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yukimichi-sanpo · 4 months ago
2021/11/14 23:45 log
●狩魔 『狩魔』への、なんというか、敬意というか、どういえばいいのか分からないけど、大事にしている感じが、検事側への愛があって、なんだか泣けてしまった。逆転裁判につながるんだなぁって思って、胸がいっぱいになってしまった最後。 2-4辺り~逆転裁判4話の流れ組んでて、ちらちら逆転裁判を思い出すことが多かった。大逆転裁判は、最初に救われたのは龍ノ介の方で、そこが土台、力になり最終的にそれ以上の救いをもらったのが亜双義一真だったと私は思っているけれど、成歩堂と御剣の流れを感じて、同じ作品で似て非なるオマージュができるってすごいなぁとどきどきしてしまった。
●グレグソン 全然ネタバレしてなかったところだったから本当にびっくりしてしまった。私事だが、「いったん2-3で止めよう」と思ってしばらくそこで止めて別の色々なことを片付けていたんですよね。英断だった、ほんと、ちょっとでも進めてたら「は????」ってなってなんも手につかなかったと思うし_( ´ω`) 裁判最終局面で龍ノ介が、バンジークスやグレグソンの名前を出したの泣いた。 あ��エンディングロールの、手紙のつなぎ、神かよ;;;;;;;;ってなってた、グレグソン君に喋らせたのすごい…。
●バロック・バンジークス 普通に好きだったけど、2-4?で、死神の名を拒まなかった理由に、光を失った自分に兄が一緒にいてくれてるようで…みたいなこと言ったところで、「は?10000000000000点」ってなってしまった。兄弟ありがとう。 あと人がじわじわと狂っていくのが性癖なので、兄は色々揺れ動いててとても好きです。兄弟好きですありがとう。
●オマーリ夫妻とミテルモン夫妻 夫婦、恋人、たくさん出て来たけど本当にこの二組が好きで…。最後までやってみて、でどの話が一番好きって言われたら私はいまだに「1-4」って言う…ような気がする…。オマーリ夫妻すきすぎるまぶしい。幸せであれ。 エブリデイさんは、写真のときはそう思わなかったのに証言台に出た最初のあの、表情で、「え、すき」ってなった。 めっちゃセクシイつらい、ってなってた。その頃は犯人だと思ってたのでトチ狂う様を想像しながらだったのだけど、あんな感じでそんな感じになって、はーーーーつら、ってなりながら、ちゃんとお仕事してた時の口調とか所長に対してめちゃ強気なのとか、あーーーいいやんいいやんってなってたんですよ。そこまでならそこまで私も狂ってないんですけど、
●ゲーム的な話 1-3だったかな、証拠品がすり替えられるっていうのに、鳥肌たったのが印象的だった。これまでたくさんの逆転シリーズやってる(やってないのも多いけど)中で、それでもまだ新しい驚きってのがでてくるのは、ゲームシリーズとしてすごいなと思いました。1-5の3Dのやつも、実際に自分の目使ってああいうのできるのってすごいなぁと。う、うわああああああってなりながら、ゲームとしてとても楽しかった! 最終話めちゃくちゃむずかしくてところどころ総当たり戦じゃあああああああああああってやってたけど、失敗しても1ライフくらいで許してもらえるの「やさしい…」ってなってましたw
●シナリオ 2-3終盤くらいになって、急にしんどさがギュッっときて、あかんつらい、ってなってきてたのですが、これ分かってて周回してる人達どえむなのでは…ってそのころ特に感じていました���(:3 」∠) 謎を解くのは誰かの大切にしているものを壊すことと、何度か発言していた。(急にTRICK思い出したりしたが)。今回に関しては、相手側だけでなく被告人も傷つける事実を暴き出すことに対する描写もあって、とても深いお話でつらかった分それに対する龍ノ介の答えはとても好きだった。ビリジアンさんに伝えた言葉や、ジーナの声に冷静に受けとめる言葉など、大きな子だなぁと感じました。うまく言えませんが…。
●どのキャラも ひとくせふたくせあって、色んな生き様思惑感情があって、それを全身で感じれた、とても大きな作品でした。あまりに魅力的なキャラが多すぎて全部吐き出せない(:3 」∠)すきだ…。
●発売当初は全然やってなくて フォロワさんがめちゃくちゃはまってるから逆転裁判は好きだしやってみようと思い、最初に3DSで買ってから壊れてデータ破損など色々あり手つかずなまま長い時間がかかって、今頃のクリアとなりました。まったく手つかずだと多少何をみてもネタバレになりようがないのですが少しでも手をつけてしまうと些細なことでネタバレになってしまうもので。それは早めにできない自分の都合なので全然しょうがないと考えているのですが、
●設定資料集の表紙が好きで 本当に好きで…パッケージもすきだけど、あの設定資料集の表紙2種類がめちゃくちゃすきで…。あれを分かるようになるためにクリア頑張ったとこもある… 改めて眺めてみて、涙がでるくらい素敵だった。素敵なキャラクター達をありがとうありがとう(´ω`)
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rololamperouge · 2 years ago
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Benbaro Week | Flowers
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fearmeeeee · 2 years ago
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angeaxil · 2 years ago
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Sighhhhhh Dreamingly this picture of Barok will always be my favorite. His little awkward and timid but still trying to give confidence smile is something I relate to (especially in photo shoots). We haven’t been provided with so many opportunities of him smiling so brightly like this in the games (and when do capture instances where he DOES smile, they look more of a smirk than a smile).
Barok here, even if the picture bears no color to fit the timeline it existed, had a bright expression here and I longed to see more. He really was looking forward into the future, able to trust and laugh.... if only the incident that forever changed his life didn’t happen T~T
I can only hope that he slowly regain back that beautiful smile of his gradually post-dgs 2.
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ricecrackie · 7 years ago
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huyuumi-illustration · 2 years ago
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angeaxil · 3 years ago
Let me tell you something, dearest artist! You have captured the melancholy in Barok perfectly and I applaud you for it! Look at that expression, the downcast eyes, the lowered brows… DAMMMN RIGHT ON THE FEELS, ARE WE?? Can I hug this poor misunderstood man? Please? Pretty please? He probably and most likely wouldn’t like it, but it does break my heart to see him like this. Thank you for this once again! 💗
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angeaxil · 3 years ago
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Few sketchs I made of this handsome prosecutor as I take a break from the Drabble I’m working on
And yes I’m more of artist than a writer I give you that—
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angeaxil · 3 years ago
I’m curious to know more about Barok’s combat skills! Obviously, given by how many times he was probably targeted as a Noble and A renowned prosecutor’s younger brother and then ten years later by holding the “Reaper of the Old Bailey”pseudonym, he probably has a WHOLE lot of skill in terms of armed combat and Battle skill (fencing and sword fighting).
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Is he also as capable when it comes to unarmed (hand-to-hand) combat? What are his strongest points? What are his weakest? Was he notably agile in deflecting his enemy’s attacks? How long was his endurance (or stamina) to such frequent unwelcome visits? And then when both he and Kazuma were attacked, was the teamwork factor established?
Also let’s not forget his routine of re-arranging HUGE wine casks in his office that weights tons !! (He carries and re-arranges them once in a week, I think). ... this enough should probably reveal more about his physical strength.
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angeaxil · 3 years ago
Dear Lord Barok van Zieks,
I can’t claim to understand you, good sir, for I am unfamiliar with all you went through for the past decade and I am intrigued by your steadfastness towards harm, but I do confess that rather than fearing you, I was curious as to why you were called by your pseudonym — the Grim Reaper of the Old Bailey.
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From putting questionable and suspicious witnesses in their place should they try to escape justice or cross the line...
to showing compassion and kindness to certain witnesses and close friends...
to your pearls of wisdoms...
to you declaring your resolve to obtain the truth, no matter the enemy or the obstacle faced...
And to your occasional vandalism in court that somehow doesn’t get accounted for that never fail to make me laugh, even though it wasn’t meant to be funny.
I can say with absolute surety that you are just a normal man, my Lord. Ridiculously honest, even to a fault perhaps, but still normal enough for me to understand... to appreciate....
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You aren’t flawless, but your flaws makes you who you are, and I applaud you for recognizing them and even apologizing for them.
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I know I’m naught but a stranger, really, but I am aware of others who still believe you to be a “Grim Reaper” and who misunderstand you still... and I wrote this to confirm it to myself once more; that you are no Reaper. You are no demigod; you are only a misunderstood, steadfast, strong and brave human being and a man of integrity. Additionally, it’s because I, amongst others out there who admire you, believe that you deserve more than just one semblance of happiness.
A toast to London’s accomplished prosecutor and Guardian angel!
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Yours Sincerely,
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scarlettjskipper · 3 years ago
You know, you raise good questions. I never wondered about the specifics, but now I am.
I wonder if he was taught all this from a young age. Most probably he was, at least fencing and sword fighting. I wonder he picked up how to use other weapons as well? And his fighting style, does he tend to be more defensive? I imagine he'd prefer quick, precise strikes that immobilise his enemy rather than draw it out. But who knows? It's all very interesting to think about though.
I’m curious to know more about Barok’s combat skills! Obviously, given by how many times he was probably targeted as a Noble and A renowned prosecutor’s younger brother and then ten years later by holding the “Reaper of the Old Bailey”pseudonym, he probably has a WHOLE lot of skill in terms of armed combat and Battle skill (fencing and sword fighting).
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Is he also as capable when it comes to unarmed (hand-to-hand) combat? What are his strongest points? What are his weakest? Was he notably agile in deflecting his enemy’s attacks? How long was his endurance (or stamina) to such frequent unwelcome visits? And then when both he and Kazuma were attacked, was the teamwork factor established?
Also let’s not forget his routine of re-arranging HUGE wine casks in his office that weights tons !! (He carries and re-arranges them once in a week, I think). ... this enough should probably reveal more about his physical strength.
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