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【お知らせ】 鷹井伶先生『わたしのお殿さま』の装画を担当しました。 刀鍛冶の家系に生まれた美禰と、鬼っ子と嫌われ伊勢に配流されてきた将軍の弟・松平忠輝の物語です📕私にとっては初の歴史もの。とても新鮮でした。
出版社:KADOKAWA レーベル:角川文庫 発売日:10/24 ISBN:978-4041137666
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鳥山先生のことが頭から離れずにお参りした日に引いたおみくじ 突然こんな日がくるなんて、 こんなにでっかく空いた胸の穴を実感するなんてと、 よろよろ歩きながら、ひいた。 半吉とあるが励ましてくれるような良い(優しい)内容だなと���謝しながら結ぼうとしたときに、挿絵におどろいた こんなことってあるのけ・・・? まさかの鳥と、山の絵、 よく読むと文章に”明”の文字🐦⛰️ 神さまが慰めてくれたとしか思えない 神の愛を、めちゃくちゃ感じたし やっぱり鳥山明は神様なんだとおもった。🐦😇ノ"(っ <。) 思えば88番という数字も、 縁起が良いし無限と∞がふたつある。 鳥山明が永遠に続く気がした ∞∞
鳥山先生、 残りの人生 心臓はとっくに捧げてますが 最大の愛と尊敬と感謝をささげ続けます 最初から最後まで鳥山明だったそういう人生にします 本当に長い間、お疲れさまでした 有難うございました!
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1169 西田敏行、法住寺殿において出家、法皇となる。 1180 西田敏行、父と共に源頼朝の挙兵に加わり、山木館を襲撃 1561 西田敏行、武田信玄に啄木鳥戦法を献策するも謙信に見抜かれ討ち死に 1584 西田敏行、西田敏行に小牧長久手の戦いで敗れる 1598 西田敏行死去。遺児は後に西田敏行に滅ぼされる 1600 西田敏行、真田昌幸に進軍を阻まれ西田敏行の叱責を受ける 同年 西田敏行、石田三成を関ヶ原に破る 1603 西田敏行、幕府を開き初代将軍になる 1605 西田敏行、西田敏行に将軍職を譲り、後に駿府城に移る 1614 西田敏行が西田敏行を「関ヶ原には遅すぎ、大坂には早すぎる!たわけうつけ間抜けーッ!」と怒鳴り付ける 1716 西田敏行、八代将軍になる 1745 西田敏行、徳川家重に将軍職を譲り、江戸城西の丸に移る 1860 西田敏行、会津藩の家老となる 1861 西田敏行、愛加那との間に西田敏行を授かる(それをナレーションする西田敏行) 1867 西田敏行、西田敏行に命じられて江戸薩摩藩邸を本拠として江戸市内を混乱させ、薩摩藩邸焼討事件を起こさせる(それをナレーションする西田敏行) 1868 薩摩藩の西田敏行らと長州藩の西田敏行らが協力して幕府を倒す (それをナレーションする西田敏行) 1869 西田敏行、五稜郭の戦いで新政府軍に敗れる 1877 西南の役で、長州閥西田敏行総指揮の官軍に西田敏行軍は鎮圧され、城山で自刃 (それをナレーションする西田敏行) 1883 西田敏行、共立学校の初代校長となる 1904 西田敏行、日銀副総裁として日露戦争の戦費を調達する 1904 西田敏行、京都市長に就任し、父である西田敏行のことを、部下に語りだす 1945 西田敏行、フィリピンの戦場で誤って兄に撃たれる
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Heart Sutra ~ A sutra that describes “The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom" (9)
Hoichi the Earless – A Japanese tale about spiritual merit of the Heart Surtra
When Xuanzang crossed the Silk Road to India, recited the heart Sutra and protected himself from evil demons through its spiritual power. (Ref). There is a folk tale in Japan that tells its spiritual merit.
A young Biwa-hōshi (lute monks) named Hoichi lived at Amida-dera Temple in Akamaseki. Hoichi was a master storyteller of the Tale of the Heike, especially the Dannoura battle, which is said to ‘make even the demons shed tears’.
The Battle of Dannoura was a historical fact, once a decisive battle between the Genji and Heike clans, with many Heike warriors and court nobles sinking to their deaths in the sea, and perished. The temple was built on the coast overlooking Dannoura to commemorate the Heike family.
One night, when the abbot is away, a warrior suddenly appears out of nowhere. Hoichi is begged by the warrior to go to the palace of the ‘nobleman’ to play his biwa. Although the blind Hoichi could not understand them, many noblemen seemed gathering. They requested a piece about the battle of Dannoura. Everyone is sobbing aloud and looking intensely moved. Hoichi is asked to play a whole week, and starts going out every night.
The abbot became suspicious and had temple men follow him one night. It was raining heavily, and Hoichi was alone in the empty cemetery of the Heike clan, playing his biwa in front of the grave of Emperor Antoku, who had died an untimely death as a child, surrounded by a frighteningly large number of demon firebrands. The astonished temple men forcefully bring Hoichi back home. The abbot then, knowing the nature of the grudge spirits that the body parts on which the sutras are written are transparently reflected and invisible, copied the Heart Sutra on Hoichi's whole body together with the temple men, so that the grudge spirits could not recognise Hoichi. However, they did not realise at the time that they had forgotten to copy the sutra on his ears (auricularia).
That night, as Hoichi sat alone, the warrior came for him as usual. However, Hoichi's body, on which a scripture is written, is invisible to the grudge spirit. Puzzled, the grudge spirit looked around for Hoichi, and found only his ears in the darkness, which were forgotten to copy the sutra. The grudge spirit used its monstrous power to tear the ear off Hoichi's head. The spirit left, silently. When the abbot returned at dawn, he realised that when he had written the Heart Sutra on Hoichi's body, he had forgotten to write the sutra only on his ears, and apologised to the bloodied Hoichi for his oversight.
After that, the Heike ghost never appeared before Hoichi again, and the wound in Hoichi's ear was soon healed by the good doctor. This strange event spread throughout the world, and he came to be known as ‘Hoichi the Earless’.
(There is also a version where Hoichi dies.)
[Image below: The tragedy of the young Emperor Antoku drowning in the arms of his grandmother, Taira no Tokiko]
般若心経 〜「智慧の完成」の精髄を述べる経典 (9)
耳なし芳一 〜『般若心経』の霊験にまつわる日本の物語
その夜、芳一が一人で座っていると、いつものように武者が迎えにきた。しかし、経文の書かれた芳一の体は怨霊である武者には見えない。怨霊は当惑し、芳一の姿を探し回った挙句、写経し忘れた耳のみを暗闇の中に見つけ出した。怨霊は怪力でもって芳一の頭から耳をもぎ取った。怨霊はそのまま去っていった。 夜明けに戻ってきた住職は、芳一の全身に般若心経を書いたとき、耳だけにお経を書くのを忘れていたことに気づき、血まみれの芳一に自分の見落としを詫びた。
#heart sutra#spiritual power#buddhism#spiritual merit#ghost story#kwaidan#dannoura battle#emperor antoku#japanese folklore#hoichi the earless#the tale of heike
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This year is the year of the snake, so I imagined Fa Zheng from a snake.
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江の島 江島神社末社八坂神社天王祭 神幸祭
一年に一回、この日に二人の神さんが顔を合わせるんだよ! なんか切ないね! 多分顔以外も合わせるんだろうね! 神輿の練りって性行為を現してるんだよ! しっかり練り合わせてあげようね!
【追記】 画像引用元のオリジナル出所が判ったので下にリンクを付けとくよ ↓
Photo from; “Enoshima” — by Studio Heavy Films - expired
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Sean bienvenidos fanáticosjaponesitas a una nueva entrega de Arqueología, en esta ocasión hablaremos de uno de los mayores monumentos del mundo asiático que se localiza en la ciudad de Nara, prefectura de Honshu. - Dicho esto, pónganse cómodos que comenzamos, tengo el placer de presentaros al templo budista Todaiji, es uno de los más grandes y data de los años: (710-784) después de nuestra era. El día 15/4/2022 tuve el placer de enterarme de que se habían encontrado restos de un líquido localizado en la pared exterior del Gran Salón del Buda. - Dicho líquido alberga el rango de 70 cm a 80 cm de ancho de la pared, dicho acto me duele igual que un japonés, ya que esto es mancillar el buen nombre de la religión budista, siendo la segunda más procesada en todo el país tras el sintoísmo además siendo uno de los edificios más icónicos de japón. - La policía está investigando a través de las cámaras de seguridad, gracias al gamberro, que posiblemente sea un turista que no tiene ni idea de lo que está viendo. Consejo si van a visitar un monumento háganme él por favor de informarme previamente. - Un saludo, por la gloria del emperador y de Amaterasu, nos despedimos hasta una próxima publicación. - Japanese fans are welcome to a new installment of Archeology, this time we will talk about one of the largest monuments in the Asian world that is located in the city of Nara, Honshu prefecture. - That said, make yourself comfortable, let's begin, I have the pleasure of introducing you to the Todaiji Buddhist temple, it is one of the largest and dates from the years: (710-784) after our era. On 4/15/2022, I was pleased to learn that traces of a localized liquid had been found on the outer wall of the Great Buddha Hall. - Said liquid houses the range of 70 cm to 80 cm wide of the wall, said act hurts me just like a Japanese, since this is tarnishing the good name of the Buddhist religion, being the second most processed in the whole country after the shintoism also being one of the most iconic buildings in japan. - The police are investigating via security cameras, thanks to the thug, who is possibly a tourist who has no idea what he is seeing. Advice if you are going to visit a monument, please let me know beforehand. - A greeting, for the glory of the emperor and Amaterasu, we say goodbye until a next publication. - 日本のファンは考古学の新作を歓迎します。今回は、本州県奈良市にあるアジア世界最大のモニュメントの1つについてお話します。 - とはいえ、快適に過ごしましょう。まずは、東大寺を紹介できることをうれしく思います。東大寺は、私たちの時代からの最も大きな寺院の1つです。 2022年4月15日、大仏殿の外壁に局所的な液体の痕跡が見つかったことを知り、うれしく思いました。 - この液体は壁の幅70cmから80cmの範囲にあり、これは仏教の名を傷つけているので、日本人のように私を傷つけます。これは神道に次いで全国で2番目に処理されています。日本で最も象徴的な建物の1つです。 - 警察は、彼が何を見ているのかわからない観光客である可能性のある凶悪犯のおかげで、防犯カメラを介して調査しています。記念碑を訪れる場合のアドバイスは、事前にお知らせください。 - 天照大神と天照大神の栄光にご挨拶、次の出版までお別れを申し上げます。日本のファンは考古学の新作を歓迎します。今回は、本州県奈良市にあるアジア世界最大のモニュメントの1つについてお話します。 - とはいえ、快適に過ごしましょう。まずは、東大寺を紹介できることをうれしく思います。東大寺は、私たちの時代からの最も大きな寺院の1つです。 2022年4月15日、大仏殿の外壁に局所的な液体の痕跡が見つかったことを知り、うれしく思いました。 - この液体は壁の幅70cmから80cmの範囲にあり、これは仏教の名を傷つけているので、日本人のように私を傷つけます。これは神道に次いで全国で2番目に処理されています。日本で最も象徴的な建物の1つです。 - 警察は、彼が何を見ているのかわからない観光客である可能性のある凶悪犯のおかげで、防犯カメラを介して調査しています。記念碑を訪れる場合のアドバイスは、事前にお知らせください。 - 天照大神と天照大神の栄光にご挨拶、次の出版までお別れを申し上げます。
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The Nature of Twilight Magic and how it affects the World of Twilight Princess
In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the Light World is overtaken by an alien magic known as twilight. Twilight magic, or shadow magic (影の魔力), first appears chronologically in the series when a group of magic wielders appeared in Hyrule, entering the ongoing conflict over the kingdom.
人々の中に、魔術に長けた者達が現れ強力な魔力によって聖地を治めようとしたしかし、神は我ら光の精霊を遣わしその者達の巨大なる魔力を 封じこませたのだそして、その魔力こそが黒き力・・・影の結晶石である
Among the people, people who were skilled in magic appeared and tried to rule the holy land with their powerful magical power. However, the Gods sent us spirits of light to seal away their enormous magical power. That Magical power is black power...the Crystal Stone of Shadow.
Lanayru (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
We learn that these invaders used a powerful magic known as the Fused Shadow, or, per the Japanese release, the Crystal Stone of Shadows (影の結晶石). In this conflict, they almost emerged the victors, until the Goddesses of Hyrule commanded the Light Spirits to put a stop to their plans. As a punishment for their crimes, these magic wielders were sealed away within the Twilight Realm via the Mirror of Twilight, and the Fused Shadow was sealed within three dungeons across Hyrule.
However, this doesn’t tell us what exactly twilight magic, or shadow magic, “is,” or how it affects the Light World. Let’s take a closer look at the information we’re given in the game.
While meeting with the Light Spirit, Faron, he has this to tell us about the Fused Shadow:
In the temple deep in the forest lies a black power, a forbidden power that was sealed away by us spirits of light in ancient times, a power that those of the world of light must never touch... however, you will need it to save this world from the King of Shadows... If you want that power, go to the temple deep in the forest.
Faron (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Faron tells us point blank that the Fused Shadow that he and the other Light Spirits sealed away long ago must never be touched by those who reside in the light world. This means little to us now, but his reason for saying this is shown in detail before long. Upon reaching Death Mountain, we learn the plight of the gorons; their patriarch, Darbus, has been corrupted by the Fused Shadow piece that was enshrined deep within the Goron Mines.
精霊様より託されている大事な宝をお護りせねばならねぇからな・・・だが、手に取ろうとダルボスが宝に触れた途端・・・おぞましい異形の姿に化けちまいやがったゴロ!それから奴は見境なく暴れてもうメチャクチャさ・・・噴火も一層 激しくなったゴロ・・・ワシらは必死の力で奴を山の奥深くに封印した
We had to protect the precious treasure entrusted to us by the spirits... But as soon as Darbus touched the treasure to take it in his hand... He transformed into a horrifyingly monstrous shape! Then he went on an uncontrollable rampage... and the eruptions became more and more violent... and we sealed him up deep in the mountain with desperate efforts.
Gor Coron (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
There's a limit to what we old men can do to stop Darbus, who has turned into a demon...
Gor Amoto (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
As soon as Darbus touched the treasure, he was transformed into a demon. This would naturally lead one to assume that the Fused Shadow, as well as all shadow magic, is thus demonic in nature, similar to the magic utilized by the demons in the series such as Ganondorf. However, this isn’t exactly the case.
Later in the game, Zant uses a different Shadow Crystal to turn Link into a wolf in the light world. This magic isn’t just regular shadow magic, such as that used by Midna or the Fused Shadow, but something else. Zelda and Midna both make note of this.
This is some kind of evil power, different from the shadow magic we've seen up until now…
Zelda (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
It's the mass of magic that was cast on you. It's certainly different from the shadow magic that we have…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Instead of being regular shadow magic, we learn that it’s actually shadow magic that has been infused with the malevolent powers of Ganondorf, which were given to Zant. Zant then created his own brand of shadow magic using Ganondorf’s demonic powers, and this was the magic he has been using against Link and Midna throughout the game, such as the Shadow Crystal and Black Fog we see at the Palace of Twilight.
This black mist is a shadowy crystal that Zant created with his magic power to suck out the light… he is the one who was stealing the light of the spirits and turning Hyrule into Twilight.
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
A running theme that may be apparent by now is that shadow magic commonly appears in the form of crystals - while not necessarily pertinent to explaining exactly how shadow magic works, it is an interesting detail nonetheless. This also heavily suggests that the Shadow Insects that stole the light from the Light Spirits of Hyrule were made of Zant’s shadow crystals - after all, they were designed to absorb light.
Regardless, we can see from the above text regarding Zant’s own brand of shadow magic that it’s altogether reductive to consider shadow magic synonymous with demonic magic. And of course this would be the case, given that the Sols - the “suns” of the Twilight Realm - restore the land back to its original form, before Zant corrupted it, and began turning its population into Shadow Beasts.
ソルは この世界を照らす太陽みたいなものなんだ
それが失われたから、みんな あんな姿に・・・
Everyone here hasn't completely turned into a shadow monster yet. I want to find Zant and restore my friends… Sol is like the sun that illuminates this world. Because that was lost, everyone turned into those shapes…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
While it’s useful to know that shadow magic isn’t inherently the same as demon magic, why does it have a corruptive effect on those who reside in the world of light, then? Zant, speaking for Ganondorf, and later Midna, potentially gives us a clue as to why:
And my God wants one thing. Turn both light and shadow into a single darkness!
Zant (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
After all, light and shadow must not mingle.
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
While shadow magic isn’t evil, it isn’t “good” either. When characters like Darbus or Yeta come into contact with shadow magic, it corrupts them into demons. While it’s not darkness in the same sense as Ganondorf’s magic, it affects the light world in an adverse way that it - effectively - creates a unique type of darkness born from the mixing of light and shadow. The light world’s light also has an adverse effect on the denizens of the Twilight Realm, as demonstrated by Lanayru’s light magic nearly killing Midna, who is only saved by Zelda’s grace.
Light and shadow are two sides of the same coin.
Neither can exist without the other.
Zelda (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
As Zelda says, the light world and the Twilight Realm rely on each other to exist. However, the blending of the two - the interaction of shadow magic with those who reside in the light - results in catastrophe, and transforms those who are affected by it into demons.
In summary, shadow magic, the magic utilized by the magic wielders who sought to dominate Hyrule, which was passed down to their descendants, the Twili, is not innately demonic, and even has its own equivalent of “light” in the form of the Sols. That being said, it is still innately corruptive to those who reside in the light and turns them into demons and causes demons to gather, effectively creating its own, unique kind of “darkness” in the process.
All that being said, how do these transformations manifest throughout the game? We know characters like Darbus and Yeta were corrupted by shadow magic, but what about, say, other bosses in Twilight Princess? Is it possible they’re also just demonic transformations born from the interaction between the light world and shadow magic? Interestingly, every regular dungeon boss in the game except Stallord features the same term in its title; “Twilit,” or, in the Japanese release, Awoken (覚醒). The fact Stallord doesn’t have this title separates it from these other bosses; this makes sense, given that Stallord is not a creature in possession of the Fused Shadow or a Mirror Shard, unlike the other bosses. Given this connection in the titles of the bosses, it’s likely that the bosses are all intended to have a shared trait or aspect unifying them. Similar to Darbus and Yeta, it’s likely that this unifying trait is that they were creatures of the Light World who were transfigured by shadow magic.
The first boss we face in the game is Diababa. This creature is a massive three-headed plant, clearly resembling a Deku Baba. Given that the Forest Temple is also home to countless Deku Babas and Baba Serpents, it’s incredibly likely that Diababa is a Deku Baba that came into contact with the Fused Shadow piece that was left in the Forest Temple. If we want to be pedantic, it’s possible it’s a Baba Serpent; however, the lack of the forked tongue and the more traditional head shape of the other two heads suggests that it’s probably just a regular Deku Baba.
The third boss we face, Morpheel, is another interesting case of what appears to be a light world being further corrupted by the Fused Shadow. At first glance, it seems completely alien in appearance, with no close resemblance to any creature seen thus far in the game, demon or otherwise. However, a comparison reveals that its “face” is remarkably similar to that of a Bombfish, a fish that is commonly found throughout Lakebed Temple. To further this comparison, it even spits out Bombfish, suggesting that they’re its progeny. Given these facts, it’s likely that Morpheel is a heavily transformed Bombfish that came into contact with the Fused Shadow.
The fifth boss we encounter, Blizzeta, is the corrupted form of Yeta. While it’s never explicitly stated that the Mirror of Twilight is made of shadow magic ala the Fused Shadow, the sages do give us this warning:
But be warned, there is magic in the pieces.
Sages (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
Furthermore, we already observe the mirror corrupt Yeta into Blizzeta, which Midna notes is due to the mirror’s power, and Yeta even reveals that the mirror has resulted in her falling ill and draws demons to it, similar to the Fused Shadow.
But since that mirror came to my house, I got sick, demons appeared… Bad things happen...
Yeta (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
She was so quiet… I guess that’s the magic of the Mirror of Shadows…
Midna (Twilight Princess) - Translated by Sidier
With this knowledge, we can then reasonably deduce that the next two bosses that are in possession of Mirror Shards have also been corrupted, similar to Yeta.
The next boss is in the Temple of Time, Armogohma. Given its unique appearance even amongst other Gohmas, it’s likely that it was a regular Gohma that came into contact with a Mirror Shard and was corrupted. Notably, while its “true form” is that of a smaller spider, its namesake armor appears organic in nature; it has urticating hairs on its abdomen, a spinneret, pedipalps, and can even lay eggs. Given the laser ability and its strong resemblance to the lasers utilized by other Beamos, it’s possible that the Mirror Shard turned a Gohma into some hybrid between a Gohma and the other technology found lying around the Temple of Time.
Finally, the fourth Mirror Shard is found within the claws of the Twilit Dragon, Argorok. If the name wasn’t explicit enough that it has ties to Kargoroks, the vulture-like bird enemies found throughout Twilight Princess, they are also an incredibly common enemy to find flying through the City in the Sky. Because of these facts, it’s very likely that the dragon was just an ordinary Kargorok that stumbled onto a Mirror Shard and was corrupted into a fire breathing monstrosity.
In sum, here is what the transformations caused by the Fused Shadow and Mirror Shards look like:
These transformations exemplify why the Light Spirits are adamant that those who dwell in the light are not to come in contact with shadow magic; it has a corruptive impact, that, even for demons, can turn them into monstrous beasts that make their previous forms pale in comparison. While the departure of Midna and the breaking of the Mirror of Twilight was certainly a bittersweet ending, it was for the best; light and shadow are two sides of the same coin, but it’s for the best that they don’t mingle.
#nintendo#nintendo lore#zelda#zelda lore#the legend of zelda#tloz#loz theory#zelda theory#zelda timeline#loz timeline#twilight princess#loz tp#midna#midna twilight princess#loz midna#zant twilight princess#zant#ganondorf
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遅ればせながら、例大祭21ありがとうございました!お天気もとても良くて、大盛況でしたね。 今回描かせていただいたスケブのご紹介です。
・お燐 お燐といえば猫のポーズ、という感じで描いてしまいましたがあまりにも定番すぎて以前描いた絵ともし被ってしまっていたらすみません! 地霊殿が出たばかりの頃はお燐のもみあげを描かないことにこだわっていたのですが、もみあげ(横髪?)を描いた方が絵として上手くまとまることが多いので最近は描いていることが多い…… という裏話です。(もみあげを描かない方が、原作らしさは出ると思います。)
・射命丸(天狗装束) 天狗装束版の射命丸は普段の射命丸より、よりクールでしっとりした方向で描きたくなりますね。 金と黒のコントラストが楽しいです。
・豫母都日狭美 ほとんど初めて描いたので、まだこんな感じです! 日狭美は見る人によって、性格もビジュアルも見え方がかなり変わるキャラだと思いますので、是非ディテールを自分なりに突き詰めて描きたいキャラです。
・蓮子 最後に、蓮子です。特に指定はなかったのですが、なんとなく七夕坂バージョンにしてみました(襟・袖のラインと開襟くらいしか特徴がないですが……) CDジャケットでは勢いで吹き飛んでいる帽子を、手でギュッと抑えているイメージです。
お陰様で無事に新作秘封CDは入手できたのですが、ゴールデンウイークの後片付けなどがまだ残っていて聴けていません……戦利品もまだ読めておらず…… 久しぶりの秘封CD、音楽とブックレットに意識を集中させて大事に静謐に聴きます☺
そんな感じの、例大祭21のスケブでした。 売り子をしながら描いているシーンも多いので、あまり数が多くなくてすみません!
#東方project#touhou#touhou fanart#touhou project#東方#スケブ#skeb#宇佐見蓮子#renko usami#hisami yomotsu#豫母都日狭美#rin kaenbyou#aya shameimaru#射命丸文#火焔猫燐#墨#筆#japan#writing brush#inkart#China ink#monochrome
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さぶ増刊号 1985/7
G-men 2009/6
§1 夜明け前
§2 事件発生
§ 3 ふたたび夜明け前

§4 捜索
「俺は、野原でひと暴れする為に自衛隊に入ったんだ。小銃片手に演習場を走り回る、屈強な男だけに許された仕事さ、だけどこの体じゃもうそれもできねぇ。たとえ部隊に戻れても、どうも事話関係の仕事に回されて任期がくれば、はいさよなら そんなのやだぜ」
さぶのカットと、G-men 版の挿画

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最初に熱海を見守るご神木の社 来宮神社を参拝。散歩がてら熱海駅から歩いてみました。賑やかなアーケードを抜け、緩やかな坂道を登ること15分くらいかしら。
熱海は立地上 高低差が大きい箇所が多く、坂を下りながら帰りはこれを登るのかと考え少しゲンナリ。
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「30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい」特別編集版 公式 cherimahoanime en X Para conmemorar la adaptación al anime televisivo, han realizado un proyecto de ilustración de apoyo dibujado por un magnífico equipo de artistas ❣️ (checacuentaoficialydaleamor)
cherimahoanime X 16 oct. 2024 (1erdibujo)
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り���り✨
第1話は #蒼川なな 先生(『合コンに行ったら女がいなかった話』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Una mirada retrospectiva a las medidas para #チェリまほアニメ ✨
Para conmemorar la adaptación al anime televisivo, hemos realizado un proyecto de ilustración de apoyo dibujado por un magnífico equipo de artistas ❣️
Episodio 1 #蒼川なな Revela la ilustración de la maestra (“Cuando fui a una cita grupal, no había mujeres”) 💖
Edición especial Estrenada en cines de todo el país el 13/12 (viernes) 💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
cherimahoanime X 18 oct.2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第2話は #はらだ 先生(『ハッピークソライフ』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 2 #はらだ Revela la ilustración del maestro (“Happy Kuso Life”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 20 oct. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第3話は #殿ヶ谷美由紀 先生(『氷属性男子とクールな同僚女子』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 3 #殿ヶ谷美由紀 Revela la ilustración del profesor ("Niño con atributo hielo y chica compañera de trabajo genial") 💖
cherimahoanime X 22 oct. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第4話は #ともわか さん(イラストレーター)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
El episodio 4 presenta ilustraciones de #ともわか (ilustrador) 💖
cherimahoanime X 24 oct .2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第5話は #天色ちゆ 先生(『オタクも恋も連鎖する』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
El episodio 5 #天色ちゆ revela la ilustración del maestro (“Otaku y el amor están unidos”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 26 oct. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第6話は #ヨシノサツキ 先生(『ばらかもん』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 6 #ヨシノサツキ Revela la ilustración del maestro (``Barakamon'') 💖
cherimahoanime X 28 oct. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第7話は #麦芋 先生(『元カレが腐男子になっておりまして。』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 7 #麦芋 Revela la ilustración del profesor (“Mi exnovio se ha convertido en un chico podrido.”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 30 oct. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第8話は #金沢真之介 先生(『会社と私生活-オンとオフ-』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 8 #金沢真之介 Revela las ilustraciones del profesor ("Vida privada y de empresa - Dentro y fuera") 💖
cherimahoanime X 1 nov. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第9話は #缶爪さわ 先生(『みなと商事コインランドリー』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 9 #缶爪さわ Revela la ilustración del maestro (“Minato Shoji Coin Laundry”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 3 nov. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第10話は #春園ショウ 先生(『佐々木と宮野』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 10 #春園ショウ Revela la ilustración del maestro (“Sasaki y Miyano”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 5 nov. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第11話は #晴川シンタ 先生(『先輩、断じて恋では!』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 11 #晴川シンタ Revela la ilustración del maestro (“Senpai, ¡definitivamente enamórate!”) 💖
cherimahoanime X 7 nov. 2024
チェリまほアニメ の施策を振り返り✨
第12話は #森川侑 先生(『休日のわるものさん』)のイラストを公開💖
特別編集版 12/13(金)全国劇場公開💍 https://cherimaho-anime.com
Episodio 12 #森川侑 Revela la ilustración del maestro ("Holiday Warumono-san") 💖
#cherimahoanime#チェリまほアニメ#kurosawa#adachi kiyoshi#kurosawa yuichi#kurodachi#Youtube#cherimaho#kurosawa x adachi#adachi#チェリまほ#cherrymagic#CherryMagic#cherrimaho#cherry magic#Cherry Maho#Cherry Maho Anime#CherryMagic Anime#tx_cherimaho twt#cr. a cherimahoanime en X#cr. a toyotayou#cherimahoanime X para conmemorar la adaptación al anime televisivo hizo proyecto de ilustración de apoyo dibujado por equipo de artistas#cr. en fotos
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(Xユーザーの🔞ジェネリック大判焼き🔞さん: 「激かわVtuber @N299892003 にうちの子とおそろいの服着てもらいました!! #Nozomi_E コスチュームの作者殿@chelly_lk https://t.co/cW0RWTyhaE」 / Xから)
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Hunt Mark Bune is actually Rielle's Dad - Translations
The English translation changed a bunch of facts that led English-only players to miss that Rielle's father is indeed alive and you can hunt him.
In the Japanese quest, this is what Sidurgu says about Rielle's family:
Sidurgu: WoL.... I've finally pieced together the whole story, from what we found in our investigation, what Rielle testified... and what I found out through the underground.
Her real name is Rielle de Caulignont. A daughter of the same well-known aristocratic Caulignont family that produces many famous clergy and instrumental Holy See attendants.
That mother... the female family head, Ystride de Caulignont, married another aristocratic man and bore Rielle.
Unbeknownst to her, her groom was a member of a radical faction of heretics who had drunk dragon blood...
A few years later, after having finished secretly leaking information gained in the Caulignont family to the heretics, the man drank more dragon blood and fully transformed into a dragon, and tried to kill his family.
However, his plan to kill them was foiled by elite knights but... knowing that her daughter had that man's- that dragon's- blood, Ystride locked up her daughter.
...Coming to kill her after all this time must be her way of showing her loyalty to the Holy See.
In any case, as Dark Knights we must carry out our duty. By winning this dual with her, that is.
This is what the Japanese hunt mark description says:
ユステシア: 異端者は、多くが平民出身だけど、中には貴族もいるわ。ある男性貴族が、妻である名門貴族の女当主を利用することで、長年に渡り、神殿騎士団の情報を流していた事があってね。
Eustacia: Heretics usually come from the common people, but there are some aristocrats among them. One such aristocratic man used his wife, the female head of a noted aristocratic family, to get information on the Temple knights to leak, for many years. Of all things he could have done, the man finished his intelligence gathering by drinking dragon blood and turning into a scalekin himself. In order to kill his family and hide the evidence... Thankfully, the Temple Knights intervened and stopped the worst from happening. The man who turned into a scalekin was said to have escaped the city and run away. The one who put out the hunt bounty on him was none other than his surviving wife.
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (12)
Toyotama-hime – Wani (Dragon) Goddess disguised as a human
Wani was a dragon or sea monster in Japanese mythology. Wani is discribed as "crocodile", or sometimes "shark".
Toyotamahime (See) is a goddess in Japanese mythology. Daughter of the sea god Watatsumi, she was said to reside in a dragon palace. Their palace was as if made from fish scales and supposedly lies undersea. Her true form was “Yahiro no Owani (meaning giant crocodile, approx. 24 m long)”, and she was the wife of Hoori (See2), is known as the epitome of human–animal marriage tales. She was the mother of Ugayafukiaezu-no-Mikoto (See3), father of Emperor Jinmu (the first Emperor: See4), and sister of Tamayori-hime (See5), the Emperor's mother.
Toyotamahime makes a fateful meeting with the demigod prince, Yamasachi, also known as Hoori ("Fire-Subside"). They married and lived happily in the dragon palace. 3 years later, she and her husband Hoori, who missed home, went ashore to give birth.
She then warned her husband, "All people from other parts of the world give birth in the form of their native country when giving birth. So I will give birth to a child in my true form”, and requested Hoori not watch how she gives birth. Hoori, however, was pazzled and peered in on his wife as she was giving birth, and saw her crawling around as a giant crocodile of about 24 metres (79 ft) long. He then startled in shock and retreated. Toyatama-hime learnt that being witnessed her true form by her husband, "I have always intended to pass through the path of the sea," she said, "but I am ashamed that you should have observed my true form.” She blocked the sea path, leaving the child behind and left.
ヒト型爬虫類 (12)
トヨタマヒメ 〜人間に変身する和邇 (龍) の女神
トヨタマヒメ(参照)は、日本神話の女神である。海神ワタツミの娘で、竜宮城に住んでいると言われている。その宮殿は魚の鱗でできたようなもので、海中にあるとされる。その正体は「八尋の大和邇(やひろのおおわに: 体長約24mの巨大な鰐の意)」で、ホオリ(参照2)の妻であったことから、異類婚姻譚の典型として知られる。神武天皇(初代天皇: 参照4)の父である鵜葺草葺不合尊(うがやふきあえずのみこと: 参照3)の母であり、天皇の母である玉依姫(たまよりひめ: 参照5)の姉である。
その時、トヨタマヒメは夫に「すべて他国の者は子を産む時になれば、その本国の形になつて産むのです。それでわたくしももとの身になつて産もうと思いますが、わたくしを御覽遊ばしますな」と忠告した。ところが夫のホオリはその言葉を不思議に思い、妻が今盛んに出産している最中に覗いてみると、八丈 (約24m) もある長い鰐になって這いずり回っていた。そしてホオリは畏れ驚き退いた。しかるにトヨタマヒメは夫が窺見した事を知り、御子を産み置いて去った。「わたくしは常に海の道を通つて通おうと思っておりましたが、わたくしの形を覗いて御覽になつたのは恥かしいことです」と言い、海の道をふさいで帰ってしまった。
#toyotama-hime#Japanese mythology#dragon#humanoids#legendary creatures#hybrids#hybrid beasts#cryptids#therianthropy#legend#mythology#folklore#nature#art#sea monster
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Oh! The Kizakura audio dramas! I always wanted to listen to Genocide Jack’s part of the audio but an English translation of it doesn’t exist sadly. Do you know what she said in audio drama? I love to know! Thank you!
Oh yeah! Genocide Jack's part was really great and I wanted to share the content of that part of the conversation, so I'm glad you asked! I've written a transcript below:
<After Kizakura visited Toko at her home and told her that he had come to recruit her as a student at Hope's Peak Academy, they talked for a while, but Kizakura fainted in the middle of the conversation because Toko's house and her own smell were too bad.>
Toko: ちょ、ちょっとぉ!そんな大袈裟に倒れて、埃が…っはっ…ハクシュッ! W-why are you collapsing!? Collapsing so dramatically like that... the dust... huff... achoo!
Kizakura: えぇっ、手を叩いて褒めてくれるの!?俺、頑張ったよね!?もう、ゴールしても…いいよね… What!? You’re clapping your hands* to praise me!? I did a good job, didn’t I!? It’s okay if I... reach the goal now, right...?* (*The reason he made this comment is because the Japanese word for sneezing, “hakusyu”, sounds the same as the word for clapping hands.) (*This is a parody of a line from a famous game called Air. It is often used among otaku.) Genocide Jack: はぁーーい、パチパーチ!!ってなんでやねん!ヒャハハハハハハハ! Allllllllll right, let’s give a round of applause!! Wait, what the hell!? Gyahahahahaha!
Kizakura: あぁー!?何何何、どうしちゃったのこの子!? Huh!? What, what, what’s with her!? What’s going on!? Genocide Jack: ヤァだ、ヤァだー!なぁにそんな熱視線困るんですけどー!ってなぁに!?この子ったら!?部屋に男連れ込んじゃってんのヒュゥーウ!! Oh my, oh my! What's with those intense stares, I'm embarrassed by your intense gaze! Wait, what’s this!? This girl’s got a guy in her room! Wheeew!! Kizakura: (演技…じゃないな。二重人格か?ただのはっちゃけ姉ちゃんにしか見えねーけど…こいつは何かヤバイぞ…。) (This isn't just an act... Is this a split personality? All I see is an endless amount of cheerful girl... but she looks like danger.) Genocide Jack: でも残念!あんたちょ〜っとストライク逃しちゃってるわ!ファウルボールにご注意くださーい。ってデァハハハハ!!で、どこのどなた? But too bad! You just barely struck out! Watch out for foul balls! Gya-hahahaha!! So, who are you? Kizakura: (記憶を共有していない…解離性人格障害か。考えられる原因としては、資料にあった母を2人持つという家庭事情だが…) 俺は黄桜公一。希望ヶ峰学園から腐川冬子くんをスカウトにやってきた。君こそ何者だ? (She doesn't seem to be sharing memories... Dissociative Identity Disorder, huh? According to the files, it could be due to her upbringing with two mothers...) I’m Koichi Kizakura. I’m here to scout Toko Fukawa from Hope’s Peak Academy. And you are? Genocide Jack: うーーん、かっちょよく名乗りたいところだけどぉ、アタシってホラ、有名人だから!ナイショにしとくわぁ! Hmmmmm, I’d love to introduce myself in style, but, you know, I’m kind of famous! So I’ll keep it a secret for now!
Kizakura: 有名人? Famous? Genocide Jack: その希望ヶ峰学園ってお上品な学校に行けばアタシ好みの萌える男子がオーガニックに栽培されてそうジャ〜ン? もしかしてぇ?あなたは意中の殿方もぉー?いらっしゃるのかしらァーー!?妄想が捗るわぁー!! If I go to that fancy Hope's Peak Academy, I bet there'll be a lot of hot boys growing up organically just for me, don't you think? Or maybe...? Do you have a guy you're head over heels for? My imagination is running wiiiild!
Kizakura: 意中の殿方って……あぁやべやべ、思い浮かべるな! A guy I’m head over heels for... Oh no, stop thinking about it! Genocide Jack: いいわ!その一瞬の油断!ふと脳裏をよぎった親友の面影!そ・れ・が!どんどん大きくなっていくからお大事にねェー!! Perfect! That momentary slip! The fleeting image of your dear friend flashing in your mind! That, my dear, will only grow bigger and bigger, so take careee!
Kizakura: 趣味嗜好がまるっきり正反対だな…腐川ちゃんの方はオーソドックスなラブコメすら嫌がってたのに、こっちはBLまで許容しているみたいだ… Their tastes are completely opposite... Fukawa-chan couldn’t even stand orthodox rom-coms, but this one seems fine with BL...
Genocide Jack: ハァーイ、大正解!アタシはぁ、パトスだだ漏れの貴腐人なので!調子いい時はぁ、視界に入った男をビンゴ方式でゼェーんぶ絡める!ウァハハハハ!ハ…ハ、ハクシュッ! Ding, ding, ding! Correct! I’m a kifujin* overflowing with pathos! And when I’m in a good mood, I’ll ship every guy in my sight like I’m playing bingo! Gyahahahaha! H- H- achoo! (* This is one of the ways that otaku girls who like BL refer to themselves, and refers to people who like BL even more than fujoshi.)
Toko: へ、あ、あれ…あたし…? Huh? W-wait... what was I...? Kizakura: (くしゃみで人格チェンジするって、そんな古典的な…。この子、自分を主役にして小説書いた方が売れるんじゃないの…?) (She changes personalities with a sneeze? That’s so old-school... She could probably sell more novels if she wrote about herself as the main character...)
Toko: き、記憶が飛んでる…!あ、あなたまさか、私を眠らせて、無理やり!? M-my memory’s blank...! D-Did you force me to sleep and then...!? Kizakura: 永遠の眠りにつきそうなのは、こっちの方なんだけど… I’m the one who feels like I’m about to sleep forever...
Toko: な、何よ、殺人鬼に遭遇したヒョロイ殺され役みたいなシケた顔して…! What’s with that pathetic look on your face, like you’re the weakling about to get killed by a murderer!? Kizakura: (殺人鬼…そういえばあの殺気…。いや、まさかな。) (Murderer...? Now that I think about it, that killing intent... No, it couldn’t be...)
Toko's part is much longer, but this is the whole part where Genocide Jack appears. If you listen to the audio, you'll see that Miyuki Sawashiro's performance is really wonderful, but I hope it conveys at least a little of what it was like!
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