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princessantisocial · 6 months ago
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☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chu ああ! とても良い🥝🌈🍒⭐️🐬🎀
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モロッコいつか行ってみたい人にちょこっと注意も⚠⁡ ⁡ モロッコの青い村シャウエン。家も壁もドアも道も全て青くってブルー好き人間にはたまらない🥰装飾も色々で♥⁡ ⁡ 心理学的にも普段より旅中はいろんな刺激を受けたり忙しかったりすると⁡ ⁡ 心が平安を求めてブルーに惹かれる事は多くなる。妙にブルーのお土産が多くなったり。⁡ ⁡ あーあるあるって人も居ますよね?⁡ そのお土産でちょっと注意。⁡ ⁡ ⁡ モロッコのお土産の1つに革製品があるのだけど安すぎるのを買うと、湿度の高い日本に持って帰ると臭〜い匂いがしたり⁡ ⁡ 色が出るから濃色の服にしか持てないなんて事も😂⁡ ⁡ その場で手で高温多湿にして匂いチェックするとか、できれば擦ってみるとかもした方がいい。⁡ ⁡ どうしてもデザインで気に入っちゃったーって時は、日本に帰ってから何回も拭いて天日干しして、うちの母が使ってます(笑)⁡ ⁡ 勿論安過ぎないもので、でも日本より安くで大丈夫な物も一杯あるのでそういうのも含めて雑貨天国モロッコを楽しんで♥⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 他のモロッコの投稿は⁡ #Akaneモロッコ⁡ ⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡ いいね♥コメント貰えたら嬉しいで��。⁡ 保存してもらえたら小躍りして喜びます😆⁡ ⁡ ���保存の仕方】⁡⁡ ⁡インスタ写真右下の旗マークを押す⁡ ⁡ お問合せがあったので…⁡ ⁡サイトに保存して見返せるだけで、端末の容量を食うわけではありません。⁡ ⁡ (⁡※FBでご覧の方は投稿右上の「…」マーク→「保存」)⁡⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡ 〚プロフィール〛⁡ ⁡ 📷一眼歴33年のフォトグラファー/ライター⁡ 🗺️旅歴31ヵ国83地方じっくり滞在⁡ 🖊SNS総フォロワー50000人⁡ 💖海、光、町並、南国、ヨーロッパが特に好き⁡ ⁡ 〚投稿内容〛⁡ ●ときめく刺激&まったりのちょうどいい旅😍😌⁡ ●詳しい下調べ後のベストチョイス!⁡ ●体験したリアルな旅行情報・失敗談⁡ ●海外旅行・国内旅行・お出かけ⁡ ⁡⁡⁡⁡ フィードは主に風景写真⁡ ストーリーはグルメ・お土産他⁡ ⁡ @akane.suenaga⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⏪他の投稿を見る⁡ ★お気軽にフォローしてね💕⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡✵✧✵✧⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡ #japanesewriter about travel.⁡ Twitter 48000 follower⁡ →https://twitter.com/AkaneClub⁡ ⁡ ⁡ #トラベルフォトグラファー⁡⁡Akane⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ #トラベルライター⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡ #モロッコ #シャウエン #モロッコ土産⁡ #モロッコ旅行 #モロッコ雑貨 #モロッコタイル #モロッコ旅 #モロッコ柄 #モロッコ🇲🇦  #青い  #青い世界 #青い家 #青い街 #ドア #青の世界 #青の輪💙 #青の街 #ブルー好き #青好き #玄関ドア #木製ドア #ブルーの世界 #異国情緒  #海外旅行したい #海外旅行行きたい #海外旅行が好き @standingatyourdoor⁡ ⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡ (Chefchaouen, Morocco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4JZuTpDC-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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El clan Nanbu tenía un fuerte. ¿Qué es un daimyō? La gama que los samuráis ganaron más poder son los señores feudales, el sitio histórico de shojujitate fue la residencia del clan Nanbu, construido en la orilla norte del río mabuchi en la prefectura de Aomori. Estaban ubicados en el punto estratégico de comunicación. - Sin embargo, el castillo estaba cerca de los caminos oshu kaido y kazunokaido, el lugar estaba limitado por montañas al este-oeste y norte-sur, los 300 a 250 m la dimensión del fuerte era de aproximadamente 90.000 metros cuadrados. Como resultado de la excavación que el arqueólogo llevó a cabo hasta el edificio de pilares del escape más grande de la región de tohoku, se extiende 18 tramos de 36 m de norte a sur de 42 m, la estructura ha sido de dos pisos de altura y los pilares de la puerta de 45 cm la fecha del castillo de 1539 en la era de Teherán. - Cerámica de alta calidad y artefactos culturales honshu Ainu, se han recuperado más de 4000 tipos de cerámica vidriada medieval dentro del sitio, de los cuales siete décimos son guerras vidriadas chinas. - En resumen, la forma en que se puede discernir a partir de los elementos recuperados en los restos de shojujitate datan de la cultura del período Murumachi y Sengoku en Japón. - - En resumen, la forma en que se puede discernir a partir de los elementos recuperados en los restos de shojujitate datan de la cultura del período Murumachi y Sengoku en Japón. - 南部氏には砦がありました。大名とは?武士が勢力を拡大した範囲は領主領であり、青森県の馬渕川北岸に建てられた南部藩の居城であった正寿寺立史跡は交通の要所に位置していました。 しかし、城は奥州街道や鹿角街道に近く、東西南北は山に囲まれた場所でした。 300 から 250 m の砦の寸法は約 90,000 平方メートルでした。 18スパン36m南北42mに及ぶ東北地方最大級の脱獄の柱建造物を考古学者が発掘調査した結果、2階建てで門柱45cmの城郭時代の1539年テヘラン時代。 高品質の陶磁器と本州アイヌの文化的遺物、4000 種類以上の中世の釉薬を使った陶磁器が遺跡内から回収されており、そのうち 10 分の 7 が中国の釉薬を使った陶器です。 手短に言えば、正寿寺立遺跡の出土品から、室町時代と戦国時代の文化が日本に伝わる様子がわかる。 - The Nanbu clan had a fort. What is a daimyo? The range that the samurais won more power are the sir feudal, the shojujitate historic site was the residence of the Nanbu clan, built in the north bank of the mabuchi river in the Aomori prefecture were located in the strategic point of communication. However the castle was near the oshu kaido and Kazunokaido roads, the place was limited by mountains to the east-west and north - south; the 300 to 250 m the dimension of the fort was approximately 90.000 square meters. As a result of excavation the archaeologist conducted to the pillar building of the largest escape of the tohoku region extending 18 spans 36 m north-south spans 42 m, the structure has been two stories tall and gate pillars 45 cm the castle date of 1539 in the Tehran era. High quality ceramics and honshu Ainu cultural artifacts, more than 4000 types of medieval glazed ceramics have been recovered from within the site of which seven tenth are Chinese glazed warres. In short the manner it can be discerned from the items recovered at the shojujitate remains date Murumachi and Sengoku period culture to Japan. ソース写真/source photo: https://www.town.aomori-nanbu.lg.jp/page/1543.html
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96925mm · 7 months ago
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romisora · 10 months ago
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Reflecting on Romeo and Alfredo's Relationship in Romeo's Blue Skies
This is going to be a very long post as I dig through years of interviews with the creators of the series and spend time reflecting on my own feelings since first seeing this show as a kid over ten years ago; I'm curious to see if there are any other queer fans who resonate with my experience. If you're just interested in reading the staff interview snippets, scroll towards the end.
TL;DR Romeo and Alfredo's feelings for each other were confirmed to be romantic in an interview with the director of the series in 2010.
For some background context, I first saw this series as a closeted queer kid. I had seen other media prior to this that were canonically queer on-screen, but had prevented myself from getting too invested in them. Deep down, it scared me that I was drawn to them and I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't like them. Also, I fall somewhere on the asexual and gray-romantic spectrum and as a result I never had much interest in romance-centered stories in the first place. However, something I didn't realize at the time there actually were types of romantic relationships that I desired, but there was an absence of me seeing them portrayed and allowing myself to be drawn to them.
When I first watched Romeo's Blue Skies, I was not prepared for how emotionally invested I became in the story, especially in the relationship between Romeo and Alfredo. I remember feeling confused why I was having feeling so many emotions while watching, and wondering why I was moved to tears over two fictional characters. At the time, I could tell it hit me on a deeper level than some people around me who I re-watched it with, and I was at a loss for what the reasons were. No piece of media had made me feel this deeply before, and few have come close since then. There's definitely a lot of other personal things about the story and characters that have grown with me over the years that contribute to how much I love this series as well, but Romeo and Alfredo were always at the heart of it. Back then, I tried to merely chalk up my feelings to the two characters having a beautiful friendship, one that I desired to have . . .
Years later, after I had figured out a lot more about my queer identity, I decided to revisit this show which had consistently been in my top 5 favorites even though I had not re-watched it in a very long time. Immediately, I started picking up on all the cues and realizing all the things about these two that had moved me and why it had been the case. The way they talked and supported each other, the way they thought each other, and the emotional intimacy between them. Regardless of anything that was stated on-screen, their connection felt incredibly romantic.
Something to keep in mind, I'm analyzing this series through the lens of the split-attraction model and am talking purely about romantic attraction here, not sexual attraction. If you are not familiar with the split-attraction model and different types of attraction, I recommend researching and reading about it. Being a kid on the asexual spectrum, I think it was precisely the innocence and pureness of Romeo and Alfredo's romantic attraction to one another that struck a chord with me. Additionally, being closeted, I believe on a subconscious level I resonated with the fact that these two were clearly in love with each other, but just like me, they did not understand it themselves either.
There were also a couple moments on my re-watch where my interest was piqued by dialogue nuances which were left out in the fansub translations.
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From Episode 24, here Alfredo is saying "Romio ga inakucha dameda" (ロミオがいなくちゃだめだ。), which translates a bit closer to "I need you, Romeo," or "I can't do it without you, Romeo." However, depending on the context, this phrase can have a much stronger meaning, translating closer to "I can't live without you."
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From Episode 26, although technically Alfredo is agreeing with Bianca here, his exact words are "Aa, subarashiiyo" (ああ、素晴らしいよ) which is "Yeah, he's wonderful."
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Later in the same scene, Alfredo says to Bianca, "Omae mo itsuka kitto, Romio ga daisuki ni naru" (おまえもいつかきっと、ロミオが大好きになる。)
"Omae mo" which means "you too," what he's saying here is actually closer to "You too, will surely grow to like Romeo a lot someday." Potentially, there's a stronger undertone here which could be closer to "You too, will surely fall in love with Romeo someday."
"Daisuki ni naru" can mean either "fall in love with" or "grow to like a lot," and can be romantic or platonic depending on context. Bianca's reaction afterwards certainly feels rooted in the fact that his words fall in this gray area.
Ultimately, regardless if Romeo and Alfredo's relationship was not meant to be seen as romantic, it would not change the reasons why the series impacted me so much. However, on my recent re-watch, I couldn't help but wonder how much of it was intentional since so many creative choices in the show felt very deliberate. Alfredo's quickness to grab Romeo's hand, the gentle touches between them, the longing gazes, the promises, the daydreaming about each other when separated, how romantic the accompanying music tracks feel whenever they were together.
A side note here, two things about this situation can be true simultaneously. There can and should be more platonic male friendships with this level of emotional intimacy, and this should be more encouraged, accepted, and represented. At the same time though, there is no need to deny the queer-coding of these two characters. Both interpretations can exist alongside each other. After all, romantic or not, a huge part of their relationship is based on a strong foundation of friendship.
Somewhat related to this, I'd argue that a huge part of why the emotional chemistry between these two characters is so strong is because the story/script writer was a woman and they were both played by women. I joked to myself on my recent re-watch that Romeo and Alfredo have lesbian energy, and later realized that perhaps there were actual reasons why I was getting those vibes 😆
I have the 1996 Megu Extra artbook for the series I had picked up years ago. Since I had been recently been starting to study more Japanese, and Google Lens and DeepL have become pretty good at character recognition and translation, I started to casually read some of the staff interviews in the back of the book. My heart skipped a beat when I read this passage from the interview with the director, Kouzou Kusuba:
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(scan of the page is edited to just show the relevant passage here)
Here's a translation I later got from a professional translator:
—It ended up becoming quite popular.
Kusuba: Contrary to my expectations… The fans are maniacs (laughs). Every work has its own fans, but for this one, it really did defy expectations. Well, I do understand the reason. I did depict Romeo and Alfredo in a homosexual-like way. Two men staring into each other’s eyes, or being quick to touch each other. Such depictions were not done previously in the Masterpiece series, and they were quite common here.
The vagueness here was what intrigued me, was he saying they were intentionally gay or just explaining why fans were interpreting them that way? He certainly did not seem to be outright denying the possibility.
I started digging deeper down the rabbit hole of interviews with the staff in various books over the years, burning with curiosity.
I found a couple more interesting vague allusions to the nature of Romeo and Alfredo's relationship in interviews with the script writer and voice actors in the 1996 Megu Extra art book and the 10th anniversary book.
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From the 1996 Megu Extra interview with the script writer, Michiru Shimada. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Interviewer: Please tell us about the process of adapting the original story into an anime.
Shimada: At first I thought the story would be a bit hard to follow. But as I worked on it, I think I was able to write something that I never thought I would be able to do. At first, I didn't think it would become this much of a friendship story between Romeo and Alfredo. Of course, I thought that would be the main theme and the climax of the story, but I feel that their friendship, or rather their relationship of trust, went further and further than I had expected.
From the 10th anniversary book interview with Michiru Shimada. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Since I started using the Internet, I found out that "Romeo" had fans, and now that it has reached its 10th anniversary, it still has as many fans as ever. It's very surprising. I am deeply moved that 10 years have already passed, and at the same time, I am filled with gratitude that so many of you remember it. At the time of the broadcast, the ratings were low and I wondered if anyone was even watching the show. So I had no idea that there was a lot of talk among some fans about the relationship between Romeo and Alfredo being "suspicious" (laughs).
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From the 10th anniversary book interview with Ai Orikasa and Toshiko Fujita, the voice actors of Romeo and Alfredo, respectively. Translated with DeepL, edited for readability:
Interviewer: So what "Romeo" depicts is the most important part, and in that sense, it is an eternal theme. Even when you grow up, you still think, "I want this kind of friendship," at the heart of it, don't you?
Orikasa: In some ways, it's ideal. I wish I had a friend like Alfredo…. Also, you are drawn to both the innocence of a boy like Romeo, whose hard work is beautiful, and the coolness and fragility of a brilliant but unfortunate boy like Alfredo.
Fujita: Even though they're just boys, there's a deep bond between them, like a romance, right? That's a big theme of Romeo and Alfredo's story.
Interviewer: What do you think is the secret behind Romeo and Alfredo's popularity?
Orikasa: Alfredo is unquestionably cool. Even being unfortunate has a kind of charisma…Romeo, on the other hand, is definitely a blank canvas. He's absorbing everything, but he's desperately trying to survive. He loves people desperately, he desperately wants to do something about it, and he can be clumsy or childish at times, but that's what makes him so charming. As for the relationship between the two, Romeo will never be able to live like Alfredo, and Alfredo will never have anything like Romeo, so they admire each other.
Fujita: I don't know which one of them is happier, but each of them has different qualities that they were born with or things that they acquired without realizing it. On the one hand, I feel like I have to protect them, but on the other hand, I also want to throw them away…That's why Romeo's blank canvas looks wonderful to Alfredo. Perhaps his canvas had been already painted over ever since he was born. They both have something wonderful from the start, but they're both attracted to what they don't have.
…It sounds like we're talking about a man and a woman (laughs).
Orikasa: That's really true. So, I'm sure the fans saw the two of them that way as well. But we were also laughing in the recording studio. There were long scenes where they stared at each other (laughs).
Fujita: That was hilarious. "Isn't it a little too long?" (laughs) We would say things like, "That look in his eyes is not normal."
By this point, I was still wondering if the romantic subtext was actually intentional, or if the creators were just joking around and acknowledging fan interpretations. However, at the very least, I felt I could be satisfied knowing that no one was arguing against the interpretation of them being more than friends. I began to assume that even if the romantic subtext was intentional, the creators would never officially confirm it and would continue to skirt around the topic forever.
Then, to my absolute shock, I found it. Fifteen years after the show aired, in the 2010 World Masterpiece Theater Europe Memorial Book, the director unabashedly confirming the feelings between Romeo and Alfredo were always intended to be romantic.
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From the special interview with director Kouzou Kusuba. Professionally translated:
Romeo and Alfredo, the two had fallen in love . . .
With Romeo and Alfredo, that was love at first sight. Without even going into male friendships, the two are lovers. Before they start walking down the road of hardships, when they meet during the apple incident, it was love at first sight. They fell in love. That is the only explanation for having a bond that is that strong.
After Angeletta, Romeo’s heart moves towards Bianca. That is because he saw traces of her older brother, Alfredo, in her. So in the end, it was Alfredo for Romeo.
For comparison's sake, the DeepL translation with my own edits for better readability:
Romeo and Alfredo, they fell in love . . .
Romeo and Alfredo, it was love at first sight. Before you say anything about male friendships, these two are lovers. They fell in love at first sight when they met at the apple incident before they started down the road of hardship. They fell in love. If we didn’t think of it that way, they would not have had such a strong bond.
Romeo's heart moves on to Bianca after Angeletta. It is because he saw in Bianca the image of her brother Alfredo. After all, it really is still Alfredo for Romeo.
There's a crucial bit of info to note about the interview in the original Japanese that confirms it was romance without a shadow of a doubt. The director uses the word 恋 (koi) to describe their love, which is a term that is only used for romantic love in Japanese, as well as 恋人 (koibito - lovers/sweethearts/boyfriends). This leaves no ambiguity unlike the words すき (suki - like), and 愛 (ai - love), which, like their closest English counterparts, can be platonic or romantic depending on context.
Although I didn't need the romantic connection between them to be canon, actually having it confirmed simultaneously fills my heart with so much joy and ache even more. The story hits much harder when viewed through the lens of being an intentional, fleeting childhood romance between two boys who are oblivious to the fact that they are in love with each other. There's a sense of disconnect between them knowing that they feel strongly towards each other, but not realizing what their feelings mean and the people around them not understanding how deep it is either. I certainly had feelings as a kid that I wasn't able to identify as romantic until years later because of compulsory heterosexuality, and I'm sure many other queer people would relate to this as well.
It's beautiful, yet heartbreaking. If you consider it, the way their romance is presented contextually makes sense from both the standpoint of being realistic to the 1870s, time period it is set in, and the constraints of when it was created and aired on TV, in 1995. Especially with Romeo's Blue Skies being a children's show and a World Masterpiece Theater series, there probably would have been no scenario where the creators could have explicitly stated it on-screen. Instead, they poured it all into subtext, which shines brightly.
Romeo and Alfredo never needed to say, "I love you." A few words, a tender gaze and a gentle hand touch between them to me almost feels more romantic than a kiss ever could. It is so painfully evident in the way they look at each other and treat each other that they have a much deeper emotional and romantic bond between them than any other characters in the series.
I think that's what spoke to me all those years ago. The feeling of finding someone you're on the same wavelength with; those unspoken understandings between each other. I saw these two and was struck somewhere deep in my heart with the desire for a relationship like that. Even now, there's a part of me that feels: If I were to find my equivalent counterpart of Romeo and Alfredo, I would be set for life . . .
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mvrider5 · 5 months ago
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searincosplay · 5 months ago
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Have you ever had a cosplay idea that's not big or elaborate but brings you the most joy?
Romeo's Blue Skies had a big impact on me when I watched it as a kid and it has remained one of my favorite little-known anime. I've long wanted to do a location photoshoot, especially with more people. Thanks to MoondropAtelier for being my little sister for the day, my brother for being our Dr. Casella, and Marlo Louden Photography for making photo magic happen to bring my cosplay dreams to life. The Glessner House was a stunning place to take photos and I'd go back in a heartbeat for more Victorian era photos.
We got some of the cutest photos I've ever gotten and I'll always treasure them 🥹💖
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mvrider6 · 29 days ago
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大日堂 此処まで来ればあと少しで弥山本堂
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japandreamscapes · 8 months ago
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Sunset seascape #japan #japandreamscapes #日本 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #写真 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #旅行 #旅 #travel #travelphotography #photooftheday #seaphotography #seascape #blue #風景 #風景写真 #青い海
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catdoll007 · 1 year ago
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随求堂の本尊 大随求菩薩(だいずいくぼさつ)
真言:「オン バラバラ・サンバラ サンバラ・インジリヤ・ビシュダニ ウンウン・ロロシャレイ ソワカ」
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本堂のご本尊 千手観世音菩薩
《本尊の千手観音は秘仏で60年に一度の甲子年に限って開帳される》 だそうです🙏
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🗣️ オン バザラ タラマ キリク ソワカ
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mvrider1 · 1 year ago
秋(安芸)の宮島 世界遺産
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princessantisocial · 7 months ago
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nissyart · 2 years ago
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#旭川フードテラス の赤いハート ひと冬越してもまだきちんと赤いですが、 明日剥がすことにしました。 剥がして、 やっぱり旭川でも、#世界自閉症啓発デー の青いハートを作りたい! という思いつきから、#4月2日 に間に合わせるように頑張ります! #warm_blue #heart #発達障害啓発週間 #青いハート #blueheart #worldautismawarenessday #warmblueday2023 #wbd2023 #warmblue2023 #lightitupblue @getintouch_official #heart #ハート #maste #maskingtape #マスキングテープ #マステ 協力 #株式会社マークス @marks_tokyo #渋谷区役所 #世田谷区役所 #shibuya #setagaya #tokyo #旅するハートストリート #旭川市 #旭川ハートストリート (フードテラス) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZw3F2Ldqc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomihara-design · 4 months ago
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romisora · 10 months ago
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Romeo's Blue Skies - Official watercolor art for the covers of the compiled script collections by the character designer and animation director for the series Yoshiharu Sato
Yoshiharu Sato worked extensively at Studio Ghibli as a key animator, and notably was the animation director on My Neighbor Totoro and Only Yesterday. He also worked on many of the other World Masterpiece Theater series at Nippon Animation.
The spines of the books are my favorite part ☺️
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noriaki-nakada · 9 months ago
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