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justafrightenedhuman · 3 months ago
don't forget your daily click here are my art permissions buy me a ko-fi commission me!!
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iso-photo · 1 year ago
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treasurecolonyexplorer · 1 year ago
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utsuroyihon · 1 year ago
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(Xユーザーの上田桃夏 Uthm Momokaさん: 「おはよ~!🍑 快晴☀ 本日‼よろしくお願いします!!🙌🏻 お気をつけてお越しください🩷 楽しも〜!Happy Halloween🎃 https://t.co/vz5CAyI7Qp」 / Xから)
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munmoon52 · 1 year ago
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a-s-k-cafe · 1 year ago
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februa10 · 1 year ago
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gradol-cuties · 8 months ago
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Hibiki Natsume 夏目響 1998年11月21日 T161cm 85 - 56 - 88 cm Fカ
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koch-snowflake-blog · 11 months ago
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中井 りかは、日本のタレント、女優、YouTuberで、アイドルグループ・NGT48の元メンバー。愛称は、りか姫、りかちゃん。富山県富山市出身。太田プロダクション所属。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 富山県 富山市
生年月日: 1997年8月23日 (年齢 26歳)
音楽グループ: NGT48 (2015年から)
テレビ番組: 青春高校3年C組、 ふわり愛、 今日から友達になれますか?、 さらに表示
身長: 156 cm
事務所: 太田プロダクション
活動期間: 2015年 -
富山県の立山連峰が見える郊外の住宅地で育った。幼稚園の頃は人前に立つのが好きな「何をしても目立つ子」であったが、小学生になると、周囲となじめなかったことから、なるべく地味にしていようと心に決めていた。そのような環境の中で慰めてくれたのが、AKB48などのアイドルたちであり、自分もアイドルになりたいと思うようになったが、高校では保育士を目指し勉強していた。しかし、アイドルの夢を捨てきれず、2014年 AKB48 Team8 全国一斉オーディション富山県代表に応募。最後の2人まで残ったとの連絡は受けたが、その後の電話連絡に出られず次点となり落選。
翌年、高校3年生の時にNGT48第1期生オーディションに応募。 最終審査に残った場合、次回の48グループのオーディションは最終審査まで免除になるが、それを忘れ書類審査から参加。 2015年7月25日、NGT48第1期生オーディション最終審査に合格し、同年8月21日に新潟市歴史博物館(みなとぴあ)でお披露目された。
2016年1月10日、『NGT48劇場グランドオープン初日公演』に出演。同時に他の15名とともにチームNIIIを結成。同年11月16日発売のAKB48の46thシングル「ハイテンション」で初めてAKB48のシングルの選抜メンバーに抜擢。同年12月、ライブストリーミングプラットフォームSHOWROOM上で2016年に視聴者から多くの支持を得たパフォーマー(SHOWROOMER)を表彰する『SHOWROOM AWARD 2016』における「BEST AKB PERFORMER」を松井珠理奈(SKE48)、野村奈央(当時AKB48)とともに受賞した。同年12月31日、第67回NHK紅白歌合戦に投票企画「AKB48 夢の紅白選抜」で33位に選ばれ、AKB48として出演。
2017年4月12日発売のNGT48のデビューシングル「青春時計」ではセンターポジションを務めた。同年5月30日から6月16日にかけて投票が実施された『AKB48 49thシングル選抜総選挙』において23位になり、アンダーガールズに選出される。同年11月17日にAKSから太田プロダクションへの所属事務所移籍を自身のSHOWROOMにおいて発表し、同年12月、太田プロダクションの公式ホームページに掲載された。
2018年1月15日に自身初のソロコンサート『中井りかソロコンサート〜中井りかキャンペーン中〜』をTOKYO DOME CITY HALLにおいて開催した。
2018年6月16日に発表された『AKB48 53rdシングル 世界選抜総選挙』では37位となり、ネクストガールズに選出された。
2022年6月29日発売のNGT48 1stアルバム「未完成の未来」に収録のリード曲「しそうでしないキス」では、小越春花とダブルセンターを務めた。
2023年4月12日、デビューシングル『青春時計』リリース6周年記念イベントにて、グループ卒業を発表。卒業時期は同年夏ごろを予定しているとした。 同年8月2日発売のNGT48 9thシングル「あのさ、いや別に...」では、2度目のシングル曲センターポジションを務めた。
同年8月5日、「中井りか卒業コンサート〜推し変禁止は絶対命令〜」を新潟県民会館大ホールにて開催。 同月31日、NGT48劇場での卒業公演をもってNGT48から卒業
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nonono-zzz · 8 months ago
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エクササイズな花梨先輩! #夏色花梨 #花梨ギャラリー pic.twitter.com/gpeh51yhkK
— 銘伏カリナ (@Nafuse_Karina) April 21, 2024
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moment-japan · 4 months ago
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yoga-onion · 1 year ago
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (21)
E for Eadha (Aspen) - September 21st Autumn Equinox
“Whispering tree, also known as Trembling tree  - Autumn Equinox of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), when moving into darkness”
Star: Pluto, Mercury, Saturn: Gemstone: black opal,; Gender: female; Patron deity: Persephone, Hades; Symbol: listening, overcoming fear + courage, shield, light in the darkness
Aspen trees are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the northern hemisphere, extending south at high-altitude areas such as mountains or high plains.
The aspen is referred to as quaking aspen or trembling aspen because the leaves "quake" or tremble in the wind. This is due to their flattened petioles which reduce aerodynamic drag on the trunk and branches, so that they catch any slight breeze, making the leaves tremble, flutter and make a soft, rustling sound each time they do so. In autumn, the leaves turn bright yellow and sometimes red, and when they fade further and turn black, they fall off.
The ancient Celts believed that the wind was a messenger of the word of the gods and therefore considered anything that was in tune with the wind sacred. The same is true of the aspen tree. The aspen, which has the best ears of all trees, always rustled its leaves in response to the voice of the gods.
However, the aspen, with its close connection to death and the underworld, came to be regarded as a tree of misfortune. In earlier times, corpses and graves were counted with a cane made of aspen named fé, and people were terribly afraid of the calamities that would befall them if they were struck with this cane. The connection with the seasons, rest and rebirth was often overlooked, and many people, cowering in fear, heard only the abominable sound of aspen leaves rustling in the wind. However, the teachings of the aspen are about overcoming the fear of death, the fear of the unknown and fear itself. The aspen was called the 'shield tree' by the Irish Celts, and is said to have been their favourite tree for making shields. This was not only because aspens provided a reassuring shield, but also because they protected us from flinching in the face of the unknown, once we had taken their teachings to heart.
Incense made from aspens is burned continuously during Halloween (Celtic festival of Samhain). Halloween is the time of year when the distance between this world and the underworld is at its closest, and the period that ushers in the new year. Samhain is also the festival of the New Year, which takes place on November the 1st, the beginning of the year, but it is also the festival of the dead. It is believed that during nights between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, the border with the other world disappears, the souls of the dead visit their relatives, and demons and evil spirits cause damage to crops and livestock.
Ancient Celtic cultures were known to carve turnips or potatoes and place embers inside to ward off evil spirits. That's because Ireland didn't have pumpkins. In England, large beets were used. When immigrants brought over their carving tradition, Americans began carving jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (21)
EはEadha (ポプラ) - 9月21日・秋分の日 
『ささやきの木、震える木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)・秋分、暗闇に移るとき』
星: 冥王星、水星、土星: 宝石: ブラック・オパール、; 性: 女性; 守護神: ベルセポネ、ハデス; シンボル: 聞くこと、恐怖の克服+勇気、楯、暗闇の中の光明
ポプラ (セイヨウヤマナラシ‘山鳴らし’) の木はすべて、北半球の北部で夏が涼しく寒い地域に自生し、南は山や高原などの標高の高い地域に広がっている。
ハロウィン (ケルトのサウィン祭)の期間中、ポプラから作られたお香が焚かれ続ける。ハロウィンは、現世と冥界の距離が最も近くなる時期であり、新年を迎える期間でもある。サウィンは、1年の始まりである11月1日に行われる新年の祭りでもあるが、同時に死者の祭りでもある。年末から新年が始まるまでの夜は、あの世との境界がなくなり、死者の魂が親族を訪ね、悪魔や悪霊が農作物や家畜に被害を与えると信じられている。
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lovedrunkheadcanons · 2 years ago
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SUMMARY: The year was 2014. With the marriage of Satoru Gojo and Hannah Thames made official, the first of its kind, a bridge had finally been established. Relations between the Jujutsu and Western factions practically improved overnight, bringing hope that Ryomen Sukuna would be exorcized at last, but things are never that simple.
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(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
Ch 1: The Wedding
Ch 2: Meetings and Mishaps
Ch 3: The King of Curses
Ch 4: Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Ch 5: The Strongest
Ch 6: The Siren
Ch 7: A Moment of Grace, A Thread of Enlightenment
Ch 8: After the Rain, Earth Hardens
Ch 9: We Are But Flesh and Bone
Ch 10: There Is No Easy Way To Learning
Ch 11: Laborare Est Orare 
Ch 12: Tomoe’s Warning
Ch 13: Fear No Danger To Ensue 
Ch 14: Into The Belly of the Beast
Ch 15: The Only Way Out Is Through (I)
Ch 16: The Only Way Out Is Through (II)
Ch 17: Reconciled
Ch 18: Fighting the Inevitable
Ch 19: Duch and Butch
Ch 20: A Heart to Heart
Ch 21: Life’s Tiny Victories
Ch 22: The Nature of Bees
Ch 23: Great Courage Is Righteous Anger
Ch 24: Kumari’s Appraisal & Armaments
Ch 25: The Road To A Friend’s House Is Never Long
Ch 26: The Harp
Ch 27: Hiding In Plain Sight
Ch 28: A Burden Shared Is A Burden Halved
Ch 29: Resolution
Ch 30: One Flesh (SMUT)
Ch 31: Honeymoon Phase (SMUT)
Ch 32: 夏油 傑
Ch 33: One Trouble Departed, Again Trouble
Ch 34: Sanity(SMUT)
Sticks and Stones
A Girls’ Night Out
津美紀 (Tsumiki)
真希 (Maki)
The Blindfold
Maidenhair Tree (銀杏)
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lovejapanese80s · 7 months ago
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山本理沙 11月の夏 1985年11月21日
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bnhaobservation · 1 year ago
Keeping up with the Todorokis or, just me observing the Todorokis: Volume 1
So this is nothing else but a collection of informations, volume by volume, about what the Todorokis do in the story or which info are revealed about them and so on.
Todoroki Enji (轟 炎司): He’s working as a Pro Hero under the name Flame Hero: Endeavor (フレイム ヒーロー  エンデヴァー) as well as owning a Hero agency, Endeavor Agency (エンデヴァー 事務所 ‘Endeavor Jimusho’) and he’s considered the Number Two Hero of Japan. Born on 8th of August he is 44 in Chap 1 & 45 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Rei (轟 冷) née Himura Rei (氷叢 冷): Recovered at Fujitani Hospital (藤谷 病院 ‘Fujitani Byōin’). There are no info about her age. She might be around 3-4 years younger than Enji as the other parents are shown to have this or more age difference, but this is just speculation.
Todoroki Tōya (轟 燈矢): Assumed dead his whereabouts are unknown but he probably already went by the name of Dabi (荼毘 “Cremation”) and was training his Quirk and keeping his eyes on his family and, especially, on his father. As there are no criminal records on him, it’s possible he wasn’t a Villain yet and Dabi was just the name he used, not his Villain name. Born on 18th of January he is 22 in Chap 1 & 23 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Fuyumi (轟 冬美): She might have been already teaching in an Elementary School… or she might have started doing so from chap 5. Born on 6th of December she is 21 in Chap 1 & 22 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Natsuo (轟 夏雄): For chap 1 to 4 he’s in his last year of high school, from chap 5 he should have started his first year of university attempting to major in public health (医療福祉 ‘Iryō fukushi’ “Medical wellfare”). Born on 1st of July he is 17 in Chap 1 & 18 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Shōto (轟 焦凍): For chap 1 to 4 he’s in his last year at Corusan Middle School (凝山 中学校 Corusan Chūgakkō), from chap 5 he is in his first year at U.A. High School (雄英 高校 ‘U.A. Kōkō’). Born on 11th of January he is 14 in Chap 1 & 15 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Enji: Chap 1 (background), Chap 3 (exposition)
Todoroki Shōto: Chap 5 (he’s there but he’s not shown)*, Chap 6, 7
* In theory we should have seen him when the inside of the class was shown but, since Horikoshi hadn’t decided yet on which will be the seats of the characters and will therefore change them later on (and changes them even in this same chapter), Mineta is sitting on his seat.
001. Midoriya Izuku: Origin (緑谷出久:オリジン Midoriya Izuku: ORIGIN) Enji (Picture)
002. Roaring Muscles (うなれ筋肉 Unare Kin'niku)
003. Entrance Exam (入試 Nyūshi) Enji (Fantasy)
004. Starting Line (スタートライン START LINE)
005. Smashing into Academia (はりさけろ入学 Harisakero Nyūgaku)
006. What I Can Do for Now (今 僕に出来ることを Ima Boku ni Dekiru Koto wo) Shōto
007. Costume Change? (服着よう? Fuku Kiyō?) Shōto
001. Midoriya Izuku: Origin (緑谷出久:オリジン Midoriya Izuku: ORIGIN)
002. What It Takes to Be a Hero (ヒーローの条件 Hero no Jōken)
003. Roaring Muscles (うなれ筋肉 Unare Kinniku)
004. Start Line (スタートライン START LINE) Enji (Fantasy)
005. What I Can Do for Now (今 僕に出来ることを Ima Boku ni Dekiru Koto wo) Shōto
006. Rage, You Damn Nerd (猛れクソナード Takere Kuso NERD) Shōto
ENTRANCE EXAM ARC (Chap 1-5): Chap 1 to 4 (and a bit of 5) cover the year that takes place prior to Midoriya entering in U.A. high school, chap 1 taking place the second week of April, when school year begins, then in chap 3 on February 26th there’s the entrance exam and, one week later, Midoriya receives the letter of admission. They’re kind of a prequel to the whole story which, mostly takes place in the following school year and, partly, in the one after it and focus mostly on Midoriya Izuku (Deku) and Yagi Toshinori (All Might), introducing Midoriya’s mother, Inko, and Midoriya’s childhood friend, Bakugō Katsuki. The Todorokis have no real place in this arc, beyond introducing Enji as the Hero Number Two.
In fact, in chap 1, in what’s supposedly the first day of his third year of middle school and, therefore, in the second week of April, while Midoriya is going to school, at 8:14, we can see an image of Endeavor on a giant screen, while he’s sitting on a chair and talking.
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Also due to the colouring his Hero costume appears different than the one he’ll wore later.
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This is clearly his prototype costume, which he shared in the "Ultra Archive" book, along with the prototype description
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We can't say if the scene we see is a commercial, a picture or something that’s happening in real time, just that he's seated and talking and there seem to be an image, possibly a video, behind him, but the fact that his image appears on a TV screen with his name being reported on it, tells us he’s a person important enough to end up on TV and the fact that superimposed to the image there’s what clearly looks like his Hero name also informs us he’s a Hero and how he’s called.
It’s a pity that the anime removed this bit, replacing the TV screen with a commercial, as it’s cool setting information for the story.
In fact in chap 3 we’ve Midoriya giving us further information about the worldbuilding, which lead us to learn the Flame Hero Endeavor (aka Todoroki Enji, though his name isn’t given yet) graduated at U.A. High and is the man who resolved more cases than anyone else in history.
‘Jiken kaiketsu-sū shijō saita! Nenshō-kei HERO “ENDEAVOR”’ 『事件解決数史上最多!燃焼系ヒーロー「エンデヴァー」!!』 “The highest number of cases solved in history! Combustion Hero ‘Endeavor’! !” [Chap 3]
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On a sidenote the fact that Endeavor is called 'Nenshō-kei HERO “ENDEAVOR”’ (燃焼系ヒーロー「エンデヴァー」 "Combustion hero ‘Endeavor’") instead than the usual 'FLAME HERO ENDEAVOR' (フレイムヒーロー エンデヴァー "Flame Hero Endeavor") seems to imply Horikoshi didn't decide yet on his full Hero name...
Also, although this time they were colored correctly (but the coloring for chap 3 was done much later), the chest area on his Hero costume is still the same as in the prototype.
QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST ARC (Chap 5-7): This arc focuses on the first day of Midoriya Izuku at U.A. High and to how his class, class A, meets their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shōta and skips entrance ceremony and guidance session to immediately have a Quirk apprehension test.
Todoroki Shōto is in the same class as Midoriya so technically he takes active part to what’s going on in this arc but he’s barely shown through the three chapters, only managing to appear in the background for a grand total of three times (2 in chap 6, 1 in chap 7).
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Chap 5 goes so far as to avoids showing him when representing the inside of the class, also due to how Horikoshi isn’t showing the students in what will become their assigned seats, likely because he hadn’t decided on them yet (in Japan seats are usually assigned at the beginning of the year based on the students’ numbers), and we only see glimpses of him in the other two chapters. We know though he got second place in the test, ahead of Bakugō but behind Yaoyorozu Momo.
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BATTLE TRIAL ARC (Chap 7-11): Chap 7 contains the beginning of a new arc. It takes place the second day of school, shows the students of class A having English lessons in the morning, eating at the cafeteria and then informs us that, in the afternoon they’re supposed to have Hero basic training with All Might and, more specifically, they’ll have battle training and, in order to do it, they’ll wear their Hero costumes which were designed in accordance with the special request form they filled before being admitted. Once the students are done wearing their costumes, they're meant to join All Might on "Ground Beta" (運度所 β 'Undosho β').
By the way, the anime shows us the seating of everyone in the class.
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We can see Shōto is in the seat number 15, in the last row and, next to him there are Yaoyorozu Momo (seat number 20) and Satō Rikidō (seat number 10), while in front of him there's Tokoyami Fumikage (seat number 14).
Todoroki Enji is only shown in his Hero costume... though the one he's wearing is the prototype version.
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Todoroki Shōto should have been in his school uniform for some parts of chap5 to 7, though in them he’s never shown wearing it, and the same goes for how he should have worn his Hero costume in chap 7. The only glimpses we’ve of him show him in his gym suit.
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Todoroki Enji is among the Pro Heroes depicted on the cover.
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neigesucre · 16 days ago
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