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crazyfox-archives · 1 year ago
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A painted image of seven deities dating to the Kamakura period (1185-1333) at Tōji Temple (東寺) in Kyoto: on the left, Fugen Bodhisattva (普賢菩薩) & Jizō Bodhisattva (地蔵菩薩); in the middle, Amida Buddha (阿弥陀如来) & Shakyamuni Buddha (釈迦如来) & Yakushi Buddha (薬師如来); on the right, Kannon Bodhisattva (観音菩薩) & Fudō Myōō (不動明王)
Image from "東寺の菩薩像" [Images of Bodhisattvas at Tōji] published by 東寺宝物館 [Tōji Treasure Museum], 1993, page 55
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kyotodreamtrips · 1 year ago
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Several scenes of the temple grounds of Shin-Yakushi-ji in Nara, Japan.
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poddyshobbies · 2 years ago
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参道を背にした前の道 ~ ���に長谷寺
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辻の石塔 ~ 参道は左のブロック塀の手前を左へ。
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2023.6.5 ~ つづく
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shikokunature · 3 days ago
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Kanjizaiji (観自在寺) – A Mahayana Buddhist Perspective
📍 Temple 40 of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage
Kanjizaiji, located in Ainan, Ehime, Japan, is an important stop on the Shikoku Pilgrimage (四国遍路), a sacred journey undertaken by thousands seeking spiritual purification, wisdom, and merit.
This temple enshrines Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来), the Buddha of Healing and Medicine, revered in Mahayana Buddhism as a source of both physical and spiritual well-being. Those who pray to Yakushi Nyorai seek protection from illness, guidance through suffering, and a path toward enlightenment.
A Place of Reflection and Practice
🌿 Why visit Kanjizaiji?
Meditate and reflect in a peaceful temple setting, surrounded by nature.
Connect with the compassionate vows of Yakushi Nyorai, who works to alleviate suffering and lead beings to liberation.
Observe intricate stone-carved Buddhas, each representing different aspects of wisdom and protection.
Walk in the footsteps of generations of monks and pilgrims, deepening your Buddhist practice through mindful travel.
Experience the true essence of dana (generosity) and metta (loving-kindness) as you engage with fellow pilgrims on their spiritual path.
The Shikoku Pilgrimage embodies core Mahayana principles—perseverance, devotion, and the bodhisattva ideal. Many undertake this sacred journey not just for personal enlightenment, but for the benefit of others, carrying prayers and blessings with them.
🙏 Interested in exploring more?
🌍 Visit my Linktree for:
Photography and stock media capturing the beauty of Japan’s temples and landscapes.
Private artwork sales, including prints of Buddhist temples, serene nature scenes, and sacred sites.
Social media and personal website, where I share more about the spiritual and cultural essence of Shikoku.
Buy Me a Coffee, if you’d like to support my work and help me continue documenting Japan’s sacred places.
🎥 For video footage of Japan’s temples, visit my Pond5 portfolio—perfect for those looking for professional stock footage of Buddhist sites, traditional landscapes, and cultural heritage.
🔗 Explore here: https://linktr.ee/shikoku4k 🎥 Pond5 Portfolio: https://www.pond5.com/artist/Shikoku4K?ref=Shikoku4K
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shikoku-news · 3 days ago
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Kanjizaiji (観自在寺) – A Mahayana Buddhist Perspective
📍 Temple 40 of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage
Kanjizaiji, located in Ainan, Ehime, Japan, is an important stop on the Shikoku Pilgrimage (四国遍路), a sacred journey undertaken by thousands seeking spiritual purification, wisdom, and merit.
This temple enshrines Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来), the Buddha of Healing and Medicine, revered in Mahayana Buddhism as a source of both physical and spiritual well-being. Those who pray to Yakushi Nyorai seek protection from illness, guidance through suffering, and a path toward enlightenment.
A Place of Reflection and Practice
🌿 Why visit Kanjizaiji?
Meditate and reflect in a peaceful temple setting, surrounded by nature.
Connect with the compassionate vows of Yakushi Nyorai, who works to alleviate suffering and lead beings to liberation.
Observe intricate stone-carved Buddhas, each representing different aspects of wisdom and protection.
Walk in the footsteps of generations of monks and pilgrims, deepening your Buddhist practice through mindful travel.
Experience the true essence of dana (generosity) and metta (loving-kindness) as you engage with fellow pilgrims on their spiritual path.
The Shikoku Pilgrimage embodies core Mahayana principles—perseverance, devotion, and the bodhisattva ideal. Many undertake this sacred journey not just for personal enlightenment, but for the benefit of others, carrying prayers and blessings with them.
🙏 Interested in exploring more?
🌍 Visit my Linktree for:
Photography and stock media capturing the beauty of Japan’s temples and landscapes.
Private artwork sales, including prints of Buddhist temples, serene nature scenes, and sacred sites.
Social media and personal website, where I share more about the spiritual and cultural essence of Shikoku.
Buy Me a Coffee, if you’d like to support my work and help me continue documenting Japan’s sacred places.
🎥 For video footage of Japan’s temples, visit my Pond5 portfolio—perfect for those looking for professional stock footage of Buddhist sites, traditional landscapes, and cultural heritage.
🔗 Explore here: https://linktr.ee/shikoku4k 🎥 Pond5 Portfolio: https://www.pond5.com/artist/Shikoku4K?ref=Shikoku4K
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shikoku4k · 3 days ago
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Kanjizaiji (観自在寺) – A Mahayana Buddhist Perspective
📍 Temple 40 of the Shikoku 88-Temple Pilgrimage
Kanjizaiji, located in Ainan, Ehime, Japan, is an important stop on the Shikoku Pilgrimage (四国遍路), a sacred journey undertaken by thousands seeking spiritual purification, wisdom, and merit.
This temple enshrines Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来), the Buddha of Healing and Medicine, revered in Mahayana Buddhism as a source of both physical and spiritual well-being. Those who pray to Yakushi Nyorai seek protection from illness, guidance through suffering, and a path toward enlightenment.
A Place of Reflection and Practice
🌿 Why visit Kanjizaiji?
Meditate and reflect in a peaceful temple setting, surrounded by nature.
Connect with the compassionate vows of Yakushi Nyorai, who works to alleviate suffering and lead beings to liberation.
Observe intricate stone-carved Buddhas, each representing different aspects of wisdom and protection.
Walk in the footsteps of generations of monks and pilgrims, deepening your Buddhist practice through mindful travel.
Experience the true essence of dana (generosity) and metta (loving-kindness) as you engage with fellow pilgrims on their spiritual path.
The Shikoku Pilgrimage embodies core Mahayana principles—perseverance, devotion, and the bodhisattva ideal. Many undertake this sacred journey not just for personal enlightenment, but for the benefit of others, carrying prayers and blessings with them.
🙏 Interested in exploring more?
🌍 Visit my Linktree for:
Photography and stock media capturing the beauty of Japan’s temples and landscapes.
Private artwork sales, including prints of Buddhist temples, serene nature scenes, and sacred sites.
Social media and personal website, where I share more about the spiritual and cultural essence of Shikoku.
Buy Me a Coffee, if you’d like to support my work and help me continue documenting Japan’s sacred places.
🎥 For video footage of Japan’s temples, visit my Pond5 portfolio—perfect for those looking for professional stock footage of Buddhist sites, traditional landscapes, and cultural heritage.
🔗 Explore here: https://linktr.ee/shikoku4k 🎥 Pond5 Portfolio: https://www.pond5.com/artist/Shikoku4K?ref=Shikoku4K
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buddhism-lover · 4 months ago
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parisora-ojisan · 7 months ago
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seymourmusicclub · 11 months ago
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petapeta · 16 days ago
昭和の大修理の際の西岡常一棟梁の言葉をまとめた、「法隆寺を支えた木」をぜひ読んでみてください。 1400年経ったヒノキにかんなをかけると、新品のヒノキと同じ香りがするそうです。 瓦屋根の下地には、杉の樹皮が使用されていますが、これも1000年以上前のものだそうです。 1200年前のヒノキですが、新品のヒノキと同等の強度があるという実験が紹介されていました。 ヒノキは、切り出した後から、結晶化が進行し、強度を増していくそうです。 もっとも強度が上がるのは、切断した約200年後。 すべての結晶化が終わってから、強度の劣化が始まると想定されていますが、 1200年経った、現在、切り出したときと同じ強度にまで強度が低下したのではないか、ということでした。 五重塔は、芯柱が子供がしゃがめるぐらい?浮いているらしく、 西岡常一さんは、「たぶん建築中に腐ってきたから、切断したんじゃないでしょうか?」とおっしゃっていました。 キッチンも御風呂場もなく、冷暖房による結露も発生せず、通気性抜群で、雑草はもちろん、日差しを遮る樹木もないような状況であれば、木材は腐るはずがありません。 法隆寺だけではなく、薬師寺の如来、菩薩、東大寺の仁王像、興福寺の阿修羅像、古くからある仏像などは、細い指先までも、一切腐りません。 それより不思議なのは、弥生時代の遺跡から、地下水につかった状態の杉で作られた舟が残っていたり、古墳時代からきれいな壁画が残っていた高松塚古墳を現代人が発掘し、以前と同じ環境を人工的に作り出したら、大量のカビが発生して、壁画が消えかけてしまったりすることのほうが不思議です。 法隆寺では鉄をたたいて作った釘が現在でも活躍しています。 いったん、外したのですが、同じような釘を作ろうとすると、とてつもない手間がかかるようで、同じものを使用することにしたそうです。 なんでも、鉄を何層にも重ねてたたき、さらに重ねてたたくことによって、木の年輪のように作り、奥までさびが進行しないようになっているそうです。 法隆寺に至るまでにたくさんの寺社仏閣が建てられましたが、いずれも数十年で腐ってしまいました。 山田寺など。 現在でも、木曾のヒノキを使用して、伊勢神宮が作られますが、20年ごとに建て替えています。 原因は、ヒノキの柱を地面に埋める工法を採用しているからです。 法隆寺を含めた古いお寺は、仏様を守りたいという先人たちの知恵の結晶なのでしょう。 最近では、現代人が文明を持ち込むため、たくさんの木造建築が破壊されています。 法隆寺の昭和の大修理では、金堂壁画の絵を模写して、保存しようとしていた人が、寒いからと暖房器具を持ち込んだために火事が発生し、法隆寺の金堂は全焼してしまいました。 金閣寺は、放火によって、全焼してしまいました。 東大寺の南大門は、クレーン車が、通行する際に、クレーンが上が���たままになっていることに気づかず、南大門の主要建築材に多大なる破損を与えてしましました。
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moment-japan · 4 months ago
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crazyfox-archives · 1 year ago
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A sculpted image of Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来), the buddha of healing and medicine, enshrined in the Yakushidō Hall (薬師堂) of Chūzenji Temple (中禅寺) in Ueda, Nagano Prefecture
Photo by Butsuzolink (仏像リンク), a twitter account showcasing a fascinating range of regional Buddhist images (December 31, 2023)
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kyotodreamtrips · 1 year ago
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Several scenes of the temple grounds of Shin-Yakushi-ji in Nara, Japan.
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konjaku · 3 months ago
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薬師草[Yakushisō] Crepidiastrum denticulatum
It grows in sunny locations such as forest edges, often exceeds one meter in height. It produces flowers that resemble those of 岩苦菜[Iwanigana](Ixeris stolonifera) and 大地縛[Oojishibari](Ixeris japonica) in late autumn. Yellow stands out, so when it blooms in clusters, the forest appears brighter underneath under a clear sky.
It is not limited to daylight. As the air becomes clearer in the colder months, white and yellow flowers illuminated by moonlight appear to float vaguely in the darkness. As an aside, for a while to come, I like to take walks in nature at night, relying only on the moonlight.
薬師 means 薬師如来[Yakushi nyorai](Bhaisajya-guru, healing Buddha). By the way, the three sculptures called 薬師三尊像[Yakushi sanzon zō] have Yakushi nyorai seated in the center with 日光菩薩[Nikkō bosatsu] and 月光菩薩[Gakkō bosatsu] standing respectively on the side. 三尊 means Buddha triad, 菩薩[Bosatsu] means Bodhisattvas, 日光 means sun light, 月光 means moon light. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_National_Treasures_of_Japan_(sculptures)
Tonight, November 16, the moon is full. But, the fifteenth of the tenth month of the lunar calendar was yesterday, November 15.
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papatomom · 1 year ago
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昼食は「うなぎ料理 徳右ェ門」さん。
〇高野山真言宗 石照山 多田寺(御本尊:薬師如来)
〇比叡山天台宗 霊応山 神宮寺(御本尊:薬師如来)
〇高野山真言宗 延宝山 萬徳寺(本尊 阿弥陀如来坐像)
高齢の名誉住職 田中寛孝(かんこう)さんが説明をして下さいました。
埋石式枯山水庭園が有名。庭園横の座敷の欄間には、小浜藩藩主 酒井忠貫(ただつら)公の水墨画が残されている。また高野山関連で有名な吉祥宝来の切り絵が3点ほど掲げられていた。写真は今年の干支の「兎」
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shikoku4k · 26 days ago
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Discover Onzanji (Temple 18) and Explore Japan’s Cultural Heritage Through Stunning Media
🛕 Onzanji (恩山寺), the 18th temple on the renowned Shikoku Pilgrimage, is a spiritual retreat nestled in Tokushima Prefecture. Dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来), the Buddha of Medicine, this temple offers a serene and peaceful escape for both pilgrims and travelers. Surrounded by lush greenery and traditional Japanese architecture, Onzanji is a site that beautifully blends cultural, historical, and spiritual significance.
One of the symbols frequently seen at this temple is the manji (卍), a Buddhist icon representing peace, harmony, and the Buddha’s teachings. This symbol has been used for millennia in Asian cultures and is NOT to be confused with the Nazi swastika, which is reversed in direction and holds a vastly different meaning.
If you’re captivated by Japanese culture, temples, and natural beauty, my stock media and prints offer a chance to bring these moments into your life or business. Explore the details below to learn how to purchase media for commercial and private use.
Explore and Purchase Media
📸 Wirestock:
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📸 Pond5:
Exceptional drone footage and cinematic visuals, perfect for filmmakers and content creators seeking captivating scenes of Japan.
Private Prints and Designs
🎨 Redbubble:
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An online gallery showcasing my art and designs, available for purchase on various merchandise. Ideal for those looking for unique, high-quality prints.
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Fun and quirky t-shirts featuring designs like molecular diagrams and random artistic ideas.
👕 TeePublic:
Satirical and creative designs on t-shirts and merchandise, with a touch of humor and originality.
🛍 Zazzle:
Focused on Japanese-language designs, this shop offers a variety of print-on-demand products catered to both Japanese and international customers.
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From the stunning temples of the Shikoku Pilgrimage to Japan’s breathtaking natural landscapes, my work showcases the timeless beauty of this country. Whether you’re a traveler, a creative professional, or simply someone who loves Japanese culture, I invite you to explore and support my work.
#ShikokuPilgrimage #88Temples #Buddhism #JapanTravel #TemplePhotography #DroneJapan #CulturalHeritage #StockMedia #TumblrJapan
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