beforedawnwitch · 11 months
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ishiduca · 2 months
「秋の引き出し王決定戦をプロデュース!!」 (2004年9月20日放送)が好きでした。パッとお題を出されたら、とにかく瞬時に考えるじゃないですか。それを何回も何回も繰り返して「引き出し」がゼロになったとき、もう何も思いつかない…という極限状態に陥ると、あとにはもう“人間”しか残らないんです。全部出し切った後の人柄で勝負するしかないという“究極”の状況が面白かったです。追い込まれた有田(哲平)や、汗をかいた土田(晃之)が全部はぎ取られていくさまを見ながら、私は心底“司会でよかったな”と思っていました(笑)。
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moyonote · 6 months
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totally unplanned (early) easter thing 😭 originally went w/o the ears and tail but i added them in the end since vanilla is associated with the zodiac rabbit so they fit!!
★ MODEL ★ ✧ Too Kyo Games | Grounding ✧ MMD port ▸ Moyonote ✧ Outfit ▸NAVER Z Corporation (ripped by redgravezz)
★ POSE ★ ✧ じぶん様 ★ SHADER ★ ✧ ビームマンP様 ★ FX ★ ✧ Croquis改 ▸ データP様 ✧ FXAA ▸ rui様 ✧ ikClut改変 FJ-Taste Horse ▸ ikeno様 | ふらり様 ✧ ikDiffusion ▸ ikeno様 ✧ PostAlphaEye ▸ そぼろ様 | ビームマンP様 ✧ PostHemming ▸ わたり様
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sailorfuncomics · 2 months
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Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R Karuta (2/2)
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な Clumsy, crybaby Usagi に A vivacious bunch of carefree girls ぬ Artemis basking in the warm sunshine
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ね Queen Serenity wishes for peace の Relaxing in a field feels nice
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は Usagi and Rei are always fighting ひ Sailor Venus weaponizes light ふ The mysterious Luna-P Ball
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へ The weird lookalikes, Usagi and Chibiusa ほ Starry nights are romantic
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ま Mamoru is the reincarnation of Endymion み The water-wielding Sailor Mercury む Moon Crystal Power Makeup!
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め Umino's glasses make him stand out も Pretty as a model
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や Usagi's kind papa and mama ゆ Yuuichirou is good at skiing よ Good kids love Sailor Moon
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ら Chibiusa is called "Rabbit" り Ribbons suit Minako る Luna is a big worrywart
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れ Rei is a miko with mysterious powers ろ Mars has beautiful long hair
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わ "Moon Princess Halation" away the bad guys を Naru makes sweets
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centrally-unplanned · 9 months
A very fun blog post of someone collecting evidence and adding to the stack of where the FLCL ED's famous live action sequences were filmed.
The sad news is that the bridge in one of the sequences, Mitaka Overpass, is being shut down this week :( As the blog author says, its a good reminder that filming locations are not forever; documenting them does have a limited window.
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Otherwise there is nice work being done here - one Twitter user traces out the 'city' route:
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And the author himself discovers the river route, which others photographed to confirm (ED vs photo)
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Apparently the water level goes up and down so the bike path is sometimes submerged, very cool.
Part of this investigation by the way was done via tracing the location of the electrical towers on maps - which they could do because a bunch of otaku made a map of every electrical tower in Japan for you to peruse at your leisure:
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Which is why god made otaku in the first place; the gates of heaven are open to these folk forever more.
Anyway, I think this is neat, good job blogger Ganmen1281!
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m12gatsu · 25 days
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myscrap · 10 months
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Xユーザーのわp@ISF11 F-20さん: 「気が合いそうなふたり https://t.co/IM6Bm5BPct」 / X
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gomaan · 8 months
Maya also read the notes for the 2022 concert in the voice of the original Japanese voice actor.
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Maya: "Let's, positive thinking~!" …you know the phrase, right?
Sometimes she's a passionate reporter, sometimes she's a taciturn editor, but who is she really?
I'm Maya Amano♥, a flamboyant magazine reporter in the editorial department of "Coolest" magazine!
Once again, thank you for coming to "Persona Super Live P-SOUND WISH 2022 -Crossing Journeys-"!
Following Tatsuya-kun yesterday, I'm here today to explain some of the things you need to know about this live performance.
Please listen to the end, okay?
Hmmm~ (clears throat)
Please refrain from drinking and eating in the auditorium. Also, no smoking in the entire building. Cell phones, watches with alarms, etc. must be turned off. Okay? Absolutely no unauthorized photography, recording, or videotaping, okay? If you know of any excessive clothing, hats, hair styles, etc. that make it difficult to see the people sitting behind you, I'd appreciate your consideration. There is an interlocking radio-controlled penlight that was given out as a ticket bonus. Please wear a mask at all times to prevent COVID-19 infection. Also, cheering and finger whistling are prohibited during the performance.
There are many things I want you to follow, but as long as you follow them, it will be an enjoyable live performance! Please be positive! Oh, by the way, if you feel sick during the show, don't hesitate to ask the venue staff nearby.
Phew~ (sigh). Finally, this is the last time. When the concert is over, it's time to leave the venue. The staff will be giving you instructions on how to leave the venue, so please remain seated after the show and wait for the instructions.
Well then, "Chome-chome done! "…not that…please wait a little longer until the show starts!
舞耶: 「レッツ、ポジティブシンキング~!」…って知ってる人、いるよねえ…?
改めて、"Persona Super Live P-SOUND WISH 2022 -交差する旅路-"に来てくれてありがとう!
客席で飲んだり食べたりは遠慮してね。あと、全館禁煙。携帯電話、アラーム付きの腕時計などは必ず電源を切っておくこと。いい? 許可のない写真撮影、録音、録画は絶対にダメだからね?後ろの席の人が見えづらくなるような過度な服装、帽子、髪型とか心当たりがあったらご配慮してくれると嬉しいな。チケット特典で配った無線制御ペンライトの連動演出があるの。申し訳ないけど、このペンライト以外の使用は演出の都合で禁止させてね。(COVID-19)新型コロナウイルス感染予防のため、マスクはいつも付けていてね。あと、公演中は声援や指笛とは禁止。
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conlangcrab · 9 months
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я Ѐ Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ Ѡ Ѣ Ѥ Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք Օ Ֆ ֏ ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ ᚾ ᚿ ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ ᛫ ᛬ ᛭ ᛮ ᛯ ᛰ Ⰰ Ⰱ Ⰲ Ⰳ Ⰴ Ⰵ Ⰶ Ⰷ Ⰸ Ⰹ Ⰺ Ⰻ Ⰼ Ⰽ Ⰾ Ⰿ Ⱀ Ⱁ Ⱂ Ⱃ Ⱄ Ⱅ Ⱆ Ⱇ Ⱈ Ⱉ Ⱊ Ⱋ Ⱌ Ⱍ Ⱎ Ⱏ Ⱐ Ⱑ Ⱒ Ⱓ Ⱔ Ⱕ Ⱖ Ⱗ Ⱘ Ⱙ Ⱚ Ⱛ Ⱜ Ⱝ Ⱞ Ⴀ Ⴁ Ⴂ Ⴃ Ⴄ Ⴅ Ⴆ Ⴇ Ⴈ Ⴉ Ⴊ Ⴋ Ⴌ Ⴍ Ⴎ Ⴏ Ⴐ Ⴑ Ⴒ Ⴓ Ⴔ Ⴕ Ⴖ Ⴗ Ⴘ Ⴙ Ⴚ Ⴛ Ⴜ Ⴝ Ⴞ Ⴟ Ⴡ Ⴢ Ⴣ Ⴤ Ⴥ Ⴧ Ⴭ あ い う え お か が き ぎ く ぐ け げ こ ご さ ざ し じ す ず せ ぜ そ ぞ た だ ち ぢ つ づ て で と ど な に ぬ ね の は ば ぱ ひ び ぴ ふ ぶ ぷ へ べ ぺ ほ ぼ ぽ ま み む め も や ゆ よ ら り る れ ろ わ ゐ ゑ を ん ゔ ゞ ゟ ア イ ウ エ オ カ ガ キ ギ ク グ ケ ゲ コ ゴ サ ザ シ ジ ス ズ セ ゼ ソ ゾ タ ダ チ ヂ ツ ヅ テ デ ト ド ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ バ パ ヒ ビ ピ フ ブ プ ヘ ベ ペ ホ ボ ポ マ ミ ム メ モ ャ ヤ ユ ヨ ラ リ ル レ ロ ワ ヰ ヱ ヲ ン ヴ ヵ ヷ ヸ ヹ ヺ ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ ㄕ ㄖ ㄗ ㄘ ㄙ ㄚ ㄛ ㄜ ㄝ ㄞ ㄟ ㄠ ㄡ ㄢ ㄣ ㄤ ㄥ ㄦ ㄧ ㄨ ㄩ ㄪ ㄫ ㄬ ㄭ ㆠ ㆡ ㆢ ㆣ ㆤ ㆥ ㆦ ㆧ ㆨ ㆩ ㆪ ㆫ ㆬ ㆭ ㆮ ㆯ ㆰ ㆱ ㆲ ㆳ 𐌰 𐌱 𐌲 𐌳 𐌴 𐌵 𐌶 𐌷 𐌸 𐌹 𐌺 𐌻 𐌼 𐌽 𐌾 𐌿 𐍀 𐍁 𐍂 𐍃 𐍄 𐍅 𐍆 𐍇 𐍈 𐍉 𐍊 𐐀 𐐁 𐐂 𐐃 𐐄 𐐅 𐐆 𐐇 𐐈 𐐉 𐐊 𐐋 𐐌 𐐍 𐐎 𐐏 𐐐 𐐑 𐐒 𐐓 𐐔 𐐕 𐐖 𐐗 𐐘 𐐙 𐐚 𐐛 𐐜 𐐝 𐐞 𐐟 𐐠 𐐡 𐐢 𐐣 𐐤 𐐥 𐐦 𐐧 𛀁
idk just thought of the twitter bot that used code to assign every unicode symbol a meaning and thus created a hyper-compact writing system that could get a incredibly high amounts of info compressed into a short message. that counts as a megascript to me so all i'm doing is pondering the magic.
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yamada50 · 2 years
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毛利家を祀る豊榮神社と野田神社 別格官幣社巡りで参拝に上がりました 山口県神社庁のお隣、豊榮神社と野田神社ですが横並びにそれぞれほぼ同じ社殿や回廊を備えどっちがどっちな豊榮神社と野田神社です 豊榮神社と野田神社は見た目ほぼ同じですが別の宗教法人でそれぞれ旧別格官幣社で別表神社となっています しかし現在両社とも古熊神社宮司が兼務されていて数々の別表神社を巡ってきた中、兼務社の別表神社ははじめてのパターンでした 参道より奥、境内東側で橋を渡り社殿前に毛利三本の矢の男爵毛利五郎、男爵小早川四郎、男爵吉川重国奉納の石灯篭があるのが初代藩主毛利元就を祀る豊榮神社です 長門に移封となった毛利輝元が萩の氏神様の春日神社境内に元就公の霊を祀ったのが前身で、江戸時代中期宝暦12年(1762)に同じ萩に元就公を遷座し、毛利家の祖神とされる天穂日命を合祀し神性霊社として創祀しました また明和7年(1770)には仰徳社と改めています 明治に入り元就公による朝廷を崇敬する事跡があったことから、明治天皇より元就公に「豊栄」の神号を下賜され、明治4年現在地に社殿が造営されて遷座、明治15年に別格官幣社に列格しています その後明治6年に長州藩事実上最後の藩主で尊王攘夷、討幕、廃藩置県など明治維新の功労者である毛利敬親公を祀る社を有志によって諡号から忠正神社と称して豊榮神社の別殿として創建され、翌7年に野田神社に改称しました 禁門の変により朝敵ともされた毛利敬親公ですが防長の人々の願いが叶い明治19年に豊榮神社西隣の現在地に遷座し豊榮神社より独立、大正4年に別格官幣社に列しました 境内には山縣有朋をはじめ激動の幕末維新期を生き抜いた人々からの奉納であふれています 元藩士らの敬愛の念が伝わる境内でございました #野田神社 #豊榮神社 #豊栄神社 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 豊榮神社(とよさかじんじゃ) 鎮座地:山口県山口市天花一丁目1-1 主祭神:贈正一位毛利元就公 社格:別格官幣社 別表神社 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 野田神社(のだじんじゃ) 鎮座地:山口県山口市天花1丁目1-2 主祭神:毛利敬親公 社格:別格官幣社 別表神社 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 #神社#神社巡り#神社好き#神社好きな人と繋がりたい#神道#shrine#shinto#日本の風景#参拝#神社巡拝家#recotrip#御朱印#御朱印巡り#御朱印好きな人と繋がりたい#神社建築#神社仏閣#パワースポット#山口県#山口市#幕末#明治維新 (豊榮神社・野田神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnR7fzhPijZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hopeandjoy9 · 8 months
Go! Team Bidoof! English translation
Since I was too impatient to wait for a translation, I decided to translate it myself. Standard disclaimer than my Japanese skills are kindergartener at best, so take everything with a grain of salt. I'm open to correction in replies/reblogs.
B! I! P! P~ A~! ビッパ! B! I! P! P~ A~! えっあ? えっ あ?
B! I! D! Double-O! F! Bidoof! B! I! D! Double-O! F! Hm, ah? Huh? Oh?
ここに せんげん する! せかいじゅうの ビッパを ひとりじめ するのだ いわくだき いあいぎり どくせん! あくみょうだかい…… われら ビッパだ〜ん!
This is our declaration! We’re going to hog all of The Bidoof in the world for ourselves! We’re hogging the use of Rock Smash and Cut! We’re the villainous team known as… Te~am Bidoof! [1]
あのいわ こわせそうだな〜(チラチラ) この きは なんだか きれそうだな はい ここらにビッパは おりません すべて しゅちゅうに おさめました かわいそう たしかに? いちり あるな
I’m gonna destroy that rock~! (Twinkle twinkle) This tree’s ‘bout to get cut down! Yes! We won’t leave any Bidoof around here They’re all already in our possession! You poor thing! Surely? The reason why is…?
あぁ! ビッパは たんじゅんだった! ぎゃくに そういうところに ほれるぜ イーブイ キミもメロメロなのね? だよね しかも か〜わ〜い〜い〜  ……おや!? ビッパの ようすが……! B! B! B! B!  ぜったいB〜!
Oh! Bidoof’s Simple activated! But that’s its charm point! Eevee, are you Infatuated [2] too? Aren’t you? And furthermore… It’s so~ cu~te~! What? Bidoof is evolving! B! B! B! B! Mash B! [3]
キミもきょうから ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 なかまに なって くれるよね? のうてんきでOK しんぱいない われらも したっぱ っぱっぱー ふしぎな このせかいにおいて てんねんって あるいみさいきょーでしょ? はい! はい! まちがいな〜い!
From today on, you too are in Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! You’ll be part of our circle, yeah? Being laidback is OK, don’t worry! We’re also Grunts -unts -unts! [4] In this mysterious world, They say that being Unaware is the strongest reason, right? [5] Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
ほらみてみてみてみてよくみて このビッパの かおを よくみて われらの もくてきわ〜 1 2の……ポカン!
Hey! Look! Look! Look! Look! Look closely! Look closely at this Bidoof’s face! Our goal is~ 1, 2, and…… Ta-da!
What was it again?
おほん むだな ていこうは やめて てもちの ビッパ すべて わたして もらおうか かんたんにいえば どうたんきょひ♡ なくこもだまる…… われら ビッパだ〜ん! あそこ のぼれそうだったなー そだなー なみのりも できるのになー しつこいなー はい つぎはしんかで OKです ボスの きょかも おりましたんで え……いいの? やったぜ〜 プレゼンおねがいします
Ahem. Stop your futile resistance Aren’t you going to hand over all the Bidoof you have on you? To put it simply, DNI other stans♡ [6] Scary enough to shut up a crying kid…… We’re Te~am Bidoof! Don’t you think we could climb up there? [7] You’re right I wish that I could Surf as well You’re really insistent Alright The next evolution is OK If you’re granted permission by the Boss Huh……. Really? Yay~! Please make your presentation
おほん あ 
Ahem. Oh.
ノーマル・みずは ゆいいつむに! けんまい+ドわすれ+かげぶんしんでおにつみ! ゲンガーくんも こうふんしてるね? これは……これでかわいい……? …おや!?ビッパのようすが……!! B! B! B! B! は? ぜったいB〜! うそ〜!?!?
It’s the only Normal/Water type! Swords Dance [8] + Amnesia + Double Team for the super checkmate! Gengar, are you also getting excited? This…… This also is cute……? What!? Bidoof is evolving!! B! B! B! B! Huh? Mash B~! You’re kidding~!?!?
だってわれらは ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 バトルとは べつの つよさで いきするように ひとだすけできたら そつぎょう? したっぱ っぱっぱー どんな せかいせんでも おなじさ やさしさって マストな のうりょくでしょ? はい!はい!まちがいな〜い!
After all, we’re Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! With a power different from battling Outgrowing living to help Others? [9] We’re Grunts -unts -unts No matter which world it is, it’s the same Being kind is a must, right? Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
でもオレ じつは ビーダルがすきだ〜! ウチは ぜったい ビッパがすきだ〜! アタシ じつは コラッタもすき〜! まじ? まえばBro? Yes ひっさつまえば!
But to be honest, I like Bibarel~! I absolutely love Bidoof~! Honestly, I like Rattata too~! Seriously? Is it the fangs, bro? Yes. Hyper Fang!
え じゃあヨクバリスも? すき〜 デデンネ モルペコ ミネズミは? すき〜 じゃあ カムカメは? すき! けど べつジャンル〜 はい げっ歯ーズに かいめ〜い! いいわけねえだろ 
Huh, then Greedent too? I like it~ What about Dedenne, Morpeko, and Patrat? I like them~ What about Chewtle? I like it! But it’s a different genre~ OK, then we’ll change the name to “Rode~ntz”! That’s just an excuse, right
Take this seriously!
Yes, Boss! [10]
B! I! P! P~ A~! ビッパ! B! I! P! P~ A~!
B! I! D! Double-O! F! Bidoof! B! I! D! Double-O! F!
すすめ!われらが ビッパ! ビッパ! ビッパだん〜 うちゅういち かっこいいチーム てんねん イコール ボクらのしょうめい みならうのだ びっぱっぱー ふしぎな このポケモンたちと いつまでも たびをつづけよう はい! はい! まちがいな〜い!
Advance! We’re Team Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof~! The number one cool team in the universe Unaware equals our command To follow the example of Bidoof -doof As always, our journey with These mysterious Pokemon will continue Yeah! Yeah! For su~re!
ほらみてみてみてみてよくみて このビッパの かおを よくみて われらの もくてきわ〜 1 2の……ポカン!
Hey! Look! Look! Look! Look! Look closely! Look closely at this Bidoof’s face! Our goal is~ 1, 2, and…… Ta-da!
What was it again?
Translator's Notes:
[1] lit. “Bidoof Gang”. Pokemon games feature antagonistic groups known as “[noun]-dan” (“noun-gang”), translated as “Team [noun]” in the English localization [2] lit. “madly in love”, a status condition known as Infatuation in English [3] lit. “always B”, pressing B while a Pokemon evolves cancels the evolution. I felt that “mash” best portrayed the enthusiasm displayed here lol [4] lit. “underlings”, a group of NPC trainers that are the lowest members of the evil team, translated as “Grunt” in the localization [5] lit. “airhead”, one of the three Abilities Bidoof can have along with Simple and Moody [6] From what I can tell this is online slang telling other fans of a character to not interact with you? [7] Referring to Rock Climb, which Bidoof can’t learn while Bibarel can [8] It seems “kenmai” is a Japanese fandom abbreviation for Swords Dance based off its kanji (tsurugi -> ken, both meaning sword) [9] As in, Bidoof's strength isp in the number of HMs it learns lol [10] Honestly I’m going by the PV here, it seems to indicate the distorted voice through Miku’s Rotom Phone is the Boss of Team Bidoof
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markatoto · 1 year
Furigana (振(ふ)り仮名(がな), Japanese pronunciation: [ɸɯɾigaꜜna] or [ɸɯɾigana]) is a Japanese reading aid consisting of smaller kana (syllabic characters) printed either above or next to kanji (logographic characters) or other characters to indicate their pronunciation. It is one type of ruby text. Furigana is also known as yomigana (読み仮名) and rubi (ルビ, [ɾɯꜜbi]) in Japanese. In modern Japanese, it is usually used to gloss rare kanji, to clarify rare, nonstandard or ambiguous kanji readings, or in children's or learners' materials. Before the post-World War II script reforms, it was more widespread.[1] Furigana may be added by character, in which case the furigana character(s) that correspond to a kanji are centered over that kanji; or by word or phrase, in which case the entire furigana text is centered over several kanji characters, even if the kanji do not represent equal shares of the kana needed to write them. The latter method is more common, especially since some words in Japanese have unique pronunciations (jukujikun) that are not related to readings of any of the characters the word is written with.
Furigana fonts are generally sized so that two kana characters fit naturally over one kanji; when more kana are required, this is resolved either by adjusting the furigana by using a condensed font (narrowing the kana), or by adjusting the kanji by intercharacter spacing (adding spaces around the kanji). In case an isolated kanji character has a long reading—for example 〜に携わる (where 携 reads たずさ, tazusa)—the furigana may instead spill over into the space next to the neighboring kana characters, without condensing or changing spacing. Three-kana readings are not uncommon, particularly due to yōon with a long vowel, such as ryō (りょう); five kana are required for kokorozashi (志、こころざし) and six for uketamawaru (承る、うけたまわる), the longest of any character in the Joyo kanji. Very long readings also occur for certain kanji or symbols which have a gairaigo (loan word) reading; the word "centimeter" is generally written as "cm" (with two half-width characters, so occupying one space) and has the seven-kana reading センチメートル (senchimētoru) (it can also be written as the kanji 糎, though this is very rare); another common example is "%" (the percent sign), which has the five kana reading パーセント (pāsento). These cause severe spacing problems due to length and these words being used as units (hence closely associated with the preceding figure).
When it is necessary to distinguish between native Japanese kun'yomi pronunciations and Chinese-derived on'yomi pronunciations, for example in kanji dictionaries, the kun'yomi pronunciations are written in hiragana, and the on'yomi pronunciations are written in katakana. However, this distinction is really only important in dictionaries and other reference works. In ordinary prose, the script chosen will usually be hiragana. The one general exception to this is modern Chinese place names, personal names, and (occasionally) food names—these will often be written with kanji, and katakana used for the furigana; in more casual writing these are simply written in katakana, as borrowed words. Occasionally this style is also used for loanwords from other languages (especially English). For example, the kanji 一角獣 (literally "one horn beast") might be glossed with katakana ユニコーン, yunikōn, to show the pronunciation of the loanword "unicorn", which is unrelated to the normal reading of the kanji. Generally, though, such loanwords are just written in straight katakana.
The distinction between regular kana and the smaller character forms (yōon and sokuon), which are used in regular orthography to mark such things as gemination and palatalization, is often not made in furigana: for example, the usual hiragana spelling of the word 却下 (kyakka) is きゃっか, but in furigana it might be written きやつか. This was especially common in old-fashioned movable type printing when smaller fonts were not available. Nowadays, with computer-based printing systems, this occurs less frequently.
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nekohunsou · 2 years
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ふたり一緒に💞ヒーローガール #キュアスカイ #キュアプリズム #curesky #cureprism #fanart#デジタルイラスト#デジタルアート #animedrawing#animeart#mangaart#mangadrawing#kawaiidrawing#comicdrawing#comicart #kawaiiart#イラストグラム#パステル#ファンシー#ゆめかわいい#お絵描き#お絵描きグラム #魔法少女 #clipstudiopaint#clipstudio#Digitalart#Digitalillustration #ファンアート#comicart#instadraw #プリキュア#precure https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPrZTkvvxS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moyonote · 7 months
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yuki's my 2nd fav dottir so ofc i gotta slap some cute outfit on her too.... now she's matching with vanilla!! (sorta...)
★ MODEL ★ ✧ Too Kyo Games | Grounding ✧ MMD port ▸ Moyonote ✧ Outfit ▸NAVER Z Corporation (ripped by redgravezz) ★ SHADER ★ ✧ less様 | winglayer様 ★ FX ★ ✧ Croquis改 ▸ データP様 ✧ ikClut改変 FJ-Taste Horse ▸ ikeno様 | ふらり様 ✧ ikDiffusion ▸ ikeno様 ✧ PostAlphaEye ▸ そぼろ様 | ビームマンP様 ✧ PostHemming ▸ わたり様 ✧ FXAA ▸ rui様 ★ POSE ★ ✧ Snorlaxin
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elle-p · 9 months
Famitsu 1820 Persona 3 Reload part scan and transcription.
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声:石田 彰
声:羽多野 渉
主人公のクラスメイトで、陸上部の部活仲間。 努力と気合と根性で結果を残してきたエースだが、主人公をライバルと認めている。
声:遠藤 綾
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leopoldainter · 3 months
Obviously nope cuz it's her
I know she's white enough to convince to people that she should be convinced by them to sign up to be my mom
Remember the oj thing ad mit
The age and democracy debate;attention to detail
Actually, if you look it up, they did cancel family guy rick and morty rick and mortys back to blow up a cathedral
No mrs Mitchel, you are not on the list
Actually "Val" weird name anyways... it was the southpark toilet seat clip that won hearts and minds
Actually THIS is the valley that makes the other valleys not just fjords am I the only person who uses this alphabet that is conscious?
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しあわせをよぶ おまじないを
θΔきいていく δ こんどにする
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δこれにする θΔつぎにする
θΔこれにする δつぎにする
こいの おまじないよ
ためすのは いちにち ひとつよ
かれのすきな すうじをきいて
かれをみかけたら とけいにふれて
δこれにする θΔつぎにする
δこれにする θΔつぎにする
かたおもいなら しょくじのときに
ちょっと おしおを ふってから
すきなものから たべていって
θΔこれにする δつぎにする
ひだりあしから きょうしつへ
べつのクラスなら みぎあしからよ
θΔこれにする δつぎにする
こいの おまじないは
いちにちに たくさんつかえません
だから とてもたいせつに
つかわないと いかないわよ
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しあわせをよぶ おまじないを
δきあていく θΔこんどにする
Remember the oj thing ad mit
あなたが きいてみたいのは
どんなときにつかう おまじない?
But if that's an admission...
Then what he is talking about must not be bad? Unless your chanelling multiple definitions of admission
It's from the Reba mcyntire family of vermin. Like rebutted and rebuke and punitive
To inform or notify of a fault; to rebuke gently or kindly, but seriously; to tell off.
Therefore Donald Trump admonished the fallacy I, Mrs Wallace will push off as a starting "off" 'point'
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I'm chris, and it's after joy
The look on jerrys face
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This solved all your problems excellent you may believe your penis will grow back mika
You win enjoy the scenery ms. DeadDame
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森FORESTフォレスト林はやしHow about this?
Player is apt to encounter the stronger enemies in
the Forest. Player can move through the Forest with-
out penalty. Use your A Button to search.
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No because I had people asking me if I knew what they were saying about alien's flag, after dead lady judge church scene so nice. Well I told them they're fucking around, I was accused of fucking around, so I took a bomb out of the scouts canada store. Here's an opportunity to take a look at a national crisis. You have no federal government and Liberia has the flag
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PUDDING Type: Slimes (E)
HP: 729 Weakness: none
Str: 57 Strength: Quake, PAR/WP, -StealthDef: 56Agil: 55 Gold: 2400Mana: 94
Attacks: Melt 10 / Bother 10 / P-Skin 25 / Gas 10
Gayyyyy hogwash9/11 this is the mom your looking4
GARLIC Type: Plants (V)
HP: 231 Weakness: noneStr: 25 Strength: noneDef: 26Agil: 15 Gold: 600Mana: 16 Encountered: World 3 - Overworld, JailAttacks: Tentacl 25 / Nose 15 / Stench 10 / Honey 10
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The them A World Button Screen. Into the nects game. It is also the search to use on front of thr inititate
...it's not fair
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