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Preview of New Lore Document (And my own extrapolations on it!)👀
To be discussed at length in yet another Youtube interview Director Nakamura and producer Shoji to be released this Saturday!
Transcript and Google auto translations of the doc, as well as my thoughts are below the cut. @sarahwatchesthings This might be an interesting one for you to sink your teeth into!
-怪 続編アイデアメモー 3) 蒐我の峰(しゅうがのみね) 【全ての物が、産まれてくる座、全てのものが還るべき座 古代よりさまざまな宗教によって、「神」とあらわされる根源の座 全知がそこにはあり、あまたの聖人たちが「瞑想」などによって「写し世」にいながらにして触れよう、近 づこうとした物、そのもの。 「 心理学者のユングが言うところの「集合的無意識」であり、預言者たちがアクセスする「アカシックレコー ド」であり、仏教でいう彼岸の知恵 「般若」(はんにゃ)ともいわれています。 時間」もたたみ込まれているため、宇宙の始まりから終焉まで、全てがそこにはあります。 「蒐我」を知るということが、人間にとっての「悟り」であり、仏教でいう「明心見性」(みょうしんけん しょう)と同じ意味を成します。 そこには、写し世との距離(実際には距離というものは存在しないが、便宜上わかりやすくそう言われてい )をはかる深さの概念があり、一業目、二業目(いちごうめ、にごうめ)と数えられます。 数が増えるほど、深く業に沈んでいる事となり、人間でいえば、深く死んでいる、より偏在化している状態 となります(正常な状態)。 人は、死を迎えると、ゆっくりと蒐我へと沈んでいく旅にでるのです。
Kai Sequel Idea Memo 3) The Peak of the Collected Self [The seat from which all things are born, the seat to which all things return. The seat of the origin, which has been expressed as "God" by various religions since ancient times. Omniscience resides there, and it is the very thing that many saints have tried to touch and approach while living in the "duplicate world" through "meditation" and other practices. It is what psychologist Jung calls the "collective unconscious," the "Akashic Records" that prophets access, and is also called "Hannya," the wisdom of the other shore in Buddhism. Time is also folded in, so everything from the beginning to the end of the universe is there. Knowing "the self" is "enlightenment" for humans, and has the same meaning as "clearing one's mind and seeing one's true nature" in Buddhism. There is a concept of depth that measures the distance from the world of reflection (in reality there is no such thing as distance, but it is referred to as such for convenience and clarity), and it is counted as the first karma, the second karma (ichigoume, nigoume). The more the number, the deeper one is sunk into karma, which would be like being deeply dead and in a more decentralized state in human terms (the normal state). When a person approaches death, they embark on a journey that slowly sinks them into the self.
🧠My Thoughts
So we finally get some much-needed context as what this realm of Shuuga (蒐我) is like. As a refresher, the previously published lore document says that the medicine seller's headquarters, called the Jyu-Yoku (じゅうよく) resides unevenly between the human world and this Shuuga in a state of perpetual non-existence and existence– Schrödinger's cat is a rather apt metaphor for it.
Based on my (rather sleep deprived) ramblings about the Asian philosophy of the universe which the hexagram paradigm resides in, I believe that Shuuga is part of the broader realm of Mukyoku (無極) which is the primordial zero which all of existence originates from.
From here, I form another hypothesis. Kusuriuri stated in the Umibozu arc that he fears is (according to fan subtitles) "the knowledge that the edge of this world exists without Form, Truth, or Regret." Whether that describes the Shuuga or Mukyoku, I believe this may be a reason why he may be reluctant to make trips to the Jyu-Yoku headquarters.
His journeys in the human world are always driven by the pursuit of knowledge to purify Mononoke from that realm. In a place like Shuuga, where all of existence and non existence and time coalesce into pure omniscience, his purpose for existing, and thus his physical form, would be utterly eradicated.
So he is very human in that he wants to keep his individuality and not become just one small drop in the collective unconsciousness and/or hivemind that I'm beginning to think the Jyu-Yoku "headquarters" is a manifestation of.
There are probably hundreds of other entities similar to medicine sellers residing there, but only the ones who earn the right to wield one of the 64 exorcism swords have the privilege of getting personhood and freedom to roam the mortal realm.
But even then, only a handful of these swords are "on duty" at a time depending on the state of the world. I bet becoming a wielder of one of the 8 the powerful trigram swords is a much coveted position, because they are the most likely weapons to be deployed into the human world, and thus the key to freedom from the Jyu-Yoku.
In the transformation sequences, we see Hyper and Kusu exist in a strange pocket dimension between the grounded human world and fantastical mononoke domain. Thus, I believe the key to entering and exiting the Jyu-Yoku's liminal space is the exorcism sword (though I imagine clever entities that know what to look for can become a stowaways/hitchhikers in the brief window of time when that gateway's opened).
Thus, the existence of all medicine sellers is rather contradictory. While they seek knowledge to eradicate mononoke from the world, their existence in the human realm simultaneously confirms that they are actively running away from an enlightenment which they can easily access should they return to Jyu-Yoku.
This level of enlightenment is embodied by the exorcism sword - how else can it know when to clank its teeth when a medicine seller correctly deduces a Form, Truth, or Regret?
Medicine sellers are the walking embodiments of the individual valuing their sense of self over the more efficient collective. Why else would you do something as impractical as picking off one mononoke at a time, when you can effectively exorcise the lot of them from Jyu-Yoku?
Let's consider this from a different perspective. In the Jyu-Yoku, I imagine it is all-too-easy to fall into the trap of looking at the "bigger picture" and let the "lesser" issues of insignificant individuals fall on the wayside.
Those who become medicine sellers feel compassion for the entities that fall below the notice of the Jyu-Yoku. Although there are much bigger forces at play in the universe, these "trivial" pockets of suffering, left unchecked, can grow into something much more dangerous: mononoke.
If the entire universe is represented by the human body, the Jyu-Yoku could be considered the immune system. It works with the intricate internal workings of the body which goes through the endless cycle of cell death and regeneration. In theory, it should be self-sustaining.
The medicine sellers, by comparison, are quite literally that: the peddlers of medicine that the body consumes or uses to expedite the healing of superficial injuries or illnesses that with time, the Jyu-Yoku could have eventually taken care of.
Or perhaps a better metaphor for the Medicine Seller is vaccines - they collect knowledge of the pathogens (the mononoke) which are rendered mostly inert (purification via exorcism sword) to train the body (Jyu-Yoku) how to better combat it. And like vaccination development in the real world, it's a never ending task ensuring that it is capable combating the evolving sicknesses of the world.
Anyways, thank you for attending yet another one of my Mononoke TED talks!
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[Image above: Qilin, a legendary hoofed chimeric creature of Chinese mythology that is have been born from Yinglong]
Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (7)
Yinglong - Winged Dragon, God of Rain in Chinese mythology
Yinglong (lit. 'responsive dragon') is a dragon that belonged directly to the Yellow Emperor (reign dates: 2697–2597 or 2698–2598 BCE), with four legs, bat- or falcon-like wings and three claws on each foot. It is allowed to access between heaven and earth. It also has the ability to store water and make it rain.
Yinglong is the chief of of the four dragons are the Azure, Red, White and Black dragons, and is said to give birth to the Heavenly Horse (Qilin), and become Yellow Dragon in old age. The Yellow Dragon is located in the middle of the Five Dragon King (Ref), is a part of Wuxing & the Four Symbols (Ref2) as the embodiment of the element of earth.
The (2nd century BCE) Huainanzi uses Yinglong in three chapters. "Forms of Earth" (Chapter 4) explains how animal evolution originated through dragons, with Yinglong as the progenitor of quadrupeds.
“All creatures, winged, hairy, scaly and mailed, find their origin in the dragon. The yu-kia (founder of birds) produced the flying dragon, the flying dragon gave birth to the phoenixes, and after them the luan-niao and all birds, in general the winged beings, were born successively. The mao-tuh ("hairy calf") produced the ying-lung the ying-lung (yinglong) gave birth to the kien-ma (heavenly horse), and afterwards the qilin and all quadrupeds, in general the hairy beings, were born successively. …”
Qilin are a type of legendary animal in Chinese mythology. They resemble deer in appearance, are large, standing 5 m ( approx. 16 ft) tall, and are unicorns with a face resembling a dragon, a bull's tail and horse's hooves, and qilin horns. Its back is five-coloured, its fur is yellow and it has scales on its body.
ヒト型爬虫類 (7)
応龍 〜 中国神話に登場する雨の神、翼のある龍
応龍 (インロン: “反応するドラゴン“の意) は、帝王である黄帝 (在位: 紀元前2697〜2597年または2698〜2598年) に直属する龍で、4本足で蝙蝠ないし鷹の��うな翼、足に3本の爪を持つ。天と地の間を���き来することができる。また、水を貯めて雨を降らせる能力もある。
応龍は、四龍の長あり、天馬 (麒麟) を生み、老いて黄龍になると言われている。
黄龍とは五方龍王(参照)の中央に位置しており、尚且つ四神 (四獣) の中心的存在、四神が東西南北の守護獣なのに対し、中央を守るとされる。土の要素を体現するものとして、五行思想と四神(参照2)の一部である。
紀元前2世紀の『淮南子』は、3つの章で応龍が使われている。 “地の形” (巻四地形訓) では、動物の進化が龍を通じてどのように起こったかを説明し、四足歩行の始祖は応龍であるとしている。
“翼のあるもの、毛のあるもの、鱗のあるもの、甲殻のあるもの、すべての生き物は龍に起源を持つ。羽嘉(うか: 鳥類の始祖) は飛竜を生み、飛竜は鳳凰を生み、その後に鸞鳥とすべての鳥類、一般的には翼を持つ生き物が次々と生まれた。毛犢 (もうとく: 獣類の始祖)は応龍を生み、応龍は天馬を生み、その後、麒麟とすべての四足動物、一般的には毛の生えた生き物が次々と生まれた。...“
麒麟とは、中国神話に現れる伝説上の動物の一種である。形は鹿に似て大きく背丈は5m あり、顔は龍に似て、牛の尾と馬の蹄をもち、麒角の一角生獣。背毛は五色に彩られ、毛は黄色く、身体には鱗がある。
#yinglong#yellow dragon#chinese mythology#qilin#yin yang#legendary creatures#hybrids#hybrid beasts#cryptids#therianthropy#legend#mythology#folklore#s.f.#nature#art
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Article Title: プリキュアの“恋愛描写”は20年間でどう変わった? 「彼氏」すら表現できなかったプリキュアがわんぷりで「カップル誕生」を描けるまでに至った理由
What has changed in 20 years of Precure's depictions of romance? Reasons behind the change from seasons that couldn't include boyfriends to the birth of a couple in Wonderful Precure
Some basic summary of this post written by Kasumi, the guy who keeps track of Precure sales and makes handy graphs and whatnot.
The beginning of this article is summary of Wonderful Precure's Satoiro developments.
Later in the article, there's some quotes from Narita. Summarized: After the first few seasons, the response they got from parents was that they would prefer not to have romance because the girls watching this were like 3, 4 years old. So it was a taboo to write about romantic relationships.
The first few seasons were about falling in love with older boys shoujo manga-style, then we have Fresh's whole "I'm not telling you my answer" ending.
In Happiness Charge Narita was uncertain about whether they should do romance as one of the main themes but Nagamine wanted to go for it. So they did a love triangle as one of the main writing setups. Narita still asked multiple times if it was okay to write what she was writing. When Megumi lost in love at the end of the series it became a big topic.
After Happiness Charge they took a step back again and romance barely features besides crushes that don't go anywhere.
This changed in Hugtto when Homare gets turned down by Harry, and Hana's whole thing with George (aka her future schrodinger's evil husband).
None of these depictions are like focused on romance as something that actually leads to a mutual, intentional relationship.
Tropirouge was made specifically to have 0 romance
Black Pepper was created with the idea that he was supposed to work with the girls to save each other rather than just saving them from a pinch. His feelings were only written in to add a bit of spice to the show. But he signals a shift from possible love interests being a prince you admire to a partner that fights with you.
Every season that has served as a turning point in Precure's depiction of romance has had Narita in charge of series composition (Happiness Charge, Otona, and Wonderful).
Article mentions that while before it was unthinkable for idols and actors to have romantic partners, in the 2020 era it's become more normal for actors and TV talent to declare that they're dating and for idols to continue their idol work while being married.
In Precure as well, there was an era where the words "confession" or "boyfriend" were met with loud booing from guardians.
But the times and mindsets have changed so now we have a married Precure and a Precure with a boyfriend.
梅澤 実は大ブーイングでした。「コクる」「彼氏」というセリフも評判が悪かったです。中学生だから、必然性があるから、大丈夫というわけじゃない。両親が観せたくない作品になっては『プリキュア』じゃない、と痛感しました。 ぴあ『プリキュアぴあ』(P87)
This quote is basically what was just summarized above. In addition to the booing thing, Umezawa (producer for Fresh, Heartcatch, Suite) says that he realized that if they wrote things that parents wouldn't want to show their kids then it wouldn't be Precure
So I guess parent opposition is indeed a big reason why they've been avoiding romance. But nowadays:
Satoiro has been massively popular with elementary school girls.
The target range for Precure has risen now also with the cosmetics and the like, ranging from elementary schoolers to young women.
We should expect to see more depictions of romantic love in Precure in the future.
"Change is Precure's strong point."
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Japanese Prefectures: Chūbu - Toyama
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
富 と(む)、とみ、フ、フウ wealth, enrich, abundant
山 やま、サン、セン mountain
県 ケン prefecture
中部 ちゅうぶ Chūbu, Central Japan, the central region of Japan
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Toyama (富山市)
Toyama Prefecture is a part of the central region of Japan, also known as Hokuriku (北陸). Takaoka city is the birthplace of Fujiko F. Fujio, the creator of Doraemon, with many Doraemon-themed delights for visitors. Toyama lies along the Sea of Japan and includes part of the spectacular Northern Japan Alps. Gourmet seafood, idyllic scenery, cultural attractions, and a slower pace are all easily accessible by shinkansen from Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Toyama is an important rice-producing area, as well as sourcing hydroelectric power and minerals from the nearby mountains that serve as a basis for chemical, textile, machinery, pulp and paper, and steel industries. The capital city of Toyama and Takaoka have long been the chief center for the production of patent medicine and drugs.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット Gokayama Ainokura Village - 相倉合掌造り集落
Gokayama Ainokura Village (source)
The Gokayama region is an area within the city of Nanto in Toyama Prefecture. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its traditional gassho-zukuri houses (similar to Shirakawa-go in Gifu). The region is secluded within the mountains in the upper reaches of the Shogawa River, thus preserving this unique traditional architectural style. Gokayama's lifestyle and culture remained very traditional for many years after the modernization of the majority of the country, and many of the houses here are over 300 years old.
Ainokura is the largest of these villages, with nearly 20 gassho-zukuri farmhouses. Many are still private residences, although some have been converted into restaurants, museums, and minshuku, where you can stay overnight at a farm house. With less development and more difficulty to reach this secluded village, there is less tourist traffic than some of the other villages. There are visiting hours attached to the village to avoid disturbing the residents (8:30-17:00), thus helping to preserve the quiet life in this village.
Folk dances, music utilizing unique, traditional instruments, and special washi paper techniques characterize this area. You can listen to the sasara, an instrument made of over a hundred wooden clappers strung together, which is symbolic of the region and a popular souvenir. There are also washi paper workshops where you can try your hand at making washi paper.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Kombujime - 昆布締め
Kombujime (source)
Kombujime (also kobujime) is a local Toyama dish made by sandwiching light-tasting foods such as whitefish (most commonly marlin) and wild vegetables between sheets of kelp (or kombu). Other popular fillings include other whitefish, shrimp, tofu, and beef. The prefecture boasts the highest kelp consumption, and thus kombu is also widely available at supermarkets.
The technique used to make kombujime (which means "kombu curing") enhances the taste of the sashimi through aging the fish between two sheets of kombu. This technique softens the fish texture and the glutamates from the kelp transfer over to the fish, accentuating its flavor.
Toyama Dialect・Toyama-ben・富山弁
Toyama-ben is also called Etchu-ben (越中弁), and consists of West (Gosei, 呉西), East (Gotō, 呉東), and Gokayama (五箇山) dialects. The dialect is a combination of sounds and features close to Kansai and Tohoku dialects, but still quite different from the other dialects in the Hokuriku area.
うい ui
Standard Japanese: いっぱい 、満足、胸やお腹が苦しい (ippai, mune ya onaka ga kurushii) English: I'm stuffed; my chest or stomach feels tight
食べ過ぎて、はらういわ。 tabesugite, hara ui wa
食べ過ぎて、はらいっぱい。 tabesugite, hara ippai
I ate too much, I'm stuffed.
2. きどくな kidokuna
Standard Japanese: ありがとう (arigatou) English: thank you
あら、きどくな。 ara, kidokuna
あら、ありがとう。 ara, arigatou
Oh my, thank you.
3. じゃまない (jyamanai)
Standard Japanese: 大丈夫、問題ない (daijyoubu, mondai nai) English: I'm OK, no problem
A: 体調、いかがですか? B: じゃまない、じゃまない! A: taichou, ikaga desu ka? B: jamanai, jamanai!
A: 体調、いかがですか? B: 大丈夫、大丈夫! A: taichou, ikaga desu ka? B: daijyoubu, daijyoubu
A: How are you feeling? B: I'm doing well!
4. こわい (kowai)
Standard Japanese: かたい (katai) English: firm, tough
このご飯、こわいわ。 kono gohan, kowai wa.
このご飯、かたいなあ。 kono gohan, katai naa.
This rice is really hard.
5. つかえん (tsukaen) (also, なん nan、つけん tsuken)
Standard Japanese: かまわない、問題ない (kamawanai, mondai nai) English: it's fine, it's no problem
A: もう少し、待っていただけますか? B: つかえんちゃ! A: mou sukoshi, matte itadakemasu ka? B: tsukaen cha!
A: もう少し、待っていただけますか? B: 問題ない! A: mou sukoshi, matte itadakemasu ka? B: mondai nai!
A: Can you please wait a little longer? B: No problem!
More Toyama dialect here (JP with EN).
#japanese prefectures#日本語#japanese#japanese language#japanese langblr#langblr#studyblr#都道府県#富山県#toyama
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Hunt Mark Bune is actually Rielle's Dad - Translations
The English translation changed a bunch of facts that led English-only players to miss that Rielle's father is indeed alive and you can hunt him.
In the Japanese quest, this is what Sidurgu says about Rielle's family:
Sidurgu: WoL.... I've finally pieced together the whole story, from what we found in our investigation, what Rielle testified... and what I found out through the underground.
Her real name is Rielle de Caulignont. A daughter of the same well-known aristocratic Caulignont family that produces many famous clergy and instrumental Holy See attendants.
That mother... the female family head, Ystride de Caulignont, married another aristocratic man and bore Rielle.
Unbeknownst to her, her groom was a member of a radical faction of heretics who had drunk dragon blood...
A few years later, after having finished secretly leaking information gained in the Caulignont family to the heretics, the man drank more dragon blood and fully transformed into a dragon, and tried to kill his family.
However, his plan to kill them was foiled by elite knights but... knowing that her daughter had that man's- that dragon's- blood, Ystride locked up her daughter.
...Coming to kill her after all this time must be her way of showing her loyalty to the Holy See.
In any case, as Dark Knights we must carry out our duty. By winning this dual with her, that is.
This is what the Japanese hunt mark description says:
ユステシア: 異端者は、多くが平民出身だけど、中には貴族もいるわ。ある男性貴族が、妻である名門貴族の女当主を利用することで、長年に渡り、神殿騎士団の情報を流していた事があってね。
Eustacia: Heretics usually come from the common people, but there are some aristocrats among them. One such aristocratic man used his wife, the female head of a noted aristocratic family, to get information on the Temple knights to leak, for many years. Of all things he could have done, the man finished his intelligence gathering by drinking dragon blood and turning into a scalekin himself. In order to kill his family and hide the evidence... Thankfully, the Temple Knights intervened and stopped the worst from happening. The man who turned into a scalekin was said to have escaped the city and run away. The one who put out the hunt bounty on him was none other than his surviving wife.
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Hitorie - Shadowpray - Lyrics English Translation
Music: Yumao Lyrics: Yumao/Shinoda 後悔 状態 未来 想像なんてつかない Remorse, circumstance, occurrence, all that which I can’t even fathom 電線の行方 Where do the electric wires lead 情熱 才能 醜態 みんな許せない Passion, talent, misdemeanor, all that which I can’t forgive 水滴が濁す Beads of water that muddle 心臓 ���情 由来 言語化はし難い The heart, love, origins, all that which is difficult to put into words ゆりかごの跡 The vestiges of a baby cradle 能動 回転 現在 どうなったって良いじゃん Activity, orbit, the instant, I don’t care what happens 心の隙間 The gaps in my heart 触れないでまだ Don’t touch me yet 足りない、足りない、足りない、帰れない It’s not yet enough, it’s not yet enough, it’s not yet enough, I can’t go back 着飾って 孤独と嘘を溶かしても Despite embellishing it, and melting the lies and loneliness away 物語は始まらない My story isn’t beginning 最大公約数、最中 熱は冷めていく The greatest common factor, in the great moment the heat begins to die down faster 逃げないで 虚空の幼い切断と Don’t run away, the young severance of empty space and 湿度に溺れる、明日も 明日も Drowning in the humidity, day after day 今も 祈る 黒い影 Even now, I pray, the black shadow 触れないでまだ Don’t touch me yet 足りない 足りない It’s not yet enough, it’s not yet enough 触れないでまだ Don’t touch me yet 足りない 足りない 足りない、、、 It’s not yet enough, it’s not yet enough, it’s not yet enough,,, 同情 批判 葛藤 どうなったって良いんだ Empathy, criticism, conflict, I don’t care what happens また繰り返しちゃってる Here we go again 着飾った 孤独と嘘が手を繋ぐ I embellished it, the lies and the loneliness join hands 唱えたいことが有り触れる Things I want to sing of exist far and near 最大公約数、最中 熱は冷めていく The greatest common factor, in the great moment the heat begins to die down faster 今だけ 差し伸べる壁の向こう In this exact moment, I reach out to the other side of the wall 優しく誘われる明日も Even the day, after I’m gently lured in 今も 願う 願う 白い影 And even now, I wish, I wish, the white shadow 僕の影 My shadow 見失って胸が痛む夜も Even during the nights when I lose sight of my shadow and my chest aches 笑って居れる明日も 明日も I can keep on smiling, day after day 今も 想う 黒い影 Even now, I think fondly upon, the black shadow
● Could the song name be paying homage to Joy Division's song "Shadowplay"? Maybe…
● Relevant segment from the Skream! interview https://skream.jp/interview/2025/01/hitorie.php:
-なるほど。そしてゆーまおさんの楽曲「Shadowpray」はどんな着想でしたか? Yuka Ishizumi, interviewer: What was the inspiration behind Yumao's song, Shadowpray? ゆーまお:これは逆に、全くオルタナとかシューゲイザーのこと等1ミリも考えてなくて(笑)。 Yumao: This song, unlike Quadlirateral Vase, did not involve even one ounce of regard for alternative or shoegazer or anything like that(laughs). シノダ:興味ないもんね(笑)。 Shinoda: You’ve got no interest in those genres after all (laughs). ゆーまお:「Shadowpray」を作ってた頃からこの2年間ぐらい、バンド・サウンドの曲をほとんど作ってなくて。 Yumao: We wrote Shadowpray 2 years ago, and since then we haven’t written any rock band style songs. シノダ:モードが逆転したんだけど(笑)。 Shinoda: We entered into a totally different mode (laughs). ゆーまお:そうそう、逆転したんですよね。そういうモードになっちゃって、ループ素材とかシーケンスを使う曲を量産してたんです。 Yumao: That’s right, we swerved in a completely new direction. And once we got into that zone, we started mass producing songs that utilized sequencers and loop samples. シノダ:これまでの彼の曲のデモは絶対自分で叩いたドラムが入ってて、彼のドラムありきみたいなデモだったので、バンド・サウンドが多かったんですよ。(今回は)全然そうじゃない。逆にリズム・トラックだけで10トラックぐらい入ってるみたいな(笑)。 Shinoda: Up until then Yumao’s drafts have always involved him playing the drums himself, and due to his drum playing being so prominent, his songs have always sounded rock band-esque. However, this time things were different. This time around our album has around 10 tracks that are just backing tracks (laughs). ゆーまお:リズム・トラックのことだけはなんとなく分かるからそうなっちゃってるだけなんですけど、そんな感じでシノダの反応も一番良かったのでこれになりました。あとはだいたいの歌詞を書いたのが一番の変化ですかね。 Yumao: Somehow backing tracks are like my bread and butter, so it just kind of ended up that way. Not to mention that Shinoda reacts the best to them. The overall biggest change though was that I wrote most of the lyrics myself this time around. シノダ:ついにゆーまお君が歌詞を書くことになりました。好きになったんだよね。もともと好きっていうのもあるけど。 Shinoda: At long last has Yumao done a deep-dive into lyric writing. He came to really enjoy doing it. I mean, he’s always enjoyed it but… ゆーまお:そうそう。好きだったっていうのもあるけど、自分がたまたま書いてた歌詞をちゃんと作品として残してみたいと思ったのが一番強いかもしれないですね。楽曲どうこうというより、そこにチャレンジしたいっていうのはありました。 Yumao: Yep yep. The fact that I enjoy writing lyrics was one part of the formula, but the most important thing to me was my desire to turn the words I once wrote willy-nilly into something proper. The musical accompaniment wasn’t my top priority, I was more fussy with the lyrics, because that was the challenge I was most interested in taking. -たしかにゆーまおさんの楽曲はアルバムの中で、音像としてはフックになってますね。それでもダークさはある気がして。今回は曲が集まって、結果的にオルタナティヴ色が濃くなったんでしょうか。 It’s true that Yumao’s songs, in terms of pure musical imagery, tend to be “the hooks” of your albums. Yet they do also have a tinge of darkness to them. So, once you put all of the songs together into an album, I feel like the result of the whole is a heavily alternative-colored piece. シノダ:どうしても根底にある好きなものが滲み出てしまうもんで、そこの蛇口がちょっとバカになってきたみたいな感じだと思うんですけど。昔3人でやり始めた頃はとにかく迷いながら、"本当にこれでいいんだろうか?"、"正しいんだろうか?"みたいな、分かるわけないようなことに対して悩みながら作ってたけど、だんだん"そうじゃないな"、"別にもっと好きなものを作ったっていいんじゃないの?"と。それで作っていったら単純にオルタナが好きで、それがバレてしまったみたいなことなんじゃないかなと思いますね(笑)。 Shinoda: My core interests just tend to seep out no matter what I do, and at this point I think my faucet is fucked. Back when we first started operating as a 3 man unit, I was constantly under stress when writing, worrying about things that had no answers. I was just constantly doubting myself, thinking “Are you really sure this okay?” and “Is this the right thing to do?” Slowly but surely I came to realize that there was no need to worry, and let my creative juices run free. Once I did that, I think it became pretty obvious that I just, love alternative music (laughs).
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The Contradictory Grim the End
A certain craftsman made a key
The door it opens no longer exists in this world
理不尽な運命 その果てに倒れた
Having succumbed at the end of an irrational, unfair fate
Were two opposing souls of light and darkness
That was "Grim the End"
The symbol of the sin of wrath
The man of darkness was Twiright
Who sought for evil to prosper by splitting up the original sin
The man of light was Moonlit
Who sought its destruction for the sake of the one he loved
It would change its form for each era--was it
A vessel to make sin?
A tool to kill sin?
A cruel fairytale over hundreds of years produced
A vessel that drew out people's innate rage
The rage of someone who's lost their love
Would likely put an end to it
It contradicted its own existence
偽りの公爵 女を拐かし
A false duke kidnapped a woman,
And incurred the vengeance of her lover
A starved noble woman was poisoned
By a prince who'd been charmed by her past self
That was a judgment to hand down punishment
To those grave sinners
Though the Daughter of Evil killed her dear friend
The Daughter of White forgave her
Unable to achieve his goal, the man of light
少しずつ魂 すり減り始めた
Felt his soul begin to wear down, little by little
If he kept living on this way with his memories intact, eventually
By the Rules of the gods
His soul would break down
My rusting, chipping gear
Doesn't have much time left
Still, until I've erased all of the sin
I won't give up
Until the day I can see you again
The heartbroken judge
Had the end goal of gathering the fragments of sin
The gear of light that came to possess him
Had already rusted and broken to pieces
Though it had existed to kill sin
Now it sought sin out
That was the contradictory Grim the End
The man of darkness' roar of laughter
Could be heard from somewhere
A cruel fairytale over hundreds of years produced
A vessel that drew out people's innate rage
The rage of someone who's lost their love
Will likely put an end to me
It made a contradiction...
I'll go to see you very soon
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下尾 みうは、日本のアイドル、YouTuberであり、女性アイドルグループ・AKB48のメンバーである。元チーム8 山口県代表。山口県出身。Superball所属。2018年6月から8月にかけて放送された公開オーディション番組『PRODUCE 48』のファイナリスト。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 山口県
生年月日: 2001年4月3日 (年齢 22歳)
身長: 162 cm
デビュー: 2014年
事務所: Superball
愛称: みう
2018年にMnetで放送されたオーディション番組『PRODUCE 48』に出演し、ダンスやパフォーマンスのクオリティの高さが韓国で注目を集めた。 2018年7月20日に放送された同番組の第6話ではポジション評価の様子が放送され、24日には各動画サイトを通じ、この評価で行われたステージの個人フォーカス動画が公開。韓国の動画サイト「NAVER TV」では、下尾のフォーカス動画の再生回数がHKT48の宮脇咲良に続いて全体の2位にランクインし、日韓のネット上では絶賛の声が寄せられた。以降も韓国を含む中国、タイなどアジアでの人気が高い。2018年9月に開催中の「山口花博」で行われた下尾のスペシャルライブに韓国から多数のファンが来場した。
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愛してあげられなくてごめんね I'm Sorry I Couldn't Love You
Music/Lyrics: Vuvuzela Illustration/Video: SiK-SiK English Translation/Subtitles: Kesera
Our Tumblr: https://magenetratranslations.tumblr.com/ Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_magenetra Current WIPS, Producer Permissions List, and Translation Terms: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jdtr8oVjZP6tjSIRtfu1JWiW4VHQa4tjMMCAzv0-KIw/edit?usp=sharing Raffle Discord: https://discord.gg/7gRYaugxTZ
愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 「いいよ!」 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 だってタイミングなかったもん 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 “わかってあげたフリ”だったよ I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. "It’s alright!" I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I just never got the chance to. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. “I was just pretending to understand you”
便利な時代になったもんだね アンタにゃばれっこない嫌なとこ 便利な時代になったもんだね 面会室に差し入れラブレター に、書いたんだ It was a convenient time It’s something horrible that you never would’ve realized. It was a convenient time, so I dropped off the love letter I wrote in the visitation room
「愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 だってタイミングなかったもん 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 ぎゅっと首を抱き締めて I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I just never got the chance to. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. Please put your arms around my neck and hold me tight
「全世界が夕暮れ 崖際に立って笑う君の 頬を伝った水で育ててみたカーネイション」 ぜんぶ今朝見た夢のこと "The whole world is twilight, you’re standing at the edge of a cliff, smiling water rolled down your cheek trying to nurture a carnation” I dreamt all of that this morning
毎日心配させてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 “わかってくれたフリ”をして 僕ばかり元気そうでごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 愛想なくなってもみせて I’m sorry for making you worry every single day. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. “I was just pretending to understand you” I’m sorry I’m the only one who’s seemed so lively. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. Show it to me, no matter how unkind
忘れたのなら思い出せ! 「私はあなたの、ことが好きです。だから私と別れてください」 そう口にした、貴方の横顔 ハッとするほど綺麗だった 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。 ごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 If you’ve forgotten it, then remember! "That I love you. So please break up with me" You said, your face in profile I was surprised by your beauty. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
仮に上半身が吹っ飛んでなくなっちゃっても 何にも気にせず愛せるくらいに貴方が好きよ 次に下半身が独りでに歩き出したなら 一緒にスキップしましょう ねえ どうせ死ぬなら僕の横にいて。そうして。そうして。 数えきれない暴力の夢 ならばリアルは全て優しく Even if my upper body gets blown off I love you so much that I can love you without having to worry about anything If my lower half were to start walking on its own then let’s skip along together Hey, stay by my side if we’re gonna die anyways. And then. And then. I can’t count how many violent dreams I’ve had. If that’s the case, reality is entirely kind.
愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。 だってタイミングなかったもん 愛してあげられなくてごめんね。ごめんね。 ごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。ごめんね。 I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I just never got the chance to. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
#youtube#I'm Sorry I Couldn't Love You#愛してあげられなくてごめんね#utau#utauloid#vocaloid#kasane teto#Vuvuzela#translation
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⋱ ★⭐︎𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒⭐︎★ ⋰
ボストンを拠点とする実験的なロックバンド。私が彼らを見つけたのはyoutubeだったと思う、「I hate shoegaze 」という曲のMusicVideoが突然流れてきて街を駆���抜け、小さなスタジオで演奏する1分半もない映像が私に刺さった..................
“The collective of Jimrat consists of vocalist and songwriter Sam, drummer Tim, bassist E guitarist/vocalist/synthesist Emma, guitarist/vocalist Josie, guitarist Jacob, electronic music producer Fern, artist and performed Lauren, photographer/performer/painter Stephen, and graphic designer/creative director Hector.”
彼らのスタイルは、ノイズロック、シューゲイズ、インディーロック、エレクトロニックな要素を融合していて、DIY精神に溢れたジャンルの境界を越えるアプローチ。アンビエント的なものも取り込まれていて10月のリリースされたシングルのカップリング曲「Again」「Give in」 は10分以上にも及ぶアンビエント楽曲となっている。
バンドはWHO IS RECORDSというレーベルに所属し、これまでに複数のアルバムやシングルをリリース、彼らの作品には、ノスタルジックなインターネット美学が取り入れられていて、彼らのウェブサイトが特にそれを感じる。
instagram@whoisjimrat ←
#Youtube#Spotify#indie rock#indie music#shoegaze#noise rock#ambient#electric music#art collective#music blog
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💕Yumi Arai Roleplay account💕
Scenario (EN): Yumi was informed about Tumblr by a fan in a grocery store, so she joins due to her interest peaking in the site💕
Scenario (JP): ユミ は、小売店のファンからTumblrについて知られていたので、彼女はサイトへの興味のピークのために彼女に加わります💕
💕 Warnings!💕
Age warning (En): Please be 15+ to interact with this account, due to the mature themes this account will use (Smoking, Drinking, Ect)
Age warning (Jp): このアカウントでコミュニケーションするには15歳以上になることをお勧めします。 (Smoking, Drinking, Ect)
Genuine Warning (En): I am Not Miss Yuming, I am just a fan from the us, I don't know how to speak English I am using a accurate japanese Translator until I learn Japanese myself.
Genuine Warning (Jp): 俺はミス・ユミンじゃない 私はアメリカからのファンで、私は英語を話す方法を知らない私は私が日本語を自分で学ぶまで正確な日本語翻訳機を使用しています。
Harassment/Not Interested (EN): If you aren't a fan of the account just block it, no one really gives a damn harassing is for weaklings anyways so don't harass this account or any other Musician Roleplay because they put lots of work and energy into making their account and don't need some annoying pricks ruining the fun.
Harassment/Not Interested (JP): あなたがアカウントのファンでない場合は、それをブロックするだけで、誰も本当に悪魔の嫌がらせを与えることは、いずれにせよ弱い人々のためにありますので、彼らは彼らの口座を作成するために多くの仕事とエネルギーを投入し、楽しみを台無しにいく��かのイライラするピックを必要としません。
💕Solo Career💕
Yumi Matsutoya (松任谷 由実, Matsutōya Yumi, born January 19, 1954), nicknamed Yuming (ユーミン, Yūmin),is a Japanese singer, composer, lyricist and pianist. Generally the writer of both the lyrics and the music in her songs,she is renowned for her idiosyncratic voice and live performances, and is one of the most prominent figures in the history of Japanese popular music.
Her recording career has been commercially successful with more than 42 million records sold. In 1990, her album The Gates of Heaven became the first album to be certified "2x million" by the RIAJ, and she has had twenty-one No. 1 albums listed on the Oricon charts.
She is the only artist to have at least one number-one album every year on the Oricon charts for 18 consecutive years.
After gaining several years of experience as a session musician, she debuted as a singer-songwriter in 1972. During her early career, she worked under her birth name Yumi Arai (荒井 由実, Arai Yumi). In 1975, Arai became known as a composer for "Ichigo Hakusho wo Mou Ichido", a commercially successful song recorded by the folk duo BanBan. She also gained popularity as a vocalist in the same year through the success of "Ano Hi ni Kaeritai", which became her first number-one hit on Japan's Oricon Charts. Other famous songs include "Haru-yo, Koi" and "Sweet, Bitter Sweet".
She also uses the name Kureta Karuho (呉田軽穂), which is derived from the Swedish film star Greta Garbo, when offering her work to other musicians.
In The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture, it is written that "Yuming incorporated influences from progressive rock and European pop to produce a sophisticated, upper-middle-class female Japanese voice and sound in a contemporary musical and journalistic world dominated by discussions of folk music and social critique. This musical idiom is generally thought to have been first realised on [...] Cobalt Hour".
The album The 14th Moon and the three albums that ranked in the top 10 of the Japanese charts in 1976 (Cobalt Hour, Yuming Brand, and Hikōki-gumo) "contained several songs which are considered to be early classics of the J-pop genre."
After marrying her musical collaborator Masataka Matsutoya in 1976, Arai began recording under her married name and has continued to do so. Throughout the 1980s, Matsutoya's music was prominently featured in advertisements for Mitsubishi Motors in her native Japan and her image was used to promote their vehicles. In addition to multiple hit singles, she has obtained enormous commercial success on the Japanese Albums Chart, particularly during the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s.
The magazine Shūkan Gendai ranked Matsutoya third (behind only Miyuki Nakajima and Masayoshi Son) in a list of the smartest Japanese figures that was determined based on the criteria of "intelligence, determination, sensibility and capability".
💕Information On Yumi Arai💕
Early years
Yumi Arai was born in 1954 in Hachiōji, Tokyo. She had three brothers and one sister, and her family ran a draper shop called Arai Gofukuten, established in 1912. When she was a junior high school student, she used to go to an Italian restaurant called Chianti, which had opened in 1960. In those days, many celebrities went to the restaurant; Akira Kurosawa, Yukio Mishima, Kōbō Abe, Seiji Ozawa, Ryu Murakami, Taro Okamoto, Kishin Shinoyama, and Hiroshi "Monsieur" Kamayatsu, who eventually became her first record producer.
Alfa Music, the publishing company to which she belonged early her in career (later to become a full-fledged record label in 1977), was founded by people who were regular customers at Chianti.
Her nickname "Yuming" was given to her by Sy Chen (シー・ユー・チェン), a Chinese bassist she had a crush on when she was 13 years old. She began her music career when she was still young. At the age of 14, she worked as a musician for the first time. Having worked as a studio musician, she also wrote many original songs. When she was 17 years old, her first original song titled "Ai wa Totsuzen ni" was released. It was sung by Katsumi Kahashi, the former guitarist of the influential 1960s Japanese band The Tigers.
In April 1972, Arai entered Tama Art University. At the same time, she signed with then-publishing company Alfa as a music artist. At first, she wanted to be a songwriter. However, the founder of the publishing company, Kunihiko Murai, encouraged her to work as a singer-songwriter.
Early career; works as Yumi Arai
On July 5, 1972, Arai released her debut single "Henji wa Iranai". It was produced by Hiroshi "Monsieur" Kamayatsu, the former vocalist of The Spiders. Released by Toshiba EMI, the label to which she would be affiliated and release all her albums throughout her career, under its Liberty sublabel (with Alfa acting as publishing company), her first single sold only 300 copies. (It would later feature in re-recorded form on her debut LP, Hikō-ki Gumo.)
She recorded her first full album, Hikō-ki Gumo, with the band Caramel Mama, better known as Tin Pan Alley, which consisted of Haruomi Hosono, Shigeru Suzuki, Tateo Hayashi and Masataka Matsutoya, and it was released by Toshiba EMI under its Express sublabel in November 1973; the title track (and lead-off track) was later used as the theme song for the movie The Wind Rises (2013). For her next album, MISSLIM, (1974), Masataka Matsutoya, who was the keyboardist of Tin Pan Alley, arranged all of her songs. Her third studio album, Cobalt Hour (1975), features her early famous song "Sotsugyō Shashin". The same year, it was covered by the chorus group Hi-Fi Set (who also performed on the original song) on their first album with the same name. That cover version also succeeded as a single. In later years, it was covered by many Japanese artists and became one of Japan's classic pop songs. The same year, the male folk duo BanBan recorded her song "Ichigo Hakusho o Mou Ichido" and reached number one on the Oricon chart. Because of the commercial success of other artists, she became famous as a songwriter.
Yumi achieved moderate success with her fifth single, Rouge no Dengon ("Rouge Message"), an up-tempo song considered to be a proto J-Pop classic. She gained a television appearance singing this song with the top Japanese girl group of the time, Candies, and the song has been covered by a number of artists over the years.
Her first top hit as a singer-songwriter was her sixth single "Ano Hi ni Kaeritai". In August 1975, it was used as the theme song for the TBS TV drama Katei no Himitsu. Two months later, it was released as a single and reached the top of the Oricon chart. The 14th Moon (1976), her final album as Yumi Arai, featured Leland Sklar on bass and Mike Baird on drums. Since this album, Masataka Matsutoya has produced all her albums himself. She considers her nickname "Yuming" to also mean the name of the union with her husband. Following the success with "Ano Hi ni Kaeritai", it became her first album to reach number one on the Oricon chart. Besides, in the end of the year chart in 1976, three of her albums (Cobalt Hour, Yuming Brand, and Hikō-ki Gumo) ranked in the top 10.
Four years after her debut, she dominated the Japanese album charts. This astonishing record has never been broken by anyone since.
In 1989, her fifth single, "Rouge no Dengon" (from her third album), and third single, "Yasashisa ni Tsutsumaretanara" (the version used was from her second album), were featured as the theme songs of the film Kiki's Delivery Service. Nowadays, those tunes are known as her early notable songs.
Some of her songs were deeply influenced by many American and European musicians, such as Joni Mitchell and Carole King. As a pioneering singer-songwriter who mixed Western culture and Japanese pop, she left a strong impression on Japanese popular music.
Works as Yumi Matsutoya
After marrying Masataka Matsutoya on November 29, 1976, she had considered retirement. But eventually she decided to continue to work as a musician, performing under her married name. In 1978, her memorable first album as Yumi Matsutoya, entitled Benisuzume was released. In the late 1970s and early 80s, she released two albums every year. However, those albums were less successful than the ones she released when she was single. Nevertheless, she wrote several of her well-known songs during those years, and her albums reached the top 10 on the Oricon chart.
Before the release of Benisuzume, a compilation named Album was released by Toshiba EMI. It mainly contained songs she had released as Yumi Arai, and two songs released as singles only. Matsutoya didn't want to release this compilation; in her autobiography released in 1982, she writes about this album and calls it "The biggest stain on my music career."
Because of this, she never allowed the release of another compilation album until 1998. However, her ex-record-label-and-publishing-company Alfa Records had, after 1977 (when Alfa finally established itself as an independent record label), released many compilations which consisted of her old tunes without her permission. Hence, in the late 1990s, she bought the copyrights of all her songs that she had written under her maiden name; helping in this decision was the fact that Toshiba EMI had by then regained control, in 1994, of the Alfa catalogue, including the albums released by Toshiba EMI while Alfa was still a publishing company, thus her early catalogue being spared of Alfa's 2001 sale to Sony after Alfa faced financial difficulties.
Her tenth album, Surf and Snow (1980), changed the negative tide for her. When the album was released, it did not sell as well as others had previously. However, in 1986, "Koibito ga Santa Claus" became popular as the theme song for the hit movie ''Take Me out to the Snowland [jp] (私をスキーに連れてって, Watashi wo Ski ni Tsuretette.) (1987). The album eventually sold over 400,000 copies. In 1981, she returned to the top of Japanese pop music. Her husband wrote the score for the movie Nerawareta Gakuen, which was directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi and distributed by Kadokawa Pictures. She wrote "Mamotte Agetai" as the theme song for the movie. The single of this song reached number two on Oricon and sold nearly 700,000 copies. Following the success of the single, her eleventh album Sakuban Oaishimasho (1981) became her second number one album. From that year through 1997, 17 consecutive studio albums she released reached number one on the Oricon charts.
Ian Martin of The Japan Times wrote in 2016, "At the same time she was contributing to Matsuda's record-breaking run of No. 1 hit singles, Matsutoya’s own work retained an almost militant focus on albums, and the balance she struck between commercial success and artistic integrity is a source of inspiration to many aspiring musicians."
In 1982, she published an autobiography, Rouge no Dengon. In this book, she wrote about her life in an exaggerated style. She contemplated doing the artwork on her own albums. The artwork of the album Sakuban Oaishimasho (1981) was designed by Hipgnosis, and the video Compartment was produced by Storm Thorgerson, Aubrey Powell and Peter Christopherson. A logo design from the latter film also became the logo of "Yuming", and was used as the cover of the 1984 album No Side. Aubrey Powell and Richard Evans of Hipgnosis also designed the cover of the 1983 album "Voyager". Since the 1970s, she has also been famous as an artist who performs in concerts using gorgeous and novel sets. She used elaborate visual technology on the stage and it is said that they cost over a hundred million yen. She has released two live albums and several videos. In 1986, she released her first live album, Yuming Visualive DA-DI-DA,. It was released on CD and cassette tape only, and it became one of the rarest items among her fans for many years
Hikō-ki Gumo (1973) (credited to "Yumi Arai")
Misslim (1974) (credited to "Yumi Arai")
Cobalt Hour (1975) (credited to "Yumi Arai")
14-banme no Tsuki (The 14th Moon) (1976) (credited to "Yumi Arai")
Benisuzume (1978)
Ryūsenkei '80 (1978)
Olive (1979)
Kanashii Hodo Otenki (The Gallery in My Heart) (1979)
Toki no Nai Hotel (1980)
Surf and Snow Volume One (1980)
Mizu no Naka no Asia e (1981)
Sakuban Oaishimashō (1981)
Pearl Pierce (1982)
Reincarnation (1983)
Voyager (1983)
No Side (1984)
Da-Di-Da (1985)
Alarm à la mode (1986)
Diamond Dust ga Kienumani (Before the Diamond Dust Fades...) (1987)
Delight Slight Light Kiss (1988)
Love Wars (1989)
Tengoku no Door (The Gates of Heaven) (1990)
Dawn Purple (1991)
Tears and Reasons (1992)
U-miz (1993)
The Dancing Sun (1994)
Kathmandu (1995)
Cowgirl Dreamin' (1997)
Suyua no Nami (The Wave of Zuvuya) (1997)
Frozen Roses (1999)
Acacia (2001)
Wings of Winter, Shades of Summer (2002)
Yuming Compositions: Faces (2003)
Viva! 6×7 (2004)
A Girl in Summer (2006)
Soshite Mouichido Yumemiru Darou (And I Will Dream Again...) (2009)
Road Show (2011)
Pop Classico (2013)
Uchū Toshokan (Universal Library) (2016)
Shinkai no Machi (2020)
💕Other Roleplay Accounts💕
💕Roleplay friends💕 (From other accounts I rp on)
George Account
Kathleen Hana Account
Gwen Account
Graham Coxon
#yumi matsutoya#yumi arai#lipstick message#Jpop rp#Musician rp#japanese music#citypop#kiki's delivery service#the wind rises#rouge no degon#1980s#1980s music#Spotify
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new challenge. how many vocap from otomu afu & yoshida yose's shiritori game can u recognize. i dont care if u can name a song but how many names do u KNOW uve seen before out of these 166 producers
んべべ商会(nbebe shoukai)
イマニシ (imanishi)
露徒チーハ(rotsure chiha)
原口沙輔(haraguchi sasuke)
海風太陽(umikaze taiyou)
読谷あかね(yomitani akane)
柊マグネタイト(hiiragi magnetite)
栗山夕璃(kuriyama yuri)
Super Shrimp
式浦躁吾(shikiura sougo)
宮守文学(miyamori bungaku)
白風珈琲(shirakaze coffee)
柊キライ(hiiragi kirai)
真島ゆろ(mashima yuro)
卯花ロク(uka roku)
黒うさぎ(kuro usagi)(note: NOT kurousa of senbonzakura fame)
歌川シキ(utagawa shiki)
霧野査太(kirino souta)
夏山よつぎ(natsuyama yotsugi)
r-906(あるくれむと読むことにする/going with the reading of r kuremu)
Hitoka hitomoku
歩く人(aruku hito)
友達募集(tomodachi boshuu)
Last Note.
きっとずっとぼっち。(kitto zutto botchi)
袖野あらわ(sodeno arawa)
和田たけあき(wada takeaki)
香椎モイミ(kashii moimi)
皆川溺(minagawa obore)
小宮かふぃー(komiya cofey)
あだちかすか(adachi kasuka)
藤原ハガネ(fujihara hagane)
木村わい(kimura wai)
すずめのめ(suzume no me)
くるみつはハチ(kurumitsuha hachi)
駱駝法師(rakuda houshi)
ローコスト(low cost)
音無あふ(otomu afu)
#vsynth#i recognized 96 of them lmao#yes litmus is on there twice & they admit that but im just copy pasting & adding romaji so#if theres typos im so sorry#shu in the replies like 'how did u get my name from that'#& otomus like g -> ji -> shi -> shu#vocaloid#not surprising a lot of my fave producers are here considering theyre friends.#well idk if magu is but like dopam!ne & szri & kurousagi are sort of in the same circles#go nuts im going to bed now maybe
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (24)
Ss for Straif (Blackthorn) - Samhain/Hallowe'en, opening the veil between this world and the spirit world…
“Mother of the Forest – The Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), The Beginning of Winter”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn; Gemstone: black opal; Gender: female; Patron: Morrigan; Symbol: inevitability of death, protection + revenge, discord + insidiousness
Blackthorn forms vigorous young trees from the roots, from which dense, thorny bushes grow in dense clumps. Armed with sharp thorns, which can damage human skin. It already starts flowering in early spring, at the beginning of March, and with the onset of winter it produces black berries, commonly known as 'sloes'.
Samhain is the most important festival in the Celtic world, celebrated on 1st November to mark the beginning of winter and therefore the new year. The name 'Samhain' means 'end of summer'. The seasons change from summer to winter (the time of the dead) with this festival. It is a period of short days and darkness, but it is a necessary period for nature to enter a peaceful rest and welcome the bright spring. In the calendar of agricultural societies, this is an important stage for the germination of crop seeds.
Samhain was the solemn festival, when fires were lit and sacrifices were offered to gods such as Taranis and Teutates. Importantly, it was believed that on the eve of this day, 31 October, a passage between this world and the spirit world was opened, allowing inhabitants from the other world to come and visit this world freely and interact with humans in this world. However, while the comings and goings were sometimes favourable, it was also envisaged to be dangerous.
On the Samhain eve, children went from house to house to collect festive offerings. It was also customary to celebrate Samhain by placing a brightly burning candle inside a hollowed-out turnip at the entrance to the house.
Blackthorn is a tree traditionally used for black magic and witchcraft, and its thorns remind us of our own insidious roots. We must remember that we hurt ourselves and others in many ways. If we think about how to avoid hurting each other and courageously face our own insidious roots, blackthorn can guide us to overcome this dark side of our human nature and help us to return the debts of our hearts.
It also helps us to accept the fact that death is something from which no one can escape.
ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (24)
SはStraif (リンボク) -サウィン/ハロウイーン、現世と霊界のヴェールを開く…
『森の母 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)、冬の始まり』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星; 宝石: ブラックオパール; 性: 女性; 守護神: モリガン; シンボル: 死の不可避性、保護+復讐、不和+陰湿
#trees#tree legend#tree myth#folklore#mythology#legend#celtic tree calendar#celtic world#time of the dead#winter#halloween#samhain#nature#art#turnip
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Otomedia June 2016
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
With the Only one prince + superb honeymoon in paradise♡
Only oneの王子様と+楽園で極上ハネムーン♡
▼ Spade offers a handkerchief to Joker, who is soaking wet from the rain. Phoenix is in a panic because of the rain, which he doesn't like!
Joker dressed up as a woman to participate in the World Bride Grand Prix. The exotic dress suits him ♪
世界花嫁グランプリ出場のため、ジョーカーが女装した姿。 エキゾチックなドレスがお似合い ♪
--Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki Interview
Joker and new characters such as Phoenix (Akai Tsubasa) and members of the "Devil Fang" organization led by President D continue their unpredictable adventures in "Kaitou Joker" Season 3. I'm sure your hearts are racing with excitement, but how about another thing that makes your heart flutter♥
This time, we have a fantasy of newlywed life with Joker and friends ♪ We also have special cooking tips for the future brides. Of course, the excitement will be even more intense in the full-length anime! We received the following secret information from producer Yoshiki Mabuchi of Shin-Ei Animation! The main highlights are Phoenix and Hosshi. Their mysteries will be gradually revealed during the 16 episodes between Season 3 and the upcoming Season 4. In Season 1 and Season 2, the story was rather complete, but in Season 3 and Season 4, the mystery will be solved by watching all the episodes. Also, the tricks this time were supervised by a real magician, RYOTA, who came up with the ideas for the tricks.
Let's explore the charms of Season 3 from various angles, such as the concepts of new characters and the event report manga, with Producer Mabuchi still with us. ♪
赤井翼ことフェニックスやプレジデントD率いる組織「悪の牙 《デビル・フ ァング》」のメンバーなど、ジョーカーと新キャラクターたちの予測不可能な大冒険が続く『怪盗ジョーカー』シーズン3。ドキワクの連続にみなさまの心は高鳴りまくっていることと思いますが、ここで一つ、胸キュンなトキメキもいかがでしょうか♥
ということで、今回はジョーカーたちとの新婚生活をたっぷり妄想♪未来の花嫁のために、ジョーカーたちから料理にまつわる特別コメントも入手しました。もちろん、アニメ本編でもドキドキはさらに加速!シンエイ動 画の馬渕吉喜プロデューサーからは、こんなマル秘情報をGETいたしました!!! 「要注目はフェニックスとホッシーです。 シーズン3の全16話と次のシーズン4 にかけて、彼らの謎が徐々に明かされます。シーズン1・2ではわりと1話完結に近い形で物語が進んでいきましたが、 シーズン3・4では全編を通して観ることで謎が解かれる仕掛けになっています。 また、今回はトリックもリアルマジシャンのRYOTAさんに監修していただき、 アイディアを出していただいています」
馬渕Pにまだまだお付き合いいただき、 新キャラクターの設定やイベントレポートマンガなど、さまざまな角度からシーズン3の魅力を探っていきましょう♪
--Character Question
Do you prefer to cook or to eat food cooked for you? 料理は作るのが 好きですか食べるのが好きですか?
Joker: "Of course I prefer to eat, Hachi makes the best curry~! My specialty is cup ramen! I'll treat you to some another time, okay?"
ジョーカー : 「もちろん食べる方が好きだな!ハチが作るカレーは最高なんだぜ~!得意料理はカップラーメンだな! 今度ごちそうしてやるぜ?」
Tsubasa: "Hm, I've never cooked before… Well, here's the question: if I were to cook, what would it be? 1. Super spicy curry, 2. Super spicy mapo tofu, 3. Konpeito Southern Cross style (very spicy). By the way, I like very spicy food."
翼「料理は作ったことがないな〜。 さて、問題。 僕 が作るとしたら何料理でしょう? 1激辛カレー、 2 激辛マーボー豆腐、 3金平糖サザンクロス風 (激辛)。 ちなみに僕は激辛料理が好物だよ」
Spade: "I guess it's hard to decide between cooking and eating. Dark Eye makes delicious food, so I leave it up to him, but when I'm stuck in a writing dilemma, sometimes I just make French food."
スペード: 「作るか食べる かの優劣はつけがたいか な。ダークアイが美味しいご飯を作ってくれるから任 せきりだけど、執筆に煮詰 まった時はひたすらフランス料理を作ることがあるよ」
--Mabuchi P (Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki) prediction
Mabuchi P big prediction★ What if you let the phantom thieves do your housework!?
馬渕P大予想★ 怪盗たちに家事を任せるなら!?
Joker "Likely has the ability to select good things, so it could be shopping."
ジョーカー 「良い物を選別する力 があると思うので、 ショッピングでしょうか」
Hachi "All the housework. He's the ideal wife that everyone wants (laughs)"
ハチ 「家事すべて。 もはや 誰もが欲しがる、 理想の嫁ですね (笑)」
Phoenix "He's sleeping all the time, so I feel like he's going to be a lazy house-husband (laughs)"
フェニックス 「ずっと寝ているので、 ダラダラした主夫になりそうです (笑)」
Shadow "He seems to take good care of people, so I guess it would be picking up the kids and taking out the trash."
シャドウ 「面倒見は良さそうなので、子どものお迎えやゴミ出しでしょうか」
Spade "He's also a novelist, so perhaps he might not do well with housework."
スペード 「小説家もやっている ので、家事向きではないかもしれないですね」
--Mini Talk
Reverse Proposal Tips! Phantom Thief Mini Talk ♪ What gift makes you happiest?
逆プロポーズのヒント!? 怪盗ミニトーク♪ プレゼントされて一番嬉しいものは?
Joker & Tsubasa: "A game!!" Spade: "You guys are so in-tune…" Joker: "No way! Okay, if you like games, let's play an action game!" Tsubasa: "That sounds fun!" Spade: "I'll pass. You really do like that sort of thing, you're like children." Tsubasa: "You just don't like losing, do you?" Joker: "Yeah, right!" Spade: "That isn't the case! Fine then, let's do it!" Wings: "By the way, what's an action game?" Joker & Spade: "Eh……"
ジョーカー&翼 : 「ゲーム!!」 スペード: 「キミたち気が合うね……」 ジョーカー : 「あわねーよ! よぉし、ゲームが好きだって言うなら、アクションゲームで勝負し 「ようぜ!」 翼: 「おもしろそうじゃないか」 スペード: 「僕はパス。 本当に好きだね、 子どもみたいだよ」 翼: 「そんなこと言って、負けるのがイヤなだけなんじゃないのかい?」 ジョーカー : 「そーだそーだ!」 スペード: 「そんなことあるわけないだろ! やってやろうじゃないか!」 翼: 「で、 アクションゲームってなんだい?」 ジョーカー & スペード: 「え・・・・・」
--Pg 58-59
Mabuchi P's Big Prediction ★ What kind of brides will the female phantom thieves be!? "Queen is rough around the edges and wants to do the housework but often fails. She will need someone like Roko to follow her through. Ai is versatile, and she also cooks when in her Dark Eye form, so I think she will make the best bride. Rose seems surprisingly caring; However, she has been asleep for a long time, so I think she will be studying and learning modern common sense."
馬渕P大予想★ 女怪盗たちはどんな花嫁になりそう!? 「クイーンは大雑把なので、家事をやり たがるけど失敗することが多そうです。 ロコのような目線で、フォローしてくれる人が必要ですね。 アイは多才で、 ダークアイの姿のときには料理もしていたので、一番良いお嫁さんになるのではないでしょうか。ローズは、 意外と世話焼き な気がします。 ただ、 眠っていた期間が 長かったので、 これから勉強して現代の 常識などを覚えていくのかなと思います」
--INTERVIEW Producer Yoshiki Mabuchi
What is the main theme of Season 3?
The characters are fundamentally the same as in Seasons 1 and 2, but we asked Miho Shimogasa to design them with a slightly more adult or "cool" look in mind. Phoenix, Hosshi, and "Devil Fang" became the main characters at the suggestion of director Yukiyo Teramoto and series director Dai Sato. Originally, the original author, Hideyasu Takahashi, had an idea for the Phoenix and the Divine Beast, and we pulled the concepts from a rough draft of that idea. There are still many mysteries about President D, but by creating an organization called "Devil Fang" and having rival thieves belong to it, it became easier to bring out various characters in the anime. There are many fascinating characters in the original story, and we want to include them in the anime as much as possible.
In Season 3, you seem to have included a number of concepts that are original to the anime.
Yes, that's right. The concept of Hosshi eating treasures and laying eggs, where key items of the story come out of, is also an original concept of the anime. On the other hand, Akai's three-choice questions are a concept that existed in the original story, and we decided to make use of it in the anime as well, so Akai always says the three-choice question every time he appears in the story. Mr. Sato raised the bar himself, saying, "I want the questions to rhyme nicely" (laughs). He had a hard time thinking about it.
Speaking of originality, Kaneko transformed into a murderous woman in episode 30. I was surprised because this was an idea that Director Teramoto had mentioned in the August 2015 issue of Otomedia.
It was an idea that Director Teramoto had been working on for a long time. The transformation scene was quite forced, but since it was a gag episode, I thought it would be okay (laughs). The next episode, episode 31, "Shadow and Eyes and Fakes" was also a gag episode, and everyone on the staff wanted to do it. Shadow also made an appearance for the first time in a while, and he too became more of a gag (laugh). We also introduced Fake Silver Heart and fake Roko, who were not in the original work. Fake-Silver is a robot and Fake-Roko is a skunk. In the original, Fake-Queen is the character who farts, but in the anime, we switched that concept to Fake-Roko. The cast is also spectacular, with Kenichi Suzumura as fake Joker, Toshiyuki Toyonaga as fake Spade, and Kaori Nazuka as fake Queen. The casting was done after asking Ayumu Murase, who plays Joker, who he would like to play a fake version of his character.
The opening and ending sequences were just as impressive as the previous and the OP was storyboarded by Takashi Otsuka, who also directed the previous season's OP, to match Arukara's "Miracle Shounen Boy 2" with an emphasis on coolness. Tasuke Inamura, the vocalist of Arukara, came up with the idea for the intro of the song, which includes the call "Hachi!" The ED is innovative, with Joker in red and the Hachi in blue, each running on a road in their image color. The ED is sung by Fuki Commune and fits perfectly with the song "Welcome to the Shining Night!"
What are the upcoming episodes and characters?
There are stories featuring DJ Peacock and Ali Baba. Stay tuned for a rendition of "Ali Baba and the Four Detectives." The story of Rainbow Justice will also involve the Devil Fang. In addition, watch for the original anime episode "The Sky Joker in Peril"! The story and tricks are completely original, and it takes place on Joker's airship, the Sky Joker. You will also see Joker's treasure room and learn about the inside of the ship.
INTERVIEW 馬渕吉喜プロデューサー
根本的にシーズン1・2と変わらない のですが、少し大人向けというか、カッ コよさを意識して、しもがさ美穂さんにキャラデザインをしていただきました。 フェニックスやホッシー、「悪の牙 《デ ビル・ファング》」が主軸になったのは、 寺本幸代監督とシリーズ構成・佐藤大さんの提案です。 もともと、原作者のたかはしひでやす先生のほうでフェニックスと神獣に関するアイディアがありまして、 そのラフ案から設定を引っ張らせていただきました。 プレジデントDに関してはまだ謎が多いのですが、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》という組織を作ってライバル怪盗たちを所属させることで、いろいろなキャラクターをアニメに出しやすくなりました。原作には魅力的なキャラクターがたくさんいるので、できるだけアニメでも登場させたいと思っています。
そうなんです。 ホッシーがお宝を食べるとタマゴを生んで、中から物語のキーとなるアイテムが出てくるというのも、 アニメオリジナルの設定です。 逆に赤井が三択問題を出すのは原作にあった設定で、アニメでもそれを活かしてみようと思い、赤井が登場する度に必ず三択問題を言うようになったんです。佐藤さんが、 「きれいに韻を踏んだ問題にしたい」とご自分でハードルを上げていて(笑)。 考えるのに苦労されているようです。
寺本監督がずっと温めていたアイディアだったんです。 変身シーンはかなり強引でしたが、ギャグ回なので大丈夫かなと(笑)。続く第31話 「影と瞳と偽物と」 もギャグ回で、スタッフみんながやりたがっていたエピソードでした。シャドウも久しぶりに登場して、彼もだいぶギャグ色が強くなってきましたね(笑)。原作にはいない、二セシルバーハートや二セロコも登場させました。 ニセシルバーはロボットで、ニセロコはスカンクですね。原作だとニセクイーンがオナラをするキャラクターなのですが、アニメでは その設定をニセロコに持っていきました。 キャストも豪華で、ニセジョーカーを鈴村健一さん、二セスペードを豊永利行さ ん、ニセクイーンを名塚佳織さんが担当しています。これはジョーカー役の村瀬歩さんたちに「ご自身の担当キャラの偽物をやってもらうなら誰がいいか」と希 望を聞いて、キャスティングした形です。
本編と同じく、オープニングとエンディングの映像もとても印象的でした。OPはアルカラの「怪盗ミラクル少年ボーイ2」にあわせ、前シーズンでもOPを担当していただいた大塚隆史さんに、 カッコよさを全面にだして絵コンテ演出をしていただきました。 アルカラのボーカルの稲村太佑さんのアイディアで、 イントロに「ハチ!」という掛け声が入っているんですが、そのタイミングでハチが画面に登場していますよ。EDは斬新でジョーカーなら赤、ハチは青と、各イメージカラーの道の上を走る構成です。 Fuki Communeさんが歌う「輝く夜へようこそ!」ともピッタリ合っていますよね。
DJ・ピーコックがメインのお話や、 アリババが登場するエピソードがあります。 「アリババの4人の探偵団」の描写は、ぜひご期待ください。 レインボー・ジャスティスのお話には、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》も絡んできますよ。 そして、アニメオリジナルエピソード「スカ イジョーカー危機一髪」にも注目です! ストーリーもトリックも完全オリジナルで、ジョーカーの飛行船「スカイ・ジョーカー」が舞台になってます。 ジョーカーのお宝部屋なども出てきて、スカイ・ジョーカーの内部が分かりますよ。
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MHA Chapter 385 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
1 キガントマキア KIGANTOMAKI (sic) Gigantomachia
2 EAST イースト IISUTO East
3 Mt.レディ マウントレディ MAUNTO REDI Mount Lady
4 進行阻止 しんこうそし shinkou soshi Blocking [AFO’s] progression
5 オール・フォー・ワン 死柄木の元へ行きたい オール・フォー・ワン しがらきのもとへいきたい OORU FOO WAN Shigaraki no moto he ikitai All For One Wants to go to where Shigaraki is
6 夜嵐他 士傑増援 よあらしほか しけつぞうえん Yoarashi hoka shiketsu zouen Yoarashi and the others Reinforcements from Shiketsu
7 常闇・ホークス 他数名 とこやみ・ホークス ほかすうめい Tokoyami・HOOKUSU hoka suumei Tokoyami & Hawks Several others
8 トガの増殖をけん制・抑え 残存ヒーローと士傑増援 トガのぞうしょくをけんせい・おさえ ざんぞんヒーローとしけつぞうえん TOGA no zoushoku wo kensei・osae zanzon HIIROO to shiketsu zouen The remaining heroes and Shiketsu reinforcements containing and suppressing Toga’s proliferation
tagline 1 No.385 若き衝動 堀越耕平 ナンバー385 わかきしょうどう ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 385 wakaki shoudou Horikoshi Kouhei No. 385 Young Impulse Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 戦況は…‼︎ せんきょうは…‼︎ senkyou wa...!! The battle situation is...!!
1 ハアッ…また壊れた…! ハアッ…またこわれた…! HA...mata kowareta...! “Hah...it broke again...!”
2 ルールちゃん RUURU-chan “Rule-chan!”
3 もうデトネラット製しかない! もうひろいものしかない! mou hiroi mono (kanji: DETONERATTO-sei) shika nai! “There’s nothing but wide Detnerat-made things!”
4 何でもいい‼︎ なんでもいい‼︎ nandemo ii!! “Anything is fine!!”
5 魔王を叩き続けられれば…! まおうをたたきつづけられれば…! maou wo tataki tsudzukerarereba...! “If we can keep hitting the Demon King...!”
6 ゼエッ ZEE "Heeh” [breathing sounds of exertion]
7 ゼエッ ZEE "Heeh” [breathing sounds of exertion]
8 ハッ HA "Hah” [breathing sounds of exertion]
9 ハッ HA "Hah” [breathing sounds of exertion]
1 支える事しかできなくてごめん…! ささえることしかできなくてごめん…! sasaeru koto shika dekinakute gomen...! “Sorry that I can do nothing but support you...!”
2 その"支え"が…光明を加速させる! その"ささえ"が…バルドルをかそくさせる! sono “sasae” ga...BARUDORU wo kasoku saseru! “That support...is making Balder accelerate!”
3 おおおおおお!!! oooooo!!! “OOOOOOH!!!”
1 え e “Eh?”
2 レディ!!! REDI!!! “Lady!!!”
1 殺処分だ愚図が…! さつしょぶんだぐずが…! satsushobun da guzu ga...! “This is a culling, you fools...!”
2 "もう一人の僕"の影響か…この肚にもどす黒いものが生じ始めてる… "もうひとりのぼく"のえいきょうか…このはらにもどすぐろいものがしょうじはじめてる… “mou hitori no boku” no eikyou ka...kono hara ni modosu guroi mono ga shouji hajemeteru... “Is this the influence of the other me...something dark returning to this stomach is starting to arise...” (Note: Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what this is supposed to mean.)
1 若返る程 わかがえるほど wakagaeru hodo “The more I rejuvenated,”
2 抑えが効かなくなる感じた おさえがきかなくなるかんじた osae ga kikanaku naru kanjita “the more I felt like I couldn’t hold back.”
1 身を委ねるだけで みをゆだねるだけで mi wo yudaneru dake de “By entrusting yourself to it,”
2 "個性"の潜在能力をより引き出せる… "こせい"のポテンシャルをよりひきだせる… “kosei” no POTENSHARU (kanji: ) wo yori hikidaseru... “you can draw out the potential of your quirk even more...”
3 こんなにも強い光を発生させられる こんなにもつよいひかりをはっせいさせられる konna ni mo tsuyoi hikari wo hassei saserareru “You can produce such a strong light as this.”
4 常闇ーー‼︎ とこやみーー‼︎ Tokoyami--!! “Tokoyami--!!”
5 手を止めるな‼︎ てをとめるな‼︎ te wo tomeruna!! “Don’t let up!!”
6 いいね若いってのは いいねわかいってのは ii ne wakai tte no wa “It’s nice, isn’t it? Being young...”
1 僕をここまで追いつめた ぼくをここまでおいつめた boku wo koko made oitsumeta “You chased me this far.”
2 彼の"個性"を貰う かれの"こせい"をもらう kare no “kosei” wo morau “I will take his quirk.”
3 どけよ doke yo “Out of my way.”
1 もう充分頑張ったろうホークス もうじゅうぶんがんばったろうホークス mou juubun ganbattarou HOOKUSU “Haven’t you already done your best, Hawks.”
2 「剛翼」… 「ごうよく」… 「gouyoku」... “Fierce Wings...”
3 因子が爛れている いんしがただれている inshi ga tadarete iru “Your [quirk] factor is dissipating.”
4 ゴミクズ同然のコレでよく戦い抜いた ゴミクズどうぜんのコレでよくたたかいぬいた GOMIKUZU douzen no KORE de yoku tatakai nuita “You fought well with this practically garbage [quirk].”
5 ストック個性は外部扱いで… ストックこせいはがいぶあつかいで… SUTOKKU kosei wa gaibu atsukai de... “Your stock of quirks is treated as external...”
6 「巻き戻し」に適用されないのか… 「まきもどし」にてきようされないのか… 「makimodoshi」 ni tekiyou sarenai no ka... “so Rewind doesn’t apply to it, huh...?”
7 クソだな… KUSO da na... “Well that’s shitty...”
8 損傷によって進行速度が上がっている… そんしょうによってしんこうそくどがあがっている… sonshou ni yotte shinkou sokudo ga agaitte iru... Due to damage, the rate of progressing is increasing...
1 「黒影」なんか奪っても 「ダークシャドウ」なんかとっても 「DAAKU SHADOU」 nanka tottemo “Even if you steal Dark Shadow,”
2 中二の痛いヤツになるだけだぞ…‼︎ ちゅうにのいたいヤツになるだけだぞ…‼︎ chuuni no itai YATSU ni naru dake da zo...!! “you’ll just become a guy with middle school syndrome...!!” (Note: Middle school syndrome (referred to often in Saiki K) is when an edgy teenager believes they have special powers and that they are “different” from other people.)
3 ��るならオイラの「モギモギ」奪れやコラ…! とるならオイラの「モギモギ」とれやコラ…! toru nara OIRA no 「MOGIMOGI」 toreya KORA...! “If you’re gonna steal something, steal my Pop Off, damnit...!”
4 最高の髪型になれるぞ! さいこうのかみがたになれるぞ! saikou no kamigata ni nareru zo! “You can have the best hairstyle!”
5 常闇から「黒影」奪んじゃねえよ…! とこやみから「ダークシャドウ」とんじゃねえよ…! Tokoyami kara 「DAAKU SHADOU」 tonja nee yo...! “You can’t take Dark Shadow from Tokoyami...!”
6 弱者の咆哮… じゃくしゃのほうこう… jakusha no houkou... The roars of weaklings...
7 今は一分一秒が惜しい… いまはいっぷんいちびょうがおしい… ima wa ippun ichibyou ga oshii... Every second and minute is precious now...
8 見ろ みろ miro “Look,”
9 報道のヘリだ ほうどうのヘリだ houdou no HERI da “it’s a news helicopter.”
10 人々はこの光景を目にし… ひとびとはこのこうけいをめにし… hitobito wa kono koukei wo me ni shi... “The people will see this scene...”
11 再び君らに失望するだろう ふたたびきみらにしつぼうするだろう futatabi kimira ni shitsubou suru darou “and once again likely be disappointed in you all.”
1-2 何も守れなかったな なにもまもれなかったな nani mo mamorenakatta na “You weren’t able to protect anything,”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 雄英からの避難民受け入れ先として専守防衛の任を任されておりましたが未だ到着ナシ ゆうえいからのひなんみんうけいれさきとしてせんしゅぼうえいのにんをまかされておりましたがいまだとうちゃくナシ yuuei kara no hinanmin ukeire saki to shite senshu bouei no nin wo makasarete orimashita ga ima da touchaku NASHI We were entrusted with the exclusive defense of the refugees arriving from UA, but as of now they haven’t arrived.
5 ーーーまだ… ---mada... "Not yet...”
6 まだ mada There’s still
7 希望はーー きぼうはーー kibou wa-- hope--
1 地下・避難システム 雄英→士傑ルート ちか・ひなんシステム ゆうえい→しけつルート chika・hinan SHISUTEMU yuuei→shiketsu RUUTO Underground evacuation system The UA→Shiketsu Route
2 何で動かないんだよ‼︎ なんでうごかないんだよ‼︎ nande ugokanainda yo!! “Why won’t it move!!”
3 電気も消えちまった でんきもきえちまった denki mo kiechimatta “The electricity went out too!”
4 怖いよお こわいよお kowai yoo “I’m so scared!”
5 お母さん姉ちゃん離れんなよ おかあさんねえちゃんはなれんなよ okaasan neechan hanarenna yo “Mom, Sis, don’t move away [from me].”
6 Mt.レディたちやられちゃったって…! マウントレディたちやられちゃったって…! MAUNTO REDI-tachi yararechatta tte...! “They said they got Mount Lady and the others...!”
7 ウソだ!フェイクニュースだこれは! USO da! FEIKU NYUUSU da kore wa! “It’s a lie! This is fake news!”
1 どうなってんだよ… dou nattenda yo... “What’s going on...”
2 信じて託したのに… しんじてたくしたのに… shinshite takushita noni... “We believed and trusted in you...”
3 これじゃあ… kore jaa... “But this...”
4 捜査本部 そうさほんぶ sousa honbu Investigation Headquarters
5 被害状況不明…! ひがいじょうきょうふめい…! higai joukyou fumei...! “Damage status unknown...!”
6 AFOまっすぐ東へ進行中! オール・フォー・ワンまっすぐひがしへしんこうちゅう! OORU FOO WAN massugu higashi e shinkouchuu! “All For One is currently headed straight to the east!”
7 まずいよ mazui yo “This is bad!”
8 相場‼︎状況はどうなってる あいば‼︎じょうきょうはどうなってる Aiba!! joukyou wa dou natteru “Aiba!! How is the situation?”
9 避難システムはもう取り返してる動き出したブロックもあるでしょ ひなんシステムはもうとりかえしてるうごきだしたブロックもあるでしょ hinan SHISUTEMU wa mou torikaeshiteru ugoki dashita BUROKKU mo aru desho “I’m already retrieving the evacuation system. It seems some blocks have started to move.”
10 でも…中から止められてるブロックがある でも…なかからとめられてるブロックがある demo...naka kara tomerareteru BUROKKU ga aru “But...there’s a block that’s being stopped from the inside.”
11 止めてる奴がいる とめてるやつがいる tometeru yatsu ga iru “Someone is there stopping it.”
1 AFOには解放戦線幹部に従うよう言われたのに… オール・フォー・ワンにはスケプティックにしたがうよういわれたのに… OORU FOO WAN ni wa SUKEPUTIKKU (kanji: kaihou sensen kanbu) ni shitagau you iwareta noni... “All For One told us to obey the Liberation Front Executive Skeptic, but...”
2 連絡が途絶えた!どうしたらいいAFOに結果を示さないとーー れんらくがとだえた!どうしたらいいオール・フォー・ワンにけっかをしめさないとーー renraku ga todaeta! dou shitara ii OORU FOO WAN ni kekka wo shimesanai to-- “We’ve lost contact! What should we do? If we don’t have results to show to All For One--”
3 今日が終わればAFOの世界になる! きょうがおわればオール・フォー・ワンのせかいになる! kyou ga owareba OORU FOO WAN no sekai ni naru! When today is over, this will become All For One’s world!
4 結果を示さないと俺たちの生活が けっかをしめさないとおれたちのせいかつが kekka wo shimesanai to ore-tachi no seikatsu ga If we don’t show him results, our lives will...”
5 見つけたぞ‼︎ みつけたぞ‼︎ mitsuketa zo!! “Found you!!”
6 キャアア KYAAA “Kyaaa!”
7 鉄哲っ‼︎ てつてつっ‼︎ Tetsutetsu!! “Tetsutetsu!!“
8 おう‼︎ ou!! “Right!!”
1 うわああ uwaa “Waah!”
2-3 この先わかってんのになァ… このさきわかってんのになァ… kono saki wakatten noni naA... “I know what’s ahead of here but...”
1 ああいう事がまた必ず ああいうことがまたかならず aa iu koto ga mata kanarazu “That kind of thing can definitely”
2 訪れるって… おとずれるって… otozureru tte... “call on me again...”
3 わかってんのに……… wakatten noni......... “I know that, but.........”
4 なんだろうなあ…! nandarou naa...! “I wonder what it is...!”
5 無駄死にだ! むだじにだ! mudaji ni da! He’ll die in vain!
6 自殺志願かよ‼︎ じさつしがんかよ‼︎ jisatsu shigan ka yo!! Are you volunteering for suicide?!!
7 俺も おれも ore mo “Me, too...”
8 体が動くんだなあ! からだがうごくんだなあ! karada ga ugokunda naa! “My body just moved!”
1 神野区… かみのく… kamino-ku... Kamino Ward...
2 まだ mada “Not yet.”
3 終わっちゃいねえ おわっちゃいねえ owaccha inee “It’s not over.”
tagline 覗く人影は… のぞくひとかげは… nozoku hitokage wa... The peering shadowed figure is...
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 385#bnha 385#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#hawks ready to lead the vestige army in rebellion?#[checks off Mineta does something awesome on my bingo card]#BACK ALLEY TRIO?????#IIDA GET YOUR MOMENT BOY
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