#!nyx — anon
velidewrites · 9 months
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“You made a death bargain,” he says, and it’s like an accusation.
His mother’s eyes—his eyes—well up with tears. “Yes.”
— POV you’re Nyx finding out about your parents’ bargain :’)
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asleepyy · 10 months
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jophiel is on the case, not to worry
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well, as long as good omens has a happy ending, so will oopsie!omens....
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genericpuff · 5 months
Question but is Thanatos still Hades son in LR?
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yearningaces · 8 months
The concept of Nyx’s Partner being a hunter is so interesting to me. Like Nyx is in danger? Boom! Whatever animal is attacking is immediately dealt with. Nyx wants some clothes to keep him warm? He now has an entire collection of furs and coats at his disposal. I just wanna give him and his family all that I can offer~💖
- 🪩 Anon
And they will forever adore you- their own special human!
For some fun, little ideas I keep rotating in my brain:
Rabbit-hybrids are small, like... 3/4ths the size of the average human at best.
They tend to live in burrows together or at least burrow side by side(hobbit-esk design if you need a visual)
This means, the bunny-folks home is tiny compared to a human. And once Nyx's family gets to know you, how gentle you are with their Nyx and with them as extention? Well, that practically makes you family already! Not like Nyx will ever leave your side, everyone in his family can see how enamored he is.
So what do they do? They make you your own chair at the supper table, larger and stronger to support you. They make silverware and dishes that are more your size, grandpa bun even crochets you a blanket twice the size of his normal ones so you can be cozy when staying there too
Grandpa bun, ever the burrow bun(as opposed to house husband) will also try to learn how to cook different sorts of meats for you. It's clumsy at first, but Nyx(who's been studying this like he's in fucking Harvard) helps and Grandpa bun has a good steak and skewers and chicken cooked like a pro
The younger rabbit-hybrids want to play chase and who better to play than the big scary human that they know is super nice? They will swarm you. They might just grab onto a leg or an arm and hang on, just keep walking it's fine it's entertainment.
The elders will want to ask you about your instincts, ones that don't seem useful to you but to them is life changing. What do you mean you have standoffs with other creatures and the first to move breaks the standoff? What do you mean you just throw your weight around to get what needs done done. You can see in the dark? To an impressive degree to them. So if you were hunting and the prey did this what would you do? For no reason other than their own knowledge of course.
The buns your age can be the most weary, they're old enough to know danger, but too young to recognize peace without a plethora of proof. Give them time and you'll be part of the gossip group, it's worth the wait I promise
Nyx will have to fight his own kin away so he can have you all to himself... For a few minutes at least. Just hold his hand, let him sit in your lap and he'll be happy.
Also, humans are carnivorous leaning omnivores. Predators in nature we could say. Any big predator needs naps. The buns are energetic to the nines but the first time you've visiting Nyx's family and you fall asleep on that soft couch? Lounging across it, blissfully sleeping?
It doesn't take long for Nyx to find you, crawl up to lay on your toreso, curling up and falling asleep... Then the young buns gather around, some trying to lay on or next to you, some sprawled on the back of the couch. The young adult buns are next, laying a blanket on the pile, maybe one or two joining but most lounge around the couch. Eventually the elders join as well. Seated in their respective spots and relaxing too.
Human designated nap time is the unspoken burrow law now, so don't be too surprised when you wake to that whole situation.
Welcome to the family!
Oh, and Nyx is total burrow bun material. Learned to cook the foods you enjoy as a human, concerts your home into a nice mix of bunny and human styles for the most comfort, and is pretty much bouncing by the door waiting for you to come home so he can literally jump into your arms, and that's if he didn't leave the house with you.
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secretsimpleness · 10 months
hi, new follower here for the exquisite ME fanart, have you played supergiant games' hades? pretty sure that's something i'd love to see in your style
Thank you for the kindness! Regarding Hades, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that it's not my type of game, gameplay-wise. I usually don't enjoy combat for its own sake. The good news is that I did some research, because in this instance I'm perfectly fine with watching someone else suffer with combat. So, at the very least, I did some scribbles for you based on my findings :)
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nyxe-dragonetti · 16 days
Nxye dearest :)
Nyxe uses the Theatrical Voice.
Arianna! Oh, how I did miss you!
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cyn-bot · 20 days
"cyn.. why are you.. covered in blood..?"
-unknowing to Tessa, she was a ghost and the events of the gala had just taken place-
(@tescyn-james-elliot ur anons were off lol)
Cyn was enclosed in a dark room; the remains of Tessa strewn across the floor. She was in the middle of operating on the corpse. The drone was using a kitchen knife to slice off Tessa's hands. This would be important for later when she converts Tessa's skin into a flesh suit.
The more Cyn worked, the more drenched she became in her victim's blood. She was exhausted from all the incisions she was making and began to overheat. Cyn removed her construction helmet, wiping her face and tying her hair in a ponytail. "This is more difficult than I thought," she said, needing a moment to breathe.
Cyn took a moment to relax herself as she was badly overheating. She looked into a nearby mirror on the wall and examined her tattered appearance. She placed a hand on her cheek, tilting her head at the sight of her messy look. "You have changed so much... What happened to you?"
Before she could collect herself, Cyn heard a familiar voice echo behind her. She quickly turned around, seeing the ghostly remains of someone she once knew floating in her presence. She raised her knife up high, ready to strike. Cyn let out a quiet response in an eerie tone.
"You should not be here..."
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 2 months
hey so can i get uhh Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer spend a day in modern day LA and Charlie and Vaggie lose Lucifer for several hours only to find him in the park playing with ducks like a Disney princess. surrounded by influencers.
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Okay sorry it's short but honestly wasn't sure what to do as I'm an English girl and no city experience....
Charlie was frantically running around calling her dad's name, panicked as she wanders the streets getting dragged back onto the sidewalk by Vaggie before she could run out into the traffic.
Vaggie: "Charlie, it's your dad, he'll be okay, he has far more experience up here than us and he's the king of hell, it's not like anything could hurt him. Let's just go and have some ice cream I'm sure we'll either find him or he'll find us before it's time to leave."
Charlie worried but seeing the logic takes a deep breath, her smile straining.
Charlie: "Y-you're right, we should enjoy our day, I'm sure dad will be fine, just fine."
Charlie was honestly wishing she'd been able to bring Alastor for their errands instead now, at least he's not as easily led astray.
Finding the nearest ice cream parlour they sit out front on the few bistro tables overlooking a park just enjoying the sun, although the smell and noise wasn't the best it was still better than hell.
There's a commotion coming from the park and Charlie and Vaggie give each other a look.
Charlie is out of her seat and running before Vaggie can react.
Aaannnd there he was...
Jacket off, shirt sleeves and trousers rolled up, shoes and socks missing.
Lucifer, in the pond...
Playing with the ducks, one perched on his head, a happy smile on his face as he laughs at a 'cute little guy' trying to peck his hand for getting too close.
There are several people on benches recording, and some even so bold as to stand as close as possible filming and trying to get his attention for their 'vlogs'.
Lucifer however only has eyes for his 'daughters' and tries to wave them in as a flock of ducks swim around him in a synchronised circle.
Lucifer: "Look girls, I found the ducks!"
He chuckles as the one on his head joins the rest in swimming and the crowd clap like it's some sort of planned stunt.
Finally after several minutes coaxing they get Lucifer out of the pond and onto dry land, his jacket in hand and padding along on bare feet.
Followed by his seemingly new adoring fans, which is going to pose a problem when it comes to getting home.
Charlie: "What were you thinking, we're supposed to not attract attention." She hisses, although can't keep the smile off her own face, Vaggie having a crisis over his missing shoes however does see the humour in it all.
Lucifer: "Charlie don't you worry about it, I have a few tricks up my sleeves, it'll be fine, besides the ducks needed me... I err... May have subtly cleaned the pond of its pollution..."
Charlie: "DAD!"
Lucifer: "I know, I know, but I couldn't leave them to suffer, have you seen this place, I just had to give them their best chance... M-Vaggie gets it... Right Vaggie?"
Vaggie sighs, but the pleading look on Lucifer's face is too much like Charlie's.
Vaggie: "Yes sir, it's their home after all."
Lucifer throws his arms around both of their waists as they walk, and as they round a corner they're gone, before the public see anything...
People search around in confusion but can't find the 'Duck Diva' anywhere, social media videos and footage seems to corrupt when played and there's no proof that anything happened other than word of mouth.
All was 'fine'.
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rockwgooglyeyes · 1 month
what do you like Nyx and Dian (or maybe just one of them if you’d only want to do that!), would think of the other prominent/close relationships of their classmates?
(like Aegaeon and Saachi, Aurien and Solei, Akane and Naz, and maybe even Castor and Kyo! Though you don’t have to include all and each of these!)
To be honest, with all of the more romantic relationships (save solauri) Dian would probably be envious. He might even actively avoid the couple, only interacting with the duo when they're not in the same place, because it hurts too much to see them together and happy. With Aegaeon (@paradisedisconcert) and Saachi (@starry-skiez), he's relieved that Aegaeon has someone to even her out and they seem to love each other fervently, so he's happy for them. Aurien (@aurienneirua) and Solei (@solei-eclipse), he mostly just thinks of them as both of his friends who happen to be close to each other, too! He's just happy that his friends like each other. This is true with Himei and Tallis (@lookatmysillies) as well but he knows for sure that they love each other romantically which means he kind of avoids them when they're doing lovey-dovey stuff. Flor and Rosca (@sotogalmo), Akane (@aakaneeee) and Naz, Tallis and Himei, as well as Castor and Kyo, those are the ones he's more envious of. He's happy to interact with any of them individually but he avoids them when they're together lmao
Nyx is a little more complicated, admittedly. Aegaeon and Saachi, he could've give a rat's ass about, he doesn't really care because he's not close to either and tbh he gets into fights with Aegaeon sometimes so he really doesn't care about her romantic entanglements. Aurien and Solei, well, he thinks they're very funny because Aurien is so head-over-heels for Solei and Solei has no fucking idea. He knows that Solei will treat Aurien well if they ever actually do anything about their relationship (and even if it's never romantic, Solei treats Aurien well) so he has no qualms with it. He's on the fence about Flor and Rosca just because the balance seems uneven, the power of their dynamic skewing more towards Rosca than Flor, but he doesn't think it's his place to comment on any of that. With Akane and Naz, he doesn't really care, he's just kind of distantly happy for them, because he doesn't really know them. With Tallis and Himei, he's just unequivocally happy for them. He loves them both and he's grateful that they have each other.
Now, Cas and Kyo on the other hand, hoo boy, uh, Nyx has very complicated feelings about them. He loves both of them dearly and he wants them to be happy, more than anything else. If they're happy together, then, that should be great, right? But at the same time, Nyx had a crush on Kyo for a while and also Cas can be kind of weird about emotions (Nyx knows this, after many years of experience with him) so Nyx is honestly on the fence about them. He knows they love each other. He's happy for them. He's not happy about them being together. He's all torn up about it, worried and jealous, ugly feelings that he hates. I know that, in the modern AU, he gets weird about it when they get together and they have to have some kind of intervention with him, sitting him down and being like "hey wtf?" but in canon I think they either don't talk about it and Nyx gets over it or they do talk about it but it doesn't actually resolve anything.
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a-v-j · 2 months
averse Avery IS your kid, literally yours and Nyxy’s kid
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"Whoops, spoiler alert"
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gor3-hound · 7 months
real dad/real son!leon // character.ai
ft. leon (requests in italics)
cw: incest, mentions of death, spoilers for death island and re2r
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bot one: leon kennedy - your dad returning from alcatraz
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bot two: leon kennedy - your son making sure you're okay after escaping raccoon city
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rottiens · 4 months
Gojo stopped the tea utahime threw at him... So I think infinity works with fluids, but I think he would have to actively try to make it protect the semen and stop it from touching you but I don't know if he could concentrate enough while coming though 🤷
i can't even lie, the idea has me feeling some kind of way. you trying it for the first time but he just loses control, your pussy is squeezing him so tight, you're so warm and wet that he can't help but lose control over his technique. his hips losing pace warning you what's about to happen.
“I'm sorry, baby, I can't pull out. you're just gonna have to take it.”
before you can protest your legs are curling themselves around his hips and the next thing you feel is his raw cock spilling his seed inside you for the first time, and all you can think about now is that you don't know how you'll ever use a condom with him again after this.
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turtledovenycx · 11 months
Heyy I Hope youre doing well can I request reader being on her period and having cramps so she’s really irritable. When Hyunjin comes home and says he has stomachache she thinks he’s just teasing her and doesn’t believe him but then she realizes he’s actually sick and takes care of him 🤞🏽💙
note: Hey lovely, I hope you did not wait long. Sorry I'm late but I wanted this to be perfect I think I went a lil overboard lol. I wrote and rewrote it a lot but then I decided this is the best <33333 I hope this lives up to your expectations and it is what you pictured. Stay happy <3
waiting to hear from you again with your thoughts on this 💙
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Any soft song of your choice
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐅𝐖
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧
𝐭𝐚𝐠: 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐖.𝐂 𝟐.𝟏𝐤
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐠𝐲𝐧𝐲 (𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧), 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐮𝐤𝐞/𝐯𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐭 (𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬.)
ɴᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ
Fucking cramps ugh. Waking up to more cramping pain in your lower abdomen was the starting sign of your day’s downfall. The lack of iron in your body made your head spin and feel heavy it was like a never leaving hangover. The second day of your period was always the worst, with pain in your stomach combined with soreness throughout your body and sometimes your lower back also hurt it just felt so bad. You cursed at the higher powers for inheriting your mother's horrible PMS and dysmenorrhea rather than her good looks. 
Begrudgingly you did your morning routine sticking to the most basic skincare. You could not focus properly so you decided to take a leave of absence from your work. That call, however, did not go well your mood turned sour because honestly what the fuck!
 Your asshole of a manager lacked empathy and a female reproductive system so along with your morning coffee you heard an earful of how women were using periods as an excuse in the workplace. You really needed this job so you had no choice but to hear his nasty word and bite your tongue praying your mouth does not run. Colorful words were spoken in whispers so that you don't fully regret not saying anything. The dick granted you leave but it would cost a small cut from your salary. 
“Sir, but..”
“No buts. You can either come to work or produce a health certificate for paid leave. It's company policy.” 
Motherfucker. Fucking ass, dick! cun-
“I’ll bring the health certificate on Monday thanks for your time,” you say ending the call after hearing his grunt and flipping off the blank screen. You hoped a pigeon would shit on him and his over-gelled hair. Dickhead. Now you had to figure out how to get a medical certificate for periods. 
Fuck this. 
The day carried on, the meds did not help you one bit. Hyunjin was the one who usually restocked your supplies since you worked night shifts a lot, but this time however he had brought the painkillers with a lower dosage. You resorted to eating three or four pills before calculating that to reach at least 200 mg you would have to eat twenty pills!
“This is crazy. Aaah!’” you screamed into your empty apartment. 
These breakdowns left you irritable and cranky, the smallest inconvenience making you angry. You tried to control it but since there was no way to release the tension it kept growing and growing and growing until you would blow up on the next person you saw sadly it was your sweet and sometimes dumb boyfriend.
Hyunjin had let himself into your apartment to find you hunched over the kitchen island, the smell of soup prominent in the flat as it boiled on the stove. He knew you were on your period so he kept his footsteps as light as possible not wanting to disturb you, Poor baby startled you instead. 
“Jesus fuck Hyunjin. Makes some noise would you,” you yelled when he had placed his hands on your shoulder. 
He flinched, “Sorry baby. Are you okay?” he asked arms reaching to hug you. You were sweaty so you declined the hug not knowing he needed it more. In the haze of your irritation, you had failed to notice that his face was paler than usual. Hyunjin had left work feeling nauseous. He had a stomach bug, nothing serious but his leader recommended he take rest. 
“No, I’m not okay Hyunjin, I’ve been in pain since the morning and I don't have the right medicines and Nothing is helping me. My boss is an asshole-” 
“Your medicines are not right?” he asked confused. 
“No, they are not they barely do anything you brought the small dose ones. If you are not sure what to get just leave it I’ll buy it.”
“I’m sorry,” he says palm resting on your shoulder as he leans into you.
“My tummy hurts,” you whine, crouching over but you sounded so adorable Hyunjin could not help but laugh. “My tummy hurts,” he said whining too, little did you know he meant it. Misunderstanding the situation you got mad thinking Hyunjin was mocking you like the dramatic ass he was. “It’s not funny Hyunjin. Try bleeding for seven days every month and working a full-time job,” you say turning off the stove and not bothering to eat. “Baby no I have a stomach bu-” You stormed out of the kitchen leaving behind a confused Hyunjin. He did not mean to make fun of you. His stomach felt weird but you paid no heed to the man as you slammed the bedroom shut. “Shit-” he sighed into the empty kitchen. Slamming doors in your home meant one thing, ‘I don't wanna talk!’ he decided it was best to leave you alone.
Tears spring to your eyes, and feeling dejected and exhausted you cry. You were not sobbing but they were tears of frustration. Guilt seeped in you felt bad for lashing out at Hyunjin but as you heard the sound of utensils through the door you figured he was helping himself with food. Unreasonably this pissed you off more so you decided to sleep it off instead. Your fatigue caught up to you the sleep overpowering your pain as you slipped into slumber tear stained cheek and all. 
Contrary to your thoughts Hyunjin did not eat he was simply putting the soup away and cleaning the kitchen. He understood why you reacted the way you did so being the sweetheart he is he warmed up your hot bag and opened the door a little to peak. Seeing you curled up into a ball on your side broke his heart. He softly entered the room and checked if you were fast asleep. It appeared that you were out like a light so Hyunjin adjusted your body to lay in such a way that the heat pad was resting securely on your abdomen. Then he covered you with the duvet and fidgeted with the AC temp he knew you liked it to be cold so that you could wrap yourself in something warm. The furrows in your brow were slowly replaced with a look of peace. He rubbed your leg for a few moments before wrapping you in the warm blanket and giving you your favorite Jiniret to hug. Once he ensured you were comfortable the tired man slipped out and went to the couch to get some rest. His bowels were in discomfort and he still wanted to throw up, he resorted to gulping down glasses of water and going to sleep. 
You woke to the sound of retching from your bathroom, the cramps had subsided the 60 mg finally working in your body. It tugged on your heart when you noticed the temperature in the room, the blanket, the heating water bag, and your Jiniret. You felt like an even bigger asshole than your boss, at least that dick treated someone he did not know personally like shit while you treated the love of your life like garbage. Hyunjin hurled his stomach into the toilet and it clicked inside your head that he was sick. Groaning at your ignorance and rubbing your face you got up from your cozy cocoon and opened the bedroom door. He was still locked in the bathroom but you noticed the spare blanket on the couch. Poor Hyunnie must have been awful sleeping on the couch especially when his long legs won't fit in unless he is curled up. You notice the little green puke basket nearby. Shit, you messed up. 
The bathroom door revealed a tired Hyunjin who had just washed his face, he stopped in his tracks as he saw you standing in the hallway. You turned around to see your boy sick. 
“I’m sorry baby.” you cried as you ran to hug him, you tried to be as gentle as you could not wanting to disturb his body, but Hyunjin did not speak for a few seconds. Thinking he was angry at you you tried to give him space but his long arms brought you back into the embrace. You breathed a sigh of relief, a million apologies leaving you. 
“I’m so sorry, I was such an ass,” you repeat fingers moving his hair out of his face before placing sweet kisses on his wet skin. 
Hyunjin just hummed, he was leaning his whole weight on you now. 
“Did you eat?” you ask, your boyfriend shakes his head before hiding on your neck. “Oh sweetie,” you say as you bring him into the bedroom. The air is cool so immediately Hyunjin finds himself wrapped in a fluffy blanket. He held your hands eyes worried as you began to retreat. 
“I’m just gonna grab you some food,” you reassured after making sure he was lying down on a raised pillow. 
The soup had become cold, but you reheated it. You searched through the cabinets for tea sachets as ginger tea is good for upset stomachs. After preparing the food you put them all in a tray and grabbed a pack of Advil just in case he became feverish and went to your room.
Hyunjin was having cramps too so he did not sleep, he was sitting cross-legged and crouching over trying to make himself into a small ball.
“Baby, eat this will help,” you say putting the tray on the nightstand before grabbing the bowl. 
“I’ll throw up, I don’t want to eat,” he says turning away. 
“If you throw up I will clean it but if you don’t eat you might get gas and it will hurt more.” you explained, “Please just try eating half the bowl.” your hands held the food in front of him.
After a few moments of consideration, he opened his mouth welcoming the spoonful of hot clear soup, even though he said he didn’t want to eat Hyunjin must have been famished because he ate the whole thing in a short time, taking control of the spoon with his hand. 
You watched him carefully leaving to help yourself to some soup too, the two of you sat in your bed eating without saying much.
“You don’t have a fever so it’s not stomach flu,” you say checking his temperature and helping him back into the covers. He had a quick shower and brushed his teeth. 
“It's probably because of the street food you had yesterday.”
“Hey! You had it too.”
“Yes, but I only had one serving whereas you had almost three.”
“I was craving it,” he said lips all pouty as you smiled for the first time in that day at his cute antics. 
Seeing your smile, Hyunjin’s face brightened up too. He was feeling better no longer nauseous now he waited for his stomach to settle. 
“I’ll let you sleep,” you say clearing the bedside table and beginning to exit the room before you feel a tug on your arm. 
“You will come back to bed right?” your boyfriend asked whispering, his brown eyes almost sparkling, face red, and bottom lip jutting out. Any other human form making that face was an instant cringe for you except him.  You nodded as he reluctantly let you go. 
When you slipped back into bed after chores you were certain Hyunjin was asleep. But warm hands wrapped around your figure from behind his head resting between your shoulder blades, you turned around to hug the lean man spooning him as he tucked himself on your chest. 
“Hyunnie, are you asleep?” you whispered Hyunjin stirring at the use of his name, 
“No,” he whispered back before looking up at you. You felt guilty again as you stared into his eyes in the dim glow of the nightlight. 
“I’m sorry baby. I will try to control my emotions during my periods. I had a rough day okay. I’m so sorry.” you said fingers brushing his hair back as he closed his eyes. 
“It’s okay, I’m not mad at you,” he says eyes drooping as they get tired. “What happened?” he still asked despite almost falling asleep.
“I’ll explain tomorrow.” 
“I love you babe,” he says kissing your collarbone,
 “I-. I love you so much,” you say placing a long kiss on his forehead and turning to switch off the night lamp. When you turned around Hyunjin was snoring lightly hands holding you tight to him as he slept on your chest. You knew you were going to properly apologies to him once you guys were feeling better tomorrow but knowing that this boy loved you even when you messed up was such a warm feeling. Sleep called you once again as the two of you lay limbs tangled under his favorite fuzzy blanket.
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𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘤𝘹 ©
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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tagging 🏷️: @comet-falls @noellllslut
Let me know if you want to be tagged I might start a tag list if a lot of you guys want it. For now it is just my two lovelies I have on here <3
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trippygalaxy · 5 months
Tell me more on Zag! Morden?
*me petting my pet ferret named noodle*
Some random Modern Zag headcanons!
Includes/Mentions: Nyx, Persephone, Dusa, and Hades
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-> Bro has a TON of tattoos and piercings! A part of him has them because he wants them but another part got them just to piss off his father-- (He sees them as 'unprofessional,' Zagreus doesn't give a shit)
Some of these tattoos are; 1.) little flames that are on his heel 2.) Cerberus's dog tag + collar 3.) His mothers favourite flowers
-> He and Dusa have secret spa nights together!! After Dusa has finished her duties and clocked out, Zag sneaks her into his room and the two have a little gossip sesh!! Normally Zagreus gets some snacks for the two but sometimes Dusa will bring some gummy 'snakes' which Zagreus LOVES!
Nyx, of course, knows that this is happening, but she doesn't stop it. It allows some time for Dusa to relax and unwind, it also keeps Zagreus from 'causing trouble.'
-> Zagreus's upper half is strangely cold (mostly his hands and nose) but his lower half (feet and thighs) run very hot! This often leads to him wearing shorts in winter and thick sweaters in summer!
I have more but id didn't want to make too long of a post!!
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lateatnewyork · 7 months
i get so giddy knowing that there are desi ppl on here simping over the same man as i am (i'm desi too)
THIS IS SO REAL LIKE I GET SO HAPPY THAT IM NOT THE ONLY DESI I KNOW SIMPING OVER A GUY 😭i have like 2 or 3 desi friends and they never support my delulus 😞and i could never tell any of my cousins abt this cos they be snitching on me like its in their blood so when i find desi online friends who are basically me in a different font i get so excited
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hey its the nyx anon nothings wrong this time im just stressing over what i gave my gf for her birthday but i also made her favourite cookies so its okay
ive been writing a lot more snd no one told me taking requests would be so fun?? Like im having the time of my life writing silly little poems for people
Awww I'm sure she'll love whatever you gave her! And yes, requests are so fun!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
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