#十年 Ten Years Japan
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konjaku · 10 months ago
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乙女椿[Otometsubaki] Camellia japonica f. otome
The name means the maiden camellia.
[Sate kono kubi no dedokoro ni tsuite hanashi ga aru. Onaji ryōyō no jōnai ni go nanigashi to iu gyoshi ga ite, kotoshi jūku ni naru musume ga aru. Hyōban no bijin da. Maitoshi ichigatsu tooka niwa nippon to onaji yō ni dare mo kare mo oenmasama no sankei ni jūōden ni yuku node, sono musume mo asobi gatera sankei shita ga, furyō seinen ga ichibetsu shite musume no ato wo tsuke, yoru ni natte kara yashiki ni sinobikomi, musume no makuramoto ni tatte, "Shizuka ni nasai. Boku wa anata wo rabu shite iru, ii deshō. Iu toori ni nari tamae. Koe wo tateru to otagai no rieki ni narimasen yo" to sekkyō gōtō modoki ni, kudokitateta ga, kowagatte sukunde iru. Bōkō ni oyobō to suru to "Arē dareka kite" to kanakirigoe wo dashi, chikara ippai kobanda node, otoko wa muzan nimo musume wo koroshite nigeta. Toki naranu sakebigoe ni hahaoya wa isoide teshoku wo motte kite miruto kono shimatsu. Chishio ni sonda shitai wa yuka ni yokotawari, ichirin no otometsubaki no yō ni utsukushii kubi ga ochite iru. Hahaoya wa koshi wo nukashite shimatta.] Now, here is a story about the source of this head. Within the area surrounded by castle walls of Yangling, there is a government spy named a certain Go, and he has a daughter who will turn nineteen this year. She is a renowned beauty. Every year on January 15, just like in Japan, everyone visits the Jūō-den(the hall dedicated to the ten deities) to pay homage to Yama(the king of hell), and when the girl also visits there partly for pleasure, a delinquent young man followed her at first sight, after nightfall, he crept into the house and stood by her bedside, "Be quiet. I love you, all right? Do as I say. It's not good for either of us if you speak up," tried to win her affections as if he were a preaching robber, but she is scared and shrugged. When he tried to assault her, she screamed, "Ah! Someone come!" and refused as best she could, so, cruelly, the man killed the girl and fled. Hearing the unexpected shriek, when she rushed with a portable candlestick, found it just like this. The blood stained corpse lies on the floor, and the beautiful head like a single otometsubaki is falling off. The mother was paralyzed with it. From 神技首のすげ替[Shingi kubi no sugekae](The superhuman skill: the replacement of the heads) by 野口 米次郎[Noguchi Yonejirō](The father of Noguchi Isamu) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yone_Noguchi Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1279712/1/66 (ja)
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koju-incense · 9 months ago
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お香の日の由来は日本書記によると、推古天皇3年(595年)4月に「沈水、淡路島に漂着」と記され、淡路島にひと抱えもある香木が漂着しました。この沈水(じんすい)というのが一般的に言われるところの沈香という香木です。 島民がその木を焼くと良い香りが辺り一面に広がったので驚き、木片は朝廷に献上されました。そこで聖徳太子が観音像を作ったとされます。 今も淡路島ではその香木をご神体として枯木神社に祭られれています。 沈水香木の伝来した4月と、「香」の字を分解した「一十八日」をあわせて4月18日を「お香の日」として制定しています。
また、錫香立は香十の「十」を象徴としてデザインした錫香立を特別に作りました。 大切なお香と香立を桐箱に納めた限定商品です。
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Today, 18 April, is Incense Day.
The origin of Incence Day can be traced back to the 3rd year of the reign of Emperor Suiko (595), when, according to the Japanese Bible, "Jinsui drifted ashore on the island of Awaji" and a large piece of wood was found on the island of Awaji. This agarwood is commonly known as agarwood. When the islanders burnt the wood, they were surprised to find that the fragrance spread throughout the area, and the pieces were presented to the Imperial Court. It is said that Prince Shotoku made a statue of the Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) from it. The fragrant wood is still worshipped as a deity at the Kareki Shrine on Awaji Island. The month of April, when the agarwood was introduced to Japan, and 18 April, which is a decomposition of the Chinese character for 'incense', are combined to form the 'Incense Day'.
To commemorate Incence Day, 'Takai Juemon 2024' was created.
The product contains an assortment of three types of incense: 'Takai Juemon' 2018, 2019 and the Seritsumihime incense that was well received at the GinzaKobako.
In addition, a tin incense stand was specially designed to symbolise the 'ten' of the incense ten. The precious incense and incense stand are packaged in a limited edition paulownia wood box.
It is now on sale at the main Koju Tokyo Ginza shop and the Kyoto Ninenzaka shop.
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sana-yan · 2 years ago
the secret history of sanada and taichi
Taichi: I like Sana, I do. We weren’t there at the same time, but we both came through the same All Japan dojo system. He’s like a cute kid brother. 
–SANADA came into All Japan after you had already left. But he agrees with your ‘kid brother’ remark and talks about you in a similar way.
Taichi: Aww, bless his heart. But I’ve known him for a long time, since he was a newcomer to AJPW... (source)
the following are the kayfabe diaries of taichi and sanada, in its original japanese text, as well as english translations by me. i'm not a fan of the translations on njpw's english content (as they sometimes censor bits out or omit them entirely), so i tried my hand at translation/interpretation to capture what i feel is more authentic to the original text, as well as provide background information for readers. of course, since i am not a native speaker, please feel free to correct me on the nuances!
!! since this is paywalled content, please do not share outside of tumblr. thank you
TAICHI's DIARY (6.12.2021)
岡本「今回も私が担当します、改めましてニュージャパンワールド解説でもお馴染みの東京スポーツの岡本です」 Okamoto: I'll start us off; I'm Okamoto from Tokyo Sports, a commentator for New Japan World.  タイチ「今更いいよ。もうレギュラー化してんな」 Taichi: You're a regular now. You don't have to do that.   岡「田口さんの日記の巨乳ちゃんポジションですよね完全に」 O: That's Big-Breast's position in Taguchi-san's diary, isn't it?
(T/N: Ryusuke Taguchi's diary has a character named "Big Breast" who starts off the entries. Okamoto suggests he is equivalent to that in Taichi's diary.)   タ「それを言っちゃおしめぇよ! T: Don't say stuff like that! で、今回はなんだよ?」 So, what is it this time?   岡「はい、ようやくGODから奪還したタッグベルトに早速、内藤SANADA組が挑戦に名乗りを上げて来ましたが、その辺のお話を聞かせてください」 O: Naito and SANADA have come forward to challenge you for the tag team belts after you finally regained them from G.O.D.   タ「まぁもうその辺は試合後のコメントやTwitterで散々言ってきたからなぁ。 T: Well, I've said enough about that in my post-match comments and on Twitter. 珍しくsanaやんも喋ったしな。 And Sana-yan spoke, which is rare. ナイトーに無理やり付き合わされてるんじゃないのはわかったよ。 I can see he's not just being dragged along by Naito. だけどな、アレじゃダメだな! But that's not good enough! 足りない!」 it's not enough!   岡「伝わりませんか?」 O: Would you like to tell us why?   タ「昨日のsanaやんの日記よ! T: It's Sana-yan's diary from yesterday! 最後のたったの一行よ! It's just one sentence at the end [saying he wants to go for the belts]! ナイトーの長さに比べて、たったの一行だぞ! It's a single line compared to Naito's [diary entry]!
岡「でもSANADAさんが気持ちを喋る事自体、珍しい事なので、十分かと思います」 O: But it's rare for SANADA-san to express himself, so I thought it was fine.   タ「いやっ、もっと言うならな、毎回の日記の短さよ! T: No, if I had to say more, I'd talk about how short each entry is! コメントも出さないなら日記も喋らないのかよっ! If you don't do comments, shouldn't you do your diary! 俺とsanaやんの日記の内容の違い���! Look at the difference in content between my diary and Sana-yan's! これでどーせみんな一律同じギャラなんだろ!? Everyone gets paid the same rate, right? ふざけんなよ! You've got to be kidding me! やってらんねぇよ! I won't do this! だったら俺も次回から10行くらいで終わらせてやるよ!」 If it's going to be like this, I'll only write up to ten lines the next time!   岡「いやいやまぁまぁ… O: Ah, well, you know... それも含めてSANADAさんなんで… That's just who SANADA-san is... ところでお2人は全日本プロレス出身同士という意外な繋がりがあるわけですが。 Anyway, the two of you have an unexpected connection from All Japan Pro Wrestling. 接点はあったのですか?」 Did you two ever come in contact?   タ「それな、よく言われるんだが、俺が辞めてから入門してんだよな、sanaやんもbushiやんも。 T: It's often said that SANA-yan and Bushi-yan joined AJPW right after I left. だから入れ替わりで全く接点なかった」 So we didn't come into contact at AJPW. 岡「そうなんですねー。 O: I see. お会いした事もなかったんですか?」 So you've never met him before? タ「いや、初めてsanaやんに会ったのは… T: Nah, I first met Sana-yan... 彼がまだデビューして間もないくらいか?? ...around the time he had just made his debut? 意外なところで初対面を果たしたよ」 We met for the first time at a totally unexpected place. 岡「どちらでどのように!?」 O: Where and how!?   タ「もう本当にな、何年も前だから正確には覚えていないが… T: It's been such a long time, I don't exactly remember... 多分10年以上前だろうか… Perhaps more than 10 years ago... ある日今も全日本プロレスにいるリングアナの木原とな、全日本プロレスの道場の近くにある、スーパー銭湯に行ったんだよな。 One day, Kihara, a ring announcer at AJPW, and I went to the super public bathhouse closest to the AJPW dojo.
(T/N: Tiger "Old Man" Kihara is a ring announcer for AJPW and was the manager of the Great Muta during his stint in the United States.) その時な、何故か木原のオヤジがダイエットをしててな、無駄なダイエット。 At that time, for some reason, Old Man Kihara was on a diet, a useless diet. 食事とかやたら節制してて、練習もガンガンしてて、その日もその後の事で、サウナに何回も入ったんだよな。 He restricted his meals while practicing hard at the dojo, and on that day, he went into the sauna several times. そしたら節制のし過ぎで脱水症状起こしてサウナ出たら倒れちまってよ!」 Then he got dehydrated from overdoing his diet and collapsed right after getting out of the sauna!
岡「え! O: Eh?! それはタイチさんも一緒だったんですよね!?」 While he was in there with you!? タ「そうよ、2人で行ったんだからな。 T: Yeah, we went together. 木原のオヤジの野郎、ガタガタ痙攣し始めてな… Old Bastard Kihara started convulsing... さすがに救急車呼んだよな」 So I went to call an ambulance. 岡「そんな事あったんですか!」 O: Did they come?   タ「そうだよ。 T: That's right. 救急隊員が風呂ん中入って来てな。 The paramedics came into the baths. 体が硬直して担架にも乗せらんないから、股間にタオル一枚で裸のまま救急隊員2人に、両肩両膝抱えられて救急車まで運ばれて行ったよ。
He was so stiff he couldn't be carried on a stretcher. Two paramedics had to carry him naked with a towel between his legs, lifting him by his shoulders and knees and taking him to the ambulance. 椅子に座ってた状態のそのままの姿な。 Just like he was sitting on a chair. 結果大丈夫だったから言えるけど、不謹慎にも俺はその姿を見てさすがに、つい笑っちまったよ…」 Once I saw it would turn out okay, I couldn't help but laugh at that sight...   岡「今だから笑い話ですね… O: What a funny story... って、全然SANADAさん��係ないじゃないすか!」 But that has nothing to do with SANADA-san at all!   タ「いやまぁ焦るなって! T: Don't be so impatient! ここからだよ。 Here it is.
ほんでなそのまま木原のオヤジは近くの病院運ばれてな、点滴の処置を受けてたんだよ。 Old Man Kihara was taken to a local hospital and administered an IV drip. 付き添いで行ったけど、俺は次の日早くて帰らなきゃいけなかったんだよ。 I came as a chaperone but had to leave as it was getting too late. それを木原オヤジに伝えたら、全日本プロレスの道場から若手を呼んでくれと… When I told Kihara-san about it, he asked me to call a young man from the AJPW dojo... 俺も早く帰りたかったから、すぐに道場に電話して、出たのは誰かわからんけど、木原オヤジがこんな状態だから迎えに来てと伝えて。
I wanted to leave early, so I called the dojo right away. I have no clue who answered, but I told them about Old Man Kihara's condition and to pick him up. そしたらすぐに2人の若手が病院に来たよ」 And immediately, two young guys came to the hospital.   岡「それがSANADAさんだったと!」 O: And that was SANADA-san! タ「その通りだ。 T: That's right. sanaやんともう1人、誰だったか… Sana-yan and another guy, who was he... ど忘れしたが。 I forgot who it was. そこで初対面だよsanaやんとは」 That's where I met Sana-yan for the first time.   岡「そんな時にそんなとこで! O: At such a place and such a time! どうでした?初のSANADAさんの印象は?」 How was it? What was your first impression of SANADA-san? タ「もう本当ただの若いお兄ちゃんて感じだったよ。 T: He really felt like a younger brother. かわいい感じの男の子。 A cute-looking boy. 挨拶もちゃんとしてきてな。 I should say hello properly. と、思ってたら急に驚きの行動に出たんだよ!」 Was what I thought when he suddenly surprised me!   岡「なんですか!?」 O: What was it? タ「じゃ俺はもう行くよ、と伝えたらsanaやんが持参してきてたビニール袋の中身をガッサーーーーと待ち合い室の椅子に広げてな! T: When I told him, "I'm heading out now," Sana-yan spilled all the contents of the plastic bag he had on the waiting room chair! 中身は大量のお菓子だったよ! There were a ton of sweets inside! ゲーセンでも行ってきたんか!レベルのよ!」 I thought he had come from an arcade! It was that much!
(T/N: At some arcades in Japan, you can trade your winning tickets to get candy prizes.)   岡「えぇ? O: Huh? 夜の病院の待ち合い室の椅子で!?」 In the chair of a hospital waiting room at night!? タ「そうだよ! T: Yes, that's right! さすがに俺もビックリしてな… I was surprised too...
なにそれ?と聞いたらsanaやんがな What's that, I asked him, and Sana-yan said,   sana「長くなりそうなんで暇つぶしに持って来たんです!
"It looked like it would be a long wait, so I brought it to kill time! あとは自分らでやっておくんで大丈夫す!」 We'll take care of the rest from here." て言いながらお菓子ボリボリ食べ出してな!」 He said that, all the while munching on sweets! 岡「なんですかそれ! O: What's this! 木原さんの事全く心配してないじゃないですか!」 They weren't worried about Kihara-san at all!   タ「そうなんだよ! T: Yes, right! 俺もそれ言ったら I told him that too!   sana「木原さんの事なんで、どーせ大丈夫っすよ! SANADA: "It's Kihara-san, so it should be fine. うまい棒食べます?」 Would you like a Umaibo?"
(T/N: Literally called "delicious stick.")  ってこんな感じだったからな!」 T: And that was that!   岡「なんか全然印象違いますね… O: What a totally different impression... 若い頃はそんなんだったんですねえ…」 So that's what it was like when he was younger...   タ「ある意味、大物になりそうな予感はあったよな… T: In a way, I had a hunch that he'd become something big... まぁそんな初対面だったよ」 And yeah, that was the first time we met.   岡「SANADAさんとの初対面の話で凄い長くなりましたね」 O: The story about meeting SANADA-san for the first time turned out to be quite long.   タ「そのsanaやんの日記はクソ短いけどな。 T: Sana-yan's diary is fucking short, though. タイトルマッチをもしやったら、またあの時、差し出してくれたうまい棒、くれるかな…」 If we have a title match again, I wonder if he'll offer me a Umaibo like back then...   岡「SANADAさんならきっとくれますよ、あの時のうまい棒… O: I'm sure SANADA-san will give you a Umaibo from that time... だから挑戦受けましょうよ。 So take the challenge.
一緒にうまい棒食べたらいいんですよ!」 Let's all eat Umaibo together!
(T/N: This following part is totally false. Taichi's diary always ends with a wacky imaginary scenario, mostly ending with Okamoto or Taichi or both dying.) sana「タイチはん、岡本はん、そんなの待つ必要ありまへん。 "SANADA": Taichi-han, Okamoto-han, you don't have to wait. 今食べましょう、あの時のうまい棒… Let's eat it now, the Umaibo from the past... はい、どうぞ」 Here you go. 岡「わっ! O: Wow! 急にご本人登場!」 He suddenly appeared! タ「さ、sanaやん… T: Sa-Sana-yan... あの時は一緒に食べれずごめんな… I'm sorry I couldn't eat with you then... ありがとう!」 Thanks! タイチとsanaやんと岡本は仲良く3人でうまい棒を食べた Taichi, Sana-yan, and Okamoto got along well and had Umaibo together. いつの間にかキツネ目の男に毒を盛られていたうまい棒を食べた3人は死んだ Before they knew it, the fox-eyed man had poisoned them, and they all died.
(T/N: This is a reference to the Glico Morinaga case. Okamoto and Taichi have a dark sense of humor.)
SANADA's DIARY (6.25.2021)
兄やんとの1番最初の出会いは、どこかのラーメン屋さんでした。 The first time I met Ni-yan was at some ramen restaurant.
当時デビューしたてだった頃、木原のオヤジから電話があり「今から来い」的なことを言���れ向かいました。 I had just debuted, and Old Man Kihara called me up and said, "Come over now," so I went.
兄やんの第一印象は、ヤカラでした。 My first impression of Ni-yan was that he felt like a yakara. (T/N: EDITED to add in context that Sanada could potentially mean that Taichi is either a) a kindred spirit, having the same background/lineage as Sanada as an AJPW trainee, or b) a delinquent thug.)
(今もですが) (Even now.)
And after that, we met at the super public bath (the same one mentioned in Ni-yan's diary last week).
Yes, as mentioned in Ni-yan's diary last week, Old Man Kihara went on an impossible diet and visited the sauna many times and collapsed, paralyzed [from dehydration]. While the emergency personnel carried Old Man Kihara out of the bath, Taichi-niyan looked unfazed and started drying his hair with a dryer. I thought he was cool.
And then I think we met in Mexico afterward. (I think I also met Desperado at this time.)
Also, Ni-yan's tag partner, Zack, is the same age as me.
(What's the point you're trying to make)
(T/N: me too, Sana-yan. Why did you bring up Zack's age out of nowhere? Lmao)
see u next time
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shinshun-chanson-show · 1 year ago
@Alan et la pomme アランとりんご
アダモの歌。アランはイギリスの数学者、アラン・チューリング(1912-1954)のこと。 コンピューターの元になる仕事をして、Aiの父ともいわれる。 同���愛者であり、そのため警察に逮捕され、ホルモン治療を受けたが、その2年後41歳で自殺した。(青酸カリによる) このことに関して、2009年イギリス政府は公式に謝罪した。 This is a song by Adamo. Alan Turing was an English mathematician and called “father of AI”. He was homosexual and arrested by the police in 1952. And he committed suicide using potassium cyanide in 1954, the age of 41. In 2009, English government apologized about it.
この歌はアランの死を悼み、同性愛を含めた恋が、誰にも非難されることのないことを願っている。 技術は日進月歩で進むが、人の心はついて行っているのだろうか。 日本は世界でも女性の地位が低く、同性愛に対する認識も足りない。 This song is thinking of his love and death, hoping any love not to be blamed by anybody. Technic advances very quickly, but how about our mind? In Japan, the status of women is low and we have little about LGBTQ
最近、日本で少年への性的虐待についての報道があった。これは何十年も前から取り沙汰されていたにも拘らず今年になって初めて大きく取り上げられるようになった。ちなみに加害者は亡くなっている。加害者が権力を持っていたので、日本のマスコミはこの問題を避けてきた。 今年になってBBCが取り上げたために、日本も黙っていられなくなったという情けない状態である。 虐待は何十年にもわたって行われ、被害者は500人を超すと言う。 マスコミが民衆でなく権力に忖度するのであれば、存在意義はない。 Recently there was a news about sexual abuse for boys in Japan. This case was known for tens of years, but it was at last reported by BBC this year. The assailant who is already dead had a big power, so Japanese mass media avoided this case. The abuse continued for a long time and the number of victims is over 500. Mass media loses its meaning of existence if it thinks about dirty power and not about people.
Alan a trempé la pomme Dans le cyanure La vie et tout son barnum Triste aventure Ne lui a jamais offert que des blessures Des coups et des crachats à la figure
Alan aimait les hommes Sous les injures Malgré tous les sérums Toutes les censures Chancelant sous le glaive D es bien-pensants Il leur lègue son plus beau rêve d’enfant
I’m going where love is easier C’est décidé je vais voir ailleurs15 Je vous laisse les clés, Je vous laisse les codes D’un nouveau monde D’un nouveau monde Où vous pourrez toucher les antipodes A la seconde, à la seconde I’m going where love is easier Cliquez ici. Cliquez ici… Vers l’infini
Alan a croqué la pomme Tout simplement Debout, sans décorum Juste en rêvant aux beaux voyages, Aux fraternels lendemains Qu’il offre à ses bourreaux, Ses frères humains
I’m going where love is easier C’est décidé je vais voir ailleurs Je suis né un peu tôt Je n’ai pas eu de chance Avec ma différence Je tire ma révérence
I’m going where love is easier C’est décidé je vais voir ailleurs Je vous laisse les clés, Je vous laisse les codes40 D’un nouveau monde D’un nouveau monde Où vous pourrez voler aux antipodes A la seconde, à la seconde I’m going where love is easier Cliquez ici. Cliquez ici… Vers l’infini.
アランはリンゴを浸した 青酸カリに 人生とその罠 悲しい冒険が 彼に与えたのは傷だけだった 殴られ、顔に唾を吐かれた
アランは男を愛した 侮辱されながらも あらゆる血清にもかかわらず あらゆる非難にもかかわらず Dの剣(?)の下でよろめきながら 独善的な 彼は最も美しい子供の頃の夢を彼らに託す
もっと簡単に恋ができるところへ行く 別の場所に行くことに決めた あなたに鍵を置いていく 番号を残していく 新しい世界への 新しい世界への19 対極に触れることができる 秒単位で、秒単位で もっと簡単に恋ができるところへ行く ここをクリックして… 無限に向かって
アランはリンゴをかじった 端的に言えば 飾り気なく立っている ただ美しい旅を夢見て、 兄弟愛の明日を 死刑執行人に捧げる 人間の兄弟たちに
もっと簡単に恋ができるところへ行く 別の場所に行くことに決めた 私は少し早く生まれてしまった 不運だった 私は他の人と違う 挨拶しよう
もっと簡単に恋ができるところへ行く 別の場所に行くことに決めた あなたに鍵を置いていく39 番号を残していく 新しい世界への 新しい世界への 対極に触れることができる 秒単位で、秒単位で もっと簡単に恋ができるところへ行く ここをクリックして… 無限に向かって
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daiyuuki24 · 2 years ago
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「PLAN75」 世界の中でも速いスピードで高齢化が進んだ日本では、超高齢化社会に対応すべく、75歳以上の高齢者が自ら死を選び、それを国が支援する制度“プラン75”が施行されることになった。 制度の運用が始まってから3年。“プラン75”を推進する様々な民間サービスも生まれ、高齢者の間では“自分たちが早く死ぬことで国に貢献すべき”という風潮がにわかに広がりつつあった。 78歳の角谷ミチ(倍賞千恵子)は、夫と死別後、ホテルの客室清掃の仕事をしながら長年、独り暮らしを続けてきた。 市役所の“プラン75”申請窓口で働く岡部ヒロム(磯村勇斗)や申請者のサポート業務を担当する成宮瑶子(河合優実)は、国が作った制度に対して何の疑問も抱かず、日々業務に邁進していた。 また、フィリピンから出稼ぎに来ていたマリア(ステファニー・アリアン)は、難病の娘の治療費を稼ぐ為に高待遇の職を求め、“プラン75”関連施設での仕事を斡旋される。 そんなある日、ミチは職場から高齢を理由に退職を余儀なくされる。 職を失い、住む場所さえ失いそうになったミチは、“プラン75”の申請手続きを行うか考え始める……。 是枝裕和が総合監修を務めたオムニバス「十年 Ten Years Japan」の一編を元に、出演者を一新した早川千絵の初長編映画。カンヌ映画祭の「ある視点部門」受賞。 夫と死別してから、長年ホテルの客室清掃員の仕事をしながら一人暮らししてる角谷ミチの目線からは、75歳近い高年齢者になった途端に仕事も住むところがなかなか見つからず、見つかったとしても夜勤の警備員など体力的に厳しい仕事だったり、「より良い人生の終わりのお手伝い」という名目で高年齢者を安楽死や尊厳死させる「PLAN75」か生活保護に誘導させるヘル日本の悲惨な現状が、職探しやアパート探しにミチが苦労する大変さや友人に先に死なれ心を打ち明けられる「PLAN75」のコールセンターのオペレーター成宮と娘のように交流する孤独感などから炙り出される。 淡々と仕事してきた「PLAN75」申請窓口で働くヒロムは叔父が申請者になったり「PLAN75」関連企業の秘密を知り「PLAN75」に疑問を感じたりや「PLAN75」のコールセンターのオペレーター成宮は申請者のミチのこれまでのことや寂し���を知り職員の分を超えた情をミチに抱く、ヒロムと成宮を��して政治と自分たちの生活を他人事のように考える若者などの国民が自分ことと考えた時の行動など、早川千絵監督が込めた日本の未来に込めた希望がある。 冒頭の相模原市障害者施設襲撃事件を彷彿とさせる高年齢者施設襲撃シーン、会社にクビにされたミチが、職探しやアパート探しに苦労するシーン、ミチと成宮がボウリングを楽しむシーン、ミチが尊厳死するための施設に行く前の日に成宮が感情を抑えながらミチと話すシーンなどには、日本に足りないのは人の事情や感情を斟酌する情やなんでも話し合える人間関係そして何より国の未来を担う子どもと国を支えてくれた高年齢者の為に人の命を守る政治ではと背筋が凍りながらも僅かに希望を感じる社会派サスペンス映画。 #plan75 #プライムビデオ #プライムビデオおすすめ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAqosfPoWE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cinemastylenews · 7 years ago
是枝裕和監督 総合監修 映画『十年 Ten Years Japan』 特報&ティザービジュアル解禁!
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是枝裕和監督総合監修国際共同プロジェクト 高齢化、AI教育、デジタル社会、原発、徴兵制― 5人の新鋭監督が、“今の未来”を見つめる +…+…+…+…+…+…+…+ 日本・タイ・台湾・香港の国際共同プロジェクト映画『十年 Ten Years Japan』(今秋、テアトル新宿ほかにて全国順次公開)の6/9(土)からの前売り発売開始に先立ちまして、特報映像とティザービジュアルを解禁いたします。 本作は、香港で社会現象となったオムニバス映画『十年』を元に、日本、タイ、台湾それぞれで、自国の現在・未来への多様な問題意識を出発点に、各国約5名の新鋭映像作家が独自の目線で10年後の社会、人間を描く国際共同プロジェクト「十年 Ten Years International Project 」 の日本版。 最新作『万引き家族』が日本人監督として史上4人目、21年ぶりのパルム・ドールを受賞する偉業を果たした是枝裕和監督が、初めてオムニバス映画の総合監修を務めます。 タイ版は、アピチャッポン・ウィーラセタクン(『ブンミおじさんの森』)が監督として参加し、「 第71回(2018)カンヌ国際映画祭特別招待作品」として選出。 また、台湾版は「台北国際映画祭(6/28-7/14開催)コンペティション部門」に選出されるなど、世界中から注目されている本プロジェクトの満を持して完成した日本版の特報映像・ティザービジュアルの解禁となります。 ====================== 映画『十年 Ten Years Japan』特報はこ��らから。 https://www.youtube.com/embed/J3GtEuTzf3s ※YouTubeへ遷移します。 ※ガラケーでは視聴できません。 ====================== 『PLAN75』 【キャスト】川口覚、山田キヌヲ、牧口元美ほか 【監督】早川千絵 75歳以上の高齢者に安楽死を奨励する国の制度『PLAN75』。 公務員の伊丹(川口覚)は、貧しい老人達を相手に“死のプラン”の勧誘にあたっていた。 『いたずら同盟』 【キャスト】國村隼ほか【監督】木下雄介  AIにより理想的な道徳を刷り込まれているIT特区の小学校。 用務員の重田(國村隼)が世話する老馬に殺処分の判断が下された時、クラスのはみ出し者の亮太(大川星哉)は…。 『DATA』 【キャスト】杉咲花、田中哲司ほか 【監督】津野愛 母の生前のデータが入った「デジタル遺産」を手に入れた舞花(杉咲花)。 データをもとに母の実像を結ぶことに喜びを感じていたが、知られざる一面を見つけてしまい…。 『その空気は見えない』 【キャスト】池脇千鶴ほか 【監督】藤村明世 原発による大気汚染から逃れるために地下の世界に住む少女・ミズキ(三田りりや)。友達のカエデ(田畑志真)から地上の話を聞き、母(池脇千鶴)の意向に反発して地上の世界に憧れを抱くようになり…。 『美しい国』 【キャスト】太賀、木野花ほか【監督】 石川慶 自衛隊徴兵制が導入された日本。告知キャンペーンを担当する広告代理店の渡邊(太賀)は、ベテランデザイナー・天達(木野花)のもとに、ある報告をしに訪れるが...。 +…+…+…+…+…+…+…+ 【作品情報】 『十年 Ten Years Japan』 ■出演:杉咲花、田中哲司/太賀、木野花/川口覚、山田キヌヲ、牧口元美/池脇千鶴/國村隼 ■エグゼクティブプロデューサー:是枝裕和 ■監督・脚本:早川千絵、木下雄介、津野愛、藤村明世、石川慶  ■プロデューサー:髙松美由紀、福間美由紀、水野詠子、ジェイソン・グレイ  ■配給・宣伝:フリーストーン 今秋、テアトル新宿ほか全国順次公開 情報提供:Free Stone (C)2018 “Ten Years Japan” Film Partners
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cinemaronin · 2 years ago
Ten Years Japan (2018)
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十年 Ten Years Japan (2018) directed by Yusuke Kinoshita , Chie Hayakawa , Kei Ishikawa , Akiyo Fujimura , Megumi Tsuno produced by Hirokazu Kore-eda
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I’ll forever be bittersweet over this drama. So much potential for being a 10 star. Such a visual masterpiece, strong cast, great ost... if only the drama actually lived up to all it could have been and the writer didn’t go to la-la land midway and drag it out 
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shinsengumi-archives · 3 years ago
Kondo Isami’s poetry
Kondo, along with Sannan Keisuke, were known to have enjoyed composing Chinese poetry.
Here are some of them written by Kondo. I’ve previously posted Sannan’s poem.
They’re written in a classical form popular in the Tang dynasty called qijue (shichigon-zekku in Japan). Each poem consists of 4 lines with 7 characters per line. The first pair and last pair of lines form matching couplets.
When translating, I focused the intended meaning rather than the literal translation, and couldn’t preserve most of the poetry and elegance of the original writing. Since my literacy skills are limited, there could be mistranslations.
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What is there to envy about the rich and the glorious? The long path of an official is full of ups and downs. Even if this leads me to hardship, A full stomach and warm clothes hold no place in my heart.
This is how I feel
富貴利名豈可羨 悠悠官路仕浮沈 此身更有苦辛在 飽食暖衣非我心
Japanese Translation
人の富や名声をねたむことはない。 悠々として官の路(新選組の任務)は、その成り行きにゆだねる。 私の身に苦しく辛いことがあったとしても、 飽食暖衣(身にあまる贅沢をすること)は、私の心ではない。
Commentary: This is a poem he sent to Kojima Shikanosuke, expressing his feelings at the time of the formation of the Shinsengumi.
By “path of an official”, he’s referring to the mission of the Shinsengumi.
“A full stomach and warm clothes hold no place in my heart.” Only someone who never experienced famine and poverty could say that 😅
The following two poems were likely written when he set out for Kyoto.
Here’s the original document containing both of them:
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(Image from the book 俳遊の人・土方歳三: 句と詩歌が語る新選組)
The will to depart from the east gate, Not to return until my life’s wish is fulfilled. A sword to serve the country with loyalty, Polished for ten years and worn at the waist.
丈夫立志出東関 宿願無成不復還 報国尽忠三尺剣 十年磨而在腰間
Japanese Translation
丈夫志を立て東関を出づ 宿願成らずんばまた還らず 国に報い忠を尽さん三尺剣 十年磨きて腰間にあり
Commentary: This was probably why Kondo didn’t go back to Edo when Kiyokawa Hachiro and others turned back. He promised himself to not return until he fulfilled what he set out to accomplish.
A warrior of Kyoto bound by honor and gratitude With single-minded ambition, he enters the city Day and night, he strategizes to take action A commoner who fights to expel the barbarians
負恩守義皇州士 一志伝手入洛陽 昼夜兵談作何事 攘夷誰斗布衣郎
Japanese Translation
恩を負ひ義を守らん皇州士 一志を手に伝へ洛陽に入る 昼夜の兵談何事かなさん 攘夷誰と斗(はか)らん布衣郎
Commentary: In the second line, he names “洛陽” as the city that he entered. This could mean Luoyang, an ancient Chinese capital, but it could also mean “Rakuyo” which is another name for Kyoto (source). It makes more sense that he’s talking about Kyoto in this context.
Something worth mentioning is that he writes “皇州士” (”warrior of Kyoto”) in the first line, and “布衣��” (”commoner”) in the last line. From what I can tell, the entire poem is talking about the same person. If that’s the case, the last line is actually a twist where he’s like “Surprise! That honorable warrior of Kyoto started out as a commoner,” which matches his own situation as a peasant who became a samurai, and what he hoped for others by allowing non-samurai to join the Shinsengumi.
I once heard the barbarians named five ministers Today I saw those tigers and wolves waiting for the ferry To answer those who seek the easy solution Always be careful of resorting to marriage alliance
曾聞蛮貊称五臣 今見虎狼候我津 回復誰尋神后趾 向来慎莫用和親
Japanese Translation
曾て聞く蛮貊五臣を称すと 今見る虎狼我が津(みなと)を候(うかが)ふと 回(かへ)りて復た誰か神后の趾を尋ねん 来りて慎むを向かへ和親を用うなかれ
Commentary: I had a lot of difficulty with this one and might have mistranslated some parts, but I think the gist of it is that he’s trying to warn against marrying foreigners for the sake of forming alliances, known as heqin (和親).
“five ministers” might refer to the representatives from the five nations that arrived in Japan after they opened up trade with the West (America, England, France, Netherlands, Russia).
In the third line, “神后” could mean Houtu the Chinese goddess of the Earth, or it could mean “wise former king” (source). “趾” usually means “toe”, but could mean “location” or “foundation” in literary texts (source). It’s still hard to figure out what he means when he says “神后趾”. The wise former king’s location? I’m not sure how that fits with the context. It could be an idiom. I would assume from context that he’s talking about people who either seek to avoid conflict, or seek the easy solution.
His poem reflects the xenophobia prevalent at that time.
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Rubbing the wooden statue of General Minamoto So his conviction and success can become my own Though he still has areas of strength and weakness With his halberd he can take Meishu in a day
摩挲源将木人形 自説盛功爾我儔 猶有一般優劣処 鉞矛他日凌明州
Japanese Translation
源将の木人形を摩挲(ましゃ)し 自ら盛功を説く爾(なんじ)は我が儔(とも)なり なほ一般の優劣の処あり 鉞矛をもって他日明州を凌(しの)がん
Commentary: I’m not sure who “源将” is referring to. General Minamoto? It could be Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, or maybe he’s talking about Tokugawa Ieyasu who was a descendent of the Minamoto clan? I’m not sure where “明州” (”Meishu”) is either. That’s probably the archaic name of a province, but I don’t know any places with that name that’s related to the Minamoto clan. Although the details are unclear, we can see that he wants to become like his heroes.
Hundreds of texts emphasize filial piety and loyalty And speak of unfailing heroes as examples A hero does not worry about his own matters And should sincerely wish to expel the barbarians
百行所依孝與忠 取之無失果英雄 英雄縦不吾曹事 欲以赤心攘羌戎
Japanese Translation
百行の依る所は孝と忠なり 之を取りて失無ければ果して英雄 英雄はたとへ吾曹の事にあらずとも 赤心をもって羌戎を攘んと欲す
Commentary: It seems that most of Kondo’s poems are about Sonno Joui, either explicitly mentioning “expel the barbarians”, or implying it when he writes about serving the country. It was a popular movement at that time. I don’t think he had anything personal against foreigners, since he was friends with Hijikata and Matsumoto Ryojun who enjoyed Western things. He probably just liked to go with the flow.
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araiwatal · 4 years ago
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夜行列車で出雲へ #01 東京駅
夜行列車。 1964年の東京駅では、日が暮れると夜行列車が十分おきにホームから旅立っていたのだそうです。 しかし、新幹線や航空機の影響で年々その数は減り続け、現代では「サンライズ出雲・瀬戸」の一本のみとなりました。 夜行列車の時代が終わろうとしています。 新しい夜行列車が臨時列車として時刻表に加わることもありますが、乗車賃80万円の豪華列車であったりします。 これは別世界。私には乗れません。 いつでも気軽に乗れる唯一の定期旅客列車である「サンライズ出雲・瀬戸」ですが、その車両は年々古くなっていくわけで、 今後、新車両が投入されることはおそらくないでしょう。 夜行列車は、いつ無くなってもおかしくないのです。 試しに「サンライズ出雲・瀬戸」の一番安い席を調べてみますと、思ったよりもお手頃な価格でした。 これなら私でも乗ることができます。 前々から、出雲大社へ行きたいと思っていたことですし、思い立ったが吉日、ネットで予約を済ませ東京駅へと向かいました。 島根県出雲市まで12時間21分、953.6kmを夜行列車に揺られます。
Amazon Japan 著者ページ https://www.amazon.co.jp/新井ワタル/e/B0168GDX1M/
Night train to Izumo #01 Tokyo Station
Night train. At Tokyo Station in 1964, night trains departed from the platform every ten minutes when the sun went down. However, the number of night trains has been decreasing year by year due to the influence of Shinkansen and airplanes, and today there is only one train "Sunrise Izumo/Seto". The era of night trains is coming to an end. The only night train that you can easily ride at any time is "Sunrise Izumo / Seto" But those vehicles are getting older and older. It is unlikely that new vehicles will be introduced in the future. New night trains may be added to the timetable as extra trains, but they are luxury trains with a fare of 800,000 yen. This is a different world from me. I can't get on the extra trains. The "Sunrise Izumo/Seto" is the only regular night train that I can easily ride at any time, but the trains are getting older year by year. It is unlikely that new vehicles will be introduced in the future. Night trains can disappear at any time. I checked out the cheapest seats on the "Sunrise Izumo/Seto" and found that the price was more reasonable than I had expected. Even I could get on this train. I had been wanting to visit Izumo Taisha Shrine for a long time, so I made a reservation online and headed for Tokyo Station. It is 12 hours 21 minutes and 953.6 km by night train to Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture.
Amazon USA Author Page https://www.amazon.com/WATAL-ARAI/e/B01BODI7I8
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chanoyu-to-wa · 5 years ago
Nampō Roku, Book 4 (2):  With Respect to the Objects that May be Displayed in the Shoin.
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2) In the early days¹, [in] the large toko², [on] the shoin-toko³, [and] on the chigai-dana, when various objects were displayed [in these different locations within the room], it was usually considered best for pieces that [will] have no use to be excluded [from the arrangement]⁴.
     [And the objects that are put on display] must also be appropriate to the circumstances of the person [who is hosting the gathering]⁵.
¹Mukashi ha [昔は].
    While Tanaka Senshō says that this refers to the Muromachi period as a whole*, Shibayama Fugen specifies the Higashiyama period† as the point in time to which this expression alludes. __________ *Chanoyu was introduced into Japan around 1403, during the time when the fourth Ashikaga shōgun Yoshimochi [義持; 1386 ~ 1428] was in office, and so the conventions governing the arrangement of the shoin may be said to have been followed from that time.  This seems to have been Tanaka's way of thinking.
    The earliest record of chanoyu being performed for one of the noblemen of the realm was on the 18th day of the Sixth Lunar Month of that year (Ōe 10 [應永十年]), when tea was served to the retired shōgun Yoshimitsu [義満; 1358 ~ 1408] (who did not actually give up power until his death in 1408, despite his having passed the title of shōgun on to his son, Yoshimochi -- who was just 18 years of age at the time of his investiture -- in 1394), during a time when he was indisposed.
†The Kun-dai Kan Sa-u Chō Ki [君臺觀左右帳記] was written during the period of Yoshimasa's [義政; 1436 ~ 1490] rule.  Since the material discussed in Book Four of the Nampō Roku ultimately derives from this source, Shibayama seems to feel it best to take “mukashi” [昔] as a reference to Yoshimasa's period.
    The word literally means “in ancient times,” or “in bygone days.”
²Ō-doko [大床].
    This is a reference to the oshi-ita [押板] that is mentioned in the Kun-dai Kan Sa-u Chō Ki and the O-kazari Ki [御飾記].
    The oshi-ita (which might be considered the predecessor of the ita-doko [板床] -- the wood-floored tokonoma) was strictly for display*.  The modern tatami-floored toko is a conflation of the oshi-ita with the jō-dan [上段]†, or raised floor on which persons of the highest rank were seated.
    Originally the oshi-ita was appended to one side of the jō-dan‡. __________ *Indeed, its lack of depth would have precluded anyone from trying to sit there, since in pre-modern days people did not usually sit in the Western style, with their legs dangling down in front.  (Even with respect to the koshi-kake, sitting in the Western manner is relatively modern.  In Jōō’s and Rikyū’s time, the guests sat in seiza upon the en-za [圓座] cushions on the koshi-kake.)
†The jō-dan was, in its turn, originally the daimyō’s built-in version of the mi-chōdai [御帳臺], the ancient nobleman's seat of estate.  The mi-chōdai was a portable affair, usually of two mats (arranged parallel to each other), with four pillars supporting lintels (from which curtains, of fabric or of woven slats of bamboo -- such curtains made from reeds or shino-dake [篠竹], a kind of bamboo with narrow, reed-like stems, and known as Iyo-sudare [伊予簾] were not used by persons of the highest status -- were suspended to shield the occupant of the mi-chōdai, both male and female, from being seen) and a cloth canopy, though sometimes without the curtains (the interior of the mi-chōdai was screened with movable curtain, suspended on stands, that were pulled up to shield the mi-chōdai when needed).  The noble person attended to business, took his or her meals, entertained his or her closest intimates (socially and sexually), and also slept, on the mi-chōdai.
    The mi-chōdai was often taken along when such a person visited another location.
    On account of its usual 2-mat size, the mi-chōdai might be the ultimate source for the 2-mat small tearoom (since it provided the precedent for doing anything necessary in a space of this size).
‡Often, though not always, the deepest side when viewed from the room, so as to provide a sort of backdrop to the nobleman, when he received other people in audience.
³Shoin-toko [書院床].
    Here, this expression refers to the dashi-fuzukue [出し文机], the built-in writing desk*.
    In the modern tea world, a shoin-toko sometimes refers to a style of tokonoma with a chigai-dana on one side (in front of which is the utensil mat†), and a flat wooden platform (usually one-half of a mat in size) raised to just above lap-level (relative to a person seated on the tatami that floors the toko in the middle of this arrangement), that can function as a writing desk (and so is referred to as the shoin [書院]).  Often a dora [銅鑼] or kanshō [喚鐘] is suspended above this wooden platform (in imitation of the classical shoin-kazari).  This arrangement usually stretches across the entire upper side of the room‡. __________ *Also sometimes known as the tsukue-doko [机床], meaning the “desk-toko,” as Shibayama Fugen mentions in his commentary.  (Tanaka Senshō uses this expression in his notes as a matter of course.)
†During the Edo period, the ji-fukuro that is usually found beneath the chigai-dana was sometimes used as a sort of dōko.-- even though it is at the head of the utensil mat, rather than on its side (or at its foot).
‡In this latter arrangement, the shōkyaku usually sits either in front of the tatami-floored central section (the tokonoma), or in front of the “shoin.”
⁴Taitei mochiinaki-ki wa ryaku-shite kazaru ga yoshi [大底用なき器ハ畧してかさるがよし].
    Taitei [大底] means in general, on the whole*.
    Mochiinaki-ki [用い 無き器] means objects that have no use, objects that will not be used (during the gathering).
    Ryaku-suru [畧する = 略する] means to abbreviate, or (in this case) eliminate or exclude. ___________ *Taitei [大底] literally means something like “rock bottom,” so the present construction may be viewed as a colloquialism (or, possibly, the second kanji is an example of a hentai-gana usage that had become relatively mainstream during the period in question).
    Today the expression (meaning “in general,” “on the whole”) is usually written daitei [大抵].
⁵Sono hito zono hito no bungen mo aru-koto nari [其人〲の分限も有事なり].
    Hisamatsu Shin-ichi, writing in the Sadō Ko-ten Zen-shu [茶道古典全集], states that bungen [分限] refers to “mi no hodo” [身のほど], “ones social position,” “ones place in society;” while Shibayama Fugen holds that it is equivalent to “kuiki no yoshi” [区域の義], which means “what is appropriate to the setting.”
    Tanaka Senshō, however, argues that since the mi-chōdai, ō-doko, shoin-doko, and chigai-dana, were things found primarily* within the shōgun’s residence, this statement refers exclusively to that setting -- and so means what is appropriate to the setting of the shōgun’s court.
    Meanwhile, Kumakura Isao sensei, apparently taking all of these opinions into consideration, says that this refers to each separate person's financial situation, his personal inclinations, and the degree of formality demanded by the setting. ___________ *This is a rationalization on his part, since these things were also found in the Imperial court, and the residences of the Imperial Abbots.  Indeed, their presence in the shōgunal compound was in imitation of these earlier settings.
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jibunstudies · 7 years ago
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I wish I could tell you that counting in Japanese is easy, but unfortunately it’s not as easy as it looks. The basic counting system (one, two, three) is quite simple, but from there it gets a little crazy!
I’m not going to put anything in romaji, so please don’t ask me.
This post is going to be quite long, so click below to keep reading!
First, let’s start with the basic counting system! NOTE: zero (0) is generally just ゼロ or まる in room numbers
百(ひゃく)one hundred
千(せん)one thousand
万(まん)ten thousand
一億(いちおく)one hundred million
When forming numbers larger than ten, it’s really simple! If you want to say 50, simply put 5 before 10: ご+じゅう=ごじゅう. Similarly, if you want to say 74 then put 7 before 10 before 4: なな+じゅう+よん=ななじゅうよん. I promise the longer you expose yourself to numbers, the more this system will make sense.
However, there are six special numbers: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8.
1 -- this number almost always changes its reading when used to count. Generally speaking, when used to count the reading becomes いっ, with whatever follows after. We’ll talk more about this later!
3 -- this number never changes its reading, but the kanji after does change its reading. We’ll talk more about this later, but remember 3 is special!
4 -- four can be read both as よん, よ, and し. You’ll occasionally hear し when natives are counting, though it’s fine to use よん as well. よ is common when it’s used to count time or years. For example, “fourth year student” would be よねんせい(四年生).
6 -- similar to 3, but the reading of 6 also changes from ろく to ろっ. However, this isn’t always true so just remember that 6 is also special.
7 -- this is similar to 4 in that it has two readings which are both fine: なな and しち. The first is most common, but you’ll see しち used with time and years. For example, 2017年 is read にせんじゅうしちねん.
8 -- similar to 3 and 6. The reading generally becomes はっ with whatever follows after generally changing its reading.
Instead of trying to memorize all of the rules, just expect that these numbers might have special readings. When I was first learning how to count in Japanese I spent too much time memorizing every single reading for these numbers but realized later that their patterns are more or less consistent.
So, let’s put this into practice! Here are some of those “special readings” that I was talking about:
三百(さんびゃく)-- Instead of the usual ひゃく reading, 300 is read with a “b” sound.
六百(ろっぴゃく)-- In the case of 600, you’re skipping sounds and adding a “p” sound.
八百(はっぴゃく)-- Luckily, 6 and 8 are generally read almost the same way! So in this case, it follows the pattern.
三千(さんぜん)-- Instead of せん, you’re going to read this with a “z” sound.
六千(ろくせん)-- It’s normal! Hooray!
八千(はっせん)-- Again with the skipping sound, but that’s it this time.
But what about 万(まん)? Luckily, everything stays the same for this one! Nothing gets too fancy here. Thank goodness, right?
Now that we know how the counting system works in general, let’s turn it up a notch and have some fun! Below is how to count things in the basic way...
一つ(ひとつ)one thing
二つ(ふたつ)two things
三つ(みっつ)three things
四つ(よっつ)four things
五つ(いつつ)five things
六つ(むっつ)six things
七つ(なのつ)seven things
八つ(やっつ)eight things
九つ(ここのつ)nine things
十(とお)ten things
This system can be used for things that are not countable in other ways. For example, you might say “I have three classes tomorrow” and say “明日は三つの授業がある,” in which case there is no counter for classes. You cannot use this system for people, books, animals, cars, floors in a building, and like a million other things. Remember when I said that the Japanese counting system isn’t easy? I meant it.
However, familiarize yourself with this system because it’s the counting system! You’re going to hear it all of the time. When ordering food in Japan it’s common to use this system, so get used to it. You also use this system when counting days in a month...
In this case, 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, and 20 are counted differently! Fun, right?
But what if you want to count people? This is definitely important! You’re going to count people a lot more than you think, but luckily it’s fairly simple once you get past one and two.
一人(ひとり)one person
二人(ふたり)two people
三人(さんにん)three people
四人(よにん)four people
五人(ごにん)five people
4 is different in this case (we’re dropping that extra “n” sound), but once you get past 2 it’s all easy from there! Simply take a number and add “にん” after it and you’ve got “X people”. Finally something simple!
But wait...didn’t you say there are more ways to count in Japanese? Well...yes, and no. Japanese has a fairly basic counting system when you think about it (you’re basically adding things together), but the problem comes up in how Japanese counts objects. Which is to say...not in an easy way.
Japanese uses counters, which you may or may not have figured out already in the way つ and 日 are used to count things and days, respectively. There are (and I’m not exaggerating about this) over 50 ways to count things beyond the basic counting systems we covered. You can even count loaves of bread!
I’m fairly certain Japanese natives know all of these things and don’t even realize they know them (actually this is kind of true because my Japanese native boyfriend had no idea about the 3, 6, 8 pattern until I pointed it out to him lol), but as a learner there are “common” counters you’ll be constantly exposed to that are definitely important to learn! They’ll make your counting, and therefore your Japanese, sound more native. 
Here’s a list of some of the more “common” counters:
部(ぶ)-- copies of a magazine or newspaper, or other packets of paper
台(だい)-- cars, bicycles, machines, mechanical devices, household appliances
杯(はい・ばい・ぱい)-- cups and glasses of drinks
匹(ひき・びき・ぴき)-- small animals, insects, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
本(ほん・ぼん・ぽん)-- long, thin objects (rivers, roads, train tracks, ties, pencils, bottles)
階(かい・がい)-- number of floors/stories in a building
個(こ)-- implies that the item is small/round; also used to count kanji and military units
枚(まい)-- thin, flat objects (sheets of paper, photographs, plates, articles of clothing)
名(めい)-- the polite way to count people, often heard in restaurants from staff
面(めん)-- mirrors, boards for board games, stages of computer games, walls of a room
冊(さつ)-- books
話(わ)-- stories, episodes of a tv series, etc.
There are also various time counters:
秒(びょう)-- seconds
分(ふん・ぷん)-- minutes
時(じ)-- hours
泊(はく・ぱく)-- nights of stay
ヶ月(かげつ)-- month-long periods (ex. 2 months = 2ヶ月)
歳(さい)-- age
And various counters for extent/frequency:
倍(ばい)-- multiples, -fold as in “twofold”
番(ばん)-- position, turn, sports matches
度(ど)-- occurrences, number of times, degrees of temperature or angle
回(かい)-- occurrences, number of times
Honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to counting in Japanese, but these counters will get you far in conversations or when you’re trying to list amounts.
Here are some tips for memorizing numbers + counters in Japanese!
Try not to think too hard about it! I know this sounds weirdly counterproductive considering there are so many counters to memorize, but if you just start familiarizing yourself with them it’ll become normal to use them for certain objects and not for others.
Memorize patterns. There are a lot of patterns when counting in Japanese because of 3, 6, and 8. If you memorize those patterns, it’ll be a lot easier to guess correct readings for new counters you discover!
Expose yourself to them. If you can, putting your phone in Japanese or your Netflix account can help with this. Your phone counts songs, etc., and Netflix will count episodes! They’re not common in spoken language so it’s good to expose yourself in other ways.
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dianxiaotang · 2 years ago
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打响中华牌,亮出殿晓堂造一一“师门巨献" 日伪满洲时期,在日本人通化开的大通药铺当伙计的三个异姓兄弟,他们合计合作将日本开药铺时从我国搜刮来的镇店秘方悄悄抄录保存了下来! 我们老师王师晓霞女士,当非典时期根据师爷的手抄本,献方中国中医研究院,研究院也专门给王老师发过回复信件。我们师门有一注册商标叫:殿晓堂,分别撷取了我们师爷与老师名字中的一个字,没有我们师爷的舍命抄录,就没有我们老师的今天,我们老师也不��有经络通、不老丸之类。所谓言有宗,事有君是也。王晓霞老师大气宽容,我们可谓是同声相应,同气相求,她初时也未意识到师爷手抄本之珍贵,等她家人与自己都身患重病绝症了,她才发奋学习研究,她把家人的癌症、痛风、颈椎病、老花眼,把自己的急危性高血压、颈椎病、乳腺增生、心血管疾病都治好了,把同学、朋友‘的癌症和疑难杂症都调理好了!她才真正出山,创立了自己的品牌产品,我们才得以追随她为老师,我们不仅调理好了自己及家人的顽疾,现在更让我们发善心帮助更多的有缘人身体康健,师爷和老师都是文人医学家,这些个医案,她都有保留,能够如数家珍,娓娓道来!她为人厚道低调,经常教导我们分享医案,千万不能夸大疗效,一定要实话实说。王师当年几度生命垂危,几乎不寿,她靠自学靠研究其父亲的手抄本成才,她是个实验实践实战性的医药家,我也持这种理念和评价标准,我信任,崇拜,尊敬她!如今虽已年近六十,性格开朗,声音宏亮,头发乌黑,因长年服用经络通与不老丸,丝毫没有病态颓势,竟然有返老还童之相,与同龄人相比,至少年轻十岁不止, 为了更好地服务于人类的健康事业,老师除了注册了商标,也申请了产品批号,于是就有了走市场经济的统一定价。也好让大家明明白白消费,好好地为人类的健康服务!若有违规者,将受到公司的严厉处罚不说!还会取消代理资格。 经络通(丁香茯苓丸):调理疑难杂症诸症,推广以来,愈人愈病无数,好评如潮! 不老丸:调理失眠多梦!返老还童,不是梦! 经络通+不老丸是黄金搭配,别有成见,不要死心眼,只要科学服用,养生保健也可,调理重症顽疾绝症亦可!倒空你的杯子,来喝我的新茶,都说治高血压难,两厢配合服用试试,早上空服十粒,温水送服,晚饭后半小时,服用20粒不老丸,60岁以上的减半服用!老师的东西伟大在哪里知道吗?首先,它是整体调理,局部治疗,次第调好,最后通治,难易不是身,脱胎换骨成!其次,药食同源,阴阳同调,先后天皆养。老师能调医院所不能治的病,是新中医人,是最美逆行者!再次,没有见过这么便宜,这么有效的产品。老师严令我们不能涨价,要有仁术仁心,也严令我们不能降价,要高度自爱,没有利润,哪来的服务?这样会害了中医药,结果无法可持续! 中药水:有详细说明了,不再赘述! 手工眼贴:己有详细说明了,不再赘述! 中药膏(眼膏):己有详细说明了,只是我现在没货,也不再赘述。过些日子有货了再说。
不老丸是温补,没有禁忌。是历代皇家滋补的宫廷保健药。慈禧太后的保健方就是以此为主方。 经络通也就是丁香茯苓丸,补阳比较霸道骏猛。阴虚火旺的人会“虚不受补”,按照火神派以阳补阴的概念,也要微量调补。或者先服用不老丸,体质平和了再用经络通就见效快,不会虚火上炎。两者配合吃,可以增加丁香茯苓丸的疗效,能很好的调理睡眠,养颜美容,让你的容貌更加紧致细白。和丁香茯苓丸一起吃,堪称黄金搭档!
Play the Chinese card, and show up in the Xiaotang Hall -- "Great School Contribution"
During the Japanese puppet regime of Manchuria, three brothers with different surnames who worked as waiters at the Datong Pharmacy opened in Tonghua, Japan, worked together to secretly copy and save the town store secret recipe that was stolen from China when the Japanese pharmacy opened!
Our teacher, Ms. Wang Shixiaoxia, presented the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine according to the master's manuscript during the SARS period. The Academy also sent a reply letter to Ms. Wang. Our school has a registered trademark called Dianxiaotang, which has taken a word from the name of our teacher and our master respectively. Without our master's life sacrificing transcription, there would be no teacher today, and our teacher would not have access to the meridians and the ageless pill. As the saying goes, there is a religion in words, and there is a king in things. Miss Wang Xiaoxia is generous and tolerant. We can say that we need to work together. At the beginning, she did not realize the value of the master's manuscripts. When her family and herself were suffering from serious and fatal diseases, she worked hard to study. She cured her family's cancer, gout, cervical spondylosis, presbyopia, her own critical hypertension, cervical spondylosis, breast hyperplasia, cardiovascular disease, and her classmates My friend's cancer and difficult and miscellaneous diseases have been cured! She really came out of the mountain and created her own brand products, so that we could follow her as a teacher. We not only took care of our own and family's chronic diseases, but now let us be kind and help more people who are destined to be healthy. Both the teacher and the teacher are scholars and medical experts. She has reservations about these medical cases, and can tell us all about them! She is kind and low-key. She often teaches us to share medical cases. We must not exaggerate the efficacy, but tell the truth. Wang Shi was in danger for several times in those years. She almost didn't live long. She learned by herself and studied her father's manuscripts. She is a medical expert who is experimental and practical. I also hold this idea and evaluation standard. I trust, worship and respect her! Although he is nearly 60 years old, he is cheerful, has a loud voice, and has dark hair. Because he has taken the Jingluo Tonghe Bulao Pill for many years, he has no morbid decline. He looks like a rejuvenated child. Compared with his peers, he is at least ten years younger,
In order to better serve the cause of human health, teachers not only registered trademarks, but also applied for product batch numbers, so there was a unified pricing based on market economy. It is also good to let everyone consume freely and serve human health well! If there are violators, they will be severely punished by the company! The agency will also be disqualified.
Jingluo Tong (Clove Poria Pill): recuperate difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Since the promotion, the more people get sick, the more favorable comments!
Bulao Pill: recuperate insomnia and dreaminess! Rejuvenation is not a dream!
Jingluo Tong+Bulao Pill is a golden combination. Don't give up your mind. As long as you take it scientifically, you can also take health care and recuperate from severe and incurable diseases! Empty your cup and drink my new tea. It's said that it's difficult to cure hypertension. Try it with both sides. Take ten empty pills in the morning and warm water. Take 20 rejuvenating pills half an hour after dinner. Take them half for those over 60! Do you know where the teacher's things are great? First of all, it is the overall conditioning, local treatment, successive adjustment, and finally the general treatment. The difficulty is not the body, but the transformation! Secondly, medicine and food are of the same origin, and yin and yang are in the same tune. The teacher can adjust the diseases that the hospital cannot cure. He is a new Chinese doctor and the most beautiful rebel! Again, I have never seen such a cheap and effective product. The teacher strictly ordered us not to raise the price, to have benevolence and benevolence, and also strictly ordered us not to lower the price, to be highly self loving, and to have no profits. Where can we get the service? This will harm traditional Chinese medicine, and the results will not be sustainable!
Liquid medicine: It has been explained in detail, so I won't repeat it!
Manual eye patch: detailed description has been given, no need to repeat!
Chinese ointment (eye ointment): It has been explained in detail, but I'm out of stock now, so I won't repeat it. Let's wait until we have them in stock.
Bulao Pill is a warm tonic and has no taboo. It is a palace health medicine that has been used to nourish the imperial family in past dynasties. Empress Dowager Cixi's health care prescription is based on this.
Jingluo Tong is also called Clove Poria Pill, which is more powerful than Yang. People with yin deficiency and fire exuberance will "not be compensated for their deficiency". According to the concept of Vulcan Sect, they should also make minor adjustments to supplement yin with yang. Or you can take the Bulao Pill first, and it will take effect quickly after the body is calm and the meridians are unblocked, so you won't get inflamed by deficiency fire. The combination of the two can increase the curative effect of Clove Poria Pill, recuperate your sleep, beautify your face, and make your appearance more compact and white. Eating with Clove Poria Pill is a golden partner!
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captainjajajthings · 3 years ago
2021-08-23 23:42·茵苗教育
 One 某一個 sure 當然
 many 許多的 plate 盤子
 five 五 one 一
 two 二 three 三
 four 四 jump 跳
 and 和 up 向上
 high 高的 so 這麼,那麼
 fun 有趣的
 this one 這一個 how many 多少
 jump up 跳高 so fun 如此有趣
 This one, please. 請給我這個。 Sure. 好的。
 ( C )1.A、tall B、fun C、bag
 ( B )2.A、two B、many C、five
 ( B )3.A、plate B、jump C、cake
 ( A )4.A、sure B、leg C、hand
 ( B )5.A、one B、zoo C、three
 1、請給我這個。 This one, please.
 2、好的。 Sure.
 3、多有趣啊! It’s so fun.
 4、—(你要)幾個盤子? How many plates?
 — 五個。 Five.
 1、—That one, please
 — C .
 A、Thank you. B、How are you? C、Here you are.
 2、How many C ?
 A、rice B、book C、crayons
 3、Look! I have three C
 A、pencil box B、pencil boxs C、pencil boxes
 4、—How many dogs?
 — B .
 A、Dog. B、One. C、Two dog.
 5、This is my sister. She is A cute(可愛的).
 A、so B、many C、much
 brother 兄;弟 happy 快樂的
 birthday 生日 old 老的;(多少)歲
 old 年;年紀 six 六
 seven 七 eight 八
 nine 九 ten 十
 My brother 我的弟弟 how old 多大
 six years old 六歲
 Happy birthday! 生日快樂!
 ( B )1.A、six B、number C、eight
 ( A )2.A、year B、nine C、seven
 ( C )3.A、happy B、tall C、say
 ( A )4.A、brother B、four C、five
 ( B )5.A、six B、old C、nine
 1、約翰,這是我弟弟。John, this is my brother.
 2、生日快樂! happy birthday!
 3、—你幾歲了? How old are you?
 —我六歲了。 I’m six years old.
 4、我有六支彩色鉛筆。 I have six crayons.
 1、Happy birthday C you.
 A、at B、in C、to
 2、— How old are you?
 — C
 A、Four B、I’m four C、I’m four years old.
 3、I’m eight B old.
 A、year B、years C、/
 4、How old C you?
 A、is B、am C、are
 Shh 噓 gift 禮物
 surprise 令人驚奇的事(或消息等) so 這麼,很
 candle 蠟燭
 so many 如此多的 two gifts 兩個禮物
 Surprise! 驚喜!
 ( A )1.A、gift B、six C、four
 ( C )2.A、seven B、birthday C、five
 ( A )3.A、surprise B、two C日本藤素  日本藤素屈臣氏
日本藤素正品   japan tengsu
日本藤素進口   日本藤 素 價錢
日本藤素官網   日本藤素哪裡買
日本藤素評價   日本藤素ptt
日本藤素副作用   日本藤素吃法
日本藤素官網總代理   日本藤素香港屈臣氏
 ( A )4.A、one B、blue C、red
 1、—Happy birthday!
 — B 。
 A、No, I’m fine. B、Thank you. C、I’m six years old.
 2、There C John!
 A、am B、are C、is
 3、—He gave me a A
 A、surprise B、surprises C、 the surprise
   Friends:Shh! 1. C
 Friends:2. D Happy birthday!
 Zoom:3. A Let’s eat the cake!
 Zip: 1, 2, 3... 4. B You are old!
 一、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
 二、1. nine2. eight3. two4. seven5. five
 4.is(are) 5.are(is)
 四、1. How many plates?((你要)幾個盤子?)
 2.It is so fun! (多有趣啊!)
 3.How old are you?(你幾歲了?)
 4.There is Zoom!(佐姆在那兒呢!)
 5.I am seven years old.(我七歲了。)
 五、1. two 2.five3.four4. six5. seven
 六、1. A  2. A  3. B  4. A  5. C
 七、1. C  2. D  3. E  4. B  5. A
 八、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
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freshsuitcollectionme · 7 years ago
是枝裕和が総合監修『十年 Ten Years Japan』特報映像
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是枝裕和が総合監修『十年 Ten Years Japan』特報映像
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