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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega en esta ocasión hablaremos de Tomoe Gozen una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Tomoe Gozen en hiragana (ともえごぜん) pertenece a Onna-bugeisha (女武芸者) mujeres luchadoras en japonés se conoce más como Ba Yuqian, al hablar de samurais se nos viene imágenes de hombres, las mujeres también tuvieron un gran papel y Tomoe Gozen fue una mujer que participó en el conflicto Genpei 1180-1192, su existencia está un tanto discutida. - Kiso Yoshinaka es muy hábil en las artes marciales y es bueno en el uso de arcos y flechas, os pondré una foto de la Estatua de Kiso Yoshinaka y Bagomae en la prefectura de Nagano. Fue una gran estratega, ya que cuenta la leyenda que en la Batalla del paso de Kuligara uso toros de fuego. - El Cantar de Heike: Son los poemas clásicos más importantes de la historia y la literatura japonesa, en el cual hablan de un sinfín de personajes y leyendas de la época. Fue escrito a principios del siglo XIII. - Espero que os haya gustado, os deseo una feliz semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones. 考古学ジャポニストの皆さん、新しい連載へようこそ。今回は巴御前についてお話します。そうは言っても、気を楽にしてから始めましょう。 - ひらがなで「ともえごぜん」は女武芸���に属し、日本語では巴玉銭として知られる女性戦士です。武士といえば男性のイメージが思い浮かびますが、女性も大きな役割を果たしました。 1180年から1192年にかけて源平合戦に参加した女性ですが、その存在については若干の議論があります。 - 木曽義仲は武芸に優れ、弓矢の扱いにも長けており、長野県にある木曽義仲像と馬籠前の写真を載せておきます。 クリガラ峠の戦いでは火の雄牛を使用したという伝説があるため、彼女は優れた戦略家でした。 - 平家の歌: 平家の歌は、日本の歴史と文学において最も重要な古典詩であり、その中で当時の無数の登場人物や伝説について語られています。 13世紀初頭に書かれました。 - 気に入っていただけたなら幸いです。楽しい一週間をお過ごしください。また今後の出版物でお会いしましょう。 Welcome, Archaeological Japonists to a new installment, this time we will talk about Tomoe Gozen, having said that, make yourself comfortable and let's start. - Tomoe Gozen in hiragana (ともえごぜん) belongs to Onna-bugeisha (女武芸者) female fighters in Japanese is better known as Ba Yuqian, when talking about samurai images of men come to mind, women also had a great role and Tomoe Gozen was a woman who participated in the Genpei conflict 1180-1192, her existence is somewhat disputed. - Kiso Yoshinaka is very skilled in martial arts and is good at using bows and arrows, I will put you a photo of Kiso Yoshinaka Statue and Bagomae in Nagano Prefecture. She was a great strategist, since she tells the legend that in the Battle of Kuligara Pass she used bulls of fire. - The Song of Heike: They are the most important classical poems in Japanese history and literature, in which they speak of an endless number of characters and legends of the time. It was written at the beginning of the 13th century. - I hope you liked it, I wish you a happy week and see you in future publications.
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tokoko · 1 year
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sakura4u · 2 years
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pygmalimoon · 1 year
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moko1590m · 2 years
鎌倉幕府がもしつくられなければ、 その後の日本史は、二流の歴史だったろう。 戦いに臨めば臆することがなく、自分の生も軽んじるかわりに、他者の生にも冷淡だった。 国がほろぶとき、たれもかれもが寄ってたかってほろぼすものらしい。 歴史は、ふつう闇の中にある。 まれに、ある箇所に光芒がさすが、 十二世紀末は関東に光があふれた。 頼朝はたしかにただ一人で日本史をかえた。 その偉業のわりには、後世の人気に乏しい。 頼朝は、自分自身の成功にさえ酔わなかった。 この半島から、十二世紀末、それまでの日本史を、鉄の槌と「たがね」でもって叩き割ったような 鎌倉幕府が出現するのである。
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Incorrect Genpei Toumaden Quotes 12: Held Tight (Ft TFA Blitzwing)
Blitzwing: *has Yoshinaka atop his chest while in his Hothead face* "GET DE FICK OFF MEIN CHEST!!"
Yoshinaka: *in his Lamia form, gripping onto his chassis* "NO, I LIKE IT, IT'S NICE AND WARM!!"
Blitzwing: "Dis pale blue, chunky, vhite haired gremlin vorm Ich svear to Gott." *tries to get up and angrily shake him off his chassis*
Yoshitsune: *watching from afar, laughing* "HOHOHOHO!! KOMAOMARU IS HANGING ON!!"
Yoritomo: "It looks like a robot is tryin' ta knock off a huge ribbon off of him, kukuku.."
Yoshinaka: *eventually drops off of Blitzwing, falling off to the ground with a thud* "Dammit..."
Yoshitsune: *stops stopwatch* "42 seconds, a new record."
Yoritomo: *looks at Yoshitsune of what he did and laughs very hard, to the point of near-screeching* "HAAAAHAAAHAA!!!"
Yoshinaka: *hears Yoritomo laugh and starts wheezing in laughter, mildly holding his chest*
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
Yoshida Kenko gets welcomed in Iran
It’s a real Good one when the writings of Shinto,Japanese monk Yoshida Kenko* get officially licenced in Iran.See: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/478393/Tsurezuregusa-of-Kenko-published-in-Persian *He lived between Muromachi and Kamakura period.
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“Tsurezuregusa of Kenko” published in Persian
Jahan-e Ketab is the publisher of the book, which has been compared to the Gulistan (The Rose Garden), Persian poet Sadi’s masterpiece. It has been translated into Persian by Hashem Rajabzadeh.
Despite the turbulent times in which he lived, the Buddhist priest Kenko met the world with a measured eye.
As Emperor Go-Daigo fended off a challenge from the usurping Hojo family, and Japan stood at the brink of a dark political era, Kenko held fast to his Buddhist beliefs and took refuge in the pleasures of solitude.
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Written between 1330 and 1332, “Essays in Idleness” reflects the congenial priest’s thoughts on a variety of subjects.
His brief writings, some no more than a few sentences long and ranging in focus from politics and ethics to nature and mythology, mark the crystallization of a distinct Japanese principle: that beauty is to be celebrated, though it will ultimately perish.
Through his appreciation of the world around him and his keen understanding of historical events, Kenko conveys the essence of Buddhist philosophy and its subtle teachings for all readers.
Insisting on the uncertainty of this world, Kenko asks that we waste no time in following the way of Buddha.
An English translation by Donald Keene was published in 1998. This critically acclaimed translation is joined by a new preface, in which Keene himself looks back at the ripples created by Kenko’s musings, especially for modern readers.
“Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko” is his most famous work was and is one of the most studied works of medieval Japanese literature.
Kenko (1283?–1350?) was a Japanese author and Buddhist monk. He wrote during the Muromachi and Kamakura periods.
Photo: Front cover of the Persian edition of Yoshida Kenko’s “Essays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko”.
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yuka-p · 2 years
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yuuasagi · 1 month
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ご依頼ありがとうございました(* ᴗ ᴗ)⁾⁾
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wochenendfoto · 8 months
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seibai · 1 year
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brdc-a · 2 years
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アーカイブ放送 『イラストレーター有本の「創作小料理 ARIMOTO」』 2023/01/30 20時配信
みなさん、こんばんは。イラストレーター有本の「創作小料理 ARIMOTO」女将の有本です。
※スマホ/タブレットはアプリからご視聴ください。 過去の放送は、Back numberで🎧
この番組は、私の描いた歴史上の人物のイラストを「本日の1品」として楽しんで頂く割烹居酒屋となっています。最終目標は、歴史絵巻を作ること。 わたくしの独断と偏見による壮大な歴史絵巻にしたいです。みなさん、応援してくださいね♪
本日の1品は…『源頼朝』です。 源頼朝は、鎌倉幕府を開いた人物として有名ですね♪ 今回は、あまりの美味しさに和歌まで詠んだという頼朝と鮭のお話をご紹介します。 ※2017年2月にブルーレディオドットコムで放送された番組を再放送
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tomokomisu · 2 years
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『First Love 初恋』を観たくて 結局Netflixに入ったけど 良かったーーーーーーー💖💖💖 これを観られて 今も余韻を引きずったまま今年を終えられる幸せな私(^^) 写真は 源頼朝さんと北条政子さんだけど(笑) 宇多田ヒカルさんの歌とのマリアージュ⁈ってのかな すんばらしいよー💖 年代が交差しすぎて おばさんには見落としてる部分が沢山あるはずだから また 見直しますが…… #ファーストラブ初恋 #firstlove初恋 #やばやば #まだまだ #わくわく #ドキドキ #いいわ #上手い #凄い #素敵 #ドラマ好き #源頼朝 #北条政子 #寅の天冲殺さようなら #母を見送った #卯の天冲殺こんにちわ #感謝 (Izu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmz7llbSyMV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tatsuyakaise · 2 years
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秋の鎌倉源氏山公園。 今年の紅葉もあと少しで終わりかな。 #源氏山公園 #鎌倉散策 #鎌倉 #紅葉 #いちょう #もみじ #源頼朝公像 #鎌倉ハイキング (源氏山公園 (鎌倉市)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1J5rHro5i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tisonishi · 2 years
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#頼朝の墓 の前の #白旗神社。 (源頼朝の墓) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck7PK1yP3Ln/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Genpei Toumaden Most Likely To... Part 1
Most likely to draw and/or write dumb shit in public bathroom walls: Yoshitsune, he would literally make random messages and stuff.
Most likely to appear late at things: Yoshinaka (He's slow to wake up)
Most likely to accidentally break something: Kagekiyo (if he gets scared, shocked, or suprised as a distraction into breaking something) or Yoshinaka (mostly in rage or high tension on an object from grabbing it), they have competition, lol.
Most likely to start a fight: Yoritomo, obviously, once he sees Kagekiyo, LOCKED ON TARGET.
Most likely to get arrested: Yoshitsune, despite being small and quick, lil man-bro can't hide too well from all the cackling he does.
Most likely to get married: Kagekiyo, literally a total sucker for chicks.
Most likely to have memorabilia of his or her crush, even through the crush doesn't love him or her: Yoshinaka, to literally my S/I OC, Niko.
Most likely to make sweets for another to enjoy: Andabaa (She gives Kagekiyo a bit of grandparent love to him.)
Most likely to whack a roach with a musical instrument: Benkei, due to his strength, but usually with a guitar or an electrical keyboard.
Most likely to lose his or her temper quickly: I'm between Yoritomo and Kagekiyo, depends on who loses it first.
Most likely to bump into things: Yoshinaka or Benkei
Most likely to get stuck in things: Literally Yoshinaka, takes some time to get through certain areas.
Most likely to fall off a mechanical bull first: Yoshitsune, due to his small stature.
Most likely to marry his or her bed: Yoshinaka mostly, aka the snooziest man-bitch of the planet.
Most likely to whack somebody or something for the hell of it: Benkei, occasionally to let off steam.
Most likely to have a bro-like relationship: Yoshitsune with Benkei.
Most likely to do dumb stuff on monkey bars: Kagekiyo, generally.
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