ninelanguages · 6 months
Kanji for "read"
読 = yo•mu / doku / toku / tou
読む - yomu - to read / to peruse / to recite / to chant / to decipher -よむ
音読み - onyomi - the Chinese-derived reading of a kanji - おんよみ
読書 - dokusyo - reading -どくしょ
句読点 - kutouten - punctuation marks - くとうてん
本を読む - hon(w)oyomu - to read a book - ほんをよむ
訓読み - kunyomi - the Japanese pronunction of a kanji -くんよみ
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suzumori521 · 1 month
An 81-page manga has been published in today’s release of “Aokishi - Blue Knight” Issue 21B.
The title is “Teigel Waiting for the Wind.”
It’s a story about a boy who has wings but cannot fly because he was raised by humans.
This is my second standalone manga work. Although it is only available in Japanese, I wanted to share the news.
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yaoyolog · 1 year
雑誌を読んでいると、またひとつちょっと読みの分からない漢字に目が止まりました。 「中陦…」 陦。。。??? 誰かのお名前だった模様なのですが、この「阝(こざとへん)」に「寿(ことぶき)」と記述する「陦」とは何と読むのでしょうか?? またその意味は? まったく分からなかったので、早速調べてみました。 「阝(こざとへん)」に「寿(ことぶき)」と記述する「陦」とは、音読みでは「トウ」。訓読みでは「しま」と読んで、いわゆる、島、との意味になるのだそうです。 なるほど。今回の「中陦」さんは「ナカジマ」さんだったのかと理解できました。 本当に人生毎日が勉強です。またひとつ勉強になりました。
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nora-yoko · 2 months
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tatsumimimi · 3 months
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↓ロボット漫画を描かせていただきました。よろしくお願いいたします。 【今日の10ページ】幽鬼 - 巽一文字 / 今日の10ページ『幽鬼』巽一文字 | MAGCOMI
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twinmix · 7 months
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blueskittlesart · 5 months
Could you maybe explain why the Japanese versions of BOTW and TOTK seem so much less subtle about the nature of Link and Zelda's relationship?
Even when regular folk translate it it seems less subtle, it's almost like Nintendo's localization was deliberately to be as vague as possible
to be completely honest I haven't found many instances of localization altering the nature of their relationship, but I also haven't ever sat down and actually looked at the japanese game as a whole because my japanese reading comprehension is. probably on the level of a preschooler. I can think of a few instances where I know the localization altered specific lines, but only in pieces of the game I've specifically looked at in japanese for other reasons. if you could give me specific examples of places where there are changes to look into I could definitely do it, but im not strong enough to play the whole game with a kanji dictionary on hand just to understand what the hell is being said to me lmfao
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dokushoclub · 5 days
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The middle of September is the time for the Japanese tradition of moon viewing. It's said that the September moon is especially pretty and round in Japan and of course there are some delicious related foods for the occasion as well.
I've gathered some articles and blog posts about 月見(つきみ)that were written for learners of Japanese in simple language. Most of these stories have a reading level fitting for JLPT N5 and N4 readers. If you are interested in learning about the traditions in Japanese, have a look - all texts are freely available online!
The Japan Foundation Kansai
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This text is 8 pages long, graded as A2 and is available as a direct PDF download through the link below.
Hirogaru Nihongo
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Hirogaru Nihongo's article is only a few sentences short, but they also include a video on Tsukimidango and there's a reading comprehension quiz at the end.
Meika Sensei's Blog
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Meika Sensei's blog for beginner readers has short, simple sentences that each add a bit more information. There is also a version for intermediate readers.
Nihongoschool Nihongoblog
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The blog post by Kazue Ono has two parts, one aimed at beginners and one for intermediate readers. It's a good practice to start with the beginner text and then try and read the more difficult one as well.
Matcha Magazine
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Honorable mention for Matcha Magazine: Their article isn't only for Tsukimi, but all Japanese traditions and celebrations taking place from September to November. Their articles include some translations in the main text to help with following along.
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wormgumz · 2 months
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asiaphotostudio · 16 days
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Shanghai, 2000 Shanghai, China. 中国 上海市 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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findareading · 13 days
— ロアルド・ダール著/宮下嶺夫訳『マチルダは小さな大天才』(2016年8月20刷、評論社〈ロアルド・ダール コレクション[16]〉)
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neko-no-oto · 11 months
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There are many difficult place names where he lives.
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mangadore · 1 month
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yaoyolog · 2 years
読書をしていると、またひとつ読みのハッキリしない漢字に目が止まりました。 「陳ねた子供が…」 陳ねた。。。 チン、ねた。。?? まさか、ちんねた、ではないと思いますが、この「陳ねた子供」の「陳ねる」とは何と読むのでしょうか? またその意味は? ちょっと引っかかったので、早速調べてみました。 「阝(こざとへん)」に「東」と記述する「陳ねる」とは、ひねた、と読んで、ませた子供、大人びて可愛げがない子供、といった意味になる模様でした。 「阝(こざとへん)」に「東」と記述する「陳」の文字は、音読みでは「チン」または「ジン」。訓読みでは、ひねる、のほか、つらねる、のべる、ふるい、などとも読んで、しきならべる、申し述べる、ふるびた、などとの意味でも使われるのだそうです。 なるほど。ちんねる、ではなく、ひねる、と読むのですね。 まだまだ理解の足りない語句がたくさんあります。またひとつ勉強になりました。
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tokidokitokyo · 5 months
I wanted to recommend レタスクラブ to advanced Japanese learners.
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レタスクラブ (Lettuce Club) is a site that has both レシピ and 読み物 that someone introduced me to recently. I came for the 読み物, but the レシピ looks good too.
I have been reading through some of the comics under the 読み物 section 趣味, which has a variety of artists and themes to choose from. This is definitely a site for advanced readers, but if you'd like to try to navigate around the site you can practice reading.
Start Here for Comics, then try:
Happy reading!
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tatsumimimi · 1 year
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烈風の海 第10回メテオ・ポラリス彗星賞【佳作受賞作品】 (comic-meteor.jp)
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