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minijagiya · 5 months ago
YOU are THE MUSE, my love. Singing with your siren voice, beckoning us towards you, completely enraptured and utterly lost in the ethereal beauty you are.
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years ago
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Grammar You Can Use Instead of -지만 and -는데
-기는 하지만, -기는 -지만
Usage: A/V + 기는 하지만 is used by speakers to express different views on something.
Even though it’s translated as “but”, there is a bit more to it than just that. In the first part of the sentence the speaker recognizes or acknowledges something, but in the second sentence expresses a different opinion.
A/V Present Tense - 기는 하지만
A/V Past Tense - 기는 했지만
A/V Future Tense - 기는 하겠지만
Noun Present Tense - (이)기는 하지만
Often used in its contracted form in conversation 기는 하지만 > 긴 하지만. The other form of this grammar -기는 -지만 uses the same adjective/verb twice in a row and can add more emphasis.
그 신발이 좋기는 좋지만 너무 비싸서 못 사요.
Those shoes ARE good, but I can’t buy them because they are too expensive.
어제 축구를 하기는 했지만 오래 하지 읺았어요.
I played soccer yesterday, but I didn't play it for long.
파티를 오긴 하겠지만 늦게 도착할 수도 있어요.
I'll come to the party, but I might arrive late.
지만 vs 가는 하지만
지만 - subjects can be different in each sentence
기는 하지만 - subjects of both sentences must be the same
지만 - used to make a simple contrast
기는 하지만 - used when emphasizing a contrast. the speaker states something that they acknowledge or know is try and then emphasize a contrasting fact or situation
Usage: This is mostly translated as “Even though, although, or despite”. It’s used to indicate that something that is opposite or unexpected occurs when compared to the information that is stated in the first sentence.
A/V Past Tense -았/었는데도
Adjectives Present Tense - (consonant) 은데도 (vowel)ㄴ데도
Verbs Present Tense - 는데도
Present Tense 인데도
Past Tense (vowel)였는데도
밖에 눈이 많이 오는데도 거리에 사람들이 많아요.
It's snowing a lot outside, but there are a lot of people on the street.
어제 잘 잤는데도 오늘 많이 피곤하네요
Despite sleeping well last night, I’m really tired today.
휴일인데도 도서관에서 공부를 해요.
Even though it’s a holiday, I study at the library.
(으)ㄴ/는 반면에
Usage: Translated as “but, while”. It also can be thought of as “on the other hand”.
This grammar is used to express the fact that 2 things are opposite. Used to state both positive and negative things. The alternative form is A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 데 반해 = but, while.
Adjectives - (consonant) 은 반면에 or (vowel) ㄴ 반면에
Verbs in Present Tense - 는 반면에
Verbs in Past Tense - (consonant) 은 반면에 or (vowel) ㄴ 반면에
이 책은 얇은 반면에 내용이 어려워요.
This book is short, but it’s content is difficult.
저는 운동은 잘하는 반면에 공부는 못해요.
While I am good at sports, I’m not a good student.
아침에는 추운 반면 오후에는 더워요.
It’s cold in the morning, but it’s hot in the afternoon.
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minijagiya · 2 months ago
The Princess Diaries
Jungkook is a happy man
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a-pop-of-korean · 2 years ago
One-Page Masterlist
안녕하세요! Hey everyone! I recently got an ask about my old masterlist, which is the same as my broken-down masterlist except it has all of my lessons on one page, rather than on multiple separate posts. Some may find this expanded version easier to navigate, so I’ll keep this up for y’all! My broken-up masterlist, of course, will still be available for those who find that more helpful :)
Hangul Lessons
Writing/Reading Korean Syllables
Some 받침 Rules
Stroke Order
Some More 받침 Rules
Irregular Verbs
The Basics
Common Phrases
Sino-Korean vs. Native Korean Numbers (Instagram Post)
Sentence Structure and Particles
Present-Tense Conjugations and Formal Language
Honorifics and Casual Language
Negative Sentences
잘 and 못
Past Tense
Future Tense (-ㄹ / 을 것이다)
-ㄹ / 을 까요? (Shall we…? / I wonder…?)
-(으)세요 (Giving Commands / Asking Questions)
Telling Time
-고 싶다 (I want to…)
How to Say “And”
-지만 (However)
아/어/여서 (So…)
Negative Commands
Spacing (띄어쓰기)
ㅂ Irregular
Comparatives and Superlatives
난, 날, & 내가
 -(으)면 (If…)
아/어/여도 (Even though…/Even if…)
(으)면 되다 / 아/어/여도 되다 (I can…/You may…)
-아/어도 되다: Asking for and Giving Permission (Instagram post)
-(으)면 되다 & -(으)면 안 되다 (Instagram post)
아/어/여야 되다 and 아/어/여야 하다(Have to / Should)
Present Progressive (-고 있다)
How to Say “Or”
All About 중
How to Use -(으)로
Before & After
-ㄴ/은 채로
Describing Nouns with Verbs (-는 것)
Describing Nouns with Verbs - Past & Future Tense (-ㄴ/은 / -ㄹ/을 것)
것 같다 (I think… / It seems…)
-러 가다 / -러 오다
-(으)려고 (In order to…)
-기로 하다 (to Decide to do Smth)
척하다 (To Pretend)
-게 되다 
-군요 / -구나
아/어/여 보다 (to try…)
-은/ㄴ 적 있다 / 없다 (I have / have not)
-ㄹ/을 게요 (Future Tense)
-ㄹ/을 수 있다/없다 (I can / cannot)
-ㄹ/을 때 (When…)
-ㄴ/는다면 (If)
-(으)면서 and -(으)며
-(으)니까 (Because / So)
-(ㄴ/는)다 (Narrative Form)
Quoting continued
(으)ㄹ래요? (Wanna…?)
More Quoting - 대 & 래
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 
-아/어 가지고
-는 길에 & -는 길이다
-(으)면 vs. -ㄴ/는다면 (Instagram Post)
-았/었을 것이다
-는 데(에)
-ㄹ/을 뻔하다
-(으)ㄴ/는지 (Whether or not)
All About 아무리
Expressing Surprise
-시 (Honorific)
Making Comparisons
I might…
So that…/To the point where…
Causative Verbs
Passive Verbs (part 1)
Passive Verbs (part 2)
-ㄴ/은가 보다 & -나 보다 (I guess…)
Other Meanings of 싶다
-자마자 & -는 대로(As soon as…)
-긴 하다
차라리 (Rather)
-(으)ㅁ Nominalization
-기는 무슨 & -기는 개뿔
-고 보니까
-(으)면 좋겠다 & -(으)면 하다
-길 바라다
-줄 알다/모르다
-ㄹ/을 테니까 and -ㄹ/을 텐데
아니라 and 대신에
-ㄹ/을 리가 없다
편이다, 별로, and More
-지 그렇다 (Why don’t you…?)
-ㄹ/을 걸
-ㄹ/을 까 보다
-다니 part 1 
-다니 part 2
뜻이다 & 말이다
Some colloquialisms: 아니시에이팅 and 뭐 이렇게
-(으)ㅁ Sentence Ending
 -다 보니까
What does 따위 mean?
Korean Idioms
Must-Know People
Must-Know Places
Must-Know Things
Must-Know Verbs
Must-Know Adjectives
Months, Days of the Week, and More
Clothing (옷)
School (학교)
Autumn (가을)
Autumn (w/Pictures!)
More Questions
House / Apartment (집 / 아파트)
Emotions / Feelings ( 감정)
Animals (동물)
Loan / Konglish Words
Food and Drink (먹을 것과 마실 것)
Parts of the Body (몸)
Modes of Transportation (교통 수단)
Colors (색깔)
Colors (with Pictures!)
Weather (날씨)
Winter (겨울)
Music & Instruments (음악과 악기)
Baking Gingerbread Cookies
Emergency (비상)
Hygiene & Bathroom (위생 & 화장실)
Indefinite Pronouns
Work / Office (일 / 사무실)
Spring (봄)
Coronavirus Prevention (코로나바이러스 방역)
How to Wash Your Hands (손을 씻기)
Time (시간)
Korean Cuisine (한식)
Summer (여름)
Summer (여름) w/Pictures!
Graduation (졸업)
Identity (독자성)
Korean Text Slang
Similar Words
Makeup w/Pictures! (화장품)
Family (with Pictures!)
How to Say “Still” and “Already” in Korean
Tastes & Textures (맛과 질감)
K-Pop Audition
K-Pop Fandom Terminology
Different Ways to Say “Change”
Flower Names
What Does 원래 Mean?
What does 오히려 Mean?
Hanja Lessons
부 & 불
Present, Past, and Future Tense
Question Words
잘 vs. 못 and Negative Conjugations 
Future Tenses 
-았/었던 vs. -던 (at end of lesson)
Some 받침 Rules
Gifving Commands
Conjunctions and -아/어/여서 vs. -(으)니까
-(으)면 vs. -다/라면 and Different Ways to Say “And”
How to Say “Or” (at end of lesson)
Telling Time (at end of lesson)
Comparatives and Superlatives
잘하다 & 못하다 vs. 잘 하다 & 못 하다 (at end of lesson)
Comparing 잘하다/못하다, 잘 하다/못 하다, & 수 있다/수 없다
Irregular Verbs
Pop Quizzes
Level 1
K-Pop Breakdowns
TXT - “Cat & Dog”
Twice - “Feel Special”
Enhypen - “Fever”
2NE1 - “Go Away”
Lee Hi - “Only”
“기억을 걷는 시간 (Time Spent Walking Through Memories)”
KCM - “An Old Love Story (흑백사진)”
Taeyeon - “Can’t Control Myself”
Epik High - “Lost One”
Colde - “A Song Nobody Knows”
IU - “My Sea”
Enhypen - “Polaroid Love”
유라 (youra) - “하양 (RAL 9002)″
BTS - “Ddaeng”
Stray Kids - “For You”
Woozie - “어떤 미래 (What Kind of Future)
TXT - “Eternally”
LOONA - “Heart Attack”
Stray Kids - “Muddy Water”
LOONA - “Girl Front”
Pentagon - “Daisy”
BTS - “Sea”
Semester in SK
Nami Island (남이섬)
Things to Buy at Daiso
Shopping Phrases
Ordering Coffee
Signs in Korea
Ordering at a Restaurant
Riding the Seoul Subway
Things at the 편의점
Korean Curse Words
Etiquette in South Korea
Drinking Culture
Hanja in Real Life
Holidays in South Korea
Korean Cuisine
Concert Ticketing in South Korea
K-pop Comebacks in Korea
Summer in South Korea
What I Learned
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hanmadi-hangukeo · 7 months ago
N도 N(이)지만
This phrase is used to say that although the noun in question is important, something else requires attention or is just as important. This structure is often used to agree with what someone else has said while adding your own opinion to the mix: "I agree that ___ is important, but I think that ___ is important too."
Sentence Structure(s)
⚠️ The same noun is placed before 도 and (이)지만 ⚠️
1. noun + 도 (이)지만
Ex. 공부도 공부지만 사회성을 기르는 것도 중요해요. Studying is important, but it is also important to grow socially.
Ex. 일도 일이지만 끼니는 거르지 마세요. Work is important, but do not skip your meals.
*예문 taken from sayhikorean
**For more on this grammar point, check out this video
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minijagiya · 4 months ago
Ofc now I want that clip 🥺🎀
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pretty pretty pretty the prettiest boy alive park jimin youre so pretty
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iamjine · 6 months ago
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운동은 안했지만 먹었던 닭가슴살과 언제나 옳은 커피플레이스의 드립백. 이제 막 시작한 한국사 공부와 5년째 붙잡고 있어도 도통 늘질 않는 독일어~ 지만 기죽지 말고 원어민이 되는 그날까지 화이탱!
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linajinnnn · 2 years ago
How they were translated: Korean SIX
Brought some lines and lyrics from Korean Production of SIX. Take a look at how they were translated! * notes: the lines and lyrics may not be fully accurate, 'cause I wrote them only depending from my memory.
Remember us from PBS/GCSEs? ▶ Remember us from History Special? 우리 역사 스페셜에서 봤지? (note: History Special is one of the most popular TV show in Korea, broadcasted during 1998-2012. They mada a right localization!)
You're gonna find out how he got unfriended ▶ You're gonna find out the reason I blocked him. 알게 될 걸 그를 차단한 이유
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic Funny how we all discuss that But never Henry's little- ▶ So he's disappointed with my actual look Do you think you're the only one who's disappointed? Your tiny and little- 근데 실물 보고 달라서 실망했대 지만 실망한 줄 아나 작고 작은 너의 소중이 (OK so Korean Cleves didn't just 'unfriended' but 'blocked' Henry… and she slays 🤣)
[No way]
Well daddy weren't you there When I gave birth to Mary? (spoken) Aw, hi baby Daughters are so easy to forget ▶ What was the word Mary calls you? (spoken) Daddy So daughters are not enough to be your children 우리 딸 메리가 뭐라고 부르지 널 아빠 딸은 자식 아닌가보지
+ and Korean Aragon says 'Hola' instead of 'Muy Bien' at the beginning.
[Don't Lose Ur Head]
L-O-L, say "oh well" Or go to hell ▶ Ha-ha-ha, just laugh at it Or just shut up 하하하 웃든지 아님 닥쳐줘
Your comment went viral / Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you ▶ You've got so many mean tweets / You've got million haters 너 악플 쩔더라 / 백만 안티 (especially loved this one😂 gives bit of K-POP industry vibe)
[Haus of Holbein]
Ignore the fear and you'll be fine We'll turn this vier into a nine So just say "ja" and don't say "nein" ▶ It's okay don't worry We're photoshop them das is gut Never doubt them das is gut 괜찮아 걱정하지마 뽀샵해줄게 das is gut 의심하지마 das is gut
[Get Down]
Get down, you dirty rascal ▶ Get down and bow to me 엎드려 절하여라 (and when Korean Cleves says this her tone is like a character from historical drama👍)
[Howard Intro]
Nice neck by the way ▶ What a pretty neck you've got! By the way you still have it! 너 목 정말 예쁘다! 그나저나 아직까지 달려있구나 (so Korean Boleyn's got Regina George vibe love them)
[All You Wanna Do]
But my dad's got this amazing job at the palace ▶ My dad's got me amazing internship at the palace 근데 아빠가 궁전에 끝내주는 인턴 자릴 잡아준거야 (they translated it as 'internship' and I wonder why🤔 Maybe to emphasize how young Howard is?)
[Parr Intro]
Ooh, “I’m Catherine Parr, I draw lines in arbitrary places.” Blah-blah! ▶ "Hello, I'm Catherine Parr, came to draw lines in your conscience." ZIP! 안녕 난 캐서린 파야 양심에 선을 긋겠어 찍- (and Ryeowon's Howard was damn cute when she says ZIP!)
His mates were super arty But I showed them how to party ▶ My friends are Artistic My Parties are Fantastic 내 친구는 아티스틱 내 파티는 판타스틱 (Cleves says the word 'Aristic' and 'Fantastic' in English 😆)
…and for the last, I bring you how my favorite lyrics from SIX were translated into Korean!
We're one of a kind No category Too many years Lost in history We're free to take Our crowning glory ▶ No one can make category on us Our own history that was forgotten Taking back my freedom and glory 우릴 하나로 묶을 순 없어 잊혀졌던 우리의 역사 내 자유 영광 이제 되찾아
It's the end of the show, of the histo-remix We switched up the flow and we changed the prefix Everybody knows that we used to be six wives But we wanna say before we drop the curtain Nothing is for sure, nothing is for certain All that we know is that we used to be six wives ▶ Our show is about to end re-writing the history Our own lyrics we changed and singing Everyone knows we were that six wives We wanna say before the show ends Do not be certain for anything you know We are not that six wives everyone used to know 이제 끝나가는 쇼 다시 쓰는 역사 바꿔 부르는 우리만의 가사 모두가 알지 우리가 바로 식스 와이프 쇼가 끝나기 전에 얘기할래 니가 아는걸 확신하지마 모두가 알던 우리가 아냐 식스 와이프
I know there are lots of negative comments among Korean theater fans, about how poor the Korean translations are. But I did like some parts. I won't say I'm fully satisfied with the translations but some parts were really touching just like the original ones. Hope they make progress in the future. 😊
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minijagiya · 4 months ago
Aaaaaaahhhh-dorable, as ever!
𝙅𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠’𝙨 𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖����𝙠𝙨: 𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣, 3𝘿 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙉𝙏𝙔 😍
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boosqoowoo · 9 months ago
haon - bastard (english lyrics)
[Verse 1: HAON] 씨발 다들 뭐라도 된다는 듯이 Fuck, everyone acts like they can do anything 무대 위에서 leak their song (Fuck) Leak their song on stage (fuck)
시간 아깝지 관객들 표정 썩어나가는 게 안 보이니 It’s a waste of time, can’t you see the sour expression of the audience?
떨떠름해진 분위기 너네가 다 책임져 You guys take all the responsibility for the uneasy atmosphere
어거지로 들려 놓은 손이 내가 다 보기 민망해 Seeing all the hands that were raised now being awkward, I’m embarrassed for you
신나겠지 너는 왜 벌세우니 It’s supposed to be exciting, why are you punishing them
돈 내고 보러 와 실망해 지만 잘났어 I paid money to see this, though disappointing it was quite funny
��간 낭비했어 on your half-ass show I wasted my time on your half-ass show
그만 떼쓰시고 빨리 내 빼시길 Stop fussing around and faster get rid of yourself
바래 내 팬들이 졸려 해 I hope my fans are sleepy
어느 정도냐면 얘넨 기면증 아니면 To some extent narcolepsy or *Haon hopes his fans are so tired that they don't have to witness this shit performance
인어공주 왜냐 함성이 불가해 are a mermaid so that they can’t shout* *The story of the Little Mermaid, where the mermaid trades her voice for 2 legs
다들 두 다리로 서있긴 서있어 Everyone is standing on their own two legs
너랑 떨어지고 싶은 표정이야 토 쏠려 해 Those are the expressions of people wanting to leave you, wanting to throw up
떠나라고 쳐준 박수인데 앵콜인 줄 알아 You thought the applause was asking for an encore, but it’s to tell you to get off the stage
이 웬수 뿌려버려 냉수 면상에 Use the cold water that you’re spraying to wash your face* *Rappers and singers commonly spray water onto the audience to liven up the atmosphere
분위기는 cold 해수면 아래 The atmosphere is cold, temperature below sea level
It’s under the sea 거둬라 씨발아 했으니 Take it under the sea, fuck, you really did it
나는 인사를 원해 유치원이 better than this I want to say goodbye, even kindergarten children are better than this
That’s it 대피시켜 That’s it, evacuate
Every single people in this building And you gotta edit your set list
하나둘이 아냐 손 봐야 될게 bozo let’s see Not just one song, but I’ll have to take care of it, bozo lets see
[Chorus: HAON] And you better 버려 this And you better throw this away
넣어라 little bit of that Put in a little bit of that
빼라 little bit of this Leave out a little of this
Never needed none of this
봐, you better 버려 this and that Look, you better throw this and that away
넣어라 little bit of this Put in a little bit of this
빼라 little bit of that Leave out a little bit of that
말했잖아 never needed none of those I already told you, never needed none of this
For some hoes? Shit, I never know
지랄하지 마라 Don’t give me shit
니나 잘하라고 You take care of yourself first
거울이나 봐라 Look in the mirror or something
[Post-Chorus: HAON] For sure I know (Go) It’s an asian boss My flow? Dope
시끄러워 난 꼴통 It’s noisy, I’m a bastard
Enemies? Gone
Normies, 넌 보통 You’re just a regular person
기억해 난 꼴통 Remember, I’m a bastard
[Verse 2: CHANGMO] 내겐 쇼가 돈벌이, 그 이전에 자아실현 To me, before making money, a show is about self-actualisation
병신들이 어디서 지 체급조차 Where do these idiots even get their weight training?
모르며 지랄하듯이 돈벌이 거려 You don’t know shit just earning money
히트도 아닌 히트 넣고 번번이 It’s not even a hit, but you say it’s a hit shamelessly
관중들을 보고서 “이렇게 밖에 못 놀아” 거려 Looking at the audience and saying “this is all I can do”
이 거리 새낀 여전히 50명 있어도 불타 This kid from the street will burn the stage even if there’s only 50 people
목 놓아��려 새끼들이 애들 놀이터에서 Bow your head fuckers, while you’re in our playground
놀듯 유치하게 YouTube에서 본 듯한 지 rolе model Playing childishly like the role model you see on YouTube
스텝들을 모사하는 꼴 보니 Watching them copy the steps
왜 여러분이 요 판에 정 떨어져 하는지를 알겠습니다 I understand why everyone is obsessed with this game
얘들아 이상을 꿈꾸는 거는 좋지만 Kids, it’s good to dream but
팩트로 말하자면 깜이 안돼, 알겠습니까? To tell you the fact, it’s not working, do you understand?
너가 걔가 아닌데 You are not like them but
무슨 걔네 관중처럼 멋진 moshpit을 원해? You want to have a moshpit crowd like them?
다 모르셔 니 노래, 넌 뛰어놀길 원해 You want people to jump around but they don’t even know your song
귀갓길에 화내겠지 “하 씨~ 다 못 노네” 병신 On your way home you’re saying ‘Ah, these fuckers don’t know anything’, you idiot
너 꼽주는거 아냐, 나도 그래봤어 You’re not simply choosing something, I tried that too
해결책을 줄게, 진심으로 가 I will tell you the solution, seriously
진심으로 만들어낸 히트들로 Songs that are made with sincerity will become hits
마이크를 들이대면 너의 꿈은 이루어진다 Your dreams will come true the moment you pick up the mic
아니면 잘 생기시든가, 물론 나는 그쪽은 아냐 Otherwise, be good looking, but I wouldn’t know about that since I’m not part of that group
다른 카테고리에서 말해줄게 I’ll tell you from another category
그냥 그만해라, 국가 산업 GDP에 보탬이 되라 Or just stop trying and contribute to the national GDP
니 잘 알잖아, 있어보니 잘 되는건 1% You also know, only 1% make it
그 새끼가 말해주는 거다 That bastard is telling me that
니들 일은 곧 소꿉놀이요, 아무도 모르구 Your work is like playing house, no one knows about it
코스프레라 생각해, 니 트래퍼 같은 룩 Think of it as cosplay, your trapper look* *Trapper is trending fashion style
니 잘 알잖아, 있어보니 잘 되는건 1% You also know, only 1% make it
그 새끼가 말해주는 거다 That bastard is telling me that
니들 일은 곧 소꿉놀이요, 아무도 모르구 Your work is like playing house, no one knows about it
코스프레라 생각해, 니 트래퍼 같은 룩 Think of it as cosplay, your trapper look
[Chorus: HAON] And you better 버려 this 넣어라 littlе bit of that 빼라 little bit of this Never needed none of this 봐, you better 버려 this and that 넣어라 little bit of this 빼라 little bit of that 말했잖아 never needed none of this For some hoes? Shit, I never know 지랄하지 마라 니나 잘하라고 거울이나 봐라
[Post-Chorus: HAON] For sure I know (Go) It’s an asian boss My flow? Dope 시끄러워 난 꼴통 Enemies? Gone Normies, 넌 보통 H-A-ON 기억해 난 꼴통
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kfans-writerblog · 7 months ago
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Happy birthday my love !
사랑하는 준면 오빠 사랑해! 생일축하해요 !
만나고싶어요! 언재 만나 뭐라 지만 네 마음 매일 오빠 생각해 !
I love you junmyun oppa I think of you everyday I hope to meet you someday ! Maybe on a world tour I will see you love you xoxo !
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iamkenlee-blog · 1 month ago
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"파이토치 첫걸음"
먹고 살기 위해 새로운 삽질 시작한 얘기. 십 년 넘도록 나에게 일용할 양식을 줬으나 프로그래밍하는 재미가 없었던 자바(JAVA) 언어 굴레에서 벗어나기 위해 작년부터 고랭(Go Lang)과 파이썬을 각각 익혔다. 결과적으로 고랭은 폭망 (내 주변엔 이걸 찾는 업체가 없다), 파이썬은 나름 대박.
파이썬으로 온갖 것 다 해보다 최근 머신러닝에 손 대기 시작했는데, 내가 수학 못하는 야매 프로그래머라 어렵지 않겠냐는 예상과 달리 무척 재밌다.
사실 인공지능 인기가 어제오늘 얘기도 아니고, 나도 줄곧 관심을 두고 있는 분야라 틈틈이 관련 자료를 찾아보긴 했었으나, 오래전 구글에서 나온 '텐서플로우' 소스를 보고 뭔 내용인지 하나도 이해 못 했던 악몽이…
"십년이면 강산도 변한다"지만 IT 업계는 2~3년 정도라 그 사이 머신러닝도 발전기에서 완숙기로 접어들기 시작한 듯, 이젠 나 정도도 함 비벼볼 수 있을 정도로 정리가 됐구나 느낌.
뭣보다 텐서플로우를 대신할 파이토치(PyTorch)의 성장이 결정적 아닐까 싶다. 내 눈에 텐서플로우는 알지 못할 숫자의 나열이었다면, 파이토치는 파이썬 함수라서 이질감이 없다.
컴퓨터 언어를 밥 짓는 거로 비유하자면 C나 자바 라이브러리는 쌀부터 씻어야 하지만, 파이썬 라이브러리는 이미 만들어 놓은 밥을 전자렌지에 데우기만 하면 완성되는 수준. 다시 말해 머신러닝도 이런 식으로 학습이 가능하게 만들어 놓은 거.
덕분에 텐서, 가중치, 바이어스, 선형회귀, 경사하강법, 시그모이드 함수, 손실 함수 같은 생소한 인공지능 관련 지식도 기본 개념만 알면 되고, 나 같은 복사 & 붙여넣기밖에 할 줄 모르는 개발자라면 굳이 내부 알고리즘까지 알려고 애쓰지 않아도 된다.
구글과 유튜브를 보면서 어느 정도 감을 잡고 나서 정리 좀 하려고 도서관에서 '파이토치 첫걸음'이란 책을 빌렸는데, 와우, 간만에 본 허접쓰레기.
저자는 한국말의 '첫걸음'이 무슨 의미인지를 모르는 것 같다. 처음엔 뱁새 걷기를 알려줘야 하는데, 황새처럼 걷기 내용을 써 놨다. 과연 누가 딱 보고 이해할 수 있을지 의문 가득한 ��식의 나열, 그리고 아무 설명도 없이 냅다 써 갈긴 전문 용어.
가령 24쪽 제목이 '확률 모델과 최대 우도 추정'인데 '우도'가 뭔지 내용이 없다. 그나마 나는 사전 학습을 해 놔서 대충 이해하긴 했지만, 책 제목을 '첫걸음'이라 해 놓고 이렇게 써 놓으면 욕먹어도 싸지 않나.
출판연도가 2019년이던데, 파이토치가 서서히 인기를 얻던 초기에 돈벌이 목적으로 최대한 빨리 번역 출판한, 무성의한 종이 쪼가리로밖에 생각할 수가 없는.
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minijagiya · 1 month ago
I miss you, my love.
These types of edits always make me think of you
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years ago
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All Intermediate Korean Grammar
⚠️this is a masterlist of intermediate Korean grammar concept. If you want the beginner list, look here! If you want to download this list in order to print it or something similar, I turned it into a PDF and you can access it for free on my website - access it here!
Full List:
Expressing Supposition in Korean
1.1 A-아/어 보이다 or A-게 보이다 grammar = look like, seem like ~guess based on outward appearance
1.2 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 grammar = it seems, I guess ~refer or guess a situation after observation
1.3 A/V-(으)ㄹ텐데 grammar= would, suppose…(so/but) ~express an expected future situation
1.4 A/V-(으)ㄹ 테니까 grammar = suppose,will...(because) ~give reason for suggestion or advice
1.5 A/V-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = probably, I think ~express assumption based on backup knowledge
1.6 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 몰랐다 and -(으)ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 알았다 grammar = I didn't know / I thought that
1.7 A/V-(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 grammar = might, may ~express a guess that something might happen
2. Expressing Contrast in Korean
2.1 A/V-기는 하지만, -기는 -지만 grammar = but (I think) ~express contrast with emphasis in different view or belief
2.2 A/V-(으)ㄴ/-는 반면에 grammar = but, while ~express opposite things
2.3 A-(으)ㄴ데도, V-는데도 grammar = although, despite that ~express a contrast
3. Expressing Reason in Korean
3.1 A/V-거든요 grammar = because ~used to respond to a question/statement to provide a reason/thinking
3.2 A/V-잖아(요) grammar = (1) as you know, (2) didn't I told that ~(1) remind listener about something, (2) rebuke listener
3.3 V-느라고 grammar = because, due to ~give a reason for a negative consequence
3.4 V-는 바람에 grammar = because, as a result ~give an unexpected reason for a negative consequence
3.5 A/V-고 해서 grammar = so, because (among all) ~give the main reason among reasons for doing action
3.6 A-(으)ㄴ 탓에/ V-는 탓에 grammar = due to, because ~give reason for a negative consequence
3.7 A/V-(으)ㄹ까 봐 grammar = be worried/afraid that ~express concern about something
3.8 N 덕분에, A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 grammar = thanks to ~express the reason for the positive result of an action or state
4. Expressing Resolution and Intent in Korean
4.1 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 grammar = be thinking of ~express a vague intention or uncertain plan
4.2 V-고자 (하다) grammar = did A to do B/ plan to ~express intention to do an action
4.3 V-(으)려던 참이다 grammar = be just about to ~the speaker is about to do something
4.4 V-(으)ㄹ 겸 (해서)/N 겸 grammar = and also ~express an action has two or more purposes
4.5 V-아/어야지(요) grammar = will do, must do ~express strong intention or decision to do something
5. Expressing Recommendation and Advice in Korean
5.1 V-ㄹ/을 만하다 grammar = be worth doing, deserve ~indicate something worth doing
5.2 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure to) do ~suggest someone do something
5.3 V-지 그래요? grammar = why not, why don't ~suggest someone to do something
5.4 V-는 게 좋(겠)다 grammar = would better, be good to ~advice or suggest someone to do something
6. Expressing Recollection in Korean
6.1 V-던 grammar = be used to ~recollect a past habit or repeated behavior
6.2 A/V-더라고요 grammar = I saw/experienced that ~express speaker's recollection about past event with witness
6.3 V-던데요 grammar = I saw/felt/surprised that ~express contradiction to one’s speaking or surprise to something
7. Using Passive Expressions in Korean
7.1 Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed
7.2 V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form that is used with verbs without -이/히/리/기-affix
7.3 V-게 되다 grammar = get V-ed, end up V-ing ~passive form without subject’s will
8. Using Causative Expressions in Korean
8.1 단어 사동사 (-이/히/리/기/우/추-) irregular causative verbs = subject cause/do something for someone
8.2 A/V-게 하다 grammar = make someone do/be something ~subject makes someone do action
9. Expressing Conditions in Korean
9.1 V-아/어야 grammar = (have to) do A, so B can ~express a condition to realize something
9.2 A/N/V-거든 grammar = if (something is true), then ~express condition in casual conversation
10. Expressing Additional Information in Korean
10.1 V-(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라 grammar = not only A, but also B ~express additional information
10.2 V-ㄴ/는 데다가 grammar = and also, moreover ~express additional information about the same subject
10.3 N-조차 grammar = (not) even …~ “not only the others but also the primary one”
10.4 N-만 해도 grammar = just, even just N ~provide examples to explain a previous statement
10.5 A/V-고요 and -구요 grammar = also, too ~ used to add information or ask for additional information
11. Expressing Mid-action in Korean
11.1 V-는 길에 grammar = on the way, while going ~doing something while going somewhere
11.2 V-다가 grammar = and/but then ~express interruption of one action to do another
12. Expressing Degree in Korean
12.1 A/V-(으)ㄹ 정도로 grammar = (to the extent) that ~express degree or extent of an action or state
12.2 N-만 하다 grammar = as big as, about the size of ~compare the size or degree of something to another
12.3 A(으)ㄴ 만큼, N만큼, V는 만큼 grammar = as much as, like ~indicate something equivalent to another
13. Expressing Choice in Korean
13.1 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...
13.2 N(이)나 grammar (3) = N or something ~express an acceptable option without specific preference
13.3 N(이)라도 grammar = even N ~choose 2nd choice if the best isn't available
13.4 A/N/V-든지 든지 grammar = whether… or... ~expressing any choices are fine
13.5 A-ㄴ/은 대신에, V-는 대신에 grammar = instead of V-ing ~action can be replaced by another
14. Expressing Time Order/ Sequential-based Situation in Korean
14.1 N 만에 grammar = (a time period) after doing ~a duration has passed after an event started
14.2 V-아/어 가지고 grammar = and (then) ~express time order of 2 actions
14.3 V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done based on the previous one or activity that occurs in 2 places
14.4 V-고서 grammar = and then ~ express time order of 2 actions
15. Expressing Discovery / Cause and Effect in Korean
15.1 V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out
15.2 V-다 보니 grammar = while/after doing sth repeatedly, I realize/come to
15.3 V-다 보면 grammar = if you keep doing, then (something will likely occur)
15.4 A/V-더니 grammar = (1) and now, (2) and then, (3) but now
15.5 V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior
15.6 A/V-다가는 grammar = if (the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur)
15.7 A/N/V-(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 grammar = I could say, it's practically (more or less similar to another)
15.8 V-기 쉽다 and V-기 어렵다 grammar = easy to/ difficult to ~express something easy or difficult to do
16. Expressing State of Being in Korean
16.1 V-아/어 놓다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth beforehand (for future use)
16.2 V-아/어 두다 grammar = keep V-ing/ do sth in advance (for future use)
16.3 V-(으)ㄴ 채로 grammar = while ~action occurs while maintaining the state of a situation
16.4 N-대로, V-ㄴ/는 대로 grammar = based on, just as expected, as soon as
17. Expressing Characteristics in Korean
17.1 A-(으)ㄴ 편이다, V-는 편이다 grammar = rather A, tend to V...(than usual)
17.2 N-스럽다 grammar = Adj (-ful, -ly, -some,...) ~Express a quality or feeling like the noun
17.3 N-답다 grammar = N-like, be like a N ~Express an expected quality associated with the noun
18. Expressing Emphasis in Korean
18.1 얼마나 A-(으)ㄴ지 모르다, 얼마나 V-는지 모르다 grammar = didn't know that something really A/V ~emphasize the degree of action or state
18.2  A/V-(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 grammar = have no choice but to do V, be expected to be A
18.3 A/N/V-(으)ㄹ 뿐이다 grammar = only, just ~indicate only one available course of action/state
18.4 N-(이)야말로 grammar = indeed, exactly, the very ~emphasize the preceding noun
19. Expressing Intentions in Korean
19.1 V-게 grammar = so that, in order to ~focus on the goal to do action
19.2 V-도록 grammar = in order to, so that ~focus on the action to achieve the goal
20. Expressing Completion in Korean
20.1 V-았/었다가 grammar = but then ~after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens
20.2 A/N/V-았/었던 grammar = (reminiscence) ~recall a past event that has not continued to present.
20.3 V-아/어 버리다 grammar = Express speaker’s feeling to the completed event/action
20.4 V-고 말다 grammar = end up V-ing ~showing an unplanned action completed undesirably
21. Expressing Uselessness in Korean
21.1 V-(으)나 마나 grammar = 'be no use doing/ even without doing' ~the result is same whether or not you do
21.2 A/V-아/어 봤자 grammar = even if doing/ being...it's no use/ won't be that much
22. Expressing Hypothetical Situation in Korean
22.1 N(이)라면, A/V-ㄴ/는다면 grammar = If this/that happens, one will/ would...
22.2 A/V/N-았/었더라면 grammar = If I had ~assume a past situation opposite to what happened
22.3 V-(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 grammar = almost, nearly ~indicate something almost happened but did not
23. Expressing Regrets in Korean
23.1 V-(으)ㄹ걸 그랬다 grammar = 'I should have' ~regret not doing something better than what was done
23.2 A/V-았/었어야 했는데 grammar = 'I should have done' ~regret something should have done but did not
24. Expressing Habits and Attitudes in Korean
24.1 V-곤 하다 grammar = (1) often, (2) used to ~indicate a habit of present or past
24.2 A/V/N-기는요 grammar = 'not really', 'no need to' ~Politely disagree with one’s statement or compliment
24.3 A-(으)ㄴ 척하다, N인 척하다, V는 척하다 grammar = pretend to, act like
25. Citing One's Speech or Writing in Korean 
25.1 A/V/N-다고 하던데 grammar = I heard that...~recall something you heard from someone
25.2 A/V/N-다고요? grammar = did you say/ I said … ~reconfirm/restate what you've just heard/said
25.3 A/V/N-다면서요? grammar = is it true that... ~confirm something you’ve heard or learned
25.4 A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said.
⚠️I got this list from the “KoreanTopik” website, but you can find a list of grammar like this in ‘Korean Grammar In Use’ textbook. If you didn’t know there’s also a website that has all the lessons - sayhikorean.blogspot.
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onewedata · 1 year ago
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230817 ♡ official_ONEWE: [#용훈] 이번 생일도 핑크머리.. 지만 내년은 아니겠지..💕 내년에도 보자❤
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fannyfinkxx · 1 year ago
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그와 음악 이야기하는 것이 좋았다
올드 팝을 락을 섹스를 사랑을 무언가를 나누는것이 좋았다
언제나 그렇듯이 처음에는 모든게 좋았을거라고
배려가 깊었던 그는 약간 섹시하면서 조금 귀엽다
나는 “외로움을 많이 느끼는거 같아”라고 했다
그는 내가 애써 말을 꺼내지 않아도
계속 말을 걸어주었다
그게 다였다. 따뜻한 순간은 아주 작고 하찮다
장난끼가 정말 많은 그이 지만 자기 전엔
내가 추천해준 음악을 듣는다고 한다
고마우면서 착한 그에게
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