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matsbox · 1 year ago
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j-suffix · 1 year ago
2月4日(日)は、1年を24等分した季節の節目「二十四節気」(にじゅうしせっき)の「立春」(りっしゅん)です。 春の気たつを以て也、「寒さも峠を越え、春の気配が感じられる」の意味です。旧暦では新年に相当する日です。
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mfydrwlio · 1 year ago
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buffetlicious · 8 months ago
If all Zong Zi or Rice Dumplings look the same to you, you’re not alone! Zong Zi (粽子) or Bak Chang are a variety of glutinous rice dumplings traditionally eaten by the Chinese during the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节). Here are six types of popular Zong Zi from various dialect and ethnic groups in Singapore.
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Hokkien Rice Dumpling (福建咸肉粽) - One of the most common Zong Zi that can be found in markets and stores, the Hokkien Zong Zi is wrapped in bamboo leaves is recognized by its dark appearance from soy sauce infused rice and distinct aroma from the five-spice seasoning. Usually made with pork belly, salted egg yolk, chestnuts and dried shrimps.
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Cantonese Rice Dumpling (广东咸肉粽) - The ingredient that sets Cantonese Zong Zi apart is the filling of mung beans or green beans. One can also order a variation with a salted egg yolk. The glutinous rice is also seasoned with salt and garlic oil instead of soy sauce.
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Nyonya Rice Dumpling (娘惹粽) - The Nyonya Zong Zi is the most distinguishable rice dumpling for its bright blue tip that is typically made from the extract of the butterfly pea flower. It is also sweeter in taste and aroma because of its pandan leaf wrapper and candied winter melon.
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Teochew Rice Dumpling (潮州粽) - The savoury yet sweet taste of a Teochew Zong Zi comes from various ingredients such as red bean paste or lotus paste, fatty pork belly, earthy mushrooms and dried shrimp. Chestnuts are also added to the dumpling for texture.
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Hainanese Rice Dumpling (海南肉粽) - The Hainanese Zong Zi’s most distinctive trait lies in its portion. It is filled with generous chunks of pork belly, whole chestnuts, mushrooms, and seasonings of savoury additions like five-spice powder, dark soy sauce, and black pepper. It is also usually served with a dollop of palm sugar syrup, adding a nice balance of sweetness to its savoury and slightly spicy flavour.
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Hakka Rice Dumpling (客家粽) - Steamed in bamboo leaves, the Hakka Zong Zi consists of preserved vegetable filling, juicy pork belly strips and savoury mushrooms. It is also sometimes filled with beans.
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Zong Zi info from here and images from Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.
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kdram-chjh · 7 months ago
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Cdrama: Her Fantastic Adventures (2024)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "Her Fantastic Adventures"
【Multi | FULL】 EP01 Song Yiren traveled back to ancient!😜 | Her Fantastic Adventures 第二次“初见” | iQIYI
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql2pwhzWQLA
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luckyhappypopo · 12 days ago
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tsuyo-gee · 1 year ago
日曜日朝の高知市内は今日も良好スタートです。 今日は何の日? 今日 2月11日(日)の記念日・年中行事 • 建国記念の日 • 科学における女性と女児の国際デー • 万歳三唱の日 • 文化勲章制定記念日 • 干支供養の日 • 仁丹の日 • わんこそば記念日 • 初午いなりの日 • 出雲そばの日 • ロールちゃんの日 • めんの日 • ダブルソフトの日 •…
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uwizeye · 1 year ago
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在李登輝的一手操弄下,陳水扁率領民進黨將國民黨趕下台,台灣首次政黨輪替。 蔡英文雖然在陳水扁政府中擔任陸委會主任一職,但始終無任何黨籍。 民國93年(2004年)大選塵埃落定之後,陳水扁再一次找到蔡英文,提出讓她出任民進黨不分區立委。 台灣的所謂立法委員,相當於美國國會議員,是手握實權很有油水的職位。陳水扁接二連三主動關照蔡英文,一方面有李登輝的囑託,另一方面也是想安插絕對的自己人,像蔡英文這樣的政治菜鳥自然是不二人選,因為完全能被自己拿捏。 作為交換條件,蔡英文若想進入立法院,必須先加入民進黨,保證按民進黨黨章黨紀行事,蔡英文欣然應允。 此時的她一直是民眾心中的清純「小龍女」 。
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蔡英文在擔任了兩年的立法委員後轉任到了行政機構擔任副主管,在陳水扁的一力護航下,蔡英文的仕途之路順風順水,沒有任何外部力量可以撼動。 民國95年(2006年),蔡英文被任命擔任行政院副院長。 民國97年(2008年),陳水扁狼狽下台,身陷囹圄,民進黨一敗再敗,走入死路。 民進黨在總統大選中挫敗,在520交出政權前,民進黨選出下野後第一位黨主席,選舉結果由當時有「小龍女」稱號的蔡英文打敗辜寬敏,當選黨主席。 這也是民進黨創黨以來首位通過黨員選出的女性黨主席。
民進黨的「四大天王」謝長廷、游錫堃、蘇貞昌和呂秀蓮雖然受挫,但卻在民進黨內各據山頭、擁兵自重,並不把蔡英文放在眼裡。 實際上,蔡英文之所以能高票當選民進黨主席,並不是因為黨內派系都支持她,而是「四大天王」互鬥,沒有一個人能接這個位子。 民進黨大老需要有人在前線收拾爛攤子,讓他們坐擁超然的權力,黨內若發生了什麼事,再來另外討論。但顯然,蔡英文並不想當傀儡。
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在削弱陳水扁時代「四大天王」的同時,蔡英文也在培植自己的團隊。民進黨桃園縣長參選人鄭文燦、發言人蔡其昌、政策會首席副執行長劉建忻、文宣部副主任廖志堅,是蔡英文最為倚重的「政治新星」,被媒體稱為民進黨的「四小天王」。 通過四小天王領兵作戰,其他勢力慢慢淡出民進黨的決策核心,蔡英文逐步確立了自己的領導地位。
蔡英文在任民進黨主席的4年間,政治光環逐漸顯耀,不少綠營政治人物向蔡聚攏,這也讓蔡英文的聲望在不知不覺間有了進一步的飛躍,讓她有了角逐政壇的本錢。以蔡英文為核心的英系已初具雛形。 此後,蔡英文親歷新北市長選舉而高票落敗,黨內人氣居高不下,逐步奠定綠營共主的地位。
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蔡英文黨權在握之後,人們發現,她說的話許多人聽不懂,如「和而不同,和而求同」。 五市選舉時,蔡說「反ECFA是民進黨共同政見」,卻又表示民進黨一旦執政,不會推翻「前朝」政策; 她更表示ECFA有對台灣不利的條文,將來民進黨執政後會要求民意部門重審,但這些條文是什麼卻不明說。她同時留下「反十八趴又領十八趴」的紀錄,對此也從不做說明。
《遠見》雜誌民調曾顯示,蔡英文的兩岸政策是什麼?超過7成的人不知道。其實,蔡英文不為人所知的政策,何止兩岸關係而已。 其餘對島內政策、國外交往、經濟、農業,連民進黨高層迄無一人公開為她詳細闡述過。故而,這時期蔡英文的第二個綽號「空心菜」由此得名。其意為,蔡英文心中其實並無大政方針,她還遊走在雲裡霧裡。
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蔡英文第三個綽號「武則天」,則出自民進黨內之口。 武則天雖是中國第一個女皇帝,但專斷、跋扈、猜忌,又喜怒無常。 蔡英文自民國99年(2010年)投身選舉以來,前民進黨中常會,中常委柯建銘、陳明文等人紛紛表示,蔡英文競選政策他們並不清楚,希望蔡主席說清楚,以便他們在地方輔選,不料,這些話竟觸怒了蔡英文,她勃然大怒,足足罵了半個小時。 另一個場景,是蔡英文作為台灣總統參選人,常有被媒體包圍提問的時候,她曾憤而推開麥克風,責備記者「你們怎麼老是問這種問題?」。蔡英文對媒體的不耐煩已非第一次,如她常說「這話我已經說過了」, 或者一語不發,推開記者,拂袖而去。
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民國97年(2008年)10月底,時任大陸海協會副會長的張銘清,以廈門大學新聞傳播學院院長的身份前往台灣參加學術交流活動,同時為陳雲林赴台打前站。民國97年(2008年)10月21日上午,張銘清在台南市南安平古堡參觀時,突然衝出一大批綠營支持者,張銘清後腦被打,然後被推到在地,連眼鏡都飛了出去。當張銘清準備乘車離開時,甚至有台獨分子跳上座車車頂狂踩叫囂,試圖阻止他離開。 事後警方查出打人者為民進黨台南市議員王定宇,而蔡英文在對其進行問詢之後對外宣稱,「他並不是有意��謀的」。 兩周之後,海協會會長陳雲林正式抵達台灣,11月4日當天,正當兩會領導人在圓山飯店進行會晤之時,蔡英文組織了上萬綠營支持者包圍會場,名曰嗆馬圍陳。在蔡英文坐鎮指揮不斷鼓噪之下,示威人群逐漸失控,期間有人向員警投擲石塊和汽油彈,雙方發生激烈衝突,最終演變為近10年來最嚴重的流血事件,造成了超過450人受傷。
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roundtripjp · 1 year ago
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numasaaan · 1 year ago
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the-home-base · 2 years ago
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【THe HOME BASE】 2023.3.12 日曜日は#京セラドーム大阪 #WBC の影響で野球熱、更に加速。 #見て学ぶ #オリックスバファローズ #日本ハムファイターズ #大阪男女混合野球チーム Claimers JAPAN #東京男女混合チーム Claimers TOKYO #大阪女子野球チーム C★STARS JAPAN #東京女子野球チーム C★STARS TOKYO 大阪、東京共に #新メンバー募集中 #対戦相手募集中 #練習を楽しむチーム #初心者からでも参加可能 #午前中は大阪城公園で野球 (京セラドーム大阪) https://www.instagram.com/p/CprYIMmv1sn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brownie-pics · 7 months ago
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'24.7.9 松尾寺にて
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tokidokitokyo · 10 months ago
Vocabulary for reading notices and information.
お知らせ おしらせ notice; notification
案内 あんない guidance; information; notice
日時 にちじ date and time (of a meeting, notice, etc.)
上旬・初旬 じょうじゅん・しょじゅん the first 10 days of the month
中旬 ちゅうじゅん the middle 10 days of the month
下旬 げじゅん the last 10 days of the month
第#〇曜日 だい#〇ようび the #nd/th 〇day of the month (e.g. 第2月曜日 = だいにげつようび = the second Monday of the month)
年末年始 ねんまつねんし the year-end and the beginning of the New Year (usually holidays in which businesses and the government are closed)
正午 しょうご noon
祝日 しゅくじつ national holiday
休館日 きゅうかんび day on which a museum, library, etc. is closed; closed day
ただし however (used when an exception is given) 「だだし、…」 は例外と言うとき
なお further (used when an explanation is added) 「なお、…」 は説明をつけくわえるときに使います
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向かい むかい across from/opposite
ななめ向かい ななめむかい diagonally opposite
向こう むこう across from/opposite/beyond
手前 てまえ before
角 かど corner
四つ角 よつかど crossroads
交差点 こうさてん intersection
有料駐車場 ゆうりょうちゅうしゃじょう paid parking lot
つきあたり the end of
前方 ぜんぽう ahead
後方 こうほう behind
右折する うせつする to turn right
左折する させつする to turn left
徒歩 とほ on foot
面している めんしている facing
一方通行 いっぽうつうこう a one-way street
横断歩道 おうだんほどう a pedestrian crossing; crosswalk
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buffetlicious · 8 months ago
The Dragon Boat Festival or Duan Wu Jie (端午节), is also known as Duan Yang Jie (端阳节), which means “Upright Sun” or “Double Fifth” (重午/重五). Falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month around the summer solstice which happened to be 10th June 2024 this year. The festival is also commonly referred to as the Fifth Month Festival amongst the Chinese. Its origins can be traced to southern China, and festivities include boat races and eating rice dumplings. The festival had evolved from the practice of revering the river dragon, to the commemoration of Qu Yuan (屈原), a third-century poet and political figure of the state of Chu in ancient China.
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Legends and Myths - River Dragon (蛟龙)
The dragon was initially viewed as the benevolent spirit of the waters. It exemplified the masculine principle or yang in the Chinese ideology of harmony. Among common folk, it was believed that the River Dragon (蛟龙) controlled the rain and was thus worshipped during the summer solstice. Requests would be made for a balanced rainfall – sufficient to ensure a good harvest, without over-abundance that would cause destructive flooding.
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Legends and Myths - Qu Yuan (屈原)
Primitive worship of the river dragon was often practised during the summer solstice. The Dragon Boat Festival was associated with Qu Yuan’s story only in the second century. Qu Yuan (屈原) was a poet and a statesman for the Chu kingdom (楚国) during the Warring States Period (战国时代). He served in high office and he advocated a policy of aligning with other kingdoms against the dominant Qin. However, political intrigue led Lord Huai to banish Qu Yuan instead. The ministry was left in the hands of corrupt statesmen and Qu Yuan helplessly watched his motherland decline. Depressed, he penned beautiful, patriotic poetry such as Li Sao (离骚) which means Encountering Sorrow, an allegorical poem stating his political aspirations and Jiu Ge (九歌) or Nine Songs, which gained Qu Yuan great renown.
With his top adviser gone, the king fell for the trickery of the Qin and his kingdom was eventually conquered. Upon hearing that his kingdom’s capital had been overtaken by the Qin, Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Mi Luo River (汨罗江). As he was adored by people everywhere, the local people did everything in their power to try to either save Qu Yuan, or at the very least, to protect him in the afterlife.
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Hereupon the legend varies. Some suggest that fishermen at the scene attempted to save their minister. Having failed, they sought to appease his spirit by throwing rice stuffed in bamboo stems into the river to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan’s body. Others say that the rice offerings were snatched by a river dragon and the rice had to be bundled in chinaberry leaves instead and tied with five different coloured silk threads in order to be effective. The triangular Rice Dumplings (粽子) thus became entwined with the festivities. Another version tells of farmers rowing out in dragon boats in their attempt to save Qu Yuan. Hence, Dragon Boat Racing (赛龙舟) has been held annually on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, in honour of the memory of Qu Yuan.
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Or if reading through a wall of texts is not your cup of tea, here is a pictorial guide to summarize on the history of Qu Yuan (屈原) and how we ended up celebrating Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) with dragon boat racing and rice dumplings on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
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All images are from the internet. Selected text info from here.
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kdram-chjh · 7 months ago
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Cdrama: Her Fantastic Adventures (2024)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "Her Fantastic Adventures"
【Multi | FULL】 EP01 Song Yiren traveled back to ancient!😜 | Her Fantastic Adventures 第二次“初见” | iQIYI
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql2pwhzWQLA
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos, un día como hoy, que acontencio el 6 de agosto de 1945 a las 8:15 horas de la mañana, B-29 Enola Gay hiso acto de presencia sobre la ciudad y lanzó sobre la ciudad de Hiroshima la primera bomba atómica, apodada como Little Boy.
Dicho acto acabaría con la vida de unas 80.000 personas murieron de forma inmediata y otras tantas unas 50.000 más fallecieron en los días venideros a causa de la radicación.
Un saludo y que acontecimientos como este no vuelvan a ocurrir, publicación en memoria de los caídos.
日本の考古学者の皆さん、今日のような日、1945 年 8 月 6 日の午前 8 時 15 分に、B-29 エノラ ゲイが市上空に出現し、広島市に最初の原子爆弾が投下されました。リトルボーイ。
Welcome japonistasarqueologicos, on a day like today, which happened on August 6, 1945 at 8:15 in the morning, B-29 Enola Gay made an appearance over the city and dropped the first atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, on the city of Hiroshima.
This act would end the lives of some 80,000 people who died immediately and another 50,000 more died in the following days due to radiation.
Greetings and may events like this not happen again, publication in memory of the fallen.
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