niteshade925 · 2 years
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nhu-an · 5 months
Rất thích câu nói này của Dương Giáng:
Hãy thu hẹp vòng tròn mối quan hệ, nói chậm lại, mở rộng tấm lòng và giữ cho cuộc sống đơn giản thôi. Dùng tâm mà làm tốt những việc trong tầm tay, không bị mê hoặc bởi sự hào nhoáng, không viết về sự hỗn loạn của cõi trần; thưởng thức ánh trăng và hít thở làn gió của nhân gian. Sống những ngày bình phàm, những gì nên có, ắc sẽ có.
- Như An dịch
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a-putain · 3 months
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 2 months
auuuu..... tgcf quotes but its xavier/mc......
对一些人来说,某人存在于这世上,本身就是希望。 To some, the very existence of a certain person in this world is in itself, hope.
如果你的梦想,是拯救苍生,那我的梦想,便唯你一人。 If your dream is to save the common people, then, my dream, is only you.
对我来说,风光无限的是你,跌落尘埃的也是你。重点是 ‘你’,而不是 ‘怎样’ 的你。 To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, and not the state of you.
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mademoiselle-red · 8 months
it occurred to me how Lianhua’s life reflects a certain religious / spiritual ideal:
Confucianism in one’s prime, Taoism in one’s old age, and Buddhism in death. One enters society as a Confucianist (with ambitions to govern with virtue), grows tired of society and escapes with Taoism (returning to nature), and finally letting go of the world with Buddhist enlightenment
In Lianhua’s case:
Confucianist in his prime: 儒者入世 bringing order and authority to the chaotic martial arts world, beating the strong into submission, extending compassion for the weak
Taoist in retirement: 道家避世养生 living harmoniously with nature, finding satisfaction in growing vegetables and flowers, no longer focused on worldly ambitions, committed to living well and enjoying the simple pleasures of life (cooking, looking after his lotus tower)
Buddhist in death: 看破红尘 letting go of societal bonds and obligations, making peace with one’s attachments, guilt, and unfulfilled desires
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duyeqing · 1 year
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happy birthday Xixi!
Happy B-day Xixi here’s my art as gift.
Thank you for another amazing character #LuoYunxi
Little hostage prince #TantaiJin died on that cold snowy night. The red plum blossoms like blood on the white snow. #TillTheEndOfTheMoon
#罗云熙[超话]# 祝#罗云熙0728生日快乐#
追长月烬明一路,带来好多感动,谢谢熙熙又塑造一个触动人心,让人念念不忘的角色 [抱一抱]
— @未音Hayley
禁商用,禁二创二改, 禁抹水印
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laoliu1996 · 6 months
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The snowy mountains reflect love, and the sacred lake mirrors sincere feelings.
Hand in hand, we stroll through the clouds, making wishes together among the stardust.
The wind of the plateau blows gently with tenderness, and the mysterious dream interprets the care.
When the flowers bloom in Tibet, I wish to wander through the world's bustle with you.
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presumenothing · 4 months
from zhou shen's second album 《反深代词》 | listen on spotify
lyrics by: 尹约 / yin yue [T/N: title is literally alarm/siren, as in "raise the alarm", because *faintly deranged background laughter* yeah sure why not]
迁就对方的节奏 matching – to their pace, 感受对方的感受 feeling – in their place; 请求对方的请求 seeking what they seek, 成就对方的成就 to reach for what they seize
原地不动 不忍失守 here, motionless / fearing to fail 你等在情绪代谢的最下游 you stand guard where the rivers empty of feeling 予取予求 照单全收 no give, just take / all asked, forsake 别人的任性汹涌 awash in waves – crash, of a thousand wills
为何你心情表情从来不相通 why do your feelings never match your face 为何你伤得越重笑得越轻松 why is your laugh lighter with every lash 不停点头 不折不扣 always, a yes / no tricks, no traps 一付出就是全部的最上游 all that you give is all that it takes 毫无保留 倾你所有 keeping none back / with every trace 竟还担心不够 yet still you say: help, if i may?
我发送 警报声 血红色 惊叹号 i'm raising / the alarm / in blood-red / i exclaim 提醒你自救 saying: save yourself 被遥控 被耗空 快失控 快断送 being controlled / giving all / soon, no more / you'll be gone 我替你看透 glance in my crystal ball 从借用 到利用 到享用 到滥用 borrow this / use me thus / enjoy this / ruin me thus 转身就走 done and dusted 他们绝不 为你而痛 for you, they won't / shed nay a tear
共情是一种劳动 empathy is its own toil, 温柔是一种苦衷 gentleness its own turmoil; 善良是一种沉重 kindness brings its own burden, 原谅是一种纵容 forgiving a mere lenience
人前人后 思前想后 for them, to them / your thoughts astray 你被困进人情世故的中游 stuck stranded in these rapids of the world's affairs 为难左右 无力追究 troubled, you pace / too drained to say: 你终将何去何从 in the end, where can i stay?
为何你心情表情从来不相通 why do your feelings never match your face 为何你内心越痛笑得越隆重 why is your smile brighter as your heart tears 千疮百孔 暗藏担忧 riddled in wounds / wall away these woes 你却看不见自己快要断流 yet you see not how near is your ruin 回应落空 希望尘封 ask, but none echo / a grave of hopes 求救无人听懂 cry out for help – but no-one fathoms
我不断 再计算 因为你 不计算 i'm counting / what they take / because you / never wake 还能撑多久 to ask: how much more can i take 给世界 最宽容 给自己 最苛求 to the world / you relent / for yourself / never bend 顺位排最后 always the last in every line 你心口 从伤口 到决口 不开口 in your heart / none but scars / now, too late / still none said 笑容始终 smiling, 'til the end 我学会痛 为你而痛 and so – i learn / pain you never earned
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freisende · 6 months
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Ending Song 1 - Wo Du San Qian Bian Ni Lyrics & Translation
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 1 Ending Theme Song
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Production Team:
Produced by: Sheng Luo Wan Xiang Studio (声罗万象工作室)
Performed and sung by: Xiao Hun (小魂)
Lyrics: Henzui (恨醉)
Composer: Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
Arranged by: Li Dabai (李大白)
Flute playing: Shui Xiang'er (水祥儿)
Dongxiao performance: Qiu Niu (囚牛)
Track mix: CuTTleFiSh
Poster: Yi Tiaohe (壹条河)
Poster design: Finnn
Inscription: Yi Yu Wei Jing (以语为镜)
English Translation: Freiya
I Read You Three Thousand Times
wǒ xiè hòu yī dào tí
ruò yào nǐ gè bǐ yù
若要拟个比喻 ,
shì tiān yá biān de xuě wèi rǎn ní
是天涯边的雪未染泥 ,
huò wèi jiàn hóng chén de yī piàn yún
或未溅红尘的一片云 ,
nǐ shì wǒ yī dào tí yī cháng yóu xì
你是我一道题 一场游戏 ,
wǒ shí nǐ dú nǐ
我识你,读你 ,
xiǎng zhān rǎn le nǐ
想沾染了你 。
rèn fēng jiàn xuè rú hé hái wú xiá gān jìng
lèi tǎng guò xīn zěn huì bù lào gè bā yìn
泪淌过心怎会不烙个疤印 ?
dú bù dǒng nǐ
dú bù dǒng nà xuè kǒu liáo yá de è yì
zěn wèi tūn shì nǐ huái zhōng wēn róu tiān dì
nǐ bù shì xuě yě bù xiàng yún
huò xǔ shì yuè sè yī yú
wàn shì chén gòu yě bù néng rǎn nǐ
nǐ shì bù jiě de mí
wǒ dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
měi yī biàn wǒ dōu gēng jiā zháo mí
每一遍我都更加着迷 。
ruò hèn tián mǎn wǒ gǔ xuè féng xì
若恨填满我 骨血缝隙,
zhī yào hái yú fēn cùn liáng bó ài yì
dōu yòng lái dú nǐ
都用来读你 ,
dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
读三千遍你 。
míng zhī dào jiě bù kāi zhè yī dào mí tí
wǒ què hái rěn bù zhù dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
我却还忍不住读三千遍你 ,
dú bù dǒng nǐ
dú bù dǒng nà xuè kǒu liáo yá de è yì
zěn wèi tūn shì nǐ huái zhōng wēn róu tiān dì
nǐ bù shì xuě yě bù xiàng yún
huò xǔ shì yuè sè yī yú
wàn shì chén gòu yě bù néng rǎn nǐ
jiě tuō wú qī
nǐ duì cǎo mù rén jiān shì nà me duō qíng
你对草木人间是那么多情 ,
suǒ yǐ xiàng fēng huā xuě yuè nán fēn cùn xǔ
kě wǒ jì rán chén mí yú nǐ
可我既然沉迷于你 ,
biàn shǒu nǐ wēn róu tiān dì
便守你温柔天地 ,
yě shǒu zhè fēn gěi wǒ de wú qíng
wǒ dì sān qiān biàn dú nǐ
我第三千遍读你 ,
hū rán dú dào nǐ yī jù zhōng qíng
English Translation
Why do you keep looking at me?
…Because you are beautiful.
I came across a question; If I were to draw it in a metaphor,
It’s how the snow remained unstained by dirts on the edge of the sky; or how a cloud remained untainted by red dust.[1]
You are my question and you are a game to me;
I have known you, I have read you,
and I want to taint you. How can the blade remain flawless and clean even after being bathed with blood?
How can tears flow through the heart without leaving a scar?
I can’t interpret you; I can’t understand how the malicious intent of those blood-mouthed fangs [2] have yet to swallow the gentle world there being held in your arms?
You are neither like the snow, nor like the clouds; Perhaps you’re like a glimpse of the moonlight, that can’t be dyed even by eternal impurities in the world.
You are an unsolvable mystery;
I have read you three thousand times, with each and every time I do, I get even more fascinated; Even if hate deeply seeps into my bones and flesh.
As long as I still have this bit of coolness and love,
all that I used to read you, to read you for three thousand times.
I’m aware I can’t solve this puzzle, yet still I can’t help but to read you for three thousand more times!
I can’t interpret you; I can’t understand how the malicious intent of those blood-mouthed fangs have yet to swallow the gentle world there being held in your arms?
You are neither like the snow, nor like the clouds; Perhaps you’re like a glimpse of the moonlight, that can’t be dyed even by eternal impurities in the world.
There is no end to liberation, [3] You give affectionate tenderness for the humanity, even to grass and trees;
The passion that I cannot differentiate from fruitless love like that of the wind, the flowers, the snow, and the moon. [4]
Yet now because I have become addicted to you, [5] I will guard your gentle world, 
And I will protect even every relentless part that you give me.
For the three thousandth times I have read you, I suddenly pause, and fall in love with your very first sentence.
*Translator's Notes:
[1] Red dust means the mundane world.
[2] refers to the endless people trying to gain advantage of Shen Qiao
[3] can also mean “being eternally free”
[4] all these four things being said respectively one after another in one sentence.
[5] can also mean absorbed in you
Notes: The english official fifth volume cover is sooo beautiful! <3 Take a look and see how they both look so happy together, I can imagine them so much from this song too, it depicts everything 🥰💖
Navigation Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 2 Ending Song: Cao Mu Bu Xiu by Chen Yiming Translation Masterlist
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yibocheeks · 7 months
240301 Xiao Zhan Studio Weibo Update
His "Border • Boundary" (边 • 界), embarking upon the "train" for Milan, "circling" around for a few days. Experiencing: the fine drizzle and drifting dust of the city's scenery cleansed by the rain; Listening: to the blazing grand surging waves on the streets of another country; Recording: the sunset in the fading light of dusk, capturing a moment of tranquility for Xiao Zhan Walking: in the grand "circle" of this "world" (世界) With each passing moment, surpassing a new "border".
山不让尘, 川不辞盈 智行方圆, 曲中求直 (The closing phrase in the video)
山不让尘,川不辞盈 Mountains do not heed the dust which form them, Rivers do not retreat from the trickles that fill them
All great things come from all the small things that we accumulate, from a Jin dynasty poem by Zhang Hua (I've incorporated some of the preceding lines into the translation).
智行方圆, 曲中求直 Wisdom is in knowing the perimeters (more literal: square-circle) for the journey taken, Seek straightness within the curve
Have a clear goal and hold firmly to your principles in what you do, even in different settings, Adapt to the curveballs we encounter to find the straight path forward. (This last phrase actually comes from one of the principles in tai chi. In order to deliver a move, one must find the balance between moving through a circle and moving forward in a straight line; the principle of yin and yang is at the foundation of tai chi and is what is at the core of this phrase too.)
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itsmpmpmp · 3 months
there's a common thread of 'loneliness' weaving most of the songs of disc A in 反深代词 together and it is not only characteristic of the protagonist/narrator (周深本深—shenself) but also the world he lives in... sometimes this loneliness is characterized by his stubbornness in a lone pursuit and other times it is highlighted through the absence of intimacy.
mirage introduces the people of "the world 200 years from now" as trapped in the unforgiving flow of time and the uncertainty of the future. to keep on keeping on despite all that is as unavoidable as it is fundamental to survival.
the protagonist debuts in restart, seemingly exists outside of that cage of time. but his knowledge of the "future" begets more unpredictability, and now the enormity of time only he has experienced isolates him. his loneliness is plainly put: 独自反复 回到最初. 伤与被伤 孤独已刻骨. 遥远守护 继续追逐 或是体面结束. 用满身尘土 换渺小幸福. not only is his loneliness built through several lifetimes but also through his deliberate choice of depraving himself of familial intimacy in some time loop.
now take a look at the "bestsellers" at the memory store(s): 不虚拟的拥吻, 人群狂欢, 不需要下载的陪伴, etc..., they suggest a lack of sincere and honest intimacy in this world (or at the very least it is commonly unavailable). even then, the protagonist's (seemingly simple) request of memory is obsolete and unavailable at many stores. it makes him a lonely person among lonely people.
(some totems of loneliness like 鲸鱼歌声鸣咽, 岛屿, 下雪 also made an appearance.)
we've already seen some of his tendencies to sacrifice his own happiness in restart, but in the giver it's clearer how the protagonist is alienated from his peers Despite his effort to people-please: 他们绝不 为你而痛, 你被困进人情世故的中游, 你终将何去何从, 求救无人听懂...
BUTTTTT despite all of these deep-seated loneliness and a glaring absence of intimacy in disc A we WILL get some love and affection and friendship and closeness in disc B. and is that not the most zs narrative of all.
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romantamsxiangshi · 11 months
Translation of Anita Mui's 1991 "似是故人来" (It Seems an Old Friend has Returned)
My first sapphic translation! Anita Mui, the Madonna of Hong Kong, has a very special place in my heart. She sang many Golden Age anthems, starred in just as many Golden Age dramas, and was named the "big sister of HK's music industry." Though she never disclosed her sexuality, she was named a queer icon for her androgyny, sexually explicit lyrics, and performance of genderqueer roles. (Think Lady Gaga.)
似是故人来 is the theme song of the 1991 双镯, or "The Two Bracelets," a lesbian love story set in the countryside of southern China. The movie was adapted from the novel of the same name by Lu Zhaohuan, and was directed by Huang Yushan. 似是故人来 was composed and produced by Luo Dayou, with lyrics by Lin Xi, both of whom operated under strict censorship and limited knowledge of the film's plot. According to Luo, Anita Mui was 2.5 hours late to the recording session (which I think is kinda gay), but finished the recording in 30 minutes.
同是过路 同做过梦 We walked the same roads towards the same dreams.
本应是一对 We were supposed to be a couple.
人在少年 梦中不觉 I was too young, I didn’t know I was dreaming.
醒后要归去 Now I’ve awakened, and I wish to return.
三餐一宿 也共一双 Three meals, one house, the two of us together.
到底会是谁 Who will you be in my future? (1)
但凡未得到 但凡是过去 I don’t think you’ll ever understand. It’s in the past, after all. 
总是最登对 But I’ve always loved you. (2)
台下你望 台上我做 You’ll watch me from the audience, I’ll perform for you onstage.
你想做的戏 I’ll give you whichever story you wish. (3)
前事故人 忘忧的你 Old friend, you who forget your sorrows,
可曾记得起 Do you ever remember me? (4)
欢喜伤悲 老病生死 Joys and sorrows, life and death: 
说不上传奇 What are those stories next to ours? (5)
恨台上卿卿 或台下我 I hate those lovers onstage, and I hate myself offstage. (6)
我不是我跟你 I hate that I am not with you. (7)
俗尘渺渺 天意茫茫 This land is so barren. Heaven knows no shame (8)
将你共我分开 To separate you from me. 
断肠字点点 风雨声连连 My broken heart beats in my every word. This storm will never end.
似是故人来 Old friend, I thought you were coming back. (9)
何日再在 何地再聚 When will we be here again? Where shall we meet again?
说今夜真暖 This evening was so warm.
无份有缘 回忆不断 We don’t share a destiny, but I’ve never stopped thinking of you. (10)
生命却苦短 This life is so short.
一种相思 两段苦恋 One lovesickness, two bitter hearts.
半生说没完 I’ve spent half a life spent describing you to others. (11)
在年月深渊 望明月远远 Each year is an abyss, I wish upon the moon. 
想像你忧怨 And I remember all your sorrows.
俗尘渺渺 天意茫茫 This land is so barren. Heaven knows no shame
将你共我分开 To separate you from me. 
断肠字点点 风雨声连连 My broken heart beats in my every word. This storm will never end.
似是故人来 Old friend, I thought you were coming back.
留下你或 留下我在 Did I leave you behind? Or did you leave me behind,
世间上终老 To grow old in this world? (12)
离别以前 未知相对 Before we parted, did we know how much we loved each other? 
当日那么好 Those days were so lovely. 
执子之手 却又分手 I hold your hand, just to let it go again.
爱得有还无 I don’t know where to find our love. (13)
十年后��双 万年后对对 In ten years, we’ll be together. In ten-thousand years, we’ll be together.
只恨看不到 I only wish I could see it happen.
十年后双双 万年后对对 In ten years, we’ll be together. In ten-thousand years, we’ll be together.
只恨看不到 I only wish I could see it happen.
Translation notes:
(1) 到底会是谁 translates directly to "Who will it be, really?" When placed in conversation with the previous line, this line could mean, "Who will be my partner?" (referring to a love interest the speaker does not yet know/recognize) or "Who will you be?" (referring to the speaker's uncertainty towards their current love interest, and how their love interest seems foreign to them now). The lack of subjects, objects, and pronouns leaves a lot of room for interpretation, so I chose the angstier version.
(2) 总是最登对 translates directly to "Always the right one," or "Always correct." I take this to mean that the love interest has always been the right person for the speaker--hence, "I have always loved you."
(3) 你想做的戏 translates directly to "Whichever play you want to see," referring to the previous line concerning the actress/audience interaction. I chose "I'll give you whichever story you wish" because it sounded better (subjective?) and felt congruous to a number of lines besides just the previous, as well as to the song's meta context. This song was part of a broader love story/movie, after all.
(4) 曾 (ceng) implies something ancient: translated literally, the line is "Have you already remembered?" or "I/you/[subject] already remember." Considering how the protagonists of the movie view their queerness as a sorrow that must be forgotten/left behind, I decided to place this line in conversation with the previous, and go with "do you remember me?"
(5) 说不上传奇 translates directly to "They can't be considered legends," which I believe is a line meant to minimize life/death/old age/illness next to the speaker's love. I thought it was a bit awkward to refer to life/death as legends, so I used the term "stories" and added "next to ours" to match the full effect of the line and its relationship to the previous line. I converted this line into a question because a simple sentence in English doesn't quite have the same power as a short sentence/fragment in Cantonese. Questions do, though, because they feel more accusatory.
(6) The 卿 of 卿卿 (qing qing) can be translated any number of ways: "ministers (of the law)", "wives/ladies," or "lovers." There's a certain heterosexual rigidity implied in the word, which I think any English translation loses.
(7) 我不是我跟你 is the line that confused me the most, because it defies both Chinese and English grammar structures. I tried translating it literally at first: "I am not me with you," or "I am without you," or "Without you, I am not me," before deciding to go with the laziest route. Let me know if there's a better translation, please--I'm still confused.
(8) 天意茫茫 translates to "Heaven's will is wild and vast." The original line implies unknowability, but I used a pretty heavy hand in choosing the word "shame" instead. My academic justification is that shame, accusation, and frustration echo throughout this whole song, and my translation pays tribute to that. My honest justification is that I liked the angst.
(9) There is no object in this line--the speaker just says, "I thought an old friend was coming back"/"It's as if an old friend is coming back." But I liked the addition of an object.
(10) 份 (fen) could mean "to share" or "to separate" or "to share by separating" (e.g. splitting food between people). In this case, I thought it would sound strange to write "splitting a destiny."
(11) 半生说没完 translates to "half a life is not enough." The speaker doesn't clarify what they need the time for: whether to spend with their lover, to talk about them, etc. "Describing you to others" was a big creative liberty of mine, but it's also something that feels very sapphic, and emphasizes the speaker's loneliness.
(12) 终老 has the implications of taking care of one's parents when they are old: a duty, and an emotional labor. Growing old alone, without anyone to take care of you, is a very sad thing in Chinese culture.
(13) 爱得有还无 also translates to "I don't know whether this love exists" and "I don't know whether I have this love." But considering the importance of location, and the importance of journeying/coming/going, I chose "where to find."
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nhu-an · 4 months
Hầu hết những người trên thế giới này đều là người bình thường, muôn nghìn chúng sinh, miệt mài làm việc từ chín giờ sáng đến năm giờ tối, tự mình vượt qua bụi trần. Khi mặt trời ló dạng, tất cả chúng ta đều sẽ tiếp tục sống, và quên đi cơn giông gần như phá hủy cả thành phố vào tối qua.
- Như An dịch
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yeliuxi · 8 months
Jing Qi & the sable: Why this little guy has more relevance than just being poisonous and cute
I was talking about Jing Qi & the sable with @geneticcatalyst on this post here and I had some thoughts (and feelings) about them
When Jing Qi is lamenting about human troubles, he says:
这人,要操心的事情太多,譬如父母兄弟,亲朋好友, 妻儿老小, 每日应酬也应酬不过来, 总有千千万万的诱惑叫人陷进去
People have too many things to worry about, like parents and brothers, friends and family, wife, children, elders, and juniors, and social niceties upon social niceties to take care of every day. There are always thousands of temptations for people to fall to.
All the things that Jing Qi lists here are things he has struggled with since the beginning of the story. He has filial obligations to his father, must upkeep his friendship with Helian Yi while keeping him at a distance, and has a lot of pressure on him to take a wife and have sons. He has no brothers who can pass down the position of yixing wang to their children in his place. He must keep up respect and facades for Helian Pei, Helian Zhao, and Great General Feng, as they are his elders. He has recently taken a junior, Liang Jiuxiao, under his wing, and is now, in part, responsible for him.
And the temptations? Napping. I say this unironically.
When Jing Qi wakes up in the 7th life, he wants nothing more than to fool around until his death, just bid his time until his karmic ties can be resolved. It would be very easy to do, considering the favorability that (not) "keeping in his own lane" gets him in the 7th life. Helian Pei dotes on Jing Qi even more than his own sons. He's his 半个儿子, as Helian Zhao puts it. (But also this is the same scene when he's calling himself Jing Qi's da-ge and saying greasy stuff like 北渊,你跟大哥说说 [Beiyuan, tell your da-ge]. Barf.)
But... "keeping in his own lane" also means that, without his interference, the nation will be in danger of falling into the greedy and violent hands of Helian Yi's brothers. Even if Jing Qi lazed around for a decade, he would inevitably have to deal with the much more unpleasant fallout.
It's kind of a no-free-lunch thing. Jing Qi has not earned his right to laze around if he ignores his duties to his nation, and will suffer consequences for it. So, Jing Qi resists temptations, upholds daily social niceties, appeases his elders, and tries to keep Helian Yi as the crown prince. And, in the end, he is rewarded: in making sure Helian Yi ascends to the throne, he now no longer has to worry about negative fallout, and can go with Wuxi to Nanjiang, where he will live a peaceful and happy life.
He slowly divests himself of all these worries by the end of the novel. He still has responsibilities, but suffers less for them. The first to go is his obligation to take a wife and have an heir. This is also, in a way, a direct reward of Jing Qi fulfilling his duties to his nation. But... Jing Qi has always been fond of children, and wanted some of his own. (Now I want to make myself sad. Jiang Xue feelings time.) And he gets a child, eventually. One that calls him Diedie 🥺 Luta is a package deal with his peaceful life in Nanjiang, and is also a "long-term payoff" for his character.
These are Jing Qi's mortal, human troubles and affairs.
Then Jing Qi says:
可畜生不一样,每日操心的不过是活着和吃喝。你养了它, 它平日里看得见的,认得的,也就你一个人。你有外面大千世界三丈红尘,它却只记得你一个人的恩情……
But animals are different; their only worries every day are living, eating, and drinking. If you raise an animal, they will usually only look at and recognize you. There is this great big world of mortal affairs outside, and yet it will remember only your kindness...
(Also, on a tangent, Jing Qi uses 三丈红尘 to refer to the mortal world. Literally means "three zhang of red dust." The "red dust" of the mortal world comes from the poem 《西都赋》 and is talking about dust kicked up from daily life of mortals, from traveling, working, etc. And three zhang because most life is contained within three zhang (like 60 feet) of the ground. Unless you're special and live in the sky, I don't know.)
I imagine Jing Qi is speaking from experience, having been an animal in several of his previous lives. In this context, he is also specifically talking about the sable, as he just asked Ji Xiang if he thinks the sable will still recognize him.
When Jing Qi first meets the sable, the sable's position is very much like his own: holed up in the capital, kept there due to obligation to the nation of Da Qing (poor sable is also a hostage like Wuxi). He immediately terrorizes it, which is very different from Jing Qi promising to burn a fox paper money just after wearing its fur, remembering himself how it felt to be skinned alive in his 5th life. But it doesn't seem that he's too aware of the fact that he is terrorizing it... he claims that all he's done is "love it" and doesn't know why it's afraid of him.
Regardless, the sable is used to being scolded by Wuxi, who is strict with it. So it doesn't bite Jing Qi again, and is very well behaved. When Jing Qi takes it back to his estate, the sabel is far less behaved, and likes to make messes and stress out the household staff... much like Jing Qi himself. But, really, just as Jing Qi said: the sable, though it still loves and misses Wuxi, is now being fed, raised, and cared for by Jing Qi. It has no other concerns, and gets to play and laze about freely.
There's a moment when the sable kills the spy that was placed among Jing Qi's household staff, and Jing Qi is surprised, wondering, "You're really this viscious?" I think there's a case to be made that the sable, much like Jing Qi, can be ruthless, though outwardly does not seem like it. Jing Qi describes the sable as 没良心的 (conscienceless). 良心 (conscience) is also the word that Jing Qi asks Liang Jiuxiao if he knows how to write, and claims that a dog ate his own 良心. Jing Qi and the sable are just 没良心的besties over here.
While Jing Qi spends most of his time in the "mortal world" of Da Qing with too many worries, he eventually comes to be like the sable in other ways: concerned only about living, eating, and drinking, concerned only about one person's kindness. This is also a point in favor of Nanjiang kind of being like the underworld? Jing Qi dies in Da Qing, then lives a peaceful afterlife in Nanjiang, where he is no longer concerned with the great, big 三丈红尘 outside. (+15 Buddhist theme points to Qi Ye.)
Jing Qi fulfills his duties to his nation, dies as a ghost of Da Qing, lets go of his mortal affairs, and is rewarded for it. He gets his peaceful life in Nanjiang, and his worries of humans.
TL;DR, things the sable and post-canon Jing Qi have in common:
Love Wuxi
Loved by Wuxi
Hand fed by Wuxi
Scolded by Wuxi (eat your snake meat, Beiyuan)
No stress about family, friends, elders, juniors
Being ancient (accoording to Liang Jiuxiao)
Disciplined by Wuxi (Luta is traumatized)
Get to be carefree and playful and laze about at the end of the novel
Terrorizing servants
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guidaozongshi · 9 months
WangXian [忘羡] Lyrics
Singers : Wu En [Lan Wangji], Yu Xia [Wei Wuxian]
[Wei Wuxian]
飞 花 连 碧 风 流 忆 年 少
fēi huā lián bì fēng liú yì nián shào
Flowers drift through the jade-coloured sky, a memory of youth
姑 苏 又 泛 春 潮
gū sū yòu fàn chūn cháo
Gusu bathes in the spring glow once again
[Lan Wangji]
群 峰 隐 隐 云 深 处
qún fēng yǐn yǐn yún shēn chù
Mountain peaks are hidden behind clouds
延 绵 自 有 相 思 道
yán mián zì yǒu xiāng sī dào
White wisps paving a path for my longing
人 虽 去 冰 心 未 销
rén suī qù bīng xīn wèi xiāo
Of you gone,a frozen heart keeps hoping
[Wei Wuxian]
雨 过 枇 杷 俏
yǔ guò pí pá qiào
Loquats drenched after the rain
竹 篙 略 挑 随 手 抛 谁 接 着
zhú gāo lvè tiāo suí shǒu pāo shuí jiē zhe
Playfully passing around bamboo poles, who caught it?
个 中 酸 甜 日 后 都 付 一 笑
gè zhōng suān tián rì hòu d��u fù yí xiào
Now I look back at those bittersweet times with a smile
原 来
yuán lái
原 来 陈 情 俱 是 旧 人
chén qíng jù shì jiù rén
This first love was all for you
撩 动
liáo dòng
How can-
[Lan Wangji]
心 事 如 何 能 避 尘
xīn shì rú hé néng bì chén
These desires be avoided?
与 你
yǔ nǐ
With you -
一 曲 吹 彻 欢 同 恨
yì qǔ chuī chè huān tóng hèn
I play a song of joy and sorrow
千 帆 过 还 天 真
qiān fān guò hái tiān zhēn
Through a thousand storms, yet your innocence remains
道 说 随 便 意 气 何 逍 遥
dào shuō suí biàn yì qì hé xiāo yáo
The say you speak your mind casually
身 后 却 是 滔 滔
shēn hòu què shì tāo tāo
But resentment always followed you behind
[Wei Wuxian]
烟 水 迢 迢 共 轻 舟
yān shuǐ tiáo tiáo gòng qīng zhōu
A small boat sailing down a misty river
云 萍 灯 火 接 天 照
yún píng dēng huǒ jiē tiān zhào
As lights from burning Yunmeng illuminated the sky like the sun
忽 醒 来 不 是 他 宵
hū xǐng lái bú shì tā xiāo
Eyes opened , but it's not that night
[Lan Wangji]
尘 世 三 千 条
chén shì sān qiān tiáo
Three thousand rules of this mortal realm
不 及 半 坛 天 子 笑 谁 醉 倒
bù jí bàn tán tiān zǐ xiào shuí zuì dǎo
Can’t compare to half a jar of Emperor’s Smile, who is the drunk one now?
停 弦 忘 机 情 动 却 难 知 晓
tíng xián wàng jī qíng dòng què nán zhī xiǎo
The melody detatches from the world, but the stirring emotions are difficult to comprehend
原 来
yuán lái
So -
[Lan Wangji]
再 逢 只 需 一 瞬
zài féng zhǐ xū yí shùn
Only a moment was needed for this reunion
过 往
guò wǎng
The past..
[Wei Wuxian]
在 意 何 必 处 处 闻
zài yì hé bì chù chù wén
Why seek to keep it in your heart?
与 你
yǔ nǐ
With you -
[Lan Wangji]
话 尽 生 死 酒 尚 温
huà jìn shēng sǐ jiǔ shàng wēn
I could spend my life speaking to you over warm wine
十 年 梦 未 觉 冷
shí nián mèng wèi jiào lěng
All these ten years, it no longer feels lonely
原 来
yuán lái
[Wei Wuxian]
陈 情 俱 是 旧 人
chén qíng jù shì jiù rén
This first love was all for you
撩 动
liáo dòng
How can -
[Lan Wangji]
心 事 如 何 能 避 尘
xīn shì rú hé néng bì chén
These desires be avoided?
与 你
yǔ nǐ
With you-
[Wei Wuxian]
一 曲 吹 彻 欢 同 恨
yì qǔ chuī chè huān tóng hèn
I play a song of joy and sorrow
千 帆 过 还 天 真
qiān fān guò hái tiān zhēn
Through a thousand storms, yet your inoccence remains
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deng-yi-deng · 6 months
“更 适 合 全 球 烬 化 的 中 国 仙 侠”
这部剧当年凭什么能在文化输出方面一骑绝尘? 凭强节奏的剧情,恢宏的世界观,罗云熙出场即高光的精湛演技,兼具暗黑风格的华丽诡谲和东方美学色彩的独特画风……都是牢牢抓住海内外观众眼球的坚实基础。 官媒盖章,权威认证,让文化输出“全球烬化”早已不单单是一句口号。别具一格的爽文升维式观剧体验,就此开辟出一条不可复制的文化输出道路。
(video and comment by 用来听屁的仙女座 - shared with permission by the fanclub)
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