trickertreater · 7 years
quite frankly nothing feels right. so here have to Atsutodo (even though i’m not sure if the fandom still exists on tumblr now...)
Ever since he knew how to talk, Atsushi was prepared for a cruel world full of backstabbing millionaires and filthy liars to survive in the major business world.
What he was never prepared for was actually stabbing someone and cutting off their head to survive in the real world.
Well, does a zombie count as a “someone” at this point? They’re already inhuman, right?
Atsushi dodges just in time to avoid a rotten arm grabbing at him. These things aren’t forgiving enough for him to muse about their state in the world. He raises his machete and slices down another zombie—god, how the hell did his life come to this?
It was supposed to be a regular Saturday, staying home all day doing nothing. Instead he’s outside, fighting for his life as he makes his way through the hoard with only a single goal in mind.
Thank god the house isn’t far from his place by foot. He abandoned his car a long time ago when the streets became infested. But it thinned as he got closer to the neighborhoods, and Atsushi could handle the zombies one at a time.
Now if he just turns this corner—
He stops in his tracks.
The Matsuno household. It’s a mess. Broken windows, doors, roof. Like the house became animated and got into a fight.
A low groan.
Atsushi snaps back into reality, jumps back as a hand swipes at his face. He swings the machete, the force throwing the zombie into the wall. He swings again, lodges the blade into its throat, then pulls it out and swings again.
Head rolling on the ground, Atsushi catches his breath before running to the house. He curses. Every second is precious.
The door hangs on its hinges at a crooked angle. Atsushi pushes against it, but it doesn’t budge. A barricade?
“Oi, Todomatsu? Todomatsu, you there?” He bangs his shoulder against the door. It shifts slightly, then nothing.
“Todo—” He hears a guttural sound, and swings his machete. It sticks into a zombie’s chest. He yanks it out, and aims higher. Right in the throat. It goes down, taking the machete with it. Atsushi raises his foot, and stomps down, a human guillotine. He snatches up the machete.  
“Todomatsu?!” He shouts into the house again.
“Who’s there?” Atsushi hears a voice call out in the wreck.
“It’s Atsushi!” He yells, feeling desperate. “Let me in!”
“Atsushi? You’re that rich boyfriend.”
They know who he is. Thank god. “Yeah just—just let me in, please!”
He hears shuffling, someone moving objects, before the door is lifted ever so slightly, enough for Atsushi to crawl under. Atsushi gets up as the person quickly puts the door back, and he helps them move the barricade back into place. He turns to thank them when he freezes.
“Todomatsu…?” He looks just like… But no he’s not. He’s wearing a red hoodie, similar to the one Todomatsu usually wears. Then he remembers Todomatsu mentioning he has brothers.
“Ha, you wish, wouldn’t you,” he says, rubbing a finger under his nose. Something seems stiff. With that, he reveals himself as Osomatsu, Todomatsu’s eldest twin brother.
“Where—where is everyone?” Where is Todomatsu? 
“… You’re part of that company, right?” Osomatsu dodges the question. “The one with all the doctors and scientists?”
A vague description, but Atsushi knows what he’s talking about. He nods, ignoring the sinking feeling in his stomach.
Osomatsu gives him a grin, but it’s broken. His eyes, in fact, are screaming.
“Thank god. I think—can you help me?”
“With what?”
Osomatsu opens his mouth to answer, but he’s cut off by a groan. Whipping around, Osomatsu tackles the shadowy form that turned up from behind. Atsushi moves to help him, but stops when Osomatsu shouts.
“Stay there! I’ve got this!”
He manages to subdue the zombie and presses it to the ground, but makes no move to kill it.
Panting heavily, Osomatsu looks up. “Sorry, he got loose. I’m trying to keep them away from everyone, see.” He smiles again, weakly. He looks like he’s going to cry any second.
The body beneath him writhes and snaps, struggling to break free and take a bite out of the two humans present.
“Why? Why won’t you kill it?”
“Ah, you can’t see from there, can you?”
“See what?”
“Why don’t—why don’t you come closer and see for yourself? I—I’d say he doesn’t bite but”—he laughs, almost maniacally—“you and I both know that’s a big ass lie.”
Atsushi doesn’t reply, just does as he’s requested.
His breath hitches when his eyes adjust to the darkness and allows him to see just who Osomatsu is holding down.
“He—he’s the first one to turn. He got some others too. They’re all in the back. I don’t know how or why this is happening but please—please can you help?”
Atsushi wants to answer, wants to say he can.
“Please?” Osomatsu’s voice is filled with tears.
Atsushi doesn’t know what to feel.
“…Please, please just tell me you can help—” He’s cut off as the writhing body beneath him snaps wildly, straining his neck to reach Osomatsu’s face. “Just tell me you can help me.”  
Atsushi just stares. Stares at who Osomatsu’s trying to subdue.
it’s ok to tag this as atsutodo right? i mean if i were to flesh this out they would be a focus, as well as atsushi and osomatsu’s buddy cop adventures as they save the day (people: I don’t think you really understand the “buddy cop” genre....)
it’s a long post but i don’t know if i wanna post this on ao3 yet. 
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trickertreater · 8 years
[LINE, Todomatsu]
Todomatsu: Atsushiiiiii
Atsushi: I’m literally in the next room Todomatsu why are you texting me
Todomatsu: Why are you answering me?
Atsushi: I’m in a call I know you can hear me
Todomatsu: Ah were you~~? No wonder your replies are slow~~~~
Atsushi: Keep this up and im muting you this call is really important
Todomatsu: Aw but I’m booored… Ok ok I’ll stop! But first, look at this! 「Pic of Todomatsu in the playboy bunny outfit」 Todomatsu: What do you think~~~??? I’ve been waiting to surprise you but you went straight to your study~ (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) Todomatsu: ??? Atsushi, you’ve been silent for a while now Todomatsu: Ah I heard you end the call! Todomatsu: Atsushiiiiiiii???
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trickertreater · 8 years
뻐어어어어얼쭘…… 흠흠…..
[LINE, ♡Atsushi♡]
Todomatsu: Atsushi
Todomatsu: I know you’re reading this
Todomatsu: I can see the “Read” text pop up don’t ignore me
♡Atsushi♡: What is it? You know I’m at work
Todomatsu: And yet you managed to find time to send me that pic
♡Atsushi♡: you mean this? 「Pic of that one dancing polar bear」
Todomatsu: A Todomatsu: TSU Todomatsu: SHI
♡Atsushi ♡: what? It’s a harmless pic
♡Atsushi♡: how was i supposed to know how things were over there
♡Atsushi♡: eh? Todomatsu?
Todomatsu: Hey Atsushi~~~ ;))))) you ready for a hot sexy date tonight???? 💋💋💋💋❤❤👅👅💦💦💞💞💦💦💦💦👅👅👅👅👅
♡Atsushi♡: Ah ♡Atsushi♡: 👉👌 🌃?
Todomatsu: OH MY GOD ATSUSHI IM SO Todomatsu: Atsushi what the fuck Todomatsu: You’re next after Osomatsu prepare your ass
♡Atsushi♡: kinky
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trickertreater · 8 years
I dedicate this to @ep22kun 
“What would you do if you ruled the world?”
Atsuko put down her book and looked at her best friend, Todoko, who had posed the question. They were on the rooftop of their school, like cliché manga protagonists, spending their lunchtime lazing under the sun; Atsuko sitting on the ground with her back to the fence guarding the edge of the rooftop, and Todoko standing up and gazing on the other side of the fence.
“What exactly are the details here?” Atsuko asked.
“Hm?” Todoko tore her gaze away from the world to look at Atsuko, tilting her head in what she probably thought was a cute way.
(It was cute.)
“I mean, am I still a human, or do I have powers of a god? Do I have the power to change anything as long as I will it?”
“Does it matter?” Todoko had a small frown on her face.
“Of course,” was Atsuko’s immediate response. “Otherwise I might just hand over that authority to someone else. My dad can barely keep his sanity running his company so I wouldn’t want to know what running a whole world would be like.”
Todoko laughed at Atsuko’s words.
“You’re thinking too much, silly. I mean, sure, I guess if you ruled the world with godly powers. What would you do?”
“Me… I would…” Atsuko looked away, thinking seriously about the question. In the end, she couldn’t bring up a proper, satisfactory response. She looked back at Todoko to reply, then stopped.
The way the sun hit Todoko’s skin as she smiled softly down at her, with the sky as her backdrop. The way her hair blew gently in the wind, framed her face almost perfectly…
“Atsuko?” Todoko’s soft voice rang through the rooftop as she raised a hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. An action done in vain, as the wind blew it astray again.
“I know what I’d do.”
“Ah,” Todoko said excitedly, “what is it???”
I’d create a world where I could fall in love with you.
She couldn’t say that.
Atsuko tore her gaze away from her friend. Friend. Friend. That’s all they could ever be.
“… Nevermind. Let’s go back, class is starting.”
She walked away, down the staircase leading inside school.
She failed to see Todoko’s expression.
 “Idiot… are we not allowed to fall in love in this world?”
As you can see it’s unedited. Sorry my tenshi Jyuushi, I could only give you this crap qwq. I swear I WILL IMPROVE MY WRITING BUT TODAY IS NOT THE DAY. OTL. but yeah yuri atsutodo TwT that really had no reason to be yuri now that i think about it OH WELL. 
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trickertreater · 8 years
anyway who wants more atsutodo
“Atsushiiiiiii,” Todomatsu calls to his boyfriend form the living room. “The movie is starting. Hurry up.”
“Yeah, just a sec,” Atsushi says and takes the bag of freshly popped popcorn out of the microwave, emptying its contents in a bowl. He takes it with him to the living room, where Todomatsu is already settled comfortably on the couch, lying sideways with his head resting on his arms against the side of the couch. Atsushi sets down the popcorn on the glass coffee table in front of them before plopping onto the couch. He leans on his boyfriend, practically lying on top of him.
Todomatsu grunts.
“Get off, you’re heavy.”
“No thanks, I’m comfortable.
Todomatsu lets out a noncommittal “hmph,” then shifts as he pushes Atsushi slightly. He lies on his back and settles in again, and opens his arms. Without further invitation, Atsushi lays his head on Todomatsu’s chest and wraps his arms around the other’s body.
“You sure you can eat popcorn that way?” Todomatsu asks.
“I made it mostly for you.”
“Hm. I’m getting fat.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Okay, shush,” Todomatsu says, “the movie is starting.”
Even though they always end up talking through the movie instead of watching it. But Atsushi focuses on the TV at Todomatsu’s request.
They chose a bad generic horror movie with cheesy effects, so they could wind down and laugh at stupid shit that wasn’t supposed to be laughed at. It had been a long week for the both of them and they decided they needed a break somehow.
“Ah, he reminds me of my boss,” Atsushi points out when a red-faced chubby man screams at the office workers over a trivial thing. “I hope he dies,” he quietly adds.
Todomatsu’s laughs gently shakes Atsushi’s body. His hands start gently stroking his boyfriend’s brown hair.
“Was it that bad this week?”
“Mm.” Instead of answering, Atsushi chooses to snuggle Todomatsu’s chest. “I don’t wanna go back to work on Monday.”
“Don’t we all.”
Screams come from the TV as a serial killer is apparently set loose in the office building.
“Oh, he’s the first one to die. Congrats, Atsushi.”
“So excited.”
“Yep. Sure.”
Todomatsu stops stroking Atsushi’s hair.
“Hm?” Atsushi lifts his head to look at Todomatsu. His neck hurts a bit from the action. But the pain is almost immediately forgotten when Todomatsu leans forward and gives him a quick peck on the forehead.
Todomatsu turns his gaze back to the TV, but Atsushi sees his smile.
“Hey, give me a proper one.”
“Hm? A proper what? Oh, the blood looks real in this one. Gross.”
“Todomatsu,” Atsushi says, dragging out the “u.” “You know what I mean.”
He looks at Atsushi with a teasing smile.
“Oh, are you whining?”
Atsushi rolls his eyes. Then moves his arms.
He smirks when he feels his boyfriend jerk underneath him. Then gets up and traps Todomatsu between his limbs.
“Oi!” Todomatsu protests, but it’s too late. Atsushi commences a full-on tickle attack.
Taking advantage of his position on top, he attacks mercilessly, going for all the weak spots he remembers.
“W-wait! W—Atsushi! Sto-op you j-jerk!” Barely getting words between pants and laughs, Todomatsu finally gives.
“Fine, fine!” He grabs Atsushi’s face, still laughing with tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He pulls them together, planting light kisses on his lips, maybe some on the cheeks.
Atsushi pretends to contemplate for a sec as the sound of actors and actresses dying on screen fill the pocket of silence.
He shrugs. “Not really, but it’ll do.”
Todomatsu lightly slaps him on the arm.
“You better be. Like hell I’m letting you do that again.” He looks at the coffee table. “You know, since you’re already kinda up, can you maybe bring the popcorn a bit closer so I can actually reach and eat it?”
“Oh,” Atsushi says as he sees that he did indeed place the popcorn a bit out of reach.
“Oh is right, you dummy.”
tooth-rotting, poorly-written, zero-plot fluff... i kept forgetting which tense i was using and was switching between past and present like the spirit of Katy Perry’s Hot and Cold.  if ya wanna kick me out of this fandom then i understand. speaking of fandoms, jesus there is some fucked up shit in the korean fandom like b r u h. i mean, “u do u” i guess. 
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trickertreater · 8 years
That day, when the skies let loose and rained till heaven come, Atsushi blurted out a confession.
“I like you, Todomatsu.”
The moment the words left his mouth, Atsushi regretted them, wanted to somehow shove them back to when they never existed outside of his head. He prayed that perhaps the sound of the rain drowned out the sound of his words, but his prayers fell on deaf ears. Todomatsu’s face, molded into a look of shock, told him as much.
Why, why now of all times? He was so fucking careful. And now life decided to give itself a huge laugh as it knocked over the wall Atsushi built, each metaphorical stone tumbling onto the wet ground. Honestly, he would’ve laughed along, had it been any other situation. Instead, he just wished it were all a terrible dream, one that he could wake up from and forget about.
The cold rain seeped through his skin, serving to alert the colder reality.
“Eh… Eh? A-Atsushi kun, what did you just…?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing, Todomatsu—”
“You just said you. You like me??”
Shit. Fuck.
The hit the back of Atsushi’s head as he looked down, unable to face Todomatsu out of the fear of what expression might be on Todomatsu’s face. Disgust? Horror? Pity?
Atsushi didn’t want to know.
“I’m. I’m sorry. Please, let’s pretend that never happened. I’m sorry I said those disgusting words so carelessly. I’m… really sorry.”
And with that, his gaze fixed to the ground, Atsushi headed to his car.
Like an idiot, he ruined everything… they wouldn’t stay as friends anymore…
A hand gripped Atsushi’s wrist and halted him in his tracks.
“You know, you really do stuff without thinking about others.”
Atsushi glanced back at Todomatsu, then quickly looked away again when he saw the anger etched into his face.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you even apologizing for? Do you even know? Do you even know whether you should apologize???”
“… What.”
“Atsushi, look at me.”
Atsushi stood still.
“Look at me,” Todomatsu said, more forcefully.
And Atsushi slowly turned his head, meeting Todomatsu’s gaze. Then his heart skipped a beat when he saw that Todomatsu was… smiling.
“You know, I never thought I’d see the day where the Great Atsushi would look so unconfident. Since when did you give up before things even started?”
Atsushi didn’t know what to say. He didn’t understand.
“I… what?”
Todomatsu rolled his eyes, smiling slightly wider.
“You’re so dense sometimes.”
Atsushi should’ve felt insulted because he never knew someone as dense as Todomatsu himself. But he became preoccupied when Todomatsu grabbed his collar and pulled him down, smashing their lips together.
It was wet, thanks to the rain, and short. But it was sweetest kiss in Atsushi’s entire life.
“Do you get it now?” Todomatsu said, a bit shy. “You should wait until the person has time to respond, you know.”
It took Atsushi five seconds to understand what the fuck just happened. Then, he remembered they were standing in the rain, completely, utterly soaked.
He gestured to the car, and stuttered.
“We—dry—car…. Continue?”
Todomatsu laughed, grabbing Atsushi’s hand, and led them towards the car.
Don’t ask me why they were in the rain. I just wanted to write out this one scene. Also it’s not edited in case you couldn’t tell. Ahahaha (I’m sorry).  
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trickertreater · 8 years
Levi absolutely loved watching Eren hard at work.
The college student was currently sitting on their couch, laptop balanced on his lap like its namesake. Brows furrowed, eyes intense, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth, Levi thought Eren right now was at his cutest.
(That was a lie. Eren was always cute.)
Eren’s fingers were flying across the keyboard, occasionally stopping to click at something. Levi remembered Eren mentioning he had a research paper due next week, so it was no wonder he was working hard right now.
Levi thought maybe he should get Eren some coffee, as a little treat. To help boost him with his studying.
Levi nearly jumped at the sudden outburst.
“What are you talking about, Eren?” Levi asked. Did he find the research he needed for his paper?
“This was driving me crazy for hours!!!” And with that, Eren unplugged his earphones from the laptop, which now loudly played upbeat techno music.
Levi blinked, then asked, “What exactly is this?”
“This song! I heard it on a YouTube video as an outro but there wasn’t any credits and stuff. The tune was catchy as hell and got stuck in my head and I didn’t want to do anything else until I found it because I knew I heard it once but I couldn’t remember and—”
“Wait, wait. You’re telling me that all this time when I thought you were studying, you were just trying to find a stupid song?”
Eren had the audacity to look offended.
“It’s not stupid! It was bothering me and I couldn’t just NOT look for it, you know?”
Levi sighed, then laughed a bit. His boyfriend always managed to make things interesting in the weirdest ways. Weird, yet somehow cute as fuck.
“You’re so stupid.”
“No, you’re stupid,” Eren maturely countered.
“Don’t you have a paper you should be working on?”
“Oh right.”
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trickertreater · 8 years
[translation of writing i did in korean] 
(Because it's driving me crazy since i can write so much better in english) 
"K... Karamatsu niisan..." Todomatsu's voice broke slightly as he caught the attention of his older brother. "Am I really an unneeded child?" 
It seemed that the words Choromatsu thoughtlessly spat out earlier that day still stung. Karamatsu smiled and patted Todomatsu on the head, speaking in a low voice. 
"Of course not! Why in the world would my buraza Todomatsu ever be unneeded? Aren't you the younger brother of your cool Karamatsu nii!" 
"... You saying those words in that painful way really really doesn't make me feel better at all." 
Todomatsu shrugged. 
"But you're right~ why in the world would I ever be unneeded!" 
Karamatsu smiled warmly at Todomatsu. 
"Yosh! That's right!" And he moved his hand to give Todomatsu's shoulder a strong pat. As he did, Karamatsu thought to himself. 
"In fact, the unneeded child, is me."
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trickertreater · 8 years
“ㅋ..카라마츠 형… 난 정말 필요없는 아이야?”
낮에 쵸로마츠가 무심코 던진 말이 마음에 걸린것 같다. 
카라마츠는 웃으며 토도마츠의 머리를 쓰다듬고 낮은 목소리로 말했다.
“당연히 아니지! 나의 브라자 토도마츠가 왜 필요없는 아이겠나? 이 멋진 형님 카라마츠의 사랑스러운 동생이 아닌가!”
“…. 그런 이따이한 말투로 그런 말 하니까 별루 위로가 안된다…” 
“그래도 뭐 카라마츠 형 말이 맞아~ 내가 왜 필요 없겠어!”
“훗, 그렇지!” 
카라마츠는 흐믓하게 웃었다. 그리고 속으로는 생각했다.
“오히려 필요없는 아이는, 나야.”
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trickertreater · 8 years
Atsushi has everything he could ever want in his entire life. Money. Status. Respect. They were all given to him on a silver platter, and he lived a comfortable life because of it.
“Atsushi kun~! Think you can make it to a mixer this weekend? We’re one guy short!”
Staring at the message from Todomatsu on his phone, Atsushi smiles. Ah, he was an idiot for being excited that Todomatsu contacted him first. He was an idiot for waiting.
Atsushi has everything he could ever want in his entire life. Money. Status. Respect. Except for one thing. This one is slippery. Doesn’t want to just land on Atsushi’s lap like everything else.
This time, he’s gonna have to get his hands dirty.
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trickertreater · 9 years
It’s a peaceful morning. Levi is leaning against a tree trunk in a forest, the chattering birds and rushing wind between the leaves creating enough noise to lull him to sleep. He’s been having trouble with that, sleep. Back at the headquarters, no matter how long he lies still with his eyes closed, he can never manage to fall asleep long enough to feel rested. Hange suggested he go to some place with no distractions, maybe a place full of nature might help put his mind at ease. So he listened to their advice and as always, they seem to be right.
Except they forgot that there might be outside distractions.
Levi opens one eye to see Eren staring at him with a big smile.
“Found you.”
Levi closes his eye again and let’s out a small sigh.
“What is it, Eren?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to see you.”
“Is that so? You can leave me alone now since you’ve got your fill then.”
“So mean,” Eren says with mock hurt.
Levi then hears Eren move, feels warmth near him as Eren sits down beside him, body pressing close.
He leans his head on Levi’s shoulder, with a small, satisfied sigh.
“This is nice, isn’t it, captain?”
Levi hums in agreement. “Would be much nicer if you stayed quiet, though.”
He feels Eren laugh, shaking his body.
“Cheeky brat.”
They stay like that for a while, Eren’s head on Levi, Levi leaning some of his weight against Eren. The sunlight streams softly through the branches, moving with the shadows of the leaves. Listening to Eren’s soft, slow breathing, Levi feels himself, finally, drift off into deep sleep.
That’s how Hange finds them later in the afternoon, slumbering away without a care in the world. They smile at the sight, the two leaning against each other with hands intertwined since god knows when.
As a commander, it is their utmost duty to make sure their soldiers are in top shape. At least, that is Hange’s excuse for not waking Levi up to finish the rest of the paperwork on his desk. And they also figure that they could try out the titan experiments on another day with Eren.
Besides, the two deserved some rest. They did just win a war, after all.
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