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languagelvlup · 7 months ago
love how there's no single correct path to language fluency
when i was teaching English to little kids, we always used vocabulary sets that we thought would appeal to them, so we did colors and sports and numbers (which I think fall into the category of beginner vocab for adults as well) but also things like schoolyard games (rock paper scissors, tag, etc) and aquatic animals.
sure adult learners will study the names a handful of the most common critters, but most standard beginner textbooks don't cover a wide variety of animal names
so anyway I just think it's funny that every child in my class could name like 50 animals in english, but not a single one of the friends I study with (we are all intermediate+) has been able to tell me how to say seahorse in Japanese
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december-moon3 · 5 months ago
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parfaitstars · 1 year ago
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Assorted LLU doodles
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panicfast · 10 months ago
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the sillies …..
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chestcongestion · 7 months ago
// innuendo but no actual sex A snippet from a thing that I think I'm going to end up scrapping but I do like this part though.
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hzbinnerdlover · 8 months ago
Hey y'all! I did see that the Mammon fic won the polls a couple days ago and I promise I'm working on that, I've just been super slammed and overworked from my job as of recently. Imma try to get it out there as soon as I possibly can! Hopefully within the next few days. Appreciate your guys' patience <3
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nunu-draws · 5 months ago
since English it’s not my first language I had to check and read that post like….. six or seven times to make sure that it was understandable somehow
pinche madre estoy hasta la verga del inglés ya a la verga todo taco taco burrito burrito nacho taco chimi changa
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bokettochild · 1 year ago
Hi Ketto! I hope I'm not disrupting something,but can you give the links to your fics where Ralph is mentioned? I mean,you are the only writer I've seen who writes about Ralph. I'm totally delusional about him /hj
Anyways,have a great day☆
I think I only have the three:
Before Duty Draws Apart
To Seek Hyrule's Star
Forgotten Countdown
He also appears in A Bride for Hyrule's Prince, but that's abandoned and...yeah.
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spyridonya · 8 months ago
wotr ask game, 7, 9 and 10 for Kadira?
Knight Commander Ask Game
Some replies hidden for followers who haven't played the game due to spoilers! Links head to spoilers!
Crow~! Thank you for asking! I answered 7 and 9, but I hate the idea of not giving you something to read! So, I rolled a 1d30 to also answer 16 and 26 along with 10 (... no like, Kadee loves food so like, she'd have a ton of favorite meals)!
10) What would be the meal that give them a little ability bonus
Rice bread was one of the meals her grandfather talked about and did his best to make when Kadira was a little girl. Prior to Deskari destroying the land, a semi-wild rice was a common staple among her grandfather's people. During good seasons, her great-great-grandmother would grind rice and other wild grains to make a bread that has a texture similar to cornbread. Her grandmother once had enough staples one year for Crossing Day to make the bread, and Kadira day dreams of it ever since. This probably would give her more than a little bonus!
17) If they survived, what is their life post crusade?
Despite everything, Kadira makes it through the crusade. Two months after it ends, Kadira has her emotional breakdown because she never thought she'd live this long, what else is she good for? Logically, she knows that the arms of the Upper Planes would welcome her, what the hell would she do? Her life until then had been horror after horror, her childhood stole, her teen hood robbed, and her young adulthood isolated.
Despite his own quarter life crisis in becoming free of the Other, Daeran proved his love for her was genuine during better or for worst, and pointed out that this would be likely the best time they experience together, "So far." Their wedding was held for several months while both recovered in Kyonin (with Liotr dropping by like clock work) and the Angel Squad taking over for the mechanics of the Sakorian Return. Two months before the anniversy of her return from the Abyss to Golarion, she gathered the Angel Squad together and used Planar Shift.
Not long after, Baphomet suffered the same fate as Deskari.
Kadira would return to Drezen a year after her breakdown and several months into her marriage. While they'd never quite be normal, both Daeran and Kadira lost their childhood, the years after they would grow stronger with the possibility of both she and Daeran becoming an advisor to during Mendev's change from theocracy to a republic.
Kadira would later be seen as the founding Mother of New Sakoris, holding a title of 'Watcher' and becoming an advisor to Sakorians and Kellids returning to their country.
19) How did they feel during their time in the Abyss?
Hey, guess who spent her early 20s in the abyss with a chaperon while taking military classes from demons, angels, and devils? That's right! Kadira! Who basically shaped her entire concept of physical beauty and desire from a corrupted vision and applied it to herself? Yup, it was Kadee! Guess which girl had every mean girl succubus in the midnight isles come to mock her? Who knew it was Kadee?
There's a sinking dread that she knows this horrific city and all the horrific things in it and she hates every instance of it. And unlike Lost Chapel, she couldn't have one single day to get drunk and cry on someone's shoulder (well, depends on the LI). While Arue is fighting with all the awfulness of her past and fearing what she's done, Kadira is growling at every goddamn demon she sees, and finds herself leaning more to violence. There was nothing more delightful than buying goods from slavers and then killing them and freeing their slaves.
Baphomet was not only dealing with the Angel Warding from the Angel Squad, but he was dealing with a furious tiefling who was dealing with the fact how much of her life had been taken from her.
TLDR - She really hated her time in the Abyss.
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languagelvlup · 2 months ago
So...I got really burnt out with my N2 materials and decided to go back to studying easier stuff to try to get myself motivated again, and it helped a lot!
I started reading NHK's News Web Easy again. For those who haven't heard of it, it's a website that puts out 4 short, easy news articles every weekday. They're usually around 300 characters, furigana can be toggled on/off, and they come with audio. People usually say the level is N4-N3 (but they're not created with the JLPT in mind, so make of that what you will).
I dropped Web Easy out of my schedule because I thought after passing N2, I "should" be reading regular news articles instead of the easy versions. What happened with that? Reading regular news is super painful and time-consuming for me, and while it can be good practice during a focused study session, it was not something I could do for fun. So instead of getting 15 minutes of casual reading practice every morning, I ended up doing...nothing.
Are the Web Easy articles easy? Yes. But I'm still getting 1-2 new vocabulary words almost every day which is a lot better than 0.
tl;dr Don't be too proud to review or use "easier" study materials. Do what feels good, not what "should" match your level based on ambiguous criteria. Consistency is king.
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hedgiebites · 2 years ago
Rire fuckers are gonna love my next piece bc this shit is GOOD
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parfaitstars · 1 year ago
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panicfast · 1 year ago
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couple o rootin tootin sibling tiefs
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chestcongestion · 8 months ago
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I'm losing my marbles adfsdfdfg I love himmm
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xneoncrayon · 1 year ago
I keep posting things to the wrong blog HELP ME
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sunsrefuge · 2 years ago
WAAAHHHH i need to get a second art party batch out 🥺 i have so many more screenies..
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