yamagonzaresu · 1 year
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anju45 · 1 year
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modernheavy · 1 year
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月9日(日)
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splatoonreblogger · 2 months
If you can only reserve one place for a day, wouldn't the obvious choice be to get pampered at a Palace? Then again, no lines at a Theme Park is hard to pass up... but an exclusive Beach day would be the ultimate flex! Reservations are filling up fast, can't spend long deciding!
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apricot77-tum · 4 months
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  前回に引き続き、男性のポーズを増やしたかったのでフレンドリーポーズも作ってみました。 スタンディングのみ、タッチは控えめです。 お気に召したらご自由に使って下さい。  → Download (Free) 【ポーズに必要なMOD・CC】 ・ Pose Player ・ Teleport Any Sim 再配布はご遠慮下さい。ご利用は自己責任でお願い致します。 Don’t claim my creations as your own. Don’t re-upload my creations. Thank you so much to all CC creators ♥ @ts4-poses
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elle-p · 5 months
Clean/full versions of some of Sogabe's coloured art?????
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(This one goes over the spine and on to the next page)
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ショートコミックや4コマ、イラストなどで 『ペルソナ4』の魅力を詰め込んだアンソロジ一の表紙イラスト。主人公と陽介をメインに、デフォルメされた残りのメンバーが描かれている。もちろん、全員メガネ着用!
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At the End of a Millennium Vow
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
Once upon a time, deep in a dark forest
I met Eve, and fell in love with her
I taught to her the location
Of red fruits from the tree
That was the beginning of all sin
It unleashed seven lights
And the sorceress of time
Pursued them
十年の狂気の果てに 罪の悪魔が動き出す
At the end of a decennium madness, the demons of sin begin to move
とても小さく ひ弱な僕の
As I was in the body of a very small,
コマドリの体では なにもできなかった
Delicate robin, I couldn't do anything about it
The sorceress of time sought an apprentice
I was selected as a candidate
Reincarnated into a human, my appearance
Was modeled after that girl I had loved
And so "I" became "me"[1]
Little by little
I was beginning to understand
The delight of living as a human
気弱な少女 優しい召使
That timid girl, that kind servant
Through all these various meetings,
忘れかけてた 罪の足音
I almost forgot all about the sin
But before I knew it, its footsteps came creeping up behind me
胸の凶刃 嗤う刺客は
That assassin who sneered at the dagger in my chest,
Were they a pawn of the Daughter of Evil?
Drained of all strength, my body
Was changed into a small sapling
世界を見守ろう 森の大樹として
I would watch over the world, as the great tree of the forest
百年経ったある日の事 森に現れたのは あのイブだった
Then one day after a hundred years had passed, who should appear in the forest again but Eve
At the end of a quincentennial turmoil, "I" reunite with "myself"
時の魔道師は イブを取り込み
The sorceress of time took Eve into herself
And eventually everything turns to a certain wrath
Hating her father, the unhappy Nemesis
At some point became a ruler of the world
そして彼女は 世界をも憎み
And then, hating the world too,
全てを「罰」の 炎で包んだ
She engulfed everything with the fires of "punishment"
That was the end of all sin
荒野と化した世界でも 私の心は まだそこにある
Even in this world that's became a barren wasteland, my heart is still there
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
千年の誓いの超えて 今こそ歌おう皆と共に
Surpassing this millennium vow, now I shall sing, with everyone
And so the world will be reborn
君らが望む それぞれのユートピアへ
Into the various utopias that you all wish for
This has come up other times as well but Michaela is referring to her change from spirit to human through her change in gender pronouns, from "boku" to "watashi"
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four-loose-screws · 4 months
Full Henry (Fire Emblem Awakening) Personality & Support Conversation Analysis Post - English Localization vs. Original Japanese
So a while back I stated I wouldn't be doing full character support convo analyses any more because they are very time consuming, but... well, I can't help myself. They're just too much fun. And Henry himself is just too much fun, too.
The Olivia / Henry's support chain got several translations and conversations about it in the early years of Awakening's release, but I don't think I have ever heard much about any of Henry's other support convo chains. So how do their localized versions stack up to the original Japanese? Let's walk through his entire support convo list and find out!
This post will be a discussion of select snippets of Henry's support conversations - whatever I want to point out. For balance, sometimes, that will be sections changed from the Japanese, and other times, sections translated pretty closely.
Since I will only be covering bits and pieces here, if there's any support chains you would like to see translated in full, please send a request to my inbox! Support convo translations are usually pretty easy for me, and a great way to add more activity to my blog between novel translations uploads, so I love getting them.
Henry / Robin
Henry / Robin just has minor changes. "Minor localization changes," as I define them, are when the localization team adds or takes away small bits of dialogue, in a way that does not change the overall theme, tone, chain of events, etc. of the conversation.
Discussing minor changes doesn't make for much conversation, but it's fascinating to see how localization teams "spice up" video game dialogues to make them more fun to read in English, and analyze how well the succeeded in fulfilling that goal.
(Also, when talking about Robin as a general character and not the female / male incarnation specifically, I use "they/them" pronouns.)
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Robin: Ugh! D-don't wave that thing in my face! I don't want it anywhere near me.
Original Japanese:
[ルフレ]いいよ!(Robin: That's fine!) 僕は遠慮しておくよ!▼ (I'll pass!)
In this example, the localization added to what Robin says. There's no indication in the Japanese that Henry waves the Risen arm in their face. But the same basic flow of events is present in the conversation: Henry is experimenting with Risen -> propositions Robin to join in his experiments -> Robin flatly refuses. This is a great example of a minor change. It follows the events and tone of the Japanese support, while further showcasing the morbid humor Henry is displaying here.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: If I get it to work, we can have them all fight on our behalf! Then we can sip tea for the rest of the war and collect the accolades once it's over. Robin: Well I understand the idea in theory. It could reduce casualties on our side... But there is one slight problem... Have you given any thought to how you'll control these soulless warriors?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]これを使えば戦いを屍兵に任せて、(Henry: If we use this, then we'll leave the battle to the Risen,) 僕たち���お茶でも飲んでいられるよ~。▼(and we can even drink tea~.) そしたら戦死者も出なくなるし、(Then, we will have no casualties, and) いろいろと便利だよね~。▼ (they'll be convenient in many ways~.) [ルフレ]うーん…いくら戦死者が出ないといっても、(Robin: Umm... even if we won't have any casualties,) 屍兵の力を借りるのは…▼ (Borrowing the Risen's powers is...) それに、召喚した屍兵を (And the summoned Risen,) 操ることができるとは限らないよね?▼ (we won't necessarily be able to control them, right?)
Here's a change that's even smaller than the previous one, really. Robin doesn't say directly that the Risen are soulless in the Japanese, just summoned.
Henry / Lissa
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hey-o! Need your human pillow again?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、リズ。こんにちは~。(Henry: Ah, Lissa! Hello~.) 今日も枕が必要?▼ (Do you need a pillow again today?)
As you will continue to see going forward, sometimes what surprises me about localization Henry is how little he was changed! What I mean is, I thought something as goofy as Henry calling himself a pillow would have been some silly fluff the localization added, but nope! He does indeed refer to himself as a pillow in the Japanese too.
Henry / Frederick
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Okay, fine! Geez, careful not to twist your smallclothes there...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]は~い。ごめんなさ~い。▼(Henry: Understooood. I'm sorrrry.)
The English changed the Japanese line here, but I think it was necessary - without the nuance of the Japanese tilde (~), I think it's not as obvious that Henry is being sarcastic. So the localization added a sarcastic joke to bridge that gap. (Also, get ready to see the tilde A LOT going forward in Henry's Japanese text!!)
that Also, this is a bit off topic, but fun to point out anyway. If you ever hear anyone say Japanese has no sarcasm, you have some good proof of the contrary now. Japanese Henry can be quite sarcastic too! It's a common claim that Japanese has no sarcasm, because they don't use it anywhere near as much as English speakers use. But in actuality, Japanese speakers just don't utilize it in the exact same ways English speakers do!!
Now back on topic! :)
B Support
Snippet No. 1:
Eng. NA Localization:
Frederick: Because I know that anything can happen on the battlefield. I do not want my dying thought to be "if only I had trained a little harder." Henry: I want my dying thought to be about blood! ...Or maybe ichor.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふ~ん。▼ (Oh, really~?)
Snippet No. 2:
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Whoa, easy there, Frederick! You're bruising my arm! ...Oooo, look at the colors!
Original Japanese:
We see the tilde again! I'll explain it in proper detail this time.
In short, Japanese video game dialogue uses the tilde A LOT to convey the tone of a character's speech.
I find that it can be used very broadly, and in a number of situations. Humor is the number 1 situation though, I think. It is used when characters are joking or sarcastic; or when characters are speaking in a lighthearted, happy, or whimsical tone. You'll also see it when a character is speaking in a sing-song voice, or just actually singing (See: a character like Engage's Timerra!).
In the case of Henry, we can understand in the Japanese thanks to the tilde that he is always joking around, being sarcastic, having fun with everything, lighthearted and never serious, etc. etc..
However... there's no singular symbol that can cover all of that tone in English! I mean, I do think dialogue could use the ~ and some people would get it, but I certainly don't think it is standardized enough to rely on in a video game released to a mass audience.
So what was the English localization to do? Well, a lot of the time, word choice and laughter alone can get Henry's meaning across just as well on its own. ...But it can't always be that straightforward. This is where I think it was obsoletely necessary for the localization to add jokes to Henry's dialogue to maintain the same meaning and tone as the Japanese. The above two samples I pulled from the Henry / Frederick supports are great examples of that. They help get the point across about just how much Henry jokes around, and how sarcastic he is.
That's all I have to say about the tilde for now, as I'm sure it won't be the last time I point one out in Henry's conversations. :)
Henry / Sully
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: That's 'cause you WERE! ...You totally still had five or six solid minutes left, though.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうだね~。あと数刻もすれば (Henry: It was, wasn't it? After a bit longer,) 死んじゃってたと思うよ~。▼ (you would have died, I think~.)
Again, wow, it really surprises me what lines are very direct from the Japanese sometimes! Henry really just is that morbid, and candid about death!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I can't remember BEING upset. Folks here are so nice, and even bad guys are pretty great when they splatter. When life gives ya lemons, use 'em to ward off scurvy. That's what I say!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は怒らないよ~。▼ (I don't get mad~.) 怒るほど嫌なことを (And something so bad it makes me mad) 人にされることも滅多に無いし~。▼ (people hardly ever do to me~.) 大抵のことは笑って済ませられるよ~。▼ (I end most things with a laugh~.)
Even in a case like this, where the localization was a bit more liberal, Henry's tone still didn't change much. "When life gives you lemons" and "I end most things with a laugh~" can boil down to a same sort of connotation. Again, the localization is playing up Henry's humor and morbid optimism to fully get it across, in the absence of the Japanese tilde.
Henry / Miriel
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: You always have to know exactly how things work, huh? Want a demonstration? I could turn Robin into a toad or something. Miriel: No. The experiment is not of such import that our comrades need be imperiled. Henry: But it wouldn't be forever! Just a few days at the most. Miriel: If we were suddenly called to battle, a toad tactician would be most disadvantageous. Henry: Oh yeah. I hadn't thought about that. Well, maybe I could cast a different kind of hex. Miriel: So long as the risk is within acceptable parameters.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]仕組み? あはは、(Henry: How they work? Ah ha ha, 勉強熱心だな~、ミリエルは。▼ (you're so passionate about your studies, Miriel~!) じゃあちょっと見本を見せるから (In that case, I'll show you a small example, so) そのへんの誰かを呪ってみるね~?▼ (I'll try cursing someone around here, alright~?) [ミリエル]その辺の誰か・・・? (Miriel: Someone around here...?) 味方を呪い殺すおつもりですか?▼ (Do you intend to cast a deadly curse on an ally?) [ヘンリー]あ、ダメだった~?▼ (Henry: Oh, would you not like that~?) [ミリエル]えぇ・・・。戦力が減るのは (Miriel: Um... A decrease in our forces) 軍にとって良くないことですから・・・。▼ (would not be good for our army...) [ヘンリー]そっか~。じゃあ死なない呪いにするよ。(Henry: I see~. Then I'll pick a curse that won't kill them!) それならいいでしょ~?▼ (That will be okay, right~?) [ミリエル]はい、そういうことなら・・・ (Miriel: Yes. If that is the case,) じっくりと観察させていただきます。▼ (then allow me to observe carefully.)
Henry decides to target poor Robin specifically in the localization, but otherwise, the support chain has no significant changes.
Henry / Sumia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Nya ha ha! Looked at all the smashed crockery! That's hilarious!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ほんとだ、すご~い。全部粉々だね~。▼ (Henry: You're right, woooow! They're all in pieces, aren't they?)
Another example of how the English made up for the lack of the tilde's Japanese connotation - Henry just outright says he finds the current situation hilarious.
Henry / Ricken
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Oh! And Campari used to make little birdhouses for homeless—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あと、ポモドーロ様はね…▼ (Henry: After them there was Campari...)
In another one of Henry's stand-out support conversations, in the Japanese, he stops before sharing what made Campari such a great guy, but otherwise the conversation is overwhelmingly the same as in JP.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Judging by your expression, I'd say it's a serious one. Nya ha ha!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、いいよ~。(Henry: Yeah, that's fine~.) そんなに真剣な顔してどうしたの~?▼ (Why are you making such a serious face?)
Another great little example of how the localization made up for the lack of tilde - in place of the tilde, to convey that he is joking around, the localization has Henry laugh out loud.
Henry / Maribelle
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I'm not feigning anything. I'm just really in touch with the natural world. I can talk to any living thing you want. Trees. Flowers. Maggots. Ooooooh... Maaaggots... Maribelle: That is a remarkable talent, if a shade disturbing.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]合わせてなんかないよ~。▼ (I'm not feigning, or anything of the sort~.) 僕はねぇ、自然に満ちている あらゆるものと会話できるんだよ~。▼ (You see, I can talk to all things filled with nature~.) [マリアベル]そ、そうですの…。(Maribelle: C-Can you...) 本当なら、すごいことですわね…。▼ (If that's true, then it is remarkable, indeed...)
The localization added in Henry's little pause on the word "maggots," (and added in the word "maggot" to begin with) but otherwise, this is another rather directly translated support chain.
Henry / Panne
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: THAT was your reason?!
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]…呆れたわ。(Panne: ...I'm astounded.) そんな理由なの…?▼ (Your reason was one such as that...?) 人間は理解しがたいけど、(Humans are difficult to understand, but) あなたは中でも極めつけよ。▼ (you are especially so.)
This exchange from Panne at the end of the C Support was actually longer in the Japanese. I don't see any particular stand-out reason why this is. Perhaps it was even an error, and the localization accidentally left out some of the text.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: We're too alike, you and I. We both lost our families and lived alone too long. But no more. I accept your ring. From now on, we are each other's family.
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]あなたは似てるの。(Panne: You are like him.) 人間に殺された、私の弟に…▼ (My younger brother, who was killed by humans.) いいわ、受け取らせてもらう。(I will accept your ring.) あなたのそばにいてあげる、ヘンリー。▼ (I will be by your side, Henry.) これからは、私たちは家族よ。▼ (From now on, we are family.)
In the Japanese, Panne does not compare Henry to herself, but to her brother. Her brother is removed entirely in the localization, which at first seems like a pretty big deal. Perhaps it is because he is never mentioned again? It is odd that her sibling (who would seem important to her) is such a throwaway character in this one line of her supports with Henry.
Henry / Cordelia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Say, what if the wife was dead? Could you give it to him then?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふーん…よくわかんないなあ。(Henry: Huh... I don't really get it.) 奥様がいると襟巻きが渡せないんだ。▼ (He has a wife, so you can't give him the scarf.) じゃあ、奥様が死んじゃったら (So, if his wife was dead,) 渡せるようになるの?▼ (would you be able to give it to him then?)
Here's another example I included not because it's changed from the Japanese - but because I was surprised to see this confirmation that Henry really is this morbid in the Japanese as well!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I asked Lissa for advice, and she told me to take you on a big shopping trip. She said a few hours trying on dresses and armor would fix that broken heart, pronto! (skip a few lines) Henry: Then how about some comfort food? Fruit pies and cream? Candy apples? Macaroni and cheese with fried boar crisps and crumbled horse—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]リズから聞いたんだ~。(Henry: I asked Lissa~.) 女の子の胸が苦しい時は、▼ (When a girl's heart hurts,) 買い物したりやけ食いしたりすると (things like shopping, or eating a lot) 治るんだって~。▼ (will cure it!) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: I understand~.) じゃあ、やけ食いの方が好き?▼ (So you like overeating more?)
In the Japanese, Lissa's advice to Henry includes not only retail therapy, but also... overeating / binge eating. That's an understandably sensitive topic for the localization team to dodge.
It's true the localization does have Henry propose some comfort food food at the end of the convo... but I think Henry asking if Cordelia wants to eat a treat or two is different than proposing she full-on binge eats.
Henry / Nowi
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Nowi: No! I'm an adult woman who's more than a thousand years older than you! Henry: Oh, right! Nya ha ha! Sorry, short stuff!
Original Japanese:
[ノノ]ノノは子どもじゃないもん。(Nowi: Nowi's not a child!) 千年以上生きてる大人の女なんだから!▼ (Because Nowi is an adult woman who's lived for over 1,000 years!) [ヘンリー]あ、そうだったね。(Henry: Oh, that's right!) あはは、ごめんなさい、お姉さん。▼ (Ah ha ha, sorry, big sister!)
Ah, the 1,000 year old child-looking adult dragon. An FE classic.
But actually, the Japanese line was the same in this case! A young-looking character reiterating that they are totally an adult, isn't always an addition of the localization. (I say this because it was so in the main Fates script with Elise).
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! They're probably quivering in fear under their beds and crying like babies. But no worries! There'll be more victim—er, that is, village kids—at our next camp. (skip a few lines) Henry: If they exchanged fire breath with you, they'd end up as little clumps of charcoal.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、たぶん無理だと思うよ~。▼(Henry: Yeah, I think it's probably no use~!) でも、いいじゃない。ほかの土地にも (But that's okay, isn't it? Because in other areas) 子どもはたくさんいるんだから。▼ (there's also lots of children.) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]うーん…僕には空を飛んだり (Henry: Hmm... I can't fly in the sky) ブレスを吹いたりできないしなぁ。▼ (or blow fire breath, or anything like that.)
Here, the localization added a bit to Henry's morbidity. In the Japanese, he didn't joke around and start to call the children he and Nowi played with victims, or go so far as to describe that her fire breath would turn them to charcoal.
While Henry is morbid and sarcastic in the Japanese, this is further proof that the localization did add in some extra. Which again, makes up for some of the gap left without the tilde ~ in English.
Henry / Tharja
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure! You want me to cast a death curse on someone? Tharja: Someone in camp? Mmm... No. That could be problematic. Henry: Hee hee! Yeah, I guess. Too bad, though. See, 'cause I've got one that makes blood come out your—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: Did you now~?) じゃ、ちょっと呪いあってみる~?▼ (Then shall I try casting a teensy-weensy curse on them?) [サーリャ]結構よ…。仲間同士で (Tharja: You don't have to...) 潰し合っても、不毛なだけだから…。▼ (For allies to kill each other, would be meaningless...) [ヘンリー]あはは、それは残念だな~。▼ (Henry: Ah ha ha, that's too bad~.)
The morbid joke about exactly what kind of curse Henry wants to try out - one that involves making blood come out from... somewhere - was a small add-on in the localization. This chunk of the exchange otherwise follows the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Tharja: Ugh... Hale? Hearty? Have you no respect for our ancient profession? We're supposed to be harbingers of pestilence and famine and doom! Henry: Mm... I love doom.
Original Japanese:
[サーリャ]健全で純真ですって…?(Tharja: Healthy...? Pure...?) …呪いを使う者が、よく言う…。▼(...Well said for a spellcaster of curses...) …まぁいいわ…くれぐれも (...Whatever... don't keep) おかしな真似はしないことね。▼ (acting weird, alright?) [ヘンリー]は~い。▼ (Henry: Okaaaaaay.)
The exact ending of the C Support is ever so slightly different. In both, Tharja basically says to Henry to act more like a dark mage, but the little joke about "doom" was added.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hello, Tharja! Tharja: *Mumble, mumble* *hiss* Henry: Heey! Did you just put a curse on me? Tharja: Yes, Now, if you do not speak the truth, you will DIE! Answer me clearly and without hesitation. Are you a foreign spy? Henry: Nope! Not me! Although I do own a cloak and a couple daggers. Tharja: Who do you serve? Ylisse or Plegia? Henry: Aw, I don't get into politics. I just want to toss fireballs at bad guys.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]…あれ? これって…。▼ (Henry: ...Huh? This is...) [サーリャ]…思ったよりあっさりかかったわね。▼ (Tharja: ...That was much easier than I thought it would be.) [ヘンリー]あ、やっぱりサーリャだ。(Henry: Ah, I knew it, it's you Tharja!) 僕に呪いをかけたね~?▼ (You cast a curse on me, didn't you?) [サーリャ]えぇ…これで私の前では (Tharja: Yes... Now, before me) 嘘や隠しごとはできないわよ…。▼ (you cannot lie or hide anything...) 正直に答えなさい… (Answer me honestly...) 貴方、誰かのスパイじゃないでしょうね…?▼ (You aren't anyone's spy, are you?) [ヘンリー]うん、スパイじゃないよ~。▼ (Henry: Nope, I'm not a spy~!) [サーリャ]じゃあ、貴方は…ペレジアと (Tharja: So you... between Plegia) イーリスと、どっちの味方…?▼ (And Ylisse, which are you an ally of...) [ヘンリー]ん~…味方とか、よくわかんないな~。(Henry: Hm~... I don't really know who's ally I am~.) 悪いと思った奴と戦うだけじゃダメなの?▼ (Is it wrong to just fight whoever I think is bad?)
A few little tweaks here. Tharja is in the middle of casting her curse in her first line in the localization, whereas in the Japanese, it was already over, and she was making a comment as to how easy it was to do. And then, Henry's quips were added onto a bit in localization.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hecka-necka, jimma-jamma, woozle-wazzle! Aaand presto! Curse dispelled! Actually not dispelled. I tossed it back at the original sender. Hee hee!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、それなら大丈夫だよ~。(Henry: Ah, if it's that, that's fine~.) 僕がもうはね返しておいたから~。▼ (Because I already bounced it back~.)
Henry's "chant" was added in localization. In the Japanese, by the time Henry says his line, he's already sent the curse back to its caster.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, usually I disarm foes by removing their arms. But your way sounds impressive, too!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、だから最初に言ったじゃない~。(Henry: Ah ha ha, that's what I said in the beginning, isn't it~?) 僕は健全で純真な心の持ち主だって。▼ (I have a healthy and pure heart.) でも、嬉しいなぁ~、(But I'm happy~.) サーリャに褒めてもらえて~。▼ (I was complemented by you~.)
And the localization was just taking advantage of an opportunity to make a disarming pun here, it was not already in the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Wizard fight! Wizard fight! Yaaaaaay!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]わぁ~。サーリャ、こわ~い。▼(Henry: Eeeeek~! Tharja is scaaaary~!)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't get excited to have a wizard fight with Tharja, but he still does act pretty goofy by pretending to be scared of her.
S Support
Somehow, I don't have anything to add to this one! Henry really does run off to have an engagement ring made after Tharja says she will accept his proposal if he agrees to protect Robin.
Henry / Cherche
C Support
The C Support adds a number of little bits to Henry's dialogue, again just to play up his goofiness more, because English lacks a symbol like the Japanese tilde ~.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure have! She's as cute as a button, that one. ...Well, if buttons were cute. We had wyverns in Plegia, you know, and also the occasional fell beast. But we didn't have a single wyvern that was as pretty as Minerva.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん!(Henry: Yeah!) かわいいよね~、ミネルヴァ!▼ (Minerva sure is cute~!) ペレジアにも (In Plegia too,) ドラゴンナイトはいたけど、▼ (there were wyvern knights, but) この子くらいかわいい 飛竜はいなかったよ~!!▼ (There weren't any as cute as this wyvern~!)
There was no mention of buttons in the Japanese version, Henry just says Minerva is cute.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! I make four-legged friends wherever I go! And even some two-legged ones. I'm also pals with a three-legged bear, but that's a story for another time.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は自然と友達だから (Henry: I'm friends with nature, so) みんなと仲良しなんだよ~。▼ (I get along with all of them~.)
No mention of a three-legged bear friend in Japanese. Not that Japanese Henry wouldn't be excited to befriend a three-legged bear.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yowza! Sh-she tried to bite me! Look, I'm bleeding! Mmm, blood...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ひゃあっ! 噛まないで~!▼ (Henry: Hyaaah! Don't bite me~!)
And the localization added in the fact that Henry was bleeding, and excited to see it.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Aw, it's fine. I bet I just give off some kind of animal aura. Or maybe she thought I was a big ham? I do smell kind of ham-like.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、僕って (Henry: Ah ha ha, I) 獣っぽい気配がするみたい~。▼ (it seems I have an animal-like aura~.) だから獲物だと 勘違いしたのかもしれないね~。▼ (So maybe she mistook me for prey~.)
Henry doesn't propose that maybe he smells like ham, rather, in the Japanese, he thought that maybe Minerva mistook him for prey.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, when I was young, my best friend in the entire world was a giant wolf. My parents ignored me most of the time, so that wolf became my whole family. Then one day she came to visit me, and some hunters in the village... They shot her full of arrows. Killed her on the spot.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん! 実は、昔仲良しの狼がいたんだ。(Henry: Yeah! Actually, long ago, there was a wolf I was friends with.) 僕、親に放ったらかしにされてたから、▼ (I was neglected by my parents, so) 小さい頃の親友と言うか、(You could call them a friend I had when I was young,) ほとんど家族みたいなものだったんだけど~▼ (or something like family, but~) ある日その狼が僕に会いに来たとき、(One day, when they came to see me,) 周りにいた大人たちに殺されちゃって…。▼ (they were killed by the adults around us...)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't refer to the wolf's killers as "hunters," but "adults."
Also, the Japanese doesn't hint at whether the wolf was male or female, so I went with neutral pronouns.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: I'm very happy that you like Minerva and you two get along so well. But I think you need to spend more time with human friends—namely, me. So I'm going to carry out my patrol on foot, and you're coming with me.
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ミネルヴァちゃんと仲良くなってくれるのは (Cherche:) とっても嬉しいんだけど、▼ (I'm very happy that you've become friends with Minerva-chan, but) あなたは本当の意味で人と接することを もっと重ねるべきだと思う。▼ (I think you should have more experiences getting truly close to people.) 偵察は私たちふたりで行きましょう。(Let's go on patrol together.) 私、あなたともっと仲良くなりたいわ。▼ (I want to become better friends with you.)
The localization of the A support was a pretty straightforward translation of the Japanese for the most part, but this bit of Cherche's dialogue from near the end is subtly different.
I think the localization subtracts a little from the real meaning of what Cherche is trying to get across to Henry - it's not that he doesn't spend time with people, its that when he does, he doesn't form meaningful relationships with them. The exact nuance is different.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I figured the old dogs would be barking, so I brought a homemade bunion salve. Cherche: Why, thank you, Henry! But how did you know? Henry: We've been on so many patrols together, I've memorized your whole routine. After this, you'll put a cold towel on your head and drink a cup of hot elderberry tea.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]はい、これ。(Henry: This is for you.) 薬に漬けた湿布だよ~。▼ (A wet compress soaked in medicine~.) [セルジュ]あら、ありがとう。(Cherche: Oh my, thank you.) 脚が張っていたの、気づいてたの?▼ (You noticed that my legs are swollen?) [ヘンリー]うん。だって、あれから毎日 (Henry: Yup! After all, since then, every day) 二人で偵察に行ってたんだもん。▼ (we've gone on patrol together!) もうセルジュのことなら (If it's about you) なんでもわかるようになっちゃったよ~。▼ (then I already know everything there is to know~.)
Henry's treatments for Cherche after their patrol together were a bit different in Japanese.
The localization even added in elderberry tea when no mention of drinks was made before. Who on the team was such a fan of elderberry tea that it's the only tea anyone on the Awakening cast drinks? I'll always wonder.
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: Goodness, Henry, but this is sudden. However, I have found myself...thinking about you a lot lately. Ever since we met, I've wanted to know the real man behind that jolly facade. And this would be a chance to do just that. Very well, Henry, I accept your proposal!
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ふふ…やっとその笑顔を (Cherche: Tee hee...) 私にも向けてくれるようになったのね。▼ (You're finally in a place where you make that smile at me!) …私も、あなたが好きよ。(...I love you too.) 友達になりたいっていうのは嘘。▼ (It was a lie when I said that I wanted to be friends with you.) 本当はずっと、あなたの心が知りたい、(To be honest, I've always wanted to know your heart,) 誰よりも近くにいたいって思ってた。▼ (and to become closer to you than anyone else.) 毎日変わっていくあなたを… (You've been changing bit by bit every day...) これからも一番傍で見ていたいわ。▼ (I want to continue to see you at my side more than anyone else is.)
The localization left out the full extent of what Cherche was saying - that she's had romantic feelings for Henry for quite a long time before this conversation.
Henry / Olivia
So I saved Henry / Olivia for last and went a little out of recruitment order, because I remembered this conversation being pretty different in localization vs the Japanese. So I wanted to save "the big one" for last.
First, I want to point out that I did a full translation of this support chain several years ago now (*Checks post history* Wait... EIGHT years ago?! Dang!), so I don't really need to talk about specific lines. You can read and compare for yourself! I also posted the localized version below the Japanese in each post, so you you can save yourself an internet search.
C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Instead of discussing specifics, I'll just wrote some of my general thoughts in a few paragraphs.
In the C support, I think it's unfortunate that the localization downplayed Henry's original intentions for choosing to kill the dog. He does not try to fight the dog's death, if it is the only way to relieve its pain. If death is its fate, he accepts it. It's great nuance for his character, that I think was the highlight of the convo.
In the B support, I remembered thinking that the localization really changed this one, but that's not as true as I thought it was. In summary, Olivia thinks that Henry's sense of humor is a coping mechanism and his smiles aren't genuine. But Henry rejects that interpretation and says he just is who he is. That's same in both versions. The biggest change is to Henry's backstory at the "wizarding" school. Now that I look back on it, I actually see a good possibility as to why the localization chose to make this change. Saying that Henry experienced brutal pain and injuries because of "experiments gone wrong" still conveys that his teachers were terribly abusive - because healthy teachers would not be assigning magic training that could be so easily dangerous - but it isn't as graphic as "bad children were beaten senseless!" Child abuse is a pretty common trigger, so I get why the localization team would want to tweak this part of the convo a bit.
For the A and S supports, I don't have anything major to mention.
Also, throughout the entire support chain, Henry calls Olivia "crazy lady." I don't know exactly how I feel about this, because it feels a little out of place with the rest of his sense of morbid humor. But he does get a little sarcastic and sassy with people when they get on his nerves in any way - which Olivia very much is doing, by trying to say his outward personality is trauma coping and not genuine. So the more I think about it, the more I think it fits his personality fine.
So as my final conclusion, I can say that Henry / Olivia is the most changed of all Henry's supports in localization, but even then, that's only saying so much.
And so, that's that! Generally speaking, Henry's conversations were pretty faithfully translated; with minor changes here and there, mostly to convey his sense of humor due to English's lack of the ~ tilde symbol used in dialogue. I only found a couple of more major changes, none of them particularly conversation-altering.
Henry's such a fun character to begin with that the localization team only had to make some subtle changes here and there to get his exact sense of humor and personality across, wherever it might have otherwise been lost in translation. And they did a pretty good job with that! Only a small selection of changes made me scratch my head a bit. Overall, good work all around.
Thanks for reading! :)
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Sean bienvenidos, japonsitasarqueologícos a una nueva entrega en la que hablaremos de un Trending Topic, ya que el país del sol naciente está de moda pues le vamos a sacar beneficios y no es el único tema que están sabiendo explotar, para sacarle el mayor partido. - Lo que vengo a referirme, es que las modas son puro negocio, de lo más nocivo que nos podemos llevar a la cara, antes de que Japón estuviera de moda ya había muchos fakes, pero ahora se han duplicado e incluso triplicado. No hay que creerse todo lo que leamos por internet, siempre hay que cuestionarse las cosas, en este caso vamos a sentarnos, en dos monumentos uno localizado en Inglaterra y otro en japón. - El primero, se trata de stonehenge: Construido en el cuarto mileno 3100 antes de nuestra era, que cada vez se actualizan sus funciones la última más reciente es que no puede ser usado como un calendario solar. El segundo, se trata de Isedōtai site, localizado en la prefectura de Akita, en la región de Tōhoku en el noroeste de Japón, construido en el quinto milenio 4000 a.c en el jomon final. Se usó como calendario solar y posiblemente para los solsticios de verano e invierno. - El tema de esta publicación no es hablar de ninguno de los dos en profundidad, sino criticar a los lucidos, que sitúan stonehenge y Isedōtai site en la misma recta cronológica lo cual es una falacia por que hay por lo menos 1100 a 1500 años de diferencia aproximadamente entre ambas construcciones. - Ese es el problema del occidentalismo y eurocentrismo sobre todo la manía de colocarlo todo en una recta cronológica las fechas son algo aproximadas al igual que las rectas temporales. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana.
Welcome, japonsitasarchaeologists, to a new edition in which we will talk about a Trending Topic, since the country of the rising sun is in fashion, we are going to make the most of it and it is not the only topic that they are knowing how to exploit, to make the most of it. - What I am referring to is that fashions are pure business, the most harmful thing we can take to our faces. Before Japan was in fashion there were already many fakes, but now they have doubled and even tripled. We should not believe everything we read on the internet, we should always question things, in this case we are going to sit on two monuments, one located in England and the other in Japan. - The first one is stonehenge: Built in the fourth millennium 3100 B.C., its functions are updated every time, the latest one is that it cannot be used as a solar calendar. The second is the Isedōtai site, located in Akita prefecture, in the Tōhoku region of northwestern Japan, built in the fifth millennium 4000 BC in the final jomon. It was used as a solar calendar and possibly for the summer and winter solstices. - The subject of this publication is not to discuss either in depth, but to criticise the lucid, who place stonehenge and Isedōtai site in the same chronological line which is a fallacy because there is at least 1100 to 1500 years difference approximately between the two constructions. - That is the problem of westernism and eurocentrism, especially the mania of placing everything on a chronological line, the dates are somewhat approximate, as are the time lines. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications. Have a nice week.
私が言いたいのは、ファッションは純粋なビジネスであり、最も有害なものであるということだ。 日本が流行する前からすでに多くの偽物があったが、今では倍増し、3倍にもなっている。インターネット上の情報を鵜呑みにするのではなく、常に物事を疑ってみる必要がある。
ひとつはストーンヘンジで、紀元前3100年の第四千年紀に建てられた。 もうひとつは、東北地方の秋田県にある伊勢堂岱遺跡で、紀元前4000年、縄文末期の第5千年紀に作られた。
お気に召していただけたなら幸いである。 それではまた。
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soul-eater-novel · 16 days
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夜を追う男 Chapter 22: The Man Who Chases the Night
爽やかな初夏の風が、トラン湖を吹き抜けていく。 A gentle early summer breeze blew across Lake Toran.
ティルは部屋の窓から流れ込む風に当たりながら、ベッドに寝ころんで青空を眺めていた。 As the breeze blew in through the window of Tir’s room, he was laying on his bed, gazing up at the blue sky.
父テオとの戦いから、すでに四カ月が経過していた。 Four months had already passed since his battle with his father, Teo.
帝国軍の主力であるテオの軍が敗れたため、その間大きな戦いが起こることはなかったが、ティル��心は常にひとつのことで占められていた。 Once they defeated Teo’s army—the main force of the Imperial Army—there hadn’t been any other big battles, but one thing still weighed heavily on Tir’s mind.
ソウルイーターとはいったい何なのかー。 Just what is the Soul Eater?
父との戦いの後にレックナートの訪問を受けてから、ティルはそのことばかりを考えていた。 He had been able to think of nothing else since Leknaat’s visit after the battle with his father.
根の修行に励んていても、軍務にあたっていても、また気分転換にヤム・クーと釣りに出てみても、紋章が疼くような気がした瞬間気持ちが逸れてしまう。 Even when he was training with the staff, even in the middle of military matters, even when he went out fishing with Yam Koo for a change of pace—all it took was him noticing one aching twinge of the rune on his hand to send his mind tumbling back to that question.
ティルはクレオをはじめ紋章師ジーン、召還魔法の使い手ヘリオン、あるいはレックナートの弟子で真の風の紋章を持つルックなどにも聞いて回ったが、誰もソウルイーターについて語れる者はいなかった。 Tir went around asking everyone he could think of. He started with Cleo, then the rune master, Jeane, and even Luc, Leknaat’s disciple who held the true wind rune… but none of them knew anything about the Soul Eater.
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amratsu · 1 year
プルプッシュ(Yu-Gi-Oh) on X: "ラビュリンスの召使い達の顔にある筋、カードで見た時はそういう模様なのかとも思ったのだが、サテライトショップのタペストリー位の解像度だとしっかり罅の質感で驚いている。彼女達が白磁の乙女を名乗っているのは、白磁の動く家具であって、本質的には魔神像らと変わらないからではないだろうか。 https://t.co/2Ouor8FRlV" / X (twitter.com)
this post has given me brainworms.
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in the japanese, the aria sisters are called the 'white porcelain sisters'. and upon closer look at their faces on the high res art from the promotional tapestry, you see the little cracks which I thought were scars before. arias, the butler, is also named after a statue.
the sisters are honestly probably animated objects like the furniture but more elaborate, which would ABSOLUTELY explain why laby is stuck where she is: she got cursed to stay there because she was, in all likelihood, capable of creating stupidly high level fiends as servants as she pleased; this goes back to 'archfiend' being a very specific type of high level entity in YGO, including the OG summoned skull. the silver castle is thus its very own special hell dimension of fiends no one can get into without dying instantly...except knight.
which recontextualizes lab's love for knight entirely! because all lab has are her own creations, which are certainly sentient beings with their own will, but they're naturally subservient to her! part of her! knight is the only person that can actually interact with her on a regular basis!! screw lovely or lady labrynth, she's probably the lonely labrynth more than anything.
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remnorlia · 9 months
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リクエスト(6/7) ⑥新ヨシュアと新ネクで(必殺技の時のような感じで)共闘+α
新でのレジェンド組の必殺技というお題をもらったけど、前作でパートナーでの必殺技をもとにするか、今作の全員verでの必殺技にするか、それとも全く新しい形の必殺技にするか…どうやって描こうかすごく悩んだお題。 1枚目は③で共闘っぽい構図を使ったこともあって、同じ構図を避けるためアナログで色々構図を出して、線画を描くも別の構図にしたりカラー入ってからも修正が多かったり… 前回はヨシュアを手前にしたので今回はネクを手前にしようと思って③とは対比になるよう配置したら、ネクのポーズが難しい…! ネクのパワー放出?は左手なので、すんなり前に伸ばせない。 対比を諦めてネクを手前にした③と同じ方向にするか、対比をとって左手をどうにかするか…新旧アートブックを片手にどうにか後者で描いた。 レジェンド組で改めて必殺技を考えるなら、シキ(火)・ヨシュア(氷)・ビイト(電気)かなと思って前作の光の攻撃(ヨシュア)+今作の氷属性攻撃(ネク・結晶)を組み合わせてみた。 前作であったLv.2必殺技時の「お気に召すかな?」「当然だろ」という掛け合いも引き継がれていたらいいなあ。 ただし、前回のネクはまだちょっと拒絶感ありなムッとした感じで答えたのに対して、今回のネクは信頼感があっての答えだったらいいなあと思ったりする。 表情も、前作で戦う時は敵に対して全集中的なところがあったけど、今作では信頼感からくる笑顔や余裕も垣間見えたら良い。
2~3枚目は1枚目で悩んでいる間にその後の話を考えて描いていたので結構楽しかったな。 2枚目では2人が必殺技を使うなら、と考えて場所を宇田川町路地裏に設定。ゼタは巻き込まれて欲しいからね。 強敵出現で皆が苦戦しているときに、「苦戦しているみたいだね。手を貸そうか?」と颯爽と登場して欲しい。できれば後光が差すような形で太陽を背にして。 本当に救世主みたいに感じるんだろうなあ。レジェンド組は「ヨシュア…!」って驚きがあって、ネクはおそらく期待に満ちた目���している。 新のTwistar組(ゼタ以外)は誰?ってなるし、ゼタはまた打倒ヨシュアのチャンスが巡ってきたとほくそ笑む。ミカギさんはもしかしたらどこかで眺めているかもしれない。 そんな期待(?)を背負ってヨシュア加入で攻撃力が大幅に上がったメンバーは勢いづいてバトル勝利。 この場でいきなりネク・ヨシュアが揃ったのは計算外だったけど、呼びに行く手間は省けたと不敵に笑って戦闘をしかけるもやっぱり計算をミスって必殺技をくらって地下に叩き落されるゼタ。ポークシティの悪夢再び。 ヨシュアとしては、以前は感情のままに力を使っていたネクに対してサポート的な力の使い方をしていたけど、今は力の使い方が上手になったから以前よりは制御しなくても大丈夫かなという気持ち+単に力を使うのが久々なことも相まって本気を出し過ぎて火力強めになると良い。 相手をのぞき込む時も片膝はつかなさそう。片膝をつくのはよっぽどダメージを食らった時ぐらいかな?多分ない。 ゼタが倒された時の反応は、レジェンド組はまたか…懲りないな…って感じで、Twistar組はめっちゃ強いゼタが簡単に倒されるなんてこの人(ヨシュア)は一体何者…?ってなって欲しい。 ネクあたりが簡単に紹介してくれるかな? フレットは思いつくままに、リンドウ&ナギが様子を見ながら質問しそう。 ヨシュアは生態が謎すぎるので、レジェンド組も質問するかなと思ったけど、そういう人だと認識していて意外と「今までどこで何してたんだよ~」くらいの質問で終わるかもしれない。
3枚目はヨシュアが他パートナーから詰められる場面。 まあ1人だけネクと必殺技したらそりゃあ詰められるよね!皆のネクだもん。なんで肝心なとこだけかっさらっていくの!ずるいずるい! ネクもネクで「あの時は仕方がなかった」と言いつつ、「正直ヨシュアが来てくれて、どうにかあいつ(ミナミモト)を必殺技で倒せて良かった」と思っていて欲しい。だからネクも一緒に詰められます。仕方ない。 あと、Twistar組がもし見ていたら、パートナー制の必殺技にびっくりするかもしれない。 必殺技って皆で力を合わせてやるもんだと思ってたけど、2人だけで成立するの!?すげー!みたいな。 改めてネクの能力の高さを実感するんだろうなあ。 レジェンド組は仲良しなのでネクが褒められると自分のことのように嬉しくなって、「そうだよ!ネクはすごいんだよ!」ってシキが前回のゲームのことを語ったり、「あんなこともあったよな!」ってビイトがネクの活躍を話し出したり。 そしてヨシュアが北虹戦か何かのふとしたタイミングで必殺技の話に戻して、シキとビイトがまた抜け駆けの必殺技に怒って再び詰めだすという。ヨシュア、そういうとこだぞ。
4枚目、ネクが怒りの矛先をずらすために「じゃあ今新しい必殺技をするなら何する?」と質問をしたら、やっぱり前作の必殺技をもとに考えるだろうなと。 前作のシキはにゃんタンで、ビイトはスケボーでの攻撃が主だったなあ。 シキのにゃんタンの攻撃は何故かツグミ戦で実装されていたから、にゃんタンを封じられると必殺技を考えるの難しいかも。 裁縫やデザインが得意だからそういうのを技に当てはめるなら、縫い付ける意味で敵を一定時間行動不能したり、デザイン的な意味で敵や味方を全く違う形状やタイプの敵にしたり? 無理やり感は否めないけど、実装されるならかなりトリッキーでフィールドをかき回しそう。北虹戦の時みたいに敵に回ると相当大変だけど… ビイトは今作スケボーを使わないなら派手な攻撃が好きそうだな~放電とか噴火とか広範囲に攻撃ができるやつ…ススキチ戦とゼタ戦でめちゃめちゃかぶっているな… あえて前作と同じスケボー攻撃で色んなスケボー技を繰り出すのも良いな。 属性固定も良いけどそれとは別で多少攻撃力が下がっても他属性も出たら面白い。 それか付属している属性によって攻撃が変わるとか。 でも今作ビイトではヘッドフォンもサウンドサーフもあるので、爆音とか音系の攻撃も良い。 どうしても暴走寄りになるビイト…ここはひとつライムと合わせ技とかするか? ライムはPCとか使って敵や状況を分析するハッカー的な技使って欲しい。ダメージを与えつつ攻撃力や防御力を低下させたり、特殊攻撃を一定時間封印したり。 尾藤兄妹の必殺技も見たいなあ。尾藤兄妹で必殺技を発動すると全能力値が何段階か上がるスキルとかもあったら良い。 前作ライムは登場シーンが少なかったので、今後はいっぱい出てほしいね… またすばせか続編が出ると信じているので、次はどんなバトルシステムや必殺技が出るか楽しみ!
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apricot77-tum · 4 months
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  男性ソロの立ちポーズ集です。 汎用的で使いやすそうなものを多めに作ってみました。 お気に召したらご自由に使って下さい。  → Download (Free) 【ポーズに必要なMOD・CC】 ・ Pose Player ・ Teleport Any Sim 再配布はご遠慮下さい。ご利用は自己責任でお願い致します。 Don’t claim my creations as your own. Don’t re-upload my creations. Thank you so much to all CC creators ♥ @ts4-poses
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elle-p · 6 months
PASH! March 2024 Persona 3 Reload part pictures and transcription.
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HP : https://p3re.jp
X (旧Twitter) : @p_kouhou
©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.
STAFF : 制作=アトラス
対応機種 : Xbox Game Pass、Xbox Series X | S、Xbox One、Windows、PlayStation 5、PlayStation 4、Steam
※ Xbox Series XS、Xbox One、Windows、 SteamはDL版のみ
料金 : パッケージ通常版9,680円、パッケージ豪原版17,380円、ダウンロード通常版9,680円、ダウンロード特別版15,730円、ダウンロード豪単版12,408円(すべて税込価格)
名作RPGのフルリメイク作『ペルソナ3 リロード』を特集!伊織順平役・鳥海浩輔さん、真田明彦役・緑川 光さん、スタジオディレクター・山口拓也さんのコメントと共に、本作の魅力を紐解いていく。
2006年に発売され、多くのファンを魅了した『ペルソナ3』。約18年の時を経て、オリジナル版の魅力はそのままに、現代に合わせてフルリメイクした『ペルソナ3 リロード』(以下『P3R』)が2月2日に発売された!
Point 1
And More
←↑本作はカレンダー形式で、1日ごとに何をするか選択可能 (一部、行動できない日もあり)。部活をするもよし、アルバイトに励むのもよし。全ての行動が主人公の成長につながっていくので、毎日の行動を充実させていこう。
しゅ じん こう
CV : 石田 彰
月光館学園高等部に2年から編入してきた転校生。昔学園がある港区に住んでいて、約10年ぶりに戻ってきた。複数のペルソナを召喚できるワイルドの能力を持ち、S.E.E.S. (特別課外活動部) のリーダーを任される。
たけ ば
CV : 豊口めぐみ
い おり じゅん ぺい
CV : 鳥海浩輔
さな だ あき ひこ
CV : 緑川 光
きり じょう み つる
CV : 田中理恵
やま ぎし ふう か
CV : 能登麻美子
コロマル CV : 高橋伸也
CV : 坂本真綾
あま だ けん
天田 乾 CV : 緒方恵美
あら がき しん じ ろう
CV : 中井和哉
順平はバカでお調子者でみっともなかったりだらしなかったりするのですが、誰よりも人間臭くて、成長して、決してスーパーマンではないけれど、とてもいい男だと思います⋯褒めすぎかな (笑)。
Cast Comment 1
アーツビジョン所属。主な出演作 : 『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』愛島セシル役、『キングダム』尾平役 ほか
影時間 (1日と1日の間にある、普通の人には認識できない時間) にどんなことをしてみたいですか?
影時間は経験しなくていいです (笑)。
う~ん。やっぱり荒垣 (真次郎) ですねぇ。
Cast Comment 2
緑川 光
青二プロダクション所属。主な出演作 : 『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪』鳳瑛一役、『あんさんぶるスターズ!!』 天祥院英智役 ほか
影時間 (1日と1日の間にある、普通の人には認護できない時間) にどんなことをしてみたいですか?
色んな所に行って、普段と違うところを堪能したいです (笑)。
目覚めちゃうと、あの銃のパーン!ってやつしなきゃダメ???だったら、怖いので、目覚めなくていいです (苦笑)。
学生時代が、それはそれは昔過ぎてキラッキラ輝いているので (笑)、普通に友達とわちゃわちゃ遊びたいですね。普通が1番です (苦笑)。
Staff Comment
アトラス ペルソナスタジオ ディレクター
『ペルソナ3 リロード』はどのような流れでフルリメイクが決定したのでしょうか?
『ペルソナ3 リロード』ならではのアピールポイントもぜひ教えてください。
本作には様々な魅力がありますが、まずは何と言っても全面的に刷新されたグラフィックでしょうか。フィールドやキャラクターは等身大のスケールで作られ、UIも全て新規に作り直されています。特に3Dのキャラクターモデルはとても魅力的に作られていますので、大きな画面でじっくり見ていただきたいです。あと個人的にはコロマルの可愛さがもうたまらないので、仲間になった後は是非パーティに入れて、探索に連れて行ってみてください (笑)。
『ペルソナ3 リロード』はカレンダーシステムという何か行動するたびにゲーム内の日付が進むシステムを採用していまして、ゲーム内で日々を無為に過ごし続けると月日がどんどん経過していき、気が付くと何も準備ができていないまま強敵と対峙する⋯なんてこともあります。なので、勉強やアルバイトなどの自分磨きや仲間や友人との交流は勿論、ダンジョン探索やぺルソナの合体等、様々な要素をまんべんなく進めていただいて、忙しくも充実した日々を送っていただくのがプレイするコツかなと思います。あとは難易度設定も用意してあり、ゲーム中にいつでも変更可能ですので、バトルが難しいと感じた方は遊びやすい難易度を選んでいただけたらなと思います。一番優しい難易度では絶対にクリアできるようになっていますので、ストーリーは気になるけどゲームは苦手という方も安心して遊んでいただけると思います。
今の『ペルソナ』シリーズのターニングポイントにもなった『ペルソナ3』が装いも新たにフルリメイクされて『ぺルソナ3 リロード』として発売中です!“『ぺルソナ3』のリメイク”となっていますが他の『ペルソナ』タイトルを遊んでいなくても、オリジナル版を遊んでなくても全く問題なく楽しめる内容となっています。今のペルソナスタジオが魂込めてお届けする『ペルソナ3 リロード』。少しでも気になったらお手に取っていただけますと幸いです。
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
UI (プレイヤーが触れるメニュ―などのシステム) やキャラクターの2Dイラストがブラッシュアップされ、美しくより遊びやすいものになっているのも本作の特徴だ。
Keyword 3
Keyword 4
敵対する存在 “ストレガ”
↑ “ストレガ”が影時間やペルソナ能力に執着する理由とは⋯?
CV : 神奈延年
CV : 小野坂昌也
CV : 沢城みゆき
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417-kjh · 1 month
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mes possibilites aujourd'hui. 今日のわたしの可能性。   庭の水撒きをする。   クルフィを仕込む。   昼寝をする。       おとんの月命日。 シリコンモールドに仕込んだ クルフィを 坊守さんに召し上がっていただく。 残った生地は いつも通り、カップで わたしのおなかにおさまった。   冷凍室に鎮座まします 紅玉のペーストを クルフィに使えないかと アレンジしてみる。 ナッツはくるみに変えて、 スパイスは4種類、 アップルパイみたいな味に ならないかな、と試作。     睡魔におそわれ、午後に 45分間の昼寝。   夕方、庭の水撒きをしていて サギソウに蕾が上がっているのを発見。 とりあえず 水を切らさずにいれば そのうちなんとかなると 思っていたけど、 予想外に早く 花が見られそう。   我が家はもともと あまりたくわんや漬物の類を 食べない方なのだけど、 先日たくわんをたくさん いただいてしまったので 今日の夕餉は炒飯にトライ。 これが想像していたよりも ずいぶんとおいしかった。 リピート確定。
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aikosatoe · 5 months
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Evil Saga
君は王女 僕は召使い。
運命分かつ 哀れな双子。
君を守るその為ならば 僕は悪にだってなってやる。
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