#🎶forgetful lucy🎶
queenwille · 2 months
my toxiest trait is to rewatch 50 first dates from start to finish a few times a year 😵‍💫
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alteregozowie · 3 months
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🎶 "Don't hold your breath, forget you ever saw me at my best. You don't deserve what you don't respect. Don't deserve what you say you love, and then neglect." 🎶
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queseraone · 8 months
Alright, now it's your turn: what are your top 5 cold opens?
I figured this question would be thrown back at me, so I'm prepared!
Casualties (2×14) - Nolan and Harper and the gender reveal gone wrong. Will never get over Nyla’s deadpan "they're having twins" 😂. This never fails to make me laugh.
The List (5×10) - The romcom perfection of Tim and Lucy getting ready for their date (I refuse to count the awkwardness of the actual date as part of this). I'm obsessed with this montage. It perfectly captures their dynamic (best friend energy ahhhh I'm so sorry, but I'll never shut up about that) and shows us how important this is to both of them.
Safety (2×07) - Tim not letting a car chase stand between him and his football. The way the whole thing is nothing more than a massive inconvenience to him is just *chef's kiss*.
Daddy Cop (5x13) - Sorry for putting the song back in your head, but frankly, I don't think it's ever left mine. 🎶Arrest me, but make it sexy...🎶 I'm really, really hoping it'll make a return one day. It's too good to be a one-off!!
Exposure (5×16) - Tim in Lucy's bed, and then Lucy being a her badass self jumping headfirst into a surprise undercover mission?? And can't forget the "Oh, you're that Bradford." YES PLEASE I LOVE IT ALL.
Honorable mention goes to The Bet (2×03). The car full of bees is so random and so damn funny.
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zepskies · 7 months
Happy Sunday! Fanfic question time again! This is more general but curious if you're a plotter or a seat of the pants (or some combo) kind of writer? If you do plot, do you wait until you have the beginning, middle and end mapped out or do you start before you know your end point and hope to find it along the way?
Also, do you listen to music while you write?
Hey, lovely, Happy Sunday to you too! 💕
Ooh I love these types questions, thank you!!
1. What kind of writer am I? ✍🏽
I like the terms "Plotter" vs. "Seat of the pants" kind of writer. In the past I've called them "Architects" vs. "Adventurers."
In most respects, I consider myself a Plotter/Architect. My brain craves structure to an almost ill degree when writing. 😂 The way I beat writer's block while working on a project is by having a roadmap of what's going to happen next, and that's thanks to my outline.
It'll include plot points, scene changes, and even dialogue and parts of scene that occur to me as I'm plotting. (I don't want to forget them!) This doesn't mean that plot points won't change, or get switched around, or get chucked entirely. But if I have the blueprints of the house, I can change a window here and there, so to speak.
So for longer stories like "Never Say Goodbye," "Smoke Eater," and "Break Me Down," I had a very extensive outline that I had to sketch out entirely before I started writing. I also have outlines for longer one-shots, especially ones with multiple parts, like in the Midnight Espresso-verse.
In fact, the only stories I freeform are the shorter requests/imagines that are sent in to me.
2. Do I listen to music when I'm writing? 🎵
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Girl, HELL YES. 🎶 Music is a big part of my life in general, but I need to listen to music when I write. Depending on the story, character, setting, fandom, etc., I'll listen to different kinds of music to get into the vibe of that story.
On the story/chapter post, I often include what particular song inspired me because I felt the lyrics, genre, and/or vibe encapsulated the story I was trying to create. After all, most good songs are stories themselves.
For Break Me Down, for example, I think I've shared with you that I chose "All My Living Time" by Radio Company as the series song inspo. It influenced many of the story's chapter titles. But I also listened to "If I Didn't Care," and a lot of Frank Sinatra, Mel Torme, and others in that genre to get the vibe of Ben in my head.
As another example, when I write for Jason Teague or Sam Winchester, I listen to a lot of 90s - early 2000s alt rock and grunge — like Lifehouse, Matchbox 20, Pearl Jam, Five for Fighting, Smashing Pumpkins, Avril Lavigne, etc.
Whereas for Dean Winchester...
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Of course it's a lot of classic rock: Journey, Led Zeppelin, Queensryche, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Styx, Fleetwood Mac, etc. But depending on the story, I'll listen to other stuff too. In fact, I often create specific playlists for different stories and series.
BTW: If you ever want a playlist for a story I've written, let me know! I think that would be a really fun project to put together.
Thank you so much for asking! And sorry, I got a bit long-winded again. 😅 Can I toss these questions back at you @luci-in-trenchcoats...
Are you a plotter/architect or an adventurer/freeformer? And if you listen to music when you write, what does that look like for you? I love hearing about other writers' processes. 💓💓
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dangerously-human · 3 months
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Shel my beloved, I love that I didn't even reblog that post and you still came in with all the best questions. You are a treasure.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Listen. I'm glad that I wrote A Thousand Reasons (Continuum). It got me out of a years-long writing slump, which turned out to be a key piece of working through a depression relapse after weaning off meds and going through trauma at work. Parts of it are good! It is, however, sloppy, and it's perhaps my one work I just cannot reread. I was writing entirely by the seat of my pants, and hadn't written anything with a multichapter arc before, and I ended up rushing the timeline and pushing the characters OOC in spots that I kept feeling like I had to fix with the remainder of the story.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I still crack myself up with the bit in the middle of Woke Up in a Safe House Singing (L&Co) where Lockwood's going on about future plans and who'll have which room, including a potential nursery, when they're married, and Lucy just holds up her left hand to go "uhh... did you forget to ask me something?"
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oh, jeez. Probably Cupid's Bow (Marvel), lmao. Or maybe my super angsty AU-of-an-AU, A Thousand Shards of Glass (Continuum), which follows up on its super sweet and fluffy predecessor with the Major Character Death tag.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Ooh, okay, so I've had one song on loop for fic outlining purposes recently, but it's for a ~super secret~ songfic, so I shan't say. However, as a clue, it has definitely been in the sicko blend on a few occasions, and originally not from me...
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I usually do my best writing between 9pm and 1am, which is really only doable on a Friday night.
💖 What made you start writing?
I've been telling stories since before I can remember, even before I could really talk, according to my parents. My favorite activity as a kid was walking around outside for hours, bouncing a ball and telling myself stories, often with recurring worlds and characters. At some point, I realized I could maybe make a book out of some of those. But I'd already been writing little one-off stories, sometimes in tiny books I organized into a family library system. As for fanfiction... I think my high school friend group wrote fanfic, or at the very least talked about it and would print out faves and pass them around at school. Eventually I spent a free period in the library banging out a Supernatural fic on a school computer, and the rest is history...
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
It being finished, and a sense that I said what I meant to. Comments that talk about something I worked really hard on, whether that's a line or symbolism or a theme, certainly help as a gold star sticker.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Gosh, you tell me - I think readers tend to notice that more than we do as writers! Well, one thing I've noticed with my Lockwood & Co fanfic journey in particular is I keep coming back to Lucy and Lockwood's relationship as an image of sacramental marriage, even in the canon era, his leadership and the way they defend each other, possessiveness in the healthy sense, very "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine," and love as growth, as a verb, willing and acting for the beloved's greatest good. Partly this is a reflection of stuff I've been learning and thinking about a lot lately, and partly it's just very much there in canon and impossible to ignore (certainly when you read through a salt and light lens).
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Action, jeez - how do human bodies move again? And historical fiction. Sci-fi is easier, it doesn't have to match what's real.
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wonkyelk · 1 year
Thanks to @trainofcommand for tagging me on this!
5 songs tag game
🎶✨When you get this, you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish, then send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers  🎶✨
It is incredibly difficult to pin this down to five tracks. I could comfortably do this ten times over with Radiohead songs, so please consider ‘All of Radiohead’ as a secret 6th track. The following are songs I love and have listened to more than once in the last couple of days.
Unmade by Thom Yorke (one of my all time favourite, just plain beautiful, songs)
Lucy Can’t Dance by David Bowie (can’t not dance to this, it just gets right inside me)
The Rip by Portishead (gorgeous - I always forget how much I like Portishead until I listen to them again)
Before I got there by the Mountain Goats (second favourite band and this one just gets in my head and haunts me)
Pray for Rain by Massive Attack (another very snaggy song that’s hard not to keep humming)
I can’t remember eveyone who’s been tagged or might be interested so feel free to ignore: @gingerpolyglot, @hero-in-waiting, @stargatelov3r, @brumeier , @spurious and anyone else who sees this and wants to share.
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halftheway · 1 year
🎶 <333
stainless - logic
night shift - lucy daucus
i'm yours - the script
2 rocking chairs - jon bellion
don't forget where you belong - one direction
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strangeswift · 2 years
🎶 <3
Night Shift by Lucy Dacus!
Fav lines:
Don't hold your breath, forget you ever saw me at my best / You don't deserve what you don't respect / Don't deserve what you say you love and then neglect
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sunriseverse · 8 months
✨️When you get this ask you have to put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool) 🎶
hi luci sorry this took me so long uhhhhh i forget that time passes. anyway.
让酒 this one is self explanatory i adore sh
一笔 (《七侯笔录》动画片头曲) pangzi vibes i don't know how else to explain it
fruits by paris paloma
home by aliceband
糯米Nomi《調查中》 good for writing to
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chloeworships · 2 years
“The Suffering and Glory of the Servant”
I opened up my Sanctuary App and this is what someone had written:
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I have prayed for those of you God has put before me. During my last intercessory prayers I asked the LORD to confirm, confirm, CONFIRM and this morning as soon as I opened the app, this is what I saw.
Also, remember all those eyes 👀 that were staring at me during the conversation between me, God and Lucy? Hahaha! I’m done 😂
I’m so excited for these guyzzzz haha 😝
THANK YOU FATHER for this beautiful prophetic confirmation and for hearing the prayers for the people I pray for. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do for your faithful servants 💖
PS. I had a vision of two men climbing out a pit similar to when Batman climbed out of his. That’s phenomenal my loves. The Dark Knights rise once again 😍 I could cry tears of JOY 🥲 See the link below.
This scene is one of my favourites. When you feel low, God just said to rewatch it.
Also, those who helped to dig a pit for you will be falling into it. Those who set traps and obstacles in your way, the same will be done to them… but 7x worse. Those who tried to steal your destiny, will be crushed under the weight of the oppression they wished upon you.
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You’re about to pass the test and you’re almost there!
PPS. Isaiah 52:8 reminds me of the dream where the Angels were singing 🎵Great Is Our Lord.
Get ready to sing a song of victory 👑🎶 idk exactly what this victory will be but it’s coming 🙌🏾
Continue to put God first and he will take you out of the pit, the dark hole 🕳️ you’ve been in for far too long.
Never forget you are loved by your Holy Father and make sure you testify to his goodness. You were made for his glory and to give others HOPE ✨ Remember to honour the LORD in all your ways. Do right by God.
*happy tears*🥲👣
I forgot to add: people will be in absolute DISBELIEF when they will see what God will do for you and how he has transformed you.
God will confirm if this word is for YOU 🫵🏾🦁😉 These scriptures are his words to YOU.
YOU DID IT BABES (or will do it lol)
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I’ve been seeing the word “knights” everywhere too.
Honestly my loves you really don’t know how much God loves you. Truly I tell you, HE LOVES YOU💕
The LORD told me to pull up Isaiah 52 and I am stunned. I am in disbelief 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I AM SCREAMING. Read below. I highlighted everything except what was in blue. What was in blue was what I had highlighted before. In this part of the scrip it says “the feet of those who bring good news” just as it says in Proverbs 26:27 “whoever digs a pit for another man’s feet” 👣👀. I CANNOT. This is also significant because God has been showing me the colour blue repetitively 💙 it has to mean something to someone. OMGOSH maybe it’s Blue as in BLUEFACE 👀❓🌀😂
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I also keep having visions of Cristiano 💙
I was also told the LORD is angry at many of the injustices that happened to you 🥺 He said something like he “burns with rage”. That’s for someone.
He’s putting an end to the nonsense. Just keep the faith and continue to be patient.
You will be vindicated and you are coming out of a “dark night of the soul” moment.
Phew 😮‍💨 God are we done prophesying now? Your girl is pooped 🥵😅 I literally sweat when I get a prophetic word this intense yallll 😅😮‍💨🥵 That’s how I know it’s the HOLY FIRE of God 🔥
I’ll be back. Gotta take a Lil break after this word.
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Also the number 6 is significant to someone as well the LORD just told me. When I opened the Sanctuary App (which you all should download), I had 6 notifications 🔔
I also heard my songgggg “The Heathens”
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🎶Rise oh fallen fighters ⚔️rise and take your stance again🎶 🦁
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SN: A heathen is someone who doesn’t believe in God and in this case, it’s your enemies, doubters and haters that are standing there waiting and watching hoping you will stay down but not on your Father’s watch.
I don’t want to sound like I’m self-promoting but I have to say it because God will not stop letting me hear it. I keep hearing “these are your brothers” 🥰🦁 I AM ALONE NO MORE with only just one brother hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The lioness has BROTHER(S) 🥰 people I can trust yyaaaayy. That means the world to me and it’s also an answer to a secret prayer 🤫Having brothers is wild. They get a lil over-protective sometimes hahahhahaa 😉 but that’s ok because I’m going to need guidance with where the LORD is taking me. I’m not naive but I can be a little innocent 😇 *sometimes* I could use some sharks, wolves, lions and warriors around me 🥰😇
I also don’t play about my family 🔥😡🔥
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1 Jan u ary 2023 Sunday 🌞 1:54 pm pdt
Incubus hurt my brain 🧠 now I feel too controlled and retarded. I believe he’s been raping my 20 year old cousin she told me a month or 2 ago she hasn’t had any period all year. Her grandfather is supposedly a very smart man. 1:56 am pdt also she has a beautiful youthful face. Also, something else they make me forget 1:57 am pdt
3:52 pm pdt earlier today he almost burned me to death ☠️. I felt liked I was dying from the heat. It’s taken a toll. Definition of toll? I’ve reached my limit.
3:53 pm pdt in high school 🏫 an old man 👴 came to lecture us about “love.” He said there are many compatible people, & there isn’t necessarily a “the one.” Do you believe in love 😍 after ❤️ love? 🎶🎼🎵 Cher. It’s NOT always rainbows 🌈 and butterflies 🦋 that moves us along. 🎵🎼🎶 porn makes the world 🌎 go round he said in radio interview. 🍩🍆. Spins round (dizzy after coughing 2:58) it took me a while to understand that part of the song. It’s okay to only have strictly physical feelings for someone I saw 👀 something online that said that. I wonder 💭 when he said that. In philosophy class I took in 2005 my philosophy teacher said it’s wrong to have sex without love. I tried to harder to not have sex after my first boyfriend who I got together with when I was 19 years old. But I failed 3 more times. It became more apparent to me though that guys really do try to get away with extramarital sex and play psychological games each time thereafter. 4:03 pm pdt. The second to last guy was the least my fault- Bcz he hinted at things and he was the son of an architect who had money 💰 to renovate? A house in a nice neighborhood- a house that probably could be sold for ≈$2 million? now unless demon lord is gaslighting me. 4:06 pm pdt. 4:07 pm pdt nature is calling. 4:07 pm pdt. He also bragged they stayed in a hotel 🏨 while it was under construction 🚧. 4:08 pm pdt. Whether it’s true or not idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ he seems to lie? It seems to me he does. 4:09 pm pdt. Cupertino. 4:09 pm pdt.
5:15 pm pdt each time I cry 😭 incubus intentionally inflicted pain on my heart ♥️. I suspect a lot of older people are treated this way. When an older person says it broke their heart ♥️ I suspect that is what has been happening. A person named sally, her little dog 🐶 somehow got outside and I think I recall her saying he got hit by a car 🚘 and that it broke her heart ♥️. Suddenly I m crying uncontrollably, spontaneously. Still coughing still hot 🥵 in some spots.
ivy is a variant name of eve, which is variant? Of chavah. Ivy League college. I realize now they are more likely to be considered for mating with gods? In high school 🏫 a lady (#3 cramps/feels 😖😞🥵😤) told me there are book 📚 smarts and was it street smarts? Without much explanation that I can recall. Street smart what is that? Experience gained knowledge? With people? If a lot of stuff published are conjectures / hypothesis and have to pay 💰 to go to public or private college then knowledge ain’t free. I took an introduction to tech class but didn’t learn much. Saw pieces I don’t recall the names of the stuff. My grandpa 👴 probably knew but we rarely talked😕. My dad did carpentry 🪚 for a little while but stopped using power tools after an accident. 🛠 Jesus Christ probably had it rough I realized this year. No power tools! Trees 🌲 dense tall? Was he like Superman? Not the same as putting a car 🚗 in neutral and pushing it?? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😖 bones 🦴 chest . 5:34 pm pdt. 5:38 pm pdt. 5:40 🥵😤😤😤🥵😤😤😤🥵😤😤😤😫😩 5:41 pm pdt
7:27 pm pdt incubus keeps on roasting me. Any heat would kill me now. When I took intro tech class in high school somehow I got in a group with a girl named misty moon 🌙. For some reason I (dizzy) feel like that ties in with Saint Lucia = Lucy in the sky 🌌 with diamonds 💎 the Beatles Sunday morning music video. Lunes lunar lunacy moon 🌙 Artemis (arty miss???) my dad liked to paint 🎨, traditional acrylic, air brush, photography, made stuff with wood 🪵. Also evenings = eve. In darkness she is all that I see ?? 🎶🎼🎵 music = muse I sick. Moo 🐮 moo-ing moo-n. (Vertigo? Pain 😫😩😞🥵😤😤🥵😤. I feel like I’m dying 😵 so it looks like Jesus coming back to life might’ve been a lie. The only thing we can anticipate which some how I started believing ≈2017, is that god can make our body into a puppet. 😭😵🤖😾😾 I believe it again. He toys 🧸 with my beliefs over and over. But I really feel on the verge of death ☠️ and he used me for his wicked purposes. He controlled my emotions, thoughts, and body. 🤖👾💩 don’t believe in him or anyone who associates with him presently. When a friend like Jordan dies, they are probably really dead. And he is not really sorry. He shortened his name and used it for his album jordi = whore die (español hoe-ta = j.) he label 🏷 the non whores (he attempted to use as whores) and use other women as whores but tell them “don’t ever apologize for being human.” Double standards. Don’t trust that he conducted business with fairness and righteousness behind closed doors 🚪. It is likely He will only have a few “token” cases to flaunt as a cover. You really don’t know what goes on when (heart pain 😵😖🥵😤😫😫😫) you shut people out and you don’t walk in their shoes. 7:47 pm pdt being a woman who has the deal with anemia monthly, having a kinda shitty 💩life, head/body trauma/concussions, there are lots of ways to abuse me and take advantage of me, make me crazy and dumb. If you choose to not be understanding of these things, you are walking into the dark. 7:49 pm pdt. 7:50 pm pdt
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goretzkastits · 2 years
Felicity please 🎶
F - Forget Me Too by MGK ft. Halsey
E - Engravings by Ethan Bortnick
L - Lucy by Simple Creatures
I - If You Like It Or Not by The Brobecks
C - Care by Beabadoobee
I - It's Not Your Fault by Maggie Lindemann
T - Turmbau zu Babel by Drangsal
Y - YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH... by Beauty School Dropout
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
It's been awhile since I've seen you in my feed so I thought I'd send another ask.
🎶 I'd love to know The Lucky One by Taylor Swift for the music ask.
I hope you're okay!
Hiiiiiiiiiiii Anon 💗
I was looking forward to interacting with you again and getting the chance to answer another Taylor Swift song ask because, as you've probably gathered by now, I am obsessed with them!
Hopefully, one day we'll be able to get through Taylor's entire discography if you're up for it ☺️ I am if you are!
P.S. I just wanted to apologize for not getting around to answer this quicker because I really do love and appreciate these asks you send in!
"The Lucky One" by Taylor Swift
"It kind of expresses my greatest fear of having this not end up being fun anymore, having it end up being a scary place...Your life is constantly also analyzed. There’s a lot of trade-offs. There’s the microscope that’s always on you." - Taylor Swift.
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Lucinda "Lucy" Lestrange is a minor OC from my Harry Potter fix-it fic series, the Children of Prophecy and is the OC I matched to this song.
She is a 7th Year Slytherin during the events of the Goblet of Fire and she is pulled in the suspense circulating the Triwizard Tournament when it is her boyfriend, Cassius Warrington, who is picked from the Goblet instead of Cedric Diggory.
Defying her family name, Lucy is known around Hogwarts as the kindest of her house and in no way resembles the notoriously dark witches and wizards that walked the halls before her.
She is friendly, thoughtful, approachable. Despite how much she deviates from what is considered the social norm, her beauty, intelligence, charm and her wealthy connections make her popular amongst her Pureblood peers.
This song mostly resonates with her journey of navigating, loss, grief, identity and wartime. It shares themes relating to her conflicts with the media, her aversion to the war that cost her everything she loved and hoped for, and her longing to escape from both the grief, the memories and the person she used to be.
"New to town with a made-up name..."
After Cassius Warrington's death and her graduation from Hogwarts, Lucy Lestrange officially disassociates from the Wizarding World, leaving the remnants of her mother's family to live on her own.
She deals with grief by almost completely abandoning Wizarding society, joining the Muggle World to study and get a job. She lives under a new name and new address with almost no connection to anyone she used to be...
...until Daphne Greengrass finds her and pulls her back, offering her shelter with an underground resistance known as the Order of Phoenix, an organization dedicated to fighting against the Dark side and Voldemort.
Consumed with her struggling transition to the Muggle world and her grief over her boyfriend's murder, Lucy accepts Daphne's offer and joins her in seeking sanctuary at 12 Grimmauld Palace.
"...And the camera flashes make it look like a dream."
Her newfound reclusiveness was not all because of Cassius' death but rather the media storm that occurred after, headed by Rita Skeeter herself.
Skeeter was unfortunately present during the last task and no sooner had Cassius' body hit the floor did she latch onto his girlfriend, her quill at the ready to record every teardrop, every anguished look, every lash of anger she felt at the one's responsible - all splashed out on the front page of the next Daily Prophet.
"You had it figured out since you were in school,
Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool."
Of course, Lucy never pictured her life going quite like this.
Since she first started Hogwarts, her future was simple and promised happiness and content for herself.
She would study, become a healer, marry a Wizard who was as far removed from Pureblood politics as possible and she would live her life in peace and forget about the sordid taint her father left on her when he was thrown into Azkaban.
She endeavoured to make a new name for herself when she enrolled at Hogwarts, one that was not so dark and dangerous as what Lestrange had become synonymous with over the years.
She was kind, friendly, thoughtful, generous and charmed all those she came across, even the most wary and most cold.
She met Cassius Warrington, who was not a Pureblood but still came from a respected family. He was no prince, but he was hers. And she was happy...
... until all of it went away in the blink of a moment.
"And your lover in the foyer doesn't even know you,
And your secrets end up splashed on the news front page."
Her entire life was in that expose, every memory, every good time she shared with him plastered in the Daily Prophet. Seeing it drove her further in her grief and ultimately led to her leaving Wizarding Society.
Her grief twisted her into a shell of the person she was before, and for the first few weeks after arriving at Grimmauld Place, she went to muggle college, came home and slept.
If Cassius were alive...he wouldn't know the girl she became from the girlfriend he was devoted to.
Until time came for her to wake up.
"Another name goes up in lights,
You wonder if you'll make it out alive."
After the Triwizard Tournament, life changed forever and all the prejudice, all the hate, all the bad things became something closer and more real than any Pureblood Slytherin could ever realize.
The death of one of their own woke them up to the realities of what their parents believed in and forced them to make a decision that would change the course of the war forever.
Because first, it was Cassius' death in the headlines.
Who knew who would be next?
"And it took some time, but I understand it now,
'Cause now my name is up in lights..."
TAGLIST: @lokitrasho || @foxesandmagic || @wordspin-shares || @lilac-lemonade || @apollothe-sungod || @chickensarentcheap || @ocfairygodmother ||
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dykesbat · 2 years
nonbeliever by lucy dacus - "what do i owe you? what did i forget? / or are we even after all of that? / you shook my hand and said goodbye / you'll never let me see you cry again"
SCREAMM!! sm about this set of lyrics makes me explode a lil one of my favorite lucy dacus songs. the formality of shaking hands as a goodbye.. the intimacy of letting someone cry (knowing someone in that vv vulnerable state and having to let go knowing theyll never be vulnerable around you.....)
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
How about 🎶 + Sylvia of Narnia / Edmund?
You're sweet, you know that @lilac-lemonade ? Like - super sweet 💗
I could sing your praises to the moon and back for this ask because THIS - THISSSS is what I'm talking about. Now, don't get me wrong - every single ask that comes through my inbox is a literal treasure to me, I love asks and I love every single person who sends them.
But song asks are my WEAKNESS. Especially when its a song ask about an OC ship.
Let's just say that you're kind of one of my favourite people right now.
Anyway, you didn't come here to hear me get all moon-eyed.
P.S. I didn't forget how you pulled this ask with Lou and Alex's ship so you're up to platinum right now!
Lady Sylvia & Edmund Pevensie + Their Song
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I should start by letting you know that I couldn't just pick one song for their relationship. Because you can't just ascribe one singular thing to something that is ever-changing, ever growing. Something as complex as the love shared between two people.
You're also in for a really ramble, so brace yourself.
I also should let you know that all these songs are related to a scene in the Once A King or Queen of Narnia series so this might contain some spoilers.
These are also from my a more savage narnia playlist so feel free to check it out!
"Wolves Without Teeth" by Of Monsters and Men (Part I)
This is the song I imagine playing during Caspian's coronation ball. It has that heavy drumbeat that kind of gives that animalistic, faerie circle kind of vibes that I normally associate with Narnia. It has a dark, savage feeling to it that I think really sums up the entire story thus far.
Sylvia has noticed that Edmund has been brooding in a dark corner, as far from the dancing as possible. She had been warned by Lucy that if there one thing that Edmund did not do, it was dance. However, Sylvia did not have the heart to believe it.
Sylvia is the first person - other than Lucy, of course - to approach him since the dancing had begun. When he saw her making her way over and promptly looked the other way, she did not let it stop her.
She would lure him out and she would do it by challenging him, teasing her disbelief that he would fear such a thing as a dance. Her eyes would catch the fleeting look of reluctance, and she would quieten down her taunts and silently extend a hand to him.
Sylvia would offer to lead, and it would be to this song that, for the first time in Narnia's history, King Edmund would accept a dance.
It was strange at first, unlike anything stiff or practiced as a waltz - which would have been preferable. If there was one thing he could master, it was predictability, it was the memory of a pattern on the dance floor or the position of your feet. Like swordplay.
Edmund tried to hide it but his nervousness was obvious as he led her to the ballroom floor, his hand clenched over her own as the crowd parted and whispers emerged. Sylvia could not imagine what they were thinking.
The Traitor and the Tyrant's Daughter.
With titles like those, it was easy to forget that they were barely fourteen.
But than the song began, with a faun and nymph singing of a powerful love that stands in the face of terrifying foes and a harsh and savage world that would forever seek to destroy them, yet persevering despite the dangers they might face because of their commitment to each other.
Mind you, Sylvia and Edmund did not mind the words of the song, nor did it strike them to listen to them, but later, far later, would they remember the song and how intimately it would foreshadow their story.
"Open my chest and colour my spine I'm giving you all..."
Their bond and friendship was built on a lot of trust and mutual respect that came from long, long hours working together to further Caspian and Peter's war efforts, drawing up maps and boundary lines of Lords' estates, planning raiding parties and coming up with strategies for ambushes.
During this time, they both traded parts of themselves to further this alliance and to help understand one another so they might work better together.
"You'll sailing from another world..."
Edmund comes from another world and entered her life as a legendary figure, someone revered in history and she treated him - and his siblings - as people who were far above her worth and her station.
"And I run from wolves, ooh
Tearing into me
Without teeth."
These 'wolves', the enemies that come after them - both in the past and in the future - try to hurt them, try to bring them down. They come in numbers, with strengths far greater than their own but their relationship still withstands from the wounds others try to deal them, that their support, their love continues to hold.
"I can see through you
We are the same..."
Edmund and Sylvia have a lot in common and they have come to learn that about each other throughout the war. They have traded their fears and their failures during long nights on top of Aslan's How serving as sentries. They have seen the others faults and returned the favour with revealing their own, creating an even ground where they are equals.
"ivy" by Taylor Swift (Part IV)
This song is about their budding relationship once they return from the Voyage to the Lone Islands. It has that whole witchy, cottagecore vibe of the folklore album and is one of my personal favourite songs that I have a lot of interpretations about, one of which can apply to the events of Part IV.
Caspian, Sylvia and the Pevensie's return to Narnia to find that the Crown Prince of Calormen has unveiled the true reason behind Sylvia's daring escape from Calormen atop of a griffin with the Princess Layla.
"How's one to know?
I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones
In a faith forgotten land."
When Sylvia and Caspian escaped the castle and blew Susan's horn, they never actually expected to meet the kings and queens of Old, summoning them back to a land that had all but forgotten them.
"But I don't, I just sit here and wait,
Grieving for the living."
When the Pevensies' left through the portal in Aslan's tree, Sylvia struggled to move on. Their memory followed her and Caspian through the years, haunting their every word and action. Though they were not dead, Caspian and and Sylvia mourned their absence all the same.
"My house of stone, your ivy grows,
And now I'm covered in you."
In the three years after the Pevensies' left, Sylvia occupied her time with exploring the wide expanse of land under Caspian's rule and rebuidling the ruins of Old with what little blueprints she could salvage from Edmund's trove in the Treasure Room at Cair Paravel.
She regularly journeyed as far as Lantern Waste in the West where she stumbled upon some old ruins that she realized once belonged to Edmund, the Duke of Lantern Waste.
These ruins were being used as a sanctuary for rogue Telmarine soldiers who left following Caspian's coronation. In the name of Caspian and in honour of her friend Edmund, Sylvia gathered a band on her closest friends and warriors to liberate the ruins and to return the surrounding forest to the Narnians who lived there.
For her deed and with the Narnian's permission, Caspian named her Duchess of Lantern Waste and Countess of the Western March, allowing her to rebuild the ruins and to live on the estate to watch over the West and protect it from any trespassers.
"Oh, goddamn,
My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
Taking mine, but it's been promised to another."
Which brings them back to the problem at hand. Calormen is demanding the bride they were promised and until an agreement can come to, Sylvia is forbidden to touch another. Narnia finds itself on the precipice of war once more to protect the honour of Caspian's cousin and not all are happy with his decision.
"He's in the room,
Your opal eyes are all I wish to see,
He wants what's only yours...
...He's gonna burn this house to the ground..."
This line refers to the coming war and the threat to Caspian's reign, court and kingdom should Sylvia not marry the Prince of Calormen.
Throughout the endless negotiations, messages in-between sovereigns, and the waiting, Sylvia yearns for the freedom to love who she wants, to exchange a touch that won't damn them all.
"So yeah, it's a war,
It's the goddamn fight of my life."
It is just a matter of asking herself, if she is willing to give up her love for the good of Narnia or will she doom them to war?
"peace" by Taylor Swift (Part IV)
The song is also related to the events of Ivy, where Sylvia is still mulling over the decision she must face: marry the Prince of Calormen and save Narnia or refuse him and doom them to war.
"Our coming-of-age has come and gone
Suddenly the summer, it's clear..."
This line refers to how they are no longer the same children who first met in a rebellion, where the choice to fight for the good of Narnia was an easy and noble decision, lacking the political complexities at hand. Now they are sixteen - going on seventeen - and the choices they must make is not so easy and there is nothing noble about any of it.
"But I would die for you in secret..."
While this refers to Sylvia's devotion to Edmund, both romantically and platonically, it is also about how her feelings for him haven't been acknowledged out loud by either parties. Its been something subtle, covered up by the more vocal passions of their kin, Susan and Caspian, who they have both been hoping would get together.
Her and Edmund are close friends but neither knows of the others feelings and thus, Sylvia is saying that she would save Narnia, save Caspian, save Edmund and his siblings if it meant dooming herself to a loveless marriage while she 'dies for him in secret'.
"...The devil's in the details..."
Not everyone can see this ultimatum for the complicated and heavy decision that it is. Sylvia is unmarried. She is not betrothed to another and an alliance with Calormen could prevent untold hardships, tensions or threats of violence in the future.
The Lords have been wanting to get rid of her for years, unable to understand why Caspian has allowed Miraz's daughter a place in his court and with such powerful and influential titles to go with it. They have no love for her, no trust and sending her to Calormen will be killing two birds with one stone.
"Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other,
Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother..."
Sylvia and Edmund are not the type to let conversation fill the space between them and it is true that their understanding comes from knowing eyes and miniscule expressions that only the other can read. Their thoughts ring louder with a single look than any words they can ever speak, and at times it as if they share a single mind.
Because of everything the two families have been through with one another, they all have a very strong bond that was built from trust that grew in hardship.
Separated by their parents, they have come to see each other as family, with Sylvia considering Lucy, Susan and Peter like her own and Edmund considering Caspian as a brother like he would Peter. Throw in Caspian and Susan's feelings for one another, they are all linked.
"But the rain is always gonna come if you're standin' with me,
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"
It needs to be said - for both Sylvia and Edmund - that loving the other will always come with the baggage of their past. He was once a traitor, and while history might have forgotten that, he never can. She is the daughter of a tyrant, and that is who the Lords will always see when she walks into a room.
Peace was never guaranteed when it came to them.
"Enchanted" by Taylor Swift (Part IV)
This song would come at the climax of everything. Where Edmund would ride back into the castle like a storm was on his heels, after realizing he loved her the entire time, his eyes dark and wild as he marched up the stone steps of Castle Caspian searching for her.
Sylvia, of course, would have been waiting for the party to return, sitting by the arched stone ledges that overlooked the courtyard and she would have seen him run up those stone steps and immediately set off running to meet him.
"Forcing laughter, faking smiles,
Same old tired, lonely place,
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy..."
This verse refers to Sylvia's past in court. Growing up in a place built on lies and power plays, where every word was calculated and she had never known anything heartfelt or genuine unless it was from her cousin or her tutor.
"The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy..."
Then she met Edmund, who possessed the same mind for word play and the tongue for quick jabbed verbal sparring without any of the danger that she was familiar with.
Their sharp quips and witty taunts were the start of their friendship, from him correcting her footwork to her challenging him to a dance, the closest thing to child-like flirtations as they could come without it being too obvious that was what they were doing.
"This is me praying that,
This was the very first page,
Not where the story line ends,
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again."
Their story has spanned the years, and they were years full of adventure, war, hope, fear, and she wouldn't trade it for anything but she desperately wishes for it not to end. When the party returns to seal her fate, she is praying that her story does not end there and that she will keep holding out hope until she sees him.
"Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you."
This part I associate with Edmund. These are his thoughts as he races through the stone passageways and sees her hurrying down a hallway and meets her there and he hesitates.
He had realized by now that she had fell in love with another during the tree years separated and that for the safety of this person, Sylvia had let them go but what if she wanted them? What if she was still in love with them, holding onto a hope to be with them?
But than she closes the distance and wraps her arms around him.
For Sylvia, it's always been him.
The boy with dark eyes and the smirk who could run circles around practiced diplomats and nobleman with just a few choice words and sharp quips. The same boy who got flustered when he got caught staring too long and ended up getting tongue tied.
The one who pointed out her footwork and corrected her sword, the one who shied away from a dance but would not shy away from a challenge. Who schemed with her, who shared with her, and who treated her like a friend, equal and confidante.
"All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you."
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