drachenblood · 1 year
Guess I'll just be that person since having seen the way he's hurt his victims THIS YEAR as recent as three months ago, I will not stand by giving this man a safe space here, do not interact with me if you're interacting with miles/reapcrbunny.
No like seriously the way he's acting in his posts and rules that his problematic stuff he did was years ago is disgusting. He's being deceptive and trying to trick people and I don't want to see more people hurt by him.
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valtsv · 9 months
my top tip for surviving any roleplaying community is to understand the golden rules "in character =/= out of character" and "RP boundaries can and should be negotiated ahead of playtime, and can always be renegotiated" and stick to them. which means that "a character's behaviour, and the ways they interact with other characters, do not mean that the player harbours any of those sentiments unless expressed otherwise out of character" but also "all players have a right to express discomfort or dissatisfaction with the ways we're interacting through the medium of our characters, and you should not react defensively or dismiss anyone else's concerns just because it 'isn't real'".
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kicharges · 3 months
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Since I don’t tend to reach out to others as much, I’d like to change that and be the one to send something your way. So if you’d like a random inbox from me, then please give this post a like and a comment, and I’ll be sure to send something in your direction. ✉️
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general-tai-hua · 3 months
I heard Qi Rong finds you cute, though I'm not fully sure if it was real or not...
EHHH??? W-what?? H-he really said that??? I-I……ummm……I-I mean…ewwwwww……totally….
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draconiad · 4 months
*he stares up at malleus, a whole 50cm taller than him*
what the... they make people this big...?
— castor (@castaway-achlys)
"They do, it can be a little surprising to some."
Malleus smiled down at Castor, gently lowering one hand to pat his head.
"But it's nothing to be ashamed about, you will grow."
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drachenherz · 28 days
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multi muse blog in the universe of game of thrones / house of the dragon
 ───    #DRACHENHERZ   ─── independent and mutually exclusive writing blog, telling the stories of MARGAERY TYRELL & RHAENYRA TARGARYEN, canon divergent as well as headcanon based, crossover friendly, low activity
[ for more information check out my [ CARRD ] + the introduction post of each character; STARTER CALL ]
[ English & German, sideblogs or google docs; Threads for shorter: Please specify which character this is being sent to when you send it in. If not, I will decide for myself. ]
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draconicfool · 1 month
while i die in aram i want you all to hear eros' vc again :>
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othellotron9000 · 1 year
I have seen Yuichi talking to you.
So hello! Not fond of conversation, but I thought I'd say hi to another Donnie. Man there's so many- tumblr is the multiverse of Donnie's.
Ha that sounds funny.
.... Another Donnie? Omigosh um ...! はじめまして!This would make you the third alternate version of myself I've interacted with this month, heheh.
I wonder how many more I will run into. It's fascinating
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wordgirl-asks · 19 days
Introducing the Muse
Goood timezone, my darlings! You can call me Randy, but I also answer to other names — I keep all of them in a box; you could honestly just call me Wordgirl and I wouldn’t complain /lh
I figured I’d introduce not just myself but the blog’s own muse, Wordgirl! Now, let’s get right to business!
Guidelines and Rules
🌟 Please be civil on this blog. Disrespect and being a jerk will not be tolerated here! If you’re concerned about crossing a line with an ask, just ask me! I promise I don’t bite!
🌟 The mun does not equal muse. Mun is a fancy way of saying the mod/roleplayer — keep in mind that while I, the mun, am an adult; Wordgirl is only fourteen years old in this! Don’t make it weird.
🌟 Asks can be vaguely innuendos, but if this becomes a habit - I will start ignoring you.
🌟 This blog is post-canon. This takes place after the series has ended. There are some canon divergent themes but everything is happening after Rhyme and Reason, and Wordgirl’s in high school as a freshman!
🌟 Do keep in mind I am merely one person running a character blog. And that I have a life outside of the blog. Please don’t hound me for responses and I will get to them as fast as possible!
🌟 There is no DNI. Do not bother me on who did what without the proof to back it up — or I will not take you seriously. Also this is a character blog. I do check out people who follow me and whatnot but I just want to have fun here!
🌟 If there’s an active roleplay thread, please do not interact with it! I don’t know if this will even happen — but if it does, it’s mainly to avoid confusion!
Other Character Blogs are welcome to follow me and interact! Please, please I beg of you!
And now without much further ado, let’s get right to business!
Our Dear Muse
Name: [REDACTED], Wordgirl
Nicknames: Kid/Kiddo (by several villains), dear/my dear (by Granny May), TBD
Age: 14
Birthday: [REDACTED]
Home Planet: Lexicon, currently resides on earth
Allies/Acquaintances: Captain Huggyface, [REDACTED], Todd "Scoops" Ming, among others
Enemies: Fair City villains
Abilities: Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Vocabulary, Ice Breath (because yes, it is being acknowledged-), Invulnerability (to a certain extent)
Wordgirl was from the planet Lexicon, known for their knowledge on words and vocabulary. Due to unknown circumstances, she arrived on earth and became its renowned super-heroine within Fair City; though it quickly became apparent Wordgirl began her hero career from a young age and while she was still a child (and no one thought it was weird but shhh-).
Several years have passed since her original debut and is now rumored to at least be in high school, though whether she attends it is anyone's best guess. Wordgirl fights alongside her sidekick Captain Huggyface. The duo continue dealing with the city's crime activity, though perhaps... Wordgirl is starting to face new feelings in her life - among other things.
Keep in mind this blog is post-canon as I mentioned previously and is part of a future AU of my own design. I've made changes to her costume, but I do not have the art skills to do so - and well, we'll see what can be managed.
I'll see about creating a board or something where I can display her new costume change, but for now this is the best I'll be able to do!
Account Tags;
⭐️ - in-character tag for Wordgirl
🐉 - out of character tag / randy’s yaps (alternate tag name!)
🌩️ - in-character vent tag
🪐 - tag for an active roleplay thread!
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an0ther-f00ls-muse · 26 days
Ask Call!!
An ask call for my ‘Godwyn, prince of death’ and ‘Malenia the goddess of rot’ Just like &  comment for which one of theses two you want in your ask-box, and if you have multiple muses please tell me which one you want the ask  directed to!
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spectral-annihilator · 3 months
Tag dump post
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drachenblood · 1 year
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tired of how this fandom treats female characters.
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tsareviich · 3 months
Dreamlight Valley update next Wednesday!!
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kicharges · 13 days
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I came down with a really bad chest cold so of course I’m up at 1 o’clock in the morning my time. I did use Vicks vapo rub and NyQuil to help me ease into sleep, but I’d like to roleplay over @mamismulti if anyone is still up and willing to fling around a quick interaction before eep hits me full force?
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twilightssparkle · 8 months
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Heya everypony! I'm Spike! But you probably knew that already.
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💚 Twilight's original pinned post 💚
Twilight is letting Spike take over the blog for the week! Now's your chance to ask him any questions you might have been wondering!
(All Spike posts will be tagged with #spike tag 🐉)
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{Icon by nastysmagical || Dividers by firefly-graphics}
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liecoris · 1 year
— i did find a very good reference image of Dragon!Mukuro when she's in her like human/dragon form
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