#⤷  rel.  /  john sheppard.
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platypusisnotonfire · 1 year ago
I had a dream last night that Jason momoa was at my house because he knew all my cousins of which there was like ten of them living with me, but they didn’t like me very much, and they were all going somewhere but they always made Jason momoa wait for a long time while they were getting ready (this happened multiple times) and in the meantime he was teaching me to fight with a trident
Important to note this wasn’t Jason momoa: actor, this was Jason momoa: aquaman
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sparrowsarus · 2 months ago
For the made-up titles ask (any/all):
Once upon a time, there were donkeys
A sea of green
The slingshot manoeuvre
Once upon a time, there were donkeys
This is a children's book in a future, independent Atlantis, I think. The children of the colonists' children, reading about a far-away planet called "Earth", and the creatures who lived there, and how they were similar to animals the kids are more familiar with. Written in a Dr. Seussesque format, complete with a rhyme scheme...occasionally a bit tortured.
A sea of green
This I'd go a little abstract with. Possibly base it on Sanctuary, and John's time there; nothing but trees and the cloister, and how...almost compelling the lure of losing himself would be. Because that's what's at risk; that loss of self, because even the dark, terrifying parts of John are still him, and there is a difference between healing and erosion. I think the cloister threatens the latter, and John would have to suffer that or go mental--and it would be interesting to explore which way he goes, before rescue.
The slingshot manoeuvre
a type of spaceflight flyby which makes use of the relative movement (e.g. orbit around the Sun) and gravity of a planet or other astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically to save propellant and reduce expense.
Atlantis is the sun, John Sheppard is the spaceship, and he bounces off her and her crew, increasing his velocity at whatever threat there may be.
If John moves fast enough, assisted by the people he leaves behind, he might just find what he's looking for.
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dr-futbol-blog · 2 months ago
Epiphany, Pt. 5
On the outside, Teyla is finally starting to see the problem where Ronon is still laying the blame on McKay and intending to keep him there to solve it. His insistence that McKay not leave could also be motivated by Sheppard having asked him to keep his eye on McKay following recent events, and since Ronon is not going to leave Sheppard out there alone, he cannot keep his eye on the both of them if McKay leaves. Ronon attempts to impress the authority of his physical stature on McKay but McKay is not easily intimidated, especially when it comes to saving Sheppard. He has faced much more frightening things that Ronon head-on to rescue Sheppard.
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Teyla: The blossoms have aged several hours at least. McKay: We might be able to pick him up in the jumper but I need to get back to Atlantis. Dex: You're not going anywhere. McKay: It is a time dilation field, which means that time is passing much faster on the other side of the portal than it is here for us.
Just as Ronon is blaming McKay for what happened and taking his frustration out on him, McKay is starting to feel like Ronon is purposefully wasting their time being obtuse, and he does not have time to think of how to explain the trouble they are in using small enough words. He has no bandwidth whatsoever to be intimidated by Ronon, all of his energy is going to figuring out how to help Sheppard. We can hear in his voice how serious he finds the situation, how hard he is trying to hold himself together long enough to be able to fix this.
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McKay: I'm not sure of the exact ratio, but I need to go now. Dex: Why? McKay: I don't have time to explain temporal compression theory to you when every moment we stand here debating this, literally hours could be going by for Colonel Sheppard relative to us. Look, hours equate to days, and days for us could mean years for him. Do you get it now?
It is probably for the better that McKay took up a post contracting for the military instead of staying in Academia, as his method of teaching leaves a lot to be desired. He tries to explain the issue to Ronon as succinctly as he can but he does not have enough presence of mind not to be condescending about it, and although Sheppard is not here to witness this, it is probably incidents like this that contributed to him describing McKay as condescending in McKay and Mrs Miller (S03E08). What is interesting about how he does describe temporal compression to Ronon, however, is that it very much resembles how the feeling of the distorted sense of time caused by dissociation could be described. "Hours turn to days, days to weeks" is something that is frequently used to describe the time dilation that accompanies dissociation, making one's suffering seem unending. The way McKay describes what might be (and is) happening to Sheppard here is very similar to what we have seen him experience on a smaller scale multiple times.
Let us also note the fact that he calls Sheppard "Colonel Sheppard" here. He is not doing it because that is what he frequently calls him or because this is what he calls him in his mind. We have heard McKay call him this only a few times and always for a reason, and even though we will not hear him call him John until Adrift (S04E01), he most certainly has been doing it just between the two of them for much longer. Most often what we hear McKay call him is just Sheppard, without the title. The fact that he is using it here is in the service of impressing on Ronon that this is about much more than the two of them and their buddy Sheppard. This is the military commander of the Atlantis expedition that they have misplaced, and the chain of command puts him in charge here. He is using Sheppard's authority to impress on Ronon how important it is that he understands and lets him go without making any more trouble. While McKay intends on saving John, he is trying to convince Ronon of the fact that he is doing this for Colonel Sheppard, and because it is Colonel Sheppard, they need to hurry. Because they are doing this for Colonel Sheppard, Ronon needs to get on with the program and stop wasting his time.
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McKay: Teyla, I need you to follow me back as far as the puddlejumper and I'll explain what I need you to do on the way. And you, stay here! Dex: And do what? McKay: Don't go through, if that's what you're thinking. Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Give me the knapsack.
At the end of the first season we saw McKay musing about leadership, having had to reflect on his own position on the expedition during his time in the senior staff, heading his own science division. We saw that having grown close to Sheppard had made him appreciate what goes into good leadership on a whole other level. We have also seen him use that internal model of Sheppard that he keeps with him, that he keeps in his heart to help him out of tight situations, a perfect example of this only in the previous episode. In a dire situation, he is able to emulate his approximation of Sheppard to do things that he would otherwise be unable to do. And it very much seems like he is doing that here. He is displaying efficient and exemplary leadership: delegating tasks and taking care of the people he needs to work with him.
In the middle of all of this, he is able to see that Ronon is impulsive enough to try jumping in after Sheppard and that is the last thing they need right now. He orders Teyla to come with him to the jumper (without making it seem like an order), and he tells Ronon to stay put. We may also note that it is McKay telling Ronon not to go through, not to do the thing that he had been wanting to do himself ever since he watched Sheppard get sucked in, that suddenly makes him think of what Sheppard would need while he is there, to look at it from his point of view. They need to get him some provisions. Sheppard has been in the cave going on two days by now and he is not just starting to lose his hope, he seems almost to be losing his mind.
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Sheppard: Rodney, Teyla... Ronon? Come in? You guys are starting to worry me a little bit here.
And so we switch from McKay having very obviously thought about Sheppard to Sheppard thinking about McKay. McKay is the first word we hear him speak as we return to him, and although he now adds the names of Teyla and Ronon to the list, it is entirely possible that some of the time he has been speaking to McKay alone, just like we saw him do previously. This is him adding the others to his message because his messages to McKay do not seem to be going through. What is significant here is the sing-song quality in which he speaks their names. It is almost as though he is speaking the names as prayers or mantic rituals, invoking the things he names, like he could invite them to appear just by speaking their names. It is also really curious that he sings the names of Rodney and Teyla together first while looking up to his right and then Ronon while looking to his left. It is as though they evoke different emotions in him, different memories. Looking to the left and up is for remembering visual images where looking to the up and right is constructing visual images which suggest that thinking about McKay and Teyla made him remember something, a specific memory or feeling, where the thought of Ronon made his mind go "big guy," or something similar.
Sheppard also looks up at the ceiling as he confesses that he is starting to worry "a little bit," which in Sheppard-to-English means that he is freaking the fuck out. The fact that he is willing to admit it even to himself, that he is speaking it out loud instead of trying his damnedest to repress the feeling is concerning. We see him do some self-soothing touching before he can even come out and say it, rubbing his brow with the tips of his fingers. But it is the looking up at the cave ceiling (which of course has nothing there for him to look at) that is the most concerning. People frequently do this, straining their eyes to look up, when they are trying to hold back tears. That is what he seems to be doing here. That is also why he speaks their names in the sing-songy voice. It is an attempt at keeping his voice from breaking, not able to say McKay's name using a normal speaking voice without choking up on it.
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McKay: Empty your pockets, everything you think he might need to survive. We might just buy him a little more time there. Come on! Dex: Go! McKay: Good!
They gather up everything they have to put together a care package for Sheppard, and this at least seems to be something they can all agree on being a good idea. And even though McKay should by his own admission already be half-way to Atlantis to figure this thing out, he makes sure to throw in the care package through the portal to Sheppard personally. He needs to be the one to do it, he needs to know that there is something he is able to do for Sheppard in this situation. Sending the knapsack through is his only connection to Sheppard, and as much thought and love as he puts into it, Sheppard also is able to receive that on the other side. Having been deprived of human connection for so long, he can appreciate the thought most of all.
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Sheppard: What the hell took you guys so long?!
A lot more time seems to have passed for Sheppard as we re-join him, and instead of having left the cave to look for water he basically seems to have made the decision to die right there rather than to get one inch further from where he had last seen the others. He has lit a fire to keep himself warm because he is probably starting to suffer from hypothermia. We find him sucking on the last bits of nutrition from a power bar, and he is also suffering from severe dehydration (and we do not want to be thinking about what he might have had to do to stave that off for a bit longer). Terminal dehydration takes approximately seven days and he has to be nearly half way there by this time.
We see Sheppard look at his hand and make it into a fist, and this might be caused either by the dehydration giving him cramps or the fact that he had punched the barrier so hard previously as to injure his hand (or that the has been punching it some more since then). Sheppard looks at the wrapper of his power bar before crumbling it up and discarding it on the cave floor, and we may remember both that we (and Sheppard) have watched McKay eat power bars with gusto previously being that he is hypoglycemic (and it is that fact alone that makes Sheppard glad that McKay is not stuck there with him), but we also later in Harmony (S04E14) learn that Sheppard usually gives his own power bar to McKay. It is for these reasons that he might very well be thinking about McKay as he sucks on the wrapper here, his lips on the covering of a phallic thing that reminds him of McKay.
The cave suddenly trembles as though from an earthquake and it is unclear whether this is caused by the care package bag coming through the portal or by some natural occurrence of the ridge. Regardless, it stirs Sheppard from his seemingly extremely morose thoughts to noticing that a bag had suddenly appeared through the portal. And much more than water and provisions (for which he is thankful), it is proof that the others are working on getting him out, they are thinking about him, they have not abandoned him after all. Sheppard can tell himself that he knew they would not all he wants but his deepest fear is abandonment. He wraps his lips around the first water bottle he finds in the knapsack like a man dying of thirst, and if it is not McKay's bottle, he certainly wishes that it were. Just hearing from them makes him feel less alone.
Continued in Pt. 6
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jujuberry136 · 1 month ago
Comfort Fanfic Recs
tagged by @beanarie
Rules: What are your old school comfort fics? The ones from fandoms that haven't been active in yeeeaaars, but you've read so many times you can practically quote them.
I'm limiting myself to fics that I bookmarked/saved 2015 or earlier to really make sure I'm only including those fics that I've read 5-10 times at minimum. I had a LOT of fun pulling this together, I'm not sorry with how long this list is. Since today sucks, I went with breadth. If you are unfamiliar with any of the authors here, please make sure you check out the rest of their fics because they can all WRITE.
Flagging that a lot of these require you to be logged in on AO3 to see.
Walk with Me by JoeLawson/@tygercaine, The Losers (2010)
Figured that Roque would pass out and make Jensen carry his lazy ass halfway across Afghanistan.
Why? Hurt/comfort for days, lovely plotting, and super well crafted storytelling. I'm always a sucker for team fics/ensemble fics and this hits that perfect length, plot, and characterization for me that makes for the perfect re-read.
Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves by auburn (RIP) (Stargate: Atlantis, SG-1)
Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis.
Why? This is a massive series, but we have a great McShep relationship, VALA!!, angst, action, heist!fic, and having a fantastic time exploring ripples through cannon from a relatively simple starting point. It's over 300K, so it's not a quick re-read, but auburn had a great grasp of language. If you've never read any of her stuff, I highly recommend it.
A Farm in Iowa 'Verse by @sheafrotherdon (SGA)
John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element, and there is much ado about baseball. Completely AU.
Why? This series is gentle without ever going into schmaltz, keeps the core of John Sheppard and Rodney McKay are as characters despite their way more mundane settings, and the love the author has for their created small town and community pours out of the page.
Play it Again by @metisket (Teen Wolf (TV))
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself. “Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Why? I think this was the fic in which I came to LOVE the fandom interpretation of Laura as the bossy older sister who lovingly bullies Derek into a seemingly passable facsimile of a normal human. I love all of the POVs in this one, but I think what makes it a consistent comfort re-read is the willingness to lean in to the both the absurd and the melancholy.
In Our Line of Work by @enjambament (Inception)
Arthur wakes up and realizes the last ten years of his life have been a dream. He is nineteen, and he can barely remember where he is. What he can remember is the ghost of Eames’ hands pressed down on his chest trying frantically to stop the blood flooding up around his fingers as Arthur died (as he woke up).
Why? I love a time travel fic and this one manages it without any (official) time travel. I love a competent character and this fic is Arthur-focused (whose job is being super competent). The story done such a good job with Arthur's POV, being unsure of his reality, trying to re-fit himself to a whole new world, but being unwilling to give up on Eames entirely. Action, romance, angst, and humor. How can you go wrong?
Spocktoria by @waldorph (Star Trek (2009))
Spock is heir to the Federation throne, Jim is Prince of America because his fucking brother abdicated, and the Klingons are on the verge of blowing shit up--a love story.
Why? Well, picking one Waldorph fic was hard, but this one won because a) YES, re-imagine Young Victoria as a space opera and b) anytime an AU can get the core of the characters so perfect despite a really out there starting point just makes for a delightful reading experience. Waldorph shines with dialogue, seriously - you'll giggle, you'll get angry, you'll get misty eyed. And this story delivers on the core love story and the ending in a lovely way.
Reconstruction by @rageprufrock (Captain America)
In which Stephanie Rogers is the complicating element in the sweeping romance of Bucky Barnes and Lady Liberty.
Why? This one is still in progress (unlike the rest, which are all complete) but I LOVE how Pru really took the concept of gender swapped!Cap and added a spice of historical revisionism. Her Stephanie is such a fleshed out woman, whose struggles with adapting to modern life feel real and urgent. I'm a sucker for stories that have characters with broader support networks and supporting characters, which this story has in spades (her Natasha is especially lovely).
Sour Cherry Life by FaithDaria and PaBurke (Supernatural, Criminal Minds)
Dean has retired to the civilian life. Too bad no one told the serial killer currently stalking teenagers in Indiana.
Why? I love a crossover fic and this was one that inspired my giant SPN/Criminal Minds fic from well over a decade ago. I am a sucker for an outsider POV, which this fic does a great job in highlighting the CM crew trying to make sense of a retired Dean Winchester. I love the team dynamics that the authors build among the CM crew and Dean trying his best to protect his family from a threat he really can't address head on. (Bonus - since they're not on AO3 and it would be easy to miss, if you want more SPN crossovers consider Learning to Fly, a fun Sentinal/Guide AU The Spirit Rescue, or a fun de-aged Dean fic The Hedgehog Rescue featuring a lovely parental Bobby over on ff.net)
Embers by Vathara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Dragon's fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world…
Why? Ok, another giant fic (700K!!!) but hear me out - it's the PERFECT fic to download when you are going on vacation/work trip. I now travel quite a bit cross-country for work and having a copy of this story makes the time go by so quickly. It's amazingly well-written, has a lot of fun drawing from history, has a HUGE amount of rich world building, and features a trying so hard to keep it together Zuko that I just adore. Bonus points if you read the original story posted on ff.net where the author's notes for each chapter just let you sink into the world - they're like DVD commentaries for fic chapters. This nerd's dream.
tagging @kashmir1, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby, @smellectric, @thefriendlymurderer, @lilbunnifufu, and anyone else who would like to play!
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bagheerita · 4 months ago
"Circumvolution" chapter 8a
Here is the first part of “Circumvolution” chapter 8. Links:
The my name forevermore series in entirety
Chapter 7a on tumblr
Read “Circumvolution” from the beginning on AO3
This chapter makes reference to the naming conventions used in the Legacy books. Some readers find Todd’s name as given in those books offensive, so I am providing a version of the chapter here that instead makes use of @adriankyte-writes’s own “translation” of Todd’s name. (With permission, and thanks!)
Please click the readmore if you are interested, or use the links above to navigate to different parts of the story/series. (This chapter is slightly shorter than chapter 7, at only 15 pages lmao)
8 (Legacy)
Before Todd opens his eyes, he can smell water.
He blinks his eyes open to find he is on Atlantis, standing at the railing of a balcony, looking out at the ocean. He is some ways up one of the city's towers; he can see parts of the city beneath him, and the rippling water is far away. He turns to look around. The balcony is decently large, and behind him are living quarters. It is a room with functional, unadorned furniture– bed with mussed sheets only superficially neatened, desk piled with Lantean technology– and there are pieces of clothing, both familiar Wraith garments and the Lanteans uniform, and other items discarded or piled around the space hiding chairs and other furniture. He is alone, but he is unbound and unwatched, so he doesn't believe it too outrageous a hope to think that should the outer door to the room open, it will admit Sheppard.
Todd steps into the room. Draped over the chair nearest the window is his coat, that he hadn't yet noticed he wasn't wearing. He touches a finger to his right hand; it is again bare of any marking, but he sees part of a series of symbols written down the outside of his left arm. There are two doorways to the room, one of which leads to a washroom and he goes into it to read the entirety of what is marked on his arm, up to his shoulder, in the mirror there. It says For the ones who fought death, which he assumes is some sort of allusion to an event that in this world makes sense. Todd glances to the side; the washroom is equipped with a large bathing pool, which he understands is not common to the Lantean rooms in the city. He frowns and steps back out into the main room. This is not Sheppard's room. It is the wrong tower. And the man in the black coat does not look down on him from the wall. Perhaps this is his room, that he shares with Sheppard? Todd reaches for one of the discarded shirts on the floor and raises it to his face.
As he does so, he looks up and sees a framed photograph sitting on a shelf. It is a photograph of a woman with curling blonde hair and though he has never before seen her, Todd knows who she is, even as the shirt he inhales smells strongly of McKay. He smells echoes of all of Sheppard's team in this room, but this is McKay's shirt. And McKay's sister in the photograph, the relationship obvious in her features. This is McKay's room. But why is Todd here? Is this another world where they have needed to keep him from Sheppard because Sheppard is being watched? Todd can feel hive approaching his location and he hopes his questions will soon be answered. The Wraith he senses is not familiar to him, but there is an echo of familiarity. Perhaps a relative of someone he knows.
The door opens to admit McKay. "Well, he went for it," he says, talking as soon as the door opens, and continuing as it shuts behind him, gesturing with his hands and pacing the open area of the room near the door. "But I have to say that I really don't think this is going to work. I don't know why I'm telling you, it was Teyla's idea. I mean, I would really love it if it did work but I don't think she really appreciates how stubborn John can-" He comes to a sudden, sharp halt, and stares at Todd.
It is the first time he has been still, and Todd is astonished to realize that Rodney McKay is the Wraith he sensed approaching. The man's hair is pale white, and his blue eyes are slit-pupiled as they examine Todd. His skin looks more Wraith than human as well, pale with prominent veins, though less prominent than a true Wraith.
McKay's right hand clenches as Todd stares at him, and he steps back. What? he asks. Why are you staring? He raises his left hand to his hair and then looks down at his uniform as he says, mental voice thick with rue, Serve me right if I put my shirt on backwards and John only agreed because he was secretly laughing. But there is nothing wrong with his appearance, and he looks back at Todd.
Todd shakes his head. Forgive me, he says. But I am not who you think I am.
McKay frowns. What are you talking about? He takes off his expedition jacket and drops it on the corner of the bed. "I know you weren't excited about this, but it's set and you're not backing out now." His voice gains an edge of firmness.
"Have I been unwilling to meet with Sheppard previously?" Todd wonders. What a strange world, where Rodney McKay appears as a Wraith and he desires distance from Sheppard.
McKay frowns at him. "I'm too wound up to deal with this," he announces. "Teyla was very specific about it being the four of us and you're going."
Todd huffs. I do not dispute that, McKay.
McKay, having gone around the bed to retrieve the tablet from the bedside table, halts and looks up at him, surprised. His eyes narrow. "Vanguard?"
I am not who you think I am, Todd repeats. He can feel McKay's sudden distress and he assures, I will not harm you, and he will return, soon. Most likely in time so that you can still drag him before Sheppard. He spreads his left hand and steps forward. He does not wish for hive to be troubled, and he is growing more and more intrigued by the idea of McKay as being hive.
"What is going on?" McKay demands.
"I am myself, but from another reality," Todd tells him. "Something happened that has taken me from my home and sent me across several other realities, placing my conscious mind in the body of myself in that reality, and, I believe, displacing the consciousness that should be here and sending them to my own reality."
"Huh." McKay looks surprised, but he has lost the wariness that had clouded his features momentarily and he observes, I thought you felt a little different, but I thought it was because you were going to try to pretend to be sick or something. But... you never call me 'McKay.' Not when you're... he makes a gesture that Todd interprets as indicating the mindspeech.
McKay had addressed him as Vanguard. If they met and, as the shared room implies, became intimate while McKay was a Wraith, then it follows that when speaking to him in the Wraith way "Vanguard" would call him by a Wraith name derived from the feel of his mind. Todd tilts his head, eyes half closed as he tastes McKay's mind. Quick-silver? he queries.
McKay flushes and looks down. "Actually, don't call me that. It's weird, with you not being you." He steps back but stops himself. "This is all weird," he confesses. "How is this happening? I mean it sounds like a short range field. They must have marked you somehow to make sure the device affected you. Though I've never heard of technology that can do that.” He scowls. “You didn't touch an Ancient communication stone did you?” He waves his left hand. “That doesn't work across realities… that we know of.  Anyway, it’s definitely not caused by anything here; the kind of matter bridge that would need to be established for an exchange of consciousnesses would create a massive energy disturbance, but," he gestures to the quiet around them, "no one's calling me, which they still tend to do when things go crazy, even after everything." He makes a face and begins pacing again, his arms hugged tight to his torso.
Todd sighs. He goes over to McKay and reaches for the man with his left hand, halting his erratic movements. He curls his arm around McKay, pulling him closer. "It is beyond your ability to influence. Tell me what bothers you."
McKay pulls away. "You're not-"
"In my world I am known as 'Todd,'" Todd tells him.
McKay makes a disgusted face, revealing the pointed tips of his teeth. "Really?"
He sounds so unimpressed that Todd laughs. "Yes," Todd affirms. "Circumstances occurred such that the name was a solace to me in a time when I had nothing else, and so it became precious to me." Their relations seem strained here, so Todd hesitates before adding, "As did the one who gave it to me."
McKay makes an inexpressible noise and pulls away. "It figures."
Todd reaches for him and, lightly, pulls him back. He trails his left hand over McKay's shoulder and reaches up to stroke the back of his neck. "Tell me what has happened in your reality."
McKay shivers. "Well, as you can see," he says but doesn't elaborate. "And Sheppard's been mad at me ever since I maybe accidentally shot him while he was trying to rescue me. Because, um, I couldn't remember who he was."
Todd fills in the blanks himself. "You were taken." McKay tries to pull away again, but Todd leans their foreheads together and hums comfortingly. "And they... changed you to make you Wraith." Todd tries to think about why this might have happened– was McKay the only one they could get to? But no, Todd has worked beside him enough times to know that McKay is brilliant. "They wanted your mind, to turn you against Atlantis." He preempts McKay's attempt to pull away and hide from this information by tucking the man's head against his chest and letting him hide there. Todd strokes his fingers through McKay's short hair and over the breadth of his shoulders. "But you did remember your true self," Todd continues. "Did I assist? Is that how we came together?"
"There was a queen who called herself Death," McKay murmurs, his voice muffled in Todd's shirt but his words still clear. "She took me, but you were pretending to work with her and feeding John information, and you..." McKay flushes, but Todd can feel the man's admiration and affection for him. McKay clears his throat and tries to pull away again. "And we, um, worked on some things together."
"McKay," Todd admonishes him. I may not be the one whom you wish, but I am still hive to you. You need not withdraw from me. Allow me to comfort you.
McKay scoffs, but does relax into Todd's embrace. I'm sure Sheppard would love this, he mutters mentally, clarifying that he is referring to Todd's Sheppard.
I have been through many realities this day. I will settle accounts with Sheppard when I return, as to the many times I gave and received comfort. He does not mention that it is likely the smallest thing he will need to account for.
McKay nods against his chest and relaxes further. I can tell Teyla I tried her suggestion, but that John didn't go for it, he suggests. And we can just stay here.
Todd chuckles. He tucks his face alongside McKay's, humming softly. The man's mind flickers like tumbling water in sunlight, always thinking of something else. I'm certain you have already determined that Sheppard will tell her otherwise, and that there is little to be gained from this deception.
McKay sighs. He leans back, looking away. "I think he hates me," he confesses. He opens his right hand and looks down at the feeding organ in his palm as he mutters, "I wouldn't blame him."
"McKay," Todd chides him. "I sincerely doubt Sheppard hates you."
McKay squints at him sideways. "See, I can tell you. Vanguard would just agree and say we should go back to the hive. Actually," he amends, "he's not really happy about Alabaster running things, and having to defer to her. So maybe he wouldn't say that."
Todd assumes from that context that "Alabaster" is a queen, and agrees, "I am not particularly fond of deferring to queens. Perhaps our opinions are not so different?"
McKay snorts. He paces nervously over to get the tablet, and Todd lets him go. "I can't believe you and Sheppard," McKay mutters. "How did that happen?"
Todd is much more interested in how he and McKay came together, though he knows himself enough to see how encountering the man as a Wraith and the tie of hivesense that would have developed would have made the former human irresistible. And if he had been deceiving a queen, the potential of stealing McKay- Quicksilver­- back from her to use for his own plans, only to have the human get under his skin in a most pleasant way is also understandable. "Perhaps the opposite of what has happened here," Todd observes as he comes to the bed. He lies down and pulls McKay down with him to sit on the bed while working with his tablet. Todd rests his left hand on McKay's leg to keep them touching; McKay scowls at his tablet and refuses to look at Todd. "Do you know one who is called Michael?" McKay bares his teeth at that, and Todd continues, "He attempted to make me human, as your people had done to him. As I wandered the universe, not remembering myself, Sheppard was the one I found who gave me truth." He sighs and allows himself a bit of wistfulness. "Having given truth, freedom, and life, there was little chance that more would not pass between us."
McKay lowers the tablet and reaches for Todd, his hand coming to rest on Todd's hair, his strong fingers stroking through the strands. Todd closes his eyes and relaxes into the touch. "I can't imagine you being human," McKay says after a long quiet. He snorts. "I suppose I never imagined I would..." He trails off, his hand stilling in its movement.
Todd can feel the struggle between McKay's self-loathing and his pride. He hates that this was forced on him, that he cannot return to who he was before, but he is also proud of what he accomplished, the Wraith technology he has designed and the fact that, between them, he and Vanguard had been able to turn the tables on Death. He is also ashamed; ashamed that he hates his own Wraith nature, as this is what allowed he and Vanguard to come together, and ashamed as well that there are times when he doesn't hate it: when he very much enjoys sensing the world as a Wraith does.
Todd reaches for him mentally, wrapping him in the comfort of hive. He reaches physically as well, sitting up to pull McKay closer.
McKay relaxes against him. I loved the hivesense, he murmurs, from the first. That... belonging to something. Even if they hated me, what I was, they were still there. I was still a part of something, and they couldn't kick me out of their club because they thought I was too much of an ass.
Todd hums. That is the essence of hivesense. I hadn't thought humans understood it.
McKay huffs an imitation of a laugh. I don't think many have experienced it like I have. He looks at Todd. Is Sheppard, in your world-? He trails off and doesn't finish.
But his meaning is clear, and Todd says, No. He is human and does not feel the hivesense, though we have found a way to develop a bond between the two of us.
McKay nods. "I don't think he would like it," he mutters. "Having people in your head. I think John likes being alone."
I believe you are correct in that Sheppard would not take easily to the hivesense, Todd observes, but he has taken quite well to our personal explorations, and the bond between us has saved his life on previous occasion.
"I do not think he enjoys being alone," Todd continues, thinking of the Sheppards he has encountered, "but that he has been forced to a place where it is easier to hide his thoughts than to allow others to confront them."
McKay frowns. "Whatever. He freaks out whenever I mention the hive link, and I'm pretty sure the only thing keeping him from repeatedly telling me to keep my creepy Wraith brain away from him is Teyla."
Todd blinks, remembering what McKay has said earlier about there being four of them. "Sheppard... and Teyla Emmagan?" It seems an odd pairing, but this is an odd universe. He has never felt any sort of interest between them in his own world, and Teyla Emmagan's sense of dedication is so given to her people that Todd has a hard time imagining her binding herself more resolutely away from them as to pair with Sheppard. Perhaps she is more Wraith than she knows, for a Queen will take any Wraith or Commander to sire her offspring and feel no obligation to his lineage or goals, but only seek her own ends. A child of theirs would likely have both Sheppard's strong Ancient gene and Teyla Emmagan's own Wraith genetic heritage and be a powerful individual indeed.
"She's been..." McKay flushes and looks away. "Really great."
Todd can imagine that Teyla Emmagan has served as a surrogate queen for McKay, much as she had served in Todd's own plans if in a slightly different way. She has anchored your thoughts, Todd guesses.
You helped too, McKay protests stubbornly. He sighs and presses his face against Todd's shirt. When I first came back, they told me you hadn't made it. And it was really hard. Teyla helped a lot. I could tell she was angry, but she was really patient too.
"And you say Sheppard has behaved poorly toward you?"
McKay sighs again. "He's always angry, whenever I see him. Even if he was fine before, I show up and suddenly he's angry."
Todd sighs himself. "This is the problem with living headblind," he murmurs.
"What?" McKay shifts, turning toward him. I can feel his thoughts, he protests. I'm not headblind. He's angry all the time.
I do not mean your abilities, Todd tells him. Having lived as human you are failing to see the truth. He strokes McKay's arm comfortingly. Sheppard is not angry at you. He is angered that he failed to protect you.
He didn't fail, McKay immediately denies. They did get me out, get me back. I mean, I did shoot at him that one time, and after that it was mostly you and Starcounter and Ember who did the actual work, but you were only working with us in the first place because of John, because of your history. McKay peers at him as if to ask if that is the same in Todd's world.
"Sheppard was the one who freed me from the Genii prison," Todd agrees, "But you are missing the true asset of the hivesense. You can reach other Wraith's thoughts, and read the surface emotions of humans, but the true power is the ability to understand the thought processes of other Wraith." McKay frowns, and he is thinking, but Todd leads him a bit more. "When you have learned to think this way, you can apply it to others as well."
"I already know that John feels guilty that they were able to take me," McKay protests. "You'd have to be an idiot to not see that. But the whole military thing is no man left behind, and they didn't. I came back. I'm alive. I'm... likely to stay that way a lot longer than him, frankly." The last is offered defensively.
Todd sits up, leaning in to peer into McKay's strange blue eyes. But you are changed. And you are not entirely well with it.
McKay opens his mouth to protest, but he can't deny the truth. Instead he tries, "I don't regret it or anything. That's pointless. And I..." he flushes. "I'm glad to have you." He leans in but seems to remember at the last moment that Todd is not his Vanguard and leans away. "And the hivesense is amazing, like I said. I feel like Sheppard has to understand that, there's no way he wasn't as lonely a kid as I was."
Todd strokes his cheek. When he sees you, the legacy of his failure is written on your face, he says. It is more difficult for him to see the legacy of what your experience has built.
"It's the same thing really," McKay points out cynically. He meets Todd's eyes. I'm not going to change back. They tried that, and it didn't work. So, I'll always look like a Wraith. He bares his pointed teeth. And he's always going to get angry when he sees me. So, it's about the same as if he hates me.
Todd sighs. Perhaps this will require more of a demonstration. "When are you supposed to meet Sheppard?"
McKay glances at a circular device on the wall. "Maybe an hour. When Teyla gets back from dropping off Torren with his dad." He frowns grumpily at Todd. Didn't you say you'd be leaving before then? If Vanguard was here we could be doing something fun until then, and not talking about Sheppard.
Todd laughs. Teyla Emmagan urged this meeting, you said? She is concerned that you and Sheppard have forsaken your friendship, and I must say I am concerned as well. He pauses, but continues, "I have seen many realities over the course of the recent past, and in almost all of them you and Sheppard are joined."
McKay looks skeptical, but flushes under Todd's gaze and admits defensively, I was infatuated for like a minute. Then he opened his mouth. He's very pretty, but he's kind of an asshole. Working on the same team is enough. I don't think I could stand sleeping with him, too.
Todd grins, amused, but does not let it deter him from his point. "I did not mean in an intimate fashion, though that occurs as well. But your spirits work better with one another. You care for each other, and you push each other to achieve better things for the good of your city. Teyla Emmagan can see that, and she wishes for you to be reconciled." He takes McKay's right hand in his. The man has large hands, and they are almost of a size. Todd spreads McKay's fingers open, revealing the feeding organ in the palm. He breathes on the sensitive flesh, and McKay twitches and shudders. "I believe my counterpart sees your discomfort at Sheppard's perceived rejection and wishes to spare you from that judgment, and that is why he would not wish to force you together, or be present with Sheppard when Sheppard holds resentment against you. While Sheppard is my brother, if he resented my sworn one, I would feel the need to... have words, as it is said, with him."
McKay's eyes are large. "He hasn't said it quite like that," he murmurs. "But I wondered why he stopped teasing John and started sounding really mean about it instead."
Todd nods. "Come. Let us seek Sheppard. Perhaps we can settle this before your Queen returns, and not tire her needlessly."
McKay flushes. "She's not," he begins, but the words trail off as Todd pulls him along to the room's door. "I don't think bugging Sheppard is going to help," he protests instead.
Todd would disagree, but if McKay is so obviously unsettled then it might not. He considers a way to aid McKay, and this Sheppard, before his time is cut short.
McKay stiffens slightly, and Todd feels it too: the brush of a Queen's mind. "Teyla's back early," McKay offers needlessly. Todd can feel his anxiety. "I… she knows something's up. I told her we'd meet them in the mess." He turns slightly desperate eyes to Todd.
"That is amenable," Todd replies.
McKay leads the way like one going to his doom, though Todd is distracted by the freedom to walk Atlantis' halls in a way he has not previously enjoyed. Their passage garners only dark looks from some individuals rather than the gun or stunner fire Todd would expect. McKay takes them by a circuitous path, but eventually they come to the mess hall, which Todd recognizes from Sheppard's memories. It is mostly empty and he easily finds Sheppard himself standing by the window, looking out at the water. Sheppard is scowling; he appears more worn than Todd expected, though his expression lightens when he looks down at Teyla Emmagan, seated at the table near him, drinking from a cup of tea. She notes their entrance and her eyes come to fix on Todd sharply, as well as the regard of her mind.
You are not Vanguard, she tells him sharply.
McKay is aware, he replies quickly, and I do not come to feed. It is perhaps too traditionally Wraith of a response, but she remains seated, awaiting them.
Sheppard must sense her tension, because he turns toward her, his attention on her as he takes his seat at her left hand. She speaks to him, and he turns to look at Todd.
It has been, as Sheppard might say, a long day, and with the welcome McKay has already extended him Todd is less hurt by Sheppard's hostility and the absence of his usual warmth than he had been earlier in his journey. Todd feels McKay tense beside him, then relax when he remembers that Todd is not his "Vanguard" and thus less likely to respond in kind to Sheppard's behavior.
They approach the table; Todd can see Sheppard's hand twitching for a sidearm he is not currently wearing, and the man reaches for his earpiece instead. "Security to the mess hall."
McKay's patience frays. "For fucks sake, John, do you think I'd bring him here if he'd hurt people?"
Sheppard's eyes narrow and he appears on the verge of speaking when Teyla Emmagan interrupts him. "Who are you?"
"He's Vanguard," McKay shoots back.
"He is not who he appears," she argues.
"I know! He's the focus of a cross universal cascade event; he's still Vanguard, just from a different reality." McKay's shoulders hunch and he crosses his arms over his chest.
Sheppard has stilled in the way that means he is trying not to show that he is planning ways to counter a potential threat. "Don't you need a triggering event for something like that?" he drawls.
Todd grins. "The event in question did not occur here and will have no further effect on your universe." Todd gestures for McKay to sit and then sits beside him, laying his right arm across the back of McKay's chair possessively. He might not care for McKay as deeply as "Vanguard" does, but they are hive; Todd will take whatever opportunity he is given to express his care for those who are his hive. He feels McKay relax and settle under the affection, leaning into Todd.
Sheppard's expression is sour. "How long has this been going on?"
"About an hour," McKay replies.
"You are very calm," Teyla Emmagan observes of Todd. "Considering this must be as unsettling for you to experience as it is for us to learn about."
"I have had opportunity to overcome my distress at my situation," Todd replies. "This is the eighth reality I have experienced in succession."
"You didn't say it had been so many." McKay leans toward him, worry clouding his expression.
Todd leans toward him in turn, and they are pressing foreheads together, sensory organs flaring, a low humming purr from McKay echoing between them. The affection is easily given on both sides. Todd is aware of Sheppard and Teyla Emmagan seated across from them, neither of whom seem distressed by viewing this exchange; Emmagan in fact seems approving.
It is not until McKay pulls back, flushed with embarrassment, that Sheppard's expression darkens again. McKay won't look at Sheppard.
Todd refuses to retreat, and he is still stroking McKay's shoulder as he says, "From what McKay has told me since I arrived, we have a strained relationship between us in this world, John Sheppard."
Sheppard snorts. "If you want to call it that," he says noncommittally.
McKay tenses further, but Teyla Emmagan leans back slightly, a Wraith mannerism that cedes control of the exchange, her expression pleased.
"What would you call it?" Todd pushes Sheppard.
Sheppard narrows his eyes. After a few moments he offers, "Occasionally useful. Often antagonistic."
Todd grins. McKay bares his teeth, but Todd assures him, I am trying to provoke him, please do not think I will be upset at his words.
McKay agrees grudgingly.
"And what of my relationship with your Doctor McKay?" Todd continues. "Would you categorize that as useful or antagonistic?"
"I'd call it none of my business," Sheppard replies smartly.
"It obviously upsets you," Todd says, because it is untrue. He caresses his hand over McKay's shoulder comfortingly.
Sheppard scowls. "Upsets me," he repeats, brows narrowed in anger. "The only thing that upsets me is-"
"Your own failure?" Todd cuts in.
John gives him a truly scathing look. Even knowing that he has pushed for this reaction, Todd feels ill at ease to have received it. “You think I'm worried about that- about me? We got Rodney back.” He meets McKay's gaze in affirmation then turns back to glare at Todd. “Hell, we finally got Ford back and sent him home.”
McKay stands up abruptly, staring at Sheppard. "Is that what this is about? You're upset that I regressed enough that I can't go back to Earth like Ford and see my family again? John. I barely saw them when I wasn't a security risk. Jeannie and I still talk. She knows the important things about me haven't changed. Hell, we get along better than we ever have.”
Sheppard pulls back, turning away. Todd wonders if they should have chosen a more private arena for this conversation. He knows John is not comfortable airing his emotions. But Teyla Emmagan sits serenely at the table unbothered.
Sheppard's jaw works. "What about the fact that you hate it? That you have to live with what they made you do?"
"I don't hate it," McKay says, and Sheppard recoils in such a way that Todd realizes for all McKay's ease in talking about the comfort of the hivesense, these are not words that he's ever said to Sheppard. McKay looks away. "I just… I know the fact that I look like this makes you upset because it reminds you of what I did and-"
"Rodney. That's not-" Sheppard takes a deep breath. "You're saying, the only thing you don't like about being part Wraith is that it upsets me?"
"Well not just you, but yeah. I regret some of the things that I did, but not anything about myself. I-" He leans against Todd and smiles at Teyla. "I'm loved, I have my work, and with Jennifer's retrovirus there's not even an issue with needing to feed."
Sheppard sits down heavily in his chair. Teyla Emmagan rests her hand on his arm. "I- Shit, Rodney. That's. I never meant to make you feel that way."
"And you are not angry," Todd prompts.
Sheppard glares at Todd but continues to Rodney, "I was never mad at you. I know you didn't do any of the things you did because you wanted to."
"Even when I shot you?" McKay pushes.
"It's my fault we weren't prepared enough to expect that you might have had some memory loss," Sheppard insists. Teyla Emmagan's expression narrows in disagreement.
McKay snorts. "That's bullshit. You can't make everything shitty that happens your fault, John."
Todd doesn't think that is necessarily a productive course, but Teyla Emmagan smiles, pleased. They have not spoken so openly in months. She eyes Todd speculatively. Vanguard tends to antagonize John rather than be helpful.
It is a reaction to Sheppard’s distance from McKay and McKay perceiving it as rejection. In all, a delightful tangle of misunderstandings.
Teyla Emmagan nods. Your arrival is fortuitous then, she observes.
As has often been the case for me today, Todd replies.
She raises her eyebrows. You have been busy for one day.
Todd exhales, some of his energy and good humor leaving him. It has quite likely been longer than a day, he admits. I… am pleased to have been able to assist, but…
Teyla sighs. You said the cause happened in your own reality? She exudes a comforting presence. I can imagine you would want to return there and know for certain.
Very much so, Todd allows. There is… something about her, and when he realizes what it is, Todd says, “Felicitations.”
Sheppard and McKay break off their bickering, which has continued in a very fond tone, to stare at him before turning to look at Teyla, in Sheppard's case slightly agog. “Uh- are you?”
Teyla sighs. “Yes, John,” she allows, though she levels a quelling glare back at Todd.
It's a good thing you're not Vanguard, Teyla adds. He would never let John forget this.
Todd grins, pleased to have disrupted her plans, though he is not entirely certain if he is pleased by her news. He was pleased for Sheppard to be with the woman Weir in the last world, and accepted him being bound to McKay in several others early in his journey, but something about this doesn't sit as well with him. As Sheppard turns to Teyla, his expression soft, Todd wonders what it is. Perhaps it is that he has long found Teyla Emmagan to be dangerous and unpredictable. Or perhaps he is too tired to find joy in this anymore. He sighs.
McKay's hand cards through his hair and pulls him closer. We can go to my lab if you want, I can run some tests. Decay rates won't mean a whole lot without a baseline to compare it to, but if it'll make you feel better.
Todd smiles fondly. Thank you, but I will just stay like this for a moment. He presses his face into McKay's neck, and, between one blink and the next, he is gone.
(return to AO3 to continue the chapter)
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texasdreamer01 · 7 months ago
Atlantis Expedition - Military Division
Previously on my Stargate Atlantis headcanon post series: the Science Division, the Civilian Division.
Developing headcanons for the military side of the expedition is… interesting, in that canon rests on a lot of preconceived notions borrowed from the format of SG-1, while having several blind spots on the actual structure and daily life of the soldiers in the expedition. This leaves a lot of room for speculation, and thus headcanons, but also a fair amount of frustration in terms of referencing available material.
There are a few pieces of canon that can be used as a starting point. The first is the fact that this an expedition comprised of individuals from multiple countries, of which the military here is of no exception. The second is that the expedition is civilian-minded, so the purpose of the military is somewhat reduced to a support, rather than governing, role. The third is that one of the main uses for the military contingent is the formation of gate teams.
Our primary exposure to this in canon is AR-1, and John Sheppard himself while within Atlantis. Sheppard is not an orthodox soldier, as evidenced by canonical depictions of his service record, but a skilled and creative one. It's a bit of a chicken-or-egg problem on whether his character was created with the scope of the show in mind, or that his character developed the show, but as Sheppard became the commanding officer (CO) shortly after the expedition arrived in the Pegasus galaxy, it's relatively safe to assume there's some fluidity to the definition of his position.
Much as Weir has defined being Chief Administrative Officer and McKay has defined being Chief Science Officer, Sheppard has defined being CO of the Atlantis expedition, and quickly established himself as such despite the shaky beginnings.
His primary impact on the expedition has been the formation of AR-1, so starting with the gate teams (here, Atlantis Reconnaissance, abbreviated to AR) would be prudent.
Below is a list of the canonical gate teams:
> AR-1  » Flagship team, most frequently the ones on missions  » Exploration > AR-2  » Exploration > AR-3  » Exploration > AR-4  » Exploration > AR-5  » Exploration > AR-6  » Exploration > AR-7  » Exploration > AR-8  » Reconnaissance > AR-9  » Relocation > AR-10  » Research > AR-11  » Research > AR-12  » Search and Rescue, Intelligence > AR-13  » Exploration, Research
TL:DR for those that don't want to read the list: teams 1-7 & 13 are exploration (8 total exploration), 1 reconnaissance, 1 relocation, 3 research, and 1 mixed-use search-and-rescue/intelligence.
Note that the majority of these canonical gate teams are dedicated to research. Whether this is an authorial oversight and a lack of canonical worldbuilding remains to be seen, but the Atlantis teams differ from the SGC teams in that there are no medical teams, nor specialized military teams (I'm not really counting AR-12 as those are two conflicting functions within the same team, and AR-8 is specialized but not necessarily out of the bounds of typical military training the SGC would likely demand of its soldiers). Perhaps this is due to the expedition charter's primary goal of studying Atlantis with an intention to be regularly supplied by the SGC instead of establishing trade relations for food, clothing, and other non-specialized supplies, which would correlate to an expected lack of Goa'uld-type enemies. Having the teams named for reconnaissance makes sense, in this perspective, and would reflect Sheppard's position as CO in a civilian context - find information for the CAO to draw conclusions with and create orders from.
After contact with the Athosians and the Wraith, these teams might undergo reorganization over time as the expedition's needs change, their political and social position relative to the Pegasus galaxy changes, and their connection to Earth is re-established. It's likely that the exploration teams might become more specialized as the Atlantis-Wraith war develops over canon, and that the exploration teams would become more finely tuned toward including specialists in Ancient and Wraith technology rather than the hodge-podge it canonically is.
Teyla Emmagen's input will be highly formative, as she and the Athosians she leads were with the expedition in some aspect since its beginning in the Pegasus galaxy. The goals of gate teams will likely be arranged accordingly, and informing the galaxy of Atlantis' return - if not precisely by the Ancients themselves - would achieve multiple political and diplomatic goals of the expedition. Outside of AR-1, it's unlikely that multiple gate teams would be deployed on a frequent or regular basis, particularly because of so much personnel energy being focused on the discovery and research of Atlantis itself, as well as the myriad hazards the expedition becomes embroiled in by the very nature of Atlantis being neglected for millennia.
As the expedition is a civilian one, and not formed with the expectation in mind of fighting a war, as the SGC was catapulted into, there will be less bearing on wartime activities despite regular conflict with the Wraith in the form of cullings of humans across the galaxy and the infrequent personal contacts (see: The Siege pts. I & II, the Michael arc, anything to do with Todd the Wraith).
What might be another goal of gate teams is sorting out alternate base locations. In SG-1, there are multiple sites used for regrouping personnel in the event of an emergency or other use (see: Alpha Site the first, Alpha site the second, Alpha site the third, Beta Site, Gamma Site). Atlantis has its own contingency sites, useful for off-loading personnel or acting as a quarantining area to prevent things from being brought back to the city itself, as the SGC's alpha and other sites are intended for (Alpha Site the first, Alpha Site the second, Alpha Site the third). This adds an additional layer of security for the expedition, and something that can also be leveraged by the SGC itself if the need arises.
Because of the above considerations, here is some proposed rearrangements, with a few nods to canon and commentary included:
> AR-1  » Flagship team, takes primary consideration for field missions  » Exploration, establishes safety of a location for other teams to arrive  » Diplomatic   ⇛ Head of Expedition may be attached to this team, where AR-1 lends their expertise as required > AR-2  » Back-up for AR-1  » Headed by either military 2IC (i.e. Evan Lorne) or a third in command depending on Atlantis' situation > AR-3  » General security team  » Headed by head of security (i.e. Bates)  » Functions as additional manpower if AR-1 or AR-2 require it > AR-4  » Research team  » 2IC for CSO would be on this team (i.e. Radek Zelenka)  » Helps to establish a research site if required  » Provides some additional security while also providing scientific expertise > AR-5  » Medical team  » Provides emergency medical expertise to gate teams on an as-needed basis   ⇛ Generally easier to send a back-up team to drag injured parties back to Atlantis  » Can help set up a field hospital   ⇛ Establishes a place for triage off-world   ⇛ Establishes training site for triage of off-world individuals > AR-6  » Back-up security team  » For when you need even more security  » Tendency to bring the big guns > AR-7  » Mixed-context security team  » For when you need technological expertise along with the big guns   ⇛ i.e. finding someplace the Ancients built, oops people are now stuck and need help getting out  » May join up with AR-4   ⇛ 2IC for CSO might float to this one as a situation requires > AR-8  » Research team, specialized  » Head of team may be fixed while specialists may fluctuate > AR-9  » Combat engineering  » As AR-6 has the big guns, AR-9 packed the C4 and the other explosives  » Can also literally build bridges and other support structures  » For when you need the heavy duty soldiers > AR-10  » Search and Rescue, Intelligence  » Start of the double-digits of teams, which is when you know you need a more specialized approach  » For the hairy situations that require a delicate touch  » Can probably be considered diplomatic, after a stretch  » Can work with AR-9 when utilizing their search and rescue function > AR-11  » Reconnaissance  » Can work with AR-10 when utilizing AR-10's intelligence function  » If a planet is known to be sketchy and/or AR-1 is already a couple steps ahead, send these people  » Is not meant to stay off-world for long periods of time, may or may not be in uniform > AR-12  » Relocation  » Specializes in helping establish off-world sites for both the expedition and any non-expedition refugees  » Works with many of the above teams to accomplish this > AR-13  » Junk drawer  » Designation for any additional members of the expedition, or non-expedition members temporarily added, according to mission needs
Some of the canonical ones have been shuffled around, such as Bates' team, and AR-10 and AR-11 switching places, but these are probably not a strict ranking due to AR-1 taking the majority of the mission load. The coordination of the CSO, the CO, the expedition leader, and the various departments of the science division (mostly the Life Sciences and Field Sciences) will determine what missions are on the docket and what teams will be assigned to them. The expedition keeps mostly to itself, so going as far as AR-13 for a team creation is likely going to be a last in line consideration, at least for the first few years of the expedition as they establish their footing and survive the war with the Wraith.
It's possible that in the far future, beyond what canon covers, that the expedition will develop more gate teams as they increase their personnel, in the same way that the SGC has done over the course of ten years. If this is the case, many of the double-digit gate teams will be about establishing off-world sites for contingency plans and research projects, with bolstering from Atlantis having a large number of on-base military personnel that can be sent out if required.
Gate teams have no standardized number of personnel, though it seems according to canon this is usually four people. Up to eight has occurred, and apparently depends on the situation and the specialization of a given team. This is assuredly within the realm of speculation, and has a high degree of leverage for developing story plots.
As for other, undeveloped sections of the expedition which are not already filled by the Science Division, military personnel can - and probably do - fill the gap. This means aspects such as general logistics of the expedition - non-scientific inventorying, maintaining of supply lines as the CAO orders, etc. While members of gate teams may be geared for gate team work, while on base they may have other duties as assigned. This may not necessarily increase the amount of personnel in this division, but a round number never hurt.
As established in the headcanon post series for the Science Division, scientists are accounted here to make up 32.5% of the expedition, at 65 of 200 proposed members. The Civilian Division, such as it is, would be two invididuals (HA and scientific advisor), which then brings the accounted total to 65 + 2 = 67 people. 200 total - 67 accounted for = 133 expedition personnel currently unaccounted for. Subtract 1 for the CO, and that total becomes 132. Compared to the Science Division, this is an extraordinary amount of people, but if one takes into account expected causalities (at an egregious count, 50%), then 132 ÷ 2 = 66, which pares things down to about even with the Science Division.
While this may appear fatalistic and even callous, a soldier is as important as their equipment to a mission, and the pragmatism of doubling-up on supplies can and often does determine the survival rate and success of a mission. Ideally the least amount of causalities occurring as possible is indubitably a good thing, and the mark of a good CO, so strategies will be formed and implemented based upon striving for a best case scenario. This also means that each soldier will receive regular refreshment of their training and additional skill-sets may be implemented as the needs of the expedition requires.
Canon shows a woeful amount of supplies being brought with the expedition, and while this may be an oversight, it is canonical that the expedition arrived with limited supplies with the expectation that Earth would eventually find a way to make contact with them and establish supply lines the same as any other forward operating base.
This means that another expectation of the military division is following CAO orders and establishing supply lines as directed. This means that gate teams are a necessity, and that, yes, the primary duty of nearly any given gate team will be some form of reconnaissance. Likely someone such as Teyla Emmagen would provide input on the best approaches for this, and would assist with leading by example due to her inclusion on the primary gate team, AR-1.
It is almost a near-certainty that everyone in the military division has passed through SGC hiring, screening, and training procedures, as the expedition is an extension of the SGC due to the nature of its funding. That the IOA provides an additional supply of funding and personnel is important because of the impact that being multi-national means to the culture of the expedition, but ultimately this is funneled through procedures long-established by the SGC.
Miscellaneous duties of the military division would include, but are not limited to:
> Assisting personnel in the Science Division as situation requires > Inventorying and maintenance of ammunition, gear, and field medical supplies > Establishing structures and routines for facilities such as the mess hall, laundry room, and recreational areas > Maintaining said established facilities on a rotational basis > Attending to physical security of the expedition on both a routine and emergency basis
Does this mean, for example, that they're playing janitor when not on a mission as a gate team? Not likely, especially in a city ship as big as Atlantis, even with the comparatively minuscule footprint the expedition takes up during its residence, but it would be unsurprising if sweeping or mopping a hallway is considered character-building for the bored and otherwise unruly from time to time. (If a scientist or three is persuaded to occasionally join in, that would be a disciplinary matter discussed between the CO and CSO.)
To bring things back to the gate teams, these might be the primary duties while on an off-world mission: > Fulfill mission-specific orders given by CO and CAO > Minimize casualties of team members and any civilians under their purview > Obey standing orders given by CO and CAO
What this means is that each gate team will have training and expectations for what it means to be on a gate team - the SGC has likely leveraged much of this in their initial sweep of training in order to clear each soldier to join the expedition before the gate is even dialed for the Pegasus galaxy. Because of the remote location and general expectation that the expedition will be unable to call for help for an undetermined amount of time, the military division as a whole is expected to be a jack-of-all-trades. This means setting up camp, decamping, field triage and medicine, establishing defenses, and training of the civilians in the expedition on emergency procedures and evacuation protocols. (Some may call this babysitting. Your mileage may vary.)
Gate team training, orders, and practical goals achieved are heavily linked to the running of the expedition. They allow the CAO maneuverability of opportunities by establishing first contacts with other societies for things like political leverage of the expedition, establishing supply lines, and scouting out contingency sites as the SGC already does with their gate teams.
Total personnel for the Military Division
1 Commanding Officer (CO) (posted 22 July 2024)
132 soldiers
Total total: 133
0 notes
sablewick · 1 year ago
Roughhousing (1247 words) by Sablewick Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard Characters: Cameron Mitchell (Stargate), John Sheppard Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Roughhousing, Miscommunication Summary: Cam drags John to the homestead for Thanksgiving during their academy days. John Cam Thing-a-thon (ages ago) Prompt: Play fighting For ninja_hamsters
The Mitchell household seemed to hold more people than any other building John had ever been in. Immediate family, extended family, distant relatives and, like him, random friends who'd been roped into the road trip back to the homestead for the weekend.
In the ten minutes it took him to transfer his duffle from the car to the living room, he'd met 15 different people, two of which were babies. And more of them were appearing out of doorways and wandering off to the back yard. John suspected he could start opening cupboards and he'd find people stashed in there. Cam's estimate of ‘a few people' was clearly way off the mark. It was like a village was descending on the Mitchell House.
"So, who's sleeping in the barn?" John had muttered jokingly to Cam when they'd rocked up and immediately been roped into bonfire preparations with ten other guys.
He'd been somewhat bemused when Cam had replied: "I think it's Vick's turn this time around, or it might be Tommy's. Don't worry about it though, you'll be in my room."
Then they'd gone off to pitch tents on the front lawn.
Dinner was a massive affair with the ladies in the kitchen for hours and the men outside carefully cultivating the bonfire, setting up old plough discs and portable grates for steaks and sausages and, most importantly, a rotisserie with a couple of turkeys impaled on it. Everyone ate outside perched on garden furniture and camp chairs with paper plates and wooden cutlery that all went into the bonfire when people had finished eating.
By the time the smores were out and doing the rounds, they were half way through the evening and John had met so many new people that he was beginning to forget people's names; something that had never happened to him even at his father's function dinners (and at those he usually actively avoided people and made to run off half way through the night) He could feel the familiar panic setting in, that horrible social awkwardness that usually accompanied him in crowded environments and he scanned the faces lit up by the orange glow of the fire trying to find a reassuring smile from Cam.
He had no such luck though as Cam was engrossed in conversation with an elderly man that John had mistaken for Great Aunt Betty earlier in the night. (Honest to God, it was an easy mistake to make) And with both his bonfire neighbours occupied with other people, John, feeling somewhat overwhelmed and a little isolated, ducked away from the fire and wandered back towards the house, intending to find his car and sit in it.
Cam had apparently been waiting for this to happen, though, as when John was navigating his way across the back lawn trying not to trip over the hose or the children's toys that littered the grass, Cam came hurtling out of the darkness and tackled him to the ground.
John's first reaction was to fight back violently, but he froze when he heard Cam's familiar laughter.
"What the hell, Cam?" John punched him in the arm.
"Owe, you bastard." Cam leapt on top of him again, rolling him over in the grass. John made an aborted attempt to throw him off, trying to figure out what was going on. Cam clearly wasn't trying to hurt him, but he wasn't going to let him up, either. And he kept digging his fingers into John's ribs seeming especially pleased when John jerked away.
"C'mon, Shepard. Show me what you've got." Cam grinned down at him, tickling him again, and John's natural urge to compete took over and he started to fight back, still somewhat confused as to what this was supposed to mean.
They tussled for a couple of minutes, throwing harmless taunts back and forth. Pinning each other, breaking holds and tickling each other whenever they had a hand free.
It ended in a fit of pained laughter when John accidentally clipped Cam in the jaw with his elbow. Cam rolled onto his back, exhausted and panting, working his jaw up and down to test out the pain.
John propped himself up on an elbow, looking down at him in the dim light.
"Sorry," he grinned, clearly not meaning it. It was his own fault anyway, for jumping him in the dark.
Cam swung an arm out, trying to get him in a headlock, but John ducked away easily.
He refrained from retaliating though, looking down at Cam with a crooked smile instead.
"I win?"
Cam snorted. "I think I'm justified in calling foul play." He jerked away as John prodded him in the ribs.
A voice drifted out of the darkness, startling them. Then Cam's younger brother wandered into view along with a couple of cousins. "Who's playing foul?"
"Cam." John said immediately, then scooted out of the way as Cam was suddenly buried underneath a mountain of guys all crying stacks on. John laughed at Cam's muffled complaints, but it only took them a few moments to decide that John was worth punishing as well, rolling off a groaning Cam and leaping up to tear after John.
It turned into an impromptu game of what appeared to be football without the ball, but was actually a game of who could tackle who the most times. Of which neither Cam or John was the winner.
Later that night, lying on a mattress on Cam's floor, John contemplated the friendly bruising the roughhousing had caused. It seemed to be something that they were all familiar with, rolling around in the grass and messing with each other. Something that John could never imagine getting up to with his cousin's.
He'd found it unusual that they were all so happy afterwards, laughing and ribbing each other for failed attacks and boasting about spectacular tackles. He was especially confused when Cam had pulled him into a hug afterwards, grinning wildly and ruffling his hair. He'd thought that Cam was annoyed with him for trying to skip out on the party, hence the attack. But apparently this was some form of communication that his somewhat more posh upbringing hadn't deigned to educate him in.
It was something that John now realised that Cam had tentatively tried to start before, but John had never picked up on. Something which had confused John up until tonight. All the times Cam had randomly decided to shove John off the lounge, or tip him off the bed, pinched his blankets or snatched food directly off his plate, what John had thought was Cam being a bit of a bully, was, in actual fact, Cam trying to play. It was Cam's way of testing him and learning about him, and strangely enough, showing that he cared.
Which was why, years later, (after Cam had started chasing Ori and John was off trekking through another galaxy trying to avoid having his life sucked away by ugly looking space Vampires) John didn't take it too badly when his newly acquired, very angry Satedan friend insisted on hitting him with things, a lot.
He'd groaned about it to Cam, who'd just laughed at him and complained about the fact that he would never in his life be able to beat Teal'c. Then he'd teased John about getting old.
And just for that, next time John was on Earth, he was going to tackle Cam, and show him just how young he still was.
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california-112 · 2 years ago
⭐️ for directors cut!
Ah, thank you!
It took me a while to work out which piece would be good for this, as I've never seen or done a director's cut before. However! Now presenting:
Gather [Calloween 2022]: The Director's Cut (original on AO3)
The crisis was over. The dust was settling. After seventy-two hours, four moves, and one minor battle, the people were returning to Atlantis.
[The inspiration for this piece, working on the 'gather' prompt', came from my return from a field exercise a few months earlier which had been fairly similar to this scenario (in an Earth way), so much of it is based on experience. I love to see people come together after a shared adversity/hardship, rather than isolating themselves to recover then going on as normal.]
The mass exodus had been the very last resort to their initial problem, and had caused a whole host of others. With reluctance, McKay had had to advise the entire expedition to gate to another planet whilst the city was fully rebooted, [turn it off and on again strikes back] a process which would involve a purge of the life support systems and loss of the stargate systems for at least twenty-four hours. When they planet they had found refuge on initially was suddenly subject to a Wraith culling, they had been forced to move again, then the next planet had proven unsuitable, then then next…all the while, Atlantis had been unreachable, the reboot taking longer than expected ["When has plan A ever worked?"]. Finally, they had found a relatively calm planet to wait out the final few hours on, the gate releasing them into a deeply submerged cave system, and they had only been worried by regular minor earthquakes, a trifle compared to their other attempted safe havens.
Now, with the Atlantis gate available again, they were at the end of their ordeal, and everyone was tired, and beaten down. Thankfully, nobody was particularly broken [It took me a good while to get the wording there right...a worryingly long time considering how simple it is...]. Everyone dispersed to their quarters in silence, relying on the city's systems to allow all the showers to run hot at the same time [and for a long time...!], and thinking longingly of clean clothes and warm blankets.
However, despite promises to sleep for improbable numbers of days once they returned [My own statement was at least two days, but I heard someone promise a week], about an hour after the weary hoards shuffled though the Stargate, everyone found themselves packed into the mess hall [It really does happen that way...you just find yourself there, drawn by something you cant explain. It's very comforting.]. Some sprawled on seats whilst others took the floor, speaking softly and of nothing consequential. Nobody was cooking, but food had appeared [I like to think that, as for me, it was a large amount of pizza and sides. How many frozen pizzas went to Atlantis, I wonder?]. The atmosphere was one of pure comfort.
Rodney was slumped in a corner between a wall and a large planter, slowly working his way through half of a large, over-enthusiastically stuffed sandwich, whilst John sat nearby, munching on the other half with his eyes closed [They share the sandwich! Cute <3]. The scientist was on the brink of an exhausted sleep, but still valiantly trying to stop his head from drooping onto Sheppard's shoulder. Ronon was propped on the other side, his hand mechanically delivering some small, dried berries to his mouth [I'm imagining space Goji berries], and Teyla was leaning against him, still just about awake enough to be sipping some strong Athosian tea. [This paragraph was written with a wish for it to serve as an art prompt to someone, but so far no bites. Maybe I'll commission it someday.]
Zelenka was visible in the near distance, sitting at a table in front of a cup of coffee, the steam from which was fogging up his glasses. He made no effort to clear it: he had fallen asleep leaning on his hand, not surprising after his indefatigable efforts during their exile [At least 50% of his 'efforts' were put into arguing with McKay.]. In the far corner, Lorne was sitting with a group of marines who were lying around lazily and playing cards [They are playing Cheat. Everyone is both too tired to cheat, and too tired to realise that nobody is cheating.]. Chuck had fallen asleep with his arms as a pillow, nestled in the midst of the table of fellow gate techs [In my mind, he's the ringleader of the little group of green-shirts, and they're like a little family/sibling cluster. Not a good explanation but you get my point]. Carson, having looked after all the minor injuries and mental health issues for the past three days, was now looking after himself, sitting with the largest bowl of instant porridge he could muster and plodding through it spoon by spoon [If you've had real porridge, you know that instant isn't half as good, but although Carson is usually a snob about this, at that moment it's good enough.]. Weir had finally been able to step back from command, knowing that her people were safe, and was lying on a sofa deeply asleep, her cup of Athosian tea forgotten at her side [Given to her by Teyla...they had a little forehead moment too.].
After a while of observing his friends [Yes, they're all his friends. I think he's more popular than we necessarily see on screen, a sort of friend to all.], thinking back over their ordeal of the past few days, John suddenly realised something, and spoke it laconically.
"Y'know what day it is today?"
"Hm?" Rodney replied, bringing his head up from a dangerously downward trajectory [One of my favourite phrasings in this piece.].
"October thirty-first." John sighed. "Hallowe'en."
"Oh." Rodney replied, a more articulate answer failing him.
There was a moment of silence before Ronon's voice rumbled [Delayed alliteration my beloved]. "What's Hallowe'en?"
"Oh, it's an Earth thing," John explained slowly, "kids dress up and go around asking people for candy."
"What is the point?" Teyla asked amiably.
"Fun holiday I guess." John replied, suddenly stifling a yawn. "Kinda celebrates monsters and stuff."
"Defeating them?" Ronon asked.
"…yeah." John replied, thinking that it could be seen as ridiculing monsters into things that weren't scary at all. "Yeah, sure."
"People tell scary stories." Rodney added, struggling to keep up with even the simple conversation. "About ghosts and clowns and stuff."
"Yeah, we do that too." John agreed, adding a mumbled "I hate clowns."
Teyla frowned. "Tales of things that have happened to you?" she asked, "Why would you want to relive such painful memories?" [This said, we don't talk enough about the Athosian children playing Wraith. We should probably talk about that.]
"They're not normally real, just made up. For effect."
"We did that," Ronon volunteered, "on Sateda. When we sat around to clean our weapons, we'd tell each other stories of ghosts and stuff."
"Care to share?" John asked.
There was a pause of surprise, with Ronon not used to being the centre of attention on such occasions [He deserved more moments like this!], but receiving an encouraging smile from Teyla, he began. As the tale began to take shape, a few of the people nearby also turned to listen, and there was soon quite an audience [This is where people find themselves making new friends by accidentally leaning on people, or shuffling into them, slotting themselves into small gaps and being aware of the feeling of friends surrounding them.]. Sheppard let his head lean on the wall behind him, watching with a softened gaze as the group was quickly surrounded by their colleagues, the whole mess hall who wasn't already asleep deciding to gather [Again, it's a group instinct. Even people who aren't that interested will come over. Some remain with their friends and fall asleep too, but it's a very soft moment.]. It wasn't long after everyone had fallen into a reverent silence that a weight settled on his shoulder, moving rhythmically in slumber [Having someone's head on your shoulder is one of the best feelings in this world, and you can't change my mind.]. As he felt his own eyes drooping, Ronon's voice becoming more and more distant, he hardly noticed as his own head slumped onto Rodney's, and they drifted together into a dreamless sleep. [Another scene to commission...]
Thanks for this ask! It's great to get the opportunity to re-explore this piece, and I hope you found it interesting!
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ao3feed-mcshep · 2 years ago
I'll Choose My Own Path
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gzSZT8X
by RaspberryDreams1
Vernon and Petunia refuse to keep Harry, abandoning him with distant relatives. John embraces the idea of becoming a father to his abandoned cousin and takes him away to keep him safe. Is magic and Hogwarts going to be enough of an attraction to a boy who grew up on a seemingly almost sentient flying city in another galaxy.
Words: 3100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Stargate Atlantis
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Harry Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Sirius Black, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Patrick Sheppard, David Sheppard, Jack O'Neill, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Torren John Emmagan, Radek Zelenka, Evan Lorne
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Additional Tags: Child Abandonment, Child Neglect, Adoption, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Overbearing Molly Weasley, Fix-It of Sorts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gzSZT8X
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chaniis-atlantis · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag @annwayne !
All of these are posted on ao3 under the name Chaniis
NSFW paragraphs are tagged as such, but most of these have some explicit content somewhere
Something About You Feels Like Home - John Sheppard/Todd the Wraith
The first thing John noticed when he stepped through the Stargate was the scent. Woodsmoke danced on a chilled breeze that filled his nose and mouth with clarity when he inhaled. The Colonel could smell food. He could smell the sharp scent of crisp, autumn leaves. Everything about it relaxed him, and when he closed his eyes, he felt like a little kid again.
Che Cera, Cera - John/Todd
The Wraith walks along the halls of the Hive, passing by large, pulsing columns that help to keep the fantastical bundle of organic matter together. The mist, which hydrates the living organism that is the ship, has gathered heavily around his ankles. He feels the hum of the ship in the back of his mind. It’s agitated today, and the uneven beat of its being values him into the fact that it knows something he doesn’t.
Pretty Fucking [Blank] - NSFW John Sheppard/Evan Lorne
The latest man swipes his spent and rapidly softening cockhead on John Sheppard's waiting tongue. John flicks his tongue under it and stares up at him with eyes he knows are pretty because men tell him so when they fuck his throat.
Brazen - John/Todd
They understand each other now, he's sure of it. 
Across the Universe - John/Todd
“No, it's too dangerous. Not to mention completely against protocol.” Richard Woolsey, head of the Atlantis Expedition, stated from across the long, wide, and garish meeting table he’d brought with him from home.
The comment was directed at a Wraith, Todd, who stood with his arms crossed, a sharp-toothed grin across his grey-green face. The tall commander towered over almost all of John Sheppard’s team, excluding Ronan. The large Satedan had offered to keep the alien at gunpoint through the meeting. His one-of-a-kind weapon was set to stun, though John knew he wanted to set it to kill. Alongside him were two marines pointing their 5.56 mm Koch G36K firearms, ready to fire on John’s command.
An Extra Fifteen Minutes - Pre Slash John/Todd
Old age was like a curse, Sheppard realized as he and the Wraith stumbled through the thick forest on Koyla’s godforsaken planet. The ground was uneven and strewn with rocks and surfaced roots. Even though the sky was bright with the light of two moons and twinkling stars, the tree cover shrouded the way in darkness. Several times, he almost tripped, even at their relatively slow pace.
I Reach Out for Your Hand - John/Todd
The world came in like a slow, steady drip. First, the monotone beeping of a machine that stood out against muffled voices and the sharp but quiet ringing in his ears. He squinted his eyes open, searching for the source of the sounds, but he was immediately assaulted with light and snapped them shut. The word lurched; pain bloomed in the top of his head and tingled downward toward his neck. His heart raced as the feeling spread, like a dull fire, to limbs he couldn’t feel before. Down his arms to his fingers and over his legs so he could wiggle his toes
All Bets are Off - NSFW John/Todd
They tumble down a hill side, landing in a pile of soft foliage at the base of an ancient tree. The Wraith presses the human against the dirt, a low purr deep in the back of his throat as he brushes deadly teeth against the delicate cords of John’s neck. John squeezes his eyes shut, trying not to let his fingers, laced in the Wraith’s, betray his fear more than his heart already has. This Wraith is starving, even after the soldier’s, he’d eaten during their daring escape. A starving Wraith and a weak human do not mix well, no matter what John’s hopelessly hard cock has to say about it.
You Want It - John/Todd
John races across uneven ground, nearly slipping on the wet leaves that coat this canopied part of the forest. The blast of a Wraith stunner wizes past his temple and slams into a nearby tree. The red light shoots over its limbs and crackles out. John takes a sharp left, jumps over a rotting log, and darts behind an ancient tree, breathing hard. Jesus Christ.
But I Must Admit it, I Would Marry you in an Instant - John/Todd
He sensed John Sheppard coming down the hallway long before he opened the door. Wraith were like that; a careful ear pressed against the wall of a holding room could reveal so much about the ones who kept him prisoner. Todd heard the slap of Sheppard's feet against the City's floor, the unevenness of his breath, even the slight racing of his heart. Mostly, he sensed anticipation - and he knew what for.
NPT: @colonelshepparrrrd @chaos-monkeyy @anonmadsci @trainofcommand @mx-seraph
Creator Self-Promotion
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Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics you posted. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
"But K, I don't write but I still create can I still play?"
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Post your last 10 pieces and give us a play by play. What was the inspiration? Any fun facts you can share with us?
Anyway let's get on with it
1. Fishing for Compliments - Merman!Crosshair x F!Reader
A sigh passed the young woman’s lips as the sun began to disappear beneath the waves. The waves rocked her quaint vessel as if it were a mother soothing her child. Her meal as well as a plate of identical food remained untouched as she kept her gaze to the depths. Every ripple of its surface a reminder of the mounting minutes that her company kept her waiting.
2. Drop Me a Line - Wrecker x F!Reader
The young woman stifled a yawn as she continued to work the mass of dough to her standards to be plopped into pans to bake. She continued working the dough sparing glances to the chrono on the wall as the sky outside began to lighten with the sunrise. Her pulse spiked when the chrono was checked again. She abandoned the lump of dough as she snatched up a pastry box. The bell chiming as the door opened and closed.
3. Budding Romance - Rex x F!Reader
“And you’re sure you’ll have them there.”
“A bit of faith would be nice, Anakin.”
4. Skin in the Game - Wrecker x OC (Rina) (18+ Please view responsibly)
Wrecker was on the hunt. Thankfully the Marauder held only a few spaces to hide away as he searched the ship. His target tucked away by the sensors. Vibroblade twirling between his fingers while his idle gaze stared at the screen. The demolitions expert took a breath, hoping to find answers.
5. Hair Support - Tup x Reader
The days of the Clone Wars tended to drag on in between assignments. Thankfully, the Republic saw it fit to dispatch your research team with a clone legion escort to ensure the lush jungle planet would not eat you and your colleagues alive. It was in the sweltering heat of the afternoon that one of your study binges was interrupted. You shook your head knowing who dared tread into your tent.
6. Interrogations - Echo x F!Reader (18+ Please view responsibly)
The former arc trooper sighed. Another fruitless attempt at slipping free of his bonds. The chair he was bound to chilled any amount of exposed skin. The room kept dark to prevent him from gathering his bearings. He bided his time, waiting for the tell-tale clicking of his keeper. It was a whisper at first but grew louder as the automatic doors parted.
7. Personal Tastes - Hunter x F!Reader
Strands of meat sizzled and spat as she flipped the tangled mass. Her work distracting from the pair of eyes watching you from the doorway. Her culinary tasks from the staccato chops of a knife to peppers to the accented clink of a mortar and pestle offered a calming tune.
8. Just This Once, Everyone Lives - Rex x Reader
Your bottom lip remained captured between your teeth as the speeder came to a stop. The building looming over the city streets twinkled in the night. A beacon for personnel to gather while dressed to the nines. A hand curled around yours, smoothing over your knuckles.
9. Keep Away - UniversityAU Wrecker x Reader
You filed out with your fellow undergrads as your last class for the afternoon let out. the professor's voice offering mention of the end of the first sprint. You traversed amongst the student body's current before veering off to a corridor. The current loosening its grasp the closer you ventured toward the sanctuary of paper and ink.
10. Nothing Fight - Crosshair x F!Reader
It could be easy to say Clone Force 99 had a culture separate from the sea of clones. Clone medics would be reassigned in the blink of an eye and nat born medics often assigned whoever pissed off the higher ups. This led to your current long term assignment. Having a medic on board being the main reason one of your patients was released to his squad early pending observations.
NPT - @photogirl894 @rain-on-kamino @tecker @techs-stitches @littlemissmanga @annwayne @fakegingerrights @merkitty49 @moodymisty @starrylothcat
Wanna promote your work here too? Do it!
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citykept · 2 years ago
⤷  file  /  from the writer’s desk.
⤷  file  /  memes & sentence starters.
⤷  file  /  promo.
⤷  file  /  self promo.
⤷  file  /  interactions.
⤷  char.  /  portrayal notes.
⤷  char.  /  character study.
⤷  char.  /  visage.
⤷  char.  /  aesthetics.
⤷  rel.  /  teyla emmagan.
⤷  rel.  /  john sheppard.
⤷  rel.  /  carson beckett. 
⤷  rel.  /  peter grodin.
⤷  rel.  /  simon wallace.
⤷  rel.  /  rodney mckay.
⤷  rel.  /  doctordonovan  |  but even stars fight their own gravity.
⤷  rel.  /  doctordonovan  |  take my hand as we drown in the ocean; as we fall into eternity.
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sparrowsarus · 2 months ago
Kira Darvis and Madison Miller become besties
They become supervillains. Well, almost. But Kira is a rogue who can become invisible, Madison is the relative of two geniuses and one normal guy. She is so well adjusted, honestly. But that doesn't stop her and Kira from being excellent thieves, and the more heavily protected the better. Sometimes it's just bait.
Kira likes hanging out with Maddie's Very Normal family. Maddie likes hanging out with Kira's Mildly Nuts family. The problem with the Millers is that they don't approve of thievery; Ed tells them "good job!" and gives tips. A different point of view.
We interrupt this program to invite you to imagine Xenk Yendar meeting John Sheppard. (Xenk, Kaleb, and Ronon get along like a house on fire; prove me wrong). Holga and Teyla show the girls how to find the kidneys. Jeannie watches and has Concerns.....and then decides to join in.
There are many mishaps regarding the stealing, but no one gets arrested. Except once. They break out, but it is so embarrassing and they never tell anyone about it (even if it was actually hella fun)
They steal an entire city, Leverage-style, mostly on purpose. There is an entire subplot wherein everyone tries to get them to give it back.
It fails.
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dr-futbol-blog · 3 months ago
Aurora, Pt. 10
And so McKay joins Sheppard in the virtual environment. First we see Sheppard sleeping in his jail cell and while he had been carried there by the guards unconscious, the way he is laying with his hand under his head indicates that this is the way he sleeps. This is his body's preferred position for sleeping rather than simply being the position that the guards had thrown him into the cell in. By this time, Sheppard seems to have been unconscious for a while.
I have written before about the fact that we have seen both Sheppard and McKay sleep on their left sides with Sheppard having his arm tucked under his head and McKay having his arms crossed at his chest, what this might mean when it comes to their sleeping arrangements, and why it makes sense for them to sleep just like this what with spooning someone while sleeping on a relatively narrow bed. To recap: Sheppard needs to be able to cling onto someone to be reassured that they are not going to leave him and McKay needs someone to hold onto him to be convinced that he is wanted, that someone wants him to stay right where he is.
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McKay: Where are you taking me? I told you: I am with Colonel Sheppard. I am a member of his team. Colonel John Sheppard?
First things first: it is very much hearing McKay's voice that rouses Sheppard. That is the thing that wakes him up, and this is not the first time that he is waking up to the sound of McKay's voice. He initially frowns, probably because he is not sure how McKay had ended up here and what had happened to him, confused and disoriented, maybe even groggy. But notice that just as soon as he realizes that it is McKay he is hearing, his face brightens and he immediately starts turning toward the source of the sound. He seems surprised, but not unpleasantly so. What is on his face is not a look of exasperation, not even at hearing McKay call him Colonel, because he is not doing it with the intent to rub it in his face here. His initial expression is more like awe, his mouth open and his eyes growing wide. Of course by the time he has turned to face the incomers, he has his game face on.
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McKay: He's about, he's about, he's about so high, brown hair, a bit mussed, the term is rakish... Oh, for G-- Sheppard: McKay? McKay: What are you doing in there? Sheppard: I was about to ask you the same thing.
McKay is being escorted into the brig by two guards, one of whom is the young handsome one that Sheppard had managed to trick earlier. It is possible they had found McKay in the same restricted area as where Sheppard had initially appeared, and not recognizing him either, probably assumed that he was in cahoots with the other stranger. McKay is walking backwards, not being a very good prisoner as he is full of questions for his captors, trying to locate something very important to him. And notice that the way McKay describes Sheppard to them is not so much a description that one might use to identify someone as it is how he sees Sheppard. Rakish, tall and with mussed hair. That is not how a man describes a colleague or a superior. That is not how men even look at other men usually. This tells us that the way McKay thinks about Sheppard is almost poetic, that he has paid more than a little bit of attention to Sheppard's hair, and that he feels the need to describe Sheppard as handsome even to strangers.
Sheppard calls him McKay, like he usually does when there are strangers and/or potential hostiles around. Giving out the information that he cares about this man is not strategically wise because he knows that it can easily be used against him, it has been used against him. Sheppard sat up on the bench when he heard McKay approaching, and he stands up as they push him into the cell. We can hear a slight hitch of exertion in his voice as the guard pushes McKay into the cell, like he was either preparing to catch him if he stumbled or suddenly needed to keep himself back from shoving the guard in return. He watches the guards leave and does not let them out of his sight until they are out of the door, very obviously glaring at them for manhandling McKay.
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McKay: I came to help you. Sheppard: I feel better already! McKay: Right...
Now, McKay tells Sheppard that he came to help him with genuine affection. Sheppard tells him that he feels better already in that tone of his that often sounds sarcastic even when it isn't, and even more often that he hides things in sarcasm just because being authentic and open about his emotions is difficult for him. And it is because Sheppard had used sarcasm earlier with the "No Rodney, it had completely slipped my mind" that it is easy for McKay to interpret Sheppard as being sarcastic here again. But the fact of the matter is, Sheppard is glad to see him and he does feel better now that McKay is here. Even though they might be locked in a virtual jail cell, they are together and although he does not know what it means that McKay is here, he is a sight for sore eyes. He is someone that Sheppard wants to see when he wakes up. He is someone that Sheppard never wants to not see.
They stand very close to each other, but they seem awkward at first. As the guards leave, Sheppard's eyes scan the cell, either looking for structural weaknesses they could exploit to get out of there or looking for cameras or some other kind of equipment the Ancients could use to eavesdrop in on them, to monitor them from the outside. Sheppard looks at McKay when McKay is looking at the guards, McKay looks at Sheppard as Sheppard is looking at the guards. McKay looks away just as Sheppard is turning his gaze back to him, which in turn makes Sheppard look at anywhere else but McKay. That is the kind of dance of two people who do not quite know how they are supposed to be near each other in this moment. But we do not know what Sheppard did after he was likely so satisfied that they are not being watched. The next we see them, they are standing and facing each other, speaking in soft tones.
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McKay: Have you been unable to disconnect yourself from the system? Sheppard: No! I'm still trying to get the information on that communiqué. McKay: Oh, good! We thought maybe it was preventing you from exiting the program.
Assuming that the Ancients are not monitoring what happens in the cell as we see no evidence of this being the case, this is one of the instances in which we find Sheppard and McKay truly alone together with no one even having the chance of overhearing them talking to each other, or seeing how they are alone together. We see them have such moments of true privacy again when they are inside Sheppard's subconscious mind in Doppelganger (S04E04) and when they are at the end of the world with the human race already extinct in The Last Man (S04E20). This is to say that it is rare for us to see them so unguarded with each other, with no need to pretend or project or look over their shoulders at who might be watching them. And we can definitely see how different they are with each other in such a context, we are easily able to witness that bond between them that is deeper than words.
They lean toward each other as they stand, heads bent together. And then they move at the same time, as one person, to sit down on the bench. They are mirroring each other and it is impossible to say which is mirroring which. They are acting as though they are one which is testament to the fact that they know each others' bodies intimately, that they have a physical awareness of each other. And as they sit, notice that they are angled toward each other, their knees are very almost touching. While McKay leaves his hands on his thighs, Sheppard makes sure to rest his hand behind him so as not to create that barrier between himself and McKay. But McKay shifts to turn himself more toward Sheppard. They want to look at each other as they talk.
Now, men often choose to sit side by side in what is called the "the side-by-side frame" because it prevents eye contact, it facilitates not having to have eye contact with the person one is speaking with, which may in some contexts be perceived as aggressive. Men who are friends prefer to sit side by side, facing front. That is not what is happening here. They sit side by side but are turned toward each other and they both clearly want to be able to look at each other in the eyes, to see each others' faces. The "vis-à-vis frame," in which we saw Sheppard and McKay standing and which is preferred by women, allows them to get a read on the face, and because they have a full view, to get more information. [x]
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Sheppard: ‘It'? McKay: We found a wraith in one of the stasis pods. It's manipulating the neural feedback program. Your EEG patterns were irregular... Sheppard: No kidding. I got stunned! McKay: I didn't wanna risk pulling you out ‘til I knew more.
First of all, the way McKay says "I didn't wanna risk pulling you out," he swallows the pronoun making it sound like he says "I didn't wanna risk pulling out," which just makes it seem as though he has been using the phrase "pulling out" in some other context with Sheppard previously. The way the shot is framed places Sheppard and McKay between two of the bars in the centre, and the way that they are angled toward each other creates an atmosphere of intimacy. The way Sheppard is sitting with his hands behind his buttocks, leg bent beneath him so that he can get even nearer to McKay, shifting in his seat to inch even closer just tells us that his "I feel better already" was not half as sarcastic as McKay interpreted it to be. There is a lot of space on that bench for them to sit, they do not have to be sitting this close. They want to sit this close. They need to sit this close.
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Sheppard: First Officer. McKay: What about him? Sheppard: Her. She's a wraith, she has to be. There's something very odd about her, and she keeps preventing me from talking to the Captain. McKay: Well, the wraith we found was male. The First Officer must have been female; it took her place.
They keep shifting, opening their legs so that by this time their knees are touching. Sheppard is full on oriented toward McKay, and he has his hand between their thighs where we cannot see what it may or may not be touching. Sheppard also gesticulates with his other hand so that he does not have to remove the hand that is close to McKay, possibly touching him in some small way, connecting them.
Note that Sheppard clocks the First Officer as the wraith pretty much immediately. And this is not because he thinks that she is so hot, this is because she feels different to him. He tells McKay that there is something "very odd" about her but nothing that she has done has seemed particularly odd. Most of the times she has had a slight smile and a vacant look in her eyes. Something about her made him feel uncomfortable, and when we compare the way Sheppard flirted with her as compared with how he flirted with the guard, he was much more genuine with the latter.
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Sheppard: She knows I want that information and the Captain's the only one with access to it. McKay: Well, we don't need the Captain. I've been able to decipher enough of the program to overwrite the protocols. All I have to do is get to a terminal within the virtual environment and I should be able to access any files stored within the database.
Note that just as soon as McKay says "All I have to do is get to a terminal," Sheppard starts immediately looking for a way to break out of the cell again. If McKay needs something, he is going to make sure that McKay gets that something. The criss-cross pattern created by the intersecting lines makes their background somewhat resemble a chess board, and given that the episode started with a game of chess and they are both now dressed as the whites, it begs the questions of which one is the king and which the queen. Given that McKay says that he has been able to overwrite the protocols and seems to be able to move in the virtual environment as he pleases, there is a case to be made for him representing the queen here. The king, on the other hand, is often stationary and Sheppard has spent an awful lot of time stuck in that jail cell.
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Sheppard: So we just need to break out of here. McKay: Hold that thought.
So here, with McKay telling Sheppard to "hold that thought," we see the way he literally just pauses their conversation temporarily as he has to leave Sheppard for a moment, but that there is never a beginning or an end to their conversation. They are having one long conversation that had started in Rising (S01E01) and that is still on-going 40,000 years into the future. This is what being in an intimate relationship is all about. But even though McKay warns Sheppard that he is stepping out, it is not anything even resembling a good-bye. And by the way that he folds his arms in front of him, McKay is probably not thinking "There is no place like home" like Sheppard had, but something else instead. He had told Sheppard "If that works for you," indicating that it is not what works for him. Now, what McKay does looks more like is what the genie of I Dream of Jennie frequently did while fulfilling a wish or performing magic.
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Jeannie was a beautiful blonde so it would work for McKay, right? Only, he is placing himself in the role of the genie here. To get himself out of the simulation he is playing the role of Jeannie, the entity that had been locked up in a bottle for 2,000 years and upon being released, fell in love with handsome space pilot Major Anthony Nelson of the United States Air Force. It is a little on the nose, just a little bit. And what is clever here again is that this plays out only visually, and requires an understanding of their previous discussion on the Wizard of Oz that was not mentioned by name, referenced only by a quotation. And yet it is blatant. Rodney McKay is in love with John Sheppard, recently a Major of the USAF, and is about to perform some magic for him. But for that, he has to temporarily step out of the simulation.
Let us recall that Sheppard does not like people walking out on him at the best of times. His deepest injury is the feeling of abandonment, and he fears above all that everyone will leave him and that he will be left all alone because his love is toxic and gets the people he cares about killed. And while he realizes that McKay had just stepped out, that McKay was not leaving him here, we can still see him draw his mouth back in displeasure at McKay's disappearance, seeming to swallow hard. Where he may have been sarcastic when he said that McKay's appearance made him feel better already, his disappearance certainly made Sheppard feel instantly and viscerally worse.
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Dex: What's happening? McKay: Give me the tablet. The data device, right there, right there. Thank you! That's it. Alright. Just keep stalling, keep stalling.
As he pops out of the pod in the real world, McKay is trying to do what he came to do as quickly as possible but we may note that he is not too busy to say 'thank you' to both Teyla and Ronon for assisting him. And yes, while there was a clock ticking with the wraith cruisers approaching, this was much more about his desire to get back to Sheppard than it was about time running out. Because when he had been inside, sitting with Sheppard on the bench, they seemed to have all the time in the world. It was as though time had stopped still for them. When they were together everything was right, and he needed to get back to that place.
'Continued in Pt. 11
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dedkake · 3 years ago
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it could’ve started like this: a mcshep get-together per episode
22/100: the intruder | breaking point, t, .3k
“Time for a checkup with Beckett,” Sheppard says, bumping at Rodney’s bunk with his knee. Repeatedly. “Wants to confirm that we’re not burnt to a crisp. Or melting. Or completely irradiated. Something like that.”
read it on ao3 | entire series & notes
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bagheerita · 1 year ago
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks for the tag @chaniis-atlantis!! ❤
(I recently posted a bunch of my old fics to AO3, so doing this strictly by post date includes exactly 2 fics I've written in the last 14 years. So this is last 10 new fics posted to AO3, go:)
Wraithspeaker (SGA) First Scientist of the Tertiary hive sworn to the Commander-known-by-his-years-remembered-at-the-long-Siege-marked-by-the-Queen-in-recognition-for-his-prowess-in-repelling-the-Enemy-and-again-by-the-Queen-born-in-fire-and-marked-again-and-bound-to-the-human-John-Sheppard, stands at the interface in his workspace, checking that his underlings have finished entering the data from the tests run in the previous cycle.
Even Bad Wolves Can Be Good (Teen Wolf) Peter paces the room he's been confined to and has to admit that things aren't looking great at the moment.
(our heart’s a mess) But It's Our Only Defense, To Brave the Wilderness (SGA) Teyla and Ronon don't stop him as John walks past them out of the conference room.
What Can I Say, This House Is Falling Apart (SGA) The Phoenix settles into orbit above Atlantis and Captain Hicks reports, "Still no response to our hails."
Customary (SGA) “I believe among your people it is customary to shake hands?” The Wraith grins.
Jade (SGA) Jade has never known anything but the hive.
Since We've No Place to Go (SGA) PS4-987 is a nice enough planet when they first arrive.
Mushroom Hunting (SGA) The forest on M8A-C26 was cool, the air heavy with the scent of recent rain, and fallen leaves rustled under their boots as they walked away from the Stargate.
Where I Fit in the Picture (Holiday) Ned Seton was relatively sober as the clock chimed 3:00 but was not planning to stay that way.
Sunlight (SGA) The sun was a comfort on her skin as Teyla lay back in her chair, relaxing for the first time in what felt like ages, soaking in the warmth.
Patterns? (lol why did I decide to do this after I posted Wraithspeaker??🤣 I was throwing some conceptual stuff at the wall, because I feel like the whole way that Wraith understand the concept of "names" is so much bigger than the way that us spoken-language-people do. anyway) Um, patterns... I dunno. I usually write in present tense, but sometimes in past tense (which is not fun when I change my mind halfway through a fic 🤣😭). I do like to start the fic right away, no long prologues or information at the beginning, because when I read I tend to drop books that don't hook me in right away with something interesting so that reflects in what I write. Reading through these I do feel like I tend to establish location right away, too.
This was really interesting thanks for the opportunity!!
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spurious · 2 years ago
first lines meme
tagged by @hero-in-waiting, thank you!!
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
Going in reverse chronological order, the last ten things I've posted:
The Call ~900 words, rated G
Rodney gets the call at three in the afternoon on a Tuesday, the phone on his lab desk trilling to life and interrupting his train of thought.
Ink and Wings 2.7k words, rated E
It's simply not possible.
O I Think We Should Be Brethren 32k words, rated E
John figures out he's gay the summer he turns thirteen.
Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers 2.2k words, rated G
Jeannie isn’t sure why her brother has brought John Sheppard to her house with him.
Snap 1.7k words, rated E
John doesn't realize what's happened to him until it's way, way too late.
Down In Your Arms 2.4k words, rated E
The thing is, Rodney doesn’t think he’s seen John really let go: not yet, at least.
Better Odds 999 words, rated G
Twenty Questions 7.7k words, rated M
"You know I'm gay, right?" John says one night, in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, interrupting Rodney's frankly horrifyingly detailed recounting of his first experience seeing Princess Leia in the gold bikini.
Take What You Need 1.1k words, rated E
They're used to dealing with different planets looking at the four of them and making different assumptions—mostly, it's harmless, and following along is easier than making a fuss.
Disposable 1.6k words, rated G
Never thought I'd see any of you again.
Pattern-wise, the majority of my first lines also end up being my summary lines, so I guess they tend towards an establishing mode? Also kind of interesting to see that I seem to favor relatively shorter sentences for a first line.
It looks like most of the people I'd tag have already been tagged? But if you haven't been go ahead and do this and say I tagged you!!! If you want.
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