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Happy Birthday Syuusuke お誕生日おめでとう斉藤秀翼!! . 30歳おめでとうございます🖤🦖 . からの俳優 獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー . キョウリュウブラック/イアン・ヨークランド . Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Ian Yorkland Kyoryu Black . Next is Tamon on March 5 ( Arlequin ) Jun Shison/Right Suzuki on March 5 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger ) Ryo Yokohama/Sakuya Hikawa on March 7 ( Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger ) Birthday . 2023年03月01日 3 / 1 / 2023 #獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー #キョウリュウブラック #イアンヨークランド #斉藤秀翼 #誕生日 #おめでとう #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #ディアボリックラヴァーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォロー返し100 #フォローバ100 #zyudensentaikyoryuger #kyoryublack #ianyorkland #syuusukesaito #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #powerrangersdinocharge #followalways #likesforlike @syuusuke.s https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRUTvZNM_R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Kill them with kindness" Wrong. CURSE OF MINATOMO NO YORITOMO
アイウエオカキクケコガギグゲゴサシスセソザジズゼゾタチツテトダ ヂ ヅ デ ドナニヌネノハヒフヘホバ ビ ブ ベ ボパ ピ プ ペ ポマミムメモヤユヨrラリルレロワヰヱヲあいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとなにぬねのはひふへほまみむめもやゆよらりるれろわゐゑを日一国会人年大十二本中長出三同時政事自行社見月分議後前民生連五発間対上部東者党地合市業内��方四定今回新場金員九入選立開手米力学問高代明実円関決子動京全目表戦経通外最言氏現理調体化田当八六約主題下首意法不来作性的要用制治度務強気小七成期公持野協取都和統以機平総加山思家話世受区領多県続進正安設保改数記院女初北午指権心界支第産結百派点教報済書府活原先共得解名交資予川向際査勝面委告軍文反元重近千考判認画海参売利組知案道信策集在件団別物側任引使求所次水半品昨論計死官増係感特情投示変打男基私各始島直両朝革価式確村提運終挙果西勢減台広容必応演電歳住争談能無再位置企真流格有疑口過局少放税検藤町常校料沢裁状工建語球営空職証土与急止送援供可役構木割聞身費付施切由説転食比難防補車優夫研収断井何南石足違消境神番規術護展態導鮮備宅害配副算視条幹独警宮究育席輸訪楽起万着乗店述残想線率病農州武声質念待試族象銀域助労例衛然早張映限親額監環験追審商葉義伝働形景落欧担好退準賞訴辺造英被株頭技低毎医復仕去姿味負閣韓渡失移差衆個門写評課末守若脳極種美岡影命含福蔵量望松非撃佐核観察整段横融型白深字答夜製票況音申様財港識注呼渉達良響阪帰針専推谷古候史天階程満敗管値歌買突兵接請器士光討路悪科攻崎督授催細効図週積丸他及湾録処省旧室憲太橋歩離岸客風紙激否周師摘材登系批郎母易健黒火戸速存花春飛殺央券赤号単盟座青破編捜竹除完降超責並療従右修捕隊危採織森競拡故館振給屋介読弁根色友苦就迎走販園具左異歴辞将秋因献厳馬愛幅休維富浜父遺���般未塁貿講邦舞林装諸夏素亡劇河遣航抗冷模雄適婦鉄寄益込顔緊類児余禁印逆王返標換久短油妻暴輪占宣背昭廃植熱宿薬伊江清習険頼僚覚吉盛船倍均億途圧芸許皇臨踏駅署抜壊債便伸留罪停興爆陸玉源儀波創障継筋狙帯延羽努固闘精則葬乱避普散司康測豊洋静善逮婚厚喜齢囲卒迫略承浮惑崩順紀聴脱旅絶級幸岩練押軽倒了庁博城患締等救執層版老令角絡損房募曲撤裏払削密庭徒措仏績築貨志混載昇池陣我勤為血遅抑幕居染温雑招奈季困星傷永択秀著徴誌庫弾償刊像功拠香欠更秘拒刑坂刻底賛塚致抱繰服犯尾描布恐寺鈴盤息宇項喪伴遠養懸戻街巨震願絵希越契掲躍棄欲痛触邸依籍汚縮還枚属笑互複慮郵束仲栄札枠似夕恵板列露沖探逃借緩節需骨射傾届曜遊迷夢巻購揮君燃充雨閉緒跡包駐貢鹿弱却端賃折紹獲郡併草徹飲貴埼衝焦奪雇災浦暮替析預焼簡譲称肉納樹挑章臓律誘紛貸至宗促慎控贈智握照宙酒俊銭薄堂渋群銃悲秒操携奥診詰託晴撮誕侵括掛謝双孝刺到駆寝透津壁稲仮暗裂敏鳥純是飯排裕堅訳盗芝綱吸典賀扱顧弘看訟戒祉誉歓勉奏勧騒翌陽閥甲快縄片郷敬揺免既薦隣悩華泉御範隠冬徳皮哲漁杉里釈己荒貯硬妥威豪熊歯滞微隆埋症暫忠倉昼茶彦肝柱喚沿妙唱祭袋阿索誠忘襲雪筆吹訓懇浴俳童宝柄驚麻封胸娘砂李塩浩誤剤瀬趣陥斎貫仙慰賢序弟旬腕兼聖旨即洗柳舎偽較覇兆床畑慣詳毛緑尊抵脅祝礼窓柔茂犠旗距雅飾網竜詩昔繁殿濃翼牛茨潟敵魅嫌魚斉液貧敷擁衣肩圏零酸兄罰怒滅泳礎腐祖幼脚菱荷潮梅泊尽杯僕桜滑孤黄煕炎賠句寿鋼頑甘臣鎖彩摩浅励掃雲掘縦輝��軸巡疲稼瞬捨皆砲軟噴沈誇祥牲秩帝宏唆鳴阻泰賄撲凍堀腹菊絞乳煙縁唯膨矢耐恋塾漏紅慶猛芳懲郊剣腰炭踊幌彰棋丁冊恒眠揚冒之勇曽械倫陳憶怖犬菜耳潜珍
“kill them with kindness” Wrong. CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆
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My YouTubeは再生回数100以上〔2日分の合計〕設定してます!
#三宅正治 アナ、12.5年間お疲れ様でした。#めざましテレビ #なにわ男子 から贈る言葉
#虎に翼、今年の優勝した球団〔ホークス〔済〕⇨ドジャース〔#大谷翔平 投手・山本由伸投手の移籍初地区優勝〕⇨巨人 〔まもなく〕〕、#さユり さんは天国へ、石破内閣誕生へ 等
and more....
#佐々木蔵之介 💙��
西島秀俊 🖤🍩
阿部サダヲ 🧡⚾️
#堺雅人 ❤️🦌
戸次重幸 💜🤖
片岡愛之助 💖🍓
#kinkikids 💙🎸❤️✝️ 剛〔エントリケリー〕の新曲 ザッツミー
6/7、#tiktok は著作権が厳しく永久削除になってしまうため、28日にもって退会〔引退〕をすることになりました。
今月は気をつけて https://ameblo.jp/kurushige/entry-12831208362.html
インスタの調子が悪い〔#インスタ不具合 の〕時は
もし、よかったらYouTube チャンネルを登録してね。
現在のInstagram は監督委員会 から違反されていますが、期限切れになると送れなくなるからご勘弁を。
これからも見守る。 扇動行為 破壊活動防止法 tictok instagram 謝罪
#誹謗中傷 拘禁刑 ←#炎上
旧創業者の事務所であるSmileUP 社の救援,ウクライナ、台湾東部、石川県能登地方の#支援・医療期間 を行っております。
#斉藤慎二 さんが全て番組を降板
My #YouTube 2024.9中間チェック #動画 再生回数 ・#検索語句 〔古〕いにしえロマンティック
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#酒井大成 #渡辺碧斗 #村上愛花 #平川結月 #志田こはく #宮崎あみさ #佳久創 #樋口幸平 #別府由来 #タカハシシンノスケ #池田匡志 #川名輪太郎 #竜星涼 #斉藤秀翼 #今野鮎莉 #飯豊まりえ #加藤弘之 #坂本浩一 #キングオージャー #ドンブラザーズ #キョウリュウジャー
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進戯団 夢命クラシックス×07th Expansion vol.7 うみねこのなく頃に~Stage of the golden Witch~
■公演日 2022年3月31日(木)~4月3日(日)
■劇場 CBGKシブゲキ‼
■原作 竜騎士07
■脚色・演出 伊藤マサミ
■Cast 右代宮戦人:川隅美慎 右代宮譲治:伊藤孝太郎 右代宮朱志香:青木陽菜 右代宮真里亞:阿部恵理奈 右代宮蔵臼:高橋広樹 右代宮夏妃:舞原鈴 右代宮秀吉:佐藤圭右 右代宮絵羽:平湯樹里 右代宮留弗夫:森山栄治 右代宮霧江:矢澤梨央 右代宮楼座:滑川恭子 呂ノ上源次:船木まひと 紗音:MIO 嘉音:YAE 郷田俊朗:小磯一斉 熊沢チヨ:青田いずみ 南條輝正:加藤隆浩 右代宮金蔵:石坂勇
アンサンブル 山田せいら 倭香 渡部加奈 本宮光 ※声の出演
声の出演 大原さやか
■Staff 演出助手:小島麻奈未 舞台監督:森貴裕(M.T.Lab) 音響:志水れいこ/古川直幸 照明:島田雄峰(LST) ムービングライト:紺野浩史(LST) 美術:宮坂貴司 映像:常光博武 衣裳:鶴岡寛恵 衣裳製作:佃彩可/市川ひとみ/秋山智美 小道具:高田紋吉(PUMP×EARTH) ヘアメイク・カツラ製作:茂木美緒 ヘアメイク協力:杉浦なおこ スチール撮影・デザイン:横山隆人 映像収録:EventBox合同会社 主題歌:「片翼の鳥」(歌詞・歌:志方あきこ/作詞:波乃渉/作曲:志方あきこ) サポートメンバー:芹澤良/かおりかりん/山口由希(以上、進戯団 夢命クラシックス) 企画:office smc 製作:株式会社フォーチュレスト 主催:進戯団 夢命クラシックス/株式会社フォーチュレスト
■協力 07th Expansion/株式会社イールフラッグ/うみねこのなく頃に 咲~猫箱と夢想の交響曲~/株式会社フロンティアワークス/株式会社コスモ/bpm/合同会社 MYSTAR/PUMP×EARTH /M.T.Lab/LST/株式会社キャストコーポレーション/株式会社オフィス24/株式会社ブシロードムーブ/THE CONVOY/株式会社マック・ミック/株式会社サンミュージックプロダクション/株式会社YKエージェント/有限会社タイムリーオフィス/株式会社ぷろだくしょんバオバブ/ABP/LUCKUP/俳協/ロングランプランニング株式会社/吉田夢唯/彩禾
■協賛 株式会社オーイズミ/株式会社エルフィン
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View this post on Instagram A post shared by 斉藤秀翼/SYUUSUKE SAITO (@syuusuke.s) GACKT’s New Year’s party.How many years has it been since we were all able to get together like this?It was great to see the old members again.It was a very nice evening. La festa di Capodanno di GACKT.Quanti anni sono passati da quando siamo stati tutti in grado di stare insieme in questo modo?�� stato bello rivedere…
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#Aesthetic School#Aestheticism#ヴェルサイユ#Bara no Matsuei#Chateau Agency#Descendants of the Rose#耽美召ませ#薔薇の末裔#Japanese artist#Japanese Composer#Japanese Music#Japanese Producer#Japanese singer#Jmetal#Jpop#JROCK#KAMIJO#KAMIJO 2017#KAMIJO eng#KAMIJO info#KAMIJO information#KAMIJO informations#KAMIJO instagram#KAMIJO ita#KAMIJO ITALIA#KAMIJO Italian#KAMIJO Italy#KAMIJO Lestat#KAMIJO Louis#KAMIJO NEWS
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[Pics] 舞台「文豪とアルケミスト 捻クレ者ノ独唱」(butai bungou to alchemist hinekuremono no aria)
visuals update under the cut^^
Akazawa Ryoutarou as Tokuda Shuusei (徳田秋声)
Yamazaki Shougo as Izumi Kyouka (泉鏡花)
Kominami Kouji as Satou Haruo (佐藤春夫)
Saitou Shuusuke as Kunikida Doppo (国木田独歩)
Masaki Kaoru as Kawabata Yasunari (川端康成)
Sawabe Neo as Satomi Ton (里見弴)
Tamaki Yuuki as Ozaki Kouyou (尾崎紅葉)
Hirano Ryou as Dazai Osamu (太宰治)
homepage twitter natalie
#文豪とアルケミスト#bungou to alchemist#赤澤遼太郎#akazawa ryoutarou#山崎晶吾#yamazaki shougo#小南光司#kominami kouji#斉藤秀翼#saitou shuusuke#正木郁#masaki kaoru#澤邊寧央#sawabe neo#玉城裕規#tamaki yuuki#平野良#hirano ryou
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[Video] 舞台「文豪とアルケミスト 異端者ノ円舞」(butai bungou to alchemist itansha no waltz)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on June 10th, 2020☆ ☆ ☆
☆ DVD ☆ Blu-ray ♪ Amazon ☆ DVD ☆ Blu-ray ♪ CD Japan
#dvd#blu-ray#文豪とアルケミスト#bungou to alchemist#谷佳樹#tani yoshiki#杉江大志#sugie taishi#杉山真宏#sugiyama mahiro#小坂涼太郎#kosaka ryoutarou#斉藤秀翼#saitou shuusuke#小西成弥#konishi seiya#三津谷亮#mitsuya ryou#久保田秀敏#kubota hidetoshi
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200212 - Jaejoong Retweets Daigo19780408 HYDEさんの誕生日のお祝いが出来ました!スペシャルゲストとしてTAKUROさんに来ていただきました!HYDEさんびっくりしてた!!お二人が隣���士で、勝手に感動!みんなで幸せな時間でした!HYDEさんこれからも最強の神でいてください! Source: Daigo19780408 via bornfreeonekiss twitter.com/Daigo19780408/status/1227575139593678849 posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2HgqTMb
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斉藤秀翼 Apeace YeongUk #最果てリストランテ ご来場有難うございました。 本日のみの出演でしたが、 とても楽しく、自分自身の良い経験ともなりました。 また挑戦したいものです。 如何でしたでしょうか? このあとも最果てリストランテ続きます。是非また違うキャストの会へもご来場してみてください。
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Happy Birthday Syuusuke お 誕生日 おめでとう 斉藤秀翼!! . 29歳おめでとうございます🖤🦖 . からの俳優 獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー . キョウリュウブラック/イアン・ヨークランド . Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Ian Yorkland Kyoryu Black . Next is Tamon on March 5 ( Arlequin ) Jun Shison/Right Suzuki on March 5 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger ) Ryo Yokohama/Sakuya Hikawa on March 7 ( Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger ) Birthday . 2022年03月01日 3 / 1 / 2022 #獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー #キョウリュウブラック #イアンヨークランド #斉藤秀翼 #誕生日 #おめでとう #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #ディアボリックラヴァーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォロー返し100 #フォローバ100 #zyudensentaikyoryuger #kyoryublack #ianyorkland #syuusukesaito #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #powerrangersdinocharge #followalways #likesforlike @syuusuke.s https://www.instagram.com/p/CajBHrqrBY5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This title will be released on April 25, 2018.
#jStage#Diabolik Lovers More Blood#Future DVD Release#Kazuharu Ara#荒 一陽#Yuusaku Sato#佐藤 友咲#Katsuhiko Ibuka#井深克彦#Kohatsu Allen#小波津亜廉#Wago Shin#和合真一#Syuusuke Saito#斉藤秀翼#Sugiyama Mahiro#杉山真宏#Asuma Kousuke#遊馬晃祐
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『 I HATE A SAD STORY 』MV CAST COMMENT 斉藤秀翼 谷口賢志 ヨリコジュン
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2017.08.14 Konchuuger 2 Review!
I was super happy to be able to see the next installment of Konchuuger! I was so ready to be entertained and see what the next stage of their ridiculous tale would me! Also Ise Daiki came back but as a different character so I was wondering if they were going to make fun of that fact!
Official Website here Official Blog here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Video Coverage 1 DVD Purchase here
☆KONCHUUGER Moto Fuyuki as Tokiwa Sou Ebisawa Kenji as Banri Choji Saito Shuusuke as Eiffel Thomas Momose Saku as Tahjima Haruo Suda Maasa as Sakurada Asuka Familia
☆HACHUURUI TEIKOKU Okuda Tsutomu as Snake Shougun Kadoshima Mamio as Tokage Sanbou Yasukawa Junpei as Chameleon Shousa Ozeki Riku as Turtle Gunsou Hori Yuuki as Yamori Shakudan
☆NEO-KONCHUUGER Ise Daiki as Kaminari Mon Saga Yui as Sukaitsu Lily Tanzawa Seiji as Gojyuuno Tougo Saito Kyouhei as Hanayashi Kiichi Fujio Kantaro as Kamiryoku Shark
Kurata Naoki as Bird Kizoku TAKA as Hoshi Atomu Kaide Kousuke as Chef Yamizaki
Ensemble: Mitsuman Kohei, Itakura Takeshi, Ayano Hana and Hagihara Tatsuro
NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: This was a blast! This had lots of comedy in it and was a lot of fun as expected! The bad guys this time were even more ridiculous and I loved how the Hachuurui guys came back and how they worked in the story. Once again MMJ balanced the comedy and the serious meaningful moments very well. Albeit, it's not AS funny as the Saien for the first stage (reviews for these here and here) but it was still enjoyable; some parts dragged just a tad but didn't blemish the stage overall. I am definitely hoping for a 3rd installment in this series and you bet your ass I already preordered the DVD for both this and the saien << they come as a double pack. I really hope Hachuurui come back again in the third one because I want to see my JP is more stuff but only time will tell << I have a feeling they won't come back though. Rating: 7/10
The story this time is about how a group of people figured out a way to make the same potion as what turned the Konchuugers, and their plan is to take this potion, that should take hundreds of years to turn them, so that they can be the new, hip, better generation after the Konchuuger have gone and passed. BUT, it backfires when the potion works a little TOO well and it only takes a year for them to turn super human. Meanwhile, the Konchuuger decided to go their seperate ways for a bit to go and enjoy life, or to go and figure themselves out now that the Hachuurui gang are a threat to society. BUT because of this new NeoKonchuuger group trying to destroy the Konchuuger and trying to get the Hachuurui team to join them. BUT the konchuuger act fast and try to get to the Hachuurui before the Neo guys do. That’s the main chunk of the plot; who will persuade who over? We also have Tokiwa Sou who is all alone on a rooftop and has become somewhat depressed since the Konchuuger went their own ways and he is at a loss of what to do with his life and that leaves him open to alien prey; specifically a giant bluebird who claims he wants to be his friend. But in actual fact, he has put Joe in a deep sleep and hopes to keep him there with him for all eternity.
In the preshow, one guy came out cross-dresses on stage just as a kid came into the theatre and said to his mother 'kowaii!! / he’s scary!’ And the guy was so distraught like 'kowai?!??’ We all died laughing but kids being kids, he didn’t realise he’d been overheard nor that he’d just been spoken to xD
On the day I went, they had a special guests who turned out to be the previous Turtle Gunsou; Kosaka Ryoutarou. He ended up helping in the preshow with the crossdresser - who I'm pretty sure was Mitsuman Kohei - explain the 5 rules of the theatre. They explained these rules by doing a skit which was the girlfriend (played by Mitsuman) getting really angry that when they go to the theatre, he plays on his phone, he's loud, and he just doesn't understand what's wrong with it. Eventually he learns and they get all lovedovey. But Mitsuman would push him off his chair and would force to hold hands with Ryoutarou and stuff and he did really well not cracking too much. Ryoutarou is so cute but so damn tall and skinny though!! He looked good! At the end, with the live, they got him onstage and joined in with the ending song xD
The first person the Konchuuger try to bring to their side is Yamori and Tokage who have decided to open their very own Neko/Cat Cafe, and just as you would imagine; it was hilarious. The cats ended up being JP, Kurata and Mitsuma in black onesies and cat ears on! I absolutely died when JP walked onstage with freaking cat ears on and doing nyaaaaa and being all cat-like… omg it was so adorable!!! And Kurata was freaking adorable too! I coudn't decide which one I should pay more attention to between them two! There was a moment where JP led on Kurata and pretended to be sleepy or sleeping and it was so cute!!! I didn’t pay attention to what the hell was going on at all in the story when that was happening with them! They were such good cats and so adorable!!!!! And then it got even crazier when Itakura Takeshi came on with this ridiculous cat make-up and he was like the humanoid version of a cat! He was like a mafia boss cat thing. But then Tokage and Yamori managed to tame him and got him to see them as his parents and as his mommy so he joined the rest of the cats and became cute. BUT he first came on from the side door and had this megaphone and he started his sentence but the megaphone was still ringing it's alarm and he couldn't turn it off easily so we all cracked up laughing. Thie battle in this scene was Yamori and Tokage versus Hanayashi Kiichi who’s personality is; everything is done by the book. So he walked on stage with this massive file with all their information and also inside it were lots of persuading and battle strategies and tactics BUT because the Mafia Cat wasn’t part of any of his scenarios and because the Konchuuger (who was Banri Chouji) was so predictable, that he started to go a little insane and was yelling like ‘why won’t these plans work?! Why is it not going as planned?!’ and Tokage and Yamori finished him off before asking him to join their simple little cat cafe which doesn’t have any complicated rules to follow. So he accepts.
Then, they went to Turtle Gunsou who had not only made it as a YouTube star, but also now had his own record label and recording studio. However, thanks to the NeoKonchuuger's melding, most of the artists he had invited for an event that was happening the very next day, backed out, so he has to rely on 3 of the Konchuuger - Chouji, Asuka, Thomas - to replace those artists in the event which ends up being a musical performance. This angers the NeoKonchuugers because the event wasn't supposed to take place so they try and invade during the performance. The musical is quite a hilarious scene. It starts off with a haunted house theme, and then we switch to like a farm girl type of thing. All the while we have Turtle Gunsou at the back with his DJ deck rocking out which was hilarious to see -- I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ozeki in this role! The sequence goes on a tad too long if I remember correctly, but it was very, very enjoyable! Asuka with her pink farmer and unimpressed face as she gets dragged into doing this musical was hilarious. They had all the audio prerecorded so they just lip synced along which I felt was very Konchuuger-esque for some reason and worked well. So here we see Kamiryoku Shark and Gojyuuno Tougo defeated here. They defeated in the simplest way; they get jealous that the Konchuuger could perform and became a big success. Tougo used to be a fitness trainer and Shark is very athletic and very Jackie Chan like, so Turtle offers them to come work for his company and make it as famous Yoga instructors and stuff; well that wins them over xD.
Finally, they went to JP’s character, Chameleon, who was hanging out at this very fancy bar, by himself, with sunglasses on, and a snake teddy hogging the seat next to him. Whenever he showed up throughout the play, he had this Snake teddy around his neck, and everyone was like 'awwww you miss Snake Shogun!’ but he’d always reply 'no I don’t! Why do you think that?!’, but clearly he does because he’s carrying around a goddamn snake teddy! It was adorable though! I’m pretty sure towards the end he admits he misses Snake Shogun too and then when Snake Shogun finally turns up he’s super happy!! So at this bar he's enjoying a drink and talking to the teddy when NeoKonchuuger Lily walks in and pretends to take an interest in him. Chameleon instantly falls for her and tries to woo her, which she 'falls' for. He asks her back to his apartment, but when they get there, Kaminari Mon is already there and has set up a debate-type room, with three random strangers to be the judges at the back of the room. Unfortunately the debate was somewhat a little difficult for me to follow because Ise and JP spoke so fast so I don't remember what the topics were and this scene ultimately ended up being a tad too long and boring for me. BUT eventually Konchuuger turn up and take to his side a support. The final debate topic, Chameleon got to choose, so he decided on EbiChilli (or MapoDofu); Kaminari thinks this topic is absolutely ridiculous, however, Chameleon goes on to say that the reason why it's so important to him is because he'd always eat Chinese food at the restaurant he and Snake Shogun and the rest of Hachuurui would meet for their evil devising plans. So every time he eats Chinese food, he's reminded of those fun times and he just wants Snake Shogun and the gang back together. This wins over the crowd emotionally, even though Kaminari is just like 'what the f?!' xD BUT it backfires on Kaminari even more, when at this moment Lily cruelly sees the coolness and attractiveness in Chameleon and falls to his side for real this time.
And then we come to; where the hell is Tokiwa Sou?! Throughout this play between the Konchuuger vs NeoKonchuuger battle scenes we kept jumping back to him on the rooftop. First he's with Snake Shogun, and they dicuss about opening a yakitori place together but even though Sou wants to do it, Snake says he's not ready to just stop what he's doing. Then we meet Hoshi Atomu who's living on the rooftop in a cardboard box and claims to be a cardboard model. During these serious scenes with Snake and Sou, or even just Sou on his own trying to figure out what the hell to do with his life after Konchuuger, we have Atomu just being a complete, hilarious idiot. He also causes stress to the two older men, who sometimes even slip on the cardboard Atomu leaves around. Atomu doesn't have an ultier motive; he;s honestly a sweetie and just wants to cheer them up; even if handing them poorly brewed coffee in a cardboard mug ends up pissing them off instead of making them feel better... which he does on a number of occasions.
I really, really loved seeing Snake Shogun and Tokiwa Sou’s relationship in this one. Even though I’m not sure which parts were reality and which parts were in Sou’s head, nevertheless I thoroughly enjoyed their scenes together and it’s great to see that they’ve definitely become friends even after decades of ‘fighting’ each other. They have this great ‘old man’ dynamic which doesn’t help (in a positive, comedic way) when the new character of the group Hoshi Atomu butts into their scenes with his ridiculous happiness and his god damn 'cardboard idol’ crap, which the two men just don’t want to deal with but he lives on the roof where the two men often have their discussions so it’s more like they brought it on themselves.
Once Snake has gone off somewhere, Sou begins to see a bird who he starts to feel a connection to and what's to spend time with. Unfortunately, the bird may act like he wants to be Sou's friend, but in actual fact, he's manipulated Sou into a deep sleep and wants to keep him there and forever so he's only friends with him. So we get to the climax of the story where, now that NeoKonchuuger have been defeated and only Kaminari Mon is left; the NeoKonchuugers, Konchuugers and Hachuuruis band together to electrocute Sou in order to get into his unconciousness and get him out of the deep sleep before he dies there. Finally, they wake him up. But turns out the bird is also in reality and comes to attack them. He's about 30 times the size of a normal bird but luckily the Konchuugers have a new contraption -- a giant megazord/mecha! It obviously defeats the bird and all three groups are now a happy clappy family. The End.
Some extra notes:
This time around instead of a Chinese restaurant, the NeoKonchuuger’s base is a family restaurant xD
As usual they had a mini live at the end where they all had fun and sang and danced around! It was a lot of fun as usual!! I was once again surprised at how much of the crowd knew the dance and the song.
I won’t talk about everyone but just some of them where I feel I had something to say.
Quick note: toooo many IKEMEN in this!
Ebisawa Kenji as Banri Choji: Ebizawa still hasn’t persuaded me that he’s good for this role. He’s a nice guy sure, but I feel like all he does as this character is yell, and his voice doesn’t even allow him to yell properly so it sounds very strained and painful.
Momose Saku as Tahjima Haruo: I really liked his Haruo! He was all cute and smiley and yet still different to what Ise and Shimizu had brought to the character. In fact, I think I enjoyed Saku's version of Haruo the most! At the curtain call, Saku spoke about how he really enjoyed doing this role and really hopes he doesn’t get swapped out like the other two were. Which to be honest, I think they should keep it as a running joke that yellow changes every time. We could even have all the previous yellows play someone else just like Ise did! Although I would like Saku to continue as Haruo, I think they've technically three stages in and it's becoming a running joke so they SHOULD swap him out, even though I sort of don't want them to. Also, during the stage, they made a hilarious joke of 'why does the actor for Haruto change every time?!’ and 'why does Haruo ook different every time?' and the whole audience (who had clearly watched the pevious stages) died of laughter. Every time they did subtle throw backs for people who had seen the original stage started chuckling hard.
Yasukawa Junpei as Chameleon Shousa: I was totally into JP's character having a funny love interest! I thought it was hilarious! In fact the whole scene starter where he's drinking to himself with his snake teddy and then she comes in and 'takes in interest' in him and he suddenly gets this huge ego, but then she betrays him, but then she ends up actualy liking him and, if I remember rightly, after the debate scene and after Snake Shogun has reshowed up in his life, he walks off with linked arms with Lily while putting on some shades -- it was hilarious! I loved scene this from JP! He's like this awkward, quiet yet funny guy in real life so to see him in this role which is kind of like a dasai-kakkoi-kei/cool but really not cool and totally cringey type character is amazing! I really did love this scene! I will definitely be repeating this one on DVD <3 JP as always is such a good actor and I love how used to his acting style I am and when he does those signature JP things in his acting just make me all warm and fuzzy inside xD I'm not making sense am I! haha
Ozeki Riku as Turtle Gunsou: I totally love this character developement from Ozeki as Turtle in this stage! The whole 'him becoming a music producer and totally rocking out at the DJ deck' was a wonderful sight to behold! He had so much more comedy this time around and his character in arc this is totally entertaining! I really want to see Ozeki in more stuff in the future! I think he's great and got potential.
I'm going to be honest: I didn't really warm up to the NeoKonchuuger. A few of them I got and enjoyed but for the most part, I kind of didn't understand what they were supposed to be and didn't really get any personality from them.I understood the basics of what their characters were like but if we compare how well we got to know Hachuurui in the first stage compared to how we got to know NeoKon in this stage; it's a vast difference. We understood the personalities and comedy and traits of each Haichuurui member pretty much straight away in that first Chinese restaurant scene they had. But for NeoKon.... I felt like they weren't really that developed and didn't have much depth and I really didn't care for them... which is a shame. For me, they're pretty forgettable... I even kind of struggled to remember what they did when I wrote the STORY section above.
Anyway... I'll try.
Ise Daiki as Kaminari Mon: I think my favourite scene for Ise was right at the end when the only way to reach Sou's unconciousness was by using Kaminari Mon's electricity power and electrocute him until their voices reached his sub(?)un(?)conciousness. Ise's character was prettu ridiculous and over the top and I liked his character out of the Neo's the most. I was lucky enough that I was smack bang in the center of all the seats and seating rows so whenever Ise took certain stage to go on a monologue or rant or tangent, his eyes would pretty much be directly starring into mine even though he obiovusly couldn't see me; and he's eyes are amazing. They're slightly crazy - which fit the character - and they're so glarring that you can't look away. He really knows how to hold someone's attention. Of course, during the live, we got to hear his voice and he's great!
Tanzawa Seiji as Gojyuuno Touko: I enjoyed his character too! He reminded me of Taguchi Junnosuke (if any of you know ex-Johnny's members) with the long legs and the adorkableness and just being plain silly while going acrobatic and yoga-like moves all over the place. I thought it was super cute that he just wanted to be a famous fitness/yoga instructor. I liked the colour of his costume too.
Saito Kyouhei as Hanayashi Kiichi: His personality really confused me during this scene when he goes to the cat cafe. When they were in the family restaurant, I just thought 'oh this character is a glasses character: very serious, composed, and not funny' but then in the cat scene he pulled out this manual with all these rules and schemes and we see him very quickly worry and become panicked and it just felt like a little bit of a jump. They should've introduced his manual book obsession in the family restaurant scene beforehand in my opinion.
Fujio Kantaro as Kamiryoku Shark: This one was the one character I really, really did not like. At first he was interesting because he comes onstage with this The Grudge hair and it's covered his face. But then as the stage developes, he pulls his hair back (and the actor kept messing with the hair to keep it out of his eyes which got annoying) and has this weird clown-like makeup and he jumps up on tables and stuff and I'm like; what are you supposed to be? What is your personality supposed to be. I really didn't like him and it's been a while since a character made me so uncomfortable that I actually wish they weren't in it. I just... didn't like him. The actor himself did lots of various roles throughout the play and he did great in the rest of those so wtf was his main character all about? I just... no thanks.
Kurata Naoki as Bird Kizoku: I was super upset Kurata ended up playing the bird who ended up being the bad guy! I feel for Kurata the moment I saw him in the cat ears and outfit so I wanted him to be good! Also his bird outfit was great! I wish he had had more stage time too. Due to the lack of stage time, it made me think that maybe this was his debut stage; but it’s really not! He's been in Waashi no Host-chan and he was in PuroLand for a bit too. But as expected he is a baby - '97er! And he'll be reprising his role in HostChan next year! I hope he can do a bit more work with MMJ - mhe could've been in Poseidon no Kiba, OR I'd quite like to see him in the next stage or remake of Wakasamagumi if they ever get around to it! I think he'd fit those two stages rather well. OF COURSE I loved him in the cat scene! He was absolutely adorable and I thought 'I want JP and Kurata like this forever please!'.
TAKA as Hoshi Atomu: Hoshi Atomu was absolutely hilarious! I fell for this adorably stupid character straight away! He is absolutely ridiculous! For example, he uses a sheet of cardboard almost like a skateboard and goes around the stage pushing that around. And he has a freaking cardboard house that he lives in on the roof! What the actual?! xD Like I said above, he means well but he just doesn't do it in the right way. And what the hell even is a CARDBOARD MODEL/IDOL?! xD He was adorable! I am looking forward to seeing him ALSO in HostChan next time.
As usual I didn’t check if there was an aftershow or anything special and once again, turned out there was!! It was a hightouch send off with the Snake Shogun team! Which meant I got to high touch Ozeki and JP!! I was super happy, but also super nervous because I’d come from work and it had been raining outside and I probably smelt a little xD but I completely forgot my worries when I went to the high touch!’ Everyone was so nice and smiley!! It was so great!! Sorry Konchuuger but they beat you xD (I got high fives from Konchuuger last time, see here).
And you wanna know the best part about the hightouch this time?! I'm like 99.99999999% sure but(!!!): I think JP remembered me!! When he saw me at the high touch at the end, he kept his hand against mine for ages and he gave me this huge smile and there was a twinkle in his eye that looked he knew/remembered who I was!! So I was super duper happy! Ozeki was really nice too! He was really happy and welcoming ^_^ I think it went: Turtle, Yamori, JP, Tokage, Snake Shogun.
Ahhhh!! I hope I'm right about JP remembering me >.< *dead*
I'm okay...not really...
And that just about does it! I really hope we get a 3rd stage next year!
#舞台#安川順平#蔵田尚樹#TAKA#須田麻朝#斉藤秀翼#伊勢大貴#butai#stage#stage play#review#yasukawa junpei#尾関陸#ozeki riku#saito shusuke#suda maasa#kurata naoki#ise daiki#ebisawa#momose saku#百瀬朔
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w/ 斉藤秀翼
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[Announcement] 舞台「文豪とアルケミスト 捻クレ者ノ独唱」(butai bungou to alchemist hinekuremono no aria)
you will be able to watch 5 shows @ dmm
price: ¥3.700 (each)
◎ 昼公演 (hiru kouen) [February 5th, 2022 ~ 13:00]
◎ 夜公演 (yoru kouen) [February 5th, 2022 ~ 18:00]
◎ 東京 千秋楽 (Tokyo senshuuraku) [February 13th , 2022 ~ 13:00]
◎ 大阪 前楽 (Osaka maeraku) [February 20th, 2022 ~ 12:00]
◎ 大阪千秋楽 (Osaka senshuuraku) [February 20th, 2022 ~ 16:30]
#文豪とアルケミスト#bungou to alchemist#赤澤遼太郎#akazawa ryoutarou#山崎晶吾#yamazaki shougo#小南光司#kominami kouji#斉藤秀翼#saitou shuusuke#正木郁#masaki kaoru#澤邊寧央#sawabe neo#玉城裕規#tamaki yuuki#平野良#hirano ryou
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