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park-seobang · 1 year ago
He can't even spend 40 dollars on Jiwon to propose but he used her money to buy Sumin that necklace and dine out of a fancy restaurant?????
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kanmom51 · 2 years ago
JK live 12 June 2023 7:02 am KST
Cr./ to creators of media used in this post.
JK came to us early in the morning, brought us into his bedroom, into his bed, to be with him as he falls asleep.
This was intentional, not a fluke.
JK knew he was going to fall asleep with us, and he also knew what the company's thoughts were on the matter, and he just didn't give a flying fuck.
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One thing you couldn't see in the twitter translations was that cheeky smile, lol.
Man knew what he was doing.
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He knew it. He just did. Fact: it took them longer to turn off the live this time than last time, lol. What was it? 6-7 minutes more or less?
JK tells it how it is.
He is gentle and genuine and just so real. When he tells us he's a human being he also shows it to us. He's not flawless and he isn't afraid to show us that either. He is a superstar with a heart of gold and some child like mannerisms. A pure soul. And I think that is partially the reason that millions of people will just sit there and watch him sleep for over 20 minutes.
Did he cut his hair again? Please no.
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A summery of JK's live:
JK greetings to army.
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An infomercial for the neck pillow, which is by now probably sold out.
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"There are times when I snore and times when I don't...but I think I will I snore today."🤣
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How can you not love this man? He literally turned on the live to fall asleep while telling us he missed us.
He tells us since he doesn't do IG, he doesn't do SM, so there aren't many ways to communicate with us. So he keeps looking for Weverse. Well, all I can say is "please don't stop".
Calvin Klein promotion from the worlds best brand ambassador ever.
Disappearing for a couple, talking to himself (most likely) in the background. I guess that answers his question if he talks to himself a lot.
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Glasses on.
Glasses off.
Humming...groaning, lol.
Looks like maybe he fell asleep and then he comes back to us to tell us he was thinking just as he was about to fall asleep, that if he falls asleep: "If I really sleep I also think and imagine things that I don't want to think about. It's so fascinating..."
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He ends with: "anyway, army you can't get hurt. I had a dreamlike thought about how you guys can't get hurt. We must be careful all the time. We can't get hurt."
I love his philosophical discussion with himself while half asleep. Granted, those are the times we are most likely to have our eureka moments. That is a fact. Lol.
I love how he is sharing these thoughts with us. I do hope that fans understand just how lucky they are for him to be doing this (yeah, that's wishful thinking, I know).
And from there on we have 21 minutes of JK playing sleeping beauty.
Live cut off by whoever it was in the company trying to figure out if and when they need to cut the feed off.
Well, at least they didn't have too many subs to add, hence the live being up and translated in a just a few hours.
Half of the subs for the live:
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An almost perfect description of JK's live in 17 seconds:
JK's Weverse post 12 June 2023 14:34
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You have got to love that man, lol.
Let's take a quick look at the numbers for a sec, again, just for fun.
JK's live was at 7:02 12.6.23
JK's post 2:34 pm 12.6.23
I think we have a few interesting weeks ahead of us.
I do hope that with everything going on we will still get to see this amazing so so special young man come to us to be with us.
And just before I go, I will leave you with this:
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Oh Jiminah, you lucky bastard...
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Also, love it when he has that JM out for show...
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See you soon JK...
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1oo8-j · 2 months ago
할머니가 집에 없는 일주일 동안 할머니 방을 싹 치웠다 !!!
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하루라도 청소를 안 하면 가슴이 답답 한 나는, 온 집안을 다 드러내고 치울 때도 할머니 방은 단 한 번도 손댄 적 없었다.
정리의 시작은 비우기부터가 시작인데… 그 무엇도 버릴 수 없게 함.
미니멀리스트인 내 방은 물건이 적기에 언제나 가지런하고 모든 것이 제 자리를 잡고 있음. 맥시멀리스트인 할머니는 언제나 방이 물건으로 꽉 차 있었으며 물건의 제 자리라는 것도 없다.
청소의 여정은 정말이지 상상을 초월했다... 청소는 언제나 기분 좋고 행복 한 일인데 하면서 힘들다 생각 든 건 처음이었다. 너무나 많은 옷들, 백여 벌이 넘어가고 속옷과 양말도 몇십 개, 큰 서랍이 꽉 차서 당기는 것조차 무거웠다.
그럼에도 성공하는 정리 여왕.
옷 정리하면서 좀벌레도 목격했다. 너무 너무나 싫은 나는 서랍장 자체를 갖다 버렸다 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ 그리고 비어 있던 내 서랍을 설치해 주고, 드레스룸은 모든 옷을 다 드러내서 에탄올을 싹 뿌리고 꼼꼼히 닦았다.
쓰레기가 큰 박스로 몇 박스가 나왔을 것…
일주일 내내 일어나서 잠들 때까지 청소만 했다.
자려고 누우면 못 다 정리 한 공간이 생각나서 잠이 잘 안 왔다.
아무리 깨끗하게 정돈해도 할머니의 칭찬은 들어본 적이 없던 터라 많이 걱정했다. 뭐라도 버리면 난리 깽판+쓰레기장 찾아가서 다 뒤져봄
(그래도 다 숨겨서 어떻게든 다 버리고 다 파는 나 ㅋ)
퇴원하는 날 아침 아빠와 대화도 이랬다.
"하, 할머니 오면 쓰레기장 간다고 난리칠 것 같은데"
"ㅋㅋㅋ 백퍼."
걱정과 다르게 방 보고는 이쁘다고 잘했다고 좋아했다.
(내 인건비 200만 원+ 정리 용품 40만 원 들었다고 생색도 냈다 ㅋ)
어쨋거나 저쨋거나 많이 버렸어도, 옷 몇십 벌과 속옷이 열개 이상 넘어가는 것이 내키지는 않지만... 내 손을 거쳐 정갈 해진 것에 아주 만족한다.
다리가 계속 아팠고 지금도 좀 아푼 거슬 할머니 앞에서 앞푸다 찡찡댔는데 주물러주고 기도도해죴다 ㅋㅋ ㅋ
👵🏻: 아우;;우리 깔끔쟁이이;; 전국 일등이여
👩🏽: 전세계야.
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goldenhickeysandramen · 2 years ago
Some things are obvious Like hearing Jimin talking to someone who has a Busan accent, in his home at nineone, when he had to go online by surprise on the day LC got number 1 on BB100.
But there are other things that are certainly fans' wishful thinking. I don't think at all Jimin is heard on JK's recent wlive,,,, nor is it his voice, nor does it make any sense for him to be out of the room suddenly talking to JK.. come on…..🤣
Nor would Jungkook connect to army because he can't sleep, or is bored or restless, if he was with Jimin. Let's think about the trends or dynamics til now…JK seeks comfort in army when he is alone, probably feeling lonely and melancholic.
And he comes to be with us and talk to us.
[I support these guys and I think they're a couple, but I'm a big supporter of their individuality. Especially JK's, which sometimes gets forgotten in the community. JK likes to connect and talk to army, and with that he feels comforted in a way, when he needs us. His feeling towards us are sincere. Let's not make it all about Jimin, please..]
Anyway, thinking and expressing opinions is free… I am no one to correct anyone's theories, because they are just that, their theories, assumptions… and I respect them.
I only think it's good that some common sense still prevails, and above all, some " uncertainty" or "maybes" in the things we (bloggers, youtubers, tiktokers…) say.
At the end of the day, we don't have the truth. We can't be sure. We are not in their lives, nor in the boys' heads, nor in their hearts. So it's good to keep some kind of perspective and distance.
That said, happy Festa to all of you! I love you and I love reading you, (even if sometimes we don't totally agree :))
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iamjine · 6 months ago
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정성 들여서 살아야 하는데 아우 요즘 너무 산만하구 정신없구ㅠㅠ 도대체 이 불안은 뭘까!!!!
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jenwien · 7 months ago
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목표지향적인 사람을 보았네. 자신의 목표를 위해 방해가 되는건 그저 묵살시켜버리는. 그날의 회의는 사뭇 공개처형 같았다. 살아남기 위한 방식이라 필연적인 방식인지 모르겠으나. 무참히도 밟힌듯한 느낌이다. 아우 성과지향적인 사람을 만났다. 무섭다.
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le-sserafim · 1 year ago
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221227 yunjin weverse update
아우~ 어쩐지 셀카 찍는데 등이 가렵드라
Ugh~ no wonder my back itched when I was taking a selfie
Trans cr: Songyi @ le-sserafim.tumblr.com © Please credit when taking out
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hash-tag-official · 10 months ago
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sojininthecrowd 아우 또가고싶다는거에이오믹스으 #aomix #aomg #musinsa #무신사 #krush
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forseokgyu · 1 year ago
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[210116] 도겸 Weverse Post Update:
뿌승관 생일 축하해💤💤💤 우리 놀러가서 싸웠던 날 아침이야 기억하지? ㅋㅋ미안해 지켜주지 못해서. 승관아~항상 좋은 동생 그리고 친구로 있어줘서 고맙고 올해도 건강하고 즐겁게 함께 하자 아우 오글거리지만 사랑해 승관아♥️
happy birthday boo seungkwan💤💤💤 this is the morning of the day we fought after going out, do you remember? ㅋㅋsorry i couldn't protect you. seungkwan-ah~thank you for always being a good younger brother and friend let's be healthy and have fun together this year too ooh it's cringey but i love you, seungkwan-ah♥️
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internationalairportjeju · 11 months ago
호랑이 울음소리 울림이 대박 ㄷㄷ 소름이 저절로 😱😱 tiger sound
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예 형님 아우 여기 있습니다 KBS 입니다
정실에서 살려주셔서 고맙습니다 비행기 추락지점 이었답니다
KBS 범 내려온다
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ihavetenhand · 2 years ago
갑자기 1.5디때 그린거 발굴하게 됐는데 그때...열심히 그렸구나 싶다 용은 아직도 좋아해~
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아핰ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거 시그니처 한다고 그린거네 쓰는 선이 달라지긴 했지...1은 귀엽게? 그리려고 했던거 같은데 실패....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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요거도 조아햇음 만렙 어돕 시리즈~마니 그려드리고 다녓는데...확실히 1.5디 라이프가 자체 만족도는 높긴 했지...
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모바일은 또 10개만 첨부된다네...힝...아우 버벅거려~!! 암튼 이때 그림체가 좋긴 했어....다시 그림 열심히 그리든가 해야지...자덕질은 즐거웟
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nightmaresarchive · 9 hours ago
Dreamcatcher's '[Luck Inside 7 Doors] in EUROPE' Behind the Scenes Part 2 [Part 2]
3/3 Lisbon
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여러분, 너무 갑작스럽겠지만 사실 포스트 지기 성형했어요......... 눈은 싱니만 보도록 코는 싱니 향기만 맡도록 입은싱니 사랑해 만 말하도록 귀는싱니 목소리만 듣도록 심장은 싱니만 보고 뛰도록.......... ( •̯́ .̮.̮ •̯̀) ♥
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죄송한데 제가 보고 있는 게 사진인가요? 펫캠인가요? 제 눈앞에 애교만땅아기까만고양이가 있는데요...? (⑉• ༝ •⑉)*:・。
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드림캐쳐만 보면요... 너무 감격스러워서 밥 안 먹어도 배부르네요...             ∧ ∧                         ( ´・ω・) 아우 과식했다          /  ⌒ヽ     (人___つ_つ
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드림캐쳐만 보면요... 너무 감격스러워서 밥 안 먹어도 배부르네요...             ∧ ∧                         ( ´・ω・) 아우 과식했다          /  ⌒ヽ     (人___つ_つ
3/7 Helsinki
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다들 가현이 얼굴 보고 가세요!!!  _人人人人人人人人人_  > 가현이 얼굴 최고잖아!!!<   ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ _n  ( |  ハ_ハ   \\ ( ‘-^ )    \ ̄ ̄   )     7   /
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┌──────────┐ │⌕ 다│ └──────────┘ 연관 검색어 ↳ 다미 ↳ 다미 미모 ↳ 다미 여자 황제 ↳ 다미 천상계 혼혈 ↳ 다미 너무 멋쁨 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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━━━━━━⊱⋆⊰━━━━━━ 포스트 지기 오늘 할 일 list 1. 드림캐쳐 생각하기 2. 드림캐쳐 얼굴 보기 2. 드림캐쳐 무대 보기 3. 드림캐쳐 사랑하기 ━━━━━━⊱⋆⊰━━━━━━ ㄴ 드림캐쳐 영원히 사랑해...♥
Dreamcatcher 2024 World Tour [Luck Inside 7 Doors] in EUROPE 비하인드 2편 포스트는 아쉽지만 여기까지입니다 。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。
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그럼 포스트 지기는 다음 비하인드로 다시 돌아오겠습니다! 아쉬운 분들은 비하인드 영상 보고 가세요~ ٩(˙ᵕ˙⑅๑) ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Src.: Naver
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since20177 · 4 days ago
크리스 브라운이랑 니네랑 비할 바는 못 되겠지만… 그냥 역겨운 산물이 되어 버렸다고 한다
사랑이니 어쩌니 뭐 개소리 마라 돈 벌려고 환장한 년놈들이
아우 역겨워 사실 뭐 그렇다고 사랑 지껄이는 거에 반응하는 영혼도 아니었지만
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you-just-said-that · 7 days ago
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아우, 답답해. 내가 진짜 화나면 다가오는 것도 무서워해서 오히려 멀찍이 떨어져 있는 사람들도 자주 겪어서. 이렇게 화냈다가 오히려 더 멀어지는 책임감 없는 행동을 겪을까 봐 전 굉장히 걱정이 되고요. 나는 다 약속을 지키는데, 왜 항상 상대편은 자신이 원하는 감정만 취하는지 모르겠습니다. 그럼 내가 약속을 지킬 필요가 뭐가 있어? 상대는 내 약속을 중요하게 생각하지도 않고 멋대로 행동하는데. 인간관계가 노답이야.
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roy-fuhrer · 2 years ago
샤오 란: (투덜거리며 따라가는)
미샤: (집에 도착해 알렉세이를 안아든다) 엄마 왔어-
알렉세이: (아우-하고 기쁜 소리를 낸다. 돌봐주던 메이드가 씻겨준건지 보송보송한)
(슬며시 미사에게 키스한다.)
미샤: (꼬옥)....
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kiofkissy · 5 months ago
240908 Twitter Update
kissoflife_s2: [KIOF💋] 우! 우! 우! 아우❤️
[ENG TRANS] [KIOF💋] Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! ❤️
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