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fda-blog · 5 months ago
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東京たま未来メッセでの八王子NPOフェスに参加し、Adobe Illustratorでデータを作成し、レーザー加工機を使用した作品を出展・販売しました。スマホスタンドやメモスタンドなど、計51個を販売し、合計¥12,300の売上を達成しました。デザインから販売まで一連の流れを初めて体験し、達成感を得ると同時に、機能性の大切さを学びました。次回もぜひ挑戦したいと感じました。
◆飯塚空輝(デザイン学科3年) 回、初めて自分で作った物を人に売る経験をしました。直接お客さんの顔を見ながら販売するのは新鮮で、新しい体験ができました。特に、おじちゃんやおばちゃんが「このくらいなら買う」「もっとこうならいい」と正直に言ってくれたことが大きな参考になりました。また、売る時のpopや、話しかけ方なども重要なのだと学ぶことが出来���した。次回は、ルーペや普通の機能を持つキーホルダーなど、バリエーションを増やしてみたいと思います。試作から本制作までしっかりとブラッシュアップすることができたのも良かったです。貴重な経験ができました。
◆五條優希(デザイン学科3年) 私は、NPOフェスに参加して、良い経験ができたと思います。鍋敷きとコースターと干支のストラップを売りました。コースター一つを残して他は全てお客さんへと渡りました。途中から干支ストラップは無料で配布しました。子供が本当に嬉しそうに貰っていく姿を見て、「子供が笑顔なのが一番」だなと思いました。金銭的には大きな利益はありませんが、幸せを生むようなことができて良かったです。来年も参加したいです。
八王子のNPOフェスティバルに参加するのは3年連続で、毎年素晴らしい体験をしています。留学生として、この経験はとても役立っています。好きな 商品 を作る楽しさを感じられ、また、お客様と日本語で会話しながら製作過程を説明することができます。過去の参加から多くを学び、今年はより売りやすい 商品 を作ることができ、お客様の興味を引くことができました。NPOフェスの他の参加者とも少しお話しでき、素晴らしいコミュニティだと感じました。皆さんとても親切です。
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logwire · 24 days ago
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"Painting sword & Palette sword" by Takuro Okawa
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spxhk-universe · 1 month ago
My Five Favourite Precure Boys and the Reason Why
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(Note: This is an Updated Ver. of the Previous Favourite Precure Boys List)
Seiji Sagara (HappinessCharge Precure) ❤🥋
He is Basically Dumb and Naive at Most But Helpful and Energetic at Best and He is Mostly Emotionless. Still, when you gave this Boy a "Hate Gemstone" And Corrupted him, you Basically "Dropped a Mentos into a Cola Bottle" and let his "Painful" Emotion Come out but luckily he got friends that saved him from the darkness.
Takumi Shinada / Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure) 🖤🧂
At First Reaction, He seems so cool and with a definition of "I Don't Care, Do you?" But In Reality. He Does Care with his Friends (And Especially His "Girlfriend") With His Magic Persona "Black Pepper" He like the Mixture of Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon & Magic Kaito from Cased Closed. He is Very Cool and Passionate and that what i like about Him
Tsubasa Yuunagi / Cure Wing (Hirogaru Sky Precure) 🧡🐥
The First Precure show i watch fully and also The First "Official" Male Precure. He is a Super Shy Puni-Bird with a Massive Nerd Admiration to Planes and Flying which became a dream and when he turn to Cure wing. He became a Very Brave Knight Protecting his "Princess" and that's why he is like my favourite boy crush in the whole Franchise
Satoru Toyama (Wonderful Precure) 🧡📓
After episode 1 I fell for him instantly. He is basically a cute geek who has very good knowledge about animals in general and a cute pet bunny. He is Nice and Sweet and also the first official male character to be a boyfriend for Iroha. and after Ep 49, his wish comes true and he becomes a true ally for the precures. and I hope we can see him more in action especially when the movie is not yet available on streaming.
Daifuku Toyama (Wonderful Precure) 🤍🐰
Satoru own Mysterious Cool Bunny, but when he became a human. his mysterious and cool aura became even more intense in many ways (especially if you know who his VA is) and he alongside Satoru became an amazing Pyonderful duo and a Great ally to the Precures
Thank You and i hope you enjoy my list.
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08-31 · 8 months ago
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hyunsuksswife · 7 months ago
Can you PLEASE make some MAZZEL gifs?! THANK YOU 😭🫶🏼♥️
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Here you go 🫶🏼🤘🏼
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anamon-book · 1 year ago
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ペンとカメラのへたのよこず記 財津和夫 講談社 装幀=大野拓家デザイン事務所、表紙撮影=松浦秀介
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wild-icarus · 9 months ago
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Ensemble/ダンサー Returning Cast, Romeo et Juliette Jp 2017 + 2019 (5/7)
Row 1-2 (L->R): FUMI, 織 里織/Ori Saori, 大場陽介/Oba Yousuke
Row 3-4 (L->R): 鮫島拓馬/Samejima Takuma, 小南竜平/Kominami Ryuhei,  鈴木凌平/Suzuki Ryōhei
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
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cinemaclub-x · 1 year ago
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自分もたまにですが主人公のように脳内で議論するようなことがあるので、 共感ありで、ふむふむな感じ。
原作を読んでいないのでわかりませんが、 心の中の相談役「A」の声が男性ってのは違和感。 脳内生成した都合のいい男友達って感じ。
女性なら女性の自分が答えるはずだろうと思うし、 終盤で実像が出てきて声も変わっちゃうのはさらにおかしい。
橋本愛が親友役であまちゃんコンビまたかい!も要らない。 このイタリア編は尺を伸ばしたかっただけにしか見えない。
内容から言って主役は能年で最適とも思うけれど、 彼女はどちらかと言うと特殊キャラなので、 本当はもっと普通が演じられる女優が良かったのではないかと思う。
最近お一人様を楽しんでいる��者が多いのも事実だし、 そのお一人様の悩みや生き方は共感できるし楽しめました。 一人で気楽もいいけれど、やっぱり寂しい、相手が欲しい・・・というジレンマ。
彼氏が出来て去って行った「A」はまたいつか現れるのか。 一時的には恋に夢中で姿がなくても、 必ずまた出てくる、と勝手に解釈しております。
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misasmemorandum · 1 year ago
『<悪の凡庸さ>を問い直す』 田野大輔
小野寺拓也 編著
田野大輔は、 ホロコーストの加害者が単に上司の命令を実行しただけでなく、多かれ少なかれ自分の意思で迫害に加担したことは、[明らかにされている]。アイヒマンのような中央官庁の官僚たちはもちろんのこと、現場で虐殺を実行した部隊のメンバーたちにも自由裁量の余地はあった。...彼らはさまざまなーー誰もが抱くという意味では「凡庸」な動機から自発的に任務の遂行を選[んだ。この選択は]上下間の責任転嫁によって促進されていた。(p65)
と言い、対象人種を憎んでいなくても、「妬みや物欲、傷心への期待などといったさまざまな動機に突き動かさ(p66)」れる。これが<悪の凡庸さbanality of evil>だと言う。今のいわゆるネトウヨもこれに近いだろう。
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kol-kata · 2 years ago
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「秋田県道42号 男鹿八竜線」国道101号と国道7号を結ぶ主要地方道。八郎潟干拓地の西部を縦に貫く、大潟村内唯一の縦の道。 そのほとんどが直線で構成された道で流すのに気持ちがいいが面白みにかける、いや全然面白くない道。夏は緑が秋は黄金色が眩しい。 #秋田県 #akita #大潟村 #ogata #八郎潟 #八郎潟干拓地 #秋田県道 #県道 #主要地方道 #r42 #秋田県道42号男鹿八竜線 #男鹿八竜線 #道スタグラム #道行く路 (大潟村) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCqkHfvekj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Nippon TV" airs a new episode of "Nino-San" today at 19.00 P.M. on japanese time and 11.00. A.M. on european time. Don't miss it!
The guest is Takumi Kitamura and "The Timelesz".
Takumi Kitamura will appear in "Nino-San" for the fourth time, "Am i appearing too much?" Passionately discusses the job that was a turning point in his life
Kitamura couldn't help but laugh and say, "Is it a little too much?" This is his fourth appearance.
Speaking about Kitamura, whose directorial debut came this month with a short film, Ninomiya Kazunari was impressed with his vitality, saying: "He's making and directing his own films, and he's even doing a morning dorama, right?" Since his debut at the age of eight, he has starred in countless doramas and films. Among his most memorable works, he cites a high school drama he starred in as a student. "It was a turning point for me. We all spent time in the teachers' lounge discussing acting. It was a production that made me feel passionate, which made me think, "Now we're working in acting!"" - he recalls.
On the other hand, Ninomiya said: "It's very rare to get to play a student while you're still a student. I haven't done that much," revealing that he initially had little experience in playing students, but he played the role of a high school student when he was thirty-two years old. Everyone was once again amazed by what they saw.
Kitamura, who is such a big fan of manga that he once bought at least one book a day, will also introduce the basketball manga that has influenced him the most. "It's a story of growth, but it always fails at crucial moments," he said. At the time, Kitamura was a member of a basketball club in high school, and the image of the main character facing adversity was an exact replica of himself. Among them, Kitamura talks about his favourite scene that he will never forget. Ninomiya was also delighted, saying, "I could listen to this forever" and "I want to listen to it while drinking."
Shohei Urakawa, the artist of "THE RAMPAGE". Shohei Urakawa gives a surprise interview at a diner where Kitamura often goes to try the best ramen he's ever had. For Kitamura, the restaurant in Nerima, Tokyo, was a ramen place where ‘everyone would go after clubbing, go home and then get back together’, and it was the flavour of his youth. In this important restaurant filled with such memories, Urakami tries to make almost his first cookery report, but his unique sense of words gets out of control.
In addition, we also take a look at the best curry in Okubo, Tokyo, which is highly regarded by Kitamura, known as one of the biggest curry lovers in the entertainment industry. When this delicious curry, which was already fully booked by the morning, arrived at the studio, Kitamura was delighted and said: "It's been a long time coming!" However, only the two winners of the quiz will be able to eat it. They will compete in a "Memory Trio Quiz" where curry will be on the line.
The first game was called "One minute to write down all your memories! Memory Quiz." The contestant who writes down the most information on a topic in one minute will get two points, while the runner-up will get one point. Kitamura, who really wants to eat curry, desperately tries to write down the answer, but when Yoshimura Takashi criticises him, he explodes with emotion, shouting: "Damn it!"
The second game is a test to memorise the face and name of a person you meet for the first time. Just before the recording began, participants were greeted by two fake employees who had recently joined the programme. Do participants remember the faces and names of these two? Take the quiz and choose one of the ten pictures of faces.
Third-"Memory Survival Game." Try to remember the signals that the model shows and try to reproduce them accurately. Will Kitamura be able to eat his favourite curry? Plus, in the final game, Kitamura performs a miracle for guests to enjoy, "Spinning Rock-Paper-Scissors with Nino! A test of five consecutive dodges."
This episode will feature Ninomiya Kazunari as the host, while Kikuchi Fuma , Yoshimura Takashi and the duo ‘Gunbareruya’ will act as "Nino-san's Family". Special guests will include Kitamura, "Timelesz" and Takahata Mitsuki (in alphabetical order), while Urakawa Shohei ("THE RAMPAGE") and Mayurika will appear in the video .
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08-31 · 8 months ago
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from taiki's x
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symptom3000 · 21 days ago
Omoinotake "幾億光年" (2024)
director: 大久保拓朗 (Takuro Okubo)
starring: 髙石あかり, 宇佐卓真
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anamon-book · 2 years ago
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ナンシー関の顔面手帖 '94夏 ナンシー関 シンコー・ミュージック カバー版画=ナンシー関「桂歌丸」、装幀=大野拓家/ラグタイム
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mukaikun · 3 months ago
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南極大陸〜神の領域に挑んだ男と犬の物語〜 (2011) Episode 1
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keroushi · 4 months ago
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2024/10 上野恩賜公園
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