#【 ☓ 】 ❙ STAY TUNED. ❙《 in character. 》࿏
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lyelyre · 1 day ago
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crescent moon
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karuframe · 2 days ago
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Did a mini re-print of my warframe/beforeframe* art zine (5 pieces only!) and will be eventually sharing it on my merch site alongside other art zines ♥ for those who are interested in unique collectibles/art books, stay tuned ♥ *beforeframe is my big fan project about who warframes were as characters before they became what we know them as (BEFORE we ever learned about Protoframes, this project is from 4 years ago if not more). I don't want to spoil too much but each character gets a unique or shared setting, connections to other frames and plays a different role in the fell of the orokin empire slightly differently than we know it. Our amnesiac operator/drifter connects to these broken machines to insight who they were and with the more warframes they collect, they start piecing together the full picture before they take arms alongside their warmachines they connect to on another level now.
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justpentdraws · 2 days ago
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some dragon wels concept sketches. still got no idea how to put armour on him but we'll get there
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nevros-fr · 1 day ago
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Nevros is back again with FR Archive crawling, this time Festivals!
The current dom scene looks like this:
Raffle that accepts dragons for tickets and reduced treasure/gem payout compared to exalting.
Public buy that accepts dragons only for payout and usually more than what you would get when exalting.
Badges given out for participation/sending dragons.
Exchange fodder for art
Lots of booth games and activities to participate in.
I had a few big questions that I wanted to answer about when did each of these events get established. When did each of these events start to show up? The disclaimer is that I only looked at festival push weeks to preserve my sanity. Massive shout out to Daenaryen for maintaining the festival thread masterlist!
If you have specific non festival weeks that had those events that predated the dates I found, feel free to share it!
Well it was pretty early into FR. The first festival was informal, there was a celebratory thread but no formal booths and events. July 2013 rolled around very quickly and kickstarted the festival week tradition we have had for the past twelve years. You would not believe it but randomized gacha critters were a thing from the very first event 2013. I really thought it was a later addition but maybe it’s just a return to our roots. 
The next month, we had our first raffle, banners, and plot line going with Fire in 2013. Festivals at this time were mainly participation based. If you play games at the booths, you get tickets for the main raffle. No dragon donations at all!
Shadow changed the trend in February 2014 where it accepted dragons for tickets and payouts. This was also the dark ages where you kept track of every single dragon ID.
Next in March 2015, we have the first public buy from Wind!
Light’s festival in June 2016 had the first fodder for art thread. They also offered daily participation badges for sending dragons to the raffle. Previous art threads were free, “your character here style” commissions, and not more than 2 users running the booth.
Finally, I have a feeling that this kicked off the Light/Plague rivalry but I don’t have proof but Plague rocked up to festival pushes with a whopping 22 events when previous years had a range of 3-6 events. Mad lads plague!
That is my brief look! I may or may not be working on going through each of the festival weeks to look at what events each one has. Do we have more or less booth variety? In any case, stay tuned :0c
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abadsmile · 3 days ago
I will continue to say most people don’t fully understand Makoto as a whole. Besides his main thing, being intentionally plain or bland, that most people can see, there are a lot and more to analyze to it’s character. I will soon finish my full complete analysis on him and a lot can be said about him without talking too much to his intentional plainness made by the developers. The ftes, his internal monogues, his short novel, the zero novel or even Dr3 (yes) adds a lot to his character. Make sure to stay tuned because everything will come out in tumblr.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 days ago
Oracle Trolls the Justice League by Pretending She Isn't a Gothamite; AKA Totally Completely Accurate Reports on the Cryptid!Batfam
by annabeth_forever_bitches Files on each of the Batfam members kept by the Justice League, courtesy of Oracle. Of course, they're all cryptids and happen to enjoy fucking with people, so none of this information is accurate. ---- I was writing a cryptid!Batfam AU when I realized I needed an encyclopedia for it and then I thought "wait i'm going to make this part of the AU and turn it into a fic" so here we. Stay tuned for more in this series. Words: 1064, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of of the weight of inhumanity Fandoms: Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, Batfamily Members (DCU), Justice League (DCU) Relationships: Batfamily Members & Batfamily Members (DCU) Additional Tags: i really hope i remembered the entire batfam, Cryptid Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU), Pranks and Practical Jokes, kind of sort of a little bit, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Barbara Gordon-centric, kind of? in-universe she's the one writing everything, Canonical Character Death, hey jason that you?, Canon Disabled Character, Canon-Typical Behavior, barbara gordon is a fucking badass change my fucking mind, idk im shit at tags, How Do I Tag via https://ift.tt/7PEmk0y
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deeristbeeloved · 3 days ago
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Snowy Activities ❄️🐝
Wanted to do something winter related before winter went away, so I’ve got a little snowball fight prepared 🧊
Been poking around with ways to draw bees hair without it taking 2 decades, kinda sorta working
Got a few other prompts to keep me occupied with new stuff, slowly trying to add more characters, just need to figure out which insects for those that have bug counterparts (staring directly at Izuku🧍‍♀️)
Stay tuned for more goodies 🫶🌹
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anotherrosesthatfell · 2 days ago
After 4 years of analysing E.L.A characters, we realized we're not done yet.
Last night couldn't sleep as I was discussing E.L.A Cross with my writing partner. I'll be damned if I lied I didn't cry after realizing it that all of this was big misunderstanding.
So, stay tune for children of sinners because hell, we both fucked up some characters so expecting some changes of lore.
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edsheerankinnie · 1 day ago
good lord, that was the worst watch/listen of my life. they werent kidding when they said it was bad. character assassination left and right, youd think it was a slaughterfest. stay tuned for the spite-fueled appleshy rewrite ig
ok guys based on several interesting video essay recommendations in my youtube feed i am now going to watch bride of discord blind. wish me luck
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risestarkiss · 1 year ago
"This Whole Situation"
Rise Ramblings #1
So as you guys know, one occurring phrase in the show between the boys and April is “This whole situation.” Although vague, and used in many other contexts, sometimes the family uses the phrase to refer to their mutations.  
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However, once finishing the series it’s hard to miss that Donnie never says the phrase. Now, I could be wrong (and If I am, just comment and let me know!) but I have a theory as to why Donnie doesn’t say it… Donnie never says “this whole situation” because in his mind, there IS no situation.
The Evidence:
I started noticing something interesting about Donnie’s state of mind about himself.
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He never really expresses that he’s different from other people, he’s just…him. Obviously, he knows that he’s a mutant, but it’s not something at the front of his mind. I associate it to if someone has a certain attribute, that person is just that, a person first. I believe it’s the same for Donnie. He’s a person, that just so happens to be a mutant turtle, and I live for it.
What made me solidify my theory was the use of disguises in Rise, specifically the use of disguises in April’s school.
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All of the boys have visited April’s school, and all of them decided to wear disguises, except Donnie.
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He just shows up in his regular clothing. One could argue that the hoodie is his disguise, but then why did the rest of the boys wear actual (silly) disguises while our boy Donnie is just like, “Hoodie? Check.” And not only that, but for the whole episode, all eyes are on him, and he just. Doesn’t. Care. It’s glorious!
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Later, in the episode Donnie vs. Witch Town, we see that Donnie showing up all willy-nilly pell-mell at April’s school was not a one-time thing. It’s literally been happening for years!
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Therefore, I believe that canonically Donnie doesn’t care about “this whole situation.” And if someone does, as far as he’s concerned that’s their problem, not his.
Part Two: On His Own Terms
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fbfh · 1 year ago
makey makeover - rodrick x hyperfeminine reader
wc: 1.5k
pairing: rodrick x gn hyperfeminine!reader
warnings: rodrick isn't used to being taken care of but only briefly mentioned at the end, rodrick does not know what hyaluronic acid is
summary: rodrick can never say no to you, but if it means having you straddle his lap while you use all your skincare products on him and listen to music together, he wouldn't want to say no anyway.
song recs: makey makeover - crazy ex girlfriend cast, jesus of suburbia - green day, perfect day - hoku
a/n: I started writing a kids book yesterday?? like I finished the first chapter and outline in one sitting???? it wasn't at all planned but when the muse strikes yk. Anyway I don't think it will take me as long to write so if you wanna read a chapter book about magic and girlhood and unicorns and other mythical creatures with bella sara vibes that's probs gonna be ready reasonably soon lol
tags: @yesv01 @magcon7280 @dustyinkpages @the-snake-pit @kiara7777 @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 @followingthefanfiction @2220825 @Maggzsworld @xiaos_crustytoenails @ionlymadethisaccountbcihadto @strawberryjen124 @Isaentremundos @hxnbah
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Rodrick likes to think he's a pretty tough guy. Between being born and raised on the rebellious messages of pop punk music, and the nonconforming ideologies of emo and other alt subcultures, Rodrick knows in his bones that he'll never let the man break his spirit. He'll never bow down to someone just because they want him to do something. He's had countless opportunities to stand by these beliefs at school and at home, and he has never - not once - come close to doing anything for someone simply because they want him to. Rodrick has been confident in his ability to never give into other people’s orders, no matter how much they demand of him. 
Until now.
“Pretty please, Roddy…?” You pout your glossy lips at him, blinking up at him and batting your doll like eyelashes, and that’s all it takes to make him fold.
“...I guess, if you really-” He’s cut off by an excited squeal from you, and he’s glad that you’re too distracted to notice him blush. Rodrick has never felt his willpower give in so fast, but as he watches you rush around your room and smile, delighted that he’d agreed, he realizes that he’d do pretty much anything you tell him too. Ben and Chris would call him a pussywhipped simp, but… no, that’s pretty much it. He chuckles a little at the thought, watching the pile of stuff grow. He recognizes nail polish and tweezers, but that’s about it.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” You say, rambling happily as you settle down on your bed across from him. “I’ve been wanting to do self care stuff but I’ve done so many everything showers and self care nights there’s nothing left for me to do on myself. But you…”
You take his face in your manicured hands, moving him around to inspect more closely.
“You are in serious need of a facial.”
Rodrick doesn’t really process what you’re saying, he just loves when you touch his face like that. 
“...Uh, yeah totally.” He mutters absentmindedly, distracted by your sweet smell. After a moment, he processes what you said, and chuckles, leaning back into your silky pink pillows. “Babe, you can do anything to me, anywhere, anytime.” 
You giggle, feeling your face flush a little as you get all your stuff organized. Rodrick runs his hands up and down your waist, fidgeting with your soft fluffy pajama shorts and big loded diper shirt you wear all the time. He sees the little burn marks and worn out hems and realizes it’s the one you stole from him. He smiles softly, loving the way you look in it even more now. His attention is pulled back to you when you push something over his face, brushing his hair back. You adjust the fluffy cat ears on the headband, making sure you have access to his whole face. Rodrick giggles a little, knowing he must look a little out of place wearing a pierce the veil shirt and fluffy kitty cat headband. 
“I don’t think my forehead has been this exposed since like, 4th grade…” he chuckles.
“That’s good, you’ll have less sun damage that way.” You smile, putting some micellar water on a cotton pad. It’s a little cold to the touch, but after a moment, the feeling of you gently wiping over his face and neck ends up being way more relaxing than he had expected it to. You throw it away, and he hears it land in your trash can with a crinkle. 
“I’m gonna mist your face now, okay?” You say, and he nods. You spray rose water on his face, and Rodrick can’t get over how considerate you are to give him a heads up like that. Rodrick smiles a little as he adjusts to the subtle floral smelling facial spray he’s used to smelling on you. He basks in the quietness of your room, opening his eyes as he watches you sitting on his stomach and looking for the next product. You hesitate for a moment. You feel like something’s missing, but you can’t put your finger on it.
“Oh,” you say, reaching for your phone as you remember. You open up Spotify, and put your favorite playlist on shuffle - the one you and Roddy share. It’s full of both your favorite songs, mostly boiling down to early 2000’s pop punk and trashy pop. It’s chaotic but really does suit you both perfectly.  Rodrick smiles suddenly as he instantly recognizes the opening notes of Jesus of Suburbia begin to play. You take out your favorite serum, jasmine and blackberry hydrating jelly, and place a few drops around his face. 
“What’s that one?” Rodrick asks, picking up another bottle. 
“Hyaluronic acid.”
Rodrick looks at the little dropper bottle.
“Does it, like, melt the flesh right off your bones?” 
“No…?” You chuckle, massaging his cheekbones and jawline with your fingertips.
“Then why is it called hydroponic acid?” He asks rhetorically, “Acid is supposed to melt shit.”
You laugh again, and he makes a mental note to sample your laughter for a song at some point in the future. He doesn’t know which one yet, but he knows it will be his best one yet. 
You rub some cooling aloe vera gel into his skin, then take out your rose quartz gua sha stone. You tap your fingertips against his chest, and he looks at you with an amused smile.
“What does that do?”
He watches you work, eyes locked on you. He can’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed and peaceful. 
“I’m prepping your lymphatic drainage system.” 
That clarified absolutely nothing for Rodrick, but he trusts you implicitly. You’re so good at so many things, but Christ, you could write a book on all that girly beauty stuff. It’s way more hardcore than people think it is. You know about all these acids and drainage systems and the pink rock thing, and even though he’s impressed, he’s not at all surprised by how good you are at all this stuff.
You begin gently gliding your gua sha over Roddy’s skin, working from his forehead down to his neck and jawline. He stops talking as you work, and it’s like you melt all of the stress out of his body through his face. He could fall asleep with you touching him so gently like this. After a while you rub some more cream into his face, then place something under his eyes that feels like thinly sliced jello.
“What the fuck?” He asks, bringing another laugh out of you. He watches you take two more of the weird jelly things and put them under your own eyes.
“They’re under eye masks.” You answer with a chuckle. “They hydrate your skin, depuff, and get rid of dark circles.”
“Huh…” he hums in response, playing with the patches as they sit on his face. 
Once you’ve used half your arsenal of skincare products on him, you peel off his sheet mask and let him sit up. You hand him a mirror, and as he sits up and stretches a little, kind of wishing you had more to do, he feels like he just woke up from the best sleep of his life. 
“So? What do you think?” You ask excitedly. He can’t help but crack a smile at how cute you are. Rodrick takes the mirror you offer him. When he sees his reflection, he almost doesn’t recognize himself. 
“Oh my god…” he says with a soft smile. He’s glowing. He doesn’t think he’s ever looked this soft and moisturized and… cared for before. He doesn’t even have any crusty eyeliner from yesterday smudged around his eyes. He can never get it off all the way, but one wave of your magic wand, and it’s gone. He laughs again, touching his cheek. He looks up at you in surprise.
“My face is so smooth…” “I know!” You exclaim in delight. “So, do you like facials after all?”
You have a feeling you already know the answer, but Rodrick looks up at you anyway.
“Yeah,” he states, pulling you in for a kiss, his lips soft and exfoliated, topped with your favorite strawberry lip balm. You think Rodrick is right, it does taste better in a kiss. After he pulls away, it takes him a minute for his brain to stop short circuiting. 
“So… uh, are we doing this again next weekend?” 
You laugh at his hopeful tone of voice, how he raises his eyebrows a little. 
“Yeah.” You nod, taking him in for another kiss. You take his hands in yours, looking at the stick and poke tattoo he got of the heart you drew on his hand in chemistry class, his little calluses from drumming. “Next week I can do something about your cuticles.”
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geminitayyt · 1 year ago
Hey, I heard from someone that you don't like being depicted as a deer. Is that true, or do they just have misinformation?
Sorry for asking if it makes you uncomfortable. I just wanna know cause I have, like, no context😅
I think people get that from misunderstanding a tweet I put out a while ago. I dont hate being portrayed as a deer. Although, it wasnt something i expected. Pre-hermitcraft gem was almost never drawn as a deer, the antlers were meant to be part of a decorative flower crown, not actually growing out of my skull. So it isn't a depiction that I intended or imagined for myself. When I picture my character she's more of a silly nature elf woman. Because of that, I do sometimes wish I could separate from the deer a bit. I tweeted a while ago that I didn't want to *always* be a deer. So for the skins I have that don't have antlers, I usually prefer those to be humans or some other more fitting animal. Wizard Gem from Empires is a good example, I really didnt picture her as being a deer, it didnt fit with the character for me. But season 8 hermit gem can totally be a deer. That doesnt mean if you portrayed wizard Gem as a deer I was uncomfy, it just didnt align with how I imagined the character, which is fine. For season 10 of hermitcraft I plan to ask the audience not to make me a deer. I've had season 8 & 9 gem both be deer now, and I just prefer for my character to be able to change outfits and forms. I think always being portrayed as a deer is putting me in a cottagecore sized box that I never really asked to be trapped in. Season 10 gem won't make sense as a deer anyway, just cause of the theme i'm going with, but to help the fan artists I am commissioning an artist to portray my character close to how I imagine her, with a few animals I think could work in place of the deer.
also if you just haveeee to draw S10 gem as a deer, I still wont be mad, its not that serious I appreciate all the art.
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shootingstarrfish · 1 year ago
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asmos super cool plan part 3!!!!
parts 1 and 2 here (combined)
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gamorahww · 28 days ago
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𝐅𝐈𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 ━ 𝑑𝑎𝑦 2. 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔
Today I'm holding space for the idea that in the context of the movie, dancing is a coping mechanism for Fiyero. While caring is a cure and a solution and an answer. I mean it is nothing new, but it needs to be said.
There will be a separate post on Dancing Through Life later today, but for now, we're starting from later. At history class, Fiyero voluntarily steps up to help the lion cub, and they make it all the way to the forest. Shortly after they are safe, and start talking, Elphaba says, "I know my life would be much easier if I didn't care, but—" and Fiyero cuts her off at exactly this point in her sentence. And I think that moment is crucial. Up until now, he’s never interrupted her before—but now he does and not because he’s frustrated with how much she talks, but because of what she’s saying. He doesn’t want to hear her talk about caring. That’s a pain point for him.
Because he knows it’s easier not to care. That’s the story he tells himself.
The lyrics in Dancing Through Life go: "Why think too hard when it's so soothing?" Soothing what? You don’t need to soothe something that doesn’t hurt. Soothing is only necessary when there’s an ache. To me this means he has cared before, and he has been hurt by caring before, and now he's coping with that by dancing through life. He is soothing his pain from secretly caring just too much, by dancing. Not because he doesn't care anymore about anything, but because he can't stop doing it, so he has to keep dancing. Dancing is loud, and visible. If he dances, people don't ask questions about his personality about what he thinks or how he feels. Maybe they haven't been doing it anyway, so he distracts them by doing his little dance, and as soon as they get too close, he pushes them away. But what he believes to be true for now is that caring = painful and dancing = a way to cope with that pain
But Elphaba just saw him care—deeply. She knows he’s capable of it. And she knows how unbearably sad it must be to choose to pretend otherwise. At the same time, she also understands how painful caring can be, she just highlighted is. In that moment, they find common ground.
But Fiyero’s façade—his carefree persona—is what he assumes people value in him most. So the second he realizes Elphaba doesn’t see him that way, he panics. He thinks that if she can see through him, it means she doesn’t want him there. No one has ever appreciated him for anything beyond the image he projects. So if that mask is gone… what’s left? Why would she still want him around, if he's not fun and happy and carefree? So he starts to leave.
And then she proves him wrong.
Not only does she say "she does (want his help)," but she physically holds onto him, keeping him there. The shock on his face (second gif from the bottom) says everything—he never expected someone to want him without the act. And later, when she touches his face so gently, you can see him struggling to process it. This is the most vulnerable he’s ever been, and it terrifies him. Not only that, but Elphaba sees a scar on his face, and sees that he has been hurt, without him noticing it. She reaches out and touches him gently, not really wanting anything, and he just can't bear it.
Her caring for him is not painful, it's soothing.
His Freudian slip a few beats later—"I better get to safety."—isn’t just about physical danger. This doesn’t feel safe. Being seen, being wanted for real, is the opposite of what he’s used to. Caring and being cared for are equally scary, but only the latter seems like a completely new experience for him. However, after feeling it, he finds something so real that he just yearns for it from now on. Yearns to be seen and touched and to be needed for something he did instinctively, without a thought, something he did because it felt right.
That’s why the later scene with Glinda is so important. When she holds his hand, the shot mirrors the moment with Elphaba—but with one key difference. Glinda is pulling him away, back into the world of pretense. But he can’t go back, not after this, and you can see him looking back at where he came from, back to the forest, back to Elphaba, back to being seen. For once, caring was not painful, and someone cared for him as well.
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wineonawhitetee · 8 months ago
I wasn't going to do anything, but then the official Pride Month illustration dropped, soo, I had to doodle these
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Part 2
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months ago
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Shout out to all artists who had to work without any strong direction or instruction.
I wish you a merry “the client likes it anyways”
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