hfimath · 2 years
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happy-day7830 · 6 months
《紫微斗數論命實例》流年夫官線對工作的影響性|紫微斗數命理 |八字教學 |學八字| 紫微斗數|八字命理風水
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five-elements · 8 months
《紫微斗數論命實例》好格局六親關係一定差嗎?(西藏客戶) |紫微斗數命理 |紫微斗數 |學紫微斗數
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gcfytfty · 9 months
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uwizeye · 9 months
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在李登輝的一手操弄下,陳水扁率領民進黨將國民黨趕下台,台灣首次政黨輪替。 蔡英文雖然在陳水扁政府中擔任陸委會主任一職,但始終無任何黨籍。 民國93年(2004年)大選塵埃落定之後,陳水扁再一次找到蔡英文,提出讓她出任民進黨不分區立委。 台灣的所謂立法委員,相當於美國國會議員,是手握實權很有油水的職位。陳水扁接二連三主動關照蔡英文,一方面有李登輝的囑託,另一方面也是想安插絕對的自己人,像蔡英文這樣的政治菜鳥自然是不二人選,因為完全能被自己拿捏。 作為交換條件,蔡英文若想進入立法院,必須先加入民進黨,保證按民進黨黨章黨紀行事,蔡英文欣然應允。 此時的她一直是民眾心中的清純「小龍女」 。
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蔡英文在擔任了兩年的立法委員後轉任到了行政機構擔任副主管,在陳水扁的一力護航下,蔡英文的仕途之路順風順水,沒有任何外部力量可以撼動。 民國95年(2006年),蔡英文被任命擔任行政院副院長。 民國97年(2008年),陳水扁狼狽下台,身陷囹圄,民進黨一敗再敗,走入死路。 民進黨在總統大選中挫敗,在520交出政權前,民進黨選出下野後第一位黨主席,選舉結果由當時有「小龍女」稱號的蔡英文打敗辜寬敏,當選黨主席。 這也是民進黨創黨以來首位通過黨員選出的女性黨主席。
民進黨的「四大天王」謝長廷、游錫堃、蘇貞昌和呂秀蓮雖然受挫,但卻在民進黨內各據山頭、擁兵自重,並不把蔡英文放在眼裡。 實際上,蔡英文之所以能高票當選民進黨主席,並不是因為黨內派系都支持她,而是「四大天王」互鬥,沒有一個人能接這個位子。 民進黨大老需要有人在前線收拾爛攤子,讓他們坐擁超然的權力,黨內若發生了什麼事,再來另外討論。但顯然,蔡英文並不想當傀儡。
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在削弱陳水扁時代「四大天王」的同時,蔡英文也在培植自己的團隊。民進黨桃園縣長參選人鄭文燦、發言人蔡其昌、政策會首席副執行長劉建忻、文宣部副主任廖志堅,是蔡英文最為倚重的「政治新星」,被媒體稱為民進黨的「四小天王」。 通過四小天王領兵作戰,其他勢力慢慢淡出民進黨的決策核心,蔡英文逐步確立了自己的領導地位。
蔡英文在任民進黨主席的4年間,政治光環逐漸顯耀,不少綠營政治人物向蔡聚攏,這也讓蔡英文的聲望在不知不覺間有了進一步的飛躍,讓她有了角逐政壇的本錢。以蔡英文為核心的英系已初具雛形。 此後,蔡英文親歷新北市長選舉而高票落敗,黨內人氣居高不下,逐步奠定綠營共主的地位。
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蔡英文黨權在握之後,人們發現,她說的話許多人聽不懂,如「和而不同,和而求同」。 五市選舉時,蔡說「反ECFA是民進黨共同政見」,卻又表示民進黨一旦執政,不會推翻「前朝」政策; 她更表示ECFA有對台灣不利的條文,將來民進黨執政後會要求民意部門重審,但這些條文是什麼卻不明說。她同時留下「反十八趴又領十八趴」的紀錄,對此也從不做說明。
《遠見》雜誌民調曾顯示,蔡英文的兩岸政策是什麼?超過7成的人不知道。其實,蔡英文不為人所知的政策,何止兩岸關係而已。 其餘對島內政策、國外交往、經濟、農業,連民進黨高層迄無一人公開為她詳細闡述過。故而,這時期蔡英文的第二個綽號「空心菜」由此得名。其意為,蔡英文心中其實並無大政方針,她還遊走在雲裡霧裡。
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蔡英文第三個綽號「武則天」,則出自民進黨內之口。 武則天雖是中國第一個女皇帝,但專斷、跋扈、猜忌,又喜怒無常。 蔡英文自民國99年(2010年)投身選舉以來,前民進黨中常會,中常委柯建銘、陳明文等人紛紛表示,蔡英文競選政策他們並不清楚,希望蔡主席說清楚,以便他們在地方輔選,不料,這些話竟觸怒了蔡英文,她勃然大怒,足足罵了半個小時。 另一個場景,是蔡英文作為台灣總統參選人,常有被媒體包圍提問的時候,她曾憤而推開麥克風,責備記者「你們怎麼老是問這種問題?」。蔡英文對媒體的不耐煩已非第一次,如她常說「這話我已經說過了」, 或者一語不發,推開記者,拂袖而去。
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民國97年(2008年)10月底,時任大陸海協會副會長的張銘清,以廈門大學新聞傳播學院院長的身份前往台灣參加學術交流活動,同時為陳雲林赴台打前站。民國97年(2008年)10月21日上午,張銘清在台南市南安平古堡參觀時,突然衝出一大批綠營支持者,張銘清後腦被打,然後被推到在地,連眼鏡都飛了出去。當張銘清準備乘車離開時,甚至有台獨分子跳上座車車頂狂踩叫囂,試圖阻止他離開。 事後警方查出打人者為民進黨台南市議員王定宇,而蔡英文在對其進行問詢之後對外宣稱,「他並不是有意蓄謀的」。 兩周之後,海協會會長陳雲林正式抵達台灣,11月4日當天,正當兩會領導人在圓山飯店進行會晤之時,蔡英文組織了上萬綠營支持者包圍會場,名曰嗆馬圍陳。在蔡英文坐鎮指揮不斷鼓噪之下,示威人群逐漸失控,期間有人向員警投擲石塊和汽油彈,雙方發生激烈衝突,最終演變為近10年來最嚴重的流血事件,造成了超過450人受傷。
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sinoeurovoices · 2 years
1月14日,國務院聯防聯控機制舉行新聞發布會通報近期疫情。國家衛健委醫政司司長焦雅輝說:2022年12月8日至2023年1月12日,全國醫療機構累計發生在院新冠病毒感染相關死亡病例59938例,其中新冠病毒感染導致呼吸功能衰竭死亡病例5503例,基礎疾病合並新冠病毒感染死亡病例54435例。 對比國家衛健委1月7日發布的數據,全國放開一個月,累計新冠死亡30例。這個數據幾乎只是上面發布的新冠病毒感染相關死亡病例6萬例的2千分之一!就是和���面發布的「新冠病毒感染導致呼吸功能衰竭死亡病例5503例」相比,也只是後者的180分之一! 對衛健委1月7日發布的一個月新冠死亡30例這個數據,連世衛組織總幹事譚德塞都說「不可接受」。對1月14日國務院聯防聯控機制新聞發布會焦雅輝說出的數據,世衛組織表示「歡迎」,並「鼓勵更透明」。「鼓勵更透明」就說明現在還不夠透明。至於表示「歡迎」,現在還是太早了。…
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lubinjon · 2 years
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WIP: Sun Wukong's Powers and Skills
I'm currently working on a comprehensive list of Sun Wukong's magic powers. Here is just a taste from chapters two to four.
Bold black = magic power Bold red = acquired non-magic skill Bold green = claimed magic power that is never actually demonstrated Bold orange = inborn talent?
Ch. 2
Early education #1: human skills - “[H]e began to learn from his [senior immortal] schoolmates the arts of language and etiquette” (與眾師兄學言語禮貌) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116). - Note: We all know that Monkey failed his etiquette classes.
Early education #2: religious skills - “He discussed with them the scriptures and the doctrines; he practiced calligraphy and burned incense” (講經論道、習字焚香; i.e. ritual procedure) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Wukong’s knowledge of scripture and philosophy pops up a few times in the novel. For example, he subsequently becomes enraptured by Subodhi's lecture on the Dao and Chan (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Early education #3: gardening skills - “In more leisurely moments he would be … hoeing the garden, planting flowers or pruning trees” (閑時即...鋤園、養花修樹) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 116).
Immorality (1st category) [1] - This is achieved via oral formulas (口訣) and breathing exercises (自己調息) at prescribed times (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 120-121). - The stipulated Chinese hours are before zi (12:00-14:00) and after wu (12:00-02:00) (i.e. noon to midnight) (子前午後). However, historical real world practice is reversed: after zi and before wu (i.e. midnight to noon).
Adeptness (i.e. quick learning) - “But this Monkey King was someone who, knowing one thing, could understand a hundred!” (這猴王也是他一竅通時百竅通) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122).
First learns the “Multitude of Terrestrial Killers” (地煞數; a.k.a. “72 changes,” 七十二般變化) - This requires oral formulas (口訣, a.k.a. “oral spells,” 咒語) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122). - This sometimes requires a magic hand sign and a shake of the body (see below).
First attempt at “Cloud-Soaring” (騰雲) - Subodhi mockingly calls this “Cloud-Climbing” (爬雲) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 122).
First learns the “cloud somersault” (觔斗雲) - This requires a magic sign, an oral spell, a fist clinch, and a body shake (捻著訣,念動真言,攢緊了拳,將身一抖). It takes him 108,000 li (里) in a single leap (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 123). - 108,000 li = 33,554 mi or 54,000 km [2]
Multitude of Terrestrial Killers (i.e. 72 changes) - This requires a magic sign (捻著訣) and an oral spell (咒語). He transforms into a pine tree (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 124).
Cloud somersault - He flies from the Western Continent to Flower-Fruit Mountain (i.e. from one side of the world to the other) “in less than an hour” (消一個時辰) (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 125).
First use of the “body beyond body” (身外身法; a.k.a. “magic of body division,” 分身法) (i.e. hair clones) - This requires chewing and a “change!” (變) command. Small clone monkeys are used to overwhelm and beat up a monster who is three zhang (三丈) (31.29 ft / 9.53 m) tall (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 128). [3] A passage explains: - “For you see, when someone acquires the body of an immortal, he can project his spirit, change his form, and perform all kinds of wonders [出神變化無方]. Since the Monkey King had become accomplished in the Way, every one of the eighty-four thousand hairs on his body could change into whatever shape or substance he desired” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 128). - 原來人得仙體,出神變化無方。不知這猴王自從了道之後,身上有八萬四千毛羽,根根能變,應物隨心。
Cloud somersault - He flies 30 or 50 monkeys and property (pots, bowls, utensils, etc.) home from captivity to Flower-Fruit Mountain (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 129).
Ch. 3
Martial arts (武藝) - He “teach[es his monkeys] how to sharpen bamboos for making spears, file wood for making swords, arrange flags and banners, go on patrol, advance or retreat, and pitch camp” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 131-132). - 教小猴砍竹為標,削木為刀,治旗幡,打哨子,一進一退,安營下寨  …
Cloud Somersault - He flies east from Flower-Fruit Mountain over “200 li of water in no time” (霎時間過了二百里水面) to the Eastern Continent (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 131).
Blows a mighty wind (陣風) - This requires a magic sign (捻起訣來), an oral spell (咒語), and taking a deep breath (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 131-132). A poem states that it puts the world into chaos: - Thick clouds in vast formation moved o'er the world; Black fog and dusky vapor darkened the Earth; Waves churned in seas and rivers, afrighting fishes and crabs; Boughs broke in mountain forests, wolves and tigers taking flight. Traders and merchants were gone from stores and shops. No single man was seen at sundry marts and malls. The king retreated to his chamber from the royal court. Officials, martial and civil, returned to their homes. This wind toppled Buddha's throne of a thousand years And shook to its foundations the Five-Phoenix Tower (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132). - 炮雲起處蕩乾坤,黑霧陰霾大地昏。 江海波翻魚蟹怕,山林樹折虎狼奔。 諸般買賣無商旅,各樣生涯不見人。 殿上君王歸內院,階前文武轉衙門。 千秋寶座都吹倒,五鳳高樓幌動根。
Body beyond body (i.e. hair clones) - This requires chewing and a “change!” (變) command. The small clone monkeys carry an armory’s worth of weapons (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132).
Magic of displacement (攝法) - This is a spell that carries the weapon-laden monkeys on wind (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 132).
Monkey claims to have a number of supernatural powers: - “I have the ability of seventy-two transformations. The cloud somersault has unlimited power. I am familiar with the magic of body concealment (身遯身, a.k.a. 隱身法) and the magic of displacement. I can find my way to Heaven or I can enter the Earth. I can walk past the sun and the moon without casting a shadow, and I can penetrate stone and metal without hindrance. Water cannot drown me, nor fire burn me” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 133). - 我自聞道之後,有七十二般地煞變化之功,觔斗雲有莫大的神通;善能隱身遯身,起法攝法。上天有路,入地有門;步日月無影,入金石無礙;水不能溺,火不能焚。
Magic of water restriction (閉水法) - He travels to the Dragon Kingdom (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 133).
Super strength - He effortlessly toys with a 3,600 catty (斤) (4,682.61 lbs / 2,124 kg) battle fork and a 7,200 catty (9,365.23 lbs / 4,248 kg) halberd (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 134). [4] 
Super strength - He lifts the 13,500 catty (斤) (17,559.81 lbs / 7,965 kg) iron pillar in the dragon treasury (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 135).
Opens a waterway (開水道) - He uses the magic of water restriction to return to Flower-Fruit Mountain (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 137).
First use of the “Magic Method of Modeling Heaven on Earth” (法天像地的神通), a 10,000 zhang (萬丈) (104,300 ft / 31,800 m) tall giant form - This requires bending over and screaming “grow!” [長!]. This form has: - “[A] head like the Tai Mountain and a chest like a rugged peak, eyes like lightning and a mouth like a blood bowl, and teeth like swords and halberds” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 138).  - 頭如泰山,腰如峻嶺,眼如閃電,口似血盆,牙如劍戟
Immorality (2nd category) - This is achieved by inking out his name from the ledgers of hell [生死簿子] (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 141).
Ch. 4
Cloud somersault - It is much faster than those of ordinary immortals (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 145).
Travel to heaven - Refer back to ch. 3-#6A (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 145).
First use of “three-headed and six-armed” (三頭六臂) war form - This requires a “change!” (變) command (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 155).
Staff multiplication - This is done millions of times over (以一化千千化萬) to face Nezha’s own countless weapons (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156). - The multitude of armaments are said to “clash like horned-dragons flying in the air” (cf. Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156).
Body beyond body (i.e. hair clones) - This requires a “change!” (變) command. Monkey creates an autonomous decoy to distract Nezha while he slips behind him to land a staff blow (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 156).
Immortality (3rd category) - This is achieved via heavenly imperial wine (御酒, a.k.a. “Immortal wine,” 仙酒 and “juices of jade,” 玉液瓊漿) (Wu & Yu, vol. 1, p. 159, 165, and 167). 
I'm currently on chapter 16, so it will take me a while to finish, especially since I'm simultaneously gathering info for several other articles, including mirrored essays for Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.
Once I've gone through all 100 chapters, I will put each instance of a particular power into its own category (transformation, super strength, hair clones/tools, etc.) and then analyze everything as a whole. The Google Doc containing the list of powers will be attached to the analysis.
This project was partly inspired by a previous effort made by @the-monkey-ruler.
I'm open to feedback.
1)  In place of using “layer” or “level,” I’m choosing to designate his various immortalities as “categories.” This is because a new layer of divine longevity or durability would surely be added for each immortal peach, elixir pill, or cup/jug of heavenly wine consumed. Hence, eating multiple peaches would be one category, eating multiple elixir pills would be one category, and so on and so forth.
2) It’s important to note that 108,000 li is a metaphor for instant enlightenment (see section III here). Therefore, power-scalers should not use any instance of this as a feat. 
3) One zhang (丈) comprises ten chi (尺, a.k.a. "Chinese feet"), and during the Ming Dynasty, one chi was roughly 12.3 in or 31.8 cm. This makes one zhang 10.43 ft or 3.18 m (Jiang, 2005, p. xxxi).  
4) During the Ming, one catty (jin, 斤) was 590 grams (Elvin, 2004, p. 491 n. 133).
Elvin, M. (2004). The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China. New Haven (Conn.): Yale University Press.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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pretty disappointed with the way 7s have translated wwx's iconic 'right or wrong' speech.
"Thank you for keeping me company today, and thank you for telling me about my shijie's wedding,” Wei Wuxian said slowly. “But—right or wrong, the decision is my own. It doesn't matter what others think of those decisions. I will bear the consequences of my actions, whether they be good or ill. I know what I should do. And I believe everything is still within my ability to control."
it has very basic language & tone, it doesn't flow smoothly at all. wwx's remarks here are supposed to sound poetic.
'不過, 是非在己, 毀譽由人, 得失不論。該怎麼做,我自己心裡有數。我也相信我自己控制得住。'
the first sentence even uses that classic 4 character structure (this is what lwj's speech patterns are known for).
here's exr's translation for comparison. it reads far more smoothly and rhythmically, as do the other fan translations further down
‘Wei WuXian spoke slowly, “Thank you for keeping me company today. Thank you for telling me the news about my shijie’s marriage too. But, let the self judge the right and the wrong, let others decide to praise or to blame, let gains and losses remain uncommented on. I, too, know what I should and shouldn’t do. I believe that I’ll be able to control it as well.”’
i also think 7s' version obfuscates the meaning, 'But—right or wrong, the decision is my own. It doesn't matter what others think of those decisions. I will bear the consequences of my actions, whether they be good or ill.'
here is how some others have translated the same phrase
'Right and wrong lies within oneself; let others speak of ruin or glory; pay no mind to gains or losses.' (spicychickenyang)
'However, right and wrong is a personal issue*. Leave the slander to others. Let’s not talk about merits and demerits.'
*personal issue: WWX actually said ‘right and wrong are inside the self’' (translation + footnote from qinghe-nie)
wwx is explaining his moral philosophy, that people should decide for themselves what right and wrong is, and not factor what they gain or lose into moral decisions. this is critical to the themes of mob mentality, centralised authority and corruption in mdzs.
in 7s' version, it could be read as 'i make my own decisions, right or wrong is irrelevant.' it's ambiguous, but i don't know why they've chosen to add ambiguity that isn't present in the original text.
7s also added words/phrases that do not reflect the original text. the line 'I will bear the consequences of my actions' is entirely their own invention. the chinese phrase is '得失不論' 得失 = gains and losses, 不論 = do not speak of. additionally, wwx says 'my decisions,' 'my actions,' 'i will bear' — in 7s it comes across as if he's just talking about himself & his specific circumstance, rather than being a speech about his stance on morality in general.
finally, this line 'And I believe everything is still within my ability to control."' just isn't accurate. specifically, wwx does not say everything is within his ability to control, he says he believes he'll be able to control himself. the chinese line is '我也相信我自己控制得住。'我自己 = myself. wwx said this specifically in response to lwj asking if he will be able to control his cultivation earlier on.
i know people are gonna think, 'translation is nuanced, poetic language is hard to translate!' well, the fan translators did a pretty good job of it, why is it so hard for a professional publishing company to do the same?? why did 7s choose to add words/phrases and punctuation that aren't even present in the original text, making it disjointed and rambly? why did they ignore context and add meanings that aren't even in the original text?
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hfimath · 2 years
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
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Two things you have never to chase : True friends and True love.
-Mandy Hale-
I have something to say . . . (我有話想說 . . .)
我們都知道在這世上喜歡一個人又不犯法,即使你已有家室:老婆、先生和孩子。重點是在道德和良心允許的範籌內,行使正當友誼的權利。並且你得知道如何挑選正直且成熟的對象,既不會干擾你的婚姻生活,而能給予彼此成長和助力。不過,我相信能遇到這樣條件之人,少之又少。lol (如果你深入接觸的人比你堆的沙子還多,那可不是開玩笑。XD)
We all know that it is not illegal to like someone in this world, even if you already have a family: wife, husband and children. The focus is on exercising the right to legitimate friendship within the limits permitted by morality and conscience. And you have to know how to choose an "upright and mature friends" who will not interfere with your married life, but can give each other growth and help. However, I believe that there are very few people who can meet such conditions. lol (It's no joke if you have deep contact with more people than you have piled sand. XD)
And, in addition (並且,此外)
Recently, there have been a few good friends who have interacted with me on Tumblr for more than a year, or even longer. I am not entirely aware of your other sideblogs, especially young guys asking to see my photos, and of course they're not asking for photos of me wearing clothes… ha! Absolutely impossible. 🙄😅 In fact, my personal social experienced has made me a very tolerant old woman. It's not saying this myself. You have to actually get along with me to know that because they are similar in age to my son and daughter, so I cherish their friendship even more, especially the beautiful life still longer for them. The Chinese call it: "忘年之交" (the mean similar that : get on like a house on fire "see eye to eye with someone", when your friendship between different generations. also much older than my age friends as same meanings. )
Again, I don't set to make many friends on Tumblr here, and there're very few people I interact with. The number of people we sent private messages to was probably less than the number of times I go to a bar to drink in a month. lol The posts I share here are almost like writing a diary every day and records of my recent study of various majors. It is not for popularity, nor does it want to attract attention. Of course, except for the posts showing my leather art creations, the craftsmanship is my Most of the motivation to stay alive and rest of life.
Usually I don't have ideas about personal photos gonna send to you via private message for "friendship", it with "lover" very different to me. Just like now, when you randomly see a post by me and can put a smiling on your face, this is a beautiful friendship. If you happen to see it, it's fine when you don't like it. You don't need to use too much emotions. if that way Oftenly one party will be hurt, and time will tell everything about the feelings you hold in your heart, whether you believe it or not.
Sincerely, above.
I wish you a happy family, a loving couple, a prosperous career, good health and peace!
Your another mom & an old Sis Lan~*
《最近有幾個好朋友在Tumblr上和我互動了一年多,甚至更長。我不太了解你其他的次要博客,尤其是年輕人要求看我的照片,當然他們不是要我穿衣服的照片……哈!絕對不可能。🙄😅 其實,我的個人社會經歷它造就我成為一個包容性很強的老女人,這話不是我自己說的,你得實際和我相處過就知道;正因你們的年紀和我的兒子和女兒相仿,所以我更珍惜你們的友誼,中國人稱之為:『忘年之交』。(當兩者年紀差距甚大,但心靈和思想可以相契者。)
再說一次,我並不想在 Tumblr 上交很多朋友,彼此有互動者很少,曾經私訊者應當比一個月去酒吧喝酒次數還要少。 lol 我在這裡的貼文分享幾乎像每天寫日記和近日研讀各類專業科目的記錄,不是為了人氣,也沒要吸引人注意,當然若是展示我的皮革藝術創作的作品貼文除外,工藝是我活下去的大部分的動力和生活的全部。
祝福你們的家庭美滿、夫婦相親相愛和事業精進、健康平安! 》
well said 👇 Truth. I agree. 5 5 5 🙌 xoxo
"Friendship often ends in love. But love in friendship; never. "
-C. C. Colton-
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PS. It was then dating with my friend at coffee shop across street of my studio in Chinese new year 2010. 😱 OMG! 14 years ago lol I dyed my hair color was popular in Asian at the time. and later I never dye hair color. Because it is meaningless, whether for fashion or to comfort yourself, hair colored does not prove your ability, but your brain do. 🤓
If I dye my hair again, it might be for fun, or perhaps I get to remarry/get carried away by impulse and he's dying hairs also, both do same for funs. I guess so. hahaha 🤸🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️
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noink131 · 1 year
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#柳沈 #渣反 #SVSSS
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yetiwang2000 · 5 months
Vrelnir’s QA about Bailey & Eden (2)
When Eden and Bailey were younger, did they celebrate birthdays? 
伊甸和貝利年輕時會如何慶祝他們的生日?他們會自己慶祝還是和朋友一起慶祝? 伊甸和貝利會送對方禮物嗎?
How would Eden and Bailey celebrate their birthdays when they were young?Will they celebrate by themselves or with friends? Will Eden and Bailey giveeach other gifts? 
They celebrated with friends, and gave each other gifts. 
Eden and PC are holding a wedding in the forest. Will Eden invite Baileyto attend? 
貝利會默許伊甸與PC的婚姻,還是會要求伊甸付更多錢? 抑或是貝利會等到PC還完所有欠債才同意他們的婚姻?
Will Bailey acquiesce to Eden's marriage to PC, or will he ask Eden to paymore money? Or is Bailey waiting until PC is completely free before Bailey willaccept it? 
Bailey would make demands of Eden, and not necessarily involving money.
Will Bailey attend the wedding of Eden and PC? What would Bailey do at thewedding if she would attend? If he won't participate, why? 
Bailey would attend. They'd be the best man or maid of honour.
What birthday gifts did Bailey give to Eden? What birthday gifts did Edengive Bailey?Are both parties satisfied with the gift? 
They mostly gave each other toys or sweets. They were satisfied with thegifts.
PC will frown if he cooks breakfast for Eden when he is not good athousework. If Eden eats the rice cooked by Bailey, will he also frown? 
Aye. Eden would not enjoy Bailey's cooking.
Eden had a meal cooked by Bailey? Under what circumstances did you eat it?
Aye. There was a time when they took turns cooking.
Did Bailey like the Christmas gift from the mysterious man? 
It surprised them.
(身體交換前提)如果PC(其實是貝利)遇到狂怒狀態時想帶PC回家的伊甸,PC(其實是貝利)會如何解決這件事?他會被帶回小屋並關在籠子裡嗎?If PC(actually Bailey) encounters the super angry Eden who wants to take him back,how will PC (actually Bailey) solve it?Or was he taken back to the hut andlocked in a cage? 
They'd be able to convince Eden they were really Bailey.
Has Bailey ever seen Eden with such a bad temper? 
In what situations would Eden be angry with Bailey? 
If harm came to the PC. 
If Bailey grows a dog tail, at what point will Bailey look impatient buthis tail will wag happily? 
If the PC seduces them.
Besides Eden, does Bailey have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, and they wouldn't admit to even that.
Besides Bailey, does Eden have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, unless the PC counts.
Since Christmas is coming, I'd like to secretly ask if Bailey and Edenstill exchange gifts now? & Regardless of the answer, what would theyprepare if they had to exchange gifts with each other now? 
Bailey and Eden still exchange gifts. Eden will give something interestingthey've found in the forest, as they know about Bailey's more esotericinterests. Bailey will usually give Eden a book, and some sweet food.
在PC和伊甸見面前,伊甸就已經擁有了一張PC的照片。那是貝利給他的嗎?伊甸是什麼時候得到它的?伊甸在那個當下就對照片裡的PC一見鍾情了嗎?Before pc and Eden met, Eden had a picture of pc. Did Bailey give itto them? When did Eden get it? Did Eden fall in love with pc in the picture atthat point? 
Aye, Bailey gave it to them.
Who gave Bailey a gift for Christmas? Is it one of the orphans in theorphanage? 
I'm happy to leave the one responsible for that gift a secret! It's aChristmas miracle, after all.
What kind of scent do you think Bailey has on them? 
Bailey smells faintly of cologne or perfume, with an occasional whiff ofcigarette smoke.
I saw in the previous answer that Bailey does not smoke, so why     does they have a cigarette in their mouth when they is at home? Why does     their body with an occasional whiff of cigarette smoke? 
他和會抽菸的人打交道,有時也會抽社交菸。They have dealings with smokers, and sometimes smoke socially.
Since  Eden will come to town to look for PC, is there any chance that PC can  take him to visit the orphanage or even meet Bailey? I admit I just want  to see more of Eden's interactions with Bailey! 
Eden would not want to meet Bailey at the orphanage.
What does Bailey think of all the LIs?
They think Robin needs to learn a hard lesson. They think      Whitney is a useful idiot. They forget about Kylar when they're not  directly engaged with them. They've never met the others. Except Eden of course, but that's a story for another day.
If Bailey were to get a dog, how would they choose one? Do they     have any preferences or tendencies? And if they were to get a dog, what     would be their motivation? Would they walk the dog themselves every day,     or would they delegate that to someone else? 
They'd want a loyal and intelligent dog that would make a good      and useful companion. Preferably something that looks intimidating.      They'd likely walk it themselves every day.
What are Bailey’s thoughts on Harper, Eden, Remy, and Quinn? 
貝利並不算真的認識哈珀,他痛恨雷米和奎因,並且對伊甸的感情很複雜。Bailey doesn't really know Harper, hates Remy and Quinn, and has complex feelings about Eden.
What did Bailey usually do back when he was a student in     school? Besides studying, what other activities was he involved in? Did he     develop any influence within the school? Did he have a favorite subject,     something he was particularly interested in, or found most practical? On     the other hand, what was Eden's campus life like? 
Bailey did well at school, particularly in maths, and were      fairly popular. They were a bit of a bully, but protective of their      friends. 
伊甸有點獨來獨往。他有時候會遭遇霸凌,但他的耐受力很高*,而且有一小群會照顧他的朋友。他的成績很好,但在後期略有下滑。(註:Thick skin原意「因習以為常而變得不在乎他人的批評」,可以解作較中性版本的厚臉皮。近似詞為冷淡、麻木)
Eden was a bit of a loner. They were sometimes bullied, but      had thick skin, and a small circle of friends who looked out for them.   Their grades were good, but deteriorated towards the end.
If Eden knew that PC was in the prison, would they go to the prison to rescue PC?
They would contact Bailey, who would reassure them that the situation was under control.
貝利和伊甸曾經發生過爭執、意見分歧或衝突嗎?如果有的話,你可以透露背後的原因嗎?Has Bailey ever had arguments, disagreements, or disputes with     Eden? If so, can you reveal the reasons behind them?
Yes, and it'll be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever entered the orphanage for any purpose? If they have, what was the reason for their visit, and what are their thoughts     about the orphanage? Has Bailey’s influence affected their views?
Yes, and this will also be explored in the future.
What does Bailey think of Eden? Has Bailey’s opinion of Eden changed over time, becoming more positive or negative? 
Bailey's thoughts on Eden have changed over time, and will be explored in the future.
Does Bailey have any close friends? How does they view the concept of friendship? Since they has difficulty forming intimate relationships with people, I wonder if they sees friendship as a means to an end. But that would be quite lonely.
They have no close friends, but they have old friends.
Which Dol character is the strongest out of everyone? 
Eden is the strongest individual, but Bailey is the most powerful.
If Eden lives in the forest, what is their way of communicating with Bailey? 
They leaves messages for each other in a particular place.
I saw in your previous Q&A that the snake pattern related     to Bailey will be added in the future, so I am curious if there is some     connection between the image of the snake and Bailey? (All you have to do     is say yes or no,Please, this is really important to me.) 
There is a connection between Bailey and snake imagery.
Does  Bailey view Eden as a friend? 
Which one is taller, Eden or Bailey? 
What's on Bailey's tattoo? 
A snake.
What do people around Bailey think of them? 
Most people think they're a good and wholesome citizen. Others are afraid of them
Who else besides Eden had a relationship(include romantic) with Bailey when he was in school? 
None of the other named NPCs had a close relationship with Bailey.
Hey Vrel! I'm curious: when Bailey sells the PC to Eden, how on earth do they get word to Eden that PC will be waiting tied for them? Do Eden and Bailey     interact outside of that, too? Thank you! 
Eden and Bailey do interact outside that, though scarcely.
Did Bailey have s*x with Eden? 
Bailey and Eden have not had s*x.
How does Eden make income? Curious how they can afford to buy PC from Bailey. 
Do Eden and Bailey have any connection outside of     buying/selling the PC? 
Is there anyone Bailey respects or cherishes?The only thing I can think of that they hold dear is money. 
They respect Eden, in a way.
In the Christmas storyline, Bailey also received a gift. I’ve     always been curious about who gave him the gift. It seems that the PC  would not hesitate to give him a gift, but the game does not offer the  option to buy a gift for Bailey. Or perhaps it was given by Robin? I believe he’s the most likely person to do so. How did Bailey feel upon     receiving the gift, and how did he subsequently treat it? And what kind of     gifts would make Bailey happy? 
I want to leave the one responsible for the gift a secret. As      for gifts Bailey would like, Eden and some of Bailey's goons would know.      It might be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever betrayed Bailey? Because their relationship looks quite close, but somewhat complex on some level. 
From Bailey's perspective, yes.
If Eden caught PC and Bailey doing adult thing, what will Eden do and what Bailey will do too?
A: Eden would be shocked and appalled, and leave at once. Bailey would be angry with themselves.
source:Vrel’s Q&A (notion.site)
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castatratewriter520 · 7 months
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taiwanteam · 7 months
嗨,各位 Tumblr 大家好,這裡是 Tumblr 團隊,我們想把我們正在進行的幾項任務分享給大家知道。
我們已經不鼓勵人工智慧爬蟲從 Tumblr 收集資料並且將持續實行這項措施,唯一的例外是我們的合作夥伴。
我們想要代表在 Tumblr 上的各位,確保對於大家的內容被使用的方式有設下保護機制。我們會竭力確保我們合作夥伴尊重這類的決定。
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