#『But I'm just laying in bed wondering what the point of going in and regretting every choice I've made over the last year』
deadeyemarkxman · 5 months
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wanderingsoul6261 · 5 months
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Credit to original gif creator, cinevettel
After the Sun Rises
James Beaufort x Reader
Warnings: suggestive themes at the end, but no details. But 99.9% fluff
P.S I'm still sick, so work with me here.
Sunlight let itself inside the room, the curtains of (Y/N)’s open windows billowing softly with the morning breeze. The distant noise of chirping birds filled the room. 
(Y/N) shifted in her bed, an arm tightening around her waist. A hand gently moved underneath her shirt, fingers trailing softly across the expanse of her stomach, before coming to a stop. She inhaled sharply, the movement of James fingers tickling her slightly, before she settled down. She moved her own hand down, settling her hand on top of his own. 
The two laid like that for several moments, James breath fanning across the back of her neck while her thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand. Neither of them wanted to get up just yet. That much was evident. Nor could they blame each other. This was one of their rare moments in which they had time for themselves. Between the planning committee and doing things for their parents, they finally had a moment of peace. 
Luckily, their parents were all out on business trips, so they had no one expecting anything from them today. 
(Y/N) rolled over, James hand moving to rest on her waist, before he moved it to her back. He pulled her closer, their legs becoming tangled together as he finally open his eyes and stared at her. A small twinkle appeared in his eyes and his lips moved into a smile. His hand moved back to her waist, his thumb gently rubbing across a very tiny patch of skin, his other arm coming to wrap around her back. Another attempt to pull her closer to him. Now they were almost flush, chests about a pinkie length away. 
She brought a hand up to rest on his cheek, smiling when he closed his eyes and leaned into it. 
That's what the two of them felt at that moment.
James finally opened his eyes again. 
“Absolutely stunning.” He breathed out. (Y/N) felt her cheeks grow warm. 
“I haven't even brushed my teeth or my hair?” She commented, a hand subconsciously coming up to comb through her sleep messed hair. His eyes watched her hand movements before looking back at her. 
“Let me do it.” He said. (Y/N) paused, wondering if she heard him right, and when he continued to look expectantly at her, awaiting an answer, she knew she had heard him right. 
“Are you sure?” She asked. “I can do it.” 
“No. I got this. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.” He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, regretting it because now he didn't want to get out of bed. But he did, and jumped up off the bed to go retrieve her brush from the adjoining bathroom. She watched him walk away, only on a pair of boxers, his back muscles rippling with each move he made. 
And that's how she ended up sitting cross legged in her bed, James sitting behind her. His fingers held her hair gently, taking the task of brushing her hair seriously. Well, for the most part. He would lean over after every few brushes and press a lingering kiss to either her shoulder or neck. 
“Keep doing that and we might not get through completely brushing my hair.” James leaned over, moving her shirt ever so slightly to press another kiss to her bare shoulder. His eyes peered up at (Y/N) as she turned her head slightly and make eye contact with him out of the corner of her eye. 
He pulled away, a casual smirk on his face. 
“Maybe that’s the whole point, love.” She had only rolled her eyes as a smile pulled at her lips. 
“After breakfast. I'm getting hungry. So hurry up pretty boy.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
And now the two of them sat outside laying on a reclined lawn chair. Their breakfast plates were discarded on the small table next to them. 
(Y/N) laid on him, her fingers rubbing soothing circles on his exposed chest not covered by his button up. She listened quietly to the sound of his heart beat. If she was tired, she would let it lull her sleep. It was one of her favorite things to listen to, because it was him. All him. 
His arms were wrapped around her, his face pressed against the crown of her own head. James pressed a lingering kiss there, basking in the moment as he closed his eyes. And they stayed like that for a while, allowing the sun to beat down on them and keep them warm. 
James was almost certain that he would fall asleep laying there. 
That was until a hand started to move from his chest and went downward. He opened his eyes and looked down at (Y/N), catching her already staring, a smirk on her face. Her hand reached the waistband of his shorts, and he raised an eyebrow. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice suddenly deeper with arousal. (Y/N) didn't say anything. Only stood up, and proceeded to run back into the large manor, obviously towards her room. 
James fell out of the chair, attempting to chase after her. 
They weren't going to make it to her room. James was going to make sure of that. 
Tag list: @lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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sturnlovaa · 10 days
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°•. IMAGINE — Matthew Sturniolo in desperate need of your touch.
cw.. protected p n v, period sex (mentions of blood — im on my period atm so you all have to suffer with me 😊), oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation, edging, y/n.
💌: 600 speciallllll !! gaining fast and i appreciate all the support recently — it’s insane. also, happy day one of autumn !
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the cold night air nipped at your skin as you lay in bed, the soft glow of your bedside lamp casting long shadows across the room. suddenly, a gentle tapping sound on your window broke the silence. you froze, listening intently.
the tapping came again, this time accompanied by a hushed whisper, "y/n, it's me," his voice was barely audible, yet it sent a jolt of anticipation through you. you slipped out of bed, padding softly across the hardwood floor to your window.
with a creak, you pushed the window open, the cool night breeze washing over you. "hello, stranger," you whispered, a hint of mischief in your voice. he moved closer, his features emerging from the shadows.
his gaze raked over you, hungry and intense. "i've been trying to catch up with you," he said, his voice low as he leaned against the windowsill. "you've been MIA,"
"busy," you replied curtly, not wanting to elaborate. you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to appear nonchalant despite the flutter in your stomach. his eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in a way that made you wonder if he was going to push the issue.
"look, it's late," you said, uncrossing your arms and leaning against the wall beside the window. "is there something you need?" your tone was neutral, Matt's face darkened, and he pushed off from the windowsill. "yeah, there is,"
"i need you," he said bluntly, his eyes locked onto yours. the air grew heavy between you, charged with unspoken words and pent-up desire. "you've been ghosting me, and i'm quite.. overdue,"
your eyebrows furrowed as you processed his words. "overdue?" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice. his expression remained serious as he began to climb through your window — his presence filling the space. "you know what I mean,"
he finally managed to squeeze himself inside, his tall frame looming over you. "i've been.. needing a release," he admitted, his voice strained. "and you owe me," his eyes bored into yours, unblinking as he gets himself fully through. "you disappeared on me without a word,"
he took a step closer, his broad shoulders blocking out the moonlight. "and now, I'm standing here, blue balls and all, because you couldn't even send a text," he ran a hand through his dark hair, frustration etched on his face.
you bit your lower lip, torn between guilt and amusement. "well, you are standing here now," you pointed out, tilting your head to meet his gaze. his expression softened, and he reached out, gently tugging you closer by the hem of your shirt. "yes, i am,"
"and I'm not leaving until I've collected," he murmured, pulling you against his chest. his body heat seeped into you, banishing the chill of the night air. you could feel the hardness of him pressed against you, a clear indication of just how overdue he was.
you stiffened against him, a wave of regret washing over you as you remembered why you’d been avoiding him. "Matt, wait," you said, pushing weakly against his chest. "i can't, i'm on my period,"
he stilled, his body tensing. "since when does that stop us?" he asked gruffly, not pulling away. "you know i don't care about that," his hands roamed down to cup your backside, giving it a gentle squeeze. "remember our rules?"
you let out a soft, reluctant hum, remembering the unspoken agreement between you two. "no holds barred," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. "to an extent, of course," his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt, caressing your skin.
"but it's been days, and I'm desperate, sweetheart," he rasped, his calloused hands gliding up your sides. "i need your mouth, your hands.. anything," his large hands slid down to your exposed waist, lifting you up.
carrying you over to the bed, he sat down with you in his lap, straddling him. his breath was hot against your neck as he nuzzled into the curve of your shoulder. "please, just do something, anything," his voice was low, almost pleading.
you let out a soft sigh, your resolve crumbling under his touch. "fine," you whispered, "go get a towel," his face lit up with a mischievous grin, and he quickly deposited you on the bed before rushing to your bathroom.
while he was gone, you curled up on the bed, trying to calm your racing heart. you could hear him rummaging around in the bathroom, the sound of the cabinet door opening and closing. after a moment, he returned with a pink towel in hand.
kneeling on the floor in front of you, he gently pulled your sweats down, along with your panties before pushing your thighs apart. "lift your hips," he commanded, his voice thick with desire. you did as you were told, and he slid the towel underneath you, positioning it to catch any leakage from your period.
satisfied with the makeshift protection, his focus shifted back to you. his touch was gentle yet firm as he pushed your legs wider, making room for himself between them. he leaned down, pressing his face against your inner thigh and inhaling deeply. "god, I've missed your scent,"
you let out a shaky breath, leaning back on your elbows as he buried his face between your thighs. his warm breath and soft lips sent shivers down your spine. his fingers gently spread your lips apart, granting him access to your most intimate area. he inhaled deeply, his nose pressing against your sensitive flesh.
with a contented sigh, he began to kiss and nuzzle your pussy, his tongue occasionally flicking out to taste your delicate folds. you couldn't help but arch your back, pressing your cunt against his face. he obliged, increasing the pressure of his kisses and sucking gently on your clit.
"Matt.." you whimpered, your head falling back as pleasure washed over you. his hands gripped your thighs tightly, pulling you even closer as he devoured you with desperate passion. you could feel the warmth of your blood mingling with the wetness of his saliva, soaking the towel beneath you.
you gripped his hair tightly, your hips bucking against his face as he brought you to the brink of ecstasy. just when you thought you would finally find release, he would slow down or change the pattern, keeping you suspended in a state of unfulfilled desire. "please.."
he looked down at you, his eyes dark with lust. "not yet," he whispered, his breath hot against your area. his tongue flickered out, circling your clit slowly before plunging into your tight channel. you gasped, your body convulsing with the effort to hold back your orgasm.
with a final, agonizingly slow lap of his tongue, he finally pulled away from your aching pussy. he placed a gentle kiss on your inner thigh before standing up and unbuckling his belt. you watched, breathless, as he freed his thick, hard cock from his pants.
"touch yourself," he demanded, wrapping his hand around his shaft and beginning to stroke it. you hesitated for a moment before sliding your hand between your thighs, your fingers finding your swollen clit. as you started to rub yourself, his grip tightened around his cock, his strokes becoming faster and more desperate.
"put a finger inside," he grunted, his eyes flicking down to watch as you obeyed. you slipped a digit into your warmth, your body clenching around it. he let out a low groan, his hand pumping furiously as he watched you pleasure yourself. "add another,"
you complied, slipping a second finger inside your slick opening. your arm trembled with the effort to keep up the pace while your other hand gripped the sheets beneath you. his breathing grew heavier, his face contorted with concentration as he neared his own release.
"fuck, just like that," he panted, his hand moving in a blur as he jerked himself off. just as you were about to reach your own climax one more, he suddenly stopped stroking his cock, his hand freezing in place. "no, not yet," he commanded, his voice tight with restraint as he reached out to pause your moments.
you whimpered in frustration, your body aching for release. he gently removed your fingers from your pussy, bringing them to his mouth and sucking them clean — he truly didn’t give a fuck what the circumstance was. "soon," he promised, his voice low and dangerous.
he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, quickly sheathing his throbbing cock. he finally settled between your thighs, the tip his dick pressing against your opening.
"look at me," he demanded, his voice hoarse. your eyes met his as he slowly pushed inside, inch by agonizing inch. you gasped at the sensation, your fingernails digging into his biceps. once fully seated, he paused, allowing you to adjust to his size. "you okay?"
you nodded, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him even closer. he began to move, slowly at first, his hips rolling in a hypnotizing rhythm. each thrust sent waves of pleasure through your body, and you found yourself matching his rhythm, lifting your hips to meet his.
his pace quickened, his breathing growing ragged as he buried his face in your neck. you could feel his hot breath against your skin, his stubble prickling your flesh. the room filled with the sounds of your combined moans and the slick slap of flesh against flesh.
"Matthew.." you whimpered in his ear, your body tensing as your release finally neared. he must have felt it too, because he reached between your bodies, his thumb finding your engorged bud and applying just the right amount of pressure. "that's it, baby,"
your nails now rested on his sides, raked down them as you clung to him, the intensity of your emotions mirroring the power of your impending release. "i.. i can't.. please.." you panted, your voice barely a whisper.
"come for me," he growled, his voice low and commanding. with a final, hard thrust, he pushed you over the edge. your body convulsed around him, your cries of passion filling the room. he continued to move inside you, drawing out your climax until you were boneless and spent.
as you floated back down to earth, he covered your trembling form with his own. he held you close, his heart pounding against your chest, both of you struggling to catch your breath. after a moment, he lifted his head, his eyes searching yours. "mine,"
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— tags
@shadowthesim , @ifwdominicfike , @sturniolo04 , @mattsdolll , @sturncakez , @jetaimevous , @biiatrizzz , @blahblogs-stuff , @chlotapcs , @poolover123 , @55sturn , @franticroads , @brvtall , @gwennybenny , @starlace111 , @luvs4matt , @lov3bug .
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
Happy Never After | T Meier
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summary: not everything has a happy ending
this is a re-write
"I don't understand you sometimes!"
"What's not to understand Timo?! I drop everything for you all the time and you just don't care-"
"I care!"
"No you don't! I dropped everything for you when you were traded to Jersey, I left my job and sold my apartment to follow you and I put up you you being absolutely miserable every single day because of it! I moved around the country now we’re in Jersey without my home and job!"
A weight lifted off your shoulders, finally speaking your heart. Timo shifted awkwardly infront of you.
"Glad you got that off your chest" he grumbled, angrily
"you're not the only one who sacrificed stuff you know?"
You laughed humourlessly "what could you have possibly had to give up?"
It was like he was searching for something to say "| missed out on like everything it was to be a rookie because I was tied down to, to you!"
Your eyes went wide and Timo bit his lip, regretting how he'd said it.
"You 'missed out'?" You put air quotes around your words and quirked your eyebrow
He gulped
"On what exactly? The drinking and partying? The hooking up every other night? Every Sunday I came over Kevin had a new girl in his bed! Is that what you want?"
"What? No-"
"That's what you said! You just said that!" You wave your hands around with no reason, just feeling frustrated.
"You know that's not what I meant!"
"That's what you said!" You screamed, as if raising your volume would get the point across better.
He ran a hand over his face and sighed "God would you stop being such a bitch-"
The sound of your palm meeting the side of his face sounded through his apartment. He grabbed his cheek which was turning red now while you stumbled back, tears in your eyes and gasped.
"Don't you dare, don't you dare call me names!" He reached out for you, to console you but you pulled away "No, No don't! Don't touch me! God, I can't even look at you"
"Babe, please just listen I didn't - woah what are you doing?" He rushed, watching as you picked up your coat and bag.
"I'm leaving, I'm going home"
"Please don't leave! C'mon I'm about to leave on a two week long road trip let's not do this"
You looked at him, breaking his heart as he took in your red nose and tear stained cheeks while you sniffled
"I can't Timo"
When the door shut he stood in the silence wondering
what the fuck just happened?
When he woke up the next morning he had hoped you were there, you weren't. You hadn't answered any of his calls and texts.
The devils were about to leave for a two week road trip and he didn't want to leave this on a bad note but he had no time before the flight was due to leave.
Before take off you received a text
Timo 🤍
i love you and I'm so sorry. please just call me, I wanna hear your voice.
You read the text, like all the others but never replied.
Instead simply throwing your phone away to sit and sulk.
Day four of the trip and he still hadn't heard from you.
The first sign of life was when Jack's girlfriend posted a photo on her instagram stories of a bunch of denim jackets with the boys names and numbers on the back for the wags annual brunch.
He spotted his own name on a jacket, heart content to know you were there. However a couple of hours later he saw another story post of the same brunch and could see that same table with one jacket lay on it, the number twenty eight standing out to him clearly.
It had started taking a toll on his play around Vegas.
Nico spoke to him but was shut down quickly as Timo insisted there was nothing wrong and that he was sorry. Nico didn't care about his play, he was worried about his friend.
A week into the trip you visited Timo's apartment with a cardboard box in hand. Packing up everything you wanted to take with you. At some point you'd gotten so emotional you sat down on the couch to breath and turned the tv on.
It flickered to the last channel it was on, hockey. You watched the screen as it panned across the devils and the canucks. You watched as the screen showed Timo, holding his chain in hand and kissing the pendant that hung on it - your pendant.
"Oh T..." you sighed, biting your lip and turning the TV off.
When the road trip ended Timo couldn't wait to get home and see you, try to resolve this clear issue.
Opening the door, he immediately felt off. His eyes darted around the room trying to figure out what was different.
Your favourite blanket that hung over the couch was gone.
Your shoes weren't littering the floor next to the front door.
You weren't there.
Timo scrambled for his phone, calling you and texting you to be hit with the voicemail.
37 voicemails.
146 text messages.
27 instagram DM's.
6 twitter DM's.
1 email.
You never replied.
It wasn't until a few days later you called him when you knew he'd be at practice unable to see his phone so you could leave a message.
When he returned to the locker room and saw his missed call he cursed, rushing to listen to the voicemail.
"hey timo, I know it was shitty to ghost you like that but I feel like if I didn't do it this way I would make it worse for everyone. I feel like we need time apart, you made it clear that being in this relationship made you miss out on things so I want to give you the chance to explore that lifestyle! I'll always be your biggest fan, from San Jose to Jersey I've got you but I think I just gotta have you from afar for a little while"
Timo looked at his phone for a moment before he threw the phone onto the floor and stood on it repeatedly.
Completely unaware everyone was watching the scene he was causing.
It was Jonas’ hands on his shoulders that snapped him out of his bubble "C'mon man, let's go some-"
"She left me"
"Okay, come on buddy not here"
He looked up at his friend and let out a soft, shaky breath before he shoved his head on his shoulder and began to sob.
"You're alright, it's alright"
The pounding on your front door that night startled you, leaving your desk to answer the clearly urgent guest
The door wasn't even open enough to see you before you heard "What the fuck is going on?!"
"Hi Lauren, come in, lovely to see you" you joked, rolling your eyes as she barged into your apartment.
"Timo is on my couch right now crying, what is going on? More importantly are you ok?" She asked, eyes fluttering over you to check.
You smiled softly "I'm okay Laur, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you l just - my head has been fried"
Her eyes softened "hey listen, I'm here for you okay? I just don't understand what's going on? Jonas brought him home and we are both as clueless as each other"
"I broke up with him"
"You What? This is a joke right?"
"Laur, i feel bad enough please don't make me feel worse" you groaned.
She stood there looking at you "I don't get it, you're Timo and Y/N. You don't break up"
"Yeah well.." You trialled off.
You went into all the details. Explaining the cause of the fight and all the things he said to you amidst it all.
By the end you were both in tears and when Lauren hugged you, you felt relaxed for the first time in a long time
"We love You, so much! and we support you always-"
"But Jonas-"
"But Jonas nothing, you are our friend too and it'll take some getting used to but we support our friends"
When Lauren returned home that night she didn't speak to either of the boys. Clearly seeing how much Timo was hurting right now that being angry at him wasn't an option.
He returned home, to an empty house on day three.
He felt like he was becoming a burden in their home.
So he moved the pity party back to his place.
Life carried on as normal as it could, he played hockey, he practiced and he slept. He did everything he would usually without you. He tried not to think about you too much but it was hard living in the place he had never been without you.
The days and month kind of moulded into one.
Halloween passed, Christmas passed, New Years all without you.
Timo downloaded tinder and bumble. He let his friends set him up. Nothing was working. He hated this.
The next time he saw you was New Year's Day.
Lauren had asked for you to come along to the game with her as the Devils were playing the Flyers in the stadium series and her future in-laws would be present.
You'd been friends with Jonas since high school and his parents always enjoyed seeing you.
Jonas obviously hadn't passed on your news to his parents.
"We're super excited for the wedding! And you must be too sweetheart, oh you and Timo will be next huh?"
Your face went red and you stuttered until Lauren replied "actually, Nutchara. Timo and Y/N broke up in September"
She looked shocked "Oh no, sweetheart I'm so sorry ! didn't know!" Pulling you into a hug to console you.
The hug was showcased on the jumbotron, Timo watched from the bench, his heart in his throat.
After the game the Siegenthaler’s were gathered together with you chatting away and Timo overheard Nutchara speaking as he passed.
"Oh now you're single maybe we can finally set you up with Nico, he's a bit hopeless with romance"
You laughed, making a comment about "Poor Neeks" Timo about-turned bumping into his teammate behind him and poking a finger into his chest before grumbling "If Nico puts his hands near my girl, tell him he's a fucking dead man"
You did not go out with Nico. Jonas made sure his parents didn’t meddle.
January passed and the rest of the months ran quick.
You were helping Lauren out with wedding stuff, constantly flying back to Canada to visit the venue, speak to catering, order flowers. You name it.
The devils never made it to play offs.
You watched them the night they failed to qualify.
You wrote out a text to Timo
i'm sorry. you deserved that one.
You didn't send it.
The wedding planning soon started coming into play.
Bachelorette parties and Bachelor weekends commenced before the big day.
You spent the week before trying to fix everything to be perfect for their big day.
The Friday night was everyone flying into town. You couldn't be there to pick people up as your own flight out of Newark had been delayed but the team pulled through with Nico and Jack taking point as welcome committee.
Your new flight landed hours later, while everyone was supposed to be at dinner. You texted Jack to ensure someone could pick you up and he told you he had it it sorted.
You wanted to kill him when you exited the airport and you saw Timo waiting for you in the loading zone.
He was leaned up against his car, rushing forward for your bags when he saw you
"I thought Jack was picking me up"
"He ran out of fuel and I had a full tank so he sent me"
Your sighed "Well alright then"
The ride back to the hotel was quiet and awkward.
Nobody tried to make small talk.
When you arrived at dinner you swiftly knocked Jack's head and said "Never do that again"
Saturday was the rehearsal dinner and you weren't feeling so great.
You had put on the dress and headed across to the venue. You did your due diligence and welcomed in both Lauren and Jonas’ families.
Jonas was mingling with people but didn't miss how Timo’s stare hardened when Nico walked up to you and hugged you hello.
"Please don't murder him, this is my wedding after all"
Timo took a drink and grumbled "I make no promises but I'll at least hold off until after his speech" continuing to watch your interaction.
Jonas laughed and walked off with a "Thanks bud"
Timo kept an eye on you all night long, feeling something was off.
You didn't look right.
After everyone was sat for the meal and speeches had been done you wandered off to the bathroom and hadn't returned for quite a while.
A break in the meal service gave him the opportunity to slip away to find you.
He found the ladies bathroom, he knocked and said
"Y/N, you in there?"
"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" You croaked. Timo frowned before saying "I'm coming in"
"Timo, no-" it was too late, he'd already made his way into the bathroom to find you on the floor hunched over the toilet.
He walked over, pulling his suit jacket off and draped it over your shoulder and then pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail to the best of his ability.
"You don't have to-" "Just hush, I'm here"
You were silent but grateful, continuing to spew for the next twenty minutes.
"I think I just ate bad chicken on the plane" you mumbled, defeated and laying against the tile wall.
"Let's get you to bed" he decided, pulling you up from the wall. Your body, weakened, fell into him and you groaned
"But the dinner " "can be done without you come on"
He slipped the two of you out the back door and called a cab back to the hotel. For a moment you forgot your situation, opting to think this was all normal.
When Timo took you up to your room and helped you get ready for bed, all normal.
You knew you shouldn't have but when Timo tried to leave you cried out "Please stay, I can't be alone like this"
It didn't take an awful lot of convincing, Timo knew you and he knew you were right. You never really got sick but when you did you always needed help.
He stayed.
He stayed all night while you slept, his fingers tangled in your hair scratching lightly at your scalp to soothe you.
At five that next morning he left you in order to return to his room and get ready for the wedding.
When you woke up, slightly confused you found a note on the pillow next to you.
morning, I had to go get the boys up. hope you're feeling better, I'm sure you'll look beautiful today. advil and water on the nightstand < 3
You smiled lightly, looking over to see a plastic water bottle and the aforementioned pills waiting for you.
You picked up your phone from the other side, a few texts from people checking you were ok was all along with a message in the bridesmaid group chat about getting ready together.
"She's alive!" Was yelled when you entered the room.
You smiled "Yes, yes I'm here I had food poisoning"
"Timo took care of you though, that was sweet" one of the other bridesmaids said, curling her hair and looking at you in the mirror.
You nodded, picking up a champagne glass from the table "Yeah, he left to go get Jonas up this morning-"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Lauren yelled "He stayed over?!" Yeah nodded sheepishly "Uh yeah, I guess I asked him too when I was tired I think I was just used to him helping me out when I'm sick"
Lauren gave you a look but you didn't press it further, after all it was her wedding day.
The ceremony didn't last long, Lauren had always said she didn't want people being bored and just wanted to party.
You'd found your space at the head table, right next to Nico and you couldn't help but think Jonas’ mom had something to do with the table plans.
You were talking after dinner with Nico about everything going on in his life when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.
You turned to see Timo smiling down at you "Hey Neeks, mind if I steal her for a bit?"
Nico smiled "Nah man, she's all yours. I'll see you in a bit y/n"
You smiled back before pushing the chair out and grabbing Timo’s hand to be directed onto the dance floor.
You didn't speak for the first few minutes, just basking in each other's company until you said "Hey thanks for last night you didn't have to do that"
"I couldn't leave you to fend for yourself"
"I'm not your problem anymore T"
"Not by my choice" he noted and you huffed "Timo-
"No, please just hear me out because l've been waiting for the right time to speak to you and I mean what are weddings for if not love, eh? Whatever that stupid fight we had was about was not worth loosing you over. I hate myself for that and the things I said because I love you so freaking much and I was so stupid for allowing myself to loose you. When you left me I was broken"
You sighed, looking up at him for any sign of a lie.
There was none "Timo... I miss you too but you know it's not that easy to just get back together"
"I know, I just needed you to know how I felt" he nodded.
"Well Thank you, i appreciate it. Maybe we can talk again whenever we're back home in jersey?"
"I like the sound of that"
You nodded, Timo twirling you out in the dance and when he pulled you back in he said "You do look beautiful tonight I guess I predicted that right"
Back in Jersey come the fall it had been a while since that night at the Siegenthaler wedding.
The devils home opener was packed with fans.
You were sat with a beer in hand, looking out on the ice at the red jersey's looking at all the new names around.
Your thoughts were broken when you felt something drape over your shoulders, turning you saw Lauren alongside other girlfriends and wives all smiling at you.
"Hey sweetheart we didn't think we'd see you here, we saw you from the box" Lauren points up to the 'wags' box.
You blush "Yeah, i uh haven't been up there in a while"
"Well we thought you might want this back, a little birdy told me you might need it" you pulled the jacket draped over your shoulders off and looked at it.
The black denim jacket displayed the number twenty eight alongside Meier so nicely.
You smiled "That little birdy would be correct" you answered and the girls all cheered.
"Ugh, finally they're back together! We're so happy for you"
"Thank you guys honestly, it's been a massive journey but we're here now!"
Come the end of the night the boys were on a winning high and Timo didn't think it could get better than this.
That was until he came out of the locker room to find you with your back turned to him he saw the name and number on your jacket.
He groaned "Oh god I forgot what a beautiful sight this was" slipping behind you, arms travelling around your front to land on your abdomen and kissing the side of your head.
You leaned into him "You like it?"
"Like it? I love It" he announced, leaning in closer to your ear to whisper "I'd like it better on our floor”
You straightened up "Oh we've gotta go guys! We've got stuff to do. See you all next week!"
You were halfway out the door when someone shouted
"they really never changed!"
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swarvey · 4 months
screaming over paper rings. stardew and taylor swift?? PEAK ‼️ so, in a similar vein, i have a lil request
could you possibly write a one-shot with any taylor swift song of your choosing? i'd like for it to be x sebastian but i know he's not one of your favorites, so if that's uncomfortable i'd be down with haley. either is fine, i would just love to see what you'd come up with! your writing is wonderful, and i can't wait to see what else you write <3
- 🪩
when you've moved on | sebastian x gn!reader | part one
summary -> you're with alex now, but is he really the one you want? warnings -> none! seb smokes a cig and there's some swearing, that's ab it. just angst. heh. word count -> 1817
a/n: ahhh ty disco anon!! i'm glad you're liking the taylor/stardew crossover as much as i do <3 decided to do my take on the trope where they watch you move on with someone else in town, enjoy!!
part two -> elliott (tolerate it)
the way i loved you ->"but i miss screaming and crying and kissing in the rain."
"see that?" you point up to the stars, eyes wide and bright. "that's orion's belt. if you look close enough, you can see his whole body."
raising a brow, sebastian squints up at the sky, noticing the three, shining stars all in a row next to each other.
"huh. guess you're right," he says, smiling lightly at your excitement at the stars.
you'd been ecstatic when he offered to take you stargazing, riding out to the spot where he'd kissed you for the first time. the picnic blanket beneath the two of you is soft, and although the evening spring wind is chilly, seb feels warm enough to fall asleep with your head resting on his shoulder.
"we should do this more often," you sigh happily, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him closer to your side.
he kisses the top of your head gently, closing his eyes. "whatever you want, sweetheart."
"yeah?" he responds, keeping his eyes closed.
"sebastian, wake up!"
sebastian wakes with a start at the sound of his mother shouting, groaning as he sits up reluctantly.
scratching his head and yawning, he asks, "what time is it?"
"nearly eight-thirty, seb, you said you'd be up by eight," robin chides. "come on, we're going to be late for the festival."
he scowls. he's tempted to lay back down and cover his head with his blankets again, but he would rather not deal with more of his mom's antics.
"fine. i'll be up in a minute." as she heads back upstairs, sebastian groggily pulls on some warm clothing, trying to ignore the stinging in his heart. why, why was he still dreaming about you? he knows you've moved on, so why has he been cursed to see you every night? sometimes, he wakes up and forgets you're not his anymore, forgets about the fight you two had, forgets the sharp, hurtful words that came out of his mouth he didn't mean at all.
he'll never forget, though, the words you said back to him, an unforgiving amount of hurt and anger in your eyes as rain poured down on the two of you.
"i'm done with this, seb," you'd said, voice shaking and weak from arguing with him. "i've given you enough chances to prove me wrong, to show you actually care about me, but i guess i was wrong. i can't do whatever this is any longer."
then, you'd walked away, leaving him alone in the downpour in front of his house.
how could he have been so stupid? no one in his life has ever known him better than you did, and he still let you slip from his grasp. what an idiot, he thinks, scoffing at himself as he makes his way upstairs and joins his family.
though, as they enter the festival of ice, seb immediately regrets not staying in bed.
you laugh as alex pulls your winter hat over your face, grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at him in retaliation. haley rolls her eyes as she stands to the side, annoyed as she pulls out her phone and begins absentmindedly scrolling. meanwhile, alex starts to chase you, grabbing you from behind and hugging you tightly before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
seb looks away. he thinks he might gag.
"hey, seb! you made it!" his blond-haired friend runs up to him like an excited kid, snow already scattered in his hair. "geez, did you just wake up or something? you look kinda rough, buddy."
"thanks," he replies flatly.
sam scratches the back of his neck, flashing an apologetic smile. "sorry, didn't mean to tick you off. come on, abby's waiting over there!"
sebastian keeps his gaze on the trees as he follows his friend, trying his best to tune out the sound of your laughter he once craved to hear. how did you end up with a douche like alex, anyway? he never understands why sam speaks so highly of him, and now you go off and date him?
"helloooo," abigail sings, waving a hand in front of his face.
"oh, hey," he greets, blinking out of his thoughts. "sorry, i'm still waking up."
she raises a brow, studying his face. "right. had another nightmare?"
"i guess you could call it that."
abby shakes her head, crossing her arms. "i'm telling you, sebastian, if you would just listen to me and move on, life will start to be much nicer to you."
"i have moved on," he snaps, though quickly sighs when he sees the knowing look she gives sam. "i'm sorry, really, but i'm fine. i promise."
"if you say so," she says, her tone unbelieving. he can't blame her for being worried — abby was the one who was most concerned about him after the two of you broke up, knowing how much he'd cared for you.
or, more accurately, how much he still cares for you.
"how about we go check on vincent?" sam suggests, obviously trying to lighten the mood. "the little guy was super excited for today."
as the three make their way over to find sam's younger brother, seb finds his eyes wandering over to you once again, unable to keep himself from checking on you. to his surprise, your eyes meet his for a split second, only for you to jump slightly and turn back to alex and haley.
did you miss him, too?
after the festival ends, sebastian finds himself lingering around a little longer, telling his friends and family that he'll catch up with them later. he walks over to the river, listening to the comforting sound of running water as he pulls out a cigarette and his lighter.
"i thought you quit?"
he whips his head around at the sound of your voice, nearly dropping the items in his hand into the water.
"i did," he replies after a moment, continuing to light the cigarette. "just felt like i needed one right now."
you wordlessly walk closer and stand beside him. he can feel your eyes burning into his face.
"well, how have you been?" you ask, rubbing your arm. "i heard you . . . haven't been sleeping well."
he huffs. "what, did alex tell you?" i told sam to keep his mouth shut.
"does it matter?" he doesn't have to look at you to know you're frowning. "it's been nearly a year, you can't let this keep dragging you down, seb."
he ignores the painful twinge in his chest at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. seb. sure, almost everyone tends to use that nickname for him, but it just sounds so right coming from you. it used to make his heart warm every time he heard it, no matter the place or time; while doing chores, eating dinner, in bed.
even now, when you aren't his anymore, a part of him is glad to hear you still say it with the same tone.
"as i've been telling everyone else," he says after blowing smoke out from his lips, "i'm fine. there's no need for you to worry about me anymore, anyways — you got mr. pro over there to care for now."
"don't talk about him," you snap, a sudden defensiveness coming over your voice. "you don't get to bring him up."
seb scoffs, finally turning to look at you. god, you look just as breathtaking as he left you, snowflakes glittering on top of your hair and eyelashes. there's a certain glint in your eye he doesn't recognize, though, and he decides to test it.
"why?" he questions carelessly. "are you scared i'll be too honest with you?"
"what? i—"
"well that's too bad, sweetheart," he interrupts, his old nickname for you filled with an unfamiliar venom. "i'll be truthful with you, just like i always have been. i wasn't perfect with you, not at all — i ignored you and hurt you, over and over until you got sick of it and left, so i know i could've treated you better."
he sees your eyes begin to water, and for a moment, guilt overcomes him, but he goes on anyway.
"but there's one other thing i know," he continues, taking a step closer to you. he points behind him in the direction of the town. "you and him? you'll never love each other like we did. sure, we had our fuck-ups and arguments, but i have never loved someone like i did with you, and i know you feel the same."
"you don't know anything," you whisper, though the confidence you had before has vanished.
he huffs a sarcastic laugh. "really? you sure about that? tell me, does he know you always sleep in every saturday, since you're in the mines until late on fridays? or how you always go to the saloon, just to play your favorite song on the jukebox?" he pauses. "i bet he doesn't know anything about the stars, does he? have you even asked him to look at them with you?"
"stop!" you demand, fists clenched tightly as you give him the same look you had when you left him. "this is different, okay? alex and i are taking our time, so neither of us ends up making stupid mistakes like we did."
"as stupid as they were, that's what i liked about us," seb says, his voice a level gentler than it was before. "we weren't perfect, but we didn't pretend to be. it's what made us so real." he shakes his head, lifting his cigarette to his mouth. "but if you want to go live your high school daydream, then by all means, go ahead."
you scowl. "you know, i came here to check in on you, but i see now that you're as helpless as you were when i broke up with you."
he winces slightly at your harsh words, but remains stoic nonetheless. "go ahead and think whatever you want, sweetheart, but i think one of us is clearly more helpless than the other."
"fuck off, seb. get over yourself."
as you start to walk away, he turns to look at you once more, watching as you hesitate.
"i wanted us to work," you say quietly, void of any hostility. "i tried so hard, but you made it impossible."
"would you do it again?"
the question is slipping out of his mouth before he even realizes it, but he can't take it back now. he expects you to turn around, to storm at him and laugh at how he can even think that.
instead, you leave him with no response, hugging yourself with your arms as you head back towards your farm.
interesting. he throws his cigarette down into the dirt beneath him, putting it out with the heel of his shoe. he wonders why you didn't say anything.
that night, for the first time in weeks, sebastian doesn't dream.
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MY ONE TIME WITH A DOMINANT GUY When I was single and 25, I met a guy through, believe it or not, Yahoo personals. Yes. He was into diaper slaves so I agreed to go to his house.
Now, as you might know through my writing, I certainly have fantasies of serving men. But I don't REALLY want to. I mean I don't find men attractive at all. Blech. But when I'm horny the idea of being dominated by a man, well then that becomes a fantasy. But it's mostly just a fantasy--the idea of ACTUALLY doing it is not all that appealing. And sort of scary.
So...why did I end up at this guy's house? I dunno. Young, dumb and full of cum.
He was in his mid 50s and lived in a very nice house. I wore three Attends diapers on the way there and had absolutely soaked them by the time I arrived at his place four hours away. I pulled into his driveway nervous as fucking hell and I contemplated just pulling out and going home.
Instead he came out, opened the door and took me by the arm into his house. Hot...yet terrifying! The night then proceeded like this, bullet points. *He marched me up to his bathroom and had me strip my diapers off. He then shaved my groin and pubes (we'd talked about doing this). Then he hosed me down. *He strapped a ballgag into my mouth, first time I'd ever had one in, and I loved the drool coming down my face. He also blindfolded me, then laid me down and put me into two diapers. He then started slapping my face with a dildo. Kind of hard. It hurt. Not my favorite thing but he was enjoying it. *He led me blindfolded down to his basement and had me lay on a bed and then shackled my hands and feet as I lay on my stomach. So there I was: Diapered, blindfolded, gagged, hogtied with chains, totally helpless. *With me trussed up and in my Pampers, he proceeded to work out, lift weights and operate his treadmill. He would yell at me to try and get out of my chains and of course I couldn't. I'll admit this was pretty scary. I had no fucking idea who this guy was. He could have been John Gacy for all I knew. No one knew where I was. And I was totally helpless. Of course I could nearly feel myself cumming in my diapers as I rolled around haplessly. *He undid my shackles and blindfold and ungagged me and spanked the shit out of me over my diapers while over his knees for a good half hour. He just kept me there while watching an NBA game and I kicked and cried, real tears. *He tied my hands above me on a bed and wanted to stick his cock in my mouth. I said no and to his credit he respected that though I'm sure he wanted nothing more than to face fuck me with his dick in my virgin mouth. Instead he took another dildo and kept shoving it in and then he would basically fuck me with his crotch, but he was wearing pants. His cock was hard as a rock but again, though he could have done whatever the the fuck he wanted with me in my predicament, he didn't force anything. *Untied me, got me all set, added another diaper to what I was wearing. Put me in a pair of tight gray shorts and a shorter T-shirt and took us to Applebee's to eat. I was utterly humiliated as it was pretty obvious I was thickly diapered. But the place was packed and hopping so no one really took notice, not even of him holding my hand as we walked to the table. Which I did not fucking want--again, men, ew--but I was so submissive at that point I went along with it. *Went back to his place and he stripped my diapers, bathed me, put me into two more and we went to bed. I laid next to him all night. I went home in the morning though he wanted me to stay the night and have more playtime when he got home from work. It was a good time. But scary. And not totally what I was into and I don't really regret going home. But of course when I'm horny now I do wonder what would have happened if I'd truly let him have my way with me. The fantasy of being a diapered cocksucker wouldn't have been simply a fantasy. But I'm happy it stayed fantasy. Right? Right. Right? Yes.
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stinkysam · 11 months
Buggy the Clown - Furnace.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “Buggy and a male devil fruit user? The reader are a fire devil fruit and can manipulate fire without it hurting them. Buggy could find pretty cool and flashy. The fire power also causes the reader to have a really warm body temperature…” - anon
Reader : male (he/you)
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It was a cold winter night in the middle of the sea, rain pouring heavily on the deck. You were in your hammock, snoring peacefully.
You didn't mind the weather in the slightest. Your devil fruit gave you a high body temperature, so much the air around you was hot, almost like standing next to a chimney.
Shaking and shivering, your crewmates are arguing about who will sleep in the hammock next to yours, to enjoy your powers for the night.
Then, the door gets kicked open by none other than your captain.
“What's going on here ?!” He loudly yells and you wake up, jumping on your feet, wobbling a bit.
“We're just- [Name] is really warm, captain.” One says.
“And ?” His right foot is tapping the floor, hands on his hips.
“And we're cold…”
“So you want to use him, mh ? Did you ask him ?” He says, squinting his eyes. You raised an eyebrow at his words, why did he care so much suddenly ?
“N- no…”
“You should be ashamed of yourselves !” He pointed at them, and they looked down in embarrassment. “[Name], with me, now !” He ordered and you quickly walked to him. “He'll sleep with me tonight, that'll teach you all.” He said, leaving the room with you as your crewmates sadly climbed in their hammocks.
You walked in silence to his bedroom, unable to contain your smile while Buggy's face still looked severe.
“You can drop the act now, we're alone.”
“What ? I have no idea what you're talking about.” He says, looking at you, pouting as if to look like he was thinking of what you could be insinuating.
“It's okay, captain, I get it, you're cold and I'm warm.”
“What !?” He says, looking insulted. “I just acted like a good captain ! I heard ruckus in the room and saw you being bothered by them. If anything, I saved you ! You should be thankful.”
“I was asleep.”
He found nothing to reply to that, grumbling instead and then you noticed him trying to contain his shivering. He side eyed you, wondering if he had done the right thing but as you wrapped your arm around him, any regrets evaporated. Nevermind, he was right to steal you from his minions.
You quickly reached his room and jumped on his bed.
“Ahh !” You sighed, his king-size bed was much more comfortable and spacious than the hammocks. Buggy snorted, climbing next to you and throwing the covers above you two.
He turned the lights off and you laid down, waiting for him to lay next to you. But instead, nothing came.
It was one thing to plan this and steal you away for your warmth, but it was another thing to get physically close to you for it. Luckily for him, the lack of light hid his blushing.
“What are you waiting for ?” You ask, staring at his silhouette before pulling him closer, making him gasp.
Cheek against cheek, you held him against you, closing your eyes before you felt him shift, pulling away from you before coming closer again, his head resting on your chest.
It was warm. It felt nice.
He could hear your heartbeat. It felt weird. But… comforting. Like hearing a lullaby.
Buggy closed his eyes, arms wrapping around you to keep you there, slowly getting more comfortable as one of your hands rubbed his back, soothingly.
He was no longer shivering, instead falling into a deep sleep, snoring louder than you.
Maybe he should do this more often.
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Regret pt.2
AN: this is basically the continuation of the one short Noah drabble I wrote.. sorry that it took so long
Warnings: 18+ ,p in v, oral (male receiving), mention of vomiting, reader is basically a sex worker
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NSFW under the cut
I was sitting outside some random Club in LA again..smoking some random pack of cigarettes I found on the ground again. Since I listened to the Song my Noah wrote about me last month I can't stop thinking about him again...my Noah my handsome Noah.. I really wish I could throw out this career and just run to him be with him..God.. please..I would do anything.. anything to meet him again..to have him again..
I feel a tear drip down my eye.Why did I have to run away when I said I love you..what if he loved me back?..what if I could've had a live with him.?..so many what ifs..
Her thoughts where disturbed by some drunk girl almost vomiting all over her.. that's when she decided she should probably go home. She quickly pulled out her phone and looked for an Uber..on the way to her apartment she just leaned her head against the glass of the window and sighed..she just couldn't stop thinking about him...her thoughts wandered to the first time she had sex with him..his birthday.. where one of his band mates hired her for his birthday..
"just..lay down with me.."He hesitates for a moment, unsure if he should get into bed with her. But the warmth and comfort of her presence is too enticing to resist. He lies down next to her, carefully keeping a distance between them. "Just for a little while, okay?" He whispers, his voice slightly nervous. she just carefully leaned over him..He freezes as she leans over him, his heart in his throat as he anticipates s kiss. He closes his eyes and leans into it...she kissed him softly..since she was hired for it..feeling a wave of relief and pleasure at the kiss wash over him. "Thank you..." He whispers softly, feeling less alone. He looks at her with of wonder, still trying to process the fact that she just kissed him. He reaches out and gently takes her hand, holding it close to his heart..
she smiled slightly back at him.. He returns her smile with a small, shy grin of his own. He's never felt more alive than in this moment, lying next to her with her hand in his. she leaned down once again..He tenses up slightly as she leans down, not sure what to expect. But when she kisses him again, he relaxes and wraps his arms around her, holding her close.."I want you.."she whispered her voice slightly seductive.."but it's just going to be a one night Stand okay..?"He stares at her with wide eyes, completely blindsided by her sudden confession. He knows he shouldn't do it since it's a dirty system she works in, but he can't resist her. He leans in and whispers, "One night stand or not...I want you too.."
She smirks at him, eyes slightly hooded.."come on then lover boy...undress me... slowly..like I'm a present.." He swallows hard, his heart racing. He reaches out and starts to slowly unbutton her shirt, she was wearing really really fancy black and red lingerie... He leans down and kisses her chest, taking his time as he undresses her.He feels like a poor imitation next to her, with his worn jeans and t-shirt. He looks at her with a mix of awe and insecurity. "You look...stunning. Like a million-dollar prize.." He reaches out and traces a finger along the edge of her bra.
"I'm still wearing my pants so you're not seeing the whole thing lover boy.." He chuckles nervously, realizing he's missed her point completely. "Oh, right.." He continues to undress her, more confident this time, until she's fully revealed to him. "Wow. You're... beautiful.." she shushed him... going to straddle his lap... pulling his old shirt over his head as she mumbled "such a sexy man.." while clawing her nails softly down his chest... "I feel like I'm dreaming.."He gasps as her nails rake down his chest, his heart racing at the gentle yet possessive touch. 'Fuck, you're..." He trails off..as she suddenly reaches into her panties and retrieves a strawberry flavored condom.."I like these because of the bright red color..I don't care about the flavor..to be honest.." His eyes widen in surprise, but a devilish grin spreads across his face as she shows him the condom. "I like a woman who takes charge too.."
she puts it between her teeth as she went to remove his belt and pants... slowly and teasingly taking them off.. keeping eye contact with him...taking his beautiful cock in her hand and just gives it a lick from bottom to top before tearing the condom wrapper with her teeth and rolling it down on him..slowly.. before teasingly wrapping her lips just around the edge of his slightly swollen tip..while she was enjoying the strawberry flavor..He groans in pleasure as she takes control, expertly teasing him with her tongue and hands. His hips buck involuntarily, desperate for more of her touch. "Oh fuck, you know just what to do.."
His breath hitches as she slowly takes him in, her mouth warm and wet against his throbbing length.."Oh god, yes..." she let's go of his cock with a big breath.."go on..grab my hair tightly...push me down..show me how you like it.." she says in a low voice.. He doesn't hesitate, grabbing a fistful of her hair and guiding her head back down onto his cock. He groans as she takes him deep, his hips thrusting up to meet her movements.."Just like that. Oh fuck, your filthy mouth feels so goddamn good..."
She keeps looking up at him with those eyes..Those eyes, they're like a siren's call, drawing him in and making him lost in their depths. He starts to fuck her mouth harder, his grip on her hair tightening.."Look at me. Look at me while you suck my dick.." He demands, his voice rough with desire..He stares back at her, his own eyes burning with intensity.."That's it, look at me. Let me see those pretty eyes while you worship my cock with your mouth.." He pushes her head down, forcing her to take him even deeper, the strawberry condom rubbing against her throat..she gagged a little and slightly tapped his thigh.. letting him know it was too much..
He picks up on her signal immediately, slowing down and easing his grip on her hair. He leans down to look at her, concern etched on his features. "Sorry, I got carried away.." He murmurs softly before helping her up. "Come here...".."change of positions?" She asked a little out of breath..He nods, scooping her up and laying her back on the couch. He settles between her legs, his eyes roaming over her face. "On your back, legs spread wide. I want a better view this time.." He commands, his voice low and husky. "And no tapping out, got it?" she nods obediently..and His smirk widens as he sees her submission, his need for control being fulfilled. He slowly slides into her, groaning at the feeling. 'Fuck, you're so tight..." He starts to move slowly, his hand gripping her ankle and pulling her leg up over his shoulder.
Her daydreaming was suddenly interrupted by the Uber driver calling out to her..
TAGS; @thefallennightmare @somewhere-diamond @foliosgirl @poisongirl616 @concreteangel92
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woo-wahhhh · 5 months
[ the dance stage is upon the back of my neck–; ] believe it or not, aventurine was seldom this reckless– yes, he had a reckless streak in him; he wasn't so foolish to argue against that allegation, but he would like to argue that he always operates on a strictly calculated gamble and never one without even the sliver of a chance of falling on the right side of the die.
yet this– this was odd for even him.
what a pesky kind of temptation, aventurine thought to himself, when your fingertips danced along the nape of his neck, nails slipping under his collar, unintentionally driving a new wave of desire to crash over his skin. he braced his hand on the bed frame frame behind you, hazily making sure he didn't didn't topple down on you– that would be another can of worms to open, perhaps even peskier than the way he was now making out with his own secretary.
it was strange; odd, even, how usually, he would always have his wits with him, no matter how much he had to drink. he wasn't one to fool around with other people– money was enough for him– and yet, there he was, completely sober in terms of alcohol consumption yet intoxicated on the sweetness of this unintended kiss.
"oh- ah, that tickles!" those were the first words spoken in quite a while, only leaping forth from your mouth when aventurine had pulled away for a quick moment, only to press his lips hotly against your throat, no doubt leaving a bruise or maybe even a hint of your lipgloss that streaked crimson across his lips. he shivered at the sensation of your cold palms suddenly laying flat over his shoulders and under his shirt, almost biting down from the shock.
this was odd for him, since he thought he'd already learned there was absolutely no worth in jumping headfirst after fleeting feelings of attraction and, if he dared to perceive it, affection. it would always disappoint him in the end when he would be the one to stand alone.
but maybe he was growing weak.
maybe i actually need to schedule an appointment with ratio, he pondered, suddenly pulling away to examine your flushed face. your expression was so lovely, cherry red heat blossoming across the apples of your cheeks as your panted, face tilted into the hand that he cupped your face with. you were so strict, under normal circumstances, unbothered even when he asked you of the most ridiculously outlandish requests for the sake of his missions and business deals, but here you were, sickeningly content as you nuzzled your nose against the palm of his hand.
he nudged your bottom lip with his thumb, gathering the shiny lipgloss under his skin and lifting it to his own lips to smear across his mouth. it was a bit endearing how your legs, which had been wrapped around his waist, tightened, just for a heartbeat– he supposed his actions had the same effect that yours had on him.
"... sir?" what a time for honourifics, he chuckled to himself, suddenly pinching your cheek in response to the gentle call. "is... is something wrong?"
"no," he replied promptly, much to the surprise evident across your visage. "i'm just thinking that you're much bigger of a gambler than i am,"
"is... is that an insult?" why so earnest?
"... the fact you ask me that in the first place feels like an insult to me,"
"mhm," aventurine hummed in agreement, watching your lips purse into a sheepish line, just like you always did whenever things got awkward– how you were bold enough to even get to this point was beyond him. but perhaps that was your charm, the same way his uncanny confidence and gusto was his. "you're going to regret this in a couple system hours, aren't you, my dearest secretary?"
you peered up at him owlishly– "not really. you're a wonderful kisser, sir,"
"i... if topaz catches wind of this, she'll report me to HR,"
"but she won't," he had to say, he was quite charmed by that challenging glint in your eyes, "so you're fine?"
"i'm rubbing off on you, huh," he mumbled, half covering his mouth with his face to stifle laughter that was too boyish for a grown man like him.
"even so," you murmured, suddenly flopping onto your back, a dull thud resonating from the– well, his, mattress. you were pouting, your lips were endearing and it was driving him nuts somehow. pesky, pesky, pesky! "i do like your company,"
his eyebrows arched up at your words. "that's all?"
"do i need more of a reason to spend time with someone?"
he wanted to laugh, half disbelieved by the simplicity of thought. but it wasn't a completely incorrect train of thought, much to his dismay. "your reasoning is quite simple,"
"why must i complicate everything?" you countered, extending a hand forward. your fingertips could graze his collar, the skin on his neck, yet you simply remained in one place, so tantalizingly at arm's length. "perhaps sometimes i just want something."
"nothing more, nothing less," he murmured, more to himself, but perhaps he finished your thought as well judging the surprisingly bright grin you shot him.
"your gamble's paying off quite well," aventurine grinned, placing your hand against his neck and leaning down. "i almost think it's a bit... too good of a gamble,"
"i learned from the best,"
"sweet talking now, huh? i don't hate it." yes, he quite enjoyed it, in fact, so much so that he didn't think twice when closing the distance, teasingly licking your lips before sealing them with a kiss and giving into the heated desire dancing its way up his spine.
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
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Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death.
Summary: Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
Authors Note: To be honest, I'm not too sure about this one and I even wanted to get another update out, but the day got away from me. Tags for this will be open, just shoot me a message or comment if you're interested!
Tags: @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @broadwaybabe18 @samsgirl93 @cherryflavoureds-blog @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @capsgrantrogersclqrosmgc @loumaaria-blog @queerqueenlynn @pampeop @cjand10 @purplerain85 @savannahcole99 @evanstanhoney @sebastianstansqueen @portrait-ninja @honeyglee @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @lilya-petrichor @valsworldofcreativity @buckycallsmeaslut @romanoffjohansson @themayzittcha @sapphiredreamer26 @buckybarnessimpp @itjustkindahappenedreally @mavrellover91 @esoltis280 @playboystark @legendarytrashcopeclipse @pansexual-4-all @elizacusi-blog @dnc331 @tee-swizzle @lovsalpkn @yourfavunsub @madebylilly @cerberusmybeloved @lclove2012-blog @onelmstreetett @tesseract69 @monique2281 @wayward-gypsy @wholesomewhorelol @ozwriterchick @pono-pura-vida @bogwaterswamp @s0urw00lf @daydreaming-mood @maggiemae5 @big-heart-ninjasblog @alexa4040 @screaming-les-bean @loustan90 @buckys2lut @marnle
Arranged Masterlist
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I sat on the edge of the bed, eyes glued to the open suitcases at my feet. They lay scattered across the floor and I had a shirt tightly grasped between my fingers. I felt frozen as I did the best I could to toss it into the suitcase but failed. With every thought of leaving, I realized that I didn’t have anywhere to go. 
My parent's place was still a crime scene and I had sold my old place. The only place I could call home was here, Bucky’s. But even then, it didn’t feel like it. 
I did a quick glance at my phone, wondering if I had a text from him, but sighed when there were no new messages. It had been a couple hours since our fight and there was a part of me that thought he would have chased me back, apologized, and told me the truth; about everything. 
The deep purple marks around my wrist caught my eyes and I began rubbing it, hissing at the slight pain. 
“Asshole” I grumbled to myself. 
“Who’s the asshole?” 
I jumped from the bed, quickly to my feet, and felt my heart pace quicken at the man in the doorway. Even with the small smile on his lips, his eyes were still filled with sorrow. 
“Hi,” I breathed. 
Bucky pointed to my wrist. “Does it hurt?” 
I hesitated to answer because of the way he looked at me, regret now clouded his iris’. 
“A little,” I admitted. 
Bucky sighed before nodding towards the empty suitcases at my feet. “You’re really leaving?” 
I gave him a half shrug. “Would you even care if I did?” 
His own shoulders slumped. “Of course I would, doll.” 
“Sure,” I nodded. “That’s why it took you two hours to come back home after I left?”
“I had some things to take care of,” Bucky informed. 
Don't say it. Don't say it. 
“Hm, did this happen to deal with Natasha?” 
Bucky let out a deep breath while pinching his eyes shut. “Y/N, please.” 
“Please what?” I shrugged. “Did you know she was going to be there tonight?” 
He nodded, not missing a beat. 
“I could say the same thing about Walker.” He returned back. 
I bit my lip, knowing he was right. 
“The differences between our exes being there tonight was that I had no clue John was going to show up,” I defended. 
Bucky ran a hand through his hair and motioned towards the bed. “Can we talk?” 
I knitted my brows. “Are you going to tell me the truth?” 
“I can’t,” he sighed. 
I turned swiftly on my heels and walked into the closet, ripping down all of my clothes and tossed them into the suitcases. It wasn’t neat by any means but I didn’t care. The faster I packed, the faster I would leave Bucky. 
Even if I had begun to fall for him, I refused to let myself stay in a marriage with secrets. Ever since I was little, I watched the kind of marriage my parents had together and vowed to have something exactly like that. 
“Y/N,” Bucky said as he did his best to get in the way to stop me. 
“Why should I stay, Bucky?” I questioned, stopping briefly. 
He shrugged. “Because.” 
I scoffed. “That’s your reason? ‘Because’?” 
Bucky lips parted, wanting to speak, but I ignored him. The only words that would come out would be another excuse as to why I needed to stay or why he couldn’t tell me the truth. 
“You’re such an ass, you know that right?!” I asked after throwing a large pile of clothes into the suitcase. 
“How can you stand there and continue to lie to me about everything?” I emerged from the closet; another large pile of clothes being tossed at my feet. 
“Do I not mean anything to you?!”
I tossed yet another large pile, however, I didn’t realize that not only was I grabbing my clothes but I began grabbing Bucky’s as well. I had been so engrossed in yelling at him that now I wasn’t even packing, simply making a mess. 
With a jacket gripped tightly in my hand, I stared at Bucky who stood there like a statue, not moving or speaking. I raised a brow to urge him to say something, anything. 
Not a single word came from him. 
“God! You infuriate me so fucking much!” I screamed as I threw the jacket at him. 
His vibranium hand caught it before it even grazed his face. I stared at him dumbfounded at how quick his reflexes were. 
“The serum,” he informed me. 
I scoffed. “Of course.” 
The jacket fell from his hand before he stuffed them into his pants pockets. “Are you done?” 
“Excuse me? You’ve got some fucking nerve,” I snarled throwing the next closet thing I could find. 
He caught the pillow before throwing it back onto the bed. “You’re starting to piss me off.” 
“GOOD!” my voice bellowed. 
I hastily grabbed the pile of clothes, throwing it all towards him. He merely stepped out of the way, the clothes raining down to the ground. 
“Stop throwing shit,” Bucky demanded through gritted teeth. 
I ignored him and went to toss another round of clothes but he was two seconds ahead of my actions. Bucky had me pinned up against the wall, hips locking me into place. But for added measure, he had also pinned my hands above my head with his flesh fingers. 
“Let me go,” I writhed in his grasp. 
A hiss fell from his lips as he felt our hips press deeper together. 
“If you don’t stop moving, I’m going to toss you onto the bed, rip your clothes off and fuck the attitude out of you.” Bucky groaned into the crook of my neck. 
A moan fell from my lips at the image of him doing exactly that. 
My actions halted, accepting defeat. 
We stared at each other, and Bucky reached for my chin, cool vibranium fingers dragged along it. 
“Are you going to leave?” He questioned. 
“Are you going to tell me the truth?”
I ignored his hypnotizing gaze, not faltering. 
“I’m afraid,” he admitted with a deep breath.
My face softened. “Of what?” 
Bucky released my hands and ran a hand over his face. “You leaving.” 
A soft chuckle fell from my lips. “I’m already thinking of leaving, Bucky. But that’s because you’re not telling me everything.”
“I don’t want you to think the worst of me, Y/N.” Bucky swallowed hard, eyes glossing over with tears. 
I gently cupped his cheek, my thumb grazed over the hairs. “Why don’t you let me decide that?”
There was so much uncertainty in his face and I could tell that whatever he was keeping to himself was heavy, something that he wasn’t divulging for my safety. While I appreciated Bucky trying to keep me safe, I thought the best way to do that was to tell me what he had been hiding. 
“Please?” I begged. 
With a deep breath, Bucky nodded and reached for my hand. “Come on.”
I didn’t say anything, simply linked our fingers together and let him guide me out of the room, down the stairs, and down the hall towards his office. Steve was already sitting on the couch, hands clasped together. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked. 
Bucky motioned to the spot next to Steve to sit and I obliged. 
Steve gave me a small smile. “Bucky thought we both should be the ones to tell you about the serum.” 
Bucky was leaning against the front of his desk, legs stretched far and arms over his chest. Next to him on the same desk was an open briefcase, six vials of blue liquid nestled tightly inside. 
“Is that it?” I asked while pointing to it. 
Bucky nodded. “It’s taken Steve and I years to perfect the formula, to make it exactly like the ones that we have running through us.” 
“What does it do?” 
Steve spoke next. “We have super strength, rapid healing, and super hearing.” 
“Why did you guys do it?” I wondered, my gaze jumping between the two of them. 
The two men shared a look and when Bucky nodded, Steve pulled out a picture from his pocket and handed it to me. 
A gasp sounded from me as I recognized the two men in the picture; except they didn’t look like they do now. 
Bucky didn’t have as many muscles as he does now and he was clean shaven in the photo, not an ounce of hair on his face. 
But what really shocked me was Steve’s appearance in the photo. He was a lot shorter and so skinny. I could trace my fingers over his ribs. His hair was shorter and just like Bucky, no hair on his face. 
“You two?” I asked. 
Bucky nodded. “Steve was the first one to be injected.” 
My eyes fell onto him, who kept his locked on his hands. I placed a gentle hand on Steve’s knee which forced him to look at me. 
He shrugged. “I was tired of looking like that. I wanted to be like all the other guys that the girls couldn’t stay away from.” 
My heart hurt at his words. Steve was a very attractive man, even in this photo. 
“Why did you do it?” I asked Bucky. 
“It was the only way I would have allowed him to do it,” Bucky said. “I wasn’t going to let Steve do it alone.” 
Even with the circumstances, I smiled at how good of a friend Bucky was to Steve. But there was still a part of this entire thing that I was confused about. 
“Why did you create it? Does it expire or something?” 
Bucky hesitated. “You said you wanted the truth, right?” 
I nodded. “Please.” 
“I wanted to create an army, be the best group in New York,” Bucky admitted. 
My shoulders slumped. “You created this serum to put fear in other mob gangs so they don’t mess with you?” 
He nodded. “Anything to survive, Y/N.”
“I’m guessing Dr. Banner was the one that created it for you?” I asked. 
Steve nodded. 
“And Stark wanted what with it exactly?” 
Bucky spoke next. “He thought it would be a great thing to sell on the black market. He’s been after me for years in order to get the formula. Tried everything.” 
Something clicked in my head and suddenly felt so guilty. 
“Natasha?” I wondered. 
Bucky nodded with a slight smirk. “Stark thought that if he sent her to work me over that I would give up the formula.” 
“You didn’t?” 
He shrugged. “She’s not really my type.” 
There was an intensity behind his eyes as he looked at me, slowly rolling his tongue over his lips. I felt myself get hot in my spot on the couch the more he gazed towards me. 
“I feel like an idiot for assuming there was something between the two of you,” I admitted. 
Bucky extended a hand towards me and I accepted, allowing him to wrap his arms around me. 
“I’m sorry for earlier,” he lifted my bruised wrist to his lips, peppering kisses over my skin. 
My body began to tingle all over at the sensation. 
“There’s something else I want to know,” I said with a soft voice. 
Bucky nodded so I continued. 
“What happened tonight with your worker, Jason?” 
His body went rigid in my grasp and with the look he tossed over my shoulder towards Steve, I knew what they were silently saying to each other. 
“Please don’t lie. I saw you take a gun from your safe earlier,” I said. 
Bucky’s hands were placed on my hips and I could feel his chest rise and fall with the deep breath he took. 
“Steve found out that Jason was trying to sell the serum on the street for some extra cash,” Bucky informed me. 
“Why did you take the gun? To scare him.” 
He shook his head. “This wasn’t the first time we caught him trying to sell it.” 
I gulped. “What did you do to him?” 
“I had too, doll. I couldn’t let him risk everything that I worked so hard for.” Bucky said in a hushed tone.
“So you-,” the words fell off, me not being able to finish the sentence. 
Bucky softly nodded. “I killed him.” 
My blood ran cold and the color drained from my skin, realizing my fear of what happened had been proven to be true. I knew who Bucky was when I was forced into this arrangement but hearing him confirm what was always rumored about him made me question everything yet again. 
I stepped out of his grasp and began taking a few steps back from him. There was an unreadable expression on his face as he continued to watch me walk farther away from him until the back of my knees smacked the couch, me falling onto it with a soft ‘oomph.’ 
Steve, who was still seated there, went to reach for me but I smacked his hand away. The noises of their breathing and the fireplace crackling with warmth was drowned out with the static of my brain as I did my best to comprehend what Bucky had admitted. 
The revelation of him creating this serum to make an army of super soldiers meant nothing to him revealing that he killed someone. 
“Was he the first?” I asked, voice breaking slightly. 
Bucky didn’t say a word, only placed his hands on his hips. 
He didn’t need to say anything though. There was always that thought in the back of my mind that he had killed before but I never wanted to think of it or even believe it. 
“I don’t understand,” I shook my head with confusion. “Why did you have to kill him? Couldn’t you have fired him?” 
Steve was the one who spoke next. “No, he knew too much. It was the only choice.” 
I shook my head yet again, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. “He was just a kid, right?! You didn’t have to fucking kill him!” 
“Doll,” Bucky started. 
“Stop!” I snapped. “Stop trying to work your way back into my heart with that sweet name. Every time I think we work past something, I find something out that fucks everything up!” 
I was on my feet with a start and my hands shook at my sides, with either rage or shock I wasn’t too sure. My chest began to constrict, the air getting caught in my throat and as the room began to spin, I stumbled over my feet. 
“I don’t feel so good,” I muttered while squeezing my eyes shut. 
“Y/N, sit down,” Steve tried to help me back onto the couch. 
I smacked his hands away. “I need some air.” 
I didn’t make it far, however, before a dark cloud encased over me and the last thing I heard before I fell to the ground was Bucky calling my name. 
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novthewolf · 1 year
Two’s company, three’s a family - Part five
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Summary : As a cupid, an angel of love, your mission was to make sure everyone was paired up with the right person. Yet you couldn’t get your two most ancient clients to finally end up together. And despite the 6,000 years spent on the case, you couldn’t bring yourself to give them up, oblivious to the reason…
Pairing : Aziraphale x Crowley / GN!Reader x Crowley / GN!Reader x Aziraphale (polyamorous relationship).
Parts : First - Previous - Next
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : foul language, mild nudity (chest), mention of s3x, drug mention, gun use, mild violence slow burn, english isn’t my first language.
Words : 4,4k 
"Mmh... are... you sleeping ?" A very confused voice asked
"Nnh ?!" You shot up on your bed, feeling the blanket shuffle down on your legs. You tried to open your eyes in a panic before hissing when sunlight punched your irises. The curtains. You forgot the damn curtains.
"You guys gotta stop doing that... I have a door, you know." You rubbed your eyes.
It was Mihael. How nice of her to wait over night to scold you for your behaviour. You weren't naive; you knew Adriel would go complain to his friend. But you were smart enough to know she wouldn't say anything about it. It's been centuries since she learned you could actually feel. Yet she never said a word about it to Chamuel or Jophiel. You did not fully trust her, but she was okay.
"What is it like to sleep ?" Mihael was always curious, but she lacked the bravery to try. Whether it was food, walking, sex, or, in that case, sleep, to satisfy her hunger for knowledge and experimentation, she came to you.
"Mmh, peaceful.. I guess-" You looked down at your chest and decided you had enough that people kept catching you half naked. So you snatched up your tank top and got up.
"Just peaceful ? That's it ?" She jumped on through the window on your bed, shoes on. Ugh.
"Yeah, yeah, and... energised too. Listen, Mihael, why don't you tell me what you want ?"
Yes, you were a bit rude, but you just didn't have time; you needed to get to Aziraphale to discuss where the boy might be. And if you wonder, you never went to Crowley's flat. Risking being caught by unexpected visitors was enough of a reason to not visit.
"Right, right ! So..." She looked down, gloomy. "It's time, Y/N; we're going to unfold the Bound soon." She confessed with a sad smile.
You shuddered. Fuck. You forgot about that.
"You know, the four horsmen are being summoned, and we need to lay off the Love so War can fully step in."
"Yeah, I can't come into my full power..."
"Really ? Me too !" She chirped, delighted that you shared her point of view. You scoffed but smiled anyway. It's really a shame she'll never get to experience human life.
"So, now we must turn off the flow of love and go back to heaven to prepare for war."
You ruffled your hair and grabbed a drink of water. Mihael's piercing eyes were etched on the glass, and you handed it to her with a sigh. She looked so happy, you almost wanted to laugh. How selfless of you...
She didn't quite know how to drink, however, but you decided to let her test the water, so to speak. Mihael coughed a bit.
"Does that mean hate demons will rise too ?" You interrogated, your tone genuinely dull.
"Oh, they better not ! They'll have to wait for the battle to start, those worthless rascals..."
The cupid suddenly gasped and looked at you with guilt. You know she didn't mean to insult him. Your lip twitched, but you sent her a reassuring smile. Still, she couldn't shake the regret out of her scent.
"You know, maybe he didn't turn into a hate demon..." Her sweet voice faltered as she went on.
"It's fine, Mihael. You should go; I'm sure Adriel is waiting for you." You cajoled her while leading her to the door. Yes, you have a door.
"About that..." She stopped and turned around. Her dark pink eyes just scanned yours to convey what she meant. Not that she had to; you could smell the snowy nights from miles away. "Just be careful, Y/N."
Her advice kind of fell on deaf ears. You were always cautious, but you didn't live in fear of what they'd do to you if they found out you were out of line. Yet, they dread the simple thought of what you could be. You sloped against your wooden door. What a good way to start the day...
Calling off all Love so War can enter the picture. It just felt so contradictory. You were a being of love and peace; how could you be excited to see humans kill each other and fight in a war, possibly going against Crowley or... well, you knew who. You will not let this world be torn to smithereens. It's your safe place, your heaven. Your home.
You strolled through the busy London streets, eager to get to Aziraphale as quickly as possible. A few people bumped your shoulders, stomped on your toes, and cursed at you. The withdrawal of love was already happening. Unsettled in an unwelcoming environment made you skittish, and you picked up the speed.
As you reached the bookshop, you stopped to analyse its not-so-familiar presence. The energy was angelic, yes, but it was so powerful...
Archangels. And they were just leaving.
"Whoop- !" You activated your spell hastily. The chime rang, and the two entities simply walked off.
"No war, without war. Ah ! That's quite the line !" Grabriel almost yodeled. Right. You stayed there with heavy breathing.
Subconsciously, you called off the spell. Or maybe you didn't cast it in the first place. In any case, you didn't expect to feel the pressure of someone's hand on your shoulder.
"AH !"
Adding to the fact that your heart was about to explode just a second ago' the speed of your twirl did nothing to help you stay steady on your feet. Luckily for you, Aziraphale was alert enough to come to your rescue. He pressed his hand against your scapula and held you against his torso. You felt the side of your mouth twitch.
"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't realise how nervous you were." He jived, his cheekbones showing. But the smell of grapefruit told you you were not the only one nervous here.
"What did they want ?" You asked, feeling the ground with your own two feet again.
"Oh, they were just checking the status of the Antichrist." He opened the door for you and followed your lead.
"Why ? Did they suspect anything ?"
"Surprisingly, no. Not a thing." He shrugged in disbelief. You liked the scent of disbelief m: custard. Yes, just custard. Kinda hard to believe, heh ?
"Mh, Crowley's right... Heaven's not very bright, heh ?" You snickered. You sat on the couch and happily watched him chuckle.
"It seems so. It kind of makes me wonder if we are too." He took his place next to you.
"Oh no, we're bright." You started, glancing at him while pretending to reflect. "But we're also walking disasters.." You snorted.
"We can say the same about Crowley, then." He laughed and slid his right leg underneath his left thigh. You giggled and took a big breath of the new smell. Ah, freesia and blueberry pie; there's nothing better.
"Absolutely." You leaned back on the seat, literally comforted by the scent. "I just don't understand... What happened during the baby swap ?"
A few minutes pass. Minutes later, you just stared at each other. Before finally realising what might be the source of the problem.
"I think... I'm going to call Crowley reel quick-"
The ringtone of the bookshop's phone rang, interrupting you. Aziraphale quickly got up, with the help of his hand on your knee.
"Maybe it's him." He muttered while picking it up. "Hello, Fell's Bookshop, what can I do for you ?"
You waited for him. For a few seconds. Then you got bored. You left Eden at home, so you didn't have any company. So you decided to roam around the library.
"The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter ?"
The sculpture of a prancing horse proudly sat on a small table. You always had a lot of fun drawing the details with your fingers since the day he created his bookshop, which was also the first day you ate chocolate, if you remember correctly. You blew away the little dust that settled on his back, and flew right at you, making you cough.
"But there are..." He stopped to see what you were doing. You smiled, charming him up. His nose simply twitched before resuming. "There are no copies of her book available."
You stepped away from the horse and instead looked through Aziraphale's prophecy books. It has always amused me how humans try so helplessly to predict what the future holds. You were no stranger to the thought; you had your fair share of doubts about your own future. However, you learned what happens when you ask too many questions.
"I don't have it. Nobody has-" The sudden silence pushed you to study the angel's face. Apparently, the correspondent wasn't the most polite boy. His mouth was set in a hard line, and he stuck his nose in the air. He was so outraged that he reeked of watermelon and curry. You would agree that it's not a nice combination. Also, you hadn't noticed, but his glasses were quite fancy on him. You shook the thought away.
"Well, there really is no need for that kind of language." He hung up and put down his glasses. You couldn't help but stare for a moment. His bright, white hair caught the sun in its lock, giving him a glow to his already stunning face. Oh, stop already, will you ?
When you finally gawked back at the shelves, a huge brown spider welcomed you.
"Fuck- !" You yelled and fell back down with a loud thud, knocking a few books on your way. Azirphale gasped and sprinted by your side.
"Are you okay ?" He was very anxious. You were just embarrassed out of your mind.
"I'm fine... Let's just call Crowley already."
"Hey, this is Anthony Crowley. You know what to do. Do it with style."
No, it wasn't the demon answering machine. It was just you mocking him. Which he didn't seem to enjoy.
"Haha, keep laughing, and I'll bring back the spider to your face." He growled. "Why are you afraid of spiders anyway? Aren't you supposed to love all animals?"
Aziraphale was such a snitch ! Right after he got Crowley on the phone, he told him about your fall. You very distinctly heard his laugh after that.
"Stop your bickering, you two! And watch the road." He sighed, not comfortable at all. He didn't like speed that much. Nonetheless, for his best, Crowley should be the one to drive. You might give him a heart attack if you were the one behind the wheel.
"You've lost the boy."
"We've lost him." He corrected.
"A child has been lost. But you still know his age." He started to point.
"We know." He once again corrected
"We get it: you don't want to be the only one responsible." You rolled your eyes. Congratulations! You earned yourself a growl.
"We know his birthday. He's 11." Aziraphale was trying his best to keep your attention.
"You make it sound easy."
"Well, it can't be that hard..."
"At least it reduces the search area." You flapped your hand. You were still frustrated, and you felt his discouragement slowly becoming yours. Your heart filter wasn't doing very well. We only have to find his birth record."
"And then what ?"
"Well, then we find the child." Azirphale smiled. At least you could feel his hope too.
"And then what ?"
Aziraphale didn't know what to say. He simply stared at Crowley. Until a car honk cut short his attempt to find a solution.
"Watch out for that pedestrian !" The angel bawled with alacrity.
"Woah- !" You shouted. The movement had you flying on the left side of the back seat. You've never so close to the goddamn door.
"She's on the street; she knows the risk she's taking." He dissmissed. "And I'm sure it would help you two stop breathing down my neck."
You scoffed.
Oh, I'll give you 'breathing down your neck.
You scooted over to the right seat and leaned behind Crowley. Your mouth grazed his ear, and you felt the tiniest tilt of his head, like he forced himself not to move. So prideful, you joked to yourself.
"Just watch the road." You breathed down his neck. You grinned as you watched gooey bumps form on his skin. He really hated it. You laughed and pulled back. You patted his shoulders and repeated yourself. "Watch the road."
Your laughter died out as you saw Aziraphale gulp. You took back your place in the middle, almost guilty.
"Sorry, I forgot about personal space again."
Crowley's sunglasses blocked your view of his eyes; you couldn't tell if you had overstepped. We can all thank Aziraphale for his help in easing the tension.
Where is this hospital, anyway? He asked. He rubbed his sweaty palm on his trousers in an attempt to calm his nerves. Crowley coughed.
"Mh, a village near Oxford: Tadfield. His neck was still tensed. You really strung a string, huh?
"Crowley, you can't do 90 miles per hour in central London !"
"Why not ?"
"You'll get us killed! Well, inconveniently disincorporated. He granted.
"Oh God, no, not the paperwork..." You got disincorporated once, and it took you two years to finally get a new one. Still, you're sure it had been improperly delayed.
"Music ! Why don't I put on a little music...?" He hummed quizzically and looked over at you. "Do you know the Velvet Underground?"
"You wouldn't like it." Crowley interjected.
"Well, it kind of feels like you've been high the whole time."
"Oh, bepop!" He recognised you. You eyed him in disbelief before nodding.
"... Right-"
"Yah !" Aziraphale yelped. Crowley did a swerve to the right, flying you away in that direction.
"Brute !"
The air was stuffy. Like on a deeply hot day. It was overwhelming, too. As you left the car, you scanned around you, discretely sniffing the wind. It was not held in a constant flow of emotion; it permeated the air. But it felt good. It wasn't threatening in its presence; it just existed and belonged.
"Y/N ?" Crowley called out, standing in front of the manor gates next to Aziraphale. You studied the ark, made of bricks and white stone. The whole building was surrounded by metal fences, where you could at least see the central courtyard. Which seemed cluttered with a bunch of stuff.
"You're sure this is the right place? You wondered, doubtful.
You went to them, attempting to filter that particular emotion.
"It doesn't really look like a hospital." Aziraphale agreed with you when you got to their level.
But then it hit you. You gasped, like you'd been punched in the stomach. You grabbed the angel's arm to not collapse. That was so strong. You haven't felt such things in a long, long time.
"What is it ?" Crowley asked. You chuckled.
"It feels so loved." You gazed up. Aziraphale straightened your arm while he searched for it too. You pressed your hand to your chest. Your heart filter was giving you trouble, yes, but you sure as hell wouldn't complain about it.
"No, it's definitely the place. Crowley spoke, his tone faint.
"They're right..." He smiled at you, thrilled by the fulfilling sensation of love.
"Uh-hu... Sure, can we go see the nuns now ?" He led the way.
You scoffed. "Grumpy pants..." You followed in second.
Despite that, you looked at Aziraphale and giggled. You were glad to finally be able to share your joy without risking destruction for it. Immediately after, you three got shot by something.
"Argh !" For once, the three of you simultaneously exclaimed.
Crowley got hit inside his vest, right above the heart. In your case, the sharp pain was localised to your right hip. As for Aziraphale, the "bullet" struck his calf, making him hop on one foot for a second.
You touched where the impact occurred and saw it was just... paint ?
"Blue ?" Aziraphale asked, ever-so-confused.
"Heh, yellow." You snorted. Oh, you've got red. You noticed Crowley's chest was covered with red paint. "One more, and we're Power Rangers.."
"Hey !" A nasal voice hollered. Crowley took one step forward in front of you and Aziraphale. The man in army clothing scoffed. What... are they doing out there? You saw the angel shuffle to see the state of his pants. "You've all been hit! I don't know what you think you're playing at-"
Crowley abruptly roared as his demon self and the whiny player fainted. "Well, that was fun." He smirked.
"Well, yes, fun for you. Look at the state of those trousers !" Aziraphale pivoted his leg for you to see. "I've kept them in tip-top condition for over 180 years now." Crowley started to circle around the both of you. "Oh, I'll never get this stain out."
"You could just miracle it away." You shuddered, saddened by his concern.
"Mmh, yes, but... Well, I would always know the stain was there." He explained, his tone brittle. You pouted with a smile. Ah, such pleading eyes ! How could you say no ? You twirled your wrist around, waving the paint away.
"Oh, thank you." You smiled and enjoyed the whiff of old books. The smell of thankfulness, if you wondered. You spotted the strange gun on the ground and picked it up.
"What a weird piece of hardware..." You enjoyed the design of it, actually. Might copy it, too. Replace the paintball stocking compartment with a crossbow flight groove and riser...
"Expert in the field ?" Crowley snorted before taking the gun away. "Don't your lot disapprove of guns ?" He asked and pretended to aim your way.
"Unless they're in the right hands," Aziraphale said, confiscating the weapon. "Then they give weight to a moral argument." His explanation seemed to amuse the demon, who had a big grin plastered on his face.
"A moral argument ? Really ?" He bugged the two of you. You were just thankful. Aziraphale took the subject into his own hands and just shrugged. He laughed a bit before walking towards the building.
"Come on."
Inside, a few posters and a board were displayed that showed the rules of "the paintball game". The reception seemed to also stock a few guns and helmets. Soon, they won't have to just play war... You heard the commotion through the window, plus a kindhearted "Fuck off" too.
"Charming..." Aziraphale mumbled to your right.
"Wonder where the nuns went ?" Crowley took a brochure from the little table on your left and inspected it.
"Any information about the former satanic maternity in that little paper of yours?" You teased. The demon forced a laugh before throwing the brochure away.
On your way, you encountered a young woman running your way.
"Oh, Millie from Accounts caught me on the elbow." She groaned. You ended up stopping diagonally. The angel bent slightly in front of her to check for a possible wound at her elbow. "Who's winning?"
"You're all going to lose." Crowley announced, since he was closer to her. He snapped his fingers, obviously operating a miracle. In an instant, the splashy sound of the bullets started to sound more like a machine gun than a fairly hurtful but still non-lethal weapon. The woman ran off.
What the hell did you just do? Aziraphale snapped with frantic movements.
"Well, they wanted real guns, so I gave them what they wanted, he mused, visibly proud of himself. You followed right behind him. You couldn't help your incredulity and stared at him, mouth agape.
Once you got to a window, you and Aziraphale pressed against the window and saw barrels exploding, sparks, and dust everywhere.
"Crowley !" You stressed, running up to him.
"There are people out there shooting at each other. "The guardian lamented by your side.
"Well, it lends weight to their moral argument." He kicked a door, shattering glass in the process. Aziraphale joined his hands and fidgeted with his fingers.
"Everyone has free will, including the right to murder. Just think of it as a microcosm of the universe."
"Oh, don't try to lecture us, buddy !
"They're murdering each other." Aziraphale stood before Crowley, stopping him in his tracks. You joined him.
You saw Crowley roll his eyes, despite his glasses. "No, they aren't. No one's killing anyone; they're all having miraculous escapes. It wouldn't be any fun otherwise. He explained it before our pleading eyes.
You scoffed. You shared a knowing smile with Aziraphale. Sometimes, you forget that Crowley is actually a good person and are worried that he might harm humans. But he never did. Deep down, he really loved humankind. In a teasing mood, the two of you started to walk away in front of Crowley, discussing his case.
"Aah, what a softie." It was a real claim. One thing that the demon didn't particularly appreciate was that you felt him boil in your back. Aziraphale nodded.
"Of course. I've always said that, deep down, he really is a nice guy. He began, but gasped instead.
Well, both of you did.
Crowley had suddenly roared and seized you by your collars. He roughly pulled back, colliding both of your bodies against his. You stumbled back; your head clued his upper chest. You grabbed on to his waist to not fall. Aziraphale had landed a bit higher, at neck level, and was able to meet his gaze. He also stood approximately straight, while you were quite curled up against Crowley.
"Shut it ! I'm a demon; I'm not nice! You felt his voice rumble in his chest. You gulped. You weren't scared by any means, just... mh, troubled? "I'm never 'nice'. Nice is a four-letter word. I will not have-"
"Excuse me, gentlemen ?"
The pair both turned their heads towards the professional voice. All you could do was try to nuzzle your way up Crowley's arm to peek over the black vest.
"Sorry to break up an intimate moment. Can I help you? She slowed down, and Crowley had time to recognise her. You gazed up at him but couldn't quite make out his expression. Nor his smell.
"You." His grip loosened. You helped yourself back up with the help of your stretched-out arm. You saw Aziraphale analyse Crowley's expression.
"Saints and demons preserve us; it's Master Crowley-" The woman with short hair stepped back. She didn't have time to flee, however, as the demon snapped her in place.
"You didn't have to do that; you could have just asked her. Aziraphale scolded him while fixing his suit. Crowley opened his mouth wide and made an offended sound. Alright, let's not discuss what just happened, then... You felt the angel's hand dust your shoulder swiftly.
"Of course, of course ! No. Yeah. 'Excuse me, ma'am, we're three supernatural entities just looking for the notorious Son of Satan. I wonder if you might help us with our inquiries." He spat and flashed his teeth in a scornful manner.
"Of course, of course ! No. Yeah. 'Excuse me, ma'am, we're three supernatural entities just looking for the notorious Son of Satan. Wonder if you might help us with our inquiries ?'" He spat and flashed his teeth in a scornful manner. You shot him a disapproving look but didn't say anything.
You walked up to her and let Aziraphale do the questioning.
"Mh..." He coughed, unsure. "Look... hello." His smile was always so sweet. You breathed a laugh and shook your head at your proximity. "You weren't, by any chance, a nun here at this convent 11 years ago, were you ?"
"I was." She acquiesced, completely transfixed.
"Mmh, luck of the devil." Eyebrow raised, you looked at Aziraphale, who had quite the cocky little smile on his face. You glanced at Crowley and held yourself back from snorting at the sight of your shared experience.
"What happened to the baby that was given to you ?" You asked.
"I swapped him with the son of the American ambassador. Such a nice man." You caught the smell of sun-soaked sand. You couldn't help but smile when you felt how fond she was of the memory. "He used to be the ambassador of Swindon." She added.
Honestly, you were relieved you found as much confusion on their faces as you felt. Crowley shrugged and shook his head, showing that he had no clue what the fuck she was talking about.
"Then Sister Theresa Garrulous came and took the other baby away."
"This American ambassador—what was his name ? Where did he come from ? And what did he do with the baby ?" The demon snarled, his red hair flying everywhere.
"I don't know."
"Records." Aziraphale insisted. "There must have been records." He gestured for her to continue.
"Yes. There were lots of records. We were very good at keeping records."
"Good; so where can we find them?" You questioned.
"They were unfortunately burned in the fire."
Crowley groaned and threw it back in pure annoyance. "Hastur !"
Aziraphale queried again.
"Is there anything you remember about the baby?"
"He had lovely little toesies-woesies." Her response brought a smile to your face, matching Aziraphale's. Crowley obviously had enough and took off.
"Let's go."
"You will wake, having had a lovely dream about whatever you like best. He miracled. You added a good memory orb discreetly for good measure.
"Oi." Crowley called.
As you approached outside, the sirens overtook all sound, and you saw dozens of policemen evacuating the players and taking their rigged weapons.
"You'd think he'd show up, wouldn't you ? You'd think we could detect him in some way." Aziraphale notified. He waved away a bit of smoke.
"He won't show up. Not to us. Protective camouflage." Crowley reached behind your back and pulled on Aziraphale's arm firmly, dragging you along. A bullet zoomed to your right.
"He won't even know it, but his powers will keep him hidden from prying occult forces."
You were nearing the exit, and the air felt heavy in your lungs. The stress you felt was really increasing as the trail of the investigation plummeted. Plus, the fact that love was slowly disappearing was freaking you out of your mind. You felt a constant pull trying to get you back to heaven, where all the love was stored away. Everything was just too nerve-wrecking for your dysfunctional little heart.
"Occult forces ?" You heard Aziraphale's question.
"Well, you know, us."
You watched the angel's features contort into perplexity.
"We're not occult." Crowley sighed at his objection. "Angels aren't occultists; we're ethereal."
You didn't know what it was. Maybe it was the pressure of it all, or just the fact that Aziraphale still at to make such shallow precision, but you giggled quietly at first. The more it grew, the more it alerted the two entities. It was apparently communicative since they also started laughing softly. You continued to joke on your way to the car. You took you regular seat back, and smiled foundly as the two in the front.
Yeah, Armaggedon was bad. But at least you didn't have to face it on your own.
Hard day for Y/N, I hope you won't get any bruises ! ;)
If you have any question about your character (yourself in a sense), I'll do my best to answer without spoilers ^^
Hope you enjoyed it ! Bye !
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Tag list : @legendary-maddie @kpop-athena @drugs-for-memes @emo-queer-boi @cunning-girl @mochikofi @brain-has-left @cup-of-tee007 @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @somekale08 @liyacreate @msyolocat-blog @scoliobean @notahappystan @nebulagoddess @ray-rook @brain-has-left @mxxny-lupin @bluebear19 @yvonneeeee  @kniselle @dmitrytherat @lookingforlifeoutthere @neenieweenie @lunalixya
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omg more yandere angst pleaseee! maybe with scaramouche, zhongli, and alhaitham or cyno? :3
Ohhhh, Yes I can my dear. I can and shall provide that for you. :)
..••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••° Scenario: i would like to request a yandere scenario but oh no it's really really sad. if you can, i would want to see yandere kazuha, childe, tighnari like regretting breaking reader. like reader keeps getting hurt by the yanderes until they feel nothing and at first the yanderes didn't mind it thinking they were obeying them but then they start feeling guilty for breaking you because now you aren't expressing any emotions, no matter what they do.
all in all, very very angst at the end ..••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°°°°••....••°
Part 1: Here Trigger Warning: These are a bit more darker, so please proceed with grave cautious. Contents Contain Amputation, broken limbs, unregistered surgeries, Privacy violation, Boundaries trespassing, non consensual kissing.
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Scaramouche ┌─❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐┌─❀̥˚❀̥˚─┐┌─❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐
Scaramouche was gently adjusting your new limbs, as you lay there in his bed, staring endlessly at the ceiling, no skies are in sight. Scaramouche screaming and scolding fell on deaf ears for you, as all you heard was ringing in your ears. You had such a dull face, dull hair, dull eyes, dull greyed out, blind eyes. Yet you can see. Yet, what is the point of processing everything around you right now? All you see is blurs of things that were made into use by the living hands. Just like how you were in Scaramouche's hands. You used to be a very strong women, a leader, you lead people, you lead families to your goal of freedom. Oh, the irony of that, when you see yourself being hugged in Scaramouches arms. You were in between his legs, as he hugged you tightly, crying against your back. You looked down at your hands...they weren’t yours. You used to be such a proud women, and a proud women who untangled the endless gibberish in Scaramouches heart. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." You listen to Scaramouche cry into your back. You were better then his own mother who abandoned him. You lead with pride and never abandoned anyone. You kept everyone to you, you never regretted your creations or called them mistakes. Scaramouche ended up wanting to follow you endlessly, obsessing every detail of you. However, now he sits against the wall with you, regretting the monster he just made. He was crying, as he kept trying to re attach his doll limbs onto you, as he thought, maybe if you two switched limbs, you two can be closer and trust one another. However, little did he know, human limbs can’t return back like a doll's limbs. You say with his unfeeling doll limbs falling off of your shorten arms, while scaramouche had your arms attached to him perfectly. Oh, how much he loves you right now, right?
Zhongli ╚══•●•══╝╔══•●•══╗╚══•●•══╝ ╔══•●•══╗
Zhongli was carrying your limp body in his arms, he cradled you tightly to his chest, rocking you. His delusions has gotten the best of him, as your suffering was the cause of his mind going into full erosion. He cradled you tightly against his chest, crying, as he tried to laugh. "Aha...look...we are so happy together, don't you love being in my arms? Let's get married..be with me forever..." You were a doll at this point, but you were his doll at a farther point. Despite his smile coming from his delusions of you being happy in his arms, regret was showing in his tears, as he fell to his knees. You were such a traditional and wonderful women, who understood his ways the most. You understood him, his troubles, and his mind. For all, you desired a peaceful life such as he did. You understand his bindings to a contracts and beyond. He felt like he found the perfect human who matches and met his every need as a man. And, so. You signed a contract with him. To always be with him, to always love him. Little did you know, this contract was too vague as you two had two different ideas of this concept. The more you seemed to overstepped the grounds, the more he punished you, as his idea of love and dedication was much more extreme of yours. Was this all worth it? Was this really a way to treat the person you love? The punishments were too much. To the point, that you heard a snap in your head. Immediately you dropped. You were tired, and you immediately gave up. There were times, where you can get up and walk as he demanded of you. However, now here you are in his arms, no longer responding to him, with two broken legs, as he was looking down on you with tears. "The contract has been fulfilled" He said, as you heard parchment being torn by your right ear. Alhaitham └── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
He was looking down at you, in the surgery table, as he was reading a book on procedures. You were there, motionless, uncaring, as you were looking to the side. Nothing mattered anymore. You were a incredible intelligent women, director of the branch in the Akademiya that involve maths. Alhaitham loved you for your unique methods of solving problems and issues, and how unique it was. He read all your books and researched that you submitted. To you, he was a simple scribe who desires a comfortable life. You desired the same, as the more you two talked, the closer you guys got. You both read together, told each other stories, went on walks and even battled alongside each other. You were head over heels, he was perfect, until he wasn't. As said, the math branch is particularly male dominant, so you are often with males throughout the day. Especially, males who can’t keep their eyes and hands to themselves. Why must they placed their nasty fingers on your math notes? Asking questions with their pig breaths in your view? Alhaitham snapped, and decided, he wanted you to himself only. He took you on a nice date to his place, he wanted to show you his grandmother's book collections. He wanted to show you his personal prized possession. Once you fell asleep on top of him, in his arms. He carried you down to his basement, that of course Kaveh would never know about it. He gently strapped you into a bed, and kept you in the dark, no window of time, as there were no windows. Just darkness. You only need to rely on him, and him only. How long has it been? Days? Months? Years? You couldn’t tell, Alhaithaim forced you to fully rely on him, he bathed you, fed you, accompanied you to the bathroom with unneeded helicoptering. He would constantly hold you, cuddle you, love you to all his heart's content. Despite him constantly yelling at you, with the most sounded and logic argument of keeping you here with him. You don’t know how long it has been, but you were tired. There was nothing for you, besides this darkness...you eventually gave up. You slowly became a living doll to him. He didn’t like this, he wanted to try and get you back, nothing in his books were helping him, so...if he can’t help from the outside...he will have to go inside. It makes sense, no? Al Haitham tried to convince himself, as he is clenching his jaw, holding the scalpel in his head, ready to open your head and see what was wrong with you. His jaw his clenched harder, is he really going to defile the love of his life?...He had no other choice, you were no longer the love of his live...you were just a shell. With that last sound argument...he adjusted the scalpel and started. You made no sound. Cyno ❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉ ❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉ ❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉
Cyno was in a bathtub with you, he was holding you against him as he washed your body. You head was laid on his shoulder, as you felt nothing but coldness. Cyno was washing your back, as he tried to talk to you, anything for you to respond to him. He was almost close to having a breakdown, very close to having a breakdown. You weren’t responding, moving or doing any basic human things for months. You used to be and officer of the desert, managing things that weren’t right, drug trades, illegal stunts, black market sellings. You were an offer of justice, you were someone who desired justice within the world. Cyno admire that of you. He would often ask you for information on his cases of students selling information. You were a women who won his heart, as you showed strong character and morals. However, you didn’t exactly like him back, in fact, you liked his friend more then him. Tighnari. You enjoyed flowers, and you loved it, seeing Tighnari with his Botany studies made your heart flutter, as you wanted to get to know him. It didn’t help that you would ask Cyno for advice or if you could meet Tighnari and be alone with him. Cyno started to become paranoid as he wanted you to be interested in him. He often sent his underlings to spy on you, and report to him on information. One day, you wanted to see Tighnari, as you brought flowers but there was only Cyno. In that moment, seeing you dressed up for Tighnari, he snapped. He walked up to you and pinned you against the wall. "What is so good about that disgusting fox? What about me? I can be anything you want me to be, yet...Why do you like Tighnari.."
He refused to let you go, as he held you in his arms tightly. He trapped you in his house, chained to the wall, as he forced you to give him attention. He would fight you everyday for your attention and favor, and sometimes even force it. He would force your hands to be on his bare chest, he would force kiss you. Pin you down to the ground and kiss you until you give in and kiss him back. That was the truth you loved him, wasn’t it? You were just playing hard to get. The forced you to be taken care of by him, however, one day you realized. This was your life, you had no family coming for you, and your job was probably replaced by another person. Your purpose was now fighting to be free...but sometimes you are tired. You decided to give up, as you felt Cyno's hands washing the delicate parts of your body, pleading you to wash him back.
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offbrandkyoya · 2 years
03 todays the day
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cw: mention of drugs (weed)
Scaramouche regretted this.
‘What am I doing?’ He thought as he stood in front of the entrance. He wanted to go home right now. Still, the sickening feeling of just laying in bed to sleep or cry was tiring. It's an endless cycle that he's finally breaking, even though he hates singing with a passion, it's tied with memories that are blocked from his mind.
Scaramouche sighs and finally walks inside the building. He noticed the front desk and walks toward it. “Uh, excuse me,” He starts, with the lady looking up from her computer. “I'm here to see 5WIRL.” She lets out a small gasp and quickly searches for something on her desk. Scaramouche stares at her weirdly. Then, she hands him a clipboard. “Please sign here to enter.” ‘Seriously?’ Scaramouche took the object, and pen that was handed to him, and did what he was told.
He hands the clipboard back and the lady smiled, “Welcome, Scaramouche.” He just nodded. The lady gives him directions to where to go and off he goes to his new life. As he walks deeper into the halls, he hears songs blaring louder and louder. He couldn't help but cringe as he stood in front of the room he was told to go to. His ears perked up when he hears a woman shouting, “You're doing it wrong again! Are you even listening to my advice?!” Scaramouche listened for a response but he assumed it was quiet because the lady shouted once more after the pause.
“This isn't difficult!” Scaramouche wondered if he should enter or not. ‘Screw it.’ He opened the door without care and suddenly all eyes were on him. “Oh!” The woman changed her whole demeanor and rushed to him, holding his hands. “You must be Scaramouche! Please, come in!” She leads him more inside the room and places him at the center. The woman motions to one of them to pause the music before she can speak. “Boys, this is your new member, Scaramouche. Treat him right and no funny business.” She shot a glare at the boy with two braids. “Make him feel welcomed.” Then, she shoots Scaramouche an innocent smile. “If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.”
Another glare but towards all of the boys. Scaramouche felt sick at that. It reminded him of someone. The woman begins to walk off before saying, “Show him the basics. Don't screw it up, Venti.” Finally, she was gone. There was a long silence before the man with braids spoke, “Welcome Scaramouche! If you don't know, I'm Venti, the leader.” He then points at the rest one by one. “That’s Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, and Heizou.” They all said hi and Scaramouche responded with a hi back. “What's with the threatening get-up?” Scaramouche asked about the woman. Venti stared at him crazy then laughed. “She’s a bitch, isn't she? You'll have to get used to it.” “Why?” “Because she'll beat your ass if you don't listen.” Heizou joined in. Scaramouche hummed then crossed his arms. “So, what am I supposed to do?”
Venti clapped his hands, “Well, I was told to show you how we practice. It might not be interesting though.” “Show me.” Aether goes to play the music once more and the boys huddle for a moment, talking amongst themselves. Scaramouche raises a brow ultimately doubting their abilities. They part away, get into their positions, and start to dance while singing their parts. Scaramouche listened and watched intensely. Thanks to a certain someone, he knows what's good and what's not in the music industry. Looking at 5WIRL now, he can tell that they're basic. ‘They are losing their spark.’ Scaramouche closed his eyes for a moment as it was hard for him to watch. “Kay, I've seen enough,” Scaramouche spoke and stops the music. The boys immediately stop and try to control their breathing. Aether and Heizou plop down on the floor with Heizou leaning his head back. “Someone kill me.” “Gladly,” Xiao replied with a hoarse voice. “Xiao, please,” Aether says with a sigh from both exhaustion and disappointment.
Scaramouche shook his head, “If I'm being honest, you guys suck. Compared to DCKZ, you're all a lost cause.” “Wow, thanks, newbie,” Heizou rolled his eyes as he lay down on his back. “We already know all that, unfortunately,” Kazuha states as he fixes his ponytail. Scaramouche uncrossed his arms, “If you know then why don't you guys improve?” He got quiet and shivered since he sounded like the person who ruined his life. Venti raised a brow but answered, “Our manager sucks that's why.” “I can tell,” Scaramouche mumbled. “Srew DCKZ, honestly,” Heizou stated loudly as he tugged on a strand of Aethers hair. “For real.” The blonde agreed, pulling his braid away from his friend.
“Hi boys!” Scaramouche turned around to see some random he knew for sure wasn't from 5WIRL. Suddenly, the boys had a surge of energy as they yelled out, “Y/N!!” You grinned with a chuckle, “That's me!” Before you could talk to them, you noticed an unfamiliar face. You gasped then smiled, “You must be the new guy! I'm y/n, nice to meet you.” Scaramouche looked at you in confusion. “Are you their manager or something?” You laughed, “No sadly. I'm just a close friend.” He didn't respond and started at you completely uninterested. “I hope they don't bother you. They can be overbearing sometimes.” “Hey!” Venti pouted.
“Okay.” You continued to smile and reached your hand out, “I visit them sometimes so you might see my face a lot. It's a pleasure to meet you!” Scaramouche looked down at your hand and then at you with a weirded-out expression. “Why the hell would I shake hands with you? I don't know who you are.” Your friend's mouths dropped as they glanced at Scaramouche and then at you. Your hand twitched and you suddenly felt hot. Putting your hand down, you let out a huff. “No need to be so rude about it. You could've been polite to decline.” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, “Oh please, you got it easy. Like I'd bother to put in that effort for you, princess.” You gasped, “Princess?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” “Exactly what it means, dumbass.”
You balled up your first and angrily took something out of your coat pocket. “And here I was nice enough to get you some food too.” Venti rushed to you at the mention of the word food. “Omg y/n, you're the best!” You smirked, “I know.” The rest of the boys surrounded you, except for Scaramouche, watching you open the container of goodies. Kazuha looked at you worriedly, “Didn't they inspect you?” You shook your head. “No, I managed to convince them!” “How?” Xiao asked as he drooled over the food. “Simple, I lied and said that I'm just here to watch you practice.” Heizou’s eyes widened. “That worked?!” “Why are you doubting me?!”
Scaramouche watched you all from a distance with a frown. ‘They were just tired what the hell is this?’ You look in Scaramouches direction and made eye contact. Letting out a sigh, you walked away from your friends and handed Scaramouche a sandwich and juice. “I'm not that mean. This lady sucks so you should have this.” He had his guard up and looked at the items suspiciously. “How did you fit that container in your pocket anyway?” “Magic.” He rolled his eyes.
Still, “You just met me and made all that?” You tilted your head in confusion. “Well, yeah, is that wrong?” His heart tightened. “The food here is garbage so I'm doing you a favor.” You start to pull your arm back. “If you don't want it then that's okay-” “No.” Scaramouche lets out a sigh and took the food from you. “I'll eat it.” You smiled wide, “Yay!!!” “Watch out Scaramouche before they get to you too,” Heizou warned with his mouth full. You hissed at him. “Hey! I'm just being nice!” Scaramouche raised a brow before taking a bite. “What does that mean?” Venti leaned towards him. “It means that y/n is going to dream about you being their boyfriend.” He choked and you gasped dramatically, face turning bright red.
“That's not true at all!” Kazuha shakes his head disappointed. “Y/n, you've dreamed about being with all of us. You even told me once, ‘I don't smoke but for you baby, I will.’” You screeched and began hitting Kazuha on the head. “IDIOT! DON’T SAY THAT OUT LOUD!” Scaramouche didn't feel like eating anymore. “Yeah Kazuha, you could get caught,” Xiao comments as Aether wiped the food off his lips. Venti gasped with dramatic tears. “NO! MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!” He tugged on his pigtails. “I MUST BE FREED!” The six of you began goofing off, yelling and laughing. Scaramouche wondered how you all could be chill like that. The manager treats them all like shit and they continue to enjoy themselves.
Despite all the mistreatment, you had each other to confide in. Scaramouche felt his throat go sore. “Sorry, Scaramouche,” Venti called in between giggles. “Promise not to tell the boss lady?” Scaramouche just nodded. Your phone rang and you let out a groan once you read the caller ID. “I wish I could stay but I have to go.” The boys frowned, “Alright be careful.” Aether tells you, still upset. You smiled sadly at the boys, “Thanks.” Then you turned to Scaramouche. “It was nice meeting you again.” He glanced to the side. “Thanks for the food.” He said quietly and you couldn't help but blush. “Oh, it was nothing!” You waved your hand still flustered. “Stay safe y/n! Don't die!” Heizou pokes your cheek and you laugh. “I promise.” You bid your goodbyes and Scaramouche felt like he was watching a family wave their son off to war.
Once you were gone, Venti turned to him, hands on his hips. “Alright, Scaramouche. Finish your meal because you've got a lot of studying to do.” He gave him a monotone look. ‘Studying?’
What a long day this will all be.
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- i 🫶 snow days
- no school no work just sleep
- i had a presentation to do but it’s moved to Monday god bless 💯💯
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @aeongiies @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
Birthday surprise
Hinata x fem reader
Words: ~ 1,3 k
Warnings: A bit NSFW
About: You have a nice birthday surprise for your boyfie~
A/n: Happy Birthday to our beloved human tangerine. I love him so much and I wish him the bestest birthday ever~
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"Shoyo, what are you doing there? You need to get ready."
"Oh, sorry, I'm coming. I was just checking my phone. I got a message from y/n."
Hinata freezes.
A state that is almost unnatural for him. It is indeed a message from you - or rather a picture. With you in it. Barely clothed, wearing only white underwear and orange stockings - as bright as his hair. No words added, just you laying there seductively on his bed in lingerie, presenting your body to the camera in a way that makes all his blood rush south.
Holy... he instantly darkens the screen, quickly looking over his shoulder to see if someone looked at his phone. And indeed, he faces an equally stunned Atsumu, whose eyes are still fixated on Hinata's darkened screen. A few seconds pass and neither of them moves. The only sounds right now come from their teammates who have already started their training. Until Hinata's screen gives up and turns fully black.
"Uhm..." Atsumu awkwardly coughs and looks away, a faint tint of pink on his cheeks. "I guess you're going to have a fun birthday night, Shoyo-kun."
It's impossible for Hinata's face to turn even redder at this point. Even his ears are burning, and he laughs awkwardly to mask his inner panic. "What makes you think that?"
Atsumu's face drops, and Hinata internally wishes to sink into the ground for saying something as stupid as that. Why did he focus more on this instead of just changing the topic? "Do you really want me to say it out loud?" A slight grin now forms on Atsumu's face, and Hinata regrets speaking even more. Damn, he regrets ever learning how to speak at all.
"Please don't-"
"Don't sweat it, Shoyo-kun. I'd be happy to have a girl like y/n send pictures like that. Do you think I'll ever find someone who wears hot stuff in my hair color? Maybe I should go back to black. I like that whole black and lacy stuff, but then I'd look like that ugly shithead Samu. Or red. Red's hot too. I don't know if I'd look good in red. What do you mean, Shoyo-kun?"
While Atsumu is busy rambling, Hinata quickly takes his phone and buries it in his bag. He'll take the time to look at the picture during their break. Probably take his phone with him to the restroom to have a proper look. But even the short glimpse he just had is enough to get him riled up and longing for you. Longing to touch you, to feel the soft fabric and your even softer skin under his fingers. He wants to properly thank you for wearing this set just for him and to hear you softly say his name after he kisses you. He knows he won't be able to focus now because of you.
"Shoyo? Are you listening?" The sudden snarl of the blonde in front of him makes him perk up his head, his cheeks still incredibly warm and red.
"Oh, sure, Miya-san. Red is a nice color."
Atsumu blankly stares at him, and Hinata wonders how long he zoned out. He only faintly remembers Atsumu talking about hair colors. "Yer hopeless."
"What? Did I say something wrong?"
"Don't. And don't ya dare to let my good sets go to waste today. I'll make ya regret it, Shoyo-kun."
Hinata nervously smiles and quickly jogs to the court, ignoring Atsumu right behind him and hoping that he'll forget what he saw. After all, that picture was only meant for his eyes and his eyes alone.
"Baby, I'm so sorry."
"What happened? Are you okay?"
The stress in Hinata's voice is evident. You don't know if you have ever heard him so depressed before.
"The picture you sent me," he starts, and the blood drains from your face. Your fingers clutch around the phone in your hand tightly, and you involuntarily press the device harder against your ear.
"Did you not like it? I'm sorry, I'll just delete it. We can pretend it never happened. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." You nervously fidget with the hem of the straps, mentally burning the damn lingerie in a bonfire.
"What? No, no! Don't delete that picture. I've been hard ever since I saw it. I love it."
Your cheeks warm at his sudden confession and the way he casually tells you something explicit. He probably doesn't even realize how hot he sounds.
"It's just... when I opened it, Miya-san was right behind me. He saw it too. I'm so sorry. I know that you trust me, and I don't want to break your trust. Can you forgive me? I would never show these kinds of pictures to my friends. Please believe me!"
It takes you a few seconds to fully understand what he's telling you.
"Baby? Are you still here? Please say something. I didn't- please-"
"Shoyo, it's fine. It's okay. I still trust you. I should have told you that you need to look at the picture in private. I don't mind." You smile at his concern, at the way he's always trying to make everything right, to be the perfect boyfriend. But that sometimes puts a lot of stress on him.
"You know that I love you, right? That won't change a thing. And I'm pretty sure that Miya-san will never mention it, especially not in front of me. Deep down, he's actually very considerate and nice, even though he doesn't often show that side."
The exhale of relief on the other side makes you smile a little, and you're glad that he feels better now.
"I love you too, y/n. Thank you. Thank you for being so patient and understanding with me."
"Hey, it's your birthday after all. I can't be mad at my birthday boy. And, um... I've got some more pictures if you want to see them? I even made a short video of me... um... doing things." You feverishly blush at the end of your words, now clutching the sheets underneath your hand while you wait for his answer.
Hinata's tone is more dark and serious when he answers, and damn, it's always so hot to hear him talk like this. "What kind of things? I think I need to know before you send something. You have to be very specific."
Your breath hitches in your throat, and a slight shiver runs down your body. "I... touched myself. I thought about how you'd do it and touched my breasts, and then rubbed my... clit." You're proud of how steady these words come from you, and he releases a deep breath before he answers.
"Oh? What a good girl you are for me. How about you send me those pictures and videos, and I'll send you some in return? Show you what you do to me. And when I'm home, I want you to show me everything you did again. I need to see if you're properly touching yourself for me when I'm not there. Understand, baby?"
You only manage to nod breathlessly, a soft hum escaping your lips at his words, and the tingling feeling between your legs starts to make your mind dizzy.
"Shoyo, when will you come home? I need you." You can basically hear how he runs his hand through his wild orange hair in frustration because he can't be with you right now.
"Just two more hours. Can you manage, baby? Can you prep yourself for me? And when I come home, I'll get my present, nice and wet for me?"
You nod your head and quickly gasp a "yes-" already anticipating the moment he will come home.
"Such a good girl for me. Such a good girl on my birthday. I have to go, but make sure to send me those pictures, okay? I'll see you soon."
"Okay, Shoyo. I love you."
"I love you more." You quickly select the pictures in your camera roll and press send, only to receive an immediate response consisting of three pictures showing the rock-hard bulge underneath his tight boxers while he has his shirt between his teeth to expose his chest. A quick message follows that almost makes you drop the phone.
"Can't wait to see you, baby."
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loki-princeofasgard · 11 months
Mission #182 (part 1)
Loki x Stark!Reader
Part 2
You and Loki have been forced to go on important a mission together, the thing is you both hate each other. Loki looked at you as you two where walking to the cabin you two are gonna share. “You know I hate every second of this right?” Loki says. You just roll your eyes at this.
Loki rolled his eyes back at you “What? it's true, you get on my nerves”. He sighed at her lack of response. “Why do we need to go on this stupid mission anyhow, I've got better things to do.”
“Because Tony said so” you keep your answer short. You and Loki never really saw eye to eye. He always annoyed you and sometime flirt with you just to get in your nerves. You can’t really say you’ve been nice to him too since this.
When Thor brought him to earth and in the Avengers tower, Tony and Steve wanted to put him on a cell and keep him there. You were the only that was able to convice them to not doing this and actually put him to work with the Avengers, to make up for his mistakes on earth. Because of that, it seems that Tony always put you too to work together.
When you first introduced yourself to him, he was really arrogant and rude to you, which kind of made you regret a little not throwing him on that cell...
“So you do everything he says without question?!” Loki got annoyed at your answer. .
“Oh, believe me, I would rather be on this mission with anyone else” You say.
Loki looked annoyed yet interested “Anyone else? Really?”
“You'd rather be on the mission with Captain American?”
“Like I said...” you stop walking and glare at him “...anyone else”.
Loki glares back at you, he's a bit intrigued at you answer and keeps on pushing the subject “Like who? You'd rather be on the mission with Thor?”
“Yes Loki. Thor, Cap, Nat, Clint, Tony...you can choose anyone.”
Loki looks offended at your answer and crosses his arms and looks away from you “What about Bruce?”
You think about his question. “Bruce? Yes. The hulk...well, look at that, it looks like you won this time” she says with a sarcastic tone.
They kept walking until they finally arrived at the cabin Tony had told them about. You sigh in frustration. It was really a small cabin. “That’s the luxurious cabin Tony told us about?”
Loki looks at you annoyed yet again “What were you expecting? We're in the middle of nowhere, did you expect something like the stark tower?”
“It's gonna be a long mission” You say to yoursel. Loki sighs and follows you into the cabin, looking around to see how small it is. The cabin there's only one room, with only one bed
“Wonderful *you say in a sarcastic tone”
Loki looks at you annoyed, yet he wants to tease you too. “Awww you'll have to sleep in bed with me...”.
“Oh no, you sleep on that couch over there” you point to a smal couch on the corner.
Loki scoffs “I'm not sleeping on the couch. I deserve the bed more than you.”
“Fine, I'll take the couch.” You agreed, not in the mood to discuss more with Loki.
“Fine, I'll take the bed then.” Loki says with a tone of victory. He lays down on the bed. He rolls over and closes his eyes, waiting for you to lay down on the couch. You get a pillow and a blanket and lay down on the small couch.
A few moments go by, Loki looks up and over to see what you were doing. He then sits up in the bed. “Are you comfortable there? It looks uncomfortable...”
“Shut up”. You keep turning around to try to find a comfortable position.
“You're not the most comfortable on the couch huh?” Loki continues to watch her, trying to get her to break and say something.
“I said shut up”.
Loki smirks but keeps quiet, he continues to just sit and watch her try to be comfortable. After a few moments Loki gets up and walks towards her “You're really uncomfortable there huh?”.
You try to keep up the act of being annoyed at him. “I'm... comfortable enough...I don't need your help.”
Loki rolls his eyes at you. He kneels down and moves the blanket out of the way and grabs your pillow.
“HEY! What are you doing? Give it back!”
Loki looks at her annoyed yet again at your resistance “Moving you to the bed. I don't want to get killed tomorrow because you didn't have a good night of sleep”.
“Fine, but you stay in your side and no touching me". You knew he was right, so you just accepted.
He rolls his eyes and lays down, he pats the bed telling her to lay down. “Of course.” Loki lays back on his half of the bed then rolls over and faces you.
You noticed. “What” you whispers looking at him.
He can't hold back his teasing, so he does it again “Come on, you should be glad you’re one of the lucky few to sleep with me.” He whispers and turns his back to you.
“Oh really? So... you didn't sleep with a lot of women. How disappointing...” You smirk, clearly teasing him. You couldn't let this opportunity to tease him pass.
Loki blushes a little at your response but tries not to let you see. “Shut up.’ He turns slightly back looking at her, he's obviously embarrassed.
He turned his face away from her quickly and mumbled “Shut up...” Loki turns away from her completely.
“Oh no!” You say playful and pull him back to you, so he's facing you again, but this time your bodies closer.
Loki looks at her annoyed yet embarrassed. “I told you to shut up.”
“Make me.” you whisper.
Loki look at your lips and got up from the bed, walking away from you to the other side of the cabin. He faced away from you and crossed his arms not saying a word, trying to pretend he was annoyed but in reality, he just wants to kiss you.
You sit on the bed, shocked he just gave up. You start worrying “Maybe I pushed him too much.”
Loki looked over and walks towards you, gently pushing you on the bed again, getting on top of you, and he caress your lip with his thumb “Will this shut you up?”.
Loki stares at you, you’re not saying anything, so he decides to make move. He pulls you closer to him and kisses you passionately. When he pulls back from you , he whispers in your ear “That's should get you to shut up for now”
He gets off you and goes lay down on his side of the bed, his back facing you.
You are shocked after that hot kiss and without reaction.
After a few minutes of being silent, he turns around and faces you. “Is that all? That kiss got you to shut up but no remarks?.”
You look at him but this time, you’re the one kissing him passionately.
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bahllinsqrews · 9 months
I'm Sorry, My Love...
You and Niki got into a fight, it was another bit of a useless one. You were a bit jealous because he had been out all day with a woman he already wanted nothing to do with, but you didn't know that, so now he has to make it up to you by any means necessary.
Cute Niki moments
A little argument
Regretful name calling
Make up presents
Cutest love making
Nipple play
Gentle teasing
Vibrator use
Make up kisses
This story is only fanfiction
Negative comments will be deleted
Death threats, d*x threats, harassment will not be tolerated
Block or hide post if you do not wish to see it.
Requested: Yes♥️
You and Niki were screaming at each other, you ended up throwing something at each other and he dodged it just in time with the couch in the way. You walked up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door, locking it in his face as he tried to make it in. He sighed when you did, seeing that you weren't going to open up any time soon. He decided to go out a bit and come back when you've cooled down enough, cause he knew that you talking right now would make the fire worse.
He went and got some nice flowers, a couple of twin roses that were seen as a sign of love between the two in a couple. A red and a white rose was placed in the vase with water, the other gift, a lot of your favorite candies and food were his gift to you. He used his skills to pick the lock in the bedroom, getting in. You didn't look at him from under the covers, just on your phone while you watched your favorite lover Kdrama to try and relive your love days with Niki through it. He ended up laying on the bed, placing the candy under the covers for you to see them. You turned and looked at him. Placing the pile on the table, he took your phone and set it aside as well, trapping you between his hands as he gave you an apologetic look.
You only smiled and gave him soft kisses, taking off some of the clothing he came in with and eased himself under the covers, laying his warm body onto yours and pressing more kisses onto your skin. He made you happy, he made you feel loved and you couldn't let that go over some stupid arguments. You gave him access to all of you, him sliding himself between your thighs to rub against the fabric of your panties, using a finger or two to slide them off of you before moving down to get his face as close as he could to your glistening slit. He made sure to be extra careful because you got sensitive when your clit was touched, his nose bumped it as he slowly licked at your cunt, pressing his tongue in as deep as it could go, feeling your walls slowly close in on him. Despite this, he moved his tongue effortlessly and gave you the best experience. Your body tried its hardest not to move, his large hands on your thighs to keep you down on the bed as he dove right into it. You kept calling his name and sometimes even tried to stop him before your climax hit his tongue hard, letting him drink every drop.
He smiled as you huffed and puffed, trying to get yourself back together. He wasn't done with you of course. His hips went right back between your thighs, your legs held up by his arms for them to hang on. He slid his hardened length into you, your arms quick to wrap around his neck and keep him closer than before while his thrusts were slow and sensual. Each drag in and out made your body shake since you were so tight for him, he was having a hard time keeping himself from cumming, the veins on him being touched by each soft spot inside and his tip kept pressing itself against your most pleasurable point. He smiled when he found it, moving his hips a bit faster and dragging back a little further to hit it harder, making your eyes screw shut.
You wondered what it was like to see stars before, and now you got it, your head swirling uncontrollably, growing dizzy from how much you felt, his body and yours were burning in a passionate heat as he moved faster, his groans getting louder as he hid his blushing face away in the corner of your neck, kisses strewn about in a cute fashion as you both finished this time. You felt much better and much less angry with him, enough to give him a kiss as the seal to the make up.
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