#💙❄melted hearts❄💙
mrstsung · 1 month
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Kuai liang subzero appreciation post
Aka imho the truest subzero.
I wanna make a bi-han subzero post but sadly the only ones we get aren't very good. I'll have to make my own sadly.
To me kuai liang is subzero. He is the truest keeper of the moniker. Imho although bi-han was subzero before him,and has carried that moniker even until death and beyond. To me bi-han even if he ever returns properly (aka becomes mortal and gets rid of the noob saibot demon. And don't get turned into a mockery of himself -_- ) he'd retire,even if he uses it from time to time he prefers now to be simply called bi-han. And to me i feel he would feel kuai liang has earned the title of grandmaster and he would want kuai liang his lil bro to be happy and rightfully so as any big bro would. To me,the subzero brothers are true brothers both in blood and comrades. To me i feel kuai is subzero. A master cryomancer. And y'all should put some respect on that mans name.
Same with bi-han. Bi-han has earned retirement. Peace. And a life free of kombat. If I'm not mistaken,that was his original arcade ending. Bi-hans.
Plz for the love of elder gods,give that man a break!!!
And bi-han being proud of kuai achieving beyond any other lin kuei,becoming grandmaster,restoring the lin kuei to it's truest self,and became the warrior bi-han knew he could be. His big bro is proud of the man,the warrior,kuai has become.
And all honestly i feel that how they should end their arch.
Bi-han making amends with hanzo. Bi-han retired. Kuai being the new leader. And hanzo restoring his clan. Having his peace too. Like god damn let the ninjas be happy and retire. The best that we could have in this damn game. Sure they can still fight but damn. Let them be happy. Fuck!...
Anyways. Kuai. I love you,you sparkle snow baby.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
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Drew some self ship stuff with kuai. Haven't done anything for him in a bit.
Anyways enjoy kuai liang,sub zero.
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icy-warden · 1 year
Get yourself a blood mage boyfriend who will boil the blood of your enemies just to see you smile 🥰
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rosileeduckie · 9 months
Mean, but Sweet
After all this, I don't know, the naughty list doesn't seem so bad...
Patton can be very mean, if it makes someone else happy 😈💙
Potential warnings: none. Sanders Sides, Janus/Patton tickle fic.
A Squealing Santa Christmas gift for @trashyswitch! Hoping it's worth the wait, and wishing you the happiest new year! 😊😘 Thanks so so so much @squealing-santa Hypah our hero for hosting this year!! Lots of love for everyone who participated; congrats everybody!! ❤❄
Word count: 6,406
There’s something very attractive about winter. The season is uniquely deep and dark, and Janus can’t help but thrive when there are shadows aplenty, easy to hide in and hide things in. A societal expectation to make nice with everyone also leads to the hilarious sight of people performing their “best life” routine by lying through smiling teeth and juggling a million more responsibilities that, no, they definitely don’t need help with. What could he say, it all made Janus feel very at ease, in the presence of deceit wrapped in pretty paper.
But, then, he wasn’t so cynical this year. He blamed his cohorts for melting his too-small heart over the course of the year to the point where he could now appreciate the whimsy that twinkling fairy lights give to a chilly winter evening. Still dark, but warm, too.
Metaphorically and literally warm–it was not quite a winter wonderland outside the house. Still, the lower temperature and earlier sunset and merry decorations and seasonal flavors in Janus’ mug and the obnoxiously patterned and colored sweater on his body really did make it feel like Christmas. Certainly, the Mind Palace could have been nestled in a snow globe setting if the Sides so desired, but they were partial to their host’s house in Florida. It wasn’t a white Christmas, but it was cozy and homey and–Janus could begrudgingly admit–nice.
Janus was skillfully juggling two mugs as he walked into the living room. In one hand, he carried a peppermint mocha in a plain red vessel, simple and hot. In the other hand, he held a mug covered with scenes of snowmen decorating a pine tree with little birds. The contents of that mug were just as extravagant and sweet: gingerbread spiced hot cocoa completely obscured beneath a layer of marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles.
When Janus set the dessert in a cup on the coffee table, Patton looked up and smiled, his eyes really sparkling under the lights of the room’s opulent tree beside which he sat. The mug was just the newest addition to Patton’s station at the coffee table. Before him were a few sheets of notebook paper, a quill and ink, and a desk lamp and extension cord, which Janus stepped carefully over to sit on the couch just behind Patton.
“Aw, Janus!” Patton beamed, setting down his quill to reach for the mug. “Thank you!”
Even if the gap was seeming to narrow these days, Janus couldn’t help but marvel at how different he and Patton were sometimes. What an easy but incredible show of trust; any of the other Sides would have asked Janus what he wanted in return for such a thoughtful and good deed. (He would have answered “nothing,” but whether or not that was true, who could say?) “Not a problem,” Janus replied, taking a sip of his own drink. “How’s the naughty list looking this year?”
Patton giggled. He had a mustache of sweet fluff on his lip as he set down his mug and drew his quill. “Oh, I can’t say about that. But I do know Santa will have lots of ideas as to what to get you kids if you DO stay on the nice list.” He dipped the quill tip in his inkwell, humming with an audible grin. “Of course, I can’t imagine why you WOULDN’T be on the nice list…”
Janus crossed one leg over his knee and tapped his foot in a subtle but delighted rhythm. “Patton, lying at this time of year?” he tutted. “That nice list is slippery, you know. And lying around me, no less.” Janus leaned forward enough that the hissing chuckle that spread his lips into a smile could tickle Patton’s ear. “Is that my Christmas present?”
Ducking out of reach with a snort, Patton replied, “It’s not lying if I believe you all deserve the best gifts.” He turned to give Janus a boop on the nose with the fluffy end of his quill. “And it’s NOT the gift I have written down, I’ll have you know.”
For a moment, Janus’ eyes caught on the feather–a beautiful thing of blue and iridescent greens and purples that felt as soft as it looked–but curiosity shook him free, and he looked past the writing tool, blurring the beautiful colors as he focused his gaze on the page of just-dry ink. “It’s not?”
“Hey now!” Patton threw out his arm and leaned to one side so as to block Janus’ view. “No peeking!”
Undeterred, Janus didn’t fall back, just snickered and looked at Patton levelly. “What? I hardly need to know what you think I need for gifts.” He rested his chin in his hand, batting his eyelashes and tapping his cheek with his index finger. “But, say, what if I need ideas for our gift swap with the others? You know how hard Logan is to buy for.” (Untrue; Logan wasn’t hard to buy for, just irritatingly specific, which took out all the fun of surprising someone with their gift. Janus did love a good surprise.)
Eyes narrowed, Patton considered this before shaking his head and turning back to his makeshift desk. “No peeking,” he reiterated firmly. “Sensitive information here, for no one’s eyes but Mr Claus himself.” He paused, musing, then smiled. “Or his secretary. He is a busy guy.”
Janus nodded with a humoring hum. He sipped his coffee, nonchalantly scooting on the couch to be closer to Patton. If the scribe noted the movement, he didn’t mind, even leaning back against Janus’ calf and continuing to write. Janus waited a moment, then another, letting Patton’s guard slowly fall. The snake was hardly invested in letters to Santa Claus, but he did enjoy teasing and getting a rise out of Patton. And, who knows, maybe Janus would end up with someone with a scant wish-list and need a gift idea or two to fall back on. When the air felt calm enough to chance it, Janus leaned forward to peek over Patton’s shoulder.
Quick as a cobra, Patton had whirled around, brandishing his feather quill at Janus. “AH!” he admonished, tipping his head to one side and flashing a warning smile. “You better watch out.”
“You better not cry,” Janus replied with a smirk, leaning back a bit with his hands and mug raised placatingly. “Or what, Patton dear?”
Patton’s lower lip puffed out thoughtfully, and he hummed, clicking his tongue a few times. Janus waited, eyebrows raised and lips crookedly elevated. Then, Patton’s scrunched up thinking face relaxed before brightening into a big smile. He didn’t answer Janus’ question, just turned back to his list. Moreover, he didn’t move away but stayed close enough to be leaned up against Janus’ leg and, potentially, surely, observed by Janus’ looming eyes. The risk was worth the reward, and it would have been punishment to both of them to move apart. (It was nature for a Side, however deeply buried; even the prickliest of them liked company and a cuddle. And pushing their luck.)
Janus took a long sip from his drink and sighed, opening his mouth exaggeratedly wide both because it felt nice and because it tended to freak out any Sides who saw. He leaned forward, reaching purposely past Patton to set down his mug on the far side of the coffee table, securing for himself the perfect view of Patton’s cursive scrawl as well as the ideal perch to view it from, his chin resting upon the soft sweater fabric of Patton’s shoulder. Actually, it was cozy enough there, warm and soothing to the tune of Patton’s breathing and humming, and hard enough to read Patton’s handwriting from that distance, that Janus was content to close his eyes and not even try to peek. So he jumped a little, blinking in confusion, when Patton spoke again, but not quite to his current companion.
“‘And what do I ask of you dear Janus? Well, Santa, that’s quite simple. For my dear Janus, I want him to get the biggest and best–’” Patton paused, striking through the last word of his dictation with a flourish. “‘–the WORSE lee mood for Christmas.’”
Patton glanced sideways at him and smiled when Janus snickered. His head bobbed a bit atop the pleased wiggle that shook Patton’s shoulders. It wasn’t exactly a difficult thing to ask for for Christmas. The Sides, different as they could be, could all find fun in being tickled or making someone else laugh, so moods longing for one or the other were not uncommon. Sure, Virgil was more likely to be yearning for an onslaught of gentle belly tickles, whereas Remus would be more often found with fingers twitching in hopes of digging up screams from between someone’s ribs, and Logan could slide back and forth along that scale in a second. But still, it was a safe bet that someone in the Mind Palace was hoping to be or happy to be tickled. Because even if, somehow, no one was actively in a lee mood, one could pretty easily be teased out. Janus fell in the middle of the chaos, fluid like Logan in the part he was ready to play–tickle monster or squealing victim–and not one to be easily teased into a mood–not to be knocked over with a feather, so to say. Sure, seeing Patton twirl his feather quill thoughtfully and being actively threatened with a lee mood–not even being tickled, just infected with the desire to be–may have flustered Janus well enough, but he was cozy enough where he sat to weather the attack. So he only smiled, smug, closing his eyes and staying cuddled up, however awkwardly leaning, up against Patton’s shoulder.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have been so trusting.
“‘The kind of lee mood that makes you feel so warm and giddy and fuzzy,’” Patton went on, and Janus could hear the big smile around his words, “‘like just thinking about being tickled makes you feel tinsel between your toes and snowflake soft feathers on your belly. I want him to be so happy and flustered that he can only giggle and hiss and do that cute thing where he shakes his legs and taps his feet.’”
They didn’t live in a place with snowy winters, but Janus felt a phrase often used in that region come to mind: deceptively sunny. It was the scenario when one looked out the window to marvel at a beautiful winter landscape, blanketed in crystalline snow and brilliant beneath a crisp blue sky and bright sun, only to step outside and take in a breath that felt like a crackling snap in the lungs. Sunny, but cold. That was Patton. Warm, friendly, happy, but, just beneath, positively wicked. Freezing cold and sharp under a pretty sun, a hot spiced drink under sweet white fluff. Janus felt his stomach turn, swoop like at the drop in a roller-coaster, and burst with a blizzard of butterflies. He couldn’t look away from Patton’s quill as it bobbed, scrawling teases into paper that Janus was suddenly jealous of. Okay, maybe he was easier to tease a mood from than he cared to admit.
And perhaps Patton could read his mind, because he conveniently exclaimed, “‘Oh, and teases! Yes! He needs to get all the teases that make his cheeks go red and his scales change color!’”
Janus’ scales were certainly not doing anything of the sort when Patton paused in writing. He pursed his lips, smiled, and jumped back into his letter.
“‘And, you know, I think this mood’s gotta last until Christmas day, so maybe you can send him some tickly dreams in the meantime, too! Maybe twelve days of them would be fitting?’” Patton’s tongue poked between his top and bottom teeth as he giggled. He cleared his throat, donning a more serious face for continuing his letter to Santa. “‘If that’s too much, don’t worry about it; I’d be happy to take some of the work off your hands. I’m actually writing this letter to you with a beautiful feather quill I got for my birthday–Roman said he just knew I’d get a kick out of being fancy while writing letters. But it’s a beautiful plume, my favorite kind of teal blue and so soft to the touch.’”
‘Writing’ was a stretch; Patton wasn’t even touching the pen to the paper anymore, just twirling the pretty thing between his fingers. It was as long as a hand, with the non-writing end fanning out into a subtle fluffy curl. Its fibers seemed to float lazily as Patton waved the quill around, and Janus imagined they were so delicate as to not even be felt–until they found a place so sensitive on the body that they wouldn’t be ignored. Janus’ usually dark eyes and slitted pupils were bright and dilated, focused so on the gossamer feather that he took little note of Patton looking sideways at him, watching his reactions, with a grin.
Patton sighed dreamily. “‘I bet it would feel so nice tracing down Janus’ neck or around his belly or along his hips. Or circling every scale he has.’” When he smirked at Janus, he would have seen the scales on his face flushed a dark brown-gold. “‘Maybe what I should actually ask you to bring is a good tickle session for Janus on Christmas, and I can do the teasing the twelve days before. Whatever you decide, please know that I am a very good judge of character, and I know that Janus has been SO good this year–’”
Janus’ stomach did another giddy loop-de-loop when Patton chuckled and adjusted his glasses.
“I suppose you’re right, Jan; I should be honest, shouldn’t I?” Patton winked, and Janus’ face may have been warm enough to toast marshmallows on. “‘I know that Janus has been VERY naughty this year, and, so, deserves only the sweetest, meanest, most thorough lee mood, teasing, and wrecking that he’s had all year. And, if your present to me is that I get to deliver this for Janus, I certainly wouldn’t complain. Sincerely yours, Patton.’”
Patton’s smile didn’t falter when Janus stood abruptly from his seat, but his eyebrows did rise expectantly. “I’ve finished my coffee,” Janus answered before Patton could ask. “If you’ll excuse me.” Clutching his half-full mug tightly in his hand, Janus skirted widely around the coffee table and death sentence of a Christmas list. He stopped short at the bottom of the stairs, turning to give Patton a forcibly cool nod. “Thank you for your company.”
After a few startled blinks, Patton snorted and held a hand to his rosy freckled cheek. “Signed, sealed, delivered,” he said to Janus with a grin and a shake of his head. “It’s a little too late to try and get on the nice list now~”
Janus fled calmly up the stairs, ears flushed at the last sight of Patton waving the feather quill to him in farewell.
The teal fluffy feather was all Janus could see, later–minutes? hours? days? he really couldn’t say–when he lay buried beneath his duvet, trying to pat the heat and smile from his cheeks. The trick really was not to think about it, all the lovely teases Patton had wished for him, but how could he do that when that damn feather was running rampant in his brain, dusting all his thoughts to make them tickly. He had just finished his coffee, too, so he couldn’t even hope to drift off for a cozy little nap. It’d be just his luck though; he’d probably get a dream that would fluster him awake or the second he awoke.
With a huff of a sigh, Janus threw off the covers. If the call was coming from inside the house, there was no point in hiding; if his mind was the monster, a blanket wasn’t going to save him. Besides that, the heat of his sweater and flushing cheeks was beginning to make the bubble of space between his blanket and his bed feel like an oven. He sat up enough to free himself from his sweater and dropped it off the side of the bed and onto the discarded blankets before falling onto his back. If his mind was going to torture him, at least, his body could be comfortable.
But, Janus’ mind sang unhelpfully, now he bore even less protection if some lovely monster slithered down the chimney to leave tickly stardust in his socks and pin him to his bed and–
The pillow previously behind Janus’ head was wailed frustratedly into before it, too, was thrown off the bed. Janus forced himself to take a long, slow breath, burying his fingers in the fabric of his sheets. Okay. Clearly, the lee mood was too grand already to try and wall completely off. Trying to ignore it (and ultimately failing to do so) was just making him irritated. But then, he was too worked up and embarrassed to act on his wants, to ask for it. The very thought was mortifying. Maybe there was a safe middle ground. Maybe he could let the dam leak a little, let the thoughts trickle in. He could handle that, he wouldn’t drown. (He would be dramatic, but he wouldn’t drown.) Surely, he could let himself think about it, a little. Patton had already infected him with the feather fever, after all. Janus figured he might as well try to enjoy it.
Breathing came slower and easier when Janus brought himself to that compromise. He could close his eyes, rein in his agitated leg twitching, wade gently into the pool of his mind.
The image of the quill came back to his mind, and he welcomed it, accompanied it with soft touch from his own hand. As the cerulean feather twirled about, dancing amid the sugarplum visions it had made of his thoughts, Janus traced his fingertips over his belly. With his eyes shut, he could almost pretend the feather to be the perpetrator of the feeling, the gentle swishing back and forth along the border between skin and scales. It was a lovely feeling that made his stomach--just beneath the light show of beautiful sensation--ache with longing.
What else could he imagine? Patton had given him a few cheesy seasonal teasing suggestions, which was kind since Janus wasn't the most creative of the Sides--not the least, but not the most. Janus pictured tinsel, silver and shimmery and soft, threaded between his toes and sawed delicately. His breath caught for a moment, and his toes scrunched against the imaginary sensation. How tauntingly on the edge of feeling.
What else could he imagine? Through his closed eyes, he could see the feather swirling gentle but relentless loops around his belly and scales. He could see the tinsel under his toes. He could see Patton’s smile, his fingers curling and uncurling above Janus’ quivering abdomen. Just a little closer…
Janus sat up, burying his flushed face in his hands. Twelve days of anticipation like this would be its own torture.
A knock to the rhythm of ‘Jingle Bells’ sounded from his door. Janus gave his red cheeks one last chastising pat, floundered for a moment on where to lay his limbs to act natural, and settled on resting his hands on his knees. “Come in.”
When the door opened, the first thing to enter was the bright red and white of a Santa hat, followed by Patton’s merry smile. “Hey, kiddo! You busy?”
“Depends,” said Janus with a hollow scoff. “Did you need more help planning holiday torment, or did you want to bake cookies or something?”
Patton snorted, wiggling his shoulders proudly as he fully entered the room and shut the door. He clasped his hands behind his back, swaying his hips forward and back. “Mm, a bit in between,” Patton decided. “Mean, but still sweet.”
Janus swallowed, trying very hard to bar the dam of his thoughts to keep his hopes from running away from him. “Oh?”
“Well, Santa got back to me,” said Patton, leaning back against the door and crossing his arms with a big sigh. “I know, no time wasted; he is a professional, after all.” He shook his head and smiled sadly, but his eyes were sparkling. “But he said that even he couldn’t make a lee mood and wrecking as wonderful as I asked for in such a short turnaround. So!” Patton adjusted his hat and stood tall, beaming. “He said I should most certainly fill in!”
For someone whose thoughts had just been flooded with elated relief, Janus’ mouth was quite dry. He wouldn’t have to wither away the winter waiting. Patton’s hands and feathers and tinsel and smile were near and real. Janus felt a funny mix of gratefulness and annoyance, seeing as how Patton had been the one to drop him into such a state in the first place. But then, he was too excited already to be annoyed. “Oh,” he said again.
“If you’re not busy.” Patton took a step further into the room.
“Well–” Janus started to say.
“You don’t look busy,” said Patton. Two more steps took him to the edge of Janus’ bed, where he stood, head cocked and smile crooked. “You look like you were expecting me.”
Such rare smugness from Patton was enough to snap Janus from flustered to–well, he was certainly still flustered, but also–indignant. His mouth hung open, and, when no words miraculously filled the empty space, Janus stuck out his forked tongue.
“Don’t be naughty,” Patton chastised with a giggle. “I wrote you a song. May I sit with you and sing it for you?”
Janus nodded, pushing himself up with his hands so as to scoot back and make room for Patton on the bed, but Patton stopped with a gentle hand on his knee.
“Lie back and get comfy,” Patton instructed with a grin. “It’s not a short song.”
His sweater and blankets had already been tossed to the floor; Janus had neither protection nor a saving excuse when the heat in his face spread to his ears and down his neck. He lay back, resting his hands on either side of his head, and, mercifully, Patton commented on neither Janus’ flush nor his eagerness. Instead, Patton whistled a little yuletide carol, climbing onto the bed and kneeling over Janus’ legs. He didn’t settle yet, but turned his torso toward the foot of the bed and tugged off his Santa hat, holding it behind his back and out of Janus’ sight. But Janus could still hear as the hat was held open and its previously unseen contents came tumbling out, rattling like cartoon pots and pans fell onto the sheets. Janus had a guess as to what the hidden pile may have included, but he couldn’t fathom how Patton had managed to hide such a trove so impossibly under his hat. Said hat was placed on Janus’ head as soon as Patton had turned to face forward again, the puff of it being booped on Janus’ nose. Janus' face scrunched up in feigned distaste and fruitless effort to keep from smiling anticipatorily.
Patton adjusted himself to kneel fully and comfortably on Janus’ legs, reaching behind him for a moment to neaten up the mystery gifts from Santa’s hat, then faced Janus once more with a smile. “Alright.” Leaning forward a bit to hunch his shoulders and flex his fingers, Patton began to softly sing. “On the first day of Christmas, I count on my merry lee~”
Janus let out a groaning chuckle. Of course, Patton would come up with the silliest teasing twist on a seasonal song. A song which–Janus realized, derision turning to giddy panic–often had twelve verses that only got longer. He yelped, startled from his thoughts by a sudden whispering soft sensation swirling over his lower belly, and came face to face with the evil feather that had started the whole ordeal. Patton circled the teal feather around Janus’ navel, grinning at the smile straining to be free from Janus’ bitten lower lip.
“A giggle button on his belly~” Patton set the feather by his knee and reached behind him with both hands. “On the second day of Christmas, I count on my darling lee…” And, instead of grabbing a new tool, Patton scribbled his fingers up and down Janus’ soles, prompting a squeal and buck from the man. “Two wiggling feet,” Patton sang, before swinging his hands back in front of himself to dance upon Janus’ stomach once more, “and a giggle button on his belly~”
Second verse cleared, ten more to go. It was too late for Janus to curb his smile–the thing had taken off and spread its wingspan across his cheeks–but he could keep from laughing, he could. He had to. Because, of course, it wasn’t just ten more verses in single phrases; it was ten verses consecutive to all the verses that came before. Janus’ mind was too scrambled to do the math on how many teases in total he was about to endure–he was excited to endure.
“On the third day of Christmas, I count on my dashing lee…” Patton fell forward, hovering above Janus nose-to-nose and grinning. The heels of his hands came to rest on Janus’, his fingers sliding up Janus’ palms until their digits were parallel and easily intertwinable. Janus didn’t know whether this move was a moment of mercy early on or of false security, and he tried to hold Patton’s hands and take as deep of breaths as his cantering heart would allow. Patton squeezed his hands once before curling his own fingers inward. Janus’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion before shooting up in realization, just in time for Patton’s nails to scratch delicately along the palms of Janus’ hands. “Three pairs of twitchy palms~”
Janus snorted, and he would have blamed the tickling, if anyone had asked. No way, no way, was Patton going to get him to unfurl his other two sets of arms into a visible and tangible state. Even if doing so would gain Janus four more terribly ticklish spots to be doted upon… No. He would not so willfully participate in his own demise.
Most all his resistance dissipated into delighted terror when Patton drew back, aiming his wiggling fingers behind him until they touched down to rake Janus’ heels. “Two wiggling feet~”
Janus held his breath and clenched his jaw. He’d already let a little laughter sound loose; even if it was a relief to do so, it was too early in the marathon to let himself go. Wasn’t it?
“And a giggle button on his belly~”
Poor Janus arched his back and threw his head into the mattress as Patton’s fingers danced around his stomach, trailing long slow paths from the bottom of his ribcage to the top of his hips and back up again. On the second trip, Patton changed techniques, using one hand for featherlight skating down Janus’ sensitive skin and using the other for just a bit rougher scratching down his scales. At last, the giggly dam crumbled, and, albeit through his grinning teeth and scrunched nose, Janus began to laugh, a hissing breathy happy sound.
Patton hummed, pleased, and sung on. “On the fourth day of Christmas, I count on my cutie lee…”  From where his hands splayed on Janus’ waist, it was easy as fruit cake for Patton to slide them around until he was holding Janus in a hug, warm but made menacing by his nails sudden scurrying into Janus’ lower back. “Four spine-y squeezes~”
Grabbing at his hat to hold himself still, Janus cackled, shoving his back down into the mattress in attempt to make the spot inaccessible for Patton, but to no avail. Still, he didn’t even have time to get used to the sensation before the song went marching on. Patton gently pried Janus’ hands free to scribble into his palms, fell back onto his legs to skitter down his soles, and bowed forward to dig into the soft flesh of his stomach.
“On the fifth day of Christmas, I count on my love-a-lee…” The flurry of movement from the last verse had paused, and Patton lay, for a moment, his cheek still on Janus’ panting midsection. Janus kept his guard up, though. Haggard as he was, he felt vindicated when he saw the mischievous twinkle in Patton’s eyes immediately before he took a big breath and blew a vibrating raspberry in Janus’ belly. The hilarious and heinous weapon was matched in volume by Janus’ wail of laughter. “Five raspberries!” Patton lifted his head, beaming. Janus shook his head, too breathless to form words and soon swept up once more in a tidal wave of howling humor as Patton planted one, two, three, four more raspberries on Janus’ tummy. It certainly didn’t help that all the Sides had slight stubble growing recently; the scratch of Patton’s peach fuzz, especially on Janus’ scales, made for the most awful raspberries he’d probably ever felt.
No rest for the wicked; Patton’s song carried on. Janus, through quite brutal a memorization process, was starting to get used to the pattern mentally, but not physically. The jumping from spot to spot was too sudden and speedy for him to get used to anything, so all he could do was brace for what he knew was coming next. Four scribbles down his spine (and shoulders, which Patton did not need to be so mean as to target), three pairs of palms subject to little but effective scratches, two feet menaced this time by that damn blue feather, and one belly button turning pink from aching laughter and attention.
“On the sixth day of Christmas, I count on my dearie lee… six ticklish armpits~” 
Another pause, during which Janus gulped giggly breaths before cracking an eye open. Like spiders cut loose from their webs, Patton’s hands descended, diving into Janus’ uppermost armpits with clawing fingers.
It was good that Janus had already let his laughter loose, because, when the newest bout of cachinnation rocked his frame, he needed all his resolve to hold his arms still. His grasp was white-knuckle tight on his arms and hair, and his laughing grin was wide enough to make his cheeks burn from the ache of exertion as well as the heat of elation. And then Patton took the elevator down to the next floor of terribly ticklish underarms. Janus’ elbows strained to flap, and his head whipped back and forth, shoving one chortling cheek and then the other into the bedspread. How long could this verse possibly be?
Another brutal raspberry to his belly amidst the armpit assault prompted a shriek from Janus. He couldn’t verbalize how unfair it was to double up on spots, and Patton’s explanation was hardly sympathetic. “Five!” Patton crowed, burying his face in Janus’ stomach to deliver vibrating lips and nuzzling stubble with each syllable. “Rasp! Ber! Ries!” For as much effort as Janus was using to keep still (aside from his thrashing laughing head and heaving stomach), he was startled at how easy a time Patton had muscling him halfway onto his side. That was definitely why he squealed, and not because Patton had finally moved down to scribbling into his lowest armpits with one jumping hand and feathering his lower back with the other.
“Four spiney squeezes~”
It was small but a mercy still that Patton didn’t make Janus release his ironclad grip on his own arms for the next stanza, settling instead on brushing that evil plume along his forearms and into the crooks of his elbows. (The song’s alignment to Patton’s actions had been askew from the start anyway, but Janus was having too much fun to nitpick.)
“Three pairs of twitchy palms~”
Perhaps unintentional, but there was another brief respite for Janus in the few seconds between Patton pulling back from his upper body to reach back for his feet. Very brief, maybe long enough for one guffaw to have a longer inhale than the rest before tumbling once more into wailing laughter as Patton’s fingers scribbled into his arches.
“Two wiggling feet~”
Patton pounced forward and giggled when Janus snorted amid his laughter, only to place a teasing kiss on his stomach.
“And a giggle button on his belly~”
If Janus wasn’t half-past loopy already, he would have marveled at Patton’s masterminding. This session was pure psychological evil. Janus was all heightened nerves and anticipation; after the reveal of what spot would start the new verse, he technically knew what was coming next, but he was still awash in thrill and terror, like he was experiencing each spot anew.
He also would have applauded six ticklish hands for Patton’s composition skills. Once they’d gotten to the tenth verse, it was a very smooth and terrible line up from Janus’ toes to his knees to his thighs to his hips. The next, eleven, was not so limited in its geography but its choreography, but Patton performed it wickedly. That beautiful quill was the star of it, and Patton made use of his ‘eleven feather swishes’ to waltz up Janus’ tummy, across his chest, dipping into his armpits, to his neck and ears–eleven was so many swishes. If he’d had the wherewithal and malice for it, Janus would have thrown Patton six calling birds for his villainy.
The echoes of the last verse and laughter lingering in the corners of the room, Janus lay, limp and gulping air through lingering giggles, eyes shut and an utterly relaxed smile upon his lips. Patton lay as well, still and content, his cheek resting on Janus’ stomach and his index fingers tracing the scales on his sides.
“How ya doin’, kiddo?” Patton asked with a sigh, chuckling when he received only a happy hissing exhale in reply. “I’m glad.” He sat up, tapping a little tune on Janus’ tummy and biting his lip. “You think you got it in you for one more verse?”
Janus’ eyes scrunched further shut, and he giggled at the mere thought of Patton’s proposal. He peeked through one eye and nodded.
“Okay.” Patton’s soft, fond smile sharpened into something sinister. “But, you know, darn it, I think I’ve forgotten the words. Do you remember them? Think you can sing it for me?”
Janus snorted at that. Yes, an excellent idea, let the snake whose brain had been reduced to happy goopy goofy mush come up with the words to the teasing song that had been his detriment. Don’t let him sink fully into elated sleepiness, make him force himself to stay awake enough to bear a bit more, draw out the session a little longer to make it truly the best Christmas gift… Upon deliberation, Janus could see the appeal. Mean but sweet, indeed. Janus pulled himself up, physically and mentally, assuming the familiar position of bracing his own arms and coaxing his mind from the edge of sleep. He’d certainly heard the verses enough times to know the words. He cleared his throat, voice hoarse and happy from laughing so long. “On the twelfth day of Christmas, the tickle monster gave to me: twelve heaving ribs– PATTON!”
The newest rendition of the song had been softer, wavering a bit, compared to Patton’s more confident and lilting tone. Well. It had been quieter, until Patton had unleashed hell upon Janus’ ribs. Vibrating, scratching fingers followed the furrows of the bones, left to right, and then raked down them like a washboard. Rinse, repeat.
Oh, Patton had been going easy on him all this time. That whole marathon thing had just been a prelude to the real event: the sprint.
“Yes, Janus dear?” Patton grinned. “Go on, just waiting for you to sing the next bit and tell me where to tickle!”
OH, not even a sprint–a sprint implied pushing it to the limit for a short time. This pseudo-sprint’s pace was to be determined by the man whose legs had been jelly for the past ten minutes. So it could have been a short time, if Janus let his shrieking, snorting laughter overtake him, or it could take as long as it took him to think coherently while being tickle tortured. A very, very long time. He really must have been on the naughty list.
Like with the previous, Janus had barely crowed out the next verse before Patton had that damn feather darting everywhere it could reach, his neck and ears and stomach mostly, until it could fly back to saw between his toes for the tenth day of Christmas. The feather flipped to scribble the quill end under Janus’ toes as Patton’s other hand squeezed up until it reached his knee. Nine. Both hands dove in to spider and scratch his thighs. Eight. Then to massage their thumbs into his hips bones. Seven.
Janus was a gay mess of exhausted but elated guffawing and kicking feet and flapping elbows. He could barely get out the words to direct Patton where to tickle next. If he’d been asked to lead a verse earlier in the session, he might have mucked up the order a bit on purpose to make it easier on himself. That option was out the window now, as he could hardly keep up with calling out spots as Patton was actively tickling them. He was swept up in the speed and brutality of the menacing of different spots, all scribbling nails and stubbly kisses. Patton was laughing with him, cheeks red from the upped pace of the activity and smile wide and beaming from getting to make Janus feel so happy and safe. He was jumping and falling between spots on the final countdown, half leading and half following Janus’ howling hymnal. With one final raspberry to Janus’ navel, the both of them collapsed in a cuddly heap, Patton rolling off Janus' body to hug him properly.
Eyes heavy and chest heaving as he took slow, deep, relaxing breaths, Janus gave Patton a boop on the nose with the Santa hat that sat crooked on his head. “Merry Christmas, meanie.”
“And a sweet New Year,” Patton giggled, reaching over the side of the bed to grab the duvet and wrap them both up in it for a well-earned snuggle.
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blues-of-randomness · 7 months
Decided to make an ask meme/game so people can request head canons while I work on stuff (mostly home work..)
🎃 Favorite holiday
🎊 When is their birthday?
🌹 Their favorite flower
💐 What is their love language?
👗 Their favorite outfit (or an outfit i can imagine them in)
❤ What gets them out of bed every morning
🧡 Are they brave in scary situation's or a scared cat?
💛 are they petty or can they leave it be
💚 An act of kindness that melted their heart?
💙 are they honest or are they liars
💜 Their favorite hobby
🖤 The meanest thing you could say to them
🤍 The nicest thing you could say to them
✝️ Are they religious or not
👻 what are they scared off?
🍱 Their favorite meal
🍨 Favorite food
🍼Their comfort food
🧩 Their favorite activity
🎲 Random headcanon
☀ Morning routine
🌙 Bedtime routine
🪶 Are then ticklish?
🎄Favorite Holiday
💦 Are they a toughie or a crybaby
❤️‍🩹 Wort injury they've had so far
💤Do they sleepwalk, sleep talk, any other sleep head canon you can think off
🎶 do they like music/to sing
❄ holiday and/or snow day headcanons
🎉 what are they like a party?
🕳️ their worst nightmare so far
🗣️ what languages do they speak?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 A random family head canon (or a specified one of your choosing)
🥰 Their ideal partner
🪮 Self care routine
💢 Have they ever snapped on someone before?
🧸 Comfort item
🎹 A song I associate with them
💌 Who do they love (familial, Romantic, etc, keep in mind you might not get a straight answer)
🌈 their happiest memory
🌧 favorite type of weather
🔴 Do they have anger issues?
🟠 What's their pain tolerance from 1 to 10
🟡 How often to the get hurt?
🟢 Do they have anger issues?
🔵 What do they do self soothe?
🟣 Do they stim?
⚫ who would they die for?/Who do they hate with their very being.
⚪ How much do they swear?
You can ask about the smiling critters or my Smiling critters oc's that I've named so far, Aka: Wishkit, Kokoala, Mia constricter, Bubbas 8 adopted siblings, and Polaris. Along with some I haven't talked about yet such as Hoppy's siblings (Lucky, Shamrock and Thumpy), Dogday's siblings (Sunspot and Goldendoodle) and the rest of Catnap's siblings (Cosmo clips, Celeno, and Octavia)
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
All My mortal kombat self ship tags so far:
💙🦋 sapphire sapphic 🦋💙 : kitana self ship (au)
💙⚡thunder's devotion ⚡💙 : raiden self ship (au)
💛🏵burning chrysanthemums🏵💛 : hanzo hasashi/scorpion self ship,THE ONLY SCORPION MIND YOU!!!,srry bout that (au)
💙❄melted hearts❄💙 : kuai liang sub zero self ship (au)
💖🌸lotus blossoms🌸💖 : kung lao self ship (au and the og self ship)
❤🐉the dragon's perch🐉❤ : shang tsung self ship,old man specifically (main self ship)
💚heart and soul🐍 : shang tsung self ship,general self ship tag (main self ship,but just the general overall self ship tag for my main self ship)
❤🔥dragon's heart🔥❤ : liu kang self ship (au)
💖💋⭐caged hearts⭐💋💖 : johnny cage self ship (au)
❤💀konquerors konsort💀❤ : shao kahn self ship (au)
💙☁️silver skies☁️💙 :fujin self ship (au)
🐺☁️a wolf's soul☁️🐺 : grey cloud/nightwolf self ship (au)
💜🔮silver tresses🔮💜 : sindel self ship (au)
💜💜purple hearts💜💜 : jax self ship (au)
💜👑hedonic desires👑💜 : rain self ship (au)
🧡🔥all hail the queen🔥🧡 : sheeva self ship (au)
That's all my self ships for now.
Note: *Most are aus/what ifs/and alt self shipping. cept for the shang tsung tags. As shang tsung is my main mk self ship*
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mrstsung · 2 years
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Have some cute self ship art of me n kuai liang sub zero.
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mrstsung · 2 years
Well fuck guess who likes kuai liang now?
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But can you blame me?
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💙❄Melted Heart❄💙 is what im going with for self ship tag.
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mrstsung · 2 years
Some kuai liang sub zero self ship abcs i did.
I hope you guys like them. I put a lot of thought into it. Maybe a bit more than i should have but i love them.
Cw: some nsfw content. Fluff too. So if you dont like that. Plz dont read. As always 18+.
A - Act naturally (to play naturally) - How do they behave when they realize that they are in love with you? How do they act when they find out that you have feelings for them?: ok i hc kuai isn't as stagnant or stoic as some proclaim. At least after a certain point. Especially when the lin kuei were restored and the cyber automation projects were shut down. He saw thru the errors of previous grandmasters,his own even. He knew a new way had to be made. One with more understanding,and less bitter chill towards the future students and members. Many who traveled and sought refuge from the harsh cold mountains of the tundra. Could rest and seek sanctuary in the lin kuei temple. Some traditions survive. Some reformed anew. Like a fresh virgin snowfall. But kuai is that type if he found someone. He would be rather sweet,honest with his feelings. Not to say it wouldn't be awkward,i would be no exception. Because of past traumas. But he's moved past that for the most part. I hc he was just upfront. Nervous to hell. But honest and direct. He seems like the direct,no bullshit type guy. Honest and sweet tho. When he found i felt the same. You could see him smile. His face was warm and radiant. It could melt the coldest glaciers.
B - Broken heart (broken heart) - How will they behave if they find out that you cannot love them back? That you're in love with someone else?: now. I aint that kinda girl. If i was with kuai. Im a down,ride or die binch. But if some how. For some reason it had to end. Oof. He would take it fairly well at least on the surface. But deep down kuai would be hurt. Eventually he will come to terms. But it would always hurt him that there could have been something more. Honestly why would anyone hurt this mans heart is beyond me.
C - Communication - How do they communicate with the one they are in love with?: he actually communicates well with me. He makes sure that I've slept well,ate well,hydrated,etc. He also makes sure I'm well emotionally,mentally,etc too. He is good husband material ok? He also makes sure to let me know when he needs to have time for himself and also when its time to train his students. And any other lin kuei affairs. He isnt perfect tho. He does have messy days. This is where i help him lighten the load and take over for a short time if needed be to the best of my ability. Or even have him genuinely get some much needed r&r. But overall he tries his best to keep communication open.
D - Damage  (damage) - How will they react to your wounds or bruises?: honestly kuai kinda like hanzo gets worried easy. Who did this to me?! Where are they? But unlike hanzo. Kuai i feel wouldn't get as well heated. But you can feel still the anger seething from him,but he would tend to my wounds and discuss if he wants him to pursue the person or not. But if it was by accident,or even my own doing. Kuai i feel would be much more calmer. He would tend to the wounds. Kissing them tenderly. Tell me to be more careful next time.
E - Excuse (forgiveness) - Which of you is the first to ask for forgiveness after a quarrel?: look its not often we fight. If we do its over something that might be reasonable. But we do actually have healthy communication. I made that clear as ice for him when we got together. I wanted kuai to feel safe to trust and honestly given the shit he went thru. Yeah. Communication is hella important to him. Always touch base. Even if its simple as "hey i dont have the spoons to deal with this rn maybe later" thats hella sexy of him. But it would more likely be me but it could be both. Depending on the situation. Overall we never stay mad. (I honestly don't think i could no matter who im with)
F - Furious (furious) - How easily can they be pissed off? What can they do in such a state?: ok look don't piss off kuai. I mean for the most part he's a chill dude. But don't push him. His anger is cold,precise,and deadly. He'd never take his anger out on me tho.
G - Gaze (stare) - How often do they watch you? How do they react when you look at them?: he is the type to stare when im not looking. But oh boy is it full of love and admiration. If he caught me tho,he'd be a blushing mess. But he still loves it.
H - Hugs (hugs) - Do they like to hug? How do they hug?: kuai used to be a bit iffy with hugs before me. But now he's actually quite accepting to them. And hugs as often as he can. (Again like hanzo,kuai had to learn to feel love and compassion again. But for him it was hard because he had to unlearn that cold emotional shoulder that was taught to him for so many years. Oof) he still always asks tho. Because he's polite. But he gets a bit giddy when i wholeheartedly accept. He has bear hugs and despite being a cyromancer. His hugs are warm and comforting.
I - Intimacy (intimacy) - What is your intimate life with him?: ok sexy times or general intimacy? A sexy times hc is kuai likes temperature play. He will form a smal ice ball and run it up n down my back. Or just use the tip on his finger. But his fave thing to do it lightly blow a bit of cool air on my pussy when he eats me out. Or on the back of my neck. Non sexy times hcs is he like to cuddle together in our bed chambers and read with me. Sometimes he likes to watch me doodle too. Asking what im drawing. Sometimes we doodle together and play fun drawing games. Or even do puzzles together. He actually got a chessboard from Johnny as a gift. He was very greatful for it. Uses it all the time. Even solo. Sometimes he mourns to play with his bro bi han. But these feelings can come n go.
J - Jealousy - Is it easy to make them jealous? How do they behave in this case?: tbh kaui isn't the jealous type truly. But if he does feel these feels. Its fleeting. He wouldn't act upon it tho. But he will give an ice cold stare at whomever decides to earn his anger.
K - Kiss (kiss) - How often do you kiss each other? How do the characters kiss?: kaui kisses are sweet,passionate,and invigorating. He tries to give kisses as often as he can. His fave kisses to give are hand kisses,forehead kisses,a quick cute kiss on the cheek. And if he's in a more private setting. Then kisses my lips. Not that he couldn't in front of others. He just likes to be private to be more intimate most of the time. (Again i hc kuai over time became more lax with the restoration of the lin kuei when it came to affection. Because he had to unlearn that trauma from the old grandmasters. But especially after he got in a relationship)
L - Letter (letter) - Would they dare to write a love letter? What would he write about?: i. Think he would write a cute love letter. I dunno what it would be about specifically tho.
M - Main (main) - Who will have a dominant role in your relationship?: we both are equals. There is no power play here.
N - Need - How much do they need your presence and touch?: kuai can do without. But he doesn't enjoy it. He actually craves physical affection a looooot. He may not always say it. He will ask for it if he can. Look he's baby ice guy ok? Kuai is baby bro. (Bi han was waaaaay more tsundere)
O - Objective (goal) - How will they pursue you?: he was unsure how to feel at first. But he actually found me endearing. And everytime we had a conversation,sometimes he would get lost in thought. Any cold feet he was getting would just melt away. After maybe of a month or so, i hc kuai was very upfront about his feelings. Nervous but also ok even if he got rejected. He didn't but still. He was quite happy when he knew i liked him back.
P - Pace (tempo) - How fast can they get close to someone?: it takes him a bit. But be patient with him. He's trying. Again he needs to sort things out. Give him at least a month. He's hella open with me tho
Q - Quizzcal (quirky) - How often do they joke? Do they like to have fun?: tbh before he met me he wasnt much of a joker. But over time he got to losen up a bit. He's a big teddy bear deep down. Tbh he loves snowball fights. And to make ice sculptures. Sometimes to show off. Sometimes because he wants to train with me. Look he tries. He's tired a lot of the time.
R - Relax (rest) - How often do they rest? How do they like to relax?: he tries whenever he can. Hot spring baths,meditation,and if im around sometimes he will ask for a massage. But if he's really stressed,a nice romp will work.
S - Saviour (savior) - Will they be able to protect you in case of danger? What will they do if your life is in danger?: he would most definitely. Tho i am capable of handling myself for the most part. But honestly if he was that pissed. And someone done fucked up bad. He would stop at nothing to end that person who hurt me.
T - Teach (teach) - Can they teach you something? Who will take the initiative?: oh course. We both have something to teach each other.
U - Uncertain - What is their reaction when they find out that you doubt yourself?: he actually is very sweet. He talks things out with me. He gives solid advice. But he knows i love hugs and physical affection when im not feeling so good. Also humor gets me thru. So he tries to make me smile. Dad jokes galore. You'd never know but he's actually quite funny.
V - Vaunt (bragging) - How often do they brag about something? Do they like showing off to you?: he's not the bragging type. Tho he is very proud to call me his lover. If he shows off its more in a private setting.
W - Who is first (who is the first) - Who is the first to confess their feelings?: i hc actually he did he was upfront about it. But we both had mutual pining. Lol. I confessed after he did.
X - Exxx (ex) - How will they react when your ex shows up all of a sudden?: ok in this au i dont have one. But hypothetically he wouldn't be angry or harsh. He would keep a close eye. But like i said he isnt the jealous type. Nor would he do anything unless i am am obviously in harms way or he needs to step in.
Y - Your teasing (your teasing) - What activities make them turn on? How can they turn you on?: a surefire way is actually subtle and sweet things. Or a simple wink. I hc He actually is hella touch starved. So hand holding,stroke to chin as you pass by,really gentle somft things. That makes his heart melt. But its not easy to make him come undone in front of others,not impossible but difficult. But in private. Oh boy. As for me its not really that difficult.
Z - Zzz (sleep) - How do you prefer to fall asleep?: kuai always loves a cooler room but tons of blankets. He likes to cuddle. He's a big teddy bear like i said. He's almost always big spoon. But sometimes he's little spoon. But that's usually when he needs a little tlc. But if he's in a good mood for the most he's big spoon. He has fuzzy blankets. He has a small throw that's made of snow hare fur. Its uber soft and silky.
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mrstsung · 2 years
I have been procrastinating. I need to make kontent for sub zero(kuai liang) too. Oof
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mrstsung · 1 month
To me subzero is bi-han or kuai liang.
Kuai is subzero. The younger brother of bi-han. They are both lin kuei and cryomancers. Ice ninjas/assassins basically.
Kuai isn't a pyromancer nor is he fucking scorpion. A moniker for hanzo hasashi that hanzo gave himself. That's HIS FUCKING NAME! hanzo hasashi aka scorpion is Japanese and isn't irrechangable with kuai liang a CHINESE name. Look i still won't forget that nrs fucked them over.
I'll forgive them if and when they put things right and make an actual good game.
Btw, New bi-han self ship tag name:
💙❄🖤💋Snow Fox💋🖤❄💙
Kuai liang subzero self ship tag hasn't changed
It's still 💙❄melted hearts❄💙
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