capnklutz · 4 years
Center Of The Hollow Moon: Part 1
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Female Reader x Werewolf! Stucky
A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic on tumblr ahhh! Hope you enjoy :) Let me know if you want more!
You give a closed mouth smile to the gas station attendant and sweep up your drink and candy bar. It had been a long ten-hour drive so far, but you knew it was going to be worth it. The stop at the gas station was long overdue if your nearly full bladder had been anything to go by. You always feel niggling guilt when you don’t buy anything from stores when you go in so you grabbed the drink and candy on a whim. 
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capnklutz · 4 years
if u remember this you're qualified for a veterans discount
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capnklutz · 4 years
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capnklutz · 4 years
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I don’t discriminate
Come and get a taste!!
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capnklutz · 4 years
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capnklutz · 4 years
Center Of The Hollow Moon: Part 1
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Female Reader x Werewolf! Stucky
A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic on tumblr ahhh! Hope you enjoy :) Let me know if you want more!
You give a closed mouth smile to the gas station attendant and sweep up your drink and candy bar. It had been a long ten-hour drive so far, but you knew it was going to be worth it. The stop at the gas station was long overdue if your nearly full bladder had been anything to go by. You always feel niggling guilt when you don’t buy anything from stores when you go in so you grabbed the drink and candy on a whim. 
The bell above the door jangles loudly when you shove your way out and back into the rainy weather. It had started raining in the past hour and your clothes were uncomfortably humid and damp. Tendrils of hair stuck to the back of your neck and your socks were wet. It was the end of May, but it looked like you were going to have a late spring with the rain. You still had over two hours left until you got the rental cabin. 
You had decided to take a road trip the summer before you went off to college. You had been planning to take a whole trip to ‘find yourself’ or whatever when you got the email. An email from a [email protected] appeared in your inbox two weeks ago. Despite the sketchy address the website provided checked out. You had apparently won a heavily discounted month-long stay in one of their cabins. The only problem was the long drive to the secluded little town. However, the low price was nothing to pass up on and you were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. You had a little trouble convincing your parents to let you go, being a young girl alone in the wilderness. But something in you knew you would regret it if you let the opportunity pass you by, so after begging for a week they agreed. You still had to call them every night, but you didn’t mind. It would probably get lonely out there by yourself if you didn’t make friends so a phone call back home would be no extra hassle.
Your thoughts consumed you as the drizzle became a downpour and you turned your wipers on high. It was always a little bit anxiety-inducing driving in bad weather, but you would have to manage. It was hard to see and you leaned heavily over your steering wheel trying to get a clear view. Suddenly, a loud popping noise resounded through the car. It confused you for a minute until you felt the unevenness of the car. Your tire, godammit. You slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road. 
The rain kept coming down heavily, with no chance of stopping. You checked the radar on your phone and groaned when it was all red rain for the next few hours without any reprieve The sun was going to be long set before the rain stopped and there was no way you were going to get stuck out in the middle of the woods after dark. You unbuckled yourself from your seat and climbed back into the trunk of the car. After some maneuvering of luggage and supplies, you accessed the spare tire. Grunting, you shucked on a heavier jacket from your bags and pulled your damp hair under the hood. You climbed back into the front of the car and shoved open the door made heavy by the harsh winds. Instantly the wind whipped your jacket around and you gripped it tight to your body. 
This couldn’t get worse, could it? As if you spoke it into existence, thunder clapped loudly and the skies poured even more rain. You cursed loudly and marched to the trunk of your car. You popped it open and pulled the spare out of the compartment along with provided tools and hitch. You were very glad your dad had made you learn how to change a tire. You had gotten the flat off despite everything being slick and therefore harder to manage. When you were about to put on the spare a pair of headlights caught your attention. You had been the only car for quite a ways, so the yellow lights made you look up. 
The sleek silver car slowed as it approached you and then stopped. Your heart rate doubled in your chest. It was just instinct as a girl alone in the rain to be scared of a mysterious car stopping. You had heard the horror stories of murderers and rapists alone with women. You scrambled your feet and held the lug wrench from the tool kit in front of yourself protectively. Anxious, you watched as a man stepped out the car, great. He was a dark blur in the rain, but 
He cupped his hands together and shouted, “Hey there! You alright?” Thankfully, he kept his distance. 
You yelled back, “Yep! Everything’s great!”
“You need any help?” He asked and you shook your head in the negative. He nodded and went to get back into his car. Before, he did he suddenly stiffened and then relaxed. He turned back toward you.
“Hey, are you going to Perch? For the, uh cabin rentals?” He asked you and you nod in response. You were a little surprised, but then again you figured the little town probably didn’t get many tourists judging by the practically carless roads near the town. The man steps away from his car and jogs up to you. You feel less anxious and more curious as the mystery man seems kind and harmless.
He reaches you and stretches his hand to shake. You take it and he introduces himself, “I’m Sam, I’m also a local.”
You tell him your name and he smiles and you smile back. He’s handsome with dark eyes and neatly manicured facial hair. There is a bit of friendly small talk before he excuses himself when the rain picks up. You watch as he drives away and you hope you see him again.
You arrive at the cabin nearing close to eight at night. Your eyelids threaten to close with every move. The long drive was exhausting and all you want to do is find the bed in this place and sleep. You wander through the small, but well enough for one person cabin. It’s cute and homey and you won’t mind spending three weeks here. You manage to stay awake long enough to take a shower and make a quick dinner. After that, you are exhausted and manage to fall asleep minutes after your head meets the pillow.
Bucky smells her first. 
He’s on the porch relaxing under the night sky drinking an iced tea. He had his socked feet kicked up on the table from their outdoor seating set. Steve is inside the house making something that smells amazing. It’s a beautiful Sunday night after a hard week. 
He takes a long drink from his glass and sets it down next to his feet on the table. He crosses his arms behind his head and drags in a deep breath of the night air. He smells the dewy grass, the crisp air, the pine trees, Steve inside the house, and then, something else. Something mouthwatering.  He’s on high alert now, his body strung tight like a bow. 
It’s subtle, but just there enough that he needs more. The scent is maybe miles away, but he shouldn’t be able to smell it, even with his enhanced senses. It shouldn’t be possible, but the tantalizing scent is there. He drags in another lungful of it. It’s sugary sweet and spicy at the same time. It’s warm and feminine with hints of vanilla. He can smell cinnamon and pumpkin spice and the earth after rain and he wants. It smells like the blanket on his bed back in the home he grew up in. It makes him feel the way Steve does when he comes home after work. 
He can’t think about anything else. He wants whoever that smell is attached to right now. He wants them curled up against him on the sofa pressed between his own and Steve’s bulky frames. He wants that scent mingled in between Steve’s and his own scents and for it to be deeply permeated in his bones. Bucky’s pants are tight across the hard-on he is sporting. He doesn’t even notice Steve opening the sliding door until a crash startles him out of his intense focus. 
“Oh my god,” Steve gasps from behind him. He steps past Bucky and the plates of food in shards on the floor. Steve had always had sharper sense than Bucky and he immediately picked up on the tantalizing scent as soon as he stepped out the door. He makes for the woods surrounding their home closer to the scent. Bucky almost follows him before he remembers something else in the scent notes, human. It’s a human and they are very much not. Steve’s eyes are glowing a bright golden and Bucky bets his are a similar shade. Steve looks at him then, even half feral with need they understand each other. It’s them, their mate. The final piece that they had been craving for years, their omega.
“Steve, wait.” Bucky’s voice is breathy and unsteady and Steve hesitates, but stops his march towards the owner of that scent.
“We can’t,” he says, “not yet,” he adds when Steve lets out a snarl, fangs elongated. 
“Their human, and we are not in control. If we charge in there now and take them it’ll terrify them. Steve growls low and Bucky understands the sentiment he wants them too, but he has to be in control when Steve can’t. Steve paces across the grass for a moment before turning back to Bucky, eyes back to their familiar shade of blue, and he nods. 
Steve walks back up to the porch and Bucky pulls him into a hug, he presses a warm kiss to Steve’s forehead. Steve sighs hard and deflates in Bucky’s arms. 
“It’s a woman, our mate.” Steve mumbles against his cheek. Bucky doesn’t question it, it feels right and he trusts Steve’s better sense of smell. 
“Our ‘mega,” Bucky whispers back and he can feel Steve smile against his skin.
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