#「 新撰組武士道 — meta 。
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
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tagged by:  @cyninges, thank you so much!!! tagging: @voyvodas, @drakulya, @latesco, @wangdejian, @shukuchiho and anyone else reading this.
JOHN  KEATS: the lavender in sunsets, flowers in the rain, sunlight slipping through clouds, lazy summer afternoons, the heavy scent of musk, flickering candlelight reflecting off the gold titles of books, fireflies on a cool summer night, being wrapped in fresh bedsheets, the ache of wanting what you can never have, dripping sunlight like gold, loving someone so exquisite, soft lips and soft whispers, fingers through hair, names of lovers carved in trees, broken glass, the insistence of being perpetually dreamy.
F.  SCOTT  FITZGERALD: mahogany wood, crisp winter skies with cold bright stars, the solitude of an early autumn morning wrapped in fog, empty bottles on stacks and stacks of books haphazardly placed in a messy room, pale bruised arms reaching out into the darkness, cigarette smoke just barely hiding the scent of alcohol, a wall of books all poetry and old and weathered, a bad thunderstorm occurring at the end of a beautiful day, the way tragedy strikes in your heart but ends up stopping your breathing for a moment, your favorite sweater, parties spilling into four a.m. with the stars above spinning and dancing, the contrast of blood against snow, a purple split lip oozing blood, black eyes fading to blue to pale skin, the butterflies of falling in love for the first time, the statues falling apart over time in cemeteries, the romanticization of self-destruction
FRANZ  KAFKA: the weight of dread that sits heavily in your stomach when thinking about the future, decrepit houses cloaked in mystery from children telling stories of people who died there, the way not even light can escape a black hole, the rich smell of old books, delicate veins in the wrist, ghosts filling lungs, shattered bones, raindrops on the tongue, rusting metal, nostalgia that aches, the way hope feels like a plastic bag over your head
H.P.  LOVECRAFT: the anxiety felt when staring into an unknown cave, pouring rain and mud, a child’s fear of the dark, thinking so many questions about your existence as you stare at the vast expanse of never ending ocean, the silence of three a.m., danse macabre by camille saint-saens playing on a record in an empty house, the possibility of aliens and the weird feeling it gives you that you can’t explain, unexplainable phenomena, strange lights in the sky in the dead of night, ouija boards and urban legends
JACK  KEROUAC: the brisk pine air of being on a mountain, travels without a destination, those nights where you’re missing three hours of memory, screaming to a lifeless desert about how you’re so alive, coffee shops late at night, car rides at night spent speeding and laughing in the dark, naps spent in the sun, novels highlighted and underlined with notes and epiphanies in the margins, the way uncertainty sits on the shoulders, ignoring flaws and loving life, wind through hair, depression as fog in the brain, impossible ideals, a quiet sunrise, walks alone, when you think about trying to discover all the secrets to the universe, dazzling people, open lands stretching out into infinity, falling in love with being alive.
EDGAR  ALLAN  POE: the ocean’s horizon inseparable from fog, hollow bones, a preserved heart held in hands, twinkling stars above an old graveyard, the way everything turns to dust, silent black birds with eyes full of wisdom, self-inflicted flames, perfection depicted as a rotting corpse, death as bricks in the heart, lips barely brushing against each other, glassy glazed eyes, biting into a lemon, heart-shaped bruises, rotting flowers on a grave, dried blood and spilled liquor, the hush of dusk when it begins raining, the intimacy of a secret.
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sportsv · 6 years ago
《2017-18 Review》猶他爵士隊-跌宕起伏的狂亂球季
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*本季的最大收穫:未來少主Donovan Mitchell
由於前半季的爵士戰績與場上表現實在太差,所以跟其他作者不同,爵士的撰寫更適合由缺失說起。整個球季其實一言以蔽之『敗也Snyder,成也Snyder』。這位年輕主帥固然以下半季的奇蹟,後來於COY票選中榮獲亞軍,但其實上半季的慘澹,他同樣需負起相當程度的責任。 Hayward轉瞬離開,但Snyder的整個體系在季初似乎還是以類似哲學打造,側翼進攻為主,講求不斷的團隊導球與空檔投射,可在主力換角後,一樣的Meta自然很難使用。堪用的空間四號Jerebko初期被棄用,Rubio一度被迫更像是無球跑動射手,並屢屢於第四節乾坐冷板凳;頂薪的Gobert進攻依舊拙劣,改了Meta後缺人餵餅��缺點浮現,動輒奶油手、射程短且缺乏進攻技巧,固執讓���繼續主攻的效果不佳,且讓更勝任低位進攻的Favors被迫離開擅長區域,得改去底角當埋伏射手。戰術端更是去年如出一轍的手遞手無限傳導,不適應的陣容演變成互丟炸彈的低效進攻,用人方面並且好惡分明,上半季在這般調度執教下的混亂失據,主帥自然則無旁貸。
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猶幸下半季,這些缺失大多數都獲得了改進,Snyder的執教風格固然有固執一面(包括用人方面:第二輪對戰火箭時不得不從冰庫中起用的Exum與A.Burks,雙雙繳出漂亮表現),但一段時間無效後,他仍有勇氣做出調整-即便那調整宛如在打過去自己的臉也面不改色,所以2017-18球季的猶他爵士,從季初到季後賽,打法可說轉了好幾折,還好,最後仍趕得及找到正軌,也有了個Happy Ending。
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整季過去,爵士有幾個亮點可以特別推薦: (1)少主登基:一個僅13順位的新人,最後榮獲ROY第二名,甚至以季後賽的表現榮登許多人眼中真正的新人王,Mitchell無疑是上季爵士最大的收穫與亮點,即使Gobert��是防守中樞與頂薪核心,外界眼中爵士未來幾年的真正王牌,已非Mitchell莫屬。���握住球隊動盪時刻的側翼上場時間機會,Mitchell一步步從站穩先發到頭號得分手,不過半季時間,但他屢屢打出比肩史詩級球星新人年的表現,甚至於季後賽大戰Westbrook與Harden也毫無懼色,加上謙虛樂觀的人格特質,筆者相當慶幸,塞翁失馬焉知非福,爵士球迷早已把Hayward拋在腦後。
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延伸閱讀: 可能是下一個 Mitchell?誰能成為 18-19 新秀大黑馬
延伸閱讀:在鹽湖城找回自我!重生的 Ricky Rubio 已準備綻放(上)
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(4)又一未選秀奇蹟Royce O'Neale:掩蓋在Mitchell燦爛的新人光芒之下,其實爵士上季還有另一位不錯的新人O'Neale。小市場因素,猶他爵士一直有從二輪甚至未選秀拔擢優秀球員的慧眼傳統,近年如Millsap、W.Matthews與Carroll都是範例,最新小學弟就是這位未選秀搖擺人,渡過了季初的生澀,O'Neale靠著賣力防守、適當3D角色球員定��(三分命中率35.6%)以及看的見的進步,慢慢取代不受主帥待用的Hood,成為穩定的側翼替補,01/05號後甚至獲得全勤且穩定的出場時間(最終新秀年就場均出賽16.7分鐘),更出色的是,記取過去教訓,總管Lidsay逢低買進,早早就跟他以3年底薪簽約-菜鳥年就成為值得信賴防守小鎖與主力側翼替補,還可以便宜用3年的球員,怎能不是亮點?
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(6)找回自己的Jae Crowder:離開塞爾提克的風光,被交易至騎士的Crowder一度鬱鬱寡歡,在茶壺內的風暴中顯得迷茫。但轉至父親也曾效力過的爵士隊,卻彷彿找回了曾經眼中的光采。平心而論,他在爵士的數據並沒有比騎士時期好上多少,甚至從主要先發成為固定替補,可觀看場上的表現,實在比起在克里夫蘭時要明朗許多,球隊賦予他頭號大鎖的任務,在喜打小球的Snyder麾下,雖非先發卻往往是第四節關鍵時刻留在場上的小號PF,且成為球場上最激情最捍衛隊友的Energy Guy,這筆交易對雙方無疑都是雙贏,Crowder重返榮耀,爵士則在Sefolosha傷退且Joe Johnson年邁情況下,復得到可遊走於兩個位置、適合小球調度的前鋒,對於下半季爵士戰績的提振,亦有非凡貢獻。
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【王牌一對一】「狼王」Karl-Anthony Towns VS. 「小丑」Nikola Jokic
【幻想對決】宇宙勇士王朝 VS. 選秀狀元聯隊 誰贏誰輸?
區區一個21順位新人,卻因他大學時期的高度爭議性,甚至比狀元郎更為人所討論,他就是2018爵士新秀Grayson Allen。大學時期��然天成的各種小動作-甚至幾次大動作,讓Grayson Allen成為外界眼中的危險份子,甚至爵士新少主Mitchell都跟他有過一段恩怨,但也是這份求勝意志,讓Mitchell主動跟總管推薦,成為新的猶他成員。球團在面試他時已口頭告誡,入NBA後要戒慎恐懼,不要再引發爭議,但光一個出賽數因傷受限制的夏季聯賽,他就又話題滿滿,一下子飛膝上籃,一下子又差點引發鬥毆,雖然多數錯不在他,不過可想而見過去的事蹟,Grayson Allen還有很長一段被放大檢視的路途要走。但爭議之外,他確實也展現出可以期待的戰力,少數能比肩黑人的白人彈性,優異的分球意識,多元的進攻技巧,固然在防守橫移與命中率方面仍大有進步空間,可只要能成為一位堪用的角色球員,以及防守端的威嚇,爵士這筆選秀就已成功。 
5. Q&A時間
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最強的兩支西區假想敵仍數勇士與火箭(當然,其他如雷霆湖人金塊亦是不容小覷對手),而可以期盼的契機點就在於夏天兩隊的人員異動。勇士轟轟烈烈的獲得了全明星中鋒Cousins,儼然組成更誇張的五星戰隊,但哪怕只有史傳奇口中"1/14000605"打敗薩諾斯的機會,阿基里斯腱重傷的Cousins回歸之狀態以及球路與勇士磨合的情況,仍是聯盟其他29支球隊可以觀察的機會,這本亦是勇士賭上一把要冒的風險。類似的情況亦在火箭,離開的球員固然不若買斷後投靠的Carmelo星光閃耀,但Ariza與Luc Mbah A Moute卻都是上季火箭成名絕技『無限換防』的要角,相對於爵士的影響尤甚,猶他同樣可以持續觀察尋找是否有機可趁。
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
muse  aesthetic  /  repost,  don’t  reblog. tagged by: @ligdracan thank u sm. tagging: everyone has been tagged....
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the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. / “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / “ how could you do this to me? ” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “ you’re getting better. ” / “ they smile like a snake. ” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / happiness is the best front a man can take. / “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” / you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “oh god, what have you done? ” / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side. / yes saint laurent / black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. / crisp green apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. / what a pretty one, they say. / you laugh without humor. / a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest. / broken pencil tips. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ” / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “ I miss you. ” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. /��blackbird screaming / wake in nightmares / are you an illusion? / I don’t feel real. / who is in control?
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
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actually loves children and adores their company despite giving off such scary and off-putting vibes. not only does he love the younger generation because he believes they’re all destined to grow up strong and successful, he really just thinks they’re cute? won’t ever tell anyone that, though.
misses the hell out of his long hair. he cut his hair short when he went for a more western style in the shinsengumi because he thought it’d give a more professional look but his long hair is always mourned.
he loves takuan but honestly anything that can be pickled is good to him. he loves salty and sour food more than anything else.
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
TAGGED: stolen from the dash out of curiosity.
TAGGING: @shukuchiho, @shungartistry, @latesco. feel free to steal it.
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The Justice Arcana symbolizes a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. You are concerned with matters of fairness, and otherwise are very stoic individuals.
Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one’s surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and doesn’t know how to deal with it.
The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
DO NOT REBLOG. repost.
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
✒︎ ✒︎ gimme all u got
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could not court someone properly if his life depended on it. there’s talk of him having women all over him and a ridiculous amount of flings, but they were all purely physical and extremely short lived. he likes the idea of having a family of his own and settling down, but it would be nearly impossible not only because his line of work but because he’s an absolute mess on the inside and has no clue how to actually be romantic. intimacy? not in this house.
loves to write. poetry, especially. it’s very calming and it’s really the only way he allows himself to express emotions in private. his poetry is super sappy and edgy though, which is no surprise. literature and the arts in general are one of his biggest interests.
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
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his favorite part of western clothing is the aesthetic. yeah, it can be reliable in its own way, but the best part? the look of it. he absolutely chose western clothing for the shinsengumi because he thinks it makes them look threatening, professional, and most of all, cool.
being so much taller than most people his ethnicity is definitely not a normal thing, but he’s almost so used to it that he occasionally forgets how big he really is. there’s no doubt he’s hit his head on some door frames in chaldea more than once.
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fukuchorror-blog · 7 years ago
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people are following me but i haven’t even finish setting things up yet... (here’s my late tag dump, i’m going to fix my theme a little and then this blog will be good to go.)
「 死の栄誉 — out of character 。
「 獣を解き放つ — in character 。
「 新撰組武士道 — meta 。
「 小さな仕事 — memes 。
「 届け出る — orders 。
「 鬼の副長 — portrait 。
「 死の詩 — story 。
「 切腹 — crack 。
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