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2023.3.20 THE BARBER FUJI OPEN 先週の賄いたち 月 鉄板焼き牡蠣ビビンバ 火 オムそば 水 トト鍋 木 つけ麺 金 ボロネーゼ 土 鬼ぎり 日 定休日 THE BARBER FUJI 岡山市北区表町1-3-9 1F 086-238-5073 月~土 11:00~21:00 (LO19:00) 日祝日 6:00~12:00 (LO10:00) 定休日 第1・3日曜日 #thebarberfuji #barber #barberlife #barbershop #okayama #岡山 #okayamacity #岡山市 #本日の賄い #本日の鬼嫁 #刻んじゃろーか #へし折っちゃろーか #本日のお嬢 #マルチグリドル #スキレット #ワンパンパスタ #一人鍋 #押忍 (the barber fuji) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_kFMMPqmf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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OC ショコラちゃんご紹介
髪型、髪色、目の色やコーデも魔法で変わるゴシック担当の魔女。 「由緒正しい最高位魔女の生まれなので、お屋敷と領地からめったに出てはいけません」と執事から教わってきた。 領地の森でヴァニラ(メルヘン担当のオリキャラの魔女です)と出会う。 町のみんなには、ショコラは魔法で作られた人形で、たくさんレプリカがいて、 ほんもののショコラは別のところにいるんだとうわさされている。それがほんとうなのかはだれもしらないし、だれが言い始めたのかもわからない。
ヴァニラはちょっぴり悩んだけれど、 「もしにせものであってもショコラがいま友達だということ、それがわたしにとってたいせつなこと」と思い、ショコラにもそう伝え、ふたりともあまり気にしていない。 家を守らないといけないプレッシャーを感じ、孤高の魔女令嬢のイメージを保つことを頑張っているが、 実はさみしがりやで外にも遊びに行きたいし友達が欲しいと思っている。
ヴァニラが泣きたくても泣けない時、怒っているとき遠く離れたショコラの目からなみだが出てきたり怒りだしたりするので執事は困っている。 ヴァニラが素直にわからないことをわからないと言ったり、子どもらしく振舞うの��自分にはできないことをしているので、 うらやましくてもっとなかよくなりたいと思っている。
夜眠るときに少しだけ、朝起きた時、別の自分と入れ替わっていたらどうしよう? もしかしたらもうすでに入れ替わっていて、気づいていないだけなのかもとふあんになる。 朝になるとそんなことはありえないと思う。夜になるともしかしたらみんなが言う通りそうなのかもしれないと思う。 でも朝になったらやっぱりそんなことはありえないと思い、大好きな薔薇とベリーの紅茶を飲み、ベリーソースのかかったダークチョコレートケーキを 食べているうちに忘れてしまう。
読書と日々のティータイムを大切にしている。 薔薇の紅茶と菫の砂糖漬けが大好き。 色はワインレッド、黒、ボルドーパープルが好き。 コーデはチョコレートやココア、コーヒーのコーデが好き。 モチーフは十字架、ゴシックレース、アンティークが好き。
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・ニコニコ静画 https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/65751
・コミックウォーカー https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_FS04204384010000_68/
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While skimming the JP volumes, I noticed a lot of subtleties in how characters address each other that aren't always carried over in translation.
So I did the only rational thing and made a frequency list of all the different ways Integra, Alucard, and Seras refer to each other throughout the manga.*
Hopefully someone else finds this informative or mildly entertaining as I did.
*Obviously “fool” and “idiot” aren’t normally counted as a means of address, but they were funny so I've included them. Also includes omake content.
Integra → Alucard
アーカード | Alucard = 21
バカ baka | idiot = 6
従僕 juuboku | servant = 3
伯爵 hakushaku | Count = 2
我が下僕 waga geboku | my servant = 1
我が僕 waga shimobe | my servant = 1
スレイブ | slave (as furigana for geboku) = 1
ばかたれども bakatare domo | idiots (referring to Alucard and Seras) = 1
Alucard → Integra
主 aruji・我が主人・我が主 waga aruji | my master (archaic/formal) = 17
インテグラ | Integra = 10
マイ マスター | my master (as furigana for aruji) = 4
伯爵 hakushaku | Count = 2
ヘルシング卿 | Sir Hellsing = 2
お嬢さん ojousan | lady (polite) = 2
局長 kyokuchou・局長殿 kyokuchou-dono | Director = 2
インテグラル ファルブルケ ウィンゲーツ ヘルシング | Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing = 2
インテグラ ヘルシング | Integra Hellsing = 1
ばーさん baa-san | old lady (informal) = 1
Alucard → Seras
婦警 fukei | policewoman = 12
セラス | Seras = 3
セラス・ヴィクトリア | Seras Victoria = 2
お嬢ちゃん ojou-chan | young lady = 1
ドラキュリーナ | draculina (as furigana for 吸血鬼, vampire) = 1
バカ者め bakamonome | fool = 1
臆病者 okubyoumono | coward = 1
半端者奴 hanpamonome | fool = 1
Seras → Alucard
マスター | master = 29
アーカード様 | Alucard-sama = 2
師匠 shishou | master = 2
おっさん ossan | old man (informal) = 1
#this was meant to be serious and informative but ended up becoming the found family trio diss list#hellsing#integra hellsing#alucard#seras victoria#i can ramble more in length about these individually but i think this is enough brainrotry on display for one evening
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Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
#rggo#ryu ga gotoku online#yakuza#ryu ga gotoku#like a dragon#Goromi#majima goro#trickinabucket#majima
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部屋だとわちゃわちゃ男子感すごい 可愛い
お嬢と気合うよね⁉️ムン!してたの微笑ましい 2人ともハッキリサッパリしてるもんな
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サイズ 身長170cm
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(Part 2) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Haruka and Yuno voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. Website]

PRISON.001 [I think they meant prisoner but they wrote 'Prison' so....] Haruka Sakurai Vertical text = 人を不幸にすることだけは得意なんです = I've only ever been good at bringing misfortune to others [From his third intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れます...=Power switched on... 電源を切りますね…=Power's turned off... あ、接続成功したんですね…=ah- the connection was successful... 接続解除します…=Connection ended... ペアリング?中らしいです…=Pair-ing? Seems to be in progress... ペアリング、成功しました=The pairing, was successful ペアリング失敗....ごめんなさい…=Pairing failed.... I'm sorry.... あ、バッテリーありません…=Ah- there's no battery left... ノイズキャンセリング、オン=Noise cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: ばかでごめんなさい=I'm sorry for being an idiot 看守さん、いや、なんでもないです=Guard-san, -wait no, its nothing な、何、聴いてるですか=W-what, are you listening to? [as in music] ア、アマネちゃん....ごめんなさい…=A-Amane-chan... I'm sorry.... ムウさんは、お母さんなんです=Muu-san is, definitely my mother ミ、ミコトさんは、いい人ですよ=Mi-Mikoto-san is, a good person y'know ….どうしました?僕、なにか変ですか?= ....Is something wrong? Is there something strange about, me? ミルグラム、とても楽しいです。= MILGRAM, is really fun.
PRISON.002 Yuno Kashiki Vertical text = そうだ、千円で膝枕してあげるよ = I know! I’ll give you a lap pillow for 1000 yen! [from her third introductory voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れるよ=Powering on 電源を切るよ~=Powering off~ やったね、リンク成功=Yippee! Linked successfully リンク外したよ=Link removed 繋げてるからちょっと待ってね=Connecting, so wait a sec ちゃーんと繋がったよ=Fu~lly Connected おっとと、繋がらなかったみたい=Suddenly, its like it disconnected ほら、そろそろ充電しょ?=Hey! Lets charge it soon, ok? ノイズキャンセリングをオンにするよ?=[Shall I] Turn on noise cancelling? アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモードだよ=It's Normal Mode
Random Voice: 看守さん、ちゃんと私のこと暖かくしてよね?=Guard-san, warm me up properly ok? 看守さん、おーい。返事してみて~=Guard-san, heeey. Please try responding~ いいね、今の曲。���たしも好きかも=Nice, the song on just now. I think I also like it. ん?ハルカ。なに、ニヤニヤしてんの?=hm? Haruka. what, what's with the smiling? マヒルさんって、なんかほっとけないんだよねぇ=Mahiru-san can't just be left on her own, right? ムウお嬢様は今日も楽しそうで羨ましいね=Looks like Little Miss Muu's having fun today too, I'm jealous [Yuno's use of ojousama is her implying that Muu's never suffered any kind of hardship, lol get rekt muu] ....何?看守さんちょっとしつこくない?=...What? Guard-san, aren't you being a bit too persistant? あたしが欲しい人、ここまでおいで=If you want me, come marco, I'll polo/Person I want, come here [lyric from Teardrop]
This is PART TWO of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno [You are here], Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru, Kazui and Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko
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So i was curious about a theory i saw with the line “Little Miss” and how, when translated to Japanese, it would be リトルミス(ritoru misu) which sounded similar to “mizu” if mispronounced by a non-Japanese person aka Fowler—but actually it’s translated as お嬢ちゃん which is the Japanese equivalent of the english ver of “little miss”. In the Japanese dub, fowler says “お嬢ちゃん” instead of “リトルミス” so i think the term “little miss” is just a stylistic writing choice rather than a clue, but! i’m currently rewatching bes in Japanese so maybe there’ll be more clues..
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Creepypasta Fandom Meme
Thank you for the template!
英語わかんなかったから画像検索したらわかるかな〜と思って検索したら恐怖画像が出てきて泣いていたんですけど、その中で唯一怖くなかったのがLJさんだったんです ぶっちゃけ彼の制作過程の作者の思い入れとしてはあんまり良くない出会い方だとは思うんですけど、私の環境的に道化師は怖くない部類だったので、幾多の魑魅魍魎が跋扈するグーグルの海の中に救いが現れた状態だったのでcreepypastaというジャンルを深く知れるきっかけになったLJさんには色々と美しい思い出があります まあ当の本人の彼は腹の中に一物どころか害虫やらキャンディやら持ってるわけですが
ジルちゃんを知った最初期は日本では情報が錯綜してて、やれLJさんの妹だお嬢様キャラだとか言われてたんですけど、実際調べてみると奥が深いキャラであ〜LJさんと同時期に知れてたらもっと面白かったのにな〜と思ってます よくある女体化ではなくちゃんとオリジナルの要素があるのがいい
カップリングに関しては初めてcreepypastaを知ったあのときに出会ったこの二組のカップリングは今でも思い入れが深いので今回シッピングのほうに挙げました なんかこの二組、お互いに支え合ってる感があるのがいいんですよね���まあ彼らの通った道は血塗れなんですけれども…
嫌いなキャラはいないけど、最初期はマジでほとんど全員怖かったです それが深い沼になるとは知らずに… ゲーム実況をこわごわ見てた記憶
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mes possibilites aujourd'hui. 今日のわたしの可能性。 海外の知人のメールに返信する。 鉄瓶と鉄急須の手入れをする。 編み物ワークショップの準備をする。 徒歩で買い物に行く。 今日は ずっとやらなきゃと思っていた案件を 2つ済ませて ちょっとすっきり。 鉄瓶はこれでもう何年もかけて 湯垢をつけている。 注ぎ口はいいあんばいに白くなってきた。 一方の鉄急須は 昨年、能登の家で無事だったので 持ち帰ったもの。 いまひとつ扱い方が分からないけど、 まあ例えて言うなら 炊飯釜とおひつ、というような 関係性なのだろう、と思っている。 さすがに体型が ビミョーになってきたので 天気も悪くないし、 今日は徒歩で買い物へ。 途中、建築や工藝の神様が 祀られている 麄香神社(あらかじんじゃ)さんに お参り。 元日は混み合っていて 参拝できなかったのでね。 はたちの集いがあったせいか、 なんとなく お若い方や 振袖姿のお嬢さん方に 遭遇することが多かった気がする。 天気が安定していて、よかったね。 みなさん、おめでとうございます。
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18世紀フランスを専門とさせていただいておりますオタクです。これは非常に稀な例なため訂正させてください。修道院というのは純潔であってほしいと願う父親に入れられる娘が大半で、ガチ無垢お嬢様がほとんどです。なので元々淫乱シスター設定はやめてください!淫乱覚醒シスター設定でお願いします! 私は18世紀フランスガチオタクニキですが、史実に基づかないファンタジーえっちも大好きです。ただし、史実に沿ったという前提で元々淫乱シスターぶち込まれ修道院ハッピーライフはやめてください!男に夢見てるふわふわお嬢様たちが男を知るという方向性こそが史実に沿った本物のエロです!! ちなみに、修道院には元娼婦や公娼などが入ることもあります。ただ一度自立した彼女たちを「ぶち込む」権利は誰もなく、大抵実家とも縁を切っているので「出家」のような自主入院です。つまり、元水商売女たちは修道院で返り咲くことはなく枯れ果てています。もう昔の暮らしには戻らないと誓っています。 追加で言わせていただくと、当時、女性は男性に比べて性への過ちは一発アウト事案でしたので、淫乱になる前に修道院にぶち込まれることが大半です。なので、ちょこっとだけえっちなこと知っちゃった子が修道院にいる可能性は極たまぁにありますが学年に一人いるかいないかレベルかと思われます。
昨今のシスターキャラに王道の清楚キャラが希少なのは歴史的に正しい?→野生の18世紀フランス専門オタクによる修道院のガチ解説コミュニティノートが投下 - Togetter [トゥギャッター]
あと、これ言っちゃうとほぼ全ての悪役令嬢ものをぶちのめすことになってしまうので、出来ればここだけの話にしたいのですが、爵位のある女性は仲介人の女性または肉親の男性が居ない場所で、初対面の男性と二人きりになるだけで終わりです。社交界ではもう咲けません うぅ、あと、これもここだけの話なんですが…婚約破棄ってあるじゃないですかぁ…あれ、たまぁに他の女に婚約者取られた系あるじゃないですか…あれマジで有り得なくてぇ…史実!あくまで史実!であれば!寝取った女は淫乱売女呼ばわりされて二度と表に顔を出せません!あんなドヤ顔で主人公見れない! つまり、史実に基づく婚約破棄ざまぁモノにするならば、「あれ?私何もしてないけど王子様に気に入られて乗り換えられたら貴族の反感買って田舎に追放されました!」なんですよね…立場が逆なんですねぇ!!惜しい!!
赤ト 果那(@red_to_kana)さん / X
13 notes
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Drama CD of The Apothecary Diaries vol.9 (3/3) / 薬屋のひとりごと 9巻 ドラマCD (3/3)
Please note that the English lines are just my translation.
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(Back to 1/3 part of the story... Click here)
(Back to 2/3 part of the story... Click here)
Maomao (Sate…ikyokuni mukatte kakunin seneba.)
Maomao (Now… I have to go to the Doctor’s office and check.)
Gaoshun “Shaomao.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao.”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Do sare-mashita? Oisogide.”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, what’s the matter, in a hurry?"
Gaoshun “Ryu-Ryu-Tao-Gakudanni tsuite hanashi’o kiita-tokoro, aru-kotoga wakatta-monode… Kochira’o goran kudasai.”
Gaoshun “After hearing about the Ryu-Ryu-Tao Orchestra, I learned something… Please take a look here.”
Maomao (…Korette…! Yappari. Yoso-shita-toori datta.)
Maomao (…This is…! I knew it. It was just as I expected.)
Gaoshun “Gakudande noko-sarete-ita genbun desu. Watashiwa sakini Beifan-samano miya’eto mukai-masu-node.”
Gaoshun “This is the originals that were left behind by the orchestra. I will be heading to Lady Beifang’s residence first.”
Maomao (Kono genbun-kara-dato, ayashii-nowa Jan’no oto… Kashi’o tadotte-ikuto…)
Maomao (From this original, the suspicious thing is the sound of ‘Jan’… If you follow the lyrics…)
Gaoshun “Shaomao, do shimashita?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, what’s wrong?”
Maomao “Ie, nan-demo ari-masen. Arigato gozai-masu. A, ato, mo-hitotsu yoi-shite morai-tai monoga.”
Maomao “No, it’s nothing. Thank you. Oh, there’s one more thing I’d like you to prepare.”
Maomao “Kon’nichiwa, Ikan-sama.” (Konchaaa, Yabu-Ishaa.)
Maomao “Hello, Doctor.” (Hello, Quack Doctor.)
Yabu-Isha “Hai-haai, oya, jochan-ja naika. Chotto matte-okure. Ima, chato senbei’o yoi suru-kara.”
Quack Doctor “Yes, yes, oh, it’s you, little lady. Please wait a moment. I’ll prepare some tea and rice crackers soon.”
Maomao “Ie. Kyowa ocha’o shini kita wakeja ari-masen. Sukoshi shirabete morai-tai-kotoga ari-mashite. Jinshi-sama-kara, hanashiwa kiite-imasenka?”
Maomao “No, I didn’t come for tea today. I just want you to look into something. Has Master Jinshi spoke to you about it yet?
Yabu-Isha “A… So-datta, so-datta. Tsukai-kara, nanika kiita-yona kiga suru. Sorede, nan-dai?”
Quack Doctor “Ah… That’s right, that’s right. I think I heard something from the messenger. So, what is it?”
Maomao “Beifan-sama. Senjitsu nakuna-rareta, senteino kisaki-samani tsuite desu. Donna kurusi’o shoho-shite-itaka, okiki-shitaino-desuga.”
Maomao “Lady Beifang. This is about the former concubine who passed away recently. I would like to ask what kind of medicine you prescribed.”
処方する(しょほうする/Shoho-suru): prescribe
Yabu-Isha “Aa… Beifan-sama dane? Zenkai, jijoga kusuri’o torini kite sugu-dattan-dayonee, nakuna-rareta-nowa. Eeetto, chomen dasu-kara, choito matte-okure.”
Quack Doctor “Ah… Lady Beifang, right? It was just after last time the lady-in-waiting had come to get her medicine that she passed away. Umm, I’ll bring out the account book, so please wait a moment.”
帳面(ちょうめん/Cho-men): old word for “notebook”, “account book”
Maomao (Tanonde-ite dokato omouga, komo kantanni joho’o oshiete iino-daroka? Sasuga Yabu-Isha.)
Maomao (I shouldn’t say this while I asked for it, but is it really okay to give out information so easily? As expected of a Quack Doctor.)
Yabu-Isha “A, a, ararara, araarara, oooo, oo!”
Quack Doctor “Ah, ah, oh my, oh my, oh my!”
Maomao “Daijobu desuka?”
Maomao “Are you okay?”
Yabu-Isha “Aaatattattatta, hahhahha, hai, kore-dayo…”
Quack Doctor “Oh, ow, ow, ow… ha ha ha, yes, this is it…”
Maomao “A…Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Oh… Thank you.”
Maomao “Shikon-boreito, Sanmotsu-ogonto, Jiin-shihoto… Zuibun takusan shoho sarete-imasune.”
Maomao “Shikon-boreito, Sanmotsu-ogonto, Jiin-shihoto… You’ve prescribed quite a lot.”
I don’t know English names of these Chinese traditional herbal medicines(漢方薬/かんぽうやく/Kanpo-yaku).
Maomao (Daitai miyani atta yakusoto icchi suru. Soreni…)
Maomao (It roughly matches the herbs there. And…)
Yabu-Isha “Aa… Beifan-samawa ju-nen-hodo-maeni karada’o kowashite-itene, gakudanmo ichiji kyushi-shite-ita tokiga atta-naa. Shibaraku-shite gakudanwa saikai-sareta-kedo, Beifan-samawa gakki’o motanaku-natte, sakkyokuni sennen sareru-yoni nattan-dayo. Jijo-gashiramo kuro-shita-yode-nee. Shujinno tameni benkyo shitai-karato, kusurino honmo kashitayo. Kusuriwa tsukau-tabini tsukuri-tai-karatte.”
Quack Doctor “Yes… Lady Beifang fell ill about ten years ago, and her music band was put on hold for a while. The band resumed after a while, but Lady Beifang no longer had an instrument, and instead focused on composing music. It seems the head lady-in-waiting had a hard time, too. She wanted to study for her master, so I lent her books on medicines. She said she wanted to make medicines every time she needed them.”
Maomao (Yappari…) “Motto maeno, ichiban saishono koro-karawa ari-masuka?”
Maomao (I thought so…) “Do you have any from further back, from the very beginning?”
Yabu-Isha “Etto…Ju-nen-mae, ju-nen-mae… Eee, koreto…koremo.”
Quack Doctor “Um… 10 years ago, 10 years ago… um, this and… this, too.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu. Kore, chotto karite iki-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you. I’ll borrow them for a bit.”
Yabu-Isha “E, e, chotto, hontowa ikenain-dakara-ne. Zettai, kaeshite-okure-yo?”
Quack Doctor “Oh, wait a second, it’s actually not okay. Please give them back to me without fail, okay?”
絶対(ぜったい/Zettai): without fail, absolutely, definitely
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “I understand.”
Yabu-Isha “Zettai dakara-ne?”
Quack Doctor “Without fail, okay?”
Kyokyo “Dozo. Jinshi-samawa, sakini matte-orare-masu.”
Kyokyo “Please come in. Master Jinshi is waiting ahead.”
Maomao “Hai. Kyokyo-sama, hitotsu ii-desuka?”
Maomao “Yes. Lady Kyokyo, can I ask you something?”
Kyokyo “Nan-desho?”
Kyokyo “What is it?”
Maomao “Zutto Beifan-samani tsukaete-ite, kokai shita-kotowa ari-masenka?”
Maomao “Haven’t you ever regretted serving Lady Beifang for so long?”
Kyokyo “A… Nani’o ikinari… Watashiwa, Beifan-samani tsukaete ina-kereba, …Kore-niwa kotae-nakutewa ike-masenka?”
Kyokyo “What happened all of a sudden? If I haven’t served Lady Beifang… Do I have to answer this?”
Maomao “Iie. Kojin-tekina kyomi desu. Iitaku-nakereba betsuni.”
Maomao “No. It’s just a personal interest. If you don’t want to say it, that’s fine.”
Kyokyo “…Kokai-nado, ari-masen. Ano katano ongakuwa, watashino seishun deshita. Beifan-samano ongaku’o kiki, kanaderu-kotode, watakushiwa jibun’no sonzai’o kanjiru-kotoga dekitano-desu.”
Kyokyo “…I have no regrets. Her music was my youth. Listening to and playing Lady Beifang’s music allowed me to feel my own existence.”
Maomao “Jibun’no sonzai…desuka.”
Maomao “Your own existence…”
Kyokyo “Dewa, watakushiwa mata heyano sotode matte ori-masu-node.”
Kyokyo “Then I’ll wait outside the room again.”
Gaoshun “Dozo. Nakani haitte kudasai.”
Gaoshun “Please come in.”
Maomao “Shitsurei shimasu.”
Maomao “Excuse me.”
Jinshi “Doyara sono kaowa, nanika wakatta-yodana.”
Jinshi “Your face seems like you know something.”
Maomao “Kakushowa ari-masen. Tadano jokyo-shokoto, soreni fuzui-shita yosoku-nomi desu.”
Maomao “There is no proof. There is only circumstantial evidence and accompanying speculation.”
Jinshi “Nanimo nai-yoriwa ii.”
Jinshi “It’s better than nothing.”
Maomao “Nanimo nai-hoga, shiawase nano-kamo shire-masenga…”
Maomao “It might be better if there was nothing…”
Jinshi “Sore’o handan suru-nowa dareda?”
Jinshi “Who is to judge that?”
Maomao “Watashi-dewa ari-masen.”
Maomao “It’s not me.”
Jinshi “Soda.”
Jinshi “Right.”
Maomao (Dangen-sasete-oite, dokka sabishi-sona kao’o suruna.)
Maomao (Don’t make somewhat lonely face, while making me say that.)
Maomao “Dewa sassoku, hanashi’o hajime-sasete-itadaki-taino-desuga, sono maeni. Kyokyo-sama, anatamo kochira’e.”
Maomao “Well then, I’d like to get started right away, but before that, Lady Kyokyo, please come over here as well.”
Kyokyo “Nan-deshoka?”
Kyokyo “What’s the matter?”
Maomao “Beifan-samano buntsu’ni tsuite kikitaino-desuga.”
Maomao “I’d like to ask you about Lady Beifang’s correspondences.”
Kyokyo “Nanno koto desho?”
Kyokyo “What do you mean?”
Maomao “Shiranai-to iwanaide kudasai. Kore’o. Ryu-Ryu-Tao-Gakudanno koshaku-fu. Sore-zore, aru otoni ate-hame-rareta kashi’o hiki-nukeba, bunshoni nari-masu. Koshaku-fu’o seishoshi, henshin shite-ita-nowa, Kyokyo-san desu-yone.”
Maomao “Don’t tell me you don’t know. This is the gongche notations of the Ryu-Ryu-Tao Orchestra. If you take out the lyrics that correspond to a certain note, it becomes a sentence. It was you who wrote out the gongche notations and replied, right?”
Jinshi “Hetana usowa tsukanai-hoga iizo.”
Jinshi “It’s better not to tell silly lies.”
Kyokyo “…Tashikani, Beifan-samaga darekato himitsuno yaritori’o shite-ita-kotoni tsuitewa, tochu-kara kiga tsuki-mashita. Otachiba’o kangae-reba, tomeru-beki dattan-desho. Shikashi, Beifan-samawa mega mie-nai okata… Naiyomo sashi-sawarino nai mono bakari. Michibatade chiisana hana’o mitsukeru-hodono sasaina tanoshimi’o, watakushiwa ubau-kotowa dekimasen-deshita. Soredemo yahari, tsumini towareru-to iuno-deshoka?”
Kyokyo “…It’s true that I noticed midway through that Lady Beifang was having secret conversations with someone. Considering her position, I should have stopped it. However, Lady Beifang is blind… and content of her conversations was all innocuous. I couldn’t take away such a trivial pleasure as finding a small flower by the roadside. Yet should I still be found guilty?”
Maomao (Kono hito… nanigeni dokyoga sugoi-yona.)
Maomao (This person… She somehow has a lot of courage.)
Jinshi “Ango-bun’ni tsuitewa, nokotte-iru monowa kakunin sasete-moratta. Home-rareta-mono-dewa naiga, tokuni akuiwa kanji-rare-nai. Senteino kisakide ari, kojin-tomo nareba, ima-sara toyakaku iu monowa inai-daro.”
Jinshi “I have checked what remains of the code. It is not something to be praised, but I don’t think there is any malice behind it. She was the concubine of the former emperor, and she is now deceased, so I doubt anyone would say anything about it now.”
Kyokyo “Dewa, watashiwa kore-nite.”
Kyokyo “Well, I’m leaving then.”
Maomao “Omachi-kudasai.”
Maomao “Please wait.”
Kyokyo “Mada nanika?”
Kyokyo “Still anything else?”
Maomao “Tsugini, kochirano koshaku-fu’ni tsuite kikitaino-desuga. Ju-nen-hodo mae-kara, anaga akerarete-iru kotoni tsuite.”
Maomao “Next, I’d like to ask about the gongche notations. About being made holes in them from ten years ago.”
Kyokyo “Senjitsumo ii-mashita. Beifan-samawa mega mie-nakatta. Dakara fuga yomeru-yonito, ana’o aketa-to.”
Kyokyo “I told you the other day, that Lady Beifang was blind, so I made holes in them so that she could read them.”
Maomao “Hai. Mochiron kiki-mashita. Demo dojini anatawa komo ii-mashita-yo. ‘Beifan-samawa, ichido kiita kyokuwa kesshite wasure-nai’to. Wasure-nai-node areba, yomi-naosu hitsuyowa naino-dewa?”
Maomao “Yes, of course I heard. But at the same time, you also said, ‘Lady Beifang never forgets a song once she has heard it.’ If she doesn’t forget it, then there’s no need to re-read it, right?”
同時に(どうじに/Dojini): at the same time
Kyokyo “Tamaniwa yomi-kaeshi-taito iware-mashita. Toshi’o toru-to iu-nowa kowai-mono. Wakai koro-yorimo kioku-ryokuga naku-naru-nowa atari-mae desu.”
Kyokyo “She said she wanted to reread it once in a while. Growing older is a scary thing. It’s only natural that our memory will deteriorate compared to when we were younger.”
Maomao “Iie. Nara, junen-yorimo maeno koshakufu-mo, ana’o akete-oku-beki desu-yone. Nanoni anatawa, ju-nen-yorimo maeno mono-niwa shite-inai.”
Maomao “No. Then you should have made holes in the gongche notations that are older than ten years, too. Yet you haven’t made holes in the ones that are older than ten years.”
Kyokyo “Kakono bun-made shori-suru himawa nakatta dake desu.”
Kyokyo “I just didn’t have the time to deal with the past ones.”
Maomao “Honto deshoka. Dewa, mo-hitotsu shitsumon’oba.”
Maomao “Is that true? Then, I have one more question.”
Kyokyo “Ittai nan-desho? Watakushino hentoga kini-iranai-node areba, hokano jijo’o tsurete-kimasuga.”
Kyokyo “What on earth is it? If you don’t like my answer, I’ll bring another lady-in-waiting.”
Maomao “Kyokyo-sama. Uso’o tsuku-nara shinjitsu’o ori-mazeru-noga tessoku-to gozonji-deshoka.”
Maomao “Lady Kyokyo, did you know that if you’re going to lie, you should mix in some truth?”
Kyokyo “Imiga wakari-masen.”
Kyokyo “I don’t understand what you mean.”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Mondo-dewa-naku ketsuron’o nobero.”
Jinshi “Apothecary. State your conclusion, not your question and answer.”
Kyokyo “Kusuriya?”
Kyokyo “Apothecary?”
Maomao “Hai. Watashiwa ko miete, kusuriya’o itonande imashita. Nanode, kusurini tsuitewa tasho wakaru-tsumori desu. Kono miya-dewa, shoyaku’o ikutsumo chogo-shite-iru-yo-nanode, kini natte ori-mashita.”
Maomao “Yes. I may look like this, but I used to run a pharmacy. So I think I know a thing or two about medicines. It seems like you have compounded a lot of herbal medicines, so I was curious.”
私はこう見えて(わたしはこうみえて/Watashiwa ko miete): I may look like this, but…
Kyokyo “Fujin-byono kusuri-desu. Watakushimo fukuyo shite ori-mashita.”
Kyokyo “It’s medicines for gynecological diseases. I was taking it too.”
Maomao “Hai. Ikyokude shirabe-sasete-moratta-tokoro, fumin’ya hieshoni kiku kusuriga ookatta desu. Choyakuwa kochirade yatte-iruto iu-kotode, zairyo-nomi uketotte-ita. Kini naru kotowa sokode.”
Maomao “Yes. I looked into it at the medical office and found that there were many medicines that were effective for insomnia and poor circulation. You prepare medicines here, so you only received the ingredients. And that’s what I’m concerned about.”
Jinshi “Nanda?”
Jinshi “What is that?”
Maomao “Zairyo’o kumi-awaseruto, Jijin-tsujitoga dekiru kotoga wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “I found that by combining ingredients, you can create a ‘Jijin-tsujito.’”
I don’t know the English name of the Chinese traditional herbal medicine.
Jinshi “Donna kusurida?”
Jinshi “What kind of medicine is it?”
Maomao “Memai, mimi-nari, choryoku-teikani koyoga aru kusuri desu.”
Maomao “It’s a medicine that’s effective for dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss.”
Jinshi “Mimi-nari… choryoku-teika…”
Jinshi “Tinnitus… hearing loss…”
Maomao “Ju-nen-hodo mae-kara, kokyuno ikyokude zairyo’o teni-irete-iru yo-desune. Chodo, funi ana’o ake-hajimeta jikito icchi shimasu. Beifan-samawa, ju-nen-mae-kara karada’o kowashite-ita,to itte-imashitaga, hontowa mimi’o wazuratte-itano-dewa nai-deshoka.”
Maomao “It seems that you started to obtain the materials from the medical department of the rear palace ten years ago. This coincides with the time when you started making holes in the scores. You said that Lady Beifang had been in poor health for the past ten years, but I think she was actually suffering from ear problems.”
Maomao (Dato-sureba, fumen’ni anaga ake-rarete-iru riyumo wakaru. Kashiwa tomokaku, otono takasa-made kubetsu suru-nowa muzukashii hazuda.)
Maomao (If that’s the case, it makes sense why there are holes in the scores. Regardless of the lyrics, it’s hard to tell the pitch of the sounds apart.)
Kyokyo “Tadano guzen desu. Iigakariwa yoshite kudasai.”
Kyokyo “It was just a coincidence. Please stop making false accusations.”
言いがかり(いいがかり/Iigakari): accusation, false charge
Jinshi “Guzento iikiruka…to iitai-tokoro-daga, Kusuriya, omaeno hanashiwa mujun shite-iruzo. Beifan-donowa, nakuna-rareru chokuzen-made kyoku’o tsukutte-ita. Sono kyoku’o dareni Yuzuru-noka… Ima kaiketsu-bubeki mondaiwa soko-daro.”
Jinshi “I’d like to ask how you can declare it was a coincidence, but... Apothecary, your story is contradictory. Lady Beifang was composing music right up until the time of her death. To whom should she give the music… That’s the problem that needs to be solved now.”
Maomao “Hai. Shikashi, Beifan-sama-hodono ongakuno saiga areba, kiokude sakkyoku-kurai dekiruno-dewa nai-deshoka. Kakoni, mimiga kikoe-naku-nattemo kyoku’o tsukuri-tsuzuketa hitoga iruto kiita-kotoga arimasu. Mochiron, mimiga kikoe-zurai-node areba, kyoku’o hiku-kotowa muzukashikute dekinaku-natta-kamo shire-masenga…”
Maomao “Yes. But if you have musical talent like Lady Beifang, surely you could compose music from memory? I’ve heard of people in the past who continued to compose music even after losing their hearing. Of course, if you’re hard of hearing, it may be difficult to play a song, and you may not be able to…”
Jinshi “Aa…Tashika-ni. Beifan-donono ensowa kiita-kotoga nai. Enso’o shinaku-natta jikimo, ju-nen-maeto icchi suru.”
Jinshi “Yes… it’s true that I have never listened to Lady Beifang’s play. And the time when she stopped playing also coincides with ten years ago.”
Kyokyo “Enso’o shinaku-natta-nowa, taicho’o kuzushiteno koto. Dakara kusuri’o tsukuri-hajimetano-desu-kara. Sakkyokumo tashikani kioku’o tayorini dekiru-kamo shire-masen. Demo henkyokuya hensowa do sare-masu? Yori fukuzatsuna otono kumi-awasemo mata, mimi’o wazuratta kataga dekiruto iiharuno-desuka? Shirotono mimiwa damasetemo, gakudanni shozoku-suru kurotono mimiwa, damase-naino-dewa?”
Kyokyo “The reason she stopped playing was because her health was deteriorating. That’s why I started making medicine. It’s true that you can compose music from memory. But what about arrangements and variations? Are you saying that even more complex combinations of sounds can be made by someone with an ear disorder? You may be able to fool the ears of an amateur, but you can’t fool the ears of a professional musician who belongs to an orchestra, can you?”
素人(しろうと/Shiroto): amateur ⇔ 玄人(くろうと/Kukoro): professional
Maomao “Desu-yone. Watashi-niwa, ongakuno kotowa yoku wakari-masen. Nanode, moshi darekaga kawarini yatte-itato shitemo, kizukimo shinai-desho.”
Maomao “I agree. I don’t know much about music. So, if someone else had done it for her, I probably wouldn’t even notice.”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Tsumari, naniga iitai-noda?”
Jinshi “Apothecary. So what do you want to say?”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama-nara, mo okizuki-dewa nai-deshoka. Naze Kyokyo-samaga kyokuno sozokuni tsuite, nanimo shira-nai furi’o suru-noka. Marude, noko-sareta koshaku-fu’o shobun shita-gatte-iru-yoni, watashiwa omoe-mashita.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, you must have noticed by now. Why does Lady Kyokyo pretend not to know anything about the inheritance of the music? It seems to me as if she wants to dispose of the scores left behind.”
Kyokyo “Sonna wakega ari-masen. Watakushiwa Beifan-sama’o daijini omotte-ori-mashita. Nanno imiga atte…”
Kyokyo “That can’t be true. I cared deeply about Lady Beifang. What’s the point that…”
Maomao “Nanno imi… Sorewa, Beifan-sama’o daijini omou-kara-koso, shiranai-furi’o shite-itano-desho. Ima-madeno Beifan-samano sakuhinga, Kyokyo-samano mono datta-kara desu.”
Maomao “What’ the point… It’s because you care so much about Lady Beifang that you pretended not to know. Because Lady Beifang’s work up until now was Lady Kyokyo’s.”
Jinshi “…Nan-dato!?... Iya shikashi, Beifan-donowa sakkyoku-shi, ensomo okonatte-itato.”
Jinshi “What!? …But Lady Beifang composed and perfomed music.”
Maomao “Mochiron, subete Kyokyo-sama-saku-dewa ari-masen. Naka-niwa, Beifan-sama hon’ninga tsukutta kyokumo atta-desho. Tada, hitoride subete’o katazukeru-niwa oo-sugita. Uke-sugita shigotowa, Kyokyo-samaga tetsudatte-ita. Fukano-dewa nai-desho. Moto-moto, ongakuno sai’o mitome-rarete hikito-raretano-desu-kara.”
Maomao “Of course, not all of them were written by Lady Kyokyo. Some of the songs were written by Lady Beifang herself. However, there were too many for one person to handle alone. Lady Kyokyo helped out when she had too many jobs. It’s not impossible. Since she was originally adopted because her musical talent was recognized.”
Kyokyo “Kattena okusokuwa yamete-kudasai. Anatawa sozoku-nin’o mitsukeru-tameni yatte-kitano-dewa naino-desuka!”
Kyokyo “Please stop making your own speculation. You just came here in order to find an heir, didn’t you?”
Maomao “Hai. Mochiron wakatte-imasu. Dakara, hitsuyona koto nano-desu.”
Maomao “Yes, of course I understand. That’s why it’s necessary.”
Gaoshun “Shitsurei desuga, shirabe-sasete itadaki-mashita. Kyokyo-samawa, motowa gijoni naru-tame, kamuro-to-shite hataraite-ita-so-desune. Beifan-samani kyokuno shinan’o suru-noni, toshino chikai mono’o isshoni narawase-yoto, Beifan-samano ochichi-uega yukaku-kara hikitotta-to. Ongakuno saiga aru kamuro-tachino kyoku’o sore-zore kikase, Beifan-samaga sono nakade, tatta hitori’o eranda-to.”
Gaoshun “Excuse me, but I did some research. It seems that Lady Kyokyo originally worked as a serving girl to become a courtesan. In order to teach music to Lady Beifang, her father took you, who was of a similar age and can learn with Lady Beifang, from the brothel. He had Lady Beifang listen to the songs of the musically talented serving girls, and she chose just one of them.”
禿(かむろ/Kamuro): a serving girl working in a brothel to become a courtesan in the future
Kyokyo “So…Sonna koto-made…”
Kyokyo “E-Even something like that…”
Maomao “Ikoku-dewa, geijutsu-sakuhin’o bungyo-suru kotomo aru-sodesu. Tatoe deshiga kaita e-demo, sono shishoto naru hitono namaede shijoni demawaru. Mochiron, gansaku-dewa ari-masen. Shishowa deshino sakuhin’o, jibun’no sakuhin-to-shite uru-koto’o yoshi-to shite-imasu. Darega kaitaka-dewa naku, dareno namaega tsuke-raretaka-ga, mondaito sareruno-desu.”
Maomao “It seems that in foreign countries, works of art are sometimes created by dividing labor. Even if a painting is made by an apprentice, it will be sold on the market under the name of the master. Of course, it is not a fake. The master is happy to sell the work of his apprentice as his own. The issue is not who painted it, but whose name were held.”
弟子(でし/Deshi): an apprentice ⇔ 師匠(ししょう/Shisho): the master
贋作(がんさく/Gan-saku): a fake, counterfeit
Maomao (Mottomo, kono kunide ikizuite-iru kangae-towa chigau. Kyokyo-ni totte, jibunga shujin’no namae’o tsukatte kyoku’o tsukutte-ita kotowa, omei-to-shika omoe-nai-daro.)
Maomao (Although, this is different from the thinking that is prevalent in this country. To Kyokyo, the fact that she used her master’s name to write a song must be a stigma.)
汚名(おめい/Omei): stigma
Jinshi “Soka… So-iu Kotoka…”
Jinshi “I see… That’s how it is…”
Maomao “Ee. Beifan-samawa senteino kisaki. Ima-dewa fuchimo suzumeno namida-hodode, jikkano enjowa nai. Deshitara, jibunde kasegu-yori-hoka nai.”
Maomao “Yes. Lady Beifang was the concubine of the previous emperor. Nowadays her stipend is barely a pittance, and she has no support from her family. In that case, she has no choice but to earn her own money.”
雀の涙(すずめのなみだ/Suzumeno namida): pittance, drop in the bucket, insignificant amount, sparrow tears
Jinshi “Kono miyato-ii, gakkiya funo kanri, ijihiwa kanari hitsuyo datta-hazuda.”
Jinshi “It must have been quite costly to care for and maintain the instruments and scores as well as this building.”
Maomao “Shikitte-ita Kyokyo-sama-nara, dare-yorimo owakari desu-yone. Beifan-samano namae’o tsukatte anataga irai’o ukereba, sono-bun shigotowa fueru. Ongaku-taino ijihi-nimo tsukaeru. Anataga hontoni kakushi-takatta-nowa, Beifan-samano himitsuno buntsu-dewa nai. Beifan-samaga tsukutta-to-iu kyoku, sorega nisemono-dato bare-taku nakatta. Sara-niwa, mimi’o wazuratte-ita-to-iu jijitsu’o kakushite okita-katta. Dakara, manga-ichi-nidemo kizukare-nai-yonito, sozoku-nin’o boyakashi, kakono fumen’o shobun shite-shimau kyutei-gakudan’ni watasoto shita.”
Maomao “As the person in charge, you know better than anyone, Lady Kyokyo. If you accept a request using Lady Beifang’s name, the reward will increase. It can also be used to cover the upkeep of the orchestra. What you really wanted to hide wasn’t Lady Beifang’s secret correspondence. You didn’t want it to be discovered that the songs that you said Lady Beifang had composed were fakes. Furthermore, you wanted to hide the fact that she had an ear problem. So, just in case anyone found it, you blurred the heir and tried to give them to the palace orchestra, who were disposing the old scores.”
Kyokyo “…Sonna koto ari-masen! Watakushiga anata-tachini hi-kyoryoku-teki datta-nowa, tada…shitto shitan-desu! Zutto…zutto watakushiga, watakushi-dakega tsukaete-kita. Sore-nanoni…hokano darekato…waza-waza saigono kyoku’o watakushi-nimo subete misezuni…”
Kyokyo “…That’s not true! The reason why I was uncooperative with you was because… I was just jealous! I have always served her, and I am the only one who has served her. And yet… she didn’t even bother to show me the last song… and to someone else…”
Maomao “Uso’o tsuka-naide kudasai. Anatawa, ango-meita buntsu’o, michibatade chiisana hana’o mitsukeru-hodono sasaina tanoshimi, to iimashita. Masani sono tanoshimiwa honrai, Kyokyo-samano mono-dattano-dewa nai-deshoka. Anatawa shitto-dokoroka, jibunga honrai uketoru hazu-datta sasaina tanoshimi’o shujin’ni watashite-ita. So-desu-yone, Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Don’t lie. You described the cryptic correspondences as a trivial pleasure, like finding a small flower by the roadside. Wasn’t that very pleasure of you originally, Lady Kyokyo? Far from being jealous, you were giving your master the trivial pleasure that was rightfully yours. Isn’t that right, Master Jinshi?”
Jinshi “Beifan-donoto buntsu’o shite-ita aite. Ryu-Ryu-Tao-Gakudan-to iu-nowa, sanju-nen-hodo maeni dekita, gijo’o dancho-ni shita gakudan-da. Reirei-to-iu joseiwa kiokuni naika.”
Jinshi “The Ryu-Ryu-Tao Orchestra, who was exchanging letters with Lady Beifang, was formed about 30 years ago and was led by a courtesan. Don’t you remember a woman called Leilei?”
Kyokyo “! …Shiri-masen.”
Kyokyo “! …I don’t know.”
Jinshi “Uso’o tsukuna. Shirabewa tsuite-iru. Omaeno anemo mata, yukakuni urareta-sodana. Shimai sorotte ongakuno sai’o motte-ita-towa.”
Jinshi “Don’t lie. I’ve checked. I hear your elder sister was also sold to a brothel. Both sisters had musical talent.”
Maomao “Beifan-sama-ateni zutto oku-rarete-kita angowa, hontowa Kyokyo-sama, anatani ateta mono dattano-desho. Kamuro datta imotoga, dokokano yashikini hiki-torare, sono musumega judai-shita-to shitte-ita. Angowa kitto Kyokyo-sama-ni-shika wakara-naito omoi, kyoku’o Beifan-samani okutte-ita. Shikashi, Beifan-samawa angoni kizuki, anatawa sonna arujini, jibun-ateno monoda-towa ie-nakatta.”
Maomao “The code that had been sent to Lady Beifang all this time was actually intended for you, Lady Kyokyo. She knew that her younger sister who used to be a serving girl had been taken in by some mansion and that the daughter in the mansion had come to the rear palace. She thought that only Lady Kyokyo would know the code, so she sent the song to Lady Beifang. But Lady Beifang noticed the code, and you couldn’t tell her that it was intended for you.”
Kyokyo “Sonna wakega…”
Kyokyo “That’s not possible…”
Maomao “Watashiwa, anatato Beifan-samano kotoni-tsuite, yoku shiri-masen. Dakara, ima, meno maeni aru joho-dakede handan-suru-nomi desu.”
Maomao “I don’t know much about you and Lady Beifang. So I can only make a judgement based on the information I have in front of me right now.”
Gaoshun “Shaomao. Iwareta mono’o yoi shimashita. Jinshi-sama, yoroshii-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, I have prepared what you asked for. Master Jinshi, is it okay?”
Jinshi “Kamawan. Dashite-kure.”
Jinshi “Right. Let it out.”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “I understand.”
Kyokyo “…Sorewa…”
Kyokyo “…That’s…”
Maomao “Kyokyo-samawa, Beifan-samano saigono kyokuno zen’yo’o shiranai-to itte-imashitane. Kore-koso, Beifan-samano saigono kotoba desu. Enso-shite-towa iimasen. Tada, me’o tooshite kudasai.”
Maomao “Lady Kyokyo, you said that you didn’t know the full story of the last song of Lady Beifang. This is Lady Beifang’s last words. I won’t ask you to play it. Just please take a look.”
Kyokyo “Aa… Beifan-sama…”
Kyokyo “Oh… Lady Beifang…”
Maomao “Anata-niwa, Beifan-samaga dareni nani’o nokoshi-takatta-noka, wakaru-hazu desu. Kanojoga shirotono me-kara mitemo hetana kashi-nado tsukuru-wakega naito.”
Maomao “You should understand what Lady Beifang wanted to leave behind and to whom. There is no way she would have written poorly written lyrics even to the untrained eye.”
Maomao (Akirakani inga fumarate-inai, heta-kusona kashiga aru-hazuda. Himitsuno buntsu’o shitte-iru-nara tokeru, kantanna ango.)
Maomao (There must be some lyrics that are obviously out of order and poorly written. If you know the secret correspondence, you can easily decipher it.)
Maomao “Beifan-samaga, hontowa nani’o shite-hoshi-katta-noka, chanto tashikamete kudasai.”
Maomao “Please check carefully to see what Lady Beifang really wanted you to do.”
Beifan “Shei-shei, Kyokyo. Ima-made zutto, arigato. Kore-karawa jibun’no kyoku’o kanadete. Watashino nokoseru monowa, kore-kurai-shika nai.”
Beifang “Thank you, Kyokyo. Thank you for everything you have done for me. From now on, play your own tunes. This is all I can leave behind.”
Kyokyo “Aa…Aaa…Beifan…Beifan-sama! Beifan-samaa!”
Kyokyo “Ah… Ahh… Lady Beifang! Lady Beifan!”
Beifan “Nee, Kyokyo. Anatawa kyoku’o tsukura-naino?”
Beifang “Hey, Kyokyo, don’t you write songs?”
Kyokyo “…E, do-shitan-desu?”
Kyokyo “…Huh? What’s wrong?”
Beifan “Kitto sutekina kyokuga tsukureruwa. Anatano utamo kotomo subarashii-mono.”
Beifang “I’m sure you can write a wonderful song. Your singing and your koto are wonderful.”
Kyokyo “Watashiga tsukutta-tokorode, daremo kiite-itadake-masen’yo.”
Kyokyo “Even if I made it, no one would listen to it.”
Beifan “Watashiga kikitaino. Moshi, hokano hitoni kiite-morai-tai-nara, watashino namae’o tsukattemo iiwa.”
Beifang “I want to listen to it. If you want other people to listen to it, you can use my name.”
Kyokyo “So, Sonna…! Bare-tara do-surun-desuka.”
Kyokyo “Oh, no way…! What will you do if it gets found out?”
バレる(Bareru): get caught ~ing, get found out (It’s a slang and not used in formal conversations.)
Beifan “Daijobu. Bare-tari shinai. Dakara, korewa watashito anatano himitsuyo.”
Beifang “Don’t worry. No one will find out. So this is our secret.”
Maomao “Honto-nara, motto hayaku kaiketsu-shite-ita-daroni.”
Maomao “It could have been solved much sooner, originally.”
Jinshi “Tsumi-tsukuri-dana.”
Jinshi “It was deceitful.”
罪作りな(つみつくりな/Tsumi-tsukurina): deceitful, sinful, heartless, cruel
Maomao “Ee. tsumi-tsukuri desune.”
Maomao “Yes, it was deceitful.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Kyokuno sozoku-ninwa jijo-gashira deshita…tte, igai dawa.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “The heir to the song was the head lady-in-waiting… How unexpected.”
Jinshi “So-desuka?”
Jinshi “Is that so?”
Maomao “Jijo-gashiraga miteru…”
Maomao “The head lady-in-waiting is watching…”
Gyokuyo-hi “A! Teisei! Watashimo Hon’nyan-ni-nara nanika nokosu-kamo! …Sorede, Kyokyo-santo itta-kashira? Kanojowa do-nattano?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Oh! Correction! I also might leave something behind for Hongniang! …And what happened to her…Lady Kyokyo, right?”
Jinshi “Kokyu’o detara, izen-yori kyokuno irai’o ukete-ita gakudan’ni shozoku-suru-kotoni nari-mashita. Beifan-dono’o zutto sasaete-kitato iu-kotomo atte, ongakuni kanshitewa, dokoni shozoku-shitemo hike’o tora-nai deshoshi.”
Jinshi “After leaving the rear palace, she is going to join the orchestra that had been asking them to write songs for them. She has supported Lady Beifang for a long time, so I’m sure she’ll be able to hold her own in terms of music no matter where she joins.”
引けを取らない(ひけをとらない/Hike’o tora-nai): hold one’s own, stand one’s ground
Maomao (Reino buntsu-aite-toyarada. Kyokyo-no anede, imotoga kai-torareta atomo, renraku’o toroto shite-ita.)
Maomao (The aforementioned pen pal. She is Kyokyo’s older sister, and tried to keep in contact with her even after her younger sister was bought off.)
Gyokuyo-hi “Uuun… Daitai wakatta-kedo, nanika kakushite-iru-yonimo kanjiru-wane.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Hmm… I understand it roughly, but it feels like you’re hiding something.”
大体(だいたい/Daitai): roughly, mainly, generally, pretty much
Jinshi “Kino-sei desho.”
Jinshi “It’s probably just your imagination.”
気のせい(きのせい/Kino-sei): just one’s imagination, overthinking, feeling like something happened although nothing actually happened.
Maomao (Gyokuyo-hi, surudoi! Soshite, Jinshiwa egaode sararito gomakasu! Beifan’no kosekiwa, jitsuwa jijo-gashira-tono gassaku-datta, nante kuchini shinai-hoga heiwa daro.)
Maomao (Concubine Gyokuyou is so sharp! And Master Jinshi just covers up the issue with his nice smile! It’s more peaceful if he doesn’t mention that Lady Beifang’s achievement was actually a collaboration with the head lady-in-waiting.)
誤魔化す(ごまかす/Gomakasu): cover up, cheat, play, deceive
Gyokuyo-hi “Uchino Maomao’o kashita-noni, nanka shikkuri-konai-kedo, maa ii-kashira.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “It doesn’t feel right in spite that I lent you my Maomao, but I guess it’s alright.”
Jinshi “Aa, ii-wasurete-ori-mashita. Beifan-donono isaku’o uketsuida jijo-gashiraga kyoku’o kumi-naoshite henso-suru-tono koto desu. Kokyu’o deru maeni.”
Jinshi “Oh, I forgot to mention that the head lady-in-waiting who inherited Lady Beifang’s work will rearrange the piece and perform variations on it, before she leaves the rear palace.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Honto? Totemo tanoshimi-dawa! Ichiban ii seki’o yoi-shite-morawa-nakucha!”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Really? I’m really looking forward to it! I’ll have to ask you to get the best seat!”
Maomao (Umaku hagurakashitaaa!)
Maomao (He successfully evade it!)
はぐらかす(Hagurakasu): evade, dodge
Jinshi “Dewa, watashiwa korede.”
Jinshi “Well, that’s all for me.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Ee. Mata nanika wadaiga areba motte-kite kudasai.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Yes. If there’s anything else you’d like to talk about, please bring it up.”
Jinshi “Ee. Kisakino tame-nara.”
Jinshi “Yes, if it’s for you, Concubine Gyokuyou.”
Maomao (Usan-kusai!)
Maomao (Suspicious!)
胡散臭い(うさんくさい/Usan-kusai): shady, suspicious, sketchy, fishy
Jinshi “Aa, so-so, jijono chinryo-gawarito-shitewa dokato omoi-masuga, mezurashii sake’o ippon motte-kimashita-node, zehi meshi-agatte kudasai. Nenno tame, dokumi’o tsukatte onomi-itadake-reba, to.”
Jinshi “Oh, by the way, I’ve brought a bottle of rare alcohol, which I’m not sure is a good substitute for the rent of your lady-in-waiting, so please enjoy it. I’d like you to test if for poison just in case.”
召し上がる(めしあがる/Meshi-agaru):eat(食べる/たべる/Taberu) or drink(飲む/のむ/Nomu) in Keigo(respectful form)
Maomao (Oo! Oooooooo!)
Maomao (Oh! Ohhhhhhh!)
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