#šŸ’› speaks
writingseaslugs Ā· 2 years
Random thought on my mind! Aight so imagine you go to Twisted Wonderland, a completely different world mind you, and you realize nobody speaks your native language. In fact, and language that exists in our world doesnā€™t exist there.
So itā€™s just the opening ceremony and things are going on, Crowley is asking you questions, you are so god damn confused and you say something in your language and everyone is just confused af. And then. AND THEN!
Grim just turns to you and is like ā€œHeyā€¦what language is that?ā€ And itā€™s in your native tongue. You just find out that your native language is the language of beasts in a Twisted, an ancient tongue that nobody except some of true monsters still know today.
So this essentially means you can effectively communicate with any monster race no problemo and Grim is now your translator at school so you gotta rely on him some more. And ofc in typical Grim fashion if he has to translate something he doesnā€™t agree with, he twists your words.
Just the shenanigans that would ensue. Imagine Book 3 like:
Yuu: No, I refuse to make a contract with you.
Grim: I would adore making a contract with you and helping out my beloved friends.
And then Lilia discovers this and becomes teacher mode because he knows a gist of the ancient language. Just hmmmmmm I dunno why this is rent free in my head right now.
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ask-bad-end-sunny Ā· 3 months
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So...can...can I just say that...this scene was totally Omori overcoming Sunny in that moment?
In the game, I always thought it was the same way, or that Sunny was just having a really hard time distinguishing dreams from reality...but, here, you can see the reflection in the blade, how his eye changes to one that's more dull...how, in his thoughts he's NOT wanting to hurt Aubrey like this
Idk maybe it's just me, but that's what I'm seeing going on here...
- šŸ’›
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coulson-is-an-avenger Ā· 6 months
Arthur: I have decided to finally trust you with my life's greatest secret and guilt, and in my vulnerability, you have seen me and understood me. Thank you for being kind to me in my moment of need. I have never called you friend before and so I shall do so now. I trust you, my friend.
John: Cringe. Ratio. Plus beating you to death beating you to death beating you to death beating you to d
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alwaysurvalentine Ā· 1 month
bad days are meant to be shared - st fic
Written for Day 10 of @steddieangstyaugust - prompt: "Where were you?" - word count: 3.7k - cw: some cussing, mentions of nausea but no vomiting (Steve Harrington centric, but Eddie saves the day)
enjoy! šŸ’›
Working at Family Video isĀ fine.Ā It really is. It can be mindless but Steve doesnā€™t mind it, or at least he doesnā€™t mind when he wakes up feeling refreshed. Instead he got to wake up feeling groggy, a heaviness settling in his head that he knows can turn into a migraine if he isnā€™t careful. His heartbeat is already pulsing through his body but he figures the medicine he took this morning with his coffee should hold off the worst of it until Robin comes in. Sheā€™ll be able to talk to the customers and he can just focus on restocking the shelves andĀ rewinding tapes. Heā€™s just got to make it until 2. Only one hour to go until she walks in and so far itā€™s been pretty quiet for a Friday. Only one more hour and then he wonā€™t have to answer the phone when it rings or-
Speaking of the phone, it starts to ring and he sighs. He wishes he didnā€™t have to answer, but would rather answer than listen to it continue to ring ā€“ acting likeĀ an ice pick to his brain.
ā€œThank you for calling Family Video, how can I help you?ā€Ā 
ā€œSteve! Hey!ā€ Robinā€™s out of breath on the other end of the line and Steve canĀ pictureĀ her wrestling jeans on whileĀ talkingĀ on the phone. ā€œCan you do me a huuuuge favor? Can youĀ please pleaseĀ cover for me today? Chrissy invited me out to the lake for a picnic!ā€
He knows heā€™s going to regret it, especially with how his head already feels, but he also knows sheā€™s covered for him before. Plus, heā€™s been dying to tell herĀ ā€˜I told you soā€™Ā about the whole Chrissy Situation (TM), since Robin refuses to believe the other girl likes her. Steveā€™s seen cheerleaders flirt, he knows what it means that Chrissy always finds a way to touch Robin in some way. Examples include bumping shoulders while they walk all the way to brushing Robinā€™s hair behind her ears ā€“ Steve swears sheā€™s hopeless. The girl can figure out Russian in no time, but a girl flirting with her? Might as well be the nuclear codes. Though he thinks Robin could figure that out faster.
ā€œYeah, Robs. ā€˜Course I can.ā€ His voice comes out more gruff than he intended, but the light from the front window is just hitting his eyes worse than it was before. The echo of his pounding heartbeat intensifies. Thereā€™s a small pause on the other end of the phone, damn Robin and her ability to read him. ā€œSomeoneā€™s about to walk in ā€“ talk later?ā€Ā 
ā€œSure, but Ste-ā€Ā He hangs up. No oneā€™s walking up to the store but Steve stands behind the register for a moment regardless. He crosses his arms on the counter in front of him and leans against themĀ for a couple breaths.Ā Now heā€™s got four hours to go before he can leave and no one to cover for him if this headache does become a migraine.Ā Hopefully Hawkins will decideĀ to goĀ to the actual movie theater in town rather than coming in for a rental.Ā FourĀ hours until he getsĀ to goĀ home. Where he planned on cooking dinner for Eddie tonight,Ā shit.Ā His head throbs at the idea.Ā No, itā€™ll be fine.Ā Heā€™ll make it through his shift, make dinner for Eddie, call Robin to ask about her date, clean up dinner, and then go to bed. Imagining his and Eddieā€™s bed, soft sheets and fluffy pillows gives him some hope; imagining Eddieā€™s arms around him when he falls asleep brings a small smile to his face.Ā 
The bell attached to the front door rings and he sighs before standing straight, his customer service smile already painted on his face when he realizes itā€™s Dustin thatā€™s walked through the door. As always, his curls are wild under his cap, and heā€™s wearing his green ā€˜Camp Know Whereā€™ shirt.Ā 
ā€œSteve! Get this! So was messing around withĀ my momā€™sĀ radioĀ to see what parts I could use toĀ make my own phonographĀ -ā€ And the pulsing is back. Steve knows as long as he keeps on nodding every so often and places a couple ā€˜oh really?ā€™s in there Dustin will carry this whole conversation on his own.Ā Dustinā€™s momĀ is a saint, but Steve knows that sometimes her suggestions for ā€˜Dustyā€™ to get some air is to give her some time alone in the house. Which usually leads him to wherever Steve is or the rest of the Party ā€“ Steve seems to be the lucky winner today.
A family makes their way into the store,Ā Mrs. Dawson and her two boys. Steve doesnā€™t remember their names but he eyes them as they race off to the cartoon section of the shelves. Mrs. Dawson sets down a couple movies in front of him on the counter, a grimace on her face. Her lipstick is a bright pink that almost hurts to look at.Ā 
ā€œLet me just pull up your account to get this squared away. Did you need help finding anything today?ā€ His voice sounds plastic even to him, and distantly he can hear Dustin still talking about the pieces of the camcorder.Ā What the hell is a beam splitter?Ā Anyway ā€“ Amelia Dawsonā€™s record shows the two movies on the counter, sheā€™s turning them in on the last day before late fees but thatā€™s fine. He checks that sheā€™s returned them and goes to grab the cases (Robin HoodĀ andĀ Peteā€™s DragonĀ smile up at him from their plastic covers); now that he has his hands on them ā€“ are very sticky. Like dipped in caramel sticky. Luckily Mrs. Dawsonā€™s attention is back on her boys who have decided to try and play tag in the aisles, uncaring of their elbows catching on movies at the end of shelves and leaving them to clatter on the floor. Steve fights a gag at the feeling and scoots the movies to the side of the counter, he can rewind them later.Ā 
ā€œSo as I was saying,Ā now I just have to get a couple of parts from Radio Shack and I should be able to record my own waves and see what they look like. If I can do that, then-ā€ Steve tunes him out again, nodding along like he has any idea about what Dustin is talking about.Ā Why does he need to see how words sound?
ā€œBoys, come on now, we donā€™t want to keep daddy waiting ā€“ letā€™s go. Time for a late lunch.ā€ Luckily, the twins ā€“Ā who he finally remembers areĀ Michael and Matthew ā€“ take off towards the door at their momā€™s words. Pushing at each other to see whoā€™s going to get there first. The cardboard cut out for the month, Sigourney Weaverā€™s character from Aliens, falls to the floor in their wake but at least the store is noticeably quieter without them. Dustin asks to use the bathroom and Steve just nods as he rounds the counter. The movies that fell earlier get placed on the shelf and he makes a mental note to move them to the right places before he leaves today.Ā Heā€™s standing the cutout back up when he gets hit with a wave of nausea. He closes his eyes and slowly inhales, knows if he pukes now the rest of his shift will be absolute hell. With his eyes closed itā€™s a lot easier to hone in on the sounds of the fluorescent lights. Normally itā€™s a gentle buzz in the background, but today the lights seem to be doing their best impression of a drum line that just wonā€™t quit. The nausea lessens and Steve glances at his watch.Ā JustĀ three hoursĀ left to go.
ā€œSteve, what do you think?ā€ Hazel eyes blink and Dustin comes into focus again, his eyes expectant. Steve knows heā€™s waiting for an answer to something but he genuinely has no idea what was just asked of him.Ā Dustinā€™s eyebrows furrow slightly as the silence continues. Steveā€™s head is still throbbing and he can feel his heartbeat all the way down to his fingers.Ā 
ā€œWhat did you say?ā€Ā 
Dustin huffs, rolling his eyes before repeating(?) his question. ā€œIĀ said, do you think that we can record the sound of silence as a sound wave? Because when itā€™s quiet your ears can make that ringing noise, do you think itā€™s quantifiable? And if it is, do you think thereā€™s some kind of link to that sound to the part of the ear thatĀ is affected by deafness?ā€
Steve knows all of those words individually, but thinking of them in a sequence that makes sense to him right now is not happening. He even knows what Dustin means by the ringing noise, but he didnā€™t realize other people heard that too ā€“ thought that was just a him thing. Dustin must be able to tell he doesnā€™t have an answer because he crosses his arms.Ā 
ā€œDo you even listen to me when Iā€™m talking?ā€ Steve shouldnā€™t, especially with how riled up Dustin already appears to be, but he tunes him out again. ChoosingĀ insteadĀ to focus on the man walking through the door behind his friend.Ā 
ā€œWelcome to Family Video!ā€Ā 
Distantly Steve wonders if Robin and Chrissy are having a good time at the lake, itā€™s been a sunny day.Ā Probably hot enough to swim honestly.Ā He feels bad for thinking it, but he hopes that Eddieā€™s bandmates are gone by the time he gets home. Normally heā€™d be fine with them at the apartment since they help bring out the best in Eddie, but he knows that they can also get pretty loud, especially if theyā€™re messing with their instruments. He still needs to reorganize the shelves and rewind a couple films before the end of his shift. The thought of dinner makes his stomach turn and he wishes he could just go to bed once he gets home. But tonightā€™s his turn to cook, him and Eddie switching off days to make sure no oneā€™s cooking all of the time.Ā 
ā€œExcuse me?ā€ A hand snaps in front of his face, bringing his attention to Mr. Jamesonā€™s annoyed face. ā€œCan you check me out or not? I donā€™t see anyone else here.ā€ His words bite and Steve silently nods. Glancing at the title before looking up his name in the system. The screen is blurry and all the words look like one long dark line across the screen.Ā 
ā€œSorry, sir. Your total is-ā€ before Steve could finish a five dollar bill was placed on the counter. ā€œOkay, your change is $3.50. Here you-ā€
ā€œNo, you owe me four dollars back. Not $3.50. This is why I normally have that girl check me out. Youā€™d think youā€™d know how much to charge by now.ā€Ā 
ā€œNo sir, itā€™s 50 cents per day, and typical rental time is three days. So thatā€™s $1.50 which makes your change $3.50.ā€ The change sits in Steveā€™s hand, two quarters pinched between his index finger and thumb. Mr. Jameson stares him down, eyes filled with anger, and Steveā€™s over it. Whatever, heā€™s got 5o cents in his car that he can put in the drawer to make it balanced later. He pops open the drawer and pulls out another dollar, dropping the quarters back into their slot. Four dollar bills are snatched from his hand and Mr. Jameson grunts before stomping out the door.Ā 
ā€œSteve? What the hell? Youā€™re just going to let him talk to you like that?ā€ Dustinā€™s voice is shrill when he talks, getting higher near the end, and Steve justĀ breaks.
ā€œPleaseĀ shut up.ā€Ā Dustinā€™s mouth closes with a snap, a look of hurt on his face. Steve wants to say more, explain that having his eyes opensĀ hurtsĀ and that he canā€™t be bothered with customers who donā€™t know how to be decent; canā€™t be bothered with remembering what parts of the radio and camcorder and VCR player Dustin took apart for his personal project. He wants to explain that he really needs to put a cold compress on his head and lay down in the pitch black silence of his room for a few hours to be human again.Ā 
None of this makes its way out of his tense jaw though and Dustin must decide heā€™s done with Steve for the day because he says nothing before turning and making his way towards the door.Ā Fuck.
The last two hours of Steveā€™s shift passes in a blur. Someone tries to call the phone and instead of answering he covers his ears until the ringing stops and then unhooks it from the receiver. A couple of girls try fluttering their eyes at him to see what his weekend plans are but all he can think about is how heā€™s going to get through dinner with Eddie, and they finally leave with a disappointed glance at each other.Ā 
Finally, heā€™s able to turn the open sign around ā€“ and then he remembers he never organized the movies from earlier. He fixes the shelves by dwindling sunlight, having shut off the overhead lights as soon as he could. It takes him about 30 minutes to fix it all, pausing every so often to just stand with his eyes closed. The words have lost their meanings and he hopes that basing his sorting off of the cover pictures is good enough.
Sitting in his car is the most relief Steveā€™s gotten all day. Eyes closed behind sunglasses he had clipped on his visor and the engine off he takes the time to breathe; the nausea has been coming and going on its own in waves and he almost wishes he could just go to sleep in his car. Getting back to the apartment is only possible through muscle memory and the knowledge that dinner still has to be made.Ā He waits another few minutes in the car, trying to decide if any of the cars outside are of the bandā€™s, or if heā€™s officially got Eddie all to himself.Ā For the first time today he feels lucky when he doesnā€™t see Jeffā€™s car.Ā 
Living on the second floor has its benefits, like not having upstairs neighbors and getting lots of natural sunlight for the apartment. It also has its downsides, like carrying heavy groceries in the heat and getting up to their door in one piece when a migraine has him by the throat.Ā Even his key turning in the lock makes him cringe, clenching his teeth together as he steps in. Itā€™s quiet in the apartment, a certain stillness in the air that Steve appreciates. He toes off his shoes, setting his keys in the little ceramic bowl El gifted him and Eddie when they moved, and then bends to straighten his shoes to the wall. Bending doesĀ notĀ help his nausea and he swallows down a gag.Ā 
ā€œStevie, honey? You make it home?ā€ Eddie rounds the corner, a grin already on his face. His hair rests on his shoulders, frizzy curls around his head like a halo. Steve musters a small smile at Eddie,Ā closing the distance between them with a few steps.Ā The shirt Eddieā€™s wearing is well worn, old enough now that the words on the front have faded into the black around themĀ and the collar is stretched out enough that Steve can almost see the top of a spiderā€™s leg.
ā€œHey, hungry?ā€ Normally Steve matches Eddieā€™s energy as best he can, but he can already feel his energy draining again. Shouldā€™ve sat in the car for a little while longer. He presses a quick kiss to Eddieā€™s cheek and continues his path to the kitchen.Ā 
ā€œYou read my mind. You okay with cooking while I finish up some stuff before dinner? I promise youā€™ll have me all to yourself once food is ready. Just have some chords to figure out after talking with Gareth about some timing stuff.ā€Ā Steve hopes Eddieā€™s looking when he nods because all of the movement from the stairs has caught up to him and he doesnā€™t think he has it in him to speak right now.Ā 
Alone in the kitchen Steve just breathes.Ā Almost done. Just have to brown the meat, toss it into some sauce and make the noodles. Easy.Ā 
All of the ingredients are sitting on the counter when Steve finally loses the battle with his nausea and darts to the bathroom. He keeps the lights off, more focused on kneeling on the tile and trying to breathe through his gagging. A few minutes go by and heā€™s able to take a full breath in ā€“ just sitting down has taken the edge off. The darkness of the bathroom is more than welcome, he just wishes he wasnā€™t crouched over in his jeans still. Soft footsteps sound from the hallway heading towards the kitchen,Ā guess Eddie finished his stuff.
ā€œStevie? Whereā€™d you go?ā€ As much as heā€™d love to answer, the effort it would take to yell for Eddie isnā€™t worth it right now so instead Steve leans against the tub, coolness spreading across his back. Another moment passes and Eddie rounds the corner to the bathroom, confusion on his face.
ā€œYou okay, sweetheart?ā€Ā 
Three words and the dam holding Steve together just,Ā breaks.Ā His head pounds worse when the tears start but he canā€™t stop now that heā€™s started. TodayĀ sucked.Ā And now his nightā€™s going just as poorly.Ā Canā€™t even get dinner made.Ā Eddieā€™s still looking at him but he canā€™t make out his expression through the tears blurring his vision.Ā 
ā€œOkay, alright, come here.ā€ And then Eddieā€™s kneeling on the ground, arms outstretched for Steve to lean in to. As soon as he leans in, heā€™s crumpling into Eddieā€™s arms.Ā 
Steveā€™s not sure how long they sit there, him crying into Eddieā€™s shirt, but the collar is nice and damp by the time he pulls away.Disgusting.
ā€œAs much as I love this surprise cuddle session, wanna tell me whatā€™s going on?ā€Ā He knows Eddie doesnā€™t mean to, but the sound of his boyfriendā€™s voice almost seems to echo in the bathroom. Steve shakes his head and whines, tries to burrow further into Eddie ā€“ done with pretending. His headĀ hurtsĀ and his whole body feelsĀ heavyĀ like concrete. Right now the best thing in the world is having his eyes shut, head tucked into Eddieā€™s neck, and having his back rubbed. Without an answer though, Eddie leans back, staring at Steve hard like heā€™s going to hear the answer if he thinks at Steve hard enough.Ā 
ā€œHead.ā€ Just one word takes a herculean effort and Steve watches as recognition lights in Eddieā€™s eyes.Ā Finally.Ā And then Steve blinks long and slow.Ā 
When Steve cracks his eyes open again heā€™s greeted by the wall of his and Eddieā€™s bedroom instead of the white of the bathroom. His head is still pounding but at least itā€™s dark in here, the curtains are drawn and he has a feeling even if they were open only the moon would greet him. He knows Eddieā€™s not currently in the room because the air feels still, and distantly he thinks he can hear movement in the kitchen.Ā 
Shit, dinner.Ā He was supposed to cook dinner tonight.Ā He hears the small creak of the door opening and he shuts his eyes again ā€“ heā€™s not ready to see or talk to Eddie yet. Embarrassment heats his face remembering how much he cried earlier, not that Eddie hasnā€™t seen him in worse states. ButĀ Steve HarringtonĀ taken down by a simple headache?Ā Stupid. Canā€™t even contribute to the house like Eddie. Canā€™t keep up with Dustin when he talks. Canā€™t be happy for his best friend when she lands a date.Ā 
ā€œHey, baby. Gotta wake up, I want you to take some medicine and drink some water.ā€ A gentle hand is on Steveā€™s calf, rubbing slightly to ā€˜wakeā€™ him. He burrows deeper into the blankets instead of rolling over.
ā€œBabyā€¦ā€ And now Eddie just sounds disheartened, another person Steve needs to apologize to. Eddie first, for crying for no reason. Then Dustin for not listening to his rant. Then Robin for not being more excited for her. ā€œMedicine and then water, then you can sleep some more. Come on.ā€Ā 
ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ Steve rolls over, tugging the blanket with him . Heā€™s miserable and canā€™t think of anything better than sleep. Tomorrow he can make it up to Eddie; make him breakfast, do the laundry, make a grocery list, ask him how handing out with the guys went, check in about -
ā€œ-vie, I need you to focus for just a couple minutes. Where do you keep going? Get out of that head of yours, canā€™t imagine itā€™s helping your migraine.ā€ The words are whispered and Steve blinks at Eddie. Brown eyes meet his and he manages a small smile.Ā 
ā€œNo need for all that. If youā€™d listened the first time youā€™d know I donā€™t mind. I love getting to take care of you. I love you.Ā Stop worrying about whatever it is, thereā€™s nothing you need to make up for ā€“ so no more apologies.ā€ Eddieā€™s so earnest when he talks, a smile on his face causing small dimples to form. Heā€™s holding a glass of water in one hand and a couple of pills in the other, but itā€™s the damp washcloth Steve can see draped on his wrist that brings a tear to his eye. Doesnā€™t matter if Eddie never said those three words again,Ā his actions say them enough. Damp wash cloths when Steveā€™s head hurts, standing up for Steve when one of the kidā€™s decides they donā€™t want to explain a reference they make, or even when he flashes him a knowing smile behind Robinā€™s head when sheā€™s talking about Chrissy. Heā€™s full of love, and no matter how much Steve might feel like heā€™s messed up ā€“ he knows Eddieā€™s got enough love for him too.
ā€œHey, why are we crying? Sit up and take these.ā€ With a small sniffle Steve nods, sits up, and takes the medicine. The washcloth is cool on his skin where Eddie rests it, letting him burrow back into the blankets ā€“ and the last thing he feels is a gentle kiss to his cheek before sleep takes him again.Ā 
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theclichefortunecookie Ā· 12 days
Hello! I am Mohammed the father of three children of Muhannad, Karam, and karim.
and I ask you to support my campaign to help me achieve my goal. šŸ‰šŸ„¹
I desperately need your support now to help my family survive and be safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place in terms of life and life. šŸ„¹šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø
I need your financial support to enable me to obtain the basic needs of my family so that the Rafah crossing is reopened to transfer my family to safety and peace. šŸ’”šŸ„ŗ
Please help the family survive through your small donations or šŸ™šŸ™šŸ‰through your contribution
Mohammed's campaign has been vetteed by The ButterflyEffect Project #503 on their list and also Paliliberation and is Family #40 on their list. They are incredibly low on funds please consider donating!
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integrityvictim Ā· 8 months
Yeowch. The fall from those heels seemed bad. You okay?
The last time I wore heels, the blades in my ankles tore them off... but I digress.
~ @triedntrueluckheart
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āœ¦ Ā· Ā· Ā· Ā· ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ Ā· Ā· Ā· Ā· āœ¦
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blackjack-bullets Ā· 8 months
Hey, are you business 'cause I need more of you
Mo what are you doing?
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nyatbinary-81 Ā· 4 months
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@vulpixisananimal sifstem art jumpscare!! more specifically i got bored and decided to mess around with sif and mal's outfits.
#my art#this is how I think theyd present themselves either in person or in headspace. the slouchers <3#sifs outfit is simple; the boots i always give them (but with star laces for funsies); loose sweater; simple pants#the pants are Meant to be jeans but isat doesnt Specifically Have Jeans so. theyre just Pants.#the sweater is slightly looser bc sif doesnt seem like a Form Fitting Clothes kinda guy to me but hes Trying to be more open#on particularly good days theyll roll the sleeves up or wear a sleeveless one methinks#even if everyone Knows abt the self-harm scars its hard to Look at them.#i also associate them being more open with them not wearing an eyepatch. esp bc hes the only one of the three to go without it#for mal (or 'ami' as i like to call it) i wanted smth reminiscent of a mourning outfit bc mal du pays means homesickness#and i picked 'ami' as a nickname bc ami means friend :] at least according to my basic translator. i dont speak french <3#ami's outfit being dark is also reminiscent of the inversion thing its got going on in canon.#ik the veil is starred in the original but i think ami would want the fewest reminders of home. on account of The Issues#(actually if i can come back to sifs laces sif also has issues with reminders of it bc of the memory loss but the shoelaces are His Choiceā€”#ā€”which gives them a form of control over it and they can keep it subtle or undo it if he wants. which makes it easier)#anyway. i put amis hair in an updo and smoothed the hat bc i think ami wants to be Unremarkable. Unknown. so it keeps its silhouette Simple#(it still keeps the pins. theres smth comforting abt them. they shine like stars and theyre not stars and theyre not Home. but theyre You.)#and i kept the long hair i gave loop. dont ask me why its so long when the canon hair is short. maybe their hair kept growing over the loop#OH and i drew ami in a side profile bc Silhouette and also bc i think itd make an effort to keep people away from its blind spot#andddd i think thats about it? plus i actually managed to keep this one within a reasonable timeframe.#if their hair changes lengths/the proportions change between drawings. no they dont šŸ’› peace and love and body craft#OH AND YOU FINALLY GET TO SEE WHAT I MEAN ABT SIFS BOOTS BC THESE ARE THE BOOTS I GAVE THEM ON MY REGULAR DESIGN ARENT THEY NEAT#i did actually try to give sif a different font but nothing Works for them like the pixel font. i cant explain it.#i think 'ami' would be a nickname that mira gives it. bc. shes Fantasy French. and its a sort of 'youre more than your yearning/loss' thing#me every time i think abt sifstem: yeah they just rotate in my head. nothing major#me every time i talk abt sifstem: oh hey im almost at tag limit again#au Good what can i say
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christiangeistdorfer Ā· 2 months
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inkspottie Ā· 6 months
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Did this on Twitter, but I like to post it here too
It just blows my mind how much Iā€™ve improved
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lycankeyy Ā· 6 months
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I ended up being too lazy to edit the shitposts properly but I just need everyone to know that there are Multiple ships introduced in 97 that this could apply to is really funny to me. Someone on the writing team was into dilfs I think
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ask-bad-end-sunny Ā· 2 months
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Aaaaand here it is!! A lil piece of art to commemorate this blog reaching 200 followers!!! :D
Thank you so much guys for all your support, asks and fanart that you've given to this blog!! I really appreciate all of it! I never expected this blog to get this far, but it's great that it has, I've had so much fun drawing all the sprites and art for this blog!! All the positive feedback I've gotten from you guys means so much!!
So, thank you, and I hope you enjoy the art!! God bless!! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
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writingseaslugs Ā· 2 years
i'm the anon that's been sending those long domestic drabbles of the fish-y mafia, can I be the "chatter box anon" ? a prime nickname for all of them would be "Cuddle fish" Azul likes bodily contact, he had 8 extra limbs, not counting arms, to work with previously, and frankly, he might lose his mind if he can only use 2 to hold his S/O ever; slip him into water and let him hold you like a teddy bear, he might cry on stress if you don't- his tentacles like to just.. curl around your legs and waist, it's just their resting state, it's almost like holding hands except Azul is a whole lot clingier than even a typical octopus; feign ignorance and let him snuggle. Being held gently by 10 limbs is the new therapy babes, Floyd's squeezes are actually a whole less painful than one would think, why? Because you hug him back, happily!- He becomes hyper-aware of how frail his shrimpy is when you attempt to squeeze him during the hug and it's such a soft thing. He still holds you off the ground when you hug, in fact, he's now your main way of transport; did you know shrimps ride moray eels? (yes, it's a reference) Yeah? Good, buckle up because you're the shrimpy and he's your captain speaking- Jade now understands the urge to squeeze things; and bite, and nuzzle, and frankly he's drunk on the physical affection. He will wake up with a lot of kisses all over his face, or wake you up with many kisses, would stand in the doorway in every single room and make you give him a kiss as a "toll" for walking around your shared living space- Jade is far more love drunk and affectionate than anyone would ever expect, but expecting him to be anything else other than that was when bets went out the door anyway; he talks about his 'siren' or 'little pearl' to his terrariums, picking up pretty shells in the deep waters (1/2)
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Honestly I absolutely adore all your little headcanons and domestic fluff content. It makes my day honestly and I can totally see all of these things happen. Clingy Fish Mafia is for the win.
I'm just sayin, Chatterbox, if you ever wanted I think you should make a Twisted Blog. Your ideas are honestly amazing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this. You seriously brighten my day with your long posts. If you ever do start the Twisted Chatterbox blog, let me know so I can follow and promote you, aight? If not, then feel free to keep coming into my inbox. I can always use some domestic fluff for the fish mafia...not to mention you seriously inspire me so much. I'm currently writing a cuddling headcanons for the fish mafia at the moment.
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sxilor-1010 Ā· 1 month
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theclichefortunecookie Ā· 17 days
Hello there, šŸ‘‹
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.šŸŒ¹šŸŒ¹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø
Thanks a lot in advance ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
Dr. Tamer Al-Deeb is #191 on @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi's list and is at ā‚¬24,226 out of ā‚¬40k! He is 60% if we can continue to support him and his family's campaign!
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whitherwanderer Ā· 3 months
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Ever forward, starry-eyedā€” ā˜€ļø
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