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Gakuen Basara: Sarutobi Sasuke - Gakuen Basara Badge set Vol.1
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千葉真一 Sonny Chiba
1939年1月22日 - 2021年8月19日
猿飛佐助 闇の軍団3 風の巻 2005
Sarutobi Sasuke and the Army of Darkness 3: Wind Chapter
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『イケメン戦国THE STAGE~猿飛佐助編~』早乙女じょうじ&古賀成美のコメント動画公開! - numan
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花鳥誌 令和6年8月号
栗林圭魚選 岡田順子選
令和6年5月2日 うづら三日の月句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
ホロホロと鍬に砕ける春の土 喜代子 亡き猫の声かと覚む春の闇 同 四姉妹母に供へる柏餅 由季子 薫風にうだつの揚る港町 都 青嵐甍の波をひとつ飛び 同
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和6年5月4日 ��の会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
誰待つや水子地蔵と風車 毬子 愛宕山水の匂ひのして立夏 光子 湧水の鯉は真珠になりたくて きみよ 虎ノ門ヒルズそれとも蜃楼 光子 そそくさと愛宕詣での蟻ひとつ 三郎 新しきビルの隙間にある新樹 久 常盤木の落葉は坂の底の底 小鳥 日傘手に男の上る女坂 昌文 虎ノ門ヒルズ這ひ来し蚯蚓かな 美紀
岡田順子選 特選句
新緑の堂宇律する木魚かな 毬子 猿寺のへその緒めきし花藻かな 小鳥 耳に髪かけたる指が蝶を呼ぶ 和子 生まれては緋目高といふ名を借りて 小鳥 風車回らぬほどの風を受く はるか そそくさと愛宕詣での蟻ひとつ 三郎 馬駆けし愛宕山とは蝶ひとつ 俊樹 緑蔭のどれも過去向く拡声器 きみよ
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令和6年5月4日 色鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
壱岐対馬越えて釜山へ卯波立つ たかし 人を待つ昂りに似て卯浪立つ 孝子 春愁はもつれたあやとりの紐 修二 さまざまの風に出合つて若葉かな 孝子 逃水を追ひいくばくの疲労感 修二 しやぼんだま戦火の子らに向けて吹く 朝子 雲雀の巣踏み潰し行く重戦車 たかし チューリップ手足ふつくり乳母車 成子 八方に餓鬼うづくまる黄砂かな 朝子 糸柳お岩は細き指を垂れ 修二 十字架を仰げば風の薫りけり 孝子 廃校の土俵に花の散りしきぬ 朝子 卯波立つ沖を眺めて昼の酒 かおり
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令和6年5月6日 なかみち句会 栗林圭魚選 特選句
柿若葉母の天麩羅語り種 和魚 ふくよかに葉音さらさら風五月 聰 山匂ひ水音響く五月かな 三無 沖へ帆の連なりわくや風五月 聰 パステルを選びて描く若葉山 ことこ 浅間への雑木若葉の葉音きき ます江 岩に波飛び散る光五月来ぬ 秋尚 日に濡るる若葉見上げつ峠越ゆ 三無 鯖街道歩きしところ穂高見ゆ ます江 甥つ子の声変はりして五月来ぬ 美貴 風五月江の電海へ大曲り 三無 思ひやる言葉を選び五月の夜 貴薫
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令和6年5月6日 花鳥さざれ会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
蛇穴を出でて振り向く顔もたず 雪 聞きに来よてふは椿の落ちる音 同 女踏む如く男の踏む椿 同 藤房の先に見えざる風生まる かづを 葉桜の神社まはりを鎮めをり 匠 アイリスを活けてサツチモ聞く深夜 清女 朧夜や母に逢ふ夢覚めやすき 笑子 荷を解けば青き匂ひの莢豌豆 希子 葉桜や旧制校のありし跡 泰俊 万象の輝く五月来りけり 同
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令和6年5月11日 枡形句会 栗林圭魚選 特選句
やはらかき音の騒めき若楓 秋尚 結び目に母の思ひの粽解く 百合子 リハビリを終へて正午や街薄暑 恭子 中子師を偲ぶ五月の句座なりし 亜栄子 樟若葉風に煌めく音静か 秋尚 海の風山の風吹く捩花 亜栄子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和6年5月12日 鳥取花鳥会 岡田順子選 特選句
何某の宿祢の杜やかかり藤 都 花祭瑞雲を呼ぶ釈迦の指 宇太郎 余花の雨幹の裂傷深くして 都 新緑にろ過され朝の息甘し 佐代子 手に湿り春椎茸の肉厚く 和子 葉桜の土手ゆく白き犬曳いて 悦子 老眼のルーペで愛でし花楓 宇太郎
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令和6年5月13日 武生花鳥俳句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
後遺症無いとは云へず蝶の昼 清女 福助の貯金箱あり五月晴 ただし 手鏡の髪なで乍ら土用干し 世詩明 戻り来て剥がす日めくり四月馬鹿 ただし 花卯木友と語りし通学路 英美子 金色の囲む在所や麦の秋 みす枝 夏来るシャンパングラス走る泡 同
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令和6年5月13日 さくら花鳥会 岡田順子選 特選句
紙灯篭復興祈る輪島初夏 みえこ 初夏の列車に恐竜描かれし あけみ 花水木街路にいつか咲いてをり 令子 折紙の金環太き鯉幟 実加 祭町子等のよろこぶ菓子選び 令子
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和6年5月14日 萩花鳥会
鴨ゆきて燕戻りて川住居 祐子 花の雨抜けて仮眠の深夜便 健雄 残されしボール一つに浅き夏 俊文 更衣する間も無くて半袖に ゆかり 水田の浅瀬泳ぐや鯉のぼり 明子 急階段挑みて天守若葉風 美恵子
令和6年5月15日 福井花鳥会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
扁額の一字が読めず梅雨の宿 世詩明 若葉風わらべ地蔵をつつみゆく 笑子 お精舎の風鐸ゆらす梅雨晴間 同 路地裏をしよぼしよぼ歩く梅雨鴉 希子 獣めく匂も混じる草いきれ 泰俊 古りたりな三国祭の誘ひ文 雪 牡丹を切りて一日の贅とせん 同 牡丹に待てば現れさうな人 同 退屈を欠伸してゐる葱坊主 同 椿落つ終の一花と云ふ色に 同
(順不同特選句のみ掲載) ………………………………………………………………
令和6年5月17日 さきたま花鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
葉桜や百葉箱はぽつねんと 月惑 黙祷の黙に扇子の音止まず 裕章 古民家も古木も包む若葉風 泉 せがまるる父の草笛音の出ず 康子 十薬の干されしままに家売られ 順子 蚕豆は反重力の世界とも 月惑 朝日受け夜来の雨に光る薔薇 彩香 道をしへ誘はれ来れば妓楼跡 裕章 薔薇一輪仏に供へ留守頼む 順子 祝酒ちよこに浮き立つ夏の月 同 結跏趺坐する禅堂に蚊は廻る 月惑 お互ひにためらひもなき更衣 八草 母の日や乳を持ちたる大銀杏 紀花 菖蒲田に挙るサーベルの直線 月惑 五月晴れ複々線の縄電車 良江 母の日の無口の兄の大あくび としゑ 掌に乗る子猫にも髭のあり みのり 夏館蒼穹の野へ開け放つ 裕章
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令和6年5月19日 風月句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
万緑を深く映して奥の池 亜栄子 師の句碑に句友の墓碑に黒揚羽 三無 沙羅の花散りて積れる密寺かな 慶月 雨雲の近づく気配蝸牛 久 草むらに昼顔溺れさうに浮く 秋尚 十薬の花もかをりも無縁墓と 亜栄子 D51は永遠や夏野に据ゑられて 久子 新緑のメタセコイアは太古の香 久子 蛙田に昭和の声の残りたる 千種
栗林圭魚選 特選句
子等のこゑ池塘に生るる太藺かな 幸風 鮮やかな青翻へし瑠璃蜥蜴 久 一面の青草の丘登り急 軽象 師の句碑に句友の墓碑に黒揚羽 三無 沙羅の花散りて積れる密寺かな 慶月 暗闇坂薄暑の袖を捲りけり 斉 老鶯やメタセコイアの闇を抜け 亜栄子 新緑の森に山鳩奥の池 経彦 隠沼の静寂破りて蟇 芙佐子 新緑の木漏れ日揺るる年尾句碑 経彦 寺出でて定家かづらの香に触るる 秋尚 キャンパスに続く山道夏薊 久子 花卯木森の昏さに寄り添ひし 斉 草むらに昼顔溺れさうに浮く 秋尚 峠路に仰ぐ卯の花空重く 芙佐子 寄せ墓に甘茶の花の日和かな 亜栄子 ひと筋に姫沙羅の花すつと落つ 秋尚 隠沼にメタセコイアの新樹光 幸風 お絵描きの子らや泰山木の花 斉 野薊のぱつと明るき母の塔 文英 日ざしきて暗さ呼び込む新樹蔭 千種 石仏の眼にも優しきさつき雨 軽象 切株に園児忘れし夏帽子 経彦 菖蒲田の間に間に低き白菖蒲 久子 新緑のメタセコイアは太古の香 同 走り茶を呷り民話の始まれり 経彦 堂前に沙羅の花散る僧の留守 亜栄子 初夏の少し気怠き二人の歩 斉 庫裡裏に零れる実梅夥し 芙佐子 蜘蛛の囲の元禄仏の肩に揺る 慶月
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令和6年5月22日 鯖江花鳥句会 坊城俊樹選 特選句
覗くまじ編笠百合の笠の中 雪 伊勢神楽牡丹の庭に舞ひ納む 同 大蚯蚓這ひ出て暗き穴残る 同 花は葉に店に残りし桜餅 ただし 大杉も岩も当時の夏の庭 洋子 かづら橋渡りきりたる夏の声 紀代美 万緑に全身染まる露天風呂 みす枝 胸奥は語らぬことに草を引く 一涓 春炬燵触れたる足のなかりけり 世詩明
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#25 Requiem
■公演日 2021年9月30日(木)~10月3日(日) ■劇場 シアターサンモール ■作・演出 伊藤マサミ ■Cast 織田信長:北村諒 明智光秀:北川尚弥 濃:舞原鈴 木下藤吉郎:笹岡幸司 徳川家康:健人 柴田勝家:早乙女じょうじ 黒田官兵衛:鷲尾直人 森蘭丸:梅田悠 市:楠世蓮 ねね:櫻井しおり 朝日:藤野あさひ 千利休:岩切チャボ 武田信玄:芹澤良 猿飛佐助:田口司 真田信之:河合健太郎 上杉謙信:伊藤マサミ 上杉景勝:林田寛之 綾御前:稲川実加 浅井長政:小栗諒 三ツ星:伊藤孝太郎 井伊直虎:楠田亜衣奈 巌流:上山航平 高田紋吉 橋本直也 りゅう 小野流星 武藤琢郎 入佐孝明 蝦名祥光 中島健斗 ■Staff 脚本・演出:伊藤マサミ 演出助手:木下マカイ 舞台監督:森貴裕 音響:志水れいこ 照明:島田雄峰 ムービングライト:紺野浩史 美術:宮坂貴司 主題歌:「Requiem」てらりすと 歌唱・歌詞:新良エツ子 作曲:和田俊輔 音楽:今泉翔 映像:常光博武 映像補佐:橋本ぱんだ 殺陣振付:芹澤良 衣裳デザイン・製作:鶴岡寛恵 衣裳協力:小泉美都 衣裳統括:かおりかり��� 小道具協力:高田紋吉 ヘアメイク:青山亜耶 ヘアメイク協力:茂木美緒 スチール撮影・デザイン:圓岡淳 サポートメンバー:山田せいら/矢澤梨央/本宮光/小島麻奈未/山口由希 企画:Office smc 製作:株式会社フォーチュレスト 主催:進戯団 夢命クラシックス ■協力 株式会社コスモ/bpm/合同会社MYSTAR/M.T.Lab/LST/PUMP×EARTH/Atelier caprice orchestra/有限会社礼泉堂/株式会社アイズ/株式会社アービング/株式会社ENA ENTERTAINMENT/株式会社和奏AGENCY/株式会社サンミュージックプロダクション/ワンピースエンターテイメント/スペースクラフト・エージェンシー株式会社/株式会社アルディ/スターダス・21 Neu/ロングランプランニング株式会社/株式会社サンモール劇場 ■あらすじ[公式より] 否な愛、憎しみの螺旋、彷徨う魂魄 雨は男を魔王に変え、炎は魔王を包み込む 蝶が舞う、花は散る、朧の月は骸を明かす それでも止まぬ怨嗟の声が、天を穿つ槍となる 此処に在るは未だ見ぬ戦国 集いし二十五の魂 紡ぎ、爪弾く、死へと向かう歌 #23の主人公だった【石川五右衛門】の父親、【織田信長】の時代。 歴史物でありながら、脚本の伊藤が独自の解釈で描き、 クラシックスの雰囲気を強く出すためにファンタジー要素を多く含んだ作品。 今作のイメージワードは「極彩の死」 信長とその妹、市との間に生まれた近親相姦の子供。歪な愛情。それを外から憎むもの。 愛のゆがみと憎しみも美しく描きながら、信長の死までを描く。 「死」が常に隣にあるからこそ、振り返った時にたとえどんな人生であろうと、 その幕引きが「極彩」であろうとする者たちの死へと向かう歌(ものがたり )――
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❇️真田十勇士✋➰💠 真田十勇士とは戦国時代に、真田幸村に付き従ったとされる10人の家臣なんです‼️ とは言え、物語の創作上の人物ですが、何人かは実在の人物をモデルにしていると考えられているんですよ😃 忍者の「猿飛佐助」や「霧隠才蔵」等が有名ですよね☺️ こうして、他の時代劇と同様に、何度も小説や漫画の題材となり、舞台や映像化もされたんです🎬 #真田十勇士 #真田幸村 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpHhxDbJd0c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I’m handsome, tall, and rich
Chapter 10
Sasuke set his phone on the table, wondering if it had been a misdial.
“What’s up?” Genma asked as he set the abalones on the table.
“Nothing. The abalones look great.” He then turned to look in his family's direction.” If you guys don’t hurry up, I’ll eat it all.”
“Okay,” Sasuke heard Itachi reply.
Genma sat next to him just as Itachi and his mother walked out of the kitchen, his father not far behind.
“You didn’t have to,” Mikoto started.
“It’s nothing. I remember you had mentioned that you wanted to try them.”
“You did? You’re such a dear. You’re almost like a son,” Mikoto gasped.” You should be my son-in-law.”
Fugaku choked on his beer.
“Itachi, Genma, congrats on the engagement,” Sasuke reached for an abalone. Itachi gently smacked his hand.
“Didn’t you just get back with your ex?” Itachi asked Genma.
“I thought you guys ended it for good when he went to study abroad?”
Fugaku almost choked on his beer again. He thought his wife had more tact.
“Sasuke,” Fugaku said as if he’d just remembered something before reaching into one of his pockets.” Be more careful with your stuff.”
He handed over Sasuke’s wallet.”Where?”
“In front of the store.”
Sasuke grabbed the wallet and checked if anything was missing.” When did I drop it?”
Kakashi discarded his coat on his desk before turning on his computer. He rolled up his sleeves and searched Sasuke Uchiha’s employee record.
“Right under my nose.” Kakashi couldn’t help but remember that one day. Sasuke had bumped into him, coupons for his parent’s bakery were scattered on the floor, his hands on his chest as Kakashi held him by the waist. Sasuke’s eyelashes and his smiles, he couldn’t get them out of his head.
His blood boiled as he remembered how Sasuke had lied to him. He didn’t know if he was angrier at himself for not noticing, especially with how weird Sasuke acted around him.
Are you busy? Let’s have lunch near your work.
Kakashi had sent the text a while ago. Now he was waiting for Sasuke to arrive at the restaurant. He wondered what would change if he were to see Sasuke in person after finding out the truth. Would it change anything or would he still be angry?
He lifted his gaze from his phone to see Sasuke walk in. He was wearing his work clothes but styled differently. His button-up was half-tucked and only two buttons in the middle were buttoned up. Sasuke took off his glasses and smiled at Kakashi.
“Sorry, I’m late. Had to go to Gangnam for a meeting.”
“What industry is your company in?” Kakashi avoided looking at Sasuke’s chest, instead, he looked him in the eye.
“ We do anything and everything.”
“Like?” Kakashi took a sip of his tea. He saw Sasuke’s smile drop for a second.
“You know, mugs and air fresheners.”
“You guys spread a wide net, huh?” Kakashi set his cup back down.” It must be hectic. Is that why you’re always busy?”
“ We do anything that’ll turn a profit,” Sasuke chuckled.
“Say, what’s your name based on?”
“Which characters?”
“Why’re you asking?”
“I suddenly realized that I don’t know anything about you,” Kakashi took a sip of his tea.” Yet you know everything about me.”
“We aren’t dating.”
“What if my father asks?” Kakashi crossed his arms.
Sasuke got quiet for a second or two.” Saru (猿) as in monkey. Fēi (飛) as in fly. Zuǒ (佐) as in assist. And, uh, Zhù (助) as in help.”
How long will he keep this up? Kakashi wondered.
“This could’ve been a call or a text.” Sasuke smiled.” Especially since you hate wasting time.”
“You’re right. Let’s get going.” Kakashi stood up and strode towards the exit leaving a very confused Sasuke at the table.
By the time Sasuke caught up to him, he was on the phone with Head Secretary Uzumaki.” Schedule a meeting with Development Team 4 at 2 PM.”
He hung up before turning to Sasuke with a smile.” Where do you work? If it’s on the way-”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. Bye.” He watched Sasuke hurry across the street.
Fuck! If I go in I’ll only draw more attention to myself, Sasuke stood pressed against the hallway wall as he watched the meeting through the door. But someone was missing where is-
“Hey, Sasuke!” Suigetsu waved lazily at him before opening the door.” Didn’t know you were already back.”
President Hatake turned to them. Maybe I should run away and become a monk, Sasuke thought.
“Awfully late, Mr. Uchiha.” President Hatake greeted.
“I’m so sorry, sir.” Sasuke stepped into the room and hastily put his coat on.
“I’m going to need you to redo the ravioli.”
“It’s too expensive.” Kakashi crossed his arms.” Lower it to 20%.”
Sasuke frowned and took a few steps forward before stopping and stepping back. He wasn’t about to pick a fight with his boss. “If you lower it, the quality-”
“Then improve the quality while lowering the price. That’s your job as a researcher.” Kakashi took a step forward. Then another and another.” Take responsibility. Lower the price. Don’t compromise the quality. The nutrition must be balanced. It must be packaged well. It must sell.”
Before anyone knew it, Sasuke had been backed against a desk. “Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
President Hatake turned around and left.
“What’s with you today?” Naruto asked as he closed the door to Kakashi’s office.” Blew off your boyfriend and then scream at an employee?”
“I’m the President and I want them to redo it.” Kakashi took off his coat and draped it on the back of his chair.
“ Okay, but it’s unlike you. And the way you were treating Mr. Uchi-”
“Do you really have no idea who Sasuke Uchiha is?”
“Uh? Sasuke Uchiha is Sasuke Uchiha?”
“No, he’s actually-” Kakashi raised his voice before taking a deep breath.”Is Mr. Sarutobi.”
” What’re you-” Naruto let out a laugh before looking at Kakashi’s face. Naruto's smile fell off his face” Oh.”
“I’ve confirmed it.”
“You’re planning something aren’t you?”
“I’ll take my time making him regret lying to me.” Kakashi sat down.” He messed with the wrong person.”
Sasuke watched as President Kakashi tried the new version of the ravioli. He held his breath as he watched him chew. “Again.”
Sasuke sat alone at the company’s cafeteria, seriously contemplating quitting his job and becoming a monk when he took a bite of something. A lightbulb went off in his head. He stood up and hurried out of the cafeteria, lunch be damned. There was ravioli to be made.
President Hatake rejected that ravioli too.
At this point, Sasuke would rather try his chances in MasterChef or Hell’s Kitchen.
“Again,” President Hatake said as he carried on walking down the hallway.
“President Hatake!” Sasuke angrily set down the tray on the ottoman bench as he let out a sigh.
Kakashi turned to look at him. Suddenly he was almost chest-to-chest with Sasuke.
“Please give me a detailed list of how you want it so we don’t waste anyone’s time,” Sasuke said through gritted teeth.
Kakashi took a step back.” I- I want you to redo it until I’m satisfied.”
He turned back to the direction where he was originally headed before turning back around and stepping around Sasuke.
“You can’t reinvent kimchi,” Karin said as she watched Sasuke.
“I’ll just make some then try to make it work,” Sasuke mumbled.
“I feel kinda bad. Like I’ve kicked a kitten.” Suigetsu frowned.” This is almost torture.”
“Hey, guys,” Genma greeted as he walked in.
“What brings you here?” Juugo asked.
“I have a meeting with the marketing team so I dropped by,” Genma then turned to Sasuke.” Why’re you making kimchi?”
Sasuke just sighed.
“Oh, don’t mind me. Just sit down.” Chairman Hatake walked towards a table alongside President Hatake and Head Secretary Uzumaki.
“Good day, President Hatake, Chairman Hatake.” A couple of people bowed before leaving.
“What have you done to them? They’re all rushing out as soon as they see you.”
“You suddenly showed up. How’d you think they’d react?”
Sakumo rolled his eyes before turning to Naruto.” Are those the new products?”
“Yes. The vegan jjajang is almost ready for trial. The ravioli is being fine-tuned.”
“The ravioli? Weren’t they the last ones to start?”
“There was an unexpected problem.” Kakashi glared at a picture that showed both Chef Shiranui and Sasuke.
“What kind?” Sakumo turned to look at what his son was glaring at.” That’s Mr. Uchiha, right? He was acting weird when I saw him. Especially when I mentioned a partner. He was covering his eye, too.”
“Maybe he was afraid.” Kakashi walked away.
“Afraid of what?”
“I think he meant to say he’s afraid he’s hungry.”
“Then he should probably eat some ravioli.”
“How’re the preparations for the Founding Anniversary Ceremony going?” Sakumo asked.
“Just like last year, it’ll be at our hotel,” Naruto answered. Kakashi was too busy sulking into his food.” Mr. Yu Jae-seok will be the moderator.”
“Really?” Sakumo’s eyes lit up.
Kakashi looked up from his food to see a familiar-looking man walk in. Sasuke looked paler than usual and tired. Kakashi almost felt bad until he saw who he was with.
“I feel bad seeing you work on the ravioli. Again.”
“Don’t sweat it. It’s my job.”
“Let’s go out. My treat. I bet you’re sick of it.”
“Don’t. I want to see people’s reactions to it.”
Genma turned around and frown.” Well, there’s no one here.”
“What? It’s normally packed.” Sasuke turned around and immediately met Kakashi’s eyes. He glared at him. Sasuke turned back around and grabbed Genma by the arm.” You know what, what’s the point of being here if there’s no one? Let’s go out.”
Sasuke basically pulled him out of the cafeteria.
“By the way,” Sakumo asked.” Has Sarutobi-nim been busy these couple of days?”
Naruto choked on his drink.
But neither he nor his father existed at the moment. His mind and eyes had zeroed in on Sasuke as he left.
So now you date someone else. And you show him off? Kakashi pressed his fork into a ravioli. His eyes were still glued to the entrance of the cafeteria.
“Are you listening to me? What are you looking at?”
“Why are you asking about Mr. Sarutobi.”
“Because I want to see him again. He’s a very lively person.” Sakumo smiled.” Try to clear your schedule on a day we can all spend time together.”
“I’ll set up a meeting.”
“What? You want me to go?”
“Father wants to see you again and I can only clear my schedule that day.”
“I’m not free that day.”
“It’s a Saturday. You’re off work.”
“It’s a close friend’s wedding that day.”
“Send me the invitation.” Kakashi took a sip of his wine.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ll send some flowers and wedding gift cash as well,” Kakashi smiled. Sasuke wanted to rip the smile right off his face.” They’ll forgive you for not going.”
“Actually, I’m lying.” Sasuke’s hands gripped his knees as he looked down. He had to make it look convincing.
“What do you mean?” Kakashi raised his eyebrows.
“We might go bankrupt soon, so everyone’s working overtime. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. I apologize.”
“I guess you’ll have to pay the penalty fee then.”
“I know it isn’t much, but please use it for the penalty fee.” Hinata handed Sasuke an envelope.
“You don’t have to.”
“I know.”
“What do I do now?” Sasuke ran a hand through his hair.” What if I go to the Aniversary Ceremony and someone recognizes me?”
“No one will. You look so different.”
Kakashi angrily cleaned Naruto’s apartment.
” Going bankrupt?” He placed some manga volumes back on the bookshelf.” So lying isn’t enough for you? You have to smack talk my company too?”
“Want me to order some food?” Naruto asked as he walked out of the bathroom, his hair still damp.
“It’s fine.” Kakashi walked over to the packages piled up near the entrance.” What’s with all the boxes?”
“Nothing. Just leave them there.”
Kakashi walked over to the pile and grabbed one.” Hyuga Hinata?”
Naruto rushed over to take the package away from him but Kakashi was faster.” The Hyuga Hinata?”
“Yeah… She’s my new neighbor.”
“Why are we going back to yours?” Sasuke whispered as they walked up the stairs.” What if we run into Secretary Uzumaki?”
“That’s why we’re taking the stairs. Just stay in character.”
Hinata opened the door that lead to the hallway only to find Naruto setting some packages in front of her door.
” Maybe I should get him an apartment to clean.” She heard him mutter. She immediately closed the door in Sasuke’s face.
“Mr. Uzumaki. What’re you doing in front of my apartment?”
“Your packages got delivered to my place.”
“Yeah. You used the wrong address by accident.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.
“What’s that?” Hinata asked Sasuke. He stepped out of the bathroom in the spare change of clothes he kept at Hinata’s.
“I found it in a box and set it up.” He walked over to the couch.” It’s not like you to buy things and leave them laying around.”
“It was a gift from the guy on the floor below.”
“Why not unwrap it?”
“I don’t like getting things for no reason. Especially from strangers.” Hinata turned to look at the lamp.” He was hitting on me too.”
“I would’ve rejected it then.”
“I tried to. It sure looks pretty, though.”
“If you say so.”
Neither noticed the small, red light on the lamp.
“Good morning,” Sasuke mumbled as he walked in. Karin, Juugo, and Suigetsu all stared at him with straight faces, not even bothering to return his greeting.
“Morning? Yes. Good? No.” Karin said in her serious tone of voice that meant someone had fucked up big time. Her arms were crossed and her eyes disapproving.
“Sasuke, remember the renewal report for the bucket fish?” Even Suigetsu was serious. He was utterly, royally fucked.” There’s an issue with it. Check it again.”
“Are you serious?” Sasuke bit his lip as his face flushed.” I revised it three times.”
“Were you thorough enough or were you too busy with the ravioli?”
“No. I pulled an all-nighter so I could triple-check everything.” Sasuke’s voice was getting quieter and quieter.
He sat down and turned on his computer. It was taking too long!
“Working yourself half to death? That’s probably why you got the Mega Hit Award! Congrats!” Karin’s voice suddenly became lighter.
She, Suigetsu, and Juugo popped confetti while Sasuke sat there, absolutely dumbstruck.” What?”
“Yes.” Juugo gave him one of his warm smiles.
“Trust me, I heard it myself,” Karin said.
“You’ll get the award from President Hatake himself at the Founding Anniversary Ceremony!” Suigetsu grabbed Sasuke by the shoulders and shook him.
Suddenly Sasuke was back down on Earth.
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#photography#photographers on tumblr#original photography#portrait#cosplay#artists on tumblr#my photos#sengoku basara#sasuke sarutobi
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千葉真一 Sonny Chiba
1939年1月22日 - 2021年8月19日
猿飛佐助 闇の軍団 4 火の巻 完結篇 2005
Sarutobi Sasuke and the Army of Darkness 4: Fire Chapter
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『イケメン戦国THE STAGE~猿飛佐助編~』早乙女じょうじ&古賀成美のコメント動画公開! - numan
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happy birthday, sasuke!
admin fluffy ( ◞・౪・)
#イケメン戦国#猿飛佐助#ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku sasuke sarutobi#ikemen sengoku sasuke#ikesen#ikesen sasuke
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