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♡ #やはりお弁当は温かいものが良い 極上炭火焼肉らしいけど やはり冷めてしまうと極上ではなくなってしまう… 特に残念だったのがお野菜。 グリルした感じもなかったし、生でもないし。 ドレッシングや塩味もなし。 #もらっておいて何なんだがこのお弁当を差し入れてくれた担当さんはいつも差し入れたお弁当がイマイチな意見が多い #でもお肉のお弁当は嬉しい ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ #差し入れ #差し入れ弁当 #差し入れありがとうございます #差し入れシリーズ #差し入れうれしい #お弁当シリーズ #ドラチコちゃん #チコちゃん #肉と戯れるドラチコちゃん #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズ好き #ドラゴンズ大好き #ゑにし #鉄板ダイニングenishi https://www.instagram.com/p/ComLaJLPVRD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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天羽 希純は、日本のアイドル、タレント、アーティスト、モデル、女優、グラビアアイドル。東京都江戸川区出身。ゼロイチファミリア所属。 本名、小松 希純。愛称は「きすみん」「きっちゅー」。ファンの総称は「ちゅー魔」。 ウィキペディア
生まれ: 1996年8月12日 (年齢 28歳), 東京都
本名: 小松希純
身長: 164 cm
テレビ番組: アイドルゾーン20時
カップサイズ: G
スリーサイズ: 84 - 58 - 84 cm
「希純(きすみ)」という名前は、氷室京介ファンの父によって、氷室の曲「KISS ME」から名付けられた。
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I have released volumes 3 and 4 of my doujinshi "氷海線に生きる - hyokaisen ni ikiru-."
Although it's incomplete, this concludes the doujinshi I made at that time.
I hope to remake it someday and bring it to a real conclusion.
I plan to upload a side story doujinshi today.
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I was asked by handsome #Ikuo Ito-sensei to draw the #Princess Tutu series. I apologize if it took me a long time to draw it, but I had a lot of work to do so I drew it in my free time. I hope you understand my love and respect for her. If you are a fan too, take a look at this series!
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狙ったわけじゃないんだけど たまたま季節がすごく ……
と言いつつわたしがタレ目萌え&そばかす萌えなばかりに俺スノウフィルターかかっちゃってるのでかわいく描いてしまっている 松かげの松陰先生もそんな感じ ブスを超絶美人に描く努力してる感じ…
今回のシリーズは通してたくさんの男たちがワイワイと出てきますが、今回イチャっとしてる二人以外のカップルは生まれないので前もって言っておく なんとなくセットの子もいるけど裏で実は…も無いです。
描ける限りのものひたすら描いています もう無いってくらい絞り出して描いている ので蛍火おわりまであとちょっと お付き合いください…。
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ちまちま使っていたPixelmatorがAppleに買収された。AppleにはLogic ProとFinal Cut Proが音楽と映像のプロ向けとしてのソフトがあるけど、写真関連はApertureがなくなってしまって空位になっていた。
というわけで、今回はPixelmator Proで仕上げた。この辺りは現在では虎ノ門ヒルズなどが建ってここから東京タワーは見えないようだ。
#Pixelmator Pro#photographers on tumblr#lensblr#original photographer#original photographers#original photographers on tumblr#original photography#original photography blog#original photography on tumblr#photoblog#photography#Japan#Tokyo#日本#東京#皇居外苑
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かっぱは、昔から日本人に親しまれてきた伝説の動物です。 昭和20年代に、故 清水崑(しみず こん)画伯作の、かっぱ天国 という漫画が流行しました。 その頃、小麦粉からあられを作り、販売していたカルビーでは、清水氏にお願いして、かっぱのキャラクターを商品のパッケージに描いていただき、「かっぱあられ」シリーズとして、お客様に親しんでいただきました。 「かっぱえびせん」は、そのシリーズ最後の商品です。 1964年(昭和39年)の発売当時から、パッケージはえびを主役にしているので、かっぱの絵は描かれていなかったのですが、名前だけが今でも残り、「かっぱえびせん」といえばカルビーのお菓子!と、お客様に覚えていただけるまでになりました。
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega de Arqueología Japonesa en esta ocasión nos trasladamos a la prehistoria japonesa dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Tengo el placer de presentaros a las esculturas Haniwa, ¿Qué significa este término?¿Cuándo surgió? Y ¿Cuál era su funciones? - Las primeras preguntas para este capítulo serán: ¿Cuándo surgió? Datan de los siglos VI y VII d.C Como ya comenté en varias ocasiones la cronología japonesa es difícil de entender para ojos occidentales ya que hay que verla con ojos orientales. - La segunda pregunta será ¿En donde podemos encontrar estas obras de arte?: La Podemos encontrar en multitud de lugares pero vengo a destacar uno en especial se trata de uno de los mejores juegos de Nintendo y su nombre es Atsumare Dōbutsu no Mori. - Espero que os haya gustado el capítulo 1 y nos vemos en los próximos capítulos de esta serie de historia y arqueología un cordial saludo.
埴輪彫刻についてご紹介させていただきます。この言葉はいつ頃から生まれたのでしょうか?そしてその機能は何だったのでしょうか? - この章の最初の質問は次のとおりです。それはいつ出現しましたか?それらは西暦 6 世紀から 7 世紀のものです。 すでに何度か述べましたが、日本の年表は東洋の目で見なければならないため、西洋の目には理解しにくいものです。
2 番目の質問は次のとおりです。これらの芸術作品はどこで見つけることができますか?: さまざまな場所で見つけることができますが、特に 1 つを取り上げます。これは任天堂の最高のゲームの 1 つであり、その名前は「あつまれ どうぶつの森」です。
第 1 章を気に入っていただければ幸いです。この歴史と考古学シリーズの次の章でもお会いしましょう。
Welcome japonistasarqueologicos to a new installment of Japanese Archaeology. This time we move to Japanese prehistory. Having said that, make yourselves comfortable as we begin.
I have the pleasure of introducing you to the Haniwa sculptures. What does this term mean? When did it emerge? And what were its functions?
The first questions for this chapter will be: When did it emerge? They date back to the 6th and 7th centuries AD. As I have already mentioned on several occasions, Japanese chronology is difficult to understand for Western eyes since it must be seen with Eastern eyes.
The second question will be: Where can we find these works of art? We can find them in many places, but I am here to highlight one in particular. It is one of the best Nintendo games and its name is Atsumare Dōbutsu no Mori.
I hope you liked chapter 1 and I will see you in the next chapters of this series of history and archaeology. Best regards.
#japan#art#history#haniwa#animalcrossing#nintendo#culture#unesco#photography#artists on tumblr#日本#アート#歴史#埴輪#どうぶつの森#任天堂#文化#ユネスコ
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最近ずっと仕事絵ばかりだったのでリハビリ華音嬢。 BIBITCOMPLEXシリーズは当初2までのつもりでしたがまだ描きたいものがあるので3も出すことになりそう。 メロンブックス様にて専売予約受付も開始し9/3より新たに3種の電子書籍も解禁いたします。是非よろしくお願いします! <メロンブックス様白狼専用ページリンク> https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/circle/index.php?circle_id=21598
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♡ #ここのお弁当は差し入れされると大喜びの私 先日の差し入れお弁当。 かなり久しぶりの#津多屋 さんのお弁当。 津多屋さんの梅干しは梅干し好きさんには たまらないお弁当なんで��けど、仕出し弁当に してはちょっと塩っぱいので午後は喉が渇きます笑 #紀州梅ごま幕の内弁当 #これ以外のお弁当を差し入れして欲しいがなかなかない ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ #差し入れ #差し入れ弁当 #差し入れありがとうございます #差し入れシリーズ #差し入れうれしい #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #撮影所の仕出し弁当によく名前のあがるお弁当 #私のとこは上司だけ参加の勉強会に差し入れられた弁当 #食べるだけで勉強会は受けない #ドラチコちゃんも大喜び #instafood #instagramjapan #japan #instagram #instacool (都内某所) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKPEhkPOm2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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オヤスミナサイ Good night
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川津 明日香は、日本の女性ファッションモデル、女優、グラビアモデル、YouTuberである。 東京都出身。アービングを経て、エイジアプロモーションに一度所属し、2023年からアービングに復帰した。血液型はA型。 ウィキペディア
生年月日 2000年2月12日
現年齢 24歳
出身地 東京都
身長 / 体重 163 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 79 - 57 - 81 cm
靴のサイズ 24 cm
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Love Hazbin Hotel!
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The general consensus regarding the canonicity of XX is that most (if not all) of it has been disregarded by later entries. However, since Vastedge is purported to recycle quite a bit of dialogue from XX, are those specific pulls the only bits we should regard with any legitimacy? Especially since it can get really screwy in regards to the timeline (Zappa being a prime example, since presumably he's portrayed as still being haunted by spirits, when Xrd implies he's been in control for a while).
There are layers to the question being asked here, so this answer might end up being a bit long-
First, let's address the idea of a "general consensus regarding the canonicity of XX".
Overall, the idea of a true "canon" in Guilty Gear is nebulous, especially in all of its earlier entries, not just XX. All of ML's endings as seen in game can't have occurred exactly the way they're portrayed, and X had alternate paths and endings just like XX did. Even events that we know "actually happened" are often shown to differ slightly when revisited later in the series.
And this is without considering the fact that alternate timelines have been shown to exist in the world of Guilty Gear, too.
For the purposes of our wiki, we actually intend to phase out the term "canon" in favour of phrases like "the main storyline" and the like, depending on the context. "Canon" is ultimately not a term we can definitively apply most of the time, and our Western fandom understanding of "canon" is also not quite the same perspective as it would be for the actual developers and writers of the series.
Now, one context in which one might've heard the term "canon" used in Guilty Gear material is the "Guilty Gear Codex", an artbook that came with the limited edition of Xrd -Sign-, exclusively in North America.
This book largely contained bits of information that were translated from the Japanese-only "Guilty Gear 10th Memorial Book" (But please note that the English Codex contains some mistranslations in places.)
The term translated as "canon" in the English Codex was 正史/seishi in Japanese, which translates literally to "official history", and can roughly be considered analogous to the term "canon" when it comes to how fans use it, but still has slightly different connotations.
In any case, both in the English Codex and the original Japanese 10th Memorial Book, canon/正史 is often applied to XX with the sentiment of "If it's a thing that comes up later, it's canon/part of the 正史"- but this isn't the case for XX as a whole, only a few scenarios in it.
Aside from those instances, XX isn't treated as if its overall "canonicity" is up in the air.
To give one example, here is a quote in reference to Accent Core's story mode (on page 15 of the 10th Memorial Book, English translation by me):
(…) なお、ストーリー内容は『2』につながるものもあるので、『2』から『GG』シリーズのファンになった人、また、『XX』の続きがどうなるかきになる人は、是非ともプレイしてみよう。
"(…) Also some of the story content (of Accent core) is connected to GG 2 Overture, so folks who became fans of the GG series with Overture, or folks who want to know what happens after XX should definitely check it out."
Another interesting example is this bit from Anji's profile (on page 95 of the 10th Memorial Book, English translation by me):
闇慈の明確な目的については、アーケード版の中ではあまり触れられていない。 『2』 に通じる正史から見ると、 ifストーリーが多い家庭用において、 『XX』で彼が 「あの男」に述べた 「ギアは兵器計画ではなく、 人類を強化する計画」 という仮説は否定されていない。 これが正史だとしたら、 非常に重要な伏線となるが・・・・・・?
"Anji's exact goal doesn't come up a lot in the arcade versions. Going by the official history leading up to "Overture"- there are many What-if stories in the home console versions, and in "XX", he proposes the theory to That Man that Gears were not intended to be weapons, but rather to strengthen humanity, which has not been denied. If this turns out to be part of the official history, this might actually end up being crucial foreshadowing…?"
I point this one out because it's a prime example of a detail from XX that is treated as up in the air here in the book, but eventually was revealed to be actual foreshadowing later- with Anji's theory being confirmed in Xrd -Revelator-.
Given all this, I want to add that I personally feel the extent to which XX's two story campaigns have been labelled as "disregarded" is a bit much.
There are many aspects of XX that reappear later in the series beyond things like Anji's conversation with That Man. Faust's friendship with Slayer, Robo-Ky's fondness of certain women, Bridget's interest in the entertainment business- just to name a few.
Another example is Crow, a crucial character in Accent Core, having an entry in GG World that describes the details of his storyline much as they were portrayed in XX (creating the Robo-Ky series, experimental copies of Justice, being secretly Japanese), and goes on to mention what he’s been up to more recently.
A lot of these examples could be dismissed as “this is true, but the details of the event/how it came about could differ from how they were shown in XX.” But this just puts XX in the same boat as ML and X.
All of this to say, XX should not be dismissed entirely. Anything that has not been contradicted could potentially be revisited by the writers at any point, and there are precedents for this happening.
This kinda brings us back to your actual question about XX in regards to VXT (and the games that followed.) And things do get a bit screwy here, even outside of the XX context.
For starters, what complicates any story-related discussion of VXT is the fact that it doesn't really tell a story in a conventional way. There are only three-ish events that can be called cutscenes, and almost everything else happens in the form of random lines that fly across the screen with next to no context.
Nothing is really shown in chronological order either, because you will be tossed forward or backwards in the "narrative" depending on your rolls. It's all very chaotic, making it hard to deduce what one is supposed to take away from some of the minor characters especially.
And, like you mentioned in your question, it's not just XX that's a problem- VXT doesn't always align well with Xrd either, even though their narratives are explicitly connected.
The main "continuity" issue here is the portrayal of Zappa, and to a lesser degree Bridget, as seen in VXT.
Now, VXT does not actually "recycle quite a bit of dialogue from XX" really, but I see where the idea comes from.
Anyway, based on Zappa's and Bridget's dialogue, they seem to be in the same point of their storyline as they were in XX, even though no quotes are reused verbatim. This becomes confusing when they return later in Xrd -Revelator- and Strive. There, their stories seem to have progressed further than what some assume could have reasonably happened in the gap between VXT and those games- or outright do not fit into the timeframe VXT portrays.
Bridget can be explained easier, as her story in Strive occurs in her Arcade Mode. That one takes place an unspecified amount of time after Strive's main story, so there is more wiggle room.
Zappa, however, is a bit harder to justify, as only three months pass between VXT and Xrd. This seems too short of a time for Zappa to have had his epiphany and study the science behind paranormal activities to the degree that he clearly has by the time of Xrd.
Adding to that, his VXT dialogue also reads as if his troubles are a more recent thing-
"My name is Zappa. I've been feeling strange lately, so I'm travelling to look for a doctor." (English translation by me)
-which also wouldn't match Xrd nor XX!
His troubles being a fairly recent thing wouldn't really work with XX, because it takes place nearly 6 years before VXT. And it would't work with Xrd either, since there Zappa suggests he's had these troubles for at least 5 years.
Focusing on XX again for a moment, Zappa's VXT dialogue also reads like he might not even have met Faust yet, which would also render any of their interactions in XX as disputed, if we take his VXT appearance as the more "valid" one.
But again, since Zappa's VXT portrayal doesn't quite align with Xrd either, and there are aspects where XX is actually closer to Xrd…
As you can see, you're going to run into some issues either way.
A possible explanation for inconsistencies like these is that the writing team could've simply changed their mind about how to write Zappa's storyline once he was included in Xrd.
While this seems likely to me, keep in mind that it's still speculation.
This leaves us with many questions, like:
“Can we assume Faust and Zappa first met in 2181 as shown in XX, or did they not meet until 2187 as suggested in VXT?”, etc.
The answer to these, generally, is that we do not know for sure unless they decide to revisit these story beats and clarify.
Some events of XX are surely supposed to have happened, and a good deal of VXT is surely supposed to have happened, but the finer details remain vague.
Sorry if this wasn't the definitive answer you'd hoped for, but the fact is that definitive answers like this are tricky in a series like Guilty Gear.
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