#🎶I am in misery🎶
blueberryrock · 11 months
God i hate being sick, i woke up with a headache and my brain is hella foggy and everytime i cough it makes my head hurt more 😭 my nose is also stuffy and runny at the same time but my throat doesnt hurt but my voice is awful
I just hope this ends soon 😭
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jade-kyo · 1 year
Damn this month is gonna be rough
I’m trying so hard not to just go all doom and gloom with how Noragami is going. Yesterday I was kinda just numb to it- now the reality of it has set in- this was THE worst case scenario from every single angle.
Literally what the fuck-
I want to have faith that adachitoka would not actually do this and there’s some crazy creative way to fix this that we just aren’t seeing but holy shit is it hard
This was the one fucking thing I did not want to happen for so many painfully obvious reasons
Listen y’all I’m trying desperately to keep faith but I don’t know how many more “it’s not over yet” I got left in me
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Me: time to sleep
Brain: or I could keep you up by playing your worst memories on a loop :)
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chuuyasdog · 2 years
Yep its that time again where i question whether im aroace or not. Fucking confusing shit.
Im pretty sure im repulsed by the idea of having sex itself. But i dont know if that's just cause ive never done it before.
Yknow if someone could fucking explain what arousal feels like in an afab body that'd be pretty fucking helpful.
Is it possible to be sex repulsed if your not asexual??
And dont even get me started on romantic attraction.
Cause im pretty sure i HAVE fancied people in the past, but i dont know in what fucking way.
Aaaaaaaaaa all this fucking questioning and confusion is driving me up the fucking wall!!!!
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valahelart · 3 months
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“I just want someone to care, if I stay or go. I want someone to want... me! To want to see me. To hold me. Look at me and think 'well, you're the only one I want!'”
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sadiecoocoo · 8 months
@thoughts-and-gayers you ask and you shall receive 🫡
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I am terribly ill right now (it’s just a cold but I’m a baby and didn’t wanna go to school <3) and I can’t breath through my nose :]
I am in love with those two psychopaths (I’m the same age as them I’m not weird I promise [I totally am weird but not in that way]) and the only things stopping me from making an x reader is the fact that I hate writing and reading x reader fics (nothing against it it’s just not my cup of tea) and the fact I ship them so heavily i’ve pulled an almost all nighter to finish a fic abt them
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misteria247 · 11 months
I keep sneezing someone end my misery lol
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
God I wish I had the work ethic to animate
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vvindication · 1 year
experiencing pain levels that could turn me evil fr. touring every circle of hell tonight apparently
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blueberryrock · 10 months
How come air port seats must be so god damb uncomfortable, i cant even sleep without smth digging into my back, which is just great cause i think my plane got delayed by another hour
Im running on 3 hours of sleep and miserable please somebody shoot me /j
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ventcode · 2 years
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #5
previous: 1, 2, 3, 4,
*Zack walks in with his head in a pumpkin*
Zack: Zack-o'-lantern
Genesis: do you think our menstrual cycles have synced?
Sephiroth: please stop crying. I am not equipped to deal with depression this early in the morning.
Kunsel: When I die please donate my penis to science.
Angeal: Director Lazard dresses like a gay penguin.
Sephiroth: Is fruit cake an insult? I just called someone a fruit cake and thought it was quite funny.
Kunsel: Why does Rufus sound like he went through puberty twice?
Sephiroth: I thought the Molly you spoke of was the name.
Roche: Kunsel can have a little medieval torture, as a treat.
Zack: Where were you when my hand was stuck in the toaster??
Sephiroth: I don't know what Coraline was complaining about. She had two mothers.
Lazard: One of these days I'm going to lose my shit and punch Genesis in the face.
Angeal: (on the phone): I-just-swallowed-whiteout help desk, Angeal speaking, how may I help you?
Genesis: Merry Christmas.
Zack: It's October?
Genesis: Alright shitty Christmas then.
Zack: *break dancing while Genesis sobs*
Genesis: If we're all single by age forty let's become a married throuple.
Angeal: I can't tell if that drawing you did is President Shinra or Colonel Sanders.
Roche: Fuck it. I'll just steal Sephiroth's hair. It's no big deal!
Sephiroth: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a single piece of lasagna right now.
Cloud: Ronald McDonald would never treat me like this!
Sephiroth: I do not mean to be immature, but I will now be giggling whenever we reach the 69th floor.
Genesis: Eat this apple and tell me it doesn't taste like chicken tenders.
Angeal: Sephiroth stop laughing Genesis might be going to jail.
Zack: 🎶 Grab somebody sexy tell 'em HEY *tackles Sephiroth*
Cloud: There's a pickle in your wallet. Is that a metaphor?
Lazard: There's no need to act defensive, Roche. Lots of men have gay thoughts about Sephiroth.
Genesis: Bullying IS a healthy coping mechanism.
Lazard: Do you like my new bottle of pills?
Cloud: What if—bear with me—What if! No one cares about Loveless?
Sephiroth: I think he's the size of twelve capybaras stacked on top of each other.
Angeal: Which one of you gay clowns told upper management about—Put your hand down, Genesis, that wasn't a compliment!
Zack: *through a mouthful of cookies* HE'S A DILF!
Angeal: You can't threaten me with a butter knife.
Sephiroth: If I sniff this entire box of markers, will it put me out of my misery?
Zack: My fear is that he'll come at me with a rolling pin.
Cloud: Seph! Stop choking Genesis with that extension cord he's into that shit.
Lazard: If you keep this up, Sephiroth, I'll make you wear a shirt for a week.
Genesis: How do I look?
Angeal: With your eyes, Gen.
Roche: I personally frame all of my speeding tickets.
*Cloud walks in shaking*
Sephiroth: Somebody stole a jar of jam from my desk drawer.
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azari-the-enby-geek · 2 months
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🎶I am in misery!🎶
You can find my AO3 account down here ↓
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darkphoenix07 · 1 year
Elixir of 🕸️ Death(J.W)
A vampire series by @darkphoenix07
Mental health request
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Paring: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Dark Romance, Fantasy, Tragedy
Song suggestion 🎶: House of cards by BTS, Done for me by Punch.
Warning: Mentions of blood, Violence, Degradation, Death, Mention of suicide, Murder, Abuse. Synopsis: When the girl who doesn't have any will to live meets the demon whose only wish to slaughter humans. "How will it help me if I drain your blood right now when I can use you anyway I want to?" - Jung Wooyoung
Chapter 1
🍷"To the people who craves comfort and a single reason to keep themselves alive" 🍷
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"Am I pathetic because I am careless?
Am I a disgrace because of what I love?
Will I ever be free from these?
Will I be saved from these miseries?"
"I will feed you and kill you everyday. Because blood doesn't taste good when you don't have any fear in your veins." 
His words start echoing in your head but you are adamant. You don't want to give him what he wants.
"Good luck with feeding me anything," you smirk back raising an eyebrow at him and he squints his eyes at your response.
"You think highly of yourself, don't you?" He asks you while his hand starts traveling down touching your collarbone and stops right on your chest.
"Do you think everyone is like you?" You ask him back and he chuckles looking down.
"What's your name?" He is the first one who asks you facing you, changing the subject.
"Y/n. What would you do with it?"
"My name is Jung Wooyoung. I've lived here for 1027 years," his casual words start making you feel uncomfortable. Which makes you more uncomfortable that his cold hand hasn't left your chest yet. It's just your chest, right in the middle but your heart his thumping crazily.
You didn't think it would be this bad when someone touches you but right now it feels like a disaster. What if he wants something else without your blood?
But he finally removes his hand from your chest and wraps it around your waist pulling you closer to him. You can feel how cold his body is but the way he holds you in his arms give you warmth in your chest. You don't remember when was the last time someone wrapped their hands around you like this, like a side hug maybe.
Is he hugging you?
He takes you towards the dinning table and makes you sit on a chair. He leaves and comes back in an instant then wraps a cloak around you, "Wait here."
He says and vanishes again. In a few seconds, he appears and you see stakes in front of you and a candle lighting up. You realize there is just a chandelier in the dinning room. He doesn't use light. Maybe he doesn't need light.
"Eat up," he says sitting beside you.
"I don't have an appetite," you tell him looking away.
"Listen to me when I am being good. Eat some of it. It's beef nothing else," he says with a calm voice but it gives you chills.
You are with a inhumane being and you are being your usual stubborn self. What worse can happen?
"I am not here to listen to you," you tell him gawking at him and he thumps his hand on the table.
But you don't flinch.
"If you don't eat anything then, I'll help you die. You know, how?" He says grabbing your arm again, making you stand up. This time his grasp tight, forceful, "By starving you and leaving you beside a broken window. I think you will love that."
"Do you think you are scaring me?" You ask him and he looks more mad.
"You'll know once you are inside," he says and starts dragging you upstairs.
"Let go off me. I want to leave now. Let go!!!" You keep screaming but he doesn't listen at all.
"Jung Wooyoung! Let go off me," he stops in front of a door hearing you.
As he looks down at you, you think you see his eyes glowing more.
He makes you stand up and opens the door. Then throws you on the bed getting on top of you. You keep moving backwards but it's of no use. He already grabs your hands, intertwines his fingers with yours pinning them on bed.
"Don't act like a fool calling a vampire with his full name. You have no idea what I want to do to you right you," he says as a warning and a tear leaves your eye.
"Do something I haven't seen before. You men are all bastards. Vampire or humans. Doesn't matter," you tell him like you don't care but your lips are already trembling. You are scared of him right now and the way he smiles right now tells you he can smell your fear in your blood.
His bloodlust has increased on an alarming level.
"I will tear you apart," he says.
"Do it."
"Eat you piece by piece."
"Do it."
"There won't be anything to bury."
"Just do what you want."
He looks annoyed right now.
"You are scared to die. That's why you have come to me."
You think you stop breathing as he saw right through you.
He bends over in the crook of your neck and breathes, "I bet you will taste good now."
"Why don't you taste then?"
You know he can feel you shaking under him that makes him proud of himself. But you not running away, not defending yourself makes him feel pathetic.
You feel him licking the side of your neck and a shiver runs through your whole body making you tremble a little bit more.
"I can taste you from your skin already," his raspy whispers leaves you breathless. But you know you can't do a thing right now.
"I will stop if you tell me to," he says like he is some gentleman doing you a favor.
"I won't tell you to stop," you tell him making him smile against your neck.
"Good girl," he says pressing your hands tighter than before.
It feels like he kisses your neck softly and you close your eyes. You didn't want this to happen. You just wanted him to drain you.
"I'll put you to a good sleep," he says and you feel his fangs digging into your neck slowly, painfully. It's like some sharp blunt blade digging inside your veins and your blood is spilling inside a hole.
You start squirming and shaking your leg from the undying pain in your neck.
He stops and looks at you while your blood is still spilling from the holes his fangs created.
"If you want me to stop. I will."
You feel light headed, like something is taking out all of your energies but you shake your head like a stubborn kid staring at him. Part of you thanking him because he is setting you free, part of you wants to end this pain removing him away from you.
"Alright then," he says and on the next second, his fangs are again inside your neck dragging blood from your veins.
You body gives up at a point as you lose strength to move. Tears roll down from your eyes as they start closing up from the aching. They get tired from the lose of blood and you don't know when you lose your senses.
Wooyoung gets up realizing your body going numb and chuckles shaking his head, "I didn't even drink much and look at you. Such a fragile body."
He licks the spilling blood from your neck and your neck stops bleeding.
He keeps staring at you positioning himself on his hand. He moves the baby hair from your forehead and reads you while you are lying unconscious beside him.
"What made you think a monster can save you from this cruel life?"
He asks you but it's like he already knows the answer. He doesn't wait.
He keeps his hand on your swollen, pale hands, "Humans feel cold when they don't wear something heavy around you and look at you, torturing yourself. Sleep well for a while and become beautiful again. I'll tell you then what I want to do with you and your life."
He gets up and stands in the balcony. A crow comes in his hand and he whispers something to it before it flies away through the winter breeze.
After a while, someone knocks in his door and he carefully opens it.
"You are late," he says to the tall guy with a brown overcoat wrapped around him.
"I was in a surgery. I am not your maiden or something. Why did you call me?" He asks getting inside the house while Wooyoung closes the door.
"What do you give someone when they don't eat the food they are given?" Wooyoung's question makes the other man curious.
He raises an eyebrow and crosses his hands, "Which type of animal are you trying to feed now?"
"I am not talking about animals?"
"Then? Vampires? You know better than me. You've lived more years."
"Jeong Yunho! She is a woman. Not a woman, a girl. Pale, thin, broken."
Yunho looks at him and then around his surroundings. He shoots Wooyoung a death glare, "I told you to leave these humans after compelling them. What is in your head right now?"
"I am not holding anyone hostage. She is here by her own will. Maybe she doesn't have a home. Or maybe," Wooyoung walks towards the living room and stands by the window, "She has a home but can't call it one."
"Jung Wooyoung feeling had for a human after thousand of years. Who caused it? You've killed women before. Why not her?" Yunho asks with pure curiosity making Wooyoung annoyed.
"I don't have to give you any excuses. Let's go upstairs and give her the medicines she needs," Wooyoung starts walking through the stairs and Yunho ends up following him upstairs.
"She is on the verge of death. I have to say," Yunho says after checking her.
Wooyoung gulps and his lips part a little hearing Yunho. Yunho looks at him and he rolls his eyes, "Well, she deserves to."
"Then why not let her die?" Yunho asks, "You can drain the rest of the blood away from her you know. Fixing her will be a long cause."
"What do you mean by long cause?" Wooyoung sits on the sofa of the room where Yunho can't see his face well.
"I can give her saline now which I'm sure you don't know about but it will give her some strength. But she needs real food you know. Vitamins, minerals, protein, fat carbohydrates. All of these or else she will die from malnutrition and thanks to you, you've lessened her hemoglobin level for sure," Yunho says and Wooyoung stands up.
"What are these things? Can't you just suggest some food?" He looks frustrated and pissed at the same time not understanding the terms.
Yunho smiles and nods, "I'll send the foods. Make sure to feed her if you want to keep her alive this bad."
"Okay, leave now," Wooyoung says while his eyes are on you.
Yunho keeps a hand on his shoulder before passing him and says, "Taking care of a human girl will lead to something you'll never be prepared for and if she becomes your weakness, it'll be easier for them to remove you from the coven."
"What are you trying to imply?" Wooyoung asks while his eyes are still stuck on you.
"A stranger human girl walking in the woods and ending up in your own bed where you let nobody in. Her wanting to kill herself and you wanting to save her, don't you find it very simple?"
"You better not do any complications with me. Say whatever it is in your twisted mind."
"She may be your fate you know. Shouldn't you keep her away knowing the prophecy?"
This time Wooyoung glares at Yunho but he doesn't move an inch.
"He will do everything to remove you from the coven throne. Keep her away from you. I don't want you to lose your position."
"She means nothing to me," Wooyoung says averting his fiery gaze.
Yunho chuckles leaving his shoulder, "It's so obvious, Wooyoung. You aren't the type to sympathize with some mortal girl. You know that too. Get rid off her as soon as possible."
Before Wooyoung can say another word, Yunho vanishes into thin air leaving him stunned and worried.
"What if the prophecy is right? I can't... I can't lose my position and hurt the people of my coven," his mind goes blank as he starts pacing back and forth.
He looks at you again. He doesn't remember covering you in a blanket and putting a bandage on your neck. He doesn't remember moving your hair away from your neck so they don't poke your neck. But he did all these though he got to know you a few hours ago.
"No, I can't let you live if you'll be the cause of my demise," and he removes the blanket from your body, rips apart the syringe from your skin and takes you in his arms firmly.
In a moment, he is outside of his house and in front of the cold, deep river alongside the red forest of this town.
"Sleep forever if that's what you wished for," that's the last thing he says before throwing your body into the water.
He keeps standing there, watching your body go deeper and deeper. He sucks in a deep breath realizing you are not even fighting to come out, screaming to save you. The cold water is consuming your body piece by piece.
"Goodbye human. Rest in peace. I promise I'll bury you warm once you are done."
Y/n died?????? What do you think the prophecy is?
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life-winners-liveblog · 7 months
What about Bad Apple.
Martyn: Of course.
Scott: Never tought of it but sure.
Martyn: We'll do the english version because I doubt you can sing it in it's original language.
Scott: I ...true.
Scott: Oh the rythm is good.
Martyn: uh...sure. 🎵Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony. 'Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I see that I can't break free.🎵
Scott: 🎶 Slipping trough the cracks of a dark eternity, with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony. To tell me who I am, who I was. Uncertainty enveloping my mind 'till I can't break free.🎶
Martyn: 🎵Maybe It's a dream, maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel.🎵
Scott: 🎶So I'm tired of the pain, all the misery inside, and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.🎶
Martyn: 🎵You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go but I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know.🎵
Scott: 🎶If I make another move there'll be no more turning back because everything will change and it all will fade to black.🎶
Martyn: 🎵Will tomorrow ever come, will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?🎵
Scott: 🎶Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know? Can I take another step? I've done everything I can, all the people that I see I will never understand.🎶
Martyn: 🎵If I find a way to change, if I step into the light then I'll never be the same and it all would fade to white.🎵
Martyn: There was no room to breathe...
Scott: Yeah...at least we get this pause to breathe. Well let me go first this time.
Martyn: Sure.
Scott: 🎵Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony. 'Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I see that I can't break free.🎵
Martyn: 🎶Slipping trough the cracks of a dark eternity, with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony. To tell me who I am, who I was. Uncertainty enveloping my mind 'till I can't break free.🎶
Scott: 🎵Maybe It's a dream, maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel.🎵
Martyn: 🎶So I'm tired of the pain, all the misery inside, and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.🎶
Scott: 🎵You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go but I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know.🎵
Martyn: 🎶If I make another move there'll be no more turning back because everything will change and it all will fade to black.🎶
Scott: 🎵If I make another move, If I take another step then it all would fall apart, there'd be nothing of me left, if I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night. Will there ever be a way, will my heart return to white?🎵
Martyn: 🎶Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am? I've forgotten how to see, I've forgotten if I can. If I open up my eyes there'd be no more going back🎶
Martyn/Scott: 🎵'Cause I'd trow it all away and it all would fade to black🎶
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boujeebunny8 · 9 months
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Maya is done with everyone’s shit… I aM iN mIsErY~🎶
(P.s, this maybe an edit I’m working on…)
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