bobcatmoran · 1 year
There's a new stage adaptation of Les Mis going on right now in Japan!
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Official website: http://www.lesmise-stage.com/
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/LesMise_stage
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I'm not even going to try to translate cast names, because name kanji are HARD, but here's the character names in this cast rundown, left-to-right:
Top row: Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Fantine, Enjolras, Government Soldier 2nd row: Eponine, Marius, Little Cosette, Mme Thenardier, Combeferre (with blue scarf), Courfeyrac, Grantaire, Bahorel, Feuilly, Lesgles, Joly, Jean[ne Prouvaire?] 3rd row: Government Soldier, Government Soldier, Gavroche, Gavroche's gang, Gavroche's gang, Gavroche's gang, Gavroche's gang, Gavroche's gang, Sister [Simplice?], Factory Manager, Magloire (yes she's a nun) 4th row: [Patron] Minette Boss, Montparnasse, Gueulemer, Babet, [five women in a row whose name is a slur for Romani people], Fairy (idek) big pics at bottom: Javert, Bishop Myriel
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hidari219 · 2 years
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jereve-nonbiri · 18 days
Have you checked out 「ルールブルーの友らへ」 “To the Friends of L'Heure Bleue” yet?
As a fan of this Japanese web manga, which brings the ABC Friends from Les Misérables to life, I wanted to share that you can still read the first four chapters online for free! But hurry—once it’s released as a printed volume, these chapters will no longer be available on the web.
If you’re outside of Japan, now’s your chance to read before the print version becomes hard to get. There’s no confirmation yet whether it’ll be available for international shipping, so don’t miss out!
Also, there’s no need to write in Japanese—please feel free to leave a comment on the web serialization page in your own language. The publisher reads all the comments, and if they see messages from international fans, it’ll help them recognize the global audience! This could encourage them to consider a translated version or even offer it for sale online.
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riotstarruika · 16 days
Les Mis peeps please go look at this manga about Les Amis de L'ABC if you haven't already, it's great!
The physical version is out 8th October, and can be pre-ordered with international shipping on amazon.jp! I've translated the first few pages to English below the cut (probably badly - I'm very out of practise).
If you enjoy them please leave a comment on the page linked above so the publisher can see that there's interest in a translated edition! (In your own language or machine translated is fine.) It would be so great to see this get an international release ❤️
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aki-511 · 15 days
where can i find your manga?
To the person asking the question and everyone!
Thank you for your question!
You can read the “serialized version” on this site.
The book will be released on October 8th, and the content of the book will be improved from the serialized version!
(Some stories and art have been reworked with more subtlety)
Currently, we are posting the serialized version on this site.
The content will be updated as the book is released.
You can also try reading the brushed-up version for free.
Thank you very much for your support!
If you like my work
You can also leave a message in the message field at the bottom of the publication site.
The editorial department will also check the message🥰
<iframe src="https://comic-growl.com/episode/2550689798548431367/embed" width="560" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" style="max-width:100%;"></iframe>
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koch-snowflake-blog · 7 months
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名前 汐見まとい(しおみ まとい)
本名 非公表
ニックネーム まとち
生年月日 2000年11月20日
年齢 22歳 (2023年10月現在)
出身地 東京都
身長 153cm
所属事務所 we-B studios
好きな映画 レ・ミゼラブル
好きなアーティスト ドレスコーズ、EGOIST
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hadleysmis · 1 month
Hello, I was advised to use Tumblr to document and note my collection of Japanese storytellings and adaptations of Les Misérables.
Screen retellings/ adaptations:
巨人傳。 Edo jidai movie
レ・ミゼラブル 終わりなき旅路。  Tv special movie-length episode
まんが世界昔ばなし (Season 2: ep 1, 3, 5, 7. Aka. all of the ああ無情 episodes)  TV series for many foreign stories, some of which includes Les Misérables. Each episode is a biteable size of 10 minutes.
レ・ミゼラブル 少女コゼット A long adaption of Les Misérables with Cosette as the main character.
Image-heavy retellings/ adaptations:
アロエッテの歌 (犬木 加奈子 著) Horror Manga artist mainly goes into depth of Cosette's abuse and psychology.
レミゼラブル (新井隆弘 著) Arai
レミゼラブル (みなもと太郎 著)  Manga full of goofy jokes that you get once you've read the book.
レ・ミゼラブル (Teamバンミカス)Haven't touched this book yet :( I think it might take inspiration from the Liam Neeson movie.
レ・ミゼラブル 前編 (五島夕夏)A picture book with every character as animals, telling the story of Wolf Jean!Valjean finding and adopting Rabbit!Cosette.
Words-heavy retellings/ adaptations:
I have not written my notes on these yet (I am in the process of summarising one, but it's not enough to summarise the book as a whole)
レ・ミゼラブル ―ああ無情― (塚原 亮一 翻訳)
レ・ミゼラブル (三田村 信行 著)
レ・ミゼラブル ああ無情 (岡田好惠 著)
ああ無情  (塚原 亮一 翻訳)
ああ無情 (辻 昶 翻訳)
Honourable mentions
『レ・ミゼラブル』の世界 (西永 良成 著)  An essay of Hugo and his process to create Les Misérables
レ・ミゼラブル: ファンティ-ヌとコゼット (Gerard Dubois 原名, Luc Lefort 原名, 河野 万里子 翻訳)  French book which is difficult to find in French, but easy to find in Japanese. I haven't read it yet.
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ryotarox · 3 months
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 「響け!ユーフォニアム」も部活の年代記なのかも。
『黎明の王 白昼の女王』イアン・マクドナルド
『棺のない埋葬』 ファン・ファン
『ドラゴンクエストV 天空の花嫁』堀井雄二(ゲームデザイン)
『血脈 西武王国・堤兄弟の真実』レズリー・ダウナー
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lumi-kissa · 6 months
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マウスはこういう、手首に負担がかからない変な形のが使いやすくて好き。ちょっと今回買ったマウスは大きめで、戻るボタンが押しづらいかな?! 慣れますね。よろしく。
高校が特殊なので、おそらく安住紳一郎アナが忌み嫌うパターンでの進学となりますが (日曜天国のリスナーはわかってくれるはず)、受験生は受験生。
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
In honor of today's Les Mis Letters chapter, here is Takeshi Kaga as Jean Valjean from the 1994 Japanese Red Cast singing "Who am I?" Longtime Iron Chef fans might recognize him as The Chairman from the original Japanese version of that show. Those who know their Japanese numbers might also note that Valjean here is 24653 (ni-yon-roku-go-san), because 24601 (ni-yon-roku-zero-ichi) wouldn't flow very well in Japanese and would involve having to hold out an "eeeeee" vowel.
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sarahalainn · 1 year
with 山形シンフォニーオーケストラ🎻
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🎤 ♡《レ・ミゼラブル》「オン・マイ・オウン」
On My Own (Éponine) / Les Misérables
À bientôt Éponine #revolution 🇫🇷
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🎤 ♡《戦場のメリークリスマス》坂本龍一
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) / Ryuichi Sakamoto
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♡ 《ホフマン物語》「美しい夜、恋の夜」
Barcarolle/ Hoffman
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♡ 《グレイテスト・ショーマン》「ディス・イズ・ミー」
This Is Me / The Greatest Showman
Do you Hear the People Sing? / Les Misérables
選曲に合わせた発生 & サラスタイル
4 styles for 4 diff genres
A different voice and style to match!
Musical, opera, cinema music, pop
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With the choir! They did an amazing job with the different genres! Bravi!
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pix-ied · 2 months
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kennak · 2 months
団塊ジュニア世代の人口の多い時代(1クラス48人×10クラス) でしたが、担任の先生に赤ちゃんがいたので、余った牛乳を 持ってかえってもらってました。 最近「レ・ミゼラブル」を見て、法律(規則)は決して万能ではなく、 そこに道徳・良心・寛容が必要とありました。 200年前の話しですが、現代にも通じる言葉です。
名古屋・河村市長が会見 廃棄予定の給食パン持ち帰り懲戒免職の調理員との裁判「控訴しません」(Yahoo!ニュース オリジナル THE PAGE)のコメント一覧 - Yahoo!ニュース
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pilferingapples · 1 month
New chapter of this comic is up! With more of a focus on Courfeyrac, and the arrival of a Pontmercy!
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kijitora3 · 1 year
全世界どこでもサヨク系環境原理主義者はアタマ悪くて基地外なんだってよくわかる 日本でも同じようなことを続けて一般国民から嫌悪忌避され環境保護から距離を置こうとする雰囲気を全力でつくり続ける環境保護団体って、本当にこまる やる気があって行動力があるバカって、バカの中でも最悪の部類
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生年月日 1996年8月10日
出身地 兵庫県
サイズ 身長165cm
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