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hanaoetepice · 2 years ago
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懸案の書類申請が終わったー✨ * あまりに疲れたので、気になっていたグレイズたっぷり、日本の昔のサイズより更に大きいシナモンロールを食べてしまいます。 小さくなったよねぇ、日本のスタバのシナモンロール🥲 * 書類を取る場所がとにかく猥雑で、神経使って、果てしなく疲れた。 やっと書類を手に入れて帰宅したけど、前日から多分ダニにやられてたところが、あちこち酷いことに😨 一難去って、また一難。 ちょっと半泣き。 わんずがいてくれて、良かった。 * Coffee time with my dogs. I have been bitten by mites or ticks or some insects, It’s itchy, swollen, hot and sad. * Anyway, have a happy day, guys. #犬かわいい #犬がいないと生きていけません #元保護犬 #ミントとフィズとプリュノ #マルヨーキー #ミックス犬 #わんず #フィリピン生活 #始まったばかりです #ケソン市 #犬とおやつ #doglovers #ilovedogs #nodognolife #malyorkie #mintandfizzandpruneau #rescueddog #mixdog #newadventure #newlife #philippineslife #quezoncity #coffeetime #theresidenceatcommonwealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CotXPcFvOcO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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koch-snowflake-blog · 2 months ago
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天羽 希純は、日本のアイドル、タレント、アーティスト、モデル、女優、グラビアアイドル。東京都江戸川区出身。ゼロイチファミリア所属。 本名、小松 希純。愛称は「きすみん」「きっちゅー」。ファンの総称は「ちゅー魔」。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 1996年8月12日 (年齢 28歳), 東京都
本名: 小松希純
身長: 164 cm
テレビ番組: アイドルゾーン20時
カップサイズ: G
スリーサイズ: 84 - 58 - 84 cm
「希純(きすみ)」という名前は、氷室京介ファンの父によって、氷室の曲「KISS ME」から名付けられた。
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gdmtblr · 3 months ago
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Without exception, we all grow old and lose many things. Things change, we can do nothing about it.
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But as we age, our appearance seems to decline, yet at the same time, our inner selves become fuller. So many wonderful experiences beautifully illuminate the path we have traveled. Even if it will end someday, our life's journey continues until then.
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Dear my buddy, Hug. You and I are still alive.
So let's walk together on this our beloved Green Road. As long as possible.
Dear my Tumblr's friends.
Sorry for not posting or contacting you for so long.
From May to June, Hug wasn't in the best of health, but on the days when she was feeling well, she was in a good mood and could enjoy long walks. However, now that July has come and the hot weather has continued day after day, she has lost her energy again. Then in August, she developed an acute inflammation accompanied by a high fever, and was temporarily in critical condition.
Fortunately, she recovered, but after extensive medical examination, it was discovered that Hug had a malignant disease. (This was very brutal results, as a regular health check-up in early spring had shown no problems…) And for several reasons, it seems unlikely that she will ever be cured completely, so she will have to live with this nasty disease.
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Currently, her condition is very calm. And today, she has safely reached her 14th birthday, which brings me great emotion. Seeing her smile so broadly makes me really really happy and I can't help but express my heartfelt gratitude.
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“It is not length of life, but depth of life.”
 -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is a phrase I always hold dear, and DOGS live in the “NOW” without worrying about the future. While respecting such dog's way and dignity, I continue to stay close Hug's life.
Happy birthday, Hug!
You keep a smile on your face no matter what the situation.
I am always saved by you, my sweet dear❤️
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parakavka · 6 months ago
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柴犬のカイ11ヶ月🐾 on X: "手作り犬用おっとっとϵ( 'Θ' )϶ 百均の柴犬型を使って。 焼き色が絶妙に柴犬ぽくて可愛い🤎 即完食でした😋 #柴犬 #簡単トースターおやつ #柴犬型かわいすぎる https://t.co/qKNz4wbKoW" / X
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Sean bienvenidos amantes del mundo japonés, a una nueva publicación de actualidad. Dicho esto póngase cómodos que empezamos.
En esta ocasión, vuelvo otra vez a traer malas noticias sobre el país del sol naciente. Veo que la gente es muy burra y muy payasa por intentar ganar unos asquerosos likes de migrantes, comentarios, entre otras cosas, a través de la red social y dárselas de importante, de decir:Mira dónde he estado, mira lo que he hecho, solo con tal de llevar la atención y hacer el ridículo. Este tipo de gentuza no les importa, no les interesa la historia ni la cultura ni nada en absoluto, nada que tenga que ver con alguno de estos puntos mencionados anteriormente o algo similar; solo van a estos países, sobre todo al país desconocido o a países circundantes, porque están de moda y porque está en la sensación máxima ir para quedar bien y decir ante tus amigos o conocidos, Mirad dónde he ido y tú no. Por culpa de gentuza y de peña así, determinadas áreas del país del sol naciente están siendo vetadas para los turistas. Esto no quiere decir que los japoneses odien a los extranjeros y menos a los turistas; lo que odian son determinadas acciones o actitudes de dichos turistas, como subirse, por ejemplo, a la estatua de un perro icónico llamado Hachiko en frente de a estación de Shibuya.
O por ejemplo como el caso de la chilena inculta e inmadura por hacer el postureo en un lugar sagrado para los japoneses para mí es una calumnia y una blasfemia lo que ha hecho la chilena y además para mí es un insulto lo que los turistas están llegando a hacer en Japón convirtiéndolo en un parque de atracciones por favor parad ya de hacer el gilipollas o el imbécil en un país dejad que vaya gente que realmente valore y aprecie cultura, valores costumbres de un país. Temo postear esto en 2025; la raza humana da vergüenza.
Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones. Que pasen una buena semana.
この機会に、私は日出ずる国についての悪い知らせを伝えるために再び戻ってきました。ソーシャルネットワークを通じて、とりわけ移民から嫌な「いいね」やコメントを獲得しようとして、偉そうなふりをして、「私がどこにいたのか、私がどうなったのか見てください」と言う人々は、非常に愚かで非常にピエロであることがわかります。注目を集めて自分を馬鹿にするためだけにやったのです。このタイプの人々は、歴史や文化などにはまったく興味がなく、上で述べた点や同様のものとは何の関係もありません。彼らがこれらの国、特に未知の国や周辺国に行くのは、ファッショナブルだからであり、見栄えを良くして友人や知人に「ほら、私はどこに行ったのに、あなたはどこに行ったの?」と言うのが究極の感覚だからです。 t.このような暴徒や集団のせいで、日出ずる国の特定の地域は観光客の立ち入りが禁止されています。これは、日本人が外国人を嫌い、さらには観光客を嫌っているという意味ではありません。彼らが嫌うのは、例えば渋谷駅前にあるハチ公と呼ばれる象徴的な犬の像に登るなど、観光客の特定の行動や態度だ。
あるいは、例えば、日本人の神聖な場所でポーズをとった無学で未熟なチリ人女性の事件のように、私にとってチリ人女性の行為は中傷であり冒涜であり、また私にとって観光客の行為は侮辱である。日本で何をするか、遊園地に変えるか、その国で嫌な奴や馬鹿みたいな行動はやめて、その国の文化、価値観、習慣を本当に大切にして感謝している人たちを去らせてください。 2025 年にこれを投稿するのは怖いです。人類は恥ずべき存在だ。
Welcome, lovers of the Japanese world, to a new publication of current events. Having said that, make yourself comfortable, we're starting.
On this occasion, I am back again with bad news about the country of the rising sun. I see that people are very stupid and very clownish trying to gain some disgusting likes from migrants, comments, among other things, through the social network and acting like they are important, saying: Look where I've been, look what I've done, just to attract attention and make a fool of themselves. These types of scum don't care, they are not interested in history or culture or anything at all, nothing that has to do with any of these points mentioned above or anything similar; they only go to these countries, especially to the unknown country or surrounding countries, because they are fashionable and because it is the ultimate feeling to go there to look good and say to your friends or acquaintances, Look where I've been and you haven't. Because of scum and people like that, certain areas of the country of the rising sun are being banned for tourists. This doesn't mean that the Japanese hate foreigners and even less tourists; what they hate are certain actions or attitudes of said tourists, such as climbing, for example, the statue of an iconic dog called Hachiko in front of Shibuya station.
Or for example, like the case of the uneducated and immature Chilean woman for posing in a sacred place for the Japanese. For me, what the Chilean woman has done is slander and blasphemy, and for me, what tourists are doing in Japan by turning it into an amusement park is an insult. Please stop being an idiot or an imbecile in a country. Let people who really value and appreciate the culture, values, and customs of a country go there. I'm afraid to post this in 2025; the human race is shameful.
I hope you liked it and I'll see you in future posts. Have a good week.
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nonono-zzz · 1 year ago
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← ドッグランへ行くと思ってウッキウキのゴールデンレトリーバーわん娘 「お友達いっぱいできるかな!? かな!?」 飼い主 「せやな! できると良いな!」 → ドッグランを通り過ぎてだんだんと病院の看板が近づいていることに気がついたゴールデンレトリーバーわん娘… pic.twitter.com/XaH4IMcGHL
— 犬魔人 (@wanwan_majin3) February 17, 2024
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kyokocanary777 · 9 days ago
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azflashjp · 20 days ago
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"Bau", Oyatsu Town CO.,LTD. Mie prefecture, Japan.
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oolongstains · 2 months ago
Naritaya's Furry Land
It all started when @questfortori showed me this post:
That sure is a PC-98 game that says "furries ga suki". I had to know what this was all about. Why does a PC-98 eroge have the word "furries", in English? Why did it devote a whole room to the idea of loving furries? I needed answers!
Like it says in the post, it's from the (in)famous Alicesoft eroge Rance 4.1, but searching for it didn't give me much in the way of results. The text in the screenshot is first-person, out of character text so it read like some kind of a dev room, but even searching for that didn't bring up much - until I found the script itself. And there it is, Naritaya's heroic pro-furry screed:
Nice to meet you. I'm Naritaya. I'm a newbie CG artist who was in charge of the title CG and a few other things this time. This will be my debut work. Anyway, my goal from now on is to steadily increase the number of furry lovers like me and create a game that could be called definitive for that genre (hah). Everyone who loves dog- and catgirls, or things like elves and devil girls (though the nuance is a little different), basically "non-human girls," stand up now! Alice has its tradition of gal monsters, so this shouldn't be just a dream! はぢめまして。成田屋と申します。 今回タイトルCG+αを担当しました新人 のCG描きです。これがデビューの仕事とな ります。以後,よろしくお見知りおきを。 とりあえず今後の目標としては,私と同じ Furries愛好家を地道に増やしてその 手の決定版ともいえるソフトの発売までこぎ 着けたい,と思ってます(笑)。 犬猫その他のどーぶつ娘,(ちょっとニュ アンスが違うけど)エルフや悪魔っ娘等のい わゆる「人間以外の女の子キャラ」の愛好家 の方,今こそ立ち上がりましょう!アリスに は女の子モンスターの伝統もありますから, 決して夢ではない筈です!
So not only is our friend Naritaya a furry fan, he specifically uses the English word "furries" in romaji more than once while expressing his love for furries. This is a Japanese artist who knows and loves the English furry scene. (Keep in mind, this is 1995!) This is where @moomanibe found copies of some of Naritaya's personal art, with the URL still in the watermark, which is what brought us to:
That's right, Naritaya had his own website in the 90s where he posted the anime furries of his dreams, filled with exactly all the kinds of anime art you might remember from the years 1995-2003.
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His art style is distinctively 90s/early 00s anime, but there's that heavy use of "furries" in English again. I could only imagine the kinds of connections he must have had with the English-speaking scene, and then I found it tucked among his outgoing links page:
Yes, that's a link to the "Anime Transformation Archive". I lack the subject matter expertise to fully detangle that site's connections to the broader anime/furry scene but it's pretty clear that, yes, there was some western anime-furry fandom connection happening here. Didn't always see much of that back before social media brought us together across languages.
I'm not sure what he's up to now, but wherever you are Naritaya - hope you're still living the anime furries dream.
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A.K.A - Test Subject No. 59236, Cardboard Combatant
Height: 172cm
Birthday: December 16
Here are some fun cannon facts about Bosch I found out through TAKA-Nakayama's Twitter acc that I don't see a lot of people talking about. Plus all the Bosch content I was able to find on him. I plan to update this as new material is revealed.
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「ボシュ」はナイシャール語で「犬ちゃん」という意味なので基本的には人懐こい性格 - "Boshu" means "dog" in Nayshall, so basically he has a friendly personality.
中国拳法ベース - Chinese Martial Arts Base
モンゴル相撲ベース - Mongolian Sumo Base
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(rough translations)
He's torn between being a cool quiet adult and a child.
He likes to sit in high places.
Leaning against the wall and closing his eyes - tends to do it.
When it comes to Nayshall, he gets emotional.
Suddenly, he shows a childish expression.
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TAKA-Nakayama's answers some questions about Bosch:
(rough translations)
ASK: ボシュくんの好きな食べ物や嫌いな食べ物、もしあればお教え願いたいです…!- I would like to know what foods Bocsh likes and dislikes, if any…!
TAKA-Nakayama: 地元の料理、香辛料(黒胡椒とか)が効いた料理です。メトロシティで食��たペパロニピザも。嫌いな食べ物は特にな良い子です。- Local cuisines and dishes seasoned with spices (like black pepper). Also, the pepperoni pizza he had in Metro City. There's no particular food he dislikes—He's a good boy.
ASK: 教えて頂きたいのですが ボシュ君お酒は飲めますか?- I’d like to ask, Can Bosch drink alcohol?
TAKA-Nakayama: 飲めると思いますが好きではなさそうですね - I think he can drink, but he probably doesn’t like it.
TAKA-Nakayama: 【ボシュくん豆知識】ボシュは幼名。ナイシャールの言葉で「犬」を表す「ボユ」の幼児言葉。- 【Bosch Fun Fact】 "Bosch" is a childhood nickname. It comes from the Nayshall word "Boyu," which means "dog," and is a term used in children's language.
ASK: すみません。では、ボシュが幼名だと大人としての本名が別にあるのでしょうか? それともボシュは子供ですか? この前にお酒が飲めるという情報を見て成人だと思ったのに...! 下手な日本語、すみません。いつもありがとうございます - Apologies. So, if Bosch is a childhood nickname, does that mean he has a different name as an adult? Or is Bosch still a child? I thought he was an adult since I saw information earlier that said he could drink alcohol…!Sorry for my clumsy Japanese, and thank you as always.
TAKA-Nakayama: 당신의 일본어는 훌륭합니다. Nayshall에서는 성인 연령이 특수하기 때문에 아직 어린 시절의 이름 만 있습니다. - Your Japanese is excellent. In Nayshall, adult age is special, so he still only has his childhood name.
ASK: あとボシュの苗字の「Waraya」の読み方だけ本当に教えて欲しい 公式さま これもいつかどこかのタイミングで何卒… - Also, I really just want to know how to pronounce Bosch's last name, "Waraya." Mr. Official, please, if you could share this at some point in the future…
TAKA-Nakayama: 「ワラヤ」です。お父さんの名前は「ハルバ=ラジ=ワラヤ」です。ユアは幼名で「お魚」の意味です。- It's "Waraya." His father's name is "Halba-Raji-Waraya." Yua is a childhood name meaning "fish."
Bosch being so much of a 'Straight Shooter' he's never hung around much with people.
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What Bosch experienced in "Neo-Shadaloo's" Base when he was Kidnapped by Juri
Report on Test Subject No. 59236
Subject experienced intense pain before fainting after being infused with Psycho Power.
Subject awakened and had violent outbursts. Eventually fainted due to reaching their physical limits.
Subject confirmed to withstand a great deal of Psycho Power. Body was modified to increase its strength.
Subject acclimated to Psycho Power over a number of days and was able to act as a solider in a number of weeks.
Psycho Power dosage was increased each time the subject mentioned "Nayshall" or "Yua"...
The output of power was too strong. The subject was consumed by Psycho Power. Frequency of violent outbursts increased.
Subject was considered not fit for soldier duty, and was demoted to Cardboard Combatant status.
The fact that Bosch was accumulating well to Psycho power but was eventually overtaken by it because they kept upping the dose.
A piece of scrap paper written by Bosch at the lab
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(rough translations)
Developer's Comment
Since the World Tour took on its current form, Bosch has been considered an important character. He’s a necessary figure for both introducing players to the country of Nayshall, which appears in the game, and for the protagonist’s growth. Though blunt and struggles to express his emotions, he's a serious and kind young man. -Director: Nakayama
Bosch without his Chuba
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Small tidbits
In interactions with Yua, she said that Bosch always talked about wanting to get stronger, that's why he went to America.
Yua said that Bosch called her once when he was in America and he said that the pizza was good.
Yahriki is the fighting style that Bosch and Rewancha used. It was called the "martial art of illusion" in the game. Later on, Bosch uses the combination of Yahriki, Luke's MMA style, and Psycho Power.
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Nayshall's Flag vs The Resistance's Flag
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Bosch's profile picture
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Camera shy-Bosch
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months ago
ことわざ 19/?
ことわざ are Japanese proverbs, and I have listed some basic proverbs, their equivalents in English, and a rough translation of the meanings of the Japanese phrase.
There is a test for ことわざ called the ことわざ能力検定 (ことわざのうりょくけんてい) and these are some of the phrases that appear in level 8 or 8級 (10 being the lowest level). For the time being, try one or two of these out the next time you speak with a native Japanese speaker!
More ことわざ (こと検9級): 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 Even More ことわざ (こと検10級): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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happiness taken for granted
from the play The Blue Bird, where two siblings search for the bluebird of happiness while the bluebird was actually in a cage in their home all along
① suddenly
② without warning; out of nowhere
the way birds take off from under foot as you approach
one who runs after two hares will catch neither
a spider trying to get both flies and bees catches neither
little strokes fell great oaks
a hole dug by an ant can collapse a dam
a snail's pace
an ant's walking pace
a tight perimeter
so tight there is no space for an ant to crawl out
sharp as a tack
rip out the eye from a living horse
a difference of opinion; a discrepancy
a difference of opinion that doesn't line up like the bill of a crossbeak (bird)
a game of cat and mouse
playing weasel
hitting the panic button
a weasel's last-ditch fart
like talking to a wall
teaching the Analects of Confucius to a dog
chasing your tail
a dog running in circles trying to bite its tail
a dog is loyal to its master, a cat, to its home
a dog sticks by a person and a cat sticks with its home
dog is man's best friend
feed a dog for 3 days, it won't forget that kindness for 3 years
a disorganized mob
like a group of crows together (also 烏合の衆)
from a story where an old lady sees the neighbor's cow pull her garment off the clothesline, so she chases it and ends up visiting Zenkoji Temple, where she is enlightened
a snail's pace
a cow's walking pace
to trade a loser for a winner
switch from riding a cow (slow) to riding a horse (fast)
the unwashed masses
all manner of beings having form or lacking form
a long, narrow interior
an eel's bed
① upward momentum
② skyrocketing; going through the roof
a rising line that looks like an eel
a poor man's …
a crow imitating a cormorant
① to take at face value
② to swallow hook, line and sinker
to swallow something whole like how a cormorant eats
search like a hawk
cormorant eyes and hawk eyes (birds that search for prey from the sky and dive in for the kill)
to get along well; to have a lot in common
like a perfect match of rider and horse
walk a mile in someone else's shoes
ride a horse or spend time beside a person before you judge them
raining here but clear the next town over
like how rain will divide a horse's back, water runs down one side and the other stays dry
like talking to a wall
speaking Buddhist prayers into the ear of a horse
goes together like spaghetti and meatballs; goes together like eggs and bacon
goes together like plums and nightingales
the small-minded cannot comprehend the ambitions of the great
how can small birds like swallows and sparrows understand the will of large birds like geese and swans
an old horse never loses its way
an old horse never forgets the road home
parroting; blindly repeating
returning words like a parrot
a fish out of water
a kappa up on land
of the same stripe
badgers of the same hole
what horrible fate awaits us…?
will a demon come out? or just a snake?
while the cat's away the mice will play
laundry while the demon is not here (demon is a metaphor for the head of the household; 洗濯=命の洗濯 meaning to take a load off and relax)
beaming with pride
like you took the head of the demon
to everything there is a season
even demons are lovely at 18, a flower blooms even from Bancha (coarse tea)
embellished; a tall tale
a story with a tail fin stuck on
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koch-snowflake-blog · 1 year ago
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大原 優乃は、日本のグラビアアイドル、女優、ファッションモデル、ダンサー、YouTuberである。エイベックス・マネジメント所属。Dream5の元メンバー。 鹿児島県川内市。 神村学園高等部卒業。 ウィキペディア
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出生地: 鹿児島県 鹿児島市
生年月日: 1999年10月8日 (年齢 24歳)
身長: 154 cm
カップサイズ F
学歴: 神村学園高等部 (2018年)
事務所: エイベックス・マネジメント
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gdmtblr · 1 year ago
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November 3, 2023
My dog,“HUG” celebrated 13th birthday.
In the case of a medium-sized dog, in terms of human age, that's about 80 years old. And if a dog's life is compared to the four seasons, it is almost time to enter the winter period.
However, there is no need to think of it pessimistically. Because, winter is the most comfortable season for Hug, who is resistant to cold👍🏻🐶💙
Also, with Nico coming to our pack, Hug seems to have found new purpose in her job as an “educator'', and was able to survive the difficult summer in a healthy manner. Ahhh, Hug! You are truly amazing💕 (And THANKS, Nico!!💕)
I always wish her health and happiness.
Dear Tumblr’s friends.
Hug is always grateful for your kind messages and daily support✨🐶✨🐾🐾
●十一月: 霜月ともいう。立冬(十一月八日頃)を迎えるがまだ寒くはなく、空も野山も澄みとおる頃である。暖かな日和が続くかと思えば、ときに時雨たり霜の降る日も増えてくる。
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parakavka · 1 month ago
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(1) きむよしと柴犬はる on X: "おやつください🥹 https://t.co/X0BPwes3Ch" / X
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flamingo-studies · 5 months ago
日本語ブログ ようこぞ!/ Welcome to my Japanese language blog!
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日本語で:初めまして! フライともうす。 5年くらい前に日本語が勉強している。日本へ行ったことがないんだけど、ぜひ行きたいやねん。いつか日本で勉強したいも。今自分で習っている。趣味は 漫画を読むとか、犬と散歩に行くとか、カンピンやねん。
私は スペイン語とか、英語とか、日本語が はなせる。イタリア語少しんだけど。
英語:Hi! My name is Fry. I''ve been studying Japanese for 5 years or so. I've never been to Japan but I definitely want to go. I'd like to study in Japan someday as well. Right now I'm studying on my own. I like to read manga, walk my dogs and go camping.
Although kanji is a bit hard, I think it's pretty cool. Also Kansaiben (Kansai's dialect) is very cool too.
I can speak Spanish, English and Japanese. And just a little bit of Italian.
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Like/Reblog if you're another langblr, or studyblr in general or post any of the following, so I can follow you!
haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, fullmetal alchemist, one piece
anything japan related
nature or plants
art, literature
any variety of academia blog
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languagelvlup · 9 months ago
Get To Know Me: 日本語 Edition
(i'm not a native japanese speaker so my grammar won't be perfect, and yours doesn't have to be either!!!)
お元気ですか? はい、元気ですw
お名前は何ですか? Languagelvlupと申します
何歳ですか? 秘密だけど、20代です!
ご出身はどこですか? アメリカ出身です
しゅみはなんですか? 本を読むこと、アニメを見ること、ピアノを弾くこと、Nintendo Switchをすること
どのくらい日本語を勉強していますか? 5年間
日本に行ったことがありますか? はい、あります!日本に住んでいます:)
好きな食べ物は何ですか? おすし、やきとり、タコス
映画と本、どちらが好きですか? 映画のほうが好き
好きなアニメ・マンガはありますか? たくさんあります!FMA、犬夜叉、ナナ、JJK、フリーレン、デスノート、HxH
秋・冬・春・夏:季節はいつが好きですか? 秋がいい!
JLPTを受けたことがありますか? ある。去年の12月にN2を合格した:)
好きなテレビゲームがありますか? ペーパーマリ��、ペルソナ5
ペットを飼っていますか? 飼ってないけど、インコが欲しい
前の誕生日は何かをしましたか? 彼氏とカフェに行って、おいしいケーキを食べた<3それから、公園に行って、散歩したり、コイに餌をあげたり、ゆっくりしたりした。楽しかった!
I'll tag a few blogs just to get us started, but I'd love anyone to fill this out, so please tag me if you do it so i can read yours!! And no pressure to do it if I tag you <3
@expiationist @earianne @dokushoclub @jlang-gen @orch1dd
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