder in our appreciation of beauty. I hope we experience gratitude and can name it and voice it.
I hope you learn and unlearn all you need too! I hope you talk to yourself like a friend; kinder, yes, but also to hype yourself up, to call yourself in. I hope we are all cocooned in warm, loving friendships that makes the difficult things less difficult.
I hope we lean into our weirdness. I hope we experiment. I hope we fail and we try again. I hope we laugh and cry and shout.
I hope we're here next year. I hope you know I love you.
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forsaken-fates · 3 days ago
and what did 007 do to make you look like this?
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>[Elliot stared at the Anon in front of him with an eerie smile, before holding up a hand and doing a slicing motion to his neck. The implication was obvious.]
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sillykiu · 3 days ago
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ask-teenkg · 9 months ago
ehe new banner
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crystallizsch · 6 months ago
still can’t draw anything new so i’m resorting to posting old art / throwaway sketches i never shared I GUESS
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+ my modern pre-twst au
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baby jamil and baby yuusha ;;; and modern high school au currynoodlsss ,,,
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your-local-grinning-cat · 4 months ago
Yooo Chenya
I made u this! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Hope u like it!
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Feel free to call out my name three times in any mirror, dont worry bout the bee noises
Gif unrelated
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*pounces on you in a hug, purring and showering you with the bee sprinkles from last time*
Thank mew!!!!!
Everyone!!! Everyone!!!
Hey!!!! Shut up!!! Stop doing unimportant things and look at what Bee Head Bip made!!!!
They made me being all eldtrich!!!! All scary!!!!! Look at my eyes as they stare into your soul!!!! And then my teefies rip it out!!!!!!!!!!!! 😻
Thank you Bee Head Bip I love it 💜
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bubblin-trouble · 7 months ago
Twisted Wonderland theory time: Did Dire Crowley Summon Yuu on purpose? Does Yuu have powers? What is his true intention?
Spoilers for the game below the cut!!! You’ve been warned~
In the very beginning of the game, you, the player, play a short snippet through the eyes of our favorite headmage, Crowley. Here, he speaks in a way more serious tone than his usual manner, and no one else is present but himself.
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As you can see, he’s speaking towards the Dark Mirror, but he is not referring to it. He speaks of a benefactor. A flower of evil. Interesting choice of words, wouldn’t you think?
It’s like he knows the person he’s seeking after is just on the other side.
For those of you who don’t know, a benefactor is (literal definition) a person who gives money or other to help a person or cause. Basically someone who helps someone else out. And who could that person in need of help be?
Dire Crowley. Is it because he’s in dire circumstances? In need of someone’s help? Here’s a quote I found:
“For you, for me, for them, time is running out.”
Seems urgent or dire, doesn’t it? Also, the terminology he uses here caught my attention as well. He refers to the unknown party as “my proud flower of evil”. What does a flower need? Nurturing. Crowley’s known to use interesting nomenclature for his students, after all.
But now, who does Crowley need to dump all of his problems on, expose them to immense Overblot incidents in the meanwhile? Yuu.
Another piece of evidence I’d like to bring up.
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This confirms that he wasn’t directly referring to the Dark Mirror before, but he was seeking someone out.
The word “visage” can mean the manifestation, image, or aspect of something. From this, my guess is that Crowley is seeking out some unknown party to conform to him, like the flower language used earlier.
I highly doubt the Mirror would bring anyone to NRC who had no magic inside them. Yuu was sent because (I think) Crowley specifically asked.
Grim, a creature (cat-weasel) with immense layers of 1000 year old curse magic, however, was also sent to NRC. But, why?
By this point, we all know about the time loop theory. My personal interpretation is that after each calamity that falls, the cycle repeats again. And again. And again. It’s basically pushed into our faces that Grim will overblot at some point, but his will be even stronger than all of the others’.
Crowley says this to Yuu before he realizes they’re not the typical student.
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Alongside with the coffin/raven imagery, it doesn’t give too good of an idea. That’s why the school is called Night Raven College. Each student represents a bird, a raven. Ravens symbolize the path between the living and spirit realm. Not saying that everyone in TWST is dead, per se…but it’s an interesting concept.
Let’s shy away from this for a moment. Consider this next piece of evidence as well.
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For a student with no magic, it’s a little ironic that Yuu has prophetic dreams of the past, isn’t it? Every time, roughly 3 days before an overblot occurs, they have a dream based off of the overblotee’s member of the Great 7.
Now, anyone who’s watched the Disney movies featuring the villains in TWST know their true story. Obviously. Those in TWST idolize the Great 7, believing them to be good historical figures. Yet, we see the truth. Through Yuu’s eyes.
Let’s take a look at something else.
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Considering the connection between Mickey and Yuu (In Thru the Mirror and Ramshackle Dorm), their interactions are just a bit more than interesting. Yuu sees him in their dreams, and vice versa. I have a small guess that the world of TWST was created by the Mouse himself, tbh.
The name “Mickey” actually means “Who is like God”. My personal best guess is it’s some sort of deviation from Micheal or Mikhail. After all, Mickey IS the mascot of literally everything Disney…
This might sound stupid/outlandish, but that mouse has power. I’m so serious. The Mirrorverse is canon in the Disney universe, after all. My guess is that TWST is one of those worlds, but where the villains were victorious instead of our beloved heroes.
Yuu is the only one to have such prophetic dreams, that we know of thus far. They so happen to embody the ravens perfectly, as they symbolize prophecy and insight. Though Yuu has no magic, it does make me wonder…
Were they blessed by a higher being, to have such powers to reveal the truth?
With all of the context here, it’s clear that the history of Twisted Wonderland is inaccurate. Warped. The villains aren’t actually the heroes, like everyone else thinks. In reality, they’re the complete opposite.
This might be because of propaganda pushed forward by the Seven’s loyal followers, as a way to blot over their muddy images.
Let’s talk about overblots for a moment. With Yuu always being exposed to so many overblots, you’d think they’d eventually go through it themselves. But, they don’t have magic, do they? Or so everyone else thinks.
I have a hunch that Yuu in fact does have some kind of magic, buried deep inside them. It’s dormant, asleep. Needing to be awakened. Needing to be nurtured to show its true colors.
Also, when Yuu first arrived, one of the first individuals we meet is Crowley. He literally says, “There you are!”.
Like he’d been expecting Yuu. Planning for them to come to NRC.
Another thing, Crowley doesn’t seem like the type of person to care all too much if a student misses a ceremony. But, he escorted Yuu there himself. And, when he found out that Yuu had “no magic”, he let them stay instead of sending them home.
You’d think he’d be more eager to send them back to where they came from, right? But, no. He doesn’t seem all too bothered by letting Yuu stay. Like he knows they have some sort of purpose to serve.
But, he has to have a reason for all of this, doesn’t he? Well, it’s not made clear at this moment. Maybe we’ll find out in future books.
Before we wrap it up here, here’s some food for thought, and some of my own personal thoughts.
Dire Crowley knows something everything else doesn’t. And it’s bad. Catastrophic, even. He knew it was bad enough that it could potentially put his world in danger. Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t they? And he needed to call for something. And what would be the thing to save his world?
His beautiful flower of evil.
But, that’s just a theory. :)
@nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @glitchtricks94 come get your food >:)
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kittydoremi · 1 year ago
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Sonic using his boyfriend to wipe his tears 🥲💙🖤
Original meme:
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multimusewonderland · 2 months ago
Sighs. Fire Emblem classes for my muses since it's on my mind:
Dark Choco would be a General, Licorice would be a Necromancer.
Amy would be an Axe Flier, Rouge would be a Rogue (hah), Shadow would be a Myrmidon, Tails would either be a Nine-Tails or a Tactician (or a Sage), and Lancelot would be a Paladin. Juniper would probably be a Bard/Dancer?
Hoppy would be a Taguel (or a Myrmidon), Crafty would be a War Cleric (or a Pegasus Knight), CatNap would be a Dark Mage with Berserk staff equipped, and Cat-Bee would be a Recruit.
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quietlyblooms · 3 months ago
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since i’m gonna write starters on my other blog, i might as well do so over here — like this for something small! if i can manage it, these will be one paragraph max, but feel free to write as much as you’d like in response. i ask that multi’s specify a muse or a few to choose from!
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