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堤業國際 2025年新品 #日本堅強土 #日本堅強土 是近期最新研發商品,本身不具磁性,但可以搭配市面上任何一種類強力磁鐵,形成讓人驚豔的應用。 特性: 具備好揉捏黏土特性,可以塑形成各式形狀 附著性家可以輕易附著貼附各式材質表面 塑膠、木頭、紙張、橡膠類等材質 可被強力磁鐵吸附,但本身#日本堅強土 不具備磁性 無毒無臭味可安心使用 好清洗 多種應用特性、噴塗、筆塗、固定物件、公仔模型擺設固定不搖晃。 接下來就為各位快速示範,如何使用#日本堅強土 #日本堅強土 可以被強力磁鐵吸附,如果要增強吸磁力,越多磁鐵磁力越強 #日本堅強土 ���軟可輕易塑型 兩種顏色包裝,日本堅強土 內容物…
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祝六一国际儿童节快乐I wish a happy International Children's Day
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巧克力【橡果王国】Chocolate Acorn Kingdom
World Champion on Chocolate Sculpture / Pastry chef by 趙凱 Kris Zhaokai
In the magic forest of chocolate, a cute squirrel stand on the roof of the acorn-shaped house, as if it is the guardian of the acorn kingdom. The dynamic appearance of the squirrel and the acorn-shaped house complement each other, showing the beauty of harmonious symbiosis. With a height of about 110cm, the showpiece takes about 40kg dark chocolate. The colors on the showpiece are made out of cocoa butter and edible chocolate pigment, which ensures that the whole food showpiece is edible. Let's enjoy the birth of chocolate "Acorn Kingdom" together!
#kris zhaokai#趙凱#kris zhaokai 赵凯的巧克力王国#chocolate acorn kingdom#chocolateshowpiece#chocolate sculpture#pastry#糕點#chocolatemasterclassu#zhaokaichocolateacademy#巧克力雕塑#橡果王國#amazing
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展覽/從山姆.詹克斯(Sam Jinks)的〈犬頭(Doghead)〉淺談人與動物、人性與本性(動物性)及其非人化意涵
山姆.詹克斯(Sam Jinks)2008年創作的〈犬頭(Doghead)〉,是以狐狸結合男人的形象呈現的雕塑作品,狐狸眼睛微歛的模樣像是進入恍惚狀態,輕柔放在左胸的右手,以及柔軟半側躺的姿勢,呈現一種近似祭品般,柔美又脆弱的神態。 這讓我不禁想到埃及眾多以獸首人身形象出現的神明,譬如貓女神芭斯特,又或者與此雕塑外型類似,負責秤陀人心善惡的胡狼神阿努比斯。 從遠古先祖的動物崇拜,我們得以窺見人與動物既是狩獵者與獵物(相互為捕食者與被捕食者),也是信徒與信仰(崇慕動物的力量、特質;或者恐懼動物的報復)間緊密卻又疏離的關係。 然而人和動物的關係並非止於實質上的「人類」和「動物」,同時亦意味著精神意義上的人性與本能(動物)。赫曼.赫塞(Hermann Karl Hesse)的著作《荒野之狼(Der…

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美國自由雕塑公園6月2 日,共產主義受難者紀念碑將舉行落成典禮,於此同時雕塑公園的「自由大道」也將同時落成。 6月2 日,美國自由雕塑公園共產主義受難者紀念碑將舉行落成典禮。陳維健提供 「自由大道」是雕塑公園的正門大道,它由大門一組名為達摩克斯利劍的不繡鋼抽象雕塑與兩面雙排的20根太陽能燈柱構成。燈柱扣上正反兩面從世界各國與中國西藏、新疆��自由民主的英雄像,共40位人物。有中國民運的舉旗人王炳章,有獲諾獎的劉曉波,有孤膽英雄楊佳,有立交橋振臂一呼的彭立法,也有俄羅斯民主英雄納瓦爾德,有烏克蘭英雄總統澤連斯基。有新疆維族英雄伊利哈木…

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(via 义云高大师(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)雕塑展令人叹为观止)
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很多人想知道的塑身衣心得來了!!🔥 Continue reading Untitled

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#warhammer 40000#warhammer 40k#warhammer art#perturabo#rogal dorn#magnus the red#calliphone#primarch
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Tôi đã đi qua tháng năm, đi qua sông núi, đi qua nông thôn và cả thành thị, cũng đã từng đi qua người khác, tất cả suy nghĩ và ước mơ sinh ra trong suốt những nơi tôi đi qua, những người tôi gặp đã hình thành nên tôi. Trên hành trình ấy, có những thứ lướt qua, và rồi có những thứ mãi mãi ở lại trong tim tôi, nó khắc sâu, định hình, tôi luyện tôi, hoà quyện nên tôi. Tôi vốn dĩ là một tâm hồn lang thang, một dòng nước đọng lại khắp nẻo đường, là một thông điệp được truyền tải đi khắp vũ trụ bao la, một công dân tuân thủ pháp luật cùng một giấc mộng tự do tự t���i.
- Như An dịch
#chinese#life quote#quotes#văn học#nhu-an#beautiful quote#trichdanhay#love yourself#love your life#be yourself#trending
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堤業國際 2025新品 日本Pro2透亮水晶土 規格: 14入 零售價: 新台幣395元/套 此款新品與早期水晶土有何不同之處接下來為您介紹及比較 新款特性:特性: 1.透明度高可清楚翻製出細節 2.攝氏80度就可軟化操作安全 使用一般電鍋內鍋加水加熱即可讓其軟化 3.所翻製成的模具不會碎裂韌性超高(怎麼撕扯模具都不會破裂) 4.貼附性高不需要用離模劑,彈性度高適��翻模使用。 5. 全部都是單一透明顏色 6. 日本進口 7. 重複使用。 8.及高彈性及支撐度所製作出的模具不變形 現在就為大家示範如何操作 新一代 日本 #Pro2透亮水晶土 以及如何運用 #密黏補milliput 快速製作套件翻製 準備的材料、器具 電鍋準備加熱 可準備一個內鍋裝水,通常一杯水加入外鍋開關跳起後,先蓋內鍋水的溫度通常為85度上下,此溫度就可以將 #Pro2透亮水晶土…
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张德明雕塑作品——山水韵Zhang Deming's sculpture -- Landscape Charm
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展覽/從時間與生死觀看至聖(Santissimi)的〈體內(M1)(IN VIVO (M1))〉
至聖所(Santissimi)創作的〈體內(M1)(IN VIVO (M1))〉這項作品乍看之下像是一個人類男性屍體被保存在玻璃櫃中,但實際上裡面的並不是活人,而是一具以塑膠和其他媒材製作的高仿真假人,人們可以透過沾取底部的水抹在玻璃上,讓它的形象更加清晰,但就像很多屍體研究一樣,人們究竟透過觀看或與這個藝術品互動來達成什麼樣的目的呢?四周的玻璃究竟是將它與這個世界隔離還是保護它免於受到人手的荼毒? #北美館 # 《未來身體:超自然雕塑》
今天跟朋友約去看臺北市立美術館的展覽,其中很喜歡《未來身體:超自然雕塑》這類型探討人與環境、基因、未來、科技主題的展覽,因為透過藝術家的詮釋,可以看到人對於上述議題的矛盾、對立、和諧,以及可能性。 展覽品中有許多過度真實的雕塑,難免會引起恐怖谷效應,使人產生恐懼,也有部分展品與觀展人的互動會產生奇特的效果。附圖照片即是我在觀看其中一項展覽品〈體內(M1)(IN VIVO (M1))〉時,拍下的有趣畫面。 至聖所(Santissimi)創作的〈體內(M1)(IN VIVO…

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. ݁₊ ⊹ 🍭🍨 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍧🍰 . ݁˖
// Candy // Cotton candy ~ 棉花糖 (miánhuātáng) Note: 'marshmallow' has the same name as cotton candy in Chinese Gummy ~ 软糖 (ruǎntáng) Lollipop ~ 棒棒糖 (bàngbàngtáng) Fudge ~ 乳脂软糖 (rǔzhī ruǎntáng) Caramel ~ 焦糖 (jiāotáng) Jellybean ~ 果冻豆 (guǒdòng dòu) Toffee ~ 太妃糖 (tàifēi táng) Liquorice ~ 甘草 (gāncǎo) // Baked Sweets // Cupcake ~ 杯子蛋糕 (bēizi dàngāo) Brownie ~ 布朗尼 (bùlǎngní) Sponge cake ~ 海绵蛋糕 (hǎimián dàngāo) Lava cake ~ 熔岩蛋糕 (Róngyán dàngāo) Black forest cake ~ 黑森林蛋糕 (hēisēnlín dàngāo) Cheesecake ~ 乳酪蛋糕 (rǔlào dàngāo) Tiramisu ~ 提拉米苏 (tílāmǐsū) Scone ~ 司康 (sīkāng) Macaron ~ 马卡龙 (mǎkǎlóng) Waffle ~ 华夫饼 (huáfū bǐng) Tart ~ 塔 (tǎ) Crepe ~ 可丽饼 (kělì bǐng) Pie ~ 派 (pài) Chocolate chip cookie ~ 巧克力碎片饼干 (qiǎokèlì suìpiàn bǐnggān) Donut ~ 甜甜圈 (tiántiánquān) Brulee ~ 烤布蕾 (kǎo bùlěi) Creampie ~ 奶油派 (nǎiyóu pài) Cinnamon bun ~ 肉桂卷 (ròuguì juǎn) Gingerbread ~ 姜饼 (jiāngbǐng) Red velvet cake ~ 红色天鹅绒蛋糕 (hóngsè tiān'é'rónghuá dàngāo) // Frozen Desserts // Sherbet ~ 雪葩 (xuěpā) Gelato ~ 吉拉朵 (jílāduǒ) Sundae ~ 圣代 (shèngdài) Shaved ice ~ 刨冰 (bàobīng) Ice cream ~ 冰激凌 (bīngjīlíng) Note: another common name is 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín). Popsicle ~ 冰棍儿 (bīnggùn'er) // Misc. // Custard ~ 奶黄 (nǎihuáng) Puff ~ 泡芙 (pàofú) Popcorn ~ 爆米花 (bàomǐhuā) Milkshake ~ 奶昔 (nǎixī) Jello ~ 果冻 (guǒdòng) Oreo ~ 奥利奥 (àolì'ào) // Common Asian Desserts // Mochi ~ 麻糬 (máshǔ) Tanghulu ~ 糖葫芦 (tánghúlu) Black sesame soup ~ 黑芝麻糊 (hēi zhīma hú) Swallow's nest ~ 燕窝 (yànwō) Sago pudding ~ 西米布丁 (xīmǐ bùdīng) Snow fungus soup ~ 雪耳糖水 (xuě'ěr tángshuǐ) Osmanthus Jelly ~ 桂花糕 (guìhuā gāo) Grass jelly ~ 仙草 (xiāncǎo) // Example Text // https://www.sohu.com/a/443013219_120949919
口味最“奇怪”的4种糖果 -> the four candies with the strangest flavours.
1、星空棒棒糖 -> planet lollipops
星空棒棒糖有名的高颜值糖果,大部分的女生都有买过,或是男生情人节买来送女朋友都有了解过。-> Planet lollipops are popular for their appearance, lots of women have already purchased them before, or men who, on Valentine's day gifted it to their girlfriends, have understood. 它的味道你尝过后就会觉得“这是什么沙雕玩意儿,我吃了塑料吗?”,有这种感觉并不奇怪,星空棒棒糖大部分都是甜苦甜苦的味道,有些还带着塑料的气味,吃完就怀疑人生,估计这个糖果也就只能当做摆设。-> After tasting its flavour, you will think: "what is this sand sculpture-like thing, am I eating plastic?" Having this kind of feeling isn't exactly strange, planetary lollipop largely have a bittersweet flavour, some lollipops even have a plastic odour, after eating it, you'll question your life, seems like this kind of candy is only used for decoration.
2、榴莲糖 -> durian candy
...打开包装就是浓浓的榴莲味,吃到嘴里就感觉是三里往外都是这个榴莲味 -> upon opening the package are the dense/strong durian smells, eating them makes you feel that the durian smell is everywhere within a 3 mile radius.
3、姜汁糖 -> ginger candy
姜汁糖里面就是有大量的姜味,吃的第一口还是上面糖味,含一会后姜味就显露出来了,你会有一种��辣的感觉,一直猛吸气想要减少这个辣味,没想到后面越吃越辣,让人有点受不了,吃到一半就吐了,这种一般都是家里的老人才会买,老人很喜欢这种甜辣的感觉,甚至吃起来还想喝一两口小酒。-> Within ginger candy is a considerable amount of ginger flavour, after eating the first bite, the first taste is sweet, after sucking on it for a bit, the ginger flavour will come out and you get have a spicy ginger feeling. Keep inhaling sharply, wanting to reduce this spiciness, not knowing that more and more spiciness will follow, intolerable, spat it out halfway through, this kind of candy will typically be bought by a family's older individuals, elders really like this kind of spicy-sweet feel, to the point of also wanting to drink a couple gulps of liquor.
世界上最好吃的十种甜点,吃过六种,算我服!-> 10 of the world's most delicious desserts, eaten 6 types, count me in!
1、布朗尼蛋糕--美国 -> Brownie--America
布朗尼蛋糕属于重油蛋糕的一种,但它和一般重油蛋糕的区别在于通常较薄且较结实,不像普通蛋糕那样松松的, 而且一定是巧克力口味 -> Brownies are considered a type of pound cakes, but they are different from regular pound cakes in that they are usually on the thinner and sturdier side, unlike the regular cakes which are fluffier, and brownies need a chocolate flavour.
2、提拉米苏--意大利 -> Tiramisu--Italy
提拉米苏是一种带咖啡酒味儿的意大利甜点 -> tiramisu is a type of coffee-flavour containing Italian dessert.
10、乳酪蛋糕--阿拉伯 -> Cheesecake--Arabic
这类蛋糕介于蛋糕和甜点之间,因而越来越受人关注 -> this type of cake is a cross between cakes and desserts, and because of this, more and more people have given it attention.
#chinese#langblr#language learning#vocab list#aesthetic#chinese langblr#chinese vocabulary#chinese cuisine#chinese culture#dessert#sweetcore#chinese vocab
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(via 义云高大师(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)雕塑展令人叹为观止)
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