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About "For the special you." 「特別な君へ」解説
"For the special you." is a story about someone who is easily taken in by a cult and one of the consequences. Blake's persona is a reference to one of the mainstream protagonists , which means that Blake is truly universal, and his fate is no stranger to those of us who resonate with such a protagonist image.
And when I looked at the such protagonists , one thought came to mind : “This persona is an easy target for a cult,” and that's what this story is all about.
「特別な君へ」はカルトに取り込まれやすい人と、その行く末の1つを書いたお話です ブレイクの人格像は、主流な主人公像の一つを参考にしています つまりブレイクは本当に普遍的な存在で、そんな主人公像に共鳴する我々と彼の運命は他人事ではないのです
そしてそんな主人公像を見つめた時、1つの見解が浮かびました 「この人格像はカルトにとって格好のカモである」 それがこの話の全てです
Beginning A too-gentle welcome awaiting Blake at the church, a so-called “love shower,” a cult technique. It works well too with pessimistic and guarded opponents. The words “you're different” and the way you were treated were what Blake wanted most, as he was hungry for approval from within.
始まり 教会に行ったブレイクを待っていたあまりにも優しい歓迎、これはいわゆる「ラブシャワー」と呼ばれるカルトの手法です 悲観的で警戒心の強い相手にもよく効きます 「違う」という言葉やその待遇、これは内心承認に飢えていたブレイクには一番欲しいものでした
Invitation to enter a religion They've let down Blake's guard with the love shower, fulfilled his individual approval and earned his trust. Now it's time to make a sense of belonging for him! Don't forget to follow up with him to make sure he doesn't run away.
入信への誘い ラブシャワーで警戒を解き、個としての承認を満たしてブレイクからの信頼を得ました さあ、今度は居場所を作ってあげましょう 逃げないように、アフターフォローも忘れずに
Training As if the warm world of the past was an illusion, Blake is thrown into a harsh and cold world. This is also a classic method of mind control, where the environment is so devoid of conventional wisdom that it is abused to the point of mental breakdown. And when that mental breakdown occurs, it is an opportunity to instill a new mindset at once, Especially if he joined the cult to have a place.
試練 今までの温かな世界は何だったのか、過酷で冷たい世界に放り込まれます これもマインドコントロールの王道な手法で、これまでの知恵が全く通用しない環境で、精神的に潰れるまで追い詰めます その潰れた先、今までの生きる知恵が全て無意味になった時こそ新しい観念を一気にたたき込むチャンスなのです 特にカルトに居場所を見出していた場合には、そこに帰るためにどんな条件でも飲みこんでしまうでしょう
Become a saint Kevin's prospects made Blake a saint. This is not an outlandish story, and there are many famous religious people who were being jaded before they found their faith. Kevin must have learned about such cases from books and other sources and believed in Blake's potential. In fact, Blake superficially exemplified the ideal believer.
聖者になる ケヴィンの見込みにより、ブレイクは聖者になりました 突飛な話でもなく、有名な宗教者にも信仰に出会う前は荒んでいた方々も少なくありません ケヴィンはそういった事例を書籍などで学んでいて、その可能性を信じたのでしょう 実際、ブレイクは表面的には理想的な信者の模範になりました
Disaster comes again. This is the first disaster since Blake joined the church, where he met a boy like his old self. The boy's twistedness is perfectly normal considering his age and environment, but Blake has see a part of himself that he hates into him. And the boy says things that hurt more than Blake said in the past. Blake didn't see the boy in front of him as one personality with a future, but simply killed boy with a sense of blame for his own disgusting parts.
災いがまた来る ブレイクが入信して以来初めての災いです、そこで昔の自分のような少年と出会いました 少年のひねくれ具合は年齢や環境を考えたら至極真っ当なのですが、ブレイクはそんな彼に自分の大嫌いな部分を重ねてしまいました しかも過去の自分以上に痛いことを言ってきます ブレイクは目の前の少年を未来のある1人格とは思わず、単に自分の嫌な部分を責める感覚で殺してしまいました
Pilgrimage Extreme punishment after a happy farewell party, the farewell party is done with pure good intentions. It's a cruel treatment, spiritually, but the church, including Kevin, doesn't really understand the cruelty of it. Finally, the grave keeper tells Blake the truth with manual response that he's said hundreds of times. What Blake believed in was not the Lord or the scriptures, but his illusion of himself and the world that supported him. 'A world that does not support his illusions is unpleasant' , and in the end Blake couldn't overcome this axis through “stories”.
巡礼送り 幸せなお別れ会からの極刑、お別れ会は純粋な善意で行われています 精神的にとんでもなく残酷な仕打ちなのですが、ケヴィン含め教会側はその残酷さをよくわかっていません 最後に墓守はブレイクに真実を告げます、これも彼にとっては何百回も言ったマニュアル対応です ブレイクが信じていたのは主でも聖典でもなく、自分への幻想とそれを支えてくれる世界でした 自分の幻想を支えてくれない世界は不愉快、結局ブレイクは「物語」を通してこの軸を克服できませんでした
Others Kevin was intended to be a ruthless character, a true guru, but his position obligated him to oversee the legislative, judicial, administrative, and welfare systems. So he turned as someone who had to be ruthless at times. He is not the type of person who takes pleasure in domination, although he is taking cult methods as a result,. He is simply doing what he has been taught to do with good intentions and “this is what you do in such and such a situation”.
The grave keeper is a mentor to people like Blake, who has a slightly different look and feel to make him more persuasive. He is in a position to do cruel things, but if it is for the sake of faith and to keep disaster away, the feelings of others are trivial. The mentor is an essential part of the cult, and I would like to make more use of this subject in future works.
その他 ケヴィンはTHE☆グルといった冷酷な性格のつもりだったのですが、立ち位置的に立法・司法・行政・福祉全てを統括する義務があり、時に冷酷にならざるを得ない人という印象になりました 結果的にカルトの手法を取っていますが、善意故の行動だったり「こういう時はこうする」と教わっていることを単に実行しているだけで支配に喜びを感じるタイプではありません
墓守はメンターとしてブレイクのような人間と接します、彼だけ少し雰囲気の違う風貌なのも説得力を強めるためです 残酷なことをする立場ですが、信仰のため、災いを遠ざけるためであれば相手の感情など些細な事です メンターという存在はカルトに欠かせないため、この題材は今後の作品でもっと活かしてみたいです -----------------------
Looking back again, I can say that this comic is more of a study note on cult methods for me than a story. Of course, the story is very different from the reality, but it was fun to take it one step further than the superficial “cult” attributes.
改めて振り返ると、この漫画はお話というより私にとってのカルトの手法お勉強ノートという毛色が強いです もちろんお話にするうえで実際とは大きく異なってしまっているのですが、表面的な「カルト」属性より一歩踏み込んで描けてとても楽し��ったです
I'm pleased with myself that I was able to make Blake's changing emotions raw and unstable, even if they were deducted as a comic strip. As I wrote at the beginning, I was able to tidy up my own interpretation of the protagonists image
ブレイクのコロコロと変わる心情は、たとえ漫画として減点されても生々しい不安定さにできたのは自分では満足しています 最初に書いた通り、自分なりの主人公像の解釈を整頓できました
Finally, thank you for reading this far! If you have any questions or comments, I would be very happy if you could send them to me!
最後に、ここまで読んでくださりありがとうございました! もし何か質問やコメントがあったら、送っていただけるととても嬉しいです! ------------------ Main comic https://bsky.app/profile/gunyo.bsky.social/post/3laealezgfg2t 本編 https://bsky.app/profile/gunyo.bsky.social/post/3laea6novly24
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Released: 2024.06.21
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