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日向坂4期生 × ソロアーティスト写真 2024.12
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二枚のドガの絵 刑事コロンボ 3 W・リンク、R・レビンソン 藤崎誠・訳 サラブレッド・ブックス11 二見書房 カバー・デザイン=河塚良美、本文・イラスト=安達東彦
#COLUMBO SUITABLE FOR FRAMING#SUITABLE FOR FRAMING#columbo#二枚のドガの絵 刑事コロンボ 3#二枚のドガの絵#刑事コロンボ#richard levinson#r・レビンソン#william link#w・リンク#藤崎誠#サラブレッド・ブックス#サラ・ブックス#河塚良美#haruhiko adachi#安達東彦#peter falk#ピーター・フォーク#anamon#古本屋あなもん#あなもん#book cover
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1日1本 … 新飯塚 8:02 発の田川後藤寺行きの快速列車です。
キハ147 の2両編成が折り返し運転です。
↑新飯塚向き ↓田川後藤寺向き
始発 新飯塚 8:02 - 途中駅全て通過 - 終点 田川後藤寺 8:18
1番のりばに入線 … すぐに0番のりばの新飯塚行きが出発
←1番のりば 0番のりば→
YouTube > 後藤寺線の特急!? ~ 朝1日1本の快速列車(25分)
2024.8.27 ~ つづく
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虎に翼 (2024) Episode 102 Subtitles by subie06
#what do i do with this information? bury my face in a mountain of pillows and sob?#tozuka junki#戸塚純貴#doi shiori#土居志央梨#ito sairi#伊藤沙莉#tora ni tsubasa#虎に翼#asadora#朝ドラ#asadoraedit#jdrama
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実写版『聖闘士星矢THE BEGINNING』の主人公、実写版『ONE PIECE』のZORO役で国際的な人気俳優となった #新田真剣佑 と #田中泯 が主演する、日本の隠れた政財界の黒幕“フクロウ”を描いたシリアス連続ドラマ #フクロウと呼ばれた男 https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790397107632996456?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w フクロウは真夜中であっても、いつでも見える目ですべてを見ている。 70歳のカリスマ・大神龍太郎 (田中泯) には4人の子どもがいる。 長男の一郎 (#安藤政信) は頼りなく、妻とも不仲で、銀座のホステスを愛人にしていた。父の影響から脱するため、父から資金を借りずに新しい高級レストランを計画していた。 しっかり者の長女・由美子 (#長谷川京子) は、イケメン商社マンの夫との間に二人の子どもをもうけ、一見幸せそうに見えたが、夫は由美子に隠れて (メジャーリーグの有名選手の通訳とは別の) 裏取引をしていた。 父親とうまくいかない次男・龍(新田真剣佑) は、アメリカ留学後、家族に連絡せずに小さなNPO法人で働くために帰国。ある日、龍は公園でジョギング中に美しいアメリカ人女性と出会い、携帯電話が道に落ちて壊れてしまう。龍は弁償すると約束し、女性の連絡先を聞くと、女性は龍に「記者」と書かれた名刺を渡す。 シンガーソングライターを目指す末次女・理沙子 (#中田青渚) はすでに25歳だが、天性の歌声と作詞作曲の才能を持ち、メジャーデビューが期待されていた。理沙子は父・龍太郎に夢を語るが、龍太郎は理沙子が芸能界の闇に飲み込まれるのではないかと恐れる。 ある夜、次期首相候補・竹内 (#中村雅俊) の息子が酒席での喧嘩の末に殺される。息子には薬物疑惑もあった。犯人は捕まったが、刑務所で「自殺」してしまう。 全体的にクールなテイストでシリアスな展開。政治家のスキャンダル、一郎の愛人、由美子の夫の破滅的な取引、美人記者と付き合い始めた龍、夢に向かって突き進む理沙子など、それぞれの人生が生き生きと描かれる。 龍太郎の妻・京子を演じる #萬田久子 の抑えた演技が光る。 東京のクラブ (ホステスのいる方)のシーンを木村多江がホステス役で演じることで、よりリアルさが増している。 龍太郎が情報源として重視するホステス役の #木村多江 は、実際に東京のクラブで働いているかのような臨場感がある。 「フクロウと呼ばれた男」が他のドラマと違うのは、大げさな演技や大げさな音楽を使わずに、家族の葛藤を真剣に描いていることだ。 日本のドラマにありがちな大げさな音楽や大げさな演技、大げさな (意味不明の) ジョークもないし、日本でスキャンダルを起こした有名芸能事務所の男性タレントもいないし、下手な歌やダンスを披露する数十人の女性アイドルグループからの女性キャストもいない。 それだけに、フクロウのカリスマ・黒幕・大神龍太郎とその家族の生き方を冷静に観察できる。 本物のフクロウに天敵がいるように、「フクロウ」を狙う天敵も多く登場する。 これまでのエピソードを注意深く見てきた人なら、後半の一連の出来事にショックを受けるかもしれない。 シリーズのクライマックスは、衝撃的な出来事の連続で、次のシーズンが待ち遠しくなる。政治や金融の世界に巻き込まれた家族の複雑な生活を垣間見ることができるドラマを探している人は必見だ。 セカンドシーズンが待ち遠しい。 ■エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー&脚本:#デビッドシン(『#時をかける愛』) ■演出:#森義隆(『#宇宙兄弟』)、#石井裕也(『#船を編む』)、#松本優作(『#Winny』) #長塚京三 #益岡徹 #大友康平 #原田美枝子 #池田良
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Himitsu no Akko-chan (1962) by Fujio Akatsuka
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#asmr#東方project#東方プロジェクト#幻想郷#博麗霊夢#reimu hakurei#touhou#霧雨魔理沙#レミリア・スカーレット#フランドール・スカーレット#紅美鈴#十六夜咲夜#パチュリー・ノーレッジ#古明地さとり#古明地こいし#アリス・マーガトロイド#西行寺幽々子#魂魄妖夢#youmu konpaku#touhou project#marisa kirisame#八意永琳#蓬莱山輝夜#鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ#藤原妹紅#伊吹萃香#小野塚小町#四季映姫#河城にとり#東風谷早苗
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NGT48’s First Triple Center: Fujisaki Miyu, Otsuka Nanami, and Ogoe Haruka on “The Group’s Transformation” (Interview + Images)
Fujisaki Miyu, Otsuka Nanami, and Ogoe Haruka serve as the triple centers for NGT48's 10th single, Isshun no Hanabi, which will be released on August 28. The three, who joined the group around the same time, express a shared sense of “relief” in taking on the center position together. With many of the first-generation members who supported the group from its early days having graduated, NGT48 is entering a period of change. Here, the trio discusses their thoughts on this transformation and their hopes for the future.
Fujisaki Miyu: “Showcasing the Best Aspects from Different Angles”
Ⓠ How did you feel when you were chosen to serve as the triple center for this single? Miyu: Triple center is a first for NGT48, but when I heard that the three of us would take on the role, I felt “a great sense of relief.” I’ve been a solo center before, but doing this alongside two others who have been my close teammates for nearly six years gives me a lot of confidence. I think the three of us are quite balanced, each with our own unique strengths, so I feel we’ll be able to show the group’s best from a variety of angles.
Ⓠ Could you tell us a bit about these “different types”? Miyu: I’m often in a leadership role as NGT48’s captain, so I tend to take the lead. Haruka has a lot of opportunities to represent the group externally, so she helps spread the word about NGT48. Nanami has shown her talent by placing 5th in the recent “AKB48 Group No.1 Singing Contest” and was selected for the dance lineup in Ongaku no Hi 2024 (TBS). I think each of us complements the others’ strengths very well.
Otsuka Nanami: “Excited to See NGT48’s New Form”
Ⓠ Haruka, how did you feel when you heard you’d be part of a triple center? Haruka: I thought, “So this is the approach we’re taking!” (LOL). Since neither the formation nor choreography was decided at the time of the interview, I’m curious and excited to see how it will all come together. With many of our first-generation seniors having graduated, and Homma Hinata-san having just left, I do feel some unease about where NGT48 is headed, but there’s also a sense of excitement about trying something new as a triple center. I feel a strong responsibility for us to give it our best.
Ⓠ How is it working with Miyu and Nanami? Haruka: I’ve been a solo center before as well, but this time, I hardly feel any of the usual pressure—in a good way. I feel like I can approach our activities with a real sense of stability.
Ⓠ Nanami, what are your thoughts? Nanami: When I heard about the triple center, I was excited about seeing a new side of NGT48. I do have some apprehension about what direction we’ll take going forward, but right now, I’m mostly happy that the three of us can be in this role together.
I’ve been an idol for six years, and this is my first time standing in the center position. I feel like everything I’ve done so far has built up my confidence for this moment, and I want to stand here with pride.
In the early days, I didn’t often say out loud that I wanted to be center, but in the past few years, I’ve started to express that desire to fans. Achieving that goal this time has boosted my confidence, and I want to become someone who’s recognized by both the members and fans.
One Year Since Rika Nakai’s Graduation…Ogoe Haruka: “A Hole in My Heart”
Ⓠ With Nakai Rika graduating with the previous single, and Homma Hinata graduating in April of this year, members who have led the group for years are leaving, while new fourth-generation members are joining. How do you feel about these changes in the group? Nanami: Until now, the two of them had an enormous impact on the group, so when we’re invited to festivals and outside events, I sometimes feel a bit uncertain.
In terms of NGT48’s recognition in the public eye, Rika-san and Hinata-san’s presence was huge. With them gone, when people ask, “Who is in NGT48 now?” I feel that the next names they should hear need to be ours, as we’ve been chosen as centers for this single, and I want it to be that way. Haruka: I’ve admired Nakai Rika-san for a long time, almost thinking of her as a mother figure. When she graduated, it felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart, and I was deeply affected by it for a while. Even now, nearly a year later, I still feel a great sense of loss.
I tend to spend most of the year feeling negative, with my spirits usually low, but Rika-san would always brighten the atmosphere. Just talking with her was a joy. Since she’s no longer here, I’ve recently begun to feel like I need to stop dwelling in gloominess all the time.
Ⓠ Hopefully, there will be more positive days going forward. Haruka: Yes, I’d like to add about ten more positive days to the year (LOL).
Fujisaki Miyu: “If We Can All Put (What We Learned from Our Seniors) to Good Use”
Ⓠ As captain, how do you feel about it, Miyu? Miyu: Both Rika-san and Hinata-san had many opportunities to work outside the group, and they contributed more to the group than anyone else. At both of their graduation concerts, they taught us so much, but now I sometimes feel that we don’t have nearly enough experience to teach our juniors in the same way.
Hinata-san’s graduation concert was after the fourth generation joined, so although their time working together was short, I think the fourth-generation members learned a lot from her. I hope that we can all put these lessons to good use for the future of the group.
Fujisaki Miyu & Otsuka Nanami Make Waves with Appearance on "Ongaku no Hi 2024"
Ⓠ Speaking of activities outside the group, Fujisaki-san and Otsuka-san’s dance performance of “Ageha Chou” on “Ongaku no Hi 2024” with the 48 Group members has become a hot topic. Miyu: The response was tremendous. We don’t get many opportunities to perform alongside other 48 Group members, so being featured on a televised music show like this was incredibly valuable. It had also been a while since NGT48 had an opportunity like this, so the entire group was thrilled. Nanami: In recent years, chances to connect with other 48 Group members have lessened, so I was surprised to see many members who joined after me. Observing how other group members approached the program helped me realize things I could improve on. I hope to share what I learned from this experience with our juniors.
Ogoe Haruka Appears in Drama with AKB48's Oguri Yui & Former HKT48's Nako Yabuki
Ⓠ Haruka, you’re currently appearing in the drama Subarashiki Kana, Sensei! (Airing Sundays at 10:00-10:54 p.m., TV Asahi) alongside AKB48’s Oguri Yui and former HKT48’s Yabuki Nako. Do you get the chance to talk with them? Haruka: I’ve only had one opportunity to meet Oguri-san so far (at the time of the interview), but since I play a classmate of Yabuki-san, we have plenty of chances to chat. She asked me to call her "Nako-chan," but I haven’t managed to actually say it yet.
Since we’re all in the same class in the show, I’ve gotten close enough with the other cast members to speak casually, even if we’re different ages. But when it comes to a 48 Group senior, I just don’t have the courage to casually greet her with a simple “Good morning.” While I speak casually with all the other students, I suddenly switch to formal language only with Nako-san, which makes things a bit awkward (laughs). During the rest of the filming, I hope to be able to call her “Nako-chan” at least once.
Ogoe Haruka on the New Song: "A Touching and Soft Style, Perfect for NGT48"
Ⓠ Could you tell us what to look for in the new song Isshun no Hanabi? Miyu: This song has no intro, interlude, or outro, so it feels like it builds up more and more until it just ends. Like the title suggests, the lyrics and the composition give a sense of fireworks lighting up the sky—capturing both a feeling of excitement and a sense of fleeting beauty. Haruka: My impression of the song is that it's quite touching and gentle, which is one of NGT48's strengths. I felt it’s a song that helps us realize that things we might have had right in front of us but are now gone become all the more precious because they’re no longer there. Nanami: When I listened to our recording, I felt the sound of the music blended perfectly with everyone’s voices, creating a wonderful atmosphere. I hadn’t heard many songs that include the sound of fireworks, so I’m excited to see how it will look in performance. I’m predicting that the choreography will reflect the image of fireworks (LOL).
Summer Challenges – Otsuka Nanami: "Two Things I Want to Work On"
Ⓠ Lastly, could you each share what you want to tackle this summer? Haruka, last summer you mentioned in an interview about spending more on yourself. Haruka: Lately, I’ve felt even more inclined to invest in myself, both inside and out. I turned 20 recently, so I’ve realized that it’s important. For outward things, like going to the spa, I’ve recently started going to saunas, too. I might be a little late to the trend, but I’ve finally gained the courage to try new things I hadn’t before. Now that I’m 20, I’d like to try going out for a drink alone. Miyu: Recently, I had the chance to go out to eat with fourth-generation members Sato Hiroka, Isozaki Nana, and Hara Ayumi, and I want to make it a point to go out with my juniors more this summer.
I’ve always been a bit shy, so I hadn’t really gone out to eat even with my peers, let alone juniors. But now that I’m one of the older members, I want to use these opportunities to connect, especially for conversations we might not have otherwise. I hope that by doing this, the group will benefit, and I can help bring us closer together. Nanami: There are two areas I want to work on. First is my talk skills. Recently, I’ve had more fieldwork assignments on TV, and I noticed I lack vocabulary, so I asked my peer, Mimura Hino, who’s basically a vocabulary pro, for advice. She told me to watch comedy routines, so I’ve been watching a lot of those lately.
The second area is performance. I placed fifth in the recent AKB48 Group Singing Contest No. 1, but I wasn’t completely satisfied, wondering, “How did I get this far with my singing?” So I’d like to keep working on my singing as well.
(From The Television web, published 2024/08/23)
#ngt48#akb48#hkt48#ske48#stu48#bnk48#nmb48#cgm48#akb48 team sh#akb48 team tp#klp48#mnl48#jkt48#大塚七海#藤崎未夢#小越春花
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2024.5.17 ~ 新飯塚駅・後藤寺線 キハ140
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takatsuka hiromu // fujimaki kyosuke // ikezaki rihito ✦ ini
#hiromu takatsuka#takatsuka hiromu#hiromu takatsuka avatars#takatsuka hiromu avatars#髙塚 大夢#fujimaki kyosuke#kyosuke fujimaki#fujimaki kyosuke avatars#kyosuke fujimaki avatars#藤牧京介#ikezaki rihito#rihito ikezaki#ikezaki rihito avatars#rihito ikezaki avatars#池﨑理人#ini avatars#avatars 400*640#avatars forum#avatars rpg
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留置場 女たちの告発 手塚千砂子・編著 三一書房 装幀=加藤俊二(プラス・アルファ)
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Mackenyu Arata (who became an internationally popular actor for his roles as the main character in the live-action "Knights of the Zodiac(Saint Seiya)The Beginning" movie and ZORO in the live-action "One Piece") and Min Tanaka star in this serious drama series “House of the Owl”about a Japanese, hidden political and financial mastermind known as the "Owl". https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790365255169904916?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w The owl sees everything with eyes that can see anytime, even in the middle of the night. Seventy-year-old charismatic Ryutaro Ohgami (Min Tanaka) has four children. His eldest son, Ichiro (Masanobu Ando), is unreliable, does not get along with his wife, has a Ginza hostess as his mistress, and is planning a new luxury restaurant without borrowing funds from his father so that he can leave his father's influence. Yumiko (Kyoko Hasegawa), the firm eldest daughter, has two seemingly happy children with her handsome trading company man husband, but her husband is doing shady deals (of a different kind than an interpreter for famous Major-League players) behind her back. The second son, Ryu (Mackenyu Arata), does not get along with his father, and after studying in the U.S., he returns to Japan to work for a small non-profit organization without contacting his family. One day, Ryu bumps into a beautiful American woman while jogging in the park, and her phone falls into the street and breaks. Ryu promises to pay for it, and when he asks for the woman's contact information, she gives Ryu her business card, which says "reporter" on it. Risako (Nakata Seina), the youngest and second daughter, aspires to be a singer-songwriter and is already 25 years old, but she has a natural singing voice and talent for songwriting and is expected to make a major debut. Risako tells her father, Ryutaro, about her dream, but Ryutaro is afraid that Risako will be swallowed up by the darkness of the entertainment world. One night, the son of Takeuchi (Masatoshi Nakamura), a candidate for the next prime minister, is killed after a bar fight. The son was also suspected of being on drugs. The murder suspect is caught, but "commits suicide" in jail. Overall, the story has a cool taste and a serious development. A scandal involving a politician, Ichiro's mistress, Yumiko's husband's ruinous dealings, Ryu starting a relationship with a beautiful reporter, Risako going for her dream, and their lives are vividly depicted. Hisako Manda's restrained performance as Ryutaro's wife, Kyoko, shines. The show's portrayal of the Tokyo club (the one with hostesses)scene, with Tae Kimura's performance as a hostess, adds a touch of realism that makes the show feel all the more authentic. Tae Kimura's performance as the hostess Ryutaro values as a source of information has a realistic feel as if she actually works at a club in Tokyo. What sets "House of the Owl" apart from other Japanese TV drama series is its serious, captivating depiction of the family's struggles, without resorting to over-the-top acting or exaggerated music. There is none of the over-the-top music, over-the-top acting, or over-the-top (unintelligible) jokes that are common in Japanese dramas, nor are there any male celebrities from famous entertainment companies that have caused scandals in Japan, nor any female casts from dozens of female idol group members performing not-so-good songs and dances. Thus, we can calmly observe the whereabouts of this charismatic, mastermind owl, Ryutaro Oogami, and his family. And just as real owls have natural enemies, those who are after "owls" are also heavily represented. If you have watched the episodes carefully, you may be shocked by the series of events that occur in the latter half of the season. The series culminates in a shocking series of events that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next season. This is a must-watch for anyone looking for a drama that offers a glimpse into the complex lives of a family caught up in the world of politics and finance. I can't wait for the second season. #HouseOfTheOwl
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