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The Travelling Cat Chronicles (2018) ‘旅猫リポート’ dir. Koichiro Miki
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31 Days of Productivity Reading もう一回!: Day 25
I finished 憎らしい彼 today! I only had 32 pages to complete the book, so I ended up finishing it earlier in the day than I usually read until. I actually considered picking up another volume of manga, but ultimately decided that I should probably continue reading my library book that's due early next month.
Honestly, finding the motivation to finish 憎らしい彼 was more difficult than expected, but it was a lot of what I talked about in yesterday's update with the writing style being more difficult than I'm used to. Also, since I was just reading the epilogue, my brain felt like we should be finished already and was totally ready to move on. But again, I still really do enjoy this series and these characters. I own the third book and will be reading it, but I don't plan on getting to it right away. In the next book, I'd like to see Hira and Kiyoi start calling each other by their first names (you know you read Japanese romance when), and I'd also really be interested to see Kiyoi come out to the public as gay. Honestly, that's what I was hoping for from the second half of the Love Stage!! manga and I'm still disappointed about it. Please, fulfill my expectations from a completely different series. Anyways, I always think plot lines like that are interesting, having a public figure come out as queer in the public eye, especially in Japan since its less common for celebrities to be open about their private lives and especially in that way.
Tomorrow, I start reading 本を守ろうとする猫の話 ! This is a book I've seen everywhere in English speaking book spaces, so I'm really hoping that it lives up to the hype. Animal books are a surefire way to make me cry, so let's see what happens... Also every single translation for this book seems to have a different cover and they're all adorable. The person on my cover looks like Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano though. The cover is also orange and blue like Sasaki and Miyano, which is obviously how all of this works. Right?
#langblr#studyblr#benkyou posting#30 days of productivity#booklr#旅猫リポート had me sobbing jfc#and i even thought that the last little section was kinda boring!#pets just get to me man
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藤田ニコル、自身監修のウエディングドレス第2弾お披露目 「b.b.duo ウエディングドレス セカンドコレクション発表会」1
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ヒューマン・リポート 横浜・弁護士一家拉致事件 江川紹子 新日本出版社 カバー・扉装画=児玉房子
#ヒューマン・リポート 横浜・弁護士一家拉致事件#横浜・弁護士一家拉致事件#shoko egawa#江川紹子#fusako kodama#児玉房子#anamon#古本屋あなもん#あなもん#book cover
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佐世保は明治以降に軍港として 村から市へ一足飛びに栄えた街である通り、 今もたくさんの戦争遺構が残っています。
これらはけして戦争を賛美するものではなく、 これからの時代に戦争の歴史をどう捉えて何を学ぶか 日本や世界が通ってきた歴史の一部として、 これらの場所をご案内するコースもご用意しています。
2022年に建設から100年を迎えた 「自立式電波塔として」は古さ日本一、 「第二次世界大戦以前から建つ現存する塔として」は 日本一の高さを誇る『針尾送信所』や 今も倉庫として普通に使われている武器や弾薬庫跡。
大戦末期、避難中でも授業や生活ができるよう、校長先生を中心に 小中学生たちによって岩山の中に手彫りで彫られた学校『無窮洞』などなど。
それらにまつわる逸話を 当時のことを知る現地ガイドさんにうかがうと、 それはけして忌避すべきネガティブな話ばかりでなく、 その時代の気分や勢いの中、 ものすごく真面目に時代の流れという大きなものに向かって 精一杯生きていたということがうかがえます。
これから起こる災害や、 今まさに直面しているコロナ禍での振る舞いに通じる なにかヒントのようなものをもらえるのではないでしょうか。
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Mr. Saturn Vehicle + News
MOTHER 2 concept art for a Mr. Saturn vehicle.
The Secrets of MOTHER 2 event started yesterday. Any and all photos I can find of the event are being retweeted on our Twitter account. https://twitter.com/obscuremother
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Ruggie's Ichikawa and Jack's Ban visit the Empire Grill for a Savanaclaw-inspired course meal! ^^
Ichikawa and Ban seem to be friends in real life, hosting an online show together from 2020 to 2022, and they are very cute 🍩🐺
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内閣府「賃上げ実現のための政策アイデアコンテスト」で、「残業時間以降は社員が個人事業主に変身、残業は業務委託、会社は社保料削減、社員は手取りアップでみんなハッピー」みたいな案が優勝し、界隈が騒然としているようですね。この案を審査したヤツ、先生怒らないからちょっと出てきなさい。 このスキーム、過去数多くのブラック企業が手を出しては裁判沙汰になり、「外注じゃなく雇用契約だ」と判断され、結果的に賃金と未払残業代の支払いに至った「偽装請負」と同じことですよね。内閣府が脱法行為を表彰するなんて世も末だよ。ちょっとだけでも労基法や税法に知見のある人、審査員にいなかったのかなあ… この案の問題点は多数あるので、ブラック企業経営者以外は真に受けちゃダメですよ。 【企業側の問題】 (1)外注を装っていても、相手が業務命令を断れなかったり、仕事の納期や進めかたに自由がなければ「実質的には指揮命令下にある雇用関係」と判断され、残業代支払義務も、社会保険加入義務も結局発生する。 (2)雇用契約関係にある以上、企業側には安全配慮義務も発生するし、長時間労働によって健康被害や過労死が発生すれば、企業側の責任問題となるうえ、レピュテーションリスクも発生する。 【個人事業主側の問題】 (1)個人事業主にとっては「手取りアップ」だけがメリットとして訴求されているが、支払うべき所得税��住民税、国保などが無視されており、それらを勘案すると手取りアップそのものの実現可能性に疑問符がつく (2)委託業務中に労働問題や労災事故が発生したとしても、「委託先の問題」として会社側が責任逃れをするリスクがある。 【そもそもの問題】 (1)そもそも「残業が存在することが前提」のスキームという時点で不健全であり、残業分を業務委託に切り替えたところで、その業務が平準的に存在するものでもない。こんな小手先の対策にエネルギーを費やすくらいであれば、本業でより収益を上げるために知恵を絞るほうが前向きである。 (2)このようなしみったれた場当たり的なアイデアに魅力を感じるような経営者が、そもそも残業代相当の業務委託費をきちんと支払うとは思えない。 ということで本件は、「みんなハッピーアイデア」どころか、会社���法的リスクを負い、従業員は法の保護を外れて使い潰されるという、とんでもない「特級呪物」といえるのではないでしょうか。 まあ、いいと思うならまず内閣府からやってみてくださいな。そしてそこで何が起きたか、ぜひ継続的にリポートしてくださいね。
Xユーザーの新田 龍さん: 「内閣府「賃上げ実現のための政策アイデアコンテスト」で、「残業時間以降は社員が個人事業主に変身、残業は業務委託、会社は社保料削減、社員は手取りアップでみんなハッピー」みたいな案が優勝し、界隈が騒然としているようですね。この案を審査したヤツ、先生怒らないからちょっと出てきなさい。 https://t.co/h915UMzNTr」 / X
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FMヨコハマ Future Scape でスペシャルリポートをお届けしました。その名も「山安さんま祭り リポート」!ターンパイク店から中継です。
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The Travelling Cat Chronicles (2018) ‘旅猫リポート’ dir. Koichiro Miki
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What I've Been Enjoying Lately - Japanese Media
This is way overdue! I've been consuming so much great media in Japanese, it's time to share the love and recommend some things for all of you lovely language learners
📚 Books:
旅猫リポート - 有川浩: This is a super adorable novel about a stray cat who is taken in by a young man. Five years later, the owner is suddenly unable to take care of this cat and the two embark on a road trip across Japan to find the perfect new owner. This one is definitely a tear jerker to any animal lover and will absolutely make you want to cuddle your own fluffy friends into oblivion.
キノの旅 - 時雨沢恵一: This is a light novel series that's extremely close to my heart! The 2003 anime adaption of this series also isn't just my favorite anime, but my favorite TV show ever. Because of the relatively simple vocabulary, I often see it recommended as a first read for Japanese learners just dipping their toes into novel reading, and I find myself agreeing. This series follows a teenager named Kino who travel from country to country with a motorrad named Hermes. There's not much of a continuous plot and very few recurring characters, making it even easier to follow if something confuses you. Despite the fluffy sounding description, this series has a good amount of content warnings accompanying it and can get pretty gory at times as well.
僕らの地球の歩き方 - ソライモネ: An adorable manga series in which two men travel the world together under the agreement that, upon returning to Japan, they'll get married. I feel like if someone looked into my brain to find what I like in a series in order to create a manga series perfectly suited to my tastes, it would be 僕らの地球の歩き方. It's gay, it's adorable, it's about traveling the world, it's about loving the people around you and human culture and delicious food, I'm already crying. Definitely one of my all time favorites.
薔薇王の葬列 - 菅野文: I went back and forth about putting this on my list, but it's not titled "What I've Been Enjoying Lately" for nothing and boy oh boy have I been enjoying this lately. Perhaps I've been enjoying it a bit too much. A while back, I actually banned myself from reading this series because I didn't have the full set and would instantly be put in an awful mood if I caught up with the volumes I had. This manga series follows Richard Plantagenet III, yes, that one, and his ascendance to the British throne. This series is chock full of treachery, murder, violence, and everything else nice. Due to the... everything about this series.... there's a lot of unusual vocabulary, but it has furigana on everything, which helps a lot for speedy look ups.
気になってる人が男じゃなかった - 新井すみこ: Bonus manga! Because this one is worth it, and also because everyone needs a little more GL on their shelves. This manga is so good that I've even been seeing people who don't speak Japanese buy this to have on their shelves. It follows a slightly awkward girl and a gyaru from her class as the two bond of their shared love of western rock music. Yeah, this is the manga that's doing a collab with Nirvana.
📺 Shows and Movies:
Old Fashion Cupcake - This is a BL office romance drama about a middle aged man and his subordinate who begin acting like teenage girls in an attempt to regain some of their youth. Through eating sweets together, taking selfies and food pictures, and talking "girls' talk," the two deepen their bond. I don't think I can say this enough, I love food romances. If their is food involved in a romance, I'm there, no need to tell me twice. This series is super sweet and a really enjoyable watch.
カルテット - Four musicians meet by chance and decide to form a quartet together. However, each one has secrets that they're hiding. Bonus points to Netflix for actually having a J-drama I like for once. This series has a warm and cozy found family vibe, while still managing to have some of the most wildest shenanigans imaginable. I also really appreciated that this series seems to take some stances that I've never seen before, especially regarding family and what you owe to your parents.
映像研には手を出すな! - This anime follows three girls and their attempts to make anime. As an anime that is about the creation of anime, it's really no surprise that the art and animation is stand out in this series. I loved the ways that we as the viewer were able to see the imaginations of the characters. I also really enjoyed the characters, and the voice acting was phenomenal as well. This show is also home to one of the best intros ever.
赤髪の白雪姫 - This fantasy anime follows the titular character Shirayuki as she escapes from her home kingdom after being chosen as a royal concubine due to her unusual red hair. On her travels, she meets a prince from a neighboring kingdom and becomes a palace herbalist. It's not often that I watch or care about straight romances in media, but this romance is so adorable, and even beyond it, I truly love all the characters and their relationships in this series. Also, I think this is the only show I've watched where I found the soundtrack to actually be distracting- and not because I didn't like it, but because it was just that good.
🎤 Music:
夢伝説 - Stardust Revue
lemonade - Chili Beans.
Show - Ado
#this one is a juggernaut of recommendations in the books category#youre getting like all my favorites at once because i havent had a chance to talk about any of them separately yet#hoping to find a lot more favorites soon#but the shows and books that i watched a little while ago i was like hhhhhhhh brain broke while trying to write about them sob#langblr#studyblr#language learning#polyglot#languages#studyinspo#日本語#benkyou posting#sorry i havent been watching youtube or listening to podcasts in japanese latelyyyy#i tried one podcast and wasnt really into it#but if anyone knows any good youtube channels or podcasts about books please let me know!!!
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フィリピンの先例警戒 40%株式保有、送電止める危険
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つまり大小暦は、現代のカレンダーの簡易版に当たります。初期は各月の大小の区別を文字で記すだけでしたが、絵や文字による判じ物(パズル)の形で、隠された大小を読み解く趣向が加えられました。江戸時代の中期から後期にかけ、庶民の娯楽として大流行。葛飾北斎や歌川広重、河鍋暁斎といった有名な絵師たちも大小暦を描いています。その暦を詰将棋で表したのが大小詰物で、天野宗歩や九代大橋宗桂といった、江戸時代を代表する将棋指しも作品を残しています。 では、牧之原で見つかった詰将棋は、大小をどのように表現しているのか。文化7年の各月の配列を調べると「小大小大大小大大小大小大」の順と分かりました。盤面に並ぶ駒の数も12枚。これらが大小を示しているのは間違いなさそうです。しばらくうなっているうち、記者の頭に天啓が舞い降りました。盤の右上から下へ順番に駒を拾っていくと「歩飛歩玉桂歩金桂歩角歩飛」となります。つまり歩を「小」、それ以外の駒を「大」に置き換えると、この年の大小の並びと一致するのです(図3)。 不要駒である7二歩の存在も、それで説明がつきます。大小暦として成り立たせるためには、この位置に歩の駒が存在しなければならなかったのです。
藤井聡太王位が解いた「200年前の詰将棋」に残されたナゾ…実は込められた意味があった バン記者・樋口薫リポート:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
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