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kohaku-flower-education · 2 years ago
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【Flower diary♡クリスマス準備中♪】 こんばんはー🌛 ・ ・ 明日から12月 とうとう雪が降る季節に ・ ・ 朝から 降ったり止んだりしてます ・ ・ いつもお世話になっている ママさんたちが #christmas の準備に来てくれました😊 ・ ・ ・ 『60㎝の大きなリースを作ってみたい‼️』と言うママさんは、 70×50の大きな#リースを ・ ・ ・ 『ナチュラルな雰囲気の#スワッグ を作りたい♪』ママさん ・ ・ ・ #プライベートレッスン でした♪ ・ ・ ・ ご参加ありがとうございました❤️ ・ ・ ・ KUROMAMEさんの #お団子 などなど たくさんのお土産まで😊 ・ ・ ・ ご馳走様でした❤️ ・ ・ ・ 花より団子にはならず ひたすら作成😆 ・ ・ ・ #花農家 で一緒に働いた 今年の夏を 思い出しつつ  ・ ・ 花に癒される ・ ・ 楽しいひとときとなりました♪ ・ ・ ・ とっても素敵なリース&スワッグ完成です✨ ・ ・ ・ 今月もお世話になりました  12月も よろしくお願いしますね❤️ * * * * * #花のまち恵庭 #恵庭市 #島松 #中島松 #南島松 #黄金南 #千歳市 #amber琥珀 #いのちとこころの花育®︎ 講師 #花のある暮らし #haru花育講師  #ハーバリウムスペシャルインストラクター #nfdフラワーデザイナー #切り花 #お花好きさんと繋がりたい #flowers #地産地消 #sdgs #田舎暮らし #花の写真 ・ ・ 『#花育教室 』 『サクトコ』さんと ・ 『えにわ市民プラザアイル』 恵庭市本町110番地 TEL 0123-39-3355 ・ 『リフォームcafe SUMAI』さんで開催 親子参加歓迎❤️ ・ ・ お問い合わせはお気軽に❤️ @kimico.y #神奈川県✈︎#北海道 (Amber〜琥珀〜Esthe room) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clk9W-7v_h-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tamayula-hl · 1 year ago
I have illustrated many Dad!Ominis, but as I have not yet published my headcanon on DadOmi, I would like to explain it in drawing and text because I am not good at English😳
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In my headcanon, Ominis discussed this with his girlfriend, MC, while he was still at school, and they chose to drop the Gaunt name and elope together. The pair jumped ship on a steamer to the USA soon after graduation. As you know, the Gaunt family has ties to the USA, as the mother of the founder of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the USA was born a Gaunt, and there is a Slytherin wand buried in the garden of that school.
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(This is an illustration of that scene that I posted on Twitter in May, but there are lots of things I want to correct 😂)
They then started a new life together in the USA, where Ominis was lucky enough to get a job as an employee at MACUSA, which had just moved to New York and was short-staffed. (I have no idea of the details of how Ominis, under a pseudonym that presumably hides his Gaunt family origins, was hired as a permanent employee, and whether his obvious posh English could hide his identity in the US. Never mind the details!🤣)
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And secondly, how Ominis became a father in the place where he eloped. In my personal opinion, he would surely be reluctant to leave offspring, even if he became a couple with the woman he loved. A witch named Rionach Steward, daughter of the founder of Ilvermorny School, has become so thick with Gaunt blood that she is rumoured to be a Parselmouth. She remained celibate for the rest of her life in order not to leave her cursed blood to future generations. Ominis is very serious and thoughtful and, like Rionach, would not want to leave the Gaunt blood flowing in his body to future generations.
Where Rionach and Ominis differ, however, is that he is a man. If Ominis were heterosexual and had a healthy body, it would be difficult for him to completely abstain from sexual desire for women. (As an aside, I think this dichotomy is the spice that makes Ominis' smut more attractive.)
Two young, loving people who are financially strapped and starved for entertainment are sure to indulge their carnal desires. Soon, they find out that MC is pregnant.
In other words, in my headcanon, ominis become fathers for the pathetic reason of contraceptive failure. I guess there are two sides to this, but of course I am convinced that Ominis is not the kind of irresponsible man who would run away from an unwanted pregnancy. Ominis will be very bewildered, but he will be cheerful in front of his pregnant wife and will support her with dedication, as in the manga and illustrations I posted the other day! During MC's pregnancy, Ominis will be repeatedly struck with anxiety, but as he sees his wife's belly growing bigger day by day, he will gradually develop paternal feelings for her. And after the birth of his first child, when he holds his baby for the first time, Ominis will be moved by the preciousness of the creature in his arms and the weight of life, and he will awaken as the best dad…!
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I hope that Ominis, who became a father after unexpected events in his elopement, lives happily ever after, chewing on how precious a healthy family is😍.
Of course, it's all my headcanon, so I like different people's different ideas about Ominis' future! Anyway, I am happy as long as I see Ominis living a long and happy life..!
Thank you for reading my long story 🫶🫶🫶
A Japanese translation of the text is placed in undercut. (ほぼTwitterで書き散らかしていた妄想をまとめたものです。画像内の文章を和訳する元気はありませんでしたすみません…😂)
私の脳内設定(headcanon)では、オミニスは在学中にガールフレンドであるMCと話し合って、Gauntの名を捨て、二人で駆け落ちすることを選びました。 二人は卒業してすぐにアメリカ行きの蒸気船に飛び乗りました。
その後二人はアメリカで新生活を始め、ニューヨークに移転したばかりで人手不足のMACUSAでオミニスは運良く職員としての仕事を手に入れました。 (おそらくGaunt家出身であることを隠している偽名のオミニスがどのように正社員として採用されたか、また、明らかなposh Englishを話す彼がアメリカで素性を隠しきれるかどうかについては、私は細かいことは全く考えていません。こまけえこたぁいいんだよ!)
ご存知の通り、アメリカのIlvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardryの創始者の母はゴーント家の生まれで、その学校の庭にはスリザリンの杖が埋まっているなど、Gaunt家とアメリカには縁があります
そして次に、駆け落ち先でオミニスがどのようにして父親になっていったかです。 私の個人的な意見ですが、彼はきっと愛する女性と夫婦になっても、子孫を残すことを嫌がるでしょう。 Ilvermorny Schoolの創設者の娘のRionach Stewardという魔女はParselmouthという噂があるほどGauntの血を濃く継いでしまいました。彼女は呪われた血を後世に残さないために生涯独身を貫いた。 オミニスはとても真面目で思慮深い性格なので、Rionachと同じように、彼の身体の中に流れるGauntの血を後世に残したくないと思うでしょう。
しかしRionachとオミニスが違うところは、彼が男性ということです。 Ominisが異性愛者で健康的な身体を持っていれば、女性に対する性欲を完全に断つというのは困難でしょう。 (余談ですが、この二律背反こそ、オミニスのsmutをより��力的にさせるスパイスだと私は思います)
金銭的な余裕もなく娯楽に飢えた、若い愛し合う二人は、きっと肉欲に溺れるはずです。 そして間もなく、MCの妊娠が判明するのです。
つまり私のheadcanonでは、オミニスは避妊失敗という情けない理由で父親になります。 これについては賛否両論かと思いますが、もちろん、オミニスは望まぬ妊娠から逃げ出すような無責任な男ではないと私は確信しています。 オミニスは非常に困惑しながらも、妊娠中の妻の前では明るく振舞い、先日投稿したmangaやイラストのように献身的に彼女をサポートするでしょう! MCの妊娠期間中、オミニスは何度も不安に襲われるでしょうが、日に日に大きくなる妻のお腹を見ていくうちに少しずつ父性が芽生える。 そして第一子が誕生後、初めて赤ちゃんを抱いた時に、オミニスは腕の中にある生き物の尊さと命の重みに感動し、最高のパパとして覚醒するのです…!!
もちろん、全て私のheadcanonなので、オミニスの将来については、色んな人の色んな考えも好きです! とにかく私は、幸せに長生きしているオミニスが見れればそれで幸せなのです…!
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luckydaikon · 3 months ago
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My visit to BEEP!! a retro PC and gaming store in Akihabara.
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When you open the door...
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A retro eroge paradise awaits you. It's a small shop but there is so much to look at!
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They've been around for ages, at one point they even put out a magazine. They are still the heart of retro gaming in Akiba.
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kennak · 7 months ago
出生率は過去最低の1.2、東京0.99の衝撃…子持ち様vs子無し様だけじゃない?世代間でも深まる対立、止まらぬ少子化(あいテレビ)のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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brownie-pics · 9 months ago
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'24.4 東大寺のとある院にて
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guiltygearwiki · 10 days ago
The general consensus regarding the canonicity of XX is that most (if not all) of it has been disregarded by later entries. However, since Vastedge is purported to recycle quite a bit of dialogue from XX, are those specific pulls the only bits we should regard with any legitimacy? Especially since it can get really screwy in regards to the timeline (Zappa being a prime example, since presumably he's portrayed as still being haunted by spirits, when Xrd implies he's been in control for a while).
There are layers to the question being asked here, so this answer might end up being a bit long-
First, let's address the idea of a "general consensus regarding the canonicity of XX".
Overall, the idea of a true "canon" in Guilty Gear is nebulous, especially in all of its earlier entries, not just XX. All of ML's endings as seen in game can't have occurred exactly the way they're portrayed, and X had alternate paths and endings just like XX did. Even events that we know "actually happened" are often shown to differ slightly when revisited later in the series.
And this is without considering the fact that alternate timelines have been shown to exist in the world of Guilty Gear, too.
For the purposes of our wiki, we actually intend to phase out the term "canon" in favour of phrases like "the main storyline" and the like, depending on the context. "Canon" is ultimately not a term we can definitively apply most of the time, and our Western fandom understanding of "canon" is also not quite the same perspective as it would be for the actual developers and writers of the series.
Now, one context in which one might've heard the term "canon" used in Guilty Gear material is the "Guilty Gear Codex", an artbook that came with the limited edition of Xrd -Sign-, exclusively in North America.
This book largely contained bits of information that were translated from the Japanese-only "Guilty Gear 10th Memorial Book" (But please note that the English Codex contains some mistranslations in places.)
The term translated as "canon" in the English Codex was 正史/seishi in Japanese, which translates literally to "official history", and can roughly be considered analogous to the term "canon" when it comes to how fans use it, but still has slightly different connotations.
In any case, both in the English Codex and the original Japanese 10th Memorial Book, canon/正史 is often applied to XX with the sentiment of "If it's a thing that comes up later, it's canon/part of the 正史"- but this isn't the case for XX as a whole, only a few scenarios in it.
Aside from those instances, XX isn't treated as if its overall "canonicity" is up in the air.
To give one example, here is a quote in reference to Accent Core's story mode (on page 15 of the 10th Memorial Book, English translation by me):
(…) なお、ストーリー内容は『2』につながるものもあるので、『2』から『GG』シリーズのファンになった人、また、『XX』の続きがどうなるかきになる人は、是非ともプレイしてみよう。
"(…) Also some of the story content (of Accent core) is connected to GG 2 Overture, so folks who became fans of the GG series with Overture, or folks who want to know what happens after XX should definitely check it out."
Another interesting example is this bit from Anji's profile (on page 95 of the 10th Memorial Book, English translation by me):
闇慈の明確な目的については、アーケード版の中ではあまり触れられていない。 『2』 に通じる正史から見ると、 ifストーリーが多い家庭用において、 『XX』で彼が 「あの男」に述べた 「ギアは兵器計画ではなく、 人類を強化する計画」 という仮説は否定されていない。 これが正史だとしたら、 非常に重要な伏線となるが・・・・・・?
"Anji's exact goal doesn't come up a lot in the arcade versions. Going by the official history leading up to "Overture"- there are many What-if stories in the home console versions, and in "XX", he proposes the theory to That Man that Gears were not intended to be weapons, but rather to strengthen humanity, which has not been denied. If this turns out to be part of the official history, this might actually end up being crucial foreshadowing…?"
I point this one out because it's a prime example of a detail from XX that is treated as up in the air here in the book, but eventually was revealed to be actual foreshadowing later- with Anji's theory being confirmed in Xrd -Revelator-.
Given all this, I want to add that I personally feel the extent to which XX's two story campaigns have been labelled as "disregarded" is a bit much.
There are many aspects of XX that reappear later in the series beyond things like Anji's conversation with That Man. Faust's friendship with Slayer, Robo-Ky's fondness of certain women, Bridget's interest in the entertainment business- just to name a few.
Another example is Crow, a crucial character in Accent Core, having an entry in GG World that describes the details of his storyline much as they were portrayed in XX (creating the Robo-Ky series, experimental copies of Justice, being secretly Japanese), and goes on to mention what he’s been up to more recently.
A lot of these examples could be dismissed as “this is true, but the details of the event/how it came about could differ from how they were shown in XX.” But this just puts XX in the same boat as ML and X.
All of this to say, XX should not be dismissed entirely. Anything that has not been contradicted could potentially be revisited by the writers at any point, and there are precedents for this happening.
This kinda brings us back to your actual question about XX in regards to VXT (and the games that followed.) And things do get a bit screwy here, even outside of the XX context.
For starters, what complicates any story-related discussion of VXT is the fact that it doesn't really tell a story in a conventional way. There are only three-ish events that can be called cutscenes, and almost everything else happens in the form of random lines that fly across the screen with next to no context.
Nothing is really shown in chronological order either, because you will be tossed forward or backwards in the "narrative" depending on your rolls. It's all very chaotic, making it hard to deduce what one is supposed to take away from some of the minor characters especially.
And, like you mentioned in your question, it's not just XX that's a problem- VXT doesn't always align well with Xrd either, even though their narratives are explicitly connected.
The main "continuity" issue here is the portrayal of Zappa, and to a lesser degree Bridget, as seen in VXT.
Now, VXT does not actually "recycle quite a bit of dialogue from XX" really, but I see where the idea comes from.
Anyway, based on Zappa's and Bridget's dialogue, they seem to be in the same point of their storyline as they were in XX, even though no quotes are reused verbatim. This becomes confusing when they return later in Xrd -Revelator- and Strive. There, their stories seem to have progressed further than what some assume could have reasonably happened in the gap between VXT and those games- or outright do not fit into the timeframe VXT portrays.
Bridget can be explained easier, as her story in Strive occurs in her Arcade Mode. That one takes place an unspecified amount of time after Strive's main story, so there is more wiggle room.
Zappa, however, is a bit harder to justify, as only three months pass between VXT and Xrd. This seems too short of a time for Zappa to have had his epiphany and study the science behind paranormal activities to the degree that he clearly has by the time of Xrd.
Adding to that, his VXT dialogue also reads as if his troubles are a more recent thing-
"My name is Zappa. I've been feeling strange lately, so I'm travelling to look for a doctor." (English translation by me)
-which also wouldn't match Xrd nor XX!
His troubles being a fairly recent thing wouldn't really work with XX, because it takes place nearly 6 years before VXT. And it would't work with Xrd either, since there Zappa suggests he's had these troubles for at least 5 years.
Focusing on XX again for a moment, Zappa's VXT dialogue also reads like he might not even have met Faust yet, which would also render any of their interactions in XX as disputed, if we take his VXT appearance as the more "valid" one.
But again, since Zappa's VXT portrayal doesn't quite align with Xrd either, and there are aspects where XX is actually closer to Xrd…
As you can see, you're going to run into some issues either way.
A possible explanation for inconsistencies like these is that the writing team could've simply changed their mind about how to write Zappa's storyline once he was included in Xrd.
While this seems likely to me, keep in mind that it's still speculation.
This leaves us with many questions, like:
“Can we assume Faust and Zappa first met in 2181 as shown in XX, or did they not meet until 2187 as suggested in VXT?”, etc.
The answer to these, generally, is that we do not know for sure unless they decide to revisit these story beats and clarify.
Some events of XX are surely supposed to have happened, and a good deal of VXT is surely supposed to have happened, but the finer details remain vague.
Sorry if this wasn't the definitive answer you'd hoped for, but the fact is that definitive answers like this are tricky in a series like Guilty Gear.
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wankohouse · 6 months ago
栗浜陽三 (文・写真) 『九十九里浜』 より 雑誌MLMW (ムルム) No.5 (1978年5月号) 掲載記事
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(写真)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(文・写真)
九十九里浜・しなやかな風景 写真と文 栗浜陽三 
九十九里浜が、何県にあるかを知らない人でも、その名の持つ雰囲気に、何か特別のイ メージをお持ちであろうと思う。太平洋に面した、その茫漠たる長い長い浜の風物は、浜というものが持つ様々の要素を凝縮させて、 我々の期待感や夢を満たしてくれるかのように思える。しかし残念ながら今では九十九里浜の魅力の殆どは、過去のものとなってしま った。一体、十数年前の、あの素朴で夢のよ うに美しかった九十九里浜は何処に行ってしまったのか。この僅か数年の間に、都会人の荒々しい神経で浜は汚され、美しい砂の起伏は姿を消し、近代化の手は浜に沿って長々とハイウエイを引いてしまった。九十九里浜にとって、全く無意味としか思えないこのハイウエイプランを耳にした時、私は自分の心の中の大切な部分を引きさかれる思いがしたが、���地の政治家というある人は、それは芸術的
↑栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(文)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(写真)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(写真)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(写真)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(写真)
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栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(文・写真)
私がせめて十数年早く九十九里を訪れていたら、目にしたであろうこれは誠に九十九里の匂いのする昔語りであった。 それでも私は消えてゆく残り火の色を見る ように、時折浜で数少ない漁師の浜仕事や、 女達のフラミンゴの踊るような鮮やかな作業っぷりを見る事が出来た。
度び重なる私の九十九里訪問につれて、私の仕事友達や学生達が浜を訪ねるようになり、若々しい彼等の裸身が浜をにぎわすようになった。彼等はアっと いう間に海風にやけ、町中まで褌姿でのし歩き地引網を楽しみ、九十九里独特の丸板の波乗りをし、別人のように生き返った。
私は丸裸で浜仕事をする漁師をたびたび目にしたが、 この風俗は戦後アメリカ人の手前禁じられてしまったその名残りであった。中年の漁師が性器の先��ワラシベや布切れで結んで褌の代用としている様も、決して雑でも奇異なものでもなく、浜の風物の中ではごくノーマルに感じられた。これは海水に濡れたままの褌の不衛生さを彼等がきらったからだという。
浜の女達はよく働いた。小柄でたくましいマイヨールの彫刻のような彼女達は、舟を浜に 引き上げる時には男以上の働きを見せた。母 親の仕事を見ている少女の背中の、赤ン坊の顔には、一刷毛はいたようにウッスラと砂が乗っていた。
K家にはその頃四年程続けて、ある外国の大使館の青い目の客が来るようになった。映画スターのような見事な美女達であった。私の友人の若者達とこの美女達は、伸々打ちとけ合う機会がなかったのだが、ある日、彼女達がK家の前庭の椅子に腰をおろして読書を楽しんでいる最中に、この若者達が海からもどってきたのである。彼等はオイルで鋼のように輝く背中をみせてタオルやマットを干し始めた。その姿を一人のブロンド娘がしみじ ・・・
↑栗浜陽三 九十九里浜(文)
以上の写真と文は雑誌MLMW(ムルム) No.5 (1978年5月号) 掲載記事『九十九里浜』より
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plasticdreams · 14 days ago
TVで「おいしい」叫ぶタレントたち 専門家が抱く「食の衰退」への危機感…和食から失われつつある“恥じらい”と節度の行方(まいどなニュース)|dメニューニュース(NTTドコモ)
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koch-snowflake-blog · 9 months ago
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生年月日 2005年3月1日
出身地 東京都
血液型 A型
サイズ 身長152cm
〇両親の離婚後、父子家庭で育つ。2016年に実の父である池田57CRAZYとコンビを組んで「完熟フレッシュ」としての活動を開始。『M-1グランプリ2017』 ベストアマチュア賞を受賞。2023年4月より日本大学藝術学部に在学中。近年なくなっていく映画館とお父さんのにおいを探す、17歳の少女の旅を描いた映画『においが眠るまで』(4月公開予定)の主演を務める。
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 4 months ago
Oh! The Kizakura audio dramas! I always wanted to listen to Genocide Jack’s part of the audio but an English translation of it doesn’t exist sadly. Do you know what she said in audio drama? I love to know! Thank you!
Oh yeah! Genocide Jack's part was really great and I wanted to share the content of that part of the conversation, so I'm glad you asked! I've written a transcript below:
<After Kizakura visited Toko at her home and told her that he had come to recruit her as a student at Hope's Peak Academy, they talked for a while, but Kizakura fainted in the middle of the conversation because Toko's house and her own smell were too bad.>
Toko: ちょ、ちょっとぉ!そんな大袈裟に倒れて、埃が…っはっ…ハクシュッ! W-why are you collapsing!? Collapsing so dramatically like that... the dust... huff... achoo!
Kizakura: えぇっ、手を叩いて褒めてくれるの!?俺、頑張ったよね!?もう、ゴールしても…いいよね… What!? You’re clapping your hands* to praise me!? I did a good job, didn’t I!? It’s okay if I... reach the goal now, right...?* (*The reason he made this comment is because the Japanese word for sneezing, “hakusyu”, sounds the same as the word for clapping hands.) (*This is a parody of a line from a famous game called Air. It is often used among otaku.) Genocide Jack: はぁーーい、パチパーチ!!ってなんでやねん!ヒャハハハハハハハ! Allllllllll right, let’s give a round of applause!! Wait, what the hell!? Gyahahahahaha!
Kizakura: あぁー!?何何何、どうしちゃったのこの子!? Huh!? What, what, what’s with her!? What’s going on!? Genocide Jack: ヤァだ、ヤァだー!なぁにそんな熱視線困るんですけどー!ってなぁに!?この子ったら!?部屋に男連れ込んじゃってんのヒュゥーウ!! Oh my, oh my! What's with those intense stares, I'm embarrassed by your intense gaze! Wait, what’s this!? This girl’s got a guy in her room! Wheeew!! Kizakura: (演技…じゃないな。二重人格か?ただのはっちゃけ姉ちゃんにしか見えねーけど…こいつは何かヤバイぞ…。) (This isn't just an act... Is this a split personality? All I see is an endless amount of cheerful girl... but she looks like danger.) Genocide Jack: でも残念!あんたちょ〜っとストライク逃しちゃってるわ!ファウルボールにご注意くださーい。ってデァハハハハ!!で、どこのどなた? But too bad! You just barely struck out! Watch out for foul balls! Gya-hahahaha!! So, who are you? Kizakura: (記憶を共有していない…解離性人格障害か。考えられる原因としては、資料にあった母を2人持つという家庭事情だが…) 俺は黄桜公一。希望ヶ峰学園から腐川冬子くんをスカウトにやってきた。君こそ何者だ? (She doesn't seem to be sharing memories... Dissociative Identity Disorder, huh? According to the files, it could be due to her upbringing with two mothers...) I’m Koichi Kizakura. I’m here to scout Toko Fukawa from Hope’s Peak Academy. And you are? Genocide Jack: うーーん、かっちょよく名乗りたいところだけどぉ、アタシってホラ、有名人だから!ナイショにしとくわぁ! Hmmmmm, I’d love to introduce myself in style, but, you know, I’m kind of famous! So I’ll keep it a secret for now!
Kizakura: 有名人? Famous? Genocide Jack: その希望ヶ峰学園ってお上品な学校に行けばアタシ好みの萌える男子がオーガニックに栽培されてそうジャ〜ン? もしかしてぇ?あなたは意中の殿方もぉー?いらっしゃるのかしらァーー!?妄想が捗るわぁー!! If I go to that fancy Hope's Peak Academy, I bet there'll be a lot of hot boys growing up organically just for me, don't you think? Or maybe...? Do you have a guy you're head over heels for? My imagination is running wiiiild!
Kizakura: 意中の殿方って……あぁやべやべ、思い浮かべるな! A guy I’m head over heels for... Oh no, stop thinking about it! Genocide Jack: いいわ!その一瞬の油断!ふと脳裏をよぎった親友の面影!そ・れ・が!どんどん大きくなっていくからお大事にねェー!! Perfect! That momentary slip! The fleeting image of your dear friend flashing in your mind! That, my dear, will only grow bigger and bigger, so take careee!
Kizakura: 趣味嗜好がまるっきり正反対だな…腐川ちゃんの方はオーソドックスなラブコメすら嫌がってたのに、こっちはBLまで許容しているみたいだ… Their tastes are completely opposite... Fukawa-chan couldn’t even stand orthodox rom-coms, but this one seems fine with BL...
Genocide Jack: ハァーイ、大正解!アタシはぁ、パトスだだ漏れの貴腐人なので!調子いい時はぁ、視界に入った男をビンゴ方式でゼェーんぶ絡める!ウァハハハハ!ハ…ハ、ハクシュッ! Ding, ding, ding! Correct! I’m a kifujin* overflowing with pathos! And when I’m in a good mood, I’ll ship every guy in my sight like I’m playing bingo! Gyahahahaha! H- H- achoo! (* This is one of the ways that otaku girls who like BL refer to themselves, and refers to people who like BL even more than fujoshi.)
Toko: へ、あ、あれ…あたし…? Huh? W-wait... what was I...? Kizakura: (くしゃみで人格チェンジするって、そんな古典的な…。この子、自分を主役にして小説書いた方が売れるんじゃないの…?) (She changes personalities with a sneeze? That’s so old-school... She could probably sell more novels if she wrote about herself as the main character...)
Toko: き、記憶が飛んでる…!あ、あなたまさか、私を眠らせて、無理やり!? M-my memory’s blank...! D-Did you force me to sleep and then...!? Kizakura: 永遠の眠りにつきそうなのは、こっちの方なんだけど… I’m the one who feels like I’m about to sleep forever...
Toko: な、何よ、殺人鬼に遭遇したヒョロイ殺され役みたいなシケた顔して…! What’s with that pathetic look on your face, like you’re the weakling about to get killed by a murderer!? Kizakura: (殺人鬼…そういえばあの殺気…。いや、まさかな。) (Murderer...? Now that I think about it, that killing intent... No, it couldn’t be...)
Toko's part is much longer, but this is the whole part where Genocide Jack appears. If you listen to the audio, you'll see that Miyuki Sawashiro's performance is really wonderful, but I hope it conveys at least a little of what it was like!
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oyasumimumemo · 1 month ago
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tylalisadoja · 3 months ago
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crocheteuse · 9 months ago
In this post, I am compiling a list of Japanese sewing and craft websites with free patterns and instructions. I will update it as I find more websites.
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kennak · 7 months ago
[B! 戦争] スイスは永世中立国だけど、ドイツとかフランスみたいな「まともな国々」に挟まれているからそれが出来るだけ→あの2カ国がまとも???
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petapeta · 3 months ago
コロナ禍のロックダウンの最中、息子が尿路感染症にかかったサンフランシスコのテックワーカー「マーク」も同様の事態に見舞われた。マークが遠隔で小児科医に受診すると、感染した性器の写真を撮り、セキュアな医療アプリ経由で診療所に送信するよう指示された。しかし、マークのスマートフォンはすべての写真をGoogle Photosに同期するよう(デフォルトで)設定されており、マークの息子の性器の写真がGoogleのクラウドに到達すると、自動的にスキャンされ、児童性的虐待素材(CSAM、いわゆる「児童ポルノ」)としてフラグが立てられた。
Googleはマークに連絡することなく、彼のすべてのデータ(検索、メール、写真、クラウドファイル、位置情報履歴など)のコピーをサンフランシスコ警察に送信し、その後アカウントを凍結した。マークは電話番号(Google Fiに加入していた)、メールアーカイブ、GDriveに保存していた家庭用および仕事用のファイル、保存されたパスワード、Google認証システムを介した二段階認証、そして幼い息子の写真すべてを失った。
このような目に遭ったのはマークだけではない。New York Timesでマークについて書いたカシミール・ヒルは、「カシオ」というヒューストンの父親をはじめ、他の親たちも同様にアカウントを失い、現代生活の基盤が奪われたことを伝えている。
注目すべきは、これらいずれのケースのにおいても、有償でサービスを受けていたことだ。彼らは製品に対価を支払っていなかったから製品扱いされたのではない。800ドルのPixel電話を購入し、Google Driveアカウントに年間100ドル以上を支払い、製品の対価を支払ったにも関わらず、それでも製品として扱われ続けたのだ。
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rancorcool · 11 months ago
子育て中のゲーマーは,いつゲームをすればいいのか? 1歳11か月の子を持つライターが考える,「家庭における社会性と趣味」
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