dmstattoo1998 · 26 days
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みなさんお疲れ様でした!☺️ 公式サイト https://dmstattoo.com
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warehouse-staff-blog · 5 months
Lot 4601 in 2024 S/S ①
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
待ちに待った2024 S/S Lot 4601の新作が続々とあがってきていますよ。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 CLIFFORD J.SCOTT \7.040-(with tax)
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ブルドッグなどのメジャーな犬種ではなく、 (アメリカでは?)珍しいプリント"Scottie Dog"。 太眉のような毛に、お口周りのヒゲといったようなスタイリングが人気。短足気味で尻尾も含めてとってもキュート。
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プリントからも十分に伝わりますが、 知らない方はスコティッシュ・テリアを画像検索してみて下さい。 とんでもなく可愛いですよ。
ワンちゃんを家族に迎え入れたいけど叶わない。 そんな私のような方も、 先ずはTシャツでその想いを遂げてみては?
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ニュージャージー州エセックス郡にあるクリフォオード高校のTシャツです。 "Scottie dogがマスコットキャラクターで、スコティッシュテリアというキャラクターはアメリカでは珍しく、ユニークなアイコンになっています。 狩猟犬として活躍していたスコティッシュ・テリアは、短足ですが俊敏で活動的で、太く立派なまゆ毛と口周りからたっぷりと生えたひげが特徴的。 狭いアナグマの掘ったトンネルの中でも、素早く移動できるように足が短いのも特徴です。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 PARIS HIGH \7.040-(with tax)
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シンプルさ加減が良い塩梅。 飾り気は無いからこその惹かれる一枚。
それは絶妙なレイアウトに 「PARIS」というワードで品が格上げされているのかもしれませんねぇ。
同じフォントデザインですが、 《135》のナンバリングや 小文字を交えた「Phy(sical).」「Ed(ucatin).」の小技が効いているようにも感じます。
今夏はパリオリンピックとめちゃタイムリーなプリント。 共にオリンピック観戦と洒落込むとで更に気分が上がること間違いなしですね~。
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「パリ高校」の体操ウェアとして使用されたTシャツです。 街着ではだせない独特の「損傷具合」は、リアルなアスレチックウェアとして着られた証です。 135の文字が崩れた風合いも、生地の伸縮が生んだもの。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 WILSON \7.040-(with tax)
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「この真ん中にいる生き物はなんだ。山羊?馬?牛?」 とよく分からないけど妙に良いぞと感じている方も多いのでは?
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某学校で採用されているこのマスコットキャラ、 答えは下記の【Vinatge】の説明分でどうぞ。
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アメリカでTシャツにプリントが施されるようになったのは戦後のこと。 学生の間で競い合うように自身が所属するチームなどがプリントされるようになりましたが、こちらはその初期に作られたもの。 太い糸で編まれた肉厚ボディにプリントされるため、現代と比べると堅牢度は弱く、そのために独特の風合いになっています。 ウッドロー・ウィルソンハイスクールはロサンゼルスの高校で、チーム名は「MIGHTY MULE」(強大なラバ)です。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 AQUINAS \7.040-(with tax)
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鳥の種類が何か分かりませんが、 比較的鳥類のプリントは多くないように思うので、鳥好きは勿論、4連のバランスの取れたカレッジデザインが刺さった方も如何でしょう。
また、 染み込みのBROWNも良いのですが、 BORDEAUXやBLACK、NAVYのグレーに青みがかったようなラバープリントに、 派手さはありませんが見かけないカラーリングに目を奪われちゃいますねぇ。
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ミシガン州グランドラピッズにあるアクウィナスカレッジのTシャツです。 ボルドーが最高の状態にフェードしています。 大学のチーム名は「セインツ」で、チームカラーはボルドーです。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4601 MANSFIELD \7.040-(with tax)
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こちらは隠塚のコメントを頂きましょう。(By IG)
『早くも今シーズンの個人的MVP(Most Valuable プリントT)を授与したい柄のご紹介ですっ‼︎
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マンスフィールド・タイヤ・アンド・ラバー社は1912年にオハイオで設立され、自動車用タイヤを生産していました。 1920年代から1930年代にかけてマンスフィールドのタイヤブランドはグッドイヤー、グッドリッチ、ファイアストン、ユニロイヤルという当時のタイヤ業界の「ビッグ4」と肩を並べ、 1950年代から1960年代にかけて成長を続けていましたが、その後はやや減少がはじまったとあります。 こちらはその絶頂期に作られたスタッフのユニフォームかと思われます。
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2024SS分のLot 4601新作は未入荷分がまだ御座います。 入荷次第こちらでも御案内いたしますのでお楽しみに~。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが御ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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harvardwang · 1 year
鄧莎,籍貫湖南,中國大陸女演員。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1985 年 12 月 8 日(37歲)
子女: 路奕麟
身高: 165 公分
學歷: 四川師範大學
電影: 唇紅齒白
代表作品: 《黛玉傳》
Quick Facts 鄧莎, 女演員 ...
上映年份類型電影名角色備註2007年數字電影唇紅齒白徐小白數字電影小嬌小 嬌電 影旋律
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oki-haru · 1 year
業の花びら ⅴ
1 異空間の投影
 「一九 晴天恣意 1924, 3, 25,」下書稿(二)第一手入形には、まさに「異の空間」ということばが出てくる。冬の空に積雲が浮かび、それを「異の空間」の「白く巨きな仏頂体」「高貴な塔」と表現している。
つめたくうららかな蒼穹のはて 五輪峠の上のあたりに 白く巨きな仏頂体が立ちますと 数字につかれたわたくしの眼は ひとたびそれを異の空間の 高貴な塔とも愕ろきますが 畢竟あれは水と空気の散乱系 冬には稀な高くまばゆい積雲です とは云へそれは再考すれば やはり同じい大塔婆 いたゞき八千尺にも充ちる 光厳浄の構成です
 なお、下書稿(二)第一手入形で「五輪峠」だった場所は、その一つ前のバージョン「一九 晴天恣意(水沢臨時緯度観測所にて)1924, 3, 25,」下書稿(一)最終手入形では「種山ケ原」となっていた。種山ケ原から五輪峠というロケーションの変更は、どのような意図で行われたのだろうか。
 五輪峠は、種山ケ原から北へ約8kmほどの位置にある。賢治は実際に、岩手軽便鉄道鱒沢駅から五輪峠を経て人首方面へ進み、水沢緯度観測所、現在の国立天文台水沢VLBI観測所に向かったという。その一連の過程が、第二集の「一六 五輪峠 1924, 3, 24,」「一七 丘陵地 1924, 3, 24,」「一八 人首町 1924, 3, 25,」「一九 晴天恣意(水沢臨時緯度観測所にて)1924, 3, 25,」に収められている。
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 「一九 晴天恣意」を読み進めると、幻想の仏舎利が立った空の下には、樹やイリスが生え、石塚のあることが示される。
あの天末の青らむま下 きらゝに氷と雪とを鎧ひ 樹や石塚の数をもち (略) 斯くてひとたびこの構成は 五輪の塔と称すべく 秘奥は更に二義あって いまもその名もはゞかるべき 高貴の塔でありますので もしも誰かゞその樹を伐り あるひは塚をはたけにひらき 乃至はそこらであんまりひどくイリスの花をとりますと かういふ青く無風の日なか 見掛けはしづかに盛りあげられた あの玉髄の八雲のなかに 夢幻に人は連れ行かれ 見えない数個の手によって かゞやくそらにまっさかさまにつるされて 槍でづぶづぶ刺されたり 頭や胸を圧し潰されて 醒めてははげしい病気になると さうひとびとはいまも信じて恐れます
 石塚には何が祀られていて、何に祟られてしまうのだろうか。現存する最初のバージョンである「一九 晴天恣意(水沢臨時緯度観測所にて)1924, 3, 25,」下書稿(一)最終手入形では、樹や石塚に「鬼神」が棲んでいる。棲んでいるという表現だが、「由緒ある」ことから、祀られていると考えても良いだろう。
古生山地の峯や尾根 盆地やすべての谷々には おのおのにみな由緒ある樹や石塚があり めいめい何か鬼神が棲むと伝へられ
 「一〇六 石塚〔日はトパーズのかけらをそゞぎ〕1924, 5, 18,」下書稿(一)第一手入形でも、樹や石塚には「鬼神」が棲んでいる。
一本の緑天蚕絨の杉の古木が 南の風に奇矯な枝をそよがせてゐる その狂ほしい塊りや房の造形は 表面立地や樹の変質によるけれども またそこに棲む古い鬼神の気癖を稟けて 三つ並んだ樹陰の赤い石塚と共に いまわれわれの所感を外れた 古い宙宇の投影である    (わたくしはなぜ立ってゐるか     立ってゐてはいけない     鏡の面にひとりの鬼神ものぞいてゐる                第一九頁) おほよそこのやうに巨大で黒緑な そんな樹神の集りを考へるなら わたくしは花巻一方里のあひだに その七箇所を数へ得る
 このような樹や石塚と鬼神の組み合わせは、「五二〇 巨杉 1925, 4, 18,」でも繰り返される。賢治は、「古い鬼神の気癖を稟けて」すなわち、鬼神の性質を授かって不思議な姿になっている樹をみて、人々の「所感」の外にある「古い宙宇」が、樹や石塚に「投影」されていると感じている。人々の感覚の外にあるため、幻想の「異空間」が投影されていると考えられる。「古い」という形容詞からは、「異空間」は空間的にだけでなく、時間的にも過去に隔てられていることもわかる。①古い、②樹、③石塚、④イリス、のある場所に「異空間」を幻視しているようである。
 賢治の「修羅」は杉などの樹木に喩えられてきた。「異空間」の性質を発現する「樹神」の集う場所が、花巻には7カ所もあるという。「樹神の集り」は、「一九 晴天恣意」で言われるように「由緒ある」「古生山地」にあり、具体的には「種山ケ原」「五輪峠」などの名前を挙げることができるのかもしれない。
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gallery-fall · 1 year
2023 | 9 | 27 WED → 10 | 8 SUN
本とブローチ 人文系私設図書館ルチャ・リブロの日々
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2023 | 9 | 27 WED → 10 | 8 SUN
OPEN 13:00 - CLOSE 19:00
奈良県の東吉野村にある「人文系私設図書館 ルチャ・リブロ(Lucha Libro)」による展示「幽霊の日常」です。
私たちは、2016年に東吉野村という奈良の山村に引越し、「人文系私設図書館ルチャ・リブロ」という場をつくりました。 東吉野村で暮らしてから、例えば雑誌に出ているみたいな「30代のライフスタイルはこんな服を着ていて、こんな家に住んでいる」というモデルケースに、自分たちが全く当てはまらなくなったことに気がつきました。「私たちは社会から見えていないのかもしれない」と思い至り、「それって、なんだか幽霊みたいだ」と少し可笑しくなりました。そういえば、私たちの最初の著書にしても『彼岸の図書館 ぼくたちの「移住」のかたち』(夕書房)というタイトル。彼岸に住んでいるのは、きっと幽霊です。 幽霊にも日常があります。幽霊と日常、というのは言葉として大変ミスマッチな組み合わせではありますが。いつしか幽霊は、日常の中で眼差したものを糸、土に乗せるようになりました。陶、刺繍を通して、幽霊の日常を垣間見るかもしれません。それは寂しい、置き去られた光景なのでしょうか。(DMより転載)
→ 今後の展示やイベントの予定
Lucha Libro
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167-0042 東京都杉並区西荻北3-13-15
地図 | 13:00 - 19:00 | 月・火お休み
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→ twitter.com/gallery_FALL → instagram.com/fall_mishina/
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wangwill66 · 1 year
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.~Eleanor Roosevelt
柯文哲說過的: 不要羨慕別人成功,因為你付不起那個代價。唯一能限制你的,就是你對於你自己的想像。
台灣有錢人定義,最高階的等級,有價值超過3,000萬新台幣的淨資產 高級班:極高淨值人士(UHNWI)(ultra-rich)的定義流動金融資產為3000萬美元(約新台幣8.56億元)或可支配收入超過2000萬美元。
富者們都具備高度的同理心,畢竟,賺錢不能光憑一己之力,賺錢是得到他人錢財的行為。 不論做生意或領薪水,都要學會換位思考。 從小被教育服從命令、說真話才是正義,讓我們出社會就失去競爭力。 承認別人會為了私利說謊的事實,也要適當說些保護自己的謊言。
부자의 자세:부자를 만드는 건, 돈이 아닌 자세다
作者:J won
譯者: Loui
CHAPTER 1 富者的定義──富者一點也不特別
  CHAPTER 2 基本態度──富者不是天生的
  CHAPTER 3 工作的態度──富者不會樂在工作
  CHAPTER 4 身在職場的態度──富者不會挑工作
  CHAPTER 5 經商的態度──富者不會魯莽行動
  CHAPTER 6 對待關係的態度──富者不會害怕寂寞
  CHAPTER 7 對待金錢的態度──富者不會小看金錢
  CHAPTER 8 投資的態度──投資方能成為完整的富者
☆ 不是有錢就能稱為富者 ☆
☆ 培養同理心 ☆
  ☆ 承認謊言 ☆
  ☆ 不講適性 ☆
  ☆ 相較於該做的事,更應重視不該做的事 ☆
推薦序 讓自己站在期望值大的一邊 /畢德歐夫
推薦序 願正確的心態與你同在 /愛瑞克
推薦序 富有,是具備自由的能力 /Jet Lee
序 使你富有的不是金錢,是態度
前言 何謂富者?
CHAPTER 1 富者的定義──富者一點也不特別
CHAPTER 2 基本態度──富者不是天生的
CHAPTER 3 工作的態度──富者不會樂在工作
CHAPTER 4 身在職場的態度──富者不會挑工作
CHAPTER 5 經商的態度──富者不會魯莽行動
CHAPTER 6 對待關係的態度──富者不會害怕寂寞
CHAPTER 7 對待金錢的態度──富者不會小看金錢
CHAPTER 8 投資的態度──投資方能成為完整的富者
結語 想要成為富者,就先培養態度吧!
老子有錢 當大爺 有標價錢的都不算貴
忍氣吞聲 點點點 還不是為了那錢錢錢
老子有錢 當大爺 有錢大家都不喊累
她露事業線 OH 點點點 還不是為了那個
一起喝香檳 玩親親 走到哪裡我都算是貴賓
雖然我長的像郭桂彬 但講到錢 我只輸給郭台銘
我是ATM前的Superman 數錢數到我打哈欠
銀行看到我來 他們會說Damn
我的英文名子叫做Richman 我的小發財你快點跟我來
你怎麼還在省錢大作戰 頭號戰犯 你還 慢慢來
財神爺走了 你哭著說 Bye Bye ���名在望 有人還在晃
整天晃來晃去 就像是在觀光 我以旁觀者的立場講 老子有錢 就是比你嗆
范蠡出生於前536年10月22日(農曆前536年 乙丑年 九月初一)[1],春秋楚國宛地三戶邑(今河南南陽淅川縣大石橋鄉至寺灣鎮間)人,是歷史上早期著名的政治家、軍事家和經濟學家。他出身貧寒,但聰敏睿智、胸藏韜略,年輕時,就學富五車,上曉天文、下識地理,滿腹經綸,文韜武略,無所不精。然縱有聖人之資,在當時貴胄專權、政治紊亂的楚國,范蠡卻不為世人所識。范蠡之著作今已散佚,計有《兵法》及《養魚經》二書,於《文選》中可略見該二書之引句。晉人蔡謨之後因認為「計然」為范蠡著作之書篇名,因此相傳有《計然》一書散佚,漢唐、三國等史料多以計然為人名,清朝以前多數著述也多半認為計然為范蠡之師。
地:為後 天修為,靠誠信立身;
務完物是《貨略》的核心,他説:“以物相貿易, 而食之貨勿留,無敢居貴。”
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shihlun · 3 years
「歷史」還是「地理」的二選一思考方式,正是深深刻在提出者內部的歷史性思考方式,這種思考方式的所有者將其直接轉移至地理上的思考。即,在他的腦中,以他的「想像力」放上一張日本列島的空白地圖,在上面填上永山則夫流浪的足跡,最後所得到的也就是這麼多。此一永山則夫之旅,只要在某種「原初世界之旅」的前提上,便設想能透過連接他曾經過的外部世界的地點,便會浮現出其內部世界的地圖,並設想大概會出現奇形怪狀的景象吧。           在這裡,還是先交代永山則夫流浪的記錄和分期。這也同時是我們的旅程——
第一次流浪的分期十五年,第二次的分期三年半,第三次的分期為半年,有各自的長度。可以視作成長、生活、犯罪三個不同的階段,各自的分期在空間擴大的同時,表現出時間上的反比關係,應該是很容易注意到的。日本列島對於永山則夫,不正是作為某種非歐幾里得空間(non-Euclidean space),奇怪地歪曲、溶解、流動嗎?然後,即使這樣還,或者說正因如此才,應該點出的是沿著永山則夫的軌跡而再現了四個月間橫貫列島之旅的我們的眼睛,看見的是已經敘述過的,所有的地方或邊境的街道上映出的,作為同質化了的風景出現的景象。
我在這裡突然想起了雷吉斯·德布雷(Régis Debray)將城市稱作「可居煉獄」的苦澀發言。不用說,德布雷是在將討論範疇小心謹慎的限定在「與苦惱於人口集中的亞洲歐洲大城市相比的⋯⋯加勒比海諸城市」,即使知道這一點,不妨讓我們再仔細看看吧。
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Sima Jiong (Book of Jin 59)
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Sima Jiong was styled Jingzhi; his posthumous title was Prince Wumin ("the Martial and Pitied") of Qi. He was the son of Prince Xian ("the Presented") of Qi, Sima You. Even as a child, Sima Jiong won acclaim for his kind and benevolent attitude and enjoyed being generous; he had the same spirit as his father.
Before Sima You's death, although he had become ill, Emperor Wu did not really believe that he was sick. So he sent the imperial doctors to examine and diagnose Sima You, and they declared that he was not ill. When Sima You then passed away and Emperor Wu went to attend the mourning service, Sima Jiong was in a fit of grief, declaring that the doctors had given false reports about Sima You's illness. Emperor Wu ordered the doctors put to death, and Sima Jiong won renown for this act and was permitted to inherit his father's title as Prince of Qi (although he was not the eldest son).
During the Yuankang reign era (291-300), Sima Jiong was appointed as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance, as acting General of the Left Army, and as Colonel Who Supports The Army. The Prince of Zhao, Sima Lun, secretly formed ties with him.
For his role in helping to depose Jia Nanfeng (in 300), Sima Jiong was appointed as General of Roaming Assault. But Sima Jiong was not satisfied by this position, and he often looked resentful. When Sun Xiu realized this, he was afraid to keep Sima Jiong too close at hand, so he had him sent away as General Who Pacifies The East and Credential Holder and had him garrison Xuchang.
When Sima Lun usurped the throne (in 301), he appointed Sima Jiong as Grand General Who Guards The East and granted him the privilege of a Separate Office with equal ceremonial to the Three Excellencies, in order to mollify and appease him.
Sima Jiong was planning to take advantage of the anger and resentment of the people against Sima Lun, and he secretly plotted with Wang Sheng of Lihu and Wang Chumu of Yingchuan to rise up with soldiers to overthrow Sima Lun. But at the same time, Sima Lun had sent one of his confidantes, Zhang Wu, to keep a close eye on Sima Jiong. When Zhang Wu returned to the capital, he reported, "The Prince of Qi has no ulterior motives against you." And since Sima Jiong's plans were not yet complete, he was afraid that the plot might leak out. So he joined with his Army-Marshal, Guan Xi, to kill Wang Chumu, then sent Wang Chumu head to Sima Lun in order to allay his concerns. However, once Sima Jiong's plan was complete, he arrested Guan Xi and killed him.
Then Sima Jiong raised an army, together with the Inspector of Yuzhou, He Xu, the Dragon-Soaring General, Dong Ai, and others. He sent word around to inform others of his plot: the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, the Prince of Changshan, Sima Ai, and the Prince of Xinye, Sima Xin.
Sima Jiong sent out a proclamation of his intentions to every general or minister, to all the Generals Who Conquer, Generals Who Guard, Inspectors, Administrators, Prefects, and Interior Ministers, so that everyone might know what his designs were.
When the Inspector of Yanzhou, Chi Long, received Sima Jiong's proclamation, he was hesitant and could not decide whether to support him or not. But one of his Army Advisors, Wang Sui, beheaded Chi Long and sent his head to Sima Jiong.
Sima Jiong camped his army at Yangdi. Sima Lun sent his generals Zhang Hong, Lü He, and Sun Fu to march out through Eban, where they met Sima Jiong in battle. Sima Jiong had the worst of the fighting, so he withdrew into his defenses and fortified his ramparts. But in the meantime, Sima Ying's army routed Sima Lun's forces at Huangqiao. So Sima Jiong led his army out again and attacked Lü He and the others, this time greatly routing them.
Once the Princes had finished deposing Sima Lun and restoring Emperor Hui to the throne and Sima Jiong had completed his executions of Sima Lun's partisans in villainy, Sima Jiong led his troops into Luoyang, where he made arrangements for accommodating his troops. He had hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers, with a full panoply of flags and banners and military gear, and the capital region trembled.
Emperor Hui appointed Sima Jiong as Grand Marshal and granted him the Nine Bestowments. He was granted regent authority to handle all canons and policies, just as Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Emperor Wu had once wielded such power on behalf of the government of Wei. 
Sima Jiong thus acted as regent over the government. He lived in Sima You's old palace, and selected forty assistants and subordinates for himself. He greatly expanded the rooms and buildings of his palace, extending the estate north to reach the Five Grains Market and south to connect with the various government offices. He demolished hundreds of homes and buildings in the process. He ordered the Grand Architect to lay out his palace to be on the same scale as Emperor Hui's residence at the Western Palace. He bored a hole through the Qianqiu Gate to make a direct path to the Western Pavilion, and he hung up bells in his rear chambers and arrayed dancers in eight rows (an imperial privilege) in his front hall. He indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasures, not bothering to attend court.
Sima Jiong appointed various ministers without any ceremony, just granting the appointments from where he sat, and he issued commands to the Three Bureaus of the government simply by a mark. And in his selections and promotions, he was not impartial, but only favored those who were close to him and familiar. He appointed the General of Chariots and Cavalry, He Xu, as General Who Leads The Army of the Center. He also appointed Ge Yu as Duke of Mouping, Lu Xiu as Duke of Xiaohuang, Wei Yi as Duke of Yinping, Liu Zhen as Duke of Anxiang, and Han Tai as Duke of Fengqiu; they came to be known as the "Five Dukes", and all of them were Sima Jiong's close companions.
The Secretary of the Central Hall, Huan Bao, submitted a petition without first sending it to Sima Jiong's office for review, for which he was submitted to interrogation. From then on, the court ministers all glanced about in fear, and everyone within the Seas lost hope in Sima Jiong.
A recluse of Nanyang, Zheng Fang, submitted an essay harshly remonstrating with Sima Jiong (his essay is listed below). And one of the Registrars, Wang Bao, often warned Sima Jiong against what he was doing (his essays and biography are in the Biographies of Loyal Ministers). But Sima Jiong did not follow either of their advice, and he even arranged to have Wang Bao killed.
A white-haired gentleman ran into the office of the Grand Marshal, exclaiming that there would be an uprising soon, before the next Jiazi year (in 304). He was arrested and killed.
Sima Jiong only grew more arrogant by the day, and he never did reform his desires. 
A former official from the office of Bandit Management, Sun Hui, also wrote a letter to Sima Jiong remonstrating with him. He wrote, 
"I have heard that Your Highness has faced five hardships to reach your current position, and I am familiar with four truths about the impermanence of power. Yet Your Highness remains unconcerned about any of these things. 
"To set aside your gravity as keeper of your family’s ancestral temple and lay down your majesty of being lord of a domain of a thousand chariots in favor of personally donning armor and helmet and braving risks and facing dangers was the first hardship Your Highness undertook. To muster a band of three hundred fellows, devise plans for decisive and total victory, assemble soldiers from every corner, and gather together brave heroes was the second. To abandon the hallowed halls of your palace and dwell in the wretched conditions of a soldier's tent, peacefully enduring the noise and filth of the camp and sharing the labor and toil of the generals and soldiers was the third. To organize a flock of conscripts, prepare them to resist the fearsome might of the enemy, devise for them genius plans of martial prowess, and temper them with courage and resolve was the fourth. And to send out proclamations in every direction, gain the trust of sworn allies, restore the deposed Emperor to the throne, and revive the imperial fortunes was the fifth. 
"At the same time, I observe these truths: even a great reputation cannot ensure one's position, even great merits cannot secure one in office, even great influence cannot be wielded forever, and even great authority cannot be counted to last.
"Yet Your Highness does not recognize the extent of these five hardships you faced to get where you are, nor do you acknowledge these four truths. I cannot help but be concerned for you.
"In the eleven years since the start of the Yongxi era (in 290), there have been no instances of public virtue, but only reports of slaughter. The imperial clan has suffered the disasters of usurpations and struggles for power, and imperial relatives have inflicted punishments and executions against their own flesh and blood; princes have endured the indignities of jail cells and prison carts, and consorts have lamented their fates of being cut off and set aside. Indeed, in all of history, though we read of states that suffered disasters and close relatives that warred among themselves, never has there been a situation as dire as this one. If the historians be honest about our faults, how will our descendants ever bear to read about them? 
"Why then has the realm not abandoned Jin, and why has the Mandate not passed from our dynasty? Only because the ruler has not exhibited tyranny and severity and the court has not governed with violence and cruelty, because of the enduring grace of Emperor Wu and the lasting love of Prince Xian (Sima You). It was their sage benevolence and their kindly magnanimity which bound the hearts of the people toward Jin. And these are the things which secure the support of all those within the Four Seas.
"Now although Your Highness displayed an unparalleled sense of righteousness when you led your uprising against the usurper, still you have failed to show an equivalent sense of peerless virtue by yielding your position afterwards. The realm wonders at the reasons for this, and they seek an answer. Furthermore, the Princes of Changsha (Sima Ai) and Chengdu (Sima Ying) have the same close bond to one another as the ancient lords of Lu and Wey, they are the immediate family members of the Emperor (as his younger brothers), and when one considers whom among the three of you accomplished the most during the recent campaign and deserved the greatest rewards, it is difficult to be certain that Your Highness has an undisputed claim to supremacy. By continuing what you are currently doing, Your Highness will be giving up the good achievements of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin when they selflessly rescued the royal family of Zhou from peril, and treading the same path as Zang and Zha instead. Straw dogs and all the beings of creation are not treated any differently out of any consideration of benevolence.
"Your Highness should honor your relatives and yield in favor of those near in stature to you, considering that your work is complete and withdrawing from the center. Entrust affairs to the two Princes, while you supervise the heirs of the various feudal lords. Display the banner of your righteous intention to yield power and sound the call of your wish to return to your noble fief, dwell within your domain as lord of the great Qi region, catch the spirit of the billowing wind, take the areas of Qingzhou and Xuzhou into your hands, and stand proud at your post at Yingqiu. If you do these things, then even gold will not be a good enough medium to record the greatness of your achievements and even the Eight Sounds will not be sufficient tunes to sing your praises; Ji Wen (King Wen of Zhou) would no longer have the sole claim for sagacity, nor Taibo for worthiness.
"But if you forget the dangers of the great precipice you are standing upon and heedlessly ascend towards the summit, you would be abandoning the security of the Five Peaks and making your position as precarious as a stack of eggs. Without, your power and authority would invite suspicion, and within, your reputation among the officials would suffer. Even if you were to venture to the top of a high terrace or seclude yourself behind rows of walls, I would still presume to fear for your safety, even more now than at the time of Yingchuan and Yangdi (during the uprising). Your subordinates quiver with fear for you, but none dare say a word. 
"Now who am I, Sun Hui, to tell you these things? Nothing but a sad remnant in fact. But inviting the onset of calamity and welcoming the perils of the slings and arrows, I once rushed to Your Highness's righteous call; casting aside my common clothes and putting on my helmet, I followed your army to Xu (Xuchang). Of great and glorious deeds in the line of battle, I have none to claim. Yet I followed you through the wind and dust of those days, and I am prepared to receive punishment in addressing you now. Though Qu Yuan was exiled, his heart was always with Ying in the south; though Yue Yi fled to Zhao, his thoughts were always with Yan in the north. Can it be any different with me, who has received your grace and was blessed with your recognition and your care? Though it may seem that I go against your wishes, I am your man through and through; I am baring my flesh to show the sincerity of my blood, and it is thus that I offer you such unpalatable advice. Having presented my words, I am prepared for my punishment. If by writing these things I can convince you to righteously yield power and to secure your achievements, I go to the chopping block willingly, for it would be a worthy end to my life."
Though Sima Jiong did not accept Sun Hui's advice, neither did he punish him.
The Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, fled from the capital to Chang'an, the base of the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong. He lied and said he had received a secret edict from Emperor Hui, calling on Sima Yong to punish Sima Jiong, and that Li Han had been sent to Sima Yong to help facilitate the plot.
Sima Yong believed Li Han. He submitted a petition to the court: "The imperial family has suffered from many incidents of late, and disasters and difficulties continue to plague us. Although the Grand Marshal, Sima Jiong, may claim the credit of having called an uprising and restoring the Emperor to the throne, in truth it was thanks to the Prince of Chengdu's efforts that the capital region was pacified and the altars of state were secured. Yet Sima Jiong, not content to observe his proper duties as a minister and subject, has begun to harbor nefarious intentions.
"At Sima Jiong's army camp at Xuchang, he set up eastern and western Ye Gates like one sees at the Emperor's palace, and on his staff there, those whom he appointed as Secretaries of Recordskeeping, as Chief Clerks, or as Marshals all hovered about him with the same ceremony that residents of the palace would show towards the Son of Heaven. During the campaign, although the capital had already been entirely purged and the usurpers and traitors punished before his arrival, Sima Jiong still led an army of a million soldiers to infest the walls of Luoyang. He has kept his troops garrisoned there for an entire year by now. He never attends court, but makes the government ministers bow and perform obeisance before him, while he sits serenely facing south (in imitation of the Emperor). He has torn down buildings of the Music Bureau and the marketplace purely to expand and broaden his own estate. He has helped himself to the stored equipment of the Arsenal, and he has imposed martial law on the city without any sign of lifting restrictions. The former Prince of Donglai, Sima Ruí (Sima Jiong’s elder brother), recognized that Sima Jiong had betrayed his duties, and he presented a petition to the court listing Sima Jiong's offenses, but he was only met with slander and infamy, until he was charged with a crime and suffered demotion and exile. Sima Jiong has presumed to fill the government ministries with his own partisans and minions, and he grants his favored lovers and floozies titles comparable to those used in the Emperor's harem. He freely indulges himself in wine and in sensual pleasures, showing no regard for the common people. He allows his henchman Zong Ai to do whatever he pleases without any hesitation or suspicion, for though the government receives complaints about Zong Ai's behavior, he always gets let off from any charge. He permits a nobody like Zhang Wei to determine whether imperial edicts shall be allowed to go out or not, and he entrusts a miscreant like Ge Yu with control of the state. He hands out noble titles as he pleases, and bribes change hands freely and openly. He surrounds himself with a rogues' gallery, and he makes the call on who will live or who will die. His closest confidantes think only of how to enrich themselves. And he has slandered and punished good and worthy people, while gazing with longing towards the sacred instruments of power.
"I was assigned a serious charge and am responsible for protecting and defending a strategic area of the realm. But as I have witnessed Sima Jiong's actions, I have nursed a sense of righteous indignation. Then this very day, the Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, secretly came to me by courier horse to present to me the imperial will and decree. When I bowed before him to hear the reading of this edict, which called upon me to raise my banners and turn against my own flesh and blood, my feelings were assailed and all my senses were aflame. And is it not a principle of the Spring and Autumn Annals that one may never war against their liege or their kinfolk? Yet Sima Jiong has a powerful army at his beck and call, he has placed his favorites into positions of power, and not a one of the important offices of state exists but is filled by one of his cronies. So though in turning my sword against Sima Jiong I would be committing a serious crime which deserved death, still I am afraid I could no longer in good conscience accept what he has done.
"Thus I am now marching at the head of a hundred thousand elite soldiers. May the provincial commanders join me in this loyal and righteous cause and combine their forces with mine at Luoyang. I ask that the General of Agile Cavalry and Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, likewise prove his loyalty and sincerity by removing Sima Jiong from power and sending him back to his estate. Anyone who refuses to heed the imperial order shall be dealt with by military law. 
"The Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, is wise, virtuous, luxuriant, and friendly; his achievements are lofty and his deeds profound. When he departed the capital last year and yielded his power, he gained the hopes and admiration of all. He is suited to serve as regent over the government. Let him take up the role of A-Heng (Yi Yin) in Sima Jiong's stead."
When Sima Yong's petition arrived at Luoyang, Sima Jiong was terrified. He summoned the ministers and said to them, "When Sun Xiu plotted his treason before and usurped and oppressed the Emperor and the Princes, the very altar of state was nearly toppled, and no one else was able to stand against such difficulties. I was the one who gathered together soldiers to begin an uprising, and I was the one who swept away and purged the chief evil. I have maintained my duty as a subject and as a son, and the spirits can attest to my trustworthiness. Yet now these two Princes have returned my trust with slander and are causing great trouble. Gentlemen, I shall depend on your loyal advice for how to reconcile with these wayward foes." 
The Minister Over The Masses, Wang Rong, and the Minister of Works and Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, advised Sima Jiong to resign his authority and honor the others by yielding his position. 
But Sima Jiong's Attendant Officer of the Palace Gentlemen, Ge Yu, angrily told them, "The commoner of Zhao (Sima Lun) heeded and employed Sun Xiu, and he abused his authority; Heaven and Earth themselves changed based purely on his whims. Everyone talked and talked about doing something back then, but no one else dared to speak up first. It was our lord who braved the slings and arrows, personally wearing armor and helmet and attacking the enemy lines and breaking their formations, and who brought us to this happy day. Considering the rewards he has received for all that he has done on behalf of the state, one could argue that he has still not gotten all that he deserves. 
"For members of the Three Bureaus to say such things shows how much you disregard the Prince's affairs. It is no fault of his that rewards for others have been slow in coming. Besides, those who speak slander and stir up chaos should all be put to death. How can you heed the empty orders of this presumptuous letter and command our lord to retire to his estate? And through all the time of Han and Wei, what prince or noble that retired to his estate has ever been able to protect his wife and children? Anyone who suggests such a thing out to be beheaded." 
The ministers were greatly disturbed and trembling, and all of them turned pale.
The Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, rushed into the palace, then raised troops to attack Sima Jiong's office. Sima Jiong sent Zong Ai to array troops west of the palace. Sima Ai also sent Song Hong and others to set fire to and burn down the various pavilions and the Qianqiu and Shenwu Gates.
Sima Jiong ordered the Prefect of the Yellow Gate, Wang Hu, to steal all the Zouyu Banners and display them (thus compelling all soldiers to cease fighting) while announcing, "The Prince of Changsha has forged an imperial decree." 
But Sima Ai also spread the message, "The Grand Marshal has plotted rebellion, and anyone who helps him will have their families executed to the fifth degree."
That night, there was great fighting within the city; flying arrows poured down like rain, and the glow of the fires outshone the heavens. Emperor Hui was at the Shangdong Gate when a flurry of arrows came his way. His ministers were trying to put out the fires, and they fell down dead in heaps.
By the next day, Sima Jiong had been defeated. Sima Ai brought Sima Jiong to the Front Hall. Emperor Hui, feeling sad for him, wished to let him live, but Sima Ai ordered those around him to lead Sima Jiong away, even as Sima Jiong kept looking back. Sima Ai beheaded Sima Jiong outside the Changhe Gate, and displayed his head to the six armies (of the capital soldiers).
Those who were in league with Sima Jiong were executed with their families to the third degree. The Princes of Huailing, Le'an, and Qiyang, Sima Jiong's sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng, were imprisoned at the Jinyong fortress.
Sima Jiong's body was left publicly exposed at Ximing Terrace, and for three days no one dared to claim the body for burial. Then Sima Jiong's former subordinates, Xun Kai and others, petitioned to be allowed to hold a mourning for Sima Jiong and to bury him, and their request was granted.
Earlier, when Sima Jiong had been at his zenith, a woman had visited the Grand Marshal's office to ask for some supplies. When the officials had scolded her, she had said, "I'll just make things nice and tidy and then go." This disturbed some people, for they recognized that the term she had used, 截齊, could be interpreted as "cut down (the Prince of) Qi".
And there had also been a ditty going around: "Wrap the cloth 'round the middle bit, to make it all (or, Qi) nice and fit (or, to submit)." And indeed, it wasn't long before Sima Jiong was executed.
At the beginning of the Yongxing reign era (305), an edict was issued declaring that Sima Jiong's offenses had not been serious enough to merit the harsh punishment that he had received, and that due to his earlier good deeds, his lineage should not be snuffed out. Thus his three sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng were all pardoned and allowed to return to their estates, and Sima Chao was appointed as Prince of a county in order to continue Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Chao eventually served as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance Without Assignment.
At the beginning of the Guangxi reign era (306), Sima Jiong was posthumously honored with a decree by Emperor Hui.
"I declare the following regarding the late Grand Marshal and Prince of Qi, Sima Jiong:
"The late Prince might have quietly and meekly inherited the fief which he was due. Yet rather than sequester himself in his eastern domain (at Qi), he sent forth his proclamation from Xujing (Xu or Xuchang), and fully acted to protect our royal family and quell the disturbance of the imperial household. Zealously leading forth his followers for a righteous cause and forging an alliance at Lake Chu, he achieved successes and performed the greatest of deeds, and was very accomplished at Yingdong (eastern Yingchuan?). I ought to have responded to these things with congratulations for his exceptional performance, thanking him for his loyal and faithful service, and honoring him according to the ancient standards, thereby ensuring and glorifying his legacy. He ought to have been granted a fief even grander than those once held by Han's Princes of Wu and Chu, and he ought to have been honored with such exceptional courtesy and respect that he would have rivaled the favor enjoyed by Xiao He or Huo Guang. The great assistance and protection which he provided us entitled him to the everlasting admiration of the royal clan and the state.
"Yet the Prince failed to practice virtue, he incurred the enmity of two of his peers, the officials pressed him for his faults, and in the end he was executed. The ancients had a saying: 'Enforce the law, but think of the accused.' How much less can I ignore this sentiment when it was thanks to the Prince's deeds that I remained safe and the fortunes of state were preserved? And how tragic, how heart-rending it seems that only posthumously may his achievements be recognized!
"I hereby restore the Prince to his former title as Prince of Qi, and command that his son and heir be permitted to return and to inherit this title. The salary and privileges, canons and systems associated with the title shall all be as they once were. And I hereby send the Commissioner Bearing Credentials and Grand Diplomat to convey my words to the tomb of the late Prince and to offer a Grand Sacrifice to his spirit. If the dead are still aware of what takes place in this world, then may they take note of my command; may the spirit of the late Prince feel peace in his heart and be joyful of this favor and honor."
Sima Jiong's son Sima Chao thus inherited his title as Prince of Qi.
During the Yongjia reign era (307-311), Emperor Huai also issued an edict which again praised Sima Jiong for having the chief accomplishment of having sounded the call to rise up against Sima Lun. Emperor Huai posthumously restored Sima Jiong's rank as Grand Marshal, and he also appointed him as a Palace Attendant and a Credential Bearer and gave him his posthumous name (Wumin).
When Luoyang fell (to Han-Zhao, in 311), Sima Chao and his brothers were all lost to Liu Cong, leaving Sima Jiong without any descendants.
During the Taiyuan reign era (376-396), Emperor Xiaowu issued an edict appointing Sima Rouzhi, the son of the late Prince of Nandun, Sima Zong, as Prince of Qi in order to continue Sima You's and Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Rouzhi rose in office as high as Cavalier In Regular Attendance. At the beginning of the Yuanxing reign era (402), when the Prince of Kuaiji, Sima Daozi, was about to campaign against the rebel general Huan Xuan, an edict was issued appointing Sima Rouzhi as a Palace Attendant, and he was sent out with the Zouyu Banners to command the soldiers of Jiangzhou and Jingzhou (under Huan Xuan's command) to stand down. But when Sima Rouzhi came to Gushu, he was killed by Huan Xuan's vanguard. He was posthumously appointed as Superintendent of the Crown Prince's Household.
Sima Rouzhi's son Sima Jianzhi inherited the title Prince of Qi. But after Liu Yu accepted the abdication of the Jin dynasty and established the Song dynasty (in 420), Sima Jianzhi's fief was abolished.
Zheng Fang was styled Zihui. He was a passionate man with a sense of duty and ambition, and he waded through and absorbed all the Histories and Annals. He was exceptionally talented and zealous, and those in his district who knew him all sighed in admiration of how much he stood out. Yet he never held office, because there was no one able to recommend him.
When Sima Jiong held power over the government and abused his authority, Zheng Fang was so moved with indignation that he set out by foot to visit Luoyang. Styling himself a wanderer from Jing and Chu, he presented a letter to Sima Jiong.
"I have heard that when the sage and wise steer the affairs of the age, day and night they are always careful and cautious, nor do they get carried away in their joy. Thus do they preserve and defend their honor. Yet you, Great Prince, are currently relaxed and not thinking of any danger, sinking into the depravity of wine and sensual pleasures and overindulging yourself in feasting and music; this is your first fault. You ought to be as respectful to the realm as the pure wind, and there should not be the slightest distance between yourself and your kinfolk and your flesh and blood, yet there currently is; this is your second fault. The barbarians are pressing in from every side and the borders are unstable, yet you consider that you have already accomplished enough and you take no notice of these things; this is your third fault. When you launched your uprising, all the people rushed to your banner, yet although there is now peace in the realm, the people continue to suffer endlessly, and I have heard nothing of any orders from you on how their burdens might be lifted; this is your fourth fault. And you made a covenant with blood-smeared lips and pledged to those that supported you in your uprising that after things had been completed, rewards would not be slow in coming, yet although the evil has already been purged, there have been no discussions of merit or distributions of rewards; you have eaten your words, and this is your fifth fault.
"Great Prince, you have achieved uncommon deeds, and you now occupy the role of chief minister of the state. Yet you allow slander and rumor to swirl around you and you do nothing while people bear anger and hatred against you. Though it be rash and foolish of me, still I would risk death to demonstrate my sincerity to you."
Sima Jiong bit his tongue and only responded, "I had no idea of my five shortcomings. If not for you, Sir, I would never have heard of them."
It was not long before Sima Jiong was destroyed.
The Historian's Appraisal: Sima Jiong was the son of a famous father, he sounded the call to rise up and rallied the Princes to his banner, he smashed Sima Lun's false designs and kept them from fruition, and he rescued Emperor Hui from falling into oblivion. Truly his actions and deeds were excellent and worthy of praise. Yet afterwards, when he himself stood at the brink of destruction, he failed to heed the danger, but only indulged his heart's desires and did whatever he wished. Did he not know that pleasure cannot go unbridled, or a host of difficulties left unchecked? Was it not ironic that he mocked the ancients who never finished their work, not realizing that his own achievements had been undone? If only he had plucked out the fine plan offered by Wang Bao or accepted the good advice provided by Sun Hui, by magnanimously yielding his imperial splendor at the capital and going out to his fief on the Eastern Sea, where his lineage might have endured! If he had done that, could even Yi Yin or Huo Guang have surpassed him?
Crown Prince Li Xian of Tang's Appraisal: 
Pity the magnificent Prince Wumin!
His deeds were bold, his plans so keen!
Alas, his virtues he did not keep
And thus for this good man we weep.
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dmstattoo1998 · 1 year
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aliu-ga · 4 years
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aokimame · 4 years
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なかなか梅雨明けしませんね^_^ いかがお過ごしでしょうか? こんな状況ですので今回はDM発送しませんでしたが... 「A T-SHIRT-7人の作家によるTシャツ展」 に @aoki.mame にて参加します。 お馴染みの #落花生 のTシャツと #フェルト刺繍 を施した新作Tシャツで参加しております。私は僅かですが、他にも6名の方々が素敵なTシャツをご用意していますのでお近くにお出かけの際はお立ち寄り頂ければ嬉しいです。 会期:2020年7月31日(金)~8月10日(月・祝) 開場時間:11:00~18:00 休廊:木曜 会場:#spaceao #スペースアオ 住所:神奈川県三浦郡葉山町堀内444-1-B ※場所が分かりづらいので @spaceao_art さんのアカウントにてご確認下さい。 【参加作家】 #山田博之 #樋口薫 #アイハラハルノブ #青木まめ #小倉千加子 #キヌマキトシコ #NOREN #葉山 #ギャラリー #Tシャツ展 #aokimame #フェルティングニードル #羊毛フェルト #felt #needlefelting #woolsculpture https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLEstlD0-U/?igshid=1evjv36uwxmuf
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新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止のために、第5期の公演は中止となりました。 中止決定の連絡を受け、涙を流した団員もいたと聞いております。
団員達が集まれない状況ではありますが、 今期を締め括り、卒団生を見送る機会を何とかをつくりたいと考え、 福島公演をやるはずだった3月29日に、ビデオ会議ツールを利用した「リモート卒団式」を行いました。
東北ユースオーケストラ第5期卒団式 式次第
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阿部秀捷(チェロ) 磯貝雛子(ホルン) 大波さくら(トロンボーン) 狩野諒也(ホルン) 筒井温之(トロンボーン)
一般社団法人東北ユースオーケストラ 押木正人代表取締役社長に式辞を頂きました。
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「東北ユースオーケストラ第5期107名の皆さん、1年間活動大変お疲れ様でした。 2011年の3月に発生した東日本大震災の復興のために立ち上がった東北ユースオーケストラの活動が 今回は、コロナウイルスという目に見えない脅威にさらされて、 ここまで練習をしてきた成果である3つのコンサートができなくなってしまったこと、本当に残念に思っています。
在団の皆さん、今日は本当に笑顔で出てきて頂いていますけれど、 どんな思いで今日を迎えていら��しゃるのかと思うと、堪えられない気持ちです。 これまで東日本大震災を乗り��えてきた皆さんですので、 この1年間努力したことがこんな形で終わる悔しさを是非バネにして頂き、 明日に向かう力に変えていって頂きたいと思っています。
小学校4年生~大学生まで、12歳のひらきがあるメンバー、 小学生、中学生、高校生、大学生が一緒に活動する経験は、通常の学校生活では経験できないことだと思います。 ユースオケという集団活動で、小学生の人が20代の大学生が学ぶことはもちろんのこと、大学生も、小学生を生活や演奏面でサポートすることで、学ぶことも多くあったかと思います。 毎月の練習、また夏合宿を通じて、幅広い年齢層の皆さんが1つになれたことは各個人にとって、生涯忘れることのできない経験になると確信しています。
理事になって頂いております岩手日報社、河北新報社、福島民報社、各社の新聞に多数の記事を掲載頂き、 また熊本ユースシンフォニーオーケストラとの共演は、NHK BSでの特集で取り上げられ、 他、婦人画報等の雑誌など、マスコミにも多く取り上げられたことで、 皆さんが今年も元気に活動されていることは、被災地の皆様にも伝わったのではと思います。 日本や世界で、東日本大震災をいつまでも記憶に留め風化させない役割と 将来を担う若い世代が音楽を通じて創造性を発揮し世界に発信するという、 東北ユースオーケストラの目的は十分に果たせたのではないかと思います。
また今年は、日本青少年文化センター様から、青少年の文化の発展に貢献した人や団体を表彰する、 59年も続いている歴史ある「久留島武彦賞」を頂きました。 震災直後から立ち上げた「子どもの音楽再生基金」をスタートに、 今日まで長きにわたり復興支援に努めてきた坂本龍一さん、栁澤寿男さん、事務局・関係者の皆様、 活動を支えて頂いたスポンサーの皆様の貢献、団員を陰でサポート頂きました保護者の皆様、卒業した団員も含め、多くの方の活動が世間に認められたことと大変うれしく思っています。
今日で卒業される5人の皆さん、長い間お疲れ様でした。 これで東北ユースオーケストラの活動からは離れますが、私からのお願いは、 音楽を通じた人と結びつくことの意義、大切さを忘れず、 楽器演奏を今後も是非続けていって欲しいと思います。 また、6期も続ける皆さんは、今年度練習した曲にさらに磨きをかけて2021年に演奏できるように新年度も継続して練習していきましょう。
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「今日のこの時間、福島公演をしているはずでしたよね。本当に残念です。 早くこの活動を再開できる日が来れば良いと思っています。」
「卒業する5名の皆さん、おめでとうございます。 これまで貴重な経験をしたと思うので、是非ここで得た経験をこれからの長い人生に生かしてほしい。そして、音楽をずっと忘れないで生きていって欲しいです。」
「第九はもちろん、5年かかってやっとできた僕の新曲を皆が演奏しているのを聴けなかったこともとても残念です。 来年は実現できるようにしたいと思っていますので、卒業する5人も聴きに来てほしい。時間が合えば是非一緒に参加してください。」
「将来世界史的な事件になるであろう、今のこの時間を 皆さんが生きていることは本当に特別なことだと思うので、無駄に過ごしてほしくない。どうやって生きるべきか考えて過ごして欲しいと思います。」
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「第5期東北ユースオーケストラ卒団生の皆さん、卒団おめでとうございます。 直接皆さんにお会いできないことを本当にさみしく思っています。 我々の原点である東日本大震災に続いて、 これもまた我々の世代が体験する人類上危機の最大級のものかと思っています。
東北ユースオーケストラで何度もお伝えしたように オーケストラは共同作業です。1人1人が責任を果たさないと成立しません。 世代を超えて培った東北ユースオーケストラの活動が、皆さんが社会に出たときに少しでも役に立つことを願っています。 会社や組織で見知らぬ人たちと、世代を超えて協調していくことはとても大変だと思います。 私自身も国内・海外で、その場に協調していくことに苦労し、悩みぬいた時期もありました。 そんな時は音楽を聴いてみてください。心穏やかに、冷静さを取り戻してみてください。 それから、東北ユースオーケストラのメンバーや、大人たちにも是非相談してみてください。 我々はいつでも東北ユースオーケストラにいます。 いつか皆さんと会える日を、そして一緒にハーモニーを奏でられる日があることを楽しみにしています。」
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ■デジタルガレージさま
凹んだボールは元に戻る。 怪我をした傷はいずれ癒える。 震災を乗り越え生まれた、東北ユースオーケストラは 若くしなやかな感性と、美しい音楽の力が、 心の復興に大きな力を与えてくれることを 私たちに教えてくれました。 これからもますます、東北を、日本を、世界を 元気にしていって欲しい。
デジタルガレージは、 東北ユールオーケストラを応援しています。
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ■JA共済連全国本部さま
このたびは、ご卒団誠におめでとうございます。 東日本大震災から9年、復興はまだ道半ばではありますが、 これまで皆さんが東北ユースオーケストラの活動を通して見せてくれたひたむきな姿に、 心励まされた方がたくさんいると思います。 「助け合い」は、誰かの手が差し伸べられるのを待つだけでは実現されません。 皆さんが東北ユースオーケストラの活動を通して得たすべての経験が、 次なる世界でも大いに発揮されるとともに、「誰かを想う」気持ちの輪が広がっていくことを私たちJA共済も願っています。 そして何より、ご卒団される皆さんのこれからの人生が輝かしいものとなることを心よりお祈りしております。
東北ユースオーケストラ団員の皆さま、ご卒団誠におめでとうございます。 今般、演奏会が中止となり、皆さま方は大変悔しい思いをしていることと存じますし、心中察するに余りあります。
しかしながら、この一年間、団員の皆さんは、この活動を通して多くのことを学び、そして成長したことと存じます。いつか、皆さんの音楽表現を通じて、東北の人々に思いを届ける機会があることを、関係者としましても望むところです。 どうか、気を落とすことなく、そして、負けることなく、それぞれの道をお進みいただくことを切に願っております。 今後の、皆さま方のご健勝を祈念いたしまして、お祝いの言葉とさせていただきます。
JA共済連福島 本部長 服部道夫
卒団される皆様の長年の音楽 活動に心から敬意を表します。 この貴重な体験を、今後の人生に おおいに役立ててくださいますよう、 心から祈念申し上げます。 団員の皆様、来春の福島公演を 心待ちにしております。 福島トヨペット株式会社 代表取締役社長 佐藤修朗
卒団される皆様のこれまでのご苦労に 心からの敬意を表します。お疲れさまでした。 今回の公演中止で、団員の皆様は誠につらい思いをされたことでしょう。 しかし、皆さんならこの試練を受け止め、 音楽活動への思いを新たにされたことと思います。 坂本監督、栁澤さんのアドバイスのもと、 いっそう飛躍されますよう祈念いたします。 来春の公演はぜひぜひ、成功させましょう。 福島民報社は全面的に応援させていただきます。
福島民報社代表取締役社長 高橋雅行 東北ユースオーケストラ理事兼福島民報社 取締役郡山本社代表 荒木英幸
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「卒団される皆様、卒団、そしてご卒業おめでとうございます。 今回卒団式がこのような形になり、直接お祝い出来悲しく思います。
皆さんと活動した時間はとても楽しく、また刺激的であり毎回の練習が待ち遠しく感じていました。 今回取り組んだ第九でも1年前から坂本監督が被災地を繋ぐ演奏会の開催を大きく掲げ、実現できるのかという不安を感じた事もありました。しかし5期の活動が始まりメキメキと成長し今までには無いくらいの速さで完成が見えました。 また東北ユースオーケストラの特色でもある世代の広さを越え、交流を深める姿を目の当たりにし東北ユースオーケストラのあるべき姿を強く実感しました。
このように東北ユースオーケストラが成長できたのも皆さんが今までの経験を生かし年長者として見守り、支えてくださったからこその成長です。 私たちも皆さんの姿を忘れず、今後の東北ユースオーケストラの活動が充実したものになるよう努力して参ります。
本番は中止になってしまいましたが、皆さんと一つの目標にむかって頑張った事や、全員で楽しく活動できたという事実は決して無くならないと思います。 また皆さんと共に、5期のメンバーでの演奏が実現できる事を心待ちにしております。 最後になりますが卒団される皆様のこれからのご活躍を団員一同お祈り申し上げます。
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最後になりましたが、私達をサポートしてくださった押木代表理事を始めとする関係者の皆様、OBOGの皆さん、指揮の柳澤寿男さん、事務局の皆様、坂本龍一監督に卒団生を代表しまして厚く御礼申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました。 これから私達はそれぞれの進路に向かって一歩一歩自分の足で歩いていきます。もしこの先大きな壁にぶつかったとしてもこの東北ユースオーケストラで得た多くの思い出、学び、誇りを人生の糧とし力強くいきていきます。本当にありがとうございました。東北ユースオーケストラの益々の発展を心より祈念して答辞と致します。
令和2年 3月29日 磯貝 雛子」
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<本> 工藤進「日本語はどこから生まれたか」 福岡伸一「新版 動的平衡」 ロヴェッリ「時間は存在しない」 マルクス・ガブリエル、マイケル・ハート、ポール・メイソン(斎藤幸平・編)「資本主義の終わりか、人間の終焉か? 未来への大分岐」 斎藤成也「日本人の起源」 エンデ「モモ」 カーソン「沈黙の春」 手塚治虫「火の鳥」 リルケ「ドゥイノの悲歌」 島泰三「はだかの起源」 カミュ「異邦人」 カフカ「審判」 <映画> 小津安二郎「東京物語」 フェリーニ「道」 黒澤明「デルスウザーラ」 タルコフスキー「ストーカー」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGRDYpCmMcM 侯孝賢「非情城市」 宮崎駿「風の谷のナウシカ」
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fangzhouzi · 5 years
方舟子 @fangshimin 方舟子,本名方是民,科普作家,新语丝网站。 California, USAxysblogs.org/fangzhouziBorn September 28, 1967Joined December 2010 44 Following 235.6K Followers 27.9K Tweets
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 这些要保护施一公心目中的“现代鲁迅”饶毅的新时代红卫兵是不是有阅读障碍?饶毅那封信是答复发函调查他的国家自然基金委员会,他不实名的话,难道匿名为自己辩护? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELdnov-UYAAtqiW?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELdnowBUYAAJUgC?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELdnov-UcAA89ZC?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 这个要“保护饶毅”的营销号说我是饶毅的死敌。那个时候饶毅全职回国不久,还未同流合污,和我一起揭露过一些造假,一起被肖传国告过、被崔永元骂过,哪来的“敌”?即使后来饶毅吹捧韩春雨、刘用生被我批评,嘲笑我是山下的“小学生”没资格揭露其山上的朋友施一公、潘建伟之流,敌是有了,也算不上“死敌”。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELduf1cVUAI9nCW?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELduf1cVAAAVXFB?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 拿国家自然科学基金研究政治问题,这是首创吧?既然“肠道菌群”在政治上这么重要,除了给各级官员做肠道菌群检测,发现不对劲是不是还得干预?例如让政治有问题的官员吃政治没问题的官员的人中黄进行菌群移植?从贺福初院士这些学生吃起如何? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELd14jCU8AAfafy?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 王院士好好看看曹校长给的纪念牌是不是PS的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELd8rOuVUAEEGsw?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 清泉石上流,落日满秋山。(集王维句) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeJRXwUUAAQJa2?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeJRXvVAAEtGyO?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeJRa5U0AEaMJR?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeJRfvVAAAIoee?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 灯节又到了。很佩服这些邻居每年都要这么大规模上下折腾一番。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeXroDU0AEk3Um?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeXrn6U4AEzdpj?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeXrn6VUAAn3d4?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELeXrn8UcAEU94Z?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 裴钢院士实验室的PS论文有一篇是研究用中药“聪明汤”喂老鼠,改善了阿尔兹海默症老鼠的认知功能。该论文第一作者说放错图片了,实验结果是对的。建议中国科研人员多喝“聪明汤”,别老是放错图片。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELefHbUUwAA9tuL?format=jpg
Stainless Steel Fittings @ComponentsFlow · Dec 11 裴钢的名字在最��…^_^
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @ComponentsFlow 最后作者是通讯作者,是该论文最重要的负责作者。不懂就少说多听。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 发表新文章《一天喝上三杯奶》https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iHv-251JnEEkf22PmcumOg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 圣地亚哥边防抓到11名中国偷渡客,藏在卡车载的家具中。一个月前他们在另一辆卡车中抓到6名中国偷渡客。盛世中国怎么可能还有人偷渡呢?肯定又是越南人装的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELe5Xt4UUAAbNK5?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELe5Xt5UUAAUGk4?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELe5Xt9VUAEvFCR?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 写得很好。不过“内分泌失调”不能算中国文化病,英文也有这种说法。李长青:文化病https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/EpLeU_tjoZ8HYS4p8KWfwg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 马云这事不仅说明有钱有权就可以瞎指挥,而且说明人们喜欢被瞎指挥,媒体喜欢捧瞎指挥。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELfVcPVUEAAtAam?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 11 如此说来,焚书不是错,擅自焚书才是错。秦始皇可以焚书,小民不可以。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELfb5N_U8AIzoPI?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 马云这个乌克兰柴可夫斯基音乐学院名誉教授的头衔花了多少钱买来的?或是靠他的指挥天才当上的? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELi4RvkUcAAKL_q?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELi4RvaUYAEJYC7?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 突尼斯这名生物学家发现印度公司办的《植物病理学研究杂志》上面列着四篇论文经过他的审稿,但他并不知情,原来审稿人账号和审稿意见都是伪造的。审稿编辑是中国人。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELi_sofU4AADdVg?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELi_sokU0AAFQ-e?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELi_sofVUAE4Sat?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 川普大骂联邦调查局是“人渣”。谁会这么仇恨联邦调查局?当然是罪犯了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjGjmTUEAAydhz?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 今日所见野花,都是菊科的:圣地亚哥郡向日葵(San Diego County sunflower)、柳叶香根菊(mule fat)、海岸金灌木(coastal golden bush)、加州灌木向日葵(California bush sunflower)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjOqn3VUAAxnuG?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjOqn4VAAAAf9G?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjOqp7U8AAvrY0?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjOqu7VUAA0rYa?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 今日山景 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjkr32UEAAhnRx?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjkr31VUAAAgJt?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjkr31UUAEN0aP?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELjkr31U4AE6Ybj?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 中国有一项勇夺第一名:今年全世界有250名记者因为其工作被捕入狱,中国记者占了48名,超过土耳其,世界第一。土耳其屈居第二是因为独立新闻机构被解散,很多记者失业了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELju13AU8AESBWW?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 在川普承认其慈善基金会将慈善捐款用于自己公司和个人用途后,不仅慈善基金会被解散、剩下的基金分给慈善机构、被罚款2百万美元,而且他的三个成年子女都要去接受避免慈善欺诈的教育。应该也让他去受受教育。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELj0Q11UEAARlib?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELj0Q3yUYAEQcjP?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELj0Q4cVAAAiKwZ?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELj0Q6xUcAA0jOk?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 恶搞宗教信仰的飞天面条教在中国被当成了邪教,现实比虚构滑稽又一例。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELj7xKfUEAImVVK?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 这个女孩引起人们对全球气候变化问题的关注所起的作用超过了所有成年人,获得时代年度人物实至名归。当然会有很多人因此更恨她了,特别是墙内的人。气候问题是我们这个时代最大的问题之一,是否相信全球气候变暖也是判断一个人是否有科学素养的试金石。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkFYBKVUAEAGDM?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 我说了嘛,在这条推下就有很多妄人在否认全球气候变暖和发泄对一个不过是呼吁人们要相信科学的女孩的仇恨。正因为有太多这种愚昧又无德的成年人,才需要有智力比他们高、知识比他们多、也更有道德的中学生出来为人类的未来抗争。
方舟子 @fangshimin 凡是跑我这儿骂这个女孩的一概拉黑。那就是一帮人渣,还自我感觉好得很。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 500多名法学教授、17名当年调查水门事件的检察官联名支持弹劾川普。300多名心理学家和心理医生联名要求国会考虑川普危险的精神状态。当年弹劾尼克松有三款罪名:滥用职权、妨碍司法、藐视国会。这次弹劾川普实际上把后两个罪名合成了一项,只剩两款罪名。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkMRQFUEAEQncl?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkMRQEUYAEeEzr?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkMRQHUYAAvBrP?format=jpg&name=small
511b @511b12 · Dec 12 Replying to @fangshimin 还是需要像水门事件那样的录音带这类的铁证,光靠证人证言是不行的。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @511b12 有通话记录、短信、电子邮件,并不只是证人证言。何况宣誓作证同样有效。这就是为什么川普不许其手下去作证。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 这个北大教师是因为违反了什么师德师风问题被处理的,北大的通报不好意思说。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkTQqrVUAAr9x3?format=jpg&name=large
东新开胡同 @tuolasijishou · Dec 12 什么叫不正当关系?他是单身,想和谁睡和谁睡,只要不是幼女,只要对方无异议!
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @tuolasijishou 美国大学也不允许教师和学生约会,不违法但不道德。
jiangnashu @Jiangna58934619 · Dec 12 鲁迅也和学生同居……
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @Jiangna58934619 别造谣,鲁迅和许广平同居的时候许已是教师。他们谈恋爱的时候许还是学生,但当时师生恋并不被禁止,甚至还被社会上传为美谈。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 连建制派议员都不好意思袒护何博士了?看来何博士以后真的只能去内地混了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkabRGVUAA4ewL?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 12 真的是把中国当灯塔国。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELkhusvVAAAd6pz?format=jpg&name=large
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 川普今天一边看弹劾辩论一边发推,发了一百多条推,骂天骂地骂民主党,其中有一条是骂瑞典女孩获得时代年度人物,要她去学“愤怒控制”。最应该学“愤怒控制”的难道不是天天骂人连未成年人都骂的川普吗?瑞典女孩把川普的推改一改作为自己的个人简介,“控制”得很好嘛,两人智力差了一个数量级。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELn6DRxVUAICCAD?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELn6DT5U4AAtrgp?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELn6DUHUEAA1VlL?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELn6DZUU0AEYLBe?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 美国各大报不分党派都发表社论支持弹劾川普。《今日美国》当年发表社论支持弹劾克林顿,现在支持弹劾川普,川粉不能骂它是自由派,只能骂它是建制派了。圣地亚哥最大报《圣地亚哥联合论坛报》是共和���的,也发社论支持弹劾川普,当然也是“建制派”,虽然真正代表建制派的共和党议员全都不顾一切袒护川普 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELoN_C1U8AEtOT7?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELoN_C2VUAAoNbD?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELoN_DDVAAA75o6?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELoN_DBVAAAlVcl?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 危邦莫入:尼日利亚两名大学生到克罗地亚参加大学生乒乓球赛,在回国前一天,警察说他们是来自波黑的非法移民,抢了他们的钱和衣服,用枪顶着把他们遣送去波黑。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELoV0u2UEAEVTNJ?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 《纽约时报》文章《让川普过一个悲催的小圣诞节》。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELod5z2UYAAwQhn?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELod5z3UwAA1Gee?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELod50cU4AAWWi-?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELod52rUYAAK-6K?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 满山的加州蒿(California sagebrush)都开花了,看上去也很壮观,只不过花颜色黯淡,没有色彩冲击力。加州丁香已经含苞待放,下个月就该盛开了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELou76SU4AAfwrm?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELou76RUUAAPURD?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELou78oUYAALMBj?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 前几天斯坦福法学教授在众议院作证时举例说“川普可以给他儿子取名男爵,但不能真的封他男爵”,川普夫人、共和党议员、川粉都批她攻击未成年人,她道歉了。现在川普攻击瑞典女孩,共和党议员、川粉跟着攻击,号称反对网络欺凌的川普夫人默不作声。川普要出这口气不如动用万能标签笔,有人帮他制作好了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELo2CwpVAAAJwr8?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 美联社驻中国记者饶引之在1949年之后继续为美联社写稿,于1951年在南京被当成间谍和反革命枪毙。美联社现在才知道其下落,昨天举行纪念仪式,将他的名字列入1846年美联社建社以来殉职的37名记者荣誉墙中。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpAPsTUEAAJ5B6?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 这个在参议院听证会上被问哭的联邦上诉法院法官候选人还是以51票赞成获得了确认,尽管美国律协评他不合格。到现在为止川普已成功任命50名联邦上诉法院法官,其中多名被美国律协评为不合格,只是因为属于保守派就被任命、确认了。这对美国法治的破坏才是致命而长远的,因为这些法官都是终身制。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpNCBTUwAEdllh?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 2019年再过半个月就要结束了,施一公要在今年年底让西湖大学赶超洛克菲勒大学的伟大目标实现得怎么样了?这三大学院院长全部到位就算赶超啦?顺便问一下,是全职院长吗? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpR7OYVAAAiSxS?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 丹麦法罗岛商贸部长接受电视台采访的间隙和助手聊天,说中国驻丹麦大使找他们,威胁如果当地电信公司不采用华为5G设备就不签商贸协议。没想到麦克风还开着,被录了下来。他们找了法官,以避免破坏与中国的关系为由禁止电视台播出该录音,但还是被一家报纸捅了出来。华为的背后真的是有伟大的祖国的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpZA92U0AEfKAO?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 最新的两个民意调查结果,民主党不管派谁出战,川普都只能保住40%左右的基本盘。弹劾调查并没有像有些人设想的会让民主党丢分。当然川粉是不信民意调查结果的,他们只信川普幻想出来的民意调查。这次英国大选之前民意调查已显示保守党会获胜,没人对选举结果感到意外。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpjMdSUYAAG9P-?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpjMdSUEAAxuBo?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 在过去的一年,美国医疗保险费涨了20.2%。我记得三年前很多人投川普的票是因为医保费太高。这三年来医保费却是一路猛涨。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpq10lUUAIi9Bh?format=jpg&name=small
LIN WEI @skywind3000 · Dec 13 这我说句公道话,这是奥巴马care闹的,川普想废除不通过啊
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @skywind3000 川粉到现在还跟三年前一样傻乎乎地怪罪给奥巴马医健。倒是川普取消了奥巴马医健惩罚不投保的条款,导致投保人数下降,刺激了保费上涨。
Tony Xu @tonyxu · Dec 13 因为川普试图修改obamacare,被McCain(当时还没去世)等几个刺头在参议院挡下来了。所以现在仍然还是obamacare。中期选举共和党丢了众议院,就没可能修改了。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @tonyxu 川粉真是赶不上趟,现在连共和党议员都不好意思骂奥巴马医健,当初投票要废除奥巴马医健的共和党议员都改口了,川粉还跟三年前一样被洗脑。医保费上涨的因素之一就是川普破坏奥巴马医健,如果废除了只会涨得更多。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 “拍打拉筋”“神医”萧宏慈因为让一名6岁糖尿病患儿父母停止注射胰岛素接受“拍打拉筋”治疗导致患儿死亡,被澳大利亚法院以过失杀人判刑十年,七年半以后才能申请假释。这些中国“神医”还得靠外国来治。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELpykliUUAInQMG?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 13 美国参议院72:18通过FDA局长任命。新局长是肿瘤学家、安德森癌症中心首席医疗官,业界口碑不错。川普任命各个部长、局长都是胡来,目的都是让外行去搞乱那些部门,例如让反环保的去当环保署长,反劳工权利的去当劳工部长之类,只有对FDA局长两任都是任命业界认同的专家,毕竟他也是要吃药的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELp5H_BVUAAXRYk?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 那么照片上那些中国警车是谁搞的?在澳洲留学的小粉红搞来吓人的? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtCkMbUUAASthP?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtCkMeVUAAXs4f?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtCkVuU8AAd6R1?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtCkVuUUAExO4Z?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 ���篇对刘强东案受害者的采访不错,可以一看。 https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20191213/liu-jingyao-interview-richard-liu/
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 川普竞选团队还真把川普PS成了时代年度人物。他该有多嫉妒瑞典女孩。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtSjsYUEAAg5_H?format=jpg&name=900x900
Lxian @Lxian7 · Dec 14 听说投票率第一是 香港示威市民30%  第五才是瑞典女孩 %4     这是不是时代杂志迫于共党的压力做出的妥协  不敢选香港示威市民
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @Lxian7 时代年度人物从来就是时代编辑部自己选的,跟读者投票无关。只不过近年来多了个读者投票选最受读者欢迎的人物,网上这种投票很容易被操纵,只有娱乐价值。如果时代怕被当成“反华”,会把香港示威人物放上去?这些热衷阴谋论的都啥脑子啊?
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 根据美国宪法,在众议院弹劾总统后,还要在参议院举行弹劾审判,由参议员投票决定是否罢免总统。参议员扮演的是陪审员角色。参议院多数党领袖麦康奈尔说,在怎么对付弹劾问题上我们和白宫立场是一致的,我将和白宫协调。这相当于审判还没开始首席陪审员就宣布和被告立场是一致的,连起码中立都不装了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtaWbkU8AAMgR_?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @selfbanish 和刑事案件陪审团一样,参议院在弹劾审判前必须保持中立,事实上在审判前参议员要宣誓做不偏不倚的决定。和刑事案件陪审团不同的是,参议员没法被替换,所以即便他们违背誓言也没办法。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 美国大学生贷款利息太高,才导致毕业后多年越还钱欠得越多,还一辈子都还不了。如果做不到上大学免费,至少也应该提供低息、无息贷款,只要减少一点军事开支就可以了。明年美国军事预算是创纪录的7380亿美元,占总预算57%。川普治下美国军事开支增加了1300亿美元。和平年代,穷兵黩武干什么? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtinvYU8AEb9VK?format=jpg&name=small
石板河 @caihongjie · Dec 14 美国学贷年利率是多少?
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @caihongjie 每年不一样。今年本科生贷款利息4.53%,研究生6.08%,算比较低的,最高的时候达到了8.5%。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 今日山景。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtt2BgUcAE0EZp?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtt2BgU8AEa9iy?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtt2BtVAAE5QZq?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELtt2HjUYAAAgPE?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 肯塔基州共和党州长下台前赦免了一名杀人犯。此人杀了同事后将她砍头塞进桶里试图灭迹,被定罪后一直上诉到州最高法院都维持原判。州长找了一个“没有DNA证据”的理由将其赦免,这个理由甚至不是其上诉的理由。这和川普赦免三名战争罪犯有一比。赦免权被总统、州长滥用到这种程度,早该废除了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELuCmX9U0AAqoLP?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 今年有四分之一的美国家庭因为医疗费太高而推迟了严重疾病的治疗,创了纪录。在1991年这个比例是11%。美国这方面也越来越像其他国家了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELuOaGEVUAAR0KS?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @Alexajinyu 美国穷人和老人看病费用由政府包了。看不起病的是中产阶级家庭和中青年。美国的主流是希望所有的人都能和穷人、老人一样看病免费,但共和党不干,因为这意味着富人要多缴税。
james cui @jian94089 · Dec 15 美国医疗服务太贵,价格不透明是根本问题。向富人多收税的方法,Obama医保不就是这么干的吗?结果几年下来,保费越来越高。医疗费用的增长速度远超各种收入的增速。这不是共和党的问题。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @jian94089 奥巴马医健啥时候向富人多收税了?连奥巴马医健是什么内容都不清楚,就会跟着乱怪罪。奥巴马医健的本意是通过处罚不投保的人促进大家投保,参与投保的年轻人多了保费就自然降低,并给保险公司补贴。结果川普废除不了奥巴马医健就搞破坏,把处罚金额降为0,还拖欠给保险公司的补贴,保费能不上涨嘛。
Eddie Cheng @realEddieCheng · Dec 15 奥巴马医保包括给富人增加了 3.8% 的投资增值税,也给高收入的人增加了 0.9% 的工资税。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @realEddieCheng 那是针对年收入20万美元以上的,不是专门针对富人的。富人一般指的是top 1%。沃伦提出的给年收入5千万美元以上的人增税来资助全民医保,那才是靠给富人征税。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 【微课预告】方舟子:科学素养的试金石 https://t.co/Fg7OqFazuN?amp=1
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 美国最高法院决定听取两个关于川普报税表案件的上诉,比较奇怪。最高法院听取上诉,或是因为下级法院有不同判决,或是案件有法学意义,但在此都不适用。川普方提出的阻止交出其报税表的理由荒唐可笑,被下级法院一致驳回,一名法官甚至在判决里说其理由是“放屁”。看来川普安插的两个大法官要报答他了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELufSxhUcAAsFG7?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 肯塔基共和党州长下台前赦免了400多名罪犯,包括一名入室抢劫杀人的,因为该罪犯家人募捐$21500给州长,该案两名共犯没给钱就没被赦免。州长还赦免了强奸9岁小孩、杀死新生儿、雇凶杀死商业搭档的,还有一名杀害父母的罪犯,给的赦免理由是放他出来服务社会更能报答其父母。有的案件干脆不给赦免理由。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELuoPviUEAAJsXA?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELuoPvhUUAARe9Q?format=jpg&name=small
honururu @honururu · Dec 14 我以为只有总统才能赦免
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @honururu 美国司法分联邦和州两个系统,总统有权赦免联邦罪犯无权赦免州罪犯,州长有权赦免州罪犯无权赦免联邦罪犯。川普下台后即使新总统赦免他,纽约州仍可起诉他。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 14 中国成年人患糖尿病的比例达到11%,世界第二,快赶上美国了。如果论人数那就是又得了一项世界第一了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELu5ODtVAAEz0n7?format=jpg&name=small
孙朝阳 @sunchaoyang1st · Dec 14 我们家娃问了我好几次了,《猫头鹰探长3》啥时候出呀?在他心目中这书和《哈利波特》同属于最好看的系列
伊雁声 @yiyansheng · Dec 14 谢谢小书友。探长3还在应对复杂的局势,危机重重,威雪还在努力战斗。好消息是,探长的姊妹系列《动物快跑》第一部快完稿了;故事集《真实的我》快出来了。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 《纽约时报》社论《弹劾。》。是不是该报历来最短社论标题?文章倒是不短。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELyP3afUYAApVbM?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELyP3aeVAAAI5Zk?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELyP3aeUwAAdYbv?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELyP3ahVUAEy3jx?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 《中国日报》欧盟分社社长抱怨推特上中国声音太少。他是真傻还是装傻,不知道那是什么原因造成的?自己在墙外搞外宣就忘了墙的存在? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELynJa3UwAANzvO?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 《纽约时报》说中国强硬派赢了中美贸易协议第一回合。《纽约时报》是不是要从“西方反华势力”变成“中国人民的老朋友”了? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELy0lNyUUAEVTW4?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 苏格兰人民在抗议。苏格兰有些像加州,其自由派价值观与全国偏保守的价值观不协调,不过比加州幸运的是他们可以通过公投独立出去。英国脱欧将会促使苏格兰尽快独立。这次大选主张独立的苏格兰国家党大获全胜,赢得59个议席中的48席,2014年独立公投的时候该党才有5席。再来一次公投就独立出去了。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1206045842047561728
Shawn?? @shawnzhang90 · Dec 15 不是之前说加州也能公投独立的吗
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @shawnzhang90 加州当然可以公投独立,有三分之一的加州人支持独立,但是美国宪法没有规定怎么独立,联邦政府可以不认公投结果。苏格兰如果公投独立那就是独立了。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 刘记水煎包。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzEWKoUcAEd81r?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 山中即景 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzL-uTUEAI2eee?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzL-uUUYAEUlOf?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzL-uWVUAAiPDX?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzL-udU0AEplYm?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 这个44岁女律师被川普提名当联邦法官,美国律协给的评价也是不合格,因为她几乎没有任何庭审经验,一辈子出过一次庭还只是当助手。但参议院还是49:44通过任命,因为她极端反对人工流产,连试管婴儿也反对,在共和党议员看来这就够了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzVBp8UEAERa5y?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzVBp6U4AABb9Q?format=jpg&name=small
龚绍帆律师LA Lawyer @SFSJLA · Dec 15 你对法律行业不熟,她曾是 Brett Kavanaugh的法律助理(law clerk),抛开政治倾向不管,能做Brett Kavanaugh的law clerk的都是智商和水平超高的,做个联邦地区法院法官搓搓有余。————超高智商的人不需要经验,智商普通的人可能需要很多年的经验。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @SFSJLA 哇,来了一个比美国律协更熟悉法律行业的大律师,想必也是智商和水平超高,还跟着美国律协干什么?啥时候自己搞个律协?
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 北京有个民工在微信群里开了一句玩笑,就成了“宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义罪”,判刑9个月,实在恐怖。前几天北京有个教授说911恐怖分子是侠客呢,该判刑几年? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzkl8kU8AA0V93?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 人人都是班干部,从小过官瘾,为长大以后进入官场做好准备。美国的小学有班级没有班干部,中学连班级都没有,当然也没有班干部。学校有学生会,是要学生自己去竞选的,不是老师任命的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzzbwwVUAAGeDL?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELzzbwwUEAAf44S?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 著名女演员萨利.菲尔德(得过两次奥斯卡最佳女演员奖,中国观众最熟悉的应是她演阿甘的妈妈)星期四晚上在肯尼迪中心领终身成就奖,星期五就去国会山参加简.方达的气候抗议一起被捕。这年代不当良心犯被捕一次人生都不完整了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELz6vHVUcAIMGuK?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 15 这种教材是不是泄露了“国家机密”。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL0HULhWkAABoG5?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL0HULHU4AAa2i3?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL0HULfWwAAiOVh?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL0HULFVUAA14Id?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 上海警察在闹市街头抓一名拿菜刀的嫌犯,连开7枪,打伤两名路人。看来在中国不仅深夜能撸串,还���挨警察枪子。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1206350589484879872
sumnny @sumnny · Dec 16 在米国不是直接爆头么
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @sumnny 翻墙水军别老是意淫美国警察都像他们那样残暴无人性。距离那么近,在这种情况下美国警察只会使用电击枪,要开枪也只会朝非致命部位打。嫌犯已经逃跑,周围那么多路人,更不会乱开枪伤及无辜。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 从视频看,警察与持刀者对峙了一段时间,没有及时制服,等到他开始跑,警察再连开七枪,没打中嫌犯(嫌犯头部的伤应是撞的),反而打伤两名路人。报道却说“民警果断将其击伤”。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3W_-TUcAIAHq1?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3W_-UVUAAokW8?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3W_-UU0AAUx6z?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3W_-UU4AEtI5n?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 圣地亚哥自然历史博物馆植物部的感谢信,说我送的标本是个新纪录(准确地说是第二个标本、第一个完整标本),将收入馆藏,录入圣地亚哥郡植物名录。以后应该在网上查得到。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL3orxmUUAE-dfm?format=jpg&name=small
陶君?????? @jootao · Dec 16 非常喜欢类似热带植物的小植物园,圣迪亚戈那个公园是我见到最好的公园,比金门公园和曼哈顿公园还要漂亮。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @jootao 你照的这个是一个花房。圣地亚哥还有一个大型植物园。
George Xing @xingfamily · Dec 16 上个月去了自然历史博物馆,因为展厅小,没有展出老方的捐赠。工作人员说大部分收藏都没有展出。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @xingfamily 植物标本不好看,是供收藏和研究的,不是供展出的。牛津大学出过“插图历史”系列,其中有一本是科学史,应该适合高中生看。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 福克斯电视台的民意调查,54%美国人支持弹劾川普,50%支持罢免他,41%反对弹劾,认为川普滥用职权、妨碍国会、贿赂的美国人远多于否认的。等着川普再次大骂其御用电视台叛变。其实很多共和党也知道川普犯罪,只不过他们不在乎,因为那是能替他们干活的罪犯。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL373-7VAAAYxh2?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL373-8VUAAX6vp?format=jpg&name=small
Jon J. Wang @jonjwang · Dec 16 What does @realEddieCheng say? https://twitter.com/fangshimin/status/1206397235665108993
Eddie Cheng @realEddieCheng · Dec 16 俺说川普应该被弹劾,也应该被罢免。罢免之后,由彭斯当几个月的总统。然后俺们再投票把川普选上。他又可以重新开始再当两任总统,直到2028。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @realEddieCheng 美国宪法规定,参议院罢免总统后可以禁止其再担任联邦公职,所以川普如果被罢免是不能再去选总统的,他可以去选州长。而且宪法第22修正案规定,一个人只能当选2次总统总共任期8年(如果是副总统继任总统的,不超过两年的不计在内,所以一个人最多只能当10年总统)。和俄国不一样,没有可以重新计算一说
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 【美国法治的又一笑话】参议院司法委员会主席说,他不假装是公正的陪审员,会尽力让川普弹劾审判尽快终结。此人和麦康奈尔一样都是高级黑。常识告诉我们,被腐败的陪审团判决无罪的人不仅不能说明其无罪,反而说明其有罪。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL4GGzqUYAAxvMn?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 发表新文《方舟子|当你听说又一种“神药”横空出世》http://sciowl.com/2019/12/15/magic-medicine/
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg · Dec 15 Very important thread by the brave and inspirational Joshua Wong. https://twitter.com/joshuawongcf/status/1206101077407305728
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 勾结“港独分子”啊,这下瑞典环保女孩更要被墙内人民骂死了。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 这次英国大选保守党和支持脱欧的其他党实际上只获得46%选票,而工党和反对脱欧的党获得52%选票,但保守党却有79席多数。看来英国和美国一样也存在选区划分不合理的问题。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL4mBpXVAAELnm3?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 三名西点军校白人学员公然就在体育比赛电视直播中在其黑人同学身后打出表示白人至上的手势。谁敢管?管了川普就要干预。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1206453117899821056
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 78岁母亲省吃俭用7年替亡子还债,这么悲惨的事,是社会制度的悲哀,央视还当做光辉事迹报道? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL42X4UU4AEmhxW?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL42X4RUEAAYeV_?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL42X4SU8AAQu-Z?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 这个无耻的基督徒,宣泄着对一个不过是要人们关注气候变化问题的小女孩的仇恨,却要说她和纳粹一样煽动仇恨、毁灭生命,真够变态的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL48p4ZVUAAggWS?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 16 把中国人当成特殊物种,声称有什么东西“更适合中国宝宝体质”的,都是骗子。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL5ETCRUUAAVLcI?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL5ETCTVUAAQcnm?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 墙内官媒果然开始妖魔化瑞典环保女孩,煽动一帮读者用最恶毒的话谩骂她。官媒不会告诉你,她那条推特下面就解释了她坐的火车在巴塞尔被取消,换了两次车到哥廷根才有座位。同一趟车的旅客也证实了。她也没抱怨没座位,反而说这说明乘火车的人多了,是好事。只会乱骂的墙内人学学这气量吧,夏虫不可语冰 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL8gcj5UEAAa54t?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL8gc7IUEAACzJo?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 华盛顿邮报逐条统计,川普就职1055天,撒谎15413次,平均每天撒谎15次。今年平均每天撒谎22次,其中大约600次谎是关于乌克兰门的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL8oJMnUwAAojXx?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL8oJMpUcAYwp4r?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 这个球星究竟发表了什么“争议言论”,说不得,大家没头没脑跟着骂就行了。不过环球网既然说那是“争议言论”,那就是可以争议的了?为什么不发出来让大家“争议”? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL84qleU0AApvf7?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 中医的辩证思维真是妙不可言,不把你绕晕不算有能耐。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9CjRqUEAAvBTc?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 像“著名历史学家”章立凡这种喜欢写淫诗骂人的猥琐老男人当然会对一个小女孩充满仇恨呢。还看“面相”呢,他觉得自己的“面相”很好? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9O1TzUYAAGwgT?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 章立凡这个猥琐老男人还是个神医,会看面相诊病。牛顿、爱因斯坦、达尔文、居里夫人、莫扎特、贝多芬、杰斐逊、马克吐温、奥维尔、爱迪生、比尔.盖茨等等都被怀疑患有阿斯伯格综合症,请章神医再给这些人看看面相。至于他引用的那句话,女孩她妈已声明过是比喻,只有脑子是水做的人才会当成是事实描述 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9XIuaVAAAJUqu?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 《纽约时报》文章《川普是怎么输掉贸易战的》:贸易战很少有有赢家,但有输家,川普就是一个。贸易战的目标一个都没达成,只是让美国变弱。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9ffrlUUAA0Z2a?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9ffrkUYAAdhjq?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9ff50UUAUCeYz?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9ff8ZU8AAzc6j?format=jpg&name=small
Chef Tom @Tom42798388 · Dec 17 中国间谍打入纽约时报内部了
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @Tom42798388 我故意不说作者是谁,喜看一帮看不懂英文的翻墙川粉乱骂。诺贝尔经济学奖获得者都成了中国间谍,你说这些川粉有多傻?
Ke Chen @cktears · Dec 17 看来猫能意识到手机里看到的是自己的像 Quote Tweet M @miaaselaa · Dec 9 this video of cats reacting to cat face filter has me crying.
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @cktears 猫没有自我意识,即使它知道镜子能照别的像,也不知道自己的像。目前通过镜像测试的哺乳动物只有类人猿、海豚、虎鲸、大象,猫没通过。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 1947年以来美国人均GDP增长了300%,底层90%的平均收入才增长200%,看来大部分财富都被顶层10%拿走了。80年代是分水岭。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL9yA2cUYAE1UhI?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 川普说很多人要他当终身大总统,他认为这个想法不错。这个不是开玩笑,其前新闻部长桑德斯的老爸、前阿肯色州州长已在电视上论证川普应该当三任总统,理由是其第一任期被民主党的调查浪费掉了,不能算数。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL98-dtUUAA-XDk?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 17 厉害,赶英超美已经10倍完成了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EL-GdnAU0AIJRg_?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 复旦大学修改章程,连口头上的“思想自由”也不要了,变成复旦党校。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMBzgLCU0AAWjZN?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMBzgLBU4AAs44B?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 600多名研究美国历史的美国历史学家联名支持弹劾川普。今天晚上全美国600多个地方举行聚会支持弹劾川普。明天川普将会被众议院弹劾,毫无悬念。然后共和党把持的参议院将举行与被告串通、拒绝传唤证人和证据的伪审判迅速宣布他无罪。但谁都知道,被连起码公正程序都不讲的伪审判宣布“无罪”其实表明有罪 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCHteWVUAEfCNG?format=jpg&name=medium https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCHteVU4AAF4CS?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 黄色那句话是照镜子说的? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCUGbCUEAA3Ebf?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 新文章微信版。当你听说又一种“神药”横空出世 https://t.co/E6hiwvOMXW?amp=1
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 广东茂名又暴乱了。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207143640054685697
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 被弹劾前夕川普给佩洛西议长写了一封怒气冲冲、充满感叹号的信,会和他给土耳其总统的信一样“名垂千古”。其实就是5页半的推特,从风格看应是川普的亲笔或口述,个别用词比较生僻,应是最后有人给润色了一下。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCrda3UEAEBZTG?format=jpg&name=900x900 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCrdlSUYAAzWJN?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCrdlWUcAASzPJ?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCrdlRUEAA263c?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 复旦党校教授张维为说,“言论自由中国人要比美国比西方多得多。”这只要重新定义什么是“言论自由”就行了,就像《1984》预言的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMCzkddVUAIgWpz?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 活性酶吃下去就没活性了,所以这种“光明鲜奶”也是骗人的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMC6oHkUEAEhZwU?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 复旦的校歌又该改了吧,做不到的事别乱唱。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMDCaG2U8AES5k0?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 原川普竞选副经理里克.盖茨因阴谋罪和对联邦调查局撒谎判刑45天、三年察看和罚款两万美元。判得这么轻是因为他反水与独立检察官穆勒合作。此前川普的竞选经理因拒绝合作被判刑7年半。通俄案中川普团队被起诉的人就剩前国家安全顾问福林还没判了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMDKqraUwAEsn5w?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 佩洛西议长回应川普给她的信:忙着工作,没看全文,看了主要部分,真是令人作呕。川普又该气坏了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMDSQnLVUAAlzl2?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 18 华为在历来支持参拜靖国神社、否认“南京大屠杀”的日本极右翼“反华急先锋”报纸《产经新闻》上做整版广告。爱国小将们何在? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMDZReRU0AAUvs-?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 瑞典环保女孩被《自然》评为十大年度人物之一。怎么办?抵制“反华学术期刊”《自然》? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMHBgunVAAAKW3z?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 今天众议院举行弹劾投票前最后辩论,说是辩论,其实是说给选民听的演讲,共和党议员更是借机骂民主党、吹捧川普。很少有交锋。例如一名共和党议员说民主党是想要通过弹劾推翻2016年大选结果,接下去发言的民主党议员反驳说,推翻不了,即使川普被罢免也是彭斯继任。但后面发言的共和党议员继续那么说。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 轮到众议院情报委员会共和党首席委员发言时,我猜他又要说“民主党甚至想搞到川普的裸照”,果然。这是他第N次说这话了,却没有争取到一个共和党议员跟着说,成了其专利。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207477078515310592
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 听共和党议员发言是很好的批判性思维练习。虽然发言人数多,他们反复说的无非这些:民主党仇恨川普早就想弹劾(动机无关事实成立与否)、川普政绩斐然(政绩大小无关犯罪与否)、川普冻结给乌克兰的军援是为了逼乌克兰反腐(意思是有交易但正当)、乌克兰总统说没有感到有压力(又否定存在交易了)。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 历史性时刻:川普成为美国历史上第三个被弹劾的总统,“流芳百世”了。投票结果:230:197:1通过滥用职权条款;229:198:1通过妨碍国会条款。分别有2、3名民主党众议员投反对票,1名民主党众议员弃权,没有一名共和党众议员有骨气敢投赞成票,反而是很多来自支持川普选区的民主党众议员勇敢地投了赞成票。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMHgnPFUEAAXtoN?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMHgnPHUEAAqZe7?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMHgnPFU4AIIEa0?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMHgnPHUwAEX-XY?format=jpg&name=360x360
lane.superxiao @LSuperxiao · Dec 19 Emmmmm......反正参议院也不会给过
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @LSuperxiao 参议院需要三分之二票数才能罢免总统,不可能通过也没有通过的先例。支持弹劾川普的人也很少有人希望他真被罢免,因为让彭斯这个神棍继任更糟糕。但检察官发现了犯罪不能因为知道法院腐败定不了罪就不起诉,这是原则问题。而且逼着某些共和党参议员表态,不利于他们明年重选,对民主党夺回参议院也有利
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 今天去了一趟洛杉矶中国领事馆办手续。时隔18年发现领事馆一带成了韩国街一部分了;办事程序学习美国政府机构,而不是把中国那套搬过来了;办事人员态度变好了,可能是因为由大妈换成了更有服务意识的新一代年轻人。18年前我写的这篇文章被当成舆情上报。《感受中国领事馆》 https://t.co/R4hj0tl2T2?amp=1
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 最新民意调查结果:49%支持弹劾并罢免川普,46%反对。49%同意川普滥用职权逼迫乌克兰调查拜登,39%不同意。49%同意川普妨碍国会,43%不同意。71%认为川普应该允许其助手去参议院作证,甚至64%共和党选民也这么认为。不过川普和共和党参议员都说了,不许作证。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH6MAdVAAEsR0E?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH6MI6U8AADyHT?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 有人反映打不开文章,发一个图片版。《感受中国领事馆》https://evernote.com/shard/s546/sh/a85733ce-314b-4c55-ab64-022ca690fcfe/f66d8c4b62c37206ae94b47b4d04951c https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH-KUyUYAAmfX-?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH-KUyUwAAbZI-?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH-KUzU8AEwU_6?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMH-KU3U8AECcOY?format=jpg&name=small
黄未原 Weiyuan Huang @WeiyuanOttawa · Dec 19 也有可能因为现在都认得出方先���了。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @WeiyuanOttawa 也不是,我看他们对前面的人态度也都不错,有的申请人带的材料不全他们还会帮着解决。我办完的时候已经到下班时间了(下午2点),现在只要在下班前进门的就都给办了,不会说一下班人就跑了。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 复旦食堂惊现“暴徒”。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207540822427652096
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 这些拒绝采访的中国学者是以此表明学术自由已丧失吗? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIS0NuVUAAiKe3?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 复旦党校教授张维为的唯一反动言论。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIb8QLUYAAb-RW?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIb8QaUUAEd_hm?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 美国历史上有三个总统被弹劾,一个在面临弹劾时辞职。这是《纽约时报》当时的报道。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMInFNcU4AAwE7v?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMInFNcUEAA579K?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMInFXtU4AA1lwx?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMInFXuUcAAzqMX?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 19 看今天弹劾辩论,就可知在川普治下共和党已堕落到何等程度,以前还有几个批评他的,现在都没有了。居然没有一个共和党议员承认川普虽然犯错但不至于被弹劾,而是比赛吹捧川普,有把他被弹劾比做珍珠港遇袭的,还有比做耶稣上十字架的。难怪《纽约时报》发的社论标题是《川普已被弹劾。共和党跟着堕落》 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIysRKUcAE78Sw?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIysRJVUAIc-Ch?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIysRLVAAAI-lr?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMIysRLUcAE8rBW?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 美国各大报今日头版头条。约好了是吧? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMA0WTU0AA81GG?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMA0dDVAAAs8kK?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMA0dGU8AIazJs?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMA0hxUwAALcq3?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 佩洛西议长这句话说中了美国宪法的漏洞:“我们的创建者写宪法的时候想到了可能会有恶棍当总统,却没想到会同时出现恶棍当总统和恶棍当参议院领袖。”有恶棍当参议院领袖,恶棍总统就可以为所欲为不用担心被罢免。如果同时再来一个恶棍当众议院议长,甚至连弹劾恶棍总统都不可能。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMLvfKUwAEpMVJ?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 根据美国宪法,罢免总统的审判和刑事审判并无大差别,由众议院指定众议员当检察官,全体参议员当陪审团,首席大法官当法官。实际操作中大法官只是取代副总统当参议院无权的主持人,法官实际上由陪审团担任,审判怎么进行、要不要找证人、找什么证人都由参议员表决,这样就变成多数党把持,没法保证公正
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 共和党议员反对弹劾川普还有一条理由:我们是来立法的,不是来弹劾的。这不成为理由,二者并不冲突。民主党也不是像川普骂的那样“啥都不干”,本届众议院已通过约400个法案送到参议院,麦康奈尔都置之不理,忙着填补他当年阻挠奥巴马任命留下的大批联邦法官空缺,只要是反堕胎的人选不管是否合格都通过 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMYgbLUEAANSNz?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMYgepUcAAHsjo?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMYgbHUUAAj3k0?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMYgbGU0AI4GJ9?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 北卡人民送给川普的圣诞礼物,聚会唱:“祝你弹劾快乐”。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207843662207434753
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 川普在密歇根演讲,说密歇根众议员德比.丁格尔的老公今年去世时他给降了半旗,她却投票赞成弹劾他(对川普来说什么都是交易),她老公可能下了地狱,听众除了嘘居然有人鼓掌欢呼。川普这么骂人不意外,但密歇根民风也这么堕落了?“中西部良善”哪去了?我还以为喜欢咒别人下地狱的南方福音派教徒才这样 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207851301310099456
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 原来欠的是银行贷款,我还以为是民间借贷不还怕受报复。这种银行没人性。人死帐销,可清算贷款人的遗产抵债,哪有让其贫苦母亲用七年还债的道理,央视居然还把这种社会悲剧当成诚信典型报道。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMMxVJbVAAARckB?format=jpg&name=medium
逆行の?? 东亚病夫又TM睡了 叫不醒!!! @jumper_smaller · Dec 20 我想证实一下,墙内新闻说给老人送去了9000+的慰问金是否属实?希望没有片面转发。 当然这个事,让人看到之后是有些心酸的,如果是7年前存入了银行两千,现在会怎么处理?大清的这种体制决定了“事不好办”。
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @jumper_smaller 捐赠是个人行为,和银行无关。银行本来就不应该收这笔钱,更不应该树这种“诚信典型”。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 原来欠的是银行贷款,我还以为是民间借贷不还怕受报复。这种银行没人性。人死帐销,可清算贷款人的遗产抵债,哪有让其贫苦母亲用七年还债的道理,央视居然还把这种社会悲剧当成诚信典型报道。
dingyilin @dingyilin3 · Dec 20 这是一个法律问题,取决于老人是否继承了儿子的遗产。如果继承了死者的遗产,那么也需要相应地承担死者的债务。这是没有错的。 方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @dingyilin3 一个赤贫家庭,有什么遗产?即使以遗产还债,也不能影响继承人的基本生活需求。
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 2008年川普接受采访,说他很喜欢佩洛西议长,建议她弹劾小布什,因为小布什撒谎去打伊拉克,而且认为弹劾克林顿是荒唐的。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1207873090211856385
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 非转基因大豆和转基因大豆蛋白质含量也就差几个百分点,那点差别跟酱油品质有个五毛钱关系。水货“科普”就会骗人。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNDwMcUEAEB858?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 女儿做的圣诞小乌龟。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNLYBQUYAAUeOG?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 普京为川普被弹劾鸣不平,说那是民主党试图通过非法程序推翻2016年美国大选结果,措辞和共和党一模一样。川普则说,他相信是乌克兰而不是俄国干预了2016年美国大选,因为普京这么跟他说的。这两人已经毫不掩饰相互勾结了,反正也不能把他们怎么着。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNTGBTVAAA6pEB?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNTGBSUUAEBQdi?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNTGBaUwAMhcWY?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNTGBVU8AAvUlE?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 澳大利亚创纪录高温,49.9摄氏度。而悉尼笼罩在烟雾中已经有很多天了,一派末日景象。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNeCetU0AAKC_O?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNeCe0VUAAoMAY?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 昨天投反对票的两名民主党众议员其中一个今天宣布加入共和党,得到了川普亲切接见,他受宠若惊地宣誓“永远支持你”。投票前他已联系川普,希望川普支持他加入共和党,川普就发推说他在共和党中很有人气。此人所在的选区是历来选共和党的保守区,去年他乘着蓝波当选,明年即使能代表共和党竞选估计也没戏 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNl6JcU8AAgPce?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 福音派基督徒是川普坚定的支持者,因为他们相信川普是上帝派来拯救美国的。今天福音派主要报纸《基督教今日》突然发表社论支持弹劾川普,声称他是不道德的典型,应该被罢免。引起了轰动,网站流量大到宕机。该报主编下个月退休,和某些共和党官员一样,也是要退休了才敢硬气一次。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMNsmkfU4AEQM6E?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 我还以为各省独立、自命“临时总统”是几个墙外妄人在网上的恶搞,却被墙内当真了,堪比飞天面条教被当成邪教。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMN7rehUEAAqvqM?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMN7rehVUAAfeaF?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · Dec 20 明天微课《科学素养的试金石》 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMOBZaqUcAIZ0el?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMOBZapUEAAr5hK?format=jpg&name=small
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bookofjin · 6 years
Liu Yuan founds the fourth Han
WS001, Preliminary Annals
10th Year [of Emperor Zhao, 304 AD], Emperor Hui of Jin was detained at Ye by the King of Chengdu, Ying. The Xiongnu offshoot Liu Yuan rebelled at Lishi, titling himself King of Han. The Inspector of Bing province, Sima Teng came to request a host. Emperor Huan led more than 100 000 cavalry. The Emperor likewise at the same time greatly raised up to accordingly assist him. They greatly routed Yuan's multitudes in Xihe and Shangdang. It happened that Emperor Hui returned to Luo. Teng therefore bid farewell to the host. Emperor Huan swore a covenant with Teng at the east of the Fen [or “at Fendong”] and then returned. He therefore sent the Assistant Assessors Wei Xiong and Duan Fan to Leishi west of Canhe Slope to raise and set up a stele to accordingly record the act.
WS095, Biography of Liu Cong
Yuan spoke to Xuan and others, saying:
Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? I will at best be Gao of Han, at worst be Wu of Wei. But the people of Jin are not necessarily similar to us. Han had Under Heaven for many generations, kindness and virtue connection to the population's hearts. I am also a sister's child of the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise? Now moreover, I can raise up Han, posthumously honour the Later Ruler, and thereby comfort the populace's expectations.
He therefore moved to Zuoguocheng. The far-away people who reverted to adherence were several ten thousand. He designated himself King of Han. He set up the hundred officials, with the year titled Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], and posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor.
Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. He quite understood books and registers, his aspirations were by nature not ordinary. He was powerful and brave, and was very strong. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He was convicted in an affair and was to be executed, but absconded and hid in Zhaoxian, he took service as a county soldier. There happened to be an amnesty and he got to return home.
JS004, Annals of Emperor Huan
The General who Calms the North, Wang Jun [JS039], dispatched Wuwan cavalry to attack the King of Chengdu at Ye, greatly routing him. Ying drove with the Emperor in a single chariot to flee to Luoyang, those submitting to the carriage divided and scattered, hustled and bustled above and below without presenting.
The Palace Attendants and Yellow Gates were presented from within [their] bags 3 000 cash, decreed to borrow and employ. By buying food they thereby supplied, the palace people stopped to eat in the middle of the road and in guest houses. The palace people had grasped a sheng with surplus husks from rice to eat and dried garlic and salted beans to thereby advance to the Emperor. The Emperor ate it. The Imperial Palace Yellow Gates were draped in cloth.
They lodged at Huojia and traded for unpolished and uncooked rice to eat, filling thereby earthen pots. The Emperor ate two cups. There was an old father presenting and offering chicken, the Emperor accepted it.
They arrived at Wen and wanted to pay visit to the Mounds. The Emperor lost his slipper[s] and accepted the slippers of a follower. The subordinates bowed with flowing tears. Left and right all blew their noses and sobbed.
When they crossed the He. Zhang Fang lead 3 000 cavalry and used a sun beacon green covered chariot to receive and welcome. Fang bowed to pay his respects, the Emperor personally stopped him.
On xinsi [1 October], a great amnesty, bestowed those who followed each proportionately.
JS037, Biography of Sima Teng, King Wuai of Xincai
Ying was afraid. He held onto the Emperor to return to Luoyang, and advanced Teng in rank to General who Calms [the North?].
JS039, Biography of Wang Jun
He used the Master of Accounts, Qi Hong as the vanguard. He came across Ying's general Shi Chao at Pingji, struck and defeated him. Jun exploited the victory to thereupon overcome Yecheng. The multitude soldiers brutally plundered and the dead were very many. The Xianbei greatly carried off the wives and girls. Jun instructed that those who dared to be holding onto [them] in secret would be beheaded. Hence those who were drowned in the Yi river were 8 000 people. The black-haired commoners' bitter poison started with this.
JS059, Biography of Sima Ying, King of Chengdu
The outriders arrived at Ye. Ying dispatched the Inspector of You province, Wang Cai, with Shi Chao, Li Yi and others to resist Jun. They were defeated by Jiezhu and others.
Within Ye they greatly shook in fear. The hundred companions fled and ran, the soldiers split up and scattered. Ying was afraid, he commanded several tens of riders of his personal followers, held the Son of Heaven close, and, together with a the Overseer of the Palace Writers, Lü Zhi, then ran. After five days they arrived in Luo. Jiezhu pursued to Zhaoge, but did not catch up and turned back.
JS089, Biography of Wang Yu
(see http://bookofjin.tumblr.com/js089 for full translation)
When the King of Chengdu. Ying, was at Ye, he also used [Wang] Yu as General who Excites the Martial. At Liu Yuanhai becoming Northern Shanyu, Yu talked to Ying, saying:
Yuanhai is now leaving. Yu requests to be pressing him for Your Highness. If not done, [I] fear he will not arrive.
Ying made it so, and used Yu as General who Rout the Caitiffs. Yuanhai thereupon kept him, afterwards using him as Grand Tutor.
JS091, Biographies of Cui You and Fan Long
Cui You, courtesy name Zixiang, was a native Shangdang. As young he was fond of studying, he was discerning and enlightened in the Ruist methods, tranquil, peaceful, humble and withdrawn. From young to old his mouth not once spoke about wealth and profit. At the end of Wei, he was examined as Filial and Upright, and appointed Retainer of the Chancellor's Office. He set out to be Chief of Dichi, he was very kind in government affairs. He retired due to illness, and thereupon was disabled and sick.
At the beginning of Taishi [265 – 274], Emperor Wu favoured the succession [?] from Emperor Wen's old office companions and staff, and attended on the family to designate a Palace Gentleman. Aged more than 70, he still esteemed studying and did not tire. He compiled a Chart of Mourning Clothes, which has come down through the ages. When Liu Yuanhai usurped the throne, he instructed him to be Imperial Clerk Grandee. He firmly declined and did not go. He passed on at home, at the time he was 93 years old.
Fan Long, courtesy name Songyan, was a native of Yanmen. His father Fang was Wei's Grand Warden of Yanmen. The pregnancy for Long lasted 15 months. When he was born then his father deceased. At the age of 4 sui, he also mourned his mother. The sound of his mournful shouts moved to anguish the travellers on the road. A lonely orphan, he had no relatives in mourning [?]. His distant clansman Fan Guang pitied and reared him. He received him [as if?] coming home, and taught him books, and had erected a sacrificial hall. Long was fond of studying and cultivated prudence, he served Guang like a father.
He had a broad and comprehensive understanding of the classics and records, overlooking nothing [?]. He put forth Spring and Autumn, Three Traditions, and compiled Three Rites, Good and Evil [in] the Ancestral Records, they considerably were ordering righteousness [?].
In the time of Emperor Hui, Under Heaven was about to be chaotic. Long hid his traces and did not obey the instructions of the province or commandery. In daytime he industriously ploughed and sowed, at night he recited the books and canons. He was quite versed in the esoteric calendar's teachings of yin and yang, and knew Bing province was about to have omens of vapours and malign auras. For that reason he more and more did not again set out to serve.
He was good friends with Zhu Ji of Shangdang. Once he wandered the mountains together with Ji. They saw an old man at the banks of a spent [?] mountain brook. The old man said:
You two Dukes, why are [you] at this place?
Long and others bowed to him. When they raised their heads to look at him, they no longer saw him. Later he and Ji depended on Liu Yuanhai. Yuanhai used Long as Great Herald and Ji as Grand Master of Ceremonies, both were enfeoffed as Dukes. Long died in the reign of Liu Cong. Cong bestowed Grand Teacher.
JS101, Yearly Annals of Liu Yuanhai
Wang Jun sent General Qi Hong to lead Xianbei and attack Ye. Ying was defeated, and held onto the Son of Heaven to run south to Luoyang. Yuanhai said:
Ying did not employ my words, on the contrary he is himself running from disaster. He truly has menial talents. However as I and him had words, I cannot but aid him.
Hence he instructed the Yulu King of the Right, Liu Jing, and the Dulu King of the Left, Liu Yannian, and others to lead 20 000 infantry and cavalry, and commanded them to punish the Xianbei. Liu Xuan and others firmly remonstrated, saying:
Jin is without the Way, slaves and lackeys govern us. Therefore the Worthy King of the Right's fierceness does not surpass his anger. Just now Jin's guide ropes are not spread. [If] the great affair is not followed through, the Worthy of the Right will smear [himself?] with earth, to the Shanyu's shame.
Now in the Sima clan, father and son, elder and younger brother, are themselves [chopping] each other [like] fish meat, this is Heaven casting aside Jin's virtue and conferring it on us. [If] the Shanyu stores up virtue in his body, and is submitted to by the people of Jin, [he] soon will raise up our nation and tribe and restore the patrimony of Huhanxie. The Xianbei and Wuhuan could be used as helpers, why would [we] resist them and aid [our] foes!
Now Heaven is acting through us and cannot be disobeyed. To disobey Heaven is not auspicious, to go against the multitudes is not helpful. [He who when] Heaven gives does not take, will in turn receive his calamity. [I] wish the Shanyu would not doubt.
Yuanhai said:
Good. I will be raising up the hill to the pinnacle mound, why would I make a hillock! As for Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? Yu the Great set out from the Western Rong, King Wen was born among the eastern Yu. Looking back, they were conferred for virtue, that was all.
Now [I] see a multitude of more than 100 000, and anyone of us is a match for ten of the Jin. To strike the march and then destroy chaotic Jin is like snapping deadwood, that is all. At best I can complete the legacy of Gao of Han, at worst I will be no less than the Wei clan.
However the people of Jin are not necessarily similar to us. Han had Under Heaven for many generations, kindness and virtue connection to people's hearts. Thus though Zhaolie [lived] rough and rugged in the lands of a single province, he was yet able contend at an equal level Under Heaven. I am also a sister's child of the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise? Moreover, I can raise up Han, posthumously honour the Later Ruler, and thereby comfort the people's expectations.
He therefore moved to Zuoguocheng. The far-away people who reverted to adherence were several ten thousand.
1st Year of Yongxing [304 AD], Yuanhai therefore had an altar in the southern suburbs, and falsely acceded as King of Han. He sent down an order, saying:
Formerly our Grand Founder [ta], the Exalted [gao] August Emperor used his divine martial ability to follow expectations, and broadly began the great patrimony. The Grand Ancestor [taizong], the Filial and Civil [xiaowen] August Emperor gave weight to using enlightened kindness, peace and prosperity was the Way of Han. The Generational Ancestor [shizong], the Filial and Martiaizul [xiaowu] August Emperor expanded the territory and repelled the yi, the territory exceeding the days of Tang. The Middle Ancestor [zhongzong], the Filial and Propagating [xiaoxuan] August Emperor, sought and lifted up the capable and outstanding, many scholars filled the court.
Hence the Way of our founder and ancestors strode pass the Three Kings, their achievements exalted as the Five Emperors. For that reason the foretold years were many times the Xia and Shang's, the foretold generations exceeded the Ji clan. But Yuan and Cheng had many crimes, Ai and Ping were briefly blessed. The traitorous subject Wang Mang overflowed Heaven and usurped disobediently.
Our Generational Founder [shizu], the Brilliant and Martial [guangwu] August Emperor was expansively endowed with sagely martial ability. He immensely restored the vast foundation, worshipped Han matched with Heaven, and did not neglect old matters, so that the Three Luminaries' obscurity were yet restored to clarity, the Three Receptacles' darkness were yet restored to visibility. The Manifesting Ancestor [xianzong], the Filial and Enlightened [xiaoming] August Emperor, and the Solemn Ancestor [suzong], the Filial and Articulating [xiaozhang] August Emperor, amassed eras, the blazing light twice revealed.
From He and An and afterwards, the august guide-ropes gradually decayed, Heaven's pace was hard and difficult, the state's government again and again cut off. The Yellow Turban seas boiled in the Nine Provinces, the crowd of eunuchs' poison flowed in the Four Seas. Dong Zhuo following that indulged his careless heedlessness, Cao Cao, father and son, fell rebels, were soon after.
For that reason Xiaomin let go and put aside the ten thousand states. Zhaolie strayed beyond Min and Shu, hoping the stoppage in the end would have exaltation, returning the carriage box to the old capital. How to assess Heaven not regretting the calamity, the Later Emperor was embarrassed and humiliated.
Since the altars of soil and grain were lost and ceased, the ancestral temple have not had blood to eat for forty years until this point. Now Heaven is coaxing its inner self, regretting the calamity to August Han, and making the Sima clan, father and son, elder and younger brother, repeatedly break and wipe out each other. The numerous multitudes are in the mud and soot, scattering to denounce and accuse.
This Orphan is now all at once pushed forward by the crowd of excellencies, to carry on offering to the Three Founders' legacy. Looking at [my?] current crippled ignorance, [I] shiver in fear for collapsing in a shallow grave [?]. However, as the great shame is not yet wiped away, the altars of soil and grain are without a host, with gall in the mouth and the roost cold [?], [I] will strive to follow the crowd's opinion.
He therefore made an amnesty within his region, with the year titled Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], and posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor. He established Gaozu of Han and below, three Founders and five Ancestors, as divine rules and worshipped them. He established his wife, Ms. Huyan, as Queen. He set up the hundred officials, using Liu Xuan as Imperial Chancellor, Cui You as Imperial Clerk Grandee, Liu Hong as Grand Commandant, the remainder were designated and conferred each proportionally.
JS101, Biography of Liu Xuan
Yuanhai acceded as king at the advice of Xuan. For that reason he especially received honour, his merits among the relatives [?] had no equal, in the army and state, inside and outside, nobody did not esteem him.
JS102, Biography of Chen Yuanda
Chen Yuanda, courtesy name Changhong, was a native of the Rear Section. His original family name was Gao, due his birth month hindering his father, he for that reason changed to be called Chen. As young he was faced with orphanage and impoverishment. He often personally ploughed while reciting books. He enjoyed the Way and walked chanting, in exuberant delight like that. Reaching age fourteen, he did not interact or communicate with people. Yuanhai was Worthy King of the Left. He heard about and summoned him, but Yuanda did not answer. When Yuanhai usurped the title, people spoke to Yuanda, saying:
Formerly Excellency Liu was submissive. You Lord disregarded [him] and did not look back. Now he is esteemed as the flying dragon. Are you, Lord, afraid?
Yuanda replied, saying:
Why are you saying that? His person's bearing and measures are prominent and outstanding, and he has the aspirations of caging and netting space and time. I firmly understood it a long time ago. As such in former days, although I did not go, it was due to destined time having not yet arrived. [I] was not able with no affairs to babble babble. He himself had accordingly confidence [?] in me. You Sir only just became aware of him. I fear it will not go beyond two or three days before the relayed letter will surely arrive.
That evening Yuanhai actually summoned Yuanda as Gentleman of the Yellow Gates. The person said:
You Lord is likely a sage!
When he had arrived, he was brought in for audience. Yuanhai said:
You Sir assented to come early. Why be a Gentlemen and that is all.
Yuanda said:
Your Subject has considered an allotment for his nature [?], the abundant allotments are brimming. [If] Your Subject early knocked the Heavenly Gates, maybe the Great King would bestow a place among the Nine Ministers or Receiver of Words. If these then are not allotments for Your Subject, Your Subject may ask accordingly for what he is worthy of! Thus due to curbing feelings, hemming and hawing, waiting for allotment and then arrive, [then] the Great King is without the slander of excessive bestowal, Your Small Subject avoids the calamity of summoning bandits, can this not be done!
Yuanhai was greatly pleased. While in his post, he was loyal and bold, frequently advancing with frank words. When he withdrew to edit a draft, even his sons and brothers did not get to know about it.
JS103, Yearly Annals of Liu Yao
Liu Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was Yuanhai's clan-child. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuanhai. While a child he was intelligent and discerning, and had unusual measures. At the age of eight sui, he accompanied Yuanhai hunting in the western mountains. It happened to rain, and they stopped beneath a tree. Suddenly thunder shook the tree, the nearby people could not but fall over. Yao's spirit and appearance remained self-composed. Yuanhai was astonished with him and said:
This our family's thousand li colt. Cousin is not dead!
He was 9 chi, 3 cun tall, his hands hung down beyond the knees. When he was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. His beard and whiskers did not exceed a hundred roots, but all were 5 chi long. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. He studied books and treatises with a broad outlook, he did not precisely consider sections or sentences. He was good at composing texts and was skilled with the draft and clerical scripts. His gallantry and martial ability exceeded other people, iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it, at that time he was nicknamed as a divine archer. He was particularly fond of military books could recite roughly all of them from memory.
He often made light of and insulted Wu and Deng, and compared himself with Yue Yi, Xiao and Cao. At the time people did not agree with him, only Cong always said:
Yongming, to flow with Shizu and Wu of Wei, why are those excellencies sufficient to speak of!
As a youth he drifted to Luoyang. He was convicted in an affair and was to be executed, but absconded and hid in Zhaoxian. There befell an amnesty and he then returned home.
He himself, due to his appearance and quality being different from the multitudes, feared he would not be tolerated by the era. He hid his tracks in the Guancen Mountains, using the zither and books as his affairs. One night as he was dwelling idle, there were two servant boys who entered, knelt, saying:
The King of Guancen sends his Young Subjects to receive and pay respects to the August Emperor of Zhao.
They presented a single edged sword and set it up before them, bowed twice and left. He used a torch to inspect it. The sword was 2 chi long, its shine and polish was not ordinary, red jade made up the scabbard, on its backside there was an inscription which said: “The divine sword reigns, removes the multitudes' posion”. Yao thereupon wore it. The sword followed the four seasons and changed to have five colours.
劉曜,字永明,元海之族子也。少孤,見養於元海。幼而聰彗,有奇度。年八歲,從元海獵於西山,遇雨,止樹下,迅雷震樹,旁人莫不顛仆,曜神色自若。元海異之曰:「此吾家千里駒也,從兄為不亡矣!」身長九尺三寸,垂手過膝,生而眉白,目有赤光,鬚髯不過百餘根,而皆長五尺。性拓落高亮,與眾不群。讀書志於廣覽,不精思章句,善屬文,工草隸。雄武過人,鐵厚一寸,射而洞之,於時號為神射。尤好兵書,略皆闇誦。常輕侮吳、鄧,而自比樂毅、蕭、曹,時人莫之許也,惟聰每曰:「永明,世祖、魏武之流,何數公足道哉!」 弱冠游于洛陽,坐事當誅,亡匿朝鮮,遇赦而歸。自以形質異眾,恐不容于世,隱迹管涔山,以琴書為事。嘗夜閑居,有二童子入跪曰:「管涔王使小臣奉謁趙皇帝,獻劍一口。」置前再拜而去。以燭視之,劍長二尺,光澤非常,赤玉為室,背上有銘曰:「神劍御,除眾毒。」曜遂服之。劍隨四時而變為五色。
TPYL045, Geography Part 10: Mountains of Hebei
The Records of Former Zhao states:
Liu Yuanhai's clan-child Yao, once escaped to hide in the mountains of Guancen. At night suddenly there were two servant boys who entered, knelt, and said:
The King of Guancen sends his Young Subjects to receive and pay respects to the August Emperor of Zhao.
They presented a single edged sword and set it up before them, bowed twice and left. He used a torch to inspect it. The sword was 2 chi long, its shine and polish was not ordinary, on its backside there was an inscription which stated: The divine sword worn [by] the ruler, removes the multitudes' poison”.  Yao thereupon wore it. In the following season it changed to have five colours.
TPYL119, Regional Hegemons Part 3: Liu Yuan
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
Yuan said:
I will be raising up the hill to the pinnacle mound, why would I make a hillock! As for Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? Yu the Great was born among the Western Rong, King Wen was born among the eastern Yu. Looking back, they were conferred for virtue, that was all.
Now [I] see a multitude of more than 100 000, and anyone of us is a match for ten of the Jin. To strike the march and destroy chaotic Jin is like snapping deadwood, that is all. At best I can complete the legacy of Gao of Han, at worst I will be no less than the Wei clan. How is Huhanxie a sufficient course of action!
Xuan and others praised it as good.
1st Year of Yuanxi [304 AD], he moved to Zuoguocheng. The Jin people who [came from] the east to adhere were several ten thousand. Xuan and others sent up [to assume] the venerated title. Yuan said:
Now the Jin clan still exist, the Four Regions are not yet settled. [We] can look up to and honour the Exalted August's first regulations, and moreover designate [me] King of Han [while] for the moment delaying the tile of August Emperor. [When I] hear the cosmos is mixed into one [I] will once more discuss it.
10th Month [14 November – 10 December], he had an altar in the southern suburbs, and falsely ranked as King of Han. He changed Jin's 1st Year of Yongxing to be the 1st Year of Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], there was a great amnesty Under Heaven. He posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor, established the divine rulers of the three Ancestors and five Founders and worshipped them. He set up the hundred officials, using  Liu Xuan as Imperial Chancellor, and designated and conferred each proportionally.
TPYL119, Regional Hegemons Part 3: Liu Yuan
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
Liu Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was Yuan's clan-child. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. While a child he was intelligent and discerning. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He was 9 chi, 3 cun tall, his hands hung down beyond the knees. When he was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. His beard did not exceed a hundred roots, but all were 5 chi long.
TPYL421, People's Doings Part 62: Righteousness, Middle
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
The King of Jiangdu, [Liu] Yannian, at the age of 15 mourned his two parents. He served his uncle and had a reputation for filial piety. His son Liangsun and first cousin once removed were seized by a man-eating thief [?]. Yannian pursued and requested them. The thief considered Liangsun to return home with Yannian. Yannian did obeisance and requested saying:
I as a young orphan was reared by my uncle. This is my uncle's orphaned grandson. [I] hope that [you will] consider my son to change with him.
The thief said:
You Lord is a righteous gentleman
He released him.
ZZTJ085, Annals of Jin
He dispatched the Yulu King of the Left, Hong, to lead 5 000 elite cavalry and meet up with Ying's general Wang Cui and resist the Duke of Dongying, Teng. But Cui had already been defeated by Teng, so Hong returned back with nothing done.
Wang Jun and the Duke of Dongying, Teng, combined troops to strike Wang Bin, greatly routing him. Jun used the Master of Accounts, Qi Hong as vanguard. He defeated Shi Chao at Pingji, and exploited the victory to advance the army. Within Ye they greatly shook in fear. The hundred companions fled and ran, the soldiers split up and scattered. … Ying thereupon commanded several tens of riders of his personal followers, and together with Zhi served the Emperor in driving a calf chariot fleeing south to Luoyang.
Wang Jun entered Ye. The multitude soldiers brutally plundered and the dead were very many. He sent Jiezhu of the Wuhuan to pursue the Brother-Heir, Ying. He reached Zhaoge but did not catch up. Jun turned back to Ji. Since many of the Xianbei carried off people's wives and daughters, he instructed that if there were those who dared to be holding onto [them] in secret, they would be beheaded. Hence those who were drowned in the Yi river were 8 000 people.
The Duke of Dongying, Teng, requested a host from Tuoba Yitou to accordingly strike at Liu Yuan. Yituo and his younger brother Yilu combined troops to strike Yuan in Xihe, and routed him. He swore a covenant with at the east of the Fen, and then returned. The outriders arrived at Ye.
Liu Yuan heard the Brother-Heir, Ying, had left Ye, he sighed and said:
He did not employ my words, on the contrary he is himself running from disaster. He truly has menial talents. However as I and him had words, I cannot accordingly not aid him.
He commanded to send out troops to strike the Xianbei and Wuhuan. Liu Xuan and others remonstrated, saying:
The people of Jin's slaves and lackeys govern us. Now their bones and flesh harm each other. Thus Heaven rejects them and causes us to restore the patrimony of Huhanxie. The Xianbei and Wuhuan are of our manners and type, and could be used as helpers. Why would we strike them!
Yuan said:
Good. A man of great talent must become Gao of Han or Wu of Wei. Huhanxie, how is it enough to emulate him!
Xuan and others touched head to ground, saying:
[They] are not reaching up [to you].
Liu Yuan moved the capital to Zuoguocheng. The Hu and Jin who reverted to him were more and more multitudes. Yuan spoke to his crowd of subjects, saying:
Formerly Han had Under Heaven for a very long time, with kindness connecting to the population. I am a sister's child of the the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise?
He therefore founded a state titled Han. Liu Xuan and others requested to elevate to the venerated title. Yuan said:
Now the Four Regions are not yet settled, moreover [we] can rely on the Exalted Founder and designate [me] King of Han.
Hence he acceded as King of Han. There was a great amnesty, and he changed the inaugural to be Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”]. He posthumously honoured the Duke of Anle, Shan, as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor. He made Han's three Founders and five Ancestors divine rulers and worshipped them. He established his wife, Ms. Huyan, as Queen. He used the Worthy King of the Right, Xuan, as Imperial Chancellor, Cui You as Imperial Clerk Grandee, the Yulu King of the Left, Hong, as Grand Commandant, Fan Long as Great Herald, Zhu Ji as Grand Master of Ceremonies, Cui Yizhi of Shangdang and Chen Yuanda of the Rear Section both as Gentlemen of the Yellow Gates, his clan-child Yao as General who Establishes the Martial. You firmly declined and did not go.
Yuanda as young had aspirations for commitment. Yuan once summoned him, but Yuanda did not answer. When Yuan became King of Han, someone spoke to Yuanda, saying:
Are you, Lord, afraid?
Yuanda replied, saying:
I understood that person a long time ago. He likewise revealed the heart of mine. However [I] fear it will not go beyond three or two days before the relayed letter will surely arrive.
That evening Yuan actually summoned Yuanda. Yuanda served Yuan, frequently advancing with frank words. When he withdrew to edit a draft, even his sons and brothers did not get to know about it.
When Yao was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. While a child he was intelligent and discerning, and made daring calculations. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. Becoming adult, his deportment and appearance was remarkable and imposing. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. He was fond of studying books and good at composing text. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He often compared himself with Yue Yi and Xiao and Cao. At the time people did not agree with him, only Liu Cong esteemed him, saying:
Yongming, to flow with Shizu of Han and Wu of Wei, why are those excellencies sufficient to speak of!
王浚、東嬴公騰合兵擊王斌,大破之。浚以主簿祁弘為前鋒,敗石超於平棘,乘勝進軍。候騎至鄴,鄴中大震,百僚奔走,土卒分散。... 穎遂將帳下數十騎與志奉帝御犢車南奔洛陽。
10th Month, Liu Yuan moved the capital to Zuoguocheng.
{Below it is said “In Lishi there was a great famine, he moved to Liting”, then thus Yuan was still at Lishi. Note that in Du You's Comprehensive Statutes: Lishi has the Southern Shanyu's courtyard at Zuoguocheng. As such, though Yuan moved to Zuoguo, he still was within the borders of Lishi county.}
Yuan acceded as King of Han.
{In the Annals of Emperors, Li Xiong and Liu Yuan were both designated kings in the 11th Month, after Emperor Hui entered Chang'an. In the Treatise on the States of Huayang, Li Xiong was designated in the 10th Month, one source writes 12th Month. The Thirty States, Spring and Autumn of Jin, and the Records of the Sixteen States all have it in the 10th Month. Now [I] follow them.}
十月劉淵遷都左國城〈下云「離石大饑,遷于黎��」,則是淵猶在離石也。按杜佑《通典》:離石有南單于庭左國城。然則淵雖遷左國,猶在離石縣境內也。 〉
淵即漢王位〈《帝紀》,李雄、劉淵稱王,皆在十一月惠帝入長安後。《華陽國志》,李雄十月稱王,一本作十二月。《三十國》、《晉春秋》、《十六國鈔》皆在十月。今從之 〉
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fuyonggu · 5 years
Book of Jin 100.1, Biography of Wang Mi
This is the rebels chapter, so expect rebels plotting rebellion. More specifically, these are all rebels against the Jin dynasty who don’t get entries elsewhere in the Book of JIn (so no lords of the Sixteen Kingdoms and no usurpers).
First up is Wang Mi, who was not actually the son of Wang Ping. Like many biographies, it’s pretty contextless if you aren’t familiar with the timeline involved.
Wang Mi was a native of Donglai commandary. He came from a family of Two Thousand 石 salary rank. His grandfather was Wang Qi, who was once Cao-Wei's Administrator of Xuantu. During the reign of Emperor Wu (Sima Yan), Wang Qi rose in office to Administrator of Runan.
Wang Mi was practiced and talented, and well-read and learned in books and biographies. As a youth, he wandered through the capital region as a warrior-errant. The hermit Dong Zhongdao saw Wang Mi and said to him, "Sir, you have the sound of a wild dog and the look of a panther. You are the sort of fellow who finds happiness in turmoil and delights in misfortune. If anything should befall the realm, it will not be the official's life for you."
Near the end of Emperor Hui's reign (~307), the crafty bandit Liu Bogen rose up at Jian county in Donglai commandary. Wang Mi led his family and servants to join Liu Bogen, who appointed Wang Mi as his Chief Clerk. When Liu Bogen died, Wang Mi led his forces to the sea islets. He was defeated by Gou Chun, but he fled to Mount Zhangguang and became a bandit leader. Wang Mi was very calculating and cunning, and whenever he raided a place, he always planned out his victory beforehand and never made tactical mistakes.
Wang Mi was nimble and agile with horse and bow, and his arm strength surpassed others. The people of the Qing region called him "Flying Panther". 
Later, Wang Mi led his troops to invade Qingzhou and Xuzhou. The Inspector of Yanzhou, Gou Xi, intercepted Wang Mi and attacked him, greatly routing him. Wang Mi fled and gathered up all his scattered soldiers again, and the morale of his soldiers was restored. Gou Xi fought against Wang Mi several times, but he could not overcome him.
Wang Mi advanced, and his soldiers invaded the commandaries of Taishan, Luguo, Qiao, Liang, Chen, Runan, Yingchuan, and Xiangcheng. Wang Mi entered Xuchang, where he opened the Arsenal there and took weapons and equipment. All fell before him, and many Administrators and Prefects were killed. His forces swelled to the tens of thousands, and the Jin court could not control him.
At this time, the realm was wracked by chaos. Wang Mi advanced and threatened Luoyang, and the capital region was greatly disturbed. The palace and city gates were all shut. The Minister Over The Masses, Wang Yan, and others led the Jin government officials to man the walls. Wang Mi camped at Seven Li Gully. The Jin royal army advanced and attacked him, and Wang Mi was greatly routed.
Wang Mi said to his fellow Liu Ling, "The Jin soldiers are strong and numerous, and there is nowhere we can go to for shelter. But there is Liu Yuanhai (Liu Yuan); when he was a hostage in the capital, he and I used to roam around the capital region together, and we formed a deep bond. Now he has declared himself the King of Han. We could go to join him. What do you think?" Liu Ling agreed.
So they crossed the Yellow River and went to join Liu Yuan. When he heard of this, Liu Yuan was overjoyed, and he sent his Palace Attendants and Imperial Secretaries to welcome Wang Mi at the border. He sent Wang Mi a letter stating, "General, your achievements supplant the age, and your virtues surpass the era; that is why I have sent you this welcome. Before you reach here, I shall personally prepare a place of residence for you, roll out the carpet and wash the vessels for you, and respectfully await your arrival."
When Wang Mi met Liu Yuan, he urged him to declare himself Emperor. Liu Yuan said to Wang Mi, "General, I used to consider you as just like Dou Zhougong (Dou Rong). But now I see that you are really more like Kongming (Zhuge Liang) or Zhonghua (Deng Yu). It is as Liezu (Liu Bei) once said: 'General, now that I have you, I am like a fish that has found water'." And he appointed Wang Mi as Colonel-Director of Retainers, Palace Attendant, and Specially Advanced, but Wang Mi firmly declined these things. 
Liu Yuan sent Wang Mi to accompany Liu Yao to invade Henei, and they joined with Shi Le to attack Linzhang.
At the beginning of the Yongjia reign era (~307), Wang Mi invaded Shangdang and surrounded Huguan. Jin's Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, sent the Interior Minister of Huainan, Wang Kuang, the Administrator of Anfeng, Wei Gan, and others to campaign against Wang Mi. Wang Mi fought them between Gaodu and Changping and greatly defeated them, killing sixty to seventy percent of their forces. Liu Yuan promoted Wang Mi to Grand General Who Conquers The East and Duke of Donglai. 
Wang Mi joined with Liu Yao, Shi Le, and others to attack the commandaries of Wei, Ji, and Dunqiu; they captured more than fifty fortresses and drafted the people there as soldiers. 
Wang Mi also joined with Shi Le to attack Ye. Jin's General Who Maintain The North, He Yu, abandoned that city and fled. 
Emperor Huai sent the General of the Household Gentlemen of the North, Pei Xian, to march to Baima to campaign against Wang Mi; he sent the General of Chariots and Cavalry, Wang Kan, to Dongyan to campaign against Shi Le; and he sent the General Who Pacifies The North, Cao Wu, to Dayang to campaign against Liu Yuan. 
Cao Wu's subordinate general Peng Mo was defeated by Liu Cong; when Cao Wu's troops saw that Peng Mo had been killed, they all retreated. 
Liu Cong crossed the Yellow River. Emperor Huai sent his Colonel-Director of Retainers, Liu Tun, the general Song Chou, and others to oppose Liu Cong, but they could not resist him. 
Wang Mi and Liu Cong led ten thousand cavalry to the Luoyang region, where they burned down the two Academies. The Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, opposed them in battle at the Ximing Gate, and Wang Mi and the others were defeated and driven off. 
Wang Mi led another two thousand cavalry to invade the counties of Xiangcheng commandary. There were tens of thousands of refugee families from Hedong, Pingyang, Hongnong, and Shangdang commandaries who were now living in Yingchuan, Xiangcheng, Runan, Nanyang, and Henan commandaries. They had been oppressed by the people already living in those places. So they set fire to all the towns and cities in those places and killed the officials of Two Thousand 石 salary rank and the Chief Clerks in order to support Wang Mi.
Wang Mi also led twenty thousand soldiers to join with Shi Le and invade Chen and Yingchuan commandaries. They camped at Yangyao. Wang Mi sent his younger brother Wang Zhang to join with Shi Le and invade Xuzhou and Yanzhou, and they routed the local generals.
Wang Mi later joined with Liu Yao to invade Xiangcheng, then advanced to threaten the Luoyang region. There was great hunger in the capital region at this time, and people ate each other. The common people all scattered and fled, and the nobles and chief ministers fled south of the Yellow River. 
Liu Yao, Wang Mi, and the others broke through the palace walls, and when they reached the Front Hall of the Taiji Palace, they set their soldiers loose to sack it. They imprisoned Emperor Huai at the Duan Gate, threatened and disgraced Empress Yang, and killed the Crown Prince, Sima Quan. They dug up the old tombs and graves and burned down the palaces and temples. The governmental offices were entirely destroyed. More than thirty thousand people among the government officials and the nobles were killed. Then they moved Emperor Huai to Pingyang.
When Wang Mi wanted to pillage, Liu Yao forbade it, but Wang Mi did not listen. So Liu Yao beheaded Wang Mi's General of the Serrated Gate, Wang Yan, as punishment. This angered Wang Mi, and he had his soldiers block Liu Yao's; they fought each other, and more than a thousand people died.
Then Wang Mi's Chief Clerk, Zhang Song, remonstrated with him, saying, "General, you are supposed to be working together with the royal family of our state to achieve the grand design. We have only just accomplished this great feat, yet now you are fighting with one another. How will you be able to show your face to our sovereign? Although taking Luoyang was indeed primarily your achievement, Liu Yao is part of the royal clan, so you should yield a little to him. Remember what happened during the dispute between the two Jin generals (Wang Jun and Wang Hun) when they argued over who deserved merit for the conquest of Wu. That incident was not so long ago. I implore you, General, to consider that. If you continue to obstruct Liu Yao, what will become of your younger relatives and your clan?"
Wang Mi replied, "You are right. If not for you, I would not have realized my fault." So he went to visit Liu Yao and apologize, and they patched up their relationship to be like before.
Wang Mi said, "It was all thanks to Chief Clerk Zhang that I realized that I was at fault."
Liu Yao said to Zhang Song, "Sir, you are another Zhu Jian; how could you be a mere common sort?" And both of them rewarded Zhang Song with a hundred catties of gold.
Wang Mi advised Liu Yao, "Luoyang is in the center of the realm. It is enveloped by mountains and rivers, and considering the walls, moats, and palaces, there would be no need to prepare camps. You ought to advise our sovereign to move the capital from Pingyang to here."
But Liu Yao did not listen, and he burned the city before leaving. Wang Mi angrily said, "You Chuge brat, is this how a king or an emperor acts?" Wang Mi led his soldiers east to camp at Xiang Pass.
Earlier, Liu Yao had entered Luoyang before Wang Mi instead of waiting for him, and this angered Wang Mi. So this suspicion and division had sprung up between the two of them.
Liu Tun persuaded Wang Mi to return and occupy Qingzhou. Wang Mi agreed with him.
Wang Mi appointed his Chief Clerk of the Left, Cao Yi, as General Who Guards The East, and he gave him five thousand soldiers and many treasures and sent him back to his home district in order to recruit and entice fugitives to join him and protect Wang Mi's family. 
Wang Mi's generals Xu Miao and Gao Liang both took several thousand of their soldiers and abandoned him to go join Cao Yi, and so Wang Mi's forces were gradually diminishing. 
Earlier, Shi Le had been wary of Wang Mi for his bold and valiant spirit, and he often secretly made plans against him. After Wang Mi captured Luoyang, he kept sending Shi Le beautiful women and fine treasures in order to win him over. And when Shi Le captured Gou Xi and appointed him as his Marshal of the Left, Wang Mi said to Shi Le, "Sir, you have captured Gou Xi and put him to work for you; how divine and ingenious you are! If you can make Gou Xi your left hand, and have me as your right hand, there is no one in the realm who would be able to stop you!" But these things only made Shi Le even more suspicious of Wang Mi, and he secretly planned to get rid of him.
Liu Tun also urged Wang Mi to summon Cao Yi and have him bring his forces to execute Shi Le. So Wang Mi sent Liu Tun to visit Cao Yi in Qingzhou and order him to bring his troops to join with Wang Mi's forces, as well as entice Shi Le and attack him together at Qingzhou. But when Liu Tun reached Dong'a, he was captured by Shi Le's scout riders. When Shi Le saw the letter that Wang Mi had written to Cao Yi, he was furious, and he killed Liu Tun, but Wang Mi did not know.
Then Shi Le placed troops in ambush to surprise attack Wang Mi, and he killed Wang Mi and took over his forces.
The Historians' Appraisal: Wang Mi indulged in turmoil and delighted in misfortune. He took false and crafty villains to be his friends and companions, and he lay in wait for opportunities to exploit. He aided the perverse traitors at Pingyang and brought death and destruction to the capital. He caused the people to become miserable refugees and forced the imperial line into exile. He inflicted the devastation described in the Fine Wheat poem upon the state, and caused the palace and the temple to experience the pitiful state of the writer of the Drooping Millet poem. How could Heaven have willed it? How could the people have wished it? How could such a savage brute have caused ‘such grievous turmoil and division’?
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